#other posts is my maternal grandma
scorpion-flower · 2 years
My grandma is sick.
I don't want to go into details right now, but you don't have any idea what I'd sacrifice to save her.
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poppadom0912 · 7 months
Warnings: Mentions of fainting, diabetes, canon-typical injuries
Summary: You suffer the consequences just because your teacher thought you were making excuses.
A/N: First fic of 2024!!! I had plans that I was going to post weekly in the new year just like last year but things went downhill. This january and february has had its very good but also really bad moments and even writing this was a struggle. I've found myself in a weird place of wanting to write but struggling and all of a sudden not being able to balance my schoolwork and writing. So I took a lil step back to solely focus on my work but looking at everything now, my fic updates will be much less frequent but hopefully just as or if not, more fun to read.
I feel bad for not saying or posting anything since the new year but I'm here now and hopefully will be more alive. I've got lots planned for you beautiful people, several series and way too many fics in my drafts that I cannot wait for you all to read. This wasn't as long or as juicy as I intended but my brain completely failed me so I hope this is good enough. I initially wanted to post this at the beginning of March but I finished the final editing today so here you go!!
Final note before we start, I have general knowledge about diabetes but that's all from my grandma. I have no idea if it's the same for teenagers so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Happy reading!!
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Your biology teacher had been on maternity for three weeks now and you were seriously contemplating life.
Because of the crappy rules surrounding maternity leave, when your teacher refused to return before her three months ended, your school had a supply teacher fill in for her till she came back.
Since day one, you knew you hated her.
It was mid lesson and you knew as soon as you started feeling sluggish that your sugar levels were dropping. Your thoughts were only confirmed when your Dexcom receiver let you know of your decreasing glucose.
This wasn't a usual occurrence. Will and Jay always made sure you had eaten enough and you had the means to maintain the needed glucose levels so that nothing happened.
Alas, you were up late revising and you were stressing about keeping up your good grades. Jay was rushing you out the door because he needed to go to a scene he'd just been called to and Will was out walking Kol and hadn't seen you leave.
In conclusion, it'd been a hot minute since you last ate something.
The school were well aware of your diabetes. It was one of the very important things your brothers stressed them about when you first started.
Most students knew about it actually, having seen your Dexcom and not understanding since a diabetic child apparently wasn't common according to them.
So, when you randomly pulled out a snack from your bag mid class, no one questioned it and instead would make sure you were okay. There'd never been a problem before in school and everyone wanted it to stay that way.
However, this new teacher, Mrs Byrne was apparently completely unaware of your medical condition.
"Y/N. You know the rules about eating in class." She said strictly, pulling away all the attention from the board onto you.
She stopped you in the middle of opening the packet of fruit gummies. You frowned, looking at her confused along with your classmates.
"I have diabetes." You said bluntly, continuing to open the packet. "I don't eat this and I'll pass out."
Mrs Byrne only rolled her eyes, smiling at you condescendingly. "I've heard that excuse hundreds of times, give those to me."
You scoffed at the audacity, refusing to hand over what was yours.
It was when she started walking towards your desk with a pep in her step that the entire class got involved. Their raised voices overlapped, some angrier than others over what was happening.
However, you too were Stubborn alike to your brothers so you kept as firm of a grip of the packet. You turned a blind eye to the anger fuelled cover teacher. You continued to smile as she spewed threats of all sorts.
Due to your frustration and annoyance over the teacher who wanted to take your gummies away, you didn't notice how everything started change; how hard it was to move your eyes and lips, your limbs getting heavier and you thoughts slowly getting muddled up.
Lost in a daze, you were no longer able to fight back when she pulled harder, successfully snatching the small packet out of your hands. It was now that the class got furious, your friends were already up and at your side but now they were verbally attacking the teacher.
Fed up with her petty behaviour, you were going to get up and go to the nurses office who would take care of you but getting out your seat was harder said than done.
With one of your friends help, you weren't too sure who was helping you from your hazy sight that cleared when you blinked too many times.
You were wobbly on your feet, taking slow and hesitant steps towards the front of the classroom but before you could leave, you felt your legs give out and everything went black.
It turned out that supposed crime scene that he was imminently needed at was nothing but a prank by a bunch of college boys resulting in a grumpy Hank putting them in cuffs and having them fined for a very reasonable reason.
That's how the rest of the unit found themselves finishing up paperwork, catching up about life in general as they debated what they were getting for lunch.
Jay was smugly sitting back, eyes flickering between Kevin and Adam who were bickering over something trivial when his phone rung, catching everyone's attention.
They were all so bored and normally when one of their phones went off during work hours, it meant something came up and they were needed.
In interest, everyone turned their heads towards Jay and waited for him to tell them they got a crime scene.
Picking up his phone, Jay's brows furrowed at the number, confused as to why your school was calling him in the middle of the day. They'd only call him if two things happened: You'd gotten in trouble or you got hurt.
"Hello. Is this Y/N Halsteads brother Jay?" A voice he couldn't recognised asked, most likely some lady from the main office.
"Yeah, that's me." Jay confirmed, sitting up in preparation for whatever he was going to be told.
"So sorry to interrupt you sir but Y/N collapsed in class." The lady said with guilt laced in her words. "Your other brother didn't pick up the phone. We called to let you know we had to call the paramedics and they've taken her to Chicago Med."
"Uh yeah." Jay said, collecting his jacket and keys. "Yes, thank you."
Not waiting for a reply, Jay hung up and quickly knocked on Hank's office door frame.
"Sarge, I gotta get Y/N-"
"Go get her. We're done here."
Wanting to pull his hair out, Will rubbed his eyes in frustration, glaring at his patients scans that only confused him further. He was tired and was coming to half way through his twenty four hour shift.
"Dr Halstead- Uh, Dr Rhodes in T4." Maggie stumbled, looking down at her brick and making sure she read it correctly.
"What's wrong?" Will asked, confused as to why Maggie changed her mind which she usually never did.
"It's Y/N."
Now fully awake, Will followed Connor towards the ambulance bay where you were being rolled in. You were groggily sitting up on the stretcher, you hair a mess and a few scratches around your face and hands from when you fell.
"Sylvie, what happened?" Will asked the blonde paramedic while looking you over. He desperately wanted to check you over himself but let Connor do his thing. He really did not need Ms Goodwin on his case today.
"Teachers didn't tell us much but her classmates said she collapsed after not being able to eat." Sylvie relayed the minimal information she knew, shrugging her shoulders when the two doctors looked at her weirdly. "No one would tell us anything more."
"Y/N, it's Connor. Can you hear me kid?" Connor said while pulling out his penlight. He was like another brother to you, his concern just as high. "Can you tell me what happened?"
You groaned, mumbling nonsense with your eyes screwed closed. Your words were mostly unintelligible but Will understood them mere seconds later.
Fixing the problem you complained about, Will turned down the lights and let Connor continue fussing over you.
It didn't take long to find out the cause of your collapse, Will sighing at the news when he read the numbers from your tests.
"I thought she was always on top of her sugar levels." Connor said, closing the room door so you could sleep in peace.
And what he said was completely true but they weren't aware of why you couldn't today specifically of all days.
"She is." Will said, rubbing a hand down his face in frustration. "Maybe her dexcom malfunctioned or something."
Connor hummed, agreeing with his friend.
"Hmm, maybe."
Arriving at Med, Will gave Jay a detailed rundown of everything he new about your medical state but also the events pre your hospital arrival.
Getting a good look at you, holding your hand in his and kissing you on your forehead, Jay was more than happy to leave you in your oldest brothers safe hands while he got to the bottom of this entire ordeal.
He noticed Sylvie was still at Med, Foster mentioning they were running low on a few supplies so they needed some stocking up. Jay took this opportunity to interview the two paramedics and try to get further understanding on this situation that wasn't making much sense to him.
Arriving at your school, Jay had some thoughts in mind but they weren't very concrete and his confidence wasn't as strong as he'd like it to be.
Walking into the school, Jay immediately noticed an entire class sitting and standing around in the corridor waiting in front of the principals office.
One of the girls who had been sitting in a chair had caught sight of Jay, her eyes widening before she smiled, gently nudging the girl next to her and pointing in his direction. The girls reaction was the exact same.
This created a sort of domino effect as the boy next to her noticed Jay and everyone was telling the other of his sudden arrival. The once silent corridor was now beginning to fill with murmurs and whispers, all their eyes glued onto his figure that moved down the corridor, their shocked faces quickly changing into smiles and smirks.
It seems that Jay had a reputation of sorts.
"Why are you making so much noise? What did I just say about talking-"
The principal cut himself off from his scolding when he suddenly noticed Jay's presence, his face blanching as all the pieces clicked into place.
"Detective Halstead! What a surprise, we weren't expecting to see you so soon-"
This time Jay cut him off, not too bothered about his lack manners. "My brothers with Y/N at the hospital so I thought there was no other perfect time."
