#people have to be more chill about headcanons and accept the fact that not everyone is gonna agree in general
ihhfhonao3 · 8 months
Idk man call me crazy but headcanoning a canonically queer, non aroace character as aroace is just. Not it
Like everyone’s entitled to their own headcanons but like man. Taking rep away from lesbians and gay men and bisexuals just isn’t it chief. Make your own rep and tell people about saiki k, don’t demand that this canonically non aspec character be aspec just so you can have rep. Other queer people don’t have a lot of rep either, guys. We’re not the only ones who’re starving.
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impactedfates · 8 months
Hello! Is it alright if I request platonic headcanons for Dan Heng, March 7th, and Welt with a teen!reader who’s really calm and chill? They don’t cause trouble/chaos, has a really calming presence, easy to talk to, is mostly mature for their age, but they aren’t cold or blunt. They are nice but not naive, and they are quite observant + smart when they need to be, so they’re good at solving problems (reader is kind of like the calmest one on the Astral Express lol)
Please remember to take breaks and to stay hydrated! Your health comes first :)
A/N: Yes it's alright :D Thank you, I'll remember to take breaks and drink water, you will too alright?? I'm so sorry if this came out so late :sob: I didn't mean to make you wait for so long!
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Found Family (Express Family)
Format: Head Cannons (Separate)
Warnings: None
Extra: Reader slightly of taller then March despite being younger // Grandpa Welt <33 // Reader was also found in ice along with March
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Dan Heng admires how calm you can be, even in stressful situations and is thankful at how observant and smart you are. Likely helping the group get out of certain situations due to it. You're rather different to the girl who was found floating near you in ice and he noticed quickly how you two were almost polar opposites.
He enjoys having another person on board the express who's calm and he's thankful you're easy to talk too. And that you don't mind how closed off he is himself, he's also thankful you don't cause trouble on missions or the express and rather you help defuse them.
He sees you as a younger sibling and makes sure you're being taken care of as well. Everyone on the express is his family and he will ensure all will be protected. This means you have to eat your vegetables, hydrate and sleep.
I see you two relaxing in the archives as you help him with adding things into the Data Banks when neither of you can sleep. And when you do ultimately fall asleep, he carefully carries you back to your room and tucks you in before continuing working himself.
Also, despite being younger then most of the express, you're more mature then a good few of them which are adults. And he's unsure if he should be concerned cuz of that fact.
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March 7th is older then you, but she considers you her twin! Simply because you were both found on the same day, and even though everyone knows you're a teen so younger then she is. People go along with it.
She complains a bit about being shorter then you, one of the times she doesn't call you her twin. But she means well, all her little annoyances and complaints with you slightly being taller is a joke.
Anytime she's stuck on a puzzle she always call for you (And I mean like, those puzzles you buy in shops) and always watches intently as you figure it out.
She's of course aware at how calm and chill you are, and honestly. When you two first got to know each other she wanted to see what would change that. Pulling pranks and attempting to annoy you but not too much. Yet you still stayed calm.
She's very interested at how you're so calm in nearly every situations, now a days. She accepts it as you and won't try to break the calmness you have. If she's ever having a bad day, she comes to you. You oddly have an aura that helps her calm down.
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When Welt saw not one but TWO ice blocks containing people in it, he was shocked. However wasted no time in saving the two of you. Just like March you seemed to have lost your memories and he's determined to help you find out your past.
He sees you as his grandkid, and was even a bit protective of you at first. However seeing your calm nature and how smart you were in many situations calmed himself down. He's still worried if you go on missions but he trusts that you'll be protected.
He's not that surprised you act so differently to March when you two were both in ice however he does find it amusing in a way. You're still a teen so even if he does trust you now to go on missions, he wants you to update him.
Just like Dan Heng, he's thankful you're not only chill but don't cause problems, also you're rather mature for your age, if you were older then he'd definitely consider putting you in charge of the train if Dan Heng wasn't able too take charge. Considering you're age currently, only Dan Heng is in charge.
