#part of the promise’s initial conversation sucked ass So Hard
redflagshipwriter · 3 hours
Red Hot Ghouls 14 part 2/2
Danny had kind of ignored the most important part of that initial message. Crud. Of course the poor bastard wanted to know about the progress on their spiritual separation. Danny cringed. He typed fast to send a new message before Jason could ask again.
It did not come out easily. He wrote and deleted two drafts before he groaned aloud. “I am not prepared to tell him that the options so far are either to marry and divorce me or to get his ass banished from the ghost dimension.” Danny spent a moment pitying himself. “I just have to say the truth.”
Cringe. Cringe so hard. 
I have two possible solutions but they both suck really hard. :/ Suck so hard you’d be shook. The suckage would change your life.
Jason sent back ellipses. It belatedly occurred to Danny that it might have looked like he was making a blowjob joke. He put the phone back on his chest and stared at the ceiling for a while, wondering why he was this way.
“Jason didn’t see that,” Danny told himself. “Jason is a professional. A professional something. I don't know what.” 
He wanted to believe it so badly that he just decided not to be mortified. Danny lifted the burner phone back up and painstakingly assembled a shrug emoji from symbols. 
Honestly they’re such bad options that I don’t even wanna tell you. Can we change the subject? : (
Jason sent back a series of laughing and crying emojis and then, Fine. Let’s talk about all the other stuff we have in common.
Danny pursed his lips. “...Do we have anything in common?” It wasn’t like he knew much about the guy, but he presumed Jason kept himself busy with some boring adult job, building muscle, and biking around looking hot. Danny crossed his legs at the knee and tried not to think of what a twig he looked like in comparison to Jason. He didn’t feel bad about it, honestly. Danny was too busy to make fitness a part of his personality and he had nothing to prove.
I’m illiterate, he settled on as a response. They definitely did not have a love of literature in common. What else did people do? I uh…. Watched a movie two years back.
Any good?
T’was shit, Danny admitted. Hm. He frowned. “I’m not sure where to take this conversation,” he said aloud.
I’m so hungry. Just got off work and I’m trying to decide what to do.
“Oh, I can do something with that.” Danny felt better. Yeah me too, I would kill for an enchilada. He tried to send a ghost emoji and groaned when he remembered that this was a shitty burner phone with no keyboard downloaded and apparently no access to the app store. Jason had already responded by the time that he gave up.
Ghosts eat Mexican food?
They would if they have human zone money, Danny sent back morosely. Oh no, it wasn’t fun anymore. Ya boy can’t pay in the tears of the damned anywhere on this plane of existence smh. His stomach growled with obnoxious timing. He groaned. The last thing he’d eaten had been that sandwich with Jazz. He could cook… He really should cook. 
Ugh. Effort. 
Danny tried to motivate himself up to the kitchen. “It’s four steps,” he said aloud, trying to be encouraging. “I can make it.”
Ah. No. That was actually kind of depressing. He lived in a shoebox with a monthly grocery budget that was just pitiful.
Haha ur broke, Jason sent, because he was a massive bitch. Danny felt a lot better about flipping him off. But then Jason followed it up with an obviously insincere, I’d get you enchiladas if you were in Gotham. Sucks to suck.
Danny sensed weakness to exploit.
“You’re going to regret that,” Danny grimly promised, and hit the call button.
Jason picked up on the second ring, sounding confused and electronic. “Hey?”
“I can be in Gotham for enchiladas,” Danny threatened. His stomach growled again. “You feeling brave? Huh? Huh?” He punched a finger at the air in accusation. “I’m not scared of you or your dank gargoyles, leatherboy.”
There was a weird mechanical sound. Maybe a snort? A laugh? “I’ll send you a GPS point, if you’re there in ten I’ll buy you all you can eat.”
Danny went still like the predator he was. “Bring your life savings.” He hit the end call button and launched himself off the couch to go stuff his feet into his shoes. He let his apartment door slam shut behind him carelessly. He’d made it to the ground level before the pin point landed.
“Fuck, it’s even in my neighborhood.” Danny laughed, flush with petty victory. He looked left, right, and went invisible before he went ghost. There was no one around at this late hour to see him drop off the visible spectrum.
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sollucets · 2 years
wheres that post thats like. [emerges from google docs covered in blood] anyway oowu4. done. i think. just editposting now
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Loki's Little Secret (Part 2 of 3)
Part 1 here / Part 3 here
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: protective Loki (he might sound kinda like an ass but trust me), hidden relationship, angst cause I couldn't help myself, self doubt, thoughts of being inadequate, fluff (I promise... still coming)
Summary: You and Loki have been dating for three months and you've kept your relationship a secret from everyone... until now
Based on this Ask:
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A/N: So I know it took a lot longer to put out this second part than I initially promised but I broke up with my boyfriend of several years about two days after I posted the first part and it was a bit hard to focus on this one. Before everyone starts to feel sorry for me, I know it was the right thing to do and although it sucked I'm in a better place right now because of it... now let's back to Loki and his happy ending 💚💚💚
Dividers by @harlequin-hangout
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(LOKI POV - 5 days after Loki left)
You groan in annoyance as you flip back to the previous page of your book. You've read this chapter twice now and the preceeding chapter three times but you find yourself completely unable to focus. The words jumble together as your mind continually drifts from the open pages to your most recent memories of Y/N and unfortunately, they are far from pleasant.
You could still hear the pain in her voice, see the tears in her eyes, feel her pulling away from you when she told you she never wanted to be your secret. As soon as she fled the common room you knew you had made a horrible mistake and as each day passed you doubted you would ever be able to make amends for how you treated her. You pinch your nose and squeeze your eyes shut tightly, trying to force the memories away.
The sound of the door unlocking distracts you and thankfully sends the thoughts scattering away, for the moment at least. Thor stomps the snow off his boots then closes the door of the hotel room as he greets you. He puts his heavy coat over the back of one of the two chairs at the dining table and sits down. You place your book on the nightstand between the two small beds and stand up, the mattress squeaking noisily as you move.
"I brought dinner," he says, trying to sound cheerful as he starts to pull food out of a large paper bag.
"Thank you," you respond although you still have no appetite. It was easy enough to blame your lack of sleeping and eating on the mission, but now that it was behind you, you knew your brother would want answers.
You take the seat opposite him and ask, "What did they say about my request?"
He unwraps his burger, with a light shrug and says, "Once the file transfer was completed, Hill said we could stay here until we were needed again." He looks up at you then back down at his food and says, "Don't worry, brother, I didn't give a reason as to why we are not going back yet."
You nod and sigh in relief but then Thor adds, "You do know, they are not as dense as you pretend they are."
You don't respond so he continues, "Steve says Y/N hasn't been herself since..." he gestures vaguely with one hand, "whatever happened in the common room. He told me she looks unwell, as if she is hardly sleeping and she won't speak to anyone. She never enters the commons areas and vanishes as soon as her work is complete for the day."
You avoid his gaze, feeling the weight of how much you had hurt Y/N.
The two of you sit in silence for a few moments but then your brother finally asks you the question you have been dreading since you impulsively volunteered to join him. "What happened Loki?"
You pick at your burger, trying to pretend you are interested in it but know you can't avoid this conversation any longer. You fold the wrapper again and push your food away from you. Looking down you begin to fidget with your fingers under the table anxiously.
"Y/N and I have been..." you pause and correct yourself, "... we were together for the past three months." You close your eyes briefly, feeling a pain rise in your chest when you adjust your relationship from present to past tense.
"You've hidden this for three months?" Thor asks in shock. "I just assumed that was the first time the two of you were together or at least that this was fairly new."
You clear your throat before answering, feeling ashamed at how you acted, "That was the first time Y/N had stayed at the Tower, but no one was supposed to see us. You were all away at that silly team building event and we accidently fell asleep while watching a movie. The email from Rogers said you wouldn't be back until noon and Y/N would have gone home well before then."
"Everyone was tired of being in the woods so we came back early," Thor explained as briefly as possible then he motioned for you to continue, "You said it was her first time staying at the Tower..."
You sigh and pick at your palm, "For most of our relationship, if I wasn't on a mission, I would spend my nights at Y/N's apartment but I always left her before she woke up. I wanted to make sure no one ever saw me entering or leaving her apartment so they wouldn't know we were together."
"So wait... you would sneak out of her bed and just leave?" he asks, you can hear the judgment in your brother's voice, whether it was intentional or not. "I don't understand. Did you even care for her or was she just a bit of fun to keep you from being bored?"
"Don't you ever assume that I don't care for Y/N!" you stand up, putting your hands on the table in tightly balled fists. Thor looks up at you in silence as you sit slowly. You take a deep breath and to calm yourself, "I love her, Thor, more than I ever thought possible. I know it's only been a few months but, she means everything to me and now I might have lost her completely."
"Because you are an idiot," your brother says as if to finish your thought and you can't do anything but nod in agreement.
"Then why would you do this? Keeping your relationship quiet is one thing but you don't even act like you are friends with her," he says.
"I just... I wanted to keep her safe," you tell him, running your fingers through your hair as you lean back in your chair. "We are constantly facing new threats and I didn't know how else to ensure she would never be connected to me."
"What would make you think-" Thor starts to ask but stops himself. "You spoke to Peter?" he asks but it sounds more like a statement then a question.
You shake your head slowly, "No... but I overhead you, Barton and Parker talking right after the boy first joined the team."
"You heard us..." Thor says with a slight nod of understanding.
You continue, "It was a few weeks before I met Y/N but I couldn't forget how worried Parker was. He was so concerned with his aunt and girlfriend's safety he almost declined Stark's offer to be a part of the Avengers."
Thor looks down and sighs, "We told him maintaining his secret identity was the best way to guarantee his loved ones were safe. Distancing Spider-Man from Peter Parker would be a crucial step in making sure our enemies would never think to hurt MJ or his aunt. But... Clint also told him that if he ever felt they were truly in danger, they could be hidden somewhere secure like his family."
"You and I don't have secret identities," you pause briefly, "So I thought she needed to be the secret part of my life."
"I don't- why didn't you at least tell Y/N that?" Thor asks and you sit forward, resting your elbows on the table and putting your face in your hands.
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(LOKI POV - 7 days after Loki left)
"Wake up," you feel someone nudge your shoulder lightly but mumble for them to leave you alone and roll over on the narrow bed. "I said 'wake up' brother," Thor says louder as he quickly pulls the sheets away, your try to grasp for them but miss. He tosses your sheets in a pile on the carpeted floor at the foot of the bed and walks away triumphantly.
You sit up and groan angrily, "What was that for?"
"It's half past noon," he responds in an annoyed tone. "You can not spend another day just hiding under the covers."
He picks up his bag and sets it on the dining table and begins to rummage around in it. You don't bother replying to him, instead you wave your hand and a light green glow surrounds the discarded sheets, setting them back on the bed. Pulling them up dramatically around yourself, you roll onto your side and attempt to ignore your brother.
He huffs loudly and you can feel him walking towards you so you tighten your grip on the sheets preemptively. "Enough of this Loki," he says but you hold your end of the sheets for a moment. "We're going back," he says in a stern voice as he pulls the sheets away from you a second time, your grip loosening as soon as the words hit you.
"Wait- what-" you start to ask in surprise as you get up from the bed quickly.
He picks your bag up from the floor by the door and tosses it to you. You catch it against your chest as he says, "We're going back and you are going to talk to Y/N."
(LOKI POV - later that night)
"We'll be landing in about fifteen minutes," the SHIELD pilot announces from the front of the jet.
You sigh and close your eyes as you lean forward to rest your head in your hands. You desperately wanted to talk to Y/N but you were still unsure if she would want to hear what you had to say.
You feel your brother's hand grip shoulder shoulder tightly as he tries to reassure you. "Try not to worry brother," he urges and you look up at him.
"I'm sure once you tell Y/N everything we talked about and apologize for keeping the truth from her and for treating her so horribly in front of the whole team and for ignoring her all those times you were working together she will absolutely forgive you... in time, of course I mean. She might not want to talk yet though, seeing as how she is still avoiding everyone and she did tell you never to speak to her again." He pauses for a moment and adds, "Maybe it would be better for you to wait until tomorrow to talk to her, it will be close to midnight when we arrive."
"Thank you Thor," you mumble in response.
"That's what big brothers are for," he says with a hopeful smile and you simply nod.
You finally settle on what you want to do just as the jet touches down on the landing pad behind the Tower. You decided that you would go to your room for the night and try to force yourself to sleep. Then, in the morning you would go to Y/N's apartment with her favorite flowers, coffee and the pastries she loved from the Cafe around the corner. Hopefully she would be willing to listen to you but if not, at least you could show her you still care.
Your reach your door and grip the knob tightly but you can't turn it, you stand motionless while your thoughts begin to swirl. Before you have time to change your mind again, you push the button for the ground floor as the elevator doors close.
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You yawn again and check your phone, it's a little after midnight so you decide it's time to at least attempt to fall asleep. You turn off the TV and just as you are about to turn out the light you hear a series of soft knocks on your front door. Your heart jumps in your chest as you get up quickly and head towards the door, you recognize that rhythm immediately.
"Loki?" you ask hopefully. You're unable to contain the smile that starts to spread when you see him standing in your hallway but it fades quickly when you see how worried and tired he looks.
He nods slightly in response and immediately looks down at his hands, rubbing them together nervously. "Y/N, I-" he starts to say but his voice falters. "I'm sorry, it's late... I shouldn't have come," he tells you, shaking his head without ever making eye contact with you.
He turns to walk away and you take a step outside of your apartment. "I'm glad you're home," you tell him truthfully.
He stops mid-step and sighs heavily, "The Tower never felt like home." He turns slowly to look at you, "Home was here, with you but I've ruined that."
Before you can reply he says, "I know you told me to act as if you don't exist but I can't. I can't pretend you aren't the most important person in my life, the only person I have ever been able to truly be myself around. I swear I never meant to hurt you Y/N, it was the last thing I ever wanted and I would do anything to take back the pain I caused you."
He looks down as he talks and you take a few steps towards him, you cup his cheek lightly when he finishes, hoping he will look at you. He lifts his head and looks into your eyes, "I just wanted to keep you safe, to protect you."
"What do you mean?" you ask but he doesn't answer, he tries to look away from you but you keep your hand on his cheek and guide him back to you.
"Can we speak inside, please?" he asks quietly and you agree, taking a step back so he can walk into your apartment first.
You close the door behind you and when you look back he is sitting anxiously on your couch. You sit, leaving an empty space between the two of you which feels unnatural. He looks hurt when you don't sit closer to him but he doesn't move instead, he begins to rub his hands slowly again.
"Loki," you say in a soft tone, putting your hand over his which stops his nervous motion. He looks up at you and you say, "Please talk to me. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you before but I want to understand what happened."
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@michelleleewise @ace-of-gay @high-functioning-lokipath @poetic-fiasco @soubi001 @lokisninerealms @lulubelle814 @lovingchoices14 @theaudacitytowrite @klaushargreeves420 @coffeeorsomething-irl @lokisgoodgirl @xorpsbane @avoliax @talesofadragon @lokiandbuckysdoll @animnerd @juulle987 @lokiprompts @javagirl328 @kats72 @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @mochie85 @princess-asgard @holdmytesseract @lokixryss @peaches1958 @lokidbadguy @hopefuldreamers-world @wheredafandomat @silverfire475 @goblingirlsarah @muddyorbs @tessathechild @huntress-artemiss @coldnique @sulthaaan @vickie5446 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @marvel-love24 @moonlightreader649 @almosttoopizza @foranythingandeverything @nikkitc0703 @my-love-of-books @marvelboy27 @feltonswifesworld87 @ronanthesimp
Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list 💚💚
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laurentspup · 3 years
Booty Call (Lamen AU)
I saw this tumblr post on twitter and because I’m insane I had to write this in Lamen version. 
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This is my first time writing a full smut (that isn’t lap grindings or tease blowjobs) so if the inexperience is obvious... well. 
Content Warnings: a little exhibitionism because it’s happening while Damen is on a phone call, rough sex, hair-pulling, choking
I posted this on AO3 too! I hope you all enjoy this one! :D
Booty Call
“Fuck, Damen!” Laurent moaned out. His guts were currently being rearranged by his boyfriend on their bed. He was on his stomach, head facing sideways. His hands tightly gripped the sheets beside his head, ass up meeting Damen’s delicious, hard thrusts.
Damen was very rough with Laurent tonight, thrusting hard and fast as if they hadn’t seen each other for a week, when they had been all over each other last night too. Truly, he was just insatiable and Laurent lived for that. Similarly, Laurent also craved for Damen’s touch since he was the one who initiated the fucking tonight. 
“Laurent.” Damen growled, thrusting his hips particularly hard, reaching Laurent’s prostate. Laurent almost blacked out at the sensation and cried out a long moan. “You liked that?” Damen asked, repeating the action.
“Yes. Please. Damen.” Laurent said incoherently, words getting lost in moans. He felt his release getting very close, his body growing more pliant under Damen.
Damen slowed his thrusts then, knowing well that the slower he moved, the closer Laurent would be to cumming. It drove Laurent crazy how attuned Damen was to his reactions. Damen draped his upper body over Laurent because he needed to be closer to him. His arms beside Laurent’s shoulders kept him steady so he wouldn’t crush him with his weight. He sucked beneath Laurent’s jaw, and Laurent gasped. This was one of the things that drove him even closer to his pleasure and Damen knew how to ignite every part of him on fire.
He was so, so close. He turned his head so Damen could nuzzle on his neck even more while his hips thrusted slow but deep, bringing Laurent to where he wanted to be. 
Suddenly, Damen’s phone rang. And as if he wasn’t inside Laurent, fucking him to oblivion, he picked it up from above Laurent’s head and answered. Laurent almost came, the way Damen ignored their current predicament turned him on further. But he didn’t quite reach his release because Damen halted his thrusts.
“Hello? Yes, this is Damianos Vallis.” Damen talked to the person on the other end calmly. He used his left hand to prop himself up, but didn’t take his cock out of Laurent’s ass. “I can talk, I’m not busy at the moment.” He began thrusting his hips again, completely ignoring Laurent, voice not even faltering.
Laurent, under Damen, was losing his mind. Being fucked open while his boyfriend was on an important call was humiliating, but he loved it so. It was embarrassing to be ignored, like he was just a slut Damen picked up on the street, simply there for his pleasure. It was awakening in him something he didn’t know he had wanted. 
Laurent agreed to this, of course. Before Damen started ravishing him, he explained that he was waiting for an important phone call from a potential employer. Laurent shrugged at that and told Damen to pick it up even if they were still fucking. He wanted him now and who was Damen to disagree with him. 
Damen continued fucking him while answering questions in the phonecall. He lifted Laurent’s ass higher so he could reach it better while he was upright. His thrusts came at an uneven pace, forgetting about Laurent’s impending release, almost forgetting about Laurent, really. 
Laurent was quiet underneath Damen. He bit his lips to keep his moans and whimpers from escaping, because he promised Damen that he wouldn’t make a sound just so he’d keep fucking him. He tried to listen to the conversation but he couldn’t grasp anything. How could he when he was getting railed within an inch of his life. 
“Yes, that’s fine. I’m ready to take the interview right now.” Damen sounded so professional, like he was sitting in his office chair and not wrecking Laurent. 
Laurent wanted to see Damen badly. He needed to know what expression he had on his face as he talked about his business with a straight voice. Laurent was a drooling mess, tongue out and panting, trying his best to remain silent so Damen wouldn’t get caught. He knew Damen was not even breaking a sweat above him. Did Damen even care about how he was doing? 
He couldn’t stop the quiet moan that came out of him at the thought of Damen ignoring his needs. Damen stopped thrusting and gripped his ass in warning while answering the interviewer perfectly. 
This continued for another five minutes, and Laurent began to feel his pleasure build up again. Damen became more aggressive with his thrusts. The hand that wasn’t holding the phone gripped Laurent’s waist tightly to keep him still. Laurent knew it was the sign he’s getting closer to cumming too. His thrusts sped up, not really caring about Laurent’s pleasure anymore. The pace felt so good, it made Laurent unable to control his mewls and moans.
“Da-men—“ Laurent moaned. He knew he was getting louder but he couldn’t stop when Damen didn’t slow down and nor cracked above him. 
“The noise? That’s just my cat, let me take care of it for one second.” Damen said before he gripped Laurent’s hair and lifted his face harshly. Damen pulled Laurent’s head up a little before he held his jaw and shoved two fingers in his mouth. 
“Be quiet.” he whispered in Laurent’s ear. “Or I won’t let you cum.”
Laurent whined in compliance, hoping Damen clicked the mute button before he addressed him. Damen pulled a little harder on his jaw making him arch his back more. The position pushed in Damen’s cock deeper, hitting his prostate harder. He moaned a little louder than intended.
“Laurent.” Damen gripped his jaw in warning. And his other hand, the one Laurent assumed was holding the phone earlier, was placed on his throat, squeezing a little. 
“Yes, I’m ready again.” Laurent heard before Damen thrusted hard and squeezed his throat so no noise would escape. 
Laurent couldn’t handle it, but he loved every second of it. He was being wrecked while there was another person who might hear them. He couldn’t believe Damen was able to focus on both tasks at once. He couldn’t handle how he was ignored, and then reprimanded. The fingers in his mouth tasted salty, but he kept sucking to keep himself silent. The hands on his throat were squeezing at different intervals, making it harder to breathe, but it comforted him too. Damen’s cock grew even bigger in him, as if that was possible. 
He couldn’t see Damen right now but he imagined him with his head tilted, holding the phone in between his cheek and shoulder. He couldn’t believe he had the audacity to continue fucking Laurent while he was on a job interview. Although, Laurent was the one who begged him to do it. It was all too much for Laurent. 
“Of course, I could absolutely give you more information right now, if that’s what you need.” With the promise of the phone call getting longer, Laurent’s body shook and he came all over the sheets. 
Damen came after him, while he gave reasons on why his business was a good match to the person on the other line. He didn’t flinch, nor sounded different as he filled Laurent with his cum. Laurent on the other hand had to suck his fingers harder and cover his own mouth so he wouldn’t scream. God, he loved all of this too much. 
Damen didn’t take his cock out of Laurent after, even as he gently fell on top of him. Laurent was spent under him, aftershocks consuming both of them. There was no rest for him since Damen’s cock was still buried deep in his ass just right below his prostate. Damen shifted their position a little so he wasn’t crushing Laurent, and he bit his lips hard when that movement hit his spot. Still in the call, Damen’s hand made its way to Laurent’s cock and stroked it. Laurent almost screamed. 
Next time, maybe, if Damen had to answer an important call when Laurent wanted to fuck him, he might just ask to suck his dick. 
Later, when the call ended, Laurent was in the comfort of Damen’s arms as they were lying beside each other. He felt safe and warm. 
“So? Did you get hired?”
Damen smiled and kissed him gently. “Yes.”
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Into You
I have a idea for a smutty story with Peter Parker :D maybe Y/N is a new Avenger, Peter see her at her "welcome" Party but they know each other from a few months ago where they had very great sex (maybe a few details in the story, both love hard sex. Peter is the dom :D). Y/N had a great night with all, the girls love her but peter is a bit shy because he doesn't know if she reminds him. So time after time they repeat the night (please mention it) and fell in love. That would be great haha thaaanks :)) maybe a bit Action, where Y/N looks great in her suit and Peter is surprised what she is able to
Requested by : @fabienneweasley
A/N : Reader's character is inspired by Susan Storm of the fantastic four she basically weilds the power of invisibility and creating forcefields. Hope you like this. Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Peter Parker x Avenger! Reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, mature content, unprotected sex (not a wise choice to indulge), dom! peter, fwb -> lovers.
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The Avengers are fighting against madame Hydra and her troops
"Parker! Status?" Tony's voice crackles through the intercom whilst Peter fights against a group of Hydra soldiers which seems to just keep on increasing in number.
"Uh Mr Stark things are getting a little crowded over here a little back up would be nice" Peter replies back struggling to keep up the fight as he successfully webs up a bunch of the soldiers. But to his surprise a whole new troop emerges from nowhere.
"Oh no! Karen activate instant kill!" Karen activates the instant kill mode but it still wasn't enough to tackle the whole army as Peter was soon outnumbered. One of the soldiers threw a gamma ray infused bomb which if detonated can be catastrophic to anyone who is hit by its radiation. The bomb detonates with a huge blast but to Peter’s surprise a forcefield forms around it containing the blast inside it, soon the forcefield disintegrates, sucking in the deadly radiation with it like a black hole sucks in everything into it.
"Woah! what the hell was that?!" Peter was awestruck at what just happened.
Suddenly a feminine figure appeared out of the thin air in front of Peter. She was wearing a blue suit which hugged her curves perfectly, hair cascading down her shoulders. And as she turned to face him Peter felt like he was hit by a truck, it was you. He stood there like a statue still processing what he was seeing.
"You're welcome by the way" you quipped, breaking him out of his daze.
"Who are you?" Peter asks though he knew very well who you're but seeing you like this was a huge shock to him.
"Y/N Y/L/N aka storm and you're the famous spiderman"
"Yeah I'm indeed" he chuckles nervously, he was grateful that he was wearing his mask so you couldn’t see his face. You were about to say something when you got interrupted.
"Great work, Y/N" Tony's voice buzzed.
"Thank you Mr Stark" you and Peter fought side by side forcing the Hydra to retreat accepting their defeat.
After the city clean up was done a welcome cum victory party was arranged for you in the evening at the compound. Peter was shuffling on his feet in anticipation of meeting you face to face. The huge spacious hall was feeling stuffy for him. Everyone was enjoying themselves as you walked in a shimmery electric blue number looking stunning as always hair styled into loose waves a dazzling smile adorned your face, eyes scanning through the crowd and momentarily you lock eyes with Peter from across the room but you were soon to look away as if you didn't recognize him.
Peter's mind was a mess, never did he imagine he would run into you again and in a circumstance like this. He had so much to say to you. But you acted so oblivious. Don't you remember him at all? Moreover he was feeling way too shy to approach you what if you actually don't remember him. Tony clinked his champagne glass to draw everyone's attention standing at the center of the room with you beside him
"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you to our newest addition to the team’’ He introduced you ‘‘The very young and talented Y/N Y/L/N!" everyone clapped and cheered for you.
"Hello everyone honored to be a part of this incredible team and looking forward to working with you guys" For a fraction of second your eyes met Peter’s and memories rushed back in. You never expected to see him again not at a place like this. What is he even doing here?
"Y/N come let me introduce you to the rest of the team" Tony offered you happily followed him as he introduced you to Steve, Sam, Bucky, Rhodes, Dr Banner and then the other ladies of the team.
"Welcome to the circus girl" Natasha joked patting your shoulder "we girls always stick together, you'll love it here"
"Yeah and any problem feel free to come to us" Wanda insisted.
"Sure" you gave a broad smile as you engaged in a hearty conversation with them, your eyes occasionally fleeting towards Peter who was standing at a corner.
"Hey kid, why are you standing there all alone? Come here" Tony called out to him. Peter hesitantly made his way towards where you were standing as you watched him intently.
"And last but not the least my young and promising protégé, kid this is Y/N and Y/N this is-" you cut him off
"Peter" Peter looked at you wide eyed you indeed remember him.
