#our teacher in that class is absolutely useless but the thing is that it seems like everyone around me actually knows a lot about it already
creatureesque · 1 year
I wish there was a way to like take your part of the brain that obsesses over a new piece of media every few months and point it at something purposefully, because i could really use that rn. I would use that to get obsessed with greek mythology and history because knowing a thing or two about it rn would truly save me from the hell that is the ancient literature class
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princess-leaorgana · 5 months
What Tieflings Do Chpt. 3
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Summary: After the takedown of The Absolute, Zelphie finds her city in need of more help and her home destroyed. She won't stop helping, but who can help her?
Rolan x Tav (Zelphie; ~30y.o AFAB, Sorcerer, Tiefling, not really described physically on purpose <3)
Author's Note: I fucking love tielfings. Along with this being a budding romance/smut/fluff/word vomit fanfiction, it's also my case study in DnD 5e tieflings, how they act, what sets them apart from humans and devils and elves. That being said, I have a few artistic liberties in here as well where I couldn't find a straight answer, if you'll amuse me.
Warnings - Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3, alcohol consumption. This bad Larry is another fluff. Don't worry! Also, if you catch the easter egg in this one I'll give you one lil forehead smooch.
Chapter One Chapter Two
One tenday spent in the luxurious wizard’s tower in Baldur’s Gate. The shop was still a little chaotic, but it was open for business and Rolan was hiring out for help. He had Cal and Lia and Zelphie, of course, but Cal and Lia and Zelphie were not learned spellcasters. Zelphie had the best understanding of the Weave, but she couldn’t understand conjuring the Weave manually. Rolan would attempt to spend time with her, teaching her how to read scrolls and tomes, but she was absolutely useless. And during their private lessons, Zelphie was usually very distracted with her strongly budding feelings for her teacher. That absolutely destroyed her concentration. Nothing had yet happened down that road, and it had almost been too long for Zelphie to feel comfortable bringing it up. She left the siblings that day to head out into the city. She had a few things to sell and was in the market for a redecoration for her room. Larroakan’s taste was high class but cold and dark. The room was beautiful, but it needed more love. She hadn’t done anything about it until then as she still had a gnawing feeling in the back of her mind that she wasn’t to stay with the siblings. She would get an occupation of her own and allow the family to be one again. It didn’t seem like that was going to happen. Lia would scold her if she ever brought it up.
Old potions and elixirs and small trinkets she had picked up on the road were sold quickly for decent coin. Anything she had that was impressive she donated to Sorcerer’s Sundries to either use or sell. Rolan fought with her on that, but she insisted it being a complimentary rent for now. Rolan still fought with her. 
The streets were still a mess, but a livable one. People were back to life a little. It wasn’t normal, but it wasn’t apocalyptic. After a decent amount of shopping and many compliments from people who recognized her on the street, she headed for some lunch. She hadn’t seen any of the other tieflings since the battle, and she was very ready to see some happy and familiar faces. Lakrissa, an absolute menace of a thief, had gotten a job at The Elfsong Tavern, the nicest spot in the whole city for a pint and relaxation. Zelphie was very excited to see if her friend was there today, and if she had time for a drink. Walking past two hired hands at the entrance, she was met with the most people she had seen at the tavern. Good, she didn’t want any more compliments, she just wanted to be a normal patron. As she made her way to the bar, to order from the barkeeper, Alan, Zelphie stopped as she heard her name shouted.
‘Zelphie! The beautiful hellspawn who saved Baldur’s Gate!’ Lakrissa, the little shit. Zelphie’s nose scrunched as attention in the tavern fell on her. She turned her head to see Lakrissa sitting on a patron’s lap of all places and she was looking right at her, her arm raised in the air. Zelphie got a cheer and shook her head, staring at Lakrissa. ‘The person who buys our hero her first round wins also buying a round for me!’ She announced to roaring laughter. Lakrissa hopped off her perch and walked over to Zelphie. ‘There you are, hero,’ she said and Zelphie sighed.
‘Here I am, thank you for the announcement, pity, you used to be my favorite,’ she said and took an empty seat at the bar. Lakrissa laughed at her. Alan walked over with a glass full of ice and an amber liquid. ‘Hello Alan,’ she greeted the bartender and she gave her a charming smile.
‘Where’ve you been then? I need you to find me that Minsc fellow. Rented a room here after you all left and started fighting for coin in there. He owes me,’ he said and Zelphie laughed.
‘I wish I could say I bear responsibility for Minsc, but I’ll do my best to settle his debt,’ she said and smirked.
‘So, how IS your favorite, hm? Heard you got a room at the wizard’s tower,’ Lakrissa said, sitting next to Zelphie. Zelphie turned back to Lakrissa.
‘I got very lucky, Lia caught me while I was wandering the streets like a tom cat. I could barely stand. My place was absolutely decimated, I’m surprised the tavern is still around,’ she said and took a sip of her drink. Rum. She hissed and looked up at Alan. ‘It’s barely after breakfast,’ she said and Alan just grinned.
‘You are very welcome,’ he said and walked off to help another patron.
‘Come on, tell me, tell me,’ Lakrissa said and shook Zelphie’s leg. She took another sip and laughed.
‘What is there to tell? It’s not like before I wasn’t constantly on the move. I have a big beautiful comfortable bed to sleep in with a roof over my head. I get fed three times a day AND I’m bathing every day. I am living the high life,’ she said and Lakrissa shook her head.
‘Yes, that big beautiful bed, whose is it?’ She asked, leaning in. Zelphie leaned in with her, smirking.
‘Mine,’ she answered and Larkissa scoffed.
‘Either you’re a tease or Cal is a liar,’ she said, straightening up. Zelphie knew what Lakrissa was getting at, if involved Cal. Although nothing had really happened between her and Rolan and she would have liked for something to have happened, Cal was not being subtle at home about trying to get the two closer. She would have loved to be closer to Rolan, of course she would have, but she wouldn’t allow her new home to be ruined by those feelings. She would rather have good friends than anything.
‘Cal is a liar, but who said I’m not a tease?’ Zelphie said and Lakrissa laughed.
‘Oh, there she is. Gods I’m glad you are alright,’ she said and Zelphie smiled at her.
‘The feeling mutual,’ she said softly. The rum was getting to her quicker than she would have liked. ‘How is Alfira?’ She asked and Lakrissa smiled.
‘She’s perfectly fine, a little set back with her big plans, what with the total destruction of the city, your fault,’ she said and Zelphie nodded and laughed.
The two caught up and Zelphie was given a second drink and was quickly feeling silly. Lakrissa was forced to end her little break and Zelphie left the tavern, hungry and drunk. She walked very slowly back to the tower. On her way back, a little gray kitten began to follow her home. Zelphie swayed when she knelt down to pick up the little sweet thing. 
‘Oh hello you little fella,’ she said and lifted the kitten in her arms. ‘You must be starving, come let’s fill that belly of yours,’ she said, deciding in her drunken state that she would adopt this little kitten. It clung to her with its little claws and Zelphie cooed down at it. ‘Oh aren’t you sweet?’ She said and rubbed the kitten’s chin. She continued to walk to Sorcerer’s Sundries and she moved out of the way of a very upset looking half-orc. She stumbled into the shop happily, her eyes and all attention still on the kitten. 
‘There you are, I almost sent a search party out for you,’ Rolan called from the counter and walked over to her happily.
‘Look what I found Rolan!’ She cried happily and held the kitten up. Rolan’s happy face turned to concern as he looked at the little kitten in Zelphie’s hand. ‘He followed me home, isn’t he sweet?’ She asked and Rolan sighed at her, giving the sweet little kitten a pet.
‘Have you been drinking?’ He asked her, not ready to entertain the topic of the kitten until he squared away why her eyes were so sleepy looking and why she was swaying a little.
‘Yes, Lakrissa made me, but I guess she didn’t really because I did it anyway,’ she said with a snicker. ‘Only two rum drinks, but you know me, cheap date,’ she said and giggled and Rolan smirked a little.
‘I don’t know that about you, in fact,’ he said and she giggled.
‘Yes, because you’ve never taken me on a date,’ she said and poked him in the chest. She was plastered.
‘Alright, alright, up to bed with you, come now,’ he said, escorting her upstairs.
‘I said I was a cheap date, not an easy one,’ she said and barked out a laugh. She leaned on Rolan and held the little kitten close to her. Rolan burned red, but would ignore her. He wrapped an arm around her to keep her upright. She was loving that sensation. She was aware that she was drunk, and as obnoxious as she was, she wouldn’t make him angry. ‘Is it okay that I have a kitten? A little familiar? I can’t have a real one you see, I didn’t go to school,’ she rambled.
‘You’re fine, I’m sure with everything you’ve accomplished a cute kitten wouldn’t be much of a leap in responsibilities.’ He said and Zelphie giggled.
‘You do think he’s cute? Oh good. I always knew you were a cat person. All good people love cats. The real good ones, because dogs are all lovely and good but dogs love you unconditionally. Cats, cats are as smart as people and are choosy, so I say anyone who can get along with a cat is a good person,’ she rambled on and hiccuped. She felt his thumb rub her arm and the warmth and comfort of his touch led her tail to curl around his.
‘Yes, I do think he’s cute,’ Rolan said simply. Zelphie's attention went back to the kitten, who was very happy to be held. Zelphie scratched the little one under his chin. He was a perfectly gray cat with a small tuft of white on his chest. He was going to need a bath.
‘We are going to get you all cleaned up my little one, and we’ll feed your hungry little belly,’ she cooed and stroked the top of the kitten’s head. ‘How has the shop been today, and who was that lady who was leaving the shop so angry when I came in?’ She asked Rolan.
‘Oh, I’m very glad you’ve been off today, the amount of disappointing interviews I’ve had today…’ he said, tutting. He was much more comfortable talking about this sort of thing, others bothering him. ‘The last one, she claimed to be a cleric of Helm. More like a Paladin of Cyric the way she bumbled about. She couldn’t even bring a desert plant back to life. I’m not looking for a prodigy, but if your god doesn’t give you gifts, there is nothing I can do for you,’ he said and chuckled. Zelphie shook her head, Rolan was lying. He would only want the best in his shop. Perfection at the bare minimum. ‘We did find a budding wizard. She’s a bit under motivated, but I’m sure with my teachings she will flourish in no time,’ he told her and Zelphie put on a little pout.
‘Ah, so our lessons are all over? You’ve given up on me?’ She asked him and he looked down at her and laughed at her silly face.
‘Not even a little. I’m going to get you to master prestidigitation one of these days, I promise,’ he told her and she smiled. She hummed and looked back down at the kitten.
‘I’m jealous of your new apprentice, you’re a wonderful teacher,’ she said and Rolan sighed down at her.
‘Oh, do not be jealous. If she doesn’t perform, she’s out. You on the other hand, I’m too stubborn to let you quit,’ he told her and she smiled to herself. Was she jealous of this person she’d never met? A little. Would she keep up whining at Rolan? No. Did she want to? Yes. The pair got to Zelphie’s bedroom and Zelphie walked in, placing the little kitten on her bed.
‘Now, that’s nicer than the streets, isn’t it?’ She asked the little kitten.
‘Did you want help with him? He certainly needs a bath, I’m not even a fan of him being on the bed,’ Rolan said and scooped the kitten back up. Rolan did like cats, which was great for him; the streets of Baldur’s Gate were littered with them. The kitten took to him quickly, purring and rubbed his face hard against Rolan’s hand. Zelphie giggled and removed her bag and outer jacket.
‘I would love some help. And it looks like he loves you Rolan,’ she said and walked over to the pair. ‘Did you have cats growing up?’ She asked and Rolan nodded.
‘Yes, a lot of cats. Mother spoiled me a lot. She called me sensitive. I used to hate it when she referred to me like that. Like I was weak, but I know now what she meant by it,’ he said, still enjoying petting the kitten. ‘She meant that I was sensitive to others. Those smaller or weaker than myself. When someone needed my help,’ he continued and Zelphie’s smile grew.
‘Like me,’ she said softly and Rolan nodded.
‘Yes, you have the exact same instinct as me. You understand people who need help,’ he said and Zelphie shook her head.
‘No, no, I mean, I’m one of those people who needed your help and you gave it so freely,’ she said and walked closer, reaching out to pet the kitten. Rolan looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.
‘It was a privilege to help you, Zelphie. I finally had a way to pay you back for everything you have done for me. And my family,’ he told her honestly. She looked up at him and chewed on her bottom lip a little.
‘And when will this help run out?’ She asked him softly and he raised his eyebrows.
‘I don’t know…’ he whispered after a moment. ‘But when it does, I ask you to help me out once more by continuing to stay here. Because you being here, it’s more…a selfish want than a payback,’ he admitted and Zelphie’s eyes grew. There was another little silent moment and then Rolan looked back down at the kitten. ‘So,’ he cleared his throat and Zelphie’s eyes fluttered a little. She had been lost, sweet words from Rolan and two glasses of straight rum were an easy recipe for a mindless Zelphie. ‘Shall we start with his bath in the sink? You can’t get their ears wet, I think we’ll have better control of that in the sink than the bath,’ he told her and she sobered a little and nodded.
‘Oh, yes, yes, that’s a good idea,’ she said and the two walked to the bathroom together. She turned in the tap and walked to her bath for soap to use on the poor little kitten. She grabbed two towels as well, one for the inevitable mess and the other for the kitten. Rolan tested the water and held the kitten under the water, holding his scruff. The kitten immediately wiggled and cried. ‘Oh, no no, it’s okay, it’s okay little one, you’ll feel so much better,’ Zelphie cooed and helped get the kitten wet quickly and lathered up some soap. Rolan used his free hand to stop the kitten from swatting Zelphie. He was getting a few cuts, but was about as stubborn as the kitten was. The bath was very quick. The vermin and dirt and whatever else was in the little guy was removed and Zelphie scooped him into a towel, wrapping him tight. He kept crying. ‘Now now now, this is better, hm? Nice and warm, oh lucky you,’ she said and walked out of the bathroom, cradling the cat. ‘You can watch me take a bath later, you’ll see it’s not so bad,’ she continued to talk and Rolan walked out with her. ‘Thank you so much for helping. That would have been a fiasco if I had tried it alone,’ she said and Rolan grinned.
‘You did most of the hard work,’ he said and she shook her head.
‘Let me see your hand, cat scratches are awful things,’ she said and he gave her his hand with a little hesitation. She reached out and lifted his hand up, closing her eyes. ‘Te Curo,’ she whispered easily and with a cool blue flash of light, the scratches were gone from his hand as was the growing itching sensation he was getting from the cuts.
‘Well, thank you,’ he said softly and Zelphie smiled up at him.
The pair helped the kitten get as dry as possible and Rolan led Zelphie to the sitting room so the kitten could be in front of a fireplace. Zelphie began a fire as Rolan sat on the floor and let the kitten out of his towel wrapping. The kitten took his freedom happily and shook his body of water and took to licking the rest off.
‘I’m glad it’s still light out, he’ll be dry in no time,’ Zelphie said and sat down next to Rolan.
‘He’s a lucky little thing, finding you of all people,’ he said and looked down at Zelphie who smiled. She felt her own tail curl up happily. She scooted closer to Rolan and with all the liquid courage she had left in her system, she leaned against him gently and looked over at the kitten, who was fervently grooming himself. Rolan froze a little, the feeling of her body against his. She had leaned on him earlier because she was drunk. She was still drunk, wasn’t she? ‘H-how are you feeling?’ He asked her softly and she smiled.
‘I’m perfect,’ she said, meaning it. Was there a little rum floating in her head? A little. Enough to be a little sleepy and a little bold. But not enough to ruin her senses. The screams of a kitten in a bath had sobered her up considerably. But besides that, she was sitting in front of a fire, very close to a person she trusted and adored. Watching a kitten groom himself. She had no complaints. There was another moment of silence before Rolan’s arm coiled around her waist, holding her a little closer. Zelphie’s heart did flips in her chest and her tail found his quickly. She felt Rolan’s lips in her temple before he spoke.
‘Yes you are,’ he whispered and Zelphie felt the warm rush again. This time, she wouldn’t let it hang. She turned her head to look at him properly. He was looking right down at her, his yellow glowing eyes, his strong and sharp features. Zelphie wouldn’t remember who moved first or who moved the most. She just knew that both of them had and the pair kissed. Simple as that. Had it been too soon? Had it taken too long for such a simple, lovely little thing? It didn’t matter, it was happening, and Zelphie felt every spark of electricity in her body zap her skin. She refused to break this kiss. She had been wanting to kiss Rolan for a very long time. She felt his hand on her cheek and then the absence of his lips. He placed his forehead on hers. ‘Was that alright?’ He whispered softly and she nodded, a little speechless. He was more than alright, he was everything. She reached up again, needing to be back in their first kiss. A first kiss for lovers, what a dream. He kissed her back and she gave way to a grateful sigh. She felt his fangs against her lips, she could taste him. Her heart was beating terribly quickly.
‘How long have you been hoping to do that?’ She asked him softly, their foreheads and noses still connected. She was no longer drunk from the rum, but drunk from something else entirely. He grinned and nuzzled down against her.
‘A while…a long while,’ he admitted. She giggled in response. ‘Please tell me you’ve felt the same.’
‘Yes, if only you hadn’t hated me so much,’ she said and he laughed.
‘I did hate you, though, I’ve always been a supporter of the fact that hate and love are not mutually exclusive,’ he told her and her heartbeat quickly. He didn’t mean what he just said, of course. He couldn’t have. Love her? Love her. Not like that, certainly. ‘Because I do, I do love you, I cherish you. And I’m a fool for trying to hide it. I only wanted to make you comfortable around me, I…but everyone is so quick to poke and prod at my feelings for you, I wasn’t very good at hiding them,’ he told her. She felt his thumb rub her cheek gently. She could have melted into a puddle.
‘It shows you have respect for me, but you’ve made me comfortable Rolan. I trust you. I-‘ she said quickly and chewed on her cheek. ‘I love you too.’ She finished and looked into his eyes. He was as close as another person could be. She giggled again and he leaned down to kiss her again. Love. Real, trusting and respecting love. She’d never had that before. Love was more than kisses in front of a fireplace, love was bonding, understanding, trusting, wanting, caring. She would count what she and Rolan shared as love. But like lovers, they had that one more inch of feeling. For did she not love Lia and Cal? Yes. Did she love Jaheira and Gale and Shadowheart and Karlach and Wyll? Yes. Rolan was a different love, with that extra special something that made her stomach flip. He was handsome, he had a velvety low voice. He was commanding and mighty stubborn. Zelphie was attracted to him and it was clear, in the very least, that Rolan was also attracted to her. It was very nice to feel him want her. His hand holding her cheek, the other holding her side, holding her close. Possession. She felt fiery. She was all his. She placed a hand on his thigh and she heard him sigh out. She didn’t want to start anything else, but she did want to touch him.
‘Too, too long. You were right. Wizards are stubborn,’ he said and she laughed. ‘I should have done that ages ago, though…I don’t know if it’s stubbornness or the fear that…I was wrong about how you might have felt about me,’ he continued and Zelphie just kept smiling.
‘I’m glad for your new bravery,’ she whispered softly and Rolan took a minute and spoke again.
‘This isn’t all because you’ve been drinking, is it?’ He asked, clearly nervous about asking that. His voice quivered a bit and he was quick with his words.
