#or breaking you - if they can win over your family you'll never get out...
woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Blood Sugar II
England Lionesses x Teen!Reader
Summary: You go on Bake Off
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"This time, on the Great Stand Up To Cancer Bake Off, it's Lioness time. Four of the England Lionesses brave the tent in the name of charity to tackle three challenges in the hope of securing, not the Euros trophy, but the star baker apron. This week's celebrities are: Leah Williamson, England captain and defender, Alessia Russo, goal scorer for England, Keira Walsh, England's midfield maestro and y/n l/n, England's youngest star."
You stand in front of your countertop, drumming your fingers against the wood as you look at all of the ingredients in front of you.
"Now, for your signature challenge, Paul and Prue would like you each to make a baker's dozen of sugar cookies," Noel Fielding says and you contemplate slamming your head onto the counter.
You knew agreeing to be on this was a bad idea.
"Each cookie must be hand-shaped," Alison Hammond continues," And made with love. You've got one hour. On your marks."
"Get set."
"So," Leah says suddenly," Is this a good time to mention I don't know what a baker's dozen is?"
You've never really been a bigger baker. It wasn't really your speciality like a lot of other things like cooking your own meals and doing your own laundry.
There was also the added thing of the fact that no one in your family baked because you couldn't eat it. Well, you could, but it would send your sugar levels through the roof and you hated injecting more insulin than normal because it always stressed you out.
"Less!" You yell out," How much sugar is too much sugar?"
"I'm not helping you!" She yells back and you stick your tongue out at her.
"This is discrimination!" You declare as you start pouring your sugar in, hoping for the best.
The judges leave it ten minutes or so before they start walking around.
They got to Leah first, congratulating her on captaining the team to victory which she graciously waves off before getting way too competitive over a baking show.
Keira is next and it's hard not to be endeared by Keira, clearly the only sane person in the tent.
Alessia ends up accidentally breaking the electric mixer and tries to get everyone to ignore it by throwing a dish towel over it.
Then, it's your turn.
"So, y/n," Paul says," Do you have much experience with baking?"
"No," You reply.
"Did you prepare at all for this?"
"Do you have much hope you'll win?"
"What I'm hoping for is someone else does extremely badly so I don't come last."
Prue laughs. "Well that's honest of you. So, you have done no preparation at all?"
"I'm planning on just winging it," You admit," I'm diabetic so I don't really eat sugary things so I'm just hoping that they're edible."
"So you're not going to be tasting as you go?"
You eyes go wide. "Am I meant to do that?" You hand goes to cover your mouth. "No, are you joking? Am I meant to be doing that?"
The judges have a little laugh as they back away.
"Wait! Don't go! Am I meant to taste as I go?!"
Even though you don't taste as you go, you don't end up losing the challenge (not with plain tastebuds Leah Williamson in the running) but you don't win either.
Clearly, Keira's just good at everything.
The technical round is a disaster for everyone involved, even Keira and somehow, after burning her first set of fondant fancies, Alessia manages to win.
Leah continues to be the worst, which is what everyone expects so even though you don't taste anything, you're not the worst and, honestly, that's what you're aiming for.
You're here to provide the jokes and not to humiliate yourself on national tv and, you know, also to show that diabetics can bake too - not that you really knew that was a big issue until you signed up for this but apparently it is.
The only one that you actually practiced for was your showstopper.
'Your Biggest Triumph' was the theme and you'd had to practice for this one.
"Leah!" Keira shrieks suddenly and you whip your head around to see Leah with her hand in Keira's bowl of batter.
"I'm sorry Kei," Leah says, sounding not very sorry at all," But you're going to win if I don't sabotage you. I'm sure you understand."
You hold your breath as Keira's eyes dart towards Leah's bowl of unsupervised batter, leaping over the countertop to do the same.
"Wait, Kei! Keira, stop!"
Keira doesn't stop and you notice from the corner of your eyes Alessia moving as well.
You snatch your bowl up before she can grab it, sprinting to the other side of the tent.
Alessia follows you until you're backed up against the fridges.
"Less, Less!" You shriek, voice panicky as Leah and Keira wrestle at Leah's counter," Don't do this! You don't have to do this!"
"I'm sorry." Like Leah, Alessia doesn't sound sorry at all. "But it's for the greater good."
"Greater good! This is pure selfishness!"
"This is baking!"
"This is sabotage. Stay away from my bowl!"
"Come on. Don't make this hard than it needs to be."
An almighty crash sounds as Keira and Leah accidentally knock a mixer off the table and in the confusion, you manage to shove Alessia away to pour your batter into the pan.
The carnage continues throughout the time limit, only dampening when a truce is called so you can all decorate your cakes. Apart from that, it's a free-for-all as you find yourself standing on Leah's countertop, throwing wooden spoons at Keira and Alessia whenever they try to approach the pair of you.
"Alright, y/n," Prue says at the end of the time limit," Tell us about your greatest triumph."
"Okay." You point at the various decorations on your cake. "So this cake is a representation of my Dexcom. I know everyone else is choosing football stuff and all that but when I was six, I started feeling really bad. I couldn't focus and I was sweating and I couldn't really move well and I felt tired. It went on for a few days."
You point at one of the little marshmallow figures you made.
"I was playing in Alessia's garden with her and I threw up everywhere and she insisted on having her parents take me to the hospital. I'd developed DKA and was about an hour or so from going into a coma. The doctors ran tests and stuff and found that my pancreas had shut down. So, my biggest triumph was being diagnosed with diabetes."
You give a little shrug, pointing out the way you'd shaped your cake to look like your Dexcom and how on top you'd decorated it with marshmallow versions of you and Alessia and the doctor that you still went to get check-ups from.
"That's a lovely story, y/n," Paul says," But let's see if the actual cake tastes good. What kind is it?"
"Victoria Sponge because it's my mum's favourite."
Each judge takes a slice and you hold your breath.
Paul holds his hand out to you.
Your eyes go wide. "Are you serious?"
"Shake my hand."
You do that gleefully. Getting a Paul Hollywood handshakes means a lot.
"I mean, there's not much I can say," He says," The sponge is perfect. The filling is perfect. The flavours work well. The story to go with it is fantastic."
"And you never tasted any of it?" Prue asks and you shrug with a grin.
"I'm on a strict diet."
"Well...I mean if football doesn't work it then baking certainly will."
The Star Baker Apron you win at the end hangs up on your wall with your Euro's medal.
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best-of-yandere · 4 months
Mafia AU with platonic yandere Superfam
TW: mentioned death (human & animal), non-sexual breastfeeding mention, surveillance, various "light" punishments mention, slight infantilization, platonic yandere
It starts with Clark and Lois deciding to have another child. They have Jon, and Connor, of course, but they miss having a baby in their arms.
As soon as they hold you in their arms at the hospital, they're in love. It's different with you; it only takes a single coo for them to be wrapped around your chubby little fingers.
When they bring you home, you quickly win the hearts of your siblings. Fights have been started between them over who's your favorite.
You never sleep alone. As a baby, Clark and Lois keep you in their arms at night. When you grow older, your siblings are allowed to have you with them at night. A schedule is quickly devised over who gets you what nights. You do have your own room... you're just never in it.
As you grow older, it becomes apparent you're not suited for the "family business". You still cry over a bird hitting the window; insisting on nursing it back to health, only to become inconsolable when it dies.
They're ok with that. What they do is dangerous, and you're too precious to them to be put in harms way. They decide to keep the truth of what they do from you, telling you they're both reporters to explain their long hours and traveling.
You grow up sheltered, a mafia princess with no idea you are. You're not allowed to leave the compound, but you're given everything you want... except freedom. It wears on you, the lack of freedom and personal space. One of the family is always around you, and when they're not, trusted bodyguards follow you around. You beg off to your room to get at least a little alone time, unaware of the cameras and microphones lacing your room.
But they couldn't keep the truth from you forever. One day, you see Connor killing a grunt, and sweet, sheltered you runs in fright. You don't even make it to the compound's front door. Having seen you trying to escape, Jon is quick to grab you and carry you back inside. You cry, trying to tell him what Connor did, how you both have to get out of there; it breaks his heart to see you so scared! He'll take you to the family room, shushing your cries and wiping away your tears, while he waits for the rest of the family to arrive.
When they do, there's no explaining it away. They come clean, at least about their real careers. You can't accept it; your loving family; murderers, criminals? When you eventually you wear yourself out, calmed down from the exhaustion, Clark and Lois tell you that nothing has to change. They're still your family who loves you very much and would do anything for you.
You're already restricted from business areas of the compound and under heavy surveillance, so the only major changes to your life is them taking away your access to electronics so you can't ask for help. That, and Connor's newfound clingyness. He wants so badly to be your beloved, cool older brother again, that he's constantly with you, trying to get you engaged in activities with him. He'll sneak you video games and junk food to try to get in your good graces again, so things can go back to how they used to be.
Lashing out at them due to your circumstances is a good way to get punished. They'd never lay a hand on you, but they're not afraid to show you just how much freedom you've been afforded until now.
An escape attempt will earn you an escort in the bathroom and shower. Trying to hurt them will put cuffed mittens on your hands. Trying to hurt yourself will get you sedated.
Stars forbid you try a hunger strike; Lois is more than willing to take your food into her own hands. She'll start breastfeeding you again, sedating you, so you'll be compliant. Once she does, though, even if you agree to start eating again, she'll still insist on feeding you herself, treating you like a baby. She'll cut up your food and spoonfeed you each bite, taking turns with Clark for each meal time. They both missed feeling so close to you in this way, and in her and the family's eyes, there's really no reason for you to grow up.
Not when they're always going to be there to take care of you - even if you don't want them too. You may not have freedom, privacy, or bodily autonomy, but you have your family. Forever and ever and ever...
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kayhi808 · 1 month
First Crush - 11
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You just walk into the event site and it's already a win. They gave Abby a paper wristband and she thinks they gave her a bracelet as a gift. It's going to be a fight later when you have to cut that off her.
Bucky leans down to you, "What's the game plan?"
"Maybe we can walk through everything first, to see what they have and see what Abby likes? Is that ok?"
"Sure, whatever you want, doll."
Looking at Abby up on his shoulders, "Let me know when you want me to carry her. Or you can let her walk. She can get heavy."
Giving you an insulted look, "I'm a super soldier. My ruck sack is heavier than she is."
You put your hands up in surrender, "Sorry, Super Soldier." You adjust Abby's backpack on your back and follow them. You weren't sure what they'd have here, so you packed some of Abby's necessities, but you don't think you'll be needing it. There's a section marked off for a dozen or so food trucks, a small stage & tents sent up. Some families where on blankets having picnics. Others were under the tents. "I've never taken Abby to Coney Island or a fair like this before. This is all new to her." You look up at Abby & she is so wide-eyed trying to take everything in.
You stop at the tent of Midway Gallery of Games. You watch people play trying to win stuffed animals & all sorts of prizes. Some of the Agents were yelling & getting rowdy in their competition. You look up and you notice Abby looking frightened & covering her ears. "Baby?" You hold your arms out to her, and she frowns & reaches out to you. "It's ok." Bucky deposits Abby into your arms & rubs her back. "It's a little too loud, huh?" You make your way out of that section & head to the rides. "Ok, this is better. It's quieter out here."
You walk pass the rides, Abby showing zero interest. She has her thumb in her mouth & snuggled into your neck. All the noise and lights were too much for her. You walk a little further and come across a petting zoo. "Abby, look!" You put her down & hold her hand, leading her to the pens.
"It stinky, Mama." Bucky laughs as she scrunches her nose.
"But what are those?"
She squeals, "It's baby duckies!" You let Abby run over to the pen & one of the workers walks up to her with a duckling in her hands and asks Abby is she'd like to pet it. "Mama?" You smile & nod. She's so good & gentle with it. You pull out your phone wanting to get pictures, and the worker takes Abby to a stool to sit & places the duckling in her lap. She's so adorable, You thank the worker & Abby waves goodbye.
"Mama did you sees me? The baby duck sat on my lap!"
"I did, Baby! You were so good with the duckling." And that's how the next half hour goes by. You visit all the babies. PIg, chicken, rabbit, lamb, horses, cows...the baby goats were a little too wild for her. Abby ran to Bucky asking for "upsies".
"I'm ready for a snack. Who wants a treat?" Abby gives you a quick look to see what your reaction is. You raise your hand, so Abby copies you & yells out "Me!" You go to a nearby stand to pick out some lemonade & ice tea in Avenger logo mason jars. You're ready to pay for it, "I'll get it, my treat."
"It's all taken care of. Stark is picking up the tab. The food, rides, games, it's all unlimited."
"That's insane, Buck!" He shrugs and hands you another lemonade. He noticed you were just going to share one with Abby, which you happily take. He grabs a churro for you all to share. He wanted to get one in every flavor for Abby, but you nixed that idea. The last thing you need is for her to get a tummy ache. And you already know you want to get her cotton candy later. That'll be enough sugar to blow her mind.
You take a break to eat your snacks & sanitize your baby after touching all the animals. You bring out the baby wipe & hand sanitizer. Bucky laughs at you, but Abby doesn't care because she now smells pretty, not like the stinky animals.
Now that she's in a better mood, you'll give the rides another round & see if she's interested. She did a round in the jumper house. You're so worried because she's so little and you don't want her to get trampled on, but that's part of being a kid. She fell down & couldn't get back up with all the other kids jumping but she was laughing as she crawled to the wall to get herself back on her feet. She came out of there all sweaty & cheeks pink from laughing.
Then the 3 of you went on the ferris wheel. She didn't want to go until you said you'd all go together & that she could sit in the middle so she'll be safe. She had a tight grip on Bucky's Vibranium arm, but after the first time around, she relaxed and enjoyed it. She could see everything being so high up. Bucky said they could ride it again at night so they could see all the lights and maybe even the fireworks.
