#pansy x charlie
so-scarlett-maroon · 7 months
Clueless Witch
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Clueless Witch - Chapter 1 - So_scarlett_maroon - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Pansy Parkinson is shallow, rich and socially successful. In other words, she basically runs Hogwarts. But when she decided to use that power for good and help new girl Hermione Granger, she discovers she may still have some growing up to do.
This fic is heavily inspired by the 1995 movie Clueless. But with magic and set at Hogwarts.
All 5 chapters are fully written, and I will be posting a chapter a day until it is finished.
Pansy tuned them out as she ate the assortment of fruit and yogurt on her plate. She surveyed the room and spotted a new girl speaking with the headmistress near the front. Although she looked old enough to be a seventh or eighth year, she was unsorted.
Her hair was fluffy and frizzy, and her clothes were baggy and bland. She wore a striped brown shirt and ripped jeans. Everything about her was screaming for Pansy’s help. “Daph, look at that new girl with McGonagall,” Pansy whispered.
Daphne followed Pansy’s line of sight, and her eyes landed on the bushy-haired girl. “Daph, our skills are needed. She is so adorably clueless. We can help her.”
Daphne scoffed. “Pansy, she is a mess. She would bring us down.”
Pansy sighed. “Don’t you think we should use our status for good?”
“No,” Daphne replied.
Read it here
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sailtomarina · 10 months
The Pansy Side of Fire
Pansy x Charlie| @hp-yuletide-bliss Day 10: “Stay home with me.” | WC 1814 | Rating: T
She’d double and triple checked the potion stores, and still Pansy searched for another reason to stay inside and avoid the inevitable walk back to her cabin. The window outside the Hospital Ward showed falling Christmas Eve snow, ceaseless since early that morning. Maybe she could just hibernate here until spring.
She turned her eyes to the stretch of room before her. They only had space for a few beds, two of which were occupied with their slumbering patients. The likelihood of another poor sod finding the third was much too high given the dragon keepers’ propensity for fire.
No. She would find no home here. It was her cabin, or the floor, and she missed her flannel sheets with a ferocity that begged relief. Who knew the unbecoming material made such an excellent companion for Romania’s winter nights?
Pansy gathered up her belongings, assured that the patients would be well taken care of by her fellow Healer.
Cloak, check.
Gloves, check.
Muffler, check.
She topped the ensemble off with her strongest warming charm and set off.
Holy Circe and her Glorious Tits!
The initial blast of air to her face knocked down the hood of her cloak and sent her sleek bob into a whirlwind. She scrambled to regain control of the fabric, tugging it down her face and hunching against the wind as she made her way towards her destination. Whoever it was that planned the layout of the dragon reserve had much to answer for–it made absolutely no sense that the Healers were situated so far away from the Hospital Ward. 
Each step was hampered by the thick snow rising to her knees. She’d melt a path, if not for the rules guarding against unnecessary magic outside of buildings and emergencies. The energy ran the risk of attracting the attention of the inhabitant dragons, who were sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in their environment. Pansy would make do one step at a time. It wasn’t the worst she’d experienced.
At least she had her winter wear and charms to protect her. She shuddered at the thought of going without either, like the Muggle residents of the closest village to the reserve. On the rare occasion that she joined Melody, her fellow Healer, and the reserve employees for a drink at the pub, they all had to forgo excessive magic there, as well, so as to blend in. It wouldn’t do for locals to wonder how they could walk around in the cold with barely any protection.
She turned at the sound of her name towards a face she found uncomfortably attractive. He still wore his keeper uniform, leathers worn and shiny, stretching over ridiculous amounts of muscle that he showed off without even attempting to, leaning as he was against the railing of his own cabin.
Charles Weasley.
“Why don’t you join me for dinner?” he asked. Intense blue eyes held her own, and Pansy was tempted to accept.
She’d been tempted by him almost from the very first day she’d transferred to the reserve.