"You know him?" Tony asks amused
"Yeah we met last year at Uni. I was an exchange student there before you know I got hit by some weird cosmic rays"
"Well then great! Peter can show you around won't you kid?"
"Yeah would love to Mr Stark" he smiled.
"Looking forward to working with you, Parker or may I say spiderman" you smirked with a playful glint in your eyes strutting past him to mingle with the other guests.
The summer of last year will always be memorable for you. Firstly because you accidentally got hit by cosmic radiation and got your powers and the epic one night stand that you will never forget. You were an exchange student for the Biophysics programme at the Empire State University though you actually never fitted the perfect description of a nerd because you were never a bookworm, very much outspoken, loved to go out and yet managed to score a perfect A during exams one could say you were the best of both worlds. You were a burst of energy in a classroom full of a bunch of nerds and none of them interest you. But in that classroom full of geeks one particular brunette in glasses caught your eyes. The cute awkward guy of the class Peter Parker. He had this boyish charm that you tried but couldn’t resist. You have often caught him stealing glances at you but every time he used to turn away flustered.
Peter himself couldn't deny the fact that he was attracted to you since the day you walked into the class, you were beautiful as well as witty but he knew it very well that you were out of his league and then you started to hang out with Harry Osborn and he started dating Gwen so nothing really happened between you two. And since none of you took the initiative to make a move both of you continued to secretly have a crush on each other though it was just a matter of time.
The club was crazy packed. It was a Friday night so you weren’t exactly sure why it surprised you. You were standing near the bar deciding your drink for tonight when your eyes caught a rather unusual visitor, Peter Parker. He was sulking at the corner of the counter looking a bit tired. You ordered two drinks and took them in your hands making your way towards him. You slid a glass to him, breaking him from his thoughts as he looked up to you.
"Rough day?" you ask nonchalantly. He smiles letting out a long sigh.
"Is it that obvious?" you chuckle lightly.
"Oh no, just never took you as a club going person"
"Well you’re kind of right, I was actually thinking of getting out of here"
"So where's blondie?" you ask while taking a sip of your drink.
"Uh we're taking a break" He answers nervously.
"Oh I see" you "Then let’s drink to that" you raised his glass in front of him
"No it’s fine, I’m not a drinker actually"
"C'mon for one night, now drink up" you insisted. He gulped down the drink, slightly wincing at the burning taste down his throat.
"Let’s go" you grabbed his hand pulling him off his seat.
"To dance! We are in a club Peter" You exclaim.
"I-I can't dance" He stutters nervously.
"Rubbish! Everyone can dance" you dragged him with you. Peter stood in the middle of the dancefloor feeling a little uncomfortable as well as nervous after all he had a crush on you and the last thing he wants is to disappoint you. He watched you intently as you swayed to the music. You took his hands and placed them on your hips placing your own around his neck making him sway with you. He slowly began to loosen up and dance with you enjoying the vibe. After sometime you went to have a couple of shots together and you were nevertheless drunk.
"So you and Harry, huh?" Peter asked, downing another shot.
"Nah we're just messing around" you shrug
"So no one in our class interests you either?"
"Good boys aren't my type. I mean they're real softies and that's cute" you scrunch your nose "But I prefer a little hardcore" You gave a subtle wink.
"Maybe you're wrong to judge just by the looks"
"Well I would be happy if you prove me otherwise" You practically challenged him.
"With all my pleasure if you want" he smirks. His eyes had a mischievous glint that you have never seen before. Things escalated pretty quickly as you found yourself back in your apartment in your bedroom. Your back arched up, face buried in the pillows as Peter took you from the back.
"Fuck!" Your grip tightened on the sheets as he rammed into your throbbing cunt. His grip tight on your ass, as he pulls you back to meet with his thrusts. Your elbows felt weak nearly in the state of giving out as you jolted forward everytime he snapped his hips going deep inside you hitting your sweet spot. He places a slap on your ass as you yelp in shock. You couldn't think straight the only thing you could focus on how well he was fucking you.
His hand goes to grab your hair pulling you back, flush against his strong and sturdy chest.
"You like it don't you? To be fucked hard like the slut you’re" he growled pressing his lips roughly to yours swallowing your moans one hand snaking down to rub your sensitive bud as he fucks you hard and fast. You felt delirious as you felt the knot build inside you. You screamed out his name as your orgasm washed over he was quick to follow suit.
Though it was a one night thing but it was worth it. After that night he had truly left you wondering how a nerd like him was so fit and strong and now you know why and if you had to put it quite plainly you were properly railed by spiderman last summer.
"Sparring with you on my first day is it really necessary?" you quip
"You need to start from day one now C'mon give me your best shot" Nat stood defensively as you lunged towards her throwing a punch that she dodged without any effort before tripping you and causing you to fall on the ground. You groan in pain before pulling yourself back on your feet.
"Ow! that hurt"
"You really need to build up your lower body strength, start with some leg exercise today, do squats 3 sets 10 reps"
"Yes mam"
Peter was sparring with Sam, the moment you walked in that sports bra and skin tight pants he knew he was gone, his eyes frequently drifting away to you as he watched you work out squatting in those skin tight yoga pants which just perfectly defined your plump round ass.
"Yo Parker! Eyes here"
"Yeah, yeah sorry" Peter stutters as he feels his face heating up.
After you finished your set of workout you went to grab your water bottle. Peter's eyes were transfixed on you the whole time as he noticed a little bit of the water drizzled down the corner of your mouth trailing down to your chest just between your perfect cleavage. The only thing he could think of right now was to rip that sports bra off you and suck on to those perfect tits. You noticed your secret admirer through the glass as you sent a playful wink his way. Peter choked on his spit, turning away flustered as if a deer caught in the headlights. You turned around lazily walking towards him.
"You know I'm not a psychic so if you got something to say just say instead of staring at me like a creep" you quip.
"Wha-what do I have to say to you?" He stutters.
"I don't know, maybe hey how are you? It's been a long time" you half shrug.
"OK my bad" you turn to leave Peter scrunches his face at how stupid it was of him.
''Umm Y/N!" he called you as you turned to face him again.
"It's good to see you again"
"Good to see you too Parker" you smiled.
A few days went by like this, both stealing glances at each other from time to time when you were present in the same room or during your missions a lot of unspoken words and emotions bubbling inside of you trying to come out. Peter couldn’t help but admire this new and powerful you. He never got the chance to talk to you after that night because you just vanished from his life and now he knows why.
A new threat arrived from madame Hydra again when she seized the cube and shielded it in a dome of lethal gamma radiation. The team had already sorted out a plan to defeat her malicious plans and you were to play a big part in it.
"May I come in?" You knocked at Peter’s door. He was busy on his computer as he turned to see you outside his room.
"Huh,yea-yeah sure" He says nervously. You smiled in return and walked into his room, eyes looking around.  
"Umm so Tony asked me to discuss with you the plan of how we are going to execute the whole infiltration thing to retrieve the cube which is shielded with gamma radiation’’ you showed him a holographic structure of the dome. ‘‘Anybody entering the dome will become an abomination. So you guys will distract them and I in the meantime will disintegrate the gamma dome so you can retrieve the cube" You looked up from the hologram to find Peter staring at you intently.
"What? Is anything wrong?"
"No-no, it’s absolutely fine" Peter fumbles
"Then what is it?"
"Jus-just still can’t believe that you are here and-and-"
"have super powers just like you which by the way was shocking for me too given that we knew each other for a while" You snicker, Peter smiles shaking his head.
"So how did this all happen?"
"Well a little misadventure with the quantum tunnel in the lab I got exposed to its energy and ta da! Now I make force fields as well as can go invisible"
"But now you can save the world"
"Yeah that's true" you chuckle "So how's blondie?" Peter stiffens at your question.
"Don't know, haven't been in contact for a while" He shrugs.
"Why what happened?"
"There were some differences so we parted ways"
"Oh I'm sorry" you place a hand on his gently
"Don't be" he smiles, eyes soft, gazing at you longingly as you gazed in his eyes too for how long you didn't know before you shook yourself from the daze clearing your throat.
"Uh I think I should go to my room now"
"Yeah-yeah sure" He stutters.
The tension between you was thickening at each passing day and soon it reached its breaking point. The other team members were out on a mission in which you weren’t required so you were now in the kitchen leaning on the counter with a nutella jar in your hand and a spoon in your mouth savoring on the delicacy when Peter walked in unannounced making you jump in fright.
"Oh god!" you gasped, surprising him even.
"Woah! relax it's just me"
"I thought you were Nat, jeez" you blew out your cheeks as he chuckles.
"Please don't tell her I'm not allowed to have this as per her new diet plan"
"My lips are sealed" He assures you with a playful smile as he goes to open the fridge and takes out the juice carton to drink. You poked your finger to swipe the nutella from the edges of the jar as you lick on to your fingers. Peter was following each and every movement of yours the way your eyes fluttered closed whilst you licked and sucked your fingers clean. He gulped as he felt heat rising in his body at your teasing gestures. Your fingers fell short to scoop the leftover at the bottom of the jar as you huffed in defeat. Peter stood in front of you as he gave out his hand
"May I?" You gave him the jar his long slender fingers easily reached the bottom of the jar as he scooped the cream on his two fingers and brought it to your lips. You stick out your tongue giving a kitten lick before wrapping your lips around his fingers. You hummed sucking his fingers a little deeper as you looked at him with big doe eyes. Peter groaned feeling himself harden at the mere sight of you sucking his fingers, a little moan escaped from your own mouth as you continued sucking, swirling your tongue around his fingers coating them with your saliva. You release his fingers with a pop, a trail of your saliva connecting your lips with his fingers.
He swiped his thumb on your plump lower lip eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. Your vision was clouded with lust and so was his as his lips came down to brush against yours. Both of you were breathing heavily as you grabbed his face and sealed your lips together. He slipped his tongue in your mouth, prying it open exploring it. Your hands go to grab on to his soft curls making him groan into the kiss. His hands trail down to your ass giving it a light squeeze through your shorts
"Oh missed this so much" He gasped, pulling away for some air.
"Does Mr Stark know that his young protégé isn't that innocent he looks like?" You bite your lip as one hand goes to palm his growing bulge through his sweatpants. He grips on to your wrist a cocky grin forming on his face.
"Maybe you need a little reminder of whose name you were screaming last summer"
"Then remind me Parker" your voice is challenging yet sultry. His eyes darkened as he threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potato and carried you to his room. He dropped you on the mattress whilst climbing on top of you whilst taking of his tshirt revealing his toned torso. You ran your hands through his muscular chest encircling them around his neck as you pulled him down, your lips meeting fervently as he grinded his hips to your clothed core.
"Mmmph Peter" you pull away after sometime
"What? Is something wrong?" He asks with concern in his eyes.
"No just lock the door, don't want others to come back and know about us do you?"
"Oh, yeah OK" he went to lock the door when a mischievous idea crossed your mind. You quickly stripped out of your clothes and got off the bed. Peter turned to see your clothes lying on the floor with no sign of you in the room.
"Y/N this is not funny!" He whined as your giggles could be heard in the room.
"Find me if you can spider boy" you giggled. Peter smirked accepting your challenge as he closed his eyes and focused his senses. He was able to hear you breathing and he swiftly moved to the direction pinning you against the wall. You squeal as your whole body slowly becomes visible to Peter.
"Gotcha!" he says pining both of your wrists against the wall.
"I’ll give you that spider boy" you smirk as you went to hold on to his face but were unable to move your hands when you noticed he had webbed your wrists to the wall.
"Parker!" You glared at him.
"Who's laughing now?" he chuckles as he brushes lips on the sensitive spot behind your ears making you shudder. He parts your legs placing his knee between them whilst he drags his lips down the column of your neck to your collar bones as you whimper at his touch. He trails further down to your exposed tits attacking your soft mounds with wet kisses before latching on to your hardened bud, rolling the other with his nimble fingers. He sucked and nipped on it as you moaned loudly. He pulled away gasping eyes dripping with lust as he went to kiss you passionately meanwhile his fingers brushed against your wet heat as you arch into his touch, making him smirk as he dips a finger and brings it to his mouth.
"Mmm tastes perfect just as I remember" He sucks his finger before continuing his journey further south slowly kneeling down. He hitches your leg over his shoulder as he looks at your soaking cunt hungrily. Two of his fingers spreads your slick folds as he licks a bold stripe drawing a loud moan out of you.
"Oh fuck!" he smirks before his thin lips wrap around your sensitive bud as he dips a finger inside your heat. He thrusted in and out of you with a steady pace swirling his tongue exploring more of your pussy. He added another digit pumping them in and out of your core as you squirmed above him. One of his hands held your thigh, keeping you in place. You wanted to touch him, tug on to his hair so badly as you struggled to free yourself from the restraints biting your lips hard as jolts of pleasure coursed through your body.
You felt a tight knot building inside you and as you were about to tip over the edge to your shock he pulled away.
"What the hell Peter!" you snapped at him with frustration at your ruined orgasm.
"With that attitude did you think I would let you cum?" He chuckles darkly, you whined in anguish and desperation as you rubbed your thighs to get yourself some relief. He stands up face glistening with your arousal, his hand reaches to cup your face.
"What happened pretty girl? You want to cum?"
"Yes please Peter" you gave him your best puppy eyes.
"Such a needy little thing aren't you?" He chuckles seeing you at his mercy.
"Only for you Peter"
"Well if you be a good girl maybe I’ll let you cum on my cock" saying so he quickly got rid of his sweatpants and boxers and lined himself to your dripping entrance. He kisses you roughly before slowly sliding inside you, stretching your walls deliciously.
"Ungh shit so tight!" He grunts lifting you up from the floor with his strong arms as you lock your ankles around his waist pulling him closer to you. He begins to pound into you making you see stars hitting your spot every time he bottomed out.
"Oh feels so good Peter" you moan.
"I know baby. You feel so snug and warm around me, so perfect, my beautiful angel" he showered praises whilst sucking the nape of your neck marking you up.
"Peter please let me touch you!" you begged him desperately. He finally complied to your request as his hand went up to your wrists and ripped off the webs. Once free your hands greedily go to grab on to his face and kiss him hungrily while he keeps on with his punishing pace.
He halts for a moment still inside you as he pulls you away from the wall and carries you to the bed and lays you down gently with him on top of you. He draws back his hips and slams back right in picking up the pace from where he just left.
"Peter…" you breathed out as you felt the knot growing inside you.
"Yes baby, you going to cum? I can feel you squeezing me real hard" Your back arched when he brought his thumb to your clit drawing tight circles around it coaxing you to fall over the edge. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you gripped on to his biceps nails digging into his skin. You were a moaning mess by now, the fire burning in the pit of your stomach made you feel like you would combust any minute
"That's it baby, give it to me" Peter encouraged you.
Your body convulsed as your orgasm came crashing down on you. Peter continued with his thrusts fucking you through your high as he chased his own. His movements grew sloppier and with a few more labored thrusts you felt him twitch as he came inside you his warm release coating your pulsating walls. Your body trembled with the aftershocks as Peter collapsed on top of you panting head buried in the crook of your neck as you both gasped for air completely exhausted. He pulled out after sometime, placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder he rolled over to your side. Peter gazed at your figure as he watched your bare chest rise up and down when his eyes went to the bruises on your skin courtesy of him as concern clouded his face.
"You okay?" he asks, rubbing soothing circles on the bruised areas. You turned to him gazing into his soft brown eyes.
"I'm more than okay" you breathed out smiling with content.
Though you thought once this sexual tension between you subsidized you would be able to think clearly. But you were wrong as now you couldn't keep your hands off each other for a second. From lingering teasing touches to sneaking away from the eyes of the senior avengers in the lab or a quickie while on the quinjet during a mission. You had become addicted to each other making you come back for more after each time. Still you guys never acknowledged the course of your relationship. It scared you both what if the other didn’t feel the same way so you were content with this current arrangement of yours.
"Oh shit we’re late!" you shrieked checking the time as you turned to meet with a sleeping Peter you took your time to admire him. He looks so sweet and peaceful you really wished you could wake up to this sight everyday. You nudged Peter to wake him from his sleep.
"Peter! Peter, wake up!"
"Ungh what is it?" he groaned pulling the covers over him.
"We are late for our training" he forced his eyes open
"Huh what? What’s the time?"
"It’s ten past seven already"
"Oh shit! Cap's gonna kill me" Peter hurries out of the bed stumbling as he got tangled in the bed sheets before running to the bathroom. You laugh at his antics as you sneaked out of his room to go back to your room.
You were busy sweating it out in the gym after getting an earful from both Cap and Nat for your lack of punctuality you heard Bucky saying
"Hey queens what's with all these red marks on your neck?" you swallowed hard as Peter’s eyes bulged out in fear of getting caught.
"Umm nothing-nothing it-it was a cat, that-that I saved yesterday" he spluttered. "that darn cat, heh" he chuckles nervously.
"Wait let me see" Sam joins in too "Looks like some really big cat" he laughs
"Seems like the kid here is getting some, who is this unlucky girl who fell for you" Bucky teased
"Shut up man! It's nothing like that" Peter shoved him with his elbow.
"Oh c'mon leave my young adult alone he's way too innocent for this" Tony intervened meanwhile heat rose to your face listening to their conversation. Natasha noticed you standing all flustered.
"So is something going on between you two?" she asks you directly
"Between who?" you frowned at her question.
"You and Peter"
"Nothing! we're just good friends" you shrug "He's not even my type" you clarified totally flustered with the whole ordeal. Natasha decided to let you go though she was still suspicious with you two.
You were at the Hydra base the other avengers were busy fighting their whole army making it easier for you to reach the shielded dome. Tony and Banner had devised a plan to blast the shield off which will release a tremendous amount of energy that you will contain inside your forcefield. And as per the plan Tony blasted off the dome you created a forcefield immediately shielding everyone Peter noticed the discomfort you were facing to hold it.
"Y/N no! It's dangerous for you don't force yourself" concern laced in his voice
"I can do it, trust me" You gave all of your strength you had in your body creating a massive forcefield to contain the radiation from the blast but it was true you never did this on such a large scale and it was taking a toll on you. Your ears and nose started to bleed. Peter noticed that as he grabs you by your shoulders and tries to stop you from using more of your powers.
"Y/N stop it, you're getting weak" he was scared of losing you.
"No I can do this!" You assured him as you managed to diffuse the radiation inside the field, finally letting go. Your body was completely drained out, your vision blurring out as you collapsed unconscious.
"Y/N!" Peter was quick to catch you. You were immediately rushed to the med bay in the compound. Banner checked your vitals and everyone was relieved that you were fine but you needed a long bed rest to recover.
You woke up after how long you don't know but your body felt rejuvenated. You sit up to find Peter sitting beside you dozing in his sleep. Your slight movement woke him up.
"Oh Y/N! thank god you're finally awake" he sprung up to his feet "How are you feeling?"
"Refreshed to be honest"
"Never ever do something like that again or I swear I'll web your hands" he scolds you
"Hey it's okay, I'm OK. Come sit beside me" he sat beside you as you looped your fingers to his "See? I'm absolutely fine"
"You know how scared I was? You have been unconscious for twelve hours"
"You don't need to be so worried about me Pete"
"Yes I have to because-because.." he fumbled
"Because what Peter?"
"Because I love you Y/N!"
"What?" you couldn't believe your ears.
"Yes Y/N I love you and if anything happens to you I will be not able to forgive myself ever"
"Peter… " you cupped his face.
"I know you never had feelings for me but this the truth I love you…"
"Hey who said I never felt anything for you? You were all I could think of since last summer"
"For real?" Peter was finding it hard to believe that you actually liked him too.
"Yes you idiot, I love you too!" You pressed your lips to his. It was all soft and gentle at the beginning which pretty soon escalated into a more passionate one with teeth and tongue involved in it you got on his lap as his hands kneaded the soft skin of your ass.
"Hey Y/N! We heard you are awake-"  all the older avengers were stunned at the scene in front of them as you jumped away from each other in embarrassment. Steve was shaking his head in dismissal, Sam and Bucky had a huge grin plastered on their face while Tony was utterly shocked and amused. Nat was the first to speak up.
"Umm you seem to be doing quite well, we'll leave you two alone" she says clearing her throat.
"Aww I'm so happy for guys!" Wanda chirped before Nat dragged her away.
"Be safe kid" Tony added before leaving, adding more to your embarrassment. After everyone left you were the first one to speak up
"So how long have you been into me?"
"Since forever my love" he smirks tackling you down on your back, you squeal as he smothers you with kisses.
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kodzumie-archived · 4 years
How about makeout headcanons for Nagito and Kokichi?
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Synopsis; What making out with them is like.
Featuring; Kokichi Oma and Nagito Komaeda x GN! Reader
Warning(s); Kiss kiss fall in love. (Also established romantic relationship!)
Kodzumie’s Note; Aaah, of course! This was fun to imagine and write, thank you for your request! And so sorry for the delay, but I hope you enjoyed! I hope you’re having a lovely day. Muah! <3
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⤷ In his entirety, Kokichi relishes the unpredictability within the day-to-day. He basks in the adrenaline of being unaware; hopelessly living in the present without hinting towards the anticipated future.
⤷ And thus, this ideal blends between your kisses, a tang in the envelopment of your lips. Even as his heart hammered within his chest upon the mere intimacy itself, he yearned for more; he yearned for the visage of surprise in which overcomes your features, a sight he could drown within.
⤷ At every unsuspecting moment, he’ll disrupt a tender, delicate kiss with the nibble of your bottom lip. Grazing his teeth against the plush skin, he engulfs the skin between his own lips and suckles, savoring your gasps.
⤷ His adoration lies within the way you gasp; squirm; writhe in shock; unsuspected moans. He smothers himself in the glory of throwing you for a loop, leaving you unaware of what he’d dare do next.
⤷ The rough, aggressive overlapping of your lips at times halted by the whimpers of your boyfriend as he converts from the starved fauna into a tenuous whisp; contrasting heavily to the depraved smothering of your lips upon his gentle brushes, and tentative sucks.
⤷ Naturally, Kokichi is a wanderer. His hands grasping upon your shoulders to provide him a proper angle. Yet in strive for the delectable shock he’d wished to wash you within, his hands roam your figure; rubbing and squeezing at the supple skin.
⤷ A euphoric jolt shooting through him upon the sensation of your skin beneath his palm. It’s a poignant grip atop your ass that elicits a gasp in which he swallows with yet another envelope of your interlocked lips.
⤷ But his favorite moments are the aftermath; pulling away to gaze upon your countenance. He smothers himself in the delight of witnessing you in such a state. Your lips dampened with his saliva, eyes lidded—the swirl of arousal prominent—as your gaze interlaces amongst his own lilac hues of stimulated zeal.
⤷ Your make-out sessions are always held in secluded areas, preferably the comfort of your own home. Per the request of Kokichi himself, truthfully.
⤷ He isn’t a fan of publically displaying such ministrations and despises the possibility of being caught by another in such a vulnerable moment reserved for you two. So he restricts himself from starting anything within a public domain.
⤷ It may not be vivid to the bystander but Kokichi truly does value his reputation and individual association with his identity. The last thing he wants to be remembered for is that one time he’d been caught practically sucking your face off.
⤷ Thus, he avoids making-out anywhere other than your home. For his sanity and—as he puts it—for your own sake.
⤷ At times it may come off as though he doesn’t want to be associated with you, brushing off your relationship as—through distortion—embarrassing. But he assures you time and time, again, that it isn’t anything of the sort.
⤷ Truth be told, Kokichi views such intimacy as a form of vulnerability; he’s lowered his exterior walls of a deceitful, antagonistic trickster to one in which he’s serene, your lover.
⤷ So it’s truly as he promises; a truth splayed from the tongue of a liar. He adores you, he appreciates your dedication towards him despite his infuriating demeanor, and he loves every moment you two share.
⤷ Though he may not verbally admit such things, far too direct of a confession for his tastes, it’s a truth from the innermost corners of his heart.
⤷ And while he may be unable to converse such utterances laced within the concoction of romance, he hopes the unspoken language of his lips may convey the words he’s unable to voice; a confession from within the cavern of his adoration.
⤷ Make-out sessions with Kokichi are bustling with excitement; rapid thumping of mutually synchronized hearts beating to the rhythm of your curious grips. An engagement of unspoken promises through the grazing of teeth and the lapping of tongues.
⤷ To your boyfriend, these moments are a period of absolute submission; subduing to the seconds of vulnerability—exposure—to your affections. And with labored breaths amongst his marked lips, he swears he’d ravage for another moment akin.
⤷ Much like his self-deprecating comments, the utterances of such seep into the tip of his tongue with a tang of reluctance. With every press of his lips against yours, he falters.
⤷ A plague within the encompass of his mind, he doubts himself; he doubts his worth once more. It’s a vicious cycle you’d attempted to assist him in conquering, but old habits are hard to break. Especially a mentality in which he’d believed with his entirety.
⤷ He relishes each moment, he loves the feeling. He adores the exhilarating sensation of your tongue trailing along his own, your lashes fluttering against the pallid skin of his cheek which roseates in a tint of delight. Comparing your kisses to the grace of a divinity themself.
⤷ And thus, he views himself as undeserving. The essence of your lips grazing his own in a daze of arousal was much-too lucid for him to he worthy. What right did scum like him have to engage in such intimacy with you?
⤷ Amidst the envelopment of his lips atop yours, he couldn’t help the guilt bubbling within him. A searing poison surging through his veins in painful flames of innermost rejection. He doesn’t deserve you, he knows he doesn’t. But it’s that carnal instinct that yearns for more.
⤷ His kisses are sloppy; hungrily suckling at your bottom lip in attempts to draw out your mewls, a crescendo he swore he could listen to on repetitive stereo. His hands cupping the plush skin of your cheeks, thumb brushing over your chin in the haste of his cradle.
⤷ Albeit his haste had blurred the lines of his restraint, he relished and basked amongst each moment. Savoring the essence of your celestial heart seeping into the taste of your tongue interlacing with his; your heart which thumped with desire. An insatiable desire for him.
⤷ The ideal alone fueling him with fervor; parting his lips wider, sucking harsher, fingers digging into your plush skin. It was as though the initial reluctance—the blossomings of his guilt—had evaporated into a mist of arousal. A covetous yearning for more of you.
⤷ And if you, by chance, happen to claw at him; grasping at his skin with such aggression, conveying your desire for him to be closer—to be one with you in sync—he’ll lose himself entirely.
⤷ A feigned madness interlaced with the searing cocktail of desire flushing through him by the minute, cleansing him of his former disillusioned morale; a sense of humbling.
⤷ Make-out sessions with Nagito transpire from a sea of hesitancy into a waterfall of avaritia. Showering within the waters of your affection, he engages with a thirst for your taste which cannot be quenched until his lips envelop yours.
⤷ They’re messy; rushed with a mutual desire to appease the sparks of stimulation as well as relish the infrequent form of intimacy. It’s rather rare for you two to be tied together, bound by the clutches of your mutual yearning grips as the envelopment of your lips ensues.
⤷ Thus, such moments are cherished. Especially with the prior guilt your beloved boyfriend had withheld.
⤷ In all honesty, he feels an increduous amount of guilt for hogging you all to himself; someone as unworthy as him. So make-outs in semi-public areas would cause him to lose sight of the affection and indulge in an abyss of self-degradation once more.