The Carousel was next. "Do you want to ride the pretty horses?"
"Oh Mama!" She tries to spin you so she can see her backpack, "It's a unicorn, like i gots!"
Bucky laughs, "You want to ride that one?"
"Yes! I needs to." She jumps up & down. You all wait in line for the next group to enter. Once Abby gets up to the gate, Bucky scoops her up and makes a mad dash to find the unicorn. You hear her screaming with laughter. You try to chase after them. Abby is pointing him in all different directions & giggling. Finally they capture the unicorn for Abby to ride. You take quick pictures of Bucky & Abby with her unicorn. "Mama lookit!"
"It's so pretty! You look like a fairy princess, baby!" There's so much joy on her face you want to break down & cry.
Buck nods over at the horse across from Abby, "Get on."
"No, I don't..."
"Yes, Mama! You needs to!"
"I got her," Bucky resting his arm around Abby's back. "Ride with Abby."
You climb up on the horse as the ride starts and you feel silly and carefree all at the same time. When was the last time you were on a carousel? "Mama, you looks like the fairy QUEEN!"
Bucky looks up at you, "She sure does." You feel your cheeks heat under his gaze.
The ride was over way to quickly. Bucky helps you both off your horses & escorts you outside the gates where Steve awaits you all. "Mr. Captain, you sees my unicorn? I rides him & didn't falls off." Steve so surprised that Abby's even acknowledging him, he laughs.
" You know what? I did. I saw you and your Mama racing up there, and i think you won."
Abby covers her mouth with her hands & giggles, "Mama, I wons you!"
Bucky wraps his arms around you, pulling you back against him, "Did you? Mama was going really fast."
"No, I wons. Mr Captain says so."
"Well, if Mr. Captain says so," Bucky shrugs.
"You guys had lunch yet? Or visited the food trucks?"
"Not yet. Are you hungry Abby? Want to find lunch?" She nods & jumps up and down.
There's so much food and snacks to choose from. The guys end up with BBQ plates and you and Abby are sharing pizza and tacos. You're enjoying your break when Abby stands up on the bench and starts waving, "Frien'! Frien'!" You look around to see who she's calling. "Mama, pretty lady!"
"N'asha! N'asha!" Abby jumps down & runs to Nat. Bucky's already on his feet ready to follow her. Natasha sees her & picks her up and walks her back over. You can see your baby's mouth moving a mile a minute. "But the goat was jumping and jumping. I's so scared, but Bucky lifts me so they can't gets me."
Taking a seat next to Bucky, "Wow! You had some excitement, huh?"
Climbing on the bench next to you, "It was baby but it was big like me. Ands you know what?"
Gulping for air because she's talking so much, "Mama & I race, and my unicorn won. Mr. Captain says I wons her!" Abby claps for herself.
@waywardhunter95 @wintrsoldrluvr @rebeccapineapple @ordelixx @onceithough @crazyunsexycool @thezombieprostitute @ilovetaquitosmmmm @julvrs @unaxv @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @winterslove1917 @ozwriterchick @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @mrsnikstan @hisredheadedgoddess28 @itsteambarnes @otterlycanadian @purplecolordeer @samsgirl93 @buckitostan @blackbirdwitch22 @littleredwolf @mcucatlady @silas-aeiou @hzdhrtss @florie1 @thecubanator2 @enchantedbarnes @selella
"You won. Not you wons her." You roll your eyes but inside you heart in overflowing with love for her excitement and how everyone is so kind to her. You were so worried about being a single parent and not being able to give your baby the life you wished for her. But you think you'll actually be able to do that. Things are looking up for you both. She's going to remember this day for a long, long time. You both will.
Next chapter
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kazucafe · 1 year
⌗ genshin boyfriend hcs.
characters: diluc, kazuha, xiao, thoma, zhongli, & venti x gn!reader
genre: fluff, very tiny hint of angst
author's note: allow me to indulge in my genshin men brainrot <3 if you enjoyed reading, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated :']
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diluc ragnvindr.
a gentleman, is always polite with his gestures.
if you visit him while he's on his shift at the tavern, he'll walk to where you're seated and greet you with a kiss on the forehead.
"hi, love." yeah *swoons*
would drop everything in the blink of an eye if you asked him to.
there will be at least one day when you'll be spending your time with him horseback riding and he'll sit behind you and help you control the reins. <3
he comes home late at night after he's finished patrolling the premises undercover, and opens his room to you having fallen asleep awaiting his return.
plants a gentle kiss before proceeding to lay down and holding you in his arms. he likes to nuzzle into the crook of your nape.
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kaedehara kazuha.
will write poems for you <3333 will also leave handwritten love letters for you to find.
probably has secret spots where he always loved to rest whenever he was alone, but nowadays, he shares these places with you bc he'd be the happiest man alive if he had two of his favorite things at once <3
camping and stargazing dates >>
he would introduce you to his family (if he had one)
you’d find that they’d already heard so much about you and have been waiting to meet you!
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a lot of the time, xiao's days will consist of fulfilling his duty to honor his god and protect the people of liyue.
but no matter how busy he can get, he will not hesitate to rush to your side if you so much as whisper his name.
if you ask for something simple like wanting a hug or giving him a kiss, he'll look away and grumble, "you shouldn't call me for such a mundane request."
it's funny he says that when he still complies and sends you a look, silently hoping you'll give him another kiss.
make him wear a flower crown !?
if you successfully persuade him to get some rest, he'll sleep on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
rest assured that the nightmares he dreads to face each time he closes his eyes will never make an uninvited entrance. not as long as you're by his side.
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HE !! WILL !! COOK !! FOR !! YOU !!
his schedule is packed, but he'll always make time for you. if he has only a five-minute break, he'll immediately look for you, even if neither of you have anything to do.
if you get sick, he's the best person to take care of you.
he worries a lot :( will probably nag your ears out, but that's fine because regardless of how heightened his emotions are at that moment, you can clearly hear the softness of his tone. that's how you know he loves you. <3
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another gentleman, always walks you home
IS SO GENTLE and will greet you by kissing the back of your hand
enjoys sharing his thousands of years' worth of memories with you
he's not one for extravagant things; his ways of showing affection are subtle but consistent and never fail to tug at your heartstrings.
loves travelling and tasting different kinds of wine with you
isn’t it just so pretty to think maybe you could live forever by his side?
also very doting <3 always ready to shower you with hugs and kisses
he'll serenade you every night because he says he wants "to win your heart over and over again" and remind you that he belongs to no one else.
he'll take you with him everywhere he goes, letting you touch the clouds as you ride on dvalin's back.
he's right beside you as you fall asleep at night, looking at you with so much love, like you're the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to him.
and you are.
he thinks you’re the closest thing to freedom he’s ever been.
and he wonders what he's done to deserve all the happiness you've made him feel.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Anon: Could I request Yandere Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus and Ash Landers with a reader who's a young widow/widower who refuses to entertain any thoughts of having another romantic relationship with someone out of a desire to spend the rest of their life as their late spouse's wife/husband.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, delusional thoughts, paranoia, manipulation, blackmailing, gaslighting, threats, arranged marriage, abduction
My one and only partner
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ It's such a tragic event, isn't it? Losing the spouse you adored and loved so much. Yes, life can certainly be cruel. The young Earl gives you his condolences, although more out of an act of formal courtesy than genuine compassion and sympathy for your loss. Your spouse has been an unpleasant thorn in his eye for a while now and if it wouldn't have been for their sudden death, he would have ended up manipulating and sabotaging the relationship himself. With them out of the picture without his doing though, Ciel sees a chance. Your talk about never wanting another relationship again is initially not something he takes serious. You're hurt and shocked, you'll get eventually over it. In the meantime Ciel plays the role of the supporting and kind friend who helps you and overlooks how you're doing. If you're struggling in life due to the loss of your lover, he'll financially support you.
☕ The Earl of Phantomhive stays patient with you for a couple of months where he subtly brings up the idea of you marrying again in some discussions he has with you yet you never hesitate in your answer that you'll never take another spouse. Slowly you wear his patience down though as the seasons pass by and your way of thinking doesn't change. Ciel eventually has to acknowledge that you might just be more serious with your decision than he initially anticipated and your sheer dedication to your late spouse elicits a spark of annoyed envy out of him. It's disrespectful to think in such a condescending way of your dead spouse but Ciel just can't see why you'd love them so much and deny yourself the chance to marry a more suitable person. The more suitable person of course being him. Nothing is fully confirmed just yet though so Ciel continues for now with what he's been doing so far, feigning to be your concerned friend whilst subtly courting you.
☕ As another couple of months pass by and you still don't change your mind, Ciel has to resort to more manipulation and sabotage. A pity, he was hoping to win your heart the more gentlemanly way. He decides to break off the engagement with Lizzy sooner than initially planned and paints himself to be quite shaken by those events. He does it in a way that doesn't damage his relationship with the Midford family though as they're important allies to him. He hopes to gain your sympathy by acting like it hits him harder than anticipated. Additionally he forces you into situations where you have to rely on him more in attempts to earn your gratitude and trust. Those are ways to blackmail you without you really knowing as he still hopes that you'll stop your childish behavior by pushing you. If none of those work though, he sees himself forced to arrange an engagement between you two. It would truly be a pity though if you'd leave him no other choice but to reveal his cold and possessive persone though, wouldn't you agree?
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian puts his best act out to appear compassionate over your loss but his black heart couldn't care less in reality. Instead the early death of your spouse is merely a problem less for him as they dared to touch and take something that belongs to the demon and the demon alone only. He would have gotten rid of them himself but life was this time faster than him apparently. Despite his clear apathy, he still feigns concern and sympathy to gain your trust and even your reliance as Sebastian can't help but see the current situation you're in as a good opportunity to claim your heart which was meant to belong to him in the first place. Emotionally you're very vulnerable right now after all and even if he isn't thrilled by the fact that you waste so much thoughts and tears on this good-for-nothing spouse of yours, it's an ideal chance to grow closer to you and show you that you have a far better option right in front of you. Him.
🐈‍⬛ Sebastian prides himself in showing off his skills and abilities in front of you whilst taking care of you. He helps you in whatever ways he can, always pays you a visit and sees how you're doing. He does some of the chores for you when you're busy and even cooks and bakes for you when he has the time. He's aware of your antics of not wanting to marry ever again but he doesn't take you seriously. No, instead he almost finds your childish determination amusing as he does not believe you to stay true to your decision. Sebastian is far too confident in himself to feel intimidated or insecure. He's swayed many with his looks and his charm. If at all, he views this all as a little challenge. Amuse him a bit if you can, he has all the time in the world. You manage to stay loyal to your decision and the first couple of months, this actually excites the demon. You aren't as easily swayed and he enjoys that you're a harder challenge. That'll make it all the more rewarding when you give in after all.
🐈‍⬛ Apparently the demon has severely underestimated your loyalty and love for your dead spouse as you keep on denying him and his attempts to court you. What was once amusement and fun slowly turns into bitterness and annoyance, black feelings Sebastian has rarely experienced against someone, especially against a dead human. In all possible ways you could compare your deceased spouse to him, Sebastian is better in every way so why would you cling so desperately to someone who is already dead. As a demon, Sebastian will never be able to understand your strong devotion as you're his mate and shouldn't cling to the memories of a dead human. His comments become snarky and passive-aggressive whenever you talk about your dead spouse as he doesn't want to hear you speaking of them in such a wistful manner. You make him slowly lose his patience, an achievement near impossible. He might just come clear with his feelings at one point, giving you the last opportunity to accept him. "No" is not an option for you though.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Alois should learn to read the room as he gives his darling an emotional response only a heartless asshole would show. The aristocrat is gleeful with the news of the unexpected death of your spouse. He has despised them with every fibre of his being simply for being married to you and being your spouse by law, a spot that should belong to him. They were in his way and if they wouldn't have died so suddenly, Alois would have ordered their death himself. Their death is in his mind like a sign from above, a sign that should tell you that they weren't meant for you. He has such a hard time hiding his sadistic grin and at least acting like he feels sorry as he just feels giddiness rushing through his blood. Finally! Now he can have you all for himself without their disgusting arse anywhere near you. He might just visit their grave out of pure spite, mocking them and laughing at them. They got what they deserved for taking you.
👅 No sense for boundaries and personal space, Alois just acts like an immature and spoiled brat, which he really just is at the end of the day. He's clingy because now there is no spouse of yours around which disgusts him and tempts him to just strangle them for doing as much as touching you. No, instead he's celebrating your new freedom and that you two can now finally be together as he showers you with presents and invites you multiple times a week over to his mansion. He's giddy, joyful and touchy with you as he doesn't even consider the fact that you want to grieve, don't want to hang around him or even start a relationship with him right away. Instead he instantly assumes that you'll accept him and are even happy that your deceased spouse is now gone. That makes him immensely confused when you stop him and tell him firmly that you have no interest in him or anyone.
👅 He's not believing you or at least doesn't want to believe you. Why are you still hung up on that rat? They were only in the way! He should have been your lawful husband from the very start! The brat in him emerges and starts shouting and crying, blames you for being so stupid to choose the wrong person in the first place when you should have just waited for him to come along. Aloid doesn't want to understand and neither will he ever understand, too gone in his head with his pretty fantasy of you two being meant to be together. So he doesn't take your words seriously, refuses that you mean it. Such devotion should only be for him, you can't possibly really feel so strongly about them...right? He rejects that idea of your heart forever belonging to them violently but he grows undeniably more paranoid with the thought constantly present at the back of his mind. You're the one who has the wrong idea here! Alois genuinely believes that you just need some convincing to see that you were wrong, although that means in normal words an abduction and isolation.
