#osdd factive
i just made this blog to post these and reblog source ok byeeeee
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acousticfractals12 · 2 months
I miss my Lovett. This is deeply upsetting, and I can never see her again. -Sweeney🥀
Sourcemates of any of our introjects are welcome to interact by the way.
Final Destination 3
Scream 1996
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Tim Burton, 2007) (any except Beedle, Perelli, and Judge Turpin)
Jennifers Body (2009)
Gotham TV Series (2014)
Wednesday (2023)
Empire Records (1995)
Awsten Knight
Jake Webber
Johnnie Guilbert
Micheal Clifford
Sturniolo Triplets
Ethan Nestor
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theswiftheartsystem · 3 months
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willwoobwoobwoob · 2 years
putting myself first today in the fact that I have gone 4 months without watching someone else in sys try to eat selenite or something equally non-edible
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fairie-angel · 3 months
being an introject is like:
people: you better be connected to source FOREVER !!?!?@??@!
*source gets found out to be problematic*
people: completely immediately disconnect from your source
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sysboxes · 4 months
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[Text: This user is both a fictive and a factive.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use please!
Art by us. No alt
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plural-affirmations · 6 months
Here's to introjects who are vastly different people compared to what they're based on!
Contrary to what some might believe, being an introject does not equate to being a carbon copy of the person that was introjected. For example, a fictive of a villain certainly doesn't make them an inherently bad, unkind, or problematic person. So, here's to the ones who are drastically different from their source!
Shoutout to:
Antagonist fictives who have roles such as caretakers/protectors/syskids/etc.
Protagonist fictives who are persecutors/prosecutors/avengers/etc.
Those who are kinder, more polite, or more thoughtful than their source
The ones who are angrier, more traumatized, or more aloof than their source
Introjects who look like a completely different person in the innerworld
Factives of figures that have done bad things who actively try to do good in the present
Introjects of objects who identify as fully or partly something else
Introjects of animals who don't act animalistic
And anyone else I missed!
You deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and like you're your own person (because you are!). You may identify with your source, and that's totally ok! But, it's also ok to be as different from it as you are now. You have the ability to do absolutely whatever you want to!
Please remember how special you are! /pos
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interstellarsystem · 4 months
Source Memories and Trauma
There's a lot of things that tend to come up about the source memories of alterhumans. Fictives, fictionkin, factives and anyone else with memories of another place or time are common in the community, and they can all have differing opinions on if those memories "actually happened". The thing is, some people tend to contest those memories as being entirely "made up" and dismiss any benefits or issues that might come from them, even going so far sometimes as to accuse those who have exotrauma of faking, being insensitive or ableist.
It's important to acknowledge that whether you, your system (if you have one) or any others around you believe your source memories to be spiritual in origin or psychological or anything else, they're still memories that can affect you and should be treated the same as any other memory you have of the current physical world. It doesn't matter if the memories are good or bad, spiritual or psychological, what matters is that you feel things as a result of them and that isn't something to be dismissed.
Things from your memories might not be "real" in the sense of physically happening here or even anywhere depending on your beliefs, but that does not matter because they can still very much affect you. You have these memories of things from elsewhere or another time or body and they are real to you because you remember the feeling of going through them. You remember, regardless of "true reality", those things in your memories and so, you react in apropriate ways. Maybe you had something nice happen in source so you remember things associated with that event fondly even here. Maybe you had something bad happen in source so you instinctively avoid things related to it here. Even without realising, your memories are your experiences and they can affect many things. Your experience shouldn't be downplayed just because they aren't proveable to have physically happened.
If memories need to be "real and physical" to count toward being something you should respect, what about people with psychosis? We're fortunate enough to not experience horrible hallucinations very often but we do get them and they're terrible when they want to be. Hallucinations are decidedly not real in the sense that they aren't physical, but you still live through it and deal with it. And sometimes, you can get traumatised from it. Hallucinations and delusions can be absolutely debilitating and if source memories are a psychological phenomenon too, then they really aren't all that different in how they can affect people. That's not to say that source memories can't be spiritual either--If your memories are spiritual, you literally did experience them. They are just as real to your experiences as any other, regardless of "actual" origin.
Plenty of traumagenic systems have introjects with source memories that mirror their own body's trauma but it's not always exact. Are those memories also to be dismissed because it's not the real deal? What about trauma from inside a headspace itself? For some systems, headspaces aren't as physical as the outerworld and for some, no harm can happen in them. However, there's a lot of issues that can come up in headspaces or within systems in general that are entirely abusive--is that real enough to not be shoved aside or harrassed over?
Memories are messy and the fact that source memories are so often downplayed or dismissed is upsetting. People have gotten angry at and harrassed others over experienceing exotrauma just because they simply have it. In the past, we've gotten our spaces online raided and had images posted to cringe subreddits simply because we and others described exotraumatic experiences. It's not just the subreddits of course, there's been plenty of personal experiences in the plural community itself we've had that follow the trend--and we're not alone. Every so often a post shows up talking about how people with exotrauma are ableist, lying, attention-seeking or insensitive for daring to say they have exotrauma. It's a recurring thing we see on and off and it's always as sadenning as it has been.
People who are affected by their source memories deserve to be able to find coping skills and find others who have similar experiences. You shouldn't have to wonder if you'll be taken seriously for your exotrauma. You should be allowed to take the time to heal just as anyone else would. It doesn't matter if you have exotrauma, this-world trauma or no trauma at all, everyone should be allowed to talk about their experiences and get whatever help they need for themselves. It's that simple.
