#paternal relationships
lambsouvlaki · 9 months
Prompt: AU where Jason Todd didn't get taken in by Bruce, because he actually succeeded in stealing the batmobile's tires. He sold them to the local mechanic, who was so scared for him (the tires are pretty distinctive) that he kinda-adopted Jason himself to protect him from any fall out.
Batman still figures out who stole his tires and confronts Jason, who refuses to be cowed. Bruce is just as amused and impressed at this twelve year old's gumption.
Cut to ten years later. Jason now runs the Alley's workshop, and is Batman's emergency mechanic when the car breaks down in the city.
On your average tuesday night Killer Croc shreds the batmobile's tires and Batman skids into the shop, with fucked up rims and shredded rubber going everywhere, and a twenty two year old Jason in coveralls and smudged engine oil is just like 'again, old man?'
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jeanmoreaue · 5 months
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nothing profound to say, just that this makes me want to get better. and the relationship between Wymack and Jean is so,,, the fact that Wymack says this to Jean and then later Jean cries for the first time in who knows how long and his first instinct is to call Wymack
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Sometime I have to do a mini essay on how Kon-El is not Superman’s son. They have a brother relationship.
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whathorselegs · 2 months
*grabs the fandom by the shoulders* Listen to me, Akutagawa was asked to protect Aya, that does not automatically make him "another father figure", we do not have to label every adult guy who interacts with Aya her dad.
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idyllghost · 3 months
I’m stoned but you wanna know a headcanon I have that has the potential to hurt; Arthur slipping up and calling Miss Grimshaw mom.
Like I just know in my heart during his upbringing Arthur would accidentally call Miss Grimshaw mom. With every question, her demands for him to wash up, and general concern for him it would just slip from his lips. A simple “Okay mom.” And an immediate embarrassment as Miss Grimshaw smiled. And it comes so naturally to call her that, because despite his limited memories of Beatrice Morgan something about the way Miss Grimshaw’s warm hands would stroke his hair during fevers and stern voice reminded him of her. She reminded him of something so intrinsically tied to home. Regardless, he’d get embarrassed over his slip ups but, Miss Grimshaw’s heart would soften every time it happened because in the end, just like Dutch and Hosea, Arthur was her son. It was evident to anyone who watched them closely for a while that she held a soft spot for Arthur; honestly for both her boys and young Tilly. She raised that boy right along with Dutch and Hosea. That very fact is what made what Dutch called ‘Arthur watch’ so hard for her.
Everyone was vaguely aware of Eliza and Isaac. It wasn’t ever really a secret. Arthur, despite being scared shitless at the prospect of having a child and sporadic visits, it was evident Arthur was proud to have a son. Which is why when Arthur came back early from visiting Eliza and Isaac everyone’s stomach sank. His eyes were hidden behind the shadow of his hat as the sun began to retire for the day. Arthur didn’t have to speak a word that night for everyone to gather what had happened; that he’d lost them.
He’d hidden in his tent for days, barely eating and only crying faintly in the night when everyone else should have been asleep. Eyes red rimmed and glazed as tired hands clumsily made coffee in the mornings. He’d also gotten careless during jobs, getting injured more frequently and spacing. Miss Grimshaw herself suspected that was only the surface of what was going on in his head, after all he was always a quiet child so bottling up his emotions so tight they’d struggle to surface would only be second nature. It’s knowing this that made Dutch implement ‘Arthur Watch’. A way to, as Dutch put it, “make sure he’s safe”. A way that had the tension in the room spiking and Dutch’s voice shaking as he explained it.
 It had to have been midnight with the way the moon glared in her face when Hosea shook Miss Grimshaw awake to replace him in watching Arthur. She was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes when she approached his tent, barely comprehending the sounds that faintly escaped it. But once the last bit of sleep left her mind she was able to fully hear it; fully understand. It was soft cries, muffled in an attempt to conceal them, and her heart broke. Her movements halted and her breath hitched as her heart broke at the pain she heard. But, she steeled herself, lifted his tent flap, and entered. She let out a soft and raspy“Arthur?” And she inevitably heard rustling and a mumbled curse as he lit his lantern. With the light illuminating his face she saw every sharp curve and edge, the thin skin below his eyes almost bruised from restless nights. The red rim around his eyes combined with their puffed up state. His cheeks ruddy and damp. 
“Oh Arthur,” before she realized it she was sitting on his cot and patting his shoulder and he slumped into her touch. His body and mind tired. She pulled him closer to her, a way reminiscent in the way she’d pull him to her when he was barely 15 and waking up screaming from night terrors. With his heavy head on her shoulder she combed through his hair with her hand. “It’s okay son, you’ll be okay.” With those words the floodgates opened as he sobbed into her shoulder and all she could do was hold him through the pain. He only lifted his head up to gasp for air and croak out, “It hurts… Mom it hurts.” And her heart broke even more as she held him closer to her. 