The principal remained silent.
"Now, why don't you explain to me why my sister fainted under your watch?"
The students behind Jay couldn't help but snicker knowingly.
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yumenoyousei · 1 month
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I asked for a commission of my DC OC Shay from @jnephrite and look at my girl!! 😭 She so pretty I can't even😭😭😭 Always loved @jnephrite art so seeing Shay in hers is a blessing 🙏🏾
And since the fic is almost halfway through posting, I thought, might as well introduce Shay properly!
Full name: Shay Michelle Frank (♀) Occupation: Graphic Designer / YouTuber Height: 5'9"  Birthday: September 16th  ☀Virgo 🌙Aries ⬆Aquarius Proud African American/Haitian & Gothamite  Hobbies: Poetry, Arts, Rap/R&B music, help the Gotham North Community Center, Discover new artists (both musically and visual arts)
Shay was born and raised in Gotham, close to the infamous Crime Alley, by her maternal grandmother, Marie-Monique "Manmi Mo" Antoine, and with her 3 years older brother Zachary "Zee" Frank. Her mother died of childbirth (she had had complications with Zee which was why she was hospitalized when pregnant with Shay) so her whole family distrusted the American health system. This is why when her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, they didn't go to the hospital and only went to the illegal clinic. (Also; money.) Her father is unknown. 
Ever since young, she went to the Gotham North Community Center, mostly run by the Black and Latinx communities of the Crime Alley neighbourhood. Her grandmother would teach the children about mostly Black literature but also all sorts of arts which is why Shay is such a creative person. That's also where she met Jason Todd for the first time when she was around 4-5.
Her brother very early on started to "run the streets" and started to hang out with bad crews, but always had his heart on his sleeves. He just couldn't find other ways to get money to make sure Shay had the right education/a chance away from crime.
Her grandma died when she was almost 17 and her brother died not even 4 weeks later (2 weeks after her 17th birthday) because of a dispute between gangs. (Allegedly) 
After her grandma and Zee died, she went to live in Metropolis with her second-degree cousin, Jennifer Antoine, until she graduated from university. Even when in Metropolis, she would go as much as she could back to Gotham to see her people/help the center.
She started a YouTube channel talking about Gotham's art and musical scene to change people's persepective of Gotham after too many people at Metropolis U "pitied" her for being a Gothamite. 
As soon as she was about to graduate, she applied to work at Wayne Entreprise back in Gotham. She got a job as a graphic designer and moved back to her city.
At the start of the fic, "Awakening in Gotham", she is 22 and has been working at WE for almost a year.
Read more about Shay (and her love story with Jason) on AO3! (Trying to update every week!)
Random notes about Shay:
As I wrote in the fic's notes, the first reason for creating Shay was: who the fuck would stay in Gotham that isn't a criminal and/or a vigilante??
So I created a black girl who loves her community and sees all it could be while being very conscious of what it is and its dangers. Then I went, hey! she'd be good with Jason while I was starting my Jason Todd Thirst so obv my fic turned into romance. lol
The name comes from Belgian rapper Shay, Montreal-based singer Shay Lia, and Haitian Montreal-based singer Shah Frank. As I was creating Shay I was obsessed with all three of them and the name Shay Frank wouldn't leave me.
Ngl, I gave a lot of me to Shay; like her Haitian roots and GAD but very quickly she went her own way and grew in this character I'm proud of. I'd like to say I also gave her my music taste but she is way more into hip-hop than me and she rejects most of my pop playlists (sadly).
Because Shay was based on me, all her entourage I created is based on people in my rl. lol
I also absolutely wanted her to be friends with Bernard because I absolutely love Bernard (and Bat SO who are civilians? Tim and Jason bonding over the fact their SO are the only civilians in the Batfam?! So many fun things to do!!)
Zee is also a character that I love, based on one of my favourite cousins, and I got lowkey mad at myself halfway through that he was dead. So I have an AU where he didn't die in my head lol 
I'd like to write a oneshot of it when I'm done with this fic.
Last fun fact about Shay that I wasn't able to put in fic yet: all the rogues annoy her (mostly because they cause mayhem that cancel events) but she madly respects Poison Ivy because of her convictions and: "is she wrong tho?" 
I have a lot of other small notes about Shay and the Shay-verse but I'll post the rest when the fic is completed!
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panther-os · 8 months
Full Name and Family Headcanons
For the extended 141 family plus the fruity bastard betrayer (derogatory (affectionate)), some more complete than others. If any of this is directly contradicted by canon, I don't care, that's why they're headcanons
John Steven Donald MacTavish
Two loving parents, the youngest with at least 3 older siblings, all sisters. Closely enough related to the Chief of the Name and Arms of MacTavish to a) be considered low upper class and b) know his exact place in the line of hereditary succession. Also the kilt he wears on special occasions is always the modern MacTavish tartan, do your research. Grew up in Bonnyrigg outside Edinburgh and is emotionally attached to Sir Salter Scott
Simon Lorcán Riley
Same family and circumstances as '09 Ghost (extremely poor, abusive dad, oldest of two boys), but give him loving maternal grandparents and three cousins. He's Irish by ethnicity and heritage, which a few family members kept alive and passed down to him, but British by nationality. His great-great-(great-?)grandparents migrated to Manchester during the Great Hunger, but his aunt moved back to Ballylongford where some of the family originally lived. His cousins and maternal grandmother are all alive but think he's dead and he keeps it that way for their safety. His middle name is after his maternal grandfather who died when he was young and was given to him by his grandma. I do also hc he's trans and have a deadname headcanon for him but I don't share those. The specific neighborhood he grew up in inside Manchester was Beswick
Kyle Adam Garrick
Grew up in Brixton in London, relatively poor with two loving but working parents, but also with an enormous tight-knit community and more neighborhood aunties and uncles and cousins than he knew what to do with. Has one baby sister but she's 20 years younger than him so she's a baby baby and he was already enlisted and moved out when she was born
John Matthew Price
Grew up in Anfield in Liverpool, near the football stadium. Avid fan, ropes Ghost into Liverpool vs Man United debates every season. Ghost doesn't even like football. Middle class, working dad and stay at home mom, older sister, younger sister
Gary Parker Sanderson
Working poor, older sister, younger brother
Katherine Emma Laswell
Middle class child of divorce, no step-siblings or step-parents, lesbian wine aunt who's basically Kate Kane (coincidentally Kate's favorite superhero)
Nikolai Antonovich Pokrovsky
Absent parents, one younger sister
Farah Leyla Karim
Canon family - two loving parents killed by AQ, one older brother. Her middle name is the Georgian spelling of the Arabic name Layla (see my post about Urzikstan and Abkhazia for why this spelling)
Alexander Jeremiah Keller
Two older sisters, two triplet sisters (one an hour older, one three hours younger), two younger sisters, single mom, also raised by aunt and grandmother
Alejandro Ernesto Vargas Leon
Grew up working poor, dad died when he was three, mom had to work, older brother 4ys older took jobs for the cartel starting at 12-ish to make ends meet and left Ale as the "man of the house" at 8. Also has one 4ys younger sister (same dad, mom was pregnant) and 12ys younger twin baby brothers (different dad who chose not to be in the picture, oopsie babies). He loves the twins but wants to hang them upside down by their shoelaces more often than not, his sister is just as mischievous but more mature and subtle about it which made her easier to raise
Rodolfo Ildefonso Parra Rosales
Born into a poor family, cartel killed his parents when he was three, adopted by a single mom after that. His new family is unrelated to the Cartel but his bisabuela is just as feared and respected as El Sin Nombre and La Araña before her, if not more in some parts of the city. Learned his best chancla skills from her. Only child but grew up in a massive multigenerational multifamily home with at least 20 older cousins - was the baby until he was 7 and now he's the second youngest
Phillip Windsor Graves
Upper class, born to parents who had an heir to the company because it was expected of them but who didn't actually want or like kids. Essentially raised by a rotating cast of nannies
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ducktoonsfanart · 4 months
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Happy Mother’s Day - Duck family - Grandma Duck with her grandchidren and great-grandchildren - Della Duck with her sons and Daisy Duck with her nieces - Duckverse and Quack Pack - Duck Family in Quack Pack AU
Although I'm late, I certainly wish all mothers, grandmothers and aunts a happy Mother's Day!
Yes, it depends on the country (in Mexico it is celebrated on May 10th, in Britain on March 10th, in some Orthodox countries it is two weeks before Christmas), but generally it is taken on the second Sunday of May and yes, the mother is an extremely important figure in the family because it gives offspring and preserves it and takes care of it. Also, there is a lot of religious significance, especially in the Christian one, when you look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, who took care of Jesus until Jesus started his activity and teaching others. Also, there are a lot of fictional mothers in various literary works, films, plays, comics, video games and cartoons of various genres. Well, it's the same in Donald Duck comics and Donald Duck cartoons, which I'm particularly attached to.