What little she had known of the wizard prior to her assignment came from legends at Hogwarts of a talented Seeker, a passionate advocate for magical creatures, and, of course, his family’s infamous hair and loyalties. She didn’t recall much of him when he visited Fourth Year during the Triwizard Tournament; she’d been too caught up in her petty obsession with Granger at the time.
The sight of Weasley standing alongside his fellow keepers as they were introduced struck her to this day. He’d stood confidently, arms crossed over his chest, not quite as tall as some but definitely the broadest. The thick muscles of his upper body fit the width of his shoulders and were offset by a trim waist that made clear how such a large man could fly circles around any and all competition. 
She’d kept her cool as they were introduced, treating him like everyone else with a detached professionalism. Parkinson witches did not show interest in Weasleys, no matter how attractive they might be.
Her resolve was tested her first day on the floor when he showed up with a fresh burn and a smile that set her knickers aflame.
How dare he look that good, covered in dust and blood as he was?
How dare he make her laugh with just a look and a comment. It was like he had a direct line to her particular brand of morbid humor. He’d shown her an old scar that he said reminded him of her namesake with how the edges rounded and changed color closer to the center.
She looked at him now, at the long red locks barely held in place by a tie and the figure he cut against the backdrop of his front door. 
“If you let me Floo home from yours, then you have a deal.”
There. That wasn’t too obvious, was it? She was simply interested in lessening her journey outdoors, and he presented the perfect solution.
“Sure, sure. Come on in from the cold.” His grin told her the ploy was not only recognized, but inconsequential. He’d offered, and she’d accepted. Simple as that.
He held the door open for her to step through first, and not even her warming charms could negate the relief she felt as the harsh winds were shut out and she was enveloped in the golden glow of the roaring fire in the hearth. 
“Charles Weasley, did you anticipate my acceptance?” She turned a suspicious eye his way. Given the state of the front room and the table already laden with dishes set for two and holly-wreathed candlesticks, he’d been prepared for company long before she happened by. Since when did he have the time to prepare everything? 
His eyes twinkled in merriment, but he said nothing, merely holding his hands out to take her belongings.
With a huff, she surrendered her satchel and shrugged off her cloak, turning to hang them on the charming wooden hooks near the door carved into the shape of dragon heads. She stepped closer to inspect them.
“Who made these?” They were remarkably realistic. She could easily tell each from the other, one a Swedish Short-Snout, then a Chinese Fireball, a Welsh Green, and a Hebridean Black. She chose the Antipodean Opaleye for her outerwear. She’d always admired their iridescent eyes.
“Oh, that’s my work.”
She swung back around in surprise, and he nearly preened at the attention.
“Well, well, Weasley, who knew you were such an artist,” she mused, her opinions of him once again adjusting for the favorable.
“I cook a mean roast, too,” he replied with a wink, gesturing towards the open chair he’d pulled out.
He waited until she sat, pressing the chair back in like a gentleman, before taking his own. It was the first she’d been afforded such manners since coming to Romania. There really hadn’t been any reason for it given the Mess Hall and its long benches. 
“Here, let me,” he offered, leaning forward to take the carving knife in hand.
“Not too large, please,” a request to which he winked and she flushed. Men.
Once their plates were full and they’d commenced eating, Pansy soon lost herself in conversation with the dragon keeper, his conversation easily flowing from one topic to the next. She’d known from his initial visit to the ward that he was bright, but she hadn’t realized just how well studied he was until now. He answered any and all of her questions regarding his work, and made several observations of his own in regards to the changes she’d made to the Hospital Ward since her transfer.
“We haven’t had any supply issues since you arrived. The potions you provide have been invaluable over the past months. I swear they’re more effective, too.”
Well, of course, they were. She brewed them herself whenever possible.
Regardless, she had near-daily visitations in the ward for everything from minor burns, to deep lacerations, and even severe concussions. Dragon work was life threatening no matter how many potions she shoved down their throats or how tirelessly she healed wound after wound.
“It is my job,” she said dryly.
