#party application
demigods-posts · 2 months
headcanon that percy and annabeth have a relationship contract they made after they got together once the war came to pass. they outlined it on paper in percy's bedroom. typed up a final draft using sally's laptop. and printed out and laminated it at the local library on their two month anniversary. and they abide by it like it's the law.
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astrid-beck · 2 months
I don't care and anyways your polycule composition is woefully unbalanced
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theosaurous · 3 months
Do you think Sam thought Dean was going to come back because they always came back and thats why he kept the impala in good condition and why he taught his son about hunting because he was just waiting for the day his brother came back to him ☹️ and he never did ☹️
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qaraxuanzenith · 4 months
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I've been saying this for a while, but finding this post on my dash has, I feel, given me more tools to express this thought about why Jews (especially in the US and American-dominated online spaces) are feeling increasingly alienated by their leftist friends. Why many Jews who otherwise lean left will vote right, much to the dismay and even revulsion of their leftist friends. Why many Jews end up feeling "safer" leaning right. Why it is not fair or reasonable to "blame" these Jews for exercising their democratic right of secret ballot in such a way.
I'm screenshotting the post because (a) it's long, and (b) most of its content is not actually the point here. I'm not trying to argue with the OP or with my acquaintance who reblogged it onto my dash. I just want to explain what I find troubling about it.
The post is, as I said, long. I'll be honest: I only skimmed it. I'm not American. So skimming past - scrolling past to see the rest of my dash - I saw a lot of things where my brain went "Oh, that looks bad," but, you know, in a vague sort of way. Bad, but doesn't impact me directly. Or bad, but not in a way I can do anything about it either way (especially since I can't vote in the US). Or bad-ish, but that's not an issue of deep importance to me personally. And then I saw this:
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And suddenly I felt hostile to the OP, because oh look, they just lumped in supporting my homeland, where my family live, which is currently under attack and in dire need of support, as a "bad" thing. Suddenly I feel like OP hates me, or at least, considers my continued existence on their own list of "bad-ish, but that's not an issue of deep importance to me personally."
But you know what? I kept scrolling. It felt like such a mild lip-service anti-Israel line that I thought, "Maybe this person doesn't hate Jews and Israel so much." I reevaluated my initial hostile response and decided to give OP a second chance, to walk it back. It sickens me that I've gotten so used to racism against my people that some expressions of it just don't register anymore. But I kept scrolling, and it got worse.
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So what I'm reading here is an excerpt from the document that sounds, to me as a Jewish person, eminently reasonable and reassuring. Couched in language and context from OP that wants to paint it as a bad thing that the writers of this document believe that Israel, the Jewish state and Jewish indigenous homeland, should be able to defend itself against... *checks notes* three terrorist organizations with genocide against Jews explicitly in their mandate, and one dictatorship country which has repeatedly expressed that it has the desire and is working on having the means to "wipe Israel off the map."
Perhaps OP has been living under a rock (or, like me, only really focuses on political updates that hit close to home) for the past 7 and a half months and is unaware of Hamas's horrific attack of October 7, 2023 against Israel, in which civilians were brutally slaughtered, young women raped, mutilated bodies paraded through the streets, and dozens abducted - many of whom are still in captivity to the terrorist organization which has not allowed any humanitarian visits to the hostages or even confirmed proof of life for those it still holds.
But when I read the above excerpted paragraph, I went from "I'm not American but I guess most of this sounds vaguely bad" to "I hope this party wins." "I hope that this specific part of this platform is implemented because it is offering support, protection, and safety for me and my family."
You - OP and people who share their views; you as non-Jews who do not share in our unique suffering - you have no right to blame us for choosing our own survival. I would expect you to prioritize yours, as well.
It is things like this - not this platform, but this post, lumping in support of Israel against three terrorist organizations and a genocidal dictatorship with all the other "bad" things like deforestation and nuclear weapons, that push Jews to the right, or at least away from this part of the left. It is reading things like this, that take it for granted that my family and I should not be protected, should not have a right to live in our home, that radicalize people like me.
