#or pikachu face whichever works
pandoraroid · 5 months
"Your Playful Werewolf Boyfriend is a Menace to Society" how wonderful
(very messy reactions & thoughts as i listen lol)
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HIS ACCENT???? i have folded. erik does such a good job with accents
"why hello my love. i've missed you." :(((((( ivefyckingmelted
"i'm hungry." guy coded
"oh i'm always hungry for that. is my love offering?" JESUS
"it is quick, it's hot, and ready." yeah i bet it fucking is
"like someone else you know" FUCKING HELL
"tomato is the fruit" oh thank fucking god
"even pizza is upsetting... this is big" HE SAID THE THING HE SAID THE THING
"in a few moments i won't have thumbs to open the door... [laughs] oh yes, checkmate, my mate." FOLDED AND GAGGED
the panting omfg
"hey, how's it going?" I'M FLOORED
"damn your dog is big. that's wild." actually collapsed when i heard that
"why is your dog wearing gym shorts?" a fashion choice "oh, love that." HELP?????
"i have a wonderful butt. as you have said many times." OH I'M FUCKING SURE WE DID
the sulking is cute omfg
"apology accepted. now kiss me-" dear god i am knocking on your door i have seen the good you have done for others WHEN WILL IT BE ME-
he's so asher and guy coded. am crying (does this mean he's the pack beta or no what-)
"oh, have you heard the lastest pack talk?" MOR FOOLIVERSE TALBOT PACK MOR MOR GIMME MORE
"i don't know with your little text chats with the other mates-" THAT'S SO????? /pos
"davey's mate is talking all the time. they have secrets they csn't keep." first of all, DAVEY???? DAVEY???? IM SCREAMING second, ANGEL IS MENACE IS EVERY UNIVERSE AHHAHAHAHAHA
"when talking, his mate called him puppy." OH GOOD LORD AHAHHAHAHAHA THEY DID THE THING THEY DID THE THING
"no, it's good for him. he's too serious all the time. he could to lighten up." ASHER??? i get that this is an au though but I NEED TO SEE THAT SKGSKSVS
"and i see you've brought the gorgeous face. very generous." HOOOOOOOOO LORD
"i love you. very much. and i also love pizza when it's hot so we should eat." so guy coded 😭 but ilytoobby
uuuhhh uuuhhh last thoughts??? i'm loving au/anthology(?). and as someone who's only still starting to listen in shit (/pos), it's sooo much fun lolz so curious so find out about david in this au
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tendebill · 1 year
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update: i am becoming more and more sick as we speak
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chaotic-super · 1 year
For Her Sake - Chapter 13
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Read For Her Sake on AO3 here!
The past two weeks have been impossibly crazy.
Between Cat being a bitch and purposefully setting her up with impossible tasks that are just a pain in the ass to try and fulfil and the weather being non-stop rain, Kara has never been so glad to reach the weekend, especially knowing that as soon as she leaves the office in less than an hour, she’s most likely never going to have to walk back in here ever again.
Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Winn waving her over. She smiles and gets up, grabbing a little something off her desk on her way over and hiding it in her palm.
“Hey.” She stops beside his desk.
“Hey, how are you doing? How does it feel to be nearing the end?” Winn leans back in his chair, spinning it around so he’s facing her better. “You’re going to be free in right around…” he flips his wrist dramatically to check his watch, “fifty-one minutes.”
Kara shrugs. “I have no idea how I feel. It’s kind of a relief but it’s also kind of, I don’t know…sad? I’m going to miss this place, or at least miss what it used to be. I’m glad to see the back of the never-ending to-do list I’ve been working off the last couple of weeks though. I’m really excited to start over at Reign though, I think a fresh start is exactly what I’ve been needing and with Alex working at L-Corp it’s setting us up to be just fine. We’re finally getting somewhere, Winn and it feels just so refreshing.”
Winn grins at her. “You look happy.”
“I am.”
“I’m not happy.” Winn follows up on his previous statement.
Kara’s happy demeanour drops in an instant. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not happy that you’ve been using the daycare for Alex’s job to take care of Lori where I can still pick her up. You know I love that kid.”
Kara shakes her head. “Winn, that was before I found out you were taking a pay cut to finish early to go and get her. It’s free for the daycare and you can still come over whenever you want and take her out on a weekend of anything where you’re not losing money just to help us out.”
“Ok, it was like, barely any money difference and it’s not the same. Even if it’s not every day, give me like…two days a week or something? Come on…it’s just two days.” He can see Kara breaking so he leans closer, pouting obnoxiously. “Please.”
Kara leans back, giggling slightly and giving in. “Ok, ok. Two days a week. Whichever two suit you best.”
“Good.” He drops the pout, chuckling along with her and beaming. “I miss the little munchkin.”
“You only saw her like, three days ago.”
“My point still stands.”
Kara presses her fingers into the thing in her hand. “I’ve got a little something for you.”
“If it’s not the Pikachu figurine from your desk, I don’t want it.”
Kara smiles and puts that very item on his desk, watching closely as his eyes light up. “You’re in luck. I won’t have a desk at Reign so this is for you.”
Winn snatches it up the second Kara’s hand has retracted, lifting the little figurine up and closer to his face so he can look at it closely. “Really? You’re serious? You’re giving me your desk Pikachu?”
“I am.” Kara folds her arms feeling kind of cool because she’s giving Winn something he’s been asking for since she got the little thing a couple of years back.
“You’re really giving me the Pikachu that you found in the parking lot at Comic-Con?”
“I am. Please cherish it, it took a lot of energy for me to bend down to pick it up.” Kara laughs taking it from him and positioning it between a few of his other collectables. “It’s also to help keep you company since we all know you’ll be super lonely here without me, I am like, the best person ever.”
Winn looks at the Pikachu fondly before looking up at Kara with the same look in his eyes. “I know that’s a joke but I’m really going to miss seeing you pretty much every day. I mean, I’ll still come visit you and I’m really happy you’re happy but I am going to miss you.”
“I’m really going to miss you too. You’re what made working here so fun.” Kara grabs his arm, pulling him up so he’s standing and she can give him a proper hug. “Thanks for making my time here so good, it wouldn’t have been half as amazing as it was if you weren’t here.”
She goes to pull back but Winn’s strong arms stop her, keeping her in the hug and she realizes why just moments later when she feels something wet hit her shoulder. Rather than call attention to it, she just holds him tightly, her arms strong against his back as she lets him take his time.
Kara had no idea that he cared about her enough to cry about her leaving. He’s her best friend and they are still going to see each other but he’s taking this hard, obviously not putting up any resistance for her sake so she doesn’t second guess a decision that is good for her and Lori.
He pulls back after a long sniff, frantically wiping at his eyes. “Sorry, it just got real.”
Kara runs her hands up and down his upper arms, trying her best to soothe him. “Don’t be sorry, Winn. Hey, why don’t you come back to our place tonight? We’ve managed to put some money aside for takeout and we’re ordering pizza so if you want to come and hang out with the coolest people on Earth, you’re welcome to.”
“Ok.” Winn nods, taking no convincing. “I want to play Mario Kart though.”
“Whatever you want,” Kara says. “Now get back to work, we still have like, forty-five minutes left before we’re free and while it doesn’t matter for me, you can still get fired.”
Winn grumbles. “Uh, I hate that. Is Reign hiring? I am not above following you.”
“Unfortunately not and we both know you couldn’t do a job that doesn’t involve computers, you’re very smart but I would not trust you to carry plates across a room without tripping.” Kara backs away, a big grin on her face. “Now, hop to it, Winslow. Work, now.”
Winn twizzles his chair back around, mumbling what sound like some very inappropriate words under his breath.
Kara heads back to her desk, plopping down in her chair with a thump. It’s half broken, about to give way any day now but she put in a maintenance request weeks ago and it never got replaced, she doesn’t have to worry about it anymore.
With just a little bit of time left, she decides to pack up the few things she still has on her desk. Most of it has been going home with her each night over the past couple of weeks but there are a few things still to come home with her so she grabbed an empty box on her way back from lunch and has had it stored just behind her chair since for this exact moment.
Kara places it down on the floor at her side and slowly begins piling things into it starting with the little plant she has had on her desk which she still hasn’t figured out if it’s fake or real but she has been watering for the past year with the dregs of her coffee at least twice a week. It is placed in the corner of the box, leaving lots of space for the few books she’s got in the bottom drawer of her desk, the ones she has sneakily been reading whenever there’s a free few minutes at work and Cat is out in a meeting. She’s never taken them home because the thought of the weight of them hanging off her shoulder was too awful to think about but now, she’s got no other choice.
There are several knickknacks and random objects that she’s not even sure when they migrated from her place to the office but she’s taking them home anyway. Just to be petty, she ends up taking her good pair of scissors and her stapler too because she bought them a while ago when it was taking too long for her requests to go through, that was back before the accident when she had the money to do things like that.
There’s just one thing left to go, a picture of her, Alex and Lori. It’s just a small one, mostly because she was always too afraid to show off her personal life too much but looking at that picture and seeing what she was working for has always given her the strength to get through the days that were otherwise unbearable. She’s spent a lot of time looking at it since she put her resignation in.
As soon as her desk is clear of everything except for her laptop and CatCo schedules and such, the things she can’t take home because it’s CatCo property, she closes the lid of the box and pushes it to one side. There’s not a lot she can do now, she worked through lunch to make sure all of Cat’s scheduling is done for the next week just so it can’t be said that she didn’t treat her fairly in her leave so there’s literally nothing left for her to do.
A glance over at Winn and his screen shows her that he is fully focused on his work so she can’t just annoy him so she’s got to look busy. She grabs one of her notebooks that she put in her box, she found several because she used to have a problem with buying notebooks she will never write in, and flips it open to a random blank page and then starts scribbling random lines, zigzagging along the page just to pass the time.
With only fifteen minutes left, she does that for a solid five before giving up and tossing it into the box again and then lifting it onto her desk. She then wanders around the bullpen and starts saying her goodbyes.
Most of the people there have been lovely to her and she knows a lot of them well through short conversations in the break room and through early morning elevator chitchat. They are all surprised that she’s leaving since she never told anyone and well, in most cases where someone is an assistant at a big company like this one, it’s so they can progress there and climb rank so it’s odd that she’s leaving whilst still only on the bottom rung.
She makes her rounds, getting a lot of well wishes and hugs along the way and then heads back to her desk where Winn is waiting, his bag slung over his shoulder.
“Are you ready?”
“Can you wait a couple of minutes? There’s one more person I need to say goodbye to.”
“Sure,” Winn says but tilts his head at her, confused and unsure who else she could need to speak to.
His eyebrows practically shoot up into his hairline when she walks past him and knocks on the glass door of Ms Grant’s office.
“Ms Grant?”
“Yes?” Cat looks up from her computer looking bored.
“I’m leaving now so I wanted to come and say goodbye.” Kara walks through the office, stopping just short of her desk. “I want to leave on good terms with you, I have a lot of good memories here and this place still means a lot to me so I was hoping we could just put the past behind us and I can just go without any regrets.”
Cat stares at her suspiciously as Kara sticks her hand out towards her. “Why?”
“Because before everything happened, I thought we were friends and I’d like to leave that way, even if we never end up seeing each other again. Besides, it’s good for your reputation if everyone out there sees me leaving on a good note.” She nods her head aimlessly towards the bullpen where most people are packing up their things to go home.
With a touch of reluctance, Cat reaches over and shakes her hand, her grip a lot stronger than Kara imagined someone of her stature would be capable of. “Kara, I may not agree with your choices, especially your choice to leave but I do admire your drive to take care of your family, I can respect that. I wish you well.”
“You too, Ms Grant. I did your schedules for next week to give whoever you’re replacing me with a chance to figure their crap out. Call it a parting gift. Try not to make them cry.” Kara smiles warmly at her one last time before leaving, aware of Cat’s piecing gaze pinned on her back as she makes her way out for the last time.
Winn is holding her box, having been not-so-sneakily watching their interaction from his spot leaning against her desk. “You ok?”
“I am,” Kara answers and goes to take her box but Winn holds it out of her reach.
“Not a chance, now let’s go, I’m starving.”
“Me too.” Kara mumbles, somehow, not quite as sad as she thought she would be to see the back of this building that has been a major part of her life for years.
Kara and Winn get back to the apartment before Alex does because she’s picking Lori up too so for the first time in a while, she gets the place to herself, well almost to herself but Winn doesn’t count.
“Why don’t you set up Mario Kart while I go and run and have a quick shower before Alex and Lori get back?” Kara says, her question really a demand.
“You got it, boss,” Winn answers, taking one of Alex’s beers that Kara offers to him on her way through the bedroom to the bathroom.
She’s purposefully quick because she doesn’t want to make Winn wait and she doesn’t know exactly what time Alex will get back because usually, she’s home long after Alex gets back because she takes public transportation but Winn drove here today so what is a trip that usually takes over an hour was little more than fifteen to twenty minutes.
Hopping out of the shower, she throws on some comfy pants and a blue cotton tee, dressing mostly for comfort and dries her hair, not bothering with make-up.
Winn is on the couch scrolling through his phone when Kara wanders back out into the living room. “Hey, it’s all set to go, want to start now or are we waiting until Alex and Lori get here?”
“We should probably wait until they get here, I love that little girl but man does she get competitive and I don’t want to hear her spend the night complaining that we got a head start.” Kara sinks into the couch beside Winn, her head instantly leaning back into the cushions and her eyes half-closing.
“Your closed eyes tell me you’d like to sit in silence while we wait for them.”
“That’s one hundred percent correct.” Kara mumbles.
“You’re a terrible host but ok.” Winn snickers, his eyes falling back to his phone right away. He doesn’t mind just sitting here with Kara, it won’t be the first time they have gone to hang out and just ended up sitting in the same room doing two separate tasks in complete silence.
Within a couple of minutes, the past two weeks and the relief of finally leaving that place in the past where it belongs has Kara snoring, her head thrown all the way back and Winn silently laughing at her, his shoulder shaking and his fist clenched between his teeth so he doesn’t wake her. His laughter dies down after a couple of minutes but every once in a while he does look up from his phone to smile at her.
She’s still snoring when Alex unlocks the front door and sighs her way through it, Lori skipping in right in front of her. Lori spots her mom and Winn and runs over to them, her eyes bright and joyful. She clambers into Kara’s lap, effectively waking her up and wrapping her little arms around her. “Mommy! You’re home before us!”
“I am, I missed you today, baby.” Kara pulls her close for a cuddle. “Have you had a good day?”
“Uh huh, the best, we got to play in the sand pit and then Aunty Alex invited Lena to come for dinner and she said yes!”
Kara’s eyes widen and she looks over to see Alex standing in the kitchen with none other than Lena Luthor. “Oh yes, I see that. Why don’t you and Uncle Winn catch up so I can go and say hi?”
Winn wants to argue, he wants to meet Lena, she’s basically his idol, but he settles for an excitable little girl instead who is already wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Lena, hi!” Kara greets Lena, heading into the kitchen. “I’m so glad you could make it, especially after I had to cancel on you for dinner before. I’m sorry about that, I was really looking forward to it too.”
Alex throws her hands up. Kara has yet to greet her but is already all over Lena. She shouldn’t have invited her because now she’s stuck watching them moon after each other, neither of them ballsy enough to notice the way the other has a very obvious crush on them.
Lena rests her hand on Kara’s forearm. “Don’t worry about it. It sounds like you’ve had a hell of a time finishing up your time at CatCo. How does it feel to not work there anymore?”
Kara lets out a heavy puff of air. “I don’t even know. It’s strange, I think I’ll miss it but I’m also super excited to start working with Sam. I’m sure you’ve heard all about the time I saw her for lunch a couple of weeks ago, she was lovely. I managed to part ways with Ms Grant in a nice way really, we shook hands and agreed to leave the past in the past so I guess I can’t wish for more.”
“Sam did tell me about that, I should probably warn you that while she’s nice, she’s a blabbermouth to the people she’s closest to, so anything you tell her, she’s probably going to tell me and our other friend, Jack, if you don’t specifically tell her to keep it to herself.”
“Noted.” Kara nods. “Now, shall we order? I’m starving.”
“I’m so down for that.” Alex interrupts them with a small stack of takeout menus, “Winn, Lori, want to come and help pick where we eat?”
Winn grabs Lori, swinging her around as he stands up, making her squeal as he does so and for a second, Kara’s heart is in her mouth because while she trusts Winn, she’s terrified of Lori potentially getting hurt. Her hand flies to her chest, covering her rapidly beating heart. “Careful.” She warns when he settles beside her with Lori propped on his hip.
He sends her a sheepish look before focusing on the menus. “I know we agreed on pizza but I’m thinking that maybe we should order Chinese too, it’s been far too long since I’ve seen you inhale an ungodly amount of potstickers in one sitting.”
Kara clears her throat awkwardly in a mixture of embarrassment because he just really said that in front of Lena and because she feels bad because they have guests over and they can’t afford to get both pizza and Chinese food. “I don’t know, Winn. Maybe we should just stick to the pizza.”
“How about a deal then, you get the pizza you seem to so desperately want and I’ll get the Chinese food, deal?” Winn argues and then sticks out his hand like it’s a done deal.
“Ooh, How about I order Big Belly Burger too?” Lena asks, spotting a menu for there. “I haven’t had one of their burgers in way too long and it’s kind of my guilty pleasure. Come on, let’s make a feast out of it. I’ll order those, Winn gets the potstickers and you guys get the pizza, fair and square.”