⤷ With the thought of others near—others that are much more deserving of your affections than scum like him—he falters almost entirely. A vivid rejection within the way his lips still against yours.
⤷ It isn’t a rejection of your ministrations, per se, but a rejection of his own stimulation and regretful delight.
⤷ No matter your reassurance, he still views himself as unworthy. The idealistic of condemning himself to the role of a mere stepping stone embedded within him, rending him a side character in his own life.
⤷ Though you do insist he’s worth much more, it’s a fixation of mind; an instintual foundation of his beliefs. He’s capable of sprouting from such expectations, but it’ll take time to prick the seed embedded within him.
⤷ It’s in these moments, Nagito finds himself subduing to avaritia. Sinking his teeth into the fruit of his desires as he plunges for yet another kiss; yet another taste of you.
⤷ Make-out sessions with Nagito are—to their very core—a delve into innermost covet. They’re a period of haste, a test against time in which you mutually strive for all that you could withdraw. They’re spontaneous yet coordinated; plotted even through clouded minds.
⤷ They’re the embodiment of growth; learning to acknowledge self-worth; learning to engage as you truly deserve; learning to withhold a stable supplement of avarice; learning to love and allow oneself to be loved.
⤷ Every envelopment of your lips a shared promise of your hopeful tomorrow. A hope that you’ll be hand-in-hand the following day. A hope that there’s mutual reciprocal within your relationship. A hope—that Nagito selfishly clings to—you’ll be able to share this moment again soon.
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
the premiere [chris evans]
A/n: This was requested and it took me TWO AGES to write, so I’m sorry. The anon mentioned I should make it as smutty as possible, but I thought that since this is my first ever Chris Evans fic, I shouldn’t go too far..? I still hope you’ll like it, and if you do, please don’t hesitate to tell me!! It makes my day!!
Summary: You and Chris are friends with benefits. When he takes you the premiere of his latest movie, a series of events leads to a meet-up in the bathroom, where things get heated. (SMUT) 4.1k
Warnings: unprotected sex, dirty talk with a hint of degradation (Chris is a liiiiiittle bit of an asshole but he makes up for it, I promise), daddy kink, choking + breath play and if you squint there is also some size kink there!
The amount of nervous sweat that had pooled inside your pores was threatening to pass the threshold of common sense. Tens of cameras and hundreds of eyes pointed at you, the uncomfortable high heels you regretted wearing and the amount of Hollywood A-listers around you, were all getting too much for you to bear.
Initially, Chris remained glued to your side; never allowing even the tiniest bit of space to be put between your bodies, but now things have changed.
You missed his presence by your side as it was literally your safe net, especially in situations like these. That was why every time you felt a conversation with some random attendee had run its course, your eyes would instantly search for Chris. Just knowing he was in the same room, calmed you down. 
Afraid not to seem too clingy, you did your best to stay away from him. But that only proved to be more difficult as more and more minutes passed. He always had a devious grin plastered on his lips whenever you looked at him from the other side of the room.
At one point, alone and away from any group of people that were only looking to make small talk, you retreated into a corner, and took out your phone. Among the tens of notifications on your lock screen, there was also a text from Chris, which arrived about 2 minutes prior. It only read an "😏" next to the name you saved him under, 'Daddy x'
Unable but also unwilling to hide your blush, you raised your gaze and found him, along 3 of his friends about 10 meters to the side. The group seemed to be in the middle of a ravenous conversation, everyone frantically gesticulating. Everyone but Chris. His eyes were trained on you, and remained like that as he took a sip of his whiskey. He watched you over the rim of the glass, and then proceeded to lick his lips suggestively.
You knew what that meant, and before your mind even got a chance to process it, your core already started to ache in anticipation. Busying yourself around the venue, you did your best to make the night pass faster. You wanted to get home, you knew Chris wanted you and that was not a mood of his you ever wanted to miss.
Things seemed to be going well until you found yourself at the bar, ordering another cocktail. As you waited for the employee to prepare your drink, you felt a strong hand caress your side, before shamelessly slapping your ass. You jumped, surprised and offended, only to see Chris as he walked away.
At this point, watching his muscles flex under the navy blue suit he wore, you were basically dripping.
When the announcement was made for everyone to take their seats as the movie was set to begin in a couple of minutes, you breathed out relieved, happy you'd finally be able to spend two hours in his presence without anyone asking any questions. 
Or that was what you thought. When you took your seat, you couldn't have been more disappointed to see Chris was nowhere around. After contemplating how bad of an idea it would be to call and ask, your phone buzzed in your hand.
"3b exit. 2nd door on your left. Now"
As you read the text, you couldn't fight the urge to rub your thighs together. But it didn't help. At all. You knew what was waiting for you so your pathetic attempt to alleviate the pain between your legs proved to be entirely in vain.
When you stood up, the lights went down and the movie started.
Slowly making your way down the hallway, you could already feel your heart beating out of your chest. When you reached the door he mentioned in his text, you saw that it was supposed to lead to a bathroom. A small pang of disappointment enveloped you, as you wished you were actually going to meet him outside and head home. Still, you took a deep breath and pushed the door open.
The light inside was a heavy shade of red, making the anyway overly exotic bathroom look downright erotic. You took another deep breath and looked to the side, your eyes landing on Chris’s frame.
He was standing in front of the mirror, his suit jacket missing from his shoulders. He had his sleeves rolled up, his shirt still neatly tucked into his pants. A sight for sore eyes, you thought to yourself as your eyes traveled down his frame.
Chris raised his head, his gloomy gaze meeting yours through the reflection in the mirror. 
"Hey" you smiled, only now closing the door behind you.
In a matter of seconds, he turned around with a devious grin on his lips. "Glad you listened to me, doll. I was afraid you wouldn't" he said, taking hurried menacing steps in your direction. 
"Why?" you giggled.
His grin only widened at your cluelessness, but only until he reached you. Chris didn't waste any time before grabbing your cheeks into his massive hands and slamming your back into the door before he kissed you.
The air was punched out of your lungs. His lips effortlessly engulfed yours as he pushed himself against you, consuming you.
Eventually, he went on to kiss along your jawline, traveling down your neck as he spoke greedily against your skin, "Teased me all fucking night long, baby"
"I didn't do anything" you breathed out, melting under his touch.
In that moment, you knew he was serious as his hands trapped your waist, his fingers burning through the material of your dress, "Don't play dumb, angel, we both know where you stand"
"Chris-" you whined, holding onto his shoulders for support as you arched your back, your breasts rubbing against his rock hard chest.
He hummed, as a signal for you to say what was on your mind.
"Come on-" you panted, enjoying the way the pain of his teeth sinking into your skin turned into pleasure. "Let's go"
To that, he stopped. Chris pulled away from you with a look of pure confusion in his eyes, "Go where, Y/n?"
"Home..? To your apar-"
"Oh" he chuckled, eyes dark as devious new ideas popped into his mind, thoughts materialising, "You're not going anywhere until I fuck the slut of you"
His words, although crude and delivered in a malicious tone, fueled your senses and made your core buzz. "Hell no" you said, against your gut, "I'm not-"
"You know how things work" he shook his head, forcibly grabbing your forearm and pulling you until you were facing the mirror. "Don't turn all good girl on me right now"
As if you weren't already shamelessly riled up, the reflection in the mirror seriously did the job. You watched your frame, delicately wrapped in the almost see-through material of your dress, and then your eyes slipped to the side, where Chris was towering over you. Shoulders significantly broader and almost a head taller than you, his presence forced your heart into overdrive.
He looked down at you, bringing his left hand up to wrap his fingers around your neck. Instinctively, you allowed a soft moan to escape your lips as you fell back against his stone solid chest. 
"Look how gorgeous you are" Chris grinned, rubbing his thumb up and down your jugular, "And I trained you so fucking well, don't disappoint me"
Heaving, you arched your back, unconsciously rubbing your ass against his already rock hard cock. "I didn't- I didn't lock the door. What- what if someone comes in?"
"Then they're gonna see me fucking my girl. So what? Isn't that why we're together? I have a slut to fuck whenever I feel like it and you, like the whore you are, actually fucking love it?"
"Shit-" you gasped, feeling his grip tighten around your neck as he spoke.
"Isn't it? Am I wrong?"
You fervently nodded your head, and as you gasped for air once again, he released you.
"I didn't hear that?" Chris taunted, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
"Fuck, of course" you said, your own words worsening the pain between your legs. "Yes, you're right"
"Now you're not just saying that, are you, angel?"
"No!" you said, with a kind of eagerness you didn't know you owned. Turning around in his hold, you placed your hands on his chest before looking up into his darkened eyes, "You know I'm all in, I'm sorry. You know I always do what you tell me, Daddy, I don't know what's gotten into me"
"That's what I wanted to hear, pet" Chris said, roughly rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip, "Now turn around and open that pretty mouth for me, princess, hm?"
Obediently this time, you spun around to face the mirror and parted your lips, eagerly awaiting his next move.
After enjoying the view for a few brief seconds, Chris sunk his right hand into the pocket of his trousers, fishing out his phone. Your heart rate picked up as his left hand returned around your neck, this time only teasing its way up to your lips. He shoved two fingers into your mouth and your muscle memory kicked in as you instantly started to suck on them.
"Oh my god!" Chris exclaimed. You felt him move around a bit, his cock pressing into your ass, "You're fuck toy material, you know that?"
With his fingers still knuckles deep inside your mouth, you nodded, eyes trained on his reflection.
"Now open wide, you little slut. Poke that tongue out for Daddy" he commanded, and then forced his fingers deeper, reaching the back of your throat.
You coughed softly, your gag reflex threatening to kick in. But he kept going, "Choke on my fingers, angel. Come on, I wanna see a sweet little tear."
A low moaning sound escaped your throat, followed by another cough which signaled your air supply was running low.
"A little more, pet. I know you can do it, show me what I want to see"
But it was him who pushed your limits once again. Chris pushed his fingers down harder against your tongue, triggering another cough. This one was rougher however, as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, while you struggled to catch your breath even after he pulled his fingers away.
The pressure between your legs kept increasing, becoming almost unbearable when you felt his hand against your side, soothingly rubbing your waist.
In just about a few seconds, you came back to your senses and immediately turned around, eyes desperately searching for Chris's.
"That's my good girl" he smiled proudly, looking down at you in awe.
You nodded obediently, rubbing your thighs together.
"Wanna see how hot you are, angel?" he grinned, unlocking his phone and opening up the gallery. The ease with which he scrolled down through the app and typed in the password to his secret album, proved just how often he accessed your pictures. It made you beam.
Once the shots he just took popped up on the screen, your mouth watered. You didn't even look at yourself, just him - admired his immense frame, the proud smirk on his lips and the pure lust in his eyes.
"You’re such a good slut, baby" he spoke against your temple, "You love listening to me, don't you? Having no say whatsoever, no control over what's gonna happen to this sweet body of yours. Being at my mercy? I told you you don't get to breathe right now, you didn't even fight, darling. You're just too eager to please me, aren't you?"
"Yes, Daddy" you nodded, his grave tone of voice sending shivers down your spine.
"Good, good" Chris sighed.
Then, effortlessly and in one swift motion, he spun you around, to face the mirror again. Placing his big hand on your upper back, between your shoulder blades, he forced you down, bending your body over the sink.
With his foot, Chris forced your ankles apart. The sound of his belt buckle being undone made all the hairs on your body stand up, but the zipper was the last drop, forcing a sweet moan to escape your lips.
"Be patient, baby" he spoke, pulling your dress up, over your hips. Curling two fingers around the waistband of your panties, he pulled them down your legs, until they fell around your ankles.
Now, being completely exposed in front of him, you couldn't take it anymore. "Come on, please, I need you"
"I know you do, darling" Chris said with a sweet but still condescending tone, "but I'm not done yet"
It was clear what he meant when you heard the camera of his phone click again. The sound made your walls clench. All your buttons had been pushed, you couldn't wait anymore.
"Please" you whined, wiggling your body to get his attention.
A few seconds of silence followed, and then he threw his phone on the edge of the sink, mere inches away from your face.
His right hand connected to your ass, his fingers sinking into your skin until you couldn't feel the pressure anymore, just a stinging sensation. Nibbling on your lower lip, you tried your best to be good, and you succeeded, at first. When the first slap was delivered however, you couldn't help yourself.
Whimpering, you enjoyed the feeling of pain as it dissipated and turned into pleasure. Chris kept going, decorating your cheeks with countless red hand marks, each more painful than the other.
"You good, baby?" he asked, caressing the inflamed skin of your ass, "Does it hurt?"
You nodded yes.
"Good, angel, it has to. Can you take more?"
And that, that was your wrong doing. What followed turned out to be much more than you ever thought you could handle. He showed no mercy or remorse as you whined and struggled, your legs shaking uncontrollably. It was unclear why he stopped when he did, but you were grateful.
"You’re fucking dripping down your thighs" Chris said, moving his hand between your legs, "I wanna see how far I can push you, how long I can keep going until I break you, doll."
You remained silent, fighting the urge to tell him to do it. 
"But I won't, not tonight. Wish we were home, I don't want us to make the headlines for something like this"
"Fuck.." you chuckled, "God, no"
"Of course I won't anything like that happen" Chris assured you. 
A wave of warmth and safety threatened to overcome you as you took in his words, but then, less than 10 seconds later, you felt a nudge against your opening. Your mouth instantly watered as he pushed himself in, his massive cock forcing your walls to spread beyond what you considered comfortable.
He filled you up in an instant, slamming himself balls deep into your pussy. The feeling was earth shattering, just like his heavy breathing. You knew he was in 7th heaven, and you absolutely adored being the source of his pleasure.
At first he didn't move, proceeding to rub your hips and reddened ass, while allowing your pussy to adjust to his size. You felt yourself pulse around his member, every indentation and vein amplifying the sensation.
"I'm sorry, doll, but I think you were made for me. Don't think there's any other pussy in this world that can take my cock like you do"
"Maybe I was" you teased as you rolled your hips back and forth, creating a minimal amount of friction.
Chris grunted, "Fuck-"
He grabbed your hips with force, suddenly his patience dissipating into thin air. It took you aback - the way he controlled your body. Chris picked up his pace, slamming his hips into you without holding back. The momentul had your body rocking back and forth, your hair falling over your face as you didn't have the energy to even keep your head up anymore.
"Fuck yourself with my cock" Chris commanded, letting go of your hips.
He slapped your thighs one more time, as your cue to start, and then gathered his hands behind his back.
That wasn't what you wanted. You loved it when he did all the work and you had no effort to make, and just allow yourself to enjoy the moment. 
Barely managing to maintain your balance on your wobbly feet, you started grinding, slowly moving back and forth against his cock. You were doing a pathetic job and he was quick to object.
"Come on, Y/n-" he scoffed, slapping your ass with anger, "Ride my cock like you fucking mean it. Milk my cock like the slut you are"
His words went straight to your core, accentuating your arousal.
"Oh, oh!" Chris laughed, slapping your ass again, "Did your cunt seriously just clench around me?"
"Holy- urgh maybe" you grunted.
"Make me cum" he commanded.
This time, you didn't hold back.
White knuckling the edge of the sink, you found leverage and balance, now allowing you to move with ease. Slowly at first, but picking up your pace by the second, you rocked your body against his cock, your determination noticeable in the vigor of your movements.
And it was obvious that this time you were doing it right. So on point that Chris's heavy breathing and low grunts echoed above the redundant sound of your skin slapping into his. Catching a glimpse of his expression on the mirror, was proof that he was drowning in pure fucking pleasure. The ecstasy and awe was readable on his features.
And you kept going. Blocking out all sounds and surroundings, until a harsh buzz broke your concentration.
Looking down, next to your right hand, you saw Chris's phone ringing.
"Who- who the fuck is Elle N.?" you panted.
But he didn't care. It was as if your words never even reached him.
"Chris!?" you called again, this time stopping.
"What are you-" he began asking, but stopped when you shoved the phone into his hands.
"Who is that?" you asked.
"Publicist, who gives a-"
"Chris-" you said, "And I mean this with absolute seriousness, if TMZ bursts into the bathroom, cameras pointed at us, you're fucking done with me. It's all fun and games, until we show up on national TV"
He rolled his eyes, pure annoyance shining through his eyes. "What?" he yelled into the phone after accepting the call.
As he listened to the person on the other end of the line, his hand roamed over the curve of your ass, his fingers purposely applying pressure to the most inflamed areas.
You bit your lips in order to not make any sounds, but eventually started rolling your hips, determined to give him a piece of his own medicine. 
Chris closed his eyes, and threw his head back, murmuring something under his breath that you couldn't quite make out. About 20 seconds later, he ended the call with a harsh, "Bite me"
"The fuck was that?" you asked.
"You have about 3 minutes to make me cum, otherwise you're in big fucking trouble"
He nodded his head, somehow looking amused, "And you'll also end up on national TV"
"Jesus Christ-" you scoffed, determined to pull away and leave.
"Oh fuck no" he stopped you, slamming you back down. "I came here to fuck you, you best believe I'm gonna do it. Work that magic cunt and drain my balls now, Y/n"
"Chris-" you wanted to protest.
"None of that, you hear me?" he growled, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling you up, "Your time is running low. You've never fucking seen me actually angry. If we get to that, you're gonna regret it. Now, be a good little whore, and make me cum"
For the first time, you actually felt a surge of fear course through your body. "Ok" you muttered.
When he released you, you leaned back down, resumed your previous position, and started pumping yourself into his cock again. For you, it was doing the trick. The angle and the fear of getting caught fueled your senses, driving you closer and closer to the edge. 
But for Chris, it didn't seem to be enough. As only a few seconds passed before he took control, framing your hips into his hands and handling your body to fit his needs. His pace was much more aggressive than what you had been doing, but it was also much more effective.
It was all a haze. Chris managed to send you falling down an endless spiral of pleasure, everything around you turning to blur. Your ears buzzed and your body was out of your control, muscles spasming unreasonably as you allowed yourself to get drunk with ecstasy.
When Chris finished too, mere seconds later, you thought you couldn't ever feel any better. He was quick to pull out, and move to the side to clean himself, but not before giving your ass a rewarding slap.
"Gotta go now," he said, fixing himself up.
You were still out of it, catching your breath as his cum dripped out of your pussy. "Yeah, I know, go"
As he did his belt, Chris involuntarily did a double take, "I'm sorry-" he said, his demeanor now unusually soft. "I wish I didn't have to-"
"It's fine-" you giggled, your voice low and breathy, "I'm still not 100% back, but I know you have to go, don't worry"
"Are you sure?" he asked, walking over to you and tilting your chin up, "I kinda feel like an asshole"
"I mean it" you said with a smile, "Plus, this is how we usually do it anyway, so it's nothing new. I don't know why you're so worried all of a sudden"
"Damn.. I really am an asshole.."
"OK, I'll go" he said, advancing towards the door, "But I'll call you later, ok? I wanna talk to you about something"
"Yes, call me whenever you want. Now go"
"Bye" Chris spoke hurriedly as he rushed out, closing the door behind him.
Confusion seeped through your veins as you were left alone in the room. You studied your reflection in the mirror, and although looking disheveled with your hair a mess, you really did feel pretty. There was life on your features and it wasn't from the expensive makeup you had on.
But all that came in perfect contrast with how you were actually feeling. You felt alone, clingy, in need of cuddles from a person who has never actually given you any. It shook you, how this time, you felt entirely different from how you usually feel after your hookups with Chris.
But there was nothing to be done. You straightened your back and started rummaging through your purse, hoping the spare powder you always had on you would be able to cover the after sex glow you had going on.
As you worked on reapplying your face, the door opened and you instinctively turned away from it. You weren't in the mood. 
"Y/n" a familiar voice called.
You looked up to see Chris sprinting towards you.
"What are you-"
"Fuck 'em. Fuck the cameras, fuck the interviews, fuck the labels, fuck the reporters"
"Wait, what-" you cringed, "Slow down, I don't understand"
He took a deep breath, "Fuck 'em"
"What happened?"
"Come on" he said, grabbing your hand, "Come with me"
"Um.. Chris? I don't think that's a good idea. My hair is all fucked and I'm pretty sure the eye shadow-"
"I don't know what you mean, you look absolutely gorgeous, perfect even-" Chris said, his eyes wide open and fixed on yours, "But that doesn't even matter, let's go home"
"I don't get it. People were looking for you"
"Who gives a shit? Do I give a shit? I don't give a shit!"
"Seriously, Y/n-" he said, cupping your cheeks and bringing your face inches away from his, "I wanna make you dinner. I have that gross white wine you like so much even though I don't understand how you can drink that shit. And I'll run a bath, I don't have bath bombs but I think conditioner works too-"
"It doesn't"
"Eh then we'll just smell nice" Chris said in a heartbeat. "And then I'll eat you out into fucking oblivion, yeah? Doesn't that sound good? Better than boring interviews and that movie I'm barely even in"
It was all just too much to process. "What changed? I-"
"Nothing changed" he shook his head, "I always wanted to do this. I thought that if I brought you to this event things would develop between us somehow. I don't know why I thought that. Don't ask. And that's why I told you to come into the bathroom. But then I was too shy to say anything and then I left and things were exactly where they were when we got here and I said that-"
"Yeah?" he sighed, catching his breath.
"Shut up and let's see how good you can cook"
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butgilinsky · 4 years
you don’t understand, poppet // dm
warning; language i think? 
summary; being severus snape’s daughter makes your time at hogwarts just slightly difficult 
word count; 5.8k+
draco x snape!reader, dad!snape x daughter!reader
this doesn’t follow the harry potter timeline!
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you don’t remember how exactly you ended up here, sneaking out of draco malfoy’s room at a despicably late hour, trying to flatten your hair while making sure that your sweater was put on the right way. 
it was one thing to sneak in and out of draco malfoy’s room every once in a while, but this had been the third time this week, and it didn’t help that it was starting to get harder to sneak out so often. 
the two of you had been sneaking around for longer than you could recall at this point. you hadn’t kept track, too busy tripping over yourself when you saw the blond boy smile at you from across the room. despite the two of you being a secret from everybody in the school, it was hard not to pick up on the longing gazes and the giggles that neither of you could hold back when the other was put under a microscope. 
you hadn’t always been the best friends with draco malfoy, but you couldn’t deny the fact that the slytherin boy had taken your heart in his hands with little to no effort. if it were completely up to you, with no complications sitting in the forefront of your mind, you would’ve announced to the entirety of the school about you relationship status with draco long ago. 
though, that proved to be anything but an option, given that the head of slytherin house was not only a less than tolerant man, but also your father. 
it had been nothing less than expected for you to be sorted into slytherin. being severus snape’s only child, and living up to the family name, it was inevitable for you to sport silver and green during your time at hogwarts. you were well versed in potions, given that it had been your father’s area of expertise and you had nothing but an abundance of herbs and liquids lying around the house when you grew up. 
most people were never given an opportunity to see severus snape’s fatherly side. the part of him that would read you to sleep, the part of him that had him leaning over the edge of his bed to pull you up after you’d had a nightmare. nobody ever saw the side of him that was reserved entirely for you, behind closed doors and almost never on the hogwarts campus. 
they all knew him to be the hard ass professor that took away house points far more than he awarded them. the one that assigned surprise essays when someone pissed him off in class. snape wasn’t seen as the fatherly type, though you and a few of the professors at hogwarts knew that wasn’t necessarily the case. 
he was hard on you, there was no doubt about that. he had always been hard on you, ever since you were born. it was no secret to you that your parents were never in love with one another. your father’s heart belonged to someone that didn’t want it, and you had been the product of a way to forget about that. 
he didn’t show you any special treatment while you were in class, or if you stepped out of line, but you preferred it to be that way. you hated your first few years at hogwarts, since it had mainly consisted of your housemates blowing you off as the favorite of the house by default. that, along with the few times that you found out kids were spending time to get into your father’s good graces. 
you had quickly isolated yourself, sticking your nose up at the kids in your house, and ignored by kids from other houses. it had taken you three years to allow yourself to slip into a steady friend group, guarding yourself from more people than you initially intended. 
and now here you were, trying to tip toe down the hall back to your room where you’d have to sneak into your room as quietly as you possibly could. you made the mistake of thinking you had made it safe and sound by the time you reached your door once, but your roommate had run off to your father the next morning and told him that you had been out after hours. 
that wasn’t a fun conversation to have at seven in the morning. 
you were surprised to see draco on the other side of your door early the next morning, knocking with a grin plastered onto his lips. your disheveled hair and narrowed eyes allowed him to know that you had just pulled yourself out of bed, completely forgetting about the quidditch match that you had promised to attend. slytherin wasn’t playing this morning, so most of your house would be sleeping in as late as possible. 
it took you all of ten minutes to get ready, throwing on an old sweat shirt that was very much not yours, though you weren’t sure who the rightful owner was. draco wasn’t going to tell you that it was his, one you had stolen from him a few months back when crabbe had spilled pompion potion down the back of your robes. 
you hadn’t even made it out of the hallway before you almost ran into your father, who stood tall and rigid in the middle of the hallway, eyes void of emotion as he looked between you and draco. 
“where are you two off to?” you rolled your eyes, stepping around your father and continuing your path out to the front of the building. 
“to the quidditch game. care to join us?” you pushed a smile forward, cocking your head to the side as you and your father had a silent argument. 
he had been suspicious about your behavior for a few weeks now. he’d caught you out in the halls after hours several times, though you were always quick to whip up a believable lie. that is one thing he wished you hadn’t inherited from him; the ability to be sneaky. you were. good liar, and he was to thank for that.
he shook his head slowly, lingering his gaze on draco for just a moment before you were gripping the boy’s elbow and tugging him in the direction of the pitch.
you sat beside draco during the game, not being able to ignore your father’s burning gaze on you practically the whole time. draco noticed the heavy gaze on the two of you as well, restraining himself from reaching out and showing you any form of physical affection.
the two of you had to do everything in secret. if anybody found out, your father would find out, and that was the last thing either of you wanted. 
your father liked draco, sure. he was the stereotypical slytherin student at hogwarts, which was bound to bring the two of them together. he sucked up to the right people at the right time, and wasn’t falling over himself at the sight of harry potter like most of the school usually did. 
but it didn’t matter how much your father liked draco. at the end of the day, you had his voice ringing in your ears, reminding you that you were, in his words, “far too young to be making decisions that will dictate the rest of your life’. you always rolled your eyes when he repeated the phrase you’d heard from a very young age, but now it was dictating just how you truly lived your life. 
you were close to being caught one afternoon, pinned between draco’s frame and a wall with his lips latched onto your neck. if it wasn’t for your keen hearing and the faintest clicking of shoes, you might have exposed your hidden relationship. but you were able to push draco off of you just in time, running around the opposite corner of the hall and leaving the flustered blond to be found by your father, all alone in the middle of the hall.
then there was the time you were late for class, your tie ever so slightly loosened and crooked. you were panting softly, though it was assumed that was from rushing down the hall to get to class. this is a time when most of the class expected you to receive special treatment, barely receiving the bat of an eye for being late to your own father’s class.
that assumption was wrong.
“late, miss snape?” you felt your breath catch itself in the back of your throat, nerves building up at the tone used to address you.
