#or kin explaining their own experiences
oopsallfictives · 2 years
Every now and then I see a post that reminds me that most non-kin have an idea of the otherkin community that's defined more by people who made fun of us than by our community itself
If you heard about otherkin through general tumblr osmosis but never made an effort to actually understand us, your mental image of otherkin is mostly likely informed by people who pretended to be otherkin to start drama with the express intent to get people to hate us. It was really common a while back for anti-kin to create blogs posing as otherkin and post absurd, ridiculous, and inflammatory things like "I'm plantkin and keeping houseplants is slavery" or "I'm dragonkin and I ate my mom's jewelry". If you actually knew anything about the community it was fairly easy to figure out that these blogs were trolls, but most of the people on tumblr at the time either didn't know enough to be able to tell, or didn't even consider that they might be fake
And the most upsetting part? It fucking worked. So many people still seem to think that those posts were genuine reflections of what being otherkin means and how we act or talk about our kin identities
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*NSFW* 'Till Death do us Part (Yandere!Parasite X GN!Reader)
CW: Sexual non-sexual penetration, forced masturbation, mind control/break, unhealthy relationships, yandere behavior, dead dove
This ended up a LOT longer than I had planned, emotionally attached to this non-human yandere ❤️
The Albtu required intelligent hosts in order to live. It wasn't just about survival. To be trapped in ones own body, it was torture. They could not think, could not act, unless they attached themselves to a living brain. If they infested an animal brain, then the only thoughts the Albtu could produce would be primal, forcing their animal suits to find food and housing for their young. But to be in the mind of a human.. it was both heaven and hell. To understand the world around them, truly understand, thinking on a much higher level of existence than their siblings or parents, to experience all that life has to offer, was a miracle they never would have known about had they not been privileged enough to be born in a human. But on the flip side to that coin was experiencing fear. Not the fear of being trapped in a deer coming face to face with a mountain lion, smelling your own demise, but listening to the horrified screams of the original owner of their new body, forever. Learning that the humans they took over were still conscious, kept prisoner in their own minds, forced to watch the Albtu living their lives was a nightmare for the creatures who had only just learned what compassion and empathy was. The existential horror that was knowing that you were nothing but a parasite, and the guilt they felt.. it was too much for many of the Albtu to handle.
For the Albtu who became the human known as (Reader), existence was a bittersweet agony it could neither explain nor fully understand.
It was born into this life in the host of a stray cat, knowing nothing but pain and hunger. It didn't understand what a car was, or why the loud creature charged at it, ramming into it and causing a pain that never went away. Everything hurt all the time, and it couldn't even understand why.
Then, one day, it met warmth. A human, with gentle hands and a soft voice took the time to earn it's trust. They didn't know it was in pain, but their touches were delicate all the same. The human gave it food, and although it didn't have a human's intelligence or concept of identity, it did feel trust and companionship with the human who cared for it as though it was their kin. But the pain grew, and it could feel it's death was approaching. And as an animal, it acted as a dying animal would.
"There you are, baby!" (Reader) called out to their little stray friend, finally finding it hiding under a porch. They laid flat on their front, arm stretched out as far as possible towards the small bundle of fur, and quietly clicked their tongue and wiggled their fingers. "Why're you hiding, baby?"
The cat gave a warning yowl, in too much pain to bat the human away. (Reader) took off their coat in an attempt to flatten their body, and squished themselves into the small space to close in on their kitty.
"C'mere baby.." The adult whined as they continued inching closer. When they finally got far enough under the porch to touch two fingers onto the matted fur of it's thigh, the cat cried out in pain. "What's wrong?!" They recoiled their hand, but only to writhe faster and more frantically towards the animal whose breathing was slowly turning ragged. (Reader) placed their face close to the kitten's, tears building in their eyes as they tried to keep their heart rate steady, hoping that the cat could feel their attempt to soothe it in it's possible final moments.
"Hey, baby... I'm here..." They whispered into the tawny kitty's pink little nose.
It was then that the Albtu's primal instincts morphed from the need to hide during it's death, to a fight for survival. It couldn't survive for long outside of a host, a few seconds at most, the transition needing to be nearly seamless. The cat howled in pain, as what appeared to be a black, semi translucent single celled organism the size of Reader's palm, shot out from it's nose, thrusting itself into (Reader's) nose before they could react, and quickly slipping through impossibly small crevices in their anatomy, slinking in a fluid like state till it reached their brain. There was an electric shock that pulsated throughout (Reader's) body, then they were no longer in control.
The Albtu became self aware the moment it took hold of (Reader's) brain, which was immediately followed by the realization of what it had done, the betrayal towards the only human who had ever shown it kindness, and the remorse caused a physical agony in it's stolen heart, screaming while clawing at (Reader's) shirt.
It howled until (Reader's) throat was burning, and it felt as though it would succumb to exhaustion next to their previous host's dead body.
Outside the neighbor's porch the sun had begun to set, but the body thief hadn't moved, too broken hearted to find the will to live after it had stolen (Reader's) body to do just that. It could hear it's own internal monologue for the first time, and found it far too loud and intrusive. Although it could feel memories that were not it's own, it didn't push further into the brain out of respect for the person it betrayed.
It's breath hitched, thundering heart beat overtaking it's previously drowning thoughts. Like an auditory hallucination, it heard the human's voice, not from behind it, nor from deep inside like it's internal voice, but inside it's ear, like (Reader) hadn't been possessed, but shrunk down to the size of a flea and was hiding in the safety of it's ear.
[Am I dead?] Their voice was so sad and small it made the Albtu cry once again.
"No. No, but you are no longer yourself, which may be worse. I'm- I'm so sorry..."
[Are you a ghost?]
"I don't know what that is.."
[What are you? I can't move my body.] Their voice wasn't scared, but numb. The whole situation was so outlandish it was almost dreamlike, unbelievable.
"I have no name. All I know, is that I am an Albtu. The word echoed in my mind even when I was a mindless cat."
[... You're an alien?]
"I do not know."
[How can you speak my language?]
"I know it as it was an ability of yours, like muscle memory, you do not need to focus to speak it, therefore I can speak it."
[What does that mean? Are you inside my head?] Waves of guilt crashed into it's consciousness, and (Reader) was able to feel it. [...why me?]
The Albtu explained everything, from the moment of it's birth, hatching already inside the cat, to the moment (Reader) found themselves in the passenger seat of their own body, including why it didn't probe into (Reader's) memories. "I am so sorry.. your's is the only love I have ever felt in my life, and if I was who I am right now, I would have allowed myself to die instead of latching onto you. Now, even if I leave your body, it will leave a permanent hole in your brain, and it will kill you."
(Reader) went silent in contemplation, finally coming to terms that this was not a dream, but still unable to force themselves to be angry at the alien inside them. They could feel it wasn't lying to them, feeling it's emotions stirring in their brain alongside their own feelings. A strange excitement bubbled out of the kind little human.
[We can make this work!]
[We can make this work! You just manually act out what I would want to do, and we can discuss how to move forward so we can both continue to live fulfilling lives.]
A heat krept over it's face, heart swelling at how kind it's human was. "I don't deserve your kindness. But I thank you, and I will do my best to help you continue live as normal."
[My name is (Reader). That's what you'll have to respond to, but I need something to call you.]
"..I can't verbalize it, but I knew you would repeat a word often to me when I was the cat. Was that a name?"
[Oh, yeah, but you were a kitten, so I called you baby. We can't name you Baby, because that's also used by humans as a nickname between lovers.]
"Oh. Then, could you name me something? I don't know any names other than yours."
That was how the strange partnership, and friendship, between the human, (Reader), and the parasite, Baby, began.
Although (Reader) gave permission to Baby to enter their memories, it refused, still recovering from the unintentional treachery it had already committed against (Reader), so instead (Reader) acted as a teacher, guiding Baby as it learned about the world. And just as they had promised each other, they made it work, Baby happily making memories of it's own as it acted as (Reader), going to work for them and helping keep their life as "normal" as possible.
"What's going on?" Baby pointed at the laptop screen, a scene of a wedding playing on the soap opera (Reader) was watching.
[It's a wedding. Maria and Alonzo are getting married.]
"What is married?"
[Marriage is when two people who love each other very much decide they want to spend the rest of their lives together, so they have a party called a wedding to show their friends and family how much they love each other, and promise to love each other forever in front of everyone they know. Ah, but sometimes marriages don't work out, and people fall out of love. When that happens they sign a piece of paper for the government to swear that they will stop living together as lovers, that's called 'getting a divorce'.]
"Why do they 'fall out of love'?"
[A lot of different reasons. Sometimes, people hurt the ones they love, and their spouse can't forgive them, which causes love to die. But sometimes, it just... happens. Humans change as time goes on, and sometimes the person they become isn't compatible with their spouse anymore; sometimes people hide a part of themselves, intentionally or not, when they meet someone they like, and it only comes out after the get married, and their spouse realizes they don't actually like the real them... It's complicated. There are a lot of reasons.]
Baby focused on the intricate ritual on the screen, the two main characters placing rings on each other.
[Those are wedding rings, to show other people they meet that they are married.]
"Do you Maria, take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
Baby felt (Reader's) awe, knowing if they were in control of their shared body their face would be pink and a large toothy smile would be uncontainable.
"Do you wish to do that one day?"
(Reader's) joy faltered, paining Baby as it regretted asking such a stupid question. [Haha, even if you were okay with me finding someone, it would make me feel a little.. uncomfortable. I'm not one for threesomes haha!] Despite their joking tone, Baby could feel their sorrow. [It's okay though, I may not ever have a husband or wife, byuy I have you! And, unlike Maria and Alonzo, there is no option for a divorce for us, so we really will be together forever.]
The parasite shifted inside (Reader's) skull, manually controlling their heart rate so (Reader) wouldn't feel how hard it would have been beating at their words. Baby knew it was a joke, but that didn't prevent their words from echoing in it's thoughts hours after the episode has already ended.
"(Reader), how do humans decide to get married?"
[When two people decide that they like each other in a romantic way, they date, and often move in together, and then they discuss if marriage is a good option for them. If they both want to get married, one of them buys the rings and proposes to the other one, asking them if it's the right time to get married. Will you marry me? Ohmigosh YESSS!]
"How do they know if marriage is a good option?"
[If they can imagine seeing themselves with each other forever, share financial responsibility together, and are capable of mature communication, I guess. It's different for everyone, but those would be my personal criteria.]
But, we will be together forever... And we share a body, so financially it will be like only caring for one person... And we have to have perfect communication in order for your life to function...
Baby smiled, wrapping it's arms around it's waist as it buried into (Reader's) bedding.
[Hey, whatcha thinking about over there, smiley?]
"You." Baby happily responded, feeling (Reader) glitch out in embarrassment.
In Baby's mind, the only thing missing was a ring. It remembered (Reader's) tenderness towards it when Baby was in that cat, and the kindness (Reader) showed each day only supported Baby's belief that deep down, (Reader) loved it. If not love, than at least cared for deeply, and one day that care would surely bloom into love.
So why was (Reader) stuttering when instructing Baby on what to say to their coworker? (Reader) was supposed to give a report to Lawrence, the serious older man in the cubicle across the office, but when Baby approached him, (Reader) suddenly had a difficult time remembering what they were supposed to tell him.
"(Reader), may I help you?" His voice was deep and stern, authoritative.
Inside, (Reader) was a mess. Baby could feel multiple conflicting emotions in (Reader); embarrassment, nervousness, shame, and something... something Baby had never felt from (Reader). It was like a heat, steaming out of (Reader's) brain and boiling Baby's real body.
"I was asked to deliver these to you." Baby spoke monotonously in (Reader's) voice, handing the stack of papers over before heading back to (Reader's) desk, hearing them sigh in it's ear. Even a simple sigh sounded as though it was a mixture of clashing mental gymnastics.
Baby kept it's voice quiet so (Reader's) coworker wouldn't hear it, whispering: "Are you okay, (Reader)?"
[... Huh? Wha- oh, yeah. I'm okay!]
Their shared heart sunk. That was a lie. Baby tried to ignore the pain forming in it's chest, forgetting that (Reader) could feel it as well. What was this feeling? (Reader) can have secrets, I've allowed them their privacy.. so why is this so upsetting for me?
[Is everything okay, Baby?]
A nickname between lovers. It was just it's agreed upon name, so why did the name send butterflies to its lower belly when (Reader) said it?
"I'm fine with you keeping your privacy, but lying is not mature communication."
Baby stood abruptly, walking out of the building, claiming to a passing manager that it was becoming ill and about to vomit, and left for (Reader's) apartment, not responding to any of their questions or protests.
It roughly slammed the door shut on (Reader's) home, barely containing it's voice until the latch clicked.
[Baby, answer me-]
"Why did you lie to me?!" It's voice was strained, the intensity of it snapping at (Reader) made the voice sound almost foreign to the previous owner.
[What..? I was just embarrassed, I-I don't want to talk about it.]
"People who love each other are capable of mature communication. So talk."
[People who-?] (Reader) steadied themselves, trying not to get upset. [I can see you're upset. Are you jealous?]
"Don't change the topic." Baby spat in a warning tone.
[Jealousy is when you get upset because you think someone has something you want, or may take something you want.]
Baby contemplated their words, but the definition only fueled it's rage. "Are you admitting that Lawrence is someone who could take you from me?"
(Reader's) calm facade cracked. [Take me from you?! I don't belong to you! You are my friend, and I care about you, but we are roommates sharing a body, not lovers!]
With that exclamation, Baby's heart shattered. What? What do you mean? You can't say that! Why did Lawrence cause such strange emotions in you, that you would rather push It away than just talk it out?! And that hot, prickly sensation Baby could sense when (Reader) was in Lawrence's presence..
"It's okay, (Reader).. Well get through this." Baby took a shaky breath, smiling in a comforting manner. "Couples fight, and they say things to hurt one another when that happens. Because humans are complicated. But I'll forgive you for lying to me. It must be a very strange secret that you have, for you to be so embarrassed to tell me about it. I'm sorry for causing you discomfort, however" a tickle in their skull was sensed by (Reader) as Baby stretched out inside, wriggling deeper into their brain, and fear clutched (Reader) at the sudden breach of trust, "if we are going to get pass your lying, I need to know the truth."
Pushing into (Reader's) memory, images of (Reader) watching Lawrence from afar came into view, memories going back years, (Reader) crushing on the older man from across the office, touching themselves while crying out his name in their empty apartment late at night, and the pain of rejection when they finally mustered the courage to ask him to accompany them to a local bar after work, only to be reminded that office romances were unprofessional, and that (Reader) should consider themselves lucky he didn't report them to HR.
If (Reader) were in control of their bodily functions, they would be viciously weeping. Turning the light on the truth, Baby was only slightly hurt at what it saw, because knowing the truth meant they could move on from this little hiccup. The only issue was, (Reader) was still sexually attracted to that man. Baby now had a name for the warmth it felt in Reader back at the office.
"Why do still like him? He turned you down. He's never going to fuck you." Baby chuckled, it's kind tone of voice creating a sadistic scene in (Reader's) opinion.
[That was evil. I can't believe you did that!]
"Don't be dramatic, love. Just tell me what I need to do to make you see me that way also."
[What way?!]
"The way that turns you on." Baby's words paralyzed (Reader), shocking them into silence. "If I make you feel good down there, will you scream my name instead?"
Baby unbuttoned (Reader's) slacks, dropping them to it's ankles before kicking them off and to the side. Gentle fingers pawed at (Reader's) most private place through their underpants. Despite not being in control, (Reader) could still feel the touches.
[Please don't-]
"I never got a good look at what's down there... I always did my best to avert my gaze for your modesty." (Reader) fought inside their own mind to gain control of their body, unable to even close their eyes as they watched their fingers disobey their pleas, slowing pulling down their last barrier from the thing they thought was their friend.
"Wow..." (Reader) had forgotten, that with gaining control of a human mind Baby had suddenly gained the ability to feel every human emotion, including arousal. "It's so cute!" Baby could barely contain itself, running (Reader's) fingers over their sensitive areas so softly it tickled, sending shivers up (Reader's) back.
[Please stop...]
"Ah, but it feels good, right? Even your nipples feel good." Baby ripped open (Reader's) white collared button up, aggressively pinching their already erect nipples. (Reader) held back their grasp, but Baby still felt it. "We share a body, remember, love? You can lie all you want, but your body will tell me the truth."
(Reader) could feel themselves tremble as Baby continued assaulting their chest, alternating between ghostly touches and sharp twists, a slick moisture forming between their thighs. The excitement caused (Reader) to lose strength in their legs, and Baby allowed them to fall to their knees. Panting with how turned on Baby was feeling, it snuck one hand back down, feeling how hot and wet (Reader's) sex already was. The tip of their stimulated organ was hard, and Baby enjoyed stroking it hungrily, enjoying the intense reaction it could feel (Reader) experiencing.
(Reader) was humiliated by the sight of their own masturbation, helpless in their self violation. Baby continued paying attention to the part that had the most nerve endings, slowly removing (Reader's) fingers from their left nipple and bringing it down to the other hand, drenching it in (Reader's) arousal fluid/precum. The wet fingers were stuck in (Reader's) mouth, the parasite sucking while still stroking, forcing (Reader) to taste themselves while it rocked their hips into their dominant hand.
[Please stop- I get it- I'll never lie to you -ah!- again!]
The fingers made a wet pop as Baby pulled them back out of (Reader's) mouth. "But you taste so good, don't you agree? If you don't want your fingers in your mouth, that's fine.. but where should I put them?"
