#otp: light of my universe
zenaidamacrouras1 · 2 months
Clint/Bucky aka Winterhawk aka Clucky aka Barneston (?) Fic Recs
Yes I am an (unhinged understatement) Stucky writer but I have a soft spot for Bucky and Clint romantically. Particularly Comics Clint. Something about his crippling self esteem issues stemming from his abusive childhood combined with how deeply, deeply nice he is. In my favorite Clint characterizations, he isn't nice out of naivety, he always knows he's quite likely going to get screwed over for being so compassionate and forgiving, and he just does it anyway. It's really a lovely fatal flaw.
Anyway, shout out to everyone with fucked up abusive childhoods who got all the trauma and none of the circus skills! All of the baggage and none of the archery talent, you know?
So here are some things I love about them together:
So Clint is so chill around Bucky's grief but also deeply compassionate and also a slutty disaster and also funny. I think it's a really good mix for recovering Bucky to let his guard down and be soft.
Sometimes, in some universes, Bucky needs someone who is just as earnest but not as serious as Steve, you know? Clint is whimsical and the Winter Soldier needs a lil whimsy.
Typically, though not always, in fics when Bucky is paired with Clint the other otps are Clint+Natasha as deeply committed best friends/platonic soulmates and Bucky+Steve as deeply committed best friends/platonic soulmates, so it's just a whole deeply committed, devoted, platonic and romantic love situation that really works for me.
Winterhawk manifesto aside, here are some fics I liked presented somewhat at random.
Starving for the Light by thepartyresponsible
@thepartyresponsible hopefully this is the author and not a random person with the same name. Hi! I love your work! My notes: Beautiful modern magical world, beautiful details, beautiful healing. Exquisite levels Clint who is so competent and just not aware of how gifted he is but not in a cheesy way, just kinda heartbreaking till it isn't.
Here is another beautiful piece by the very same brilliant mind:
Got a Heart in Me, I Swear by thepartyresponsible
My notes: Sports AU! Baseball this time but you don't have to know baseball and beautiful characterization + competence remains the shining thing that made me want to eat it.
Redundancies by Noxnthea @noxnthea
My notes: What the fuck. I wanted to read this entire fic at the same time, but it wouldn't fit in my eyes all at once which is my only complaint, but it's a very severe complaint because it is so clever and good. Universe hopping. Must love Clint. All the good things about Clint being so fucking good. It's so sad in the way that makes you feel a deep love of the world and that maybe broken things can be beautiful and happy again, over and over?
Lost and Found by Mariana O'Connor @mariana-oconnor
My notes: Do you like werewolves? Trick question. Everyone likes werewolves. This is a lovely small town full of mysteries that Clint stumbles into. Obviously he starts rehabbing a hotel and taking care of orphans because he is just nice like that. Bucky can't keep away because, ugh, Clint stop being fascinating and competent and sexy. Bucky is only one man and also traumatized have you no respect?
Silhouette also by Mariana O'Connor @mariana-oconnor
My notes: YOU GUYS. Very slow build spy adventure time if you like spy adventure and heists mixed with pining because your mortal enemy is 1. Sexy and 2. Competent. Also Natasha is the best friend and Steve is the best friend. We travel the world. Action scenes. Everyone is so sexy. And competent. I can't make this clear enough. Sexy little mysterious post cards appear in the mail.
Perfect Tense by shatteredhourglass @shatteredhourglass
My notes: Ronin Clint thinks he's irredeemable, but he can't stop having sex with Bucky Barnes. Who hasn't been in this situation? Bucky is very angrily bandaging up Ronin Clint's stupid wounds again, ugh, gah, seriously, surely all this hurt/comfort plus admiration for Clint's combat skills won't lead to falling in love? Feelings, action, intrigue.
Funny story I wanted to include a fic where Bucky kidnaps Clint but y'all there are SO MANY fics where Bucky kidnaps Clint and I can't remember which one. I bet they are all good so maybe I'll do a follow up with like, top ten fics where Bucky kidnaps Clint and they fall in love.
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dduane · 7 months
In the Young Wizards 'verse, how would the universe handle two wizard-potentials going for the same manual at the same time, like reaching for the same book at the library? Would it somehow magically duplicate itself? Would it avoid the question entirely by waiting to choose the potentials until later? Would either (or both) of them get a notification of the manual installing itself as an app on their phones, thus distracting them from grabbing the book? (So many options!)
The Young Wizards series is one of my all-time favorites, by the way. Thank you for putting it into the world ❤️❤️ I need to reread it again soon!
First of all: thanks for the nice words! Delighted that the books were there for you. 😊
As to your question: I'm not sure this is a problem that's likely to come up, for an array of reasons that have to do with the basic nature of YW-'verse wizardry.
Basically, though: every wizard (like every other human, and every other sentient being) occupies a unique temporospatial position that doesn't just involve where they are, and when they are, but who they are; as well as where they've been, and what they've experienced. Different people, born in different places and raised in different ways by other different people, are inevitably going to have different personalities and different worldviews... and therefore, also, different preferred ways to engage with wizardry.* The chances that a given instrumentality offered to a given person is going to be an exact or even near-exact duplicate of the one offered to another person are pretty small. I don't think we need to worry too much about the two-hands-reaching-for-the-same-Manual-at-the-same-time paradigm.
Bear in mind also that there are a lot of different ways to get at Speech-based wizardly info besides books. Offered instrumentalities can vary wildly due not just to cultural norms, but personal preferences. Someone who likes stories but doesn't care for reading physical books might have their Manual turn up as an (apparent) audiobook. (Or maybe a podcast: or a videoblog: who am I to judge?) After all, we've already had wizards who manage spells or otherwise engage with wizardry by listening to the Sea, acquiring the Speech through sentient laptops, hearing it as in-mind speech which they manage by (probably somewhat Speech-enhanced) memory; by direct communications with the Powers that Be via an (apparent) little magical light source they carry around with them, and numerous other methods. (And don't forget the slightly unusual instrumentality that turns up in the YW 30-Day OTP sequence, in which one new probationary wizard obtains his Manual access via what appears to be Tuxedo Mask's rose from Sailor Moon.) ...Additionally, I have a vague memory of one wizard carrying around a Manual access that seems to be the one and only Magic 8-Ball featuring answers that are not hazy. Don't ask me which book it's in, though. Might be Games Wizards Play, but that's a guess.
As for app installations—no reason that Manual access might not turn up as an app update. Also, in terms of dedicated devices, wizPads and wizPhones (formerly wizPods) have been around for a while now, and both have become canonical over time: Darryl McAllister's using one of the wizPhone-based Manual versions in A Wizard of Mars. (Though these may occasionally present problems for practitioners testing out a new paradigm.) As a wizard grows into their practice of the Art, it's not at all unusual to change instrumentalities as one finds something that works better for them than what the Powers sent them the first time out.
Anyway: hope this helps! 😀
*As for the probably inevitable question, "But what if they're twins?" To quote a well-known authority, "It's never twins." :) (And that said: starting with Wizards at War, we see that occasionally, it is twins... and I'm pretty sure they acquired their delivery instrumentalities separately, though I can't recall whether this gets dealt with in canon.)
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cancerian-woman · 6 months
Hi! I would love to hear why you think Klaus and Bonnie would be a compatible or at least fascinating match :) I can tell you're going to turn me into a Klonnie shipper even though the last thing I need in my life is another doomed OTP!!
Hey :D I love a good doomed ship it makes the fandom more interesting especially in terms of creativity tbh.
Bonnie had proven herself to be just as morally corrupt as other characters as needed. Sure, it wasn’t to the extreme of others but it existed especially if her friends were threatened. That type of loyalty and strength would be what Klaus would like because of how possessive and selfish he is.
There’s Bennett-Mikaelson connections through the lore of TVD. Ayana was Esther’s mentor. Abby entombed Mikael. Then in present there’s Esther prasing Bonnie for being the one to fight Klaus. Elijah recruited Bonnie to do it. Both Bonnie and Klaus have parental struggles on both sides. Klaus is more forefront than Bonnie’s but it exists. Tagging my friends content here :).
Tumblr media
Klaus was introduced with an affinity for witches (Gloria, Maddox, Greta..)it was just dropped after well you know ;). But in a sibling light I could see both Rebekah and Kol taking a liking to Bonnie. Rebekah wanted that normal highschool experience and Kol was formerly a witch. We got a little bit of Kennett moments in s4 but that was dropped. Bonnie is the only TVD character to never have her own side friend out the group.
Narratively TVD would’ve just had to work with their few key points to make Klonnie a slow burn ship from s2-4 tbh. Bonnie kept getting the short-stick. Season 3 she got cheated on, her mother abandoned again, she had all the reasons to distant herself from her friends and end up in someone’s darker arms. The Mikaelson Ball ep Esther is leeching off Bonnie and her bloodline yet Bonnie is no where to be found… huh… Bonnie doesn’t get enough in universe credit for her actions because she has not only nearly killed Klaus she has saved his life(and everyone else’s.)
Season 4 Bonnie was dipping into a darker side with Expression and she blindly trusted Shane just to learn magic. It would be another moment for Klaus to try and get in her good graces. Klaus would have to open up emotionally for Bonnie to sympathize with him. I think they would challenge each other. Bonnie is one of the female characters who can fight back to people who are trying to harm her in a way Elena or Caroline can’t tbh.
Bonnie wasn’t just any witch either she was a Bennett which her family is responsible for nearly everything in TVD. I don’t think Klaus would’ve suddenly became a “Disney prince” type of BF by any means but I could see the relationship working. Klaus is still an elitist bastard with years of knowledge Bonnie would want. Bonnie is willing to give that loyalty to anyone who is good to her. Cami is seen as good and she even falls for Klaus lmao.
Last point people only play morality clauses with Bonnie because the series does. By the end of TVD Bonnie considers Damon not Elena or Caroline or Matt her bestfriend. That should say enough about what Bonnie would allow but….The writers and fans will argue that Bonnie doesn’t deserve to be paired up with toxic men or women but TVD never introduced anyone that was “morally good” by our world standards. Even Enzo physically harmed Bonnie pre-relationship. The other leads are white and never held to the same standards. Elena said it was Stefan until it wasn’t. Caroline said no to Klaus until she didn’t. Hayley’s arc includes with her fucking Klaus and dating Elijah… the list could continue.
Hope I made it all clear 😁.
Tagging some of my friends accounts who love Klonnie too: @klonnieshippersclub @melmedardasworld @mythorhuman @24kmagiic @bennettmaximoff
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bloopitynoot · 29 days
13 WangXian Social Media Au's
This list was requested by @yiling-laozu-is-loml and is all about WangXian social media stories. NOTE: All of these fics are tried and true! They include fics I have read an enjoyed and wanted to share.
