#pancreatically challenged
sp00kysk3lly · 1 year
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I’m in the middle of doing my #millionstepsfordiabetesuk
I wondered if anyone could be kind enough to donate to a great cause, that has helped me and so many other people.
I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes in 2016 when I was 18 years old.
Since then I have also been diagnosed with EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), Diabetic Retinopathy, and Chronic Pain. I have also lost my teeth due to bad control and being unsupported by my diabetes team.
Even if it is only a few pence, or a few pounds (even if you’re in America or other countries), every penny helps!
All money goes to DiabetesUK to help other diabetics get the help they need!
This is a really important cause for me. I know I have only done 254,131 steps but I am dealing with chronic pain and I’m logging every step I am taking even if it isn’t much.
These guys have helped me with so much. Even if I didn’t know it yet.
Without donations I probably wouldn’t have got the pump or sensor that have helped me lower my HbA1c or my blood sugar!
Please help where and when you can. This challenge finishes on 30/09/23! 30th September 2023!
Please help me get more money for this amazing charity and the amazing people that have helped me and others so much!
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rwrbficrecs · 13 days
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A combined rec list for July & August ❤️
Before This, After That by @orchidscript (book-verse)
@dot524: Henry has a serious horse-riding injury and is in a downward spiral with his recovery until Therapist Alex pulls him out of it. I liked the sharp-edges interaction between them as they fall for each other. I actually read this one a while ago and it was just as good as a reread!
The darkest part of the forest by @everwitch-magiks (book-verse)
@suseagull04: I've loved this entire series, but this was my favorite by far so far! The way the author does world building in her fics is incomparable, even in a fic this short! I would love if she decided to make this a multichapter someday!
Count The Stars and Constellations by @everwitch-magiks (book-verse)
@suseagull04: I've said it once already this month, but it bears repeating: the way the author does world building in her fics is absolutely phenomenal! This one's an outer space saga for the ages, plus it's a multichapter, so we get to see Alex and Henry fall in love over the span of several years, and it's a bit angsty, but absolutely worth it!
An Exquisite Temptation by @tinyarmedtrex (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Henry became a Catholic priest to escape his homophobic family. Never did he expect to meet a stunningly attractive and equally charming, mouthy Texan who would seriously challenge his devout faith. Y'all can guess where this is headed, right? Delicious in so many ways: emotional, full of ‘80s vibes, angsty, smutty—an absolute masterpiece! Chef’s kiss!
How to get over Henry Fox: A list by dazedandconfused (book-verse)
@na-dineee: This AU is set in 2002, and Alex breaks up with the love of his life Henry. Even though it's clear they’d only be apart for a year, the story is still so gut-wrenching. The hurt and angst really got to me—reading that fic is a challenge, but it's absolutely worth it.
late night devil (put your hands on me) by @nine-butterflies (book-verse)
@suseagull04: The way this author took a 4 chapter fic and gave the world so much history and lore is absolutely incredible! Plus there are so many moments of Alex and Henry's relationship that're reminiscent of the book. Everything about this fic is amazing- and it's also definitely a good fic if you're looking for something for Halloween when it arrives soon!
right there beside him (all summer long) by @theprinceandagcd (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: The winter in Australia had me craving a story with summer vibes and this fic was perfect for that. Loved everything about this fic!!
Interrupted (series) by RadioFriday (book-verse)
@dot524: Henry is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, just like his dad was. This story follows him and Alex through their painful journey, including the end of it and beyond. Read this if you’re in the mood to have your heart broken, over and over.
the very essence of love by dollarstoreannabethchase (book-verse)
@suseagull04: It's RWRB, but from Henry's POV. The angst of the original is heightened in this (believe it or not, it can be done), but that makes the ending that much sweeter, and I loved the insight into Henry's thoughts!
somewhere in your world by @callmevenji (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Prince Henry, student at Oxford, tries to reach a hook-up gone wrong – and ends up texting someone else entirely: Alex. A deep chat friendship unfolds, while simultaneously Henry begins to fall for the charismatic FSOTUS. Whether it’s the universe at work, coincidence, or fate, the pleasure of reading this heartfelt fic is indescribably beautiful !!
In the Grand Scheme of Things by @itsmaybitheway (book/movie-verse)
@suseagull04: Meet cute at a wedding, instant attraction, intellectual banter- this fic has it all! Plus this is the best AU characterization of firstprince I've seen in a while, it's fantastic!
marked by rizcriz (book/movie-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: a soulmate AU with some extra drama - Henry learns that the reason he hasn't met his soulmate was his grandmother's plotting. Extremely well executed - my heart was breaking and then singing when it all turned out well.
Someday Soon I’ll See You (But Now You’re Out of Sight) by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays (book-verse)
@dot524: In the mood for some intense angst? I needed like two business days to recover from reading this one. The story is a devastating view of complex grief as different characters deal with Alex’s death. I thought that the odd and asynchronous ways the grief manifests for different people was raw, real, and well done.
peace by @raysletters (book-verse)
@suseagull04: This is the Sky High AU I didn't know I needed! I love how this isn't a carbon copy of the movie but uses each character's strengths and weaknesses- and it's also just a very cute magic high school AU, which is just the cherry on top!
Son of a Gun by foux_dogue (book-verse)
@na-dineee: I hope you’ve all read 'It's not a secret' by now? I wasn't aware until it was published, but I needed that follow-up so badly! In this fic, which can be read as a standalone, Alex cuts down his work as a tattoo artist to take care of the kids (good thing Henry is loaded) and inevitably has to deal with the Milton-Saylor Academy Mom Squad. Absolutely wholesome, full of domesticity—just like, excellent!
You Set The Tone by @iboatedhere (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Alex is an emergency room doctor and Henry a pediatrician in the same hospital, and their animosity (read: infatuation) with each other began just as unfortunate as in canon. Their gradual coming together, intertwined with the medical emergencies, is wonderfully crafted. The tension is effortlessly maintained over 70k words, never feeling contrived. I was so moved while reading, it hurt phenomenally good, and I cried more than I have in a long time.
pick your poison babe (im poison either way) by sheWritesToLiveVicariously (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Co-workers to lovers with lots of emotion and a touch of angst—it never gets old, right? This 5+1 story is part of the "little moments that pass us by" series, and like all the stories in it, it's rather short, but full of feeling, very soft, and so touching. I'm already looking forward to hopefully many more fics in this series.
Down In The Valley by @aforgottennymph (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: This Stardew Valley AU was such a lovely read and as an avid stardew valley player, I thoroughly enjoyed all the little easter eggs and references to the game. Even if you’ve never played Stardew, this is still such a sweet and delightful read!!
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Light up the Fire Event Story Summary
TL;DR: Some time after Vivid BAD SQUAD's highly successful third event, Taiga calls them and their allies to a meeting in the streets. He tells them that they'll never surpass RAD WEEKED, before revealing the truth of Nagi's death. He then immediately challenges them all to a street battle, effortlessly destroying all of them. EVER, Kotaro, and Arata all decide to give up on surpassing the legend. An is still in shock.