Claude Faustus
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🕷️ His facial expression remains cold and apathetic, only the slight hint of a smug grin tugging at the corner of his lips when he hears about the news. What a stroke of luck that is, he doesn't have to bother with this little insect after all. Claude would have a 100% taken care of them himself but that isn't needed because their own stupidity was the death of them. Claude is rather content for the first time in a long while as his mood hasn't been the best ever since he found out that his mate had already been claimed by another human. He hides his smugness about their death in front of you though, sane enough to understand that he'd only earn your ire otherwise. Besides that though, he'll keep his emotionless face though because it is hard faking sympathy and sorrow for someone who has only been a hindrance in his eyes from the very first moment.
🕷️ Claude is merciless as he instantly starts erasing traces of their existence. He tidies your house up to get rid of their stench clinging to every material until his own smell is dominating the house and throws photos and everything else out. The last part he does without your knowledge since you cherish every reminder of your late spouse. It's pathetic and annoying to see you breaking down when you can't find pictures and, worst of all, your own wedding ring anymore. You sob and cry and he can only look at you with cold eyes, doing his best to hide an annoyed sneer. That dead human is barely worth anything besides a mediocre meal in his eyes so why are you so affected? You have him and that's all you'll ever need. Your talk of never wanting another romantic relationship only serves to fuel his annoyance but ultimately he brushes it off as you being dramatically emotional.
🕷️ Claude is rather full of himself after all, is confident that he can charm you and make you forget all about your spouse in no time. His patience is not as good as Sebastian's is though so he grows soon tired of your naive fantasy to live and die as your late spouse's partner. Even the mere mention of their name causes his chest to fill with barely hidden annoyance, his words cold and sharp when he speaks about them. He's just done with you and your stubbornness of clinging to someone who is already buried six feet underneath. He is the one you should choose, not some pathetic and undeserving human. You're his mate after all! His! That's the point where Claude starts using his powers to sabotage you, scare you, torture you mentally a bit to force you into co-dependency. If you still refuse to accept him, deny him what is rightfully his, he'll have no mercy whatsoever. He'll reveal himself to you and will take you for himself just like his instincts demand him to do. Don't worry, you'll forget soon all about your former lover.
Ash Landers
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▫️ Ash has been agonizing himself over that spouse of yours since the first day he found you. Marriage is sacred, a bond special yet for you to give your vow to such a vile human. No one is worthy of you in this city, not even in the entire world. It isn't your fault though as Ash believes that it was your spouse who forced you, abused your kindness and love. Oh, he would have loved to remove that stain himself but perhaps this was divine punishment from heaven. It is a heavy weight less on his shoulders for him now that that vermin is gone, although your safety is still plenty enough to give him multiple heart attacks. You're far from safe after all as you still live in a society with rotten individuals, you're the only pure and untainted flower left. So Ash just has to act and so something before they'll devour you, tear you apart.
▫️ In all his paranoia and panic he only notices after the abduction that you're busily grieving over the death of your husband. Personally, he wouldn't even spare them a single thought and they're especially unworthy of your thoughts and feelings. He's sensitive when it involves you so your tears and your sorrow crush his heart as he enters multiple frenzies, blames your deceased spouse. How could anyone dare to sadden you and be the source of your anguish and tears? Ash tries everything to help you with your pain, has multiple meltdowns whenever he catches the sight of your tears or senses the emotional agony you're in. Parts of him die again and again as he already seems to fail in his role as a guardian angel and it eventually reaches the level where he kneels in front of you with tears streaming down his face, begging you to tell him what he should do to ease your pain.
▫️ He finds out from you that you've decided to never have another romantic relationship so that you can spendthe rest of your life as you're spouse's lawful partner. Initially he has no real problems with that. Sure, he still thinks that such vermin is deserving of such sheer dedication and loyalty from you but that just shows why you're such a pure creature in the first place. No one is worthy of you anyways so the concept of you refusing to love anyone else, or let anyone abuse you again as Ash thinks of it, should be reassuring and it is a little bit for a while. At least until Ash discovers that what he thought were sincere intentions to protect you like any guardian angel should have turned into feelings of longing and desire. Emotions he shouldn't feel towards you as not even he sees himself as deserving of your heart. Yet now the knowledge that you won't even consider falling in love again to waste your precious love on your dead spouse pains him only more but he forbids himself to ever let you find out about his feelings, no matter how many times he has to punish himself. Only your love could save him now.
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princessasmosprincess · 9 months
Hello merry Christmas :) I saw request was open and was wondering if you could do scenario where the brothers and Solomon (separately) celebrate the holiday with mc and their family in the human world ? Thank you and happy new year! :)
Merry Christmas, Anon! 🎄🎁
It's been a while since I've gotten a request and I really wanted to finish it before Christmas is over in my timezone and I just barely made it ^^;
I hope you like it!
The Brothers + Solomon at Your Family's Holiday Party
Lucifer is the perfect party guest. He makes effortless conversation and can get along with pretty much everyone. As devilishly handsome as he is, Lucifer looks good in an apron and he'll definitely take advantage of that. He'll help in the kitchen if needed, he might even help out with the dishes and somehow not get any soapy water on his expensive looking clothes. Throughout the night, he keeps you near as much as possible, with an arm slinked around your waist or a hand in yours, gentle but possessive gestures. It's not that he thinks your family will take you away from him, he just wants everyone to know you're well taken care of. Your family may wonder how you got such a catch, but it's very clear that he's chosen you.
Mammon is a favorite with your older family members, though they might not have known what to make of him at first. He joins in on their card games and loses just as many games as he wins. He tries to keep you near him for good luck and that does seem to work, hopefully the two of you end up with a small pile of riches to show for it, be they candies or cash. He'll insist on bringing the flashiest gifts, but somehow he knows exactly what each of your family members would like, even though he hadn't met any of them before the holiday. Mammon's natural confidence and model good looks make him the center of attention at your family party, and his ego will inflate accordingly. Despite all this, he is a very good party guest, and it is clear to everyone that he adores you.
Leviathan is very shy with your family at first. It takes all of his strength to make the most basic responses to their questions and even then, he beats himself up inside for being "weird". If you get pulled away, he panics. Don't worry too much about him, though. He's stronger than both of you think. He'll gravitate toward the kids table, maybe building Legos with them to soothe himself or starting an impromptu Mario Kart tournament. Of course he's a champion gamer and he shows everyone all his special techniques to get a high score. Levi becomes the new favorite of all the kids. As you leave for the night you'll have several cuties telling you to never break up with him. He's blushing, he didn't realize he made that much of an impression (also he's internally freaking out because you breaking up with him didn't occur to him until now, please promise you won't!)
Satan, like Lucifer, is a perfect party guest. No one would ever know he's actually so guarded and calculating. He's taking mental notes of every interaction the two of you have with your relatives. If any of them seem not quite right (backhanded compliments, rude remarks veiled with insincere smiles) he files away that information for later. If he finds your family to be relatively harmless, he's relieved. Satan has a good handle on his anger, but sometimes he needs a break from all the stimulation so he doesn't have an outburst. If he disappears, you might find him taking a breather with one of your family's furry friends (he's ecstatic if it ends up being a cat). Let him rest until he's ready and he'll come back refreshed and ready to impress your family with his charisma.
You don't have to worry about Asmodeus at all. Even without charming your family members, everyone will love him. He fits in well with the adults, but with the young kids as well. Asmo wants to know all the tea, all the family drama, and he'll give his input on things. He'll especially be on the lookout for any of your childhood photos or stories your family wants to tell. I hope you're comfortable with lots of public affection, because he's another who will keep an arm around your waist the whole evening. He might go as far as sitting on your lap or pulling you down to sit on his, and he'll attack your face with kisses every chance he gets (he'll stop if you ask him to, he promises to be on his best behavior). Please do let him indulge in cuddles a little bit, what's better than snuggling by the fire after dinner as everyone winds down for the night?
With the power of love, Beelzebub is able to quell his normally voracious appetite, and when he does that he basically becomes the perfect boyfriend. He's kind, friendly, AND he eats well? He's constantly complimenting whoever is in charge of cooking, and they'll fill his plate again and again. He'll silently glance toward you to ask if it's ok to take more, and when you nod in approval, he happily digs in. That's another thing, with the way he looks at you, your relatives know it's true love. It's very important to him that you have your special time with your family, his family means so much to him. So he might sit back when you socialize, while the kids try to use him as a jungle gym but he doesn't mind. As long as you're happy with your family, he's happy.
Belphegor is a good party guest when he sets his mind to it. It's probably best to keep him away from plush surfaces, especially when there are lulls in the festivities, because he will tend to doze off (I remember reading someone's headcanon a while ago that Belphie is the type to seek out the party's designated baby sleeping room and crash there, and I totally agree). If this happens, you can tell your family he's suffering from jetlag (whether this is true or not). He's definitely the most subdued of all of the brothers, but he's a surprisingly good conversationalist and gets along well with your family. He may lightly tease you (he still is a bit of a brat) which your family might take as a good sign of his affection for you. Though he's no stranger to loud family gatherings, Belphie will need a few days to recover from all the socializing, so I hope you don't mind him napping longer than usual.
Please, for the love of Diavolo, keep Solomon away from the kitchen during your family's party. Everyone will thank you. Solomon's gifts are the most creative, definitely embued with magic, and I don't think he'd be able to help himself from doing a few minor magic tricks for the kids before the party is over. He'll make an excuse, it was a simple trick, anyone could do it. But you'd know the truth. He chats freely with your family, no shortage of fond remarks from him about you. It's been so long since Solomon has spent this much time around human families, he's taking it all in and enjoying having you by his side. If you were worried about the party going smoothly, you don't have to. Just, maybe toss out that plate of cookies for Santa and replace them, our witty sorcerer may have tampered with the recipe when your back was turned.
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shradsmanifestt · 1 month
hi, im sorry for bothering u right now. ive been asking around for advice everywhere because i really need all the help i could use right now. my anxiety is flaring up like crazy because my results come out tomorrow and im so scared because if i mess this up then my future is ruined. my mental health has been horrible and that has severely affected my grades but in most asian countries they dgaf about that and basically think it's nonexistant for minors so ofc i'm still undiagnosed, and if i were to apply to a uni i wouldnt get any good chances anywhere. if i could just get 3 Bs in my AS levels it would be okay or else i'd have to retake it and it's super costly here.. i don't wanna put my family through that because they'll talk me down, degrade me, destroy my self esteem which i've managed to build back a little. they were like this since when i was the topper and thats what made me burnout. undiagnosed adhd, trauma, depression also contributed to it
im applying the law, but instead of the feeling of success that everyone else gets i feel panicked. the 'feeling' people usually get when they're in the wish fulfilled state, the feeling of accepting it and it being real—im not getting that. i dont see a clear picture when i visualize. every time i try to, i end up breaking down and feeling like a failure... but I'm still trying to go on because why is it that the people who hurt me and practically ruined my life get to live successfully, while i suffer? thats not fair... i promised myself that if i could just get 3 Bs, ill turn my life around and work really hard... but is it over for me? i want to win, im trying to, but im scared
im trying my best to visualize myself getting 3 Bs, reenacting my friends faces when i get the results, praying to God and thanking Him for blessing me and continuing to bless me, but there is this fear still lingering at the back of my mind... i feel like I'm not doing it right. i have like one day left and I'm so nervous. im going over posts, tweets, and every time I feel a little better, it all comes crashing down because of doubts. theres only one thing one my mind right now: 'how am I gonna turn it around in one day?' i know that the 3D does not matter and that everything is done in imagination, but here i feel like its not done in imagination either
right now nothings clicking in my head, whatever i read is getting scrambled in my mind, i feel so lost and empty. could u please tell me what to do in this specific situation? u can be as harsh as you want if that's what's needed to get the point across. im really sorry for the bother and id be really grateful if u could please help out, ive never been this desperate before... my life cant be over before it even started
Hey love,
I get you, I really do but trust me when I say this.
THIS SHIT IS REAL AF. Manifestation is real af. It's as real as the fact that you are a human being. All you have to do is trust yourself that it is already done. If good results is what you want then that is exactly what you'll get. You need to choose to stop having doubts because it is already done. That is the simplest answer I can give you. Persist on what you want.
I am glad to tell you this but I just got test results for a major exam held in my uni today and I got into the 95th percentile just by saying to myself that my super power is aptitude tests and that I already scored great. In my friends group only 3 of us were eligible and I have 70+ more marks then them as well. If I can do it, you can do it. You need to stop doubting yourself. Atleast stop doubting manifestation. Cause at this point you're only gonna manifest your doubts.
I'll give you a scenario - If you're worried about getting bad grades, Trust me when I say this you're gonna manifest exactly that coz you will manifest exactly what you assume. You can choose to stop that right here, RN. Choose to accept that you got great marks. I mean don't even like aim for B's go for A's. I don't care even if you left the paper blank coz if you assume you're the topper, that is exactly what's gonna happen.
If you do get bad marks and I'm gonna be harsh here - You're the only reason why! You're gonna manifest exactly what you assume to be true even if it's good or bad. Your sc mind don't differentiate btw what's good for you or what's bad for you. It only knows what you feed it.
You got this, TRUST ME
Love, Shrads.
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privatebooth · 3 months
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I was never a fan of the idea of protective family members intruding into a character's personal life and "threatening" their love interest. If you hurt them I'll kick your ass and all that... Meh.
Still, if even Varric got to voice his friendly concern, how could Carver - the only warrior and protector in the family remain silent?
No, this would be nothing like Ross/Chandler pre-wedding warning
Carver was there when they first met. Fenris had made his stance on magic very clear, and it would be perfectly understandable for Carver to make some inquiries once he learned about this new relationship. He hasn't been part of this team for years, and doesn't really know much of the development. How did he even find out? Did Hawke write about this in his letters? Did any of the friends feel the need to share this vital information with him? Anyway, he knows now. And he ought to say something.