Social media can include; group chats, online forums, blog, tweets, OF, youtube etc really the public eye (I included some actor/famous/reality tv with fans fics too) or chat based fics.
if applicable Bottomxian only
book canon only if applicable
If you want a specific rec list for WangXian dm me! I love putting these together :)
Enjoy the list!
1 Welcome to Pepper & Bun! (9560 words) by PaidSubscription
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Dating Advice Columnists, Relationship Advice, Demisexual Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Bisexual Disaster Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Mastermind Nie Huaisang, Inspired by Twitter, Autistic Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Has ADHD, Getting Together, Fluff and Humor, Those Who Can't Do Write Advice Columns, Idiots in Love, Mainly Wei Wuxian Because Canon, Podfic Available Summary: Wei Wuxian: Did you catch our first letter? Shall we meet up and discuss it? Lan Wangji: No need. Sent draft just now. Wei Wuxian's email pings with 'Column Copy- Final Draft.' It contains two words.   "Dump him." OR: Gossip Editor Nie Huaisang strikes gold when he picks Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to be co-writers of a new dating advice column. The only slight problem? Lan Wangji has never dated.
NOTES: Okay this fic was so damn sweet!!!! If this was a real advice column I would be invested in an unhealthy way- the two of them are adorable. It gives a little bit of frenemies to lovers and I am always here for this dynamic- the duo who seemingly has nothing in common falling for one another. My heart! Also Nie Huaisang is a marketing genius.
2 For a Good Time, Call (170842 words) by ScarlettStorm
Chapters: 21/21 Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Modern AU, Getting Together, Pining, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, repressed lan zhan, sex worker wei ying, in this house we support sex work, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, hornt(tm), way too many details about onlyfans probably, they say write what you know, No beta we die like wei wuxian, mental health, therapy is good actually, in which I reveal my true otp and it's anyone in the untamed/therapy, okay so actually more angst than I was expecting, a surprising amount of genuine feelings, whoops?, Background Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing - Freeform, background lan xichen/nie mingjue, background Jiāng Yànlí/Jīn Zixuān, Nonbinary Nie Huaisang Series: Part 1 of See all this and more for just ten dollars a month! Summary: The picture is of Wei Ying, that much is clear. It’s of a lot more of Wei Ying than Lan Zhan is used to seeing. He supposes that, technically, Wei Ying is dressed. It’s a bare technicality, since one of Wei Ying’s hands has rucked up his black tank top practically to his collarbone, showing a long expanse of abdomen and one nipple. Sweat beads on his sternum, catching the light like jewels. His other hand is--Lan Zhan feels his eyes widen, as though unable to look away from a train wreck--on his hip, one thumb tugging down the waistband of a pair of red briefs. Wei Ying is biting his lower lip and looking directly into the camera, sultry, his eyes dark and inviting. His erection is obvious, outlined against the red of the briefs and framed carefully with the hand on his hip. Lan Zhan’s brain goes wildly, screamingly blank. Or: Lan Zhan accidentally finds his best friend's OnlyFans account and has an ongoing emotional crisis.
NOTES: I love an OF plotline and this one is exceptionally good. Poor Lan Zhan going THROUGH the moralities of not only finding your besties OF account but also subscribing and also finding it too hot to handle. The amount of tears and cash this poor boy spends. It has a happy ending so no stress with his moral angst! ALSO the sequel is so so good KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in (pls note the sequel has them tagged as switches so full disclosure there if it is a deal breaker for you).
3 兔's Clues | Tu's Clues (12296 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 2/2 Rating: General Audiences Additional Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, Single Parent Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Minor Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan, Fluff and Humor, Misunderstandings, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Minor Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Niè Míngjué Series: Part 2 of AUs only a mother could love Summary: Most childrens’ show hosts are cheerful, energetic people who wear eye-catching clothing. The man on-screen is none of those things. This man (“that’s Lan-xiong!” A-Yuan says helpfully) is eye-catching for completely different reasons. When A-Yuan had started talking about 'Lan-xiong' and rabbits, Wei Wuxian had briefly recalled 18-year-old Lan Zhan sitting back on his heels with two baby rabbits in his lap, but the idea of his high school crush hosting a childrens' show had been so ludicrous that Wei Wuxian had chalked it up to coincidence. So either Wei Wuxian is hallucinating or that is indeed Lan Wangji on-screen, talking to two rabbits. As the host of a childrens' show. --- or: A-Yuan's new favourite thing is a show about solving clues left by rabbits… or something like that. Single dad Wei Wuxian is very much not prepared to see his high school crush hosting a childrens' show.
NOTES: So listen, this is tagged as Crack Treated Seriously and honestly the energy was not so Crackish. It was a surprisingly adorable and very cute fic. Lan Zhan WOULD be a stoic AF bunny handler as a children's tv host.
4 shoot your shot -- hot or knot (51435 words) by defractum
Chapters: 5/5 Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Alternate Universe - Hunger Games Setting, Canon-Typical Violence, Extremely Dubious Consent, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Humor, Additional Warnings In Author's Note Summary: "Hi, I'm Wei Wuxian. I'm a Career Omega and this is my fourth season on the show. I like spicy food, archery and alphas who are funny. Or maybe I don't, I haven't rolled over for one yet." On-screen, Wei Wuxian winks at the audience laughter. Hot or Knot is the world's most popular reality TV show. Part dating show, part survival show, Hot or Knot is everyone's guilty pleasure - and Wei Wuxian is a fan favourite. - The Love Island/Hunger Games reality dating tv show A/B/O au
NOTES: Okay, but here's the thing. This is S tier crack fic and no one can change my mind. Did I think I would be out here reading a Love Island/Hunger Games/ ABO reality show fic- absolutely not but let me tell you *slaps fic* this baby has so much good shit in it. Just pls trust me and go in with open energy LOL
5 episodes (34947 words) by kasunn
Chapters: 8/8 Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Fluff, basically all fluff, Youtuber Wei Ying, Social Media, Actor Lan Xichen, Artist Jiang Cheng, Chef Jiang Yanli, Babysitting, lowkey kidfic, Surgeon Lan Zhan, Canon typical feels, Taiwanese Wei Ying, Copious amounts of Chinglish, pets!, Secret Relationship, Kind Of, bad pet names, Established Relationship, wen yuan is a wen Summary: “Lan Zhan-gege,” Wei Ying sighs when he reads the tweet and Lan Zhan pats his knee. “I said hello,” Lan Zhan says. That he did. The tweet simply reads ‘Hello’ with a waving hand emoji. Terrible. Wei Ying is ashamed of himself for not teaching him better. “Your brother is going to kill me,” Wei Ying says. (or just a lot of domesticity between Wei Ying the Youtuber and Lan Zhan (his husband) + a mild, mini mystery for Wei Ying's viewers)
NOTES: I love this fic so much. The wholesome domestic energy is everything. WY is a youtuber and quite popular online in this and his husband is a mysterious man no one sees or knows anything about- obviously fans get curious and oh, Lan Zhan gets twitter.
6 you are safe / loved / worthy / enough (150003 words) by everythingispoetry
Chapters: 28/28 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Social Media, Mental Health Issues, Healing, self-care, Anxiety, Hurt/Comfort, the mortifying ordeal of self-acceptance, Falling In Love, Depression, Slow Burn Summary: One of the more timid-looking posts, in pale greens and creams and yellows, says Hello, I'm managing to be fairly high functioning right now but I'm really not doing as well as it may appear, and Lan Zhan feels as if someone sneaked into his mind and read his most secret thoughts, the ones he's never even dared to admit to himself. (Lan Zhan falls apart and finds himself through the most unexpected means.)
NOTES: So a few things with this fic; first it takes the prompt social media a little lighter as in social media is used for healing and there are social media talks but it isn't the forefront of the fic, second CW if you struggle with depression this fts that heavily and in a descriptive way. So heads up there. This fic is stunning, it's about healing, recovery, autonomy and love. That being said, your boy Wangji really goes through it in this fic. The poor guy is Not Okay. It is a beautiful fic though and he does get better.
7 Badreads (37442 words) by arabii
Chapters: 8/8 Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Writing & Publishing, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fluff and Humor, Bullying as a Flirting Technique, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian in Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian's Body Summary: Lan Zhan rated it ★☆☆☆☆ August 12, 2022 shelves: should-have-abandoned Picked up solely because I thought that a book release clouded with so much controversy would at least be entertaining to read. I was wrong. How does Wei Wuxian manage to make a book containing cannibalism, necromancy, and a sex cult boring? Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian are romance authors with large social media followings. Nie Huaisang sees an opportunity to get publicity by faking a relationship between them. This action will have consequences.
NOTES: I absolutely LOVE when Lan Wangji is a Bitch and this is peak Bitchiness. WY and LXC are romance writers and LWJ is a book reviewer with 0 fucks to give. The brutality in which he makes a point to read and review each of WWX's books brings me so much joy. and OFC they fall in love.
8 Falling to the Rhythm (128916 words) by Selenay
Chapters: 14/14 Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Alternate Universe - Dance, Alternate Universe - Strictly Come Dancing Fusion, Ballroom Dancing, Dancer!Wèi Wúxiàn, Violinist Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Pining While Dancing, Oblivious Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Gratuitous Costume Descriptions, Gratuitous dancing descriptions, Slow Burn, Rating applies to later chapters, The unbearable romance of being cared for, Podfic Available Series: Part 1 of Wangxian Strictly AU Summary: "So it's a bet?" Jiang Cheng said. "Dance the showcase if you get him, fancy coffee machine if you don't?" Wei Wuxian considered the machine. "Fine. You're on. I want it in red." "Don't start planning your caffeine overdose yet." "It's in the bag," Wei Wuxian said cheerfully. "There's no way they'll match me with someone like Lan Wangji."   Teaching Lan Wangji to dance in front of the nation for twelve weeks, how hard can that be? Wei Wuxian is about to find out.
NOTES: I love everything about this fic. It was so good and light (a tiny sip of angst because competition and some pining). The Strictly Come Dancing (basically Dancing with the Stars for North America) is *chefs kiss*. Also the fact that WY went in on it for a bet because he wanted a coffee machine I cant.