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DIWNDJFEHW. Hopefully I'll be able to finish the next requests in the following days, I feel so bad for not being able to write them yet :,)
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penncilkid · 9 months
Alright, I'll bite. (Sparked by this post) I'm gonna preface this with some context: 
First off: I'm Black in case you're unaware
Huxley is my favorite speaker. Full stop. You ask me to choose, it’ll always be him. 
Likewise, you ask for my favorite listeners, I will say Starlight and Darlin'. (I'll save my Starlight rant for another day)
My designs for both Huxley and Darlin are Black.
With this in mind, I want to be clear from the jump: I don’t have an inherent problem with these headcanons. If I did, I wouldn’t have chosen then myself. That said, I have noticed that Hux and Darlin are, more often than not, the characters that get headcanoned as POC (specifically Black) in design rosters. In some cases, they are the only POC designs present. Why is that?
Furthermore, the more often I notice this pattern so to speak, the more I sit and think about why those headcanons are so popular. I find my answer when I think about the characters I see headcanoned as white most often. Tell me why it’s "practically canon" for Lasko to be pale with light/white hair. Tell me why white Sam "just makes sense". Why? Because Lasko's a nerdy ball of nerves that stumbles over his words? Because Sam’s a sweet Southern man at heart? Those are not inherently white attributes.
Except they're treated as such. They go virtually unchallenged because they're so widely accepted by fandom. People see these personalities and character details and come up with their vision. So, let's apply that to Huxley and Darlin, shall we?
Huxley: Athlete. Canonically implied to be big, as indicated by statements made by him and other members of the DAMN crew. Classified as a himbo with parallels in Imperium highlighting how some will view him as stupid. Overall chill vibe.
Darlin: Reckless with their safety. Known to lash out/lose control of their emotions when they’re not actively hiding them. Gets injured often because they’re too stubborn to run from trouble. An overall intense demeanor that makes them difficult to approach (at least at first). 
Explain to me why this screams Black to so many people. Is it because Huxley's a dumb jock who you imagine gets stoned all the time? Oh, is it perhaps because Darlin is just so aggressive compared to your Golden Retriever-coded Asher, needing to be calmed down by everyone around them? And here's the thing: I can already imagine people saying, "That's not why I made them Black". Then explain why it "just makes sense" for them to Black. Why them out of a sea of characters? Make it make sense.
Now let me make this clear as well: I'm not expecting every headcanon to have elaborate thought behind it. For one, I get that some people take a more casual approach with designs and such. Not every choice has to have a reason or justification behind it. But when literally 95% of the Huxley designs I see are Black and half of y'all don't even know what a fucking durag is? Saying it leaves a bad taste in my mouth is putting it lightly.
You know what I wish I saw more of? Black Huxleys and Darlins with attached nuance.
Give me a Black Darlin who struggles to articulate how they feel with the people in their lives because they haven't been readily given the language to do so. You want to pair a Black Darlin with a White Sam? Why not talk about how POC have an insanely difficult time getting support from the medical system so not only does it explain why Darlin is so resistant to go to healers, but also gives an extra weight to the fact that Sam was their absolute last resort when injured? Give me a Black Darlin who has been taught their entire life that no one will have their back, that they need to learn how to depend on themself alone, and that's the reason why they struggle to feel like the pack would've cared when the Quinn shit went on.
You wanna talk Black Huxleys? Let's touch on how he's learned to control his emotions/anger because he knows how people will take it if it comes from someone who looks like him. Talk about how his moms teaching him not to use violence speaks to a deeper desire for him not to be viewed as a threat because they fear for his life otherwise. In one of his BAs, he mentions how a lot of people used to sleep with him/flirt with him solely because of his body and he could tell. Do you know how often black men are sexualized and fetishized? Why not talk about it through him? I see people explore that concept through Gavin constantly, where's the energy for Huxley? You wanna make him Black so bad, why not actually put some thought behind it? Because right now, it seems like he gets the "luxury" of being the token Black guy in the DAMN friend group at best.