“Still, we’ve had plenty of Healers in the past who were satisfied with the bare minimum. You actively go out of your way to ensure our safety, or get as close as possible to it.” He reached out to place his hand on hers where it rested against the table, and she stilled. 
Her plate was empty, the last drop of wine finished long ago. There wasn’t any reason why she should linger any longer.
“I should probably go.”
Bright eyes studied her, and Pansy wished she could take the words back. What if–
“Stay home with me.”
A breath caught in her throat.
Surely she misheard him?
“I’m sorry?” Her hand curled into a fist beneath his palm.
He responded by wrapping his large hand around hers in a brief squeeze. Heat worked up her arm and sent a pulse straight to her core.
“Stay home with me, at least for a while longer. I’d like to keep talking with you. Consider it my Christmas gift,” he quietly asked. He maintained eye contact, and Pansy wondered if this must be what it was like to be one of his dragons, enchanted by his overwhelming presence and unable to look away. She couldn’t help but be charmed by him.
She could reject him, make him work for it, like one of the more willful dragons. Pansy had a feeling he wouldn’t mind a bit of fire, that he might even relish it. She’d seen him in action and now knew why he held such a high rank among the other keepers. It wasn’t because he’d been at it the longest; it was because of his knowledge, his perseverance, his undying devotion to their wellbeing. He was tenacious in every aspect of their lives, and it showed.
Call it weariness, or simple loneliness during the holidays, but Pansy was tired of fighting. She’d lived her whole life presenting one face of Pansy Parkinson, and look what it had brought her: the scorn of most of her peers, difficulty landing a job anywhere near home, and now her current employment in the last place she thought she’d ever find herself. Her mother would cry over the callouses on her palms and fingers.
What if she said yes? What if she touched him back, like she wanted to? Would he prefer a fiery Pansy, instead? Maybe, she could be fiery in another way.
She flipped her hand and curled her fingers around his own.
His eyes lit up.
“Don’t you dare gloat, Charles Weasley.”
Amusement danced across his face in the form of a wide smile and dimples that deeply dotted each of his cheeks. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Cross-posted on Tumblr and AO3.
I really, really like Charlie and Pansy individually, so wondered how they might be together. I think they’d get on, don’t you?
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gloivy · 2 years
Charlie/Pansy | Beltane + Heather
Thank you @alinastarkov for the prompt!
The muirburn raged, flames licking the skies, and smoke painting the air with it’s signal to the Gods.
The burning heather filled Pansy’s lungs with a heady scent that made her eyelids heavy, and her mind drowsy. She wandered through the smoke, through the ashes of the heather, towards the soul that called out to hers.
It was the night of Beltane—and the ritual of fertility had begun.
There was a calling within her—unlike that of any Beltane before. Pansy had never been one to partake in these rituals, had never been one to believe the magic behind such a thing—until tonight. When some part of herself felt inexplicably drawn to the smoke, to the fire, to the pull of the magic that swirled in the air and filled her lungs.
She was lost within the smoke and the fire and the heather, twirling uselessly around and around and around—when she knocked into something, or rather, someone.
Pansy looked up at the stranger, and found fire staring back at her—red hair, amber eyes, and a gaze that scorched her. They didn’t say a word to one another—didn’t need to. For they both knew what had led them into the muirburn that night.
So she held him close as their lips met in a kiss that seared their souls.
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starrnobella · 5 months
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Finding Lucy
Written for #BadWitchesFest - The Order - Magical Creatures #DenBingo24 - N3: Author's Choice #KCaWSBingo - N3: Author's Choice Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Charlie Weasley Rated Teen and Up Summary: Pansy Parkinson didn't want to be known as a member of the Sacred 28, and after the war she took her chances on joining the Dragon Reserve that Charlie Weasley was working on in Romania. An adventure through some ancient runes allows them to find someone who was lost and brings them so much closer. Word Count: 3044
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dramioneasks · 15 days
Hello!! I've been searching everywhere, but I'd like to find a Dramione fic, but the only part I can remember is towards the end. Pansy's mother sent her a cursed bracelet that forces her to find a candidate that her mother would find suitable and she ends up with Charlie.