‘No, but that’s a very kind question. No, listening to him screaming was enough to sober me up,’ she said and glanced at the kitten, who was still quickly attempting to lick himself dry. She laughed at the sweet sight and looked back at Rolan. ‘Like I said, I’ve been feeling a special way about you for a long while now, Rolan. Since the party, actually, back at our camp…’ she said and Rolan’s eyes widened. She laughed again. ‘Well, you were happy and a little silly, it was a very nice side of you to see,’ she said and Rolan’s smile widened.
‘Well, I can’t blame you then,’ he said playfully, Zelphie laughed lightly. ‘But…silly? Mmmm not my favorite word,’ he said and Zelphie laughed.
‘Then don’t act silly when you’ve had too much wine,’ she told him and he chuckled. ‘But you know, I feel very lucky to see a more relaxed side of you,’ she explained and Rolan nodded.
‘If you see me relaxed it's only because of how you make me feel, my dear,’ he told her and she smirked. My dear. It wasn’t the first time he had called her that. It was very sweet, maybe a little too innocent and careful, but too careful was better than too strong.
‘Now that is the best compliment I think anyone has ever paid me,’ she said and he laughed.
‘I don’t believe you, but I’m going to pretend you’re telling the truth,’ he told her and glanced at the kitten. Still going at himself. Poor little thing. ‘What shall we name him then?’ He asked and Zelphie looked at the kitten.
‘Surely Rolan Junior,’ she said and Rolan barked a laugh.
‘No, gods no, please do not call it that,’ he said and Zelphie hummed a laugh. He looked down at her and shook his head. ‘No, I know that look, I forbid it, both you and the kitten will be street urchins again,’ he told her and she laughed. She leaned over and scooped up the kitten who grumbled a little and went back to his grooming.
‘He is as stubborn as you, it appears,’ she said and Rolan smirked.
‘Hush you,’ he said softly and kissed her temple. She leaned back on him. This was very nice.
‘Ronald,’ she said and he laughed.
‘Please don’t,’ he said, his lips still her hair.
‘Rolanda,’ she added.
Silence passed between the two of them, Zelphie thinking and enjoying the moment, Rolan’s face buried in her hair. What was he thinking about, she wondered. Was he as happy as she was? She hoped he was, for she was very very happy. She continued to think about a good name for the kitten, no more teasing Rolan. After a moment she gasped.
‘What?’ He asked her, as if she had woken him up.
‘Elminster,’ she said and he laughed loudly and looked down at the kitten.
‘That is the most offensive way to honor Mystra’s chosen,’ he said and she grinned and rubbed the top of the kitten’s head. The poor thing was only concerned with drying himself off. Rolan sat up straighter and held his hands near the kitten, his hands beginning to burn hot. They stayed still together and very quickly the cat dried up. Zelphie looked up at Rolan and smiled.
‘Thank you,’ she said and Rolan smiled.
‘Lajy,’ he said simply. Zelphie blinked at him. Lajy was Infernal, Infernal for love. ‘I used love just then to conjure that heat. We should name him Lajy.’ He used love to dry off the kitten, wizards had to use emotions and memories to call upon The Weave, and Rolan has just used love to burn his hands enough. She smiled up at him, feeling as warm and as comfortable as she could be. She leaned back on him and his grip got tighter on her. He held her while she held the little cat.
‘Lajy,’ she repeated and stroked the kitten’s newly cleaned fur. He felt Rolan leaning against her temple again, their horns clinking a bit. Rolan’s horns were incredibly graceful, almost economical in their shape. They were large, but they swept back and up, out of the way. Zelphie’s were less economical. They went up and out. She found it very difficult to lay on her side at night, and with Rolan so close, she wouldn’t move, as if she did, she might take his eye out. They found a perfect position and the nice peaceful moment was only interrupted by the sound of a hungry belly. Rolan would blame it on Lajy.
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hjartasalt · 1 year
Okay so now that I'm done Mads Mikkelsen-ing you. 1. We weren't taught technique as much as we should have been. At most, we just studied artists and what techniques they used, but never practical learning. We did have class critique and occasional once every three months teacher critique. 2. No. I don't think we ever really touched art history. Art techniques used in historical paintings and sculptures, yes. Art history, no. 3. My teachers did believe art could be "everything" it was convenient only when bullshitting about how my half done assignment was definitely complete, and absolutely useless every time else. 4. We had some art supplies provided, and some art supplies had to be brought in. We had canvases and paints and a sculpting tools and clay, and other kinds of art tools(think paintbrushes and needles and such). Anything not in class had to be brought in. 5. I think my teachers had a grasp of what they thought they were teaching and what they thought was useful. I don't think they had a grasp of actually teaching a certain subject. 6. Class critique more than teacher critique. Teacher critique happened for bigger projects only(project that takes more than one month) and only if you specifically asked. 7. We were graded on our art works. Only theory was marked as completed(written assignment on a certain artist's techniques for example). 8. Attendence did matter and it was possible to fail a certain class depending on attendance *if you didn't alert a teacher*. They wouldn't automatically fail you but you did have to attend office hours to ask if you missed anything. You'd be expected to complete any assignments you missed due to absence within a month. 9. I did feel the education was demanding, but not in a "this is good and challenging and I'm learning a lot" kind of way. More of in a "my teacher doesn't have a grasp of what a life is and they constantly overwhelm us with work. 10. Honestly, no. Everything I learned could have been learned outside of college in my own self studies. And honestly, most of what I learned was on my own. This is a perfectly okay thing if you're not paying to attend a college. I was so it wasn't so fun for me. 11. All the fucking time. While these are my own experiences, I've talked a lot with friends who attend other art colleges and honestly, it seems like this is the norm. People usually end up learning a lot on their own and end up in a lot of debt over maybe having a teacher to help them(who most of the time doesn't even help). And hey, I beat the word limit <3
Glad you got it out of your system
Thank you. Honestly I was kinda hoping my university wasn't the norm but from what I've gathered so far it varies a lot when it comes to fine art, I just deeply wish they taught technique and gave feedback
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stanley01 · 2 years
Ok,so-- in short: I need activities.
In long: I am a student in a horrid school with outdated education,loud children and partially useless teachers. I've been searching for ways to make things more bearable but have come to the conclusion; I need help. Internet's help.
I,no doubt,have some sort of neurodivergency (some sort of illness or just a different working brain than my peers) and due to the insane prices,I can't get diagnosed. I have tho been researching alot of different mental illnesses and divergences and display alot of ADHD/ADD symptoms. Almost 90% of the common and uncommon symptoms I have,at some point in my life,felt. I also display autism symptoms but much less. There may be other ones but again,I'm still in the middle of researching as it's not just a small Google search and the first few links that pop up.
I do have the ability to drop out of school but many people in my life + darn society have forced me to go to school for the next however long it is for 5 times a day,7 and a half hours a day,sit in 5 mundane classes,go home,and possibly suffer some more. I have been having a hard time paying attention or finding motivation in the classes although have pretty good grades. (My attendance is... Something else 😬 BUT purely for what I'm about to say next) The teachers at my school spend too much time trying to shush and punish the misbehaving kids (which I sometimes join too but purely because there's nothing better for me to do as the whole class is paused while the kid is misbehaving but I'm nowhere NEAR as bad as them.) and so,much of the 7 and a half hours are spent sitting at the desk;in full uniform,not being able to stand up, and not allowed our phones. Pretty understandable but when you sit for 1 hour for 5 whole classes for 5 times a day with nothing but your thoughts it is an absolute WRECK. And for some people this may seem like a dream! And it would be,IF IT WASNT FOR THE CONSTANT CHATTER,CONSTANT BICKERING AND TALKING OF THE APPROX 30 OTHER KIDS IN THE FKING CLASS. IF IT WASN'T FOR THE AIRPLANES THROWN ACROSS THE CLASS EVERY 10 FKING MINUTES. IF IT WASNT FOR THE 'POPULAR GIRLS' THROWING RANDOM PAPER BITS OR SMALL SWEETS AT YOUR HEAD. IF IT WASNT FOR THE SCREAMING OF THE TEACHER AND CONSTANT FIDGETING OF OTHER PEOPLE LIKE PEN CLICKING OR HUMMING.
Calming down now,it ofcourse isn't always like this. This isn't some class from a movie about an untameable class with only one good perfect student. But the absolute things I would do to absolutely hush every child in the damn room would definetely reach headlines. Only thing stopping me? The consequences that would follow. Detention,police involvement,fines,possible criminal record,maybe jail time,who knows! But definetely not a great big thank you.
Ok ok, we're getting slightly off topic now,it's about how I,a neurodivergent,would like advice on what to do in class while I have hours of free time that's completely being wasted. At home I can think of tons of things to entertain me but at school my brain shuts off. I need a list of things to do or bring or think of to distract me from the chaos. A few rules tho of my school: no big or loud fidgets (some teachers prohibit them entirely),no phones or gadgets in class(a small bypass to this is I have wireless earbuds and shoulder length hair which can cover my ears but need to be charged daily and I may miss something of the teacher),must always wear uniform but can take blazers off,in p.e can't wear jewelry and some strict teachers don't allow it In their class either, and that's mainly it from what I can remember. But this isn't the most important part,the most important is me,my brain. So in short he's what I observed about myself and behaviours I never noticed before: I can daydream but I do not have the ability to clearly visualise images and have a hard time thinking of what to think about. I have poor time management. I'm very forgetful,and I mean VERY. I love the textures of sponges but who tf brings a sponge to class? But also I hate the texture of sharp metal rubbing on blazer-like material (ironic as I have alot of safety-clip backed pins. Yes I absolutely cringe when it makes that rough ''skghh" sound). I love worksheets, especially when others are not doing the same one as me. I like reading but can NOT focus when others are talking. Like drawing but find it hard to find something that I am passionate on drawing for that moment specifically and ofcourse can't remember what exists,bad memorryyyy,so I just draw what's around me and ofcourse there's barely anything. I like researching,making lists,and brainstorming on topics that have no connection to the class- it's something weirdly fun,but I can't seem to know what topic to choose! I love animals (specifically birds,pets,dogs,cats and mammals);the other world like space,metaphysics,magic,ect; my own brain; gravity falls; ciphers; Rick and Morty. There are a few other things but once again,bad memorryyyyyyy (I have litterally forgotten my own identity on multiple occasions.
So please,if you could,give me ANY idea of what to do. I appreciate it if it's something to do with writing. I can get a notebook just for writing random stuff but just tell me what!!! An example be like: write about all your current interests,write about every single person in class,ect.
Some things that have worked for me before in school was writing about my show/book,listening to music while doing worksheets and glueing glitter to my book. Some things that didn't work at all was drawing other students andddd I think there was alot of other stuff I tried. Shit I genuinely can't remember although I've sat here for like 10 minutes.
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laryna6 · 3 years
Hmm, Cha Hae-In... if she ran into Sung Jin-Woo at the sword school somehow and is ? that he smells good?
Sugar Mama Cha Hae-In + the Hunters’ Guild going ‘these two are adorable we are going to make this ship sail’
Also he’s adorable and her sword teacher tells her that he keeps getting injured but keeps going on hunts, people think he’s an idiot rich boy in it for the thrill but he doesn’t buy that, no defense and yet he gets wounded protecting their healer too.
Cha Hae-In using her vice guildmaster position to offer him a position on the resource gathering teams, and watching as he goes from shut down and dead inside to smiling and friendly and starting to actually talk to people. They’re like sure, he’s not the fastest/strongest worker, but he’s hard working and does his best and pays attention to instructions.
Meanwhile Sung Jin-Woo is ‘this job comes with medical insurance!’ and Jin-Ah is ‘I don’t have to worry about my brother dying anymore! The Hunter’s Guild would absolutely have like, whole guild social functions where you bring your family and Jin-Ah wanting to talk to Cha Hae-In and explaining the situation and being ‘thank you so much for saving the life of my last family.’
So Cha Hae-In is *manly tears* Such a wonderful big brother! So filial! So cute!
Sung Jin-Woo starts bringing her lunch to thank her and she’s ‘you don’t have to...’ (but it’s really good) ‘I am rich af let me pay you’ and Sung Jin-Woo is ‘sure’ because money.
... to skip ahead, shadow!Choi Jong-In continuing to do paperwork, corresponence and checking over payroll after death leaves him Not Impressed with Ashborn wanting to ditch Jin-Woo (especially after finding out Ashborn made Jin-Woo responsible for his army)
So like, the entire Hunter’s Guild is like, ‘Cha Hae-In has a boyfriend... but we already know him and he is a Good Kid not like, someone who wants to feel dominant over a powerful woman or any of that BS and oh hey this food is really good’ So Choi Jong-In goes ‘we’re going to have a cafeteria now and provide lunches for all the gate teams’ and puts Sung Jin-Woo in charge of it and people are like ‘this is why we call u a genius’
People are like ‘when are you going to ask him out’ and Cha Hae-In is ‘as vice guildmaster I’m his boss! I can’t hit on him!’ so Choi Jong-In is like ‘congratulations you own a restaurant in our guild building now with a lucrative contract with our guild’
Now it’s ‘i can’t hit on him at work! And he feels like he really owes me, I don’t want to make him feel like I was... expecting things’
They are like ah! She is such a good person for an s-rank! Ok, then they need Sung Jin-Woo to make a move! Plan 1: he seems to like watching her train even though he can’t follow a lot of her movements, so we’ll invite him along to watch a fight.
Next up is a double dungeon, but it appeared in a low rank dungeon and the measurements are still weak AF. So like, it’s a mission that the Hunter’s Guild can go on like, just to be sure! But almost certainly safe for an e-rank.
And then you have Choi Jong-In and Sung Jin-Woo scrambling to figure out the rules. Cha Hae-In carrying Sung Jin-Woo over her shoulder, someone else taking Choi Jong-In after he passes out burning up all his MP in the hopes of taking out the statue’s eye beams. 
So they’re around the altar with their unconscious boss and the e-rank up on it in the center to be safest, and they’re staring down the statues and debating ‘do we send Cha Hae-In out the door to carry the guildmaster and Sung Jin-Woo to safety, or does that door scream obvious trap because the rule is ‘prove your faith’ and wouldn’t leaving the temple be abandoning your faith?
And Cha Hae-In and Sung Jin-Woo are ‘that would leave you guys without any s-ranks against a very high a boss if not worse.’ and it’s the hunter guild’s duty to close gates first. This gate was counting down when it was reported as a double dungeon, they cannot let this boss gate breach.
The flames count down and, hmm, should the architect react like a thwarted bully or improv some new bullshit to act like everything is within his calculations? So he goes ‘to prove your faith you must now offer a sacrifice’ but instead of obviously giving up the weakling to keep the others alive they’re like yeah, fuck no (’if the porter/guest gets hurt the whole guild has failed’)
So he grabs Jin-Woo and unleashes the statues on the humans with orders to make it hurt but not finish them off, and tells him ‘get on that altar and you’ll be able to leave here with them.’
And Jin-Woo knew he was willing to die for Jin-Ah and Mom, but they’re safe now and he owes that to Cha Hae-In and everyone at the Hunter Guild’s kindness. so he’s ‘ok’ and they are ‘nonono’
He wakes up at the hospital, told he’s the only survivor and he’s been asleep for a month, which... he knew the boss was a lying bastard, monsters don’t spare humans, but he couldn’t just not even TRY/do anything.
...WTF is this? He thought seeing that screen before was some kind of pre-death brain screwery. Jin-Ah and the Hunter’s Guild b-team start coming in and he’s ?? are you guys seeing this? THey are ‘what did that thing do to poor helpless e-rank good boy?!’
Choi Jong-In measures him as an A rank, but instead of being happy Sung Jin-Woo is going through status screens on job class an abilities and...
And then he pales.
And summons the dead.
The boss said ‘he’d go home with them.’ Effing literal words... They can’t speak, but they touch his shoulder to say it’s okay.
Sung Jin-Woo ends up rejoining the Hunter’s Guild after leveling to S because without any S ranks it would have lost a lot of prestige and ability to take more valuable gates and pay for all the salary, benefits and expensive protective armor.
Doing the JeJu op and since he’s OP, replacing the Draw Sword guild as emergency call-in guild for southeast asia due to like ‘why would we charge you fees A rank gates are where the money’s at if anything we should be paying you for finding them for us’
But if Min Byong-Gyu does die and get turned into a shadow but talks to Baek Yoon-Ho re ‘hey I’m being forced to adore that guy his power is really creepy get me out of here’ and Baek is concerned about Choi Jong-In too...
Sung Jin-Woo’s reaction to the idea his friends are being FORCED to care about him/not be mad he was a useless e-rank and couldn’t save them...
Ashborn seeing Sung Jin-Woo with comrades that ~died with him, like he resurrected his fallen soldiers after did... even more ‘like me’ so earlier decision to not possess.
Ms. Selner going ‘there is great darkness in you’ and he’s ‘can you tell me anything else?’
Hunter’s Guild Shadow Squad wanting to powerlevel for Cartenon temple rematch and then they get sealed instead of getting to attack that bastard? FFFFFFFFFF
instead of ‘get necromancer class’ it’s ‘unlock a prestige class’ so he does get Igris.
He wants to get stronger so he can stop this from happening again, and making sure gates got cleared and people were safe is what they wanted... right?
More examination of using his power on humans/to preserve human souls since like, he can’t get valid consent NOW.
...Chairman Yoo going ‘those lizards killed my son, stole his equips, and made me pay them for being ‘kind’ enough to carry his body out, but I can’t do sh*t because the older brother’s an s-rank,’ and bowing his head.
So Sung Jin-Woo shadowing Jin-Ho, who gets adopted into squad happily. That way he can ask him to confirm ‘those guys did murder you, yes?’
Hunter’s Guild is guild conference rep for Korea OFC, people from guild helping Jin-Woo study up on who everyone is and the contacts they’ve got/are working on. Hwang Dong-Su kidnaps someone else.
During Ashborn meeting Choi Jong-In showing up to SHAME Ashborn for planning to sleep forever (suicide ideation) bc as a leader he should be more responsible than to ditch someone else to take care of the org he’s responsible for. If Choi Jong-In is doing paperwork from behind the grave, this guy isn’t going to get to lie around when humanity desperately needs more combatants at this level/Jin-Woo shouldn’t have to die alone.
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fluffi · 3 years
pairing: jay x gn!reader genre: fluff, badboy!jay, highschool!au, friends-enemies-lovers!au word count: 2k event: for @lovesick-net​​ and (early) jay day 200421 <3 author’s note: simple little one-shot for jay’s birthday (i wont be uploading anything for his actual birthday). i had to speedrun this fic because i kept changing the plot and this hasnt been proofread twice (unlike my other fics) T-T i hope it’ll still work out. warnings: (reader makes one bad decision)
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Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring
The alarm clock stopped its boisterous wailing
10 more minutes. I don’t have to style my hair today.
Thirty minutes passed.
Ugh. I’ll just miss assembly.
This time, the ringing stopped before he could slam his hand over the alarm clock.
“Jongseong, do you not have school today?” Jay could only make out a bush of black that stood above him as he sat up, dazed and drowsy.
“Yeah, I do. I’m about to get ready. Why?”
“It’s 9 am! You should be at school! At this point, you don’t even have to go anymore.” His mother huffed in disappointment.
It was an exaggeration, but she had a point. School started at eight in the morning. It was already an hour later but he was still sitting in bed.