“sorry, professor, i was-“
“ten points will be deducted from slytherin.” you felt your shoulders sink when the slytherin portion of the room groaned at their entire house being punished from your mistake. “take your seat now.” 
you slid into your seat, catching a glimpse of draco’s gaze for just a moment. he smirked, not half bothered by the point deduction since he knew it was because you woke up later than you had intended, having to rush back to your own room to get ready before class. you rolled your eyes, though your lips tugged up into a soft smile that had his heart thumping in his chest.
halfway through the class and you had been completely lost. you were barely following, which had been a surprise to everyone in the class, especially hermione who sat beside you. the two of you weren’t the best of friends, but you found it easier to work together since nobody had been better at potions than the two of you.
so when you poured too much lethe river water into your cauldron, you threw your head into your hands and tugged at your hair.
“struggling?” your father stood at the end of your desk, hands folded behind his back as he quirked up an eyebrow at you.
“no.” you grumbled softly, moving to grab your cauldron so you could pour it out and start again. you were beat to it, the man before you grabbing it in his own hands and pouring the contents onto your desk right in front of you.
you jumped back, trying to avoid ruining your robes with the large amount of liquid, but ultimately failing. your sudden movement and loud gasped had surely caught the attention of everyone in the room.
“papa!” your eyes were wide, filled with shock and a twinge of hurt as you stared up at him in disbelief. 
“start again.” he dropped the cauldron onto your desk and spun on the balls of his feet, eyes scanning across the room to test anyone to say something to him about his previous actions.
when everyone turned around and tucked their nose into their own books and recipes, you were left to clean up the mess with a newfound distress weighing in your chest. you had lifted your wand to clean up the mess, hoping to get rid of the liquid spilled across your desk quickly before your father was calling back to you without even sparing you a glance. 
“and don’t even think about using magic to clean your mess, miss snape.” your wrist paused, not even having time to conjure the charm before the rest of the class was looking at you, once again. 
you had gotten up to leave the class as soon as you were dismissed, ignoring the incessant calling of your name echoing between your ears. you had almost made it the entire way out of the room before you felt your feet glued to the spot, your muscles unable to move, which meant your escape was no longer possible.
the charm that your father used on you lit a fire in your chest. he hadn’t done it in years, choosing to address the problems between the two of you in different ways. the two of you played dirty when it came to fighting with one another, but gluing your feet to the ground beneath you was something that never failed to get underneath your skin. 
“y/n.” you sighed when your father stood before you, waiting for the rest of the kids to file out of the room before he allowed you to move from your spot. “what’s going on with you lately?”
“me? what’s going on with you?” his eyes softened, detecting the hurt in your voice and in your question. the two of you had never had this silent feud go on for so long. usually it was a few days at most, but you were teetering the line of a few months now, and you weren’t sure how much more embarrassment you could take.
“you’re keeping something from me.” you groaned, screwing your eyes shut as you racked your brain for another quick response. “and don’t lie.”
“it’s not a big deal, papa. it’s just not something i want to talk to you about.” you hoped it was enough, hoped you could circle around him and slip out the door without more of an interrogation.
you were wrong.
“did i do something?” you felt your shoulders fall at the question, feeling defeat creep into the back of your mind.
“no, you didn’t do anything. i promise.” you took a step towards him, allowing your arms to snake around his abdomen before squeezing gently. “i love you, papa.”
“i love you too, poppet.” his voice was soft, barely reaching your ears.
you were able to slip away then, making it halfway towards your next class before you were being tugged into an empty classroom. you were closed in between a familiar frame and the door, locking you in your place.
“close call, huh?” draco’s hand fell to your cheek, thumb softly stroking the soft skin of your cheek as his lips turned up into a smile.
“really close.” you smiled widely, eyes falling down to his lips just before they pressed against yours.
you had been sitting at dinner when you were being called into your father’s office, having to put your plate aside and excuse yourself from your conversation with draco and crabbe.
the familiar scent of peppermint filled your nose upon entry, a soft excitement bubbling in your chest when your father turned over his shoulder with a knowing look.
“cuppa?” you nodded eagerly, already feeling your tastebuds stand tall as they awaited your favorite tea.
your father always made the best peppermint tea.
you had taken a sip almost immediately after he’d set the cup in front of you, humming in delight while he circled the desk and leaned against it. he crossed his arms over his chest, eyes boring into yours as you sipped your tea.
“are you keeping something from me?” you brought the porcelain cup away from your face and narrowed your eyes.
“yes.” your eyebrows furrowed at your own voice betraying you.
“why were you late to class today?”
“i woke up late.” he narrowed his eyes at you, surprised that was truly the reason. he had expected your secret to come tumbling out by now. 
“have you been sneaking around with somebody?”
“draco.” you slapped your hand over your mouth, unsure of why you were spilling out these truths until you caught sight of the small bottle that sat beside your father’s kettle. “you put veritaserum into my tea!”
“you’re right, i did. how long have you been sneaking around with malfoy?”
“a few months.” you groaned at your inability to lie to him right now. your lies had been the only thing saving you from your father’s rage for the past few months.
“were you ever planning on telling me?”
“why not?”
“i doubt it’ll last.”
“why’s that?”
“because nobody wants to spend the rest of their life with me!”
your father stated at you then, finding himself at a loss for words. you didn’t truly believe that, did you? surely you would’ve told him that. surely you would’ve been able to realize that that isn’t true in the slightest. 
“why would you say that?”
“because it’s true.” your voice was soft now, eyes falling to your hands that were folded in your lap. 
the heavy feeling in your chest pinned you to your chair. you had never admitted these things out loud, always finding the embarrassment far more intimidating than you were willing to face. it was also common knowledge that your father wasn’t the most emotive person, keeping most of his life experience and thoughts on almost every single subject known to man, to himself. 
“i don’t want to talk about it anymore, papa.” you pushed yourself to stand up from your chair, the lump forming in your throat taking all of your focus in order to swallow it. 
“y/n, just talk to me!” you shook your head, moving to wipe away the single tear that dared to roll down your cheek. 
“why? so you can tell me that i’m too young? that i don’t understand anything about life because i’ve barely scratched the surface of what life has to offer? i’m tired of hearing that. i’m tired of being told that i don’t know what’s good for me because i’m too young.” 
your cheeks were wet with tears now, your voice slightly scratchy from the strain you’ve been putting on it in the last few minutes. snape’s lips parted, his mind racing in order to try to find the words to say to you in order to make all of this better. 
“you don’t understand, poppet-”
“to hell with that, papa! i’m set to graduate soon!” 
“graduation has nothing to do with your ability to make decisions for yourself!” you froze in your spot, staring at the man who was now seething in front of you. 
his breath came out in heavy sighs, his chest rising and falling with the beat of his anger as he watched you sink in front of him. your shoulders fell, your tears cascading down your cheeks as you stood there at a loss for words. 
your mind reeled, thinking about every time he had told you something similar. within seconds, your mind was filled with your father’s voice overlapping itself, tumbling out excuse after excuse as he drilled it into your brain. he didn’t trust you to make large decisions. life changing decisions. 
“you’re merely a young girl who thinks that she knows what she wants, but you don’t. you don’t know the trials and tribulations life is going to put you through, and if you think that that little twit malfoy is going to stick by your side, then you’re wrong.” your bottom lip wobbled just before you clamped your teeth down around it so it would still. 
you looked down at your feet, allowing him to continue his lecture of how you were unfit to choose the life you were going to live. you knew how your life was meant to go, and how it would play out, more than likely. 
you would be handed off to a boy that your father saw as fit, no doubt a boy that was physically and mentally capable of caring for and protecting you. you knew that your father wanted you to be safe and respected throughout your life, but that didn’t mean he trusted you to pick who you would share your life with. 
it had been a philosophy he’d taken from his youth. he didn’t want you to experience the world that he had to endure, and although you appreciated that, you weren’t him. you weren’t going to follow his footsteps that closely, but he had tuned you out when you tried to assure him of that. 
when he stopped, words halting on the tip of his tongue while his eyes were locked onto your defeated and shaky figure, your eyes locked with his once more. you saw the flicker of guilt in them, but you also watched that flicker fleet quickly, replacing itself with the same absent look he often held. 
“it’s getting late. you should head off to bed.” you nodded once, turning on the balls of your feet to step back out into the hall, fully intending on bolting straight to your dormitory. 
“y/n!” you turned just before making it fully out of the door, turning over your shoulder to lock eyes with your father once more. “don’t even think about stopping by that boy’s dormitory on the way.” 
the tears spilling down your cheeks had been far too much for you to wipe away. it would have been useless since there had been a build up in your eyes large enough to refill an entire lake if prompted to. 
“well if it isn’t our favorite snape.” you ignored the weasley twins’ comment, walking straight past them without so much as a glance in their direction. 
you were able to dodge both of their frames, sliding between the two of them successfully. george had caught sight of your wet cheeks, but had no time to ask about them or point them out to his brother before you had turned the corner and disappeared from their sight. 
you thought you had made the cleanest getaway you were capable of, just as you were colliding into another figure, too busy staring at your feet through burred vision to notice the boy walking towards you. 
“bloody hell, love, you just about ran me over just now.” you had mumbled out an apology, turning to duck out of his way and move around him before he could see the tear track on your skin, but it had been too late. 
he had reached for your cheek out of habit, moving your head back ever so slightly with every intention of greeting you with a kiss in the middle of an empty hallway. he stopped at the damp feeling on his fingertips, and the sight of tears leaking out of your eyes and rolling down your cheeks. 
“oh, love. what’s happened?” you shook your head, reaching for his wrist to pull his hand away from you in an attempt to save yourself the embarrassment. “darling, please. who’s at fault for making my pretty girl cry like this?” 
“he knows.” you squeaked out, voice weaker than you had originally thought it to be. 
draco’s eyes widened ever so slightly, partially out of fear of how snape would eventually confront him about the newfound news, but also because he knew how much you tried to avoid this very scenario. the two of you had been as carefully as you possibly could be, and now you were in front of him, sobbing in the middle of the hallway.
“i reckon it didn’t go well.” you shook your head slowly, not being able to stop the built up of fresh tears in your eyes. “let’s get you to bed.” 
his soft voice, along with the way he wrapped his arms around you brought you a sense of needed comfort. he walked you back to your dormitory, threatening both of your roommates in order to get them out as soon as the door opened. 
they scurried out, not sure what was happening but surely making a mental note of taking this straight to snape in the early morning. you couldn’t bring yourself to care much, too focused on the sound of your father’s voice still swimming between your ears. 
you spent the night in draco’s arms, spilling every detail of the conversation between you and your father. it pained the boy to hear the quiver in your voice as you spoke, having to pause every now and again to choke out a sob in between words. he stayed by your sight for the entire night, arms wrapped around you while he listened patiently. 
he didn’t try to talk you down, or assure you that everything would be alright. he knew you hated empty promises, and truth be told, he didn’t know if it would all be okay. all he knew for sure was that he was going to fight for you if faced with the decision. 
you had developed bags under your eyes over the past few days, feeling more defeated and exhausted than you did during exams at the end of every year. your shoulders had fallen more often than not, eyes void of the glint they usually held. you only ever smile behind closed doors when draco would pull out all of his tricks to bring the very action out of you. 
the last thing you wanted to do today was to stare your boggart in the eye. 
you hadn’t been the first to go, which had been slightly uplifting, though the anxiety continued to bubble up in your chest as you waited to stand at the front of the queue. it had been comical when your father tumbled out of a wardrobe while neville stood at the front, shaking at the mere sight of your father. 
your classmates, especially those you shared a house with, had expected you to find the sight more amusing. they expected you to laugh or even crack a smile at the sight of your father in high heels and a dress, but you didn’t. you had ben too worked up about what you were about to see. what the whole class was about to see. 
“alright, miss snape. wand at the ready.” you nodded slowly, raising your wand in front of you as you anticipated the next few moments. 
you casted a glance at draco, who had already had his turn moments ago and stood just off to the side with a reassuring smile. you tried to shake the nerves from your head, but when the creature before you took the shape of your father, seemingly two feet taller than he actually stood, you felt your heart thud harshly in your chest. 
he loomed down at you, gaze as cold as it usually was and shoulders squared. his hands were folded behind his back, his tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth as he stared at you with the utmost disappointment in his expression. 
“pathetic little poppet.” you felt your breath hitch in your throat, completely forgetting about the full room of students that stood around you, watching the entire thing as it played in real time. “a disgrace to the name i’ve so graciously awarded you.”
your lips parted, the spell sitting on the tip of your tongue, but held back by your lack of focus. you had forgotten about the assignment, forgot that there was a way to end this experience now and forever. 
“far too young and weak to make lifelong decisions. you’ve relied on me your entire life, did you think that was going to come to an end anytime soon?” you clamped your lips tightly shut as tears stung your eyes for the first time in several days. 
you hadn’t spoken to your father since the conversation in his office. you avoided his gaze in the great hall, and he avoided picking on you in class. the two of you had an unspoken agreement that you would keep your distance from one another, far too tense to try chipping away at the ice for now. 
“you’re never going to be able to-”
“riddikulus!” your head whipped around, casting a gaze across the room just in time to catch your father lowering his wand, a mortified expression displayed clearly across his face. 
the room was silent, not even professor lupin had something to say on the subject. that is, until he clapped his hands together and told everyone to grab their things and hurry out of the room. 
just before draco walked out, your father pressed a firm hand to the boy’s chest and held him in place, telling him to stay put for the time being. 
draco had been waiting for the man to call him into his office, or keep him after class one day. he had expected this lecture long ago, and was surprised it had taken this long for the head of slytherin to make that step. 
there was an uncomfortable silence that hung in the air, nobody knowing how to break the thick blanket of tension that laid over the three of you. draco didn’t think it was his place to speak first, figuring there was far more to solve between the two of you than the small role he played in it all. 
“malfoy, i’m going to say this one time and one time only.” draco nodded, his own nerves bubbling up to the surface at how much of a mess he had made for himself by falling into a relationship with severus snape’s daughter. “one step out of line with her, and i’ll make sure you never forget who you’ve messed with.”
he had expected much more. more interrogation, or threats leading up to an inescapable command to break it off with you right then and there. draco hadn’t expected him to give in so easily, not even expecting an acceptance for years to come. 
you hadn’t expected it either, not seeing a future where your father allowed you to choose these things for yourself. you were sure he’d wed you off to a man you had little to no interest in for the rest of your life. never did you imagine him to stand here and give draco his blessing, even if those weren’t the words he used. 
“yessir.” draco nodded quickly, scared that if he took too long to accept the sliver of sentiment, that it would be retracted quickly. “i would never hurt her, professor snape.”
“you say that now, boyo, but i assure you-”
“papa, please.” your voice, although soft, carried across the room and brought both of their gazes over to you. 
“you’re dismissed, malfoy.” draco sent you a questioning glance, surprised to see you nod within seconds, giving him the silent cue that it was okay to leave you alone with your father. 
when the door shut behind the blond, your father was taking steps towards you, eyes casted down at his feet as he searched for what to say to you. he knew he stepped over the line the other night, but he hadn’t been able to bring himself to admit it to you just yet. he was still having trouble accepting it himself. 
“just, give me a moment.” you nodded, pressing your lips together in a thin line as you waited for him to find his words. “i shouldn’t have put veritaserum in your tea. i shouldn’t have said all of those despicable things to you the other night, and i should not have told you that you can’t make decisions for yourself.”
you nodded, not knowing how to respond to a thing like this. you knew your father wasn’t one to admit when he was wrong, but there still hadn’t been an apology that you were able to accept or reject in his train of thought. 
“it was wrong of me to trick and treat you like that. i shouldn’t have done it, and it won’t happen again.” you nodded again, still keeping your lips pressed together as his eyes drooped with sorrow. “i’m sorry.” 
“i just wish you trusted me with my own life.” you were shocked by your own words, seemingly holding the weight of the word in them. 
“i do trust you, poppet. i trust you, i just,” he stopped to breath out a heavy sigh through his nose. “i fear that you’ll make the same mistakes i made when i was your age.” 
“i wont.” you shook your head carefully, taking the small step that allowed you to wrap your arms around your father’s frame. “i’ll be careful, papa. i promise.”
“i know you will.” his voice was soft as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly to his frame. “but i was serious about what i said to malfoy.”
you laughed gently into the fabric of the man’s shirt, feeling his own chest bubble with a low laugh. 
just as the two of you unravelled yourselves from each other, you turned towards the door to make a swift exit by each other’s side. however, the sight of multiple pairs of eyes peering in through the window that led into the hall had elicited a soft growl from the pit of your father’s chest. 
you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of kids scattering away from the door, leaving the same blond boy that had just been in questioning with wide, apologetic eyes. 
“i tried to get them to leave, but nobody would listen.” your father huffed, muttering a small ‘thanks’ before turning to you and telling you to make sure you weren’t late for dinner. 
when he left, leaving you and draco standing in front of one another, you let a large smile spread across your lips. draco mimicked it, allowing himself to relax at the sight of you smiling and joyful once again. just as he made a move to reach for your cheek, his hand was clamped down back by his side involuntary, and the two of you were looking down the hallway at your father. 
“i’m not going to make it that easy on you, malfoy.” 
though he had kept his promise to not make it easy, keeping a close eye on the two of you for the remainder of your time at hogwarts, he accepted the love affair between you and the blond boy. 
you were head over heels for the boy, and he for you, and even your father was capable of picking up on that. so when draco stepped up to your house one evening, two years after graduation and while you were away at work, he sat down at the table in your kitchen, your father wasn’t surprised. 
draco, despite your now lengthy relationship and his ability to develop a strong relationship with your father, was still slightly surprised to see a grin, though small, spread across the man’s lips. your father had been waiting for this, wondering when draco was going to step up to the plate and drop to one knee in front of you. 
he was there for it all, smiling and even wiping a stray tear from his eye when you legally bound yourself to the malfoy boy. though he had been sour about your new last name, he would learn to deal with it. he would also learn to deal with three little ones running around with the very same name. 
he was partial to favoring the eldest, a boy with hair as black as his grandfathers, and the same name to prove the relation. your father would mess about with his three grandchildren, claiming that severus had been his favorite, but you were the one to blame. though, that wasn’t entirely true. he loved all three of them all the same. 
as long as you were happy, so was he. and you were the happiest you had ever been.
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floralseokjin · 4 years
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final sleigh drabble #2
❛ it’s Christmas day night...❜
original oneshot here // drabble index here
kim seokjin x reader smut  4,179 words 
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It was Christmas Day night. You’d spent most of yesterday and today at Ana’s parents’ house. It was different to how your own family celebrated the occasion but lovely, nonetheless. Her family always made you feel welcome, no matter the instance, and you were really grateful that they’d let you spend Christmas with them, like you’d already said, because your parents were spending the holiday season abroad. 
Now, just gone eight, you and Ana were getting out of an Uber outside a familiar house. Seokjin and Yoongi’s. You hadn’t seen your co-worker, since the weekend. The weekend of nonstop sex. You’d only parted because he had a train to catch, promising his mom he’d visit for a few of days before Christmas Eve. The sex had been so good it had taken him a while to remember said plans actually, and when he had, he’d unbelievably tried getting out of them just so he could stay and fuck you even more. 
“You want to ditch your mom to continue getting your dick wet?” You asked him with severe judgment, both of you naked in your bed. It was Sunday morning. Yes, that was correct. He’d stayed over practically 48 hours nailing you over and over again. And then some. 
“Don’t say it like that,” he whined, feeling instantly guilty. “I just don’t want to leave you. I’m having too much fun.” 
“We can still have fun when you get back.” You murmured suggestively, running a hand down his chest. You were not ready to give this all up quite yet… 
With a raised eyebrow, he seemed intrigued. “Even more fun than right now?” 
“We can try.” 
You hadn’t known if it was possible, the weekend had been very fun to say the least, but who knew. You’d definitely give it your all... 
You’d spent the last few days messaging each other sporadically, but there hadn’t been too much conversation. You mean, you’d never talked a lot before the sex, so why would you start after it? But seeing his face right now, as he opened the door, you practically beamed. 
“Merry Christmas, ladies,” he grinned, outstretching his arm to gesture you both to step inside. 
Admittedly, you weren’t expecting him to invite you over tonight. He’d been back since Friday but you hadn’t made plans to meet again yet so when he’d text you this afternoon, asking if you and Ana would like to come hang out with Yoongi and him, you’d been surprised. Excited, yet surprised, but obviously you’d played it cool. 
Ana had been a little reluctant. She had slept with Yoongi a couple of weeks ago after all – and hadn’t seen him since. But, obviously Seokjin had run this idea by him? They’d both decided it together, right? So it was fine. Plus, she needed to support her best friend. If she wanted you to get boned again, she needed to come! You couldn’t turn up on your own. Not that she needed much convincing after the initial unwilling... Secretly you thought she was hoping for a round two with Seokjin’s best friend... Who knew, maybe he was too... 
Ana stepped in first and as you followed Seokjin pulled out a small piece of mistletoe from behind his back. He held it up between you both, taking you by surprise. A good surprise though. “Oh,” you uttered, wasting no time in reacquainting your mouths. 
“He’s been planning this all day.” It was Yoongi’s voice, coming from somewhere ahead of you, but you both ignored him, kissing just a little longer. 
Ana scoffed. “Surely no planning was needed. It’s holding up some mistletoe.” 
“Mmm. I missed you,” Seokjin hummed, breaking away to snake an arm around your middle. 
“I missed you too,” you grinned, aware Seokjin was dialling up the amount of yuck to piss your two friends off. 
“Jesus, you guys.” Yoongi sounded like he was about to be sick. “I preferred it when she hated you.” 
Seokjin turned to the other guy, sounding vaguely annoyed. “She never hated me. It was a misunderstanding.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, man,” Yoongi chuckled. “Ana, let’s leave them to it. I’ll get you a drink.” 
You watched as they walked off together, towards the kitchen. Seokjin was the first to turn back to you, an eyebrow raised. “How much do you wanna bet they end up hooking up again?”
You were both on the same wavelength. It was obvious something was going to happen. “She hogged the entire bathroom getting ready.” 
“Have fun, you guys,” Seokjin sang as Yoongi and Ana made a less that inconspicuous exit from the living room. It was three hours later. They’d lasted well, but obviously the need to get in on again had won. 
Seokjin turned to you immediately, sat next to you on the sofa and gave you a wolfish grin. “Finally, we’re alone.” 
You were no sooner in his lap, mouth glued to his. Moving your ass a little as you broke apart for a much needed breath, you felt the familiar impression of his erection. “You’re hard already?” You raised a judgmental eyebrow. 
“Why do you sound so shocked?” He questioned indignantly. “My dick has missed you insanely.” 
“Just your dick?” 
It was a playful remark, you didn’t mean anything by it, but Seokjin lowered his gaze, giving you a small chuckle. Instead of answering he kissed you again, his tongue pushing its way inside your mouth as his hands gripped your ass and rubbed you against his groin. Instant pleasure zapped up your body and it wasn’t long before you were grinding on your own accord, fists clutching his white t-shirt, which you had to admit, outlined his chest perfectly – You’d been trying not to stare all night. 
“Do you want to go upstairs too?” He panted against your neck, teeth nipping the flesh sharply and you bit back a moan. He was already so tuned into what you liked. “I really need to fuck you.” Pulling back to get your answer he saw the look on your face. “What’s that face for?” 
“It’s turning into a sex party,” you moaned. You couldn’t all be having sex upstairs, it seemed... You couldn’t think of the word. 
“An orgy?” Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
“Behave.” You needed more people to turn it into an orgy.
Seokjin’s mouth was back on your neck, kissing down your throat, to your collarbones and he sunk his teeth into the thin skin gently, causing your breath to hitch. “Well, do you wanna fuck down here?” 
His dick was so hard underneath you, you rubbed against it some more, despite your objections. “No! What if one of them catches us?” 
“Don’t be stupid. Yoongi is definitely balls deep by now.” 
You whacked his back and he yelped in surprise. “That’s my best friend you’re talking about.” 
“I didn’t say who or what he was balls deep in.”  His reply didn’t impress you and so he grumbled. “I wish I was balls deep in you right now... Don’t give me that look, it turns me on when you’re pissy.”
Unable to stop your grin, you leaned in. “You must be constantly turned on at work then.” Pressing your lips into his, you bit down on his bottom lip. His hiss soon turned into a moan – and then a whine. 
“Let’s take this upstairs. There’s a bathroom between our bedrooms. It won’t be like our headboards are hitting the wall in rhythm.” 
“Fine.” You couldn’t hold out much longer anyway, and you both made your way upstairs, yelping loudly when Seokjin slapped your ass. You glare didn’t do much to discourage him, laughing loudly as he wrapped his arms around your middle and directed you to the door to his bedroom. 
“At least they’re being considerate and playing music,” he said, the music loud enough to block any other noise going on inside Yoongi’s bedroom... Thank God. 
“I feel like I’m back at college,” you whined as you stepped inside Seokjin’s room. 
“Huh? Did you and Ana make a habit of hooking up at the same time? Hot.” 
You pushed his arm. “No.” Chuckling, he made his way to the bed, sitting on the end, but you were too preoccupied with checking out his room. It was a lot larger than you imagined, walls cream, some covered in artwork. His computer was the main attraction, multiple screens, an unnecessarily large gaming chair and some other things you weren’t familiar with, mainly character figurines. His bed cover was a grey check pattern, a throw draped over the end with a couple of cushions against the headboard. Very clean. 
“Your room’s cute,” you commented. 
“Yeah.” Turning to look at him you smiled playfully. “So, I guess this is where you jerk your dick to fantasies of me.” 
He scoffed. “I don’t need to fantasise anymore. I have memories stored away in the wank bank.” Tapping his temple with his index finger he looked more than impressed with himself. 
“Gross!” You cried. 
“Come here,” he groaned, fed up with stalling, and he leaned over and grabbed you, causing you to squeal. “Or are you just planning on being a cocktease the whole night?” The sound wasn’t like you – but Seokjin had become good at making you act in ways you weren’t used to so far... 
Which is why you found yourself on your knees for him, sucking his dick, his jeans and underwear around his ankles. “Your mouth is fucking magic,” he grunted, head falling back, his perfect, thick neck on show as you glanced up. You felt the urge to take him deeper, pushing him closer and closer to the back of your throat, ignoring any noises of reluctance it made. 
“Fuck.” Seokjin choked, his fingers running through your hair to collect it in his fists. “That’s it. Take it all.” He pushed his hips up, stuffing your mouth for a few gloriously unbearable seconds before easing up. You lifted off, half of his dick still in your mouth as you caught your breath. He looked down at you with half-lidded eyes that seemed to eat you up. “Do you like choking on my cock?” 
Nope. He was not doing this. It was infuriating what his words did to you, and you immediately swallowed him again, ignoring the way your underwear stuck to your damp skin. He was going to have a field day when he felt you... 
Gasping for air not soon after, you had no choice but to pull off him entirely, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You were drenched in spit, so was his cock. You watched him kick off his clothing, naked from the waist down and you made moves to follow, reaching for your shirt and pulling it over your head. 