Kara knows what they are playing at. Alex does too, to be fair, but she doesn’t really care. Kara feels bad that they have invited Winn and Lena over yet they are going to be paying for a good chunk of the food, it doesn’t feel right but she can’t do much about it, they know what they are doing and this is their way of doing it as delicately as they can without outright saying that they are helping to pay because they know that they are broke.
Well, not broke, not anymore. Alex has been getting paycheques now, weekly ones that help them get on top of everything, but they have mostly just been using it to get up to date on everything so they have been paying off their debts and starting to backpay the rent they missed. As soon as that is done, a couple of months more they think, and then they can think about moving out and getting a better place, one where they all have their own beds at the very least. For that to happen though, they are following a very strict budget and even splurging tonight is a treat they shouldn’t really be splurging on but Alex insisted on celebrating Kara’s new job.
“Fine, fine, but just you guys wait until we manage to move into a new place, we’re going to buy so much food that you will have to roll out of the door when you want to leave.” Alex accepts their offer when it becomes clear that Kara’s not about to.
“Good.” Lena grins, already slipping her phone out of her pocket and starting to order her portion of the food, Winn and Alex doing the same too while Kara plucks Lori off of Winn’s side and pulls her close into another cuddle, only getting slightly offended when she starts wriggling and trying to get to Lena, her little arms reaching out towards her.
Lena, despite being guilted into sitting beside her on the way here, reaches out and lets Lori climb her way over from Kara’s arms into hers, propping Lori’s butt onto the edge of the counter so she can still finish placing the order of a bunch of cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings and milkshakes. They are all eating well tonight.
“Lena, Lena, Uncle Winn set up Mario Kart!” Lori grabs at Lena’s shirt, bunching it in her tiny fists as she excitedly speaks.
“Really? Can you show me?” Lena asks, smiling at how adorable Lori is and putting her down, her heart melting when Lori grabs her hand to take her to the couch.
Kara follows them with her eyes first, her blue orbs soft with the joy that comes with Lori having so many people around that love and care for her. There’s not a person on the planet that she couldn’t force to love her. With that thought in mind, she follows them, sitting on the other side of Lori so she’s sandwiched between her and Lena.
Winn and Alex come and perch on the floor on cushions, their backs to the couch and their focus on the screen, this is about to get competitive.
Lena has made it to the kitchen having managed to finally extract the clingy little koala of a girl off her. She’s now fully leaning into Winn’s side, cheering him on in his game against Alex, who seems to be outraged that her niece is cheering against her.
She’s super thirsty and since the food and milkshakes haven’t arrived yet, she’s just planning on grabbing water or something out of the refrigerator but when she opens it, she’s hit with a wave of desire she thought she had banished to the past.
Alex’s beers sit on the shelf enticing her. She hasn’t had a drink in weeks, something she’s really proud of, but the longing is still there, especially when she gets home at night to an empty apartment and there’s nobody around to disappoint but herself. This is a new low though, she’s in Kara’s apartment, gagging for a cheap beer just because she could get a taste of what she’s been depriving herself of.
Without really thinking, her hand reaches out, softly encasing one of the beers but before she can pick it up, Lori appears beside her, tugging on her pants. “Lena, Lena, juice please.”
It’s enough to snap her out of it and make her hat herself a little because of how close she was to taking a beer. With Lori at her side though, she knows she can’t do that, she can’t get away with doing that, so she pours out some juice for Lori and then some for herself. She sends Lori off back to the others but takes a breather, leaning back against the counter and purposefully not looking towards the refrigerator because of the shame.
She stares down into her glass, taking small sips every now and again whilst ignoring the tiny voice in her head telling her that it would be better if it had alcohol in it.
Lena purposefully chases away that voice though. She was an alcoholic, maybe not as bad as other people are, not by a long shot, but she was dependent on her drinks at the end of the night to get her through to the next morning and her yearning for drinks is her body telling her that something is missing, a part of her routine that she became addicted to so she could soothe herself enough to sleep through the night. She doesn’t need that now, she can find meaning in her life without it, she has reasons to get up the next day that aren’t found at the bottom of a glass.
She’s so caught up in her own mind that she barely notices Kara sliding next to her. “Hey.”
“Are you ok?” Kara questions, her brow knitted in worry. “You had…a moment.”
Lena nods slowly, even more ashamed now she knows that Kara saw her, and what she almost did. “I did.”
“It’s normal to have moments of temptation, Lena, and for the record, I’m so proud of how long you’ve gone. I think it’s really brave, what you’ve been doing.” Kara rests her hand on Lena’s forearm tenderly, her lips curved into a small smile.
“Maybe but it wasn’t appropriate of me to have almost taken one of those beers. I was close.”
“But you didn’t. You came through.” Kara’s voice is soft and gentle in a way that makes Lena want to cry big fat tears until she’s got no more to cry. “Besides, if I had known you were coming I would have made sure there was no alcohol in the apartment before you got here so you wouldn’t be put in the position where you have to make hard choices.”
Lena ducks her head. “You don’t have to do that for me.”
“I don’t but I want to. You’ve been so good to us and let’s be real, Lori loves you more than me, if there’s anything I can do for you, you know I’m only a call away.”
“There is something you can do for me.” Lena tries carefully.
Kara’s head whips up. “Anything.”
Lena almost laughs at how eager Kara sounds and takes a tiny bit of joy in bursting her bubble. “Stop acting like you owe me something, you don’t. The truth is, helping you guys out, and spending time with you, it’s benefitted me a lot more than it has you. I only have two friends in the city, Sam and Jack, and we don’t get to see each other nearly as often as we’d like because of how busy we are, it makes planning times to get together awful and difficult. You’ve opened your home to me many times now when I had no one else to spend time with, nobody willing, it means a lot to me.”
Kara scrunches her face thoughtfully and Lena can’t help but think that she looks kind of cute. She takes several long moments to come up with something to say and each passing second makes Lena’s nerves grow. “Lena, I didn’t know that hanging out with us means that much to you. I kind of thought we were annoying you by asking you over all the time and that you’ve just been humouring us.”
“Not at all.” Lena shakes her head. “I love it actually, as sad as that sounds. I haven’t had friends that I get to see this often since I was in college and I know that sounds clingy and weird but just getting to see you pretty much every week helps me a lot and if it weren’t for you, I don’t think I could’ve stopped drinking the way I did. I don’t think I would’ve had the balls to. I mean it sucked, especially at the beginning. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I stopped, but I have to give you credit for that choice.”
“The only person that deserves credit for that is you, Lena.” Kara bumps her shoulder with Lena’s. “And just for the record, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stop thanking you or feeling indebted to you because you saved our asses but I’ll try if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“It does,” Lena confirms. “I think you would have managed to save your own butts anyway.”
“Not from that much debt we wouldn’t have. You gave my daughter a chance at a life she wouldn’t have had if we hadn’t met. I do regret what I did but I can’t find it in me to regret being at your building that day.”
“Lena takes a long sip of her juice. “I don’t regret hiding you from the guards.”
Kara and Lena share a look, one of mutual amusement, before falling into a fit of giggles. They get a few strange looks from both Winn and Alex but ignore them, their giggles too much for them to contain.
Once they manage to reign in their laughter, Lena looks over at the couch where Alex and Winn are sitting with Lori, her face thoughtful as her gaze settles on Winn. She nudges Kara with her elbow. “So, Winn seems nice. Are the two of you—”
“No, we’re just friends,” Kara answers, not needing to hear the end of the question to guess what she was thinking. “He’s been my best friend ever since I started at CatCo. He bumped into me in the elevator when I was going for my job interview and we’ve sort of just stuck together ever since. I don’t know what I’d do without him, he even changed his shift pattern at work to be able to look after Lori when we needed him to and he was always available to pick her up from school, all without asking anything in return. He’s been incredible and he’s the best uncle Lori could ever have.”
Lena feels a rush of admiration for the guy. She had no idea that he was doing all of that and shifted his life around to make it easier for Kara and Alex to juggle everything they had on their plates. “I didn’t know that.”
Kara shrugs. “He’s a big softie. He loves Lori and would do anything for her, just like the rest of us. As much as I love him though, there’s never been anything romantic between us. I mean, he did try to kiss me once and asked me out but he was very respectful when I turned him down and just went back to being my best friend, with no hard feelings or weirdness. He’s one of a kind. Why are you asking about him anyway? Are you interested in him?”
Lena shakes her head quicker than she ever has before. “Oh, no, no, no, nothing like that. I just thought you two were close and maybe you were together. I prefer the company of ladies myself, as adorable as your hobbit friend is.”
Kara chuckles. “He has been known to be called that every once in a while.” She ignores Lena’s other statement, unsure what to make of how it makes her somehow happy and trying to will away the thunderous beating of her heart.
Lena clears her throat. “I have another request.”
“Shoot.” Kara’s surprised to hear it but she’s more than open to it.
“You guys had to cancel on coming over for dinner on me twice now and while I get it, I still want you to come over so if you could make it tomorrow or Sunday, I would appreciate it.”
Kara’s face splits into a grin. “Well, it would be rude of me to turn that request down, wouldn’t it?”
“It would, so when are you free?”
“Good, call it six?”
“Six it is.” Kara agrees and then jumps when there’s a loud knock at the door. “That’ll be the food.”
Alex has to grab Lori to stop her from charging for the door. She’s Kara’s daughter through and through so she loves her food just as much as her mom does and would happily tackle the delivery person just to get the first bite of the pizza.
Kara and Lena open the door and accept the food. Two of the three deliveries arrive at once, the pizza and the Big Belly Burger order and just as Lena is swinging the door closed, she spots the delivery person for the Chinese food too, catching the door just before it slams so she could take it from him. “Thank you very much.” She slips him a tip, one much too large for what would be deemed ordinary, especially for the building they are in. He probably thinks he just got paid to keep quiet about something he isn’t even aware he saw.
It all gets piled up on the coffee table and it quickly becomes a free for all, each of them snagging whatever it is they want right out of the bags, Kara managing to wrangle a full container of potsticker for herself with no remorse, only sharing with Lori because she got given puppy dog eyes that she’s all too aware mirror her own. It almost makes her feel bad that she uses it on other people. People like Winn.
“Winn, please, you have two burgers, please give me one,” Kara begs, pouting for good measure and then cackling evilly as soon as he gives in and hands one over, taking a slice of pizza for himself as a trade-off.
Lena smirks at the exchange around a bite of her burger, trying her best not to moan at the incredible taste of it. Big Belly Burger is her go-to cheat food and it never gets old, if she weren’t worried about her health and the possibility of blocked arteries, she’d eat it every day.
The sound of milkshakes being slurped and lips smacking fills the air and while the noise would usually make Lena want to burst her own eardrums just so she can stop hearing it because it’s so grating, today it’s a symphony she could listen to on repeat. She’s surrounded by people that are genuinely good and actually care about her.
She was shocked earlier when she stopped by to check on the L-Corp building where Alex works. She made a point of only checking on Alex after talking to a lot of other employees first to not blow her cover and nobody seemed to suspect a thing, definitely not thinking anything of it and not suspecting Alex of secretly recording them doing a hell of a lot of illegal stuff and slowly but surely gathering evidence on them.
While she was checking on her, Alex mentioned them celebrating Kara’s last day at CatCo and invited her over and well, Lena is struggling to say no to any chance to see Kara. She might have a weak spot for the blonde.
Lena looks around at the small group, her eyes lingering on two people in particular and sighs happily, her heart jumping for joy knowing she’s going to be able to do this again tomorrow. Winn belches loudly, making Kara laugh loudly and she makes a mental note to invite him over too. He seems like a good guy and a great person to have in her corner.
As she’s looking around, she notices Alex staring at her and when they make eye contact, Alex smiles at her, sending her an awkward thumbs up, one that she returns just as awkwardly.
If anyone had told her that she could find some semblance of happiness on the floor of a run-down apartment in a building that should probably be condemned, she would have laughed in their face, now, she’s just thankful she’s found it and is going to keep a firm grip on it with both hands.
Read the next 3 chapters early on my Patreon here!
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Caring for my clothes/fabric-wearing Pokémon!
ALRIGHT! I suppose Rotomblr is a good place to share information like this and, heh, I'm pretty knowledgeable on the topic if I do say so myself.
I train a bunch of Pokémon that wear clothes or fabrics. It's such a weird and freaky thing to a bunch of people for some reason, oooh where do they come from do they ever take it off so weird blah blah blah. Most people just get distracted being weirded out insteada learning anything! SO! I wrote about what I do for my team! Here it goes!! - J
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These dudes make scarves out of wild materials, they're super crafty and can work well with their tiny hands and nature skills. Thin and lightweight is what they'd want, and they wouldn't mind a somewhat scratchy texture either. They enjoy the details (it's not about a perfect ~soft~ consistency just cause they're fairy types!! Arceus on Spear Pillar you guys' fairy type stereotypes give me a headache. AHEM!) and they can really tell when love's been put into it. Gifting eachother scarves can sometimes be part of how some Ribombee find mates too, along with making the most impressive pollen puffs!
My Ribombee had an old and plain scarf it wasn't all that attatched to. What I did was take the cotton left behind by a fleeing Whimsicott me and Ribombee went up against, did some minimal processing of the cotton with what I had at the base, dyed it brown and suprised her with it! She's never taken it off.
Oh, and I came up with a method to make that spike thing, but it's kinda hard to explain and pull off... there's Mewtube and Bulba-How tutorials, and if you can't pull it off you can get help from your Ribombee! Again, it's a social thing for them, they don't mind.
You don't really need to worry about cleaning a Ribombee's scarf. Most of what they make would kinda just fall apart if washed, so they've learned to use their hands very delicately to do the job themselves! They're probably better at it than you, so just back off for these ones. Plus, like touching a Skitty while it's licking itself, it's just kinda rude. Don't be rude!
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OOH OOH, OK THIS ONE'S SUPER INTERESTING! So ghost Pokémon's bodies work different from usual ones as you all probably know. The reason why Mimikyu hatch wearing a rag despite there clearly being a face drawn on the fabric is that over time a rag becomes bonded to one's body and essentially becomes a part of the Mimikyu! Hah, I get the feeling, like my gloves I made that feel like a part of me too, or like, my sweatpants when I was a teen.
However, the fabrics do get old and do need a wash. Not cause your Mimikyu, like, sweats or anything, it's less an odor issue and more that they can feel the fabric and old ones can get uncomfortable over time. Gyeuh, can you imagine something scratchy and full of dirt being bound to your body? Makes me squirm a little.
It's important to get a whitish fabric and a black, brown and yellow/orange marker or paints depending on which would work on your fabric, plus a little string and stuffing for them to make the head with. I don't think they have individual preferences for how the rag looks, they wanna look like Pikachu and they have a specific idea for how to go about that.
I took my little guy to the fabric store only cause I'd need something blank to work with (plus I don't dig the vibe of those places! There's people who don't know what they're talking about everywhere and the smell of a hundred different detergents and marker inks following you around! I always have to bring Swirlix along there to get myself through it.) I let them feel out whichever one they like the most and I let them run wild with it. Then, I let them go into the closet to change, and out they come a new man!
When it comes to cleaning, wild Mimikyu would just take a dip in a pond or whatever, or just... not wash. Eh, can't judge. However for my guy I follow whatever is needed for their specific fabric at the time. In the meantime they hide under a mattress while I leave Clementine there (my Scrafty) to make sure no one tries to take a peek at them.
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Shuppet is really interesting because yeah, it looks like it's kinda just the sheet... and that's because it is! It's not like Mimikyu, that's just it's body. You can't replace the sheet, but it can still get dirty, so you can bathe a Shuppet the same way you'd clean a fabric! Unfortunately the one thing about being a Rider who's into clothes stuff is that there isn't really a "punk" detergent out there, and no one who like. Wants to make a small business around detergent or whatever. So I just get some (groan) Baby Smoochum's Laundry Detergent since I've found its what works best.
(I would shoplift it, but like. The cashier at the store I go to is really nice and I don't wanna get into an argument with him...)
Oh yeah, and if you use something else, make sure it's NON-TOXIC! Shuppets ain't immune to poison, remember! It won't really care if you use something scented or not, it's senses are specialized towards emotion, so it has a dulled sense for taste and smell of real food.
You don't need to do dry clean or anything for these guys. You'd normally want to do the wash on low for the sake of the Shuppet, but mine is a CERTIFIED DUDE who likes swirling around inside the laundry machine at HIGH, ADRENALINE-PUMPING WASH CYCLE SPEEDS!! It looks really fun tbh. So that's how I do it!
I don't think I'd be able to do the washing machine method when (or if, at this rate,) he evolves though. Stronger ghost Pokémon easily curse things if you're not careful, and I'm not going through all this effort just to end up with haunted ghost clothes!
Scraggy and Scrafty
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Common misconception that these are another clothes-wearing one. From what I've heard usually only Scrafty's dex entry clarifies it, but that's thick shed skin, not actual clothes! And SOOOO many people treat that like such a freaky, world destroying fact when they learn it! GAH! Arceus forbid nature isn't perfectly pretty by human standards all of the time!!
But yeah, for Scraggys and Scraftys (or... Scraggies and Scrafties?) you just keep an eye on areas where dirt can get stuck under the shed skin like around the feet or in the tail and let them soak in the bathtup (or a lake if you're on the road) every now and then.