“I’ll get ready now. 10 minutes. Good to go.” He shooed his mom away, already running to the bathroom to wash up.
“I’m leaving now Jay. You know darn well that I have an important meeting today and I can’t miss it just for you to not get a tardy. Heck, you’re already late! You’re-”
“Mom! I can’t walk to school! It takes too long.” Jay whined as he brushed his teeth, his muffled voice interrupting his mother’s speech.
“Young man, stop interrupting me. I told you a week ago about today’s event and it’s not my fault that my oldest son can’t take care of himself. You’re going to have to take another mode of transport, you’re old enough to deal with this yourself!” With that, his mother stormed out of his room, her feet obnoxiously thumping on the floor.
“I’m also your only son...” Jay muttered. 
Of all days, why did she have to have her meeting today? Monthly evaluations aren’t that important. Dangit, I should’ve been taught how to drive. Jay returned to his rapid multitasking, grabbing his school uniform while washing his face. He didn’t even look twice,
After taking the quickest shower he had ever taken in his entire life and shoving all of his essential (what he determined as essential, at least) belongings into his bag, he opened to door and dashed outside only to be met with…
Rain everywhere. Drenching the front yard’s perfectly tended flower garden and creating heaps of watery mud. It was pouring at 9.15 am. There was thunder and occasional flashes of light zooming through the clouds. The city was in shambles.
Not like, shamble, shambles. It was shambles in Jay’s opinion as he groaned and stomped his way through the rain.
Screw school. Screw this stupid rain, screw my alarm clock, screw this-
“Dude, why are you running in the rain? You’re soaked. Are you heading to school?” A pink-haired boy in a red Ferrari shouted from across the street.
Jay sighed in relief, immediately running across the road to said Ferrari. “Choi Yeonjun. You are a life-saver. Could I get a ride real quick? I’ll pay back for engine fees and for soaking the inside of your Ferrari with rainwater.”
“Hop right in, and don’t worry about returning. Let’s have some fun with this baby.” Yeonjun smirked and revved the engine, swerving past cars and buildings like it was a little RPG game.
At this rate, I’ll make it to school in no time.
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“Dude, I’m so sorry. I guess you have to walk.”
Just as he thought things were taking a better turn, Yeonjun decides to show off his new driving skills and zooms through roads at a rapid speed, so fast that he crashed the car by a tree. It was a miracle that both of them didn’t get hurt but as far as Jay was concerned, he could worry about that some other time. This was just slowing him down on his long and tedious journey towards his form of hell.
On the bright side, the rain had stopped and the sunshine was back as if nothing had happened.
“I’ll get going to school.” Jay internally groaned and started sprinting in the direction of his school.
“Hey, at least I helped you get closer to school! Didn’t I?” Yeonjun shouted from behind and coyly smiled.
Such a boastful punk, Jay thought. “Whatever, bro!” He turned back and gave his older friend a quick wave before dashing off.
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“Park Jongseong! You’re late...again.”
“I’m aware.” Jay didn’t spare his English teacher an eye and slung his backpack over the chair, about to take a seat.
“Stop giving me attitude, I’m your teacher.Why are you tardy for the fourth time this month?”
“Alarm clock.”
“Alarm clock what? Are you afraid to speak up? I don’t see you acting like this in the hallways.”
Jay looked down at his feet and sighed before side-eyeing his teacher. “Overslept, okay? Sir if you could just let me off the hook you would be able to proceed with your Shakespeare nonsense.”
The entire class snickered. It was no secret that Jay loathed Mr. Jung, the English teacher. Who didn’t? Mr. Jung treated every student in school like they were incapable toddlers and it was a wonder that anyone would dare to stand up to his stupid remarks. Jay’s carefree attitude towards his horrible teachers was one of the reasons why he earned so many fangirls.
Not like you were one, of course. You watched as he pulled his chair out and sat next to you out of the three other vacant seats at the back of the class.
Mr. Jung rolled his eyes and continued writing on the blackboard. “Also, Jongseong,” he added, “you’re wearing your school shirt the wrong way round. See you in detention for your tardiness.”
A few of the girls in a few seats in front of him whispered rapidly, although whispering didn’t stop Jay from finding out about their gossip.
“Lol! So much for being the bad boy of our grade. He looks like a wreck today.”
“I know right? I wonder what the other fangirls will think of this. Should we send the pictures to the fan club?”
The second girl giggled. “Yeah, duh. Name it jay-park-wreck-images.”
So much for my reputation. Jay could only roll his eyes as he pulled out his supplies, ignoring the camera clicks coming from the seats in front of him.
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“Oh, yay. At least I’ll have a detention buddy now.”
Jay eyed you up and down like your statement was some sort of monstrosity. “Detention? You, detention? Pfft.” He laughed.
“Yeah, Jay. Me, detention. Why are you so happy about it? Glad to be stuck with another girl?”
“What, no-no. You just...don’t seem like the type to be in detention. How’d you get it?”
“This..may be kind of embarrassing, but...” You turned to the side and Jay gasped.
On the sleeve of your uniform was a...rabbit? It wasn’t too obvious as to what the marker doodle was but it was apparent that you had intentionally spent time to draw on it.
“Look, I was bored in assembly this morning and found a spare marker in my pocket! Don’t judge, we all know how bad assembly can be.” You blurted just as Jay was about to ask why you had done what you did.
“You could’ve just drawn on your hand or done something else with the marker.” Jay sighed and shook his head at your dumb decision.
“I was out of my mind, okay? Ugh, Assembly always drives me nuts. I got called out for for the horrendous ink bleed when Mr. Jung saw as I walked into the classroom. He said it ‘didn’t follow school guidelines’.”
“For once, I agree with Mr. Jung. It was a stupid choice, you know? If you didn’t draw on your uniform then you wouldn’t have to go to detention now.”
“Jay Park, the bad boy of school, is telling me to be a rule abider. Biggest twist of the century.” You rolled your eyes.
Jay frowned and turned back at you, losing that little spark in his eyes that he once kept. “I’m not a bad boy you know? I just don’t like the system in place here.”
“As if anyone is going to believe that. Go hang out with another girl of yours. I’m not here to be your toy.”
“People like you are the reason why everyone thinks I’m a bad person. I thought you were different, you know?”
You had been preoccupied with taking notes for class, but now you looked at him with squinted eyes. “Well, I am different. Different as In someone who doesn’t fall for your useless charms. Go suck up to your fangirls or something.”
Jay rolled his eyes and scooted away from you. He thought he had been lucky to meet you, but he guessed not.
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You always do this, you idiot. You were so close to making a new friend.
You put your hands in your head and side-eyed Jay, who seemed to be struggling as Mr. Jung blurted out an entire unit’s summary.
The boy hadn’t brought any stationery and was definitely on the wrong page of the textbook. You figured that he was this disheveled from his absolute lack of planning but you still felt bad.
His hair was a mess, it was still damp from the rain before. If only you could help him style it…
Why do I want to touch his hair? That’s weird and gross.
You were so occupied with thinking about Jay that you realized that he was still struggling in class.
Maybe you could make things better.
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“I’m sorry.”
Jay was struggling to find the page you guys were on for class when a pencil blocked his view.
“What do you want?” He said as he tried to look past your pencil swinging.
“It’s a pencil for you since I realized that your table is practically empty and you’re going to need something to take notes with for later. Also, it’s page 153, not 53.” You leaned over to help him flip the pages.
“Oh, that makes so much more sense. I was wondering why we were relearning unit 3 when finals aren’t even near yet.”
You raised your eyebrows, looking up at a relieved Jay. “So you do pay attention in class.”
“Of course I do! I’m a student. You should stop using that stereotype on me.” Jay frowned and a tinge of disappointment shadowed his face.
“Right, I know. I’m sorry. I’m trying to work on it, it’s rumors and assumptions that have built up over the past few years and I understand that it shouldn’t get in the way of our friendship.”
“Friendship? We have a friendship?” Jay chuckled and cocked an eyebrow up, teasing you.
Maybe it was that eyebrow slit or the weird tension that was building up between the both of you. You felt your face heat up. “I mean- yeah, friendship. Are we not friends?”
“I don’t know, hun. I thought we were something more.”
It was perfect timing as the bell rang and you immediately started packing things into your bag, eyes glued to the clock instead of the amused boy next to you.
Jay laughed, running his hands through his blonde locks and watching as you started running out of class, your eyes occasionally looking back at him to see if he was still staring at you.
“See you in detention!” He called, drawing the attention of your classmates.
Jay Park needs to learn how to shut his mouth. Everyone was now staring at you and you were flustered, embarrassed, shocked, and confused. The weird mix of emotions were driving you nuts. All you could muster was a little nod and you dashed out of there as fast as you could.
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“Today we’re going to learn about Murphy’s Law. It is where anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”
“But everything that can work, will work.” Jay raised his hand and added, sparing a glance at you jotting notes in the back of the classroom, oblivious to his reference towards you.
“You’re right Jay. Murphy’s Law works both ways. Reversing it is considered part of science…”
Today morning was a storm (figuratively and literally) and everything seemed to be going wrong for Jay. Murphy’s Law prevails. but there’s always a rainbow after the storm. You were his rainbow and his lucky charm.
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2021 © fluffi
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 1) (chilumi fic)
“Lumine is the student council president and Childe is the school’s number one troublemaker. They cross paths more than they’d like. Especially when Childe finds out Lumine’s big secret. Highschool AU à la Kaichou wa Maid-sama.”
if anyone has seen maid-sama, Lumine and Childe sometimes reminded me of Misaki and Usui so i had to write it hehe :3 if you haven’t seen it, i highly suggest it, its a very cute anime and if you like chilumi, you’ll definitely like the main couple in it! its on netflix! :D
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link]
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“the president and the troublemaker” (part 1)
“Childe, for the last time, earrings are against the school uniform code,” Lumine said to him, eyes narrowing at the red jewelry dangling from his ear. He may have towered over her, but she was the student council president—she had to enforce the rules no matter what. 
Childe tilted his head, fingers grazing over his earring. “A tiny thing like this? Surely you can let me off the hook, Madame President?” 
“No exceptions. Remove it now or I will forcibly confiscate it from you.” 
He scoffed, turning away. “I’d like to see you try.”
Lumine clenched her jaw, watching his back retreat down the hallway. Oh, she could easily take it from him. But this wasn’t the place to use brute force. As much as he boiled her blood, she wouldn’t dare reveal her secret here. 
Childe, the school’s number one troublemaker: always getting into fights, never listening to authorities, doing whatever he pleased. And the worst part? He always got away with it. 
The girls of the school fawned over his good looks, the boys envied his strength, and the elders fell victim to his charisma. 
Not Lumine though. She refused to be influenced by him. Maybe that’s why he always seemed so annoyed by her. Good. 
She ripped out a page of her student council notebook, scribbling out Childe’s name and dress code violation, pocketing it to turn in later. 
She practically stomped her way into the student council room, earning a glance from the Vice President—her twin brother Aether. 
“Childe?” he asked, going back to typing on his laptop. 
Lumine slumped in her chair. “Yes,” she nearly growled. “How did you know?”
“Because he always puts you in the worst of moods,” her brother answered. “Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to put him in his place.”
“And get kicked out of school for murder? No thank you; I’m not ruining an absolutely clean record for the likes of someone like Childe.” She flipped through her notebook, seeing all her citations on said troublemaker. “Soon enough, that boy is going to get expelled, mark my words.”
Suddenly, the door burst open, and the student council reporter—a student named Bennett—dashed in, holding the side of his face.
“Madame President!” he announced. “There’s a fight breaking out in the hallway!”
Both Aether and Lumine stood. “What happened to your face, Bennett?” Aether asked. 
The reporter let out a sheepish laugh. “I, uh, tried to break up the fight but ended up getting punched in the face.”
“Okay, c’mon, let’s get you to the nurse,” Aether said, walking Bennett out the door. 
Lumine quickly walked out after them, hearing the commotion down the hallway. As she turned the corner, there was a crowd of students circled around the tussle. 
“Out of the way!” Lumine shouted. 
At the sound of her voice, many students scattered back to their classrooms, leaving only the perpetrators still fighting: a short boy with cropped blue hair and—Childe.
“Hey!” she yelled. “Break. It. Up! Or it’s suspension for the both of you!” 
The short boy gave Childe a harsh shove, adjusting his odd cap with tassels on the sides. “You don’t have to fight me every time you see me, you brute,” the boy hissed. 
Childe laughed. “C’mon, Scaramouche, don’t be like that,” the ginger said. “We were just having some fun, Madame President; no need to make a big fuss out of it.” 
Lumine glared at him. “Why are you always at the center of trouble?” 
Childe shrugged. “Life’s too boring.” 
Taking out her notebook, she scoffed. “Well, it’s about to get a whole lot more boring for you. Detention. After school. Both of you.” 
“It was just some play fighting between friends, Pres,” Childe insisted. “Don’t be so stuck-up.” 
“Not play fighting when one of my council members gets hit in the face,” she retorted angrily. 
“Can I at least be let off the hook?” Scaramouche interjected. “He was the one who attacked me.” 
The blonde sighed. “Fine. This was your first offense anyways.” 
“Today’s his first day after all,” Childe supplied. 
“It’s his first day and you welcomed him by attacking him?” Lumine asked, crossing her arms. 
He smiled. “What can I say? We know each other.” 
I want to punch that smile off his face. “Scaramouche, go back to class. Childe, you’re coming with me to in-school suspension.” 
Scaramouche muttered something under his breath and walked away, while Childe cheerfully waved goodbye to him. 
Lumine started walking down the other way, towards the ISS room, Childe’s footsteps falling in behind her. Most of the way was done in silence. Until—
“Say, Pres, why are you so stuck-up?” Childe asked. 
Lumine grit her teeth. “Have you ever thought maybe I’m not stuck-up, and maybe you’re just a troublemaker?” 
“Hey, at least I make your life a little more interesting, don’t I?”
“Not interesting. So much more unbearable.” 
“Maybe you should loosen up. Being like this won’t make you many friends.” 
“And fighting people will?” 
“Fighting is fun. You’re telling me you’ve never watched a fight and found it entertaining?”
Lumine stopped in her tracks. “Of course not. You only do it when something’s seriously on the line. Not for fun.” 
“Uh-uhm, excuse me,” a timid voice said. 
Lumine turned to find a girl, she looked young, probably a freshman, clutching a card. “Can I help you?” the president asked.
“A-actually,” the girl responded, “can I t-talk to Ch-Childe? A-Alone?” 
The blonde glanced at Childe, who shrugged back at her. Letting out a sigh, she said, “Yes, go ahead.” She was doing this for the girl. Not Childe. 
She walked ahead and turned the corner until she was out of sight and unable to hear. After a minute or so, the freshman girl ran past her, hysterically crying. Brows furrowed, she went back to Childe. 
“So, where are we going?” he asked nonchalantly. 
Asshole. “What the hell did you do to her?” Lumine asked. “Do I really need to write you up again?”  
“What? All I did was reject her confession.”
A glare at him. “Be nicer. Don’t make girls cry.” She continued walking. 
“Or maybe she should just be stronger.” 
“Don’t you dare insult a girl’s strength in front of me.” 
“I’m not insulting the strength of a woman. I’m just saying people in general could do better if only they were stronger.” His strides quickened, and soon he was in front of her. He flicked the earring dangling from his ear. “For instance, if you had the strength, you could easily rip this from my ear, and you could stop stacking up those useless dress code citations for me.” 
Lumine had to clench her teeth to stop herself from murdering him on the spot. “I’m your student council president. I don’t solve things through violence. Which is why you and I are different.” Lie, her gut hissed. 
She stopped, throwing open the door to her left, gesturing into the room. “You’ll spend the rest of the school day here.” She turned in, looking at the teacher. “Mr. Diluc, you have a student here for in-school suspension for the rest of the day.” 
Mr. Diluc glanced up from his book, expressionless. “Childe. Back so soon?” 
Childe sauntered in, taking a seat. “You know our Pres. Always working on cleaning up the school from scum like me.” 
“Good for her,” Diluc said. “Thank you, Lumine.”
Lumine nodded and closed the door behind her. Finally.
At least Childe wouldn’t be causing anymore trouble today. 
* * *
Lumine shivered as the chilling locker room hit her bare skin. Shedding her hoodie, she donned a simple black sports tank top and shorts. 
“Are they ever going to get heaters for these locker rooms?” she muttered. 
“It’s an underground fighting ring,” Aether said, “You think they can afford state-of-the-art locker rooms?” He tossed her a roll of hand wraps. 
She caught it, unraveling it, and started to wrap them around her knuckles. “You’re right. As long as they pay me, I shouldn’t be complaining.” 
Aether nodded, taking her gloves out from her gym bag. “Are you ever going to tell Mom how you get all this cash?”
“Never. She’d probably die of a heart attack.” 
“And your injuries?” 
“I try not to get any,” she said with a smirk. “If I do, then, hey, the restaurant business can be dangerous...and I can be clumsy.” 
And that was her big secret. 
In the night, Lumine was a top tier fighter in Teyvat’s underground fighting ring. She was known as “The Outlander.” 
After their father had walked out on them years ago, Lumine, Aether, and their mother were left with a huge amount of his debt to pay off. Their mother took on two jobs to support them, leaving her exhausted, sickly, and barely home. Lumine and Aether couldn’t find decent paying jobs at their age, so Lumine took matters into her own hands. 
Through her tenacity, she trained hard and started showing up to the underground fights, learning her way through the system, and eventually began fighting herself. Sure, it was illegal due to the violence and betting system, but it made good money—fast. Enough money to support their family, pay off the debt, and save some aside for her and Aether’s future.
Aether of course still worked as a cashier at a local grocery store (next to the restaurant Lumine claimed she worked at); Lumine would never let her dear brother participate in her line of work. He was only allowed to come along to cheer her on.   
She was also good at it. After some training, her instructors all praised her natural fighting instincts. In a matter of months, she had become one of the top fighters in her area. 
It was out of necessity. They needed the money. 
Of course, no one knew who she really was. She always fought with a mask on—she couldn’t let her identity be compromised. A high school student beating up all these grown adults? A chance she could be recognized and reported to authorities? No. Way. Plus, people liked the mysterious Outlander figure. Might as well milk it. 
The cheers above her swelled, and Lumine did her final stretches and prepped to go out on stage. 
“You ready to fight tonight?” Aether asked. 
Lumine slipped her mask on. “Always.” 
She made her way up the staircase, and the buzzing crowd grew louder and louder, until she entered the arena, and the cheers became deafening. 
The arena was probably around the size of her school gym, maybe smaller, but packed to the brim with cheering fans and a boxing cage in the middle. 
She made her way up to the cage, chants of “Outlander” swirling around her, and took her walk around the area, getting a feel for the night. Eventually, her mind blurred out the crowd, focusing on becoming in tune with her body. 
Tonight, her opponent was another member of the Hilichurl gang: a gang notorious for entering lots of members into these types of fights, even if they weren’t good, as a way to try and earn any kind of money for their gang. It was an easy win. Lumine barely got hit. (The Hilichurl on the other hand ended the night sobbing his heart out on stage. Lumine felt kind of bad. Kind of.)
Soon enough, she and Aether were on their way home with a fresh wad of cash in their bag, practically skipping their way past the dim street lights. As they made their way towards their bus home, Lumine rifled through her bag, realizing she had left one of her textbooks in the locker room from when she had been studying before the fight. 