9 Gusu's Drag Race (55079 words) by DizziDreams
Chapters: 15/15 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: the gang's all here, Drag Queens, Drag Race AU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Nonbinary Character, Gender Changes, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, whistleblower, There Was Only One Bed, Alcohol Abuse, ambiguous setting, American political system - Freeform, Big Bang Challenge, Background jyl/mianmian Summary: Meet the Queens of Gusu’s Drag Race Season 5! by QIN SU Oh my god, we’re back again. Hot on the heels of the shocking finale of season 4, Gusu’s Drag Race is back, with perennial judge Lan Qiren, Gusu’s grumpiest shufu, and featuring the return of the grandmother of drag Baoshan Sanren. And this season is already promising one. “We’ve never had such a strong cast of refined, professional queens. It has the makings to be the greatest season of Drag Race yet.” Big talk for the Emmy-award-winning show that has shot dozens of queens to fame, bringing drag to the mainstream. “The mainstream may be taking notice, but there’s nothing mainstream about drag done right,” says co-host Baoshan Sanren. “Drag is about disobedience. It’s rebellious and anti-mainstream by its very definition, and we’ve got some queens this season with the chops to prove it.” With all that to look forward to, let’s Meet the Queens who’ve already captivated our judges.
NOTES: I know I said that Hot or Knot was PEAK Crack, but this one is up there too! We have the MDZS ensemble, we have Drag, we have unionization and the fight for working conditions, OH AND INCLUDED ART. This was so fun to read.
10 Yesterday Once More (22725 words) by Sweetlittlevampire
Chapters: 7/7 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Long Lost Family AU, Adoption, Family Reunions, Reunions, Lost Love, Getting Back Together, Family Feels, Found Family, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mild Angst, Happy Ending, Podfic Welcome, Podfic Available Summary: „I remember him as…sunny,” Sizhui tells her. “His whole personality radiated sunshine and warmth. He was always smiling, always cracking a joke. He loved playing and rough-housing with us kids, but he could also be very gentle if he wanted to. Looking back, he couldn’t have been older than twenty-five; he was probably even younger than that, now that I think about it. But despite the short time we’ve spent together while he was looking after the kids at the orphanage, he always felt like a father to me.”   In which Lan Sizhui goes on a TV show, to find the man he saw as a father figure while he was in the orphanage, and who disappeared one day. …and who just so happens to be his adoptive father's long-lost love.
NOTES: Okay way less crack, this fic actually made me tear up. A wholesome journey Sizhui centric in which he goes on a reality TV show to find his Xian-ge. The "show" was so beautifully narrated and "produced" and the ending ultra sweet.
11 Love at Second Sight (49893 words) by flowerofgusu
Chapters: 17/17 Rating: Explicit Relationships: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Characters: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Luo "Mian Mian" Qingyang, Wen Qing (Modao Zushi), Wen Ning | Wen Qionglin, Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Lan Yuan | Lan Sizhui Additional Tags: Background SongXiao, background mianqing, Romance, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Reality TV, Musicians Wangxian, Comphet Wei Wuxian, Coming Out, Demisexual Wei Wuxian, Rated E for the Small Amounts of Smut, Eventual Smut, Romantic Comedy, Falling In Love, Misunderstandings, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage Summary: Popstar Wei Wuxian agrees to go on Nie Huaisang’s reality TV show, wherein celebrities play an arranged married couple for a month. His manager, Wen Qing, insists this will be good publicity—plus, the funds raised will go to a children’s music school. He’s excited—he’s never been in a relationship before, let alone a fake-arranged-marriage. But when he finds out that he’s been arranged to be married on the show to his rival Lan Wangji, he doesn’t know whether to grin and bear it, or run the other way. How much can he act smitten for the cameras?
NOTES: On a good day I am already too invested in real life trash reality tv so it's no surprise that I am here to include yet another reality tv dating show au. This one was so good. I love a good "fake it till you accidentally actually fall in love" trope and this one does that plus a solid slowburn to realization exquisitely. These poor babes so oblivious- such messes.
12 cookin' up a storm, piece of cake (9562 words) by livinginaworldofnoise
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Social Media, Baking, the dumbest comments u have ever seen, wei wuxian being a troll for nearly 10k words, lan wangji suffering the most that any recipe blogger has ever suffered, Baker Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian is a Little Shit, Crack, content warning for absolute unhinged nonsense, told in the form of recipe comments and emails, Epistolary Summary: yiling_patriarch: first time making a cake with alcohol! it’s still in the oven but it smells great so far ↳ Gusu Lan Kitchen: There is no alcohol listed in the ingredients for this recipe. yiling_patriarch: i didn’t have any oranges or orange juice so i replaced those with a can of orange sparkling margarita! tasted super weird [★★☆☆☆] ↳ Gusu Lan Kitchen: Are you being deliberately obtuse? OR: life is tough for baker!lwj when online troll!wwx won't stop commenting on his recipe blog
NOTES: I know @yiling-laozu-is-loml has already read this (and the next fic) but I legally (not actually) had to include this one on this list. This fic is so damn cute- flirting through bad baking, trolling, and blogs??? What is there not to love. It is extra sweet how they end up together in the end.
13 don’t threaten me with a good time (60023 words) by livinginaworldofnoise
Chapters: 11/11 Rating: General Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Reality TV, Alternate Universe - The Great British Bake Off Fusion, wwx is a chaos demon determined to make gbbo more exciting, lwj cares about the Integrity of Bake-Off, who will win????, Fluff, Fluff and Crack, gbbo au, content warning for absolute unhinged nonsense, Enemies to Lovers, by enemies i mean BAKING RIVALS of course, the last two chapters are the twitter reactions to the show so, Social Media AU, Podfic Available Summary: “I’m using orange liqueur to make my cake more interesting. Give it a bit of a kick, you know?” Lan Wangji’s expression has only changed minutely—not a lot of range there, it seems—but Wei Wuxian can tell he is perturbed by this information. “Alcohol? In cake?” “Honestly, I’m not sure any cake should even be made without alcohol,” Wei Wuxian says, offering another beatific smile that Lan Wangji does not return. OR: the great british bake-off au???
NOTES: Bake off AU! BAKE OFF AU! It's got cakes, scandal, disasters, enemies to lovers, and clothing so distracting WWX bluescreens. A very wholesome social media + reality TV competition. I highly recommend for good vibes. Bonus with the juniors idolizing Lan Zhan- such little cuties.
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yukidragon · 7 months
Sunny Day Jack - Cat AU
Okay, so, two particular pieces of beautifully drawn fan art have collided together in my head to create a light and fluffy self-indulgent image that I just had to share with you all.
@okamiliqueur's heartbreaking picture of Jack's lonely and forgotten box from the new demo made me think of cats abandoned in boxes, "free to a good home." Only in the case of the game's story, he was left out in the rain to rot, the owner having given up giving him a good home.
@jazzylovetodraw's picture of Jack as a cat has been buzzing in my mind for quite a while. I just love how precious he looks in both forms, and when I was thinking of Jack being like those abandoned kittens in cardboard boxes... well, the combination was obvious.
I know that Jack's fursona is a snake, and I know being a cat is Shaun's thing, but I'm a sucker for kitties. I'm as biased towards cats as I am for dragons, if my avatar and username didn't offer enough of a hint. ;3 I'd love to see all the characters as kitties honestly.
Tempting though it may be to go with Fruits Basket rules for kitty Jack, like I toyed with over on twitter, I think I'm going to play with a different and simpler set of rules. In this universe, Jack is stuck as a cat until his sunshine's love allows him to become human again.
Admittedly, it's kind of hard to imagine Jack being alone for very long when he looks so adorable. Who wouldn't fall in love with that precious kitty face instantly? Most everyone would be putty in his paws.
Content Warning: I wind up touching on a couple explicit headcanon details near the end. I mean, I did say this is a pretty self-indulgent image with my OTP.
Maybe Jack was stuck as a cat via a curse ala Hocus Pocus and is guarding the box/tape/etc. Maybe he was stuck as a cat instead of in the tape and no one could see him until MC came along. Maybe he's got a tragic backstory like the cat from Fruits Basket.
Since this AU is more about the vibes, I'm just going to leave the how and why parts of the lore up in the air. All that matters is that Jack is stuck as a cat and left out in the rain in a cardboard box until MC decides to take him home.
I'm just going to switch over to Alice and what she would do in this scenario. Poor lonely Alice is out on the town, when she comes across the box out in the rain and sees an equally lonely kitten. Poor little thing, all wet and sad... She just has to take him home with her.
Alice cleans Jack up, gets him wrapped up all nice and warm in a blanket, and even gives him some chicken she bought for her own dinner that night. She'll have to get cat food and other things for her new furry companion tomorrow, though she should probably look for his owner and take him to a vet.
At first, Jack isn't sure what to do about the situation, though he is grateful. No one has even acknowledged his existence until Alice came along. She's so soft and warm. He loves it when she holds him. She's so kind too.
Alice does find it surprising Jack doesn't put up a fuss when being given a bath. Jack didn't exactly like the feeling of being all grimy, and don't get him started on fleas and other gross things cats have to deal with on the streets!
The vet isn't as fun, though Jack is well behaved, though very clingy to Alice throughout the appointment. He can't help but fear that she'll abandon him too. He'll keep up the helpless and adorably needy kitty act if it means she'll stay with him.
There's no ID chip, no tag, and no missing notice for any cat that looks like Jack. It's clear that the poor guy is a stray.
Alice is hesitant initially. She's wanted to get a pet cat for a long time now, but she has barely been able to take care of herself. How can she handle taking care of an innocent life that needs her when she's struggling so much with her own life?
That hesitation doesn't last long. Jack loves on Alice so much, constantly purring and snuggling up to her. He curls up with her when she sleeps or relaxes. He was hesitant at first, and she assumed that was because he was wary of her, when in reality, he just didn't want to cross any of her boundaries. He didn't want to do anything that might upset her and make her get rid of him. When she started petting and cuddling him, he wholeheartedly returned the affection, absolutely starved for it.
The first thing Alice thought when she saw Jack was that he was lonely, just like her. He's so sweet and can't stand to be apart from her. How can she just get rid of him when he makes her feel loved and needed?
Of course, a cat's life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Cat food is a step down from people food, and a litterbox is anything but sanitary. Jack just skips that nonsense and goes straight to using the toilet despite the awkwardness, which shocks the heck out of Alice. He also snubs all cat food in favor of human food.
Yes, I could go with Jack being a ghost(?) cat that doesn't need food or to use the toilet, but then he wouldn't have gone through the indignities of a vet visit.
Then again... it would be funny if Alice brought Jack to the vet, only for them to think she's crazy, since to them all she's carrying is empty air.
Hmm... yeah, I think I'll go that route. As hilarious as vet hijinks and typical cat care with Jack while he possesses a human mind and identity might be, this would be a more interesting and tragic route. No one else can see Jack but Alice. He's lived for who knows how long in a world full of people that don't see him at all, unable to even be human anymore. It'd be a different type of hell than the one in the video tape, similar to what I talked about in my previous ramble.