“Let me see those tits. I’ve missed them.” He murmured, and you complied, unhooking your bra to reveal yourself to him. His eyes instantly glazed over.  Confidently, you cupped the soft flesh in your palms, massaging yourself, putting on a show, and as your thumbs brushed the hardened peaks that were your nipples he practically growled. “Oh, fuck. You want to end me.” 
Laughing, you stood up, pushing your skirt off your hips, leaving you in just your tights and panties. He followed with his t-shirt, now fully naked. You’d never get enough of his body. “Come up here,” he whined. “Let me taste them.” 
Sat in his lap, you let him grope you, his mouth making out with your chest like it could kiss back. The sensation was so intense you quickly became weak at the knees and you clung to his neck, grinding against his thighs like nobody’s business. Unable to take it any longer, his hands slipped behind you, into your underwear, and he felt the silky fabric with a groan. Soon enough he was wrestling with your pantyhose again. 
“These fucking things. What the fuck. You’re doing it on purpose now.” 
“Am not,” you insisted. (Maybe you were). “I need to keep my legs warm.” With a furious tug you heard a rip and looking down you saw his damage. “Seokjin! You laddered them!” 
“Ugh. Just get them fucking off already, I need to feel you.” 
Asshole, but wet and desperate you quickly pulled then off, giving Seokjin a great view of your ass in the process. The underwear you had on had a cut-out at the top of your ass, revealing a “cleavage” of sorts. He seemed to appreciate the sight very much, giving you a playful smack and now you were very confused. Was he an ass man like you’d originally thought, or a tits guy? He was probably both. Greedy. 
You slipped the panties off too, settling back down in Seokjin’s lap, who instantly started running his fingers over your heat. You pulsed against him, desperate for some stimulation. 
“I swear to God you get wet so easily.” 
Says the guy who’d grown hard from a kiss? Okay... “Are you complaining?”
He shook his head. “Not at all. It’s stroking my ego.” 
“Your massive ego.” 
“Behave, or I won’t fuck you with my massive dick.” Okay, now he was just bragging. His smirk was annoying you. He looked way too sexy. 
You were expecting him to finger you for a bit, make sure you were stretched out enough for him, but all he did was dip his fingertips into your entrance, content with what he’d felt and then he was shuffling out from under your body to grab a condom from his bedside drawer. 
“God. I want to fuck you so much,” he muttered a few moments later, sliding the latex over his length as you securely sat on top of him again. You kissed him sloppily, letting him angle the head of his cock against your entrance. Impatiently, you pushed down, surprising yourself – and him – when you took him whole. 
You sat there, both breathing heavily as you started to adjust to him, walls clamping down like no tomorrow, which must have been torture for Seokjin, if his expression was anything to go by. 
“Shit. You got tighter,” he panted, reaching for your mouth again, trying to calm himself with kisses. You attempted to do the same, beginning to slowly grind back and forth, getting used to the full feeling. It wasn’t painful, just a little uncomfortable, but you were no longer scared of his monster cock. You’d had a fair few goes last weekend and you were now a near enough pro, so without further ado, you started moving for real. Up, until he was almost out of you and then down, slamming into him. You just about knocked the air out of Seokjin’s lungs, but he soon steeled himself, grabbing the tops of your thighs to keep you safe as you started bouncing up and down, riding his dick like it was the easiest thing in the world. In this moment, it was. 
Seokjin started groaning pretty quickly, his jaw clenched as he watched your every movement, his chest and neck patched with red. You clung to his shoulders, anchoring yourself to him as you flung yourself back. 
“Shit. Y/N!” He panicked, hands coming out to hold your lower back, afraid you were going to fall backwards off the bed. You were still sat on the edge after all, but of course he was strong enough to hold you tight, letting you lean back as far as possible to fuck yourself along his cock, the squelchy, sticky noise music to his ears. 
“Mmm. I missed this cunt so much,” he moaned. 
You wanted to tell him he was being a big baby, it had only been a few days but his vulgar words were having the desired effect on you yet again. You were like putty in his hands, especially when he started thrusting into you, meeting your movements with a thud. “I want you to cum on my dick.” 
Fuck. You were so close, his words only helping, but by now you were getting tired; out of breath and sweaty. “Seokjin—!” You moaned, voice breaking at the second syllable, and you leaned forward, collapsing into his chest. 
“Take it easy,” he murmured, hands dragging up your sweaty back. “Want me to take over?”
You grinned drunkenly. “No way, I’m enjoying myself too much.” 
Seokjin chuckled, pressing his mouth into yours. “Make yourself cum.” He whispered against you, thrusting into you still as he grabbed your ass, digging his fingers into the flesh. “You can do it, Y/N. Grind on me like you mean it. Grind all over me.” 
You listened, rutting into each one of his thrusts, holding on for dear life as your sensitive clit rubbed against his groin. You were both so sweaty and hot, your fingers sliding down his back, unable to grip on until you dug your nails into the skin. He hissed, thrusting into you harder. It seemed like Seokjin liked a little pain, too... 
“Baby, go a little faster,” he panted, kissing your neck, and you sped up, grinding into him messily, chasing your high like something possessed. You were so turned on, so sensitive, it only took a couple more minutes, a strangled cry leaving you as you tensed in his arms, your orgasm rocketing up your body.  “Ngh, fuck. Fuck.” 
Seokjin stopped his thrusts, letting you gradually come down, and soon enough your body relaxed, almost turning into goo as the pleasure warmed its way all throughout you. You lifted your head up, staring Seokjin straight in the eyes, both of you panting like crazy, and without a word he lifted you, flipping you over, your back to his mattress before he crawled over you. He wasn’t done yet – and neither were you. 
As he pushed inside you again, his hand found its way around your throat and he looked down at you carefully. “Is this okay?” 
You nodded, voice hoarse as you replied. “Yeah.” 
It wasn’t the first time he’d asked or done this – last weekend had been a lot, you still weren’t over it, and right now you were still so horny and desperate for him. You also really liked the feeling of his grip around your neck as he fucked you. 
“Fuck,” you breathed, feeling him start to thrust harder, faster, his palm tightening around your neck a little. You folded your legs at the knees and widened them, wanting him as deep as possible. 
“God, you’re so fucking hot,” he grunted, kissing your mouth in a frenzy, all tongue and teeth. His whole body was pressed into yours, pushing you into the mattress, his pelvis beginning to rub against your mound. You were still a little sensitive from your first orgasm, but you could already feel yourself a little needy for another. If he kept this up he’d have you coming again, and he knew by the way you started to meet each one of his thrusts, moans starting to slip from your throat – louder and louder. You hoped Yoongi still had his music on... 
“S-seokjin,” you stammered, hands sprawled across his back as you felt that familiar sensation again. “I’m going to–ngh–”
He moaned in reply, pushing into your harder, using his pelvis to get you off, and you held your breath, willing your orgasm to come. Your walls clenched around him, making it harder and harder for him to drag his cock inside of you, but he fought it, continuing with gritted teeth until he heard you cry out, your body stiffening under his. 
It wasn’t as strong as your last orgasm, but seemed to knock you for six, heady dizzy as you felt Seokjin kiss down your chest, slipping out of you carefully. His tongue circled one of your nipples, his hand cupping the other breast as he groaned softly. His erection bobbed against your inner thigh. 
“Coming on my cock twice. You’re amazing.” He awed, lifting his head up to smile at you. He sounded drunk. You felt drunk. 
“Well, I do try.” You joked, voice soft. 
He chuckled, and then his voice grew serious, eyes large and black, still very much turned on. “Tell me what you want, Y/N.” 
It was pretty obvious, his dick burning a hole against your leg. “Your cum.” 
His eyes widened, obviously not expecting you to be so upfront, and you took great pleasure in that. 
“Where?” He whispered. He didn’t bother to wait for your reply. “Mouth? Can I come in your mouth,” he asked. 
Your stomach dipped with urgent need, and you nodded your head rapidly. “Yeah.” 
He sat up instantly, moving to kneel over your face. He tugged the condom off, jerking himself off a couple of times before his eyes met yours. “Tongue out.” You obeyed, keeping your eyes open as the weight of his cock pressed against your tongue. “Good girl.” 
Okay, that was new. He hadn’t called you that last week, and instantly you felt your gut squeeze. You sucked the tip of his cock, eager now for him to cum in your mouth. As you did so, he started jerking himself off, eyes fluttering closed as his head lolled back, Adam’s apple bobbing slowly. His movements grew quicker, matching his breathing and then he hissed, body tensing up. 
“Fuckkk.” A couple of drops of cum landed against your tongue and you swallowed them, ready for more. You sucked him for all he was worth, your gaze never leaving his face, and even once he was done, you kept on lapping him with your tongue, digging the tip across the slit. 
He shuddered, making a strained noise and he pulled back, his cock falling out of your mouth. “Shit. I’m sensitive,” he laughed, collapsing next to you. You were both out of breath and sweaty, but wholeheartedly satisfied. 
“That’s gotta be the best yet?” You asked, grinning from ear to ear. 
“I think you may be right.” He agreed, pushing his hair out of his eyes, exposing his forehead. You wanted to reach over and kiss him, but you stopped yourself. “You were riding dick like a pornstar.” 
“Shut up,” you whined, pushing his shoulder. How embarrassing. 
Laughing at your reaction, he sat up, propping himself up with his elbow. “If you want the bathroom I have one over there.” 
You followed his thumb to a door on the right of his room. “An en suite? Very fancy.” 
Seokjin shrugged. “Yoongi has the main bathroom, so.” You didn’t move, tired more than anything, peeing could probably wait. Seokjin’s brows furrowed together. “Are you okay though?” 
“Of course,” you laughed. “I feel fricking amazing. I’ll be sad once this ends.” 
As soon as you said the words you felt funny. Seokjin looked surprised, voice low with... what was it, concern? “Who says it has to end? Do you want it to?” 
“...No,” you answered after a pause. 
Truthfully you didn’t want it to end just yet, you were enjoying yourself, you were just unsure of what was happening between the two of you... You’d  both confessed something back at the office last week but you were still uncertain what exactly it was. What had you been expecting? To fuck once and then that would be it? You liked having sex with Seokjin, it was fun, and you liked his company (most of the time). You liked him. He liked you. Maybe you didn’t need to put an expiry date on this thing. It was fine to see where it went. You didn’t need to turn it into a big deal. You didn’t need an outright answer for everything. It was fine to just live in the moment. 
“I don’t either,” Seokjin smiled, looking mildly relieved by your answer. 
“I just... when work starts back we won’t have much time to meet up like this.” 
“I’ll make time, trust me.” He kissed you then, hovering over you, lips warm and soft, a far cry from earlier, and the thought made you giggle. 
“What?” He asked bemused. 
“You know, you turn pretty demanding when you get horny.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
“Like, bossy and all, I don’t know, domineering.” You shrugged, feeling a little awkward. “It’s hot.” 
He smiled, chuckling softly as he kissed you again, a hand cupping your face. “It’s not too much?” He murmured. 
He didn’t sound surprised by your revelation so something told you he was aware of how he acted. Which made it even hotter, to be honest. 
“I like it.” You told him, biting down on your bottom lip. 
Eyes darkening, he hummed, his gaze running down your body. “So how about I tell you to spread those gorgeous legs so I can eat dessert?” 
You repressed the urge to laugh out loud. Dessert?! He was such an idiot. “Right now?”
“Yes. Right now.” Then he paused, rubbing his nose against yours, his tone softening. “Yeah?”
With a massive grin, you spread your legs. “Be my guest.” 
A third orgasm? You weren’t going to turn that down. 
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 Written 2020 - 2021.  Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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Clean-up in Aisle 4 (Will Miller x GN reader blurb)
Summary: a grocery store meet-cute with Will. Little bit of fluff, mainly angsty.
Author’s note: First time writing Will. Super quick one but hope you like it. Helps a lot if you know Will’s canon from the movie. You can read-up here if you wanna. Told you I was in Triple Frontier feels tonight!
Warnings: vague but thematic mentions of prior trauma related to military service and PTSD / anxiety themes, though nothing in-depth / graphic. Swearing. 
GIF: @will-grammer
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The first thing you noticed about the man was the broadness of him. Wide shoulders, leading down to a nipped-in waist. You weren’t ogling. Really. It was simply hard to miss, since you nearly drove your cart into his back, the brick wall of a man coming to a sudden, dead halt in front of you as you each approached the grocery store.
The second thing you noticed, as you huffed out air and scooted your cart around him, was the way his hands white-knuckled as they wrapped -achingly tight- around the handle of his own cart, the tension extending into his forearms and along the veins of his straining biceps.
The third thing, causing you to fully abandon your intended pursuit of a passive aggressive side-eyeing, was his ashen expression; the way his gaze fixed unerringly on the sliding, automatic doors as though they were the gates to hell and he was deathly afraid to enter. You saw then that the tension extended all then way through the chords of his neck, into his chiselled jaw, which was covered in a scruff of blond beard.
You’d seen that look before. Seen it on others in the field; and out of it. Had seen it plenty when you looked in the mirror too. It looked like trauma, raw and exposed and bile-inducing, and the recognition had the words rising out of your throat before you could stop them.
“Hey, are you okay?” you had asked casually, in a cooling voice as you lined your cart up side-by-side with his.
It was reflex by now. You had seen too many comrades freeze in the face of danger - and in your experience, freezing near-always led to sub-optimal outcomes. Perhaps that’s why you felt a personal responsibilty to shock him back to life. He seemed stuck. He seemed like he needed a push, like that damn cart.
The man’s eyes - hazel centred and fringed with a piercing yet muted blue - flicked fiercely towards you, and the hint of volatility made you very suddenly take note of his size and latent strength, your body’s fight or flight response firing as he appeared to take a little unkindly to the interruption.
Of course, you stood your ground. You always do. It’s a bad habit of yours.
His eyes softened, however, just a little, as he clocked gentle concern rather than confrontation in your own, and he self-consciously shuffled from foot to foot, his heavy combat boots seeking surer-footing on the paving; quite literally grounding himself.
Oh, he’s definitely military this one. You recognised that too in the way he moved. In the habits ingrained in his body.
Still, you saw the rush of panic fleeting across his eyes as he ignored you and fixed his stare back on the threshold of the store. It might have looked like nothing -a simple line to cross- but you knew all too well how the smallest of lines could be something much bigger; a marker, a milestone, a hurdle.
It seemed hard for him. And if it seemed hard, and he was still here, trying, then you were damn sure it seemed important too.
You had noticed the ticks in his body then too. He tapped his boot and his fingers on the handle, almost as if he was counting. Counting-up or counting down to something, you were not sure.
“Afraid to go in?” you had asked him gently, devoid of any mocking.
“I had a bad experience here...” he had told you, his voice a deep, drawling, painfully empty baritone.
He told you this much, though he was not sure why or how he even began to speak. Why or how he looked at you. He was not sure either, why he was unable to continue speaking.
He was a speaker by profession, wasn’t he? He had repeated his story often enough as part of his motivational speeches, and yet, the words died in his throat now.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
His hands tightened their grip on the cart, just like they had tightened...
“Hmm,” you acknowledged, chewing on your lip as you digested the new information.
“Well. Me too,” you admitted, as his eyes segued back to those double doors, bumping open and closed as his proximity continually reactivated the sensors. “It was bad. My shorts had split clean in half right down the ass-crack and no-one thought to tell me. Some of the clerks still call me Cheeky to this day.”
The incident you spoke of was painfully true, and at least mildly cheering, you thought, but the man barely registered it. At least, not initially. He took a moment, still staring, still counting, but then he looked at you with a reluctant and pained amusement that evidently took him by surprise.
Now, he saw you. His eyes gave you the once over.
You were not what he was expecting. That story wasn’t what he was expecting. He wasn’t expecting...
“Wait, what?”
Letting your mouth draw open into a smile, effortlessly holding his attention now, you had pressed on with your distraction.
“Split right up the ass-crack. Mortifying. So... I could use the company, if you’ll brave it with me?” You had nodded your head towards the double doors, and you had shifted your cart to casually bump his. “We could go together?”
The man had simply stared at you, and you had patiently waited for his response. The muscles in his jaw had twitched, tendons slipping over bone. He was frozen still; that is, until you had politely nodded and started to move away from him, with a sincere, “Take care of yourself, man.”
“Hey, wait up,” he had called as you moved ahead of him, and you threw your head over your shoulder to humourously inspect the seat of your pants.
“Shit, why, is my ass out again?” you had laughed, and Will tentatively laughed with you, following you into the store; crossing his personal boundary.
It was hard, and it was important.
You had waited for him to catch-up with a soft smile, proud of the man although you did not know him yet, and this time he had drawn his cart to a halt alongside yours.
“Your ass is not out,” he had promised. “Shit. Not that I was looking. I just, uh. Shit. I could actually use the company?”
“Sure,” you had nodded, without judgement, and you had stayed closely by his side on your usual, winding route around the store.
You had tried your best to cheer him and distract this stranger, and even earned a few smiles as you engaged him in meaningless conversation.
Then, the man had paused at the mouth of a particular aisle and stared turbulently into the vacant space there, face and body pulled taut as if replaying an unpleasant memory. He was about to abandon his cart, you thought. About to leave you with a hanging apology he in no way owed you about how he wasn’t ready for this.
It was important, but perhaps it was still too hard. 
However, instead, you had blitzed into the centre of the aisle and trampled over his ghosts, barraging all of his memories out of the way as you shifted armfuls of dog food into your cart with a clatter.
He had swallowed thickly, his hands stuffed into his pockets, until you shot him another soft smile.
“You have a dog,” he observed tentatively, consciously tearing himself away from the past. Counting the seconds; his breaths, his heartbeats, the cans of dog food. Moving forward.
“I do. He’s the goodest boi. He even has medals of honour.”
The man tips his mouth into a lop-sided smile. “What for? Can he walk on his hind legs?”
“Ugh, okay. I love it when smug fuckers underestimate my mutt.” You had added the last of your tins to the cart and gestured for Will to follow you into the next aisle. Away from his demons. He did follow. “No, actually,” you begin more softly, “he sniffed out IEDs when I was on my tour of duty.”
“Holy shit, you’re army?”
“Ex-Army,” you correct. “You too, I’m guessing?”
He had that look. That manner to his movements. The man looked like he had killed. It was a look you had learned to identify at ten paces. It was a look you saw in the mirror often enough.
“That obvious?” he says, sucking in air through his teeth.
“Oh yeah.”
He had smiled nervously at you. For the first time since meeting him, you noticed that he looked sweet.
“Yep, uh, I got out. Now I give motivational speeches where I relive my trauma and try ‘n’ convince recruits it’s all worth it.”
You had nodded, thin-lipped, as you moved towards the check-out.
You had wondered what happened to him out there, but something about the way his gaze had fallen on that spot in the aisle told you that what weighed heaviest wasn’t what he did while he was in, but what he did when he got out.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost...
That could happen. You had seen the pattern too many times amongst your buddies. Still, you had seen regret in this man’s eyes. That doesn’t always happen. Not everyone can pull back from the violence. Not everyone wants to.
You had peered into the man’s cart as he moved the items to be scanned. He had cola, lemons, and some sriracha in his cart, but... one step at a time. Coherent meals could come later.
This was hard. This was important.
“You should meet my floofy war hero. He’s outside in my truck,” you had offered, picking-up your bags, and the man picking up his... lemons etc..
“Oh yeah? Sure. Would be an honour,” he had smiled shyly, and you had tracked together over to your truck, thrown your bags in the back, and had let your boy out of the passenger seat.  
“Hey, buddy,” the man had cooed, kneeling down on the ground to deliver some quality scritches, and you couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sight.
“Aw, he loves you! Freddie, you slut!” you had laughed as this huge, burly man baby-talked to your mutt, your dog rolling on the floor and showing his belly like you didn’t feed and water him and take him for walkies.
You had watched the man for a moment. You had noticed a lot about him already, but now you noticed that, shit, he was handsome. That smile. That laugh. Blonde hair and beard and piercing eyes. His arms rippling beneath his pale blue t-shirt.
He had risen back to standing and leaned up against your truck, looking like soemthing out of a catalogue. And then, there it was again. That look. That raw, exposed, bile-inducing look.
“Listen,” he had said earnestly. “Thank you. I probably would still be standing out front if you hadn’t taken pity on me.” 
“No problem. Except, not pity. Not at all,” you had reassured. Affinity, maybe. Recognition.
He had huffed out a gentle, grateful breath.
“For real though, I was getting kinda tired of eating gas station noodle pots. Wouldn’t have my...” he had finally peered into the paper bag, registering the groceries he had panic bought. “Fuck. Wouldn’t have my lemons and sriracha without you.”
“Okay. Now maybe I’ll take pity on you,” you had smiled, gently teasing, and you shifted a few choice ingredient from your bags to his, despite his protests that you’d done enough for him already.
“You did it,” you had said firmly. “I just walked into a place where all the clerks accidently saw my ass cheeks. Whatever you did. It was hard and it was immportant. You did that. You should be proud.”
He had looked at you curiously and disbelievingly with those piercing eyes of his, like he didn’t deserve your words - even though they were merely the truth. So, you had bumped him on the arm, loaded Freddie back into the truck, and had thrown him a “Take care of yourself, man” as you clambered into the driver’s side.
“Wait.. I...”
The handsome, troubled man had motioned to you and you had wound down the window, leaning your arm out the side of the truck.
“Yeah?” you had asked, with a soft smile, but the man had simply shaken his head.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
He had looked apologetic, like maybe he wasn’t ready to subject himself to anyone just yet. As if he looked at you and saw the ghost of someone he let down standing over your shoulder. Maybe even in your face.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
His brows had knitted together, and he had looked down at his boots, shifting and seeking sure-footing all over again. Grounding himself.
“Listen,” you had offered, starting your engine up. “I do my weekly shop at 2pm on Sundays. You know, if you ever need some company? Or,” you had added with a smile and a casual wink, “if you ever need an excuse to check-out a nice ass again.” 
He had nodded his head and pursed his lips together, before a broad grin split his features, his deep baritone now sounding full as a chuckle spills out of him.
“Good to know,” he had smiled, looking up at you shyly, and he had stepped back to let you swing the truck around and pull away, offering you a wave.
He never did tell you his name, but you had a feeling that you might be seeing him around.
Sometimes, things were simply better with company, after all.
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chateautae · 3 years
I for duck's sake need help people.....see, I would be very pleased if anyone of you would just help me out....the thing is, I have been in a relationship for like around 3 years and trust me, he is like the most perfect kinda person I have ever met..but now comes the main issue, he has till now, never ever hinted me about doing anything ( the max. we have went is uk till just a little makeout types, ik spoiling my sex life like this sucks but that's why I am going anonymous and I think some of you might have experienced it ig, don't take me wrong, I mean like uk). The good thing is, we both are understanding and extremely working persons (he works as a employee in a business firm and I am a newbie doctor (kinda just started my practice as a doctor)....and even though I am a doctor and that having sex is like a normal thing because we literally studies everything, I still freak out upon thinking about doing it with him....it's not like I am scared or anything but I just want some uk girl tips upon how to actually do it....reading about it is quite, tbh, okay for me, but then doing it is like, a difficult task....i bet you he knows about everything and that's why he hasn't hinted upon anything but like from the past 1 week, he jas been dropping kinda hints ig.....like I won't go into the details, otherwise I would be hella embarrassed, not that I am not right now, I am literally sitting in the washroom typing this ( don't judge me)....while reading about it, it feels so easy to execute everything but then when doing it in real life is like so much like wierd ig....I mean how do I respond to it.....I am nervous and what not.....as 25yo, I sometimes feel wierd that I can't uk do it......can anyone of you just help me please......like some girl tips.....I searched it on Google too, still I don't have the courage.....amd moreover, my friends circle is so wierd amd plus, I am too shy to ask anyone.....ik asking this in such a way and place is way too inappropriate to be even considered normal....it's not like I am not ready for it, it's just I am quite nervous about how to do it.....tbh, he hasn't forced me even once still remained to be sweet and all but internally we noth know, we might wanna step up.....HELP PLZ.....my mom is way too conservative to even have an open conversation about kisses let alone doing it....
Oh hun, you are completely and tOTALLY allowed to come to this blog for any advice and not feel ashamed. This is an 18+ blog and anyone here would be so glad to help you, something like this is totally normal!! I shall leave my words under the cut, though if anyone else would like to help this lovely anon please do not hesitate to drop off a reply or even something in my inbox! I'll answer right away to help anyone wondering the same thing 💓
Alright hun, first and foremost I am so happy your relationship has been so strong! And I'm glad you're with someone who hasn't pushed you or anything into doing anything sexual yet, I'll tell you from experience that can be extremely daunting and uncomfy so I'm super relieved your man has been sweet!!
In terms of real advice, tbh I'm quite the wrong person to go to. I lost my v-card with my first boyfriend when I was 16, literally we were both inexperienced and even the times we did you know, do the deed it was very clumsy and nobody knew what they were doing, and the second person I've been with was a Kiseok situation (if you read maybe I do, yes Kiseok is based on a real person in my life) so fuck that dude. But maybe my own inexperience can also help you out, here are at least some lady tips I can think of:
1. Make sure you're comfortable. I say comfortable instead of ready because I'm quite the believer in if you wait until the moment you're ready, you'll wait your entire life. So my best advice is to make sure you're comfy with the situation and your partner!!
2. Ensure your partner is someone who cares about you. I know everyone's stories are different, and not everyone has sex with someone they've been with for a long time or even love, one night stands are totally okay and I salute you sister. get that dick!!! But even in situations where you're with a stranger, sex is a very intimate thing, and it would make your experience 1000x better if you can at least tell the person cares about you and your body and your wishes during sex. Everyone deserves to be respected during an intimate act like sex and if you feel you're not being respected, whether it's your body, your wishes, your limits, your choices, do not feel obligated to still go through with this person.
3. You have to be wet. Of course not all sexual encounters happen the same way, and every female gets off on different things or turned on by a variety of actions, but essentially you have to be wet for sex. Most men understand this but a lot also don't, basically you gotta get into that juicy foreplay to get wet my girl. Try making out, maybe if you're sitting down swing a leg over his lap and bam you're straddling him. This position is usually optimal because you gain the opportunity to grind against yo man's crotch and my fucking God, does that shit feel hella nice. It's also highkey ego-boosting feeling how much the guy's getting worked up because literally anytime you grind or move over their crotch it immediately spikes to their dick and you can usually feel them against you. If you're standing, try moving to an area that has a wall and keep grabbing at your man's neck, usually men naturally will indicate you to jump and you'll easily be all up against the wall making out, this gets hella fun too cause being carried like that is so 😩
3.2. Okay cool, we're making out, now it's essentially a game of go with the flow. Men usually take the initiative and begin the escalation of things on their own. Maybe he'll start kissing down your neck, his hands are gonna be somewhere at your waist, maybe inching down to your ass or maybe he's an ass guy and he's already palming at yo cheeks. Regardless, I can confidently say you can sit back and relax, let yourself feel, get into the kissing and grinding and if you love the way he's touching you, make some noise and let him know, don't be afraid to be turned on and goddamn horny, dudes love that shit. You however are also allowed to take the wheel, and guys usually search for the greenlight from girls by sensing their movements and how eager they seem for the go-ahead on anything. If maybe you begin tugging at his clothes, they'll usually think "okay, she's okay with this rn" and so on. This part's sincerely just go with the flow, you don't need to rush and honestly the more foreplay the better for getting your puthy wet. Make sure you're comfy and your partner makes sure you're okay with that they're doing to you.