She cursed. Now she had to go all the way back to the arena. “Aether, you need to get home—the next bus won’t be here for another hour.” 
“Lumine, I am not leaving you alone in this sketchy part of town.” 
“And you have to be there when Mom gets back, otherwise she’ll get suspicious.” Lumine was already turning around. “Tell her I had to stay behind at the restaurant to help clean up.” 
Her brother pursed his lips. 
“Aether. I’ll be fine. Did you seriously forget what I did to get that stack of cash?” she reassured. 
He sighed. “Fine, fine. You’re right.” He hugged his sister. “Still. Be careful, please.” 
She held up her fist which was still wrapped in the fighter’s tape. “Of course. See you back home.” 
With that, the twins went separate ways. 
Now maskless, Lumine went the back ways to the arena, entering through a side door, avoiding the still rowdy crowd of spectators gathered for the late night fights. She successfully grabbed her textbook, and walked back out the side door. Straight into somebody. 
Shit. “Excuse me,” she mumbled, keeping her head down, hoping they wouldn’t ask why some little high school girl was sneaking around the underground fighting arena. 
But then the person spoke. 
“Wow,” a familiar voice said. 
Lumine looked up, wide eyed. Shitshitshitshit—
“This is a surprise,” Childe said, “Madame President.”
* * *
[part 2]
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This is the first somewhat personal message I've posted on this site, so I'm not sure how this goes.
I just got into a fight with a (former) good friend about the Amber Heard vs Johhny Depp case and I feel like I never knew him at all. He seems to have taken all the Me Too cases and backlash against abusers as a personal attack or as some kind of attack of the male gender itself and feels vindicated by the very thought of one woman lying.
Not only did we disagree about whether or not Heard lied, but our views of the consequences of the case are so different I don't know how to wrap my head around it.
Heard had a restraining order, won in the UK AND had plenty of evidence to which Depp's only defense was that the evidence was doctored: his 'expert witness' having had no computer science qualifications and only saying the app Heard used to store the images could also be used to edit images (which most phones can) makes him rather useless IMO. Depp had a documented history of anger issues, addiction problems and a whole host of absolutely unspinnable texts (I simply CANNOT get over Depp casually saying he wanted to rape a dead woman's corpse and refuse to believe it's a normal way of expressing anger).
Was Heard a good person? (unlikely)
Was there conflicting evidence? (the voice tapes were damning)
But did Depp support Polanski and Weinstein? (Also yes)
Was DEPP a good person? (A lot of people he's worked with begged to differ before it turned into a media circus)
At the end of it all, I can understand doubting Heard. Misinformation was rampant; memes and edited videos were everywhere; no one really had the time to care about whether two very rich people got drunk/high and hit/ yelled at each other.
But my problem was with the guy's response. Suddenly one woman possibly having lied meant women as a whole were liars! It wasn't just that women COULD lie, it was that they WOULD and probably did.
Multiple MEN being proven abusers has NEVER meant ALL men were considered abusers!
He said the only reason I believed Heard was that I was a woman - and had the gall to be offended when I pointed out that the same could be said of his gender and the support of Depp. The conversation ended with both of us uncomfortable and upset, sitting in the ruins of what had been a very enjoyable friendship.
And trust me, I'm not an extreme feminist. Most of my family believes a women's place ought to be in the home and that victims of rape bear some responsibility. I love and respect most of them despite this, so it took me a little while to understand why my friend's far milder opinions bothered me so and I believe I finally understand.
It takes me back to every time I, or another girl, said a teacher was creepy (stared at our breasts or legs too much) and all the boys disagreed or just couldn't see it. It was about the time a random shopkeeper asked for my Instagram and followed me out of store and grabbed my phone out of my hands to send himself a friend request. My brother just laughed and made a joke about needing to try that on some girl in his class. It was about the many times men older than my father tried putting his arm around my bus or train seat, or held my shoulders. It was about the times I've seen men masturbate by the road, only to turn and shake their genitals in my direction and shout lewd comments about the things I could do for them. It about every time I mentioned something of the sort around a man only to be met with doubt because it has never happened to them, so how could it be true?
Why was I so difficult to trust? Did they really think I was lying about something like that? They had no problem trusting me when it came to cribbing off of assignments, why was I so personally untrustworthy??
I'm disappointed and tired and sad.
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It's OK to be Bi (Hyunjin x Reader)
'I'm not bisexual', you said, looking into the mirror, to convince yourself, more than anyone else.
'Oh but you are' said the voice in your head.
You thought about what this might imply. You were in denial. The thought of not knowing your feelings, scared you. Your whole life, you had accepted the fact that you liked girls. And only girls. You were confident, and proud. You loved girls. That was a fact. Your parents knew it, you siblings knew it, you knew it. You loved girls. Not boys. Girls.
But one day, you met Hyunjin. He was a new student in your class. His face was surreal, his body was a spectacle, he made you want to stare at him, for hours on end. He was so cute, and he had these small quirky habits that made you want to smile.
When you caught yourself staring, you glanced away quickly.
What is wrong with me?
I like girls. Only girls.
To other people it may not seem like a great thing. But to you it was. It felt like all of a sudden, you didn't know who you were anymore. The conflict in your head was too unbearable. It led you back to some old memories, like when you came out to y our parents. Your parents were not proud of you, when you told them you were gay. They were going to be annoyed again if they found out about this... crush.
And you struggled with a panic disorder, which you were visiting a psychiatrist for, and taking medication for. Your parents didn't understand why you were sick, and really, neither did you, but they didn't want to accept you were sick, so they pretended that you were fine, and so did you, they shunned your problems, and you kept them to yourself.
You tried to keep it down at the depths of your heart, push down your emotions so inside, that you couldn't feel anything anymore. And you would control your feelings for Hwang Hyunjin just the same wat, which you believed, was just in your head.
'It's just a crush', you told yourself. 'It will go away soon enough.'
But deep inside, you wondered if it was so wrong to like him. Why was it so wrong to be bi? Why couldn't you just accept yourself as who you were? Why did you have to hide it?
But still, you had a hard time coming to terms with it.
One day, during math class, he caught your eye. He was sleeping, like most the kids were in your class, and you just sat there and stared at him. The teacher called out your name.
'Y/N! What is the area going to be between these two parabolas?'
'I'm sorry ma'am...... I'm not too sure....'
'Well if you stare at that guy's face all day, you aren't going to know! You are supposed to be one of the smartest kids here!'
He woke up and looked at you, puzzled.
You looked down, somehow holding back your tears, she was so insensitive, now everyone was going to know your secret before you could even come to terms with it. And it was all your fault.
'I'm.. sorry..'
'Well, all of you are useless anyways, sit back down'
That lunch break, you hid yourself in the bathroom, and cried your eyes out, you knew the kids were going to be talking about you crushing on a guy, when everybody knows that you're gay. They were going to think that you were faking being gay. You just wanted to vanish away into nothing. Why were you so careless?
You managed to dry off your tears, and walk back into your class, and the moment you entered the class, you were very aware of all the kids in your class, and they weren't necessarily paying any attention to you, but the fear gripped at your heart, you felt like every single person there was judging you, you knew what was going to happen now, you ran back out and into the art room, which was empty and let out a raspy gasp for breathe.
The familiar feeling of absolute and complete terror overtook your body. You couldn't move, you couldn't breathe.
You tried your best to breathe out, but it felt like you forgot how to exhale. You gasped and gasped for air, but it wasn't making it's way in , you tried to get up, but you couldn't move, you were shivering and shaking and you told yourself in your mind, that this has happened a hundred times before, it's just in your head, but it felt like all the logic was locked away and you couldn't control it. You lay there on the ground, a dumb, disgusting, pathetic heap.
Then strong hands gently clutched your shaky hands, and a voice, which felt so far away said, 'it's ok... I've got you.'
You looked up, Hyunjin was looking softly into your eyes, concerned.
'Just breathe' he said as calmly as he could.
You shook your head-'I...I c-ca......I.. can't......'
'Come on let's do it together, breathe in' he took a deep breath in, and you managed to inhale a raspy breath.
'Breathe out'
He did this about 10 times, and you managed to calm down.
You had been struggling with these attacks for three years now, and no one was ever there to comfort you, you hid away, and kept it a secret, and it felt like all your secrets were spilling out in front of this guy, and you hated it.
But you were also thankful that he showed up.
'I'm so sorry', you told him.
'Why? There's nothing for you to be sorry about, you just had a panic attack, it's completely normal.'
'Why did you even come here?' you asked him, shaking away his hand, and getting up to sit down on a bench.
'Well I saw you run out of class, I was kinda concerned and I kinda wanted to apologise for what happened in math class..'
'Can you not? It's so embarrassing, and it's all my fault anyways. You didn't even do anything.' You told him.
'I'm still not entirely sure what happened.'
'I don't want to tell you.'
'Are you feeling better now?'
'Yes I'm fine. Sorry again, that must have put you in a difficult position.'
'I told you, it's nothing to be sorry about, things only get worse, when you believe that panic attacks are something you do wrong.'
'No... I'm sorry because I have a crush on you.'
He looked at you. He didn't seem as surprised as you thought he would be.
'Well, that's not something you should feel sorry about either.'
'I'm bi. I think I'm abnormal and weird.' you spilled out your words before you could think.
'You are not. I think you're one of the nicest smartest people in school. And I think you're cute as you are. Being bi, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, I am so thankful that you entrusted me with your feelings.'
You looked at him.
He looked back at you.
It was awkward.
You didn't have a crush on him anymore, but you wanted to be very good friends with him.
'Thanks.', you said.
'No problem'
The bell rang with a loud metallic clang.
'Well, we should head back to class', he said.
'And I think we'll make good friends', you told him.
'I was thinking the same thing.'
An: Usually all my work is heavily edited i check and check and recheck, but i don't fell up to it today, its not like many people read my stuff anyways XD.
Hope you like it!!
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silvia7272 · 4 years
Miraculess Ladybug Salt AU: You Always Liked To Play With Fire ~ The Prologue
Hey everyone, this is a new story I wanted to introduce to you all.
I’ve been putting everything in a massive word doc because I had so many ideas and finally settled on putting it out today because it's my birthday. 29th, I may have updated it late.
So as a special treat, here’s a new series with a few original characters, ones you know or have been changed ever so slightly to fit, in a Miraculess world. (haha, you see what I did there? No… I’ll leave)
Also for anyone new, I’m a multi-shipper so I ship my characters with a bunch of other people, as I like Lukanette (Fandom Version), Daminette (Fandom Version), Felinette (PV Fandom Version), Marichat (Fandom Version) and I guess Rosannette. What’s Rosannette? Well, I guess you’ll have to find out, won’t you? (also no that’s not a typo, it is Rosannette)
Also, I guess this will just have the usual salt, maybe more, I don’t know. I kinda want it to just be about these two.
Word Count: 3912
Note: I haven’t tagged anyone just in case, this is a different series from my other, I just got really excited and wanted to write it. If you still wish to be tagged for this story please say and specify.
Also: This is a salt story, it will have OOC moments from everyone so it will be classed as an AU. If you don’t want to read that’s fine, and have a nice day.
Well, I hope you’ll enjoy it.
This is for all the people that might prefer Rosinette (like from the songfic) instead, I don’t mind but it won’t be in my main series, so I hope this will satisfy you.
(Word of warning, I believe this will be an AU where the Miraculous don’t exist, and non-canon to my official story and I believe mentions of a panic attack might be lightly mentioned, don’t know if it is, but if someone could check and I’ll make the warning clearer that would be nice)
(Fire doesn't exactly have anything to do with this story I just really liked the title)
Note: This book contains OOC scenes of Miraculous Ladybug as well as a ton of salt, so if you don't like that stuff you may scroll past and have a nice day.
In a world with no Miraculous, no Hawkmoth and no Ladybug, how does our little heroine do?
Well, it usually would be hanging out with her friends, as any other teenager would do...
But, of course, this wasn't normal. 
This was reality. It was cold, hard and definitely not welcome.
So, when this girl wishes to have some kind of adventure in her boring, mundane life...
How long does it take for her to regret it?
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Memories, it's such a simple word yet it holds so much meaning. One could either wish to forget everything from their life, and simply move forward so they could pursue their dreams. Or, simply relish in the past when they remembered how great it was, all the friends they had made, all the moments they had which were too good to let go.
But, I guess sometimes, you did have to let go. But let go of what exactly? Let go of all the happiness once you knew how it would end? No that would be too harsh and you’d turn bitter. Let go of all the sadness? But, wasn’t it an important life lesson to learn, sometimes, you just have to be sad because of the situation at hand. No amount of croissants or macarons would be able to lift your spirits back.
Or maybe that was too much of a specific example.
That was what Marinette had thought, staring at an empty glass so intently the man behind made himself disperse from the amount of time the unblinking woman just stared and never flinched.
She guessed it hadn’t all been bad, she at least had some form of happiness before it was violently ripped away, but part of her wondered, what would’ve happened if she never felt that type of happiness before? Would she have felt like she had for so long, was it the fact that she knew what being happy was like before worse? Because, as depressing as it sounded, if she hadn’t been as happy, would she have been as upset?
She would never know, she couldn’t go back in time since that was impossible, but the thought always came and went whenever she was alone with her thoughts.
So… Maybe it was for the best, that she was able to remember what real happiness felt like.
The tight feeling in your chest, butterflies in your stomach, face being so red anyone would worry if the bluenette had caught a cold instead-
Wait- this was an oddly specific kind of happiness she felt, surely she must’ve gotten mixed up with some other felling right?
So, how come she was feeling this- incredibly bright heat from her cheeks when she felt a hand on her shoulder?
We may need to go back several years.
In a classroom in Collège Françoise Dupont, a young pigtailed girl sat at the back, tears silently falling onto her knees and bawled up fists. She didn’t see any use of wiping them away, since they would just come back anyway, and it would be useless to just repeat that endless cycle. She hadn’t looked around to see anyone else’s faces, they would either just ignore her, or taunt her for just crying, for just being human.
Now you may be wondering why she was so upset? What possibly could’ve happened to make our very cheerful and sunshiny girl become so hunched over she was practically crying her eyes out? Well, the answer lies on the one girl at the front. The one girl sitting in an all too familiar place. The one girl who just ruined all of her newfound friendships.
Lila Rossi.
And boy had she hated that name.
She couldn’t stand that smirk, that thief, that scandal!
And what exactly did she do?
She lied.
Now you may be thinking that may not have been all that bad, but it was.
Every time she opened her mouth, everyone would fawn around her, even Alix, the one who seriously couldn’t care about anything to do with glamourous celebrities, was hanging on the edge of her seat to hear one of Lila’s so-called stories. She just had to guess Lila held up a treat over her head to keep her being obedient enough.
She hated Lila so much because she was just using everyone to get an easy life at school, the fastest way towards popularity she guessed, but why she thought this was the fastest way was beyond her.
She hated Lila because she had spread so many lies, so many rumours, all about her. All so out of the realm it was such a surprise they all believed her without a shred of evidence.
It had happened so fast, one day, they were all friends, smiling and laughing like there was no tomorrow, the next, she was surrounded by those faces, those faces of disgust and hatred. As if she had committed even the worst of crimes, more so than Chloé, speaking of, who was absolutely enjoying this show.
But undoubtedly. What she hated about Lila the most.
Was that technically, she didn’t have to do that much.
After so many sessions of crying, and just not believing that they could possibly leave her, a friend, like that, she started to reason with herself, that maybe it wasn’t just Lila that pushed them all away.
She thought back to before.
Before they were friends, before Alya even came to Collège, she had been alone. Chloé had always gone out of her way to relentlessly bully her, and no one wanted to be friends with her with Chloé around. So she accepted it, just hoping one day, karma would seek justice and she’d be put in her place.
So she waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Gave up.
She accepted defeat after all the years. After the meaningless conversations with teachers that she should try and be the bigger person and rise above all of her hatred for her. Simply because they couldn’t do anything. They had no power over the mayor's Daughter. So they just let her continue her reign over the school.
She didn’t have any powers to stop her.
But then, a light of hope came.
The new girl, with ombre brown and red hair, glasses and hazel eyes. A striped t-shirt and an undeniable Aura that reeked of confidence.
As Marinette was being targeted by Chloé yet again, she came in, and for once, stood up to her. Chloé! No fear in her eyes as she, Alya, grabbed her, Marinette’s, hand and walked off to the desk at the front.
She couldn’t believe it, someone stood up to Chloé! She thought it had only been a myth, a legend, but that right there, it was real.
They became friends faster than the speed of sound.
And soon, she too was able to stand up for herself. Reclaiming her original seat back, and citing a quote her new friend had said… Then everyone had wanted to become friends… And, she felt ecstatic.
Finally. It finally came. The day she had prayed for had come. She felt nothing but pure joy.
And she didn’t want that feeling to go away.
She was terrified that the feeling would go away.
So, she thought of making sure that feeling wouldn’t go away.
That’s why she made so many ‘spare’ macaroons to give away, she didn’t spend her free nights staying up and making them, no way.
That’s why she provided so many free gifts to her friends. What? Her hand has a plaster, no she just tripped and hit herself, it had nothing to do with the gifts. Don’t worry, try your gloves on, do they fit?
That’s why she was late for class. Huh, no I’m fine, I’m not tired… But I might just rest my eyes for a bit, wake me up when something important happens.
That’s why she was so happy to realise Adrien wasn’t as bad as Chloé, the small gentle soul that he had, to graciously provide her with his own umbrella, how selfless.
And that���s why she held onto the idea of Adrien so much. The idea that he was perfect. The idea that she was in love with him.
So, she held onto it.
No, she clung to that idea because she didn’t want any chance to let go. So, she may have gone a bit overboard, with the whole, schedule thing, and the phone… And the schemes. But she believed it was harmless. No one else seemed to have any problems with it, so she believed she was in the clear.
Until she wasn’t.
And Lila used that to her advantage.
She remembered that day so vividly, just like all those other memories. The day she came. The day she would find herself in the same predicament from before, it hadn’t been that long since she had been friends with everyone in fact. She was still getting used to it, and her feelings grew as each day passed by.
She remembered when Lila introduced herself to the whole class, and at first glance, anyone would just think she was an innocent little girl. But behind that smile, behind those eyes, held a sinister intention.
She, in less than an hour, had everyone wrapped around her little finger.
Even her.
She’d been on a private jet?
Had a song written about her?
And saved Jagged Stone’s cat?
There was no way Adrien would fall for her now.
…So maybe she had been jealous of that girl before she had done anything. But she had every reason to. She, Lila, was pressed against Adrien who was happily talking to her. The love of her life! She had to do something, even if Alya had given her a disappointed look she just had to stop them from confessing their love to each other, it was inevitable now, so she followed after them to the park. If they even got too close, she was sure she could just conveniently interrupt, she just had to wait for the perfect moment, she only had a couple of hours before they would fall in love, get married, have three kids and a hamster named-
“Wow Adrien, you’re so nice to me. Y’know I really thought moving here would be just like all the other times. But you’ve really made me enjoy my first day Adrien.” She smiled so sickly sweet Marinette wanted to hurl, how dare she just hold onto his arm like that, so affectionately!
“Its no problem Lila, that’s what friends are for.” She smiled, hugging him so fast they almost lost their balance from sitting on the bench, before seemingly giving him a quick peck on his cheek, only for Adrien to turn his head towards her.