Imagine if the 1984 incident Jack died and became a ghost(?) cat because he was secretly a cat shape shifter or something. Or maybe something more supernatural happened during the incident. Either way, cat ghost(?) Jack is very, very lonely.
Man, I just realized, it would be even more tragic (and complicated) if I go with the reincarnation route for this AU. Ghost(?) cat Jack probably had to watch Mary die slowly in the hospital after the incident, unable to help her or let her know that it's him. He couldn't even offer her comfort in her final days. It would've been so traumatizing.
For now, let's just play with this AU without the reincarnation angle, since this is supposed to be mostly light and fluffy feline fun with the OTP.
Jack, even as a cat, tries to do his best to help Alice out. If he can make himself useful, make her need him, then he won't ever lose her. He sneaks out when she goes to work to keep her company even though she initially tried to get him to stay home. No one sees him, so it won't matter. Besides, petting an invisible kitty is a good stress relief when dealing with awful customers, and certainly beats regular stimming.
The more Alice cares for Jack, the more powers he gets back, starting with the ability to talk. It's a huge shock for Alice of course, but Jack makes it clear that it's because of her love for him that made her stronger.
Of course, that love is platonic, at least at the start, which Jack knows full well, but he'll work on shifting things to a romantic love... especially after he gets the power to shift back into a form that has hands.
Like in typical canon, Jack answers Alice's questions as best he can. He probably lost his sense of identity like in game canon, so he references CloudyTown and stuff "he" did there, mixing up the show's lore with his own past. It's also intermingled with his many years spent wandering the streets being ignored and going crazy from the loneliness.
Jack does let Alice know that he used to be able to change from a cat to human. He just... can't anymore. He thinks it was because he was forgotten. He doesn't know why no one can see him until Alice came along.
It's so sad and tragic that Alice can't be unmoved by his plight. Sure, it makes things a bit awkward knowing that Jack is sentient and used to have a human form, but she feels for him. It also makes sense now why Jack always turned away whenever she changed.
Yes, Jack could have peeked. He could have even watched Alice while she was bathing, but he didn't. He refuses to do anything she won't allow. Cuddling her and sleeping in her bed is innocent, but the thoughts he'd have about her when she was undressing were anything but. He loves her too much to take advantage of her innocent trust in him. He needs her to want him to see her in that vulnerable state... even if it drives him crazy lusting over her. Poor pitiful kitty can't even have a good wank off session with his paws.
Still, despite knowing that Jack was human and is sentient, it's hard for Alice not to fall for his feline charms and not think too deeply about that fact. She still winds up cuddling him and petting him.
Of course, when it first hits Alice that she's treating a human like a pet, she stops and apologizes, but Jack insists that it's fine. He enjoys their cuddle time. He gives her the big, pleading kitty eyes as he begs her not to stop, and she can't help but give in.
Awkwardness soon fades and settles into a strange new normal. Alice does wonder if Jack really is real or if she was just so lonely she imagined something this crazy... but his presence is comforting. He keeps her company almost all the time. She doesn't feel alone anymore thanks to him.
Also... now that Jack can talk, he says such sweet things. It's weird to have a "pet" take care of her, but he reminds her of when it's time to brush her teeth, wakes her up for work, helps her get chores done despite how awkward it is with his paws and small size... It's so endearing.
The encouragement and assistance Jack gives Alice is wonderful, and his jokes are so fun and silly, but it's the praise that leaves her feeling flustered. If she didn't know any better, she could swear that he's almost flirting with her sometimes. She's in denial that's what it is, but it feels nice to be told that she's cute, and Jack is so sincere about it... and how can she not melt when he says sweet things with such a sweet face?
It's one morning that things change drastically. Alice's bond with Jack strengthened over time to the point that Jack finally can change back into a mostly human form, though he does have cat ears, a fluffy tail, and whisker markings.
It was a big surprise to them both really, as Jack transformed in his sleep. Alice had gotten used to cuddling up to a talking cat during the night, so it was a shock to wake up in a pair of big muscular arms. Jack was so happy when waking her that morning, giddy to show her his (mostly) human side, that it slipped his mind what a shock it would be.
Naturally, Alice bolted back against the wall away from the stranger in her bed. Jack quickly started reassuring her of who he was and that she wasn't in danger. He stooped down to her level, pretty much wilting really, with ears folded back, as he apologized for scaring her. He was just so happy that he wasn't thinking about how it must look from her side...
Seeing Jack so pitiful and sad, Alice feels her heart go out to him. Once things calm down, she can't help but be amazed by how he looks. Unthinkingly, she reaches up to pet his ears and feel how they attach to his skull. She only fully realizes how forward she's being when Jack starts purring.
Flustered, Alice immediately pulls back, only for Jack to whine at the loss of her touch. He didn't mind it at all. He always loves it when she cuddles with him.
It's a complicated feeling for Alice. On the one hand they've been very close for so long. On the other, Jack is definitely a human, so it feels different now.
Yet, Jack is so sweet. He's mindful of her hesitation, even if he's disappointed. It's harder for him to hide his feelings with such expressive ears. Alice can't help but want to reach out to him, especially after they've already spent so much time together, getting to know one another. He's chased away the loneliness that had been haunting her for so, so long.
Of course, now that Jack has a human form, Alice finds her feelings slipping into "dangerous" territory. He makes her feel so good, so loved, and she feels for him too. She doesn't want to dare assume he might feel anything more for her than just a friend, but she can't help but notice the way he looks at her, the way he clearly longs to be near her. He's so tender and gentle... and they've already been so cuddly.
It's easier for Alice to find herself cuddling up to Jack, letting him and taking guilty pleasure from his gentle warmth. He pets her hair too in return, and it feels surprisingly good... a bit too good at times.
The line between friend or something more blurs with all the cuddles and petting. Alice feels guilty about it, but Jack keeps encouraging her until, finally, something has to give and their relationship changes. Both of them feel relieved when it does, as they couldn't help but worry that their feelings might not be reciprocated.
In a lot of ways, it's pretty close to the normal continuity, just with some fuzzy ears on top. Jack can change into a cat at will now. As he gets stronger, people can start to see him, perhaps as a feline silhouette, or maybe with some unsettling shadows not from a cat. He's certainly going to be a bit territorial and not be afraid to hiss and use his claws if absolutely necessary.
Still, this kitty is pretty content thanks to Alice. Jack loves it when Alice carries him around as a teeny kitty, warm and snuggly against her chest, even in the cleavage of her shirt at times. Naturally, he returns the favor, carrying her around the apartment as often as possible. It's only fair after all~!
Naturally, Jack wants to get intimate with Alice as soon as she lets him. He's so pent up. Even with hands to take care of himself, all the cuddling and now kisses just make him ache for her even more. He longs to be inside her, biting her gently and growling in pleasure as he takes her.
A bonus with Jack being part cat is that he gets to have some vibrating action when he purrs. It adds a whole new dimension to their lovemaking, whether he's using his mouth on her sensitive parts, or thrusting himself deep inside.
Oh, I'm reminded of the cat-like features I mentioned in the Omegaverse AU. I guess Jack, having feline features, would have a dick that's ribbed for her pleasure too. Tongue too. Neither would be sharp because rule of sexy, but it would add a very pleasurable texture that a clever man like Jack is going to take full advantage of~
Of course, Alice can take advantage of those feline features too. The base of Jack's tail and ears are quite sensitive, and she quickly learns what spots get his motor running. Of course, getting Jack excited will lead to him pouncing on her and getting rather frisky, but Alice would certainly be expecting that result~
I can imagine Jack could make himself look fully human without any feline features, but he knows Alice finds his cat side to be adorable. She has a hard time resisting petting him when his ears and tail are out, and he certainly wants to encourage her to pet him as much as possible. He also wants to encourage her to let him pet her as much as possible.
Of course, if Jack can become powerful enough that other people can see him, he'll have to stick with only cat or human form when out in public. Still, even when other people can see and hear him, he prefers to be in Alice's company. Cats have their preferred human, and Alice is Jack's.
Naturally, Jack would have to be sneaky about showing Alice love when in public if there's a chance of getting caught. Good thing he has that perfectly innocent little kitty form to hide in. I can imagine it would lead to some interesting interactions where someone shows up only to find Alice incredibly flustered with a slightly disheveled appearance, while her "pet" Jack is just casually looking smug, as all cats do.
Person: Whoa, what happened to you?
Alice, not looking them in the eye: Uh... Jack, m-my cat just... ah, got a bit excited.
Person: Heh. Cats, am I right?
Alice: Haha... right.
Jack: :3c
Hmm... I wonder then if the other love interests should have cat transformations in this AU too. It'd be a crime if Shaun doesn't have that ability but Jack does. Jack already gets together with Alice, so I don't want to be extra cruel to Shaun.
Admittedly, I don't have too many ideas for other characters with cat modes. Well, aside from an image of Shaun taking care of his baby MoonPie by carrying her around by the scruff. This post was mostly just indulging in sweet moments with my OTP with a bit of feline flavor sprinkled on top. Maybe I'll revisit the idea again if I get more ideas than just a bit of fluff.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this silly romp with Alice and Jack having some feline fun times!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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So: different AU ideas I really like.
Black-Cantonese Tim (inspired by Titans) (adopted by the Drakes)
Carrie Kelley in main Batfam
Black Carrie (inspired by Gotham Knights)
Black Selina (inspired by the guilty pleasure Catwoman movie)
Lady Shiva redemption arc
Tim and Damian being close enough in age that Damian is taller than him as kids
Over 100 Alfred (so he's a WWII vet, and is in such good health for his age none of the kids actually know that or would believe him if he told them)
Bigender Tim (projection (affectionate))
Tiff Fox as Batgirl (probably coming in after Duke is Signal, and being around the same age as Carrie, the 6th Robin?)
Once Tim's 18, and Jon as been aged up to 18, after they date happily and break up with Bernard/Jay, they get together and there is drama with the two Robins and two Superboys (I prefer straight Kon is surprised Tim didn't go for him, and pan Damian is devastated that Jon is out of his age range now)
Talia is...gray. Not an evil rapist, but also not without flaws. Is able to be on peaceful terms with the Bats, not quite as peaceful as Hood, but definitely not a rogue herself. Shiva/Talia (this just became your new OTP after reading this)
Barbara is still disabled, but can stand up long enough to be Batgirl in a pinch. Like, she can regularly stand up to grab things and stuff, but in too much pain to walk everywhere, and if she needs to she can get up and fight, but she'll be fighting in pretty intense pain. (Me projecting my fibro onto her (affectionate))
Jason does stop killing (based on many other universes, but especially the Gotham Knights game)
Tim is a shareholder of Wayne Enterprises (which is canon), and is involved in some decisions, but is instead more prominent in The Martha Wayne Foundation, the Wayne Family's charity organization.