Ken brings them all back to WEEKEND GARAGE and explains RADder's past, as well as the origin of RAD WEEKEND.
RADder had been performing together ever since they were kids. Though they'd found success with a record label, conventional fame wasn't for them, so they quit and formed their own label. Touring was difficult, so after An's birth, they decided to focus on recording so Ken could help her grow up.
When An was around ten years old, Nagi was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given five more months to live. After watching An's passion for singing, she decided to end her life by putting on one final show- RAD WEEKEND. Nagi's hope is that the event will light the fire of the next generation to carry her dream forward.
A few weeks before the event, Nagi called the whole town to a meeting. There, she revealed her diagnosis and asks a few favors: that they all come to the event, that they pretend she's still alive even when she's gone, and that they never tell An the truth.
RAD WEEKEND was a huge success. Nagi was thankful for everything singing had given her. Taiga decided to continue singing abroad, and Ken decided to start WEEKEND GARAGE and help the street's youth grow.
Shortly before she passed away, Nagi explained why she didn't want An to know about her death. She knows An will be one of the people who will carry her dream forward and surpass that night. If An learns, then she'll associate singing with loss and lose this dream forever. It's sad not being able to say goodbye, but Nagi knows it's for the best. She died a week later.
Though An is still distraught over Nagi's death, she resolves to keep fighting to surpass that legendary night. The rest of Vivid BAD SQUAD is right behind her.
Fan translation (lozy bug) / Song (Gekokujo) 2DMV
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Much of this event takes place in the form of flashbacks. To more clearly distinguish what is past and present, flashback content will be italicized.
This story deals heavily with themes of hospitalization, sickness, and death. Please read with caution!
Chapter 1: Rin and Len serve Vivid BAD SQUAD food while MEIKO's out. They show the two the recording of their most recent event as a reward. Akito praises Kohane's performance, and while An doubts her ability still, she's determined to reach her goal. Toya notes that the whole town seems to be cheering them on now.
Taiga's leaving for a US tour soon, so he had asked Vivid BAD SQUAD and their allies to meet him that evening for something important. Rin realizes that An left her handkerchief and goes to return it.
At the meeting, Taiga praises them all for putting on such a spectacular event. He's impressed by all of their growth. However, he's certain of one thing: they will never surpass RAD WEEKEND.
Chapter 2: Taiga reveals that the reason RAD WEEKEND was so big was because it was also Nagi's farewell. She died shortly after the event. The rest of the town lied about it to protect An, at Nagi's request. Though An denies it at first, she slowly realizes that Nagi truly is gone.
Taiga immediately challenges them all to a street battle.
Chapter 3: A crowd begins to form. Despite Taiga's power, Akito urges everyone to face this battle head-on. Taiga picks EVER to go first. Though EVER does well, Taiga destroys them. He chooses Kotaro next. However, the pressure gets to him and he fails. Arata chooses to go next. Even though he knows the truth now, he's still going to carry Souma's dream. Arata sings even better than he ever has, but Taiga still easily defeats him. Taiga questions if he's just trying to cling on to what he has left of Souma.
Vivid BAD SQUAD is last. An freezes, still processing Nagi's death, while Kohane, Akito, and Toya face Taiga. They're struggling, however. An musters up the determination to sing and goes with everything she has, motivating her friends to do better, too. An can't stop thinking about Nagi and falters. Taiga taunts her about it, so An sings back with everything Nagi gave her. Vivid BAD SQUAD ends up finishing their song successfully.
Taiga recognizes Vivid BAD SQUAD's skill, the "next generation" Nagi always talked about. Still, he shuts them down with a performance of a song from RAD WEEKEND. Seeing their defeat, the town leaves, certain nobody will ever surpass it.
Chapter 4: Taiga arrives at WEEKEND GARAGE shortly after the battle. He tells Ken that An knows the truth now.
Arata leaves the group, defeated. He's given up on this dream after not being able to face Taiga. EVER follows, certain they won't beat him. Kotaro beats himself up over not being able to perform under pressure and runs away.
Ken finds the Vivid BAD SQUAD in the alley. An starts yelling at him for lying about Nagi's death. Ken takes them all back to WEEKEND GARAGE to explain everything.
Ken and Taiga met in middle school. Taiga hated his lack of passion in anything, so he showed him street singing. Ken, moved by the performance, began singing too. Nagi joined the group shortly after. They eventually officially formed a team. After a successful debut at Crawl Green, they signed with a record label and started a career as professional musicians.
Chapter 5: They quit the record label due to creative differences. What mattered most to RADder was the music, not fame. They decide to start their own record label, despite the challenge. Touring was difficult, but rewarding.
After An was born, Nagi instantly fell in love with her. The group decided to pause touring and focus on recording so Ken could spend more time with An.
A decade later, things are going strong. They have a tour planned for the US. However, Nagi's health is failing. She reveals she's been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and only has 5 months to live. There's no cure.
Everyone is distraught over the news. Nagi wants the others to determine the future of RADder. Taiga doesn't want to lose his sister.
Chapter 6: Nagi doesn't know how to process her own death. Still, An wants to practice singing with her, so she puts on an act to not worry her. Watching An grow reminds her of how much the town means to her. An mentions wanting to perform with Nagi one day, and while she knows it will never happen, a part of her wants it to be true.
Nagi tells Taiga and Ken that she wants to end her life by putting on one final event. She wants to inspire all the kids in Vivid Street to continue singing, to carry their dream to the next generation. Ken's on board, but Taiga doesn't want to give their dream away. He wants to sing with Nagi's dream instead.
Ken asks when Nagi's going to tell An about her diagnosis. She reveals that she probably won't.
Ken gathered up all their old rivals and friends, and Nagi convinced the owner of COL to host the event. Despite her poor health, Nagi is putting everything she has into the event.
Though she tries to hide it, Nagi gets nauseous at the end of practice. Her condition is worsening quickly. She's not sure she'll make it long after the event. She wants to watch An grow up and keep singing with her. She doesn't want to die.
Chapter 7: Nagi reveals her diagnosis to the rest of the town, spare the kids. She reveals RAD WEEKEND as her final event, and wants everybody to come. She also asks the town to pretend she isn't dead when she does leave. The owner of Crawl Green decides the story is Nagi went abroad to learn about singing in different cultures and languages, so it's like she never stopped chasing her dream. Finally, Nagi asks that the town never reveals her death to An.
The night of RAD WEEKEND arrives. Nagi thanks them all for doing this. Nagi sings with everything she has left. The energy in the venue is like nothing they'd ever seen.
After the event, Taiga reveals his decision to keep singing, for himself. Ken decides to stay on Vivid Street and foster the next generation. Nagi will cheer them on from the grave.
Nagi is now unable to leave bed. Ken and Taiga go visit her. They end up talking about An and her excitement to follow in Nagi's footsteps. Though Nagi's sad she won't be able to say goodbye to An, she knows it's for the best. She's certain An will be one of the ones to surpass her. Nagi doesn't want An to associate singing with her death, and then never sing again. Only when she's strong enough should she know.