That's what I got for my team! They're the ones I'm most knowledgeable on, but I'm knowledgeable on the topic and can give pointers for other Pokémon too if you have questions!
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
Venom-mal members
Solar System entertainment has a pre-debut girl group. Although, they're set to debut in January. The name is Venom-mal and each member represents a different venomous animal.
Bang Jihye
English name: Athena Bang
December 16, 1999
Rapper, Fake Maknae
Merlin’s sister. She moved to Korea basically as soon as her senior year of high school ended and lived with Merlin for two years.
Initially debuted as a soloist, but realized she didn’t like it that much. She asked the company if she could debut in a group and they said yes. She initially wanted her stage name to be her English name Athena, but she didn’t like how it sounded in Korean, so she decided to go with her Korean name.
Jihye doesn’t get sick too often, but when she does, she becomes extremely emotional. She’s already fairly emotional (She cries at the song Silent Night), but it’s even worse when she’s sick. Doesn’t matter if it’s a cold, a stomach bug, or flu, not feeling well ramps up her emotions to a twenty. She’s very into skinship and will basically be hanging off whichever dongsaeng will tolerate it.
Her sneezes are tiny but powerful. She’s always bent at the waist when she sneezes and if she’s standing up, she’s sometimes propelled forward. She has a mild pollen allergy.
She never fully got the hang of honorifics and calls all the members unnie, except for Joey (American customs of not having honorifics won out on that one)
Even though she’s two and a half years younger than Merlin, she’s the spitting image of him. If she were to cut her hair to the length of Merlin’s, they would essentially look like identical twins.
Representative animal: Slow Loris
Joey Jung (JJ)
Korean name: Jung Jimin
February 29, 2000
Main Dancer, visual, fake maknae number 2
Joey is from America. Their legal name is Joanne, but prefer to go by Joey or JJ. They just recently moved to Korea, but spoke Korean at home, so they’re proficient conversationally, but still working on learning korean. They like to make jokes about only being five and a half years old, but that’s just because they’re a leap year baby.
Joey is an extremely stubborn sickie. They are very independent and even if they’re too dizzy to stand, they’ll insist they’re fine to go to work or that they don’t need anyone to stay behind to help them.
Joey also has fairly tiny sneezes. At one point they trained themself to say pikachu when they sneeze. So they come out as “Pika-tiew” They don’t have any allergies, but they are a photic sneezer, so they sneeze at least once per day
Face claim: Yechan from Pink Fantasy
Representative animal: The Northern Shrew
Kim Haneul
August 27, 2002
Leader, Main vocalist
Haneul takes being the leader of the group very seriously. Unfortunately, this sometimes translates into overworking herself. There have been a few times where the others have found her sleeping at the dining room table. Haneul doesn’t get sick very often, but when she does, it hits hard. She always winds up with a fever, even if it’s a minor cold. Her sneezes are relatively loud in volume, she’s also terrible at covering and at most turns her head away. She doesn’t have any allergies that she’s aware of, but she does have a fairly sensitive nose. This occasionally causes problems when she’s getting her makeup done.
Face claim: Iree from Rolling Quartz
Representative animal: Platypus
Cho Daeun
October 31, 2004
Lead vocalist
Daeun is a very sneezy person. She’s allergic to pollen, animal fur, and dust. She’s also sensitive to strong scents. She carries at least 3 travel packs of tissues on her at all times. Daeun gets sick a decent amount, but she frequently confuses being sick with allergies. As such she’s going to assume it’s allergies unless she’s got a fever or it’s the middle of winter. She is the least prone to catching a stomach bug and the most willing to try random food combinations no matter how gross they sound.
Face claim: Jiae from Lovelyz
Representative Animal: Gila Monster
Oh Nari
July 22, 2005
Lead dancer, actual maknae
Nari almost never gets sick in that she almost never catches anything. However she has a very sensitive stomach. She can’t do spicy food, nor can she do mukbangs. She’s slightly sensitive to dust, but otherwise never sneezes. If she does manage to catch a cold, chances are high it’s a chest cold.
Face Claim: Twice Nayeon
Representative animal: Fire Salamander
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dokidokistart · 3 years
wait,,, lando awkwardly giving that valentine's card to daniel or carlos....
i'm gone 🥺
and looking away like it's no big deal... *carlos makes surprised pikachu face* lando blushes and urges him to take it yesyesyes (this is a carlando household so we're not contemplating the dando option but feel free to interpret it whichever way works best for u<3)
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jacscorner · 3 years
Pokemon All-Stars: A Fan Region/Game/Alternate Universe Idea
I like watching and rewatching Original Pokemon Game/Region videos. Like Mr. Buddy's "What if X was a Pokemon Region" and stuff like that. I wanna make-or, I guess, write-my own. Since Regions are kind of a character all their own and I'm a Wannabe Character Artist, I wanted to try and make one my own.
I've got no skills in coding, pixel arts, or anything, so this will forever be just some kind of dumb fanfic that sometimes incorporates Game Mechanics to justify things if it were able, for some Godforsaken reason, 'stolen' for a game. Cause, in 2021, no idea feels too big or too dumb. And, uh, trust me, this'll be a dumb fanfic of an idea. So be aware for the subpar writing talents of some wannabe writer who doesn't know shit.
Small disclaimer though:
>This region is being made with the intention that every extra feature will be available in it. Z-Moves, Regional Variants, Gygantamax, Mega Evolutions, and maybe some things I've forgotten. This probably won't matter cause it's just a dumb fanfic plot bible with mechanics peppered in. Competitive balancing be damn! Pokemon Fans can create their own balance! That's what the Battle Simulator is for! In fact, if this was a real game, then it'd have a Battle Simulator like Showdown built into it.
>This is an open source Fanfic Bible. You can take this idea and run with it if you want. You can omit all my bad ideas even!
>I won't be making my own Fakemon. I don't like a lot of Fakemon that exists out there and, trust me when I say this: I am no better than them. In fact, I'm fucking worse.
>If this WERE a game, it probably WOULD still have to cut some Pokemon. I doubt that kinda, and I won't get into why I think dexit was dumb personally, cause it doesn't really matter. But, like, my fan game/fanfic will have a lot of shit going on in it. So, like, realistically, there would probably need to be a cut, if not for data, than just cause there's a lot of work to do as is. But, like, again, under the context of a fic, this wouldn't be an issue.
>With THAT said, I'd want this game to have a Gen 2 Sprite aesthetic. My fangame, don't care if ya'll don't like that.
>I'm probably gonna copy a LOT of stuff from other Fangames I've played. My shit memory probably won't allow me to remember what I'm biting from what, so be free to call me out whenever. Cause if I stole the mechanic, I probably liked it the game. And if not, well, I'd like the recommendation.
Fuck, this was long already. The rest is under the cut, so, like, if you're already turned off, you can stop reading. I understand. I'm kind of a windbag.
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Okay, so how many of you guys have seen this picture on the internet? It's a picture of a ton of Pokemon regions all...basically stitched together, since not only could this never be canon, but this goes beyond the size of even most open world games today. But this was the inspiration for this project. The map probably wouldn't, and probably couldn't, look like this, but it perfectly sums up what I'd want out of this game. Thus, it'll be our placeholder.
Our hometown of Capricorn Town is home to Professor Chestnut, and you, her faithful assistant, are about to set off on a Pokemon adventure of your own! The Professor is encouraging you to see the region of Sidus for yourself and is even willing to give you a Starting Pokemon!
Starting Pokemon
Now, if I'm not making new Pokemon, which Starter will it be? Well, the game will have the data for all the starters and will randomly select a Grass, Fire, and Water Type for you to choose from. Those will be your starters, with the option of also choosing Pikachu, Eevee, and Riolu, the two mascot mons...and Riolu, who is kind of a mascot mon, but a lesser one.
Let's say for this example, your options are Torchic, Piplup, Rowlet, Pikachu, Eevee, and Riolu. And, uh, get used to the words 'random' and 'generator', those are our keywords.
Anyway, once you get your pick, there'll be some kind of tutorial mission the Professor will send you on. This will introduce you to two very important things;
1. One of your Rival.
2. An Evil Team Grunt.
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Now to start getting into why this game might still be pretty big still be big despite the sprites on modern consoles.
Each of your Rivals would be one kid from each region of the 8 Mainline Games from Kanto to Kalos. How this'll be decided is that each pair of kids will be plugging into a generator and will pick between either the boy or girl version.
Ex. Brendan and May both cannot be in the game. Instead, they'll be plugged into this generator. Let's say the generator fell onto May. She'll be one of your Rival. Repeat this process 7 more times until you have 8 Rivals sprinkled throughout the world, each one given a defined personality and better AI to make them harder trainers to fight.
May will have one of the Hoenn Starters, sans Torchic. Regardless of whether or not Protagonist-San picked Torchic, May will either have a Treecko or Mudkip, again, chosen at random per kid. Whichever Starter you picked, your first rival will have a starter that beats yours. So, let's say moving forward, May has a Mudkip and you a Torchic. The other kids will have random starters of the various regions they originally hail from.
Anyway, your rivals will wander the overworld. If they see you, they'll battle you on sight. If they lose, they'll be gone after the next time you turn the game off. They won't battle you again until they respawn, but you can hang out with them. In fact, you can even recruit them to be in your party for a few days and they'll follow you around and just generally be your friend. It'll make every battle a double battle, but they'll battle you again before their timer runs out, so be prepared!
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The two of you will have to face off against Team Wild! They have a Cowboy theme to them, using a mix of Ground and Steel-Types, with a few Pokemon being added in for good measure like the Ponyta Lines, Cacnea Line, and Remoraid. Cause...it's a gun.
They're an outlaw gang, they're rough and tough (or, at least, a mild threat) and will always throw down when they spot ya. Something I'm just sniping from JelloApocalypse is that they'll appear sporadically and act as Timed Events across the map.
You and your new Rival beat them and send you packing. I'd imagine May and the other Rivals would mostly be friendly, but I'm sure there's one or two that'll just be jerks to you. Regardless of personality, they'll be pretty tough and programmed to skill with you. Your strongest mon you have on hand when you fight them will be the level their entire team.
With your tutorial done, the world is opened up! Your mom gives you your running shoes, some Pokeballs, and your...I don't know, PokeCelular or something, just the regional gadget that does a bunch of stuff. From holding your map to holding your VS Seeker.
The PokeCelular will also give you notifications on where Team Wild are! You can choose to ignore the events, but if you do, then they'll start to appear in the overworld know and will get progressively stronger.
A Balancing Act
This game will be an open world, 8-Bit Sprite Game for you to explore after you leave Capricorn!
So how do we balance that?
Well, we got our Rival out of the way already, so let's move on. Gym Leaders will have a pretty linear progression. However, regardless of which Gym you tackle first, they'll all be at the same level.
It doesn't matter if you decide to go across the map and battle the Bug Gym, he'll stay at Level 10, just like the Normal Gym. Whe you get the second badge, they'll all jump to Level 15. NPC Trainers will follow the same progression; the higher your badge number, the stronger the number of Pokemon they'll be.
Wild Pokemon will also get stronger. The more badges you get, it'll attract stronger wild Pokemon because they'll see you're stronger and will come out more.
The overworld will also have various dungeons in them that'll be Level Locked. Say, you go through a forest and you're just trying to reach the end of a maze. The Trainers and Pokemon will function the same as I've mentioned before. But, you can decide to go deeper into the dungeon. These Pokemon will be level locked, usually something of a high level, because this is a more dangerous part of the dungeon. But, there'll be some goodies down there, like rarer Pokemon and some kind of really rare and good item like a TM or something.
How will you traverse? Well, first of all, HMs? They're semi-back. BUT, instead of having to deal with teaching Cut to a Pokemon, you just need the move Cut and a Pokemon that can use the move and you'll be able to use Cut. A few other Pokemon that are reasonable candidates, but don't get cut, will be allowed to do this too. Like, Gallade can use Cut. It can't learn the move, but just holding the HM will get the job done.
Controversial opinion, but I think I've always liked the idea of HMs. On paper, they give you a reason to explore the world and go back to areas you couldn't before for goodies and make for a good way to get off dungeons until you get the needed item. Even something like Cut can be used to open up new areas for exploration for your squad of mons.
BUT, well, HMs suck. As moves, they suck save for, like, 2...MAYBE and they're only for, like, a handful of areas. You either hand them out as evenly as possible, forcing mons to take moves you don't wanna use, or you just get an HM Slave or two to use 'em all. But like they, they serve their function and all you need is the Pokemon in question and NOT teach them the move. If you need a Move Deleter just so people aren't stuck having to use Rock Smash for three towns, then there's a problem with your RPG. Imagine playing Final Fantasy and you had to give your Fighter the Bronze Axe to get through a forest and still had to fight with it, even though you got a +12 Silver Sword! It's no wonder people hated these things! But I don't think getting rid of them and introducing Rental Pokemon was a good solution either and adds a different, albeit less intrusive problem.
Gym Leaders
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So, how do Gym Leaders work?
Much like your rivals, they'll be randomly generated. Let's say, hypothetically, there's a pool of 60 Gym Leaders and Elite Four members. The game will randomly generate 16 to be Gym Leaders. The generator will have some kind of complicated math (at least, too complicated for me) so that you don't have more than 2 gyms of the same type. (Example: Misty and Nessa might be Active Gyms, Siebold can't be selected for a Gym cause the Water Slots are taken).
As a trade off, some Gyms might have special conditions before you can challenge them. Like, if you got stuck with Koga as a Gym Leader, than he'll only let you in if you complete a nearby dungeon and help his daughter out cause he doesn't trust her to make it back on her own. Or, like, Claire's a Gym Leader, but she won't battle you unless you've collected 7 Gym Badges prior at least.
The Gym Leaders, as mentioned before, will get progressively stronger with each badge obtained. After the 8th badge, you can go and climb Victory Road, face the E4 and confront the Champion! You can keep hunting Gym Leaders, but just remember that the E4 will always be 10 Levels above the strongest gym you beat. And they'll just get stronger with every one you beat until all 16 are slain.
Another handful, let's say 8, Gym Leaders/E4 Members will be wondering around as NPC Trainers. The justification is that this big super region is in some Alternate Universe Pokemon Game that has all the Pokemon and other important trainers in it, hence why we can have a game where Roxanne and Lenora are hanging out at a coffee shop. They're not Rivals, more like stronger NPCs you can rematch and wonder the map. They're not here to be the very best like no one ever was.
I mean, I'd like, like, 10-20 instead of 8 extras, but let's not get TOO greedy...yet...
Elite Four
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And now, it's time to flip the script. Cause if E4 members can be Gym Leaders, then who are the Elite Four?
Easy. The Rivals.
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All the Rival characters will be put in a random generator as well. The four that are chosen. You can have an Elite Four made up of Wally, Marnie, Hau, and Barry and you gotta deal with it.
This is excluding Brendan and May, Blue, and Calem and Serena. Anyone else is fair game.
So, the Champion. Who would it be in this? There was a funny idea I had, but this is a Pokemon Game. So there would be two versions. We'll call them Pokemon Dawn & Dusk. The difference between these games is the game Champion!
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Benga would be the Champion of Pokemon Dusk, the grandson of Alder! His final Team will include Volcarona, Garchomp, and Dragonite, Pokemon he used in Black and White. I'd also include Scrafty, Rampardos, and Golurk, Pokemon used against you in White Treehollow and Black Tower areas.
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Meanwhile, the Champion of Pokemon Dusk will be Zinnia, the Lorekeeper! Her team would include the Goodra, Tyrantrum, Altaria, Noivern, and Salamence she used in her original team, with her plucky Whismur sidekick becoming an Exploud and her ace.
You would've met them in the beginning of the game and would've showed off a bit by helping you with Team Wild before. They'll pop in and out throughout the game, at first amused by your tenacity, but not wanting a rookie like you to get hurt. But if you keep bonking Team Wild, they'll be impressed with how strong you are.
The show up to chat again when you beat 8 Gym Leaders, and will pop in if you White Out to give you some advice. White Out three times and they'll feel bad for you and give you an egg. Benga will give you a Larvesta Egg and Zinnia a Bagon Egg.
So I don't got a lot of ideas for the Post Game, but there is one idea I thought would be cool if, if after you defeat the champion, they give you a call. They'll tell you that there are strong trainers wondering the Overworld and to be careful.
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Because dotting the overworld will be Champions passed and proper! Cynthia, Blue, Lance; all of them are rocking Lv 100 Teams and are out for blood. They won't challenge you, but if you talk to them, there will be no backing out of the battle! You come with your A-Game!
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sI'm not exactly in love with the idea of Team Wild. Maybe the Evil Team should go full fanservice and just be Team Rainbow Rocket. Or maybe go half-and-half; having past Evil Team members and leaders walk around in cowboy gear and acting as Team Wild executives.
I'd also would love Tournaments. Like, maybe that could be a weekly event in some town, they'll how tournaments and the characters that aren't designated as Gym Leaders and such will attend. Maybe there's a cash prize, maybe you'll win Pokemon Eggs of rare, guaranteed shines, or maybe you'll get some kind of important quest items.
Yeah, I want quests! All sorts of side quests! And can't forget what I'd do with Legendairs;
If you know Bengal's team, you'll know he's got the Lati Twins. I don't like that personally and would prefer Legendaries to be Super Bosses. Like, you gotta do a lot to find them. And when you do, their stats are boosted and they become an Uber Boss! You catch them in a cutscene after you beat them!