-So, my brother. You're together now? -We are.
Short and simple. What more could be said? Maybe Carver has to wonder if Fenris's opinions changed over the years. No they didn't. Well, this is awkward. How do you go from there? I can only imagine that Carver voices his hope that Fenris won't ever feel inclined to break his brother's heart (that he saw him do literally to some other people).
This is not a threat or a warning... just prodding? Carver already gave his warning upon first meeting him, and Fenris hadn't forgotten. You'll have a problem with me. Ah, they are so similar with their big swords and reckless combat behaviour...
I think Fenris might be a little amused. The idea of him deliberately hurting Hawke. The imagery of Carver protecting Hawke from him. Of Carver hoping to overpower him?
The kid has no idea what they mean to each other, but his words come from heart. Fenris respects that. We know how lonely he was and how much he yearned for his own family. I like to think that watching Hawke and Carver bicker and care for each other in their first year together played a part in his warming up to the entire group.
So he doesn't mock him or take offence. He tells him very seriously that he would die sooner than let any harm come to his brother.
And Carver accepts it and believes him, because this annoyingly cool brother of his always had a way of winning people over.
Do they even realise that they are all family now? This will take some getting used to.
I was dying for some Carver/Fenris interaction, but, honestly, I just wanted to show off more of my grown up little brother.
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amostexcellentblog · 1 year
The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law
Step 3: Never, Ever, Let Him See You Cry
(Part 1 and Part 2)
Maverick: ...and the doctor says it's a miracle he survived at all. Jesus, it should've been me. The Darkstar was my project, I was the test pilot for all the earlier models, but I wanted him there with me, and I wanted to show that I trusted him.
Iceman: He chose this life, he knew the risks. We have to accept that Mav... But damnit it's easier said than done.
Hangman: *Shouts getting louder as he approaches* Rooster! ROOSTER! *Stops in the doorway, out of breath, still in a flight suit* Oh, Bradley... *Walks to his bedside* What.. Is he... Will he be okay?
Maverick: It's hard to say. The doctors say they've done all they can do, at this point it's largely psychological. If the spirit is willing he'll wake up within the next few days and he'll survive, get better and live out his life. But if he doesn't wake up then his body will start to shut down and eventually... They say the odds are 50/50, but I don't know.
Iceman: The thing is, even if he wakes up the doctors are sure he'll never walk again. Everything he's ever wanted, gone just like that, his career as a pilot, the navy, his engagement. How could he possibly want to wake up to all that?
Hangman: Engagement? What, you think he won't want me anymore just because he can't walk? Well tough luck Bradshaw because I ain't goin' nowhere! You tried to get out of this before during the uranium mission and I put a stop to it then too. You're never getting rid of me Bradshaw! Even if I have to steal your wheelchair and tie you to the bed! *Wipes the first tears from his eyes*
Hangman: Speaking of beds, remember we were looking at houses and I wanted that 5th floor walkup because you could see the ocean, but you wanted that 1-story bungalow because it had a yard? Well I guess you went and made that decision for me, you sneaky son of a bitch! But if you wake up, I'll forgive you. I'll even build you a ramp to the front door, and a deck out back so you can sit and enjoy that backyard you wanted so much. Course, I'll have to learn about carpentry and power tools first, but how hard can it be?
Hangman: Hmm... What else can I bribe you with? Ooh, if you wake up we'll have a fun new role playing opportunity. We can pretend we're in Coming Home and you'll be Jon Voight and I'll be Jane Fonda. Unless you wanted to try it the other way, but I don't know how well that will work... *Choked sob*
Hangman: I'm runnin' out of things to say here, Bradley. I guess the real reason you need to wake up is that I love you. I love those hick shirts you wear and the way you always have them buttoned wrong. Look like a giraffe, and I love you. I love how you can only play three songs on the piano, one of which is chopsticks, but whenever you see one you swagger over to it like you're Mozart, and I love the way you blush right up over your ears. I love you because you don't know how to kiss, always shoving your tongue down my throat like you have to map every inch of it because this might be your last chance. You jerk!
Hangman: I love you. Please wake up. I love the life we've had together, but I'm a selfish prick who wants more. Please wake up. I'll love the future life we'll make together and I promise I'll do everything I can to make you love it too... Please wake up Bradley... Please... I love you... Plea... *Breaks down in tears*
Iceman: Jake, my bubbe, when she was married back in Poland she wore a lace veil she'd commissioned from the finest lacemaker in Paris. When the war came and they had to sell everything they had to raise the funds to get out of the country, it was the only thing she kept from her old life. When her son got married, she gave it to my mother to wear as a welcome-to-the-family present. For our wedding, Maverick wore it wrapped around his arm. When you and Bradley get married, I'd like you to wear it.
Hangman: Thank you sir, I'd be honored.
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lullabyes22-blog · 10 months
Snippet - The Breakup - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Vi makes a tough call.
Caitlyn is not having it.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
"So," Caitlyn says, at last. "That's it. You're going back."
Vi nods. "I have to."
"For how long?"
"As long as it takes."
"And me?" The glisten in her eyes becomes an angry gloss. "What will I do, Vi? Pine by Monday? Get over you by Friday? Meet some nice noblewoman in a match my mother's arranged, and settle down? Win an illustrious succession of medals—and forget you ever existed?"
Vi's jaw hardens. "That's the idea."
"You won't even fight for it?"
"I am." Vi's hands ball into fists. "That's why I'm going."
Caitlyn's lips part. There are tears now. But the brightness of anger refracts them, a prism of blue fire.
"You coward," she whispers.
Vi blinks.
"You selfish bloody coward! Do you think I can't see this fucked-up nobility for what it truly is? This is our life. We've made a choice. A promise to be together. And you're just going to walk away?  Well, fuck you, Violet. Fuck you, and your stupid, reckless, idiotic, chivalrous heart. You think, because of everything you've gone through, you're the only one who gets to call the shots? You're the only one with something to lose? Well, you're wrong. I'm losing you, and you're giving me no choice!"
"You've always had a choice!"
Vi's own anger breaks loose. Any other day, she'd applaud the supreme ease with which she's being verbally trounced by a girl who has never dropped a single preposition from her speech, and is now cursing with the fluency of a Fissure-born miner. She'd snatch Caitlyn up and kiss her, then lay her on the table and fuck her within an inch of her life.
She'd be glad. More than that: grateful. Because this woman, who is grace in every sense, chose her. Chose, and made the crashing lows and spiraling highs of Vi’s life her own.
But today is not another day. Not for either of them.
"The only reason we met," Vi grits out, "was because you had a choice. You chose to break the rules. To play vigilante and go down to the Fissures.  Because you believed you were right. And with your family's connections, who'd argue otherwise?" She emits a short laugh. "Me? I was in a fucking cell. No trial, no papers. No choice. You think I was the one making the call? Hell, no. My ass was on the line, and I'd have sold you any line of bullshit, just to get a crack at Silco. Because that's who I am. That's how I've lived. I knew what I was getting into, I understood the consequences, and I accepted them—"
"—And, what? I was blindsided? Poor little Piltie, who didn't know the game? Who thought, with enough money, she could bend reality—"
"Yes! Fucking hell, Caitlyn! That's exactly what you are!" Vi's voice is ripped raw. "You've never had to look over your shoulder. You've never had to take a beating. Never had to watch the people you care about get shot or stabbed or killed. Your family has a title and a pedigree and a shitload of cash. You'll have that safety net your entire life. You can walk away whenever you want because this isn't your world—"
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Playbook: How To Cultivate Self-Regard (In Every Area Of Life)
How to live with self-respect in every aspect of life. Here's your ultimate guide to living in your dark feminine energy.
Living with self-regard (or self-respect) means understanding that you cannot pour from an empty cup and the importance of making yourself your #1 priority. Feeling your best also has a domino effect. You become a better friend, boss, sibling, parent, child, lover, etc. when you feel comfortable with yourself and content in your own skin. Of course, some of these practices will apply to more than one area of life (ex. Sleep improves your physical and mental health and a good night’s rest can also be considered an act of self-care), but these principles/examples are divided up to streamline these tips. Enjoy xx 
Areas of Life: 
Physical Health 
Mental Health/Emotional Well-Being 
Sexual Health/Sexuality & Sensuality 
Relationships (All Types - Friends, Family, Work, Intimate) 
Discover what you love: Find the subject matters, industries, and a way of adding value that lights you up inside. Take a job or get creative in your methodology to make this area of interest into your career.
Set clear goals: Do I want to work at a particular company? What position/title? Do I want to go out on my own – who are my dream clients, work volume, lifestyle, business structure, income? Write all these details down and strategize small, practical daily tasks/habits to reach your goal.
Build an indispensable skillset: Research, case-building, copywriting, strategic planning, computer programming, sales, data analytics, etc. Learn transferable skills to guarantee you'll always have something valuable to bring to the table in our ever-changing world/work culture. Start with one and accumulate more as you work towards self-mastery.
Know your worth: Negotiate – your salary, rates, workday structure, corporate benefits, PTO, etc. Never let someone have you begging for breadcrumbs or the bare minimum.
Speak up (when necessary): Communicate – clearly, directly, and assertively. Don't let someone walk all over you. Finish your sentences with certainty even if someone tries to interrupt you while you're speaking. Advocate for yourself, whether you're trying to secure a promotion, a new project, a proposed solution for a client, or taking a necessary break. Also, know when it's in your best interest to stay silent. Ensure your integrity remains intact. The truth of a matter speaks volumes.
Organize your day (Prioritize!): Set yourself up to win by outlining your priorities first before others' tasks and projects consume your mind and calendar. List your top 3 to-dos for the day that are non-negotiables for you and will inch you closer to your goals. I recommend the Productivity Planner for daily use.
Keep records: Have email records and call notes regarding every interaction and decision written down. This practice enables you to stand your ground when necessary and saves you a lot of trouble.
Set boundaries: Proudly affirm your 'no' to a project, any disrespectful comment, or too many nights of overtime work. Schedule and stick to your breaks and the time you clock out (within reason, of course). Never allow a company or endeavor to run you into the ground at the expense of your mental or physical health.
Make connections: Cultivating a network of mentors, colleagues, and peers in the same or adjacent fields is priceless. These connections can lead to new opportunities, provide a healthy and productive space to explore ideas, or generally vent and exchange advice. Strike up that conversation at lunch or an event. Follow up with a LinkedIn request or thoughtful email. You never know what this conversation might lead to and the opportunities it can bring.
Create daily/weekly rituals: Establish ones that add a little joy and streamline your day. These habits can range from a 10-minute yoga or meditation session every morning, to practicing morning pages or a daily shadow work prompt, reading 10 pages daily, getting your steps in, and planning your tasks, lunch, and outfit for the next day the night before to creating a weekly house-cleaning schedule or meal planning. Discover systems that allow you to put yourself first and set you up to win the day.
Find ways to feel beautiful: Create luscious skincare, shower, and hair/makeup/nail routines that make you feel like a queen. Invest in well-fitting, high-quality wardrobe staples. Make your favorite cup of coffee or tea daily. Keep your signature scent on hand. Exfoliate. Invest in matching pajama sets.
Indulge all of your senses: Light a candle. Put on a moody playlist to relax, focus, unwind, or turn you on – any melody that suits the occasion and gets you in the zone. Take a bubble bath or do a face mask. Relish in a warm beverage or a healthful, comforting meal. Use silk pillowcases, hair ties, and bed sheets. Pamper yourself with small everyday luxuries.
Expand your knowledge: Make it a priority to read a few articles and 10 pages of a book daily. Being educated on different topics and the world provides you with personal fulfillment and enables you to enter into a wider pool of conversations. This practice also strengthens your mind, sharpens focus, and helps your brain relax.
Explore your interests: Learn what subjects and activities light you up inside. Whether it's painting, dancing, tennis, spin classes, learning about ancient world history, politics, fashion, science, etc. Take time to study and practice in these areas of interest.
Embrace your creative side: Write, read, draw, create a mood board, explore Pinterest or Tumblr, style outfits, organize a section of your room, cook a new recipe, make a playlist – any fun activity that ignites creativity.
Plan dates for yourself: Take yourself out for coffee, lunch, a shopping date, or even a mini vacation. You deserve to enjoy experiences and derive pleasure from enjoying these life moments without worrying about anyone but yourself.
Remember to rest: Getting 7-8 hours of sleep nightly and taking breaks is essential for productivity and overall well-being. Never feel guilty for allowing your body and mind to recover. Neglecting rest only backfires if you're playing the long-term game.
Know your income/expense ratio: Ensure you know exactly how much money is coming in and going out every month. Create a personal balance sheet to audit your financial well-being.
Track everything: Keep a record of every stream of income and where every dollar is going – expenses, savings, estimated taxes, investments, charity, etc.
Have a set emergency fund: Between 3-12 months of expenses should be ready in a high-yield savings account at all times. If you have a family or are self-employed, aim for 6-12 months of necessary savings to stay sane. Saving this amount of money takes time. Be patient, and cut back on frivolous expenses if needed for the short term. It's an act of self-care.
Invest (especially in a Roth IRA or backdoor Roth IRA): Set one up through Vanguard or Fidelity ASAP if you have not already. Don't underestimate the importance of compound interest on your financial future and security.
Automatically pay yourself first: Automate a portion of your paycheck to savings and your investments, so you never see this money. Pay yourself first before spending (on anything but necessities).
Always max out your 401K employer-matching: Make sure you know what percentage your employer will match and always meet this investment requirement. Do yourself the favor. It's literally free money.
Only spend on your essentials & what you actually enjoy: Invest in pleasurable items and activities strategically. Only spend on additional experiences and products that add value to your life. Cut unfulfilling expenses.