And they kissed.
However, it wasn’t a simple quick kiss, by all means, Adrien should’ve realised his mistake and pulled away.
But he didn’t, what felt like forever lasted a minute. One minute to realise that it should’ve been an accident. But they stayed like that.
It- it was over, wasn’t it? This wasn’t her being melodramatic, she just knew how it would turn out. They were going to fall in love so soon, she wouldn’t have a chance.
If only she had seen the look Lila gave, spotting her retreated form from behind a small trash can, the smirk would’ve given her shivers.
Getting back to Collège had taken longer than expected. Maybe it was the small amount of dread knowing she may have lost her love for good. Sure, there might have been Kagami as well, she had tried to sabotage her chances with Adrien too, but it always worked out in the end, Adrien always smiling as Kagami’s cheeks burned with redness. But to say they were friends afterwards.
Marinette would cringe at the fact she always felt so relieved afterwards reflecting years later at her choices. But she had always believed she would still have a chance.
Until today.
Lila came, and took him away, within hours.
And she couldn’t stop it.
Walking along the stairs to her class she had to keep her head held high, if she showed weakness, that would mean she was sad, she wasn’t sad, she couldn’t be sad. She still had all of her friends after all.
Maybe now, they could do more activities, after crying and eating a ton of ice cream of course with cheesy movies to brighten her mood up.
But, this would only be the beginning of that negative feeling.
Opening the door, she would be fully aware of something terribly wrong. At the front of the classroom, a crowd had formed, and a crowd that would soon become a routine in this classroom.
But a crowd formed around a girl, the new girl, Lila. She had seemed to be covering her eyes, water dripping down her eyes, no wait they were tears. What had happened?
She didn’t realise she had spoken those few words before heads turned around, looking- no glaring at her, why were they-? What had she done?
“Marinette I knew you could be a tad jealous but to actually do something like that” Huh? Oh no, Lila must’ve noticed she followed them, how embarrassing, and definitely not the best first impression she could’ve made.
Before she could apologise, before she could explain she really didn’t mean any harm. She didn’t have time to.
“To threaten her to never talk to Adrien again because she likes him. Well, I never thought you’d put your jealousy out like this.”
No- she didn’t- she, just saw them kiss.
She didn’t even speak with her.
Why would she say this?
Why didn’t she say anything?
Why wasn’t she defending herself?
Why was she letting them believe that so easily?
Why was it so hard to breathe?
Running out of the classroom was easier than looking at all of those faces. Those accusatory faces. She hated it, she couldn’t do- defend- explain.
She- just-
She was in a room?
The bathroom.
It didn’t matter why, as long as she was alone, she could cry to her heart's content.
The fear seeped over her just like that first time, knowing Chloé had won and would never stop, she had lost and lost everything.
Everything she had worked so hard to obtain.
Everything she had worked so hard to keep.
To make sure she didn’t have to let go.
And now it had gone.
Because it was then Marinette realised. That girl, those tears hadn’t been real, there she saw her eyes hadn’t been red or puffy, the tears’ dried up rather quickly, and the inconsistent wails made it very likely she was only doing them for effect and sympathy.
That girl. Was lying!
That must’ve been it.
No way could she be telling the truth. And no way could ‘I saw her around me and Adrien’ be translated to ‘she threatened me, I’m so scared of her’
Maybe, maybe with that, there was hope.
If she could just simply convince her friends that she was lying, then everything would be all sorted.
And maybe she and Adrien-
Wait, she was getting a little ahead of herself there.
Wiping her tears away she proudly opened the door, ready to face her fears.
Too bad her fears were much much stronger.
No matter how many times she would try to prove her innocence, it became worse.
When she tried going to the teachers, they bat an eye with her responses. Obviously not taking her seriously, and just believing it to be some teenage drama, she was pushed out of the classroom and told to try and just be nicer and make friends with her.
That was harsh but expected.
She tried talking with Alya, she turned away from her. Not wanting to hear anything come out of a crazy stalkers mouth.
That had hurt.
She tried talking with any of her other friends, y’know, the ones who ‘always’ had her back.
They too turned from her. Believing Lila without a doubt, I mean, they knew how jealous Marinette could get, it wasn’t that much of a stretch to think she would jump to that, considering the situation.
That felt like a punch to her gut.
She tried talking with Adrien, even if she did stutter and always lose her words around him. But this was more important, than a silly crush.
She wasn’t used to saying that.
But, the way he looked at her, it felt like- pity.
He told her he already knew.
He already knew? Wait- then why didn’t he say anything?
Because, as the naïve little boy stood so tall and ‘innocent’ he simply wanted to help her through his own way.
“She was only lying for attention,” He said.
“Once she finally makes some real friends, she’ll stop,” He said!
“In the meantime, you should really drop this, it would be just awful if you were to hurt Lila again. After all, she hasn’t hurt anyone, she doesn’t mean any harm”
She stood in shock.
This was the boy she had fell for?
This spineless- foolish- Son of a-
“So please Marinette, don’t cause too many problems for her, you shouldn’t be so harsh on her. If you really value our friendship, you’ll do it.” He smiled before walking off, leaving her to her thoughts.
That felt like someone had walked over to her, ripped out her heart and squashed it in the palm of her hands, all while grinning.
Why, why wasn’t she able to see before? Did her heart want to deceive her by falsifying all of his qualities? Was she just blind to bear witness to him not being as perfect as she made him out to be? Was it because she just couldn’t entertain the thought of letting go?
She didn’t know, she just hated this negative feeling. It felt so familiar. She wanted it to go away.
Unfortunately, that feeling would only grow for months.
And it was about to be worse.
“Huh? Marinette? Why are you crying? If this is about what happened this morning, don’t worry, I’ll forgive you” She was crying? Huh, when did that happen?
Whatever, more importantly.
“W-What, no you don’t have to forgive me because I did nothing wrong” Lila’s worried expression faltered for a bit before she grew ‘scared’
“H-Hey, I didn’t realise you felt like that. Oh, you poor thing” Her eyebrow snapped, she seriously didn’t like being called a thing.
“Save it, I can’t prove it but I know you’re just lying to everyone here. And you need to stop, you’re going to hurt everyone when they find out. You need to confess” Her face faltered again, but it never recovered, her once innocent eyes hardened as she smirked, a look that seemed almost natural, as if she had perfected it by looking into a mirror countless times.
“Oh, so you’ve finally figured it out? Figures, I was told you were the smartest one, and it seems like I wasn’t wrong”
“What?” Lila sighed, maybe she had put too much faith in her being the smartest.
“Ugh, you’re so young Marinette. I haven’t told the truth all my life, why the hell should I start now?” Marinette was stunned, why, why was she telling her this?
“Honestly, and I thought Adrien was naïve. Look, I’m not here to play games, I have this whole routine wrapped up. So just sit back, stay out of my way and I might consider making another lie that would benefit you.” It was an offer any reasonable person wouldn’t refuse.
Unfortunately for her, she didn’t want a reasonable offer.
Marinette stared, she was- she was fully aware of what she was doing?
“B-But you’re going to end up hurting everyone, you need to stop, please!” She begged.
Lila frowned.
She was just like all the rest.
“I don’t care”
“I said I don’t care, seriously don’t you get it yet? I’m here to win by all means necessary. You were in the way so I took you out. They are just little trophies to remind you of my victory. You had your chance”
She stood still, this situation felt so familiar, but she had to stay strong, she couldn’t give up now. If reasoning with her won’t work, then maybe understanding might, and she could work with that.
“Why are you doing this, do you really not care about when you get caught? About how everyone will feel when they know you promised nothing in the end?” She hoped she would see some sense. They were good people, they shouldn’t be manipulated into this, she was sure they would’ve been friends regardless of what she had promised.
“It’s because I can”
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean, dear sweet Marinette, is that because I am able to, I can. I’ve had years of practice with this, and the result always has me at the top, all that oppose me either stay at the bottom or beg for mercy from moi. It's always a delight to see their hope diminish. To realise they would do anything but to be alone.”
Alone- that word, that word stuck with her so much.
She didn’t want that- but she didn’t want her friends to be tricked either.
“Besides, you made it so easy for me, in reality. You only have yourself to blame”
“What- I didn’t even-” A finger was wagged in front of her face.
“Ah ah ah. You really should know better than that. A calendar full of Adrien’s schedule? A box full of presents for Adrien? Sabotaging dates? You’d think I’d have made it all up, it only made the end result so much greater. Seriously Marinette, I don’t even know if I’m the bad guy here, what you’ve done really isn’t appropriate behaviour. But I do know of a great therapist, they helped me through such a hard time” Lila continued to talk as Marinette zoned out. She was the bad guy? No- no that couldn’t be, that was just a harmless crush, that was just what normal teenaged girls did.
But- if it was. Then why didn’t anyone tell her it was wrong, she didn’t mean for it to be wrong. She just didn’t want them to leave, she just didn’t want to be abandoned again.
Why didn’t they say? Why didn’t she realise?
Why did she know?
Lila must’ve seen the shock as she giggled, not at all innocent.
“It was so easy manipulating all of them into telling me about this ‘crush’, once they realised just how crazy it actually was, they had no problem seeing you for the crazy stalker you are.” Lila flicked her hair up away, only for it to come back, but it didn’t matter, she made her point.
Not having the energy to look up, she would’ve noticed Lila had left her behind, laughing too, because no one had been there to overhear their absolutely private conversation. Her overall plan would not be undiscovered today, tomorrow, or the next. It wouldn’t be discovered ever.
Because she was in control.
Marinette, wasn’t in control.
Just like before, that hollow feeling from before, it was back.
And so much worse.
She hated Lila, because she made her realise, she was right. All along. And she just had to accept it.
And gave up trying.
She reverted back to how she was at the beginning of the year.
The quiet girl that no one paid attention to, alone, in the back, with nothing but her sketchbook.
Gone were the childish pigtails, it was for the better, no one said anything about then anymore.
Because she realised.
She wasn’t a child anymore.
She couldn’t be, not after this.
Hey, so I guess this was more like another prologue, so I’ll have to apologise if it seems just like the other one, but the premise is still the same so yeah.
And I think I might like the idea of a non-Miraculous world; it seems interesting since I feel like Marinette wouldn’t have as much of a confidence boost since she wouldn’t be Ladybug, please tell me that would make sense.
I think it’s interesting for how much would change and stay the same, and my OC will be making an entrance next time, however, here they are all like 13-14. The next chapter will have a time skip of 3 years, oh and Lila came in late, like around Season 3 late ok? So they already know about Kagami and Luka.
Also if you’re confused about anything feel free to ask any questions.
Cya next time.
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Note: Please tell me if I should add anything else to the card, there will be one of these cards for all 15 chapters, however, because I have uni work all updates will be slower because I really need to focus on the uni stuff, then I might be able to upload quicker.
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vivithefolle · 4 years
Hi Vivi, can you share some thoughts on the "Hermione deserves to be/should have married to XYZ because she is way too good for Ron" mentality of this fandom??
I’m gonna copy-paste a Quora answer of mine, because recycling is important!
Claiming that Ron is “out of Hermione’s league” is a statement rooted in sexism, classism and probably a bunch of other -isms.
It might seem like I’m just throwing buzz-words around but let me explain.
First off, the sexism.
Oh, the sexism.
As I’ve pointed it out in yet another one of my answers  (I’m so sorry for drowning you all in a plethora of links), Ron is very much a female-coded male character.
Ron is emotional, wears his heart on his sleeve, has anxieties and inadequacies, walks off in order to cool down, has a temper, puts other people before his needs, and pretty much adopts Harry when he rescues him in the second book. He’s the Heart of the Trio: he doesn’t rely on sole logic, he can believe something without proof, he is sensitive and thus is the easiest to hurt emotionally.
Whether you call it a “beta male”, a “wuss”, “defying gender roles” or a “soft boy” is your own business, but the core of it is that Ron doesn’t meet the standards for people’s vision of a “desirable” masculine figure.
The little things Ron quietly performs in the books - when he helps Harry into his pyjamas in Chamber of Secrets because Harry’s arm is bloop; when he’s worrying about Hermione’s whereabouts in Prisoner of Azkaban; when he helps Harry unwind after his visions in Goblet of Fire; when he puts food onto Harry’s plate and wakes him up from his nightmares in Order of the Phoenix; when he beams that Hermione was “perfect, obviously” when she passes her Apparition test - all those caring gestures don’t seem like much, but if you bother to think about it, they paint an enormous picture.
Who gets Hermione to stop overworking while making her feel good about her accomplishments? Who comforts Harry from his nightmares and cares for him in the dead of the night, when nobody is awake? Who makes sure his friends are healthy and happy? Who wards off the dark and depressing thoughts, be it with his fists or a joke?
It’s Ron.
When you think about it, “traditional masculinity” in Harry Potter is as much frowned upon as “traditional feminity” is - which sometimes bites Rowling in the butt when you remember how she obviously seems to consider that Hermione and Ginny are the only desirable kind of girls.
Vernon Dursley? The entrepreneur “king of the household” prejudiced suburbian middle-class Dad? Fits in the usual tropes of traditional masculinity.
Dudley Dursley? The typical “boys will be boys” spoiled middle-class only child who’s the apple of his parents’ eyes and even takes up boxing, as if he wasn’t traditionally masculine enough.
Draco Malfoy? See Dudley, but toss in “upper-class posh aristocrat bully who doesn’t like to get his hands dirty so he has henchmen do it for him because he’s too rich for this sh-t”, would remind you of a few Christian Greys or Gatsbys.
Dolores Umbridge? Oh no, cat pictures, decorative plates, talks to teens as if they’re babies and PINK, SO MUCH PINK!!! So disgustingly feminine!!
Rowling very much frowns upon traditional gender roles - with Molly Weasley being an exception because Rowling feels very strongly about being a mother, and relates to Molly a lot.
Right - so, being a beautiful mess of paradoxes and contradictions (a “soft boi” who also punches bullies in the face, a fussy mother-hen who swears like a sailor, a tall athlete with badass scars on his arms who’s nurturing and sweet; in short, a wonderfully human character), Ron is obviously going to be a polarizing character. You painfully relate to him and get defensive when he’s criticized, you feel his characterization hits a bit too close to home so you hate him, or you disregard him completely because you can’t see anything “special” about him…
Now, onto another very, very sexist point that is often made.
People say that Hermione “deserves better” than Ron, often claiming that they “aren’t intellectual equals”, then citing Harry (who is mistaken as being some sort of slumbering genius but honestly, the kid is really a bit daft) or Draco (since apparently, being rich must equal to being intelligent) or, god forbid, Snape (because he’s a teacher and teachers are meant to be clever).
Soooo, I could go the loooooong way and pull out all the receipts that prove that none of these characters are perfectly intellectually matched to Hermione…
Or I could go the long way and simply give you this: this obsession with finding an “intellectual equal” for Hermione reflects the mentality of “women are not allowed to be better at something than their husband”.
A woman has to be all-around pretty good at everything, whereas a man has to be the absolute best in his area of greatest competence (surely better than any puny female!) with a help-meet there to compensate for his weaknesses. People are very, very uncomfortable when Ron and Hermione reverse this dynamic. Hermione is extremely intelligent and dedicated to intellectual pursuits, but is complete pants at things like self-care and people skills. Ron is bright enough to keep up with her and strong in her areas of weakness.
Even if Ron was as dumb as a sack of rocks (he’s not), his other virtues are more than enough to “justify” Hermione loving him. (Because she needs an excuse?) But no. A woman has to be with a man who outdoes her in her area of greatest strength. - credit to @lytefoot
People don’t want Hermione to be with a man who’s her “equal.” They want her to be with a man who can be The Man so she can know the contentment of being The Woman.
But, with this sexist line of thought, how do we justify how Ron is supposed to be such a bad match for Hermione? Because if it was just about mere sexism, Romione would surely be more popular. Imagine! Ron happily raising the children, being a house-husband and proud of it, while Hermione is out there fighting for justice in the wizarding world! What a power-couple, defying norms and gender roles and not being the least bit conscious of it, prime OTP material for sure! So why do people still want Hermione to put Harry, Draco, or god forbid², Snape in Ron’s place? Is this an irrational hatred of redheads? An Harmionian’s delirious wet dream? A failure to separate the actors from their characters?
It’s all this and, quite frankly, something more: the inherent classism that comes with Ron’s status as an explicitly working-class coded character.
I know, I know, “Vivian! Calm down with the buzzwords, you’re starting to sound like an online pretend-feminist magazine!”
Or “Come on, people who don’t ship Ron and Hermione together aren’t all sexist or classist!”
Of course, of course! I know that! I’m not implying that!
But some of the “reasons” why they claim that Ron and Hermione can’t work - are extremely classist in nature, that’s just it!
Come on, think about it! What are the Number Ones arguments people always pull against Ron? Or the most common Ron-bashing tropes (look at fanfics and watch the number of stories that use at least one of those)?
Ron is stupid/mediocre
Ron is lazy/useless
Ron resents his wife’s hard work/success
Ron is a homophobe
Ron is a drunkard
Ron (the big prude who at 16 had never kissed a girl and sees a first kiss as the prelude to a wedding) is massively oversexed and cheats on Hermione with anything that moves
Not only do these “reasons” completely ignore ALL OF RON’S CHARACTERIZATION - except for the “lazy” bit but come off it, all teenagers are lazy and Hermione’s the exception to the rule - but it matches perfectly with the negative stereotypes associated with working-class white men in fiction.
It’s also very funny to note how many (assumedly middle-class or financially secure) fans look down on Ron for being “whiny” or “greedy” when he expresses the desire to have money of his own, or blame his parents for “not knowing when to stop” or “being irresponsible”, or even look down on them for being “too proud to accept help”!! Also how shocked people are when Ron dares to stand up for himself when Hermione or Harry act badly towards him. How dare this country boy not listen to the wisdom of his social “betters”?
So, obviously, because our Heroine can’t go with a Nasty, Mediocre Working-Class Man, she must be paired off with someone of Proper Status: say, a Hero that was raised in a middle-class home and might be a bit psychologically damaged but it’s nothing all those gold coins in his vault can’t fix; or this Rich Posh Aristocrat who actively rooted for her death, he’s a little bit eccentric and has some exotic pet-names to call you, but I’m sure you’ll learn to love him and will unearth the gold coins in his bank account… I mean, the heart of gold that lies within the surface; oh, why not a Way Too Big An Age Difference Teacher if you’re looking for a “cultured man” who has zero things in common with you; we can also bring Convenient Plot Device Famous Rich Foreign Athlete if you want some diversity and you don’t feel original!
But we can’t - oh, we mustn’t let her be with this Terrible Working-Class Boy! His brothers are fine, they have money, they have jobs, so they’re obviously Not As Mediocre. But let our precious Hermione be with this Just-Got-Out-Of-School hooligan? She can’t possibly be in love with him! You’ll see darling, you’ll get bored eventually! He’s too mediocre for you, you deserve a man who outclasses you - I mean, who can provide for you! You’re a fragile little flower who scars people for life when she’s not happy with them, what makes you think that this boy can possibly handle you even though he’s done so for the past seven years?
You wanted it, you got it.
People are shallow, have misconceptions about Ron’s character that they are unwilling to correct or use classist and sexist arguments to try to make it so that either Ron is the Devil himself / Hermione is a higher kind of being that can only orgasm if sufficiently “intellectually stimulated” / what-have-you.