Of course, so that I didn't do anything related to that holiday (and there will be those drawings for sure), I will post earlier drawings like the ones I did last year, only on this blog of mine where I publish my drawings, otherwise I did this last year related to Duckvember themed around mother ducks. I chose three maternal figures from the Duckverse (Disney comics and Ducktales) namely Grandma Duck, Daisy and Della Duck.
The first drawing was related to the 80th anniversary of her first appearance, and I mean Grandma Duck (Elvira Coot). And certainly she is responsible for the development of Donald Duck, as well as his sister and his cousins. And all her children are together, some around her and some in the portraits. Yes, I drew Grandma Duck (Elvira Coot) as I envision her in the Quack Pack version, as well as the rest of the Duck family. Yes, she's alive in my version of the Quack Pack AU, only she's much older, but mostly she's happy to have living descendants around to take care of her. Especially grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The other drawing I did was Della Duck with her sons, Huey, Dewey and Louie plus Phooey Duck (Donald’s fourth lost nephew) and Daisy Duck with her nieces, April, May and June Duck. Della and Daisy are mother figures to them, and their children are teenagers. Yes, as in the previous drawing, I drew in the Quack Pack version or the way I imagine. I hope you like it. The music that inspired me to draw this I took from there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoH89vxiQDk
The family photos and portraits you can see in the background are Quackmore Duck, Hortense Duck (McDuck), Goostave Gander, Daphne Gander (Duck), Eider Duck, Lulubelle Duck (Loon), Fanny Coot and Aunt Gertie. Others in this drawing are Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Della Duck, Fethry Duck, Gus Goose, Abner Whitewater Duck, Kildare Coot (Sgrizzo), Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, Phooey Duck, April, May and June Duck, Dugan Duck (Fethry’s nephew) and Shamrock Gander (Gladstone’s nephew). 
You can also see here, since this is my repost of my drawings after all: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/733931302533955584
If you like this, feel free to like and reblog this, but please don't copy these same ideas of mine, without mentioning me and without my permission. Thank you! Also, to all mothers, aunts and grandmothers, I wish you a happy Mother's Day! Certainly, Grandma Duck, Daisy Duck and Della Duck deserve all the respect from me, as great parents!
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endlesspaint · 4 months
In Beyond Reach AU
Did Spruce, Clay and Floyd found out what happened to their brothers, thinking they died?
I’m kind of new to this AU-
I know it was interested by For this you were born AU but yeah
OMG! I'm so glad people are starting to take notice of my au! I actually have an whole doc about this that I'm planning to share once I smoothen it all out. But for now I'll give you guys some crumbs, like for instance, the whole post-movie 1 timeline!
I couldn't find the words to properly explain what happened the Bruce, Clay, and Floyd without it being confusing. So I decided to just copy paste the whole timeline and let that answer the question LMAO. (Fair warning though, I might slightly change a few scenarios here in the main future but for now this is the rough timeline)
Post-Movie 1
(Rough timeline on what happened before the 10 year time skip)
The au starts with the brothers. Their father just died last year. Brozone didn't happened (cause it never got a chance *foreshadowing*)
Mom(38) begged/forced JD(18) into sacrificing himself, but failed to notice Branch(4) was with him. The sacrifice was made because their family was too big. Father volunteered himself when Floyd was born (at least that was what Mom told JD during his final moments) and when Branch got born, Mom decided that JD's next. Forcing him into following her to the kitchen where Chef allows Trolls to volunteer themselves to be sold/eaten in exchange of their families being left alone for Trollstrice.
John was ready to accept his fate until he realized Branch was with him. He had a bit of a melt down but was calmed down by the Trolls with him. They all decided they need to help JD escape, one troll in particular was very determined to help him. Liam has personal reasons why he decided to help JD, those reasons? nobody knows for sure.
Bruce(15) started taking care of Clay(12) and Floyd (9), while Mom started mourning
Mom got figured out by Grandma Rosiepuff (70), and they fought. Clay happened to overhear the argument and told Bruce what happened.
Bruce and bros left the troll tree and decided to go to the Neverglade where JD used to tell them stories about.
Grandma Rosiepuff stayed behind yearning for her little boys to come back. Mom disappeared.
JD is still alive with Branch, Liam pushed him off the cliff last minute. Sacrificing himself in the process.
He and Branch almost got killed. Only JD manages to get extreme injuries. Branch has a few scars.
Branch stayed with him, crying while JD was delirious and on the verge of passing out. Enter Rhonda, an Armadillo Bus who just recently lost her pups. When she saw Branch and JD her maternal instincts kicked in and she decided to care for them both
JD got better and Rhonda started accompanying them to their journey back to the troll tree.
The great escape happened, in which Grandma Rosiepuff is alive. Mom's whereabouts are still unknown.
Bruce, Floyd and Clay got separated after they fell down a cliff and into a big river (to them). Bruce and Floyd ended up in Vacay Island and Clay was found by Viva(12) and the others.
Floyd was seriously injured, forcing Bruce to stay with him. Bruce met Brandy(16) and her Dad who decided to help them.
Clay woke up scared and panicked, when Viva informed him that Bergens were trying to find them, he had no choice but to follow or else risk being spotted by a Bergen.
Clay and Viva found the abandoned putt putt course.
Chef got banished.
The other trolls have now relocated and are now rebuilding their village.
A year has passed, JD(19) and Branch(5) finally arrive at the Troll tree only to discover that it was abandoned, their house destroyed and nothing salvageable. JD assumed everyone died and turned gray, Branch seeing his brother so sad also turned a bit Gray.
They left and JD decided to venture out to the Neverglade where he used to imagine bringing his brothers there.
Bruce (16) and Brandi (17) became good friends, Floyd(10) got better. They both assumed Clay died making them Gray for a while, but Brandi and her family helped them through the difficult time, making them regain their colors.
Clay(13) and Viva(13) have now made the abandoned putt putt course into a functional and livable haven for the other trolls. Clay became co- leader. He wanted to search for his brothers but was conflicted to leave Viva and the course. So he stayed and hoped that they're alive and somewhere safe. He went Gray for a bit until Viva managed to help him.
JD and Branch build a bunker in the Neverglade, they don't live there but they do use it to store supplies. They're still gray. They decided to explore around the world.
King peppy has now managed to rebuild a new village and is now focusing on his youngest, Poppy (2). He built a memorial to all the lost trolls, Viva's being the biggest.
Grandma Rosiepuff (71)) visits the memorial everyday. During the great escape she brought any memorabilia of her grandsons and son
10 years passed
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)✌️
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appeypie · 1 year
Did you ever post that Komalink essay that was in your head
I saw you're one post and how you said Zora royalty crush on Link and I might be converted to that ship now 🤭
sorry this took me so much time to answer anon but I WILL GLADLY SHARE IT!!!!
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my long awaited KOMALINK TRUTHER ESSAY!!
To start, I adore the parallels between these two... they're both coming of age in their respective cultures! and having a rough time of it, it seems..
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They're both very close with their grandmas, though sadly Komali's has passed away... they both have sisters, too!! (or, for Komali, a sister figure. Medli acts very maternal and caring towards him throughout the game, even commenting on watching him grow up saying something to the effect of, "he's grown into a fine young rito, is this how a mother feels?")
Between the coming of age stories, the alive and deceased grandmas, the little and big sisters... they both mirror each other perfectly!!
Of course Komali is going through some major anxiety issues, understandably. link is able to help him through it, which is very sweet to see :)
Before and after finishing dragon roost cavern. I just love the insight this NPC gives us! after Link inspires the confidence in him, he gets so happy!!
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At first it's easy to see it as him just simply looking up to link, and I'm sure it started that way, but it starts leaning into crush territory...!
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.. EVERY conversation?!?!
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Komali's name comes from "hikikomori" in Japanese, which refers to severe social reclusiveness. he seems to be a very sheltered boy who wouldn't have very many friends off island... so who could he be talking about hmm ??? who's the one guy we know he likes off island...? who he wont shut up about....????
There's also this dialogue from a random Rito NPC (sadly I don't have the game caps, but here's it from a text dump):
(If it's too hard to read, it says:
"We used to have such nice breezes blowing through here... Now the air is crazy. I'm positive the strange winds are a result of the wind god's anger. See, there's an important shrine below here that got broken...and now we're paying the price. What cursed luck...
We Rito cannot live without the wind. Before we take to the skies, we always go down and visit the wind god's shrine. That's the way it's always been.")
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The Rito and the wind are intertwined... very fitting that the prince would fall for someone who could control it 🥺
And Yes !! LOZ has a pattern of having the Zora princesses fall in love with link...