I know a lot of people are probably going to dismiss this post. I am already anticipating that as I write this. But I'm so tired of pretending like this shit doesn't get to me. Because it does. I've got no intentions of leaving this fandom because I have met so many amazing people and adore Erik's content immensely. But what I am going to do is talk about the widespread normalization of attributing certain personality traits to certain racial groups. Because the non-white people in this fandom deserve better than that.
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random-and-average · 11 months
Can you do yandere Miguel x gn reader who has sans ability? I'm talking about that reader that has sans ability. They can teleport, they can summon a gaster blaster and something else! If you don't know sans. U can search them in Google, "sans undertale ability". You can make the reader be okay with Miguel kidnapping them or something. The reader doesn't have to look like sans or anything. Ignore this if u don't take request
I kinda take requests? As of now, I don't have any clear and defined will do's and will not's (plus, I have to figure out what fandoms I can write for since I usually don't engage with the source material directly and instead watch videos and research about it), so I don't want to claim that I take requests and inadvertently upset some people. Any requests I take will have to be judged on a case-by-case basis. Though your request is fine!
Also, sorry if advance if this isn't exactly what you wanted. After writing this whole thing, I realized that the reader's powers weren't a big part of the "headcanon," but I didn't have the heart to delete all of it :')
Yandere Miguel O'Hara x G/N Sans-like!S/O
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Content Warning(s): unwilling imprisonment, kidnapping, Miguel pushing his subordinates around, Miguel snapping, Google Translate Spanish, possibly OOC Miguel, cringe writing, cringe dialogue, bastardization of Sans's powers
Handy Background Info
In this situation, I'd imagine you possessing hyper-cosmic awareness (being aware of different timelines and universes beyond your own as well as what goes on in them, though your powers are stronger than Sans's in this regard 'cause I like a nigh omniscient reader), time stopping abilities (because I personally believe that Sans doesn't teleport but rather stops time), and determination construct creation powers (essentially, you can create whatever you please, such as gaster blasters, via your determination)
Everyone in your universe has the ability to construct things based on the determination they have; however, your other two abilities are unique to you due to... very, very interesting reasons ☺
(In fact, the Spider-Man of your universe utilizes his determination to create his webs)
Since it'd be such a shame to only take Sans's powers, you also possess some of his signature traits—his permanent smile, though in your case it's more out of choice rather than something you were born with, and his chill nature
"Headcanon" Territory
You were brought back to HQ after you were accidentally sent to another universe
However, you weren't scared; you didn't even bat an eye
You simply accepted it for what it was, even the pain that came with "glitching"
But this was the first time you've ever been in this situation, which was suspicious
Naturally, you get questioned, and unnaturally, you acquiesce with the demands of (basically) your kidnappers
Miguel... doesn't know how to react to you, really
One could even say that he's annoyed by you to a degree
You're unwaveringly calm in situations you shouldn't be; though, you just claim that you're tired
Based on the Spider-Man of your universe, you have the power to resist, yet you don't
You have knowledge of his universe as well as others beyond your own (which is concerning on its own), but you don't do anything with it
Ultimately, Miguel comes to the conclusion that you must stay at HQ for a while in order to observe you
"Have they just been napping the whole time?" Jess questions as she watches your serene, sleeping form from the other side of the one-way mirror. Contrary to the purposefully nerve-inducing nature of the interrogation room, you were comfortable enough to be fall into a vulnerable state on your own volition. Many had been in that same spot you were currently in, but none have reacted like you.
"It seems so," Lyla answered. "They were even found just napping on a park bench in Earth-445761."
"And there isn't anything unusual about them outside of their apparent apathy?"
"It'd be better to list how they weren't unusual."
"How lovely..."
From that point onwards, Miguel interrogates (or, more accurately, intimidates) you almost every other day
Expectedly, he doesn't get much out of you, much to his chagrin
"Anomaly, you aren't ever going to be able to return home if you don't answer honestly."
