#passing wisdom
xtrablak674 · 11 months
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But Is It Vanity?
[This is my job right here, to get the children to think about the things they say and the assumptions they make. And to do it in a way that isn't humiliating, shameful or generally off-putting. I do think its the one quality as an Uncle, Titi, Titi or not-parent that I am very good at, if I do say so myself.]
M: You have a high opinion of yourself and your appearance. That is a big sign of vanity, especially your worth. Vanity refers to appearance, opinion and self worth. You have large amounts of pride in all of those. Dressing nice isn’t a sign of vanity, talking about it and showing it off is.
A person that dresses like you but doesn’t take photos or never brings it up would not be considered vain. Your extensive photos can count as showing off. It’s not a bad thing to be vain. You have a high opinion of yourself. Good for you, be confident!
T: Buenos tardes sobrino, you're analysis is very curious to me, because I'm un-partnered, all my parents are dead, and I don't have children of my own. So, who is necessarily supposed to document my existence, or the fact that I was even here? Now do I share photos with maybe less than six people, its probably like five, yes I do.
Let me tell you where I don't share photos anymore, not on Facebook, I shut that down. I've used Instagram stories to post my different looks in the past, but I'm not doing that anymore. I'm not really here to perform for folks or allow them to live vicariously through me. #LiveYourOwnLife
I dress nicely because I like to look nice, I could actually go without sharing the photos because I'm documenting myself primarily for myself, because at the end of the day I don't think anyone really cares.
If there's no documentation, did it really happen? Did I exist, did I leave a mark, did my life have value? Is thats self-absorbed, or vain, or full of myself, to want to be remembered or recalled, or is that human?
M: I don’t view you as self absorbed or anything nasty like that. You’re handsome and you’re happy with that, which I think is awesome. I’m sorry if I came off as rude, to myself the term vain isn’t something negative, as so I just viewed it as a trait like any other. The documentation of yourself is fair, at the end of the day I know very little of whom you communicate with or what so I could only comment on how it came off from my perspective.
T: Which is fair.
I used to broadcast wider, but that no longer felt authentic, many of those folks couldn't care less if I took another breath. And those who were vicariously living through my life were also leeches in my opinion, so I cut them off. Now I share with less than five folks, those rare moments when I actually leave the house.
I also share with my microblog, with its three followers, which will be my personal eulogy about my life in my own words after I am gone, well for as long as Tumblr is online which may be less than ten years, you never know.
I remember being jealous of this girlfriend who always had photographers around her documenting her life and accomplishments and I said to myself, I will be my own historian documenting my own life, because no one else is. No one may ultimately look or care, but maybe one image may survive beyond me, and maybe it will bring a smile to someone, or inspire them to become their own fashion icon.
I am a pariah in my life, the last one left behind with few still alive who are even concerned about my well-being. Documenting good moments is a way to say, hey I still matter, and I have something to offer even if no one is partaking. I find happiness in the unadulterated celebration of myself. #💌
M: That was really well written. Thank you for sharing that with me Titi❤️
Sometimes the young people forget that their elders have as much below the surface life as they do, we are full human beings with depth, doubts and concerns about our mortality. Approaching the challenge with love is all we can do in reminding them or teaching them who we are.
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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free-my-mindd · 1 year
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dkettchen · 11 months
I've determined that my relationship to groups of straight men is I'm like a cute little monkey that can do tricks for them (ex. at a party at uni one time one of the guys brought like a 5kg(?) dumbbell from his room and had me try n lift it with my tiny E-based spaghetti arms, and when I labourously managed to they all cheered), or like- when I wanna say smth, they'll shush their other lads like "yo, shut up, the monkey's gonna talk! I wanna hear what it has to say!", like they don't sexualise me (cause issa monkey) but they're still endeared to me (cause is tiny and cute)
like you know those capuchin monkeys that people put in little outfits, that's what lads see when they look at me
it's giving freak show (affectionate) a little bit, but I think straight men not being interested in me while still being nice to me is possibly the best nonbinary deal I coulda gotten out of this
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girleboy · 3 months
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The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Announcement Trailer
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darlinguistics · 6 months
a mindset that helped me a quite a bit in the past and still presently whenever studying a language gets really difficult or overwhelming or you feel like you are making no progress/not retaining anything or that its all pointless is that 1, there is literally nothing wrong with slowly learning a language. and more importantly, 2, sometimes shit needs time to sink in! i remember finishing korean 101 feeling genuinely like i had learned basically nothing and still struggled with the most easy concepts but! when 102 came along suddenly focusing on new material made me realize that the old stuff became intuitive! and that same pattern happens over and over, where a concept seems so awkward and complicated and impossible to grasp and then a few months later while focusing on an entirely different concept i realize the old confusing things are somehow now the 'easy' part that comes naturally! so i guess basically what im saying is i learned to MOVE ON! let yourself zoom out from this one little piece of the language and see the pieces surrounding it and overlapping with it! if a lesson was hard, good! it should have been! you probably wont feel confident in it during or even right after! but the work and energy you put into it isnt a waste just cuz it doesnt immediately pay off, sometimes you have to look away and just move on and trust that the knowledge will settle itself comfortably into your brain while you work on other things, especially if you keep reinforcing it here and there. consistent work will never be a waste even if you dont get immediate payoff. and one day youll wonder when the hell you got so quick at reading or when you memorized a rule or when you learned something you literally were never taught but just observed with your own intuition. so much of language learning is trusting yourself, and trusting this invisible force and process of learning thats bigger than you. it isnt all up to conscious studying and conscious effort and learning, you also need to give yourself time to unconsciously internalize things. and that takes much much longer than a week-long grammar lesson!!