3.3. Whoop dee doo your man's hands are suddenly going, you know, places. Another case of go with the flow, if you're comfortable with your man wanting to do a lil rubby dubby on your kitty then totally let him, this shit feel's god-like I tell you. Maybe I'm just a sensitive ass whore, who knows but something about feeling a man's hands do what your lady fingers can't just HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. But essentially from here maybe you wanna reciprocate. Get them pesky pants open and feel your man up. Reach inside those boxers and touch that beast he's hiding inside. Make sure to go nice and slow and your hands aren't rough, men's dick are super sensitive and if you go too hard on at least a dry dick it acc hurts them. Men usually leak pre-cum at their tips so try using some of that to slick up your hand.
3.4. That's handjobbing, now if we're getting into oral, very important things to remember. A) retract your teeth, it's hard and it hurts to do it for a long time but teeth will hurt dudes a lot so suck them in and away from their cocks. B) Hollow your cheeks, men like the tightness of a mouth and that's what really gets them going. C) BREATHE THROUGH YOUR NOSE PLEASE DO NOT JUST STOP BREATHING AND TAKE YOUR TIME OKAY BLOWJOBS ARE ACC VERY FUCKING HARD AND FUCK YOU UP especially for someone like me who has a small mouth, yeah that shit sUCKS but nothing is more beautiful than seeing a man fold under your touch. D) Tease yo man a bit, kitten licks and kisses, dragging your tongue over his slit, maybe a pump and then take him out, slick him up with some saliva maybe, anything you feel like doing go ahead girl, that dick is yours for the time being and I promise he'll love it. E) Deep-throating is really when gets guys going cause they only acc feel shit at their tips, so please deep-throat with caution, and take your time if he's a big one, you can acc really hurt yourself especially if you're constantly deep-throating a really big one. F) Go to town girl, get up and bobbing, go down on him like he can't survive without you, go at your own pace and own it. G) Balls usually go neglected and I promise if you even fondle them or grab at them your man will combust.
3.5. Okay so with actual sex, FIRST OF ALL BE SAFE!!!! USE A FUCKING CONDOM, IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE THEN DON'T FUCK BUT IF YOU'RE STILL HORNY THEN PLEASE RECIEVE SOME MONEY FROM YO MAN FOR PLAN B!!! IT'S NOT ENTIRELY FOOLPROOF THOUGH PLEASE REMEMBER THAT RISK. You can totally go on birth control too but this has its complications, there are also monthly shots you can take and other contraceptives.
3.6. Okay it's sexy times, this is just gonna have to be a thing for you. Everyone's different and has different comfort levels, maybe you can take someone that’s bigger while some women can't and that's fine. Just make sure when he does go in, you feel okay with it. It will hurt if you’re dry and not wet, like hurt a lOT but if you do feel loads of pain just let your partner know to go slower, and let yourself get used to the feeling of something inside. You can always say stop if it hurts too much, seriously it's normal and that's what I did with my first boyfriend. Hell I fucking kicked my ex off me LMAO and he was so sorry and we just ended everything there, and had actual sex the next time I visited him. From here on I've really got no lady tips, essentially it's up to you what you like and what you'll do, get it on!!!
General Tips:
4. Be you, and be confident. I know sex can be really daunting especially when you consider men usually tend to be more experienced, and maybe you become afraid you won't measure up or be as good as his previous partners or you’re not good at sex, but baby girl it ain't about that. This dude is going to have sex with you because he wants to have sex with you, and whether that's his dick speaking for him or his heart, it means he will not be thinking about some other  chick he got it on with a year ago, he will be thinking of you and your pretty mouth and what you're doing, focused on touching your body and thinking he loves the way it feels. The more confident you are, the better. You're sexy and pretty and you are desirable babes, let those noises he makes when you touch him drive your confidence, the way he groans a little when you do something, the way he's tugging your body close to yours cause he wants to feel you, it all means he wants you and that's hot, let it boost your lady ego my love. You're allowed to be shy, I totally understand that, and if your partner really cares about you then they'll easily take your hand and guide you through it. Let them know you're a little nervous, and they'll really try to make things more comfy and easier for you because sex is about both parties, not just one.
5. Orgasming is hard, but it's still achievable. Especially in an open, established relationship, really let your man know what turns you on. Let him feel at your cooch while he's penetrating you and I promise that can usually get you orgasming. Other than that, another huge case of doing what you need to do to get yourself off, and always let your partner know. If you’re really searching for an orgasm in a newer relationship or if you’re too shy to say something, then literally just take your man’s hand and place him over your clit and start rubbing with him, he’ll get the hint and start doing it himself. 
6. Communication is key. This is obvious, but even if it's dirty talk, usually it's still a way to communicate and see if you're okay. You can ask to go slower, faster, softer, harder, stop altogether or entirely wreck your goddamn shit. Your partner should listen and if they don't, get the fuck out of there and leave that man, he don't fucking deserve you at all, especially in situations where you ask to stop or to slow down cause maybe something hurts, if he doesn't listen here then no, he don't deserve shit and LEAVE. Don't be afraid to make noise either or say something, dudes usually love hearing you. If you don’t like something please let your partner know, I’m sure they’re wondering if you do and would love to hear you communicating. 
7. Be clean after you're done woo-hoo-ing. Make sure you're tidy and stuff before putting clothes back on, sex can get messy especially if it's your first time you can bleed. Usually if the dude is a sweetheart enough they'll clean you, which is obviously aftercare uwu.
8. Pee after sex, UTI's are not fun. 
9. Your body may also feel weird or go through changes after you have sex for the first time, but that’s normal. Just you body’s response to feeling something foreign inside you. 
10. Ladies, remembering during sex that you have power, IT’S YOUR BODY!!!! Whether it’s because you’re totally domming or because your man is super duper sweet and will not do anything unless you want it, sex is meant to be fun and for both parties’ enjoyment. It’s not a chore nor is it something you HAVE to do to keep your man around or something, let yourself have fun girl, you deserve it. The flow of sex and any activities as such are usually dictated by you and what you want, so remember you don’t have to go through with something if you don’t want to. It shouldn’t matter if a dude really badly wants to get his dick wet, this is your body and you are to decide what happens to it. If a man makes you believe otherwise, FUCK THAT DUDE!!!! HE DON’T DESERVE YOU!!! YOU DESERVE LOVE AND RESPECT AND TO BE CARED FOR AS A HUMAN BEING!!
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Fine Line (Chapter 9)
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>>>Catch up with the Fine Line Masterlist!
word count: 
story summary: Since you were kids you and Harry had always walked that fine line of friends or something more. Now, pregnant by someone else, you find yourself staying with your long time best friend after things go sour with your boyfriend of 3 years.
Singlemom!Reader x Harry Styles
chapter summary: You and Harry revisit an old childhood game.
warnings: Language // cuddling // mutual pining but they're both dumb af // no editing
a/n: Apparently, I do still write... amazing right?? Anyway, posting this from mobile so it might be a bit weird formatting and I couldn't post the word count tonight. Sorry about that guys. Hope you enjoy anyways!
As always, likes and reblogs make my little heart sing and comments make me almost faint. So, gimme that love.
You settled into Harry's couch for yet another night alone. The light from Judd Nelson's match he had managed to ignite with the back of his teeth lit up the television. The 
luminescent bulbs dimly casted tints of blue and white lights across Harry's living room. Your eyes glued to the movie you'd seen a million times before as you curled in tighter into the soft blankets. 
Harry had been busy the last few days and while you tried your best to not bitch about it, you were lonely. Gemma and Abby had their own lives thousands of miles away from you. Jesse had still not answered you back. Your mother couldn't carry on a conversation with you for more than 10 minutes without forgetting who you were. Besides work, you really had no one to hangout with and even your coworkers didn't see you outside the office. 
The only glimmer of a social life you had was your unborn child that you talked to constantly and Mr. Stranger-who-hits-on-people-at-the-doctor's-office. Since your child couldn't talk back to you yet, Matt was quickly becoming your life line to a somewhat normal life. 
Your phone dinged for the millionth time that night. Matt's name flashing across the top of the screen had a smile curling on your lips. Your fingers quickly slid to open your message app.
>Can't wait for nights like these, right?
The message read, a picture of Roman passed out asleep on top of Matt's chest glared from your phone screen.
<<He looks comfortable.
You shot back, your lips rolling into your mouth as you waited for the response. There was nothing wrong with some innocent flirting, right?
>He says he highly recommends you trying it.
You could feel your cheeks heat when your eyes scanned his message. You bit the inside of your cheek as you typed back, quickly deleting your first response to write a different one. 
You were so out of practice when it came to flirting. You had no idea how to even do it. Even when you started dating Jesse he was the one who initiated everything. You didn't know he was hitting on you until your dorm mate at the time told you.
<<Sure he does.
>Swear. Cheeky little thing even said he'd share me being his pillow with you if you come to the park with us on Friday.
You let out a chuckle as you read his response, ready to shoot back a more feisty text when the door to Harry's house was thrown open. A very drunk Harry stumbled through the door. His eyes widened when he saw you sitting on the couch. That lopsided smile on his face as he used his dining room table to balance himself.
"Have a good night?" You asked, your phone and conversation with Matt long forgotten as Harry clammed up. His hand ran through his soft waves of brown curls as he let out a long breath.
"Weren’t supposed to drink but Mitch brought out the bottle and-" 
"Hazza, it's fine. I'm glad you had a good night. You've been busy lately. You probably needed it." You quickly cut him off, not wanting him to feel bad for having a life outside of you.
After all, you were his guest. He didn't need to run his itinerary through you everyday. He had his own things and you had yours.
"Missed yeh so much this week. Sorry 've been busy." He sighed as he tried to take a step down the stairs. His hand quickly pressed to the wall to balance himself.
"You need to go to bed." You mumbled as you stood up from your warm spot on the couch. Your arm instantly under his to help further balance him.
"But I miss yeh and wanna hang out." He whined. His head laid on your shoulder as he pouted.
"We can hangout all day tomorrow, promise." You said when you pushed him lightly back up the stairs. His body clung to yours. His arm around your shoulders.
"But, I wanna hang out now." He huffed like a petulant toddler. His arms stiffened at his side almost made you lose your balance.
"Fine, well hang out now as long as you help me get to your room." You rolled your eyes at him, letting out a huff when he stopped completely in his tracks.
"Fuck, Haz, yes. Just get walking before I fall." You grumbled as you pulled at his waist. His feet reluctantly slid against the hardwood floors.
"Yeh can't fall right now yeh pregnant."
"I know." You sighed as you pulled him a bit more. Your doctor would have your ass if she knew you were putting this much strain on yourself. His weight was every bit of 5 times the amount you were supposed to lift or carry but it wasn't like he could make it to bed by himself. "Which is why I need you to help me here."
His feet left the ground in much better steps than he had taken before. The words you had spoken seemed to sober him up a bit as you finally pushed the door to his room open. His tall lanky body hit the bed in a second. You sighed as the pressure from your shoulders finally let up.
"Night Haz." You said with your hand on the doorknob, foot halfway out the door when he perked back up enough to turn on his bed to look at you.
"Yeh promised, so get back 'ere." He patted the bed a few times. A signal for you to join him.
"Uh, maybe tomorrow. We shouldn't-" your words were quickly cut off by his hand around your wrist as he brought you closer to the bed.
"Yeh promised, bunny." He smiled up to you that adorable dimple popped out as you nodded your head. 
Well, you did promise.
Your knees hit the plush pillow top. Your body sunk in slightly as you moved across the bed to the top. Your arms around the pillow that smelled of Harry's shampoo and cologne.
That adorable grin never left Harry's face as he watched you crawl into his bed. A shiver ran down his spine but he quickly shook that thought away. You were just his friend. Only his friend. 
He reminded himself of that many times as he mimicked your position on the bed. His head on the pillow, face towards you, both your knees touched each other.
"'Member when it'd storm durin' your sleep overs with Gem and yeh always end up curled up in my bed 'cause y'hate storms and Gem sleeps like a log?" He asked as his hands tightened around the pillow. Your head nodded as a smile crept up on your face. 
"Remember you stealing all the covers." You teased as he rolled his eyes at you.
"Won't steal 'em tonight. Promise." His pinky finger shot in the air, yours immediately wrapped around it, without even a second thought.
The street lights outside his window cast soft white lights into his room. Just enough that you could see the outline of his face, the tip of his nose, the long eyelashes against his cheek every time he blinked. You licked your lips as the silence swallowed you both. 
How much longer could you two keep up the act of being friends? You didn't know the answer to that question. Every time you were close like this to him you could feel your resolve washing away. Especially when his lips parted slightly, his steady breathing sounded like a soft lullaby. You swallowed, your eyes darted down to his chest. 
"Wanna do the thing?" He asked, his voice broke your intense stare on his lips and back to his eyes. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment at the sight of his smirk.
"Seems a bit stupid now." You mumbled as your eyes darted away from him.
How long had you been staring? How long did he notice you staring?
"Well too bad. I wanna do it."
"You're bloody drunk of course you wanna do it." You huffed as you tried to protest against this stupid game you two always played as children. 
"My bed, my rules." He said as the blanket encased both of you. The little amount of light that was being let in from the street lights was completely snuffed out from his duvet. The heavy duty quilt almost made it hard to breath. The air hot and sticky, smelling of whatever alcohol Harry had been drinking that night and his cashmere cologne. Suddenly, you were cursing your 12 year old self for ever coming up with this shit.
"This is dumb, Haz." You sighed.
"'S not dumb. 'S tradition!" His voice raised to a level you hadn't heard before. You could imagine the shocked look on his face, feel it forming on his features through the thick air.
His hand came to rest on the side of your face and yours reluctantly did the same. Your cool fingers touched against his warm skin. The stubble on his jaw tickled the inside of your palm. A sharp breath sucked through his teeth as your fingers traced the curves of his cheek bones. His own hand mimicking the movement, both of you studying each other's face with nothing but touch.
"Ready?" He asked, his voice playful and full of mischief. It almost made you smile, until you remembered how fucking stupid this was.His eyes closed when his hand ran over your lips. Your eyes trained on him for a second to make sure he wouldn’t cheat like he used to when you were kids. Once satisfied with the knowledge he wasn’t going to peek your own eyes slipped close, a long breath exited your lungs as you thought of all the times you did this with him.
It had merely started out as a way for you to touch him without him knowing you wanted to be close to him. Even though he quickly caught on to the fact of why you liked this so much when you were younger, he never protested when you suggested doing it. Of course, now you knew why he didn’t argue with you.
He wanted to be close to you too. 
Your lips formed into a smile as your mouth opened and closed a few times. His fingers lingering over them as they formed words silently. His eyes popped open as he glared at you. The darkness didn’t let you see his expression but your hands could feel his eyebrows pull together. Your lips rolled in your mouth to stop your obnoxious laugh.
“Yeh a brat, know that, love?” He asked a bit irritated but you could feel his facial features softening when you let out another giggle. 
“Couldn’t help it.” You said through your laughs, his cheeks pushed back against your hand that was still pressed there, a smile on his face so big you could feel the dimple there. 
“‘M not a tosser.” He pressed his finger booping the tip of your nose before it dragged down to your cupid’s bow. The tip of his finger lightly traced the outline of your lips. 
“Your turn.” You snapped him out of his silence when your digits went to his plush lips again. The softness of them never failed to surprise you. How did he manage to have such soft lips? 
You could feel your mind slowly slip from how they felt against your fingers to how they’d feel against your own. Imagining what it’d be like to have them on you again after all this time. Wondering if they’d still send that electric shock down your body. Wondering if he still tasted the same, like home. 
You were rudely pulled out of your daydreams when you felt his lips curl and twist. Your mind searched through your vocabulary of his top phrases he always said to you. Your lips pouted, eyebrows furrowed as he silently mouthed the phrase again. The skin of your fingers took in all the information down your arm directly to your mind. A smile you knew he could feel came across your lips. 
“Love you too, Haz.” Your eyes fluttered open right as his hand left your face and went around your waist. Clearly done with visiting your old time game when he threw the blanket from over the top of your heads. The sweet crisp air being sucked into your lungs in deep breaths. 
“Wasn’t so bad.” He said as you nodded your head in agreement, a shrug from your shoulders had him rolling his eyes as he pulled you into his chest. Your head against his pillow when his hand ran small circles over your lower back, the bottom of your shirt bunched up by his hands so he could touch your skin. A sigh of relief left you at the touch you didn’t know you needed, your face buried deep into him. Your own free hand wandered under his shirt. Your skin touching against the smooth planes of his stomach up to his chest. Contentment washed over you as your body relaxed into him. Eyes closing from how good it felt to be close again. 
The soft call of sleep beckoned you to its depth. Your breath slowed as your legs entangled with his. Gently slipping into a deep sleep. Arguably, the best sleep you’d had in years. 
Harry woke up the next morning with a pounding in his head. A groan left his lips as the sunlight that danced in through his windows blinded him momentarily. His sleep filled eyes blinked at the intrusion. Hand against his face, swearing to himself he’d never ever let Mitch talk him into another night of drinking. The echoes of his friend's voice rang through his head. Promises of a light night was total bullshit. His body ached as he tried to get into a different, more comfortable, position. His arm refused to move as something heavy laid on top of it. His eyes fully snapped open to see you laid out beside him. 
A smile creeping across his mouth as he looked at you. Your soft pouty lips pushed out as you took in deep calming breaths. The sunlight touched the peaks of your hips and breast. Glowing light radiating off your silky bare thighs. He chuckled lowly, knowing your sleep pants had been abandoned some time during the middle of the night. He guessed some things never change.
His fingers ran down your arm, up the shoulder of your sleeve. He just wanted to touch you, feel your skin under his own. He couldn’t help it. He felt like a man being possessed. His own body moving to its own accord. Inching its way in to hold you like he did almost 8 years ago. 
His arm was around you, face inches away from your own. He could see your eyes fluttering back and forth behind your eyelids. Small whimpers came from you as you dreamed. 
Were you dreaming about him?
He sighed, head pressed harder into the pillow. He could have laid here watching you all day. The way your breathing made your chest rise, the way you unknowingly wiggled closer to him when his arm rested over top of you, the way the golden sunlight made you look like a fucking angel in his arms. 
Golden, golden, golden
As I open my eyes
Words formed in his mind as he memorized every inch of your skin. Every valley of your body, every high rise of your curves. His sight eventually landed on your stomach. A small bump was there, not a huge one, definitely one he wouldn't have noticed if he didn't have every part of your body mastered like the back of his hand. He supposed it made sense you'd start showing by now. All the research he'd done late at night said 12 weeks was usually the normal time frame. 
His hand slowly moved above your bump. Hovering there for what felt like hours. He would never admit it to you but he was scared, petrified, this child would somehow drive a wedge between you two. 
Chase you farther away from him when it felt like he'd just gotten you back.
It wasn't that you two weren't close when you didn't live with him, you two definitely were, but with Jesse and others around he never had you to himself. That was all he wanted, your attention. He suddenly felt like a 7 year old begging you for a moment of your time while you mindlessly played barbies for hours with his sister. 
How fucking pathetic, he thought. Was he really going to be jealous of your child having your time? Or was he just jealous that it wasn't also his child?
He knew the answer as soon as his hand hit your stomach. He inhaled a sharp breath in through his teeth. His heart melted as he thought of that little baby that jumped around on the ultrasound machine. A sense of protectiveness he'd never felt before flooded his brain.
He slid gently down the bed. He held his breath as he lifted your shirt. His eyes darted up to make sure he didn't disturb you from your sleep. 
"Good mornin' baby." He mumbled to your stomach, his large hands completely encased the bump.
"Yeh don't know it yet but yeh momma is my best friend so I guess that makes us best friends too." He said lowly, his callused hands moving softly against your skin made you hum in your sleep. Your body shifted slightly to get more comfortable on your back. 
Harry raised to rest on his elbows. His hands still on your stomach muttering soft sweet words to your baby. 
"Gonna teach yeh all kinds 'f things." 
"Gonna 'ave to let yeh listen to my music 'cause yeh mom has some bad taste."
"Gonna 'ave to teach y'football too, 'cause yeh mom's got two left feet."
"Definitely gonna 'ave to teach yeh maths she's really bad at that one. Pretty sure I did all her work fo' her. Got no idea how she passed when I left."
"You know I can hear you, right?" You asked after being insulted for what seemed like an eternity. Your head popping off the pillow to glare at your friend trash talking you to your baby.
"Oi, this is a private conversation." He said with a smirk on his face as his head shot up to you. His eyes sparkling with a glint of humor as you shook your head at him. He let out a sigh as he fell back to the bed. His chin rested on the covers as your hand ran through his hair. 
He'd stay like this with you for as long as you let him. He'd be happily content to let your fingers run through his hair all day if you wanted to. The soft scratching of your nails on his scalp soothing him as his eyes slipped closed.
Yes, he could stay like this forever.
"Wanna get breakfast?" You asked a bit later, his eyes lazily flicked open only to shut again. His arm flung around your waist, pulling you close to him. His nose nuzzled into your side making you giggle that soft sweet sound he loved more than anything else in this world.
"Wanna cuddle." He mumbled into the exposed part of your skin. Your shirt still lifted over your stomach from him talking to the baby.
"Harry…" You said gently. Your hands in his hair paused their movements.
You cherished these types of mornings with him. Locked them in a special place in your heart but you knew deep down you shouldn't be in situations like this with him. It would only make things more confusing for the both of you. You could already feel yourself inching closer and closer to the edge of recklessness with your heart.
At the end of the day you were still you and he was still the great Harry Styles. 
How could you ever live up to the type of person he'd need in his life?
"Jus' a little while longer, yeah?" He said from below you. Not wanting to admit he knew being wrapped up in bed with you was wrong.
He liked Camille. Loved her, maybe, but she'd never compare to you. The love he had for you burned deep, like a forest fire wild out of control. He tried his best to tame it. Remind it that you had no interest in him anymore but it had a life of it's own at this point. Even through countless rejections and long years of yearning for you without reciprocation.
"Yeah, okay." You said, your hands going back to work running through his hair.
Both of you, unknowingly to the other, wondering the same thought as you laid in each other's embrace.
What would happen if you crossed that line?
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scandeniall · 4 years
cause u were my baby
pairing: atsumu x (implied black)f!reader (ur Aran’s sister but if u wanna imagine youre adopted go ahead no physical descriptors)
summary/warnings: honestly just based off my boo by usher. ur life around atsumu over the years (from kids to adults)/implied nsfw at the end when ur adults, bad words, thats it./timeskip spolier 
a/n: format might be weird because i was initially doing these as headcanons but kept going and it changed. also also started with a sakusa version based on this song so um tune in next whenever i finish it oop-
It started when we were younger, you were mine 
You’re not exactly sure when you’d met Atsumu. It seemed like he was always around. From the first day Aran came home trailing two considerably shorter twins behind him you’d been intrigued. 
“Aran you never told us ya had a sister!” When they found out your name and exclaimed how cool it was there was no way you could’ve predicted your future. 
Eventually it became a tiny school girl crush, on one of them as kids (you couldn’t quite tell them apart for the longest). You’d be overly happy whenever Aran brought them around, and always asked to tag along with him, but only when he mentioned he’d be seeing the twins. 
You’d watched over the years as your brother only grew closer to them and as a result so did you, sorta. In middle school you’d come back from hanging with your own friends to hear the twins bickering while your brother just continued in with his homework. Being in the same year, you’d occasionally be dragged into helping them out, or sharing answers when it was too hard and “they’d learn it later, but need the answers now.”
At some point during middle school you’d grown an official crush on Atsumu, opting to take his side more often than not within his competition with Osamu. Despite that, nothing ever came of it as kids. 
The older you got, the more attractive they’d seem to get, but you never paid much attention. After all, once you reached the world of high school, your young crush practically disappeared. Instead you’d taken a liking to all the new people you were exposed to.  
As they got more and more passionate about volleyball and you parted class ways you never really saw them, except for the occasional times they’d come to your house. Even then, the conversations were short. Growing more confident, and friendly you’d still jokingly take Atsumu’s side to which he’d parade around like he’d won the lottery. “At least someone thinks I’m right.” 
Of course you’d heard about Atsumu’s lack of popularity among his teammates. You’d overheard Osamu telling him at lunch one day to be nicer, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the lack of care he showed for others thoughts on his personality. As long as he was doing his job as a setter all’s good. 
“Don’t think you’d say that if they decided to throw you in a ditch one day,” you’d tease hovering over their lunch table. “Maybe you should be a little nicer,”
“If they suck, then they suck.” 
For the rest of your first year your conversations took on similar natures. One of you’d overhear something then butt in for a few moments before returning to your regularly scheduled lives. 
You’d watch as the two of them grew into their volleyball skills, alongside your brother cheering from the sidelines as much as you could. Come your 2nd year Their notoriety and your connection to them caused a spike in your popularity. It was something that came to the irritation of your brother. 
“Another date?” Your brother eyed the way you searched for the perfect pair of shoes while you waved him off. 
You’d heard about the twins biggest fight. Osamu admitted that he’d be quitting volleyball after high school. Heard about the way Atsumu reacted, seen the way they stopped sitting together at lunch
“Shouldn’t ya be with yer friends,” the blonde twin mumbles, continuing to stab at the rice he’d brought for lunch. Or that Osamu packed, which is precisely why he couldn’t eat it. You slid into the empty seat in front of him, not even phased. 
“Atsumu you need to make up with your Osamu. You two are driving Aran mad. And more importantly you need each other.” Your hand stops his that were previously stabbing at the food, by knocking the chopsticks out. With a sigh, you move the bento he’d been messing over and replace it with your own lunch. “Since you’re on your whole anti Samu stance, figured I’d get you some non Samu food. I’ll be eating this by the way.” You were intentional in keeping your voice light not wanting to further upset the firecracker. “I’m waiting on my thank you.”
“For what. Tryna get me to talk to the traitor-“
“Atsumu. He's your brother. Grow up. I’m just trying to help out my friends-“
“Yer just Aran’s sister who has a stupid crush on Samu. That’s why yer taking his side,” at that your eyes widen and the annoyance starts to set. Before you could refute he cuts you off.  “We’re not friends. Never have been and never will be. Go hang out with Samu if you’re that desperate”
Silence settled upon the two of you before you swallowed the lump that had started to form. 
“You’re right. We’re not friends and I’m just Aran’s stupid little sis how could i forget,” your tone is mocking as you gather up your own food. “You clearly have some issues to work through with Osamu and you’re upset but I’m not gonna be your verbal punching bag. Keep the lunch,” you sigh before standing. “I’ll see you around, maybe.” Atsumu couldn’t pinpoint it then but there sense of finality in your voice might’ve aided in the further irritation he carried through the rest of the day. 
You’re not even sure when the twins got back on good terms. One day they’d started hanging back out at your place with Aran however you made it a point to never be around. It wasn’t until your brother’s graduation months later that Atsumu caught you for more than a few fleeting seconds. 
“He’s really graduated huh-“ you were sitting in the empty gym after the ceremony. Everyone else had gone outside before you ditched your family with the promise of catching up and being back for Aran’s celebratory dinner. However Atsumu had watched you slip back in and curiosity killed the fox. 