Nagi passed less than a week later.
Chapter 8: An starts crying. She wanted to thank her for everything, and for her to meet Kohane and Akito and Toya, and see her surpass RAD WEEKEND, and perform on stage together.
Ken is confident that they will surpass RAD WEEKEND and carry Nagi's dream beyond where even she could. Knowing the faith Nagi placed in her, An resolves to keep working towards that legendary night. Toya's done running, and Akito's determined despite the challenge. Kohane wishes she could have meet the Nagi An loves so much, and will continue to follow them all.
Meanwhile in SEKAI, Rin keeps crying. She'd ended up hearing everything and told the rest of the Virtual Singers. They resolve to continue helping the kids however they can.
Ken listens to the kids decide their next move. He hopes Nagi sees how incredible they all are, and decides to help them out however he can.
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mad-hare · 2 years
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Well, it finally happened. My insane most difficult challenge of a dog ever has died a bit after reaching 11 years. Woke up two days ago to her dead beside me. Despite the insane weight loss and the vet telling me she has 1-3 months to live and a terrifying arrhythmia, there is something incredibly shocking about waking up to a dead dog that was 12 hours ago running around, eating, playing, and being goofy.
When high school me bought a puppy from a sketchy farm whose mum was a 10 year old Doberman that we couldn’t get near because she was snarling and lunging like a junk yard dog who woulda thought I’d be taken on such a wild ride. This dog survived a 9lb pyometra, a bout of pancreatitis so severe she couldn’t move for three days leading her to develop a million food allergies, and didn’t get diagnosed with DCM and an arrhythmia until she was 10 years old, passed 11 years (big deal for a dobie). And I guess dying peacefully in her sleep was the best way to go but it did feel a bit soon, knowing if her heart had stopped during daytime hours we probably coulda kept her going for a bit longer kinda sucks but. That’s life! You were a weird dog that went from having severe phobias of every person and dog to a quiet quirky beast.
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writingonleaves · 8 months
and there are some days when i think that, somewhere, you're watching - the blue au
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universe: the blue au
warnings: cancer, grief, sadness, the usual with anything to do with the blue au's premise lol
title: "chemtrails" by lizzy mcalpine
word count: 1.1k
author's note: lol hey!! there are a million other wips i should be working on but here we are! if you haven't read at least the first part of this au yet, you probs should for context. we are also manifesting here all three hughes brothers make it to the olympics. inspired by the beautiful players tribune article kevin hayes wrote for his late brother jimmy. i thought a lot about which brother would write something like this and ended up settling on quinn <3 enjoy and let me know your thoughts!
The Ones We Play For 
for The Players Tribune 
by Quinn Hughes 
Written February 4, 2026
I’ll never forget the first time I put on a USA jersey for an international competition. 
It was for the 2015 World Under-17 Challenge when I had just turned 16. I didn’t think much of it at the time. The only thing I thought about was playing well, but it was an honor nonetheless. 
Every time you get the opportunity to represent your country in any way, it’s an honor. I know everyone says it, but it’s true. The whole nation is looking at you and cheering you and your teammates on. The playing of the anthem means more than ever. You look at the jersey and feel like you’re part of something bigger.
Next week, hockey at the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milano-Cortina will begin. I’ve always dreamed of being about to play at the Olympics, but now that it’s actually here, it’s surreal. 
The team is great, and I feel lucky to even be here. As I look around at my teammates, I feel confident that we can bring home a gold medal. But it’ll take hard work. That’s nothing that we don’t know though. 
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to put on the jersey and who we wear it for. Of course, I think I speak for every single person at these Olympics when we say we wear it for our country and the fans watching us, whether here in Italy or back home. 
But we’re all playing for someone in our own support group. The village that has brought each of us here.
First, my parents, who have been there since the very first day. My mom, who taught me how to skate and my dad, who taught me how to see the game. My extended family: my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and family who aren’t technically family but who might as well be. Everyone in my life who’s always offered support and encouraging words, who has sat in cold rinks and watched me play. Whether they’re here in Italy or watching from various parts of the world, I’m playing for them. 
I’m also playing for my brothers, who will be on the ice with me. That’s still crazy for me to think about. We never could’ve imagined this when we were playing mini sticks in the basement as kids. Of course, we dreamed about it. But to see it come to reality? I feel very grateful. In the locker room, I look at Jack on my right and then Luke at my left. We’re playing for each other. 
But most importantly, I’m playing for Miguel Sandoval. 
I don’t talk about Miguel often, but he was one of the most important people in my life. Still is. He met my parents before I was born and automatically became a second father to me. To be honest, I don’t think I talk about him often because it still hurts to think about. 
Miguel was one of my biggest cheerleaders from the beginning. The fact that he’s not alive to see me take the ice next week is, well, it’s a lot of things. Sad is the first word that pops to mind. Unfair is another. The one who was at the rink next to my father in the stands before I even really knew how to play hockey isn’t alive to see me play in the Olympics? There’s no words to describe how devastating that is. 
He never got to see me play in any USA jersey, even though he was always confident I would put one on eventually. He died of pancreatic cancer on New Year’s Day, 2015. 
It’s been over 11 years without him, but he’s still in everything I do. A huge part of the reason I wear 43 is because of him — his birthday is April 3. I still remember his boisterous laugh and his kind eyes. He wrote Jack, Luke and I letters before he died that were specifically addressed to be given to us on our draft days. I still carry mine with me on every road trip. That’s how long and how strongly he believed in us. Somehow, he just knew that we would be drafted long before it happened. 
I have every word of that letter memorized. Sometimes, I trace over his handwriting with my thumb, and it feels like he's still with us.
During his brief battle with cancer, even when his body had almost no strength left, he always greeted us with a smile and an enthusiastic greeting. Even when he was advised not to, he made it to the games he could until his last days. To the very last day, he lived life with the biggest smile on his face.
If anyone should be here to see his “talented boys” take on the ice, it’s him. Not everyone is lucky enough to have someone like Miguel who loved them so unconditionally. I’m grateful for the time I had with him, even if I desperately wish it was more. We weren’t his sons by blood, but he treated us like family. But sometimes life is unfair, and we have to hold on to the fact that everything happens for a reason.
Here’s a reason: Miguel’s wife, Maeve, who is like a second mother to me, will be watching from Boston. Maeve is the best, always keeping it lighthearted and reminding me that life is supposed to be lived to the fullest. She has this youthful energy that’s just so infectious. She’s the one who always reminds me that hockey is supposed to be fun. I wouldn't be half the person I am today without her support.
And then their daughter, Clementine. Clem, I call her. Jack calls her Clee and Luke calls her Clemmy. Clem’s my best friend / older sister — the universal older sister, to be honest. It doesn’t matter if our last names aren’t the same. She’s been there for me ever since I could remember. Even when we were states, sometimes countries, away, I knew that if I called her, she’d always pick up. Currently on the journey to becoming a doctor, Clem is the kindest, most intelligent, most selfless and strongest woman I’ve ever met. She was the one who lost her father, but she made sure that all of us were okay. Even now, she can’t ever seem to take off the big-sister hat. But I wouldn’t have her any other way. 