There's also just a ton of characters I didn't get around to or really have a place for. Emma, Looker, N, and the Stat Trainers all come to mind. Overall, I'd want them to pepper the world as well, but don't have anything to say except this: Pokemon has made a lot of memorable characters. Both good and bad. And this is probably my dream Pokemon Game; one where you can hang out with your favorites
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smartzelda · 5 years
Okay *Demyx voice* Arendelle time!
Poor Sora😂
That gust of snow just moves in and he's like "Coat! Please! I'm an islander!"
Donald just shrugs it off like "That's not how it works. Go and freeze."
This is where I bring up the "kh3 is self aware thing" again because now we actually have Sora dying from the snowy area, and then when Sora just like completely forgets about it, Donald and Goofy are like, "Islander my butt. He's not even feeling it anymore, is he?"
Sora getting the first puzzle piece to the situation when Elsa runs away, a sad look on her face. Y'know, the beginning of that Riku to Elsa and Sora to Anna parallel, Elsa running away because Anna and the whole Kingdom are better off without her
Elsa: *uses magic*
Sora, Donald, and Goofy: *surprised pikachu face and slightly fearing for their lives*
If I'm remembering correctly, there's a section right here where you basically fight a bunch of enemies in the huge area
I distinctly remember running around, (and Xion could vouch for this) fighting the enemies, and very monotonely voicing that I was about to die
So...ice maze.
In my proud runthrough I really had to get to a save point so I zoomed through the ice maze as fast as possible. This time I took the time to explore every room and beat all the enemies. I still hate light rails with a passion.
So, the avalanche gets started at the top once we reach the palace, pushing Sora, Donald, and Goofy off
I... The ice dragon thing was so bad. I spent forever, dying and dying and dying to their stupid laser beams. It happened so many times that I had to go to bed and try it again the next day. I would get to the part where all three flew in the air and shot beams, and it felt so unpredictable and stupid and impossible because I would dodge beams from two, and the third's would appear right under where I was landing, which was impossible to judge. It was here I learned a lesson: Use the Kupo Coin when you need it
Bless the kupo coin for saving my stupid butt
The sled part after that stressed me out cause it wasn't hard, but I had a bad habit of bumping into things, so...😂
I pretty much just abused shotlocks, ultimate form, light form/double form okp, and thunder or thundara or whichever I had at the time and I finished those dragons off
Spiky brown grass 😂😂😂😂
Poor Sora is so frustrated that he didn't get a color like green or blue like Donald and Goofy
The part where Anna talks to Sora about Elsa and he finally puts some pieces together and relates it to him and Riku really gets me every time because their situation is a big Soriku parallel. I know this is one of the scenes that's probably been soriku analyzed to death, but like
Elsa and Anna used to play all the time when they were really little like best friends
Baby Sora and Riku, best friends, used to play together all the time
One day, Elsa shuts Anna out because she doesn't want to hurt her
Kairi enters the scene, Sora starts paying a little more attention to her, Sora and Riku's duo relationship isn't terrible, it just does a little decrease. The literal shutting out in which Riku and Sora close the Door to Darkness. Then, the shutting out when Sora wakes up in kh2 and Riku alienates himself because of his guilt over what he did, and what leads into the next part of the parallel
Elsa accidentally uses her ice magic and flees the kingdom to the north mountain. She alienates herself so she can't hurt anyone (especially Anna) and because she thinks the kingdom and Anna are better off without her
Riku feels like he can't win without using the power of darkness and is weak. He is ashsmed that he relied on darkness and it showed in his appearance as Ansem. He alienates himself from Sora and everyone because he feels like he can't show his face as Ansem and because he thinks Sora is better off without him.
Sora, of course, puts these pieces together with Anna's story and makes the parallel connection between him and Anna, then Elsa and Riku in his head. I like how he says, "If anyone can help her, it's you," because I feel like that's him remembering his situation with Riku when he wanted to find him and that because of the reason for Riku's actions, only he could help.
And I think it's interesting that it's first Anna saying "I have to bring her home" and then Sora saying "I'm sure she knows now much you love her" for him to make these parallels. I think that implies that Sora gets that Elsa and Anna are siblings that love each other and he's thinking over what Riku means to him and even what he means to Riku.
Also Sora (in jap ver dialogue) realizing that maybe Riku pushed him away because he's someone precious to Riku is like...
My heart bro...
Ngl, so many times here I moved up the mountain fighting enemies and died that I'd go halfway up the mountain, then backtrack all the way back to the save so I wouldn't have to keep completely starting over every time I got oneshotted by an armored body. I did that multiple times for this area.
So, we get to the point where Sora finally reaches the top of the mountain again. For whatever reason I couldn't remember if it was like that before, but the Elsa freezing Anna's heart scene and it flashing between that and Sora, and then Sora holding a hand to his heart in pain right after we see the shot of Elsa putting ice into Anna's heart.
I think it's a parallel and Nomura's tryna tell us/foreshadow something
Okay, so big oof on the Marshmallow fight. I think on my proud run I got a bunch of times to use the team attack with the tree. I swear I only got to use it twice counted up from all my attempts on this run
The suckiest part was armored mode. I did a lot of trying to let Donald and Goofy do the work here cause I didn't wanna get oneshotted, but that didn't always quite work out... I eventually did it though, snd of course Sora, Donald, and Goofy are knocked off the mountain again
Idk how mant times I'm gonna keep saying this, but poor Sora. He's just so done and frustrated. "I could do this a hundred times."
And then Donald and Goofy both take him seriously 😂
"Please don't."
"Yeah, we should do it again!"
Awwww, Marshmallow. He just wanted to protect Elsa. I know that's what he was created to do, but that's still sweet
Sweet Sora boy making friends with anything that moves and we love him for it
Marshmallow made my life with enemies a little easier ngl
At the save point right before seeing Kristoff, I did some meteorite farming in gummi space and took a trip to the bistro. By this point I had excellents on all but 3 dishes because I didn't have the ingredients yet.
Also, by this point I was blessed with adorable remmy and Sora getting presents. Remmy got his own tiny present!
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And I'm sure you know this already, but like...I have a soriku obsession right now, so I enjoy making things into little personal Soriku references
Exhibit A: My gummi and Teeny Ships
They are both named after Yozora and contain the colors for Sora, Riku, and Yozora
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Okay, so back in Arendelle, Sora, Donald, and Goofy temporarily leave Marshmallow behind, and we come upon Kristoff and another Soriku parallel
Kristoff: "No, Sven! We're not going back. She's with her true love."
Riku: "You mean Kairi. To Sora, she's someone very special."
Sora: "Where'd Anna go?"
Kristoff: "She's back at home."
Sora: "Something happen?"
Kristoff: "Anna was struck in the heart by Elsa's ice magic. If the ice isn't removed, she'll freeze forever. Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart. So I took her back to Arendelle and to her true love, Hans."
Xion: "Do you know where Sora is now?"
Riku: "That secret stays with me."
Xion: "Why's that?"
Riku: "Xion...your memories...they really belong to Sora."
Xion: "So you mean...I'm like a part of him?"
Riku: "When his memories were scattered, some of them...found their way inside you. Now, Sora has been put to sleep so that we can piece together his memory."
Sora: "But...what about you?"
Kristoff: "What about me?"
Sora: "Uh, I sorta assumed you guys were..."
Kristoff: "Nooo! I just keep her from getting lost."
Xion: "So, do you hate me for taking your friend away from you?"
Riku: "Nah, I guess...I'm just sad.
Sora: "Really? Oh, but you seem so..."
Goofy: "Perfect together!"
Donald: "Yeah, like me and Daisy!"
So let's talk this over.
Point one, both assumptions on who the person in question's (Sora and Anna) true love/most important person is. This may have to do in part with some surface level stuff and Kristoff/Riku's anxiety that the person in question (Anna and Sora) probably doesn't like them like that.
Point two, the person in question has had something bad happen to them such as their memories being "erased" or their heart being frozen, needing some sort of action to save that person.
Point three, neither Riku nor Kristoff factor their feelings into the situation, Kristoff because he just feels the duty to save Anna and doesn't believe he is her true love, and Riku because he feels the duty to save Sora snd similarly does not believe himself to be Sora's special person (which didn't exactly factor in in Riku's case, but it's true he too pushed his feelings aside in all areas except saving Sora).
Point four, "I just keep [him] from getting lost" is totally something Riku or Sora would say about the other.
Point five, I added the last part because despite the insistence that Hans is Anna's true love, Sora, Donald, and Goofy agree that it seems Anna and Kristoff are perfect together, and it especially helps to know that on their side, they've seen that Anna and Kristoff work well together. They haven't seen her with Hans, and even in the movie, she and Hans don't get much screentime development. This is a parallel more to the soriku experience. On our side, we see Sora and Riku get a lot of screentime and development together, and it's clear that they care for each other. So when someone, even in game, insists that Kairi is most important to Sora, it feels like, "Oh, but Sora and Riku seem perfect together" and "But Kairi and Sora don't really get development like that or really much screentime together."
So, resuming the story (and the parallel), there's a gust of wind amd Kristoff looks towards Arendelle. He obviously feels something is wrong and says Anna's name before rushing off. I'm being completely honest, we've seen Riku too rush off, feeling that Sora's in danger. Prime example I remember though would be in the keyblade graveyard when Riku just gets a feeling and runs over to Sora, giving him a pep talk sorta just before everyone else gets swept up.
So, Marshmallow too, just like Kristoff, feels something is wrong, and gestures in the direction of Arendelle, saying Elsa's name, and the group is off to save Elsa and Anna.
And then, another parallel! Yes, Arendelle is Soriku parallel city over here!
Before Hans' sword reaches Elsa
Before the demon tide reaches Sora and Riku
Anna stands between the sword and Elsa
Riku stands between the demon tornado and Sora
Anna puts her right hand out to block the blow
Riku thrusts the keyblade in his right hand forward, directing the darkness around him and Sora into a tunnel
Anna completely turns to ice and saves Elsa, an act of true love
Riku attempts to save Sora at the expense of his own life, an act of true love, and is swallowed by the darkness
Anna gives one clear final breath
Riku gives one clear final breath
Elsa, alive due to her sister's act of true love, realizes the power of love and is able to save/unfreeze Anna
Sora's heart and body persist, arriving in the final world, his heart likely persisting due to Riku's act of true love, and his body due to Kairi, and he believes in himself and is able to go save Riku's heart
Just...ya know...food for thought...
And now, boss battle time! I believe I didn't have too much trouble on it when I dodged correctly. I beat it fine. One of my favorite shots I saw though was Sora using subzero impact with Ultima, but his clothes were the formchange color because I had just hit Ultima form right before. It was literally so epic!!
No, Marshmallow! You can't die this way! I need you to battle things for me-! Uh, I mean, you need to be alive because we care about you!
Just kidding Marshmallow! I love you and you're actually a nice snow giant with a big heart!
Cue Sora getting the example of the power of true love when Anna unfreezes.
Pretty animation Sora, I looooove you
Poor boy caring so much about everyone. He just wants to keep everyone safe.
And after Elsa gives another demonstration of the power of love, Arendelle is over.
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emptycanoflizards · 5 years
Parkner snowed in at Avengers compound?
I fell in love with this prompt. It ended up being over 2000 words...
The night seemed like a dream to Peter. He was surrounded by his childhood heroes (Whom he had been with consecutively for the past two weeks almost, yet he still couldn’t get over it), cuddled up next to his biggest crush, wearing Christmas pajamas, and watching Christmas movies over a giant fireplace. There was just no way this was real! Of course, this wasn’t quite how the night was supposed to go. Originally, Natasha and Clint were due to go out of town tonight, Steve, Bucky, and Sam were going to go grocery shopping and grab dinner for everyone, Stephen was supposed to go back home, and Harley and Tony “Probably had some work to do or something.”But the snow came down hard, flights got canceled, roads were closed, Stephen just didn’t want to go home, and Peter had an awfully convincing look in his eyes that one particular blond couldn’t deny. All of which led to quite an amazing night of being snowed in. 
The group decided to come together and cook dinner that night since it hadn’t happened in quite a long time. Natasha taught Peter and Harley how to make Kutya, which was a type of thick pudding made of lots of sweet stuff that made Pete really excited. She taught them, after a fond glance around, that it symbolizes unity in families. After it was finished, the boys got to throw a spoonful of the pudding onto the ceiling to see their futures. Harley’s spoonful stuck, which was supposed to mean that a plentiful honey harvest was to be expected, though, he didn’t keep bees, so he had no idea what it really meant. Peter’s, on the other hand, dripped onto his nose after being tossed up. The older boy let out a snort and stepped closer to carefully wipe the dish off his face. “Guess you’ll just have to share my harvest, then,” he added quietly, as though it was just some secret between the two, which made Peter’s stomach do flip as he nodded back in agreement. Next to them at the stove, Steve and Bucky were trying to figure out how to make a meatloaf that Steve’s mother used to make them back in the day but seemed to be having little success, seeing as there was now ketchup and oats all over their side of the counter. But both of them were smiling so much that no one really wanted to step in and help. Sam was across from them, meticulously cutting out a mix of sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies into little Christmas shapes. Before they started cooking, he had boldly claimed that he could make the best Christmas cookies in the world, to which almost everyone challenged him on, because Stephen had brought home Wong’s cookies before, and everyone was convinced that those were other-worldly because of how good they were. Tony and Stephen were in their own little world by now as they put together a selection of drinks, including eggnog and holiday punch, both spiked and unspiked. They were in a deep conversation about which country had the best Christmas traditions, and which ones Tony was sober enough to remember, back in the day. Amazing how the man had changed. Clint, as though supervising everyone, wandered around to take pictures of everyone as they worked. It was rare that everyone got together to do something like this, and despite missing a few people, he absolutely had to document everything for later viewing. It was about an hour later that everyone had finished the dishes they were working on and finally sat down at the scarcely used dining room table. Harley had put on a playlist of Christmas songs, which ended up hardly being heard over the constant shouts and laughter of the conversation. They ended up realizing that no one here actually celebrated Christmas, even though the compound was decked out in decor, Christmas tree and everything. Steve had tried to argue that he was still a very fine Christian boy, but almost everyone agreed that they had heard, walked in, or seen the aftermath of activities with Bucky that absolutely no God was involved in, and he quickly surrendered with a guilty laugh. Sometime later, it had grown dark outside, everyone felt full and warm and fuzzy, and the snow continued to fall. Steve stood up and began to collect people’s plates when Peter piped up and suggested they all watch a movie. Everyone was in complete agreement, and voting went down without a hassle, unanimous agreement upon Elf for their first movie. So the Heros and such went back to their rooms quickly to change into more comfortable clothes while Tony set up the projector in the living room. Peter was off in a flash, just excited to get back and start the movie. Harley trailed behind him, laughing softly at how fast the younger boy moved. He had already changed and was waiting outside Peter’s door when the other came out, dressed in a pair of reindeer pajama pants and a Midtown High sweatshirt, which just so happened to counter Harley’s own Christmas tree pants and Rose Hill High t-shirt. “Well look at you, handsome!” He said, looking over him with a smile as soon as he stepped into the hall. The blush on Peter’s cheeks was obvious even in the dim light of the hallway, which only made the older smile wider. “I like your pants,” Peter responded, giggling softly as he looked down at them. They were pretty ridiculous; they each had a different set of eyes on them and had little speech bubbles next to them, aggressively shouting different Christmas phrases. “Thanks,” Harley responded with a chuckle. “Clint got them for me a year or two ago. We were supposed to get each other pajamas, so I got him a Pikachu onesie, and he got me these-”“That's where that came from?! He never would tell me!” He exclaimed, his smile lighting up even more. “I always thought he got it himself and didn’t want to admit it!” Harley shook his head, chuckling softly as he started walking towards the elevator. “Nope, all me. I’m really the mastermind behind his sense of fashion.” A piece of his blond hair fell across his forehead as he stopped to press the button and Peter had to consciously restrain himself from reaching up and pushing it back into place. Above the two boys, the rest of the Avengers were already set up with buckets of popcorn and kettle corn, mugs full of hot cocoa, cider, and eggnog, and blankets to spare. The previews before the movie were already starting, despite everyone still milling around and getting comfortable. By the time Harley and Peter got back to the living room, Bucky was laying across Steve with a bucket of popcorn nestled under his arm, his eyes focused intently on the screen, Sam was on the other end of the couch, slowly inching Bucky’s legs off of him with a glass of cider in his hands. Strange was in the corner, floating with a blanket around his shoulders and kettle corn in his lap, Natasha and Clint were sitting on the other loveseat, still arguing happily over how they were intending to sit, and Tony had disappeared into the kitchen. This seating arrangement left the boys to sit in front of the couches with the cushions on the ground. Neither of them saw this as a problem, as Harley plopped down on one and opened his arms for Peter to come and join him. Without thinking, the brunet sat down and leaned into his embrace, earning a soft, satisfied hum from Harley. He carefully shrugged a blanket around them and leaned back against the couch that Natasha and Clint had finally gotten comfortable with. Peter ended up laying his head on Harley’s shoulder, which he didn’t think about until the other boy started carefully playing with his hair. His cheeks flushed red, but he didn’t move an inch, deciding that this was just what he needed at the moment. Steve and Bucky were the first to retire that night, about halfway through the movie (right when Jody and Buddy go on their date), claiming that it had been a long day, and sleep was necessary. Next was Strange, coincidentally at the same time that they noticed Tony shuffling down towards the elevator. He left with no explanation right after the beginning of Love Actually, which was Clint's choice, for the record. A quarter of the way through the movie, Sam got up to hit the hay, which was right around the same time that Peter could hear Natasha’s breath even out, signifying that she had fallen asleep. Harley continued to make fun of the movie characters in a hushed tone, earning a good amount of quiet laughs from Peter, especially when he added whichever Avenger left next to his list of people to tease. By the time Clint picked Natasha up to carry her to her room, the boys had made a makeshift blanket tent over themselves and were giggling about god knows what. The older man just let out a chuckle and turned on some Christmas music as to not distract the boys. It wasn’t until later when Peter realized he only heard two heartbeats in the room instead of four or more, that they realized that they were alone. It was then that he realized just how close the two had gotten. Their noses were nearly touching under the blanket, which made his cheeks turn light pink. Harley glanced down at his cheeks, at least Peter thought it was at his cheeks, and chuckled softly. “Need some air?” he asked, motioning to the blanket that was now surrounding them. Apparently, Peter’s laugh wasn’t a good enough response for him, as Harley tossed the blanket off of them and scooted off of the couch. He offered his hand to him with a smug smile on his lips. Peter took it with a confused expression on his face, and let out a little yelp when Harley suddenly pulled him closer. He wrapped his arm softly around his waist and brought him so they were almost chest to chest. Peter’s cheeks were aflame now, much to Harley’s amusement. “Do ya know how to dance?” he asked in a low tone. The younger shook his head, his eyes glued to Harley’s blue ones, which only seemed bright with the reflection of the fireplace in them. “No.. Never really something I thought to learn about..” He let out a chuckle that seemed to warm Peter’s insides. “Smartest person I know, and you never learned how to slow dance? Seems fake. But then again, neither did I..” He started swaying them softly back and forth to the music, smiling down at the younger boy. He looked so beautiful in the lighting of the fire; it was almost un-earthy how the light of the fire played off of his dark curls, and how the shadows seemed to catch his cheeks at just the right angles. What really seemed perfect was when he carefully laid his head on the older boy’s chest, sighing softly. “Whatcha thinking about, Petey?” He asked, his voice just over a whisper. Peter shook his head and closed his eyes. “Nothing, really. What about you, Harles?” His grip around his waist seemed to tense up a little, but he let out a breath and it went back to how it was the second before. “Well… There's this boy,” he started, the usual confidence that resided in his voice seems to disappear for the time being. “And I can’t stop thinking about him. Haven’t been able to for a while. He’s super smart and super cute, and I really like cuddling and dancing with him. All that cheesy shit. And he’s a really good cook and he chooses really good movies to watch, and… I dunno, Petey. I can’t get this boy out of my head…” Peter didn’t move, other than to continue to sway to the music. He knew his own heart was beating at an unusually fast rate, but he could also hear how nervous Harley was. Was this real? Did Harley actually mean him? A million thoughts ran through his head as he listened to Harley’s heartbeat. He had liked him for what felt like forever. Since the first time Tony had introduced them in the lab almost two years ago now. The way that Harley was confident with everything that he did but caring enough to take a step back and make sure that it was okay. How chaotic he was but in such an effective, good way. How comfortable he seemed to make Peter feel, no matter the situation; he always made him feel safe and taken care of around Harley. He realized how badly he wanted to kiss him over a year ago, and from there it was just a downhill spiral for Peter. But it was around that time that Harley had gotten more affectionate too. There was more cuddling during movies, more hugs when they saw each other again after a long time, more accidental touching when they were cooking. But Peter had always passed it up as Harley getting more comfortable around him. Purely platonic. But was it?He felt Harley shift above him, looking down at him, nervously, almost. “I… I was thinking about telling this guy, ya know? But I don’t know if he would feel the same… Whatcha think?” he whispered, trying to keep his voice steady. “I-I think.. I think that this boy would be an-an idiot not to take you.. I think h-he would be really excited. I think he’s probably been waiting a long time to hear this..” Peter whispered back, not taking his head off his chest, mainly out of anxiety. Harley paused for a second, his heart racing. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then looked back down at him. “Peter?” he asked, trying to get the brunet to look up at him. After their eyes met, he knew he couldn’t do anything else. Harley leaned down and brushed his lips tentatively against Peter’s, just testing the water. What he didn’t expect was for Peter to kiss right back. When their lips connected, it felt like everything was right in the world. Like nothing could go wrong, ever again. Neither of them ever wanted the moment to end. But after a second, the blond broke off, looking down at him with a nervous smile. “I… so uh… Wi-will.. Peter..?” He asked, still holding him tight as he stuttered. Peter only nodded, but he wasn’t sure if it was an answer or just encouragement. “Will you.. Do you uh.. Do you want to be my boyfriend?”Peter let out a small laugh and nodded more, this time it obviously being an answer. “Yes, you dork. I’d be stupid not to say yes!” Harley let out a breathy laugh as all the tension seemed to leave his body at his answer. “Holy shit..” he whispered, earning an equal laugh from the other. “Yeah… good holy shit, right?” “Fantastic holy shit,” He murmured, smiling softly at him, before ducking down and pressing another soft kiss to his lips.