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Since the Zora evolved into the Rito in WW, they decided to mix it up and make it the prince!
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We're at the point of this post where I'm out of Ship 'Evidence' and I'm now just throwing images from my files at you. I love this one at the end of the game where Komali is the first one to greet them coming back from what was left of Hyrule (also very exciting for baby me, who was a huge Komali fan)
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Link just stares at him...
I also adore how this is the only ship I know where you get TWO!! Height differences. Hard to get a pic of them standing next to each other pre-Valoo scale, but you get the idea
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Of course we don't fully know how Link feels about him, but I like to think he was a bit annoyed with him at first (as Komali was with him)... Like why couldn't this guy just suck it up and do what had to be done? It's what Link had to do for his family. But he realized Komali had gone through a huge loss, and his Dad was a little absent. He has this huge sense of duty placed over him, and not much support. Then once he got his confidence back, he was able to really shine! Link could see that!
I feel like I might be missing something, but that's the gist of why I love them so much! Foils that grow to deeply appreciate each other :) cute little themes like royalty falling for Link & the Rito's ties to the wind. they make me so happy. they don't get the attention they deserve tbh
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thewickerking · 11 months
hey. what?
well. For context everyone im assuming this ask is referring to this post and my tags below
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im assuming because of the. The.
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Many. Prev tags on it lmao but anyways here's more context. ill try to keep specific elements vague cause i don't want to doxx my grandma and by extension myself. But yeah let's go
my grandma (maternal) ran away from home in her teens (not sure the exact year/age but 70s ish) to join the circus and worked there for an amount of time doing ticket sales and miscellaneous jobs that aren't performance based
she met a guy also working there and they dated. this guy joined a satanic cult after joining the circus (? I think. Mightve been the other way around) and performed ritualistic sacrifice within the cult/with his murder victims. he was not in charge of the cult but was an active member and serial killer across around 4 states, maybe more (evidence was found for about 4 states iirc)
anyways he got caught for evidence of multiple murders but confessed to upwards of 20 (they couldn't find evidence of this so its unclear if he was exaggerating or if there simply wasn't enough irrefutable evidence) and went to prison while my grandma was pregnant and she was also arrested as an accomplice and had her kid in prison. She was 18 at the time. Idk how long she spent in prison but it was long enough to have her son taken away
her son (first of her four children, was my oldest uncle on my moms side) has adopted parents who changed his first and last name and didn't let him know about his biological parents (and were also extremely abusive) and so my mother and her siblings and her mom did unsuccessful research to find him over the years and he found our family a few years before he turned 30 (my moms ten years younger than him btw) and we've been in contact since and he was my personal favorite of my moms siblings
Oh also the serial killer got sentenced to life without parole and is currently on death row. My uncle died last year from unrelated circumstance (I posted about it some last year if anyone remembers) and my mom adopted 2 of 3 of his kids (3rd was a legal adult already) and then they got kidnapped and their kidnappers won the custody battle against my mom so. Yeah
Oh also worth noting my mom is the youngest of the four. my grandma had four kids with different men so im not related to the serial killer but he is in my family tree? Anyways yeah different fathers. My grandma remembers the serial killer and my moms father (my abuelito ♡ love him) but doesn't remember the fathers of the middle children (my aunt and uncle). So they're my moms half siblings technically and nobody knows if the middle children have other half siblings on their dads' sides 🤷‍♂️ but my mom has a half sister on her dad's side! She's 2 years younger than me bc my abuelito got married to his ex wife later in life but they're not together anymore (?) Not sure. They broke up idk if they legally divorced but they live in different countries and don't talk to each other. So.
Id love to meet her someday! But I don't know if thats feasible. She lives in Mexico and only speaks spanish so it would certainly be difficult. But I want to.... she almost immigrated to the United States like. 6 years ago?? My mom paid for documents to be legally translated and stuff but stuff happened and it didn't go through.she also tried to kill her mom once. But she's doing better. That's all a long story. We have a picture of her in our house from when she was little!
Ok thats very tangent-y. I have a lot of family stories. But also if anyone was curious this post below was also about my maternal grandmother
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shes a white woman who likes to weaponise having "friends" in nepal when people are mean to her. She's a character. if ppl are curious abt any of this i will answer btw i love talking abt my family they're deranged
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alicole-sideblog · 11 months
Canon-compliant Green family vacation
Daeron is going to Oldtown to be fostered there. Alicent insists on escorting him there herself, and makes a family vacation out of it. Sickly Viserys isn’t up to such travel, so they get to leave him behind.
Here’s the list of events I’ve got so far. I’m looking for more, so if you have ideas, chime in! I want this to be a collaboration post! Please collaborate with me! In particular, the going-there journey is a bit sparse and I could use some help. I also need Daeron anecdotes.
1st leg of the trip: King’s Landing to Tumbleton
They travel by land to Tumbleton, the highest navigable point on the Mander. Horses, carriages, a whole royal procession. They’re traveling on the Roseroad at first, and then take a dirt road that cuts across to Tumbleton.
Aemond, having no dragon yet, is going through a horse girl phase. Until he can get a dragon, he’s going to be the best horse rider anyone’s ever seen.
Alicent isn’t the best rider, but she does have a real fondness for horses. She identifies with them — their big dark gentle eyes; when they sigh and go “brbrbr” and sound so exhausted and put upon.
Alicent rides in a carriage at the start of the trip. The kids are like, “Come out and ride with us!” Criston’s on their side too. Eventually she does.
2nd leg of the trip: Tumbleton to Oldtown:
They travel downriver by boat, and then through the Sunset Sea to Oldtown.
Aegon falls overboard into the river and has to get rescued. This provides an opportunity to make fun of him, and also an opportunity to fuss over him, cuddle him, say, “We’re so glad we didn’t loose you.”
Stopping at every castle along the Mander — Bitterbridge, Longtable, Cider Hall, Highgarden — to spend a night or two and do diplomacy.
When the river turns into the sea, Helaena gets seasick. Alicent and Criston trade off sitting with her at the prow of the ship, and keeping an eye on the other kids.
Alicent pulling Daeron into her lap for cuddles at every opportunity.
They arrange for baby nerds Helaena and Aemond to get a tour of the Citadel. They love it. Helaena is gifted a bug in amber.
Some Hightower kin shows Aemond the fused stone base of the Hightower and tells him about the competing theories of its history. Aemond is enthralled.
Alicent takes Criston to the Starry Sept. Maybe they redo their vows there?
Otto and Criston meet formally for the first time. Lean into all the meet-the-in-laws tropes for this scene, Otto really grills him. But later in private, Otto tells Alicent that he likes and approves of Criston — he’s been a fan of his since the day he beat Daemon.
Otto meeting Helaena for the first time since infancy, and her becoming his favorite grandchild.
Trip to the Arbor
They make a trip from Oldtown to the Arbor to visit Alicent’s maternal Redwyne kin.
The red tint in Alicent’s hair comes from the Redwyne side. Maybe she hennas her hair before they go to really bring it out? Her Redwyne family like seeing her mother’s traits in her.
Grandma Redwyne is still living. She fusses over Alicent and does the whole, “Oh, you look so much like your mother!” thing and Otto’s like, “I know, doesn’t she?”
Helaena is indirectly named after Alicent’s mother, who was named Elaine (Helene?)
Otto and Grandma Redwyne are mostly on good terms, but Alicent does overhear, once, Grandma Redwyne crying and berating Otto, “Why did you have to take your family with you to the capital? Why couldn’t you have left Elaine and the kids here with me? I would’ve taken care of them, and Elaine wouldn’t have caught the summer fever from that fetid city and she’d still be alive!”
Grandma Redwyne: Where in Dorne is your family from? Criston: *getting really uncomfortable* My mother was born on the coast of the Sea of Dorne. Grandma Redwyne: Ah. I don't know much about the northern coast, only the southern coast. My grandfather was a sailor out of Planky Town. He ran Arbor Gold all over, from Bear Island to Volantis. He never went to the north coast of Dorne, though, never went through the Stepstones. The pirates and all. Grandpa used to say that braving pirates' waters was for men without families waiting for them back home. Criston: *relaxes, smiles*
Return journy: Oldtown to King’s Landing
They travel by ship along the Dornish coast, through the Stepstones, and back to King’s Landing.
If the previous first two segments were the "let's talk about Alicent's family" section, this is "let's talk about Criston's family."
Aemond is sad about loosing his favorite brother. Criston assures him that Daeron will always be his brother. As he’s saying it, Criston realizes that while Aemond’s not loosing Daeron, he is. Daeron will always be their son and brother because blood, but Criston doesn’t have that to fall back on. Being the man that raised them is the only claim he has to these kids. If he’s not that to Daeron, then that’s it — Daeron won’t be his in the future. Criston has just lost him. He calls Alicent over, pushes Aemond off onto her, and then goes and cries in private.