Bruce has a comical number of degrees that the public just like...doesn't know about. Like, completely impossible number. Like 20 Master's in everything from like Marine Biology to Sculpting to Programming to Aerospace Engineering to like Library Science. And like, multiple M.D.s in like Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Pathology, and Pediatrics (to take care of his kids of course).
Again, not purely headcanon since this has a basis in canon, but Janet is quite sweet to Tim. But I AU you here as also being shrewd and competitive, a vicious businesswoman. Jack's level of abuse is at least as it is in canon where he throws things and is implied to have hit Tim before. Whether it stays at that level or goes beyond varies for me on the story.
Tim's parents go into witness protection rather than ever dying (inspired from the New 52) (this could play into adopted Tim, with Tim not even being his birth name)
Duke is a mix of the shy, reserved kid we see in WFA and the silver-tongued ruthlessly confident vanguard we see in Robin War.
Part of Duke's power is brain processing power. He apparently can see light as it moves, and no normal brain could comprehend that kind of information, so logically, his brain should have the processing speed of a supercomputer, probably way beyond his current level of knowledge or even his impressive intellect, so like, if he memorized the formulas, he'd be able to do complex calculus in his head fairly intuitively. With training of course, this would be something he notices later on and has to work to make it useful.
Bette Kane being active in the Batfamily, instead of solely in the Teen Titans. As the Batgirl before Babs, before leaving the vigilante business, and coming back part time as Hawkfire.
Dick only becomes a cop as undercover work to expose corruption, maybe even works in Internal Affairs (though I do like the idea of him being in an SVU for a little bit, but again, this is a temporary thing entirely), but leaves and instead becomes a Defense Attorney (inspired by Earth Two)
NOT an AU, but actually based on canon that DC fucking ignores, but Damian and the al Ghuls have East Asian heritage, as well as Kashmiri heritage (based on Nanda Parbat based on the real world Nanga Parbat, in Kashmir). Generally, a complex blend of Urdu, Burmese, Mandarin, Persian, and Arabic, (since a family-run group that old with still living relatives who are hundreds of years old and new members joining the League frequently and high ranking members from all over Asia teaching their culture would essentially make the League a sort of...small ethnic group itself)
Talia is older than human, probably around 200 or so (actually I think this either is or was canon at one point)
Cass is not invincible. She takes hits and gets disarmed in Batgirl all the time, so why she's been fanoned as being completely untouchable in fights is beyond me. However, because of her poor reading and computer skills, she's actually not a very competent homicide detective at the moment. But she is making progress at a rate consistent with her intelligence and work ethic.
Luke still does MMA professionally and is like...Bellator world champion or something. He's also a U.S. veteran (inspired by the DCAMU), and I'm saying Coast Guard then Navy Seal. I have more exact details about that in my head, but in general, I'm saying he was dishonorably discharged after refusing order to take a shot or something a building with children in, and now is one of those "Veterans against U.S. militarist imperialism" guys.
Essentially, all of the Bats' strengths and weaknesses put them around the same level (with the exception of Bette, who is part time, Carrie and Tiff who are brand new), with the sole exception being Dick, Babs, Selina, and Bruce, are who above them, and largely equal, however Bruce's devotion to spending every waking moment planning things and constantly improving tech and stuff means he's in practice above either of them
Bruce was in the FBI for a little before deciding to become Batman (this was canon before the New 52). I'm thinking he bounced around a little, in Crimes Against Children, the Bioterrorism Taskforce, Behavioral Science Unit, and Financial Crimes. Again, I love a Bruce who is ridiculously accoladed (so his kids find these things out later and are flabbergasted)
The thing is, none of these contradict each other. All of these could exist in the same universe. But trying to cram every detail into...there would need to be a fucking soliloquy of exposition in every single chapter. So what I think I'd do is use the first "chapter" just to say: "Here's the things in this universe. Not going to explain it all, just know these things. Enjoy that." I mean, some of that could be "show don't tell" in its own story, like Duke learning about his processing powers or Tim and Jon getting together. But yeah, these are my tastes.
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sixhours · 7 months
<3 Hello, Tumblr!
I'm Caroline! This blog is where I fangirl about The X-Files, The Last of Us, and the glorious human being that is Pedro Pascal, as well as whatever hobbies have piqued my interest recently.
This post acts as my fanfic masterlist.
Also find me: AO3 @6hoursgirl | Nobody Likes a Math Geek
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The Last of Us
Because I like having my heart ripped out of my chest on the regular, and no one can do that like Joel Miller.
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happy birthday, baby girl - In progress - PG-13 Ellie has never had a birthday. Joel can fix that.
i know you by heart - 40k - Explicit Joel and Ellie settle into their new lives in Jackson but it's not the easiest transition. Thankfully Jackson has a counselor to help with that. AKA the gay TLOU/Prospect crossover you didn't know you needed.
who knows where the time goes - 11k - Explicit An i know you by heart one-shot. It's New Year's 2027 and the dads are going through it.
reprise - 1.8k - Explicit An i know you by heart one-shot and follow-up to who knows where the time goes.
Looking for the Light - 750 - PG "She is gravity and he is stuck in her orbit." A Joel & baby Sarah drabble.
Walls of Glass - 17k - PG-13 Joel and Ellie struggle to deal with the aftermath of Silver Lake.
One Day at a Time - 25k - Explicit Joel becomes a dad. Again.
Postpartum - 1.8k - PG-13 Charlie has a rough night with newborn Anna, Joel is a supportive and caring partner, breastfeeding is hard, and postpartum hormones are a real trip. Set in the One Day at a Time universe.
Firsts - In progress - Explicit Anna’s firsts, a series of fluffy drabbles set in the One Day at a Time universe.
The Ghosts of Babylon - 63k - Explicit A medical doctor turned hardened FEDRA soldier, you're sent to spy on the settlement of Jackson, Wyoming, 21 years after the cordyceps outbreak. Things get complicated when you find an unexpected home...and some unexpected companionship.
Like Father, Like Daughters - 1.6k - PG Joel comforts Ellie after a nightmare, set in the Ghosts universe.
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The X-Files
My first fandom, the original OTP, Mulder x Scully are my babies for life.
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Alma - 4k - PG Post-episode for Milagro; the aftermath.
Harborage - 2.1k - PG Post-ep for Irresistible.
Helianthus - 3.6k - PG Mulder's favorite snack from Scully's point of view; three vignettes.
Morning Sickness - 1.2k - PG Post-ep for season 11.
Home Again - 1.2k - PG-13 An X-Files revival era fic.
Meteor - 1k - PG An X-Files revival era fic.
Remnants - 1k - PG Post-ep for Per Manum.
Everything else on AO3
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t1oui · 2 months
your hedric headcanons?
AAAAA ily for these asks oli (/p)
SO. hedric. tbh i don't ship this as much as i used to but back when i started getting into the FANDOM side of things this was one of my otps and i'm getting back into them so i have a lot of thoughts!!
harry is bi, cedric is trans & pan
cedric is obsessed with the color yellow and harry rarely wears colors, especially not bright ones, so whenever he's wearing cedric's clothes it's really obvious
they have matching friendship bracelets :D
cuddle time is sacred for them
they get super enthusiastic about each other's interests bc they love seeing each other happy
cedric's trans ass loses his shit every time harry calls him his boyfriend and harry KNOWS
many forehead & nose kisses for harry :>
(tell me why i completely was thinking of my muggle hs au until now... let's get some hogwarts hcs)
THE lovey-dovey couple during hogsmeade weekends
they love playing quidditch together IN THEORY but they keep getting distracted by one another
when cedric gets his first weasley sweater he cries and refuses to take it off for the next 6 months
they have matching sweatshirts... idk what's on them but they exist
ced's the type of guy to throw harry over his shoulder to carry him around
harry buys oversized hoodies & jumpers just so cedric can steal them
cedric and harry turned one of the closets in their flat into a cozy fort... ft fairy lights & bean bags & lots of fluffy blankets. harry goes in there if he's feeling overwhelmed and ced goes in if he's feeling overly dysphoric
they take turns being the big spoon
cedric loves making notes & drawings for harry... when harry's still in school after he graduates he sends him little drawings at breakfast, especially during the end of the year when harry's stressed about exams
(bc cedric lives wdym??)
(harry jumps in front of the killing curse and bc of the blood wards he survives... don't ask just go with it, this is my explanation for cedric surviving in a canon-compliant universe)
cedric feels a lot of pressure from his parents and harry always makes sure he knows he's more than enough
ok got a lil angsty there at the end but i'm going to leave that here! wow yeah ig i have a LOT of thoughts abt them...
ty for the ask !!!
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tessa-liam · 1 year
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Smoke and Mirrors
9-Hidden in Plain Sight 
Book: The Royal Romance Finale, AU
Series Premise: Hidden in the shadows, poised to challenge the status quo are enemies of the state. The loyalties and honesty of family and friends will be tested. ‘Keep your friends close, your enemies closer’. 
Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi’ 
2nd Pairings: Leo Rys x Amalas, Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh, Olivia Nevrakis x M!OC Alex Cossoy 
*Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
*Not Beta’d, please excuse all errors 
Rating: M🔞*Series Warnings:  NSFW material, sexual innuendo, adult language/swearing/drinking/gun violence. Not recommended for anyone under 18 years of age. 
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 2394 
Chapter Summary: It’s the evening of the Celebration Ball and the big reveal of the Royal twins. Lena is interrogated by Interpol. Liam and Leo discuss a potential threat to the kingdom. 
Smoke and Mirrors
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9- Hidden in Plain Sight 
Music Inspiration: Sway, Michael Buble; Claire De Lune, London Symphony Orchestra; Late Night Talking, Harry Styles 
A/N2: My submission for @choicesseptemberchallenge2023, @midnightmelodiz , Day 6 – Dreams, Day dream, “I’m in love with you?” 
A/N1: My submission for @choicesflashfics @jerzwriter Week #49, Prompt 1- “You take my breath away every time I see you.” 
The King’s chamber was illuminated only by the soft light of the full moon where the King and Queen lay together. Riley was fast asleep, her head resting on Liam’s chest, her very pregnant belly snuggled safely against his side. Liam looked over at his sleeping wife, his heart swelling with love for her and their sons. In three short weeks, his family will grow to five; that time coming very quickly now.