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misanthropecopy · 5 years
fireredrules’ pokémon team dynamics rp meme
(please repost with everything attached!) answer each prompt with whichever of your muse’s pokémon fit it best. feel free to include multiple pokémon per answer or extra details as to why they might fit the prompt. if one doesn’t apply, just put N/A
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who is most likely to steal their trainer’s food?
Snorlax got away with it a few times, however when he began doing it constantly Psyche eventually had to bench press and throw him into a wall [without using psychic powers might I add] to make him stop. He now does it only on rare occasions.
who is most likely to rebel or ignore orders during a battle?
Though not in battle, since Psyche doesn’t want to act like a human trainer ew Spitfire [the Spritzee] and Zorua, are most likely to ignore Psyche’s orders directly. However Spitfire mainly does it whenever she believes that doing so might end up earning appraise from Psyche, while Zorua just does it for the laughs. 
who is the least welcoming of new pokemon/people?
Heatmor and Lucario. Lucario’s relationship with his trainer didn’t end well, as he was abandoned by them and Heatmor has never had good experiences with humans, and he’s not looking to “expand his horizons” anytime soon. 
who is the laziest?
Snorlax. Need I say more?
who wakes up the earliest?
Next to Psyche, I would say Cassian [the Braviary] and Windfeather [the Swellow]. Cassian because his battle-hardened Pokémon whose basically like a drill sergeant, believing that “the early bird catches the worm” and Windfeather because he’s the head scout of Pokémon village. 
who stays up the latest, or doesn’t sleep at all?
Psyche actually. Mainly because she doesn’t require much sleep, slumbering from 2 to 5 hours a night. Plus you don’t want to sleep long when plagued by nightmares from your past and need to remain on constant vigilance in case it comes rearing its ugly head again, am I right? //SHOT Next to her, I guess Noctowl or Banette.
who is the messiest?
Litleo. Spitfire got him into it, now he won’t stop. Also Garbodor. 
who is the loudest?
Garbodor chats the most, cause she genuinely enjoys socializing in general.
who considers themself the ‘leader’?
Psyche has quietly taken on the mantle of the real leader, though not everyone knows it and she refuses to say it out loud. As a result, most of the villagers consider Skystripe to be their leader for his wisdom and because he actually did lead them before secretly handing it over to Psyche. Though other elders such as Mama Shrub [Tangrowth] and Cassian DO consider themselves leaders of their small groups. 
who is the weirdest?
They all can be pretty weird at times, asjkfhgjldh. However I would say Garbodor is the oddest one, due to her tendency to rummage through and collect trash, making up the craziest stories/claims when she’s run out of subjects to talk about and so on. Though I suppose Psyche is the one that probably stands out the most, due to her being a legendary/synthetic/clone of Mew amidst normal Pocket Monsters. 
who is the biggest cuddler?
Minccino, Petilil, and Teddiusra. They were the first ones bold enough to give Psyche a physical touch that was purely soft, and they still snuggle with her the most. 
who gets themselves into trouble the most often?
who hates bath time?
The fire types and the Meowstic line, but they usually clean themselves by grooming. If they become really dirty like Litleo usually gets, into the river for a bath they go. Spitfire also dislikes bathing, at times.
who gets the most visibly excited from seeing their trainer after a long absence?
Sundapple [the female Meowstic], the Dedenne, Eevee and Oddish.
who is most protective of their trainer?
All of them know Psyche can handle herself, but will protect her at some degree. Skystripe however gets protective of her more than anyone else. He vouched for her the most, when she first arrived and is fully aware that she will deal with things beyond his comprehension in the future, due to her being a legendary AND synthetic Pokémon. He’s a good cat dad.
who uses their charms/cuteness to try and get away with things?
Zorua and Jigglypuff tend to use their cuteness on humans or other Pokémon, to get their way. However they don’t do it on Psyche, because she can see right through their ruse, making the façade not work.
who messes with other trainers for fun?
The Zoroark triplets [Trouble, Shadowflame and Jackal], the ghost-type Pokémon, Jigglypuff, Spitfire and Amoongus. It is both their job and their favorite pastime.
who is the most submissive to their teammates?
Cloud [the Swanna], Flabebe, and Oddish are the most docile of the group.
who is the purest angel?
Eevee, Espur, Foongus and Sundapple.
who gets jealous the most?
Banette and Mimikyu, but mainly towards other things, besides Psyche.
who is the one laying on their trainer’s face in the morning?
Furret or Zorua. 
who is the most distant from their trainer?
Alakazam. Mainly because he has heard rumors about a dangerously powerful Pokémon matching her description [*cough* OG Mewtwo *cough*] and is still wary of her because of it.
who is closest to their trainer?
Mama Shrub, Sundapple and Skystripe.
who is most alike their trainer in personality or habits?
who races ahead when on a walk?
The Pikachu, Vulpix and Lombre if Psyche chooses to take it slow.
who is the most loyal/obedient?
Poliwhirl, Lilligant, Skystripe and Branwenn [the Staraptor].
who eats the most?
Snorlax, obviously.
who is the quietest?
Next to Psyche, who mainly uses telepathy to communicate I would say it is a tie between Riolu and Gennady [Unfezant].
who is the clumsiest?
Eevee, because he almost always trips over his own feet.
who is the most hotheaded?
The BASCUILIN. The two species do NOT like sharing a body of water with one another, and Psyche often has to subdue them both when their battles get out of hand.
who is the ‘mom pokemon’?
Mama Shrub is the main ‘mom Pokémon’ though Whimsicott, Cinccino, Cloud and Gothorita can go all mom mode if need be as well. Psyche honed her Mamatwo skills, from watching them.
tagged by: No one.​ tagging: EVERYONE. //SHOT
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Tales of Their Hero Academia: Wake Up, Shitty Hair
In the background of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia, I’ve made mention of a battle with an upstart League of Villains and Kirishima suffering terrible injuries.  The story of the affect this had on his husband, Bakugo, is not an easy one...
Day Two
Katsuki’s world is broken.   He’s sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair, hasn’t moved for hours, though he wouldn’t have been able to tell you how long he’s been there.  He knows, logically, that he must have gotten up at some point to answer nature’s call. And he’s vaguely aware that people have offered him food, though he wouldn’t be able to tell you whether or not he’s eaten it.  Even the faint beeping of various machines has become part of the background, where once he found them harsh, sharp and distracting.
Katsumi is…  She’s with Deku and Round Face.  That’s right.  He made the mistake of bringing her here when they got the call.  She shouldn’t have…  she shouldn’t have seen what she saw, she shouldn’t have had to see him like that… seen either of them like that…  She’d clutched onto him so tightly and he’d fought so hard to stay strong in front of her…
Eijiro lays in the hospital bed before him, hooked to more machines and wires than he can count. He’s wrapped in enough bandages to look like a mummy.  And he is broken.  So very broken.  If he’d had any other Quirk, he would have already been dead.  They’d had to use special medical tools to stabilize him, locked in his Hardened state.  
Eijiro and several other Heroes had gone up against a group of upstarts calling themselves the League of Villains. And a Villain called Strongarm had beaten him worse than anyone ever had before.
He hadn’t been there. He’d been on the other side of the country, working on a different case.  He wasn’t there when the love of his life needed him.  Maybe if he’d been there he could have done something… could have fragged that sucker before he could hurt Eijiro.  Could have prevented all of… this.
He knows he should count himself lucky that Eijiro survived.  Not all the Heroes who had gone out had come back.  Sato’s wife, Chizu, was one of the ones who hadn’t made it. He couldn’t imagine what his former classmate was going through, couldn’t imagine what their young son was going through.  How would he go on if… How would he explain it to Katsumi if…
He refused to think of that. Eijiro was the strongest person he knew. Stronger than him, that was for sure. Challenges like a relationship, marriage, fatherhood, things that scared the hell out of him, Eijiro had charged into headlong, with a sharp-toothed smile on his face.
They’d gotten Aizawa in from U.A. to erase his Quirk, letting Eijiro revert back to soft flesh. Then, they said, treatment could begin in earnest.  But they still didn’t fully know the extent of the damage.  Didn’t know… if he’d ever wake.
Katsuki gives his hand a squeeze.  The doctors had said he might still be able to feel something.  
“C’mon, Shitty Hair,” he says, his voice hoarse from disuse.  “Wake up.”
Day Five
“You!” Katsuki strikes out, pinning Eijiro’s visitor to the wall.  “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face here!”
Tetsutetsu doesn’t fight back, doesn’t unleash his Quirk.  His grip on Katsuki’s hand is just enough to keep him from crushing his windpipe.  Katsuki vaguely remembers that he’d been hurt too, his arm broken so badly they’d had to get someone with a heat Quirk to soften his metal form so that they could set it.  That arm is still in a cast.  
“Bakugo…” Tetsutetsu grunts… “Can’t… breathe…”
“Why shouldn’t I?” Katsuki growls.  Sparks and miniature explosions dance over his other hand, which he dangles dangerously close to Tetsutetsu’s face.  “It’s your fault!”
Tetsutetsu’s eyes go wide. “What…?” he gasps.
“You’re his partner! You’re supposed to have his back! You’re supposed to watch out for him!” He’s getting louder with each statement, his anger building and bubbling up inside him.  For a moment, he’s the Bakugo of his U.A. days, a barely repressed cauldron of rage simmering over and splashing over everything.
“But you couldn’t do it! You let him fight that monster alone! If he dies… it’s your fault!”
Tetsutetsu shifts to metal now, strong enough to shove Katsuki back, even with one hand.  “What the hell is wrong with you?!  I came to check on my best bro!  He’s almost all I’ve thought about!”
“Both of you, stop it!” A sharp blow cracks against the back Katsuki’s neck, knocking him to his knees.  He’s up in an instant, facing Tetsutetsu’s wife, Itsuka.  
“You looking for a fight?” Katsuki growls.  “I could use the release!”
There’s security at the door, but she waves them off.  He nods, holding up his hands.  He’s not going to fight… not here.
“Bakugo…” Tetsutetsu says, softly.  He turns back to flesh, looking down at his busted arm.  “Strongarm broke my arm.  He was going to finish me.  Eijiro shoved me out of the way, took the hit… and kept taking them…  Gave everybody time to get out of there…   He’s a Hero, man.  Through and through.”
That’s what everyone was saying.  That Eijiro had stood like an unbreakable wall to give the others time.  Time to fight, time to escape, time to get the wounded to safety.  
Damn, Shitty Hair. Always thinking of someone else. Never putting himself first. Never thinking about the risks when he threw himself into danger.  Just like he’d done for him a thousand times over during the time they’d known each other. A better and more faithful friend and partner than he deserved.
“He’s strong,” Tetsutetsu said.  “He’ll wake up.  I know it.”
Day Seven
He leaves when visiting hours are over, picks up Katsumi from whichever of his friends is taking care of her that day, goes home, puts her to bed, and sleeps fitfully.  And the next day, he gets up, gets Katsumi ready for school, drops her off, arranges pick up, and goes to the hospital and waits.   It’s the same, day in and day out. His agency calls, but he sends them to voicemail or shoots off a rare text to tell someone else to take care of it.
His world is here.  He has to be here, every moment he can. Because Eijiro is going to wake up. And he wants to be the first thing he sees.
“Hey,” a voice says at the door.  It’s Pikachu. He looks better than he has.  He was hurt in the battle too, but not as badly as Eijiro.  No, he’s being discharged today.  He gets to go home to his wife and kids, a daughter Katsumi’s age and a three year old son.
Pikachu looks over Eijiro and his eyes go dark.  He lets out a puff of breath.  “Man… that could’ve been me.”  Katsuki notices his breathing is still heavy, his movements cautiously like he’s trying to avoid popping stitches.  He’s been injured himself often enough to know the signs.
“Yeah,” Katsuki growls, “well, it wasn’t.”
Pikachu puts a hand on his shoulder.  “Look, I’m getting out of here today.  I’m supposed to be taking it easy, but if there’s anything you need or Katsumi needs…”
He knocks Pikachu’s hand off his shoulder and Pikachu lets it drop limply to his side.  “What we need is a husband and a father who’s not in a fucking coma!”
