#part time studyblr
zoueriemandzijnopmars · 5 months
Hallo Nederlanders die hebben gestudeerd/studeren. Willen jullie allemaal even inloggen op DUO want bij mij hebben ze de rente over april over 2 verschillende dagen bijgeschreven en dat is natuurlijk niet de bedoeling, want er wordt rente op rente gerekend en als de rente dus eerder wordt bijgeschreven betaal je dus meer
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vanessas-bookereport · 4 months
“i know romeo and juliet is supposed to be about young love and ‘dumb teens’ but holy fucking shit, how dumb are you?” - some kid in my english class but probably also remus lupin at some point
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durchdenspiegel · 6 months
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A little over a month left to finish my BA thesis, so in reality, a few weeks to get a decent product to send to my friends to read over… I am determined to actually have a first draft at the end of the week (utopian) because I really want some space to breathe before the next semester sweeps me up again.
Roughly one third written - I‘m testing if „study with me“ videos help me stay productive long term to meet my goal 😮‍💨
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darlinguistics · 6 months
a mindset that helped me a quite a bit in the past and still presently whenever studying a language gets really difficult or overwhelming or you feel like you are making no progress/not retaining anything or that its all pointless is that 1, there is literally nothing wrong with slowly learning a language. and more importantly, 2, sometimes shit needs time to sink in! i remember finishing korean 101 feeling genuinely like i had learned basically nothing and still struggled with the most easy concepts but! when 102 came along suddenly focusing on new material made me realize that the old stuff became intuitive! and that same pattern happens over and over, where a concept seems so awkward and complicated and impossible to grasp and then a few months later while focusing on an entirely different concept i realize the old confusing things are somehow now the 'easy' part that comes naturally! so i guess basically what im saying is i learned to MOVE ON! let yourself zoom out from this one little piece of the language and see the pieces surrounding it and overlapping with it! if a lesson was hard, good! it should have been! you probably wont feel confident in it during or even right after! but the work and energy you put into it isnt a waste just cuz it doesnt immediately pay off, sometimes you have to look away and just move on and trust that the knowledge will settle itself comfortably into your brain while you work on other things, especially if you keep reinforcing it here and there. consistent work will never be a waste even if you dont get immediate payoff. and one day youll wonder when the hell you got so quick at reading or when you memorized a rule or when you learned something you literally were never taught but just observed with your own intuition. so much of language learning is trusting yourself, and trusting this invisible force and process of learning thats bigger than you. it isnt all up to conscious studying and conscious effort and learning, you also need to give yourself time to unconsciously internalize things. and that takes much much longer than a week-long grammar lesson!!
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minilibrarian · 1 year
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A beautiful long weekend to…stay inside and study for the lsat
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lau-and-history · 1 year
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Enjoying the first glimpses of spring and slowly trying to get back into regular PhD work 🌼
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thatgirlchallenge · 12 days
I just got a part time job! 😊
I am going to keep it at least until December hopefully, and then, I’ll switch to something more aligned with my career goals.
I just need to hone my skills with uni and add up to my resume different certifications !
I made sure that the part time job fits my schedule, and that it won’t be a burden to my studies!
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moriartysheadspace · 29 days
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Day 2 of getting my life back
My day started bumpy and not as planned. I wanted to get up as usual at 5:30 am and start early but I’ve been sleepless the half night, because of quite bad period cramps. So I cancelled my alarms and tried to sleep as much as possible and got up at 8:30 am instead. I started quite slowly. At 12:00 am I headed to work in the garage as usual on my bike. This was at least the best part of my day.
At 5:00 pm I cycled back home and tried to study a bit, but my brain doesn’t work right. During my period it’s always the first three days, where it is out of order. So I’ll try again tomorrow…
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study-core-101 · 6 months
Jay's Prefered Study Method
First I read the material (obviously) and highlight what I deem important. I explain how in this post.
With the key information clear, I do conceptual maps about it. These maps are divided by specific topics.
I make questions, one or two for topic (usually they end up being somewhere between 9 and 20 questions). I make these practice tests through Uquiz. I found it really helpful because they are easy to make, can be re-taken multiple times and you can go see your own answers. (I use the free-text option instead of the scored test option). (I swear this isn't publicity for Uquiz).
I do this test two times (the first time with the help of my notes but trying to use them as little as possible and the second without the notes). I always say I am going to do it 3 or 4 times, but I'm a chronic procrastinator (in recovery though), so I don't have enough time for more. It isn't a problem for me because I have good memory, but still.
A few minutes before the test I re-read the notes to make sure everything is fresh.
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yall ever get so stressed that you stay up a bit to late, have a dream that you've cheated on your partner and also seen them die, have to deal with clients at work and making an error, have three presentations due, and then wonder why your eye is twitching?
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placeofwonder · 11 months
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this week: autumn is beautiful, I'm enjoying my maths and computer science classes so far, baked coffee & rye chocolate chip cookies and yesterday I went to the theatre and saw a really good play
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 11 months
De rente op de studiefinanciering is weer verhoogd en hoewel ik dat wel had aan zien komen is het wel wat hoger dan ik had verwacht, dus dat is balen.
Maar dat is niet het punt van deze post want het is weer tijd voor een leuk rekenvoorbeeldje. Stel, je hebt 10.000 euro schuld, niet een onredelijk bedrag, als je 5 jaar hebt gestudeerd is het nog niet eens het totale collegegeld. De rente wordt nu 2,56 per jaar, dat betekent dat je vanaf volgend jaar iedere maand 21,09 euro rente bovenop je schuld krijgt.
Maar weet je wat het minimale aflossingsbedrag is? 5 euro! Dus als je minimaal moet aflossen stijgt je schuld nog steeds alleen maar! Dat is toch belachelijk?
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ronastudies · 1 year
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4/may/2023// Sometimes, the unexpected can happen.
I’m not the biggest fan of trying to be an overachiever anymore. So on the days I’m working a full office day (about 8 hours) at my job, I don’t plan on getting any university work or studying done. Instead, I try to give my mind some rest or go the gym for a change of pace if I happen to have some time and energy left after I finish up. Today was different. I felt physically exhausted and like I was coming down with a cold, so serious exercise was off the table, but the sun was still out and I had some mental capacity left. So I packed my bag and walked to the university library, hence moving my body at least a little bit. And I even managed to get all my revision and prep done for next day’s class – meaning I can take it slower tomorrow morning. 
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florasstudyjournal · 18 days
notice how i left my quizzes til the last minute, but still getting them done? very demure, very mindful (god help me why did i leave these til the last minute. THIS IS NOT MINDFUL. AT ALL.)
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the-goal-is-growth · 1 month
Listen, it's absolutely wonderful that higher education is becoming more and more accessible but I hate that it's like a requirement for everything now? It's like everyone has a college or university degree nowadays and it makes me feel so damn stupid for not being able to get one yet? So many people have them it mustn't be too hard, right? So that just means that I'm really dumb, right?
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So on one hand I got to participate in extubating a patient today but on the other hand I did get an E on my thesis which my advisor told us was "A or maybe B material" and that we were genuinely quite proud of.
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