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gaycragula · 5 months
Hey may I ask for a part two of Refound Family only now that the kid is now joining the task force and that he passed all of the test like it was sliding on ice (easy and smooth) then one day they meet on a mission and the kido team and 141 decided to team up for that one mission because they had gotten the order to take down the same terrorist organisation.
Lead the Way, Private
Pairing: Task Force 141 x M!Reader (Platonic/Paternal) Part 2 of the Refound family short Warning(s): very vaguely hinted relationship with your sergeant, captain m!reader, military setting, hinted at minor character death like super duper vaguely, random callsigns for extra characters Extra Note: I've no clue how the military works so I apologize in advance Word Count: 1558 Masterlist
The weight of your gear had become a welcome feeling along with the feel of the wind on your face as you and your team were transported to a secondary hangar. 
After you’d found your family, you’d decided to join the military. Your adoptive parents were hesitant at first, trying to get you to think about it. You’d told Price about your wishes and your parents' doubts. 
The next time you’d spoken to them, they were supportive but still hesitant. You assume Price had a talk with them.
That had been 10 years ago. You’d gotten through boot camp without many difficulties despite being one of the older guys there. Most had been teenagers, fresh out of high school. There were only two or three other guys in their 20s like you.
 You were in your 30s, sitting comfortably in the position of captain. You wore the medal with pride.
 You’d been with your men for just over 9 years. Three of them as a sergeant and four as a lieutenant before you got your current position. Your men respected you. You’d been with them long enough to know what they were capable of and rarely ever pushed them past what they were able to do. They trusted and respected you.
There was only one person on your team who proved difficult. The newest soldier who joined just after you’d been promoted to captain. Torch was the name he’d made for himself. He seemed to find joy in testing the waters in how far he could push you. He didn’t succeed in getting far very often. 
The helicopter landed and you were the first to land on the concrete of the hangar and you came face to face with another man.
It wasn’t new to be assigned a mission with another team. Especially taking down a big terrorist organization. So getting off the helicopters and finding yourself face to face with the captain of another team was not unusual. You expected it.
What you didn’t expect was the captain to be none other than John Price. He seemed just as surprised to see you before he was pulling you into a tight but brief hug with a laugh. 
“Captain?” The word was echoed by two different people.
You turned to look at your Sergeant and Price turned to where Soap had just called for him.
“Yes Sergeant?” You hum, adjusting your vest momentarily as you step away from Price. You just barely miss the look Price gives you before he’s repeating your actions, walking towards Soap to see what he needed.
“You know him?” Your Sergeant asked. You nod with a smile.
“Long story. I’ll have to tell you about it later.”
“Better keep your word, sir,” the sergeant teases.
You let out a laugh, nudging the soldier playfully. “When have I not?”
You almost miss the look of disdain pass over one of the private’s face before they were turning away from you. You take a mental note before telling your men to grab their gear and head inside. 
“Sooo.. Captain?” Gaz whistles as you sit down across from him. “Moving up quick, kid.”
 You roll your eyes with a low chuckle. “Gotta prove I’m not a little kid anymore,” you joke as you lean back in your chair. 
Gaz laughs, shaking his head. The room began to fill up, your sergeant taking the seat to your left while Soap took the seat to your right. A quick debrief before you went out into the field. A much needed 30 minutes of information spewing on what the plan was.
You were reviewing with your men, making sure they had it drilled in their heads who they would be working with. The private gave you a look and you shot one back at him. “Is there an issue, Torch?” You ask. Your voice was louder than it needed to be and, even with the balaclava covering his face, you can tell you’ve embarrassed him.
“No sir,” he mumbles, eyes shifting to his boots. A huff leaves your mouth and you order your men on the carrier. They were quick to do so and you could hear your sergeant say something to the private.
You walked over to where Price was standing speaking to Ghost. Ghost nods to you in acknowledgement as you stop next to Price. He dismisses Ghost onto the carrier before turning to you. 
“All set, Cap,” you hum. “Ready for takeoff.”
“Atta boy,” Price chuckles, ruffling your hair like he used to when you were a boy. “Let’s get goin’ then.”
He pats you on the back as you turn to join your men, taking the hand your sergeant offered you to hoist you into the carrier. The aircraft shook for a moment as it took off before it was speeding towards your drop off location.
Drop off was quick. Everyone grabbed their weapons and got out of the way so the carriers could take back off and leave you in silence. 
The group waited for the sound of the carriers to fall off completely before beginning the 15 mile trek to your target. Price led the group while you brought up the rear. Leaves crunched under boots and you wondered for a moment why they decided to do this in the middle of autumn. 