He sees her duel and decides that he's very okay with his future as her husband.
I cannot remember any of the Dramione plot at the moment🥴
Blood Traitor - Zalia84 - M, 92 chapters, Words: 184,715 - Draco Malfoy has been living a lie to protect the girl he loves. He has inherited the Veela gene and on his next birthday he will become the first male Veela for three hundred years. Canon (except the epilogue).
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protea-drarry-shit · 1 year
The gang’s profiles (not including Zach’s cuz of the 10 image limit)
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midnightmoonytales · 2 years
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Lightening Era
Fred Weasley
Sleepy Mornings: Quiet mornings weren't something you nor Fred are allowed very often. Both of you were busy working and didn't allow free time. Settling into a quiet morning, limbs intertwined. No worries, the only focus is on each other.
Apple Pie and Secrecy: Spending Christmas with those you loved after many years of being unable, filled your heart with so much love. Worries of unloyalty floating through the air...what will happen.
George Weasley
**To come**
Bill Weasley
**to come**
Charlie Weasley
**to come**
Harry Potter
**to come**
Draco Malfoy
Last of Us: PT 1 This is the tale of how we children were forced to bear our fangs from a young age, to never trust anyone and icy glares at whoever was a threat. Venom soared through our veins, fulfilling our parents' duty, which was forcibly placed upon us. Wishing for a break, a chance to run. But what happens when we don't run soon enough?
Shut It!: An eventful dinner with your friends in the Great Hall. Slytherin Gang Headcanons Slytherin Gang Headcanons 2 Slytherin Gang as Stiles from Teen Wolf
Fun by the Lake!: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Pansy Parkinson
Shut It!: An eventful dinner with your friends in the Great Hall.
Slytherin Gang Headacanons Slytherin Gang Headcanons 2 Slytherin Gang as Stiles from Teen Wolf
Fun by the lake!: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Air So Sweet: Inspired by "Air So Sweet" by Dodie
Mattheo Riddle
Shut it!: An eventful dinner with your friends in the Great Hall.
Forbidden Detention: Mattheo and Theodore drag you into one of their little schemes, resulting in the three of you getting detention. What will they do when they seem to have lost you in the forbidden forest.
Slytherin Gang Headcanons Slytherin Gang Headcanons 2 Slytherin Gang as Siles From Teen Wolf
Fun by the Lake!: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Theodore Nott
Forbidden Detention: Mattheo and Theodore drag you into one of their little schemes, resulting in the three of you getting detention. What will they do when they seem to have lost you in the forbidden forest.
Slytherin Gang Heacanons Slytherin Gang Headcanons 2 Shut It: An eventful dinner with your friends in the Great Hall. Slytherin Gang as Stiles From Teen Wolf
Fun by the Lake!: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
Golden Love Moodboard
Slipping through my fingers: Watching his little girl grow up had to be one of his favorite things to see, but also one of the saddest. Every pivotal moment of her life flashed through his mind, even to this one now.
Sirius Black
Slipping through my fingers: Watching his little girl grow up had to be one of his favorite things to see, but also one of the saddest. Every pivotal moment of her life flashed through his mind, even to this one now.
James Potter
Jegulily Imagine
Lily Evans
Jegulily Imagine
Severus Snape
Pride and Prejudice blurb: Severus Snape Showers you with love Pride and Prejudice style.
Please let me know if any of the links don't work!
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hprarepairfest · 11 months
Rare Pair Fest IV Works - Day 7
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Get ready for some juicy fics today!! 😍
Title: The Growth of a Garden Author: @arwrites Ship: Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson Prompt: #58 Rating: E Word Count: 14,874 Warnings: Past Torture, Past Relationship(s), Past Child Abuse, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Consensual Sex, Enthusiastic Consent, Past Character Death, past trauma, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Therapy, Hoarding Disorder Summary: 
Pansy and Neville are academic rivals. But they feel other feelings that they are trying to deny.