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saltynsassy31 · 25 days
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Frye Fest - Final Countdown
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🦉Team Wisom🦉
Splatfest 06-05-2023
[Master Post - coming soon]
Bonus Art [TotK Spoilers]:
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ahedderick · 23 days
Grapes can come ripe anywhere from July to October around here, depending on the variety and the weather. There is a vine down at Home Farm, the last remaining one that my late father planted, that usually ripens in early September. What type are they? Well. Purple. Sorry. He didn't remember what he had planted when I asked him.
They started ripening early this year, like most other fruits, so my son brought me a bowl of them a little over a week ago. Now, however, they are really ripe. And how do I know they're at their peak sweetness? Well. Let me tell you a little story.
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There were two big grape arbors at my grandparents' house, one purple and one golden-green. They were so good. My grandmother had a rule for picking them. "Watch the wasps. When the wasps are biting them to drink the juice, THEN they're sweet enough!"
Yesterday, standing in the yard picking grapes, I noticed that one had a tiny mark on the side. A wasp had 'bitten' it to get a tiny drop of sweetness. "Ah," I thought to myself, "The grapes are wasp-approved." They were. so sweet and good.
So now YOU have a memory of her, too. 1916 - 1995
(fwiw, the photo isn't retouched, she just went gray at a very early age, so she had the unusual "gray hair & young face" look.)
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stuckinapril · 6 months
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everyone needs a @brunetteaura in their lives I’m so serious
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“Contest of Chaos: Part Four,” Moon Knight Annual (Vol. 4/2023), #1.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Creees Lee; Colorist: Arif Prianto; Letterer: Cory Petit
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polycrowtruther · 2 days
“Saints, Merchling, you look like you’re passing a kidney stone,” a smooth voice echoed from beside him. Wylan gasped as a shoulder knocked against his, friendly and warm. Right, he and Jesper were working. The deal could wait until the job was done.
Wylan chuckled, shaking his head as if to banish his thoughts away, “Sorry, I’m just lost in thought. I’m fine.”
“Arguably, thinking is just as painful as a stone in your pisser,” Jesper tsked, “You should give that brain of yours a break. All that fretting is bad for your health. Besides, we’ll need all hands on deck in a beat to deal with that gate protocol, so save whatever’s got you stumped for later, yeah? You can think all you like when we’ve set sail for home.”
Am I taking out my own kidney stone frustrations by living vicariously though Jesper's sense of humor?
Why yes, yes I am. That is what blorbo is for, after all.
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secret-sageent · 26 days
Between the new Malev episode and the new TMAGP episode this week I feel like I am drowning in feelings
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fastidious-and-a-mess · 4 months
I’m a bigender gorgug believer. Not only is a big part of his narrative combining two things that are thought to be separate within herself and synthesizing them as a path to personal fulfillment, I also think that bi bigug is fun. Bigender bisexual biromantic her swag is immense
SOOOOOO REAALLLL i was literally gonna tag she/he gorgug on that other ask. “gorgug can be bi for pride month” gorgug is all of the bis all of the months 🫶
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trinalwilliams · 22 days
for now......
my days…..
in front of…
my eyes……..
have fallen…
in this wondrous
i’ll be your shadow
for now……….
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leosoralyyn · 9 months
Athena to Dionysus
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pyroguesstuff · 1 year
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was in an imogen mood tonight (when am i not in an imogen mood? never, that was a trick question)
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wejustvibing · 5 months
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this needs to happen idgaf
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