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Cordonian Royal Palace
He lay awake; sleep eluding him again for another night. Mentally organizing his schedule for the upcoming month, his thoughts eventually returned to that conversation with Drake that they had on the beach the day before. His confession...
‘Watching you with Brooks, all these years... I want that too.’ 
‘Pretending to be happy is pretty damn exhausting.’ 
Sighing, Liam was pleasantly surprised when he heard a soft voice. 
No one else would have caught it, but Liam did. He ‘read between the lines’ of what Drake had said, like he was remembering a bad dream. Did Drake just admit that he still had feelings for his wife? Were those feelings that he had years ago still present and relevant to him? 
“How long have you been awake?” Riley whispered. 
He kissed her forehead and placed his hand on her baby bump. Stroking her belly, he could feel the soft kicks under his palm.
“Not long, love” he murmerred.
“What are you thinking about?” Liam hesitated before answering. 
Riley turning her head to look up at him, “you think too much sometimes.” 
“A conversation that I had. I am not quite sure if it was real or if it was a daydream.” Liam kept his answer opaque on purpose, not wanting to divulge too much detail to her. 
Liam chuckled, “Are you complaining?” 
“Never,” she replied, yawning. “I love you,” she added sleepily. 
His body relaxed, as he closed his eyes, “I love you more.” he murmured, tightening his arm around her protectively. 
Cordonian Palace Ballroom 
The Ballroom was filled with guests awaiting the King’s announcement scheduled for later in the evening. 
Royalty from neighboring kingdoms, nobility, politicians, and ambassadors from allied countries came from long and short distances to partake in the black-tie festivities. Music filled the air as waitstaff circulated amongst the crowd with glasses of wine and flutes of champagne. 
“I’m glad you decided to attend this event with me,” Olivia said smiling at Alex. 
“I must be honest with you, Livvie. I usually attend these functions as the enforcer. I am not used to wearing a ‘monkey suit’,” Alex smirked. He seemed to be comfortable among all the guests, nonetheless. 
Olivia grinned back at her partner, but her smile quickly faded when she spotted Amalas and Leo huddled together on the other side of the dance floor. They appeared to be deep in conversation and were not paying any attention to their surroundings.  
Alex noticed Olivia’s expression change. “Everything okay?” he asked with concern. She nodded, trying to force the smile back onto her lips. 
“I thought that Leo was coming on his own tonight.” 
“Liv, that doesn’t mean that he can't talk to anyone once he gets here,” Alex rebutted. Olivia sighed loudly and continued to watch the couple from afar. 
A waiter approached, carrying a tray of hors d’oeuvres. Alex accepted a small sampling as Olivia continued to study the couple without saying another word. Alex shook his head; he knew what was bothering her.   He also wished, he was mistaken.
As the orchestra began to play the first few notes of the Cordonian national anthem, the press began to gather around the dais waiting for the King to enter the ballroom. 
The King’s guard fell into strategic positions when the herald announced the arrival of the Royal family. 
Liam strode up to the lectern that was atop the dais wearing his full military regalia. Riley, walking with Eleanor, joined him and stood next to his side. Regina and Leo stood close by next to the dais. 
The crowd hushed in anticipation. Clearing his throat once before speaking, Liam began, “Good evening, everyone,” he proclaimed. 
“It is my pleasure and honor to welcome you all here tonight. I know many have been waiting patiently for the queen and I to make an official announcement concerning our ‘additions’ to the Royal family.”  Liam turned to wink at Riley.
The ballroom attendees erupted in whoops and cheers. 
Liam acknowledged his delighted guests with a broad smile and waited a few minutes for the accolades to subside. Continuing with, “thank you, thank you!” 
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to have my princess here to help me....” Liam turned and beamed, chuckling as Ellie clapped her hands with a peal of laughter as her uncle Leo scooped her up and joined his brother. 
“Well, Ellie, what do you think?” Leo asked, smirking at Liam. 
“Daddy, look.” Ellie exclaimed and pointed to a bevy of blue balloons filled with helium that were being released behind the crowd overtop the dance floor. 
“Everyone, our twin boys, our princes, are expected to arrive at the end of this month.” Liam lifted Riley’s hand tenderly to kiss. 
Riley joined Liam as he took her hands and led her to stand beside him at the lectern.  
Thrilled at the excitement, Liam continued once the audience returned their attention back to him.
Liam waited for the crowd to settle down after the announcement. 
The applause was deafening as everyone celebrated. 
After posing for pictures by the press, Liam led Riley to the dance floor as the orchestra began to play the beginning notes of ‘Clair de Lune’. As they danced, it felt like time stood still; as guests formed a circle around them, Liam kissed Riley’s hand and placed it atop his chest over his heart as they swayed together in time to the music.  
“It must have something to do with the love of my life in my arms,” Liam simpered. 
“How is it, that.... Liam,” as she smoothed down his lapels, “you take my breath away every time I see you.” 
“Always the charmer, Your Majesty." Riley whispered, kissing his lips sweetly. 
Drake held Delaney close to his chest as they watched the King and Queen move together in the center of the dance floor. 
“They look so perfect together,” Delaney sighed. Her voice was laced with envy. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll find someone special someday.” Drake answered sarcastically. 
Delaney laughed. “That’s so easy for you to say.” Slapping his arm.
Drake grinned, “you'are damn straight, Leigh. When I first met you, I had no idea what my future would hold. You showed me things that I had only dreamed of having with someone. … and I have treasured every minute of your love.”  
 Growling, he leaned over and kissed her fiercely on the lips. Just as Riley and Liam walked past them. Delaney noticed the look on Drake’s face when he locked eyes with Riley. It gave her an uneasy feeling. He seemed to be lost in thought.  
Smiling playfully at him, Delaney asked in jest, “I’m in love with you too?"  
She frowned. “Something wrong?” 
His eyes shifted away from Riley, and he shook his head. 
“No, nothing at all.”  
But he didn’t fool her. Delaney, now was positive that her concerns were justified, stepped back. 
“Good evening, you two.” Riley beamed as she turned towards Delaney and Drake.  
“You two are getting married! Congratulations...I am so happy for you both.” Riley put her arm around her shoulder for a side hug.
“Thank you so much,” Delaney replied, hugging Riley in return. 
“Yes, congratulations you two,” Liam reached over to kiss Delaney’s cheek. 
“I am impressed, Walker.” Riley snickered as she hugged her friend.  
“Wow, settling down and saying goodbye to the bachelor life.” Liam smirked, shaking Drake's hand.
“Who would have thought,” Riley chuckled. 
“Yeah, yeah, Brooks, get your shots in now.” Drake responded, not making eye contact. 
Interrogation Room A, Interpol Headquarters, Lyon, France 
Lena sat back on her chair with her hands folded in her lap. She was flanked by two men in dark suits. One of the men was a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair. His name was detective Lefebvre, and he had been assigned by Inspector Ryerson to investigate her case. The other man was the head of Psychiatrics and was assigned to conduct an evaluation of her psychological state by King Liam Rys of Cordonia. 
Across the table, sat Lena’s legal defense attorney, assigned to represent her by the Royal estate of Vallenheim. 
Detective Lefebvre cleared his throat. 
“Miss Runarsdottir, I understand you are familiar with the Cordonian Royal family?” 
Lena nodded. “Yes, I have met King Constantine Rys, my father. My stepmother, Queen Sigrid, raised me when my mother Eleanor Rys was murdered. I know of but never met my brother Liam or my stepbrother Leo.” 
“And what do you know about them?” he asked. 
Lena’s mouth went dry. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare. 
“I don’t have any other information about them,” she lied. 
“Do you mean to tell me that you knew nothing about your brothers even though you were caught outside the buildings they were in this past summer?” 
Lena stared at him unflinching. 
“How did you know where to go?” he asked again. 
“I’m sorry, I can't help you.”  
Lefebvre slammed his fist against the table, making Lena jump in surprise. 
“Don't play with me. You’re either lying or delusional.” 
Lena bit her lip. She sat stoically and kept her emotions hidden. 
“I am not playing around. I have no information.” 
Feeling frustrated, Detective Lefebvre changed his strategy. 
“Miss Runarsdottir, who is Bastien Lykel? 
“Bastien Lykel,” he repeated. 
Lena’s face paled. “I don’t know anyone named Bastien.” 
“Are you sure?” he pressed. 
“We have CCTV evidence of your conversation with him in the holding cells at the Cordonian Palace.” 
“I-I-” she stammered. 
“You were seen talking to him at least three times before you escaped those holding cells in Cordonia. Is that correct?” 
Again, Lena sat in silence. 
“Choose wisely, Miss Runarsdottir, and answer my questions. What is the nature of your relationship with Bastien Lykel?” 
Lena’s breathing quickened and her hands began to shake. If she told the truth, she was dead.
“Let the records show that Miss Runarsdottir is not cooperative.” 
Cordonian Ballroom 
Leo was speaking to Rashad at the bar when Liam approached after having a debate with an American ambassador. 
“Hey Li, I see you survived your conversation with Smithfield.” Leo smirked as Liam ordered a scotch and shot it back quickly. 
“Barkeep, another round for my brother and I’ll take the same.”  
“Why, thank you Leo.” Liam clapped his back. 
“Where is your beautiful Queen?” 
“Riley is upstairs with Ellie. Being so close to her due date, she needs to be off her feet to rest from tonight’s festivities. She is exhausted.” 
Leo nodded. “Totally understandable, but Li, why are you still down here?” 
“Because I need to talk with you and apologize about the other day.” Liam responded. 
“No apologies needed.  I was being an asshole and you called me out.” Leo grinned. 
“Well, I overreacted. You pressed a nerve when you mentioned father.” 
Leo smirked, “good, because I agree with you and I believe you are ‘right on the money’.  
Liam chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Again, that’s what makes you the better King,” Leo winked 
“I do have information for you." Leo continued. "Amalas gave me an update on Interpol’s case on Lena and Bastien.” 
‘Liam winces slightly at the mention of Lena, but he does not interrupt.’ 
“Lena is being uncooperative when questioned by the detectives. Nice touch, by the way, for assigning a psychiatrist to oversee her testimony.” 
“Well, it’s the least I could do knowing what father did to her, and her future.” 
“’Amalas has uncovered a few suspicious ‘coincidences’, but nothing damning enough’ to help shed light as to what her motives are.” 
“So far, the information that he divulged on the estate of Vallenheim has been verified as true. It was uncovered that he has affiliations with members of the Vallenheim royal guard.” 
“Has there been any progress on Bastien’s involvement?” Liam inquired.
“Director Ryerson has scheduled an official update for Monday morning with me. Apparently, Interpol has uncovered a black ledger. It was 'hidden in plain sight'." 