Aegon learns sea shanties from the sailors, and sings them as loudly as he can. Aemond is super annoyed. Helaena surprises the parents by singing to.
Criston spends a lot of time looking at the Dornish coast, off the port side of the ship. At night he has a dream that they’re caught in a storm and shipwrecked on the shore. When people arrive on the beach to help them, he presents himself as a Dornishman and Alicent as his wife.
Sentimentality about Criston’s family as they pass by the Sea of Dorne. “My mother was born somewhere along there. A little village on the northern coast of Dorne.” “Blackhaven is somewhere that way. That’s where my family are.” Getting emotional and praying for his family, who he can only hope are still living since they’re illiterate smallfolk so he can’t write letters to them. The kids saying, “Let’s go to Blackhaven!” and Criston sadly having to explain that it’s an arduous trek through the mountains to get there, it’s not a coastal place they can easily tack onto their trip, people are expecting them back in King’s Landing, etc. Aemond saying, “Ok, fine, we’ll do that trip when Aegon’s king then.”
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Green Light: Teaser
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Summary: Teaser. Andy is over the moon when you finally get the green light to be intimate again after the birth of your babies. But how do you explain to him that you're not quite comfortable with your post-pregnancy body just yet?
Warnings: Smut, Husband Andy Barber, Daddy Kink, Insecure Reader, Post-Pregnancy Body, Discussions of Intimacy, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Full story coming soon! Prompt courtesy of an anonymous reader. Part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series. Warnings subject to change. All mistakes are my own. Please let me know your thoughts!
You wait to check your phone until after your appointment is over and you're safely back in your car.
2 Missed Calls - Andy Bear
3 New Texts - Andy Bear
Andy Bear: Hey, baby girl. How’d the appointment go? Did we get the all clear?
Andy Bear: Can you answer your phone, please? I want to hear your sweet voice when you tell me the good news.
Andy Bear: C'mon! You’ve got me dancing on pins and needles right now. Call me. 
You shake your head and then dial your man. He answers on the second ring. 
“There you are, sweetness! I was starting to get worried there for a moment.” The genuine concern in his voice has you playfully rolling your eyes. 
“Relax, Andy. Sometimes these appointments can take a while. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong, Dr. Wilson is just being thorough.” You check your appearance in the rearview mirror, noting that the bags under your eyes seem to look better than they have in days. “That’s part of the reason he’s been my OBGYN for so long, because he’s good at what he does.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. He’s great.” You know he's not being dismissive on purpose, it’s just that he’s chomping at the bit to hear one key piece of information. “How’s your little body? Did we get the green light?”
Ahh, and there it was. Sometimes Andrew Barber was like a dog with a fucking bone. And only your husband would refer to your body as being “little” when you were still walking around sporting maternity wear.  
“I’ve been cleared for all physical activity. Which means I can finally start working out again and –”
“Fuck, yeah we did!” He cheers into the receiver, loud enough to make you wince. “Alright, baby girl, that settles it. BiBi and KitCat are going to my sister’s for a sleepover and the twins will stay at grandma’s. Meanwhile, I’m gonna leave the office early to pick us up some dinner. How about we celebrate with some surf and turf?”
“Oh my god, Andrew! We are not leaving our two newborns at your mother’s house for the night. That’s too much!”
“What if she already said yes?” You have no doubt that your unrepentant husband is smiling hard enough to crack a tooth right about now. 
“You didn’t.” Your head drops to the steering wheel with a light thunk. 
“Oh, I did.” The sound of an eager chuckle spills across the other line. “Ma and Bill are happy to keep Rory and Junior. She said you left them with enough formula and diapers to get ‘em through and that she, and I quote, would be positively heartbroken if you deprived her of time with her precious new grandchildren.”  
“Andy…I don’t know…” As tempting as the thought of a night of uninterrupted slumber was, you were on the fence about being away from your precious babies for that long. 
RoRo needed to be rocked to sleep, while A.J. needed you to pat his little tush and bounce him just so. And they both needed approximately 1,375 kisses every five minutes, otherwise they got fussy. 
“You must really want a good night’s sleep, huh, Big Man?”
“Baby, when I get my hands on you, I promise that sleeping will be the last thing on both of our minds. Now, I’ve gotta run. But I’ll see you home around 4:00pm.”
How did you tell your husband that you weren’t really feeling your post-pregnancy body right now? You’d even taken to changing in the bathroom lately. Thankfully he hadn’t seemed to notice that increasingly bad habit of yours…
At least not yet. But it was only a matter of time.
“Hush, sweetness. You just let Daddy take care of everything, okay? I’ve been dreaming of this day for almost two months now, and I plan to take my time loving all over every inch of your delectable body. And what’s more, you’re going to let me.” You can practically feel your nipples pebbling beneath the fabric of your shirt. 
God, how did he always manage to sound so sexy when he was telling you what to do? Handsome ass buttface!
“I’ve gotta head into this meeting, but in the meantime, get some rest. You’re gonna need it.”
“Yeah, okay, sure.” You respond with a resigned sigh. “I…I guess I’ll see you when you get home then.”
“Damn right. Can’t wait to lose myself between those luscious thighs.” Andy rasps with a slightly roughened edge to his tone. “It’s been way too long since I’ve had a taste…” 
Oh good God…and it had been way too long since you had to deal with beard burn. At this point, you’d almost forgotten about what it felt like.
“Bye, Andy Bear.”
"Goodbye, little love.”
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thebettybook · 1 year
🕸️ Miguel O'Hara SFW Character HCs
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^ Miguel sitting down to listen to my headcanons of him hehehe >:)
Info: My SFW character headcanons on Miguel O’Hara
Warning: Major ATSV spoilers ahead; some Spider-Man 2099 comics spoilers as well; also brief mention of my headcanon about Miguel’s grandma passing away naturally due to old age
Strawbetty’s notes: I haven’t read the Spider-Man 2099 comics yet so any references to Miguel’s family from the comics in this post are just related to what I learned on Wiki pages about his family from the comics :0
🕸️ Miguel doesn’t like having his hair in his face, so he has a routine where he gels his hair back every single morning. That’s his most favorite morning routine
🕸️ No matter how stressed out or busy he gets, Miguel’s a stickler for his hygiene, so he makes sure to shower and brush his teeth every day (showering helps him de-stress after a long day)
🕸️ After Peter B brought Mayday to Spider-HQ for the first time, Miguel had everything in HQ baby-proofed (from the chairs in the cafeteria to even his floating platform)
🕸️ In his lab, Miguel has a drawer filled with little baby snacks for Mayday (he claims it’s just to keep her from not swinging and climbing everywhere, but it’s actually because he secretly adores her)
🕸️ I love the Strawberry Miguel fan arts where he’s in like a chibi form and is in a strawberry lol, and that made me come up with the headcanon that this man’s favorite fruit is strawberries, and has been ever since he was a kid
🕸️ I haven’t read the Spider-Man 2099 comics yet so I don’t know much about Miguel’s family other than Miguel having a younger half-brother named Gabriel and a sh*tty dad they grew up with (who apparently isn’t Miguel’s biological dad but that’s a whole other story). So that made me think of this headcanon that our Miguel’s dad that he thought was his dad (George O’Hara) was absent throughout his life and that Miguel and Gabriel were raised by their mom Conchata and their maternal grandmother (their abuela). I also headcanon that Conchata was always busy working to provide for the family, so Miguel and Gabriel didn’t see her much as they grew up
🕸️ Thus, Miguel was really close with his abuela growing up. She was someone who was so loving to Miguel and Gabriel, raising them to become people who pay kindness forward to others while also teaching Miguel and Gabriel to not take crap from anyone as well
🕸️ Miguel’s abuela taught him how to sew at a young age, and he and his abuela would make all of Gabriel’s costumes for school plays (Gabriel was an avid theatre kid in school)
🕸️ Miguel and his abuela would attend all of Gabriel’s school plays and they would make sure to sit in the front row. Miguel would stand up and cheer for Gabriel at the end of the plays like a sports fan even if Gabriel played a minor role like Tree #2
🕸️ When Miguel referenced to “Dr. Strange and the little nerd back on Earth 1999” in ATSV, I was like “Miguel, aren’t you a ‘nerd’ too pfft?” /lovingly. So that made me think of this headcanon: as a kid, Miguel loved to read books about science and history and his classmates would call him a “nerd.” While young Miguel would mostly say that he didn’t care what they called him, he also couldn’t help but internalize their words
🕸️ So as Miguel got older, he participated in more sports like basketball and soccer and became a “jock.” He still loved science, though, and would get straight A’s in all of the math and science subjects in high school. I headcanon that Miguel was even the valedictorian of his high school
🕸️ Miguel always, always, always stood up for the underdogs who got bullied at his high school (Miguel would get into fights with bullies and every time he got called to the principal’s office, he would always tell the principal, “You should’ve seen the other person.” This would only get Miguel more time in detention)
🕸️ He wasn’t the type of person to try a lot of foods from different cultures until he created the Spider-Society, where he met Spiders from different cultures and backgrounds who introduced him to their favorite dishes. Miguel also makes sure that the HQ cafeteria offers a lot of variety in terms of dietary needs and cultural cuisines to be inclusive of everyone at the Spider-Society. Miguel tends to favor really spicy dishes from different cultures now