At the 10 mile mark, four men branched off. Two to the east and two to the west. The designated snipers. All four were your men. Your sergeant and your corporal went west. Your lieutenant and one of the privates went east. 
“They good shots?” Ghost asks, falling in line next to you.
“Killer,” you nod, finding joy in the amused huff Ghost gave in reply.  With the four branching off, that left yourself, all four of the 141, and two of your privates. “Trust them with my life.”
“Good to have that trust,” Ghost hums as he glances at the other three members of his team. “How long have you been with them?”
“Spent Three years as a sergeant with them. Four as a lieutenant and two so far as their captain,” you answer. “Been on the team for 9 years. With my men for 8.”
Ghost casts a sideways glance that you ignore. You didn’t feel like going into detail and he seemed to respect the silent wish as he didn’t press on the matter. “How are your parents?”
“Good. They’ve come to terms with my decision. We write to each other whenever we can,” you smile. Ghost hums and it seemed that was the end of the conversation. It was rare for you to talk to him for long. He’d rather give you encouraging pats on the back or be a shoulder to cry on than hold a conversation.
You never minded. When you were younger, it was rare for Ghost to be alone anyway. Soap was always around and talked enough for both of them. You’re sure it still rings true now. 
The line came to a halt as the building you’d be sweeping peeked over a hill. “What’s it looking like down there, Kicker?” You ask  over the radio.
Static before your lieutenant answered. “About fifty gathered to the east. Unloading materials from the looks of it. Lots of cars coming in and out.”
“‘Bout fifteen keeping guard 30 yards from the back entrance, Cap,” your sergeant answers. 
You thank both of them and nod to Price. “We go east,” you say.
“You sure?” Your private quips. You turned to the man, fighting the urge to snarl. 
“Would you like to go west, Torch?” You ask. You manage to keep your voice steady. “If you would like to do so, please lead the way.”
You make a show of gesturing to the west, watching the soldier intently. The private didn’t say anything for a moment and you let out a huff. “Soap, come with,” you say before looking at Price who nodded. “We’re going west. Price, Gaz, and Ghost, roll out east.”
The private sputtered on whatever he was going to say next, choking out an apology. You huffed in response, nudging the soldier forward with a scowl. “Too late to back down, private. But we will be having a chat when we get back,” you hiss, gesturing for Soap to join yourself and both of your privates. You saw your other private hit Torch over the back of his head, cursing him out.
“Aye, Captain,” Soap nods, glaring at Torch as he moved to stand next to you. 
You repeat the change of plans to the four snipers, waiting for acknowledgement before you start west. 
“Quit starin’ boys,” Price chuckles, pulling Ghost’s and Gaz’s attention back to himself. “He’ll be fine. That private is in for one hell of a talking to.”
“Didn’t think he would’ve had it in him,” Gaz muses as the three of them head east. “Always was a soft spoken kid. Rare to get him riled up.”
“Can’t help but be proud of him can you?” Price chuckles. 
Ghost let out a hum of agreement. You weren’t their little boy anymore. You aren’t the boy they pulled from that smoking rubble, who latched onto them, screaming and crying when you were adopted. You were a man now and you didn’t need the protection you needed all those years ago.
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caramelcove · 2 years
Cozy baking
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florsial · 3 months
Thinking about Rabastan. He's a dog to Rodolphus' god. He loves his brother but from how they were raised he mistakes it for blind devotion. He has his mother's face but none of her personality. He should've looked exactly like Rodolphus but he doesn't. He's shunned by his paternal family but accepts it quietly and erases his identity to be the spare/guard dog. He's like a messed-up completed puzzle piece that looks fine from far away but when you take a closer look certain pieces don't quite fit right. He's bitter and self-pitying but it's all compacted in a poorly concealed stoic expression. Unlike his brother, he was born to feel and it does him no good. Also, he likes fish and his favorite is the cowfish.