Now fully lubricated, Baby reached behind (Reader) with their moist fingers, tilting their hips slightly before penetrating (Reader's) clenched hole. Finger fucking (Reader) with both hands, rocking them back and forth with the force of the fingers thrusting and stroking.
[NO!] Their screams for help were silent to the rest of the world, only audible to Baby, relishing in the sound of (Reader) screaming loudly just for them.
Desperate for release, (Reader) cried out without thinking [Just STOP! I'LL NEVER LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO TO MY BODY!]
Baby froze, fingers stuck in place, as frightened tears beaded on its eyelashes. "no..." (Reader's) fingers retracted, clenching fistfuls of hair as Baby began to crumble. "NO!!!"
Sobs bounced off the walls of (Reader's) home as Baby frantically wracked it's brains to fix the mess (Reader) had caused. The hacking sounds of anguish didn't lighten or soften as it morphed into unhinged laughter.
"Did you really forget who's in control here? I'm on the one holding onto your fucking brain, (Reader)! All you had to do was continue loving me, love me and only me, because we're practically married! THERE IS NO DIVORCE FOR US, REMEMBER?!"
Although both of (Reader's) hands were still firmly planted in their hair, an intense shock rocked through their sensitive fuck hole. Before the weepy prisoner could question what has just happened another shockwave sent fluids dripping into the hardwood floor.
"Humans are so stupid, saying emotions come from the soul or the heart, when every single bodily function from releasing hormones that tell you that you're in love to interpreting the stimuli that's needed to orgasm, comes from the brain."
The hypersensitivity Baby forced upon (Reader) allowed them to feel it's true body inside their head, sliding in and out of the folds in (Reader's) brain, rhythmically prodding deep into parts that shouldn't be touched. Each thrust into their brain felt like there was a hard cock simultaneously fucking them down below. It didn't make sense, (Reader) couldn't wrap their head around it, somehow feeling Baby violate the wet creases in their brain while a phantom dick stimulated their reproductive parts.
(Reader) came without the use of their hands, sticky fluids forming a lewd puddle under them. But Baby wasn't satisfied.
[What-what happened?]
Another orgasm exploded throughout their sensitive body, falling face forward into the ground with their still twitching ass in the air.
Baby continued dominating (Reader's) mind, forcing their brain to make and release large doses of oxytocin, as every muscle from their stomach to their thighs twitched with contractions.
Another climax forced it's way out, pushing (Reader) way passed the point of overstimulation, pissing on the floor into another stream of fluids. Baby manually constricted (Reader's) throat, while simulating an orgasm of it's own, artificially tricking the brain into thinking it felt a blast of warm fluid fill (Reader's) skull. Before (Reader) could pass out from a lack of oxygen, Baby released their airway, drooling and bawling as it allowed (Reader) to greedily suck in air.
"Who do you love, (Reader)?"
[guh.. pl-please.. no more] (Reader) drunkenly pleaded.
"Wrong answer."
It was like lava engulfing their twitching body as another powerful orgasm was triggered, the burning feeling behind their eyes convincing (Reader) that Baby had shot a load of hot cum deep into their nearly fucked stupid brain. But this time, Baby tried something new, injecting dopamine into the mix as the oxytocin turned (Reader) into a writhing, pathetic mess.
"Who do you love, (Reader)?"
(Reader) tried to conjure the image of the one they truly loved, but for some reason only a hazy image of an older man who's name they couldn't recall briefly flickered before disappearing. Baby smiled, face painted in drying drool and tears, knowing that (Reader) was attempting to think of their coworker, only to discover that Baby had tampered with their memories. Soon, every memory of (Reader) touching themselves would be altered so that they were calling out it's name, not some bastard's from work who didn't even care about them.
Baby licked (Reader's) spit off the floor under their face.
"Who do you love, (Reader)?"
Masochistic shame sent tremors down (Reader's) frame as another climax begun to build. [.. you.]
Overstimulated, aching in pain, and going numb from pleasure, (Reader) screamed through their real voice, shaking the thin walls of their apartment.
"I'm cumming, Baby! Baby! I love Baby! Harder, harder HARDER, PLEASE I LOVE YOU BABY, FUCK ME DUMB, FUCK ME STUPID! I'M CUMMING!!!"
(Reader) had fallen unconscious, still drenched and on the floor, (Reader) slept somewhere deep inside their mind, while Baby had full control of the weak body practically paralyzed from the waist down. It held (Reader's) left hand above it's face, smiling loopy-like, delirious from exhaustion.
"All that's missing is a ring~"
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minniesmutt · 3 months
𝔇𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢: 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯
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     Seungmin, the wild card she met on her first actual day at the manor. Rough but after a few days he did apologize for being somewhat harsh during their first meeting. He’d explained he’d had a lover in the past who was a royal. A runaway attempt was the cause of their death and his turning into a vampire. Selfishly choosing to live.
     Y/n understood. She was well aware from her own experience, that royalty wasn’t all it seemed to be to outsiders. When the thrown was on the line, procedures will do anything to keep it safe. Even if it means getting rid of your own kin that betrayed your wishes.
     After finding out the reason and explaining, he had been just as nice as the others. But he still had a harsher side to him. He was sweet, loving, and kind. Once the arrangement between the nine started, he kept that up until he got her alone in the same library they’d discussed everything in just a mere few hours ago.
     Just relaxing with a book and a cup of tea, similar to their first encounter. A simple conversation turned into a kiss before he smiled devilishly at her while she attempted to pull him back for another. “Needy girl,” He smiled as he crawled over her on the couch they were sitting on while she pushed his jacket away, making him toss it to the ground.
     “You all seemed rather happy about that fact earlier,” Y/n replied as his lips ghosted hers.
     “This isn’t about the others right now,” he smiled as his hand crept up her front till it lay against her neck. 
     His lips were on hers again in the next second. Moving expertly against hers. His hand tightened around her neck. Y/n gasped in his mouth just before he pulled away from her lips and neck. 
     “More,” Y/n whined as she pulled his hand back to her throat. 
     “Want to be treated like a common whore don't you?” Seungmin laughed as his other hand pulled the skirt of her dress up.
     “Please,” Y/n begged 
     “Be careful what you ask for.”
     Seungmin leaned down and nipped at her skin, certainly adding to the marks from Jisung. Hand creeping up under her dress and undergarments.
     “Maybe we should throw out all your undergarments,” Seungmin chuckled, “Could bend you over anytime and take you.”
     His hand rubbed her through the fabric of the said undergarment, making her grind against him. Her hands pulled at his hair. His tongue was warm on her skin as he licked from the hem of her dress to her neck then biting down on the skin. Y/n pulled at his roots as blood flowed into his mouth. 
     “Min,” Y/n moaned out as his thumb brushed over the small little bud through the thin fabric of her undergarments. 
     Seungmin pulled away and sat up on his knees. Her dress bunched up around her waist. Seungmin licked the stray blood from his lips before grabbing the top hem of her undergarments pulled her off her legs and tossed them to the ground. Glancing at her wet folds and laughing, just slightly. 
     “So wet from so little,” He said as he leaned back over her, two fingers running up and down between her folds making her shiver. 
     “In. Please, can’t wait anymore Min.” Y/n pleaded
     “Stooping so low to beg for a vampire to fuck you,” Seungmin chuckled as his two fingers pushed into her. Thumb slowly rolling over her clit. 
     His fingers were already hitting all the right spots inside her. Y/n grabbed onto his wrist as he picked up the speed. Thumb seemingly putting just the right amount of pressure on her clit. She tried to close her legs but was stopped by his body. 
     “Withering just from a couple of fingers?” Seungmin chuckled, pulling his fingers out when he felt her walls contract around his fingers. 
     “Minnie,” Y/n tried pulling his hand back to her but it wasn't even a possibility.
     “Gonna take a lot more than that to get what you want princess. I don’t cave as easily as Jisung.” Seungmin leaned down, kissing her neck.
     “Please Seungmin. Need you inside me.” Y/n reeled as she wrapped her arms around him. Pulling at the back of his white collared shirt. 
     “Which one do you want inside you? My fingers or my cock?” He questioned as he ground his hard cock against her, still confided in his pants, biting on her skin with his front teeth. Y/n moaned at the feeling of his teeth again. “Tell me, princess.”
     “Cock,” Y/n shied away but Seungmin smiled as he moved to pull his bottoms down.
     “Dirty mouth for a royal.” Seungmin laughed
     He ran his tip along her folds slowly as she whined for him to put it in. He teased her a few more moments before finally slipping inside of her. Both moaned as Y/n wrapped her legs around his way. The vampire let her adjust to him. His hands grabbed her waist before he slowly pulled out and pushed back in. 
     Seungmin pulled his mouth away from her neck and sat up to watch her expression as he bullied his cock into her cunt. Hands holding tightly onto her waist before sliding them up to her breasts. Groping them through the fabric of her top. 
     “Should rip this off of you. Make you walk around the whole place nude and dripping with cum,” Seungmin teased and it made her clench around him. 
     Seungmin pulled her breasts out of the garment and ran his fingers over her perked-up nipples. Y/n arched towards him; Seungmin used the chance to lean down and wrap his lips around one as he kept pounding into her. 
     “‘M close Min. Wanna cum…” Y/n whined, pulling at his roots again. 
     “Yeah? Cum all over my cock. Let everyone in the manor know I’m fucking you right now?” he muttered against her nipple. His free hand went between their bodies and pinched her neglected clit. 
     Y/n gasped as her body started shaking under him. Seungmin continued his assault on her clit with his fingers until he brought her to her release. Her body shook under him as she came on his cock. 
     He didn’t let up either. Continued stimulating her throughout her high. Pulling away from her nipple, blowing cool air onto the wet bud before switching to the other one. His hips never stopped abusing her hole whilst his fingers never stopped stimulating her clit. 
     “‘s much.” Y/n blabbered
     “One more princess. Give me one more,” Seungmin momentarily pulled away from her chest to speak before trapping the bud between his lips again. 
     His tip brushed against the right spot inside her and made her cum on his cock again unexpectedly. Seungmin pulled away and took in her fucked out expression, adjusting himself to abuse that same spot. Y/n let out a particularly loud moan before Seungmin wrapped his other hand around her neck. Y/n gasped as she looked at his lust-blown eyes while he pounded her into the sofa. 
     His eyes moved from her bouncing breasts to her cunt swallowing his cock. Fangs took their place as his mouth salivated with the scent of her blood mixed with arousal. He moved back down quickly and sank his teeth into her again. Y/n gasped as the pleasure shot through her and went straight to her core. 
     Seungmin came not long after her third release. Burying his cock deep inside her as his fangs were buried in her neck. Y/n felt limp with his weight on top of her. Her legs loosened around his waist as she finally got a break from his relentless pace. 
     He pulled his fangs out of her first and licked the wound. “Are you alright?” He asked and he kissed her cheek 
     Y/n hummed in response, “tired.”
     “Apologies,” He said
     “Don’t. Felt good.”
     “Let’s get back to your bed. Don’t need you passing out in the library.”
     Seungmin pressed a quick kiss to her lips before fixing both of them up. Focusing on her first then himself. Opting to carry her back to her room. Y/n almost fell asleep in his arms but Seungmin managed to keep her awake long enough to run a bath for her. 
     “Join me,” Y/n whined as he sat next to the tub
     “Not this time princess.”
     Seungmin helped her clean up before dressing her in some more comfortable clothing and putting her into bed. 
     “Lay with me for a bit?” Y/n asked him
     “Alright princess,” Seungmin gave in. He got under the covers with her and pulled her into his chest. Letting her sleep comfortably on him
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sepublic · 10 months
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            I’ve already brought up how the loss of glyphs is deeply tragic for Luz on an interpersonal level, given her relationship with the Titan as being kinda found family in a spiritual successor to Manny sorta way…
            But on a larger, cultural level? It’s straight-up genocide. Because glyphs were an ancient practice; They were a tradition at one point, as Eda explains. The earliest witches used to learn glyphs from the Titan on her knee, and eventually stopped when that became redundant with the more convenient source of their bile sacs.
            But it was still an important part of their history; It was how witches and demons first communicated and interacted with the land and nature, and their ‘god’ in a mutualistic way. It was how they respected their world.
            So even if glyphs were evidently forgotten by the Deadwardian Era, they were still available for those who needed them… And in comes fucking Philip, the racist colonizer, and because of his possession of the Titan’s heart, she finally dies and glyphs can no longer work. They’re obsolete now.
            They still happened, but now that part of magic, of history and this world, is gone forever. It’s cultural erasure, it’s what Luz alludes to when she mentions how scars from Belos’ reign still remain, like the left arm being permanently shifted upwards; Who knows how many were displaced, how much the local flora and fauna and ecosystems were devastated, with the desert of Palm Stings now colder than even the knee itself?!?
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            It’s just so deeply painful because Luz really helped to bring back an ancient, lost tradition and unlike Philip, breathed new life into it; Glyphs could be used to help people without bile sacs, who didn’t utilize spell circles as well. We actually saw Luz experiment with using individual glyphs, and figure out the combos; Things she did on her own. She shared knowledge of glyphs with her loved ones, like Eda, King, Lilith, Gus, Amity, etc.
            There really was going to be a return of something lost, but now it’s gone forever because of a bigoted old white man who was too bitter about things that are different and needed to feel big and important by standing on the shoulders of others. It’s cultural genocide. That memory where Belos' destructive lies about wild magic drive witches away from the knee that they still had the potential to learn from, leaving behind only ruins in the present-day? With some murdered via the coven sigils that cut them even further off from their own magic they forgot glyphs for? It's truly symbolic of the final nails in the coffin.
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            And it’s also desecration of the dead, too; Caleb is not the only one to have had his corpse bastardized by Belos, misused against everything he stood for. Belos also misused that corpse, first by stealing the Titan’s name, then misusing her magic, her resources such as Palistrom wood… And finally possessing that body literally, which is what murders the Titan. It’s like colonizers bastardizing and salting the land that locals carefully maintained a proper relationship with, and keep in mind this fucker is a literal Puritan colonist. There’s no respect, not for the dead and/or past. Compare that to Luz, who lives on in Manny’s memory and makes him proud.
            I’m just imagining Caleb and the Titan watching, in agony, as their bodies are used to create a vicious mockery towards their actual kin, who remain totally unaware, and in the case of the Grimwalkers, it’s another lineage that is also abused. Meanwhile the Clawthornes remain unknowing of their past because colonialism erases history, hence Belos hiring Flora, and hell even getting Lilith to participate in her own historical erasure, as both Clawthorne and witch!
            Meanwhile, King remains oblivious and unconnected to his own heritage. And most of that can also be attributed to the Titan Trappers and Archivists, themselves perpretrators of genocide. So King and Eda go without knowing their heritage for so long, in Eda’s case she may never find out entirely, because it’s part of the many voices who are lost and silenced due to genocide, buried in the past to be forgotten.
            And you know one thing more that fucks me up? It’s that I genuinely suspect that Philip initially had it easier with glyphs than Luz, and that he made them more difficult for her. Because based on his dialogue by finding the Ice glyph in a snowflake, and his diary and memory portraits showing him arriving in the isles via Eclipse Lake, at the Knee…
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            Philip was probably shown his first spell on his first day in the Demon Realm. And it makes sense; The first human, the precedent that the Titan would’ve known by this point, was Caleb; Himself Philip’s brother, who was also raised to be a witch hunter, yet learned better. We know people can view both worlds from that in-between realm, but the Titan still isn’t omnipotent and can only watch through a limited number of cubes at a time, while having to know what and who to look for.
            But even so; With Caleb’s precedent, there could’ve been hope that Philip would follow in his footsteps, that he would learn and be more, and actually choose to be better instead of defaulting to Puritan predestination and the like as an excuse to stay the same and absolve him of responsiability. But we know what happened; Philip started off easy, but then made things difficult by rejecting the Titan’s compassion, by misusing her magic for evil and murder and genocide. The Titan showed Philip compassion first and this was how he responded.
            I really feel as if there’s an implicit reluctance with how Luz is taught glyphs, one at a time, in separate scenarios, usually as a result of character development and/or engaging with the world around her, which are things the Titan would really need to see to start trusting another human again (and if he knew Luz gave Philip the last glyph, that would also add to the wariness that Belos caused by manipulating her). Luz didn’t learn her first spell until a few days into her journey, and Luz had already had a few perilous encounters by that point! But she continued to brave her way through everything, continued to accept the isles and its messier side.
            And so the Titan showed Luz her first spell, and only that, in response to Luz needing it, wanting to learn magic, and most of all humbling herself to be kind to the Titan’s own son, and listen to him; Because neglecting King was what low-key led to Eda’s transformation placing everyone in danger, since he only told Luz about the elixir and agreed to steal it for the sake of getting her attention.
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            So that makes Luz listening to the Titan for the first time, intentionally, with her second spell –Ice, Philip’s first- so much more hard-hitting. The way she wanted to live out her dream so she went for the wand behind people’s backs, but then recognized and owned up to her mistakes. And she really was just a lonely kid in need of guidance, and not a stubborn adult committed to his cruelty; Luz always had an open mind! She always wanted to learn!
            And she got to! She learned each glyph at a time… And that’s all the Titan could do for her, something the Titan had already done for so many others, long ago, before they realized they had bile sacs and didn’t need to rely on the land around them as much. Luz still experimented even when she just had one glyph; She understood how intent mattered. She and Lilith built off of each other’s knowledge to collaborate and create combos. Meanwhile Belos, he agonized because he made things pointlessly difficult by refusing to adapt to the ways of another land, and only got his first and last glyphs by taking the compassion of someone who knew them and betraying it.