Miguel, wherever you are, I can tell you a few things. First, I promise that we’re taking care of your wife and daughter as best as we can. We’re gonna try our best to get to the final rounds of this tournament so that they can fly out and watch us play. We love them and they’ll always be family. Second, whenever I feel a bit lost or need to be grounded, I think of you and your calm demeanor and bear hugs. I wish I could have just one more hug. Squeeze you one more time.
Miguel, when I put on that USA jersey and step on the ice, I will be playing for you. Jack, Luke and I will all be skating for you.
We miss you. 
We love you.
This is for you.
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thoughtportal · 4 days
mRNA vaccines have gained widespread attention for their crucial role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, even before the pandemic, researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center were investigating the potential of mRNA vaccine technology in the fight against cancer.
Leading this innovative research is Dr. Vinod Balachandran, a physician-scientist associated with the David M. Rubenstein Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research, the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, and the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy.
Dr. Balachandran's groundbreaking efforts have paved the way for a clinical trial focused on using mRNA vaccines to treat pancreatic cancer, offering new hope to patients confronting this challenging disease.
Neoantigens in Pancreatic Tumors
At the heart of this innovative approach lies the concept of neoantigens, proteins found within pancreatic tumors that serve as alarm bells, alerting the immune system to the presence of cancer cells. These neoantigens play a pivotal role in rallying the immune response to keep pancreatic cancer at bay.
Unlike traditional vaccines, which are one-size-fits-all, these mRNA vaccines are tailored to each individual, with the aim of stimulating the production of specific immune cells known as T cells. These T cells are trained to recognize and target pancreatic cancer cells, reducing the risk of cancer recurrence following surgical removal of the primary tumor.
Intriguingly, the results of this groundbreaking research have shown remarkable promise. Among the 16 patients studied, eight experienced activation of T cells that recognized their own pancreatic cancers.
Importantly, these patients demonstrated delayed recurrence of their pancreatic cancers, providing tantalizing evidence that the T cells activated by the vaccines may be effectively holding the cancer at bay.
Dr. Balachandran's work in pioneering mRNA vaccines for pancreatic cancer received a significant boost through collaboration with BioNTech, the company responsible for developing the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
When asked about the inspiration behind using a vaccine to combat pancreatic cancer, Dr. Balachandran explained, "There has been great interest in using immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer because nothing else has worked very well. We thought immunotherapy held promise because of research we began about seven years ago."
This research, spanning seven years, revealed that a select group of pancreatic cancer patients managed to defy the odds and survive after tumor removal surgery. Upon close examination, it was observed that these tumors harbored an unusually high number of immune cells, particularly T cells.
These immune cells were drawn to the tumors by signals emitted from within. These signals, as it turned out, were neoantigens—proteins that T cells recognize as foreign invaders, prompting an immune system assault on the cancer.
Even more intriguing was the discovery that T cells recognizing these neoantigens persisted in the bloodstream of these fortunate patients for up to 12 years after tumor removal.
This sustained immune response resembled an autovaccination, with T cells retaining a memory of the neoantigens as a threat, akin to the way vaccines confer long-term protection against pathogens. This finding sparked the idea of artificially inducing a similar effect in other pancreatic cancer patients.
Unlocking the Potential of mRNA Vaccines
To understand how mRNA vaccines can combat pancreatic cancer, one must delve into their intricate mechanisms. Dr. Balachandran and his team published their findings on immune protection in long-term pancreatic cancer survivors in the prestigious journal Nature in November 2017. During this time, they were also exploring methods to deliver neoantigens to patients in the form of vaccines, with a particular focus on mRNA vaccines.
Unlike traditional vaccines, which introduce weakened or inactivated pathogens into the body, mRNA vaccines leverage a piece of genetic code known as messenger RNA (mRNA).
This genetic code instructs cells in the body to produce a specific protein, thus triggering an immune response. Coincidentally, BioNTech's co-founder and CEO, Uğur Şahin, expressed interest in the research conducted by Dr. Balachandran's team, initiating a collaboration that would prove pivotal.
In late 2017, Dr. Balachandran and his team journeyed to Mainz, Germany, where BioNTech is headquartered. Over dinner, they discussed the potential of mRNA vaccines in the context of pancreatic cancer treatment. This marked the beginning of a journey that held immense promise for cancer patients worldwide.Scientist, CEO and co-founder of BioNTech Ugur Sahin. (CREDIT: BERND VON JUTRCZENKA/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
The intricacies of designing an effective cancer vaccine are manifold. Given that cancer arises from the body's own cells, distinguishing proteins in cancer cells as foreign entities is a formidable challenge for the immune system. Nevertheless, advances in cancer biology and genomic sequencing have paved the way for the design of vaccines capable of discerning the difference.
Dr. Balachandran's team, in conjunction with BioNTech and Genentech, capitalized on these advances, recognizing the critical role played by tumor mutations in triggering immune responses. Their optimism in the potential of mRNA vaccines for pancreatic cancer was well-founded, setting the stage for their groundbreaking research.
Personalized mRNA Vaccines: A Tailored Approach
The personalized nature of mRNA vaccines for pancreatic cancer is a testament to their efficacy. After a patient undergoes surgical removal of a pancreatic tumor, the tumor is genetically sequenced to identify mutations that generate optimal neoantigen proteins—those that appear most foreign to the immune system.
Subsequently, an mRNA vaccine is meticulously crafted, containing the genetic code specific to these neoantigens present in the individual's tumor.
During the vaccine production process, patients receive a single dose of a checkpoint inhibitor drug. This combination is intended to enhance the immune response to tumors. Once the mRNA vaccine is administered into the bloodstream, it prompts dendritic cells—an essential component of the immune system—to produce the neoantigen proteins.
These dendritic cells simultaneously educate other immune system components, including T cells, to recognize and attack tumor cells bearing the same neoantigen proteins. With T cells primed to seek out and destroy cells displaying these proteins, the chances of cancer recurrence are diminished.
Overcoming Challenges: The Road to Success
The road to realizing personalized mRNA vaccines for pancreatic cancer was fraught with challenges, not least of which was the complexity of the manufacturing process. Unlike mass-produced vaccines like those for COVID-19, the mRNA cancer vaccine had to be custom-made for each patient based on the unique characteristics of their tumor.Neoantigens are an important feature of cancer cells and help to stimulate anti-cancer immune responses. (CREDIT: Technology Networks)
This necessitated an intricate series of steps, including the surgical removal of the tumor, shipping the tumor sample to Germany for sequencing, manufacturing the vaccine, and returning it to New York—all within a tight timeframe.
Thankfully, Dr. Balachandran's team and their collaborators rose to the occasion, successfully enrolling the target total of 20 patients nearly a year ahead of schedule. Their unwavering dedication and meticulous planning ensured that the personalized mRNA vaccines could be provided to those in dire need.