“Hey!” Pikachu snaps, backing up and holding his hands up.  “I’m on your side here, man!  I was there when he went down!  I was there when Chizu…  and I just… I just lay there… bleeding out, brains too fried to even know how hurt I was…”
He sank into a chair, head down.   “I couldn’t save him, man.  One of my best friends and I just lay there jibbering while he got the shit beat out him.” He looked up, his eyes wet with tears. “I’m sorry… I’m just… so… sorry…”
Dammit, he’s barely good with his emotions on a good day.  Eijiro and Katsumi are good at bringing the best out of him for that. With Eijiro hurt and her away, he’s falling back on old habits, old anger, old walls.  He’s had a lot of a therapy since U.A, tried to put himself in a better place, a better mindset.   Right now, without his touchstones, it’s hard.  He should say something reassuring here, tell Pikachu… something, anything.
“Pika… Kaminari,” he says, finally.  “It wasn’t your fault.”
Stupid, stupid Pikachu. Always with that dumb smile.  It didn’t look right, seeing him sob like some kind of baby.  At least he was stopping now.
“You’ve got a wife and kids to go home to,” Katsuki said.  “What you can do for me is go home to them.  Maybe by the time you get back, Shitty Hair will wake up.”
Day Ten
There hasn’t been any improvement.  Things haven’t gotten any worse, but Eijiro still hasn’t shown any signs of waking up. And Katsuki’s been spending as much time as he can at the hospital still.  He’s barely even seen their daughter.  He’s eating poorly, not sleeping the hours he’s used to, not sleeping the schedule he’s used to.  All that discipline, all that treating his body like a temple, out the window.
“Always said you were gonna make me soft,” he says to Eijiro.  “But I’d be a couch potato in a heartbeat if I had you taking care of me again. But you gotta wake up for that.”
“Dammit, Katsuki,” a voice from the doorway says.  “You look like shit.”
There were only a handful of people who talked to him like that.  One of them was his mother.  And he’d have fought back with equal venom if it had been her.  But it wasn’t.  Instead, it was Shizuka Yamamoto, a small, but formidable and foul-mouthed dark haired woman.  She was the Office Manager for Eijiro and Tetsutetsu’s Agency.  She’d also been their surrogate.  They owed her a great deal.
“Yeah, well,” he growls, “you should see the other guy.”  She’s not wrong though.  He looks like shit.  He feels like shit.  Mentally and physically, he’s just about out of everything he has to give.
Shizuka takes a seat on the other side of the bed, giving Eijiro a long look over.  “How’s Katsumi?” she asks.  Despite having declared herself multiple times as “totally unfit for motherhood,” she still cared deeply for the girl she’d carried and given birth to.  She and Katsumi had a good relationship.
“She asked me today if we were going to have to have a funeral for her Papa like they did for Kenta’s mom.”  
“Oh.  Oh…  Well… fuck.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Or thought.  Trying not to swear around her.  She soaks it all up like a sponge.”
“What’d you say?”
“Told her I didn’t… told her I didn’t know.  That I hoped we wouldn’t.  That the doctors were doing everything they could for him.” And then she’d started crying and he’d just done his best to hold her as long and as tight as he could.  She’d never seemed so small and so vulnerable as she had in that moment.
“What do I do if he doesn’t wake up?” he asks, finally.
“You hurt, you heal, you move on,” Shizuka says.  “Same as everybody else.  I give you shit, Katsuki, but you’re strong.  Whether you believe it or not.”
“I’m not,” he says. “I act tough… and I am tough.  But I’m not like Eijiro.  If it was me in this bed instead of him…”
“He’d be a sobbing mess,” Shizuka replies.
“Yeah, but he’d be a functional sobbing mess.  He’d know what to say.  He’s good with all that emotion stuff.  I’m not good at anything I can’t punch my way out of.  All I can do is throw a damn pity party and shuffle around like a zombie.”
He doesn’t see the slap coming.  Shizuka’s Quirk lets her move with incredible speed for three second bursts.  Not enough to have made her a Hero, but useful. And apparently useful for slapping him.   “What the hell, Shizuka?!”
“I get that you’re hurting, Katsuki,” she growls.  “But you’re falling apart here.  Literally and figuratively.”  She jabs him in the chest with a finger.  “You’ve got a daughter to take care of.  You’ve got people who depend on you, count on you.  You’ve got friends, sidekicks, employees, family.  And right now, you’re killing yourself out of some kind of misdirected guilt.”
“You don’t know shit,” he snaps back, rising out of his chair.
“I know plenty,” she says. “I’ve lost people too, remember?  Akina ring any bells?”
“Aw… dammit,” Katsuki growls.  Shizuka’s girlfriend, who’d gotten killed in a villain attack a couple of years before she’d agreed to be their surrogate.  It had been quick, not long and lingering like this…  “I shouldn’t have…”
“That’s right,” she says. “You shouldn’t have.  But you did.  But I forgive you.  But you’ve got to take better care of yourself.  When he wakes up, he’s not going to be able to take care of you and get better.”
That almost gets him to smile.  “Touché.”
“And that goes for you too, Eijiro,” she tells his prone form.  “I didn’t spend nine months pregnant to give you a daughter just for you to sleep time with her away.  You damn well better wake up.”
Day Fourteen
Two weeks.  It’s been two damn weeks and there’s been no change in Eijiro.  But he’s taken some of what Shizuka said to heart.  It cuts him like a knife to be away from Eijiro when he thinks he might wake up at any moment, but she was right, he was destroying himself, he was stoking Katsumi’s fears without even meaning to.  So he’s spent less time here the last three days, spending time with their daughter, losing himself in a workout.
He feels a little less like shit.  Katsumi’s sleeping a little more soundly and so is he.  He even stopped by his Agency this morning to issue a few directions, put his head sidekick in charge until he returns.
He’s going to drop in the rankings for this.  He knows that.  It’s still his dream to be Number One… and that’ll still be his dream when he gets back to it.  He’d retire today if it meant Eijiro woke up.
Pretty much all their friends had been by at some point.  Soy Sauce Face and Raccoon Eyes, Glasses and Crazy Chick, Deku and Round Face, Icy Hot and Ponytail, and more. “Their friends.”  He wonders if that’s really the right word for it.  He’d call most of them Eijiro’s friends and say he just puts up with them.  Maybe he’s wrong about that.  Maybe not. They’ve stepped up for him in all kinds of ways since Eijiro got hurt.  He doesn’t know for sure if he’d do the same for them and it bothers him.
Eijiro’s moms checked in with him frequently.  They’d flown in on the third day and stayed a couple more.  He’d been lucky they hadn’t been there to see him scuffling with Tetsutetsu.  But he’d told them he’d let them know if there were any changes.  Their lives couldn’t be put on hold as easily as his.
He wishes he had something better to tell them.
He’s brought Katsumi with him today.  Even with no sign of waking up, Eijiro looks a little less like a mummy as some of his worse injuries have started to heal.  She’s sitting in a chair near the head of the bed, reading to him from her favorite storybook.  He’s told her that her Papa can hear her, even if he can’t show it, and she’s determined to try and make him happy.  His stomach growls and he realizes it’s nearly noon.  
“You look like you could use something other than hospital food,” a voice says.  He looks up and it’s Sato, holding a couple of Bento boxes. “Izuku said you’d be here.  I, ah, brought you some lunch.”
Katsuki is surprised, both by the visit and the gesture.  He and Sato aren’t friends.  They’re barely acquaintances if he’s honest.  But Sato and Eijiro are.  And he supposes that means something.  Either way… it’s appreciated.
Sato looks like five miles of bad road, bags under his eyes and a pain in those eyes that Katsuki sees every time he looks in the mirror lately.  But he looks… functional.  In a way Katsuki knows he isn’t right now.  They’re both the walking wounded but Sato isn’t caught between life and death the way he is.  That door’s closed.  Closed painfully, perhaps, but it gives him direction Katsuki just doesn’t have right now.
“Hi Mister Sato,” Katsumi says, looking up from her book.  “I’m sorry about Mrs. Sato.”
A painful smile crosses Sato’s face.  “Thank you,” he says, softly.  
Katsuki gets up, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, before taking the boxes.  “I’m sorry too,” he says.  “I…   Eijiro had nothing but good things to say about Chizu.  She seemed like a good woman.”
Why isn’t he better with words?  Why does he care so much about that now?  He never did before.  Marriage… parenthood… loss…  It’s like he’s been seeing things through new eyes of late.   What had Pikachu said, all those years ago?  That he had the personality of a steaming turd?  All that and everyone still stepped up for him and his family.
“Thank you,” Sato says again.  “I was sorry to hear about Eijiro.  Sorry I haven’t visited before now, but…”
“I get it,” Katsuki replies. “I do.”
He looks over at his daughter.  “Katsumi, can you keep an eye on Papa for me for a minute?  I need to talk to Mister Sato out in the hall.”
She looks up from her book. She looks so much like him (and the Hag, if he’s forced to admit it) it’s almost painful.  They flipped a coin on whose sperm they’d used.  Right now, if the worst should happen, he’s wishing he’d lost that toss.  “Sure thing, Daddy!”
Out in the hall, Sato regards him curiously.  “What’s up, Bakugo?”
He shuts the door to the room most of the way.  Just enough of a crack left that he can see or hear Katsumi if he needs to.  “How?” he asks.
“How… what?”
“Do I have to spell it out to you?” he growls.  “How are you still functional?  We might lose Eijiro and I’m barely holding it together. It took Shizuka slapping some sense into me to even get to this.  And you’re… here.  Looking out for somebody else.  Somebody who, frankly, didn’t even know your name until halfway through third year.”
Sato leans against the wall, letting out a breath through his thick lips.  He runs a hand through his hair.  “I look that together?” he asks.   “Because I sure as hell don’t feel it.  Guess I’m getting good at faking it.”
“Faking it?”
“I don’t have a choice, Bakugo,” Sato says.  “I’ve got Kenta.  He needs a functional parent.  He already lost his mom…  he doesn’t need to lose me too.  Even if… everywhere ad everything reminds me of Chizu.  Reminds me that she’s not there anymore.  
“I go to bed alone.  I keep waking up, expecting to find her next to me.  I still make too much food.  I was buying groceries yesterday and I nearly picked up those pickles she liked so much that me and Kenta can’t stand.  I spend most of my time wanting to cry.  But I can’t. I can’t fall apart like that.  I can’t do that to our son.”
“Sounds like what everyone else is telling me,” Katsuki admits.
“It’s good advice,” Sato says.  “But you’ve got friends, Bakugo.  We’re all here for you, whatever you need.  We went through hell for each other back in school, and we’ll still do it now.”
He looks Katsuki in the eyes.  “Whatever happens… whatever you need, you don’t have to go through this alone.  I’m here.  We can go through this together.”
“Sato…” he tries, failing to find his voice for a moment.  “Sato… thanks.”
Opening up to someone he barely knew?  He was getting soft.  Shitty Hair really needed to wake up.
Day Thirty
“Mister Bakugo?” the doctor asks.
“Kirishima-Bakugo,” he corrects, automatically.  Way back when the two of them had been married, he’d been insistent on that. Eijiro was one of the most important parts of his life.  And he wanted to make sure everyone knew it.  He wasn’t good with words, but he could show it.
“Mister Kirishima-Bakugo,” the doctor amends.  “Can we speak frankly?”
He looks over at Katsumi, reading to Eijiro again.  She’s not paying them any attention.
“It’s been nearly a month since your husband was injured,” the doctor says.  “He’s still reliant on the machines to breathe for him.  There’s been no sign of higher brain activity since. The odds of him recovering are extremely slim.  At this point, you should really consider…”
He’s screaming, screaming so loud and hard that his throat is raw.  His hands are on the doctor’s throat, watching his eyes bulge.  He wants to kill him, to watch the light fade from his eyes…
It’s not until he hears his daughter scream that he realizes what he’s doing.
He lets go and the man slumps to the floor, sucking in breaths in ragged gasps.
“We’re not pulling the plug,” he growls.  “How dare you say that?  How dare you say that in front of our daughter?!”
“You’re… you’re as crazy as they say!”
He doesn’t hear anything else the man says.  Instead, he’s focused on his daughter, who’s crying, looking at him with terrified, wide eyes.
He bends down next to her and he reached out, but she shrinks away and that hurts more than anything, more than any injury any villain has every inflicted upon him.
“Katsumi…” he says, softly. “I’m sorry…  I’m so sorry.  Daddy just got so mad and so scared for a moment, he didn’t know what he was doing, what he was thinking…”
His eyes are stinging and wet and he realizes he’s crying, crying like he hadn’t cried since he was a child.  
“It’s okay, Daddy… I just got scared too…”
And he’s holding her close and tight and he might not ever let go.
Especially if Eijiro never wakes up.
Day Thirty-Seven
“I need you, Shitty Hair,” Katsuki says to the prone form of his husband, holding his hand in his. “I’m not strong enough to do this without you.”
He gives Eijiro’s hand a squeeze.  “You are, without a doubt, the best thing to ever happen to me.  You make me a better person.  I’m not…  I’m not complete without you.”
He’s seen what his world looks like without Eijiro in it and he doesn’t like it, doesn’t like it at all.
He gives Eijiro’s hand another squeeze.  “I mean it, Eijiro.  You know my secret?  Every time I’m gonna do some damn fool thing, every time I’m gonna say something nasty or do something pretty fucking violent, I think about what you’d say. And yeah, most of the time, I win that argument and do whatever the hell I want.  But sometimes “you” do too.  And those’re the times when I’m a better person.”
Something splatters against his legs and he realizes he’s crying.  The last time he’d cried was when Katsumi was born.  If anyone had seen him now…
“I’ve asked a lot of you since we’ve known each other.  But I’m gonna ask you for one more thing: don’t leave me.  Just… don’t leave me.  Please. Wake up, Shitty Hair.”
Katsuki is the big, bad Hero, Ground Zero.  He doesn’t get scared.  He doesn’t plead.  And he definitely doesn’t cry.  He doesn’t back down from anything, he doesn’t worry about anything.  His biggest concern is supposed to be his next fight.
But he’s a father. And a husband.  And it’s looking more and more like he’s going to be a widower. And that terrifies him more than anything in the world.  Well, almost anything.  If he has to tell Katsumi that her Papa isn’t coming home, he will break.  He will break into a million pieces and never be able to be put back together again.
This isn’t something he can blow up, it isn’t something he can punch, it isn’t something he can fight. There is absolutely nothing he can do. For the first time in years, he is utterly, and completely helpless.
He squeezes Eijiro’s hand again.  “Wake up, Shitty Hair.  Please.”
And then there’s… No. Was it…   Eijiro’s hand was moving, fingertips slowly twitching, giving his hand a weak squeeze in return.
Eijiro’s eyes opened.
Day Thirty-Eight
Eijiro’s awake.   Weak, but awake.  He’s sitting up, free of the breathing tube, but still plugged into a whole bunch of wires that are keeping track of his vital signs. But those vitals are growing steadier by the day.
Katsumi is sitting on his lap, telling Eijiro about everything she’s done in the last month, happily going down various tangents until her original point is lost.  She talks about Toshi Midoriya and Izumi Todoroki and all her friends, about how much she missed him, about how hard she wished for him to come back.   Eijiro takes it all in with a weak smile, doing his best to pay attention and stay awake. It’s only when Katsumi quiets for a moment that he speaks up.
“You know… Bakubabe,” he says, his voice weak and raspy from disuse, “when I was… waking up…  pretty sure…  I heard you… saying some… stuff.”
“You didn’t here sh… nothing,” Katsuki says, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.  He’d spoken them to Eijiro, but he’d never meant for him to actually hear them…!
“It was…  pretty manly… admitting all… that,” Eijiro says.  “Manliest… thing… I ever… heard.”
The road to recovery for Eijiro is going to be a long one.  He was in a coma for over a month.  They don’t know yet if he’ll ever be able to go back to being a Hero again.  They’re not sure about anything he’ll be able to do again.
But that’s a worry for another day.   Because Eijiro’s got him watching his back, got their daughter there with him.  They all get all the tomorrows they want.
Because Shitty Hair woke up.
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drgnrder82 · 5 years
Fictober 2019: Day 23
Fandom: Pokemon / Detective Pikachu
Prompt: “We could have a chance.”
Rating: T (swearing, blood, horror-ish themes like Ghost types stealing souls)
Trigger Warning: Blood and general horror themes (see above)
Characters:  Tim Goodman, Harry Goodman, Pikachu, Emolga, OC’s Alison Angeles, Lampent
A/N: These snippets follow after the events of a fanfic I finished called Heart of Gold that can be read in full on AO3 here.
Figure this is fairly Halloween themed so...Happy Early Halloween!
Screeching tires and horns blaring preceded the sound of metal furiously colliding. Then it was the cries of all the onlookers that led Tim and his dad down the street. Tim felt a cold dread. He’d thought maybe they could help but when they got to the twisted wreckage he felt a pit open wide inside of him.
A tiny voice called out to him. Over and over screaming his name before he realized he’d been on the phone with Alison. She was still calling his name when he answered, “There was an accident.” A woman lay bleeding in the street, her partner Eevee whining and whimpering at her side with red patches soaking into her fur. “Oh my god, I...” Harry snatched the phone from Tim’s ear to guide him to the woman. Eevee wobbled as she went to nuzzle her partner’s hand.
Harry’s hoodie became a makeshift bandage. “Hold it here,” he guided Tim’s hands to the her face where he’d covered it with the cloth. “Firmly. Talk to her.” He rushed off to the other car where some other bystanders were trying to pry the door open. Anyone who tried to get through to emergency services got a busy signal and there were no sirens blaring toward them.