            Plus there’s what I said about Lilith, her whole thing as Caleb’s descendant, directly abused by Belos and belittled by him, made to participate in her own erasure loss of past, separated from that… Really, one could argue the Clawthornes are like the Boiling Isles equivalent to the Irish; Yeah they're white but that doesn't mean they aren't victims of British colonialism that sought to 'conquer the land' and all that.
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The Clawthornes are generally known for big orange hair, with Lilith's curly hair being straightened and dyed dark-blue in an attempt to assimilate within the Emperor's Coven's (AKA Philip's) standards of conformity. They worked with the land via the Palistrom carving and began to lose that because of the trees being endangered by Belos' gluttony, as well as the curse disabling Dell; The very curse created by the Archivists, who also invaded this world, the very curse cast by Lilith because the coven system influenced her to feel shame over wild magic and embrace hierarchy instead.
The curse leads to Eda's loss of bile magic, something very important to her and witches in general, and Lilith loses her own trying to mitigate her own mistakes. So not just glyphs are taken from witches, but even their own bile magic they initially replaced them with, and the other resources of the land. And Lilith is cut off from her family, her real family, as she's taken in by an ancestor who has deliberately distanced himself and loathes her on multiple levels as something to be 'fixed'.
But Lilith gets her hair back and re-embraces it, she gets her family back. She still manages to somewhat retain her past; After all, Lilith gets to go to the Deadwardian Era herself! And she meets, as much as it loathes anyone to acknowledge it, an ancestor, and influences history in a subtle yet personally meaningful way. And Lilith helps re-establish contact with the lost practice of glyphs by figuring out how to combine them, which goes hand in hand with her passion of being a historian, and her additional function as both parallel and especially foil to Philip.
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             Just… Luz and the Titan. And Caleb. And Lilith. There’s dead people and there’s history and there’s land, there’s bodies and respect. There’s compassion and actually working with people and finding no shame in that, instead of stealing and taking credit. And in the end, even though they manage to regain some things, a lot was still inevitably lost to genocide, and possibly gone forever.
            But the effects and legacy still linger, Luz still remembers and holds dear what the glyphs did; And she honors not just Manny’s legacy, but Caleb’s, by bridging the gap between humanity and witches, and showing both can co-exist in harmony. She helped his descendants, and even the last Grimwalker, find happiness and reconnect with their heritage, even if they don’t know just how close it is to them in particular. Luz honored the Titan by clearing his name, finding his son, and ensuring the last of the Titans is no longer alone and in understanding of his heritage. Luz even made amends with the Titan’s other greatest regret, harming the Collector, by making peace; And she proved glyphs were still useful, they were still kind, and that compassion wasn’t wasted.
            So even if the Titan’s glyphs are gone now, Luz still honored their memory by sharing them freely and helping, teaching, cultivating. The Clawthornes are rebuilding the Palistrom forests, among them is Hunter who as a Grimwalker was one of the purposes for which Belos devastated those natural resources for. And King… King is beginning to develop his own glyphs! And Luz is learning her first one, Light, from a Titan all over again, because she showed King kindness.
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            That honors the Titan’s memory by keeping it alive through her son; Who keeps the memory of glyphs alive through the ones he’ll sustain and share with everyone else, and those glyphs will spread to those without and even with bile sacs. And a lost art is brought back, irreversibly different but still intact in the important ways. People are relearning old practices to apply to a new world, because the past is gone but it still lingers and is simply… reborn. Despite the scars and changes it survives and is still itself.
            And with how all of this loops back to Luz’s relationship with her father Manny, who passed away, and how all that was based on Dana’s own relationship with her deceased father, who left her a final gift in Pokemon Red that she chose to cherish to this day, and embrace her own creativity and keep it alive. It’s a story about things dying but still managing to live anyway.
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 39
Content warning: Drug usage and a bit of gore. Please proceed at your own risk.
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
To follow this fic, follow tag "Keep Moving Forwards Fic" or comment to be tagged in future parts.
Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 3.8K
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
The world felt cold and empty, even as Azriel cradled you in his arms and winnowed you through the shadows back to where the rest of the Night Court sat. They were still gathered around the fire, laughing and joking with each other, completely unaware of how your entire world had crumbled in just three words. You didn't even have the strength to look at them as Azriel explained what had happened, your body feeling hollow and numb in his embrace. Instead, you stared straight ahead into the darkness, where the trees stood like silent sentinels on the edge of the lawn, their dark branches reaching up towards the moonlight that bathed them in a cold, silver glow.
Your eyes burned from tears that had long dried up, but you couldn't bring yourself to cry anymore. The screams and wails that had erupted from you earlier were now replaced by a heavy, pounding throb in the back of your head. Every piece of you felt heavy and broken, slipping through your fingers like sand.
You could hear Rhysand's voice, stern and calculating as he asked questions that you didn't want to answer. But you had no answers left to give. Nesta had risen from her spot, her hands reaching out to touch your face and call your name. But you flinched away from her gentle touch, feeling disgusting and untouchable.
Even the sounds of laughter and merriment from the other fae around you felt like they were happening in another world, one where you could only watch from a distance. Everything inside you was shattered and fragmented, with no pieces connecting or burning with life. All that remained was a deep desire to curl up and disappear.
The pieces of your shattered reality swirled around you, cutting deeper with each passing moment. The claims made by him, the male who was your supposed my kin, filled in gaps you never knew existed, while simultaneously ripping apart your sense of self. Was it anger towards your mother for subjecting me to this wretched life, to forcing you into a world filled with greed and self righteousness? Or perhaps it was the realization that she had abandoned you for his wealth. Was anything about your world truly as it seemed? Did anyone know the truth, or were they all hiding behind a facade, perhaps like Titania? Titania, the one female who truly felt like a mother to you, did she know? And if she did, was she lying to you all this time. And now you are faced with the question of what comes next. How will this revelation change everything? How could you be related to someone so cruel and vile, someone who embodied the very traits you despised in your mate? But deep down, you knew the answer to a question that had haunted you for centuries. And now that it was finally answered, you cursed yourself for ever wondering at all. Had you truly escaped one hell only to stumble into another? Was this your fate, to always be connected to males who sought to dominate and control you? Perhaps you too were poison, destined to bring destruction wherever you went.
The world spun around you again, feeling like a dizzying and disorienting merry-go-round. Azriel's arms pulled you closer, tighter, as if he was trying to reach into your mind and rescue you from yourself. As the world came back into focus, you found yourself in the House of Wind, still held by Azriel as his fingers dug into your skin in an attempt to soothe you. But his words were muffled and distant, and you refused to listen. He gently placed you onto a chaise lounger, and your body, feeling empty and lifeless, collapsed into its soft folds.
The rest of the Night Court gathered around you, Nesta perched at the edge of the lounger with a look of intense sadness in her eyes. Rhysand stood next to Azriel, towering over you with a cold and harsh expression as his hands gestured wildly while Azriel tried to explain something to him. Feyre disappeared down the hallway, but you couldn't bring yourself to turn and watch her go. Lucien and Elain sat on a nearby couch, but you didn't look at them either. You knew that Lucien's gaze was fixed on you, but it felt distant and hollow.
Soon enough, Feyre returned with a healer - a short woman draped in a grey cloak who approached you cautiously, as if you were a dangerous wild animal. And perhaps right now, you were exactly that - something to be feared. But you didn't shy away from her touch or flinch at her presence. You simply let her scrutinize you for any physical injuries - bruises or cuts that she wouldn't find because the only wounds you carried were deep within your mind, wounds that had bled out and left you gasping for air.
As she finished her examination and said something to the group that you couldn't hear, your eyes remained fixed on the window overlooking Velaris. It was the same city you had always known, yet everything felt different now. The tension in the room seemed to dissipate as the others relaxed, perhaps relieved that nothing had happened to you at Philip's hands. But even as he had touched your chin and pressed a hardened kiss to your cheek, you couldn't help but wonder - would it have been easier if he had hit you? If he had assaulted you physically instead of tearing apart your mind and soul?
Because those wounds may have been easier to heal, but for something that pulled you deeper and deeper into yourself, was true healing even possible?
Your feet pound relentlessly against the slick grass as you dart through the endless maze, your breaths coming in short, frantic gasps. The taste of iron fills your mouth. Your heart races like a wild animal, threatening to burst from your chest as you push yourself harder and faster, unable to stop even for a moment. The foliage presses in on all sides, illuminated by the silver beams of moonlight that seem to taunt and mock you. You round corner after corner, slipping and sliding on the treacherous ground, your hands clawing desperately at the earth to steady yourself. There are no dead ends in this maze, only endless paths lined with thorns that tear at your skin as you crash through them. But still, you must run. You must find a way out before it catches up to you. That thing, whatever it is, crashes behind you in pursuit, sending birds scattering and filling the air with their panicked cries. Its footfalls thunder in your ears, growing closer and closer with each passing second. And then, you come to an intersection, with four pathways snaking away from each other like the fingers of a monstrous hand. Your head whips around frantically as you try to determine which path to take, but each one seems to change before your eyes, shifting and twisting until you can no longer remember which way you came from. And suddenly, there is silence. A deafening silence that chills you to the core and sets every nerve in your body on edge.
You pause, panting heavily as you try and listen for anything down the paths, anything that might tell you where you are or where to go. But there’s nothing, only the sound of your both breath as it chokes out of you. You feel tears well into your eyes, your hands desperately gripping into your hair as you try and hold back sobs or a scream. Perhaps you had lost it, and you wouldn’t very well give up your location by allowing yourself the luxury of screaming.
The eerie silence of the deserted path is suddenly broken by a familiar, teasing voice that sends chills down your spine. You whirl around, heart racing, but the path remains empty, stretching on endlessly before you. It's just in your head, you tell yourself, trying to calm your racing thoughts. But then another voice, deep and menacing, whispers right next to your ear: "Whore."
You spin around again, searching for the source of the voice, but both paths are devoid of any living beings. Panic sets in as you shake your head violently, trying to dispel whatever darkness is creeping into your mind. Suddenly, the sound of a child's voice echoes through the maze, calling out for "Mama!" But the innocent tone quickly morphs into a distorted, grotesque parody of a man's voice. Your skin prickles with fear as you take a step back from where the voice came from, only to hear a footstep behind you.
Your heart hammering in your chest, you turn to see Anthea standing there, her head hanging limply from its broken spine. Her eyes are pale and lifeless, and her body looks emaciated and ghostly. She speaks in a hollow, underwater voice: "You left me...you let me die." You recoil in horror as she accuses you, her head lolling to one side as if held together by a single thread. Your hand flies to cover your mouth as she continues to stare at you with accusatory eyes. "You let him hurt me," she hisses. Unable to bear it any longer, you shut your eyes tightly and press yourself against the foliage in an attempt to escape from her accusing gaze.
With a gasp, you open your eyes and find yourself face to face with Anthea, her unforgiving stare piercing into your soul. Your heart races as her blood-soaked mouth contorts into a garbled screech, accusing you of letting her die. Before you can react, her bony hands wrap around your throat, squeezing with otherworldly strength as your body crumples to the ground. Desperately, you try to push her off but she's like a vise, crushing your windpipe and cutting off your air supply. Panic sets in as you plead for mercy, but all that meets your eyes is pure malice radiating from hers. In a last-ditch effort for survival, you manage to push her head away and it snaps off, rolling to the ground before disappearing into a shadowy giggle, along with her body.
Gasping for air and trembling with fear, you scramble against the hedge, frantically trying to erase the horrifying image from your mind, your hands running over your face to try and wipe the cold clammy feeling of her dead hands from your skin. It can't be real, you tell yourself over and over again. But then, a tall figure approaches from the opposite pathway - a male figure with impossibly long legs that tower over you as he looms closer. You try to get up but he bends over you, his elongated spine arching towards you like a nightmarish creature. And those eyes - those familiar russet eyes that bore into your very being.
"My darling girl," a voice that sounds like Philip's rasps out from the creature's twisted form.
"Get away from me!" you scream, but the creature only smiles wider with razor-sharp teeth that glint in the dim light. He crawls closer on all fours like a spider, sniffing at you with an unnaturally long nose and licking his lips hungrily with a reptilian tongue.
"Divine," he gurgles before lunging at you with his gaping maw of teeth. Acting on pure instinct, you kick out at his face with all your might and he recoils with a bloodcurdling shriek. Taking advantage of the moment, you scramble to your feet and run.
Panic courses through your veins as you race down the unfamiliar pathways. Your body strains for air, but your windpipe deels like it’s on the verge of collapse from Anthea’s grip. You stumble around corners, desperate to lose whatever is chasing you, until you collide with a solid figure. In terror, you scream and struggle against the muscled arms that wrap around you until you catch a familiar scent of cedar that can only belong to one familiar male: Azriel. Relief floods through you as he whispers, “Shh, you’re safe. I’ve got you.”
You struggle lightly against his hold, not taking a moment to relax as you pull away, “Az, we have to get out of here,” you plead.
But he remains unmoving.
Desperation sets in as you take his hand and tug on it urgently. “Please, Azriel,” you beg, tears streaming down your face. “We have to leave. We have to leave before it gets me.”
Azriel’s grip only tightens in response.
“Stop, Azriel that hurts!” But his grip doesn’t lighten as you pull against him. “You’re hurting me!” You scream, the terrible sound of cracking bones within his grip as your hand ignites in pain. You cry out in agony, but his grip doesn’t falter.
Azriel’s only response is another smile, unsettling serenity “No one can hurt you here. Stay with me.” He beckons. But as you
look into those eyes, something flickers within them that makes your heart stop. Something primal and deadly that is not Azriel stares back at you through those Hazel eyes. A dark realization dawns on you - this is not Azriel.
“I have to go.” You manage to say through clenched teeth, trying to control the tremble in your voice.
“You’re safe.” The thing within him repeats, the voice that normally calms you now distorted and garbled, like some twisted imitation of Azriel’s true voice.
“I know.” You respond, trying to steady your breath. “But you have to let me go.” You say, your breath catching in your throat.
As he pulls you closer, the shadows behind him grow and swirl like vicious creatures. You can feel their malevolent intentions dripping from the as they rise behind him. Nothing about this is safe.Azriel pulls you even closer, close enough that your shoulder touches his chest, and in a moment that you worry you will regret, you take his hand up, pressing a kiss to the back of it.
The creature within Azriel lets out a guttural purr, a gurgling murmur that almost sounds like pleasure. But as you take one of its fingers into your mouth and clamp down with all your might, the sound turns into a piercing shriek. With a sickening snap, tendons and bones break under the pressure of your jaw, severing the finger from its hand. You are met with a searing sensation in your mouth, like acid burning through your gums. And what drips from the severed finger is not blood, but a powdery substance that sizzles on contact with your skin.
Gasping for air and spitting out the vile taste, you break free from the creature's grasp and flee deeper into the maze. The figure behind you roars in anger and curses at you, before taking off with heavy flapping of its wings into the sky. You dare not waste a moment to look back as you push through the twisting paths and foliage. Every sound and sensation in this place is deceitful and treacherous.
As you push further, the acidic taste still burning in your mouth, Kai’s voice echoes in your head, a shrill and agonizing sound that cuts through your skull. The sickening squelches of flesh being torn from flesh resound in the darkness, accompanied by Kai's desperate pleas for help. "Y/N, please!" he cries out in desperation. But his screams are drowned out by the malevolent laughter of your mate, their sinister joy at causing pain and suffering to those around them. You clamp your hands over your ears, trying to block out the haunting echoes, but they only grow louder inside your head.
In a desperate attempt to escape the cacophony of voices, you scream and pull at your hair until a section comes free in your grip, sending waves of searing pain through your body. You continue to run blindly, overwhelmed by overlapping sounds - Kai's screams mixing with your mate's laughter, Philip's poisonous words, Azriel's sensual moans, a small child's sobs and screams for her mother, Anthea's accusations, Kai's father's wild sobs, and even your own mother's voice calling out your name.
But amidst all the chaos, you hear one voice that stands out - your mother's. With every ounce of strength left in you, you focus on that one familiar sound and follow it like a lifeline. Swatting away the other voices like pesky flies, you push forward until finally reaching a distinct place where her voice seems to be coming from.
You burst through hedges and turn corners, frantically calling out for her as she responds with equal urgency. And then, at last, you see her standing in front of you at a dead end. Your heart swells with relief as you launch yourself towards her in a desperate embrace. She is warm and comforting, smelling of home as she wraps her arms around you.
She pulls back to inspect you, her hands gentle as they travel over your face and hair. "Are you hurt? What's happening, baby?" she asks with concern.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you try to explain the horror that has consumed your mind. "I don't know, Mama. I don't know," is all you can manage to say.
Your mother holds you tightly, her own voice trembling with fear that matches your own. "We have to go," she whispers urgently, taking your hand in hers as she steps back. You nod in agreement, her eyes wide with fear as you both acknowledge the danger surrounding you.
As you and your mother step forward, her hand tightly gripping yours, the creature that looks like Philip suddenly scurries out from under a nearby hedge. A primal scream escapes your lips as well as your mother's, who quickly takes a few steps back, shielding you from the creature's reach.
The beast stands tall on its unnaturally long legs, its twisted smile sending chills down your spine. "Sile," it growls in a guttural voice. "My dear, sweet, lovely Sile."