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craftypeaceturtle · 3 years
Distanced, part 1
Summary: A group chat fic! How shall these useless students cope with daily life.
Note: This is my first attempt at anything even remotely like this! I have no idea how this will turn out so feedback is greatly appreciated! Intrulogical. 
Next part here!!
MESSAGES: To Remus Prince (Presentation)
Tuesday, 16:15
Hello. This is Logan Sanders from Prof. Smith’s seminar. Do you have any suggestions for how we should go about completing the upcoming assessment?
Remus Prince: who dis
I literally just stated it. Logan Sanders.
I wear the tie.
Remus Prince: OHHH
Remus Prince: Well 1stly
Remus Prince: What’s the best planet in the solar system?
Remus Prince: i LitERaLlY JuSt stAtED iT
That has nothing to do with anything, we just need to get through this project.
Remus Prince: if u want to work then u have to answer
Remus Prince: cool.
Remus Prince: You’ll do.
Remus Prince: My name is Remus.
I know. We did actually swap phone numbers. We in fact discussed which topic we would be doing for over fifteen minutes in the seminar. So we have indeed met. If you continue to be obnoxious then this will be a easier project. 
MESSAGES: To Remus Sanders (Presentation)
Tuesday, 16:22
Why did you ask that question?
 Remus Prince: I asked my brother that question and he answered earth
Remus Prince: I’ve had trust issues ever since
Roman’s favourite planet is Earth? 
 Remus Prince: HAH
Remus Prince: ye he’s an idiot
Remus Prince: I’ve gotta test everyone now.
Remus Prince: You passed btw
Remus Prince: WAIT!
Remus Prince: Do u know Ro?
Yes, he is my friend and roommate. 
Remus Prince: What was ur name again????????
You can literally scroll up and reread it. I refuse. You got into university for a reason and so you can manage my name.
Remus Prince: jk
Okay then. Do you want to discuss how we should go about creating this powerpoint?
Remus Prince: what’s there to ‘discuss’?
We can separately conduct our research however it is regrettably better to meet up in person to practise not only giving the presentation but also the construction of the presentation itself.
Remus Prince: man you just love sending essays huh
I have written out longer messages. I don’t understand the point of sending a sentence at a time and risk getting interrupted. Plus at least my texting doesn’t seem all like an assault of constant notifications. 
Remus Prince: fair
Shall we say that we should aim to get our presentation research finished by two weeks (15th). That leaves us another two weeks to construct the powerpoint, gather more research if necessary, then practise presenting. 
Remus Prince: k
GROUPCHAT: Goths, Emos, and Remus
Tuesday, 16:26
Octopussy: can I vent for a sec
Octopussy: So! I’m just sitting here. Y’know. Vibing. 
Octopussy: Then out of nowhere the nerd from my class starts messaging me about the group project that’s due a month away
Octopussy: like wtf
Octopussy: nice to know the nerd thing isn’t just appearance
Vigilant: help
Octopussy: he made a big deal about meeting up as well to do this!
Octopussy: No one in the class even cares!
Octopussy: No one is even remotely
Octopussy: Not even close
Octopussy: To thinking about that project right now!
Octopussy: We’ve got ages!
Vigilant: oh sweet jesus
Octopussy: Like! We’ve got a month!
Octopussy: Like he also wants to meet up as well to practise
Octopus: Like ew.
Top-Hat-Gay: Are you done?
Octopussy: ye
Octopussy: he’s a dick
Vigilant: oh thank god
Top-Hat-Gay: Ha, as if you believe in god.
Vigilant: If it stops Re from not spamming us then I’ll believe whatever. 
Octopussy: rude
Vigilant: bitch
Top-Hat-Gay: On an actually important note, which one of you last used my nail bag?
Octopussy: me!
Octopussy: you need more green 
Top-Hat-Gay: No I fucking don’t!
Top-Hat-Gay: There was an entirely new bottle in there!
Octopussy: I said what I said.
Top-Hat-Gay: I hate you. 
Octopussy: Thank bby
Octopussy: ALSO!
Octopussy: I found out the nerd also lives with Ro.
Top-Hat-Gay: So?
Vigilant: hE’S FORBIDDEN
Top-Hat-Gay: Wait so the nerd is Logan?
Octopussy: He is!
Octopussy: not that it seems to be having any effect on Ro. he’s as dense as a brick.
Top-Hat-Gay: I saw him today going into Remy’s. 
Vigilant: Why are we even talking about him
Vigilant: Like who gives a shit.
Octopussy: dunno
Octopussy: just thought it was weird
Top-Hat-Gay: Maybe you should switch partners. Especially if he wants to meet up at some point.
Octopussy: nah
Octopussy: not worth it
Top-Hat-Gay: A teacher wouldn’t care. They only want to see good grades. They won’t mind moving stuff around for you.
Octopussy: He seems harmless. 
Vigilant: you literally called him a dick after one conversation.
Octopussy: he is a dick
Octopussy: he seems stuffy but just a nerd through and through. He’s not going to be a prick or anything.
Vigilant: This isn’t really about him. He already got you talking about you know who in your first ever conversation. Maybe you shouldn’t hang around him.
Octopussy: I just thought it was interesting
Octopussy: It doesn’t mean jack shit
Octopussy: Not everything I talk about has some grand meaning.
Octopussy: I just thought it was weird that this nerd I share my classes with also lives with my bro. 
Top-Hat-Gay: And that’s perfectly fine Re.
Octopussy: soz V
Octopussy: didn’t mean to blow up in your face
Octopussy: just annoying to feel psycho-analysed 
Vigilant: soz
Octopussy: okay! 
Octopussy: that’s proof enough!
Octopussy: we can behave to each other so ice cream plz!!!!!!!!!!!
Octopussy: I will eat V’s posters unless you give us reward good boy icecream
Vigilant: chocolate pls
Top-Hat-Gay: jesus do you lot know how long it takes for me to put on my cape to go shopping
Vigilant: yes
Vigilant: we are precisely aware of exactly how long it takes
Vigilant: that’s why we don’t go shopping with you
Tuesday, 16:38
Pat-on-the-back: Heya guys, are we all in for dinner tonight?
Logan.S: I am.
YourHopesandDreams: I will be in at 7. If you could be so compassionate to push your meal back until then, I would be truly indebted to you.
Pat-on-the-back:  Fine by me!
Logan.S: I am agreeable.
Pat-on-the-back: Also Lo! Are you finished with your work?
Logan.S: I have finished my to-do list so I am available if I’m needed. 
Pat-on-the-back: No, you’re all good! I just wanted to check. It sounded like you were doing work for like four hours straight.
Logan.S: It took three hours thank you very much. 
Logan.S: So what are we doing for dinner?
Pat-on-the-back: I was thinking lasagne! 
Pat-on-the-back: also! Don’t think I’ll notice that change in topic!
Pat-on-the-back: I thought we all agreed on two hour stretches of work with a 15 min break at least. I mean... it’s even written on our calendar! There’s no way you forgot, did you Mister! 
Logan.S: It’s fine Pat.
Logan.S: Just let it go
Logan.S: I needed to get it done
Logan.S: I don’t need to be babied. 
Logan.S: I’m taking a break now. I’m okay.
Pat-on-the-back: I know, I’m sorry. I just want to make sure. As long as you feel okay then everything’s alright! How was your work anyway?
Logan.S: Fairly ordinary actually. I had to go through some of my notes and rewrite a couple of pages then I had to organise a group project due the 2nd of March. 
Pat-on-the-back: Sounds productive!
Logan.S: Thank you.
YourHopesandDreams: Ew. Group project. Who’s your partner?
Logan.S: We are in entirely different courses, why do you think you would know them?
YourHopesandDreams: Everyone knows the drama students know everyone. 
Logan.S: I’m working with Remus.
YourHopesandDreams: You should ask to swap partners. 
Logan.S: I won’t do so unless I have a genuine reason. I’ve not had any interactions with him previously and while he did seem half-hearted and obnoxious in his messages, he seems harmless. If he messes everything around then I will but I won’t make a fuss unless I have reason to.
Pat-on-the-back: That’s fair but please make sure to tell us if he pulls anything.
YourHopesandDreams: Your loss. 
Wednesday, 3:02
hey u awake
Nerd: What on earth are you doing up at 3am? 
Wrong number.
Wednesday, 3:12
Nerd: What is your favourite planet?
Nerd: I figured it would be fair to ask your test to you. For all I know you could be as uncultured as your brother.
can we not talk about him
I dunno really
I wanna say pluto because they deserve it
but I kinda like saturn best.
Nerd: Any reason why?
Just kinda interesting
Big, lots a moons, ring. 
It’s just a cool planet. 
Nerd: Fair enough.
Do you have a reason to like jupiter?
Nerd: If I’m being honest, my science teacher absolutely adored Jupiter. I don’t know why but that memory of him ranting about how cool it was just really stuck with me. I was only about 8 years old. But I found myself agreeing with him. Back then my fascination was a lot more childish. I thought it was fascinating that since Jupiter was a gas planet it hadn’t been blown away yet. I grew up from that view but the interest never left.
ew that was almost cute.
Nerd: I concur that was very unprofessional.
Why hasn’t Jupiter blown away!?!?!?!?!??
Nerd: Excuse me?
Nerd: There’s no atmosphere in space!
But there’s pressure and junk isn’t there? 
Nerd: The pressure is pulling the mass into the centre which keeps the planet whole.
Do you think we could step on Jupiter?
Nerd: I don’t know.
I thought you knew space!
Nerd: I do biology! To get into a biology degree, I did a bunch of biology based subjects! Why would I know anything about space?
I dunno.
I guess if you look like a nerd people just presume.
Nerd: I’ve personally found it’s the confidence. If you act confident enough then everyone presumes you know exactly what you’re doing and you’re in control, no matter how out of place you look. 
I’ll drink to that!
Wait, in what situation would you have learnt this!?!
Nerd: I have a bad habit of accidentally going to the wrong class and just going along with it rather than anything else. Although I should say I did fantastic in that architectural history class. But this habit has caused some awkward situations. I have also impersonated a store manager to explain why me and my friend were there when really he ran into the warehouse searching for a kitten. 
That’s brilliant
Using your nerdy powers to overthrow society.
Does this mean you’re a liar?
Nerd: I call it ‘managing life’. 
Sounds about right.
Why are you awake at this time?
Nerd: I could ask you that.
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kerosene-insomniac · 3 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: soft shit and aggressive flirting
Word Count: 2756 words
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{0.6} Pretty Reckless
“I'll say that you were so beautiful, you made me do ridiculous, reckless things.” 
― Kass Morgan
When Izuku came to, the first thing he noticed was how fucking bright everything was. He wasn’t in the hospital (no, he’s too poor for that) but in the locker room at the venue.
And why was it bright?
Aizawa was shining a fucking flashlight directly into Izuku’s eyes with a pissed off but focused expression on his face.
Oh shit.
“Nice of you to join us, problem child.”
Izuku groaned, his nose wrinkling in distaste as his head began to pound. “What’s going on? Why are you here, Uncle Shota?”
Aizawa scoffed, pocketing his flashlight as he glanced at Shinsou. “He’s fine. He has a mild concussion and a split lip, but they should heal up in a couple days.”
“Thanks, dad.” Shinsou mumbled, looking relieved. 
Izuku, still hopelessly confused, huffed loudly and earned looks from both betas. “Stop acting like I’m not here!”
Aizawa’ s eye twitched as he looked down at Izuku. “You’ve been unconscious for five hours, problem child. The tournament is over and most of your team had classes to attend.”
Five hours?
“That alpha knocked you on your ass.”
Aizawa scoffed, delivering a harsh slap to the back of Shinsou’s head. “Hush, brat. I’m sure that alpha has much worse injuries.”
Izuku swallowed thickly, sitting up and rubbing his temple. 
The last thing I remember is…
The small omega froze, his cheeks flushing as the fuzzy memory of locking eyes with a certain Bakugou Katsuki filled his brain. The alpha looked smug, proud, and slightly out of breath.
He was watching Izuku.
That shouldn’t have made Izuku’s inner omega purr.
“Come on, problem child.”
Izuku winced as Aizawa helped him upright. His head pounded and the room tilted slightly as the older beta supported his weight.
His gaze focused on Toshinori, who was leaning on his cane. His mentor looked proud yet slightly concerned. It wasn’t too surprising of a mix, but Izuku is sure that Aizawa yelled at his teacher.
Toshinori smiled lightly, ignoring the look of distaste from Aizawa. “You did well, Midoriya. Excellent fight.”
Izuku grinned. “Yeah? I hope I made Endeavor choke on his words.”
“About that…” Toshinori cleared his throat. “Young Bakugou came by earlier.”
The small omega froze, his grin quickly replaced by a scowl.  “What did he want? Another boost for his fragile ego?”
Shinsou snickered loudly, looking absolutely amused in his kitten hoodie. A hoodie that was part of a matching set Hisashi had gotten him and Aizawa for Christmas. “He’s waiting for us in the hallway. He’s insisting on seeing you.”
Izuku blinked multiple times, unsure. “You’re joking, right?”
“He’s not.” Aizawa huffed, guiding Izuku forward.
Kill me now.
Izuku walked steadily towards the door, his face a rosy shade of pink as he processed the information.
“He’s an ass.” Aizawa murmured bluntly, his voice hushed. “But he seemed like he was actually concerned.”
The small omega sighed. “He’s such a fucking pain.”
Shinsou chuckled, following them to the door. “I agree, but is that how you approach a potential mate? He-“
“Don’t even finish that sentence.” Izuku warned, earning a chuckle from Aizawa.
Instead of continuing his onslaught of teasing, Shinsou smirked and opened the ugly blue door in front of them. Familiar caramel pheromones attacked Izuku’s senses, making his heart-rate speed up in his chest.
Kacchan was leaning against the wall in front of the door.
The older alpha was obviously fresh out of the shower. His ash-blonde hair was less spiky than before and his black muscle shirt had water droplets on it. His biceps had a few fresh bruises and he had a cut on his brow.
And when his red eyes met Izuku’s, his face lit up.
Kacchan hid it well, though.
“You look like shit.”
Izuku scoffed, narrowing his eyes at the smirking alpha. “You’re one to talk. What are you doing here?”
Kacchan shrugged, holding up Izuku’s gym bag. “I figured you’d need help getting out of here. I doubt that two insomniacs and an old has-been would be enough to deal with your pissy attitude.”
“I think that they’re more than capable.”
Aizawa, however, huffed from beside Izuku. “Actually, you could help him to the car. I’m too fucking old to deal with him.”
Izuku’s jaw dropped. “Shota? You-“
“It’d be my pleasure.” Kacchan smirked, slinging the gym bag over his shoulder.
Before Izuku can even blink, Aizawa basically handed him over to the blond alpha. Out of the corner of his eyes, the small omega noticed Shinsou and Toshinori fist-bump each other.
What the-
“Hold on tight, Deku.”
Izuku blanched as Kacchan leaned in close. “W-wait, Kacchan. What are you- AH!”
The smug alpha easily hooked his arms underneath Izuku’s body and lifted him bridal style. Kacchan did it with impeccable ease, but the small omega squeaked in fear nonetheless less.
“Put me down.” Izuku squeaked, clinging to the alpha’s shoulders.
Kacchan huffed. “Nope. Idiots with concussions don’t get the satisfaction of walking. Besides, your friends think it’s funny.”
Sure enough, Shinsou was laughing with Toshinori. Aizawa, who should’ve been on Izuku’s side, also looked mildly amused.
Izuku swallowed, his skin a flushed crimson color. “If you don’t put me down, I’ll punch you as hard as I can.”
“And risk falling? Not likely.”
He called my bluff…..
Izuku scoffed and crossed his arms, allowing Kacchan to carry him down the hallway. Despite his pouting, Izuku’s inner omega was absolutely ecstatic with the situation and nearly purring with delight.
After all, a strong and stupidly attractive alpha was carrying Izuku as if he weighed nothing at all.
And he smells nice.
“You’re mumbling again, nerd.”
Izuku froze, looking up at the alpha in clear surprise. “Sorry. I don’t realize that I’m doing it half the time..”
Kacchan shrugged, red eyes flickering to Izuku’s face for a second before focusing in front of them again. “Don’t apologize. I find it cute, even if it’s incredibly annoying to hear.”
Did he just-
“I’m also glad that you think I smell nice.”
Izuku squeaked, hiding his face in obvious embarrassment as the alpha smirked down at him. “Why are you doing this? Do you enjoy making fun of me?”
Kacchan grinned, humming lowly as they approached the exit. “I don’t need a fucking reason, Deku. If you’re going to be my rival then you need to be in your best condition. I can’t trust extras to take care of you.”
“Extras?” Izuku repeated, his eyebrows furrowed. 
The alpha scoffed, sounding annoyed. “Focus, shitty nerd! Your extras obviously don’t know jack-shit about taking care of you!”
Izuku blinked multiple times, staring up at the alpha as if he was losing his mind. “You do realize that this isn’t how rivals interact, right? You don’t see Endeavor carrying All Might around.”
“I’ll fucking drop you right now, Deku.” Kacchan threatened, his tone dead-serious.
The small omega snickered, gingerly poking the alpha’s jaw. “I wonder what your boss would think of you carrying me around like this?”
Kacchan scoffed, turning slightly to look behind them. “Open the fucking door, Mind-Fuck! Shitty Deku’s fucking heavy!”
“No one told you to carry him, Bakugou.”
“I had no choice. The fucking idiot obviously can’t do it himself.”
“Right. Whatever you need to tell yourself.”
Izuku laughed at their interaction, shivering slightly as the wind nipped at his skin. Kacchan flushed at the sound, but didn’t comment on it as they walked outside. The moon had just risen, showing just how long Izuku had been unconscious.
Aizawa came up from behind them, making Izuku flinch.
“Our car is just up ahead. We’ll get him home.”
Kacchan huffed, acknowledging the older beta. “Lead the way. I don’t want to hold this idiot more than I have to.”
Izuku cocked his head to the side. “Or you could let me walk?”
“You have a fucking concussion, idiot.”
The small omega raised an eyebrow. “So you would carry all your rivals like this if they had a concussion?”
Kacchan glared down at him. “I will throw you in front of a moving car. Don’t fucking test me, Deku.”
Izuku hummed quietly and looked around them in an attempt to gauge their surroundings. Even though it was dark, Mustafu was lit up by soft street-lights and the headlights of passing cars.
“Here we are. Thanks for the help, brat.”
Kacchan stiffened at Shota’s word, his lips switching from a frown to a scowl. “I’m not a fucking brat.”
Shota ignored him, unlocking the car and glancing at Hitoshi with narrowed eyes. “I’ll take him home. You drop Yagi off before joining us. Understand?”
“Yes, dad.”
Kacchan, who was still pouting over being called a brat (which he totally is, by the way) immediately snapped to attention. “Did you just call him dad? I thought your last name was Shinsou?”
Hitoshi smirked, shrugging. “I’m adopted. My dads were close friends with my birth parents so they let me keep the name.”
“Fucking figures.” Kacchan huffed, looking down at Izuku. 
Izuku blushed under his gaze and cleared his throat. “You can put me down now, Kacchan. The car’s right there.”
The alpha’s eye twitched. “Don’t call me that.”
