#or at least not till later in the day
bivwifeybunny · 2 years
thank you bby :((( i rly don’t deserve you ☹️☹️. i’m also always here for you and i’m sorry your motivation is also going down :/. it’s hard to stay motivated and feel good sometimes but i always try to tell myself that that’s okay too. humans aren’t perfect but that’s what makes us so special and valuable. i hope yours does too :(( if i can do anything to help lmk him. talking to you always makes me feel better/happy <33 i love u even more my sweetheart 🫶🏼🫶🏼
also planning on doing more hs sweethearts!dream hcs so keep an eye out for that hehe. that’s also one of my faves 😋. and sugar!daddy dream is so fkn hot. i always picture him in a new fancy, fitted suit every day ugh yum. just waiting for you to compliment him in his little outfits. dilf!dream is in my top 3 tho for sure
also you being 5’2 is so cute hehe. i’m 5’1 so i understand the struggles of being short 💔(i’m so tired i just looked for that emoji in the section with all the hands and shit 😭😭😭like thinking it was gonna be a body part 😭 i need to gts LMAO). i’ll beat up ur problems too my love, don’t you worry <333
jesus this is so long i’m so sorry 🫣. i’m so overtired i just can’t shut up 😭 plus ur so cute and sweet so my brain can’t shut up when it knows i get to talk to you hehe
awww ur literally the cutest human on the planet and i love you so so much <333 and getting to talk to you is the best part of my day :))
👀👀omg fr?? i already love ur hs sweetheart!dream so im exciteddd
ur perfect for me to cuddle and give nose kisses to :))) and ty sweetheart i appreciate that😭
that's okay, cause I would never want you to shut up :( i love listening to you ramble on about whatever. it just gives me all the more reasons to keep talking to you and it just makes you even cuter. it makes me fall in love with you even more than I already am <333
but you should probably gts now babes, don't want you to be tired :(
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jinmukangwrites · 7 months
By the way when I say "businesses are hostile to people not available in mornings (ie people who sleep during am hours thanks to grave shift, or people who work mornings, etc)" I mean banks, doctor offices, DMVs, dentists, etc should be open to 9pm, not that Walmart should reopen to its pre-covid 24.7 hours hope this helps
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curiosity-killed · 8 months
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last day of childhood
[ALT ID: A digital illustration of a child at a festival, wearing a flower crown and waving a small sock-puppet type kite on a stick. An adult in dark armor is standing next to them, mostly out of frame except for a hand on the child's back. The child is looking over their shoulder and grinning.]
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dnangelic · 5 months
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wwwhat if i queued random draft responses until i physically couldn't anymore
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happy birthday to Kaeya the skrunkly <33 perhaps one day i will muster up the braincells to give you the good build you deserve :))
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bluehairperson · 2 years
Do you think Valerius drinks something else beside wine to stay awake and work during the day? I can’t imagine him being into coffee or tea. 🤔
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 7 months
God the knowledge of canonically tracked journal dates puts a lot of things in firm perspective.
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I hate that drinking alcohol had become so normalised that people who don’t want to or can’t drink are being pestered to have just one bc how could they not 🙃
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ohmeowmy · 1 year
#god ok . vent in tags#saur basically i have been stuck at home doing nothing but studying for the past. 3 years? idk#and now i am Finally starting irl in person school again albeit. Very Late into the school year#and my parents r like. obviously she will be distracted from your studies#bitch what fucking distraction. like. studying for 14 hours a day is not normal you Know that right. right. say sike rn#ugh fucking. im so angry. i want to live and make mistakes and be stuck in uncomfortable situations and then get to laugh about it later!!!#i dont want to spend hours and hours and hours with no one except my family and the internet for company#and this is so frustrating i want to live!!!!! i want to live i want to live i want to live#i want to live but i dont want to be alive. is this anything#alive is tedious. living is free. god i want to jump into a river#ofc i Can just do what i want to do but the specter of my parents disapproval will be hanging like the sword of damocles#mental illness moment <- she has realized she has only two states of being either manic energy or dissociative blankness#ergh the last 2 months have been filled with uncomfortable realizations about myself. what do you Mean constantly wishing you were dead is#not something that happens to other people#what do you Mean. wh#is living not incredibly hard for everyone. no??? its not supposed to be???? thats. huh#anyway. god im so tired#holding on to the faintest hope that it will get better. ive made a promise to stay alive till 21 at least#lets see if it really does get better. i hope it does
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vexederolo · 2 years
holy shit so i’m 24 now. unreal
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I'd just like to say that if we had gotten to see a full dinner between Maryse, Izzy, that one doctor dude, Jace, Alec, and Magnus, in Shadowhunters 3x05 or 6 or whatever it was, it would have been possibly the best thing ever
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#ANOTHER CRISIS#this problem again#no like its fine ill do things at my own pace#but sometimes its rlly just so hard to start smth!!!!!!!#less than 1 month left till school starts again so#head in hands what do i do with my life#even tho im a mess rn i still get stuff done so thats nice at least#i've been learnigg by yonah's theme on the piano whenever i feel like it n that's been going well so far#i'll try to finally pick up a book again later#but my main problem rn is#i mean at the same time idrc but#i wna at least not just disappear of twitter but idk how to return#jut rip social anxiety#i've been at least somewhat using tumblr these days but all i've been doing is rambling n ranting n venting#but really i wna be more active on social media but#i'm seriously bad at being active. and i hate how it makes me anxious. and i'm bad at posting#T_T bcs at the same time i genuinely dont care ill just be myself#but taking all these steps are always so hard when there's a lot of things burdening me#and in the first place i don't have the energy aleeady to get things done#ill do it all ar my own pace but i sometimes just wish that it'll be easier and less painful#i need to be more efficient n i need it all to be better quality >>>#my traits n thoughts n actions n all awfully contradict each other in an oddly balanced way that just overwhelms n hurts me#AND THIS PAIN THIS LOOP... i feel like i have so many responsibilities n ffs these burdens overwhelm me smmmm#smth i struggle w so bad is the burden of these responsibilities and duties i feel i have. they weigh me down sm#n yk i try to do sm then idk i neglect myself n get burnout n worry too much n smth revitalizes my energy then repeat#like when i disappear or stop doing smth for a while it sux bcs im like OH I NEED TO CATCH UP ON THE TIME I LOST then boom that cycle ^^#i need to stop wasting timeeeeee i need to get things done n make use of my potential#i'll never have the stars in the first place if i don't reach for them right?#fuck i rlly just have sm i want to do n it overwhelms me sm T_T im tired but ill be fine anxiety's just being especially mean to me rn wah
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adreamfromnevermore · 3 months
Love the slight AUs where Bruce as Batman has been a member of the league for ages, but he's somehow managed to keep his assortment of children under the radar.