"Don't look at it!" Your mother's voice rings out, urgent and panicked, and you immediately obey, averting your gaze from the monstrous being. She presses her body against yours, her frame thin and bony but undeniably protective.
"Sile, you would keep my child from me?" The creature hisses at your mother.
"You will not hurt her," she retorts, her tone firm and resolute despite the fear that hangs heavy in the air.
"What are you going to do?" It taunts back, taking a few steps closer.
"Stay back!" Your mother yells.
"We made her together," it continues in a low purr. "We are one of the same. She is two halves of us."
"She is nothing like you," your mother snaps back with disdain.
"She is exactly like me," it counters. "Look at her. Look at her soul, Sile."
Your mother remains still as you cling to her dress, feeling the softness of the white linen between your fingers as she pulls you closer. "She is cunning and smart. Calculating and filled with fire. Her soul is blackened like mine," the creature speaks again. "And she is delicious like you."
"You are filth," your mother spits at it. "And you will never have her."
The creature's taunts echoed through the night. Its voice dripped with malice as it prowled after your mother and you, its clawed hands reaching out to touch and menace. "At what price will you sell her to me?" It sneers, relishing in the power it holds. "You always have your price, Sile. A good girl like you won't turn down anything if I can pay enough. What will it take? Coin? Perhaps a bit of that beautiful powder that makes you so obedient."
Your mother's spine stiffens at the mention of the Luster, her body trembling with fear and hesitation. She stands tall, a protective shield between you and the beast as it continues its cruel taunting. "Nothing. Philip. She is not yours," she declares firmly, her voice wavering slightly.
"What good can you do for her?" The creature hisses back, its hot breath wreaking of death and decay wafting over your face. "You have nothing. You are nothing."
"I am her mother," she retorts, determination shining through her fear.
"You are a whore," the beast snarls, its sharp teeth glinting in the dim light.
Your mother's fingers dig into your skin as you cower behind her, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Your life means nothing to me, except for what your cunt can offer," it continues in a sinister tone. "But her? She is my blood. She is me."
Your mother takes a step back, pushing you closer to her. "Get out of here Philip," she commands, her voice quavering.
"Hold your tongue," the creature responds in a chilling voice. Suddenly, there is a rustling of cloth and your mother gasps.
Without a moment of hesitation, your mother steps away from you, her body heat leaving a cold chill in her wake, leaving you exposed to the creature's looming presence. "Mama," you cry out, reaching for her.
The creature purrs in delight, "Yes, yes my good girl. Come here." You feel a sob rising in your throat as you try to keep your eyes downcast.
"Take it," the creature hisses, and you hear your mother moan lightly. You can’t stop yourself from looking up, to see your mothers face, blurred in a memory you can’t quite place, as she leans her delicate face forwards, breathing in a glistening fine powder.
The creature's face contorts into a cruel smile as it turns towards you, its eyes filled with malicious glee. "You see, Y/N? Your mother is so quick to leave you for an enticing bit of powder."
Tears blur your vision as you whisper to yourself, "This isn't real. This isn't happening."
But the creature only chuckles in response, "What about it isn't? Did she not abandon you all those years ago? Did Anthea not die because of your inaction? Did Kai not suffer due to your weakness? And your mate - didn't you choose to let him in?” The creature took a few more long strides towards you, it’s pearl white teeth reflecting in the pale moonlight. “Why do you persist in denying your role in this tragedy? Do you truly believe that there was no other path you could have taken? And what of poor Azriel?” Your heart skipped a beat. “Would you condemn him to ruin from the depths of your corrupted, blackened heart?”
The creature's words sliced through you like a sharpened blade, tearing open old wounds and unleashing a torrent of guilt and pain.
You whimpered, recoiling from its menacing gaze. But it gripped your face tightly with its sharp claws, forcing you to meet its twisted features. “Look at me.” It snarled as you watched - a grotesque fusion of all those who you suffered, and suffered at your hand morphing on it’s face: Anthea, Philip, Caelum, Kai, Azriel, your own mother, the Illyrian soldiers, Titania, Azriel, before settling into its final form. You. A sickening grin spread across your face as all the voices merged together, taunting you relentlessly. "You can't escape from yourself forever," they sneered in unison.
The creature’s lips peeled back to reveal those rows of teeth again as it leaned in closer to devour its own reflection - your blackened soul included.
Readers: I dread the path we're set to tread, far from warmth we're swiftly left. From arms that beckon, smiles that light, we venture into endless night. Away we drift to realms unknown, farther still from the place called home. Yet there are souls whose presence calls, in shadowed realms where courage falls. Those who fear the hidden strife, face shadows whispering back to life. Bindings tight and fractures deep, wounds that wake and never sleep. A loss unnamed, a pain unseen, in silent sobs and darkened dreams. Strength that falters, trust that wanes, echoes more than bleeding pains. We cry and wail, we beg and scream, yearning for a different dream. Paths diverge, yet seek we stay, but shadows cannot light our way. Trusts voices, threatened hearts, in murmurs soft the turmoil starts. Away we must, to voids obscure, farther still from what was sure. For forces vast and whispers sly, in time shall test both you and I. Shall love endure through joy and strife, or must we falter, pay the price. In sacrifice, I guard your soul, in shadows deep I play my role. For paths we tread and hearts we save, might lead us both to unknown graves.
@thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria @florabelll @fightmedraco @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @quinzzelx @romantasyreader28 @minnieoo @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @annabethgranger28 @krowiathemythologynerd @scatteredstardust @caroline-books @slytherintaco @sevikas-whore @sidthedollface2 @sleepylunarwolf @acourtofbatboydreams @quiettuba @julesofvolterra @skylarkalchemist @darling006 @loglady00 @caninnes @weepingwerewolf @that-one-bibliophole
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animatorweirdo · 4 months
Hogwarts Student In Middle Earth
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Requested by Anon
Hi! Sending you a request for headcanons (?) of a Hogwarts student landing in Middle Earth and meeting the elves? Thank you!
(Author note: I couldn't figure out what kind of reaction you were hoping for, so I made another analysis like fic to go through all the ages of Arda and the elves' reaction toward a Hogwarts student. I hope you enjoy it. )
Warnings: some mentions of the first age events, the first age, mentions of dangers, and trauma, some elves being nice, some not, possibly getting stuck in a world, some nice moments, and adventures.
- If you were a Hogwarts student and ended up in Middle Earth. The reasons for that could be a failed group project, messing up with a spell, or going somewhere you were not supposed to go and falling through a magical crack in time and reality that dropped you off in Middle Earth. 
- How you manage will depend on your age and knowledge of magic, If you are somewhere in the sixth or seventh year, you would probably do fine. If you are somewhere in the third or fifth year, you will have challenges but will manage. However, if you are a first or a second year, you are a literal child in a dangerous world. 
- For the sake of this fic, let’s make you either a sixth or a seventh-year student. 
- If you dropped off in Middle Earth at the age of the trees, there is a high chance you ended up in Aman. 
- You would cause a small shock among the high elves as they have never seen a human, especially a child capable of magic. You might be a small teen, but in their eyes, you would most likely be considered a toddler and they would not be able to comprehend your age. 
- However, you will most likely be safe among them after explaining what happened and that you made a magical mistake.
- The Valars would likely give you some help, and some elder elves who are familiar in the ways of magic. 
- You would be given a chance to get familiar with different elven clans and their cultures, and in return, you would share a little of the human world and the world of magic there. 
- I think they would feel intrigued by your charms, and if you struggled in Astrology, they would likely be more than happy to help you learn— taking their appreciation toward Varda’s stars. However, don’t try to fly on the broom in front of them, they would likely get a heart attack. 
- They would likely teach you a few things about their magic so that you could show off to your friends in your world. 
- The chances are that you would be returned to your world before any of the darkening and schemes of Melkor began. However, if you appeared in Aman when it happened, you would most likely be kept at a safe distance. 
- You could offer your magic to make light through the darkness and help the injured with your potion skills, but otherwise, there would be very little you could do to help. 
- You would be traumatized if you witnessed the kin slaying and then you would be sent back without another word. 
- Overall, depending on when you appeared in Aman during the age of the trees, your experience wouldn’t be awful and there is a chance your eyes might end up glowing after seeing the two trees. However, you might want to stay away from Melkor and the drama between Feanor and his family. And no, the elves would still treat you as a toddler even if you were a teen by human standards. 
- If you appeared in the first age, then you would most likely have a rough time and would have to find a way back to your home on your own. 
- Personally, I think the safest places and elves for you to meet are either the Falathrim or the Doriath elves. I think Cirdan would easily take lost children under his care and offer help to you in magical arts, and you would be more safe from the dangers. If you appeared in the woods of Doriaths, the Sindar would be slightly skeptical of you but give you a chance to explain your situation, and if you do not turn out to be a danger, then they would allow you to stay and seek help from Melian. 
- I think with the Falathrim you could make use of your potion skills during your free time, and with the Doriath elves, you could make use of herbology and knowledge of magical creatures. 
- They would be more open-minded to your magical abilities and since you are a child in their eyes, they would let you stay safe from danger. The chances of you finding a way back are way higher and they could teach you a thing or two in magic. 
- I think the Noldor would be the least safe people for you to meet. Since they are mostly located in the north, you would face more dangers, and they might be the most suspicious of you and your magical abilities. If you manage to convince them, then they might allow you to remain with them for safety. However, some of them might find use in your magic against Morgoth, so your chances of going home would be low and you might get put into danger, depending on which elf you meet. 
- If you are somewhat involved with the war against Morgoth, then you would be in much more danger. You would have to count on your specialties to survive, and there might be a chance it would take years before you found a way back to your world. You also might want to watch out for those who try to sabotage your progress and prevent you from ever returning home. 
- With them, you would need a wide knowledge of potions and defense against the dark arts because they will be most useful to you. If you weren’t the best at those subjects, then you would be in the first three weeks of your time there. 
- No matter what, you will return home with some trauma. The first age was a time filled with war, so there would be a little safety for you there.
- If you end up in Middle Earth during the second age, there would be dangers of their own, but the elves would be least dangerous toward you. Your chances of going home would be moderate, and that might be because of the lack of knowledge, but if you work with them, then it would be successful. 
- The third age would probably be safest out of the previous two. The elves would offer you safety in their homes, and help you find a way back home. I think even a first-year would be safe in their care. You would be safe and allowed to learn a thing or two. Finding a way back to your world might take some time, but by then you would have learned new magic, made friends, and returned home. 
- And if you met that one wandering wizard, then there is a chance you enjoyed a few adventures. 
- Overall, the age of the trees and the third age would probably be the safest time for a Hogwarts student to appear in the world of Arda. 
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ratcandy · 22 days
Big Huge Irritated Rant About The Latest COTL Update's Story Choices and the Implications
So the lore drop in the new Cult of the Lamb update, Unholy Alliance, pisses me off. The writer's confirmation of what that lore drop means pisses me off more.
Why? Because it's unnecessary recontextualization that was made pretty obviously in favor in one character in particular, and somehow in that process makes that very same character way less interesting. I think it's incredibly detrimental to the story and I will Explain Why in a second.
But before I do, I just want to put this out there: Prior to this update, my opinions on the Bishops and Narinder and that entire plotline were pretty neutral. I'm an NPC enjoyer, I spend my time thinking about that moth with two lines of dialogue. I did not previously have strong opinions on Narinder or Shamura outside of mild dislike for fandom treatment. So I'm not coming from a place of bias here (or at the very least I'm not trying to be). I genuinely, wholeheartedly, 100% believe this writing decision was unnecessary and the Wrong one to make, and I think it severely undercuts the original plotline because this was a retcon and one that sucks pretty bad.
Ok we're on the same page here? Ok awesome. Long rant ahead, and obvs spoilers for the Unholy Alliance update
So first, what the hell am I talking about? What part of the update do I not like? Let's clarify that first.
It's Shamura's dialogue. Like, all of it. For ease of understanding, here is all the dialogue I will be talking about:
"Ah... we gathered here, the four of us, a council of war and I the general. I have not forgot. I did not tell them that chains to bind a God must be forged of Godly matters. What matter of Gods? What matters of Gods? I have not forgot. The betrayal of kin, the breaking of spirits, blood spilled, his and ours. ...the sacrifice of what we had sacrificed so much for... ...shaped into shackles for our own brother. And our wounds always to weep. Such sharp claws..."
"He sought to break nature's own laws. Death was his, yet he placed his sacred duty in peril. His experiments... Experiments I encouraged. I am not... blameless. My soul, stained... yet I do not... Ah, The story. Yes the story... He wanted to open the doors between Life and Death, to... to allow their return. Those mere... mortals. Even though he knew their sacrifices, their faith, their fears sustain us. Death must be the end. Otherwise, what use would they have for Gods? They began to flock to him. What he promised, we could not match. He swelled with devotion... while we waned. Would he have let us perish? I could not take... the risk... the hunger... You are lucky there are none left to force such a choice on you. Hail, Lamb. Last God... lonely God... Ah... I feel... unburdened..."
And for fun, before anyone tells me I'm misinterpreting any of this or that it's left up to interpretation or is intentionally vague, Word of God (the writer of CoTL):
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And it's this being Word of God that's spurred me into making this post to begin with. Because prior to this, I just seethed about this dialogue's implications in my server and hoped I was wrong. But now it's been confirmed what this means, and I'm . Disgruntled, to say the least!
And since I've started writing this post, there's been another addition made to further clarify parts of this. But I'm going to go over that addition more towards the end, because it also irritates me for separate reasons.
So, let's get this straight.
Prior to this update, the specifics of what happens between Narinder and the Bishops were pretty vague. We were told Narinder was "gluttonous in his ambition," per Shamura's previous dialogue, and that they "introduced him to ideas of change" but "Death cannot flow backward." Heket somewhat elaborates on this by saying he preached "heresy" and "noxious ideals" that would not be tolerated. Heket also notably refers to Narinder as a flat-out "monster." Narinder attacked his siblings and left them each with a big, symbolic wound. Then he was chained by the four of them, with Shamura the one to lead it (in their own words).
There's a lot of talk of betrayal, but before this update, it was unclear if the betrayal was meant to just be Narinder's experimenting with death (which even then was pretty heavily suggested to be resurrections) or the wounds inflicted upon his siblings. There's also a lot of talk of sacrifice, i.e. from Leshy if you kill Heket before him: "After everything we did. After everything we sacrificed. He will not be satiated."
Regardless, the picture this painted was of Narinder being this ambitious, evil, violent God that even his fellow Gods (Kallamar) feared and felt needed controlling. The idea that the wounds could have been in the nail in the coffin to this entire ordeal made sense; as they were obviously planned by Narinder to some extent (otherwise why be so intentional about who got what wound?) and a fair reaction to Being Mutilated would of course be to chain him.
Then of course there's the idea that the wounds were given while he was being chained and in self-defense, which only seems possible if you think Narinder could take on all four of his siblings at once like that and only manage to lose his claws in the ordeal (which was only revealed in this update to be something he's implied to have lost thru the relic). I thought this at first too, but realized it seems pretty impractical for that to have been the case if the wounds were also purposeful in who got what. I mean, sure, they could all be coincidentally symbolically appropriate for each Bishop, but I have doouuubts?
but now we're here, with this update, and all has been revealed.
And what's been revealed exactly?
Narinder's thing he was doing was indeed resurrections (we knew that)
Shamura encouraged him to do it (we also already knew this)
It seems like he did literally nothing else outside of that
His siblings got pissy about this because it made their domains purposeless and got all their followers to flock to him
"Would he let us perish? I could not take the risk" - Implies they literally did not even ask him
Shamura knew that in order to forge chains that could keep Narinder down, it would require a sacrifice of their bonds AND their flesh
They DID NOT tell the other Bishops this
Their wounds were requirements to chain him. They had to get the wounds they bear now in order to chain him. ONLY Shamura knew this. That means they allowed their siblings (and themself) to get attacked knowing full well what would happen. They may have even encouraged it, perhaps provoked Narinder into it, seeing as they knew the wounds were necessary to have him chained. (Or they just knew he would retaliate. Which, like. Yeah. They're condemning him after he went down a path they encouraged and, as far as we can tell, nothing else.)
And for... what?
In this version of the story, Narinder was experimenting with resurrections, and Shamura told him to keep doing that. Then he was successful, mortals turned to him, and his siblings (including Shamura, the one who told him to do it) got mad. That's it. That's their reasoning for chaining him. There's nothing else given. "Would they perish?" We have no idea. Is that how it works? Seems like Shamura doesn't know either. Or at the very least doesn't know if Narinder intended for that at all. Gives the vibe that literally no effort was made to talk to him and figure this out. They don't even really go down the "it puts nature out of balance!" path, which would at least have some merit, maybe. It's literally just "we are no longer sustained. What's the point of Gods in this world?" <- idk babe you had all the other ones slaughtered. So you tell me
And then Shamura just took it into their own hands, leading their siblings to their shared wounds (WITHOUT consulting them) and their inevitable destruction because of........... reasons, I guess. (I mean, if you think about it really hard, they probably also already knew what would happen following all this. With the lamb genocide and Narinder's resurfacing and etc. And they had their siblings wounded anyway. For no god damn reason)
And now why does this make me mad?
Because, honestly, in and of itself, there's not anything necessarily wrong with this added context. It's not contradicting anything in the main game. Shamura knowing what was needed makes sense, after all.
But it's... unnecessary. It screws up the motives and makes them more shallow, less nuanced, more... petty. Making gods petty is cool and all, I love doing that honestly, but in this case it just feels like a waste of potential.