"and i am. frankly, i don't know what you find so spin-teresting about me."
"You little..."
At some point, he changes his approach since intimidating you obviously gets him nowhere
You're given your own (heavily monitored) room on HQ to stay at indefinitely
You're also not allowed to leave said room unless he supervises you
That doesn't really stop you from seemingly teleporting out of your room
You give the man gray hairs anytime you suddenly appear in the canteen or recreational area
At one point, you're in your room playing an indie role-playing game about monsters
The next, you're enjoying a good ol' hamburger and fries with the other Spider-People
And then, you appear back in your room with a purple donut and cider
"Lyla! Hurry up! What if the anomaly escaped to another universe!?"
"Give me a second! And... aha! Found them! Wait a minute..."
"What? What did you find?!"
"They're in the canteen? From the looks of it, they're just eating some fries. Eugh, with too much ketchup at that."
"Te cae?" (Are you serious?)
"See for yourself if you don't believe me. Which you should, because when have I ever lied?"
It doesn't help that he knows you can give your determination physical form, yet you never do so
For the sake of his own sanity, he chalks it up to you lacking determination
It would make sense considering your apathy
Frequently, Miguel drops by, typically around breakfast or lunch, and engages in conversation with you
However, they're mostly focused on your abilities and what life was like at home in order for you to let some info slip
Initially, your conversations are just him asking you questions; this time, in a non-threatening and genuinely interested manner
And you do tell him details of your personal life, though nothing indicates that you're part of an organization that also harnessed the power of interdimensional travel and knowledge
It's noticeable that you steer away from any emotionally heavy topics, but Miguel doesn't pry in understanding
He, himself, has let some info slip as well
As ashamed as he is to admit it, the more he talks with you, the more his fondness for you grows
Poor Miguel
The man has no one to talk to on a personal level, so whether he knows it or not, he cherishes every conversation he has with you
You don't judge him, nor do you promise things that you can't guarantee; you simply listen
It takes a while, but you eventually become his only friend and confidant
Following the recollection of his daughter's final moments, soft, restrained sniffles came from Miguel—sniffles that sounded louder than they actually were due to the absolute silence of your living space. The towering man hunched over the small dining table, obscuring his face from your vision. His body trembled, and the tea on the table shook alongside him. Compared to how he usually looked, he looked smaller this way; the vast sorrow of his memories reduced this man into a helpless spider.
"Perdóname," the man sniffed. "This behavior is unbecoming of me."
"is it?"
"Yes. As the leader, it is my responsibility to not let emotions get the better of me. Emotions lead to a clouded judgement, and clouded judgement leads to sloppy work."
"but you aren't doing any work right now," you pointed out before taking another sip of tea. It was surprisingly sweet despite the lack of any added sugar or sweeteners. If you focused on it enough, you could swear it tasted a bit like chocolate. "you are just having a conversation with me. unless this counts as work for you?"
Miguel's eyes widen in disbelief at your rational response. He had never thought you were capable of being this logical, especially with how you were carefree you were the majority of the time.
"No. No, this doesn't count as work for me."
"that's good. i was going to leave if that was the case."
Neither of you said anything else and instead enjoyed your own tea. Even when Miguel finished his tea, he pretended that there was still some left in his cup in order to avoid saying anything potentially embarrassing. Meanwhile, you continued to drink a tea that never seemed to run out. How did you do that? He supposed it was another mystery of yours.
Eventually, Miguel knew he couldn't up the farce anymore, so he asked, "Did you not mind my... moment of weakness earlier?"
He didn't know if he was hyperfocused out of nervousness, but he observed every small detail of yours as you placed your tea cup back on the table. There wasn't a falter in your stoic expression, and your movements were relaxed and smooth. Your eyes parted from your drink and moved to look at Miguel's brown ones. It was then that he noticed that the beverage in your cup wasn't the red-orange color of the tea but a chocolate drink with a few small marshmallows in it.
(He didn't even see you move to change your drink. Was his memory failing him? Or do you have some power that allows you to do this?)