“Don’t call me Deku.” Izuku countered, his green eyes sharp.
Kacchan narrowed his eyes. “Why the fuck does it bother you so much that I call you that? It literally means ‘useless’.”
Izuku gave the alpha a pointed look. “Only friends and close family get to call me that. You’re neither. Can you put me down now?”
The red-eyed alpha studied him for a few seconds before sighing and looking away from him. For a second, Kacchan actually looked as if he was slightly affected by Izuku’s poor choice of words.
But Izuku knows better.
Kacchan leaned down and paced Izuku’s feet on the ground. “Get in the car, shitty nerd.”
Izuku hummed, detaching himself from the alpha’s shoulders. His inner omega whined at the loss of contact, but Izuku buried the feeling deep inside his brain. He can’t be so attached to Kacchan already.
The small omega climbed into the backseat of Shota’s car, his muscles aching slightly as he moved.
“One last thing, though.”
Izuku froze, his body halfway hanging out of the vehicle.
Kacchan placed a hand on the roof of the car and leaned incredibly close to Izuku. His ruby-red eyes studied the omega’s face as their noses gently made contact. Izuku’s breathing immediately hitched.
After a few seconds, Kacchan smirked.
“I like your scent, too. I’ll see you tomorrow, Deku.”
Izuku squeaked in surprise as Kacchan gently pushed his body the rest of the way into the vehicle. His face felt incredibly hot and it felt like his brain itself was very much short-circuiting.
Kacchan grinned smugly and shut the door.
He likes my scent?
“That was gross to watch.”
Katsuki snapped out of his daze and turned to glare at the beta next to him. Shinsou and Toshinori had knowing grins on their faces, which immediately made the alpha flush with embarrassment.
Shinsou snickered at Katsuki’s expression. “Denki was right. I thought that he was over-exaggerating when he said you were head-over-heels.”
Katsuki bristled. “What the fuck was Dunce-Face telling you?!”
“Not much. Your reaction told me more, though.”
The red-eyed alpha scoffed loudly as he turned to walk away. Before he did, though, Katsuki glanced back at Toshinori.
The older beta hadn’t said so much as a word to him in the last few hours they’ve interacted. Toshinori looked a little sick himself, but Katsuki thought that it was incredibly weird that he hadn’t said anything about the situation.
“I have a question for you, All Might.”
Toshinori blinked in surprise at Katsuki’s gentle tone. “I thought that you might. You look troubled, young Bakugou.”
Katsuki swallowed thickly, fighting the urge to watch Deku’s car pull out of the parking lot. “You chose an omega as your successor after years of saying that you didn't plan on choosing one.”
“So you’re wondering what changed my mind?”
Obviously, you old fuck.
Katsuki swallowed his words. “That’s exactly what I’m confused about. You had so many different options that weren’t omegas.”
Toshinori hummed, adjusting his cane as he studied Katsuki. “Izuku came to see me a little over a year ago for self-defense classes. He was working two jobs and Shota had been worried that he'd be mugged.”
“My dad calls Izuku his ‘problem child’.” Shinsou murmured, his tone light and airy.
Problem child?
That fits.
Katsuki’s mouth twitched as he fought the urge to smirk fondly. “So what changed, All Might?”
Toshinori sighed, his blue eyes suddenly full of sadness. “I had one of my older pupils spar with him. He was an alpha, but I wanted to see where Izuku was to begin with.”
“Did he get his ass kicked?”
Shinsou snorted at Katsuki’s question. “Not really. Both of my dads were underground boxers, so Izuku had picked up a little bit.”
Toshinori laughed with him, but his eyes still looked sad. “He showed a lot of resolve when it came to fighting. As his lessons continued, he started to get a lot of courting requests from my other students.”
Katsuki growled at that, making the betas chuckle some more.
“He rejected each and every one.” Toshinori continued, smiling. “He said that he didn’t want an alpha's protection and strived to defeat every single one of my students.”
Shinsou nodded, his tired eyes still studying Katsuki. “It was after that when Toshinori came by to talk to my dads and-“
He stopped.
“And?” Katsuki murmured, narrowing his eyes.
Shinsou swallowed thickly, blinking multiple times to snap out of his daze. “Nobody. Toshinori saw potential in Izuku and offered an easier way for him to make money.”
Toshinori was silent.
What the fuck are they being so secretive about?
Katsuki bit his tongue and scowled. “So you’re using him to make money? That’s a new low, All Might.”
“I don’t profit from this.”
That was enough to make Katsuki freeze.
Katsuki’s scowl disappeared as he studied the beta, his ruby-red eyes narrowed. “Every manager gets some of the profit from their fighter. But you’ve been doing this shit-show for free?”
Toshinori nodded. “I have more than enough money. Izuku needs the funds more than I do, and I figured it was fair since it’s his body on the line.”
“Why does he need money so bad?”
His words were greeted with silence.
Katsuki growled, clenching his fist. “Don’t clam up now! You can’t just tell me only part of the goddamn story!”
“It’s not our place.” Shinsou snapped, his voice suddenly ice-cold.
It gave Katsuki whiplash.
Shinsou huffed, crossing his arms as annoyance came off of him in waves. “All you need to know is that everyone involved knows that Izuku can handle this. Just because he’s an omega doesn’t make him weak, Bakugou.”
“You’re not even the tiniest bit worried?!” Katsuki snapped, his growls slightly louder than before.
The purple-haired beta glared at him.
“Of course we are!” 
Shinsou’s voice echoed in the empty parking lot. “But Izuku is going to do what he wants, and we’re not letting him do it by himself.”
Katsuki couldn’t bring himself to respond. His inner alpha was furious that Izuku’s friends and family seemed okay with his reckless need to sacrifice himself. Honestly, Katsuki isn’t even sure why he cares so much.
It was all so confusing.
Shinsou finally broke the staring contest, his shoulders slumping forward. “Look. Out of all the bonehead alphas that are interested in Izuku, I think you stand the best possible chance at knowing him.”
“I’m not fucking inter-“
The beta cut him off, his eyes sharp. “Stop fucking lying to yourself. It’s painfully fucking obvious to everyone why you’re so hung up on Izuku’s behavior.”
Katsuki huffed, shutting his mouth.
“Like I was saying,” Shinsou looked annoyed. “The only way that you’re going to understand is if you ask Izuku. Nobody is telling you his story, Bakugou.”
Why are they making this secret out to be such a huge thing?
Katsuki swallowed thickly, clenching his jaw in an attempt to keep his temper in check. “Fine. I’ll fucking figure out exactly what that shitty Deku is hiding, Eye-Bags. I don’t need your shitty help.”
Shinsou grinned, sharing a glance with Toshinori.
“I didn’t think that you would.”
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
Ohh Queen Yume you've opened the floodgates!! Which guys would be head over heels over a gorgeous, kind sensei!MC?? Who would feel conflicted about their feelings and who are shameless enough to try to pursue her?
“Tell the guards to open up...THE GATES~”
EVERYONE (΄◉◞౪◟◉`) fight me with this one, Darlings.
Everyone would be up our Darling Sensei’s ass, I BET YOU MY LIFE SUPPORT. The better question at this point would be asking which wouldn’t be attracted to a beautiful Sensei lol
Riddle would act as if it’s the end of the world as falling in love with a teacher is a huge violation of many rules. Though he sometimes slips up with little gestures that makes him stutter and blush uncharacteristically, he can hide his emotions very well. He will try to kill these forbidden feelings, but doing so just breaks his heart. He secretly wants you to come and save him, recognizing him like he does withyou.
Deuce would be ashamed for falling in love with a teacher, how can he tell his mother about this? He came here to become a model student, not to become so attached to his own instructor. He tries to hide as much as he can but he’s a blushing mess with just the slightest attention from you, anyone could instantly tell what’s up. It’s just a matter of time before Sensei herself realized this precious boy’s feelings.
Jack is conflicted. Why was he feeling this way towards his teacher out of all people available? I see him as someone who fully respects you, he’ll be less violent and even if you haven’t noticed, you already got him perfectly tamed. He’ll keep his feelings for himself and wouldn’t ever plan to tell anyone. Though people have been noticing how slightly protective he’s being with you, of course he’ll violently deny them all. But sometimes it can’t be helped, his own tail would involuntary sway back and forth so excitedly if you go as far as to graze him.
Sebek doesn’t seem to like it, poor boy is just really confused. He should already be dedicated to his young master, he doesn’t need these silly feelings to add to his plate! You’re a teacher! You’re a person that he should respect and pay attention to for knowledge but instead, he’s disgusted at the way you haunt his dreams every night! He can’t believe he’s already falling in love with a human like you! Stop making him feel all giddy on the inside, it’s some sort of spell, isn’t it!?
Poor Idia just can’t take a break, can he? When he’s already stuck in a school full of self-centered brats, how dare you come and knock at his closed-off, introverted heart? He knew these kinds of scenarios from all the dating sims he’ve played but never in his life had he thought that he will find himself in the same situation. That being said, he’s still anxious to come and talk to you personally, his tablet was one way but even that doesn’t feel enough. He might really be going crazy as he starts to want to go outside just to meet you...
Silver can’t seem to put two and two together, he couldn’t quite figure out why his heart was beating so fast for his Darling Sensei. He would ask his father for any explanation but wouldn’t get anything out of it but a simple chuckle. That’s fine, something tells him that he wouldn’t be able to trust his advices anyway. Whatever it is, he’s quite fond of it and he doesn’t seem to care much, he does become really sad when you’re away though.
As we already established, Ace can be quite shameless when it comes to his feelings. He won’t outright say what he feels for you, but he’ll constantly flirt and tease you when he has the chance. Don’t be surprised when you begin to notice him actually trying to cope a feel or looking up your skirt because that’s just him. Also, be careful, he’s very prone to using dirty handed tricks to capture your attention.
Leona is another shameless one, he doesn’t care about status, if he sees a prey, it’s just natural for him to bite from the neck, right? What’s wrong with being a little older? He’s not even that young compared to these useless herbivore, he’s the best that you can get. It wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that your class might just be the only class that Leona wouldn’t skip. Mainly because he might miss some exclusive view of you, like when your skirt would hitch up every time you bend over to grab something. He wouldn’t hesitate to grope either, that ass is just too tempting not to bite to at least once.
Floyd is difficult to deal with, since he’s likely the most shameless one out of the bunch. He doesn’t care about you being a teacher, Sensei is Sensei regardless! He’ll bother you at every opportunity he gets and at every place he sees you at. He’ll make excuses to meet you up, even going as far as to skip class just so you could take the effort and search for him. It bothers you a little that this particular student of yours constantly keeps asking questions about your lectures even if he always seems to already know the answer.
I’d say Malleus would also be shameless but he doesn’t actually realize that he’s being one. Forgive him for acting so strangely possessive and clingy around you, following you everywhere like a lost baby animal. It’s just that he’s not familiar with having romantic feelings with someone, let alone a mere human. He doesn’t see anything special in your role as a teacher, he had lived much, much longer than you after all.
Lilia is amused, to think that someone as wise as him had actually fallen in love with someone who was supposed to be his ‘teacher’. Never in his long life had he found himself in this kind of situation, it’s interesting! It’s not like it’s a problem anyway, you are nothing more than a child compared to his actual age, you’re just a mortal teaching him stuff that he already knew. But it doesn’t hurt to take advantage of his youthful appearance now, does it? Lilia’s excited to know where this relationship can go.
Sometimes, Trey and Jamil just doesn’t feel like a student to you. Being a lot more mature than the other students, you just can’t help but to rely on them for a lot of things. Maybe that’s probably why you’ll never notice how deeply in love these two are with you, they’re just that good when it comes to hiding emotions. They’ll give subtle hints here and there and Trey, most likely, might even flirt with you at some point but you’ll be so familiar with him by now that you wouldn’t even mind. I’d say Trey’s a bit on the shameless side, but not in a way that makes him clingy while Jamil is the type to just keep quiet but secretly and skillfully making moves.
Cater is categorized as shameless when it comes to expressing his feelings, but when Darling’s a teacher, things becomes a little...complicated. Don’t get him wrong, he’ll be the same as always, so talkative and energetic around you, even calling out for you with a cute nickname. He’ll even flirt like you’re the same age as him but he would always make it seem like a joke. If you’re a teacher, he’ll also be very careful about posting something about you in his Magicam, he knows how this works anyway. One word out that you’re becoming too close with a particular student, you’ll risk losing your job. Cater doesn’t want that happening anytime soon, but just know that he can make it happen too if he absolutely needs to. Until then, it’s all good and dandy!
Ruggie wouldn’t be guilty nor conflicted about his feelings, but he wouldn’t be as shameless as to scream out his feelings to everyone around him. No, only an idiot will do that and it’s embarrassing so, no thank you. Instead, he can play the long game, he’s a patient guy despite how he looks. Besides, he’s used to these kinds of stuff by now so it’s not that much different~! Expect many coincidences with him in it though!
Azul appears to be very calm on the inside, always helping you out whenever you need him without asking for anything in return. That’s what he is, a simp a gracious student ready to help his dear teacher out any time! But that’s what you think, in reality, he’s just desperately trying to earn your favor by being your “Yes-man”. He believes that if he became the goodest boy in your eyes, you’ll be able to love him as much as he does with you. Although, just expect a few tears and tantrums when he doesn’t get his way though.
Jade is so different from his brother that it surprises you that they’re even twins in the first place. He respects your boundaries, even if he wanted nothing more than to become as shameless as his other half. He’s very active when it comes to your lessons too, always paying attention with the greatest interest. He even serves you tea as refreshments and helps you with work if he feels as if you’re overworking yourself. He’s not really the type to care whether you’re a teacher, “I wonder~?” He’ll be very vague about it if anyone dares to ask but if you look closely, that smile says it all.
Kalim wouldn’t be able to recognize his feelings for a really long time. He’ll think it’s just normal to feel this way, for his heart to beat this fast, for his face to heat up, for thoughts of you to flow through his head even at night. But when he does, all those times he shamelessly clung to you and talked to you will come back to attack him all at once. He’ll actually lower down his affection levels because he was told that liking a teacher is bad and it might actually cost you your job. But it’s so difficult! It wouldn’t hurt to spend...a little more time with you, would it!?
Vil thinks it’s stupid of him and of you. He thinks he’s stupid for falling in love with someone like you, his own teacher, it’s unbelievable how low his standards had become. But at the same time, he thinks you’re stupid for not being able to understand why he fell in love with you in the first place too. Despite the salt of falling in love with someone like you of all people, it doesn’t change the fact the he’ll keep on striving to become the best for you. He wants you to notice him, notice his improvements, and make you feel how lucky you are for catching his attention, so would you try and look at him in a different way for once?
Rook just loves anyone and anything, does he? Everything is beautiful in his eyes and yet, there was something about you that shines the brightest amongst all others. There should be no shame in expressing his feelings, he’ll shout it out loud to world. His eccentric personality is working against his favor too, even if honestly and openly admitted his feelings towards you with everyone, no one will actually take it seriously. But what others perceives to be true isn’t always true, Darling.
I’m not quite sure where to put Epel in all of this, something’s telling me that he would be on the shameless side only if he’s willing to show his much more aggressive side. However, I can imagine him being worried to show that side to you, since you were already put under the impression that he’s a dainty, gentle boy. Although he doesn’t like being treated like he’s the most fragile thing of all people, he can’t deny the attention he gets from you whenever he’s acting like this. Epel doesn’t really seem to care if you’re a teacher in all of this, he knew that it’s not good but he’s determined. Once he graduates, he’ll definitely make a move on you so, just you wait...!
Before I knew it, I made something for every character holy shi- my teacher kink is terrifying.
Also, yes, Darlings! Yume changed her usename from “amai-no-yume” to “dreamii-yume”! ( ^∀^) To tell you the truth, I didn’t expect to like posting sins in tumblr this much ヽ(;▽;) So I ended picking such a half-ass username! But now, I decided to change it to something hopefully cuter and more appropriate! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Nice to meet you again, Darlings~!
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Jamil Viper - I’m just talking to myself 1&2
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You can unlock this story by getting Jamil’s SR Lab coat
Translation under the cut
Interior Hallway
Riddle: It must have been the temperature... mutter...maybe it was the amount...
Jamil: Oh. I thought you’d bump in to me. It’s dangerous to walk while only looking downward.
Riddle: Ah, my apologies, I was thinking about something... ah it’s you, Jamil.
Azul: Oho, I thought you were walking in a strange way, Riddle.
Riddle: ...And Azul as well. Are you guys together?
Azul: Yes. We are classmates that get along well.
Jamil: Is what he says. I was on my way to the laboratory when he butted in by chance.
Riddle: The laboratory you say... Can it be that class C has magical pharmaceuticals class now?
Jamil: Yeah. We will change with your class.
Riddle: I see... Then I shall warn you in advance. Watch out during today’s experiment.
Jamil: Warn us? Now that you say it, today’s experiment...
Riddle: We had to create a magical potion that can cure a burn in an instant. But no one of our class managed to.
Jamil: No one, including you?
Riddle: ...Yes.
Azul: Oh. Our Jade is also in class 2E, was he not able to make it either?
Riddle: He said he was “Stumped” while smiling like he enjoyed it.
Jamil: I can imagine it...
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Riddle: The medicine is made of three ingredients, namely medicinal herbs and fine powder of ores. Furthermore, the magical stones should be soaked in water and the oil extracted from the liver of a legendary beast. When I saw the recipe, I thought it was in the bag. However... no matter how much you stirred, the ingredients did not mix. They quickly seperated again.
Jamil: That is...
Riddle: Hm?
Jamil: No, it’s nothing. I just thought that sounds troublesome.
Riddle: Indeed. We tried cooling it, heating it, and all kinds of other methods but it was useless. And then we ran out of time.
Jamil: Thanks. In any case... How awfully kind of you to tell us about an experiment that you couldn’t do yourself.
Azul: Yes. I noticed it myself as well.
Riddle: ...You seem extremely doubtful. It’s not like I have any good intentions or so. Crewel told us that the abilities of the 2nd years this year are scarce. I think that was a terrible remark... It may be true that we failed today but I will not forget that insult!
Jamil: You don’t have to be that upset. You might’ve just gotten bad luck. You’re always first in our grade. Maybe you failed because of something really trivial...
Riddle: You do not have to console me with your cheap words. Next time I’ll show him my real power and outwit him. You should do your best as well. I’ll see you later.
Jamil: ...Riddle is really serious... We should go to the laboratory as well, our break is almost over. There’s no time to make a counterplan. Even that Riddle was struggling. Today’s experiment seems like it’ll be difficult.
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Azul: Well, Riddle is by nature better at written tests than practical examinations...Since you’re so skillfull, we might be able to bring today’s experiment to a succes?
Jamil: Huh? Why are you suddenly... I can’t do such difficult things.
Azul: Hehehe, you’re so modest. I am always impressed by your work. Let’s see if the vice dorm leader of Scarabia can live up to his name.
Jamil: ...
Azul: If you look at your grades, there are no visible gaps in your classroom lectures, practical skills and physical training. Even I have a weak point when it comes to flying... For you to not even have such an instability is frankly amazing. It is like you can tailor yourself to suit your needs.
Jamil: You’re overestimating me. In my case, I’m a jack of all trades and master of none.
Azul: ... I look forward to how you will handle this. But don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike people with many secrets. They’re much more reliable than people who are honest to a fault and blab out everything.