But beyond all that. But most importantly.
This entire recontextualization of events REEKS of being made specifically to absolve Narinder.
I mean, come on. He's made out to be the victim, here. Shamura knew what he would do, knew what he would become, and knew exactly what would happen to their siblings if they sought to chain him (without doing so much as talking to him beforehand), and yet they encouraged it.
All blame is being shifted on Shamura. All Narinder did specifically against his siblings was inflict the wounds, which at this point seems to be hinted as self defense or a retaliation against threat or insult (assuming he was provoked into attacking, somehow). Because the wounds were part of the process.
And almost equally irritating, this seeks to arbitrarily absolve Leshy, Kallamar, and Heket as well, as they had no idea what the plan was and were just strung along. Which is just kinda worse, right? As far as they are aware, Narinder did just randomly attack them for no reason, and this wasn't foreseen, and surely couldn't have been stopped. All because Shamura didn't tell them any of it.
Shamura is being made into the big bad. Shamura is at fault for everything, for all of it. Narinder is a victim of Shamura encouraging him down a path they later condemn him for, their siblings are victims of Shamura and Narinder both (the latter of which could have been resolved at any point prior), and now any possible intrigue about Narinder being this big bad guy who tore apart his siblings due to his own ambition getting the best of him is ERASED.
It's GONE. All in favor of making him more sympathetic.
And sure, about a million different excuses could be made for Shamura, or could be used to headcanon whatever you want about exactly what happened. But with what we're given right now, just from the source, no attempt as made to stop Narinder before it got to this point. It is literally suggested they didn't even talk to him.
"Maybe they were too scared" - For the other three, maybe. Shamura is the eldest and clearly the most respected one, by Narinder as well (he holds some amount of respect for them even STILL. After EVERYTHING). They at any point could have stopped this.
"Narinder could still have been a bad guy outside of the attacks" - Sure, but we're given little to nothing on that front. In the old dialogue, literally all that's mentioned is the resurrection stuff and the wounds. Shamura is the one who said his ambition made a glutton of him, by the way. And hell, this isn't even touching the very real possibility that all of the Bishops (Narinder included!) are unreliable as hell.
"But Kallamar feared him even before his chaining, that suggests he was still a bad guy beforehand" - Sure, it could! But that's about all we get! And hell, in this new update, Kallamar's fears are fucked with, too. He states:
"Once, long ago, Followers would worship at my altar just to glimpse the beauty of my temple… of course, it could not last forever. Perhaps my siblings did not understand this, but I have always known. It did not make me less afraid. Cowardly Kallamar, ha…"
Here, it seems Kallamar's fears have been changed to be more about the decline of his temple and the loss of his followers, which was happening because of Narinder. He refers to Narinder's plans as "foolish" as opposed to... idk, horrifying, or threatening, or whatever. He also fully takes on the 'cowardly' title, giving the impression that his fears were somehow unfounded, which wouldn't make a lick of sense if Narinder indeed sucked ass outside of the wounds.
Not to mention he "didn't want to hear it" when Shamura "revealed the plan," but we know because of Shamura that they didn't mention anything about the wounds, so Kallamar didn't want to hear that they... had to chain Narinder? That's literally all he could've been told about the plan. Why wouldn't he want to chain Narinder if he was scared of him up until that point?? Doesn't make any sense!!! EDIT AFTER I POSTED: On reconsideration this might just be referring the lamb genocide plan, but that's hardly better, because now this update absolves Narinder, Leshy, AND Kallamar by making them blameless in everything (both Leshy and Kallamar expressed not fully understanding the plan for the slaughter or, in this case, not wanting part in it). What's up with THAT. Why is Shamura getting the blame for LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
Anyway, my point is
This was a story decision made to make Narinder sympathetic. It's so blatant. And it's so, so irritating. It gets rid of so many potential cool flaws of Narinder and replaces it with "Actually, Shamura was the bad guy the whole time! Huzzah!"
And honestly, had the entire game come out like this to begin with, released at the start how it is right now, I don't think I'd care this much. But being added now, as an afterthought, after the fandom and devs alike have grown to favor Narinder above all others, it just...
It reeks of favoritism. It smells of revising the story to make Narinder more likeable. It's just erasure.
And for what. Like, I don't want to be That Guy, but I cannot help but notice that one of two nonbinary characters (outside of the Lamb/Goat themselves) is being this heavily demonized in favor of absolving a Man of his crimes. What's, uh. What's up with that.
Oh, and that addition by the writer I mentioned was made while I was writing this.
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This was made after Jojo was questioned whether this was a retcon as to who caused the wounds, as this whole thing could also certainly be read as Shamura being the one to directly wound their siblings (which I didn't think was the case, but still).
"I don't know if they thought it would be so severe" - How do I put this in a nice way. This feels like a weaseling out answer. This feels like giving Shamura an out only after being questioned on this writing choice. How could they possibly not know how severe it would be. This spider is Knowledge. This spider has Foresight of some kind. And how do you not know what they thought. You are the Writer. If you want to clarify something like this you gotta say it with your full chest.
Not to mention a good portion of the fandom probably won't even see these tweets, so this context is all missing from the story presented in the game. This is Tacked On Context on top of already Tacked On Context. It's unnecessary retconning all the way down.
Anyway. I realize the fandom at large will not care about this, because (and I mean this in the nicest way I can manage) the Narinder favoritism in this fandom is already impenetrable, but for me personally? This retconning that was so clearly done out of that favoritism?
It ruined Narinder's character for me. More than the fandom possibly could have. I mean, if it's fanon, it can be ignored. But this was canonized. Because Narinder is the dev team's favorite guy.
And I can't stand it.
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fromfiction · 10 months
Questioning a Specific Source (Questioning Guide Part 2)
There are two elements to discovering a kintype; questioning, which is a process, and awakening, which is an experience. Specifically, questioning is the process of figuring out if your experiences are elements of an awakening. Sometimes an awakening is so aggressive and obvious that no questioning process is necessary, however, most of the time when considering if something is a new kintype, it’s a good idea to go through a questioning process.
There is no right or wrong way to go through questioning; everyone’s questioning process is different. Questioning itself is an attempt at gaining deeper self-knowledge, and for many metaphysical fictionkin, questioning is a deeply personal process whose details are difficult to share or explain. It can involve meditation, journaling, astral travel, canon research, and anything else.
Here are some thoughts and ideas to get you started on your own personal questioning process, written specifically for metaphysical kintypes but applicable to other types of kin questioning.
Questions to ask yourself when considering a specific source media, (but not a specific character):
What made you start questioning this source? 
Was it a feeling? A dream? A rumor? A compulsion toward it? A repulsion away from it? A connection to something you've felt or known about yourself?
What does the world depicted in this source make you feel?
Does it feel familiar? Does it make me feel nostalgic? Homesick? Unsettled? An urge to escape?
Are there unusual things that are inexplicably familiar about the world of the source to you?
Are there any rituals, traditions, food, clothes, animals, plants, geography, public figures or institutions, etc that you feel like you intuitively know or understand? Do any of these things seem like something that was missing to you in your daily life?
Is there anything about the world of the source as described in canon that stands out to you as wrong?
Do you have any immediate reactions to finding out information about the source world that goes against what you intuitively understand or expect?
Is there anything about the source world that you guessed or expected that was later confirmed?
Any strange ideas or 'headcanons' that you came up with before you found out that they were canon?
Do you have any intuitive and immediate feelings about the way you would live day to day in the world of the source if you were there now?
If someone asked you questions about the world of this source, would you feel confident, or find yourself answering them intuitively without thinking about it?
Every kin experience is different but in general, the more of these questions that you can answer 'yes' or have deep and involved answers to, the more likely it's possible that the source you're questioning could be the origin of a kintype.
View part 1 of the questioning guide here.
Questioning guide for specific characters coming soon.
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succubusfuccubus · 4 months
Feel like I’m the only vampire chronicles fan who loves the new iwtv series
“Book Louis was white!!!”
He was a slave owner and while Anne Rice contextualizes it real well—she doesn’t try to soften the subject matter, she doesn’t try the “he was nice to his slaves” book Louis is like “yeah I was a slave owner, it was fucked up” —still I feel no attachment to white Louis. It was not the most interesting thing about him.
Anne Rice was weird about any POC in her books. It’s still a white centric narrative, the main cast of vampires is white. Boring. Black Louis is much more interesting. A Black vampire navigating his immortality among a society hostile to his kin is so much more captivating.
Many of the main vampires in her series get a book dedicated to them where they explain their origins, their experience with immortality and their philosophies. Except...the vampires that get their own narrative are white. I would love to see an Ancient Black vampire that was kicking before any racism as it is now was invented. I wanna know their perspective, I wanna see them philosophize.
“Vampires can’t have sex!!”
Later in the books they invent vampire viagra—also cry harder im glad they’re fucking and sucking
“Book Claudia was supposed to be turned at 5 Years old. Book Claudia would kill to be a teenager even!! This Claudia almost looks like an adult!”
Teenagers definitely aren’t adults. Imagine being on the Cusp of adulthood and then you are paused mid puberty unable to develop any further. That would be maddening She looks like a young girl trying very hard to dress older than she is. Also it would be rough getting an actual 5 year old to act her part. Also there's some weird pedophile shit in the books, I'm glad we're writing that part out.
“Anne rice would be rolling in her grave”
Let her roll. Anne rice hated any adaptation—she was a control freak. Look up “interrogating the text from the wrong perspective” it’s her melt down in response to bad Amazon reviews on her vampire chronicles’ “Blood Canticle”
She didn’t even respect her own canon. She retcons it multiple times. In the end she retcons the origin of vampires (which had been established in books 2 and 3) and made it the product of an alien parasite. All bcuz some took a sudden interest in science fiction, she just had to turn it into science fiction
This series is not a masterpiece, it becomes pulp fiction by book 4, almost every book opens up like a personal vlog, Lestat is her Mary sue and also self insert. There is gay ghost sex that turns out to be incest. Actually there is so much incest, ntm the pedophilia it becomes almost unreadable.
God and the Devil are ex bfs that are in a millennia long theological and philosophical debate, also the Devil tries to recruit Lestat as the prince of hell and he drinks Jesus's blood. But several books later, just kidding, that wasn't the Devil that was just a spirit fucking around with Lestat.
The second to last book is called Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis--there are bird-reptile aliens pissed off about the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs and want to eradicate mammals bcuz in every other universe reptiles are the dominant-sentient species.
There is nothing sacred about the original, this is not Beowolf or the Epic of Gilgamesh--this is Anne rice and her self-insert blorbo getting into scrapes. When adapting a piece of fiction the most important thing is preserving the Themes--which the show is doing superbly. What truly matters is that every character in Anne Rice's show is bisexual and polyamorous and a disaster.
If you're that upset about Louis being Black and Armand being Muslim you're just racist and either in denial or you know full well.
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magpod-confessions · 1 month
it seems like a lot of people, when discussing avatars, fixate either solely on their villainy and how completely bereft of morality they are, or how they are just a poor manipulated pawn of their patron. there’s a large focus on avatars either having malicious intent or a lack of control. and i feel like the thing a lot of fans are missing is that the fears don’t work like that. avatars don’t work like that. yes, a few of them are just shitty people, but the majority of them? what they do isn’t out of malice or cruelty. they are a thing obeying its nature. they hunt and hurt and kill because it feeds them and feeds their power.
as to how much of their actions are taken of their own volition and how much are the influence of their fear, i don’t think it matters that much. free will doesn’t really exist. people make choices based upon their life, circumstances, emotions, situations, and a hundred other factors. it’s a complicated knot that’s impossible to untangle.
but we know that the fears both
a. build off of and enhance what’s already there, what people already desire and feel and do
b. ramp that up to insane levels and twist it around to fit their own agenda (food and rituals)
c. make their avatars unable to back out of servitude without death, and detach them from both their own humanity and the rest of humanity to the point where choosing between their own lives or the lives of their prey is a simple decision.
basically, it’s like a rabbit who becomes a fox that must eat rabbits or die. the fox may be haunted by guilt in the early days, for eating what used to be its kin. maybe the occasional fox is even grief stricken enough to starve itself. but in the long run, that fox is a fox. the rabbits are no longer a peer with the same thoughts and feelings as them, to be sympathized with and understood. they are simply a food source, and the fox is not one of them anymore.
if the fox spends years and decades and centuries killing and eating rabbits, it might feel the occasional twinge of pity or amusement at their antics, but ultimately, they’re just food. feeling guilty about eating it gets them nowhere. after all, they had a choice in what they became, and they made it a long time ago.
it’s kind of like helen and jon’s conversation, where she explained that she felt the same guilt jon did at first, but it wasn’t getting her anywhere and eventually, she had to let it go and choose to eat to survive. jon started this process, too. in season 4, mainly, and also in season 5, but in season 5 he has the constant buffer of martin’s presence as a safeguard so it’s a little more complicated. but within months of his transformation, he started willingly taking live statements, uncaring for the victim’s state, just wanting to eat. it’s either eat or die, and any living avatars chose to eat. there is a reason they all admit that they did what they did not because they were under someone else’s control, but because they liked it and needed it and chose it.
so, trying to assign this narrative of avatars being either innocent pawns of their power with no choice in what they’re doing, or an evil entity with malicious intent who wants to be cruel, just doesn’t work. both could be viewed as part of the truth, but also, neither is really accurate, for the simple fact that anyone who serves the fears is operating off an entirely different mindset and lived experience that human morality just doesn’t really translate well to.
ironically enough, i think michael phrased it best- “There was a great evil, she said, and Michael was going to help her fight it. Am I evil, Archivist? Is a thing evil when it simply obeys its own nature? When it embodies its nature? When that nature is created by those which revile it?”
anyways, this is getting pretty long, sorry if it doesn’t make much sense. i’m just irritated by fandom trying to find a Morally Correct way for avatars to exist, and ignoring the fact that being an avatar doesn’t just give people a few spooky powers, it completely upends their entire existence and mindset and priorities and morality.
yeah exactly . morality and avatars is such an interesting concept that a lot of people simply handwave !! i . have thoughts but i can't word them right now but . i do agree with you anon - deceit
Im eating this anon - rosette
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sl-newsie · 3 months
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 18: Reject
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But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.
What time is it? It’s been two hours. Two hours of praying for all those evil thoughts to be banished from my head. Thomas’ father’s words still ring in my ear. Other prospects, indeed. My position might appear that way but the Shelbys have built me up to be someone more than that.
Alright, no more hiding. I turn the doorknob just in time to see Finn headed for the back door.
“And where are you going, mister?”
“To go find Arthur,” he grunts.
I arch a brow. “And your father?” He doesn’t reply and I put a hand on his shoulder. “Listen to me, Finn. Coming from someone who thinks family is everything, be careful of trusting too much. Yes, family can be good. But no family is perfect.” I sigh deeply. “I’m not going to keep you from your father. Go on, but be sure you’re back at a decent time.”
The young Shelby nods and hurries outside. Lord help us all. I wonder if anyone else is still here-
“Feeling alright, Verena?”
John’s still here. Lounging in the kitchen smoking a cigarette. Where’d Thomas go?
“Yes, thank you John. I apologize for my behavior earlier. ‘S just I’m not used to… I was too skittish.”
“No, it’s his fault,” John says firmly. “Our old man’s a crackpot old fool. Never hesitate to pull a gun on him.”
“He’s your father!”
“He may be kin but he is not a father figure.”
I nod to agree and pull out my pistol to begin polishing it. “So John, how does it feel to be married?”
The man gets a dopey grin on his face and thinks for a second. “‘S… You need to experience it for yourself, Verena. It’s one of the best feelings in the world.”
The blessing of marriage truly is one of God’s best gifts. Maybe one day I can find it myself.
“Any requests for dinner?”
John shrugs. “You really don’t have to do that, love.”
“‘Course I do. If I don’t keep busy then my mind overthinks,” I explain and begin rummaging around the kitchen.
“You need to calm down. Don’t work so fast.”
“I have to! I’m not like you guys. I can’t sit and do nothing. But when I get done too early there’s nothing for me to do.”
“Then work slower.”
But I can’t. In less than an hour I prepare some of mother’s chicken soup and a batch of rolls. Still no sign of Thomas but I don’t ask. My worries for him only cloud my mind with further questions. Eventually Polly comes out of her room and relaxes at the sight of the meal.
“Thank you, love. This is really thoughtful, after what happened earlier.”
“Just another bump in the road,” I reply. “Dig in.”
Thump thump.
We all turn to see Arthur and Finn stomp down the hallway. I can tell Finn’s tired but Arthur’s behavior is that of an energetic toddler.
"Arthur, Finn, why are you back at this hour? And-” I lean down and smell a familiar odor. “Finn, you smell like beer!”
“It was just a half pint,” he says groggily.
"Lord have mercy. You Shelby lot are going to drown yourselves in alcohol!”
“Has Tommy come back yet?”
Polly shakes her head and turns Finn in the direction of his bedroom. “No. You can see him tomorrow. Right now you both need to get some rest.”
After Finn’s gone to his room I look over at Arthur. “Did you mend things with your father?”
The oldest Shelby brother laughs and leans on a chair. “Oh yes. Dad’s his own person, but not everyone agrees with him. Sorry for the way he spoke to you.”
My gaze remains cold and unaltering. “I’ve heard worse. Is he going to be staying in town?”
“Oh, no. He’s got big plans, my dad. Talked about heading to your stomping grounds to build a casino.”
If he ever sets foot in Brooklyn I’ll have Uncle Colon send him a message personally.