Read about personal finance/speak with your brokerage firm: Take time to read about these topics and learn everything your parents didn't teach you or were not taught at school. Use licensed professionals (CPAs, brokerage firms, etc.) as a resource, too, for your personal goals.  
Use savings plug-ins/discount codes 
Physical Health: 
Cook/eat healthy meals: At least 80% of the time. Focus on eating whole foods and a (mainly) plant-based diet. I've been vegan for 10 years and it's done wonders for my body, skin, and mental clarity.
Drink plenty of water daily: Set a target of ounces = to your weight in pounds. Incorporate lemon, lime, orange wedges, or frozen berries if necessary to keep this habit interesting.
Find workouts you love: Whether that's low-impact like pilates, yoga, walking or dance classes, spin classes, weight-lifting, etc. The best exercise routine is the one you can gladly maintain.
Make daily movement a priority: At least 15-30 minutes daily. I aim for 10-12K steps at least 5 days a week.
Limit processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes 
Step outside: Get at least 10 minutes of sun daily, weather permitting. Always wear sunscreen.
Sleep Well: Aim for 7-8 hours (Create a sleep hygiene routine!)
Maintain proper hygiene: Shower daily, moisturize, wash your hair on your necessary schedule, brush your body from head to toe, etc.
Do pelvic floor exercises: It does wonders for your bladder and helps to satisfy your libidinal energy.
Go to your annual appointments: Primary doctor/Obgyn/Dentist/Dermatologist
Mental Health/Emotional Well-Being: 
Meditate: Some of my favorite ones are linked HERE (for anxiety), HERE, (focus/productivity), and HERE (feminine/sexual energy).
Journal: Do a daily shadow work prompt, gratitude journal exercise, or practice morning pages (stream of consciousness journaling for 3 pages every morning).
Read: 10 pages of a self-development/psychology book, at least 3-5 articles, or a chapter of a fiction or non-fiction book. Daily.
Take breaks: A 10-minute walk, a real lunch break, listening to music, making coffee. Something pleasurable to recenter your focus and energy.
Discover movement you love: Walking and dancing are your best friends.
Keep your space clean: Wipe off all surfaces and put things away daily. Keep your desk organized. Clean and put away the dishes before bed. Stick to a house cleaning schedule.
Make to-do/bullet-point lists: For every area of life – work, chores, groceries, other items you need, wishlists, activities, and hobbies you want to pursue
Schedule and plan out your week: House cleaning, laundry, work project management, email time blocking, appointments, beauty routines, workouts, etc.
Create non-negotiables: Sleep, daily walks, a healthy dinner, your skincare routine, a 15-minute shower – whatever must-do rituals you need to look and feel your best every day.
Connect with your inner circle: Make a deliberate effort to stay in touch and catch up with those who are loyal and have your best interest at heart. Make time to chat on the phone, send a text, or better yet –get coffee, lunch, drinks, or dinner weekly with at least one person who you know makes your life richer in some type of way.
Put restrictions on social media/screen time: Use your settings to limit your time on certain apps (Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook, etc.). I set mine for 2 hours a day. Stop checking email right before bed and first thing in the morning (at least try really hard not to –I'm so guilty of this one!).
Give freely: Be generous with those who you love, mentors, and mentees. Everyone appreciates when you put a little effort into giving someone a small thoughtful gift, doing a kind gesture, or lending an ear. It makes you feel good and can make someone's day, week, month, or year.
Set boundaries: Take time for yourself – to recharge, indulge in solo activities, have some fresh air, breathe, or sit in silence. Give freely with no expectations, but never overextend yourself. When seeking to know whether you're striking the right balance between giving and gatekeeping your energy ask yourself: Am I being kind, or do I feel like I'm losing a piece of myself when engaging with this person/attending this event? Be honest with yourself. Listen to and follow your initial gut reaction.
Go to therapy: If you can afford it, weekly (or bi-weekly, monthly) sessions are a game-changer for self-discovery, emotional regulation, and general happiness/life fulfillment.
Sexual Health/Sexuality & Sensuality:
Let go of shame: Internalize your right to pleasure. Claim ownership over this aspect of your life. It gives you confidence in and outside of the bedroom, so you move through the world with a magnetic aura and powerfully feminine energy.
Own your sexuality and preferences: Embrace who and what you're attracted to. This principle extends from your sexual orientation to your libido, turn-ons (fantasies, adult content, steamy memories, etc.), preferred positions, kinks, and devices. Sexuality and arousal are so personal. Allow yourself to be free of stigmas for the things you do in private. No one needs to know how you derive pleasure behind closed doors (unless it's a partner who's involved, of course).
Make time for self-pleasure and exploration (at least weekly): Understanding that you're in control of your own pleasure is empowering. Learning what you like is essential for sexual gratification – whether you're alone or sharing the experience with a partner.
Allow the mind-body connection to be your friend, not your enemy: Sex starts in the mind, so this point is important for climaxing. Get out of your head and into your body. Learning to enjoy your own body is a sign of self-respect.
Keep everything clean & hygienic: Only wash inside with water (no steaming!), clean any toys, and use protection. Safety and self-regard go hand-in-hand.
Find products & habits that make you feel beautiful: Invest in lingerie, sheets, perfume, body lotions, candles, wine, etc. that make you feel confident while in the mood.
Engage in playful & creative activities: Don't be shy about (safe and consensual) experimentation (I'll leave this to your imagination) and activities to build up tension, like a romantic dinner or a dancing session beforehand to make this area of your life more exciting and fulfilling.
Communicate expectations: Clearly and often with any individual in your life. Listen and respond. Don't react. Validate emotions when necessary. If someone cannot do the same, understand that it's almost always a sign of projection. Remain calm and confident in yourself. Always command and show up to others with the highest level of respect.
Have empathy, but not at your own expense: Live with respect and consideration for others, but remember your life is for YOU. Beware of guilt-trippers. Don't take the bait.
Set boundaries: Uphold them unapologetically. Seek to understand others' needs and boundaries, so you can be considerate of their needs too. Empathy and kindness come from a place of self-respect. They are not the same people-pleasing.
Be generous (but don’t overextend yourself): See above in the mental health section.
Be true to yourself: Authenticity is essential to personal fulfillment. Live in your uniqueness. Remember: trying to be someone else doesn't work, she's already taken. You have so much value to offer this world. Let your queen energy shine through. Live your truth. Remain self-assured. Be unapologetically you.
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Taking care of you
Summary:where Jude is sick and the reader is looking after him
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"I told you not to play with water during Winter"
"Babe, right now is not the time to play the I told you so card"
"You should have listened though, now look at you, sick in bed, heating temperature, you are so hot it's like you just got out of a frying pan"
"I know right, I'm on fire" he says as he starts coughing again
"If by on fire, you mean your fever is getting worser, then yes my love you are so hot , you burn like a volcano" I say placing a cool rag on his forehead
" fine next time I'll listen to you"
"Yeah, whatever you say bro, I'm going to the kitchen to make you Some soup, try to get some rest, while I'm busy"
"Ok" he says
I walk out the room and go downstairs to the kitchen
I start making Jude's soup
When all of a sudden I hear him throw up in the bathroom
I quickly run upstairs to find him with his head hanging on the bathtub close to the toilet
"Baby, what happened"
"I tried I really did, but i think I'm dying"
"Jude stop being so dramatic, you're not dying, you're just sick"
"This fever will be the cause of my death"
"Ok, let's get you back in bed, before you start speaking shit again"
"Can I come sit with you in the Kitchen"
"You need to get some sleep first babe"
" I promise to listen too you just please"
We walk downstairs and I help him lye on the couch where he can see me in the Kitchen
I go back to the kitchen and continue what I was busy with before helping Jude
"You know, you are so beautiful"
" thank you" I say without looking at him
"Cause I'm actually thinking right like how was I able to bag, such a beautiful person"
"How high is that fever of yours"
"I don't think it's the fever" he says
"Then what is it then?"
" I'm just in love with you"
"Ok weirdo"
"Baby can I get a kiss"
"No, you'll make me sick"
I walk over to him and place the bowl of soup on the coffee table
"Here you go my love"
"Feed me please"
I sigh and sit next to him, grab the bowl and start feeding him
"You big baby"
" yeah whatever"
We sit in comfortable silence until he breaks it
"I've been thinking"
"That's never anything good, here"
He moves forward and takes the spoon into his mouth
"Where do you see yourself in the next few years?"
"I don't know, why"
"I see myself Married, with three children, and a wife that I love to bits"
"Huh, well goodluck to your wife, she's gonna need all the luck she can get" I say blowing on the spoon
"Your sarcasm is not funny"
"Oh yeah? I actually find it hilarious"
"Babe c'mon answer the question"
"Fine, I see myself married aswell, maybe being a mom and having a successful career as a lawyer"
"Who would you be married to" he asks
"I don't know, I saw this hunk at the supermarket yesterday, maybe him, that's if the universe will allow us to see eachother again"
" you're not funny" he says looking at me with a scowl
" I actually think I'm funny, I think I'm so funny, I make Trevor Noah look like he's an amateur"
"Fine I see myself married to You Bro"
"Yeah, and you"
"I see myself married to Toby's sister"
I look at him for a very long time until he says
"Yeah it's not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot is it?"
"You know I could easily choose to leave you be and you can take care of yourself, or maybe you can call Toby's sister to look after you and nurse you back to health"
"I was joking alright, I see myself married to you"
" Mhhhm"
"So in a few years, we'll have mini yous and mini mes running around the house"
" yes we will"
"I can't wait, to share family moments"
"Oh yeah? , like what" I ask feeding him another spoon
"Like, watching you and our children, supporting me from the side lines as they wear my teams shirt with the word Bellingham at the back"
"And winning the champions league, with you, by my side"
I laugh at him, and can actually Invision that happening
"Well I see myself winning my court cases and you sitting in the Audience"
"Or us discussing you with your cases and helping you find evidence to help, you win your case and all the late nights we'll have"
"Babe you hate staying up late"
"Yeah but for you, I'll do anything"
"That was so cheesy it kinda made me puke a little"
" whatever"
"But, I can't wait to spend all that time with you and our Future children"
"Me too Jude, we're gonna be so happy"
"Yes we will especially with you by my side"
"You'll be the perfect dad"
"And you'll be the perfect mom"
"Also our children need to play sports, football to be exact"
"You weren't into football growing up"
"Yeah but our children will be"
"I refuse to let you force my children to partake in a sport they don't wanna participate in"
"They are our children"
I sigh knowing that it's hopeless
"Look at us arguing like an old married couple" he says
"How did God send me such a crazy person to love"
"He sent you someone that matched your energy"
"More like drained my energy"
"You still love me though"
"I don't know, it's actually something I'm reconsidering"
"Why must you always be like this" he asks with sarcasm
"Because I am me"
He looks at me with a serious face
"I'm Joking ofcourse I love you,I always will"
"Ok now, give me a kiss" he says
"No, I'm not planning on getting sick anytime soon"
"I'll look after you"
"How will you look after me if you're sick as well"
He's quiet and doesn't say a word
"Exactly what I thought"
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emtb319 · 3 months
For @tracybirds Happy Thunderpride!
‘Is it done John?’  Virgil didn’t regret making the call.  It was this or a bigger headache with a lot more paperwork.
‘In about 30 seconds.  I’m sure the entire island will hear it, just waiting for Alan to finish turnover.  It’s the last thing I’ll do before I take off for home.’  John was double checking everything for his return trip home.  
‘Ok, we’re ready down here.  Who has the password?’
‘Gordon.  As much as I love you Virgil, if he pushes you enough, you'll cave.  On the other hand, Gordon will write it on a piece of paper, stick it to a fishing pole, and wave it in front of his face, just out of his reach.’  Virgil chuckled.
‘No offense taken John.  I was just wondering who had it, just in case.  I actually thought you’d given it to Penny or Tin.’
‘I considered them, but they’re both off island.  Better to have it more local.’
‘Agreed, ready?’  John finished up the last few things and settled into the pilot’s seat.  
‘Flipping now.’  Within seconds, Scott saw a message take over his screens.  The groan could be heard all the way in England.
‘You’d better leave 5 now John, before he tries to convince someone to call you.’
‘FAB.  I’ll see you all soon.’  Scott walked into the room, just as John cut the link.
‘Virgil,’ Scott started, ‘really?’  
‘Yes Scott, really.’  Scott rolled his eyes and was about to speak when Virgil cut him off.  ‘In all fairness big brother, you were warned.  You need rest and a break.  Your injury will never heal properly if you don’t.’  Scott opened his mouth to protest, and Virgil cut him off again.  ‘Don’t even try it.  We’re all paramedics, but I’m the family medic.  You may be able to fool the others, but not me.  You have 2 options right now, take this break, and I’ll keep my mouth shut about your ribs, or you can keep going on like an idiot, and I’ll turn this into medical downtime.  What would you rather?’
‘You don’t play fair.’
‘No I don’t.  What’s your choice?’
‘Ok, ok, you win.  Regular downtime.  You really don’t play fair.’
‘Noted.  Now, John will be some soon enough.  He’s going to do the supply run with me and Gordon.  Don’t forget to add what you need to the list please.’
‘Already done.’
‘Ok, now scoot.  It’ll be lunch time in a little bit, why don’t you take advantage of this nice weather and eat on the beach.’  
‘How’d it go Virg?’
‘Better than I thought Gords.  Honestly though, I was expecting more of an argument.  Just let me know if he tries to break into the system or bother you for the password.’
‘Well, you did pull the John card.  You never do that.’  A bunch of noise from the kitchen caught their attention.  ‘What is he doing?’
‘I mentioned maybe enjoying lunch down on the beach today to relax.’  Virgil took a good look at the mess in the kitchen and the basket being packed.  ‘Just how much food is he packing?’