As if the hurdles of personalized vaccine production weren't enough, the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic added an unprecedented layer of complexity to the clinical trial. Dr. Balachandran and his team recognized the urgency of adapting swiftly to ensure that patients were not adversely affected.
Under the leadership of Cristina Olcese and with the unwavering support of individuals such as Department of Surgery Chair Jeffrey Drebin and Hepatopancreatobiliary Service Chief William Jarnagin, the team orchestrated the logistics required to maintain the trial's momentum.
Remarkably, what was initially estimated as a two-and-a-half-year trial was completed in a mere 18 months. The tireless efforts of Dr. Drebin, Medical Oncologist Eileen O'Reilly, Physician-Scientist Jedd Wolchok, Biologist Taha Merghoub, Computational Biologist Ben Greenbaum, and the support from Stand Up 2 Cancer/Lustgarten Foundation were instrumental in making this trial a reality amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic.
A Bright Future for mRNA Vaccines in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
The recent findings from this pioneering research offer a beacon of hope for patients grappling with pancreatic cancer. Dr. Balachandran affirms that "an mRNA vaccine can trigger the production of T cells that recognize pancreatic cancer cells."
The prospect of personalized vaccines enlisting the immune system in the fight against pancreatic cancer—a disease in dire need of improved treatments—holds tremendous promise. Moreover, these developments may extend their impact to other forms of cancer as well.
Looking ahead, Dr. Balachandran and his team are committed to further analyzing the data obtained from the clinical trial. This analysis will provide valuable insights into the factors that facilitate the vaccine's efficacy in patients. Armed with this knowledge, they aim to refine the vaccines to make them more effective and applicable to a broader spectrum of pancreatic cancer patients.
In a testament to the forward-thinking vision of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, this pioneering work exemplifies their commitment to bringing cutting-edge treatments to cancer patients.
Through their partnership with BioNTech and Genentech, and with the support of Stand Up 2 Cancer/Lustgarten Foundation, a larger study is already in the pipeline, aiming to test personalized mRNA vaccines in a more extensive cohort of pancreatic cancer patients.
As Dr. Balachandran notes, they were at the forefront of mRNA vaccines before their popularity surged, leveraging scientific discoveries to make a tangible impact on patients' lives. The future indeed looks brighter for those facing the formidable challenge of pancreatic cancer, thanks to the relentless pursuit of innovation in the field of mRNA vaccines.
Key Takeaways
Some people with pancreatic cancer survive many years after diagnosis.
In these patients, the immune system keeps the cancer from returning.
A messenger RNA vaccine based on this concept is being tested in combination with another type of immunotherapy.
Early results suggest the vaccine is having the desired effect on the immune system.
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dragonbleps · 1 month
We left the waiting room for multiple reasons after mom learned about the (typical) 2 hour wait time. She was in pain and exhausted, and was worried we'd run into the 6-8pm shift change where no visitors are accepted, my eye was really starting to give me a headache, etc etc.
When we got home, Mom spoke to the nurse who gave her the new room to see him in, possibly tomorrow. Dad made it through surgery fine and they had no issues reversing the anesthesia :) Apparently before the surgery he was almost entirely pain-free, so the pancreatitis is well on its way to healing! He has a wound in his side now, that's going to be sore because they had to go through muscle and such. But he's conscious and doing well, recovering.
Now, for what the doctor said about his gall bladder--
In front of the stomach, liver, and intestines, wrapping around them is a fatty, curtain-like organ called the omentum (there's Greater and Lesser, and more, but specifics aren't important). It plays a role in immune response. When things get inflamed--say, a liver--the omentum clings to those structures and aids in healing.
His pancreatitis had been so severe in affecting other organs it was challenging to maneuver around the omentum to get to the gall bladder. He ended up having to snip away some omentum, but said that dad has so much, it's not going to cause any harm.
What he did was snip the bulbous end of the gall bladder and begin scooping gall stones out. He said dad had at least a hundred stones. A HUNDRED, BB-to-pea-sized gall stones in his gall bladder!!! I thought the nurses had said no scans found any but??
Anyway, so he scoops them all out and then snips as much of the gall bladder out as possible. He wasn't able to remove as much as he usually does, mostly because the omentum was blocking vision so much and they don't want to risk nicking the Common Bile Duct because that'd cause a major complication and require a re-routing procedure, it just wasn't worth the risk. So there's technically still a risk of gall stones forming in the tiny funnel shape that's left at the end of the duct, but it's still safer.
He said dad was very lucky he came in when he did, that this was a very serious case of pancreatitis that could've caused multiple organ failure if left to progress. But the pancreas is now healing and the inflammation has gone down.
They're of course going to keep a close eye on him while the surgical wound heals, and monitor his liver numbers to make sure they didn't miss a stone or see that he's forming more.
He sent both the bit of amputated omentum and the gall bladder off to Pathology just to be sure, but he didn't see anything during surgery that looked tumorous.
They still wanna figure out what the fluid backup is and where it's coming from, but other than that, he should be on the road to recovery!
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for dropping really heavy news on my niece?
Ok, so hear me out. I (40s M) have a niece (16F) (not by blood) that my sister (late-20s F) was extremely close to. I say was because she passed away from pancreatic cancer three years ago. The thing is, my niece didn’t know. My sister thought it was best to tell her she was in America, because she thought the news would crush her and stop her from being passionate about music (music is the most important thing in most of our lives, outside of family).
Before she passed away, we held this huge event for her. The biggest event in town. It was legendary. Both my niece and one of her now teammates (16M) even got inspired to get real about music because of it. But now, these kids want to surpass that event. Even though it was a send-off for my sister. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
A few months ago, I was leaving to go on tour in America after spending a few months in Japan tutoring my niece’s singing partner and girlfriend (15F). I figured the lie had gone on long enough anyway, so I told them. I also told them that with the way they were going, they’d never surpass that event. But I was right! They wouldn’t!
My niece was, well, crushed. And her teammates were pissed. I guess I deserved that. But I figured they could use something to take their mind off of it and I challenged them to a singing battle. It’s not my fault I absolutely crushed them. They just weren’t in the right headspace.
Couple of weeks ago, my old teammate and my niece’s dad called me, yelling at me that what I did was awful and that I left him to pick up the pieces. I don’t think what I did was that bad, but I’m starting to think I messed up.
So. AITA here?
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spudgoddess · 8 days
Back in 2020, I discovered a YouTube channel by a guy calling himself Mitten Squad. He did all kinds of crazy gaming challenges. Most of them were for Fallout or Elder Scrolls games. What they all had in common was that they were hilarious. Mitten Squad, or Paul as he also went by (his real name was Robert Joseph Wilson), had a dark, dry, deadpan sense of humor sprinkled with a bit of self-deprecation and a little silliness. I watched his videos constantly. 
Some of my favorite lines include: “I hid from Ringo, by hiding in Ringo.” (Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas with only Boxing Gloves?)
"You're probably wondering which is the boy and which is the girl. I won't give it away, but I will tell you this: the knife is a whore." (Can You Beat Skyrim With Only A Fork?)