“He’s got the right idea, then. Underground gambling has been booming back home. I hear there’s already businessmen organizing some networks.”
Everyone in the room goes quiet and turns to me with quizzical expressions.
“How do you know?” Polly finally asks.
Oh. Right. This isn’t common knowledge. I need to stop talking!
“I keep my ears open and my mouth shut,” I answer smoothly. “You hear lots of things in the Brooklyn marketplace, especially when our customers are illegal rumrunners.”
They’re still staring at me but slowly return to other conversations. No more talking for me. I’ve said enough. How long until they’ll suspect my family roots?
“Well I’m tuckered out. Time for shut eye.”
Arthur staggers off, followed by John. Polly finishes off her cigarette and walks over to where I’ve secluded myself.
“You can downplay yourself all you want, Verena. There’s more to you than meets the eye.” Polly gets a mischievous look. “But you are honest, even if it's through loopholes. If there’s anything you need to talk about, you know where to find me. And Ada, for that matter. She may not talk to me but maybe you two girls can have a chat.”
I- What? How can she afford to trust me after all that’s happened? But before I can ask she retires for the night, leaving me with nothing but a single flickering candle to gather my thoughts. 
The door opens once again and another set of footsteps marches through the house. I can hardly see but it’s no secret that Thomas has returned. He doesn’t notice me at first but when he sees the candle he reaches for his gun before realizing it’s me.
“Thomas, where have you been? Between your father’s appalling behavior and your brothers coming home wasted, I don’t know what to expect next!”
The man takes a deep breath and steadies himself, slipping the gun back into its holster. I can tell he’s still ticked off about his father and doing his best to hide it.
“Calm down, love. I was just having a chat with Campbell to arrange a sort of fishing game.”
Did I hear that right? “Fishing game?”
He steps closer and something about those blue eyes draws me in. “Yes. What disturbs me most is that I was unable to find out who gave him Freddie.”
“I’m afraid Ada still hasn’t said anything. So the mystery proceeds… I’m afraid you missed supper but would you like anything to-?” Thomas sits down in the chair next to me and pulls out a flask. “-drink.”
“You complain of our habit of drinking, yet your father owns a brewery.” He takes a swig and in the dark I feel him grab my hand. “I hope my father didn’t shake you up too much.”
A friendly gesture, yet my heart races at the feeling of his warm hand. Stop being so jumpy!
“I’m alright, Thomas. John already gave me the spiel. Thank you though, for asking.”
“You come from a good family, Verena,” Thomas says softly. “This must seem very abnormal. But you’re a strong woman.”
My lungs tighten. Is he testing me? “I appreciate that, Thomas. Maybe someday my family will think the same.”
“Still think they’ll come looking for you?”
“That doesn’t matter. Brooklyn is my home and I’ll make it back one way or another.” Before my blabbering mouth can slip up I take a step back despite the heated urge to stay. “Will that be all, Thomas?”
Silence. Did I say something wrong? Thomas just sits there watching me with those icy eyes that pierce through the darkness. The only noise is his steady breathing and the occasional creak in the floorboards. What else does he want?
“That’s all, love. Goodnight.”
Does he feel it too? I’m surprised he can’t hear the thundering of my heartbeat. As I creep back to my room the feeling of Thomas’ hand still lingers on my own. Am I coming down with sickness?
Days go by and I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something afoot. Arthur’s been acting strange, and Thomas can’t stop muttering about something that happened at the Garrison last night. I’ve been cooped up inside far too long so I decide to head out for a walk near the park. The weather’s fair with a slight breeze, and- Hm. Interesting.
Campbell’s standing down the road near a bench, and the strange thing is that Grace is with him. Why would those two be meeting up? How would they know- Ah!
My mind flies at a hundred miles a minute as things start to piece together. Grace said she’d just got a job here, the exact same time Campbell arrived to find the guns. A barmaid like Grace hears any kind of gossip, and she’s smart enough to pry information out of Arthur. She must have sold out Freddie! Grace is the connection we’ve been missing!
I make haste to hide behind a shrub and wait until Campbell leaves, then approach Grace.
“I told you once that looks can be deceiving,” I say calmly as I approach, causing Grace to look up. “Now I’m being fed my own words. I thought you were a decent person, Grace. We both know the Shelbys aren’t a decent family but why did you have to toy with Thomas like that? Do you know just how much he cares for you?”
The blonde woman jumps at my appearance but keeps a steady face. “What will you do?”
“As I’ve said before, I am loyal to the Shelbys. This will not be tolerated.”
“You’re not a Shelby! How can you be loyal to them? Or is that just your typical American spirit? I thought your folk were independent.”
That little-! “We are, but we also know when to demonstrate common courtesy. Have you heard of that, or are you Irish lot only infatuated with what is justified?”
Her eyes flash. “Aren’t you Irish yourself?”
“And does your family ignore the change that’s happening in Ireland?”
“America is my home, not Ireland. My family in Ireland handles themselves as they see fit without dragging me into it.”
“One final question. What is your last name?” Grace asks suspiciously.
My eyes narrow. “Steenstra. Why?”
“Is that your father’s last name? That sounds Dutch.”
I let out an annoyed grunt. “Yes, half Irish half Dutch. My mother is Irish. What difference does that make?”
Grace appears to have got what she was looking for and nods. “I see. What’s your mother’s name?”
My nose scrunches. “Why do you want to know that?”
“Because if you’re who I think you are, you need to be very careful. Campbell hasn’t figured you out and I don’t think Tommy has yet, but I have. Your mother’s maiden name is Colon, which means you have mafia blood.”
She knows. If she thinks she can blackmail me then she has another thing coming.
“Why are you telling me this? I already know my heritage-”
“Because I’m trying to warn you!” Grace hisses. “Campbell’s got connections everywhere and if he hears you’re part of the Irish mob then you’ll end up in the same spot Tommy will. A grave.”
Her words do little to intimidate. These past few days have hardened me enough to accept death threats with grace.
“I haven’t done anything,” I say with a cold tone. “I’m not a murderer like you.”
Grace still tries to reason. “Campbell’s a ruthless man. He’ll find a way to do his job.”
“Then he should know not to mess with the Peaky Blinders. They’re killers, yes, but that does not mean all of them are monsters.” I reach for my pistol and hold it out for her to see. “Do not follow me, Grace. If I were you I would try to leave, though I doubt there is any place where you can hide. Perhaps if you have any guilt then you might try to ask for mercy, though I’m unsure that the Shelbys will have any to give.”
Grace doesn’t reply when I start walking, only staring with narrowed eyes. She knows my secret and I know hers. 
Back at the house I’m disappointed to find that Thomas is once again missing.
“Polly! I need to see Thomas!”
“I’m afraid I don’t currently know where the bugger is,” Polly replies as she reads the paper.
Just then the door opens and Arthur walks in, looking beaten down and melancholy.
“Where is your father?” Polly quips. “I’m assuming he’s fritting away the 500 you took from us. What were you thinking?” 
500? Oh no. He wouldn’t-
“Does Tommy know?” Arthur asks gruffly.
“No. But you’re gonna tell him.”
He holds his head in his hands and shuffles off to the kitchen. No, I will not let him drown in the drink for this. I swiftly move ahead and hide the whiskey in the laundry basket.
“I’m very sorry, Arthur. It’s an all-new kind of betrayal when it’s one’s family that commits it.”
“‘S just… I thought he’d changed.”
I put a hand on his shoulder. “Reach out to the Lord and ask for help. In a time like this that’s all I can really offer.” Suddenly I remember why I came here. “Have you seen Thomas?”
“He took Finn on a walk, to the graveyard I think.”
Then that’s where I will go.
I hand Arthur the biscuit tin. “Eat these. Much more sobering. I’ll be back later.”
Outside I race through the streets, the sun beginning to dim on the horizon. I hope I’m not too late! If Grace tips off Campbell that I know their plan then Thomas is vulnerable! At the edge of town I spy a sign pointing to the graveyard. I sprint across the field, my dress getting torn and dusty. In the distance Finn stands playing with a stick. Thomas can’t be too far behind.
“Finn, go home.”
“Verena? What’re ya-?”
“I’ll be back soon,” I usher him away. “Off you go.” A black figure approaches and my heart relaxes to see he’s still alive. “Thomas! I need to talk to you-!”
“See this? See this here?” Thomas points to the ground he’s standing by.
I step closer and look, discovering fresh dirt next to a grave marker.
“It’s been dug up. The guns are gone now.”
The guns. So Campbell did find what he was looking for.
Strong hands grip my arms and force me to lean down. “Wonder how they found them, eh love?” Thomas murmurs darkly in my ear.
My mind races. “Thomas, I didn’t-”
“I knew you weren’t just an ordinary American,” Thomas growls. “I knew it was wrong for Polly to trust you so easily. Got lost in Birmingham, eh? Oh, I’m fucking sure you would say that to cover yourself up. I bet you’re set up in this too! What was it, the Americans sent you here and you played the dumb card of ‘help me, I’m all alone!?’”
I jerk backwards to throw Thomas off-balance and turn to face him. “How dare you! Do not even suggest a hint of that, because I never betrayed anyone! Why does everyone keep thinking I’m an American spy?”
His eyes cut into me and he shakes me so hard I feel my neck bend back. “Because no one ever tells the truth. Everybody lies!”
Now tears are starting to blur my eyes. No, no! I can’t break down now.
“You know what, you’re right. I was lying. Lying to myself because I really thought I actually cared. I was stupid to believe that my intentions would be accepted here.”
Thomas leans in, his face inches from mine. “And what exactly are your intentions, hm?”
I take a deep breath and close my eyes in search of any serenity. “First, it was to help Finn. Then it was to help your family survive Campbell’s insanity. Then it was to give you someone who would be willing enough to listen to your rants, who actually cares enough to make you see that you’re just as human and need help too.” My eyes open and I look up at him with burning hostility. “But I was wrong.”
I push him off of me and spin around to escape from any further accusations. Oh, right.
“For your information, Thomas Shelby, I just learned that Grace has been working undercover for Campbell this whole time. Just thought you should know.”
The mention of the barmaid causes Thomas to go stiff. “Grace never did anything to betray me.”
“Believe that all you want. I’m giving up on carrying your burdens if this is how you treat me for helping.”
Thomas sneers. “If you don’t care anymore, why are you still here?”
My face doesn't change. “You’re right.”
“Where are you going?” Thomas calls when he sees I’m not turning back.
“Home. I can’t stay around watching you fall apart because of the mess you dug yourself into.”
This entire operation is far beyond what I signed up for. Having my loyalty be mocked and treated as nothing only proves that I don’t belong here.
“It’s about Grace, isn’t it? You’ve grown jealous.”
I halt but don’t turn to face him. “How could I be jealous?”
“Because I love her and not you.”
I have to admit that stings. Stings far deeper than I want it to.
“Oh, is she your type, then? Because she’s too naïve and willing to go along with whatever whim of an idea you’ve got, rather than dare to disagree with the great Thomas Shelby and offer advice so you don’t get yourself killed? Yes, that sounds much more logical.”
The Peaky Blinder considers my cool tone. “You’re not too angry about it.”
My pulse spikes. “I am angry!”
“Well you don’t fucking seem like it! Normally when people hate me they yell or curse my fucking name into the ground.”
I take a deep breath, still facing away. “I don’t hate you, Thomas. I’ve learned to look past the act of hatred and learned to think that not everyone is a cruel, twisted soul like you do. Is it a crime to love? Far be it from me to deprive you from being happy, Thomas. It’s just one more brick in a wall of misery I keep building for myself. But I do know one thing: You pride yourself for thinking when no one else can but fail to understand even the simplest of lessons.”
Now Thomas reaches for my hand and I restrain from slapping him. “And what is that?”
Leave him guessing. “You’ll find out someday.”
“Someday, someday, always bloody someday!” Thomas grips my shoulders tightly and makes me face him. “Tell me now!”
My breath hitches. “It’s not about you, Thomas. Not about money, not about power. Life’s about what choices you make and the people you spend it with. You don’t need to understand now, you may not for as long as you live. But that’s the reason I’m leaving, since you’re so desperate to know.”
His eyes soften. I struck something. Whether or not he’ll admit it Thomas learned something today. He lets me go and doesn’t reach for me when I start walking again.
“Good luck,” he says just before I’m out of earshot.
I look back at his conflicted face, my mind telling me to still be angry but my heart begging me to hug him. “You too. I will pray for you, Thomas Shelby.”
And so it shall be. Tempted forever by desire and ambition while a hunger remains unsatisfied. Thomas Shelby, you have scarred me beyond repair. While my wits lead me through these emotions my heart will be locked away with you. 
I briskly walk into the house and pull out my suitcase. Over the past weeks it’s collected dust.
“Verena, what- Where are you going?” Polly calls from the doorway when she sees me packing.
“Away. I’m sorry Polly, but I just can’t take it anymore,” I try to say without my voice breaking. “I will find another job and repay you, I swear. Your kindness is something I will never forget. But I can’t stay employed in a place where my boss will never trust me.”
The Romanian woman rushes over and pulls me into a hug. “Oh love, please don’t leave yet. This family-”
“Was fine far before I came.”
We both look up and Finn comes panting into the room. “Aunt Polly! It’s the police! They’re after Tommy! I just come from the Garrison. The cop’s onto him!”
Polly’s eyes widen. “Where did Tommy go?”
“With the barmaid.”
Oh, no trouble then. Tommy’s smart enough to lay low. He’s brought this heat on himself. Yes, and no doubt he will spend the night with Grace. Why must anything good in my life get taken away? Am I not worth any form of happiness?
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noirbriar · 5 months
Glorestor: 5 Times They Denied (Final)
+ 1 time They Did Not.
From the POVs of the various folks around the 2 elves who are convinced they are courting, or betrothed, even though they were told otherwise.
OOC as always is all on me and canon is super hazy now but ahhh I tried
The final part! Thank you esp @mae-it-be-an-evening-dhros @tamilhobbit @the-dreaming-plastic-dinosaur for following this indulgent writing of mine as part of me coping with things and being so kind to my first experiment writing based on Tolkien's works!
Sometimes, its the kindest ones who break the most.
6] Elrond Earendilion
Elrond is tired.
Here he sits on Celebrian's favourite bench in their balcony, watching the blazing crimson sun setting over the cliffs of his beloved Imladris. The light flooding the valley with endless red. Like fire, burning the skies, dripping into the water flowing endlessly, the life blood of all in this realm.A swallow chirps and lands on his shoulder, weightlessly and with ease.
Vilya pulses with every breath and each pulse of his fea as Elrond feels the fine well of power entangling around him. The Lord have been feeling the weariness of the ages sinking deep and clinging heavy on his bones.
The dull weight of it all drags on, settling on his spirit, plunging into depths unknown, rolling down and down, pulling into a deep, dark ocean beyond even Ulmo's reach.
And deeper.
And deep-
"-rond? Elrond!"
Elrond gets startled out of his darkening thoughts as the little swallow flutters off and faces the one face that he had always known.
One he and his brother have come to known as warmth and safety since they were but tiny elflings. Against the burning sky, Erestor stands before him, bent low with a gentle hand over his own, the one that bears the weight of power. The older ellon's cold hands cooling unlike the overbearing heat of his own skin. His slate green eyes dark, filled with a wide array of emotions unspoken, swirling in those orbs.
Right now, his Chief Councillor has forgone his usual heavy black robes, except for his elegant brocade robe of office over a tunic and leggings. The gold earcuff and feanorian earring shinning brightly.His twin blades strapped by his side and a crimson red scarf. No longer a mere advisor, Erestor and a select few of his staff have taken up the duty as the last means of defense of the Valley with the absence of Glorfindel and their troops.
Yet to Elrond, before him is not his Councillor and advisor, but one he and his brother have long recognised as another peredhel and claimed as kin of their own.
Elrond shifts and tugs Erestor down to sit beside him, the Lord of Imladris easing away the persona he carries.In his own private quarters, he cares not. The quiet guardian lets him, allowing Elrond to lean his head on his shoulder, his cold hand holding his own.The rare instance where Elrond feels the suppressed fea of the elder, the cold light bringing him familiar comfort. There was always something about the elder's fea he could never explain and he never knew why Erestor did so. Elrond never asked.
"You should not push yourself, Elrond." Erestor whispers.
"This land and many depend on me. As well as those further west. The darkness grows and without the strength of the land, it will be hard on our forces."
"Glorfindel and our warriors are more than capable of defending our borders against the wretched claws of evil and their ilk."Erestor admonishes gently, rubbing mindless circles on the peredhel's hand."You must rest, it will do us no good should you wear yourself thus. Arwen worries too."
"My precious daughter...always so sensitive and thoughtful. Even if I loathe to part from her, she has grown and found her own path. My sons, even if they have not made their choice to sail, they are finding their own place in this world. I cannot help but wonder...where does this leave me?"Elrond whispers his heartache in melancholy, closing his eyes and tries to ease the tension in him.
He is so, so tired. Like a thin piece of string, tattered and worn as time went on.
How he wished he could return to those innocent days! Safe and warm.There were days where he yearned for vague memories of the arms of nana, the hazy and distant gentleness of his adar's hand. Oh! How he longed for Celebrian's infectious joy and light. The ever smiling Celebrimbor's optimism. The ever practical Erenion and his laughter. In all that he had lost, he misses them the most. Dearest Elros by his side as they played with their strong Atto, with Atya singing enthralling songs and wonderous lullabies into the wild breeze.