‘Finally what Gordon?’
‘He’s finally taking the first step.  It’s about time too.’  Virgil pinched his nose and groaned.
‘Gordon, not enough coffee yet this morning.  Take a step back and try again please.’
‘Scott’s smitten and has been for a while now, but he’s never done anything about it.  Didn’t you hear what he was saying?’
‘His mumbles?  Yea, I heard him mumbling, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.’
‘I heard enough.  He was trying to remember if Brains liked lemonade or grape juice more.’
‘Ahh…so finally.’
‘Yup, finally.’
‘Ok, let’s let him be and get ready for our supply run.  Once John lands, we’ll head out.  I was thinking…pizza night tonight.’
‘Oooooo, and a movie?  I’m sure Alan can beam in later.  I'm pretty sure Kyrano sent him up with his favorite pizza.’  Gordon started bouncing.  He always loved their movie and pizza nights.  ‘Can I have pineapple?’
‘Gordon relax.  Yes we can do movie night, and I’ll never understand how you and TinTin can eat pineapple on pizza.’
‘Don’t knock it Virg.’
‘I’ll knock it all I want.  It’s just not right.’  Gordon started to pout.
‘You’ve hurt my feelings big brother,’ he said, laying it on thick.
‘I’m sure.  1 pizza…only 1, for you two to share.  What movie are you thinking?’
‘Hmmm, how about Top Gun?  Scott and Alan both really like that one.’
‘Sure.  Now go shower.  John will be landing soon.’
Scott watched his younger brothers take off for the supply run.  It was rare that John wanted to join in on it, but Scott was pleased to see him branching out a little bit.
‘Gordon remember, only 1 pineapple pizza.  That’ll be plenty for the two of you.  The rest of us would appreciate our favorites too, you know.’
‘I know Scott.  Virgil told me, John reminded me, and now you too.  I promise to bring home lots of pizza for our movie night tonight.  All different varieties…something for everyone.’  Scott smiled.
‘We’ll see you all later.  I already called in the order for pick up in a few hours.  You have the list, right?  I think Kyrano and Brains added a few small pickups too.’
‘They did, and yes we have it,’ Virgil answered.  ‘Enjoy your afternoon Scott.’
‘I will.  Be careful.’  
Scott had noticed that Brains was holed up in his lab.  The last record was 5 days.  His impromptu picnic was the perfect opportunity to get him out of his lab for a break.  He finished setting up the beach before heading down to the lab.
When he arrived at the lab, he stood in the doorway and smiled.  Any time something happened to them on one of their missions, he would go into full blown hermit mode while he worked out how to prevent something from happening again.  Because he was so engrossed in his work, he didn’t hear Scott approach.
‘Hey fella.’  Nothing, no answer.  Scott got his attention when he placed a hand on his shoulder.  ‘Hey, you need to eat.’
‘H-huh?’  Brains’s brain hadn’t quite caught up with the conversation yet.
‘Break time.  I’m taking one too.  Why don’t you come join me for some lunch?  Get some air, some food, and rest and reset for a moment.’
‘I-I’m sorry Scott, but I can’t right now.  This is very important work.’
‘It’s always important work.  Your work is some of the most important stuff here, and we all see, appreciate, and love your hard work and dedication.  You work tirelessly to keep our birds in their best shape possible to help keep us safe on our missions.
‘S-safe,’ Brains huffed.  M-more than once your birds failed to protect you guys.’
‘No,’ Scott started, turning Brains around to face him.  ‘No, more than once we only got off with a few bumps and bruises instead of something far worse.  Case in point, my ribs.  Yes I’m sore and need rest, but nothing’s broken or life threatening.  Without your technology, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.’  Scott paused a moment.  ‘Do you remember what Granddad used to tell us?’  Brains shook his head.
‘If you do not schedule system maintenance, your system will schedule it for you.  He wasn’t talking about work.  He was referring to self care.  And yes, I know, kettle meet teapot.  I didn’t listen to his advice and now I’m on forced downtime so that I can take proper care of myself.  I should have done this weeks ago.  I would have been better off.’  Brains considered his words.
‘I-I guess it’s been a while since I’ve taken a break.’
‘Then it’s settled, come join me for some lunch.’
‘Join you?’
‘Yes.  It’s just us for the next few hours, until my brothers get home with the supplies and pizza.  I made a nice lunch, food enough for both of us.  It’s set up down on the beach.’
‘Oh okay.’  They took the short walk from his lab to the picnic that Scott had set up for them.  ‘S-scott, you did all of this?’
‘It’s nothing much, really.  Just some sandwiches, fruit, and juice.  You like lemonade, right?,’ he asked as he started to pour their drinks.  
‘Y-ses, thank you.  You really didn’t have to do all of this.’
‘We both needed a break,’ Scott started as he started to plate their food.  ‘I don’t know about you, but I like your company, and since we both seemed to need a moment….I thought this was a good idea.’  Scott was stammering, unsure if he made the right decision.
‘I-I like spending time with you too.  You’re one of the few people I know that doesn’t mind listening to me prattle on about my stuff.’  Scott smiled.
‘I don’t pretend to understand it all, but you always talk about your work with such passion.’  Scott didn’t expect to go down this road, but his mouth wouldn’t stop now that it started.  ‘I like you for who you are, all of it.  Please never stop being you.  To be honest, I can’t imagine a life without you in it.’  Brains didn’t know what to say.  No one had ever spoken to him like this before.  ‘May I admit something to you?’  His mouth still didn’t seem to want to stop.  
‘S-scott, you have my strictest confidence.’
‘When you were on the Anasta expedition, it was the first time, in a long time, that I was scared.’
‘You were so excited.  I watched you spend hours planning.  Even during your first check in, you were so hopeful about what you expected to find the next day.’  Scott took a moment.  ‘But the next morning, you missed your check in.  I wanted to hope that you were just too busy with your excitement, but I knew something was wrong.  I’ve seen you forget to eat or sleep, but you’ve never missed a check in.’
‘I’m really sorry Brains.  This has been on my mind a while.  That day, Dad didn’t need to tell me twice to launch.  Hell, if he had told me to wait, I would have gone anyway.  I was both shocked and relieved to see you.  Shocked to see you buried in the sand, relieved to see you alive.  It wasn’t real until I had you out of that sand and leaning against my leg.’
‘I-I’m not sure what to say Scott.’
‘I’m sorry to offload like this on you.  I really just wanted to have some lunch and relax.  I hadn’t planned on this.’
‘Scott….stop….breathe.  F-first, thank you for trusting me with this.  Seeing you that day was a huge relief for me too.  The logical part of me knew that you’d come once you realized something was wrong and that T-thunderbird 1 would be the first to arrive, but I was relieved to see you standing in front of me.’  Brains covered his hands with his own.  ‘I-I can’t imagine a life without you in it either….I-I’m not sure what to do now.’  He said, turning timid.  
‘How about this? We take it 1 step at a time.  We both enjoy each other’s company, right?’
‘I-I’d like that,’
‘That settles it then.  One step at a time and see what happens.’  They both smiled and continued their impromptu picnic.  Scott didn’t expect them to have this conversation today.  It really wasn’t his intention, but he’s glad they did.
‘S-scott, one thing first.  I-I’m not sure what you expect of me.  I’m relieved that we’ve both admitted our feelings to each other, but I-I don’t know what you expect.’  Scott took his hands in his own.
‘Nothing, I expect nothing.’  Brains looked at him, confused.  ‘Really.  I’m just happy to have you in my life.  If this leads to something more, great…if not, then I still have you as a close friend, and that’s ok too.  Do you expect anything of me?’
‘No Scott, same as you.  1 step at a time and see what happens.’
The next months go by.  Brains had asked Scott for a favor, part because he needed to learn something, but it would also be the perfect excuse to spend some extra time together.  After Anasta, he realized that his self defense skills were not good enough.  Scott was more than happy to work with him.  Through these lessons, they took time to learn more about each other.  
The more Brains learned about Scott and observed him, the more he saw his natural born leader.  He would question Scott about the reasons behind some of his decisions.  It wasn’t to criticize, but to help him break down the why behind it, so that next time, he could anticipate.  If he could break down some of the decisions better, then he could improve their technology.  Never once did Scott tire of his questions or lose patience with him.  
They would face a big test with the Sun Probe mission.  Scott knew that Brains was keeping a close eye on the mission.  He had friends at mission control, and every so often, they’d run their ideas or calculations by him.  Scott came down to his lab to see if he wanted to watch over the broadcast with them.  He wasn’t surprised when Brains said no, that he’d rather keep working on Braman.  Braman was his newest project.  There was talk about what to do next if the Sun Probe mission went well.  Rumor had it that they were considering a deep space mission.  If they were to accomplish that though, they’d probably have to use hibernation pods, which meant that they’d need a robot like Braman to help.  If he could get Braman to think faster, better, more independently, then he could gift it to the program.
‘T-thank you Scott, but I want to keep working here.’
‘Ok, just don’t forget to eat something.’
‘I won’t.  I have my coffee here too.’  Scott left him to his work and returned to the lounge to watch the broadcast.  While watching it, Jeff mentioned that Brains should be there to watch with them.  Before Scott could answer, Jeff got up and went down to the lab to fetch Brains. 
Jeff smiled as Brains essentially shooed him from his lab.  He knew all he needed to know about the mission, and he had a direct link with his friends over there.  He didn’t need the broadcast to know what was happening.
Brains did take a break once he saw the data start streaming in.  After a moment, he made a hurried call to his friends, but they didn’t answer.  They were probably all too busy celebrating the mission’s success.  He could see a problem brewing.  He went up to the lounge to inform Mr. Tracy of his concerns.  He saw them all watching the broadcast still and expressed his concern.  A few moments later, the broadcaster confirmed that they hadn’t fired their retro rockets to return them home.  International Rescue was needed.  While Jeff called Cape Kennedy, Brains went back to his lab to pour over his data and maybe distract himself some.  
After his call, Jeff convened everyone in the lounge, and they started going over options.  As they threw out ideas, Brains crunched numbers in his head.  He knew that his birds and technology were good, but would they be good enough?  Safety and excellence first, he always told himself, which meant that he had extra room to work, but even pushing things, it was too close to tell if they could pull this off.  Thunderbird 3 could withstand a lot, but this went well over anything they thought to test.  She would have the clearer shot with her beam, but Thunderbird 2’s were stronger.  The problem was, he couldn’t just switch them with each other.  He could modify them both, maybe make them work a little bit better, but he couldn’t just switch them.  He stored that as a future problem to solve.  
In the end, they took Gordon’s idea and decided to try both approaches.  Hopefully 1 or both would work.  Just before Thunderbird 3 was ready to launch, Scott came down by him.
‘Hey fella,’ he started, handing him a cup, ‘have some coffee.’
‘T-thanks Scott.  I-I’m still nervous about this mission.  The numbers are too close to tell.’
‘Safety and excellence first, right?’ Scott said, turning him around to face him.  ‘You’ve poured every fiber of your being into these craft.  I trust that they will get the job done.’
‘No, Brains.  I trust you.  I trust your machines.  Trust me on this mission.  We will bring them home and be home before you know it.’
‘Of course I trust you.  I-it’s the numbers, that’s all.  I-I can’t stop going over them.’
‘You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t,’ Scott said, giving him a hug.  ‘Dad wants to meet with us all 1 more time before we launch.’
‘I-I’ll only be a moment.  I just need to put these panels back on.’
‘Good man,’ Scott said as he left to return to the lounge.  Brains kept thinking.  There were too many unknowns, it was too close.  
Up in the lounge, they went over the mission parameters 1 more time.  Jeff couldn’t hide his worry about sending Tin Tin on the mission, but Alan was right, he needed an engineer with them in space.  Brains was needed in Thunderbird 2 for her part.  After the briefing, Scott stole a quick moment with Brains.
‘Save this for later,’ he said, handing him a box.  He then returned to the lounge and set off.
With Thunderbird 3 launching, Brains shifted his focus to Thunderbird 2.  He couldn't shake off his anxiety with this mission, and it got worse the more he ran his numbers.  He had to keep telling himself to have faith.  After all, Scott seemed to have faith in him and his machines.  He repeated to himself that he was an excellent engineer, and he wouldn’t be with International Rescue if he wasn’t.  Thankfully he made sure to have his checklists for everything.  They helped to keep him on point.  Unfortunately, they weren’t a fool proof way to check everything.  He missed that Virgil had packed the wrong box.
Before leaving the island, Brains put the box that Scott had given him on his work bench.  He needed to grab some of his tools to make some adjustments to Thunderbird 2.  
Out in space, the first part of the mission was relatively uneventful.  Scott heard Alan mumbling to himself.
‘I just don’t get him sometimes.’
‘Who Alan?’  Alan looked at him surprised.  He hadn’t realized that he was talking loud enough for anyone else to hear him.
‘Brains.  It’s been bothering me.  I mean, why would he rather play with his robot than watch the broadcast with us?  Wouldn’t he have seen the issue sooner?’  Scott shook his head.
‘Did it ever occur to you that he wanted to keep himself busy?  Or that he has friends in mission control that were feeding him information faster and earlier than any broadcast could?’
‘In fact, if he hadn’t been in his lab to see the data himself, he probably wouldn’t have realized the danger as fast as he did.  Did you know that he tried to call mission control before coming upstairs?’
‘No, I didn’t,’ Alan answered sheepishly.
‘His friends were so busy that they didn’t see the danger, nor did they answer his call.’  Alan was seeing Scott’s passionate side.  It could be downright intimidating.
‘Geeze Scott, don’t jump down my throat.  It was just a question.’
‘Alan, you and I both know that it wasn’t ‘just a question’.  There was more to it than that.  You honestly thought that he didn’t care.’