“I spy, with my little eye, a vile whore, who needs to die.” (Context: he’s referring to an elderly woman NPC whose very presence always seemed to crash his Fallout 3 playthroughs).
“Explosions were happening. People named Paul were screaming. It was a mess.” (Can You Beat Lonesome Road Without Taking Any Damage?)
"With enough notches on my pistol to spell psychopath in Braille…” (Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas With Only Big Iron?)
“And when I say there were a lot of ants, I mean a lot.of ants. I wouldn't have said a lot of ants if I didn't mean a lot of ants.” (Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas with only Boxing Gloves?)
“You can get a two for one special on Raiders by using the code GRENADE at checkout." (I can never recall the episode, I just remember that it’s Fallout 3.)
“I know a guy who knows a guy, and both of those guys are me.” (Not sure which episode. Also, obligatory Transformers reference, this sounds like something Swindle would say XD).
There are so, so many more. But you get the idea.
There were signs early on that all was not well in Mittenland. He showed a brief clip of arguing with an air conditioner in a hotel room while drunk. Another time, he showed the aftermath of accidentally dropping a liquor bottle into his bathroom sink, breaking the sink. On another occasion, he displayed about 15, maybe 20 or so empty liquor bottles.
I remember thinking maybe he was being edgy, or maybe he’d saved those bottles up over a very long time. But I was wrong.
In 2021, he let his fans know that he was taking a break for several months to work on his issues surrounding alcohol. He’d been struggling for at least nine months, getting blackout drunk 3-4 times a week. Yes, a week. Like so many others, I realized he wasn’t joking, but really had a serious issue with his drinking. He was away for several months, and he seemed like he was getting or doing better. I didn’t follow his Twitter, nor was I on his Discord channel, so I was a little out of the loop. Quite some time later, I saw on the fan subreddit that Paul had been hospitalized for alcohol -related issues, and this was not the first time for him, either. He assured us he was getting better and wasn’t going to stop fighting.
Paul lost his battle with alcoholism in December of 2023. The official cause of death was pancreatitis related to his illness. He was 27.
I was working when I found out. I was on break, decided to look at Reddit, and the announcement  had been made. Since the internet is often full of said hoaxes, I stubbornly refused to believe it at first. But Paul’s dad confirmed it. I cried for the rest of the day.
Please, everyone, at the risk of sounding like a cliche or a commercial, if you or someone you love is struggling with any kind of mental health issue, including substance abuse, please, please get help.Even if you think to yourself ‘Oh it’s not that bad, I just like to have fun and drink a little too much.’ Please get help.
I struggle with mental health issues (C-PTSD, rejection sensitivity, and possible BPD–jury still out on that one, as ADHD can mimic it in some ways and I haven’t been tested yet) and I know the misery they can cause. Thankfully, I have a strong support system, and I know Paul did too. I like to think that if the pancreatitis hadn’t done him in, he’d have won the fight.
Rest in peace, Paul.
We love you.
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
You are not worse than big name writers
You know what? A few days ago I reblogged this one post and rebutted it in my TL. This one thing saying: "Hey, you are a worse writer than all the established writers, as you are writing your fanfics. But that is okay. You can just do something because you like to do it."
And that one really, really bugged me. Because while the post doesn't reference who they mean with established writers... either way, it rings untrue.
Let me explain: Literature as an industry and as an artistic medium has a lot of problems. Chiefly among them that it is gatekeepy as fuck and very much centered around the experience of cishet men (in the west mostly white cishet men). Meanwhile those white cishet men can at times churn out the most average bullshit, and they will still be celebrated for it.
I still remember one book that is at times considered part of the German literary canon. "Steppenwolf" by Herman Hesse. Sure, it is an old book, but also... It is unstructured as fuck. The writer is very much not interested in the female characters. Generally most characters are underwritten. Oh, and there are sentences in this book, that are almost 200 words long. A single sentence. 200 words. Yes.
And if you really look at it, a lot of the "literary canon" works are similar. Often unstructured (because that's artistic, I guess), mostly desinterested in female characters, or really anything that does not center a white man.
Back then, I compared "Steppenwolf" in an essay for the class to "Homo Faber", which for the record is one of those literary works I kinda like, because the style spoke to me. But if you do not know about "Homo Faber": It is about a depressed guy travelling the world, and by happenstance meeting a girl young enough to be his daughter, falling for her, sleeping with her, she dies. Plot twist, she was not only young enough to be his daughter, she WAS his daughter. Dude dies of pancreatic cancer in the end. It is a book I really did enjoy in terms of the writing style. But... I mean, can you think of a plot more white, cishet male than that?
The literary "genre" (that does not want to be genre, because it stands above the genre literature) is for the most part just cishet dudes smelling their own farts in a very artistic way with stylistic devices and shit. Sure, there are great books in this genre, mostly by people who are not in fact cishet or ablebodied, but those are not the ones usually getting celebrated or put into the "canon". Because we cannot challenge the fucking patriarchy, can we now?
And if we go into genre literature, like... Talking about western publishing mostly, because that is what I know: Most big releases are still mostly cishet white people, writing about white cishet experiences. Like, maybe you might find something in there, that is a white, cis queer woman, but... That's usually the most you get.
Sure, there are a few releases by non-white, trans or disabled people, but those are still super rare compared to actual demographics within each country. And usually outside of smaller publishing houses... Well, let's put it like this: Books are not allowed to rock the boat too much, right?
I have been told - and I know that the same is true for a whole lot of other writers - that a black, queer, polyamorous, autistic character is "unrealistic" and "asking too much of the reader" in a fantasy book.
Meanwhile there is tons of average, if not outright bad books being published by white, cis writers, focusing on white, cis perspectives. I mean, it is kinda a meme to rant about Coleen Hoover or Sarah J. Maas, but... Let's face it. It is, what it is. Those are not exactly well written. And, to put it frankly: Most fanfics I have read on Ao3 were at least of the same quality, if not a lot better than those books.
So, like... No?
Is there tons of bad fics out there? Yes. Are fanfics a medium for new writers to first explore their writing? Yes. But are fanfics on average worse than published literature? I would very much argue, no.
And of course, it should be said that yeah, fanfics themselves still have a big, big issue with featuring white, western perspectives. While a lot of fic writers are queer, they are mostly white, cis queer women. And a lot of writers from more marginalized groups struggle to find their audience, which is definitely an issue.
But, like... Don't act as if getting a book published somehow says something about the quality.
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Cancer in Men: Common Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Considerations
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Cancer is a disease that occurs when abnormal cells grow and spread uncontrollably in the body. It can affect any organ or tissue, and it can cause various symptoms depending on the location and stage of the cancer. Cancer is among the leading causes of death in men worldwide, and some types of cancer are more common or more deadly in men than in women.
Some of the most common types of cancer in men are:
Prostate cancer: This is the most common cancer in men, affecting the prostate gland that produces semen. It usually grows slowly and may not cause any symptoms until it is advanced. Some possible signs include difficulty urinating, blood in urine or semen, erectile dysfunction, or pain in the lower back or pelvis.