His heart is so greedy and wants for them all. Fragments of light out of his grasp. Little fragments is all he craves.
"To be honest, when all is over, I had no desire to sail."
Erestor's words throws Elrond out of his maudlin thoughts like a broken glass, bringing everything to a standstill. The air freezes as Elrond's heart sinks, the younger elf turns harshly around as he hears the feanorian's proclamation.
"I have long thought I shall fade here. On this very land where my Atar and my Amil have held me and my siblings in their embrace. " Erestor stares at the crimson dusk, "Where it all began, is where I will find my end. The only home I had. Where all my memories are, and have possessed all that I have ever known."
The string breaks.
"You can't!"
Elrond snarls, grabbing Erestor's arms, clinging almost like a desperate man reaching for a distant shore. The son of Earendil and Elwing feels that the abyss have finally caught him in its cold maw, the endless waves of loneliness and loss, regrets and sorrow that he have kept away for so long, now unchained in its fury. He had long known many of the old feanorians and the noldor have thought to remain in Middle Earth, with Imladris as their final Home. However, to hear those words from his longest friend, protector and kin-
The power beneath this land moans painfully with her master's sorrow, clinging to Elrond like a child seeking solace.
"Everyone I have known and love are lost and gone. Forsaken and abandoned! I cannot! I cannot lose you as well, Tor!"
Elrond gives in as he finally wails, wretched and tormented, ages of heartache and desires bursting forth. The remaining one finally starts to crumble under the weight he has borne.
Dear Erestor who watched over him and Elros, and sheltered them after Maedhros and Maglor were gone. The one they have taken as their older sibling. Who had held them in the cold, somber nights in Lindon, with battered bloodied hands and lustrous raven locks shorn from his head. Who mourned with him the death of their beloved Elros, and the fall of his legacy. The one built with him this haven and held his own children with the same gentle hands filled with scars. The one who kept him and his children going as Celebrain's ship sailed.
Elrond has had enough.
"I don't want to lose anyone anymore. Please, Tor. You are all I have left..." was all Elrond could plead with what selfishness he could find in him.
He is a healer, he has seen broken hurts and deep wounds buried in the soul, mending each unspoken pain little by little with what strength he carries.
But who would bear and heal the pain of the healer then?
"Oh, Elrond..."
The old feanorian caresses his face in tender hold, wiping away the tears he have not realised were there from his redden cheeks. Bathed in ephemeral crimson light, the two companions through the ages holds the other quietly.
"Do not weep." Erestor whispers into his ear as he embraces the younger peredhel in sorrow.
"I will not lie, that was my thought for the longest time, to remain in the land where my amil and my siblings have laid to rest before passing into the Halls. I am tired, truth be told. Yet with all that has happened recently... watching you, the young ones, even Bilbo and the Dwarrow and Edain, and all who have came to this haven we have forged...I find myself wondering, if I could find that courage that you all have shown to walk a different path?"
Erestor then turns back towards Arien, watching the crimson setting sun. While Elrond stares up wonder at this Erestor who is still that calm and mighty guardian, yet different all the same. Within his eyes, they seem to hold a different light. A light that he feels in their shared bond of kinship in their fea, a burning ember chasing away the creeping darkness that have grown far and deep away inside.
And Elrond feels.
Things then swiftly happen in immediate succession, like something in the distance shattered and mended. A change in the air as that unseen miasma of dread it lifts as the birds cry. Vilya shudders, the elven ring trembling in resonance, before finally dimming itself into almost nothingness.
The horn of the Valley resounds.
An age ends. Another shall soon begin.
The residents of Imladris awaits at the square for the troops returning, bearing the wounded and the lost, but triumphant still with news of the destruction of Sauron and his Ring. Elrond bears his mantle once more with his circlet and heavy robes embroidered with patterns of gliding stars, hollow still but no longer in deep woe.
Vilya remains silent.
Their Lord descends to welcome their armies and the Edain back Home. Arwen remains close by his side, dressed in silver and silk. His daughter, ever empathic and sensitive. Her quiet presence a balm after that release of emotions welled up and sealed in him through the ages, bringing about much relief to his weary heart.
Bilbo Baggins, even with his body growing old and frail now that the final connection as Ringbearer is lost, hobbles slowly beside him in careful steps. The Hobbit probably hopeful for some news of his nephew and the fellowship.
A long welcoming horn sounds and there beyond the bridge, they see Glorfindel, glowing with the light of Aman, leading their victorious warriors and the last of their wounded home. Elrond's heart gladden to see them safe once more. As the Lord of Imladris, Elrond breathes in deeply the refreshing clean air, ready to give a speech to welcome them all home-
Right before he could get a word out, a blur of a shadow darts out, his Chief Councillor leaps elegantly past the many steps and simply crashes straight into his Captain dismounting Asfaloth. His favourite crimson scarf falling and lays forgotten in his wake.
The Golden Lord would have fallen over by the sudden unexpected impact from being pounced upon him if not for his unnatural strength. The Balrog-slayer dropping his helm and swiftly catching the dark haired elf with a hand on his back and another placed almost naturally on his assailant's bottom with no hesitation. The startled warrior's surprised noise also does not hinder Erestor in the slightest as he wraps his arms around the taller ellon and greets him.
Head on with a hard kiss.
Elrond nearly chokes.
The world seems to stop in that instant. Not a soul breathes. Not even as the caravan and wagons of the wounded behind holler at what was on with the hold up from behind. Asfaloth simply snorts in disbelief with a shake of his great head only a horse can, and wisely chooses to trot further away.
Everyone else remains still. Not even willing to move a muscle as the couple parted after a long heated kiss before a stunned audience, heaving with adrenaline and foreheads touching close.Unbothered and unconcerned.The silence is deafening, before someone finally speaks.
"Marry me, Laure." Erestor whispers, breathless.
Glorfindel gasps. His eyes bright with emotions, wild and free. The Hero of Gondolin could only gaze at his partner wordlessly filled with a fierce passion and endearing love.
"Eres? You are certain? You know we do not have to. I care not for oaths or promises or ceremonies, but only you by my side. My fea knows only you, forever and always. I am content!”
Erestor's hands clutches into the white cape of their Captain, his eyes fierce with raw determination, their unbridled Tempest.
"No more I shall fear of the unknown. Neither of Oaths nor Doom. Even if I am damned to the Void, even if I must claw my way out of the abyss, I will find my way back to you! It is you, and only you that I will hold till the end of all of Eru's Songs! I want to be one with you meldanya*. I am ready."
If there was a tear from either of them, no one could say for they were so enthralled by the words they share.
“My brave Eres! Have I not told you before? May it be in the light of grace or endless Void, all I care is you as you are. It will never change! If it is what you desire, then let us become one! None will keep you from me, for what use is my poor existence if I cannot keep my heart by my side?" Glorfindel smiles, holding Erestor close with no concern to the travel-worn state he is in. With a lighter, softer peck upon the soft lips of his partner.
“You need not protect me. Just, stay beside me, as I face what is ahead, that is all I shall ask. ” Erestor whispers softly. It was plain for all to see, even with that cool mein, their ever stern Councillor was basking in the raw light of love.
“That I can do.”Glorfindel returns with a soft laugh, eager and proud in their joy.
"I am sorry. I am sorry it took so long."
"Nay, it matters not for we are here at last, and what do you know? I am ready too." Glorfindel then pulls Erestor into a deep embrace.
"Let us be bound, Eres, and never be apart."
Elrond does not know why or how but watching this all unfold before his eyes, his two friends finally answering to those unspoken feelings that they have all long known felt like a refreshing air of relief for himself. The Lord can only give a loud laugh at the incredulous timing in the whirlwind of it all. Like a chapter coming to an end on its own.
Their happiness is so infectious and warm, that it urges the half-elven on with an unexpected impulsiveness as he descends down the steps to meet the couple. His arms reaching out and pulling them into a hug with his dear friends. Which causes the trio of Lords to nearly fall over into an unseaming heap if not for Glorfindel and Erestor pulling Elrond and each other safe on their feet on the solid ground.
"Mellyn nin! Does this mean we can safely deem that you are both together? After so many years, we are to have a wedding in the Valley then?" The Lord of Imladris smiles, feeling lighter than ever.
The couple shares a an uncharacteristically shy look, probably realising their open affections have been on full on display. The two shuffling awkwardly, as Glorfindel pulls back his golden braid and Erestor straightening his robes. Even as their hands remain clasped together through the motions.
"We are."
With that the dam breaks and there are cheers and roars from all around. The felicitations and laughter blooming and loud, even out beyond the gates, voices echoing far across Imladris.
Elrond even spots several bags of coin being passed around. Looks like the age old wagers have ended, one that he was unfortunately unable to participate out of fairness and status. His foresight definitely did not foresee any of this, Elrond can be certain, despite whatever one may believe. There were some hands passing over even to a rather eager Bilbo and...Arwen!? Elrond gives his daughter a incredulous stare of dismay with a raise of his brow, but Arwen simply wiggles the bag and mouths, "Aragon's!"
"But we will not be having a wedding."
The sounds all come back to a halt, leaving the birds to continue with their delightful song.
Everyone gets startled by the suddden aggressive shout and turns to its unlikely source. The ever polite and dutiful Steward of the House, Head Minstral of the bards, Lindir, stands in utter dismay and fury. A look of disdain upon his face with a hand clutching his robes in great horror. Elrond is rather certain its overly dramatic and very much out of character for the usually placid minstrel.
"No! No! Absolutely no! I have waited for an age for this and I refuse to accept-Its not how things are done! I made plans! I drafted songs! I will be vindicated! I WILL SEE A WEDDING!" Lindir declares with a glorious wave of his sleeves. Some of the household staff can be seen nodding in agreement.
Alright, he stands corrected with further observation. The little sleeve sweep was so much that he is reminded of Atya. Lindir certainly has enough flair to match with the Noldor he admires.
The couple can only simply blink blankly in response.
"But, we do not have the resources allocated for it, Lindir. Besides, we are short on time, we must prepare for our Arwen's wedding and for our House to journey forth to Gondor. There is also our wounded and our dead to care for, either way, it is not feasible at all." Their ever calculating and planning Councillor explains calmly.
"I politely disagree, my Lord Erestor."
Everyone now turns to Saelbeth who is the one to interrupt his mentor with a bow. His hands tucked in his sleeves as he steps forward from the group of councillors gathered.
"We not only have an abundance of resources stored, our staff and soldiers are more than capable and equipped to run autonomously. In fact, much of the preparations have already begun. Our household is more than proficient to handling the arrangements should our Lords be amendable in our suggestion."
Erestor narrows his sharp eyes at his protege, who is undaunted by the fierce look. As if the feanorian did not expect the efficiency he has implemented in this House to choose now of all times to work against him of all things.
Glorfindel gives a slight cough which sounded suspiciously like a laugh.
"We are also, able to oversee the duties of our troops as needed, if necessary." Deputies Laica and Thandor concurred from behind without prompt.
Which only earns them a careful glance from their Commander, one that the soldiers have chosen to disregard. Glorfindel rolls his eyes with an unbelivable shake of his head, muttering something along the lines of 'insubordination'.
"To be honest, Eres and I, we have both desired to only be wed simply by bonding. For our kin and friends here in our beloved home to recognise it, is more than enough." Their Captain elaborates, although this answer just seem to infuriate the usually calm minstrel even more, that the sindar is made speechless as he tries to breathe with his staff supporting him behind.
Elrond is a little guilty to find the whole situation a tad comical in any other circumstances.
"You will both not grant me the chance to witness an elven Wedding in my Home before I leave?"
They all turn around and come face to face with his daughter. Their beloved princess, their Evenstar, reaching out to hold their hands in hers. She gazes at her mentors and guardians with those gentle eyes, glimmering and full of hope under the golden rays of a new age of peace.
"Arwen-" Erestor began but Arwen urges him to listen with a shake of her head.
"Uncle Erestor, Uncle Glorfindel. Long have I wished to see you joined and blessed in ceremony. Will you not grant me this? Please?"
With that, Elrond can see the couple's resolve fall. Which was not surprising. For the two loved his daughter as though his children were their own since they were born. Elrond remembers the nights he and Celebrian handed his children to the two, watching them care for the young little elflings with so much care and selfless love.
Although that little spark in Arwen eyes is a little too obvious. Elrond gives his daughter an exasperated but fond look for that. It is somewhat reassuring to know his children all have not lost all of their playful innocence after all they have experienced in life and will carry them forth in what lies ahead.
Erestor manages to resist for a good while before giving a resigned sigh. He shares a knowing look with Glorfindel who returned with a wistful shrug.
"We can compromise, I suppose. Who needs tradition anyway in our haven, a Home for all walks of life?"
And compromise they did.
After mourning for the ones that have passed and comfoting those who grieved, the rest of Imladris sang for all, for those who cry and those who are to heal, and for everlasting peace.
Until the voices cease and raises once more in the flurry of excitement and chaos. The whole of Imladris prepares for the journey to Gondor and Arwen's wedding. Here in Imladris, where all of the elves from every clan have settled and called home for more than an age all prepare in their strange mix of elven customs hashed together in celebration.
On the night before their departure and their supposed wedding ceremony, Glorfindel and Erestor disappears, while Imladris makes merry in the name of the married couple.
The duo only emerges once more at the break of dawn, with Arien's greeting upon them. Glorfindel and Erestor appear, walking down the path from the sea of beech trees serenely, dressed in beautiful robes that Elrond has vaguely remembered from years long ago on one autumn eve. Their hair braided in a mix of noldor and vanyar patterns. They bear no wedding rings, but upon their brow, rests the circlet of their mate, with golden flowers shining against raven dark hair, and an elaborate twisting weaves gleaming upon glowing gold locks. It was plain for all to see, the marriage bond is complete and proud.
They stand before The Lord of Imladris and Arwen by his side, Lindir standing nearby bearing the ceremonial water from the Bruinen with almost the entirety of the Last Homely House welcoming the newly bonded Lords back with flowers. With bended knee, they greeted him and presented each other as their rightfully bonded mate, awaiting for his blessing. One that Elrond is more than eager to give, as he holds their warm hands in his.
Under all that happiness, Elrond suddenly senses a familiar light in Erestor as well. Elrond feels, and is surprised to find Erestor's fea dancing unbound, like a little ember on a quiet eve. With Glorfindel's powerful light mingling through like blooming vines, caressing across the shared connection. He simply cannot put a finger to no matter how he tried. Although he is unable to give much thought to it with most of his House eager to approach and congratulate the newly wedded couple until the time comes that they must leave for the long journey to Arwen's future.
Elrond watches it all, as he had done through the ages. A sense of acceptance settles within him as he urges his mount on, taking the first step out of Imladris with his daughter and friends by his side, and the elves of Imladris following behind.
Elrond turns to the boundless skies beyond.
Everyone is finding their own path, its probably time he walks down his own as well.
Flags flutter in the wind. Sails are prepared, and the ships are ready. Elrond observes as everyone else bid farewell to friends and kin. He has already made his goodbyes to his children but as a father, it is still difficult to part with them, forever his and Celebrian's treasured little ones. Bilbo and Frodo are huddling with their kin while Galadriel and Olorin speak with Cirdan in quiet voices.
It is hard to comprehend that he himself is finally leaving these shores for some place he has only heard and never seen. May it be from tales in the books or words of others. The unknown seems so difficult to grasp now that he is facing it.
Elrond turns and sees Erestor and Glorfindel approaching, probably done with overseeing things.
"Tor." Elrond indulges a childish whim, greeting his advisor the nickname out in the open. Before he is pulled into a warm embrace by his old companion.
"Be safe. Be happy."
"I will."
A press of their foreheads, the two part, before Glorfindel hugs Elrond as well.The warrior's arms folding over his form, strong yet gentle. Oh Glorfindel! Fair and selfless, who protected him and his family since the days of old, always cheerful and supportive. The defender of Imladris who sang so beautifully and made the flowers dance. Who also have the terrible habit of enabling little elflings with too much sugar and making him laugh.
He will miss them both dearly. His precious friends who have walked by his side.
"Send my regards to Celebrian and everyone there, alright?"
"Are you both sure you are staying?" Elrond asks once more, just to be sure.
Now that Glorfindel's duty is done, he is to return to Valinor. Erestor, now his husband and mate meant that he too, will sail with his beloved. Yet, the couple has elected to remain in Middle Earth and Imladris for sometime yet.
"Someone has to watch over Elladan and Elrohir. As well as those who seek to sail in the coming years, who will need guidance as they pass through the Last Homely House. Celeborn alone would not be possible!" Glorfindel remarks lightly in jest.
"It would not be long." Erestor reassures.
A bell sounds, and Cirdan calls for those looking to sail to finally board the ship. In that moment, the reality of the situation finally sinks in for Elrond like a skipping pebble finally falling into the water.
He looks back at his friends, who returns with an encouraging nod and a wave.With a deep breath, Elrond steps forward and onwards.
As everyone boards, Elrond notices Galadriel turning pointedly towards Erestor without a word. Who simply gives a small nod in acknowledgement to the Lady while Glorfindel keeps a hand proudly on his mate's waist. Galadriel gives a cryptic nod in return, and turns to board the ship.
As the hobbits follow along with Olorin, Erestor suddenly strides up, calling for Bilbo. The old hobbit and his nephew turns back towards the feanorian in wonder. It is then, Elrond sees Erestor removing his treasured earring bearing the feanorian star, bending down and handing it carefully into Bilbo's thin hands.
"I do not know what good this may do, but I hope it will aid you in what you seek in some way."
"And... should anyone ask?"