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banefort · 2 months
it’s been said before but it’s such a shame that Baela (and Jace too, now I think about it) lack a lot of agency and depth in the show, and only really exist to prop up their teammates. logically speaking, there’s a lot of calamitous things that have happened to them and the people in their life that should be causing some significant inner turmoil or resentment towards their faction, but so much of that is completely overlooked
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dennisboobs · 1 year
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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
↳ moments that make me cry
#PATERNAL RELATIONSHIPS. GUARANTEED TO MAKE ME SOB.#iasip#it's always sunny in philadelphia#dennis reynolds#frank reynolds#mac mcdonald#charlie kelly#ada's gifs#ada speaks#dennis holding brian jr makes me. full on cry.#the way he goes from awkwardly holding him & trying to play it off like he doesn't care. nervous laugh and a glance back at mandy.#'am i doing it right?' i'm not fit to be a father. this is completely foreign to me.#tips his head against his son's. clenches his jaw. tries so hard not to cry with everyone standing there watching. hugs him closer.#says he's done saying goodbye and then backs away with a look of visible upset when mandy tries to take brian jr from him.#and. dennis kissing frank. at first going to hug him but deciding against it. too intimate. too much commitment.#and again... 'am i doing it right?' is this is how sons are supposed to act with their fathers? ''was that okay to do?''#charlie just wanting someone to be there for him. to care for him. to care *about* him.#and frank. who caused immense damage to dennis in the short stints when he was actually around. but *was* around.#frank makes everyone realize that they are what charlie needs right now. that they all love charlie.#dennis. who is grateful for frank having been there. as abusive and selfish as he may have been. dennis took that and closed himself off.#taught himself to guard against it. shut off his feelings. prioritize himself above all else. he's Strong because of frank's neglect.#incredibly damaged. unhappy. but Strong.#because the ones who are supposed to care about you most in the world just don't. YOU have to care about you. that's how frank lived too.#charlie has chosen to avoid his entire life.#and now he's been forced to confront it all. he'd been content not knowing if frank was his biological father.#he had a father figure who cared for him. and he wasn't around because he didn't know charlie was alive. he thought bonnie aborted him.#but the reality of it all is that charlie's biological father avoided too. he knew charlie was his son. he spoke to him and *lied* to him.#and just as soon as they reconnect and have a chance to make up forty years of lost time#he dies. he fucking dies. and leaves charlie alone again. to carry him up a goddamn mountain by himself. shouldering this grief and anger.#charlie can't be selfish. he isn't allowed to now. because his dad died and left him one last task. he still doesn't want to let him down.
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bubblesandpages · 8 months
Oh. Oh. Canute didn't learn this from Askeladd, he was tough this by his father figure, that to sacrifice for what you love means to incite death. That death and control are a means to an end. It wasn't Askeladd that broke and shaped him and in who's footsteps he follows, it was Ragnar's.
"Laugh at me, if you must. Curse me, if you must. It is necessary to bring about my paradise. . .All for the sake of the love we lost." Vinland Saga, chapter 78
In some twisted way this is all for Ragnar—to sacrifice everything for what you love, which Canute claims is all of mankind—and how there are no lines he wouldn't cross for them. Because he's accepted that death is necessary for love to exist.
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crocodilenjoyer · 6 months
the biggest suspension of disbelief in one piece is that ace is somehow an only child when roger was trucking and fucking well into his 50s unless roger, like, was almost exclusively into getting pegged and aces birth (the only time he’s ever topped rouge) was an honest to god miracle
one piece au where the world government tries hunting down all of roger’s illegitimate kids à la Dipshit Joffrey Gameofthrones by looking for every dark-haired kid with no bio dad, a strong bone structure, zero self-preservation instincts and a problem with authority. the whole story is from ace’s pov though and it’s just him realizing with mounting horror and every successive headline just how much roger Fucked
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swallowtail-ageha · 6 days
Funniest arguement on reddit re: the radagon messmer and melina paternity is that "all of marika's children with radagon start with m" and when they get reminded that also the omen twins names start w m too they go "well the o stands for godfrey" or like the apotheosis "maybe they arent godfrey's" like come on. There are more convincing arguements over it like the butterfly theory why play match the names
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heavy is like a big brother to scout in the sense that heavy sometimes helps scout w his problems and shit but they also beat the shit out of eachother every 5 minutes. hope this helps
Scout is not "the team kid" but he most certainly is "the team youngest brother" in that he's probably the most insufferable person any of them have ever met and they continue to spend time with him by choice. Scout canonically has only older siblings and Heavy only younger siblings and this is something they can immediately detect within each other
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alisterix · 2 years
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Asterix yelling at Obelix and going to Panoramix immediately after to talk to him about it and look smol and defeated like this will never not get to me
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I need to know if y'all young'ins know why Alfred Pennyworth calls Bruce Wayne "Master Bruce," because it's likely not the reason you think.
Traditionally, waitstaff in households like the Wayne's would address the head of household as "Mister/Missus Lastname." I don't have any canon comics to reference, but he likely addressed Thomas as "Mr. Wayne," rather than "Master Thomas."
That's because "master" is a now rather outdated (at least in the US) form of address for younger men as a replacement for "mister," which was reserved for adults. Think the difference between "miss" and "ma'am." I only know this because my grandfather was VERY old-fashioned about addressing letters; my brother's were always addressed "Master [Full Name]" until he was an adult.
It is very important to me that you take into account 1) that this practice was still alive and very common when Alfred was created as a character and 2) Alfred himself is rather old fashioned.
Alfred isn't addressing Bruce as his employer and the master of the house when he says "Master Bruce." He's addressing him as the young boy Alfred always sees first when he looks at the boy who's been his charge for years. Dispensing with that tiny informality would probably break both their hearts.
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