They needed something to pry the door or break the glass or, well, some way to get in. Laying across the deflating airbag were limbs that probably belongs to a man. Harry couldn’t tell how old. Older than Tim at least. He couldn’t see a partner but that didn’t mean much with how dark it was.
There wasn’t much to use and any partners that were around were small or their attacks would make it worse and cause more injuries than help get the door off.
“This is Investigator Angeles. Sir, there’s been an accident at Tenth and…uh,” Alison rounded the corner, “and Dusk.” Em surveyed from overhead, circling the wreckage before landing. “There’s a problem.” She was still holding the phone to her ear as she tried to smash through the driver side window with the opposite elbow.
“Besides dinner being postponed?”
“Yes, more important too. Emergency services is down. 9-1-1 is literally not working. There are major emergencies all over the city thanks to some stupid ass coordinated attack or something by Team Rocket. I don’t know.” Yes, more immediately important was the glob of thick, sticky blood ran from her nose cutting through her thoughts. “Shit.” A faint blue glow grew in strength behind her, trapped in the car. Harry shoved her away from the wreckage. “No.” She clutched at her head while starting to shout orders, “Form a perimeter! Get back! Get everyone back!” Another blue flame came to life next to Tim so Alison threw herself over the warped metal to tackle him. “Sir, you need to connect me to whoever is in charge at the hospital. They’ve had a breach in containment. I repeat we have two Lampent out of containment.”
And they had, what, two Electric types and a handful of Normal, Grass and a Fighting Type. Plus at least two injured people that they were soul stealing from.
Holding Tim back was physically draining as the metallic taste filled her mouth and turned her stomach.
“Come on! We could have a chance!”
“Tim! Pikachu and Em’s attacks are too wild. We could hit any one of these people around here. Especially the two injured.” He should know as well as her, if Lampent’s flame is so bright these people are nearing their end. They’re only blocks from the hospital that had an infestation after an eight car pile up led to, well, an abundance of fuel.
Lieutenant Yoshida’s voice barely made it over the commotion that the Lampent stirred, “They are sending backup your way. We need to keep those Lampent’s under control so we can relocate them.”
Blue light sputtered causing shadows to dance wildly from the car. Fine, maybe they had a small chance.
“Fine. You win.” Turning Tim to her she motioned around at the people, “Get them back.” From across the accident scene Harry could see what they were doing and disagreed. Too bad. “Em, go for the window. Quick attack.”
Lampent hovered around unconscious woman silently watched Em go by without a reaction, just kept flickering away nice and bright. Alison edged her way around out of it’s eyesight with her service weapon unholstered.
The crowd of people thinned, shying away from the Ghost Type, while others insisted on live streaming the whole thing. The screech of Em’s claws on glass made both flames grow. Moving to converge on her. Acting quick Alison slammed the butt of her gun against the glass, shattering it against the other Lampent who’d started to sputter again. In the passenger seat a small Larvitar growled, a sharp rock. He’d used Stone Edge once and was preparing to attack again. “Come on buddy, more space out here.” Taking hold of his little arms he scrambled out of the car. “Got anymore left in ya? He could use a good hit from your Stone Edge.” Larvitar groaned weakly. “Ok. Uh.” Her head was splitting in two. Thoughts jumbled and fuzzy. God, what else could he do? “Crunch? Payback?” Whichever one he did Alison didn’t see. Her vision went blurry as she stumbled and fell into the car.
When she could hear again, and begin to see again, both Tim and Harry crowded her field of vision.
“You did good.” He was patting her head in that stupid patronizing way. “The woman might make it, her Eevee too.”  
“Dinner.” She moaned even though her stomach was still churning, her head tearing apart and she could still taste the remnants of blood on her lips.
“I’ll even buy you a beer.”
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letswritefanfiction · 4 years
Lost in Halloweenia! Ch3
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Crosspost from ffnet and AO3.
Summary: It’s Halloween! Ash and the gang are living it up trick or treating when they stumble upon a strange house with some strange artifacts. What mysteries do they hold and…wait, who are those three lurking behind them?
Word Count: 4,065/27,343
Previous chapter here
Next chapter here
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Chapter 3: The Last Midnight
We left off last time with Ash and the gang in a strange land named Halloweenia, accompanied by their mostly helpful aid, Mantar. And Team Rocket was…Oh yes, this is a familiar sight.
Screams echoed as Team Rocket seemed to tumble through space, unable to see where they were going. Before too long, though, James landed face-first on the ground with his limbs all akimbo. Without so much as a second to right himself, Jessie landed squarely on his back, and Meowth straight on top of her.
“Ugh,” James groaned into the floor, “why do I always have to be the fall guy?”
“It was the chivalrous thing to do, James; it puts your childhood to good use,” Jessie grunted as she heaved Meowth off of her.
After Meowth finished seeing stars, he looked around in wonderment. “Whoa, where are we?”
They were in a cavernous room, or possibly a hallway, with strange plants of various sizes and the same kinds of Halloween relics as had been in the strange house, some floating in midair, some seeming to be almost alive.
Spotting a strange Ekans figure spiraling around a tree jutting out sideways from the stony wall, Jessie moved to get a closer look. But before she could get too close, the whole room started shaking beneath her feet.
“Oh no, what now?” James whimpered as he covered his head for safety.
Suddenly, the floor beneath them opened up; the ground simply vanished as it was replaced with a black pit. Jessie, James, and Meowth were suspended in the air for a moment of panic as they looked at each other before they shot their arms up and yet again began to scream.
“Team Rocket’s falling down again, again!”
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Sounds of Halloweenia’s great party were reverberating throughout the land to the point that it almost seemed like the moss on the trees was bumping up and down to the beat. The music combined with the chatter and general merriment created a pervasive din and a quite happy atmosphere. Everywhere except for around Mantar and our friends.
Ash observed a Girafarig whose black half had almost entirely taken over its yellow half, leaving nothing but yellow dots up its neck to hint at its prior color.
“So that’s what’s gonna happen to Pikachu?” Ash asked cooly, stroking Pika-boo’s now luscious brown fur.
“It’s likely to some degree, yes,” Mantar answered. “But fear not, once you return to your world the effects should reverse just as they came on.”
“You mean it’s not permanent?”
“No, it’s not.”
“Oh, thank goodness!”
Ash took Pika-boo in his arms and cheered as Pika-boo quietly cooed, knowing that his still-Pikachu voice would be the only thing to give him away. Misty and Brock likewise smiled, looking at Pika-boo with abundant relief.
“It’s a shame there aren’t any Water Pokémon around,” Misty observed. “I’d like to see what changes they’d go through.”
“You’d just like to see any Water Pokémon,” Ash joshed. He turned to Mantar. “Water Pokémon are her favorites.”
As he spoke, Ash began reaching for a piece of carnival food that he and Pikachu had been eyeing. It was shaped like a Hoothoot, which would have been fun enough, but more than that, it was doughy and it smelled salty and fatty and divine. With a flash of his eyes, Mantar froze Ash and Pikachu, then turned them around so they couldn’t even look at the food anymore. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You have no idea what effect objects from this world can have on you.”
Ash whimpered a little bit. “So we don’t get to eat the whole time that we’re here?”
“I wouldn’t try i—”
“Wait, I still have my Halloween candy!”
Ash tore out his bag of tasty treats and began digging into it, only pausing to stop to give Pika-boo a piece. Pika-boo struggled to work out eating with his new fangs and his teeny mouth, but neither he nor Ash seemed to have too much trouble with shoveling away their snacks.
With a roll of his eyes, Mantar turned back to Misty. “I’m sure you could find a Seismitoad around here eventually if you keep your eyes peeled.”
Misty’s face faltered. “A Seismitoad. Oh, goodie.”
“What’s that?” Ash mumbled to Brock, his words hardly coherent through all the chocolate, nuts, and caramel.
“Let’s just say it’s not pretty,” Brock whispered back. “Like, worse than a Tentacruel not pretty.”
Misty suddenly popped up and pulled Brock by the ear. She scowled at him. “I heard that.”
“Ow, not the ear! I didn’t even do anything!”
“Let’s move along, children,” Mantar suggested.
Eager to get away from Misty’s cruel fingers, Brock hopped at the opportunity to follow Mantar, and Ash and Misty were quick to follow. Mantar explained things as he led the group further into the fray.
“Halloween is the biggest celebration of the year here, because it’s the day that our world was created. So, just like you, every year we dress up and have a festival in commemoration.”
Sure enough, everyone seemed to be dressed in outlandish costumes imitating various people, Pokémon, and other creatures, but they hardly seemed necessary. There was a man, entirely red with horns emerging from his face, dressed up like a Bisharp, a Bisharp dressed like a zombie, and that zombie girl from before was dressed in an all red evening gown like a lounge singer from back in their world.
“Mantar, can I ask you something?” Misty started.
“Of course.”
“Why aren’t you wearing a costume, then?”
Mantar frowned, his moustache twitching a little. “The gate between your world and our world must be guarded at all times. But nobody ever wants to work it on Halloween. So I volunteered for it. There was no party for me, so I didn’t bother dressing up.”
“Well, that’s no problem!” Ash grinned. “You can just enjoy the party now!”
Suddenly, Ash was wearing an frilly orange suit and bowler hat that looked like a pumpkin as he jumped into the midst of the party with Pika-boo. They danced away up against a Honchcrow dressed as a gangster, who was doing a pro body wave.
Everyone else sweat-dropped as they looked on, stealthily scooting away.
“We’ll just pretend we don’t k know them,” Brock whispered.
Misty nodded, looking off to the side and whistling nonchalantly.
“I appreciate the offer,” Mantar called out to Ash after letting out a nervous cough, “but I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
Suddenly, Ash and Pikachu were back, breathing heavily from their mediocre dancing skills.
“Because it is my current duty as gatekeeper to get you all home safely. After that, I must immediately return to the gate; it’s bad enough as it is that I’m not there right now as I’m helping you.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Ash stated firmly. “You said that Pikachu will be able to go back to normal when we get back to Johto, so there’s no rush.”
“I’m afraid that it’s not that simple. You have to leave by midnight, or else you won’t be able to return.”
Ash started. “Y-You mean we’ll be stuck here forever?”
“Yes. And when I say forever, I mean it truly, because people here don’t die.”
Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu all looked at each other with wide eyes, gulping nervously, with nothing else to say, but:
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“Run for your life!”
“I am, Jessie! I am!”
“Well, I’m running for all nine of my lives, ‘cause I was nevah meant to run dis fast!”
Jessie and Meowth had their eyes squeezed shut as they sprinted through the night. Only James dared a look back at their fiery pursuer. There behind them, but still far too close, was a full-grown Rapidash, flames ablaze. However, unlike an ordinary Rapidash, with a creamy, white coat, this one was that of a dark charcoal, blending in with the night so that the licking flames burned your eyes against all the dark.
That wasn’t the worst part, though. James let out a girly scream as he got another good look at the man riding the dark Rapidash.
A headless horseman.
James picked up the pace, as did Jessie and Meowth. The countryside flew by as the horseman continued to gain on them until he was nigh on their heels. With a flying leap, the Rapidash cleared their heads, landing on their other side and causing the trio to come to a screeching halt. Inches away from the horseman, Jessie, James, and Meowth held onto each other, barely holding back their whimpers.
Then, before they could even give a cry, the horseman cracked his whip of bones and the Rapidash spun around, kicking Team Rocket into the night with its mighty hind-haunches.
Still holding onto each other as they flew through the air, screeches being ripped from their bodies, they arched over the countryside, over the neighborhoods, and over the buzzing city until they crashed straight into the tallest building around.
Fortunately, the window was nothing but an empty rectangle in the gothic stone frame of what truly amounted to a castle. So, with limited crashing, Team Rocket tumbled onto a stone floor, a tangle of limbs and groans.
“Ugh, I feel like we’re being abused more this episode than usual,” James whined as he stood up, dusting himself off.
“New author,” Meowth commented, touching his charm to make sure that it hadn’t been broken in the crash landing.
“Both of you be quiet!” Jessie snapped. “What’s that sound?”
“It sounds as though it’s coming from downstairs.”
“It sounds like quite da party.”
Suddenly, the trio’s eyes lit up and triplet grins spread wide on their faces.
“A party!”
The stone room at the top of the tower gave way to a spiral staircase that the Team Rocket trio ran down, sounds of the party growing louder and louder with every footfall. They passed by many floors, all seemingly themed with some Halloween element or another, but the gang hardly stopped for a breath in their mission to find whichever floor was housing the party.
Eventually they stumbled upon a large banquet hall, and it was immediately obvious that it was party central. The room was decorated with rich harvest golds and metallic oranges, deeply opulent as well as all-encompassing of fall. And in the enormous room were hundreds and hundreds of people as well as Pokémon, not to mention games, food, drinks, decorations—all the trappings of a well-planned party.
“People certainly go all out with their costumes here,” Jessie observed as she spotted a mummy, completely wrapped in dusty bandages, save for his nearly invisible eyes. He was even carting a sarcophagus similar to that of a Cofagrigus behind him.
“Can I interest you in a drink?”
A Gothorita was standing beside them, holding a golden tray of variously colored drinks, far above her head so that it was on level with Jessie and James. She was dressed as a bat, wearing very angular wings out of her back and pointed ears on her pigtails.
“Wait, are you a person or a Pokémon?” James asked, pointing at her face.
The Gothorita laughed. “I’m a Pokémon, silly! Now, how about that drink?”
“Oh, well, don’t mind if I do,” James said politely, taking an orange drink.
Gothorita went off to continue milling about the party as James began to sip on his drink.
“Well, that’s strange;” Jessie observed. “I didn’t think that any Pokémon could speak except for you, Meowth.”
“I know,” Meowth said with a pout. “I don’t feel so special here.”
“Oh, like you feeling special is the biggest of our worries.”
“Uh, guys?”
“Well, I happen to tink dat one’s opinion of themselves is one of the most important tings to concern themselves wit.”
“Especially if they’re a walking, talking cat Pokémon, right?”
“That’s right!”
Jessie and Meowth turned to look at James, only to find that he wasn’t where they last saw him. Or, rather, he was, but they just had to look a little lower.
“James! You’re a Raticate!”
“I know!”
“I hate rats!”
“I know!”
“Well, what are we going to do?”
“I don’t know!”
James looked pathetic. He was trying to hold his head in his hands, but they could barely reach. His body was shaking and his eyes were becoming more tear-filled by the second.
“I think that drink I had was some kind of a potion!”
Jessie growled. “Well, then let’s find that dumb waiter girl and give her a piece of my mind! Right, Meowth? Meowth?”
Immediately assuming the worst, Jessie’s eyes darted around, looking for Meowth and whatever terrible thing could have happened to him. But lo and behold, he was still right where he had been, just thoroughly ignoring the both of them.
“Meowth! What’s the big idea?” James demanded.
One look at Meowth’s face, however, told the whole story. His mouth was drooling just a bit, but more dramatic than that, his eyes had turned to large, pink hearts that were beating quite fast.
Jessie and James-Raticate turned to follow Meowth’s gaze and saw a sassy Meowth with a blue-gray coat. She was twirling a curled whisker in her paw and batting her curled eyelashes and not one second later, Meowth was out of there, thoughts of helping his friend James left in his dust.
“Well, Meowth is nothing if not reliable,” Jessie grumbled.
Suddenly, someone dressed as a scarecrow came over to Jessie, black eyes wide as he zoomed in with no regard for personal space.
“Wow, your costume is so realistic!” he complimented as he poked and prodded her face. “What is it made out of?”
One good pinch to her cheeks was enough to send scarecrow boy flying away with a bright red hand print on his face.
A vein on Jessie’s temple was pulsing as she clenched her fists tightly. “I do not need to stand here and be insulted! Come on, James, we’ll figure out how to change you back somewhere else.”
Jessie dove into the party for just a moment to grab Meowth by the tail, away from the female Dark Meowth, leaving him kicking the air in protest before she too grabbed James-Raticate and booked it out of the banquet hall.
The stone staircase continued further down, even though they must have traversed dozens of flights by that point. But Jessie figured that eventually they had to reach the ground floor and, therefore, the exit to the forsaken castle.
Predictably, the stairs did run out eventually. But they didn’t leave off at an obvious front door. Rather, they opened up to a stone room, much like the one they had fallen into on the top floor, though this one was much larger.
And much spookier.
It was completely empty, save for some suits of armor lining the walls and some sconces lighting the way. The sounds of the party were completely mute from down there, even though they had been so roaring within the room that it seemed like you’d have to be miles away before the sound was drowned out. The only sound was that of their echoing footsteps upon the hard stone floor and the flickering of flames in the sconces. There were a few doors instantly visible in the large room. All were made of wood with thick, iron slabs screwed into them, and all were tall and formidable enough to be the front door.
Jessie sighed. “I guess we’ll just have to start trying doors.”
“Dat’s gonna have to be all you, Jess. Jimmy and I ain’t tall enough to reach any of the knobs.”
“Fine, fine, just choose one.”
“Um, how about that one?”
James pointed with his stubby paw to one that had gold plating rather than iron that shimmered in the dim light of the room. Hesitantly, Jessie reached for the gleaming knob and turned it, almost surprised when it was unlocked.
“For a castle, this place doesn’t have very good security,” she murmured.
Unfortunately, the door opened to reveal another room, rather than the out of doors. But this room wasn’t flaunting any great opulence, like the golden door suggested. Rather, in this room, the gray stone floor gave way to packed dirt, uneven with tree roots that dotted the floor. As the trio stepped in, they saw that the roots were all coming from one tree in the center of the room that was nearly seven feet tall. Not very large for a tree, but, at second glance, this was no ordinary tree.