“Care to join me, Leo?” 
Leo responded, “I will be here.” 
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📌 @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @jared2612 @irisk12 @thesvnsins @walkerdrakewalker 📌
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adobedragon · 4 months
The Collected Works of sitehound
All my stories, in one place, listed by fandom—which means, mostly Voltron: Legendary Defender—and by romantic ship (if applicable). Ratings vary from G to E.
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
A Morbid Taste for Ice (Complete at 200K words | Rated M | Mystery | Romance | Contemporary | Eventual Sex | Mental Health Issues)
My magnum opus! More than a decade after I started posting it, it still, IMO, holds up well.
Following the events of Loki’s attack on New York, Thor, Loki, Darcy Lewis and Jane Foster find themselves unwilling roommates, living in a crappy trailer home in the New Mexico desert.
Original Work
Elrekki Chaosbringer/Kelly Marquez
Lost in Paradise (Ongoing story | Rated M | Space Opera | Romance | Graphic Depictions of Violence | Eventual Sex | Inspired by MCU's Thor & Loki)
A bookstore owner’s life is turned upside down by a mysterious young man who turns out to be a criminal from an alternate universe.
Voltron: Legendary Defender (VLD)
GEN (No, or minimal romance, although Plance does sneak in…)
How to Impress Your Pidgeon (14K words, Complete | Rated T | Mild Violence | Dragons | Dragonriders of Pern crossover)
Pidge, an apprentice in the MasterSmith Crafthall, meets a very opinionated young dragon.
I’ll Stand by You (3K words | Rated T | Bullying | Friendship | Pre-Canon)
In which Pidge, aka Katie Holt, finds that impersonating a male cadet presents challenges she never thought of.
Three (Would-be) Paladins and a DeLorean (5.7K words | Rated T | Garrison Trio | Pre-Canon | AU | Humor | Reckless Driving | Back to the Future DeLorean)
Pidge, Lance and Hunk sneak out of Galaxy Garrison for some unauthorized R&R in the nearby town of Torre Siena. When the inevitable happens—they get kicked out of a bar—they wander the streets and encounter a very strange car.
Lance/Female Reader
A Little Artistic Nudity (9.2K words | Rated E | Post-Canon | Second Person POV | No use of Y/N)
On a planet zillions of light years away, you meet a cute guy in a café and instantly strike up a rapport.
The Color of Joy is Brown? (7.8K words | Rated T | Mild Violence | Dragons | Dragonriders of Pern crossover | Meet-Cute)
An unwanted orphan bounced from Hold to Hold, now a murderer consigned to hard labor in the mines of Crom, Keith is grimly resigned to a short, miserable life. But when a chance encounter leads to him standing on the sands of Benden Weyr's hatching grounds, a Candidate for Impression, he dares to hope for something better.
The Scarecrow (19K words, Complete | Rated T | Mild Violence | Pre-canon | AU | Happy Ending | Queerplatonic Relationships)
In the wake of crushing loss, Keith, Pidge and Hunk, once Galaxy Garrison cadets, now conscripts in the Galra war efforts, plan a desperate escape from Sendak’s estate in the New Mexico desert.
No Good Deed… (2400 words | Rated T | Fantasy AU | Urban Fantasy | Wolf-boy Keith | Fey Lance | Ambiguous Ending)
Lance has an encounter in the woods with a wolf-boy.
Well, There Goes Our Security Deposit (2.1K words | Rated T | Fluff)
Keith comes home one day to find that his partners in love and life have wrecked the apartment.
How I Met Your Chabbit (1.7K words | Rated T | Drunk Pidge | Fluff | Pet Adoption | Domestic Bliss)
Everyone has an origin story. This is Rogelio the chabbit’s.
Centaur’s Rising (Ongoing story | Rated M | Mild Violence | Grief Mourning | Eventual Sex | Pacific Rim Crossover)
The last place Lance wants to be is in a Conn-Pod, but it may be his best chance at a new beginning, provided he can move on from the past. A retelling, of sorts, of Pacific Rim, featuring Pidge, Lance and Keith.
Stop Thinking (9.2K words | Rated E | Post-canon | First Times)
On a dark and stormy night, after years of waiting, Pidge Holt gets what she wants.
Pidge/Lance (Plance, Pidgance, FlirtyRobot, my OTP)
St. Elmo’s Fire (150K words, Complete | Rated M | Post-Canon | Eventual Sex | Grief/Mourning | Graphic Depictions of Violence | Eventual Happy Ending)
More than a decade before, Lance ghosted Pidge. But a chance encounter leads to a journey together in a small spaceship across the Earth’s solar system, offering the opportunity to repair a friendships and fall in love.
Mind the Hardwood (4.5K words, Rated E | Post-Canon | Cut scene from St. Elmo’s Fire)
In which Pidge and Lance get busy on in the cockpit of Pidge’s small spaceship.
Us, Only Us (5.2K words | Rated M | Post-Canon | Angst | First Fight | Makeup Sex | Romance | Cut scene from St. Elmo's Fire)
Lance stumbles upon Pidge’s attempt to comprehend and model their relationship using math.
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (11K words, Complete | Rated E | Canon | Canon Divergent | First Times)
Pidge successfully seduces Lance.
A Rain of Terror (3.6K words | Rated T | Post-Canon | Angst | Grief/Mourning)
Pidge Holt can repair anything. Except a broken heart. In the gathering fury of a dangerous Altean oort storm, she struggles with her terrible people skills, needing to get a depressed and nearly catatonic Lance out of the storm’s path.
If a Door Slams in Outer Space, Can You Hear It? (2.9K | Canon | Canon Divergent | Story in a Story)
Lance makes like a bard and courts Pidge with a good story.
To Find a Princess, You Gotta Kiss a Green Paladin (7.6 words | Rated T | AU | Actor AU)
In which Katie Holt, girl genius, finds herself cast in a movie playing an Altean princess to Lance’s Paladin of Voltron.
Turn Over a New Leaf (8.8K words, Complete | Rated T | Fix-it | S8E1 rewrite | Romance | Allura and Lance friendship)
All his life, Lance has craved attention. To be seen as more than the farm boy from Cuba. On the eve of the Galactic Coalition’s final offensive against the Galra, Lance finally learns, with a little help from his friends, that growing up means letting go of what you want and accepting what you need.
In Deep Space Where the Wallflowers Grow (2.4K words | Rated T | Post-Canon | Pidge Salsa Dances)
Pidge Holt is so done with being paraded about the universe, expected to mingle and meet and greet the Galactic Coalition's bigwigs. During a brunch on a Galra cruiser, she retreats to a quiet spot in the stateroom by a vast window to do some stargazing, but her solitude is interrupted by a certain social butterfly.
A Pidge in a Dress is Still a Pidge (5.6K words | Rated T | 1950s AU | Science Fiction)
“Just one dance,” Pidge’s mom had stated. One dance with anyone and Pidge can leave the gala at the Altean embassy, go home, take off this beautiful but totally not-Pidge ballgown and go back to being a tomboy girl genius. Alas, the only available dance partners are creeps who are trying to suck-up to Admiral Sam Holt through his daughter. It's gonna be a long evening
Shapeshifter, Shapeshifter, Shape Me a Match (6.1K words | Rated G | Fantasy AU | Shapeshifter Lance)
On a quiet little farm, a mischievous shapeshifter meets his match in a studious girl.
It Is You I Have Loved (A Collection of Plance Fanart and Short Fiction) (Ongoing project)
What it says in the title: drabble plus fanart.
The Tithe (Ongoing story | Rated T | Teen Romance | Pre-Canon | Garrison Trio | Inspired by Tam Lin | Sex Magic)
Katie Holt, masquerading as Galaxy Garrison cadet Pidge Gunderson, is on a mission: to find the truth about her family’s disappearance. But an unlikely romance leads to the startling discovery that otherworldly forces are at work in the Garrison.
I Crave None of Your Blood (Ongoing story | Rated M | Post-Canon | Graphic Depictions of Violence | Character Turned in a Vampire | Grief/Mourning | Eventual Sex | Rough Sex)
Lance, Pidge and Keith, three Paladins of Voltron, each carrying a permanent legacy of their Voltron experience, and now pawns of forces that might save or destroy the universe.
Centaur’s Rising (Ongoing story | Rated M | Mild Violence | Grief Mourning | Eventual Sex | Pacific Rim Crossover)
The last place Lance wants to be is in a Conn-Pod, but it may be his best chance at a new beginning, provided he can move on from the past. A retelling, of sorts, of Pacific Rim, featuring Pidge, Lance and Keith.
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broomsticks · 2 years
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@krethes SMUT QUEEEEN — still laughing forever over the time your T-rated fic won best smut for, like, reputation and aura alone hahahaha. i mean, it’s certainly well deserved! the characterization, the consistent headcanons, the detail, the variation. incredible.
your older wolfstar fics are the perfect example of “create what you want to see” and i love that so much. not only was DYMM such an incredible piece of writing, it was also just an absolute masterclass in marketing and like… public relations, hahaha, and i really admire how gracefully you all handled the inevitable fanwank that comes with popularity in this fandom. ahhh truly makes me so happy for whatever happy coincidence we ship the same OTP because 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 that’s some damn good fic.
(also finally thank you so much for your incredibly kind comments when i first started writing. <3<3<3)
don’t do modern au textfics? make an exception for this one: Did You Miss Me? • wolfstar, jily, ensemble • 640k, E.
oh the atmosphere in this one. Silver for Monsters • wolfstar • 19k (WIP). i read this witcher remus/elf sirius before i had any witcher familiarity at all and i only love it more after!! also loved the similarly powerful writing and feels in krethes’s ancient rome au here to mars (4k (WIP), E).
softness and strength: to bind us to the earth • lucissa • 2k, M. the contrast! the first person narcissa POV!
hot and just. spellbinding: wherever flames may rage • wolfstar • 10k, E. gosh i really love this firefighter au.
fairest of the rare: Hell and High Water • susan/pansy • 7k, T. the worldbuilding! the dialogue! this wild west au rare pair really works -- and the PODFIC in krethes’s gorgeous voice. perfection.
best wordplay: Thirteen Seasons • wolfstar • 4k, M. one of the first fics i read by you! blown away by the structure of this piece!!!
let nothing you dismay • 3k, T & Seeing the Light in the Darkness by • 2.5k, T: i love how well you’ve fleshed out remus’s familial relationships; it adds so much to how you write him. shoutout also to Tight Spaces and The Valentine Moon, both 3k & T hogwarts-era puppyboys that’s just… perfect hurt/comfort sweetness.
most intense!!! The Violence • 2k, M. krethes writing first war wolfstar? two of my favorite things!!!
best for last: Quintuple Meter • wolfstar • 8k, E the first fic i read by you! the pacing, the plot, this whole universe😍
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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wintergrew · 2 years
Kydi is pretty ded at the moment so here are some of my HCs
I'm not "Kyle forgives Heidi for the Cartman shit and redpill/antisemitism right away and they get together immediately." At all. I view them as not really being around each other at all for the rest of Elementary School and all of Middle School.
