seontaee · 13 days
A mes amis torturé ceci est pour vous,
A ce monstres cachés en coin de la chambre
,je te hais,
tu me terrifie par peur de te voir.
Je hais ta silhouette sombre qui me glace le sang,
Je hais ton souffle qui effleure ma peau quand tu es près de moi,
Et je hais quand tu m’empêche de respirer de pleine voix.
Nous sommes tout deux dans cette chambre, et je présume que l’un de nous deux est un monstre.
Le monstre lui répondit :
Le monstre ici, c’est toi humain, je ne suis que le reflet de tes souffrances.
Je suis ce que tu crains, tapi dans ton esprit,
Je suis la nuit qui règne, quand ton corps s’endort.
Tes peurs t’ont forgé, je suis né de tes cris,
Je danse sur ta peau et celle des autres.
Je ne veux rien de toi, je n’ai pas de désir,
Je suis ce qui existe quand tu cesses de fuir.
Ton esprit enchaîné est à moi et se livre,
Dans l’entre-deux mondes où tes rêves chavirent.
Lui demandant :
Es-tu un fragment de moi, né de mes terreurs,
Ou viens-tu d’un ailleurs, d’un royaume de douleurs ?
Chaque nuit, tu m'étreins, tu viens sans prévenir,
Me laissant impuissant, sans souffle ni sourire.
Le monstre :
Je suis l'écho sourd de tes angoisses enfouies,
Je ne vis que dans l’ombre où ton esprit se plie.
Quand la nuit t’emporte aux rivages de l’oubli,
C’est là que je te trouve, c’est là que je surgis,
Tu ne peux pas me fuir, je suis là, immuable.
Mais si tu m’acceptes, je deviens moins palpable.
Je me dissous dans l’aube, je me fane au soleil,
Je ne suis qu’un rêve noir, un songe sans pareil.
Humain :
Alors je t’accueillerai, ombre lourde et obscure,
Car c’est dans l’acceptation que la lumière murmure.
Peut-être qu’un jour, dans ton étreinte glacée,
Je ne tremblerai plus, je pourrai respirer,
Tu ne seras plus la poupée de mes
cauchemars, et moi le monstre qui t’anime,
Et un soir, je pourrais enfin me libérer de ces
chaînes qui me font tant de mal.
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thechekhov · 2 years
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if you think about it, every time we tranquilize animals to transport them safely to another place, we are the sleep paralysis demon
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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lesparaversdemillina · 8 months
Josée, le tigre et les poissons T1 de Nao EMOTO
Découvrez un manga captivant mêlant magie et émotion. "Josée, le tigre et les poissons" offre une histoire unique où l'amour et la tolérance défient les obstacles. Plongez dans cette lecture bouleversante.
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novelconcepts · 4 months
I Saw the TV Glow is such a uniquely, devastatingly queer story. Two queer kids trapped in suburbia. Both of them sensing something isn’t quite right with their lives. Both of them knowing that wrongness could kill them. One of them getting out, trying on new names, new places, new ways of being. Trying to claw her way to fully understanding herself, trying to grasp the true reality of her existence. Succeeding. Going back to help the other, to try so desperately to rescue an old friend, to show the path forward. Being called crazy. Because, to someone who hasn’t gotten out, even trying seems crazy. Feels crazy. Looks, on the surface, like dying.
And to have that other queer kid be so terrified of the internal revolution that is accepting himself that he inadvertently stays buried. Stays in a situation that will suffocate him. Choke the life out of him. Choke the joy out of him. Have him so terrified of possibly being crazy that he, instead, lives with a repression so extreme, it quite literally is killing him. And still, still, he apologizes for it. Apologizes over and over and over, to people who don’t see him. Who never have. Who never will. Because it’s better than being crazy. Because it’s safer than digging his way out. Killing the image everyone sees to rise again as something free and true and authentic. My god. My god, this movie. It shattered me.
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leehamwriting · 10 months
Le diable comique - Zija CELA - 2021 - Ed. Fauves
Quatrième de couverture La ville fictive d’Horketa est frappée par une épidémie mystérieuse : les habitants sont atteints d’une paralysie qui sème la panique. La peur l’emporte sur le défi sanitaire à relever collectivement, tandis que les puissances voisines leur tournent le dos en fermant leurs frontières.Araniti Lumbardi, en charge de gérer cette crise en tant que président du Comité de…
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2t2r · 10 years
Paralysée, Mariam Paré peint avec sa bouche
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/paralysee-mariam-pare-peint-avec-sa-bouche/
Paralysée, Mariam Paré peint avec sa bouche
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steph · 10 months
Fenêtre de tolérance émotionnelle: comment me ressourcer?
Mon retour d’Inde a été (est?) difficile. Aujourd’hui ça va – en fait, depuis une petite semaine, “ça va”. La semaine dernière j’ai galéré, par contre. Et depuis, je réfléchis pas mal, non pas à ce qui fait ou a fait que ça va pas, mais à ce que j’ai fait, ou comment ça se fait, que j’ai réussi à me sortir du fossé où j’étais embourbée. En fait, à un moment donné, je me suis souvenue que j’avais…
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deunmiu-dessie · 5 months
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a paralysis demon plays with you at night, this time you're finally awake to see it.