The tree’s bark was ragged, even completely torn in places, giving way to a deep, black interior. And there were only a few tufts of leaves where the tree even seemed alive anymore. Despite the season, they were still bright green, and by far the most verdant part of the tree.
That wasn’t what the Team Rocket trio was looking at, though.
Nestled atop the small tuft of green at the tip of the tree was a magnificent crown. It was a pale, golden color, though it didn’t appear to be made of metal. The frame was nearly branch-like itself, with irregular golden sticks weaving together in zig-zags to form the cylindrical shape. Then, dotting the gold were colorful gemstones, glowing seemingly from the inside out. It was absolutely captivating to look at.
Jessie, James, and Meowth could barely tear themselves away from the object in order to look at each other. With the single glance, they knew they were all thinking the same thing.
They had to steal that crown.
“Now, it’s just a matter of how we’re gonna do it,” Meowth mused with a paw to his mouth. He knew he was the brains behind the operation and that Jessie and James were going to need him to think of a plan.
The last thing he expected was Jessie coming up with a plan first. She picked him up by the scruff of his neck, and heaved him in the direction of the crown.
With only a moment to gather his wits, Meowth reached his arms out for the crown. He only had once chance to grab it, and he had to get it right.
Fortunately, Jessie was a good throw. Meowth landed flawlessly right on the top of the tree and plucked the crown up into his paws. It was heavy, but not as heavy as if it had been pure gold or any other metal. For Meowth’s size, it was cumbersome more than anything; his arms had to be nearly completely outstretched just to hold on to it. Once he had a good grasp, he leapt off of the tree, and back beside Jessie and James-Raticate.
Standing on the same plane as Meowth, James ogled the crown. He reached his tiny hands to the crown, just touching it, since he couldn’t really manage holding it. Then, after a moment, James-Raticate disappeared into a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, James stood in his full height, good as new.
“James, you’re back!” Jessie exclaimed.
“Oh, thank goodness.” James’s voice was thick with relief as he patted his own body to make sure that he was, in fact, human again.
“Then why is da Pokémon the one stuck carrying da heavy crown?”
Jessie didn’t need any more convincing. She snatched the beautiful crown out of Meowth’s hands, marveling at it for a moment. Then, a rustling came from the tree in the center of the room and Team Rocket’s hearts dropped. They couldn’t risk anyone trying to take away the dear prize of this exquisite crown!
“We gotta get outta here!”
And, just like that, they absconded out of the castle, crown in hand.
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Ash, Misty, and Brock were all talking over each other, all but yelling in each other’s faces. Maybe they were trying to figure out a plan, maybe they were talking about the dinner plans they were missing. Who could tell over all that yelling? Pika-boo and Mantar just looked at each other, sighing as they waiting for it to come to an end.
It didn’t.
Eventually, it all became too much and Pika-boo began charging up to use a Thundershock on the whole group. Eyes wide, Mantar clenched his spoons, and crossed them, letting them glow red before Pika-boo’s sparks winked out.
“Disable; temporary Attack,” he clarified when Pika-boo looked at him questioningly. “You can’t use an Electric Attack while in this form, Pikachu. People will ask questions. As for these clowns…”
Mantar shifted towards the still-squabbling kids and simply wacked them each on the head with his spoons.
“Ugh, I guess we needed that,” Brock groaned.
“You sure did.”
“Thanks, Pikachu,” Ash said sarcastically, rubbing the growing lump on his head. “So then what is this portal thing?”
Mantar sighed. “That’s the hard part. Any object artifact from your world will do, but they’re rare. Furthermore, a spell is needed to go along with them, as far as I know. It’s not legal to pass through worlds, so the details are shrouded in mystery. But there are peddlers that do it, but I, personally, have never done it.”
“So, basically, we don’t know,” Brock surmised.
“Essentially,” Mantar answered regretfully.
“So,” Misty started, hope trying with all its might to remain in her voice, “do you have any idea where we should start?”
The gang was left hanging as Mantar’s eyes suddenly went blank. He was unmoving to the point that he looked more like a statue than a living, breathing Alakazam. Ash snapped in front of his eyes as Pika-boo waved his wing-like fluff, but to no avail.
“Nobody’s home,” Ash said as he put his face right up to Mantar’s, squinting into his eyes.
A moment later, Mantar blinked out of it, then glared at Ash, who quickly retreated.
“What happened, Mantar?” Misty asked.
“I received a telepathic message,” he explained, his voice grave. “There’s been a situation.”
“What kind of situation?” Brock asked as everyone looked at each other with concern.
“An object central to Halloweenia has been stolen. The king’s crown.”
“Do they have any idea who stole it?” Ash asked.
Mantar shook his head. “It couldn’t have been a Halloweenia resident. No one in their right mind would steal the crown. So there’s every reason for me to believe that someone came through the gate after you all. And, without me to guard it, they landed in Halloweenia without anyone knowing.”
Misty gasped. “You think another human stole it?”
“I’m afraid so. I need to return to the gate to see if it’s been compromised.”
“Wait!” Ash called out. “We need your help to find a portal!”
With a heavy breath, Mantar turned to Ash. “The truth is, I don’t know any more about portals in Halloweenia than I’ve already told you. The best advice I can give you is to get out of town. Tower guards are bound to be looking for humans all around the city.”
“But then how are we supposed to find a portal?” Misty asked, worry seeping into her tone.
“I’ll try and help you if I can,” Mantar said. “Just remember what I said and if you can ask for help without gaining any suspicion, then do it. That’s all I can tell you.”
“That’s all?” Ash asked.
“Oh, and this.” Mantar psychically projected a grainy image of the stolen crown. “This is King Trevenant’s crown, and that,” he pointed into the distance at the tallest building bursting through Halloweenia’s skyline, “is his tower. Don’t go there for any reason, whatsoever.”
“Okay,” Ash agreed.
“I have to go now.”
And before anyone could even say goodbye, Mantar teleported away. Then, in the distance, there was the sound of many gongs ringing out.
“What’s that?” Misty asked.
“It sounds like a clock tower,” Brock observed. “Ten rings.”
“Uh, Brock, that means it’s 10 o’clock,” Misty said with a gulp.
Ash’s eyes grew wide.
“We have two hours.”
As the clock strikes ten, things are looking worse and worse for Ash and co. Will they make it out before they’re stuck in Halloweenia forever? And what of Team Rocket? Is there more to that crown than meets the eye? All this and more in the next installment of Lost in Halloweenia!
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fireredrules’ pokemon team dynamics rp meme
(please repost with everything attached!) answer each prompt with whichever of your muse’s pokemon fit it best. feel free to include multiple pokemon per answer or extra details as to why they might fit the prompt. if one doesn’t apply, just put N/A
who is most likely to steal their trainer’s food? - Gengar who is most likely to rebel or ignore orders during a battle? - Lapras who is the least welcoming of new pokemon/people? - all of them, though Pikachu is probably the most extreme about it who is the laziest? - Gengar who wakes up the earliest? - Charizard who stays up the latest, or doesn’t sleep at all? - Pikachu is always watching who is the messiest? - none of them tbh who is the loudest? - again, none of them who considers themself the ‘leader’? - everyone just kind of looks to Charizard for guidance when Fire's out of commission who is the weirdest? - define weird? it's either Gengar or Pikachu who is the biggest cuddler? - Umbreon, Pikachu, and Charizard who gets themselves into trouble the most often? - Gengar who hates bath time? - Charizard who gets the most visibly excited from seeing their trainer after a long absence? - Umbreon who is most protective of their trainer? - all of them, Pikachu is again the most extreme about it who uses their charms/cuteness to try and get away with things? - Gengar, no it doesn't work who messes with other trainers for fun? - Gengar who is the most submissive to their teammates? - Hydreigon, ironically enough who is the purest angel? - Have you met Fire? He is sin and his team is also sin. who gets jealous the most? - Umbreon and Hydreigon who is the one laying on their trainer’s face in the morning - Umbreon or Pikachu, occasionally Charizard who is the most distant from their trainer? - none of them really are, maybe Lapras or Hydreigon? idk? who is closest to their trainer? - CHARIZARD who is most alike their trainer in personality or habits? - they all share traits with Fire but Charizard is definitely the one closest to him in character who races ahead when on a walk? - Umbreon who is the most loyal/obedient? - Umbreon and Charizard who eats the most? - Gengar who is the quietest? - Umbreon who is the clumsiest? - Gengar who is the most hotheaded? - Pikachu who is the ‘mom pokemon’? - Lapras
tagged by – stolen from @notquitethelegend because it looked like fun tagging – @binarycolours​, @viridianlead, myself so I can do this with Gold and tag more people over there
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vhoba · 8 years
I was tagged by @aduare to get to know my followers (lovely blog, I recommend any of you with free time go check it out). Let us begin.
Name:  Maxwell, or Max. Whichever you feel more comfortable with.
Height:  Like, aorund 6 foot. I haven’t measured in a while, I think I am somewhere between 5′11″ and 6′2″.
Hogwarts House:  I’m not much of a Harry Potter kind of guy, but I’ve always figured either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.
SSB Character:  Well, I main Marth, but I absolutely ADORE Ness and Lucas, which is my icon, the SSB emblem for Earthbound characters. I am trying to pick up Mewtwo, and maybe Pikachu. Not certain, though.
Favourite character I would date:  Kuriyama Mirai from Kyoukai no Kanata. Or Kanbara Akihito from the same show. Maybe Asune from SAO. I’ve had my video game crushes here and there, too. And of course, book crushes. Tons of those.
Favourite band or artist:  Jeez, I dunno. Lately I’ve been real into Blink 182, and I’ve always loved twenty one pilots. I love Jonathan Young’s works, he does covers of Disney songs and stuff. He sings well.
How many blogs do I follow:  Uh, like 200 or smth? I doin’t even know.
What do I post about:  Friggin anything that comes on my dash. Video games, Magic occasionally (I have a side blog dedicated to it but I’m pretty awful about constantly letting some slip in here), funny stuff, amazing animals, social justice issues, I’m truly all over the place.
Aesthetic:  You know that well dressed business man with a dour look on his face and he’s tall and looks moody? Well, then he sees a puppy or like, a cool game or something that really excites him and he turns into a small child. Yeah, I take myself way too seriously and try to be stone faced but I am such a kid about everything.
Tag 20 followers you want to know better:
@kreetn, @upsizelexa, @noctis-lucis-caelum-cxiv, @ezurad, @colgar112, @madeofgloves, @limegreenarcher, @huffylemon, @cactkiss, @hell-uhrad, @sugar-lemonn, @flowisaconstruct, @colorb0y, @jessicola, @laurangeee, @completelyderanged, @sorin-the-mourning, @thelocus
I know this is only 18, but I don’t really know anyone else on here that much, despite some other people being kinda active on my blog.. So... Sorry...
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flyingcookierambles · 6 years
toudanshi that i have
talked w/ a friend tonight about touken ranbu. basically, i think i have to either just reset my dmm password to regain control of my acc, or dmm figured out i use vpn lmao. anyways i havent played tkrb for about 1 year now, the last event i participated in being the event where you got nansen ichimonji. ive had this fun list thats a mix of history and personal thoughts on each boy i have on my phone’s default notes app for like years lol. most of the history came from a combo of the tkrb wiki trivia sections and also this tumblr. i dont think that they are as into tkrb now tho since they havent posted things for a while.
今剣 いまのつるぎ Ima no Tsurugi - only tantou that was used in seppuku (Iwatooshi’s owner’s suggestion to save face), now missing.
秋田藤四郎 あきたとうしろう Akita Toushirou - lived long life without actually being in battle and now stays in a Kyoto national museum.
小夜左文字 さよさもじ Sayo Samonji - Like all swords by Saemonzaburo, he has endless depression and cycles of revenge that started from his original owner's quest to avenge his mother. Then got sold for food and is now missing.
五個体 ごこたい Gokotai - small child fends off five tigers at once ONE TIME, gets embarrassing name for the rest of his life. Now lives in a museum.
歌仙兼定 かせんかねさだ Kasen Kanesada - Claims to be a cultured elegant sword, named after the 36 Immortals of Poetry....or the 36 attendants that Hosokawa Tadaoki killed. Whichever one works right?
愛染国俊 あいぜんくにとし Aizen Kunitoshi - who knows. He's Akashi Kuniyuki's little (less favorite) brother.
薬研藤四郎 やげんとしろう Yagen Toushirou - the third sword owned by Nobunaga and would be national treasure of Japan...if only he hadn't disappeared during the Honnoji Incident.
蜂須賀虎徹 はちずくこてつ Hachisuka Kotetsu - There can only be one.
堀川国広 ほりかわくにひろ Horikawa Kunihiro - Hijikata of the Shinsengumi's second sword and Izuminokami Kanesada's precious waifu, was dumped at sea with 200K other swords.
鯰尾藤四郎 なまずおとうしるう Namazuo Toushirou - was damaged by Osaka Castle fire, repaired by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu, now lives in museum in Nagoya. Also suffers amnesia and can’t remember his brother Honebami.
宗三左文字 そうざさもんじ Souza Samonji - Like all swords by Saemonzaburo, he suffers endless pain and misery and wants to die. Has been owned by all three of the Great Unifiers and was never actually used in battle, like a caged bird. Is now missing, hopefully got his wish of death.
鳴狐 なきぎつね Nakigitsune - despite his name, is a silent fox kid that was never used for battle, lived in a private home as a couch potato, and now lives in a museum, basically spending all his life in glass cases.
山姥切国広 やまんばぎりくにひろYamanbagiri Kunihiro - tall, fake, and brooding. Supposedly lost in an earthquake, now in a private collection. Or is he?
乱藤四郎みだれとうしろうMidare Toushirou - sword has a wavy thing that sets it apart from other Toushirou tantous. Result: the Smurf...ette Principle?
前田藤四郎まえだとうしろう Maeda Toushirou - Hirano’s bro and also owned by Hirano’s younger brother, he now spends his time in a private museum.
やまぶしくにひるYamabushi Kunihiro - KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA monk (?) guy
鶯丸 Uguisumaru - true Jiji. (how the heck did I get this guy by forging srsly?!?!!)
陸奥守吉行 むてのかみよしゆきMutsunokami Yoshiyuki - hates Nagasone Kotetsu for (supposedly) killing his owner, Ryouta Sakemoto. Also dual wields a nice Winchester and an uchigatana.
へしきりはせべHeshikiri Hasebe - poor tracksuit meme lord grandpa
獅子王 ししょう Shishiou - killed a Nue, wears its pelt like a boss (how did i get you with 999 X 4 recipe and 3 hour waiting???)
にっかり青江 にかりあおえNikkari Aoe - He ain't afraid of no ghost! Alternatively: Who ya call?! Nikkari!
おけおくりからOokurikara - T-shirt grandpa
骨喰藤四郎 ほねばみとうしろうHonebami Toushirou - snobby child that wants his brother back
加州清光  Kashuu Kiyomitsu - named “the child from under the river” because his owner grew up in the slums of Edo, also hates Okita (aka: that guy) who threw him away when he broke during the Battle of Ikedaya. Ex-Shinsengumi sword. Also clingy. Very, very clingy and love starved.
大和守安定 Yamato No Kami Yasusada - Kashuu's soul mate bro and fellow Shinsengumi sword of Okita. Unlike Kashuu, he still likes Okita, taking on his personality after he died of TB.
厚藤四郎 Atsushi Toushirou - owned by many famous people, he is thicker than normal tantous and has a bit of an ego. Is also somehow manlier than the other Toushirou boys and wears shorts instead of short shorts.
平野藤四郎 ひらのとうしろうHirano Toushirou - owned by the Maeda family and Hirano’s owner’s older brother, he now lives in the private museum of the Imperial family with Ichigo, Mikazuki, Tsurumaru, and Uguisumaru.
和泉守兼定 いずみのかみかねさだ Izumi no Kami Kanesada - Kasane's 800% cooler older brother, sword of Hijikata, and Horikawa Kunihiro's husbando. Now lives in a museum dedicated to Hijikata and is only viewable on his death anniversary.
燭台切光忠 しょくだいきりみつただ Shokudaikiri Mitsutada - Date Masamune used him to killed a man and ended up cutting a candle while doing so. Wanna guess what he got named after? Now lives in a museum. (ps the answer is candle cutter pikachu)
同田貫正国 どうだぬきまさくに Doudanuki Masakuni - practicality is better than appearance. (F)
蜻蛉切 とんぼきり Tonbokiri -  Created by Muramasa, said to be one of the three great spears. (D 5-2) (oct 16 2016)
江雪左文字 こうせつさもんじ Kousetsu Samonji - “Thou shalt not kill” says the strongest icy tachi in the game. Was owned by a monk in life, now in a museum. Has a sweet spot for his younger brothers, Sayo and Souza. (3/4 rare tachi, forged)
千子村正 せんごむらまさ Sengo Muramasa - Tonbonkiri’s younger “brother” also made by Muramasa. This bara boi fights with thigh high boots and claims he drives people insane...or it is just him? (event)
南泉一文字 なんせんいちもんじ Nansen Ichimonji - just chilling at his sword rack when a cat starts to goof around with him. This caused him to fall and accidentally kill a cat. He has since then been cursed to say “Nya~” and behave like a grumpy teenage cat boy. Lives in a museum. (Event)
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