🕸️ Because he’s so busy running the Spider-Society and going on missions to other Earths, Miguel eats more takeout than home-cooked meals (he occasionally gets food from the HQ cafeteria). He’s actually good at cooking, though, because his abuela taught him and Gabriel how to cook since they were kids
🕸️ Miguel’s abuela passed away naturally due to old age a few months after he became Spider-Man 2099 (she knew he was Spider-Man 2099, too, even though he never told her). Currently, Miguel keeps his mom Conchata and his brother Gabriel at arms length because their whole family dynamic without his abuela is rocky at best. Another reason why Miguel keeps his mom and brother at arms length now is because he doesn’t want them to be in any danger, and he’s just too busy running the Spider-Society. Gabriel does know that he’s Spider-Man, though, and he still makes attempts to contact Miguel and drop off food for him at the Spider-HQ. Gabriel is always in consistent contact with Miguel’s AI assistant Lyla to make sure Miguel’s ok; Gabriel calls Lyla the “cool younger sister” he and Miguel never had (Lyla agrees)
🕸️ Back to general Miguel headcanons, this man doesn’t like boba drinks, he’s more of a coffee guy and he doesn’t like the way you have to chew on the boba toppings while drinking the boba tea. The young Spider crew (Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie) LOVE boba drinks, though, and they like to make fun of Miguel for hating on boba drinks
🕸️ Miguel knows how to drive the futuristic cars of 2099 and is generally a good and safe driver, but also I can see him not driving cars that much since he could just leap from building to building as Spider-Man 2099 (and I headcanon that he prefers that over being stuck in rush-hour traffic) (also maybe 2099 cars are all self-driving?? I haven’t really looked into that yet)
🕸️ Miguel literally has the same outfits (like basic hoodies and sweatpants or whatever) in his closet, like those cartoon characters who wear the same outfit everyday. He doesn’t care for fashion at all (Gabriel is the more fashion-forward sibling)
🕸️ I can’t think of any particular colognes or scents Miguel would wear (I think if anything, he prefers a clean, linen scent), but I also like to think he uses vanilla-cupcake-scented hand cream from time to time to keep his hands from being super dry, and also because the scent reminds him of his alternate dimension daughter Gabriella and how one of her favorite desserts was vanilla cupcakes
���️ Mayday made a messy crayon drawing of Miguel once and he had to turn around so no one could see the tears forming in his eyes. He keeps the drawing safe in one of his drawers in his lab
🕸️ As a mentor, Miguel’s the type of mentor to be a stickler for a tight schedule and he can be intense with his rules regarding training. However, he is good at coaching and giving technical advice (he’s not good at words of encouragement, though, that’s kinda more of Peter B’s thing)
🕸️ While Miguel might not always seem the most present or most caring towards others in the Spider-Society, he knows pretty much everyone’s business in HQ and would give a Spider some time off or have Lyla provide them with the right resources if they told him that they were dealing with personal problems
🕸️ He’s also aware of everyone’s strengths and weaknesses in the Spider-Society. As leader of the Spider-Society, Miguel knows which Spider to deploy on a mission based on their strengths. If a Spider is lacking in a certain area like combat or stealth, he has another Spider who’s good in those areas coach that Spider (he also believes this builds teamwork and unity amongst the Spider-Society)
🕸️ Tinkering with gadgets (or “goobers” as he calls it) or building things in general is Miguel’s #1 way to help him de-stress and relax. He always feels a sense of purpose and accomplishment when he builds things with his own two hands. If someone touches Miguel’s “goobers” or interrupts his “Goober Time” (he came up with that himself, he’s so cute lol), they better run away as fast as they can :’0
🕸️ Animals love Miguel. Dogs, cats, and even birds just flock to him because they can sense he’s a good and kind man beneath his tough exterior
🕸️ Speaking of animals, I can see Miguel being a cat person. He finds cats calming and if he had the time, he would adopt a cat
🕸️ He doesn’t like going through drive-thrus at fast food places because the introvert in him finds it awkward to talk out loud to the drive-thru comms and he hates repeating himself whenever the person who’s trying to take his order through the comms can’t hear him even if he is loud. Miguel hates repeating himself in general
🕸️ A random Miggy headcanon but I headcanon that he doesn’t like eating sushi or raw fish in general; it makes his stomach hurt
🕸️ He’s the type of guy who loves sarcasm and dry humor. When Miguel cracks a joke he thinks is utterly hilarious but no one else gets the joke, he just grumbles that they don’t have a sense of humor
🕸️ I’ve tried to find out whether Miguel O’Hara has a canon birthday date via his ATSV wiki info or even info from his comic counterpart, but it doesn’t seem like he has a birthday date so I came up with one for him: August 14, 2068 (which would make him 31 years old in 2099). I headcanon that our Miguel from ATSV is or is turning 31 years old “this” year (like for us, it’s 2023, but for him, it’s 2099) because the Spider-Man 2099 comics released in 1992
If you’ve read to the end, Miguel gives you a strawberry 🍓. Maybe I’ll make a part 2 on my Miggy headcanons someday
Reblogs are appreciated :). Want more Miguel content? Check out my masterlist.
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here are all my thoughts and notes from purcon!! not formatted for tumblr but readable!!!
Day 1:
everyone was so happy to be there, and so shocked how many people were there!!! 2500!!!
they showed vids before bringing everyone on stage and continued that throughout the panels. it's a cute touch
Misha auto:
he smiled and i got shaky knees and giggled like a 12 year old with a crush
jensen was at the table next to him!!
very quick but there was a huge line
he signed my book!!
i said "hi misha" and he said hi back
he looked at my destiel shirt and smiled :)
Ty & DJ:
started by telling us thank you for the congrats on their engagement
you can see how much they love each other!!! no pda but the way they look at each other!!
plus they both said multiple times that meeting each other was the best thing that happened
dj has been obsessed with eastenders since the 90s, never missed an episode
ty told everyone not to smoke cigarettes
dj had a glass of wine (it was 1pm)
left 5 mins early to get the Darius auto
Meeting Darius:
so nice and kind!! gentle vibes, literally what you would expect from misha's best friend
i was 2nd in line out of four people
four people in the autograph group so he talked to us all for about 15 minutes as a group
he signed his name on the picture, then asked if misha was going to sign it as well. i said no so he asked if he could sign misha's name for him and we all laughed and i said yes and it literally looks like misha wrote it
he told us him and misha have a competition to see who can bring the other person to a bigger event - darius took misha to the oscars, misha took darius to meet zelensky, but now darius got invited to meet the pope!!
talked to us a bit about filmmaking and how the picture aspect is basically the same throughout film history, but sound changes every week
it took 26 weeks in post for the sound of metal to get the sound right
he's friends with emilia clarke??? and said that she was so upset over the got ending because so many babies have her character's name
he felt the spn ending was rushed
sooooo handsome in person and the nicest voice
darius is getting austrian citizenship bc his grandma was from austria but she had to flee
only saw the last bit but he was of course wandering the crowd
talked a lot about mental health and how we're not alone
said the best place to have a panic attack is a spn convention
Sachin & Osric:
fun!! not that interesting but fun!!
sachin just learned about destiel. like minutes before the panel started
talked about being poc in the industry and how much better it has gotten
it was fine but again not interesting
talked about pranks
talked about maybe being on the boys
talked about mental health
Misha & Jensen:
an hour late bc they made jensen do photos :(
they played the confession right before they walked on stage???
question queue was very long, they took about five or six not so great questions
someone asked what their fave gym equipment is (wtf) and misha said it's the towel to slap others on the butt with
but they were very fun!!
some people decided to tell a sob story at the mic which wasted time. like they know you love supernatural, they know you're nervous, you don't need to tell them.
they joked around a lot
three touches!! fingers, high five, hug!!!
you can just see how much they adore each other
darius was sitting on the steps but they wouldn't give him a microphone :( hopefully he'll come out at misha's panel tomorrow
Day 2:
Jared & Jensen VIP:
question abt Radio Company coming to Germany
Jensen says they're discussing it, his fave songs are Quarter To and City Grown Willow
Mario Kart characters - Jared Yoshi because he poops eggs, Jensen Blue Shell guy??, his 7yo plays Rosalina, JJ can beat him in Mario Kart now
Jared is 25% German (maternal grandpa)
Jensen wants to turn his next Purcon visit into a vacation
one person is talking so slowwwww
Jensen would want to reshoot Bugs without the bees
They had to do a bee allergy test where someone actually picked up a bee with tweezers and made it sting them
3 part question 🙄 with backstory 🙄 about their kids and if they can grow up normal and if they have a strategy if their kids read fanfic
Jensen played baseball in HS
His first school play was a musical
thanked us for letting them do the panels in english without a translator
Crowley was more excited to spend time with Dean instead of being in Hell
Mark went upstairs and helped a fan who had a bad photo with Jared
Got a standing ovation
Ty & DJ:
DJ used anti wrinkle creme on his balls but he stopped when his doctor said it would make him infertile
Ty told us to listen to a 23yo Canandian who sounds like Johnny Cash (Colter Wall??? maybe??)