I like to think they get together for real in high school. They are both incredibly smart and in all the honors classes together.
They get paired up on an assignment and it's really fucking awkward, given their history. Kyle knows that Heidi has been unassuming and presumably kind enough outside of those few weeks with Cartman, but like...he doesn't know what she really thinks nowadays. Heidi also (deservedly) assumes Kyle probably still hates her for what went down.
They get along, but things are still extremely awkward as both have their guards up and are unwilling to address the elephant in the room. As it becomes increasingly clear they're both attracted to one another, it gets increasingly awkward.
Eventually as the mutual pining bubbles and bubbles, one day Kyle just sorta straight up asks her about all of it. Like "Hey remember all that shit with Cartman and you calling me a filthy Jew? I think we need to talk about that before anything else."
Heidi is genuinely remorseful for all that shit. She's been trying to make amends in terms of putting her efforts to positive charities, activism, etc. But the biggest problem is that instead of addressing what she did, she tried to pretend it never happened. And well...she was literally only ten years old, but Kyle and her actually discuss things like the more mature teens that they have become.
Only after they air out all that baggage and work through it, does Kyle finally formally ask her out.
Once they're together, however, they become absolutely insufferable to everyone else. Over night they become that obnoxiously perfect nerd couple that are obsessed with each other, finish each other's sentences, and seem to always be on the same wavelength. Stan is happy for Kyle, but he gets super annoyed in the beginning.
(Note: i do like style, but in universes i think of where Kydi is a thing Stan and Kyle only have platonic feelings for each other.)
Kyle and Heidi stay together the whole time. Even Creek break up temporarily (Creek is my OTP and isn't a slight against them, I love them getting into petty fights and saying they're done for good when it's clear to everyone that's bullshit) but Kyle and Heidi just... don't. Which doesn't mean they don't have arguments like any couple, they're just that annoying couple that never breaks up.
At the same time, it's not like they're hated or anything (except by a seething Cartman). It's mostly light-hearted eye rolling. I see them both as decently popular in high school.
As an adult, Heidi converts formally to Judaism. Kyle isn't extremely religious (and it wouldn't be an Orthodox conversion) and he'd marry her even if she didn't (so it's not just a "marriage conversion") but she genuinely wants to. Plus, she knows it means a lot as it's matrilineal and means their kids will be Jewish.
They have a nice Jewish wedding shortly after they get their bachelor's degrees and have kids after they get their graduate degrees. I like to think that the kids in post covid are theirs.
They both have decent yet not-flashy jobs, and are both very family-oriented and a very cute and happy family💕
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agent-troi · 3 months
I gotta know what Borrowed Time is. :DDDD
ok soooooooo this behemoth will never see the light of day bc it is simply too elaborate and complex for me to give the attention it deserves in the limited free time i have, and the potential audience for it is maybe like three people including myself, so it’s doomed to remain a wip forever but anyway this was my reaction to the star trek coda trilogy:
for some stupid reason the powers that be decided that, due to the recent revival of on-screen star trek and associated tie-in novels, the beta canon novelverse couldn’t continue to exist (i.e. pump out new novels in that timeline). simply concluding the storyline and writing no new novels would’ve been bad enough, but they also decided to rub salt in the wound by retroactively undoing the entire novelverse timeline, making it so that in canon none of those events ever even happened.
they created this whole spin-off universe, created new characters, let us get attached to them, and then pulled the rug out from under us by decided they just weren’t as important as the new shows (some of which i actually like, but that’s not the point). to my mind, there was absolutely no reason the tv and novel universes couldn’t coexist, or at least the novelverse characters could simply just ‘sail off into the sunset’ as it were, and just not write any new stories about them but let people imagine that they’re still out there having crazy space adventures.
anyway i was so pissed in the immediate aftermath of reading that that i started outlining this massive story that entails one of my most beloved minor characters from the novelverse (pun intended- she’s the daughter of my otp) getting transplanted from her dying universe to the prime timeline, and initially she doesn’t remember anything from her home timeline but eventually the memories start to come back, and she works on a way to bring her timeline back into existence.
i wrote a few ficlets that lead up to what this story would've been, but as i said this behemoth will probably never be finished lol
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nottoonedin · 6 months
Favourite Thing:
Her personality! She's just so bright and sweet (until the events of ALNST at least..) and I love really cutesy, wholesome characters in general <3
Least Favourite Thing:
That she's the ONE thing getting in the way of IvanTill being requited/canon- (/j I can't dislike her she's so precious to me✨✨)
Favourite Line:
Literally all the Round 1 monologue but specifically this line:
"But if belief in God is human, if all I can do as a human is to believe..
My God, My Universe."
(Assuming this is platonic) Mizi and Ivan! I love their interactions in the official mini comics, they're so sweet <3
Ivan x Mizi.
Random Headcanon:
I can't think of one off the top of my head, sorry!
Unpopular Opinion:
It may not be the healthiest, but I think MiziTill is kind of cute. *walks into the ocean*
2 Songs I associate with them:
"Magnolia" by Laufey
"Why Didn't I Kiss Her" by Ratwyfe
Favourite Picture of Them:
She's so pretty here omigoshhhhh (the lighting is gorgeous too✨✨)
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slimepuparibaba · 1 year
this is a rlly dumb crack au guys im sorry
okay but like i've been fucking brainrotting for some reason about my versions of my otps of some otome games and twitter is shit and no one rlly reads my tumblr so just
imagine the four of them meeting
so it's like this:
luke and his mc, belle (tears of themis)
victor and his mc, yu (mlqc)
osborn and his mc, jue xiyu (light and night)
ayn and his mc, xiao ling (lovebrush / for all time)
and when they meet its the funniest shit ever because they just talk about all the crazy things that happened to them aklsdjfhaskljdfhaklsjghaskl
Victor: I am the CEO of Loveland Financial Group, but I am also an EVOLver--someone that has enhanced supernatural abilities. Mine is the ability to manipulate time, whether moving to the past and future, or halting it in it's place. I've seen the world nearly come to ruin, but it was all resolved thanks to my dummy, Yu. We still have a long way to go, though. The Laws of our world are never finished with us, but I guarantee that nothing will stop me from finding her. Not time, not space.
Luke: I was a secret agent, but after a mission, I was struck with a chronic illness, so I don't have much time to live. I've been trying to find a miracle that will cure me of it, but nothing so far. I avoided my best friend, Belle, for so long, but after reuniting with her and joining NXX with her, I decided to try and live out what days I might have left and find our miracle, together.
Osborn: Racer by day, bounty hunter by night. I'm a free spirit, really, though I've had my own fair share of mess-ups and troubles. Sometimes, i questioned why I was still here, and argued with myself over and over again. Not to mention I can summon blue flames, which might mean I have God Blood running through me. Whatever it is, though, as long as Xiyu is by my side, I'm fine. After all, my Lil' Xiao Five is my light in the night.
Ayn: i.
Ayn: i am a music student at an academy.
Ayn: that. is dating xiao ling.
Ayn: i guess.
And then meanwhile the girls are all like--
Yu: So it turns out I'm an EVOLver, I became the QUEEN and rewrote the rules of the world multiple times, was stuck in a time loop, and I might... be the CORE or something? It hurts my head, honestly.
Xiyu: Tell me about it. I'm surrounded by angels, ancient foxes, vampires, and I might be related to a God? It's insane, and I don't even know up from down anymore. So much for living the normal fashion designer life, right?
Xiao Ling: Oh, I'm a comic artist, but some of the comics I draw are actually based on alternative realities that I've visited! In each one, I always manage to find my way back to Ayn.
Belle: I AM. A LAWYER.
in the end, ayn and belle shake hands.
Ayn: Oh, Belle, Xiao Ling is normal like us too. Right, A-Ling?
Xiao Ling: Y-Y... Y-yup!
Belle: *stares at Xiao Ling in astonishment*
Xiyu: ...you didn't tell him about the alternate universes thing, did you?
Xiao Ling: N-nope.
Yu: Thought so.
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lafleshlumpeater · 8 months
250 followers + birthday celebration!! (14th jan-28th jan- closed)
pls check my fandom list and character list before sending in an ask!! (pls only send in asks for characters on the list + from these fandoms only!!)
pls don’t send in any asks after the 28th!!
no limits on how many asks you can send, go wild <3
thanks sm @marvelgurl31 for helping me w this<3
but i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss
send me this and i’ll hand- write you a short letter!! (moots only)
i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever
send me a fandom, a  gender pref and a detailed description about you and i'll ship you with a character from that fandom!!
cause he was sunshine, i was midnight rain
send in a character, the fandom they’re from, a gender pref and a trope and i’ll make a moodboard for the both of you in a relationship!!
she’ll patch up your tapestry that i shred
send me this, a character and what fandom they’re from  and i’ll make a moodboard for how i see the two of you in a relationship!!
cause darling im a nightmare dressed like a daydream
tell me what you think my aesthetic is and i’ll do the same for you!! (moots only)
bad, bad boy shiny toy with a price, you know that i bought it
tell me what you would gift me for my bday and i’ll do the same for you!!
we small talk, work and the weather
send me this to chat (about your day, about a crush, for life advice, or even just to vent)
i say, “i hate you,” we break up, you call me, “i love you”
tell me your first opinion of me compared to now and i’ll do the same for you!! (moots only)
honey without the exes, fights and flaws, we wouldn’t be standing here so tall
send me an unpopular ship/your otp and i’ll give you my opinion on them!!
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
send me this with a fandom, character, gender pref  and trope and i’ll write a short blurb for it!!
you’ve got that james dean, daydream, look in your eye
send in a detailed description about you and i’ll tell you what fictional universe i think you belong in!!
and you’ve got a smile that can light up this whole town
send me this and i’ll tell you one assumption i have about you!! (moots only)
you should take it as a compliment that i’m talking to everyone here but you
tumblr games!! (kmk, cym, would you rather, etc)
tagging some moots (lmk if you don't wanna be tagged in the future): @starchasing-cryptid @starstruckwillows @dizzyntrr @diqldrunk @heyyyitsmegen @quickslvxrr @iheartmoons @iheartaris @fefifofae @kimorna @loaf-of-soup
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