“Hey Tsumu,” you hummed, eyes glued on the chairs covering the floor. You only glanced at him once you felt the bleachers creak and did as he settled next to you. 
“Why’re ya in here (Y/N)”
“Just thinking. I’m gonna miss him-“
“Arans really leaving us for the big guys huh- they grow up so fast.” The lightness in Atsumu’s voice has you smiling before shaking your head before focusing back on the gym floor. 
“Not Aran. Well- yeah I’m gonna miss him too but I’m talking about my boyfriend. Well ex who kinda broke up with me yesterday. Something about going off to Uni and needing something new. Seeing him here too was weird.”
Atsumu just nods. He’d heard that you’d started dating some 3rd year shortly after your disagreement. According to Aran and even Osamu the guy wasn’t necessarily a bad guy but wasn’t really a good one either. “(Y/N) could do better but if she’s happy,” he’d listen to Aran complain before, a rarity from a guy who tried seeing the good in people. And it was true, you were happy. Extremely so. 
“Sorry about that,” you just give him another nod before he sighs. “M’sorry about blowing up at ya a while back too. Saying that we weren’t friends,”
“Is Miya Atsumu apologizing for someone.” Your fake shock is accompanied by you turning your body to face his. “Do I need to get this on camera for proof. Where’s Rin.” The way you pull out your phone pretending to film has him laughing before jokingly telling you to shut it. 
“You worked things out with Samu?”
Atsumu only shrugs. “I’m still pissed but we still have 1 more year. And I gotta focus on being happier and more successful.”
“Do I even wanna know?”
Instead of responding Atsumu just stands before offering you a hand. “Ya going to the party?” He was referring to the one the parents had planned to celebrate the graduates. It was at your house but you weren’t sure if you were gonna actually show or just hang with a friend for a few hours. You still hadn’t taken his hand up and he looked at it expectedly. 
“Hadn’t decided. Kinda sad ya know,” you joke before taking it. 
“All the more reason. Forget about that loser. Besides if Aran finds out I knew ya were sad and did nothin’ he’d kick my ass.” You thought for a moment before caving, not even noticing had neither of you had let go. 
That was the start of it all for you two. Following the party you’d rekindled your friendship with the twin and as break started the two of you grew closer. There’d been many nights when you two would sneak out and go on late night adventures. Convenience store runs. Scooter rides or even to parks to help him practice. You’d even started hanging around when they had official team practices to where he’d started walking you home. 
Your first kiss happened on one of those walks. Your arms had brushed several times as he complained about poor spikes or missed serves and how they weren’t gonna be Karasuno with that performance. 
“They’re stressing you out just how you stressed Kita out captain”
“And yer brother,” you nod as your hands brushed again. “How’s he doin anyways,” 
“Pretty good. Just practicing a lot and stuff. He’s always tired when we talk.” Another brush. You start tuning Atsumu out as you debate on making a move. The two of you had gotten considerably closer to the point where people had teased calling him your boyfriend. However you could’ve been imagining it and the chemistry. Maybe he just saw you as a sister much like Osamu but picked up on your feelings and didn’t wanna hurt them and ruin things. 
“Hey Atsumu,” the way you stopped had him confused. However before he could question it you started. “Do you like me? Like-like me?”
He thought for a moment before answering just with a shrug. “Well yeah. Course Aran would kill me for some of my thoughts but—yeah.” You weren’t even sure why you were so surprised with the ease of how he admitted it. He always said what he meant and all you could do was nod before managing to could out something that sounded like “good”
“Good. That’s all ya gotta say? C’mon (Y/N) give me something. Do ya like me?” With a nod from you he finds himself surprisingly flustered before doing the same as you. Only this time he’d moved closer head lowering. “Well that’s good”
The two of you started dating shortly after and into your last year. It wasn’t something that went unnoticed either. The way he’d lean against your locker trying to be cool, definitely falling more than once. The few people that had been privy to your quick makeout sessions when you’d meet up in empty hallways while you were supposed to be using the restroom. The way you’d started eating lunch together more often and if people played enough attention they’d noticed that you often shared drinks because “things taste better when they aren’t yours.” Then the most obvious, how you’d hang around early at games and stayed after and how he was so excited to beat Karasuno at nationals that he’d actually made out with you in public. (Aran had nearly murdered him upon finding out about that)
After graduation you two had gone off to different places and it was a struggle. There were arguments about not making time for one another. Between your academics and his pursuit at going pro, it was a struggle. But things were always made worth it. The time you’d created and sent him a care package and he texted you back a selfie with the basket with tears in his eyes. Or how you made the 3 hour train ride down for important matches or during your school breaks because he’d sounded super down about not being able to nail a new serve. 
There were times where he’d stay on video call with you long after he should’ve been in bed because you were stressed about finals and up still studying. Then the time he surprised you by coming down for a milestone birthday. He’d showed up at your apartment at some odd hour completely exhausted and ready to fall over the second you opened the door. 
“Surprise baby,” he slurred using the last bit of his energy to hug you tightly. “Happy birthday”
“Tsumu what are you doing here,” you’d pull away however he attached himself back to you arms locked around your middle and face buried in the side of your neck.
“Talk later, sleep now.” You find yourself nodding before prying his hands off your and intertwining them with yours. 
“Let’s get you some sleep Tsumu”
There were the late night drives as young adults listening to old school music and singing your hearts out just having fun. It was during the holidays and you two had both gone back home to be with your families. 
“Hey babe technically this is us.” Atsumu is the one to turn the radio down as a familiar song starts. “And you were my babyyyyy,” His screeching fills the car causing you to laugh and swat the hand that had been casually resting on your thigh off. “It started when we were younger-”
“Atsumu shut up and pay attention to the road.” You smile as his hand immediately finds its way back on you. “But you are my boo.”
The night the Jackals beat the Adlers you were sure Atsumu would want to go out and party and you were more than fine with it. However while waiting for him to finish up you’d gotten word of his celebratory plans from a post game interview. “Just gna hang at home. Watch a few movies, eat a cheat meal, ya know.” 
It’s about an hour later before Atsumu meets up with you at the stadium's entrance. You notice how his hair hadn’t fully dried as he shifts his duffel bag to the other arm to grab your hand on your preferred hand holding side as the two of you make your way across the parking lot. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go out with the guys?”
The squeeze of his hand confirms his decision. “I’ll see em’ tomorrow. We haven’t spent much time together these days. As the two of you approach the car you let go before asking him if he wanted you to drive. After he confirmed he was good to you slipped into the passenger seat listening as he tossed his bag in the back before sliding into the driver's seat. “Besides,” his hand makes its way towards your cheek, guiding your face to his. “I can think of a much better way to celebrate.”
“Is that so?” Your tease is quiet as you inch closer lips only a hair away. He’s the one who closes the space and you immediately reciprocate. Your lips immediately move against his mumbling a “congratulations” against his lips. You indulge it for a moment before pulling away to press kisses up his neck until you reach his ear before whispering something. 
“Are ya serious?” At your nod he lets out a groan that you can’t help but laugh at him. “Yer gonna be the death of me one day”
“Love you too.”
The day he found out he’d made the Olympic team had been cause for celebration for more than one reason. The two of you had been getting ready for a regular day of running errands when he got the call. After hanging up he yelled for you so loud it could have gotten a noise complaint from neighbors. 
“Atsumu why are you yelling. Im in the bathroom not fucking Antarctica.”
“I’m on the Olympic team baby.”
Following that you decided to turn the day into an Atsumu day something that made his heart swell. From the way you kept telling him how proud of him you were to watching his favorite movie even though you hated it. Once you insisted on making his favorite for dinner he knew it was time. In return he convinced you to get dressed in something other than sweats to eat dinner on your couch. “I just think we should take some pictures so I can show off my biggest supporter,” is what he told you with a shrug when you questioned it.
You also shouldve known something was up when he insisted that he had desert covered, because the man couldn’t bake for shit. “It's a delivery, cmon have some faith in me.”
“I do baby. In everything except for baking.”
You’d just finished eating dinner and the two of you were cuddled on the couch watching another movie, one of your boyfriend’s choices. You’d shifted uncomfortably for the fifth time before looking at Atsumu. “Can I change yet, these jeans aren’t comfortable anymore.” You were caught off guard when he moved so that he pulled you so that you were straddling him.
“Not at all,” you rolled your eyes while he just laughed, fingers squeezing at your hips. 
“Just wait til desert, yer brother’s on his way with it now.” He placed a quick kiss on the skin of your collarbone before pointing at his phone for you to hand to him. “Did he tell ya he's on the olympic team too?”
“He's my brother. I was gonna treat him to dinner tomorrow. You tell Samu yet?”
“Not yet. Was gonna do it after Aran left.” You don’t miss the way Atsumu tries to hide the messages on his phone, his brightness all the way down, something he usually hates. Before you can question anything he's pulling you so that your lips meet his. “Stop looking so concerned,” he whispers against your lips. 
“Yer so fuckin pretty baby,” the way his fingers tighten against your sides and the way his tongue slips into your mouth has the quietest moan coming out of your mouth. You pout as he pulls away settling for kisses along your neck instead. “You’ve been so good to me today. Can’t wait to get to bed with you.”
Before anything could go any further a knock on the door interrupts. “It's probably Ojiro,” you whine, mildly annoyed at your brother for interrupting you from where things were headed. “Tsumu let go,” you frown at the failed attempt of getting off him. You've met with a quick kiss before his palm comes firm against your ass, a yelp escaping. With that he lets you go laughing at the scowl you shoot him as he goes to get the door. 
You don’t even bother to look at the two yet you can hear Aran’s scold that the two of you were disgusting.
“How’d ya know we were even doin anything”
“Your lips are swollen.” After that the two of them get into a whispered conversation that you can’t pick up on no matter how hard you try to listen. Before you know it your brother crosses through the apartment to place a box in the kitchen before joining you in the living room. “Congrats big bro,” you stand hugging him slightly before plopping down on the couch. He gives a smile of thanks before changing the subject.
“Miya here isn’t corrupting you too much right.” You both ignore Atsumu’s exclaim that he isn’t the one corrupting anyone has you hear him shuffle around in the kitchen. 
When he gets back he brings the box, some plates and a few utensils. “What is it?” He nearly trips trying to set it all down before you get up to help him. After helping him you notice that he doesn’t sit back on the couch and looks off. “Tsumu are you ok?” You give your brother a concerned look but he just shrugs. 
“(Y/N). could ya,” he nervously motions for you to stand back up and you comply confused. Grabbing his hand you watch him carefully, silently trying to check in on him. When he doesn’t answer you lean up to place a quick kiss on his lips. A silent “I love you,’ something that seems to calm him down. “I I love you too”
“You wanna sit down now?”
“Yeah just let me get this off my chest first?” Your nod is his signal to continue. “I don't remember when I met ya. At all. All I know is that there was this super cool guy with a super cool name and me and Samu kinda just followed him around. Then we found out he had a little sister.” You were used to some of Atsumu’s mindless babbling but the reason for bringing that up right then and in front of Aran was still going over your head. 
“Somewhere along the way I fell in love with ya. I can tell ya that the first day I realized my crush was after Aran’s graduation. You were sittin in the gym and we just talked. You were sad about some loser and I didnt like that. Course I couldn't say anythin cause we weren’t even really friends then.” That pause is when what might be happening hits you and you freeze. It’s something Atsumu notices right away, eyes looking at you with concern. “Ya alright?”
The only thing you could do was nod offering a slight squeeze of his hand prompting him to continue. “Alright—where was I —ok. Then we got together and I knew it was love. Ya made me feel like I was I’m top of the world even when I was a jackass.”
“I almost thought we wouldn’t make it when ya when off to university. It was hard but we made it. we used to argue so much about stupid shit back then too. You were there before anyone knew who I was as a kid and have stayed with me all the way to being an Olympic athlete.” 
At this point you watch as he begins to kneel and you’re hit with the fact that he’s really about to do it. You’re nodding before he even asks which causes him to laugh. “Let me finish alright.”
“I’m so in love with everything about you and after the announcement I realized we weren’t gettin any younger. You’ve been my boo since we were 17 and here we are almost a decade later. You’re still my boo and I want it forever. So (Y/N) will you marry me?”
You’re not even sure real words came out before you’ve tackled him to the ground in a hug immediately pressing kisses all over his face. Your eyes are teary as his hand rubs comforting circles on your back. The two of you are there for a few moments before Aran finally clears his throat. 
“I can't believe my little sister is engaged. And to Atsumu no less.congratulations you two.” He shoots you both a warm smile as he watches the two of you. After getting up your arms fling immediately around Aran. 
“Did you know about this,” the tears finally begin to fall as he just laughs confirming. “I can't believe you let him ambush me like this.” You feel your brother's arms embrace you at the mixture of laughing and crying. 
“Hey, I knew he was proposing soon, not the day. He just called me up earlier claiming today was the day. Now stop crying and look at the cake.” Confusion crosses your face until you’re turned around to see Atsumu holding a cake that reads: marry me? (pls) the ring placed right under the words. 
After you'd calmed down the three of you just sat in the living room catching up when you realized something. “Atsumu, you were so corny with the song reference.” Looking at Aran the two of you immediately burst into laughter. “I can't believe you referred to me as your boo. Out loud and in all seriousness”
“I got it on camera too. Got him in 4K” Aran shakes his head. 
“I can't believe this. I propose and yet still clowning me. I miss when ya were all emotional,” your fiancé huffs. Despite that he doesn’t move at all from sitting so close that your legs touched. His eyes kept shooting at the ring on your finger and the desire to get you alone grew by the minute. At some point his hand slipped from the back of the couch to your thigh offering a squeeze. 
It was then that Aran cleared his throat. “That’s my cue to head on out. I’ll see you tomorrow sis. Congrats again you two. Don’t—I’m not ready to be an uncle yet, s’all I gotta say.” 
“After the Olympics work better for ya teammate?” 
“How about never Miya” 
The two of you bid your brother one last goodbye after the warning and before the door is even fully closed your fiancé is pulling you back into his lap. Your heart swells at the way Atsumu’s eyes look at you with so much love and your voice comes out way quieter than you intended. “Still can’t believe you quoted Usher”
Atsumu groans at that The hand that had been plaing with your, ghosting over the ring comes to a stop. . “I’m never showing anyone else that video.” 
“It’ll be our little secret.” 
“You're lying”
The smirk on your face tells him all he needs to know and all he can do is shake his head. “If yer gonna tell my deepest secret I’m gonna need you to make it up to me.” His hand slip around your waist, fingers skimming the space where your shirt had ridden up. you return the touch by trailing your hands until palms are placed again his chest. 
“I think we can arrange something. Isn’t that right pretty?” The touch and hushed words were enough to cause heat to flare across your skin. 
“What’d you’d have in mind?”
“A few things,” Atsumu leans close, placing kisses everywhere except your lips. First your close one. Then along your jaw. Right on the corner of your lips. “Think we’ve got some celebrating to do, fiancé.”
Atsumu forgot to tell Osamu that night and was ambushed the following morning after watching his private story in which Atsumu made you flash your hand to the camera with an obnoxious number of zooms with the caption: made the Olympic team and got my forever boo 🤪
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idga-buck · 3 years
Some and Others, 3/?
Earth’s mightiest heroes save the city again, but that’s never the end of the story.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 4,301
Content: canon typical violence, death, destruction, swearing
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Bucky was going to call. He just didn’t. He was surprised you hadn’t and overwhelmingly disappointed that it meant if he was going to apologize, it was a conversation he’d have to initiate himself. It could wait though. Just a little longer while he figured out what he wanted to say.
A week later, the Post ran a story about the same gossip site that had leaked your photo of him being shut down after many of their stories and photos were found to be fake. A rarity for the world of journalism these days, Sam noted casually as they stopped at a newspaper cart. Bucky bought a couple candy bars and watched the man with the thick black mustache and the gold chain slip copies of the article in front of a few of his worst sellers. Could he actually be that lucky? It was an easy out after a week of dodging questions and trying to remind the world to stay out of his business.
“So that photo of you? The secret girlfriend?” Sam waited for Bucky to respond, but when the centenarian opted to buy a Pay Day instead, he watched closer. Bucky hated that. Sam said he had a staring problem, but Sam was the one with x-Ray vision. He could read people, read a room, read Steve’s body language from across a battlefield and adjust his position without being told. As annoyed as Bucky acted when paired up with Sam Wilson, he was one of the few people in this century that Bucky Barnes respected. Truly. Except for that moment on a street corner when brown eyes were scanning his complete lack of guts and deciding what was worth commenting on.
“Yeah,” Bucky ripped open the wrapper a little too aggressively and responded with peanuts between his teeth. “It wasn’t real.”
Sam nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets while Bucky stuffed his face. “I don’t know how you land the fake girlfriend story, when I’m right here,” they started walking away from the stand while Sam jabbered on. “And lookin’ as fine as I do? Come on, man,” he danced ahead of Bucky a few steps, forcing him to look up. “You know this would make a better story.”
Before Bucky could say anything, a loud crash echoed between the buildings. Nothing was visible from their block, but both men, trained for combat, were instantly on alert.
“That for us?” Sam asked, eyeing the busy intersection.
“No,” said Bucky, a clipped tone in his voice as he shook his head and started walking again.
Another crash, this time accompanied by the faint human noises that usually follow tragedy.
“You sure about that?” Sam’s eyebrow shot up.
Sirens from every kind emergency response vehicle blared in the distance, growing louder then quieter again as they wove their way through the streets, changing directions to avoid traffic.
Bucky pointed at a passing fire truck, waiting until it had turned down another street before speaking. “See? They got it.”
Then Sam’s phone rang and Bucky swore, planting his hands on his hips while whoever was on the other line confirmed that the emergency growing in the distance was in fact for them. Sam placed the call on speaker and gave their current location. Stark’s voice was muffled and metallic, the way it usually was while calling from inside his fancy helmet, but he told them to stay put as he did a fly by with Sam’s equipment.
“Tell the Tin Man he’s got a special delivery,” Tony informed them from somewhere overhead.
“They're your wings,” Bucky grumbled, looking up from the ground as the familiar glare of Iron Man’s thrusters came into view. “And your robot.”
“First of all,” Sam informed him. “Red Wing isn’t a robot. He’s a drone.”
“It,” Bucky corrected, “is a robot.”
“I’m gonna tell him you said that,” said Sam before pointing up to where Iron Man had doubled back to get a better angle. “And… unlike some of us present, my body is exactly as God created it, flesh and bone.”
“Pop up, deep center,” Tony’s voice rang out obnoxiously through Sam’s phone once more.
Bucky watched a black bundle falling from the sky, trying to position himself under it and pushing more than one pedestrian out of his way to do so. “Actually, I was a catcher back in ‘32.”
“THEN CATCH!” Sam hollered just before the EXO Falcon gear landed square in Bucky’s chest, forcing him off his feet and onto his ass, skidding to a stop on a sidewalk while the people around them scattered, gasping and grabbing at their phones to take pictures of the two Avengers. Bucky laid flat on his back, both arms still wrapped around the bundle, and took a deep breath when Sam stood over his head, arms shooting out to his sides as he yelled “SAFE!”
Bucky groaned and tossed the black bag up into Sam’s arms, hard enough to make him stumble but not enough to knock him down. “Should have said ‘out.’” Bucky grumbled and Sam chuckled as he dug through the bag for his equipment. “Safe makes it sound like I-”
“You really wanna argue about baseball right now,” Sam laughed, securing his wings over his torso and releasing them both with a flash as if stretching before a fight. “Or are we gonna go save the world?” Bucky didn’t answer, just took off running in the direction of the screams. “That’s what I’m talking about,” said Sam to himself, shooting up into the air.
Robots. Drones. Whatever they, Bucky Barnes has decided that he hates them.
Fighting Nazis was easy. Not physically. Not when your gun isn’t really yours and the food sucks and you’re almost as worried about losing your toes as you are losing your team. But it made sense. These men in their wool coats wanted innocent deaths. Something in Bucky that had been there all along was born anew in the war. He was a protector. Of his sisters, of Steve, of his country. It made sense.
Nothing about Hydra made sense and the therapist he stopped seeing told him it was okay to think about those years differently than the rest. So he did.
When T’challa presented him with a black vibranium canon for his left side, the enemy was otherworldly. Literally. They didn’t bleed like men. They made horrible screeching noises when they died, but even that was different from me. They rode disgusting creatures with teeth that could have scratched his arm if he’d let them get close enough. They were invaders, their leader sought destruction on an even greater scale than the War. Bucky was a protector again, protector of Earth, of life in the universe. An unimaginable title for the boy he’d been, sitting in front of the radio with his family and marveling at the president's voice. It’s not like he was eager to do it again, but space invaders whose goal was universal genocide would be met with the business end of Bucky’s favorite rifle.
Fighting robots, however, was fucked up.
Bucky was still processing his new life, still getting used to the idea that people carried plastic cards in their wallets and could pull money out of the walls with just a few buttons. There were movie theaters with screens two stories high. Cars plugged into the sides of hotels. The cell phone in his pocket was overwhelming as is. In a few minutes, he could buy all the clothes he’d ever need, pay for dinner, and talk to people across the country. It was baffling.
All this technology, all this progress, and of course there were people who weaponized it. Bucky hated that. He remembered science fairs, remembered Howard Stark’s big promises. There was so much hope in him as a young man. He’d live to drive a flying car, his children would learn about the world through a holograms in their livingroom, his grandchildren would live on the moon. The possibilities were endless. So much so that people with horrible intentions for the world also believed that the possibilities were endless, forcing Bucky into his current position.
His thighs were wrapped around the base of a machine, arms wound near the top. He threw his shoulders back with all of his might, squeezing his legs in the process, and didn’t stop until the metal gave way. Bucky fell onto the pavement with his own momentum, the enemy in two pieces with wires exposed and frizzling as they died. He dropped the robot and rolled to his side, observing the scene around him. Steve used a cleaner approach and sent his shield flying through the air. Three more bots’ were sliced in two, the last of which was pinned by the shield into the side of a brick building. Sam circled above, with Redwing swooping below to draw laser fire away from bystanders while Wanda tried her best to herd them away, spinning to throw angry red energy at anything that came their direction.
“Sergeant Barnes!” The familiar and overly excited voice of the kid in blue and red spider gear startled Bucky. The kid swung in unexpectedly, decked out and ready to help. Bucky didn’t care that he was probably skipping school to do so and swung his vibranium arm behind him, the metal of another droid crunching under his elbow. “How can I help?”
Bucky squinted, a little dumbfounded at the question. There was a six block radius being overrun with droids, drones, robots- whatever- and people were terrified. “Pick something,” he grunted, taking the robot's head… top part, between his hands and twisting until it gave way and the bottom half dropped powerless to the ground.
Just then the sound of metal screeching pulled both their eyes to a city bus being thrown around like it was weightless, crunching the vehicles nearby, and sending more people into a frenzy as buildings were still evacuating onto the street. “That! Pick that!” Bucky commanded and the kid flew away, attached to a white string like a kite. Two more robots were approaching from the sidewalk, red eyes glowing and ready to fire. Bucky looked around the street for something, anything that he could use before deciding on a minivan. The windows looked clear, driver and passengers already scampering away at the first sign of trouble, so Bucky planted his boot into the back door and kicked. The door caved in and the vehicle flipped onto its side before skidding to a halt on the sidewalk and crushing the robots beneath it.
Bucky turned back to look at Peter, propped up on a light pole and leaning so far back his body was almost parallel to the ground. The only thing keeping him upright was the two thick white webs attached to the bus, one at the front and one at the back. It was tipping over dangerously low, trapping a small group of people between the bus and two buildings, one that had smoke billowing out the windows. This was a mess.
Bucky ran through the street, jumping onto the hoods of abandoned cars to avoid weaving between them before leaping off an SUV and rolling back into a run on the sidewalk. A laser struc Peter, knocking him clean off his perch, and the webs supporting the bus went dangerously slack as it started tipping toward the trapped people again. Bucky jumped, wedging himself between the building and the collapsing bus with great effort. His shoulders dug into the brick behind him and his thighs burned as he shoved the bus away from the wall, gritting his teeth as he felt it slowly start to tip away from the ground. The kid was now on the ground somewhere out of sight and Bucky had to hold back from sending the vehicle flying, lest he squash Stark’s favorite spider in the process. The tension in his legs grew as he held it steady, adjusting his feet and shoulders until he felt it wasn’t going anywhere.
“Hey!” He called out to the people below him. “Get out of here, go!”
There were rushed thank yous and lots of tears as the crowd dispersed from their trapped position. But one voice stood out among them and it made Bucky’s heart speed up.
“Bucky?! Oh my god, BUCKY!”
Bucky’s eyes were closed under the strain, but he’d know your voice anywhere. He opened them just in time to see Peter recover and zip off in a new direction. Bucky released his breath and shoved his feet out hard, tipping the bus back. He dropped from the wall and grabbed you as the bus wobbled precariously in both directions before finally falling into traffic and directly onto the roof of an empty red sports car.
Bucky hadn’t realized how tight he was holding you until you said his name again and the word was broken. His arms relaxed a bit, but you made no move to run away… or let go of his jacket. The two of you just stared at each other, breathing heavily, before screaming drew your eyes away. The small crowd of people you’d been stuck with were running away from where you stood, but the two in the back collapsed, their bodies charred and heavy as they hit the ground. You screamed then and Bucky pulled your back into his chest, hugging your stomach as you keeled over. He’d seen so much death in his hundred odd years, it was hard to witness it with these fresh eyes. You weren’t prepared to watch two innocent people’s skin melting under lasers. Hell, neither was Bucky and while you cried in his arms, the smell of burning flesh stung his eyes. He’d never get over that smell, no matter how many world wars he participated in. His face was buried in the back of your head, shushing you as he lifted you up. He took careful backwards steps until you were both hidden in the same alley you’d just been trapped in. Bucky looked up at the burning building and decided he had a minute before you were both in danger here.
“Hey,” he said softly when you went limp against his chest. “Hey now,” he repeated, spinning and almost dropping you when he realized you hadn’t just relaxed… you were unconscious. “Shit,” Bucky dropped to his knees and let your body lean up against his chest, slapping at your cheeks and calling your name to try and wake you up. Half of your face was red with blood from a wound he couldn’t see somewhere in your hair. Break up or no break up, he couldn’t leave you like this. Any other person, he’d run them to safety and double back to continue clearing the streets. But this wasn’t any person. It was the girl he dumped in the middle of a restaurant and had continuously put off calling to explain himself. He hadn’t gotten the chance to clear the air and leaving you to wake up in a few hours in the middle of a destroyed midtown was just too cruel. He did like you and now it felt like he owed you.
Bucky picked you up like a doll and slung you around to his back, crossing your arms over his chest as your legs dangled behind his knees. That wasn’t going to work, he decided after only a few steps. “Can you hold on a little-“ Bucky drifted off as he turned his face to see your face hidden behind him, your forehead limply resting against his shoulder. “Of course not,” he berated himself and stopped to adjust again. This time he stooped, grabbing one of your arms and one of your legs with his hands. You were slung over his shoulders like a backpack, the same way he carried goats in Wakanda, only much easier since you weren’t kicking or screaming and he had two hands with which to wrangle you.