Ty listens to a lot of country, DJ doesn't really have strong feelings about music
DJ adopted a dog who pissed on his belongings for 10 years - he was supposed to live until about 2 bc of health problems
DJ says to watch the movie Overboard
several questions were asked yesterday
DJ, Ty, and Ty's daughters have matching tattoos (they got them drunk) it's a little skull
Sachin & Osric:
Osric is Timon, Sachin is Pumba
couldn't do notes bc i was in line!! wasn't picked tho, because everyone rushed to the microphone before the last panel was over
one person spent five minutes monologuing
misha said people should ask him questions on their knees
Bishagate reference!! He asked a girl if she was coming out as an alien and she said "that's rich coming from you", Darius laughed so much (while he was still on the stairs)
Compared whipped cream to cum
Darius was on stage!!
greeted us with Guten Abend, Guten Tag, and howdy y'all
said it's not a goodbye to spn, it's a see you later
said swan song was easier than sacrifice bc he was lucifer for swan song so he had to act... reminder: that's his job...
first question was not a question
second question was a prank question
trivializing the thing where jared put coins in misha's car!!! wtf
praising mark p ew
woman keeps talking about her alarm sound which is german dean
called out a woman's shirt that says "save an impala, ride a winchester"
looks like jared will be on the boys, he basically confirmed it
he likes mountains more than beaches
says they might do a beach episode in the future
talking about the finale and the dean death scene
wants to bring jdm to the next con
GIANT line to ask a question
first woman named her kid Dean Jensen
hates toy slime bc it's all over his house
danneel moves a creepy doll around the house to mess with jensen
question abt cas in the winchesters and cas returning!! how to address the confession!! jensen thinks the confession was a long time coming and beautiful and raw and real!! dean understands cas loved him!! said cas saying he loves dean was clear text (rather than subtext) said cas and jensen found each other and when they meet again cas' feelings are just understood
says demon dean is stronger than soldier boy bc demon dean has no soul
boys question - jensen talks about herogasm, jack quaid just told jensen good luck when he went on set, nobody on set knew what was lube and what was hand sanitizer, he was unprepared to see so many naked people, he was standing next to a guy when the robes came off and he "had to do the glance", couldn't help looking at people having sex "there's four people here in a position i've never seen before"
woman crying while asking a question
woman said dj said he wanted to exchange his husband for jensen, and jensen said he doubts it because ty is pretty great
woman telling bad jokes, one about how women having orgasms is like a snowstorm because you can't see it coming?? not true for either i think
jensen needs to do more solo panels. i could listen to him talk for hours
i can't believe i was in the same room as this man wtf
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yumemiyas-wips · 1 year
All of you SHUT UP and read this.
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Two “rival” Chinese lesbian fic writers submit anonymous posts about each other on Weibo (Chinese twitter).
**I AM NOT the OOPs.** Two authors in the same lesbian fic writing community anonymously submitted posts to a Venting for Writers account on Weibo (https://t.co/BBxcEnSiJ4) (Chinese twitter). Source of the screenshots (https://twitter.com/juexias/status/1615339261611610115) in Chinese from @juexias on Twitter.
Submission by first author to the Venting for Writers account (https://twitter.com/silencedhawks/status/1615417962693033990?s=20) *Translations done by @silencedhawks on twitter.* — 27 December 2022
Both myself and another writer are quite famous within the same circle. We write and produce content at around the same speed. We don’t interact much between each other, but we have a bit of a little rivalry going on. For example, if she published a piece, tomorrow I have to publish one too. I can’t let her take up the trending spot on her own. We take up half of the trending spots without giving into each other, so we compete quite passionately against each other in secret.
But these two weeks I scrolled, and she didn’t appear, so I checked her profile and realized she was down with a very high fever and had been uncontactable. For a moment the Christmas gift fic I had became bland and tasteless.
When I finished reading, I was really scared. I immediately used my reader QQ account to ask her what happened and found out that she didn’t manage to snatch medicine in time and had been sick in bed for four days straight. After hearing that, I sent half a box of ibuprofen and fever reducers to her overnight. Now I just hope she’ll get better faster so I can properly and fairly beat her up. **The victory of being on top feels hollow when she isn’t here.**
And when she was lying in bed, I seriously thought it over. I concluded that her prose has too many irrelevant words and complicated sentences. What can be said in ten words she says in more than a hundred, apart from the complicatedness, it isn’t that good.
But compared to the others in the fandom, if I had to pick one, her writing is still more acceptable. Amen.
Response post (https://twitter.com/silencedhawks/status/1615423341594308608) by the second author (https://twitter.com/silencedhawks/status/1615423358556045312?s=20) (the one who got sick). *Translations done by @silencedhawks on twitter.* — 15 January 2023
Hello Bot, have some ibuprofen a reader sent me.
This is what happened: A week before Christmas, a lot of people from my school returned to their hometowns. On my way back, I caught COVID and fell sick, and ended up spending the entire Christmas in bed. I was really miserable during that time. I didn’t stock medicine. Even the fever meds I had were from begging my maternal grandma’s neighboring village. My family is a little special, I was brought up by my grandma. She’s getting on in years now and I absolutely don’t dare to let her take care of me.
With no one to take care of me and no medicine, the side effects of COVID left me bedridden and half-dead. Even after the fever went down on the third day, my head still felt like it was exploding with pain, like someone was prying it open from my temples all the way to my forehead.
After I felt a bit better, I decided to bury myself in blankets and check my phone to see how popular the fic I posted was, how many comments there were, in order to cheer myself up. I write in a small circle. Even though I’m not as popular as another writer who writes drabbles in the same circle, I have more comments and a very stable fanbase. Sometimes I manage to get on the rankings too.
There’s a reader who will always leave me meaningful comments on the content of each chapter and is very good at directly pinpointing what I wanted to convey. So I have a very distinct impression of her and later exchanged QQs with her. After exchanging QQs, I found out that she’s very lively and cute, like one of the cats I used to raise. Even through the screen, I can feel the lightness between her words. But she doesn’t use QQ often and is only online late at night.
Her command of language is very good. I asked her before if she would be open to collabing with me, but she said that she may not have the standards and time to churn out fic, and that the most she can do is some shallow writing. It was this reader that sent me medicine after hearing I got COVID. When she sent me the parcel number, it had only been half an hour since we talked.
The medicine had a paper note on it with nice handwriting. Below the note, four tablets of fever medicine had been used and there was still more than half the box of ibuprofen. After I received it, I asked how she would cope without it, and she told me two hours later that she still has medicine at her house. And she said that she was too busy these few days and forgot to say happy Christmas, so was a bit embarrassed. And she sent a very cute sticker, carefully asking me if she could make up for it with a belated Christmas wish. Actually, when I received the medicine, I was already half recovered. But I still deeply remember her Christmas greeting.
She said happy Christmas, and remembered that after she herself had gotten COVID her throat hurt, so she also gave me a box of lozenges and told me not to forget to eat them. **After all, you have to eat sweets during Christmas.**
In that moment I really couldn’t reply because I was crying. I was crying so hard that I scared my grandma. Even though I’ve explained many times, she still believes that the “friend” who sent me medicine is definitely a boyfriend that I haven’t told her about.
The story I want to tell ends here. When I was writing this, she was shopping for CNY (across province) goods with me. After her holidays started, she came online more often but still occasionally lost contact sometimes.
During those times I kept looking at my phone and thinking, **“If heaven exists, I hope we can meet each other in the future.” If it doesn’t, I’m willing to write for her forever.**
(Reddit OP here. These were anonymous submissions and we are unlikely to get any updates from here so I consider it concluded. Side note: The author who got sick has some insane charisma. Get it girl.)
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scum-belina · 5 months
Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of my maternal grandpa's death and today is the 6 year anniversary of my dad's death. Both were truly terrible men and abusive towards me and most others close to them. I don't miss them at all and while I don't celebrate their deaths, I do feel relief that they're gone, as cruel as that may sound. But these days bring back the memories of everything they put me through, especially my dad. And how when my dad was sick and dying and I was at my most vulnerable, the rest of my relatives came out of the woodworks and put me through every level of hell.