Lung cancer: This is the leading cause of cancer death in men, often due to smoking or exposure to other lung irritants. It can affect one or both lungs and may cause symptoms such as coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing up blood.
Colorectal cancer: This is the third most common cancer in men, affecting the colon or rectum. It can cause symptoms such as changes in bowel habits, blood in stool, abdominal pain or cramps, weight loss, or fatigue.
Skin cancer: This is the most preventable type of cancer, usually caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds. It can affect any part of the skin and may appear as a new or changing mole, a sore that does not heal, a red or scaly patch, or a growth that bleeds or itches.
Head and Neck cancers:  This is the most common cancer in men in India.  The biggest risk factor is chewing tobacco, drinking too much alcohol and HPV infections.  Tobacco use is the most common cause of head and neck cancers.
Other types of cancer that are common or serious in men include bladder cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, testicular cancer, and leukaemia.
The treatment options for cancer depend on the type, stage, location, and overall health of the patient. Some of the common treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapy, and palliative care. The goal of treatment is to remove or destroy the cancer cells and prevent them from spreading or recurring.
The best way to prevent or detect cancer early is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and get regular screenings and check-ups. Some of the preventive measures include:
Avoiding tobacco use
Limiting alcohol consumption
Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Maintaining a healthy weight
Being physically active
Protecting yourself from the sun
Getting vaccinated against certain viruses that can cause cancer
Getting screened for prostate cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and skin cancer according to your age and risk factors
Cancer can be a scary and challenging diagnosis for anyone. However, with proper care and support, many men can survive and thrive after cancer. If you have any concerns or questions about cancer, talk to your doctor or a trusted healthcare professional. They can help you understand your risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and coping strategies. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and that there are many resources and support groups available to help you and your loved ones. Cancer can be a tough opponent, but you can fight back with courage and hope.
For more details click on the link 👇🏻 https://bit.ly/3osreVo
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innonurse · 3 months
Innovative MRI technique 'lights up' pancreatic cancer
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
Pancreatic cancer is challenging to detect early because the pancreas is deep in the abdomen, making tumors difficult to identify until it's often too late for treatment. Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have developed a new MRI technique that could make these tumors more visible by tracking how cells metabolize glucose.
This method builds on Otto Warburg's discovery that cancer cells consume a large amount of glucose and convert it to lactate.
The new technique uses glucose tagged with deuterium, a stable isotope of hydrogen, which is injected into the bloodstream. This allows MRI scans to detect the deuterium-labeled lactate produced by cancer cells, which conventional MRI cannot do due to the overwhelming signal from water in tissues.
The researchers found that this deuterium MRI method could detect even small tumors in rodent models of aggressive pancreatic cancer, offering more sensitivity than traditional MRI and PET scans. The approach could potentially allow for earlier detection and better monitoring of pancreatic cancer, though further clinical studies are needed to confirm its efficacy in humans. The study was led by Prof. Lucio Frydman and Dr. Elton T. Montrazi, along with collaborators at the Weizmann Institute.
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Image: A standard MRI scan (left) did not detect a pancreatic tumor, whereas the tumor was distinctly highlighted in an MRI performed after injecting chemically modified glucose (right). Credit: Weizmann Institute of Science.
Read more at Weizmann Institute of Science
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pain-and-persistence · 4 months
Living with chronic pancreatitis significantly impacts daily life. The constant need to monitor food intake, avoid triggers, and manage symptoms can be exhausting. Simple pleasures like dining out with friends or enjoying favorite foods become fraught with anxiety and limitations. The pain and discomfort associated with flare-ups can disrupt work, social activities, and even sleep. It's a constant juggling act of trying to maintain a sense of normalcy while navigating the challenges of the condition. Despite the difficulties, finding support from doctors and loved ones can make the journey more manageable.
Special thanks to my mom 🥹🫶
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Introduction to Diabetes
Diabetes, a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, arises from abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The condition’s prevalence has reached epidemic proportions globally, with significant health, economic, and social implications.
Types of Diabetes
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Type 1 Diabetes: This autoimmune disease results from the destruction of pancreatic beta cells, leading to absolute insulin deficiency. Genetics and environmental triggers play pivotal roles in its pathogenesis. Despite being less common than Type 2 diabetes, its onset during childhood or adolescence significantly impacts individuals’ lives.
Type 2 Diabetes: Predominantly a disorder of insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes accounts for the majority of diabetes cases worldwide. Lifestyle factors, genetic predisposition, and obesity contribute to its development. Its insidious onset often leads to delayed diagnosis and increased risk of complications.
Gestational Diabetes: Occurring during pregnancy, gestational diabetes poses risks to both maternal and fetal health. Hormonal changes and insulin resistance characterize its pathophysiology. Effective screening and management are crucial to prevent adverse outcomes.
Other Types of Diabetes: Variants like MODY, LADA, and secondary diabetes present unique challenges in diagnosis and management, requiring tailored approaches to care.
Epidemiology and Prevalence
Diabetes prevalence varies across demographics, with disparities observed in age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. The escalating burden of diabetes underscores the urgent need for targeted prevention and management strategies.
Symptoms and Causes
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Hyperglycemia-induced symptoms like polyuria, polydipsia, and unexplained weight loss serve as clinical indicators for diabetes diagnosis. Understanding the complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors elucidates the condition’s etiology.
Diabetes complications encompass a spectrum of microvascular and macrovascular disorders, significantly impacting quality of life and life expectancy. From diabetic retinopathy to cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, neuropathy, and diabetic foot complications, the ripple effects of uncontrolled diabetes are profound.
Diagnosis and Tests
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Accurate diagnosis relies on comprehensive evaluation, including fasting glucose, oral glucose tolerance tests, and hemoglobin A1c measurements. Screening recommendations aim to identify at-risk individuals early, facilitating timely intervention and risk reduction.
Management and Treatment
Diabetes management strategies encompass pharmacotherapy, lifestyle modifications, patient education, and multidisciplinary care. Individualized treatment plans address glycemic control, blood pressure management, lipid optimization, and prevention of complications.
Prevention initiatives target modifiable risk factors through health promotion, public health interventions, and community engagement. Emphasizing the role of nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral changes empowers individuals to mitigate their diabetes risk.
Outlook and Prognosis
Prognostic factors such as glycemic control, adherence to therapy, comorbidity burden, and psychosocial support influence long-term outcomes. Enhanced collaboration among healthcare providers, policymakers, and stakeholders is essential to improve diabetes prognosis globally.
Living With Diabetes
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Coping with diabetes requires resilience, self-management skills, and social support networks. Empowering individuals through education, self-monitoring tools, and peer support enhances their capacity to navigate the challenges of daily diabetes management.
Impact on Individuals and Society
Diabetes exerts a profound socioeconomic burden, encompassing healthcare costs, productivity losses, and reduced quality of life. Addressing the psychosocial dimensions of diabetes care is integral to fostering holistic well-being and societal resilience.