Jamil: Thanks I guess. In any case stop standing there and move on already. We’ll really be late.
Azul: Of course, let’s go.
Jamil: ... That Azul is really sensitive to the secrets of others huh. I want to avoid standing out. I can’t be satisfied with this. I cannot be too good, nor fall behind, and neither should I get satisfactory grades or fail. This is the best shortcut to succes.
Chapter 2
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Crewel: Magical pharmaceuticals is much like fashion. If you have too much or too less of the necessary ingredients, you will not be able to make a beautiful mixture... if you cannot complete this experiment, it’s no different from your clothes being out of fashion.
Ignihyde student: To go as far as to talk about our clothes...
Crewel: You’re talking back at me...This puppy seems full of rebellion. Do I need to discipline you? Good grief, to think that class C is the same as class E is disappointing. This year’s second years are just generally a bad breed!
Jamil: It seems like Crewel won’t go on easy on us today... Azul, how is it working?
Azul: Well...It’s just like Riddle said, mixing the ingredients at the last step goes pretty terrible. No matter how much I stir it seperates again.
Jamil: Hm...that’s too bad, I guess we’ll have to surrender to Crewel.
Azul: ...
Jamil: What’s up with that creepy grin. Is there something on my face? 
Azul: Jamil, you have done nothing since watching me mix...
Jamil: Huh? Ah yeah, we’re a pair, sorry for not lifting a finger. But you are the one who paired up with me...
Azul: Hehe. That you can tell a lie so calmly.
Jamil: I lied? You must be hardhearing. What kind of basis do you have for that assumption...
Azul: Did I not tell you. I can tell by a glance. I’m always eager to see you...to see your hidden talents.
Jamil: Always...that doesn’t sound very good.
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Azul: Hehe, carelesness is the greatest enemy. What did you say when we talked to Riddle during our break?
Jamil: ...
Azul: You know the solution don’t you? Why don’t you tell your partner.
Jamil: I don’t remember us ever becoming partners? It seems you really want to succeed in this class.
Azul: Of course. Are there any students who do not want to be appreciated by their teacher? And if we can make a potion that even Riddle couldn’t... Everyone will admire your true skills!
Jamil: I don’t want that though...
Azul: Hm?
Jamil: Nothing. Let’s assume I knew the solution. Then I still don’t intend to show off my skills. But I wouldn’t feel like telling you the answer and letting you have the credit. I’d rather have that Crewel made us all out to be idiots.
Azul: How wasteful... If you have the skills, why do you hate appealing that much?
Jamil: I want to avoid getting involved with trouble if I stand out in a bad way.
Azul: Oho. If you want to avoid trouble that much, then I think it should be even better for you to cooperate with me. If you ease a bit up during class then I’ll shut up.
Jamil: Am I mishearing something. I heard “cooperation” but... don’t you simply mean “threathening”.
Crewel: Are there any obedient students around here that completed the assignment?
Azul: Hey look, Jamil. What are you going to do?
Jamil: ...Sigh. Now that you say it, there’s a phenomenon called emulsification in cooking.
Azul: I see.
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Jamil: I’m just talking to myself so don’t pay attention...Emulsification is really easy. It’s a way to mix things together that cannot be mixed well by nature. A familiar example would be mayonnaise. The main components of mayonnaise are vinegar and cooking oil. In other words, they managed to mix water and oil. The ingredients this time are herbs, ore and...
Azul: Water and oil. ...I see, so there was such a common phenomenon. 
Jamil: When Riddle said that the ingredients wouldn’t mix, I thought about that immediately. It didn’t emulsificate. It’s a common error made by amateurs at cooking. Most of the time, the mistake is by getting the order of the mixing and the timing wrong.
Azul: So it’s the order. Our teacher just said to mix all the ingredients.
Jamil: Wasn’t Crewel being purposefully vague to challenge us? We shouldn’t mix the water in the oil but the oil in the water. And you shouldn’t just mix all of it at once. You should pour the oil in bit by bit while you continue stirring.
Azul: I see. I don’t touch products with a lot of oil so I wouldn’t know. 
Jamil: Cooking is my forte. ...See we fixed our experiment. Don’t you think a wonderful “Idea” gushed forth from me talking to myself? Now we are in time to fix our experiment.
Azul: Amazing, it really worked...
Jamil: Aren’t you glad.
Azul: Of course, Jamil!
Jamil: You’re too loud! It was just by chance!
Azul: Of course it was by chance.
Jamil: Yes. While I was talking to myself I coughed by chance, and when you heard that you suddenly came up with a method to mix it. That’s all.
Azul: You’re so stubborn... I keep getting more interested in you with the day. Are you not interested in doing some nice business with me in the future?
Jamil: Don’t try. I’m absolutely not interested.
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jack-is-lost · 4 years
A/N: This story revolves around a transgender, female to male, original character. LGBTQ+ topics are a given within this story. Gender and body dysphoria will come up as well since he is not out to his family — only close friends. If you dislike such a story premise please understand you do not have to interact with it at all. Leaving hate comments will be removed. Of course, constructive feedback is always welcomed.  
Pairing: Eventually Marko x OTMC
Story is still in progress and updates will be slow
Eventually it will be posted on A03 once I’m a few chapters in
Currently on Chapter one | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 coming soon
Chapter one
My life, for the most part, has always been unusual — a little different. Despite having parents that looked like any successful mom and dad ought to, and an older brother willing to stick up for me, things just didn't go according to plan. 
You see, my mother was excited to have a daughter finally. Someone to doll up and buy dresses for, maybe even enroll in a dance class. A stark difference to her firstborn, Tyler, who was all about karate lessons and throwing the ball with dad. Which eventually evolved to working on cars as he grew older. Our mother wanted somebody to share girly interests with, understandably. And, for a while, she was able to have it. The baby pictures are proof of that. Yet, as I grew older and became more aware of what I liked, the fewer things seemed cookie-cutter-perfect for my family.
"Are you not taking your bag to school, Jacklynn?" The mentioned item was nowhere in sight as the youngest of her children poured coffee — the action resembling someone needing every drop left in the pot as if to survive.
"It's the last day," came the grumbling response after a long, soothing sip. "I doubt most kids will even be showing up."
"Yeah, about that," Tyler, the oldest, spoke around a bite of toast. "Can't I be a minority and just stay home?"
"No, you only have one day left, guys." She smiled at her two kids. A graduate who had already filled out college applications, and is ready to further his engineering career. The other, soon-to-be senior, that seemed to have no real drive in anything but drawing and reading — and staying up too late apparently.
"Seriously," she spoke up again as they sighed in unison, deflating with their last hope crushed. "You two will survive."
Tyler nudged his sister, who leaned across the counter, jostling the coffee dangerously enough to receive a seething glare. "Want me to take you?"
It wasn't like Tyler to offer that too often, "Sure."
They both pulled away from the kitchen and made their way to the door, hollering goodbyes as Tyler grabbed the keys — the other sibling still nursing the coffee.
"Don't stay out too late!" Their mom called back, knowing full well she wouldn't see her kids after school. It seemed the closer summer drew in — the fewer tests to study for and homework to do, the more they came home later.
Tyler stepped into the car, unlocking the passenger door as he slid inside his cherry baby — A beaming red, 1983 Audi Sport Quattro, followed by his sister plopping down less elegantly. He glanced at her while starting the car.
"Talk to me, Jay." It was the last day, after all. Weren't kids supposed to be excited about that? "What's bouncing 'round that head of yours." He barely received any notion his sister was listening till she drew out a long sigh, head hitting the back of the seat.
"I don't know, man." It was drawn out, tired. "Didn't get much sleep, I guess."
Tyler nodded while giving the steering wheel a turn, making his way down the road. The school building wasn't very far when on wheels, and he pulled into a parking lot marginally less filled than it ought to be.
As his sister made to get out, he placed a hand on her shoulder, their eyes meeting as she paused halfway out the door. "Ever need to get a chip off your shoulder come talk to me, okay?" Her eyes rolled to the side, and Tyler gave her a little reassuring squeeze, "I'm serious. What are big —"
"— bro's for? I know, I know."
Tyler chuckled as he released her shoulder, "Good. Now," he slammed the door shut and leaned over the roof, "Go sleep in class or something." That at least drew a chuckle out of his sister as she turned away from the car.
The last day of school went how one could expect it to go. Some teachers put on movies and had extra treats for their students. Others went over lessons in the last semester, hoping it would stick to impressionable minds before three months of freedom — minds that were only thinking about freedom and not math.
It was by mid-day when a note made its way into Jay's locker. In gruff, almost unreadable handwriting, it merely said, 'Meet us by the big tree'. Jay instantly knew who it was from and folded the paper up.
A long night was probably ahead.
When the final bell rang, Jay had to wipe the drool off an impromptu pillow-desk before heading out and down the hall. Many of the kids loudly boasted about their summer plans while cleaning out lockers, jostling each other, and hurrying outside. Jay maneuvered around the hoard and quickly escaped out a side entrance, locker already empty since lunch.
It didn't take long to walk a block to the park, down a jogging trail, before splitting off into a cluster of trees. There, in the center of it, laid a large trunk of a dead tree. Upon it splayed out a makeshift map, bags, and — unsurprisingly, two brothers.
"Finally," Grumbled Edgar while raising his head, a red marker still poised over the map. "Where's Sam?"
Jay stared, unaware that Sam was supposed to tag along for the stroll after school let out. "Was I meant to wait for him or?"
"Forget it," came the short grunt, and Edgar was back to the more important matter at hand as Alan turned around to face Jay.
"I'm sure he'll show up. He's got the same note as you," he started to unravel what appeared to be a chaotic ball of cord in his hands. "Oh, hey—" he stopped as a thought struck him, "—Still a no go on the knife?"
Oh, not this again.
Jay leaned against the bare trunk, arms crossed and brow lifted. "Alan, we've been through this. Keep me on the books, but hand me a knife, and someone will lose a finger."
Of course, no one knew if Jay meant their fingers or not, and that was on purpose.
"Maybe some training will help," Edgar spoke up again, pausing on circling locations. "You need to prepare yourself for—"
"— the unexpected. I get it, Ed." Jay cut him off while peering closer to get a look at the map.
"Edgar," he corrected with a tired mutter despite it being useless. They've known each other for an entire year now. One would think it wouldn't matter at this point.
Jay tapped a finger on the closest circled spot, the cemetery. "Thought you marked this off?"
"One can never be certain," He nodded to his own words of wisdom. "It is a common ground for the dead."
"I'd say," Jay suppressed a snort, "It is where the deceased go to be laid into the ground."
Rustling noises announced Sam’s arrival as he pushed through, almost smacking himself in the face with a thin branch. His strained voice drew attention to him. “Guys,” he dusted a leaf off his overly styled coat, “We really need to find a better spot to meet.”
Jay lazily offered a salute wave, “Hey to you too, Sammy.”
“I’m serious,” Sam huffed while taking up a spot near Alan, hands shoved into his pockets. “What about the shop? Y’know, with school now over and stuff?”
Edgar grunted in thought. “Yeah, that ought to be doable.”
“Your grandpa still against us being at the house?” Alan spoke up.
Sam gave a partial shrug. “Sort of,” he eyed the map, then glanced at Jay, who returned the unspoken question with a tired look. Sam returned to explaining when Edgar motioned for him to continue. “You guys can visit, as you have, but you can’t — you know —” he shuffled his hands for the right phrasing, “— bring hunting business there.”
Jay had never actually been to Sam’s place, but the stories shared made it sound like a lot of stuff went down there — destroying property kind of stuff. So Jay could understand what the man was trying to avoid. The Frog Brothers being walking time bombs of destruction, after all.
“The cemetery again?” Sam squawked at noticing it. “I am not doing that again.” The sound of Jay snickering redirected Sam’s defiant stare. “Make Jay do it this time.”
“Wait, wha—”
“—He doesn’t have the qualification for it, Sam.” Edgar cut in before an argument could occur. This only made Sam huff, arms crossed and brows furrowed.
“So? I didn’t either last year.”
Alan stopped weaving the cord at this point, placing it down on the dead trunk. “Jay needs the experience. It could be good for him.” He simply spoke, agreeing with Sam.
“Hey, Jay’s right here,” he had pointedly avoided parading around Santa Carla for a whole damn year. Sure, his knowledge of supernatural things is what drew the Frog Brothers to him in the first place — and the free charge of ordering books at their shop kept Jay in the circle, but he was a good year older than them and didn’t feel like playing make-believe.  
Sam smirked in the way that screamed challenging, “C’mon, Jay, or are you scared of the dark?”
Jay narrowed his eyes, “I know what you are doing.”
“Then prove me wrong,” Sam continued.
Despite that, Jay found himself amongst the dead at one in the damn morning. It was eerie, the cemetery, sitting in absolute silence and blanketed by a coat of darkness. The only noise now filtering through was shoes scrapping against the ground and low grumbles around him, voices hushed as not to alert anybody — or anything. Even their flashlights were ordered to stay off unless it called for it, as directed by Edgar.
“Exactly what should we be expecting to find here?” Jay spoke up quietly while trailing behind the two brothers, hands stuffed into his jacket. It was chilly tonight.
“Any signs of the undead.” Edgar simply said without much explanation, to which Alan filled in.
“Disturbed graves, tombs broke, drag marks.” he ticked off like a list.
“Ah,” Jay deadpanned. “So zombies?” the brothers turned to him, the moonlight hitting their frames but leaving their faces shadowed. “What?”
“Could be vampires too.” Edgar simply grunted. “Fresh ones crawling out of their dirt bed.” Alan nodded along with his brother, and Jay sighed.
“Sure, yeah. That too,” It wasn’t like anything of the sort actually existed, but Jay would humor the guys. They put up with his oddities, after all, so he could continue to do the same for them.
“Didn’t any of your books mention that?” Edgar continued while turning around, walking along a worn-out path again, and avoiding stepping on actual graves.
“A little,” Jay admitted as they continued on their trek.
A majority of Jay’s supernatural books were all about how one became something, the signs, and lore behind creatures — not exactly if they crawl out of graves or not. It made sense, though, if considering how people feared vampires in the past. How they would stake and behead someone during burial just in case their loved one decided to raise again.
Same could be said about leaving a bell.
Alan suddenly crouched down near the edge of a grave. “Look,” his flashlight clicked on to bask the empty hole in light. Edgar followed promptly as Jay stared at the two figures eyeing an obvious dug hole for a burial happening soon.
“It might be a sign.” Edgar rubbed a finger over the crumbling edges, dirt smearing and falling back inside the pit.  
“Or,” Jay leaned over them to get an exact look at the perfect outline, “It is the groundskeeper getting ready for a funeral. There’s not even a casket down there.” Jay simply summarized before leaning back.
Alan clicked off the light and stood, “He’s right, Edgar. It is too perfect.”  
“Hey!” the voice resonated out, cutting the muffled talking off as a beam of light frantically flailed in their directions. “What are you kids doing?!”
Without a shared word between the three, just mere glances at one another, they quickly split. Or at least Jay tried to do just that, but the brush of Edgar flying past him in a rush entirely threw him off balance. It wasn’t until tailbone smashed into dirt that Jay even figured out what happened.
“Fuck…” he muttered, then covered his mouth as the light grew brighter over the grave from above, rushing footfalls growing closer before fading away in the direction the brothers ran. Once it was clear, the curse slipped again with more fever.  
Jay eased to his feet and stared above his head, the wall towering almost a foot over him. “They truly mean six-feet-under,” he muttered while raising a hand to the ledge, just able to cup fingers over the lip, only to stumble back as it gave away.
The recent rainfall was not making it easy.
Again Jay tried to grab, shoes scraping along the wall in an attempt to gain some height — thinking if he just rushed up the wall it would give him enough momentum, only to fall back against the adjacent wall.
“Shit — fuck,” Jay didn’t even care if his voice traveled that time. He was stuck in a damn grave, after all! Screw it!
“Need a lift?” came a voice from above, and Jay shot his gaze upward to see a hand reaching down toward him. The moonlight didn’t offer much else to see but light curls and the frame of a coat.
Even if it were the security guard, Jay knew this would be his best bet. It wasn’t like waiting till daylight to be discovered was an option. It would not help much in regards to needing to be home before Jay’s parents could find out he even snuck out.  
He reached for the hand, feeling leather against palm and uncovered fingers wrap around his wrist. It took only one good heave, shoes against the wall and other hand clinging to the edge, to be entirely pulled out. Despite mud caking Jay from front to back, he could even feel it in his shoes; it felt good to be back on the surface. It wasn’t like he had a fear of enclosed places, but it still sucked regardless.
“Thanks,” he looked over at the stranger, still only catching the slightest glimpse of a smirk within the darkness. It was hard to make out any features, and the way the guy stood didn’t help anything.
“Were you takin’ a dirt bath?” he joked inquisitively, and Jay chuckled under his breath.
“No, not exactly.” Who would want to do that in a cemetery anyway?  
The beam of a flashlight washed over them again as rustling sounds drew near, and Jay stepped away from the pre-dug grave. Definitely not wanting to repeat that incident all over.
“Looks like we should start running,” spoke up the other guy, head turned away from Jay to peer toward the security guard.
What was once hidden was now lit up like a spotlight. A smooth curved jawline, willowed eyes bright with brown, and curly dirty blond hair glowed on display for a split moment. Until the flashlight jostled by the running security guard fanned over the area. And Jay would be lying if he said he didn’t stare.
“Avoid any more holes, yeah?” he easily teased before seemingly stepping in a direction with no real speed.
Jay floundered for a moment before taking off after him. “Wait.” Jay didn’t know the grounds that well, and the two idiots that did had left him.
The guy laughed while reaching behind him, grabbing Jay’s wrist again with no problem, then started to run as the worn-out guard hollered something. He seemed to avoid any lifted tombstones, flower arrangements, and small fences like it were daytime. All while Jay tried his best not to stumble, gaze more on the ground than anywhere else.
When they neared the exit gate, chained to prevent people at such odd hours to visit, he let Jay’s arm go and placed both palms out while crouching down. Jay didn’t have to ask and quickly stepped into the waiting hands. He felt the guided push upward as his own hands grabbed for purchase, trying to avoid being nicked by the gothic-style fence. Yet, as Jay’s leg swung over, his pants snagged and ripped — the gravity of his body spilling over the other side holding little resistance.
Surprisingly Jay landed on his feet, if not a little wobbly, and quickly looked through the fence to see the guy still standing there undeterred. “You coming?”
“Don’t worry about me,” he simply said. Jay wanted to comment, but the sight of the guard pushing past the nearest tombstones shut him up. “Go.” he laughed again — actually laughed as if nonplussed by the whole thing. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep him distracted.” Then he turned around and fanned his arms out as if directing air traffic before darting down the side of the fence.
And that was the last Jay saw of the guy before quickly hiding behind the bushes lining outside of the cemetery, not wanting to be seen as the flashlight shown in his direction.
The walk home was slow as he picked flakes of mud off his jeans. Jay could feel the dry mess on his face and in his hair. A shower was needed as well as a talk with the Frog Brothers tomorrow. No way were they getting off free from abandoning him in the damn graveyard! Even as he climbed back through the bedroom window, Jay was envisioning how he’d throttle them. It wasn’t until he was in the shower, scrubbing extra hard to clean the grime off, that his thought wavered to the stranger.
“Why was he even there?”
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