His steady march out of the fray was interrupted once by Wanda. After directing pockets of people to safety, she’d sought out the source of the invasion. Bucky looked around for a safe place to stow your body and found an SUV that was abandoned but still running with the doors unlocked to lay you out across the backseat, carefully tucking your feet in before slamming the door behind him. He liked Wanda, despite not knowing what exactly she was capable of, but liked her a lot less when he found himself immersed in a glowing red forcefield and being lifted into the sky. When he was forced through the large glass window of another building only to look up and find her floating gently through the hole his body had created, she shrugged.
“This way was faster,” she said, Sokovian accent much softer than their first meeting.
“Right,” Bucky groaned, making a mental note of how many Avengers could zip through the air with ease and the odds of being the one she found on the ground.
They raced up the final set of stairs and Bucky ripped the maintenance door to the roof off its hinges. It was unlucky that Bucky and Wanda had been the ones to find the bastard responsible. If it had been Steve, he’d been bound and handed over to the authorities. Tony might have thrown him in armored vehicle and shook him around a bit before demanding answers. Bruce… depending on the day wouldn’t have been much better. Nat would have gotten answers easier than either of them and Sam was easily the most noble of the bunch, so Bucky had no idea what he’d do. The right thing, whatever that was. But Wanda wasn’t particularly fond of people who harmed innocent people. The motivation didn’t much matter to her when the sounds of children crying could be heard in the streets. Bucky didn’t have much grace for people who were smart enough to help, but broken enough to hurt. Like the bastards in Hydra, who healed him, kept him alive, gave him extraordinary strength then weaponized him. Anyone who had this level of technological advancement and chose to bring destruction with it was a waste of air. Wanda hoisted the man up into one of her angry red orbs while Bucky broke the control panel into as many pieces as he could, destroying anyone else’s opportunity to learn from this guy. Neither of them had anticipated this guy to be so well armed. It looked like a pistol, but whatever it fired managed to get through Wanda’s energy field and pierce her shoulder, breaking her focus just enough for him to drop back onto the roof. He took off running to the edge and leapt, but Wanda recovered faster, using her powers to yank him back. Bucky caught him in the air and squeezed, locking the man in a painful hold until he noticed glowing red numbers counting down behind the man’s neck. Shit.
“Bucky!” Wanda pointed at the man’s hands, wrapped threateningly around a plunger that could only mean one thing.
Without a better option, Bucky turned back to edge. He released the man and as he tried to stumble forward, Bucky’s boot landed square against his sacrum, launching the man through the air and into a neighboring building in a ball of fire. Both Avengers watched the corner offices go up in flames, disgust and horror in both their eyes.
“The whole block was evacuated,” Wanda said softly and Bucky nodded. There was a distinct lack of screaming coming from the direction of the building and sirens soon flooded the streets below as first responders made their way into critical areas. From the ledge, both of them watched as the remaining bots dropped to the ground before their team, disengaging en masse. Steve looked up from atop a bodega and saluted the sky in their general direction, lifting the shield as a second acknowledgment before jumping down to the street to start… whatever Captain America does once the threat has been neutralized. The PR and clean up stuff wasn’t Bucky’s scene and he turned away, making it all the way across the roof, still observing the scene below, before remembering that you were somewhere, either still unconscious or just waking up, deeply confused in the back of a stranger’s car.
“You okay?” Bucky asked, wanting to make sure before asking Wanda for any favors.
She pulled her hand away from her shoulder, black nail polish and red blood looking menacing and downright witchy against her pale fingers. “I’ll be alright,” she assured him, eyes already glowing red as she prepared to offer more aid.
Bucky stopped her and nodded over the side of the building. “Gimme a lift?”
She snorted and waved her fingers without looking at him and soon enough, Bucky found himself falling on his ass once again. He needed to work on his dismount if this was going to become a regular pairing. Thankfully or maybe not, you were trying to wake up as Bucky slipped into the driver’s seat and commandeered the vehicle. He turned back to watch you whine in pain as you tried to sit up, before slipping back into sleep when he told you to stay down. You were in and out for most of the drive, which helped Bucky weave up and over curbs to avoid stagnant areas where everyone had abandoned their cars out of fear.
You woke up with a headache, exasperated by the bright lights of the emergency room. Bucky could see the moment you came to by the hard squinting that melted into a grimace. You’d had a couple false starts, but when your eyes opened and locked on his, Bucky knew it was the real deal this time. He stood to pull back the curtain and immediately a nurse was shimmying her way into your space, brushing her chest against Bucky’s in the process. He nodded and gave her a tight smile. It had been like that since he walked into the ER with you. Avengers carrying blacked out civilians get a lot of attention, but they also get speedy service. Which is what Bucky told himself when he stuck around once you’d been admitted. You’d get better care if he stayed with you, so he did. Feet propped up on the end of your bed and dropping whenever someone came to run another test. He wasn’t family and didn’t claim to be, so they told him nothing, but nurses managed to smile flirtatiously in between doing their job. In another life, Bucky would have… done something. Anything. He smiled. He was a hundred, not dead, but there was something off putting about receiving these looks when you were asleep right there between hanging curtains in an overrun hospital as ambulances and families started to arrive from the mess he’d just left.
You answered their questions slowly, but correctly. Your name, where you were, what year it is, who the president is. The doctor would be in soon and Bucky took the minute of alone time to scoot the chair they’d brought in for him. You were watching him expectantly as the legs scraped across the floor, just a few inches before he could reach a hand out to yours. You looked down curiously at your hand in Bucky’s.
“They spelled my name wrong,” you murmured and Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut as you lifted your joined hands to observe the little plastic bracelet closer. He shook his head, wanting to apologize, but also hoping you wouldn’t connect the dots that he’d given them your information incorrectly. “Bucky?” He looked up to find your eyes wider than usual, a little more vulnerable than he was used to seeing you and wanted to do something to make you feel better. But like the entirety of your relationship, he had no idea how to do that.
“You’re okay,” he nodded, telling himself as much as he was telling you.
“Thank you,” you squeezed his fingers as your voice shook.
Just then a man in a white coat, pushed back the curtain and Bucky stood reflexively, dropping your hand in the process. He turned back and saw your face fall before crossing your arms over your chest and looking away from him.
“Sergeant Barnes,” the doctor addressed him first.
“Bucky,” he corrected without thinking and turned his body, opening up the room a bit and directing attention back to what mattered. The patient. You.
“Thank you for bringing her in,” the doctor continued, then looked back and forth between the two of you. “We’ve got it from here, if you need to-”
“He can stay,” you piped up. The doctor asked if you were sure, but you were. The doctor nodded, turning fully toward the bed and while that was Bucky’s goal, he now felt completely out of place in the tiny space.
“First things first,” the doctor started. “You and the baby are just fine, so I don’t want you worrying about that at all. Do you have a OB or a-”
Bucky stopped listening at that moment and focused on the roaring ocean in his ears. He looked to the bed where you were listening intently to what the doctor was saying, nodding and shaking your head mechanically. While he stared, you stole a glance in his direction. Your face was blank and he didn’t spend much time trying to read it.
“This sounds personal,” he said, voice flat and vibranium hand already reaching for the curtain at the end of your bed. “Take care.” Without sparing another look, Bucky walked through the busy emergency room with his left hand tucked into his front pocket, making him invisible to anyone who didn’t know he was there.
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A/N: Here we go! It’s happening. I’m not sold on the way this ended but it was getting long as is and don’t worry, Bucky will have his chance to make it up to you.
Tags: @fangirl-swagg @learisa
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toorusbaby · 4 years
second choice, pt. 3
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summary: being in love with hajime iwaizumi is like riding a rollercoaster of emotions. it’s thrilling as it is exciting, but you feel a little lightheaded... because he doesn’t know how you feel. the worst part? he thinks you’re in love with his best friend.
warnings: just pure fluff, oikawa cockblocks, slow burn, slight angst if you squint real hard
word count: 2,406
part four here
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“Behold,” you walked ahead of Iwaizumi before turning to face the boy, excitedly throwing your hands in the air in a cheesy manner. “The Osaki Food Festival!” You stood beneath the festival’s welcome banner, the aroma of the different kinds of food making your stomach growl in anticipation. The sound was relatively quiet, but Hajime had taken notice and chuckled when you placed a hand over your stomach with a nervous chuckle. 
“You know, I really hope you didn’t eat breakfast yet, Y/N.” 
“What? Why?”
Your eyebrow raised in confusion but Iwaizumi swiftly pulled out his wallet and flashed a toothy grin at you that made your heart do somersaults. 
“Because you and I are eating everything this place has to offer. Or that we can afford, at least.” 
What a dork, you thought. You smirked and pulled out your own wallet, bumping it against Iwaizumi’s. “Only if we get takoyaki first.” 
It was safe to say that the food festival was crowded despite the chilly weather. Hours felt like minutes to you and Iwaizumi, especially since the boy was keen on keeping his promise of trying all of the different foods with you. Before you knew it, it was already five o’clock in the early evening. In the midst of trying foods, both tasty and savory, time had flown by in a flash. You and Iwaizumi were having the time of your lives stuffing your faces while enjoying good conversation.  
You were feeling bright and cheerful, the evident result of having a satisfied stomach. It was also notable to mention that strolling around with Iwaizumi, your crush, for hours was a contributing factor to the permanent smile on your face. Initially, you were worried that your nerves would ruin the day and drive the wing spiker away from you. However, you were proven wrong almost immediately when you realized that laughter and smiles came naturally from the both of you. 
Unbeknownst to you, Iwaizumi felt the same way. Seeing you reveal a side to him that you didn’t often display excited the ace. He couldn’t ask for more, especially since it was just the two of you.  
You glanced up at Iwaizumi, who was now eagerly nibbling on his karaage in between words, his nose a bit red from the cold. His other hand was busy holding a small bag filled with different desserts that he bought for his mother back home. 
‘If I bring something back for her, she won’t complain about me being gone all day,’ Iwaizumi had slyly smirked at you when he made the purchase earlier that afternoon. You found the action extremely endearing; it was obvious from the way you smiled up at the spiker who didn’t fail to notice. For a second, Iwaizumi thought your gaze was a look of adoration, but he figured he was delusional for thinking so. In his mind, there was simply no way that you’d ever think of him romantically.
Currently, the two of you were strolling past the very last of the festival’s aisles. You were chewing on your last piece of dango, snickering as you listened to the green eyed boy complain about Kindaichi’s choice of body spray. 
“I mean, I get wanting to smell good after practice. But who even uses Axe anymore? It smells like ass and the last time I checked, he isn’t a student at Kitagawa anymore,” Iwaizumi chuckled and finished the last of his karaage. 
Before you could defend Kindaichi’s honor (as best as you could, really; who uses Axe?), a small ice cream vendor at the very corner had caught your eye, halting your footsteps. Despite your cold cheeks, nearly numb fingers, and the icy breeze, the idea of strawberry ice cream was enticing. 
Iwaizumi on the other hand, proceeded to walk without noticing you pause, continuing with his story. 
“Kyotani nearly strangled Kindaichi to death for overspraying a few weeks ago. Honestly, I don’t think Oikawa could’ve convinced me to stop him though— Y/N?”
The ace paused and turned back to face you, but your eyes were focused on the vendor instead. Quickly connecting the dots, Iwaizumi exhaled and grinned, placing a hand behind his neck to stare at you. 
“Y/N, it’s freezing... ice cream in this weather?” 
“Well, it’s not exactly snowing, Haji...”
“But I don’t want you getting sick, dummy. When it’s warmer, we can get some.”
“But... fine.” Placing emphasis on your ‘fine’, you pouted and trudged over to the spiky haired boy who was waiting up ahead for you. Truthfully, you were just exaggerating. You were fine without the ice cream; you didn’t want Iwaizumi to worry about you getting sick. Even though the thought of him worrying about your health made you feel giddy inside, you forced yourself to remember that it was a moral thing for someone to fuss over. 
“You sound just like a little kid.”
“Shut up, Iwa-chan.”
The sight of your pouty rosy lips and flushed cheeks as you continued to walk beside him was burned into Iwaizumi’s memory. He watched as you used your sleeves as sweater paws to warm your bare hands, in awe when your usual grin returned to your face when you gazed at the colorful lanterns and streamers on other vendors. The image was burned into his memory and would probably remain there for the rest of his life, seeing as Iwaizumi’s cheeks burned brightly at how adorable you were acting. 
She’s not even trying, he pursed his lips and exhaled through his nose. Even though you were now smiling, Iwaizumi felt uneasy and guilty being the reason why you were pouting in the first place. 
“Iwa,” Without thinking, you gently tugged the material of his sweater to grab his attention, the action startling the boy. “There’s actually another place I want to visit if that’s okay. It’s a short walk, not too far from here. Think we can go?” 
Iwaizumi quickly glanced at the spot your fingers had touched before clearing his throat. “Yeah, of course. I’m down.” he nodded. The sight of the ice cream vendor that was now behind you caught Iwaizumi’s eye. He knew what he had to do next. Even though he was afraid you’d catch a cold, making you smile was the volleyball player’s top priority. 
It’s like spoiling a child, he bit the inside of his cheek to refrain from chuckling.
“Y/N, we should probably use the restroom before we head out. I’ll meet you back here?” 
“Oh, that’s a good idea. See you in a bit then.”
As soon as Iwaizumi saw you make your way to the women’s restroom, he made a beeline to the ice cream vendor that had customers, much to his surprise. The green eyed boy knew your favorite flavor was strawberry, making sure to order a vanilla cone for himself as well. He knew you’d feel guilty about eating ice cream he bought for you all alone. Plus, Iwaizumi figured he could self-indulge just for today, even more than he had already. He wasn’t the type to ever say no to festival food.
When you finished your business, you made your way back to the spot Iwaizumi had told you to meet him, only to find it empty. 
There’s probably a line or something, you figured.
Your assumption was shot down the moment your eyes landed on the tall figure walking towards you. It was as if you were experiencing tunnel vision, the way the handsome boy stood out among the busy crowd. In both hands, a grinning Hajime Iwaizumi was holding a vanilla cone along with a strawberry one you knew was just for you; the large size of the treats made your eyes sparkle. His bag of desserts for his mother dangled on his forearm and you swore that it was the cutest thing you had ever witnessed. 
“Haji, are you for real? You didn’t have to!” A bright smile crept its way onto your face and you made your way to meet him halfway. 
The boy shrugged his shoulders and gave a teasing smirk. “Damn, that sucks. I guess I’ll just give this to someone else then.” Iwaizumi chuckled when you rolled your eyes at his sarcasm. “You’re so annoying… but thank you, dummy.” You grinned. Your fingers barely brushed against one another when he handed you your large cone but it was enough to make your heart race.
Before either of you could have a taste, you gently bumped your strawberry ice cream against Iwaizumi’s vanilla cone, a “boop” leaving your lips. Iwaizumi blinked in confusion and quickly glanced at the part of his cone that had strawberry mixed with the vanilla. He looked at you. “What was that for?” he questioned before licking the combined area. 
Despite the increasingly cold weather, you felt as if your veins caught fire. 
“They kissed, silly,” you responded, choosing to avoid eye contact. 
I cannot believe I just said that. What the fuck. 
With flushed cheeks, you tasted your ice cream to calm your nerves. “Come on, I’ll lead the way to the next spot. I think you’ll like it.” 
Your previous words rendered Iwaizumi speechless. They kissed? Our ice cream cones kissed? Iwaizumi could feel his ears burning up; he was certain that his face was beet red at your simple words. Being too deep in his thoughts, the volleyball player didn’t notice you walk ahead of him, exiting the festival. It wasn’t like the spiker to get so flustered over something like two ice cream cones ‘kissing’, but Iwaizumi couldn’t help the blush that crept up his neck and to the rest of his face. 
Note to self: get ice cream for Y/N again next time. 
The boy smiled to himself but your voice calling out to him to hurry up broke him out of his trance. 
“Iwa, you have to bend your knees!” You laughed, your arm trembling from being held midair too long. You and Iwaizumi found yourselves snickering beside a fountain at the park you ended up taking him to, the two of you attempting to stop your laughter in order to smile for a selfie to send to Oikawa. It was your idea, of course. It was Iwaizumi who couldn’t say no to you. 
With half finished ice cream cones in both of your hands, the ace chuckled at the sight of the two of you on your phone screen. It had taken a minute for you guys to find a proper angle, one where you could snap a picture that didn’t cut Iwaizumi’s head off due to his taller height. However, the spiky haired boy stood behind you to your left, flashing a toothy grin as he held up his half-eaten ice cream cone. 
Due to his bending, you could feel Iwaizumi’s body warmth radiating onto you, his head hovering above yours. You definitely weren’t going to complain. Melting ice cream cones in both hands, you smiled brightly before taking the picture, sending the photo alone to Oikawa. 
“And... sent!” you exclaimed, putting your phone into your purse. “Oikawa is gonna be so jealous,” you grinned. Iwaizumi glanced at you while licking his dripping cone and handed you a napkin in the process. 
“Oh… Do you want him to be jealous?” The ace questioned. It was hard to keep the bitterness out of his tone, but Iwaizumi managed to succeed.
 Your eyes widened in realization at your own words and you shook your head. “No, not at all. It’s not like that. I just meant of us getting ice cream without him, of course,” you awkwardly chuckled after your explanation. You could see Iwaizumi’s shoulders relax and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
Nice job, Y/N, you’re an idiot, you grumbled inside your head. If you could slap yourself, you most definitely would.  
Thankfully, Iwaizumi didn’t seem to notice your nervousness. However, he seemed to be in his own thoughts. 
The park you had taken Iwaizumi to was more of an area for biking, jogging, or walking, perfect for picnics. It was fairly large, small hills scattered throughout the grassy area. Although the nearly vacant park was beautiful, your favorite area was a bit further in the center. As the two of you continued to follow the paved pathway, with you leading him, Iwaizumi was the first to break the comfortable silence after finishing the last of his cone. 
“Speaking of Oikawa,” he started, gaze fixated on the ground. “Why didn’t you invite him instead?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and you stared up at the boy beside you. A small pang of embarrassment flared through your chest. You took a second to think about the spiker’s question. Did Iwaizumi not want to go with you in the first place? You could’ve swore he was having a good time... or at least you thought so. Taking one last bite of your cone, you opened your mouth to reply. 
However, you never got the chance to since a flustered Iwaizumi immediately intervened. “Oh shit, I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry, I worded that weirdly,” he panicked, his hand gently clasping your shoulder to have you face him. “I’m actually really glad you invited only me today, so please don’t misunderstand,” Iwaizumi’s footsteps came to a halt, his eyes trailing to your shoulder where his hand rested. 
“Sorry about that.” He mumbled, instantly moving his hand off of you. Iwaizumi absolutely feared the idea of ever insulting you; he’d never forgive himself if he upset you. It probably didn’t help that he placed a hand on you without permission, but you didn’t mind at all.
Waves of relief washed over you once you heard Iwaizumi’s short explanation. Thank god. With a reassuring smile, you waved your hand in a dismissive gesture. 
“Oh, that’s okay Iwa. Don’t worry about it, I get what you mean.” Rubbing your bare hands together to create heat, the two of you continued to walk with you leading the way. “And seriously, you don’t have to apologize for touching me. I won’t break or anything, I promise.” You smiled at him. 
Iwaizumi’s question however, still lingered in your mind. It was an innocent question and there was no harm in answering truthfully. You figured this was a good opportunity to drop subtle hints about your feelings towards the ace before confessing entirely, whenever you felt the time was right. 
“But to answer your question,” Iwaizumi’s eyes flashed to meet yours. You kept your eyes on the path ahead of you and brought your clasped hands to your lips to blow heat into them. 
“I really just wanted to spend time with you.”
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mooglesorts · 3 years
man. it's weird, because there's a lot of things about me that are Very Badger Primary, to the point where i would probably pick it with a strong bird model over anything else at this point... except that i hate dehumanization. i saw primaries described recently as 'things you wouldn't be you anymore if you went against,' and more than just about anything else that's it. even when i think people are monsters, i can't see them as not human; i'd be hard put to define exactly what i consider a 'monster,' but it's more about like. good faith than personhood, i suppose?
it's not necessarily a permanent status to be one--people can change--but my deeply held instinct is that once you have done something monstrous you will always be a person who has been a monster by your own choices, and that it's your duty to learn how to accept that while still living your life, and act accordingly from thereon out. you have to reconcile that you are a person with the fact that some doors are closed to you now, and it's up to you to decide what you do from there.
just. like. even when i hate someone and as far as i'm concerned they can go fuck themself, even in the multiple Heavily Badger social environments i've been in over the course of my life--church, progressive circles, the way the structure of the internet kind of just affects you in general--even on occasions where i've gotten swept away and given in to the pressure to dehumanize (or perform it) for a minute, there's always, always been a voice in the back of my head saying this is a person. this is a person. this is a person. this isn't right.
unintentional dehumanization sets off my '...should we really be doing this? we are getting into not good territory here, it's time to pull up and start questioning' alarms. explicit, intentional, purposeful dehumanization sets off the whole ass tornado sirens. if people on my side are doing it it's enough to throw me into a system-destabilizing crisis, because NO NO NO I WANT TO GET OFF THIS RIDE, I WANT NO PART OF THESE PEOPLE'S MORAL SYSTEM, I FEEL UNCLEAN. it's a good way to make sure i will never, ever, ever trust someone again.
things that are Really Really Badger, off the top of my head (after the cut because Long and trauma talk):
-i've always loved playing adoptable games, pet simulators, etc? any game with randomly generated characters that are Yours Now and a Community, in a deeply badgery way. including games where they can die (the satisfying part is making sure they don't). except that, no matter how much fun the gameplay is, if it gets to the point where they start feeling disposable, and the only way to really keep playing is to stop humanizing them, i lose interest. it's super fucking depressing. it feels like part of me dying inside a little. i don't like it at all.
-i've always been drawn to fandoms and roleplaying communities. i was fiercely loyal to, and proud of, my first rp community on dragoncave as a 13-year-old. when my abusive mom found out about it and completely isolated me for half a year, the promise of being able to make it back to them--just sneakier this time--kept me going; when i finally got back and the group had drifted apart in my absence, it.... was absolutely devastating. i never really recovered from it. even then, i spent years trying to get the group back together every now and then, until i finally gave up.
-i am always keenly, painfully aware of the life cycle of a community. every time i hear the sentiment 'you guys are all great and i love this group' my stomach drops, because i know it's only a matter of time before things go sour or the group dissolves. rp groups, skype chats/discord servers, fandoms, you name it, i am always bracing myself or staying away entirely to avoid the inevitable and it hurts. and it hurts to see people taking part in a community i don't dare be part of, which makes lurking in fandoms... really rough. frankly, it takes me a lot of courage every time i express my appreciation for the shc community because i've been burned so many times.
-on that note: i went through some really traumatic stuff at the end of 2020 that completely turned my life upside down, and i was doing bad until i stumbled across the shc community. the moment i started engaging, it was a huge boost to my mental health, and my ability to cope with circumstances under which i was about to break down spectacularly. and it has been ever since! contributing to The Group Project and seeing other folks being friendly with each other gives me the happy feelings.
-i used to go out of my way to build and run spaces, mainly fandom and rp spaces, and took a lot of pride in engineering them so that they Functioned Well. unfortunately it wore me the hell down over the years for Burnt Badger Reasons, and now i'm too jaded, bitter, and exhausted to give a shit about being a mod/community leader anymore because of it lmao
-among those burnt badger things i relate HARD to the Red Ledger narrative. hoo boy.
-i wish i could find it again, but there was an mlp comic i saw once which went into luna's observations of what each element of harmony Means. with the element of friendship, she says that twilight has a massive amount of love to give; right now it's all focused on celestia, but when she learns to expand it outward she'll have grown into her full potential as a person, and she'll change the world. that struck a chord with how i used to feel, hard, and it's really stuck with me ever since. (hello, unhealthy snake model)
-emphasis on 'used to feel,' lmao
-got super invested in a really toxic '''mental health''' community at a low point in my life; exploded HARD trying to help everyone i could; got into vicious, protracted fights with the shitty mods for years about the harmful way they ran their community until i finally managed to go 'fuck this it's not getting better' and leave.
-had to numb myself emotionally to the people around me for a long time once i really started learning about mental health and trauma stuff, because now i was seeing signs of their pain and baggage everywhere i looked, and i couldn't handle not being able to help.
-the imagery with which i think about my bird primary is overwhelmingly negative. whether it's my actual primary or a model, i uh. i feel like a healthy relationship to one's primary doesn't involve associating it with gore.
-i saw a conversation recently about how birds think of morality in terms of 'if you can, you should,' and how that's scary for badgers because their definition of 'can' involves destroying yourself for the sake of that 'should,' and... yeah, that's a mood. that's a BIG mood. thinking about bird primary stuff is hard--and i had to pick up my lion model to deal with it--because it's so easy for me to spiral into a self-shredding spiral of other people are counting on you to do the right thing, how dare you pull back for your own health and sanity. how dare you turn your back for even a minute. how dare you rest. the work is never done.
which is... a very exploded badger approach to exploded bird morality. whoops.
-fix-it and time travel fiction in which Everything Went Right This Time and It's Going to Be Okay are one of my very favorite self-indulgent fantasies. i will enjoy putting characters through the wringer in all kinds of creatively horrific ways which may or may not end on a downer note, certainly, i love that shit, but i will also 90% of the time have a backup version of the arc or dynamic that's softer and lighter and Actually Healthy This Time. it's the dichotomy there that really gets me tbh, a story where Everything Ends Happily by default will mmmaybe pull me in? but stories where there's the constant shadow of this could end horribly, it's supposed to end horribly, and we got a happy fucking ending anyway are just... that shit will make me cry, man.
it's also why i kind of really hate stable time loop stories where it initially looks like this is going to be The Good Timeline this time around, but OOPSIE everything went to shit anyway! we're right back where we started, just like it was meant to be all along! it's a tired cliche by this point and an unsatisfying one for me, and it makes me roll my eyes every time.
-this is relevant to the bird vs. badger because like... my gut instinct is to prioritize people over systems. when shit hits the fan, when someone's fallen into the machinery and is about to get hurt, i don't feel right about it if i just let it happen. i'll break the machinery if i have to to keep it away from them; i won't feel great about that, and it might cause problems, but fuck it, we'll figure it out later. throwing people into the gears of a system when i'm convinced it's the only option makes me feel Awful.
-related to the above, another trope that really speaks to me in fiction is when a character defies the rules of reality through sheer force of will. no, this is not happening, i don't give a shit what the limits are supposed to be. i refuse to let this be the way things are. (there's that lion model.)
-i've just kind of... always wanted to be an Everyone Badger. it makes me sad how much of that i've lost over the years as i've gotten more cynical, but it's what i wish i could be.
doubtless i'll think of more the moment i hit send, and there are just as many things about me that are Super Bird Primary, but like... mamma mia that's some spicy badger. the main thing stopping me is the Can't and Refuse to Dehumanize bit. i also... hm. i think i can function okay without a community? they just help a lot, and it sucks when i'm confronted with one i don't have a (stable) place in. any thoughts? is it possible for a bird system's foundation to run so deep that eventually it overrides the bird?
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