Future Directions and Research
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Advancements in diabetes research, including precision medicine, digital health technologies, and novel therapeutics, offer promising avenues for disease management and prevention. Collaborative research endeavors aim to translate scientific discoveries into tangible clinical benefits.
In conclusion, diabetes represents public health challenge necessitating a comprehensive, patient-centered approach. By fostering awareness, promoting early detection, and advancing evidence-based interventions, we can mitigate the impact of diabetes on individuals, families, and communities worldwide.
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A message from Daniel Ellsberg: Dear friends and supporters, I have difficult news to impart. On February 17, without much warning, I was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer on the basis of a CT scan and an MRI. (As is usual with pancreatic cancer--which has no early symptoms--it was found while looking for something else, relatively minor). I’m sorry to report to you that my doctors have given me three to six months to live. Of course, they emphasize that everyone's case is individual; it might be more, or less. I have chosen not to do chemotherapy (which offers no promise) and I have assurance of great hospice care when needed. Please know: right now, I am not in any physical pain, and in fact, after my hip replacement surgery in late 2021, I feel better physically than I have in years! Moreover, my cardiologist has given me license to abandon my salt-free diet of the last six years. This has improved my quality of life dramatically: the pleasure of eating my former favorite foods! And my energy level is high. Since my diagnosis, I've done several interviews and webinars on Ukraine, nuclear weapons, and first amendment issues, and I have two more scheduled this week. As I just told my son Robert: he's long known (as my editor) that I work better under a deadline. It turns out that I live better under a deadline! I feel lucky and grateful that I've had a wonderful life far beyond the proverbial three-score years and ten. (I’ll be ninety-two on April 7th.) I feel the very same way about having a few months more to enjoy life with my wife and family, and in which to continue to pursue the urgent goal of working with others to avert nuclear war in Ukraine or Taiwan (or anywhere else). When I copied the Pentagon Papers in 1969, I had every reason to think I would be spending the rest of my life behind bars. It was a fate I would gladly have accepted if it meant hastening the end of the Vietnam War, unlikely as that seemed (and was). Yet in the end, that action—in ways I could not have foreseen, due to Nixon’s illegal responses—did have an impact on shortening the war. In addition, thanks to Nixon's crimes, I was spared the imprisonment I expected, and I was able to spend the last fifty years with Patricia and my family, and with you, my friends. What's more, I was able to devote those years to doing everything I could think of to alert the world to the perils of nuclear war and wrongful interventions: lobbying, lecturing, writing and joining with others in acts of protest and non-violent resistance. I wish I could report greater success for our efforts. As I write, "modernization" of nuclear weapons is ongoing in all nine states that possess them (the US most of all). Russia is making monstrous threats to initiate nuclear war to maintain its control over Crimea and the Donbas--like the dozens of equally illegitimate first-use threats that the US government has made in the past to maintain its military presence in South Korea, Taiwan, South Vietnam, and (with the complicity of every member state then in NATO ) West Berlin. The current risk of nuclear war, over Ukraine, is as great as the world has ever seen. China and India are alone in declaring no-first-use policies. Leadership in the US, Russia, other nuclear weapons states, NATO and other US allies have yet to recognize that such threats of initiating nuclear war--let alone the plans, deployments and exercises meant to make them credible and more ready to be carried out--are and always have been immoral and insane: under any circumstances, for any reasons, by anyone or anywhere. It is long past time--but not too late!--for the world's publics at last to challenge and resist the willed moral blindness of their past and current leaders. I will continue, as long as I'm able, to help these efforts. There's tons more to say about Ukraine and nuclear policy, of course, and you'll be hearing from me as long as I'm here. As I look back on the last sixty years of my life, I think there is no greater cause to which I could have dedicated my efforts. For the last forty years we have known that nuclear war between the US and Russia would mean nuclear winter: more than a hundred million tons of smoke and soot from firestorms in cities set ablaze by either side, striking either first or second, would be lofted into the stratosphere where it would not rain out and would envelope the globe within days. That pall would block up to 70% of sunlight for years, destroying all harvests worldwide and causing death by starvation for most of the humans and other vertebrates on earth. So far as I can find out, this scientific near-consensus has had virtually no effect on the Pentagon's nuclear war plans or US/NATO (or Russian) nuclear threats. (In a like case of disastrous willful denial by many officials, corporations and other Americans, scientists have known for over three decades that the catastrophic climate change now underway--mainly but not only from burning fossil fuels--is fully comparable to US-Russian nuclear war as another existential risk.) I'm happy to know that millions of people--including all those friends and comrades to whom I address this message!--have the wisdom, the dedication and the moral courage to carry on with these causes, and to work unceasingly for the survival of our planet and its creatures. I'm enormously grateful to have had the privilege of knowing and working with such people, past and present. That's among the most treasured aspects of my very privileged and very lucky life. I want to thank you all for the love and support you have given me in so many ways. Your dedication, courage, and determination to act have inspired and sustained my own efforts. My wish for you is that at the end of your days you will feel as much joy and gratitude as I do now. Love, Dan
[h/t and thank you Steve Wasserman]
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livenamplified · 10 months
Hey, this is Tom, your host, and we're back with another live broadcast in the middle of our 25 Days of Christmas podcast series. Today, we have a special guest, Mark Taylor, who has overcome pancreatic cancer. Mark expresses his gratitude for being back on the show and mentions how he and Tom had recently connected after a marathon.
Tom recalls the story Mark shared about regretting not doing a podcast with Way Jennings, and Nicole informed him that Mark had actually written a song with Way. Mark elaborates on the experience of writing a song for a movie with Way Jennings and how it turned into a successful track, garnering half a million spins on platforms like Spotify.
The conversation shifts to Mark's recent cover of "Please Come Home for Christmas." Mark shares his love for the Eagles and how the song has been a favorite since childhood. He details the spontaneous decision to record the Christmas song on Halloween, complete with costumes. The quick turnaround from recording to release before Black Friday was an exciting challenge.
They discuss Mark's involvement with String Signature Whiskey, a collaboration that started about a year ago. Mark shares that the whiskey is honey-infused bourbon and talks about the journey of creating and promoting the product.
Tom moves on to discuss Mark's hectic year, touring, and the incredible experiences he's had. Mark expresses gratitude for the opportunities, the chance to meet people all over the country, and the joy of working with his band, which includes friends from high school.
Reflecting on the year, Mark emphasizes how grateful he is for the incredible experiences, meeting new people, and the chance to make music for a living. He mentions a few upcoming shows, including one at the Bluebird Cafe with Jay Knowles.
As they talk about plans for the holidays, Mark mentions taking a short break, spending time with family, and playing a few shows before gearing up for the next year's tour, which is already filling up with bookings.
The interview ends with a discussion about Mark's preference for the movie "Elf" as a must-see Christmas film. He shares a tradition of watching it every year with family, making it a special movie for him.
To stay updated on Mark Taylor's music, tour dates, and more, you can visit marktaylorcountry.com or find him on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
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