You're right: most of the other things here are things I would deem as "bad," but if I embrace this platform with open arms at least I get to survive, to fight against the rest another day. Better than rejecting it in favour of someone who has otherwise wonderful ideals but wants me dead.
I want to be able to care about all the other "bad" things in that post, in that document, but right now, we are bleeding. If I had to vote on it right now, I would choose whoever penned this document or stands behind it, because I need to prioritize my safety and continued survival over any other platform issue, and if I am not for myself, who will be for me?
Not my friends on the left who decry support of Israel against genocidal terrorists as a bad thing, that's for sure.
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irritablepoe · 9 days
okay but objectively i'm just a useless piece of trash who's wasting their life
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Kind of random thing, but I think (online, mostly) trans rights took a small step back when it became popular to use AFAB and AMAB as a progressive stand-in for woman and man
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zombiekombi-if · 2 months
are all the ROs available in all the paths?
yes they are! It's absolutely up to you who you want your MC to romance. So while some paths may have certain RO heavy content (for example, How being important to the city path), in no way does it mean you have to romance that RO, or that the other ROs are inaccessible during the path. For example, you can speak to Dylan about your adventures in the city and she'll share about herself in turn, and comment on the dangers that you're putting yourself through.
Of course, there are some story-relevant reasons why some ROs are not available as active companions during these paths, like for example: How is a massive skeptic and would not be caught dead venturing near the PAA settlement. He'll probably admonish you for doing so, lol.
There's also no set order to these paths. You can choose to do which one you want to do first :)
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
Biden signing a racist illegal executive order that violates both US and international human rights law in a plot that will make the Asylum situation worse in every way and harm Asylum Seekers in mass AND will massively piss off all the supporters he needs in an idiotic attempt to win over Republicans who will never vote for him,
While also still supporting a deeply unpopular genocidal war that is already tanking his support,
He can't be stupid enough to think he can get away with BOTH in front of his base, can he?
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once again listening to conventional weapons my favorite part of the whole collection is being able to like. instantly tell what songs got reworked into which songs off danger days
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aurosoulart · 2 years
I visited AR House LA this weekend and made some dolphins for the pool! 🐬🌴
this was created in Figmin XR, a creative VR sandbox app ✨
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ophazines · 2 years
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Applications have now opened! Artists and writers apply now! They will be open until November 20th.
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taniushka12 · 2 months
watching we are lady parts to decompress and 1. id lay down my life for amina, i love her, and 2. she's 100% valid AND right, ahsam is a very handsome man
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ikkaku-of-heart · 3 months
Sent by @naviculariis:
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Scary Dog Application (Always Accepting)
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"Hey! I didn't wander anywhere! I was invited! Not my fault I didn't think vampires actually existed outside of penny dreadfuls and niche erotica," Ikkaku grumbled, glancing up to glare at Mihawk.
She looked back down at the application, peering at the little note below his main qualifications, and despite herself, a peal of laughter bubbled up from her throat. "Well, I can certainly say you've got nicer handwriting than Shanks. As for reliability, you'll have to put your money where your mouth is. So, your application is accepted. And you're now my official Scary Dog go-to when it comes to fancy parties and shit, since I know you look good in a suit and can cut a rug. So I guess you'll be busy keeping me out of trouble at the next monster mash," she stated, a smug grin on her lips and mischief in her eyes.
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on a job site and came across "policy contributor for the pvv" so here i go on my 73 yards mission to sabotage the radical right
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vaguelyaperson · 5 months
currently thinking about how my super conservative christian boomer parents taught me to always tip 20% minimum (and when the pandemic hit, they started tipping 25/30%), and to never yell at the waitstaff, and to clean up any spills yourself, and if either my sister or I started causing a scene as little kids my mom would take us outside until we calmed down,,, and now I'm thinking about how it's not a generational or political thing to be polite at a restaurant. it's just about being polite.
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wambsgender · 1 year
who up experiencing shameful anger. frustration even
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