I can't talk to family about my feelings towards their deaths, because they all defend and justify their horrific behavior because they've not dealt with their own traumas, and most of them have become every bit as bad as them both. I put on an act when my dad was ill and tried so hard to be a good daughter towards him to please him and everyone else, even though they never treated me with kindness. I lived a lie and kept my own emotions and struggles inside to please them. I will never do that again. Not for them. Not for anyone.
I would post updates on my dad's health multiple times a week to keep distant relatives informed bc they wanted updates but the rest of my family couldn't be bothered to inform anyone. I was the only one in my family that bothered to actually talk or listen to the doctors or nurses. My mom was too catatonic and my paternal grandma was too strung out on pills to ever retain any information. I tried to do everything I could to be helpful even when I was shut inside my grandparents house being starved and emotionally and financially abused for two years, only ever going out to visit my dad. All of it against my will.
I'm turning 30 in 4 months. My entire 20s have been devoured by things beyond my control and insane abuse that even I struggle to accept really happened some days. I don't say that to make myself the victim. Deep down I blame myself for everything. I really have tried to fight back and work hard to get out of this situation, but something always goes against me and I end up worse than before. I'm not giving up and I'm still fighting, but I'm so discouraged and afraid. Every day has felt the same for a decade.
I want those 10 years back. They were taken from me for nothing other than others sick pleasure to abuse, control and misuse. I want to finally feel happy. To be fulfilled. I want to forget my pain.
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seasidewanderers · 4 months
intro post time!
times someone at work called us by another name that's neither our chosen name, nor our anagraphical name today [21/08/2024] : back to 1 😔
we've had this blog for... around 3 years now I believe, and never made an intro post, so here it is!
we're the Seaside Wanderers, a polyfragmented/complex DID system. please call us alters or headmates! we go by Aaron, Ae/Ea, or Martin (pick a name, get one free!)
infamous Maternity Blackwood asker
we work in electric power&gas trading! ask us about it! weird ass job that your grandma won't believe it's a real actual job people do
(alter intros are under the cut along with other personal information)
no DNI, feel free to interact. if you'd have to break yours to interact with us, however, isn't the DNI kinda pointless anyway?
the meaning of our system name is nothing special; we all love playing LOTRO (the Lord Of The Rings Online, a MMORPG based on LOTR. highly recommended!) and one of the titles you can get for your character is "Seaside Wanderer". it stuck with us as we love the sea, love walking on the beach, and love how it sounds.
our alter tags are as follow for now, we'll update if someone else wants to participate in this blog:
#of rage and black tidings
#and no other choices
#tinker's curse
#vulpine era
we believe in endogenic plurality. we acknowledge it's a different thing from DID though, and also endogenic DID is NOT the same as endogenic plurality with DID.
CDDs [Complex Dissociative Disorders, a term that encapsulate all traumagenic and dissociative disorders such as DID, OSDD-1, P-DID, and those cases of UDD that cause systemhood] are trauma-based
we believe you can be plural without trauma, and you can be plural without a CDD, and that plurality isn't in itself a symptom of any mental disorder
we support informed and researched self-diagnosis
we support ALL plurals and ALL headmates! traumagenic, endogenic, mixed, median, empty systems, disordered, non-disordered, created, spontaneous, adaptive... I can't list all but I love and support YOU 🫵🏻 and I hope you're safe and having a good day, week, month, year and always! YOU deserve to feel good! yes, you! yes, you, person who might not agree with me, and who I might not agree with
personal, non-syscourse info here:
warning: flashing lights for a blinkie under the cut!
adult (turned 24!)
we work full time. we have a job in electric power&gas trading. we may talk shit about stock prices now and then
we're collectively gendervoid, trans/non binary neumasc-leaning, use they/them, it/its, and ae/aer pronouns, and are omni gay and queer
we are also physically disabled and neurodivergent, DID aside. we have chronic pain and chronic migraines, schizotypal personality disorder, and psychotic depression, so you might see us posting about it now and then
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individual introductions for us alters (divided by layer)
this won't be all of us, just those more likely to participate in this blog. due to our system's nature as polyfragmented we wouldn't know all alters, either. updating this a few at a time so we don't get overwhelmed
James, 18ish, he/him; fictive. annoys Edward for a living. very opinionated. caretaker 🤎
Edward, 23+, he/him; fictive. likes blabbering about his source and sing. pirate enjoyer, annoyed with the fact we don't own a sword yet. role anarchist/does whatever he feels like 🩶
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Oscar, 300+, he/they + ae/aer; OCtive (homebrew Pathfinder 1e campaign), half-elf, sylph alchemist, vivisectionist/wasteland blighter archetype. I may talk about it sometimes and I like answering questions about it. I like my source a lot. married to Celain. trauma-related role, protector/persecutor 🩵
Celain (pronounced as Colin), immortal, he/they; OCtive (homebrew Pathfinder 1e campaign, same as Oscar), elf angel (planetar agathion to be specific), cleric angelfire apostle archetype. I follow Pathfinder's fictional pantheon, but I'm making it work with our religions and spiritualities. married to Oscar. trauma-related role, protector/caretaker 🧡
Finnegan/Tristan, 19, he/they/it; OCtive (homebrew Pathfinder 1e campaign teehee), kitsune, bard fey prankster archetype. I love talking about Pathfinder please ask me about Pathfinder like right now thank youuu. token extrovert. my role is to stay silly in these trying times 💖
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piermanwalter · 6 months
According to self-proclaimed experts and leading crystal glass manufacturers online, apparently the answer to "Does this glass contain lead, and if so, how dangerous is it?" is "Go fuck yourself. If you don't buy from me, you deserve to die." I swear to fuck, the *ting* test must be a conspiracy to ensure that every resale hustler grindset shithead and every pretentious blue blood snob shithead will advertise lead crystal any chance they get. "Ooh the unmistakable lasting ring of true crystal-" It's a big bowl. Of course it will fucking *ting*. If I struck a mass produced cake cloche, it will *ting*. If you melted broken beer bottles and gravel into a big bowl, it will *ting*.
I also shouldn't have expected better from professional sources because of fucking course they will mangle all information into advertisements. "Timeless beautiful luxurious lead it contains is harmless unless you misuse it in which case we are doing the world a favour by ridding it of you crystal is softer than glass so it can be cut into intricate shapes crystal is harder than glass so it can be made thinnnnnnerr crystal is softer than glass so you must never put it in the dishwasher crystal is harder than glass so it will last forever unless you destroy it with your clumsy insensate undeserving ill-bred low-class subhuman paws-" Shut the fuck up. I'm losing more brain cells trying to comprehend this fucking shit than I ever will from lead. People like these are personally responsible for half of Earth's extinctions. If I don't get a straight answer soon, I will be personally responsible for half of their extinctions. "Skill issue" you may say, but the only "skill issue" here is how you don't know shit about lead glass either, and/or can't explain a single fucking thing in a way that someone who wasn't carried out of the maternity ward on a crystal platter can understand. If you can't explain everything online, at least have the humility to admit it.
The next time one of you hacks makes another smug asshole video where you *ting ting ting* lead crystal with no comparison with a similar piece of regular glass or posts a "new" article the same as sixty thousand other articles all competing with each-other to be the most useless piece of text ever formulated by mankind like grain entrapment except each grain is a Swarovski jewel that goes *ting* each time it moves, the last *ting* you hear will be my axe bouncing off your thick fucking skull. I hope you go into debt throwing every last cent into your twee Daisy-Fay-wet-dream-ass Etsy antique shop and then you get shut down for fraud and then you get investigated by government tax authority and then you get banned from doing business forever and then 500 vintage-collecting grandmas with no prior association beyond deep justified contempt for you specifically trash your name across every media platform and in-person social agglomeration in perpetuity. I hope every crystal artisan at your company is simultaneously possessed by the spirit of Hephaestus to march into your office en masse and bodily drag you onto the factory floor where they hoist you on their shoulders like the first Olympic athletes did with sacrificial cattle to drop you into the glowing crucible, but as your shoes melt they come to their senses and pull you out so you only have a few superficial burns, but then the glass formulation reacts to your shoes so badly that every batch coming out of that crucible is ruined, but even after the crucible is replaced, the curse of Hephaestus lingers so that every piece of glass produced in that factory is fucked up in some way, and then the company fires you and fines you for all damages and repair costs forever and the curse of Hephaestus follows you until you are living in a hollow tree planting onions in holes you dig by hand. I will throw you down an oubliette and feed you overnight oat breakfast bowls and juice blend sun teas prepared and served in whatever the hell random glassware I find at thrift stores and yard sales. If your own skill in identifying lead glass does not exceed what you deemed fit to share, I will feel no guilt when you die.
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