‘Whatever Scott.’
‘No Alan, not whatever.  If you had spent even 5 minutes with him before all of this, you would have known.  Instead, you assumed and let yourself get hung up over nothing.  Did you know that he’s looking to gift Braman to the space program?  Did you know that if the Sun Probe mission goes well, that they’re considering other deeper space missions?’
‘Wait, really?’  Scott turned his attention to the panel in front of him and continued speaking.
‘Yea, there’s talk about a deep space manned mission, but that’ll probably need to involve those hibernation sleepers.  Which means that they’d need something to help watch over the ship while her astronauts are asleep, that’s why he built Braman.  That’s why he’s trying to get him perfected.  Braman would be a huge asset to them.’
‘I didn’t know all of that,’ Alan admitted.
‘No you didn’t Alan.’  Things were quiet for a little bit before Alan spoke up.
‘Say Scott.  How do you know all of this?  Last I checked, you didn’t have a huge interest in space exploration.’
‘I’ve spent time with him, taking interest in his interests.’  Alan got quiet again.  He realized how wrong he really was about just about everything in the past 24 hours.
‘I’m sorry Scott.  It was pretty rotten of me to think that way about him.’  Scott ruffled his hair.
‘It’s ok Sprout.  Next time though, look at the situation from all sides.  You were just looking through your eyes, that you didn’t see things through his.  It’ll help you with your missions too, you know.  Bad assumptions/blindness lead to mission failures.’
‘I will Scott, I promise.  Say, if I act like a twit like this again, feel free to snap me out of it.’
‘Sure little brother, sure.’  After their conversation, they decided to test their beam.  Scott was hoping that they’d be lucky.  The beam wasn’t enough, they had to go closer, but Scott didn’t want to risk Tin Tin’s life.
‘Alan, call Tin Tin and tell her to get to the escape capsule.’
‘Scott, we can ask her if she wants to go, but I know her well enough to know how she’ll answer.’
‘It’s not about asking her, Alan.  I’m telling her to get into the escape capsule.’
‘Listen Scott.  She knew the risks when she came with us, and we need an engineer down there.  I might be good, you might be good, but out of the 3 of us, she’s the best.  If something needs to be adjusted or if something goes wrong, we will need her to fix it.  I trust my bird, but I simply don’t know enough about the beam to fix it if it breaks, or even how much I can push it.’
‘She doesn’t have to take this risk with us.’
‘She chose to come.  You can ask her, but I’m pretty sure that I know her answer.’
‘You don’t speak for her you know.  I know you two are close, but you don’t make decisions for her.’
‘Like what you're trying to do now?’
‘Touché little brother.’
‘Scott, ask her, but don’t be surprised when she tells you no.’  Alan was right.  She refused to leave them.  
Back on Earth, Brains and Virgil were busy working on their own calculations.  Their beam wasn’t good enough.  The beam in Thunderbird 3 would have to work.  Brains knew that Tin Tin was working tirelessly on her own modifications and calculations.  It had to work.  As Brains picked through his own data to see if he could get their beam to work, he saw the Sun Probe craft move to head back towards Earth.  Brains thought to himself, after this mission, I am picking apart every piece of this data.  Thunderbird 3 needs to be able to handle deeper space missions if the space agency was going to go deeper into space.  
As he was deep in thought, they heard from base.  Mr. Tracy confirmed that Thunderbird 3 was able to fire the Sun Probe’s rockets, but they could see that Thunderbird 3 hadn’t fired her own to turn around to return home.  He had to do something.  This mission would not end this way.  They still had their beam.  Thunderbird 3 was closer to the Earth than the Sun Probe.  Maybe they could reach 3.  It was a long shot, but they had to try.  He discussed his idea with Virgil.  Virgil was on board, so they went over to the pod to get the mobile computer.  Brains needed help with the math.  They discovered that they had packed Braman by accident, but he was able to get the job done.  His calculations brought Thunderbird 3 and her crew home.
After the mission debrief, and some much needed rest, Scott joined Brains and Braman in their game of chess.
‘Did you open my box?’
‘No Scott.  W-with the excitement of the mission, I didn’t have time.  I’ll go get it.’
‘I’ll walk down with you.’  They made the quick walk in comfortable silence.  Scott saw the box, picked it up, and handed it to Brains.  ‘You didn’t have to wait, you know.  Here, open it.’  It was a simple box.  Brains opened it, unsure why Scott had given him this.
‘O-one of your dog tags?’
‘Yes, I wear the other one still,’ he said, pulling out the one around his neck.  ‘But, I wanted you to have this.’  Scott took the necklace out of the box and put it around Brains’s neck.  ‘Do you know what it means when a soldier give someone their dog tags?’
‘No Scott, I don’t.’
‘Soldiers do not share their tags easily or lightly.  It signifies the highest trust and respect.  It means that I trust you with my life.  It is also a reminder that you are never alone, and that you’ll always have someone fighting for you.’  Scott steadied himself, his hand covering the do tag on Brains’s chest.  Brains was at a loss for words.
‘I want you to know how I feel.  In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I care about you a lot, and I cannot imagine my life without you in it.’
‘Nor I without you S-scott.  Thank you for this,’ he said, placing his hands over Scott’s on his chest.  ‘I’ll cherish this always.’
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lovemebutleavemewild · 6 months
Leave it to the land - Chapter 5
The world has ended, it's over—except some people can't seem to accept that. Those same people think the cure lies in people like you and your little sister. And they're willing to do anything to find it.
Read it on ao3.
Tag list: @elentiyaiswriting
You actually sleep this time. Ghost can tell the difference straight off, when the tension finally leaves your shoulders for the first time in three days.
He's usually good at reading people but he's not fully sure what to make of you. After that time on the roof, he'd thought you were hopeless, thought they'd be babysitting you as you froze up every two minutes.
Then when he'd opened the door back at the safehouse and you'd practically ran into him, there'd been this blazing look in your eyes, like you were ready to set the world on fire.
He'd felt it again, in the creek. You practically vibrated with an energy, with that tiny knife clutched in your hand like you were ready to take on the whole world with it, and win.
He wonders if that's why Gaz likes you. And he must like you, if he told you about one of the safehouses—they're not meant to tell people about the safehouses, no matter what.
Ghost is usually good at reading people but he's always read Kyle Garrick as a cautious, smart man and he can't figure out what made him trust you so wholeheartedly.
Which means you're someone he hasn't read very well at all.
After Ghost and Soap don't murder you in your sleep, it doesn't really make sense to stay awake every night.
You still keep Dot close to your side and take your turns taking watch every night, even though Ghost and Soap never let you keep watch alone. After a few nights, you finally snap while you’re alone with Soap.
“Do neither of you trust me not to let us all get eaten, or is it just him?” You jerk your head in the direction of Ghost's tent.
Soap laughs.
“It’s definitely both of us,” he tells you and it's harder to be angry when he's grinning at you but you refuse to let your mouth twitch.
“Ghost is just cautious, hen,” Soap finally tells you. “Two sets of eyes are better than the wan.”
“You don't seem cautious,” you observe.
“Maybe cautious is the wrong word. A’m cautious. Ghost is more like … paranoid.”
And isn't that the understatement of the century.
Soap tells you more about himself as the days pass, either while you share watches or during the day as you walk.
He tells you how he was born in Scotland, the youngest of a family full of sisters, how he enlisted in the army and left home at 18.
He tells you how he worked with Kyle, calls him a good lad.
He explains that when things started to go bad, they were called back. From one warzone to another.
Dot walks a little closer to Soap now, always keeping either him or you between herself and Ghost. You get it. Soap, with his broad accent and constant jokes, feels safe. Ghost feels like any child's nightmare.
On the fifth day, you wake later than anyone else.
Embarrassed, you join Soap and Ghost where they're sitting, examining a map, after checking on Dot. She's eating some kind of granola bar—you assume Soap gave it to her. You suppose you should be happy she's getting more to eat, and try not to feel weird about him giving her food.
Soap turns to you as you approach them.
“Getting down to it now, hen,” he says. “Ya need to tell us where we're goin’ next.”
You hesitate. You have two options now—you can tell them where the safehouse is and make your break for it before you ever get there, or you can find Kyle first, and hope he chooses to help you over his supposed friends.
You refuse to believe Kyle knows anything about the lab in the city. He'd been so adamant he'd get you out when you told him.
“Won't let them make you do anything. Especially not something like … that.”
Kyle will help you, you're sure of it. But if the two of you go against Ghost and Soap, you're not sure you'll be able to hold your own, even if you are technically even in terms of numbers. Things could get ugly once they realise Kyle doesn't want to hand you and Dot over for a payday.
You take the map from Soap. Your eyes zero in on a large red X seemingly a few miles from here. Soap sees your fingers trail over it.
“Army base—they set up a medical camp there in the early days. Still pretty overrun.”
You nod and focus on the rest of the paper.
“Here,” you point to the place on the map, the one Kyle had shown you the night before everything went to shit. Soap hums and makes a circle where you've pointed, then tugs the map out of your hands, holding it out to Ghost instead.
“Right in the centre of the city. Figures,” Soap tells him. Ghost grunts.
“Let's move while we've got good light,” Ghost tells them. Soap nods and calls over to Dot.
“You ready to go, hen? Get that horse saddled up, eh?”
You only half hear Dot’s laughing protests about Pegasus not being a horse. You're less than a day's walk away from the safehouse now. You'll be there by the time night falls.
The rest of the day passes without incident. As you get closer to the city, you come across more and more of the dead. You, Soap, and Ghost dispose of them without issue. Without ever discussing it, you've started to put Dot in the centre with the three of you forming a loose circle around her. You're not sure when it happened but you know it means she’ll be more protected.
At least until they try to hand us over to the sentries. You force yourself to keep remembering that.
It's just starting to get dark when you reach the edge of the city. You stop just short of the tree line and look down. You put your hand on Dot's head. You could feel her getting increasingly more nervous each time you came across a tier five and you try to comfort her without saying anything.
“Looks like there's an old apartment building up this side street that’s close to where we're going.” You turn your eyes to where Soap is pointing.
“Could be a good place to keep a look out, scope out if the place is empty or not. What d'ya reckon?” he asks.
“Could be,” Ghost says, gruff as always.
“I'll check it out. You cover me.”
You raise an eyebrow at that.
“You think we should split up?” You make it clear from your voice how much you like that idea. Soap shakes his head at you.
“Scout clears the area and checks it's safe before sending the whole team in, hen. Standard practice.”
Standard practice. Military men . Of course.
“Well, why you?” You make an effort not to look at Ghost but the implication, why not him?, hangs in the air.
“Way we do it—way we've always done it.” Soap's tone of voice brokers no argument.
“We'll hole up in that one.” Ghost points at a smaller, closer building. “Good vantage point to pick off any problems.”
There's not much point arguing, not when the sun is already starting to burn lower in the sky. You have no desire to be outside after dark.
“Let's go.”
This last part of the journey you make in silence. You're not alone anymore and you all know it. In the quiet, you can hear the sound you've long come to associate with the dead—shuffling feet, low groans, the occasional this as they trip over one another.
When you reach the door to the first building, Soap nods at you and Ghost, chucks Dot under the chin and heads off alone, gun tucked carefully under his arm.
The door to the building groans loudly when Ghost shoves it open. You push Dot ahead of you to squeeze through, terrified the noise will draw attention. Ghost follows you both and shoves the door closed. He disappears for a second into an adjoining room then reappears, seconds later, dragging a sturdy wooden table. After a second's hesitation, you grab the other side and together, you shove it against the door.
Ghost looks at you shrewdly for a second then starts up the stairs. You roll your eyes.
“C’mon, Dee,” you say and the three of you start to climb. It looks like you're in an old apartment building—some of the doors have welcome mats outside.
Ghost doesn't stop at any of the doors but continues as far as the stairs go before pushing open the fire exit and stepping onto the roof.
He's just stepped away from the door, with Dot following, when something lurches forwards, straight towards Dot.
You lunge forward, grabbing the knife from your belt, but before you get there, Ghost grabs the man by the scruff of the neck. The next second, you see the top of his knife protruding through the front of its skull and what once was a man slumps to your feet, finally still.
For some reason, this really annoys you.
“I would have got it,” you snap at Ghost, pushing past him. You let him secure the door himself this time while you check the rest of the roof is empty. Then you make your way to the lip of the roof to look down.
“Not too close!” you snap at Dot when she tries to follow. She juts her chin out at you, the way she does when she's annoyed but you don't care. You're way too high up to be comfortable with seeing your little sister craning over the edge.
Ghost evaluates the roof carefully, then paces along the edge of the roof, checking the scope of his gun every few seconds until he finds a spot he's happy with. Then he puts a hand to the radio strapped to his shoulder.
“Soap, how copy?” He asks. After a second, you hear Soap's voice come through the speaker.
“Clear copy. You ready?”
As soon as Ghost gives the affirmative, you're leaning over the edge of the building again, looking for him.
Eventually you notice him darting from one alleyway to the next. He's making good progress down the street. Ghost has his gun trained on his movements but so far, Soap has handled the few dead he meets on his own, quietly.
Progress is steady, but slow, and after a while, you find your eyes wandering up the street.
“Shit!” you feel rather than see Ghost's head move in your direction and you point without looking at him. He turns his head again and understands in a second, his hand flying back to the radio.
“Soap, there's a herd heading your way. Find cover.”
“Might be a bit of a problem there, LT.”
You see what he means. The portion of the street he's on seems to be filled with either shops or parking garages at floor level, each one blocked by a metal roller door. In fact, the closest escape from the street seems to be the building Soap was aiming for anyway. The problem is, it's still a distance away and the herd is moving towards it too, from the opposite direction.