Erestor and Bilbo share a long moment in silence, before the old hobbit grips onto the gift with a new found strength in his old hands with grateful acceptance. Olorin watches on, curious and full of mirth, but wisely chooses not interfere as they move on.
The anchors are pulled. The wind picks up and the gulls sing an ode to bid them farewell.
Farewell to Middle Earth! Farewell to everything and all! As the Eldar and the ringbearers leave behind all they have known and onwards into another realm, into another journey unknown. The breeze grows strong and the waves rushes, pushing them on and into the light-
The Peredhel turns back and sees Erestor running upon the docks, robes in hand and shouting towards the ocean with little care for his usual decorum. Glorfindel following close behind, waving brightly and so enthusiastically, almost like a maniac should one stumble upon the sight.
"Go! My kin! We will be just right behind!"
"The journey will be awhile! Do not miss us! It will not be long and you shall have company to keep you busy, dear Elrond!"
Elrond blinks back a tear at his silly friends and laughs.
There was only so much one can do out in the vast and endless sea in close quarters with many others. However, Elrond has found comfort watching the stars and his Adar sail across the night skies, wondering in the quiet of his mind.
When the shores of the West are finally sighted, many are excited, though for a break in endless voyage or beauty of it, Elrond could not be certain. As they all clamouring and crowding on the bow for a glimpse of the blessed realm.
Yet the unexpected always happen when one least expects it.
With a loud cry resounding into the air breaking the peace, everyone on the ship are soon startled out of their watchful gaze of the their eternal home. Elrond jumps up, sprinting to the bottom of the deck to the storage where lies its source. Where a pale Frodo stares incredulously at an open box.
Galadriel arrives as well and they share a questioning look, leaving Olorin to quickly tend to the startled hobbit on the floor of the ship. Bilbo slowly joins in, offering a pat of comfort to his kin, though the old adventurer seems oddly calm by the chaos. Sounds of movement from the opened box increase with intensity, each rustling and rattling growing louder much like Elrond's own heartbeat. There is no foulness or evil in the air, but age old instincts has them on edge all the same.
With careful steps, Elrond approaches the crate first with Galadriel following close behind.
Cautiously, they all peer inside.
After all these years and in endless joys and unending sorrow, the half elven finds finally feels that burden upon him lifting, a light of hope and his being healing at long last. With quiet tears and a sob of delight, Elrond is finally able to smile again, full and free, as he dives in to embrace the beginnings of healing as his heart soared.
*Quenya: my beloved
A/N: I probably could have polished things more but at this point, I think I shall leave it as it is. A rather odd final part I think but I tried? Thank you all for taking the time to read and comment and reblog, you all made my day with each one!
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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mimiscoiningcafe · 6 months
Internal Truth
[PT: Internal Truth]
Internal Truth, a neoreligion and/or ficto-religion that is based on being deitykin and/or having spiritives.
It involves a belief that yourself and/or alters (if you are a system) are divine and therefore you worship them in whatever way applicable. It doesn't explicitly mean that these are existing deities but it can be!
Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences.
Group Titles: Internal Truth of the Divine Kin, Internal Truth of the Spirit
This was mostly coined because I wanted a term to explain the experience that I have with my spiritives.
Fultist/Fult DNI!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ID: Help would be very much appreciated!]
Colors for the first flag + the alts are taken from @divine-skyline's deitykin flag while the second flag + alts are taken from @the-silent-fellowship's spiritive flag, with a praying flaticon because I couldn't find the symbol that he used!
Tagging: @redacted-coiner, @ficto-religious-archive
Oh, and if you want alts/different colors for the flags, let us know because this was actually really fun to do and turned out great! :3
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merakiui · 11 months
For the fanfic writers directors cut:
Could you give some commentary on sea glass? Particularly, why azul and the tweels had such an obsession with the main character and not her brother as well?
Thank you for asking!!! I will gladly give Sea Glass commentary.
(ask game)
To begin, the man who was keeping Reader captive is not their brother. The two figures from the man's diary are himself and his (presently deceased) sister; they aren't blood-related to Reader. Reader is just the unfortunate soul who happened to become entangled in this years-long scheme.
In the story, this is noted:
And that was how it began. Grand wishes were to be granted with grand payment. It was decided that every two years the house would provide the trio with a human and in return they would grant the boy’s wish regardless of how outlandish it might have been. He could have anything he wanted—riches, health, or power—and all it took was one person’s sacrifice.
The deal Azul arranged with the man is, essentially, one in which the man benefits at the cost of a human life. Azul needs humans because he's experimenting [redacted for Moonbroch spoilers] (which he cryptically touches upon in the fic when he says his research has concluded), and the most feasible way to attain humans is to get them from another human (i.e. the man). The man keeps one human within his home for two years, caring for and conditioning them according to what Azul instructs, and by the end of the two year period he must relinquish them to Azul and the twins no matter what, as per the terms of the contract. In exchange, Azul grants the man's wish.
Normally, the exchange is emotionless, but this time the trio took special interest in Reader. Most of the reasoning for this will be explained in Moonbroch (the sequel), but I will note that they have all grown obsessively fond of Reader after a few very important events in the story's plot prior to the murder and what follows in Sea Glass. The trio have something of a business partnership with the man; they never cared much for him (or his sister) to begin with, but they do care a lot for Reader. >:)
Additionally, for further context, the story (and hints of the deal) are told from Jade's pov in these tiny snippets, which may just provide more background into the situation from an objective perspective:
i. the house on the hilltop is curious. two bipedal creatures enter, but only one ever leaves. as for us, we are confined to the shadowy depths of the sea, bearing silent witness to the tale of unwilling coexistence.  ii. every other year we receive a gift from that peculiar house on the hilltop. when the debt collector makes his biennial trip to the surface and collects what’s owed, we are permitted to relish in the scraps of what’s left behind. as per the agreement, we grant a single wish to those who can pay the steep price. iii. humans often throw coins into wells and fountains, but such beliefs are rooted in false hope. the house on the hilltop is devoid of such hope, yet its human comes to us with materialistic wishes every two years. perhaps his own fruitless ���hope’ began when the price for a single wish became the life of his kin. iv. the house on the hilltop is blood-stained. a caged angel exists within, hiding claws and fangs. we are not strangers to the food chain, but the carnivorous nature of a once domesticated angel is certainly a curiosity to behold.  v. the house on the hilltop sits serene and abandoned. there is no business to be found inside and we no longer watch from a distance. having freed the angelfish from devious clutches, there is no reason to regard an empty, hopeless place.
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busterkeel · 2 years
I love the tall Jazz concept, but what I love more is tall Fenton siblings
Jazz has to be taller than Danny, she could be 6"9 or 6"10
Danny could be 6"7
I'd say Danny started growing when he was 16
His ghost form doesn't/hasn't aged though because reasons....
In my mental sinario Dan turned over a new leaf with some help comforting from Jazz and he's 1 or 2+ inches taller than Jazz, like 6"11+
He doesn't have a human identity because he likes staying in the zone more, unless he's looming over amity for some strange reason or visiting Jazz,(Jack or Maddie)
Honestly now that I'm typing it I can see them making time to visit him in the zone
Maybe they feel regret, if they hadn't been so caught up on their ecto experiment and research the portal accident wouldn't have happened, he wouldn't have been so scared to tell them he's part ghost, and they would have had time to notice his school grades were low so he wouldn't have felt he need to cheat
Dani at age 12 is like up to Danny's neck in his original height at age 14, so I'd say she's like 4"10
But when danny has his growth spurt she grows to Danny's original height of 5"5 when she reaches 14
I guess some part of her want to seen as a younger sibling(because of the whole vlad clone replacement fake family, she wants a real one, so she emotionally doesn't allow herself to grow faster than danny, jazz & Dan) and she still hasn't hit her growth spurt like Danny did, but when she does or allows herself to she'll 1 or 1 1/2 inch shorter and danny being
She has a ligit human identity which has been set up by Tucker, Technus and Desiree......, let's say she was at boarding school from 11 and below
Does Wisconsin have a boarding school?
Well it does now, she was being taken care of by Vlad (who had made up with the fentons)
He sponsors them now....(these dots are really me just holding back from explaining 😭)
Dani also travels alot (paid by Vlad of course) and she trusted to take care of herself, from her past roaming experience (plus she's a fenton/phantom 💪) she visits when she wants to and on holidays
I'd like to say her obsession is freedom, she can be who she wants to be and not someone she failed to be, (this is also why I think that mind control wouldn't work on her like Danny) which is also why I give her a water core since unbound it can mold into anything
Let's say Vlads ghost obsession was making him crazy, all that time he was alone with that ecto achnee made his obsession seeking out kin someone who'd understand him, aka Danny
Especially when he wanted something but he didn't know what, so he got rich to try to fill the void, and then when he found something that would fill it aka Danny he wanted him to join him
Honestly all that time alone, with his doctors not know what the hell is wrong with him, and him having to figure out his powers blind, his feeling of abandonment from Jack & maddie, the root of the problem being Jack and seeing Jack happily with a family
Made him even crazy
Making him want to steal from Jack, aka wanting Maddie and Danny
(I know I didn't explain this as best as I wanted, but this is not what I came here for)
He gives up the mayor seat to a nice guy who like to drink tea, has a mustache and looks like he gives nice hugs
Anywho as I said he sponsors the fentons who in turn sponsors Amity park with ghost tech, ghost shields in certain places
in the future after canon (beside the whole identity reveal) there should be a Amity park announcement that can pic up different ecto signatures that Maddie and Jack put in like
Also what if they have like a GhostGo app (like pokemon go) Let's say Tucker created it and if you see a ghost you can take a picture of them and it'll be added to you own personal database
I imagine Youngblood being rare cause only children and child at heart can see him, but even if they take a picture of where he is he'll still show up blank, but they have the option to draw him
Anyways I can imagine after everyone is grown up Maddie and Jack start traveling to paranormal places to research ghost activity
(I've also have in my headcanon from someone else, that years ago before the portal they went to a event in Gotham to get Bruce Wayne to sponsor them and he laughed in their face)
Reasons why Danny's ghost form isn't aging
Even tho he knows he wont turn evil like Dan there's still some uncertainty mentally that's holding him back, like no one being able to stop him of he turned evil, he doesn't like being strong......
He know he wont be like Dan (which is why his human form is aging to an extent) but in his ghost form there still that lil fear of becoming evil and that's stopping his ghost form from aging and looking like Dan
Like around 18 years old he is crowned crown prince(he was already a prince, but now they're really getting him ready for the throne" and he starts learning about ghost history and kingly stuff, but then he learns that the whole tittle comes with a power boost (I've read a fanfic that does this and loved it) and now that too powerful to stop if he turns evil is slowly creeping up the just a lil 🤏
The more I explain this the more it Branches off into my other mental sinarios I was just trying to tell the height differences......
Well....The whole town is liminal, some more than others and they are sick of the Justice league not taking them seriously and answering their pleas. Like after the whole town went into the zone and they still didn't help, they gave up on them and now hold a strong disgust towards them
Ok im done, I really had to force myself to stop typing this is not what I came here to explain....
Just one more thing
I should mention that Danny wanted to be an astronaut, but because of the ecto in his blood he can't so he stuck with being a Nasa engineer (I think they don't need your medical history for that) plus he can fly to space any time he wants
In the zone Dan is called Lord Phantom, older brother of (crown) Prince Phantom, Jazz would be called Princess Jazz, but I don't want the justice league to figure out their identity, like I want it impossible unless they're trusted enough to be told
But once again amitians don't like the justice league so....... she's called High Princess.
Dani could be called Princess Dani or princess Phantom
(She's called Ella in her human form)
18 + 5 = 23/24 when he's with nasa(still dodging being crowned, basically king without the crown, he'll take it soon... maybe that's why the justice league comes knocking [like that one fanfic where all the magic users feel it] after a long time of connecting to Amity park), Jazz would be 25/26 psychologist in Gotham, just meeting or going out with Jason, Dani is traveling places hard to reach, and is in ghost knight training. Don't know what Dan would be doing? Or Sam, Tucker & Valarie would be outside the zone
I imagine the fenton siblings towering over the Wayne's/batfam if she ever introduces them, Honestly still mad at frickin Bruce from friendly neighborhood vigilante ch. 14
Anyways the reason for this is because of the recent tall jazz fanfic had my mind running.
........This is posted some days later, I really went off track and didn't even want to post it anymore. I really just came to talk about the heights. The only reason why I finished it is because of another headcanon that formed while I was typing this, which will be in part 2 !
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kinemonsassbiter · 5 months
Kin'emon & his ADHD shenanigans
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We all know that from all characters the most ADHD-coded is rather Luffy, BUT, while talking very much about my own ADHD and my bestie's experience with it we come to rather interesting conclusions that i have a hard time to explain properly, but want for mor people to think about
There's some symptoms that kinda look like Kin actually have ADHD:
1. Kin'emon is absolutely fine with sudden changing themes of dialogue, getting distracted.
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One of the most basic things most people knew about ADHD is the lack of attention.
There are differences in how a neurotypical person and a person with ADHD are distracted during a conversation. Firstly, ADHD people do this much more often in general(there are only 3 examples specifically here, but I guarantee you, he still has a lot of them), secondly, to change the dialogue, it may sometimes be enough to literally "throw in" something (even if it is not related to the topic of conversation at all or isn't so important, like when Kin'emon got distracted on Sanji to joke at him, even when Kin was talking literally page before how he should find Momo and his body) and they will quickly continue this (while a neurotypical person usually either returns to the topic later, or is generally confused or asks about a sudden change of topic), thirdly, they can just drop the first topic or absolutely forget in the process what the dialogue was originally about (as in the example with Zoro, when Kin'emon is distracted during a conversation about the sword and does not bring it up at all later despite being very conflicted about it literally few panels before) and simply does not return to it anymore. Fifthly, this is all also happens due to the tendency to speak without thinking, without taking into account the time and relevance of the statement.
Also Kin can be distracted in this way not just specifically while talking, but in actions too. Brook, so that Kinemon would not be distracted by the dragon (there will be a whole point later about ADHD people's fixation on some specific goal), had to literally hold his hand like a child so that he would not run away from him in episode 606.
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2. His connection with Luffy.
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It does seems too obvious but Kin'emon cares about Luffy maybe as much as he cared about Oden, and Luffy cared about Kin as a close friend, probably on a same level he cares about Strawhats. They both got attached to each other, Kin is fine with Luffy's shenanigans, and Luffy even invite Kin'emon to join their journey when they were sailing off(plus, he even called his name firstly before Yamato and Momo(and it also means they all are honourable Strawhats as much as Vivi is, why everyone always forget that?)) There's just plenty of moments when Luffy cares about him but maybe that's for another talk.
People can argue about anything but not about Luffy having ADHD, because it's geniusly as obvious as possible tbh. This is the moment when two non-neurotipycal people understand each other's train of thoughts and quickly find a good trustful connection together.
3. His 'mastermind' plan moment.
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Jokes (and Kin'emon's luck) aside, it also looks like true ADHD moment. From all people who believed in this 'strategy' it was Denjiro and Kanjuro, two most close person to Kin from Res Scabbards, while for others it was obvious that it wasn't the part of plan. Persons with ADHD have a trait, in which they can kinda create of transform a bit their personality for other people when communicating, but not out of deliberate manipulation or to appear better, but by itself, without full awareness of their behavior on how they behave differently with others individually. Kanjuro and Denjiro believed that he could come up with something like this because in their eyes Kinemon seemed smarter than he is (by the way, this is also a common feature when ADHD person seems smarter than they are), while for Red Scabbards it did not work.
4. His reaction after Kanjuro's death, or to be more exactly... he's lack of reaction about it.
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(still my favourite meme) The fact that after whatever shit happened he didn't really thought about his, i remind you, former best friend that betrayed him in awful way, and seemed to be kinda fine would feel off, until there's one of things that ADHD people have - they are very easy to get attached to someone, but after experiencing traumatic event with someone they used to trust their mind cuts off all positve and negative memories for their own sake, kinda forcing them to just... forget about it. They still will remember if you will brought that up but it won't sound so bad for them anymore. Not thinking about what happened yet remembering how it felt. And, well, in general if there won't be any situation where they have to somehow come back to these memories they won't think about it at all mostly. It was painful in process but much easier after. So, after Kanjuro's death & betrayal Kin's mind just decided to forget everything about him, and that's why he doesn't seemed to really reflect or think about it after Raid.
5. Kin's loyalty to Oden.
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Talking about how ADHD people are easily attached... It's common to not just get easily, but also deeply attached for a short period of time to them. Kin'emon could not care less about Oden chapter ago, but after seeing what kind of person he is his mind changed and Kin is now 100% wants to go with him and to die for him. And, firstly, he didn't really know him at that time, but had already decided to take such a huge turning step, and secondly, Kin never doubted his own decision, even when Oden clearly did not like their idea in first time, and thirdly also never regretted the rest of the time. Imagine changing your entire life just because of adoration over other person. Absolutely normal decision)))))))))
Other ADHD shenanigans, in short, can also include:
1. Very active gesticularity and artistry in retelling events. Kinemon is very emotional in general, but these traits are very common for ADHD people due to a very stormy imagination and a peculiar train of thought. Gesticularity, to be more clear, is one of the signs of hyperactivity.
2. Constant intrusive explanations. Everything is probably obvious here.
3. His impulsive behaviour.
It mostly all for this post. There were also things that i was able to point out but maybe I'll have it second part or add it later if i would found people getting interested in it.
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