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you're not sure how it started. just that one day it did.
you'd wake up with sticky inner thighs and ruined sheets; the familiar pulsing of your clit, begging for attention almost overwhelming, and your muscles ached as if you had run a marathon the day before. tentatively you'd dip your hand into your panties, nimble fingers finding the hood of your engorged clit, eyebrows pulling together at the almost painful feeling it brought; then they'd drift lower, immediately sinking into creamy, wetness that pooled from your entrance and smeared your labia.
this perverse ritual had become your waking nightmare, weeks upon weeks of waking up to ruined panties and an insatiable hunger that couldn't be sated alone. frustration and tears intertwine, as your lithe fingers desperately caress and coax your clit but to no avail. it'd leave you cranky most days and unapproachable the rest.
what the hell was happening? at first, you believed it to be mere wet dreams, lost in the recesses of your mind. but the inability to find release, even with your touch or the mechanical hum of a vibrator, defied all reason. your sanity teetered on the edge, the constant ache and unrelenting wetness between your thighs, the demands of university, and the grueling hours at the fast-paced coffee shop on campus only exacerbate your torment.
breathe; you had told yourself. you just needed a day to sleep, in order to get back into the groove of your usual hectic life. and so, you make the decision to abandon your responsibilities, forsaking work and classes, seeking solace within the confines of your bed.
but that day you saw it.
as the night grew later, you found yourself slipping in and out of consciousness, struggling to keep your eyes open, you clung to the last shreds of wakefulness, determined to finish the movie that had lured you in with its promises of thrills and chills. the laptop, perched on your chest, emitted a faint glow, casting eerie shadows across the room. but despite your best efforts, the battle was futile. with a heavy sigh, you surrendered, closing the laptop and setting it aside.
that should've been it, you should have gone to sleep and woken up the next morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, no longer raging and horny, stressed and tired— just your normal self. yet, as if possessed by an unseen force, your eyes snap open, jolting your mind from the peaceful slumber you had so eagerly embraced, but not your body.
the room was cloaked in darkness, save for the feeble glow of a night light by the door. the time couldn't have been later than two in the morning, leaving you with ample hours until you needed to start getting ready for the day…so why were you up?
grunting you attempt to reach across to your desk and grab your water bottle, your throat suddenly dry and scratchy. but you couldn't move. in fact, your whole body felt numb, as if you'd been submerged in an ice-cold lake. you could feel the hair on your arms standing on end, your heart thumping painfully in your ribcage, desperate to escape from your chest and out the window just above your bed. frantic, your eyes darted around your room, flitting over the darkened corners and further on before subconsciously gazing upwards. it gazed back at you.
it was inky black, as if a void had materialized on your ceiling. barren of any discernible features, a foreboding presence emanated from it, sending chills down your spine. its limbs, neck, and torso twisted unnaturally, giving it a grotesque and elongated appearance. tears welled up in your eyes upon witnessing it, and you attempted to scream, only to find your mouth was sealed as if stitched with needle and thread.
the creature descended from above with erratic movements, settling above your figure and menacingly bringing its face closer to yours. this couldn't be happening, it must be a dream and in a desperate attempt to escape, you tightly shut your eyes and began counting backward from ten, gasping for air with each haggard breath.
however, a phantom graze on your thigh startles your eyes open. the creature was still there, its taloned, inky black hand slowly trailing along your clammy skin. even without a face, you could feel its gaze upon you, sinister and scheming. swallowing thickly, goosebumps follow in the wake of its touch, like tiny flames igniting your skin.
and almost as if accustomed to its advances, your body ignites with a dizzying heat, pussy weeping and your clit throbbing eagerly, readily despite your heart skipping and restarting all in one second with fear. its touch is tantalizing and deliberate, momentarily vanishing underneath your oversized night-shirt before returning to the heat of your thighs, talons pricking your flesh.
the creature's game finally comes to an end as it finds your fattened clit, which eagerly presses against the fabric of your panties, craving any form of touch. its assault is steady but firm and the touch immediately sets you off. your body, needy from weeks of being unable to orgasm, finally reaches its limit. you can feel the knot tightening in your tummy, a sharp, zinging pain in your lower abdomen, and the tensing of your thighs.
however, just as you approach your climax, the creature abruptly stops, shifting its touch to your slick inner thighs, face pressing closer to yours, leering and mocking. without the constant stimulation, your orgasm subsides, leaving you with a throbbing ache in your hips, cunt drooling with your arousal profusely.
your eyebrows cinch together, tears staining your cheeks before you're hit with a realization. the constant feeling of never being satisfied and not being able to cum, was because of this…creature.
its pitch-black visage suddenly splits into a sinister grin, revealing rows of serrated teeth gleaming with viscid, thick saliva. its voice is otherwordly deep, it's guttural, and raspy; fingers returning deftly to your clit to rub circles. "do you remember now?"