Ghost seems to realise it at the same time as you do. You wonder if you imagine the second of hesitation before he reaches for his radio again.
“Gonna have to run for it. I'll cover you.”
Soap has no such hesitation and starts to run at once, almost at the exact same time as the first of the dead sees him.
Things seem to move in a blur after that. Ghost is shooting, picking off anything that gets close to Soap, but there are always more coming.
Soap slams into the front door of the building just as the first dead reach it. Ghost shoots one but another grabs at Soap's shirt. He turns and stabs it through the eye, his other hand clutching around for the door handle. You have just enough time to pray it isn't locked when he falls backwards inside. Two more dead start to follow him. Again, Ghost shoots the first but the other stumbles inside, out of your line of sight. The door slams shoot behind it.
“Soap, how copy?” Ghost's voice is tense and only gets worse when there's no answer.
“Soap, how copy?” Still nothing.
“ Johnny!”
“Clear copy, LT. All good.”
If you weren't looking at Ghost as he said it, you'd miss the second where he closes his eyes, just a second of relief, before it's gone.
“Good. Get upstairs until those fuckers clear the front. We'll need to wait until the street is empty before we come to you.”
It's quiet after that.
Ghost warns you not to make a fire which rules out most of the food you have. You're looking through the bottom of the bag for a makeshift dinner when something lands on the ground next to you. You look over to see two of the MREs the two men are always eating. You clench your teeth but if it's a choice between accepting a favour from Ghost and letting Dot go hungry, you can bite your tongue about it.
About other things though … not so much.
“So,” you say later, when Dot is asleep. Ghost is staring down onto the street and you sit on the flat lip of the roof, leaning against the wall of the building so you're looking at him. “Johnny, huh?”
Ghost just grunts.
“Gonna tell me your name, too?” you ask him sweetly.
You know you're poking the bear but you can't help it.
“If I guess, will you tell me if I get it right?”
“You know, I heard tier twos were psychic, didn't think there was anything to it.”
You scowl. In the early days, when the tiering system was first introduced, some crazies started believing that anyone categorised as a tier two were like witches, and that they had powers like psychosis and healing which was why they were more immune than others. You had heard rumours about such people in the centre and the stories about what they did to the tier twos they managed to catch. You weren't sure if any of them were true but they all made you feel sick.
As much as you dread being caught by sentries, you're more scared of being caught by people like that. Hard to reason with people desperate enough to believe such things.
“Sounds like you know a lot about tier twos,” you snap at Ghost. This comes dangerously close to admitting that you know he plans to sell you out. How many others like you has he come across and sold out?
He's quiet for so long you wonder if he might have fallen asleep standing up. It's too dark now to see even his eyes through his mask. But then-
“My brother was one.”
You jolt and stare at him, wondering if he's joking.
“You brother was what?”
Ghost shrugs.
“A tier two. Apparently. You should get some sleep. I'll take the first watch.”
You consider arguing but he's turned away from you now, clearly done with the conversation. Anyway, you're still catching up on the days of sleep you lost and you know tomorrow will be a long day, so without saying anything else, you climb into the sleeping bag next to Dot, hoping to get a few hours of sleep. You plan to wake up later in the night so you can insist on taking second watch.
And you would have done, if your sleep wasn't interrupted what felt like minutes later by a slamming door and raised voices. Your eyes snap open at once. You'd positioned the sleeping bag behind an old heating unit to block it from the worst of the wind so you can't see anything. But you don't need to be able to see. Instead you listen, hearing a bunch of voices of people you don't know. One in particular stands out.
“Lower your weapons and step towards me slowly, hands on your head,” the voice says. “Don't pull anything or I swear, I'll blow your fucking head off.”
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p-r-art · 6 months
The Half Hashira Kap. 6
Pairing: Demon Slayer x reader
Warnings: None
Form: Fanfiction
Part 5
Plot: You are half human half demon, 400+ years old, the Hashiras accepted you a long time ago, but Muzan has other plans for you, because there are some secrets about you that only Muzan knows
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After changing into my kimono for the day, I joined the others outside. The sun was now higher in the sky and the warmth radiated over my body.
"(Y/N) my goddess you look stunning as always!" Zenitsu shouted again, of course.
I giggled and sighed inwardly.
"Come on we have to go. The crow said earlier that we should go to a mountain because there are demons there." Tanjiro stepped in and made it clear where we were going next.
-Ahh~ Tanjiro is so cute when it comes to missions- My cheeks started to blush at my continued thoughts about the cute boy.
"Hey (Y/N)! Come on now!"
All three of them called out to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly walked behind them. My light blue kimono touched the ground and picked up a few leaves that often lay on the dirt path. The uniform of the demon slayers is stylish and very advantageous in battle, but it's just not my style. I feel more comfortable in kimonos or long dresses, even fighting is easier for me. And when you've lived for several centuries, you've earned enough money, so it's not so bad if something breaks.
"May I ask you a few questions again?" I looked into Tanjiro's large, dark eyes.
"Of course." I smiled at Tanjiro.
"How exactly do you feel about demons? I just can't imagine that you're on both sides. You don't seem to be evil." "Mhm~ I've known Muzan longer than the current pillars and the leader. I wasn't turned by him but was miraculously conceived by a demon and a human. When he found out what I was, he did everything he could to win me over. But as you can see, I never agreed. Muzan is still trying and so are his demons, but well, there is someone else who owns my heart." I said it with an almost pitying tone.
"Wait, you said yesterday that you don't have anyone!" Zenitsu intervened in the conversation.
"I don't have to say everything right away, do I? It makes it more exciting." I giggled and covered my mouth with one hand.
"Who's that guy? I'm going to face him!" Zenitsu shouted even louder and with an euphoria that I have rarely seen.
"You'll see who it is. A lady is silent and enjoys when it comes to men." My smile became sly.
"(Y/N) tell me a little more about the pillars, please. What are they like? What are their powers?" Tanjiro continued to question me euphorically.
-He has a resemblance to Rengoku. The world can't hold two of them. So much energy and friendliness is too much of a good thing-
I pondered and continued to look around as we moved closer and closer to the mountain.
"What's the best way to put this, they're all very…..ehm……special in all ways." I sighed as I thought of all the memories I've had with the pillars. "Their skills have become incredible through years of training. They've become my family, even if it hasn't always been easy." "Do you think any of them know a flame dance?" "A flame dance? Tanjiro I thought you had the water breathing?" There is more than confusion in my voice.
"Yes, I have that too. But there's something else inside me and I want to know more about it. But how do you know that I've mastered water breathing, we've only known each other since yesterday?" Tanjiro looked at me, confused and a little suspicious.
"You caught me out. I've been following you for a while and sent a little bird after you. I really wanted to get to know the offspring and, of course, help you with your sister." I admitted and had to smile again.
The dark-haired boy's face relaxed. His lips twitched upwards into a smile, which also moved into his eyes.
"(Y/N) thank you. And I want-"
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Can I request Platonic zoldlyck gen hc?
God, I knew that this was coming at one point. I'm making reader in here a part of the family.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, clinginess, sabotage, threats, violence, isolation, death
Platonic Zoldyck Family Hc's
Zeno Zoldyck
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🐲 He wouldn't admit it out loud but it's still somewhat obvious that you're his favorite grandchild. There is a certain soft spot the old man harbors for you and it occasionally shines through. He engages in games for children with you if you beg him enough, gives you gladly advice when you train and is always willing to listen to your problems. Zeno prides himself on his experience and the insightful help he can give you because of it. Zeno holds high hopes for you too so it happens very often that he ends up as your personal tutor to help you master the art of assassination. He wants you to succeed the family and their reputation for being the most dangerous assassins known so he teaches you techniques he isn't likely to reveal to anyone else. He's a good balance though since he never goes too brutal on you unless he knows that you can defend yourself and mixes rest and relaxation well with hours of exhausting training. If you manage to master his teachings and finish missions flawlessly, he's sure to always compliment and praise you warmly and grant you a treat.
Silva Zoldyck
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🐺 Silva is incredibly possessive and from all children you're the one he spends the most time with. Kikyo, your maternal figure, rarely gets to see you and so do your other siblings since Silva consumes almost all of your time. He holds you in high esteem and has decided to train you personally in everything. He passes down his teachings that you shouldn't strike unless you're sure to win and goes a bit brutal on you. Hours and hours on end where he goes full beast mode on you even if you can't handle that level of strength yet. He only gives you a break when you're nearly about to faint from physical exhaustion and is very strict, scolds and chides you for everything you haven't kept in mind during the fight. He might end up sending you on missions that are highly dangerous if he sees it as a necessary step in your development as an assassin. Willing to spoil you a bit but only if you've fulfilled or even exceeded his expectations. Everyone in the mansion knows to not upset you or spend too much time with you though since Silva is sure to come after such people and punish them.
Kikyo Zoldyck
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🔺 Kikyo has always been enraptured with you, even when you were still an infant. She's very obsessed and recalls your entire life so far as if it just happened moments ago. She's really clingy and when you aren't with her, you'll hear her shrill voice calling for you. There were times when you didn't come though and in such cases she ordered the butlers of the house angrily to find you and bring you to her, otherwise she'd kill them for their incompetence. She dotes on you and coddles on you in an excessive way, spoils you and dresses you up in all the finest clothes she can find. Money is of no concern. She likely never lets you spend much time with others since she's overprotective and is paranoid that anyone else besides her and her family will be a bad influence for you. So she's likely to kill anyone who she thinks will sully you. You're a splendid assassin in her opinion, she even insists that you should be together with Killua the heir of the family since both of you are more than suited. Spoils you after every mission you fulfilled, although she makes a terrible fuss over possible bruises or scratches, if you let someone even hurt you that is.
Illumi Zoldyck
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🤎 Illumi usually appears void of all sorts of emotions but it's painfully clear for everyone that he has an unhealthy attachment to one of his siblings, you. He constantly hovers near you and stares intensely into everyone who steps too close to you or spends too much time with you. It's creepy and unnerving and even the well-trained butlers tend to get shivers. The man is also awfully possessive over his younger sibling and finds it unnecessary for them to spend time with the other Zoldyck kids, except Killua maybe. If he should be older than you he sort of expects you to obey his words since he's the oldest child and for that holds authority over you. Similar to Silva he holds high expectations for you and is sure to get rid of everything that might interrupt your determination to be an assassin. So you end up isolated as he monopolizes most of your time. It even happens that he follows you on missions assigned to you to see how you're doing with your job as an assassin. If you've done the job well you tend to get a few presents from him, his way to show you that he's proud of you.
Milluki Zoldyck
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💻 Milluki is more demanding and bratty when it comes to his sibling's attention. He tends to spend a lot of time inside his room playing some games or watching some shows instead of being active but that doesn't mean that he should be underestimated. He can definitely be more mean to you, especially if you should be younger and he has a feeling of superiority for being older than you. In that case he commands you often a bit around and is slightly mad when you don't listen to him. Gets incredibly jealous if he finds out that you like one of his siblings more than him which results in him being more salty and rude to you although shortly after he tries to buy your favor by getting you games or snacks you love. Insists that you spend some sibling time with him huddled up inside his room which he locks up since he hates being disrupted when he has you for himself. He participates more when you're on missions, searches for information on the target which he gives you if you spend afterwards more time with him and it's not unlikely that he tries to install a tracker so he can check your location when you're away.
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀 He spends most of his time with you during his early childhood since you're the only one who doesn't pressure him and just grant him a normal childhood. You're trained to be an assassin yourself but understand that it doesn't have to be forced upon him. Killua is clingy, often searches for you and sulks when he finds out that you have left for missions. He acts like a normal child around you, shares his food and snacks with you and even if he's embarrassed, he also loves it when you give him a big hug. When he leaves the family to participate in the Hunter exams, he comes up running to you and asks you if you want to accompany him. Sure, you're a dangerous assassin and don't even need a license but he just wants to take you away from the mountain and be alone with you. He's distraught when you decline his ask since you have to stay here but promise to wait for him. He tells Gon a lot about you as soon as he's become his friend, tells Gon his goal of leaving together with Alluka and you the family so all of you can be free.
Alluka Zoldyck
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💝 Her and Nanika both adore their sibling a lot, shown by Nanika's willingness to grant only Killua and you freely wishes. You never abuse the kindness and affection Alluka and Nanika hold for you though since your sibling is precious to you. Alluka is essentially imprisoned in the mansion but you still insist on spending time with her which makes Alluka really happy. She always wants to play with you, wants hugs or to be lifted in the air only to surprise you with a kiss on your cheek or nose. She's very clingy and as a child she always was hanging on your hip like a monkey and that habit continues even as both of you grow older. Since she's never permitted outside, you always bring her souvenirs when you come back from a mission and tell her from all the things you have seen. When Killua comes to save her, she insists that she wants you to come with her and starts crying too. You gladly tag along though, relieved that your beloved sibling is finally free from this family. Alluka wants you to show her all the places you told her about during her time inside.
Kalluto Zoldyck
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🏮 Kalluto is the silent type who walks behind you like a little duckling. He's the youngest and that makes him insecure a bit although he isn't above using that to his own advantage too if he knows that it'll guarantee him your attention. If you just happen to be the youngest one, he acts like your silent guardian as he's weirdly protective over you. Kalluto tries to impress you as he feels a need to prove himself, specifically if he really is the youngest. As much as he enjoys and loves seeing you doting on him a bit, he also wants you to see that he's just as much of a capable assassin as you are. He wants to watch you training since he idolizes you quite a bit and believes your fighting abilities and Nen powers to be really amazing. He's upset when he doesn't get to spend time with you for a longer while but rarely complains and instead keeps silent. He knows that it can't be helped when you have a job but he spends hours outside waiting for your return. He runs to you as soon as you return, tugs your clothes shyly as a silent way to ask for a hug.
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