Title: The Quaeromancy Effect Author: @astridastrolabe Ship: Charlie Weasley/Oliver Wood Prompt: #7 Rating: T Word Count: 4,338 Warnings: None Summary: 
Oliver Wood is tired of being a restless tumbleweed, aimless and lonely in Glasgow. He takes matters, his dog's leash and his rescue cockatoo in his hands and seeks advice from a Divination practicer. When she asks Oliver if he knows anyone with a connection to dragons, the dominoes tumble to a happily ever after. Written for prompt 7: "After an injury ends his Quidditch career, a lost Oliver seeks out his former captain for some guidance." Thanks for providing the framework for this wee tale.
Title: A New Day Dawning Author: @midnightstargazer Ship/s: Hestia Jones/Kingsley Shacklebolt Prompt: 229 ("Post-Deathly Hallows, two surviving members of the Order of the Phoenix find comfort and support in each other") Rating: T Word Count: 9,884 Warnings: angst, references to past character death Summary:
In the months that follow the Battle of Hogwarts, two survivors lean on each other for support. Victory is sweet, but it does little to soften the heartbreak of losing their lovers in the war, not to mention the impossible task of putting their society back together again. They're not looking for romance, but it begins to blossom between them anyway.
Title: your seat, it's the best seat Author: @the-houseryn Ship/s: Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley, Mentioned Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter Prompt: #123 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 17.4k Warnings: No Archive Warnings apply. Summary: 
In the moment, it hadn’t occurred to him that taunting Draco into sitting on his lap once would open the door for Draco to keep doing so, even when other chairs existed. Nor had he known that the consequence of becoming Draco's furniture was how hard he'd fall in love with someone who didn't fancy him back.
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minimindi · 4 months
Microfic May 2024 Masterlist
I enjoyed writing for Microfic May so much!! Here is a list of my full works from this year's prompts
Day 1 Create Sirius/Minerva
Day 2 Resplendent Lucius/Pansy
Day 3 Horizon Draco/Hermione
Day 4 Decision Genfic Pansy
Day 5 Dreams & Reality Genfic? Snape dreams of Lily
Day 6 Flare George/Luna
Day 7 Innocuous Draco/Hermione
Day 8 Will Genfic Draco as Potions Professor
Day 9 Agony Draco/Hermione
Day 10 Rise & Fall Draco/Hermione
Day 11 Curse Genfic Sirius
Day 12 Vivid George/Luna
Day 13 Talisman Draco/Hermione
Day 14 Humility Draco/Hermione
Day 15 Nothing & Everything Percy/Oliver
Day 16 Squabble Genfic The Golden Trio
Day 17 Worthy Draco/Hermione
Day 18 Healing Genfic Pansy
Day 19 Impatience Draco/Hermione
Day 20 alt. used Warmth & Idle Lavender/Charlie
Day 21 Unhand Sirius/Minerva
Day 22 Precious Ginny/Voldemort
Day 23 Mistake Genfic Lavender
Day 24 Elation Genfic Harry texting Hermione for help
Day 25 Day & Night Draco/Hermione
Day 26 Vex Draco/Hermione
Day 27 alt. used Evolve Draco/Hermione
Day 28 Fetching George/Luna
Day 29 Thrall Percy/Oliver
Day 30 First & Last Lucius/Pansy
Day 31 Fulfillment Genfic Harry
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noahjc03 · 1 year
Summer of Fourth Year
“Hermione Jean Granger, I am talking to you!”
“I’m done understanding mum! You don’t like who I am with magic but magic is a big part of who I am. I am not quitting school so I can become a dentist like you and dad, I’m not going to take over the family business.”
“I am done having this conversation, you are underage Hermione, if we say you’re not going back to that freakshow of a school you’re not going!”
Hermione runs up the stairs to her room, locks the door and begins packing her trunk and a suitcase. Hermione's mum starts banging on the locked door, “Let me in Hermione! When did my little girl decide that she no longer needs her parents? When did you start being ungrateful with what we have tried doing for you.”