"not really. it's normal to experience some sadness when thinking about the loss of a loved one."
You brought the cup back up to your lips to blow on the steaming beverage before taking a sip. The rich sweetness of the hot chocolate got a soft, satisfied hum out of you.
"besides, what would come out of me judging you? it is what it is."
There it was, your carefree attitude. Usually, this aspect of you frustrated him, but in this situation, he couldn't help but feel relieved that it made an appearance. With a tranquil slowly growing on his face, Miguel's body relaxed and lost its tension.
"You have a point."
"do you finally tea my point of view?"
"That... was a really bad pun."
"don't be so chai. i know you love my quali-tea puns."
After several interrogations and conversations, even Miguel has to admit that you're just an innocent civilian
Albeit an odd one
You're given more privileges now, such as being able to explore HQ and go outside (though you need an escort for the latter)
Like always, Miguel always seeks you out first
He still eats his lunch and breakfast with you while engaging in conversation; as of late, they're about random topics instead of being focused on your history
But now, he also brings you places to hang out during his free time
(He struggles with discerning what you like, so he totally goes to Lyla and Jess for help, discreetly)
There's also the added bonus of him opening up to you more
Outside of work, you're his emotional support friend
Once he does find out what you like, you can guarantee that he'll always bring you out to your favorite places
He may even bring you to your favorite universes if he has the time
Ensures your living space is your personal heaven, as a friend obviously
You have the best bed, blankets, pillows, etc.
Pleads with you to not disappear and reappear without telling him
Don't you see if gives him a heart attack?
Occasionally tests your character so that he has a better idea of what you're like
For instance, he'll "accidentally" give you the chance to cause chaos just to see how you'd react
He trusts you! Don't misunderstand him
You may just be an innocent civilian, but he has the need to know you extremely well
Blame your anomalously chill and laid-back personality
He would be more protective of you, had he not witnessed first hand that you could clearly take care of yourself
(The lack of remains from a rogue anomaly after they got vaporized by strange skull-shaped blasters is a testament to that)
"Y/N, what did you to the anomaly?"
"i gave them a bad time."
As a result, he lets you fight your own battles if need be
But that doesn't stop him from fretting over you before, during, and after each one
Doesn't need to watch over you 24/7 like he would if you were anyone else, considering you're pretty lazy
(He definitely humble brags about the fact that he knows the most about you compared to your other friends)
You're allowed to have other friends than him
Just know that he's your best friend
Jess is honestly happy for him
You're his first friend!
Be honored(?)
While quickly brushing his hair down in order to not give off the impression that he rushed straight from work, Miguel approached the restaurant you suggested you two could eat at for dinner. As expected, you were waiting at the entrance for him. Your eyes lit up in acknowledgement once you spotted the man's signature blue suit.
"ah, miguel, you made it. thought you'd be late."
"I would never be late for a meet up with a friend. Who do you take me for?"
It was a lighthearted question with no deeper meaning, but the way you stared at him and hummed in reply made it seem as if you knew something he didn't. For just a moment, you looked like someone wise beyond your years; your eyes held a knowledge that he couldn't discern for the life of him.
Miguel had a feeling that this wasn't going to be an ordinary dinner.
"we should head inside. i'm sure you're hungry."
The two of you headed inside the suspiciously empty restaurant and seated yourselves in the center of the dining area. A waiter appeared a few minutes later to provide glasses of water without asking what beverages the two of you preferred, and he left immediately after with a quick, nigh unnoticeable glance in your direction.
The entire restaurant was quiet with no words or actions being exchanged. After your stare earlier, Miguel was too uncomfortable to say anything, and you seemed content with not talking.
But to ease the awkward silence, you opened with a conversation starter, "so, how was work today?"
"Busy," Miguel replied tersely. The atmosphere felt too uneasy to talk in a casual manner. "The anomaly today put up a bit of a fight."
"makes sense." You paused for a minute, like you were considering and weighing your next words. However, based on the small minute changes of the ever-present smile on your face, you weren't considering them for your sake, but rather for his.
