#or i guess binary trans
The line between binary and nonbinary trans people is nowhere near as clean as some of yall think it is
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boyquiet · 1 year
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aa4 port during pride month trans people stay winning
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aro-oats · 4 months
I feel a lot more connected with my aromantic label than I do my asexual label
not sure if it's cause I like the aro flag more (I love green so much) or if it's because I feel the romance aspect comes up a lot more than the sex
just wondering if anyone else feels this way with their labels
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ftmwarewolves · 4 months
So what's up with the hatred for binary trans men within the queer community? Even within the trans masculine community as a whole, what is with the cruelty?
Why is it that when a trans femme spoke to me about other trans men in her life, she turned around and used "thats so binary" as an insult towards them, as if she wasn't talking to a binary trans person. Not that it's the worst thing in the world, but it raises questions. At least to me.
What is with that? Why is it wrong for binary trans men to be men? It's not wrong for trans mascs to be masc, so what is the deal with being a man? Does it still really just boil down to simply being a man?
Do you internally think we are "gender traitors" still?
Bc that's what it seems like to me. You can be whatever you are, as long as it isn't a binary trans man.
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warmafternoon · 8 months
Trans people that own a chest binder, do you ever like not wear it for like 4-5 days and you're like "man I wonder why im so sad" and you realize its cause you've had ur tiddies out for 4 days and then you put it on and you feel better
cause I do this every damn week
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Having endometriosis while trans is fucking hell.
Like, it's not enough that I'm severely dysphoric, no... I need to be in severe pain from my organs gluing themselves together with adhesions while I feel like my right ovary/testicle is imploding.
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pickled-flowers · 2 months
I wonder what about me, a trans man with boobs, make people think I don't experience misogyny 🤔
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nothorses · 10 months
I may fully be a binary man but in the same way as gomez addams is fully a man (gender subclass: husband (my love of my not yet wife and my general devotion to the women I love is a part of my sense of gender))
I think that being Just A Man And Nothing Else At All is also something that comes with variation and unique relationships to gender and all the spicy stuff that the patriarchy hates.
I'm a man, and I'm also like, horse guy/nerd/academic/artsy/faggy subclass, or whatever. And every cis man at this horse show I'm at right now (most of the attendees) fucking hates me for my tboy swag, even though I am Also a horse guy (I didn't bring the cowboy hat or the big buckled belts bc I didn't wanna wear felt hat and fucking jeans in 100 degrees. I'm just a bad person I think)
anyway point being that "binary man" just means "not nonbinary", but nonbinary people aren't the only ones who get to be funky little freaks about gender.
you are Gomez Adam Man Gender and that's cool as hell dude you don't need to qualify your unique relationship to manhood. everyone should have one of those.
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ebonytails · 2 months
maybe im just dumb but what is the difference between kris p and kris t?
TL;DR - They are Kris Dreemurr fictives and we needed a way to differentiate them
Oh you're not dumb, don't worry! It really is a little confusing because we haven't talked about who they or we are in a very long time. I'm going to talk a lot here so you have all the context you might need! If it''s too long,, the TL;DR above is the gist of it.
For context, we are a system! You can read about it a little in our FAQ
Kris T and Kris P are TWO Kris introjects/fictives of Kris Dreemurr from Deltarune in our system.
Originally we just had Kris T who split in Dec 2018, and then when Chapter 2 came out, Kris P came into our system after that. Of course at first, Kris T. was just "Kris", but since we had a double now, we had to figure out how to differentiate between the two. We knew another Kris fictive from a different system at this time who was nicknamed P. Kris by Susie in our system, and susie wanted to emphasize who she was talking about.
SO. As a small nod to that, everyone decided to nickname Kris P as Kris P, as an inverse of P. Kris.
A little convoluted, I know!
Besides being Kris introjects/fictives though, they also look different! I made some new drawings to try and showcase their differences if that helps :3?
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Their dark world forms also look different. Kris T's is simpler, with a shiny soft cape, while Kris P's is more complicated with a hooded cape, which is also described as "very comfortable"
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Here's a whole Toyhouse of images of how Kris T. looks like right now! There's also his reference ! vvv
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Sorry if you weren't interested in our "life story"! They're not just random characterizations (they are alters), so I wasn't sure how to answer w/o giving you some sort of explanation.
They have their own sideblogs, so if you have specific questions directed towards them, you can always ask here because we'll see it better, or you can send them an ask in their own blogs. Kris T's is @kristalpepsi, and Kris P's is @itswhattheycallyou
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Why the fuck are people on Twitter upset about nonbinary robots. Transformers are aliens, why would they follow another species gender binary based on reproduction when they don't even reproduce sexually. If anything, ALL the robots should use they/them.
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rjalker · 9 months
"only masculine-alligned nonbinary people can be gay and only feminine-alligned nonbinary people can be lesbians"
are you sure you actually respect nonbinary people. Because it doesn't seem like you do.
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iaintkissingnofrog · 2 years
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*overshares but in a comic format*
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alien-from-planet-zog · 2 months
Why Blue and Gansey are Soulmates:
half-tree girl x reborn from a magical forest guy
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buildarocketboys · 4 months
Dear transmascs,
I love y'all, I appreciate your posts and find solidarity in your struggles. But please, PLEASE could you acknowledge that some (many) trans people who don't identify as transmasc share in the same struggles? Please could you acknowledge non-transmasc (afab) non-binary/genderqueer people in your posts that also affect them once in a while? Could you please NOT co-opt the death of a NON-BINARY trans person to talk about how transmascs are oppressed for being transmasculine? Like, yes, there are overlaps between transandrophobia and enbyphobia (and transmisogyny) and these are important to talk about but please realise that you can do this WITHOUT erasing non-binary people who do not identify as transmasc.
Idk maybe this seems like a non-issue to a lot of people but it's honestly deeply fucking upsetting to me, as an (afab) genderqueer person. I'm not saying you have to make all posts about transmasc people about non-binary people as well but please just. When something is ABOUT a non-binary person and that person doesn't explicitly identify as transmasc, please, please don't erase their identity and make it ONLY about the experience of being transmasc??
I'm so fucking tired.
A genderqueer person
(btw if you come on this post being shitty about transmascs or talking about how transandrophobia isn't real or whatever, you're getting an instant block. This ain't about that, transandrophobia is real but so is enbyphobia/exorsexism.)
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echojedis · 10 months
People who make nonbinary Star Wars OCs I owe you my life
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Please reblog and put more names in the tags I’m collecting them
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