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dvd-girl · 5 months
absolutely love how in this scene laios desperately tries to ignore his visions thinking he's halucinating while izutsumi silently witnesses the horrors beyond human comprehension staring into visibly nothing like a kitty cat she is
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fallenxangel-13 · 7 months
sleep paralysis (monsterfucking).
waking up to a strange sensation in the black of the night. feather-light touches sail up and down your curves, and your thighs only clench naturally. you haven't touched yourself before bed, though, nor were you aroused enough to do so… until now, it seemed.
as you ease in and out of consciousness throughout this unusually long night, new sensations take flight; a ticklish tingle on your lips like a sweet kiss, gently coaxing your thighs open somehow — goosebumps shoot down your spine as a trail of slick warmth spreads across your neck much like a tongue was lapping it. a needy moan escaping your lips.
baffled, you thought your mind was playing tricks on you until you realized you laid there. paralyzed. pinned to the mattress by brute strength far from human, sinking down on you — your gown riding up along with something warm, thick, and smooth circling your clit endlessly. rendering you a hot and needy mess before finally slipping all the way inside your soaked parts. filling you to the brim. your pathetic choked up sobs and squirms unmatched for this feral sensation claiming you.
it was then you realized that you weren't responsible for this immense pleasure as slow panting could be heard with each monstrous thrust and all you could do was take it like prey while your body was used for the beast's heavy load... and he won't stop until he's finished.
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ideologyofone · 2 days
Vi has been beating the piss out of this man for 7+ years 😭
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felassan · 3 months
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sooo hey we saw you from across the bar and
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not relaxing, not doing work, but a secret third thing (screaming in my head while doomscrolling)
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bluegiragi · 10 months
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cockatrice (part 1)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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hotyanderedaddies · 10 months
Yandere Sleep Paralysis Demon Visits You Nightly
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[Yandere! Sleep Paralysis Demon x GN Reader]
You tried so hard to stay awake for as long as you could.
You even tried to look up ways to stay up online, doing tricks such as downing caffeine, jogging late at night, and even refusing to sit anywhere near your bed.
Unfortunately, you're only human and eventually you could feel the sleepiness taking over your body.
Hopefully he won't show tonight...
It's dark out and the only noise that you can pick up is the slight scratching of the tree against the glass on your bedroom window. Your line out sight is directed towards the far corner of your bedroom, which is shrouded in black shadows.
But you can't move.
You can't speak.
You're trapped.
A cold sweat breaks out on your forehead, and your heart begins to race in your chest as you wait for it...
"Hey, Darling," a deep, gravelly voice echoes out in your small bedroom.
The black shadow in the corner of the room darkens, seemingly drawing in the rest of the shadows in the bedroom-- a pair of eerie red eyes appear.
They laser focus on you.
"Darling, I missed you," the voice says again. "I missed you so, so much." An angry growl emanates from the dark corner of the room. "Why? Why are you trying to avoid me?"
The wooden floorboards creak as he approaches the bed. Slowly, you can start to make out a tall, intimidating figure emerging from the shadows. The sleep paralysis demon who's visited you every night for the past few months stalks closer and closer to the bed.
He's angry, you fear. His red eyes are narrowed in your direction, and as he draws nearer, his large mouth is forming a snarl. It shows off the rows of dagger-sharp teeth that could easily slice your flesh if you ever piss him off.
Had you been able to move, you would've shivered at the sight of the terrifying demon.
The demon paused and frowned when he sensed your fear.
"Oh, Darling," he almost pouted, "don't be scared. Daddy won't hurt you."
He moves out of sight, but then you can feel the mattress starting to shift underneath his added weight. His body radiates an intense heat as it crawls over you. He snakes his strong arms around you and holds you closer to him.
"I'm just a little upset that my darling isn't getting enough sleep," the demon huffs, his hot breath wafting over your cheek as he speaks. His lips are pressed against you, and you can feel his facial muscles flex with every word he mutters.
Helpless, you're completely powerless as he cuddles you. He runs admiring fingers through your hair and shoves his nose into the crook of your neck, moaning loudly as he inhales your delicious scent.
"It's the only time we can see each other," he continues. "And I really missed you when you weren't sleeping. Didn't you miss me? Even a little bit?"
Of course you would've refused had you been able to answer.
"Of course you did," the demon smiles. "My darling missed me a lot. I just know it... maybe, just maybe I won't let you wake up. Then we can be together forever."
Your heart speeds up.
"Would you like that, Darling?"
You close your eyes as you try to drift off, desperate to get away from this love obsessed demon.
"I would love that very much. I love you very much, Darling. And I hate that we can't be together during the day."
He tightens his grip on you.
"Which is why it's important for you to get your sleep. If you keep trying to stay up all night, then you'll leave me no choice but to never let you wake up."
The thought is terrifying-- being trapped in your sleep paralysis with this demon cuddling up to you constantly. And all the while, you'd be helpless to do anything at all.
"I love you so much, Darling," the demon coos as he presses a kiss onto your cheek. "Sweet dreams, my love."
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