“Hermione listened to your mother,” Her father had now joined in trying to get into her room, “We have given you four years, you don’t belong in that world. You need to grow up. You need to go back to school and go to university. That is the end of the discussion.”
“If you are so disappointed in how I am turning out then I apologise but I am a witch, it is who I am. I am made up of magic and if I can’t learn how to control it then it could be dangerous. You used to understand this!”
“You have had four years to learn control and you haven’t had a magical accident in that time. You have learned control now you need to get back to the real world.”
Hermione’s door swung open and her mother came through and walked over to take the trunk away from her daughter. “Let go of it Hermione, you are done. Do you hear me!”
“Let go of my trunk,” Hermione’s magic started to come to her defence, you could see it dancing along her skin, “Mum! Let go! Just let me leave and you’ll never have to see me again.”
Hermione’s dad marched over and grabbed his daughter around the waist and pulled her away. “Hermione, that's enough, we are trying to help you. What are you going to do with your life when you come to the end of the line in that world? You’ll have no real qualifications and you’ll be stuck doing god knows what with your life.”
“LET GO OF ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!” Hermione’s magic released and knocked both her mum and dad away.
“Jean!” Her dad yelled to his wife, he ran over to her and she was bleeding, “What have you done!”
“Dad please, I’m sorry.” Hermione started to walk over to her parents.
“Get away from us!” Her dad looked terrified, “Leave, and don’t ever come back here Hermione. You are not our daughter anymore.”
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hpweddingfest · 1 year
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Title: Handmade Heaven Prompt: 47 Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Pansy Parkinson Rating: E Word count: 1,190 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: The big day is finally here! The long-awaited wedding of Pansy Parkinson and Charlie Weasley. or; wedding day stress relief
Read on AO3
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hxuse-xf-black · 2 years
Pansy: What did I tell you about lying, Hadley? 6-year-old Hadley (OC), sighing: That it only works on Momma.
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A FEST THAT BLURS THE LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND OBSESSION Open to any writer, artist, dabbler, die-hard dark!fic lover, or anyone new to the world of darkness and just wanting to dip their toes in.
Wordcount minimum: 1K, no maximum Open to one-shots or multichaps Any and all pairings in the Harry Potter Fandom No beastiality, pedophelia, underage (16+ only), or necrophelia.
Prompts drop: LIVE! Submissions due: Tuesday, Februrary 28th Staggered reveals begin: Wednesday, March 1st
Take one of our love songs prompts and make it as dark as you'd like. come and join us to the dark side! Prompts are going fast!
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walltowallghosts · 2 years
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Open to any writer, artist, dabbler, die-hard dark!fic lover, or anyone new to the world of darkness and just wanting to dip their toes in. Wordcount minimum: 1K, no maximum Open to one-shots or multichaps Any and all pairings in the Harry Potter Fandom No beastiality, pedophelis, underage (16+ only), or necrophelia.
Prompts drop: LIVE! Submissions due: Tuesday, Februrary 28th Staggered reveals begin: Wednesday, March 1st Take one of our love songs prompts and make it as dark as you'd like. come and join us to the dark side! Prompts are going fast!
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xxdustnight88 · 2 years
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Coffee Escape
Rated: General Audiences Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Pansy Parkinson Word Count: 857 Summary: Pansy's escape from the wizarding world is interrupted by Charlie and life will never be the same. Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44446453 FFN Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12145410/60/Dust-Bunnies
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dramioneasks · 2 months
Shadows of Destiny - VStarlightX - M, 31 chapters, Words: 100,679 - Hermione Granger’s life has been anything but ordinary since the Battle of Hogwarts. She is cursed with the ability to see the death of anyone she touches hands with: strangers, friends, family, and lovers. Hermione has found solace in the Muggle World as a bookstore owner, and only once in a while has an accidental vision. That is until she accidentally bumps into Draco Malfoy and sees a vision of his imminent death. Hermione decides to take fate into her own hands to save him. A choice that will forever change her world.
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