Because it sets up the wildest misunderstandings within the league. He routinely talks about his babies, his children who are all so sweet and kind and occasionally assholes yes but only because they are young (and traumatized) hell I don't think the league would even be aware that they're adopted. So they're all thinking literal children
Barry: Bats really loves his kids.
Hal: I mean they're babies, wait till they hit the angsty teens and I'm sure we'll be hearing the opposite
Which means the day they finally meet Nightwing they don't know wtf to think. For one thing, how old would he have been when he had this kid???? Should they be worried about that???? And for the other, that is not a baby, that is not a precious little thing.
He could break someone in half. Like a twig.
He won't, but he could. And they can see that. (He's bat trained, they have seen what the bat can do they are not fools)
And they're like, okay. Okay maybe he isn't the baby (he is). He's got younger kids right? He's never said how many, they have 0 clues. They've been expecting 1 child, maybe 2 because he'd said kid in the plural exactly once when comforting an older woman while they were searching for her children in the aftermath of a rough battle.
And then a week later they run into Red Hood. In his leather, with his guns. And he drapes himself across Batmans back with all the self confidence in the world and starts whining about the "Brat" breaking into his safe house.
To steal his dog.
And yet again. He is not baby. He is bigger than Batman. He could probably break Batman in half given the bat didn't put up a fight. But Batman looks at him with probably the softest expression they've ever seen on that mans face and tells him very earnestly that the kid just wants to spend time with his older brother, next time they should try a walk. Maybe go to the zoo.
But probably not one of the babies. They're kind, and gentle, and at least one just loves reading and Bats has been trying to encourage that!!!
And then a day later he mentions his "babies" going for a walk in the park and they all instantaneously lose their minds at the confirmation.
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audiovisualrecall · 1 month
Hate that I have to go back to work tomorrow and work thru Tuesday (for no fucking reason. Monday, I get! Cleamup from Sunday plus I have an order to write. Why do I have to be there on tuesday????) (Also my boss is so bad at making schedules he constantly puts 2 people on Tuesdays and 1 person on Wednesdays despite the latter always having way mote product coming in than a Tuesday And being busier. Make it make sense.)
On the other hand the rain stopped and it's bright out and dry now I guess?? So a) hopefully the garden center delivery didn't come earlier and comes now instead, and b) this means sales will do better on the outdoor now that the rain has stopped. So hoping it'll be more of 'some rain but some dry+sunny/clear moments' this week instead of 'constant pouring rain and also thunder' like I was worried it'd be.
Still don't want to go in tomorrow
#love having 2 days off in a row except then i get weird on the 2nd day abt wasting the day/wanting to do everything but not having enough#time to do everything and which things am i willing to continue not getting to do and which things do i feel like i can do?#i need a week off to get everything done that i want to do#and unfortunately the next time i have a week off will again be a visit to the cape. not at home.#unless i squeeze ankther vacation week in june or something idk#sigh#and also hate that even if i made the time to learn to drive. i wouldnt be able to drive myself to work anyway bc we donf have the old car#at the moment bc my brother in law is using it still!#not that that would save me That much time bc ive been taking uber to and from work most days recently bc ive been staying back either bc he#scheduled me for late mid so I'm there till 5 or later anyway or i stayed back late and got OT and left after 5 or even after 6#and when i get home its time to make dinner or at least decide and then i dont have time after dinner to do anything either#i havent touched my etsy or my website in ages. I'm glad i havent gotten any sales on etsy bc i havent had the time for it. naybe i should#put the shop on vacay idk#but i just have to print more pride cats stickers and update the stock levels and reply to the message asking about them#p much.#but ugh#ive convinced myself that if i can set up the other room as a studio i can do all the computer related stuff#i hate having to set up on the tanle and then move it again a few days later#between that and needing to finish illustrations for steph's book.
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lau-apologist · 2 months
i, for example, hate when uni assignments take away precious time to do more productive things such as simping for lau.
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baekuras · 1 year
tfw you try to fix your sleep schedule in time before it gets out of hand and you have to return to work but suddenly it’s 4am on a saturday and last you checked it was barely 10minutes past midnight and you have no idea how it happened so now you gotta power through it and not destroy it completely by embracing your true nature as a night owl
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