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rxttenslutcemeterysys · 6 months
please let this be a normal media consumption?
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apoll0world · 3 days
how many of you would be interested in new system terms for factives/fictives/other endo words?
ive been thinking about making new ones to separate the communities, please lmk if any of you would be interested!!
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shipaxe · 1 year
My experience being wrong about multiplicity
Hi. For a year and a few months more, I believed I was a system. Why did I believe this, and what are some reasons I did, as well as how I realized I was wrong? Why I thought I was a system Around September of 2021, I labeled myself as an endogenic median system. Upon finding the system label, I did nowhere near enough research before labeling myself as one. It felt like the non-traumagenic community didn't care; if you thought you were a system, you were one! If you didn't, you weren't. It felt black and white. Eventually, I realised I had trauma I was unaware of, and switched to the label traumagenic. I was no longer median, either. In less than a year, I had 100+ "alters", almost all "fictives". While this can happen, I don't believe I was nearly as stressed as I would have needed to be, and just.. didn't feel right. Other factors that lead me into the belief I have multiple other disorders. Specifically, I suspect I have BPD, and the dissociation, mood swings, sense of emptiness, and identity issues impacted me a lot. I mistook these symptoms for OSDD-1. I subconsciously started sectioning off parts of my identity, and felt more and more separate- hence the switch from median to multiple. I am also fictionkin and polymorph otherkin. Around 20 of my "fictives" ended up being kins. I am also, to put it simply, lonely. I never feel like I fit in. In the system community, sometimes I DID feel like I fit in. When I didn't, someone else was "chilling in cofront". A lot of them were like imaginary friends to make me feel less alone. Those ones don't even feel like a part of me, but they're not separate people, either. They're just.. figments of my own imagination. To be honest, I've felt much lonelier upon learning I am a singlet. How I realized I was wrong Honestly, it was somewhat obvious. Many of my "headmates" felt like they were a part of me, and if we had different bodies, it wouldn't be the same- because they were me. I also subconsciously started to copy symptoms I didn't have, I switched as I wanted, I was fictive heavy- which can happen, but it's rarer than people realise. My trauma was not severe or repetitive. I could go on. A big problem in the system community is the "everyone is valid" mentality; I believe MUCH more research should be done before labeling as a system, and not enough people talk about it. Another issue is that not a lot of people talk about being wrong, and personally, I was terrified to tell people I was wrong. It's fucking difficult. There's too much "you're valid! you're valid! you're valid!" and not enough "hey, it's okay if you're wrong!". When I panicked around the time I realized I was wrong (and denied it for weeks), I never received an "it's okay if you're wrong". All I got was "hey, calm down, you ARE a system". I think the community has a lot to fix. This has fucked up my dissociation issues and identity problems worse than they were before. I wish I had realized I was a singlet sooner or never jumped into this label. Not all of these mean you're a singlet, but if you relate to this, please be open to the idea of being wrong. Thanks for reading this. Please share this- my goal with it is to help others. Have a good day/night, drink some water, and know that it's okay to be wrong. ☆
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angelbvn · 10 months
shout to system who have factives of people they are still around irl and deal with that <33 you’re so strong >:D
shout out to fictives who don’t have any or very little connection with their source!! you’re still vv special and unique ^^
shout out to system who split introject super easy!! it doesn’t make you any less valid <33
shout out to factives who have a hard time dealing with the fact they’re sourced from a real person. you’re still you’re own person <33
shout out to fictives who have strong connection with their source and therefore don’t interact with it much! <333 *nom*
other systems feel free to add onto this post!! <33
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the-fictive-haven · 27 days
Shoutout to plural folks whose identities are closely tied to music!
🩵 Those who use music as a coping mechanism
🩵 Those who adore and deeply appreciate music
🩵 Singers, songwriters, and musicians
🩵 Introjects of or related to the above
🩵 Introjects from music videos
🩵 Introjects from any music related sources who don't identify with it fully or at all
🩵 Those who can't stand music
🩵 Those whose trauma may be related to music in some way (we hope you're doing okay! And if you're not there's nothing wrong with that)
🩵 And anyone else we may have missed! ^。^
This post is brought to you by Yami and our lovely (Mesmerizer) Teto-san.
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sysboxes · 2 months
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[Text: This alter is a Factive.]
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[Text: This alter is a factroject.]
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[Text: This alter is a factual introject.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use please
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plural-affirmations · 6 months
Here's to systems who form introjects quickly!
Oftentimes, human brains can latch onto something we find relatable, comforting, etc., and systems are no different! Here's to those who find a source of enjoyment and then develop introjects from them!
Shoutout to:
Introjects from a popular piece of media
Headmates from more obscure sources, including ones people rarely hear about
Those who gained introjects because they saw themselves in a traumatized individual, and split someone based on them
People from problematic media they no longer watch/read/etc.
OC introjects
Introjects who are fragments from forming too quickly, resulting in a "half-baked" system member
And anyone else I missed!
It's completely fine to have introjects you gained really fast! You're not less real or invalid because of it! You're so beautiful!
Have a great one!
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imp-in-black · 8 months
I support 'problematic' alters.
Cause problems constantly
Get people angry
Get banned and blacklisted in servers
Are hated by their system members
Don't regret any of it
Are not allowed to front due to all the above and more
You are good enough, you are allowed to be upset and angry. You can be yourself. You are not less for being 'problematic'.
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