"any iteration of venom would be difficult to defeat."
His eyes widened. Last time he checked, you were in your room the entire day, and no one who knew of the mission talked to you yet. There was no way that you could've known that the anomaly was related to Venom. Suddenly, the mood became more serious than it already was.
"that's it? just 'yes?' no questions whatsoever."
Wary of your next actions, he waited for you to make the next move and didn't say a thing until you did. His obvious plan drew a sigh out of you.
How boring.
"i suppose i'll get to the point if you plan on being so guarded: if i am to stay with you without putting up a fight, then there's gonna have to be some changes. it's the least you could do for attempting to keep me away from my home dimension, as futile as that may be.
"and don't think that i am letting you get away with this behavior because i have a soft spot for you. i don't." The smile on your face faltered. (A rare sight to see, Miguel noted with dread. You always had a smile on your face, even if the meaning and authenticity behind it wasn't always the same.) "frankly, you don't deserve it. at best, you play the bystander while you watch your followers mourn over deaths that you could've prevented, and at worst, you actively sabotage their endeavors to stop these deaths."
Your eyes fixated on his, staring and scrutinizing his very soul. "doesn't that make you a murderer in your own right? a serial killer even, seeing as you have done this time and time again. it's also a bit unfair. you got the opportunity to live the future you never had, yet you refuse that same privilege to others?"
"If you truly know these things despite anyone telling you," Miguel shuddered, a phantom weight pressing down on his chest, "then you would know why I did it."
"i do. and i still find it ridiculous. how can you call yourself a fellow scientist if you don't even understand that correlation does not imply causation?
"regardless, i did not go through the effort of organizing this dinner to explain the causes of universes being destroyed. my single demand is that, for as long as i stay here, you become a neutral party when it comes to other spider-people interfering with these 'canon events;' you won't get in their way of changing them, but you won't help them either.
"if you do this one thing, i won't try to escape and will always return to hq. a win for all sides, really. you don't have to worry about me returning to my dimension; i don't have to go through the effort of escaping; and the spider-people unsatisfied with their canon events have the opportunity to overcome the odds."
Miguel mulled over your request. In comparison to him keeping you at HQ against your will and forcing you to comply with his demands, this one request of yours was a laughably small price. However, it would mean that he would have to contradict his own morals. At the same time though, it would spare him and everyone else the headache of any possible escape attempts.
Within several minutes, he made up his mind, but there was one single thing he had to know before he stated his decision.
"Why do you care whether these people are able to prevent their canon events?"
Your eyes flickered with some unexplainable sorrow before returning to their usual impassive state.
"you might have given up on pursuing a better life, but there are some people who don't. and i know from firsthand experience that there's nothing that these people wouldn't do to gain that future they were deprived of. i just don't want to see such a thing to happen again."
With his question answered and curiosity (somewhat) satisfied, Miguel gave you his answer.
Simultaneously, you were made aware of the different response of other Miguels in the timeline.
Not much changes if he does fall in love with you, to be honest
He kidnaps you from your room and asserts that you are to stay in his room from now on
But you don't care?
Actually, you're just sleeping on his bed (and he can't pry you off of it)
"If Mayday can't get them to wake up, I doubt you can, Miguel. Why don't you just let them get some sleep for a bit?"
"If you aren't going to be helpful, I suggest you leave, Peter."
At first, Miguel struggles with the relationship
You're simply too laid-back for him
Yet at the same time, it's always as if he doesn't have a grasp on you
Do you even love him back?
This insecurity pushes him to go off the deep end
He locks you up in his room, which he installed several cameras and recording devices in
He (attempts to) emotionally manipulates you and, had you any dirt in your past, would've blackmailed you
"You're the only one who I can confide in, mi vida. You are the only one who cares about me. I would die without you in my life. Would you really abandon me like this?"
Forces all of his subordinates you return you back to him if they find you away from his room without him nearby
Interrogates you (again) about what you did that day as well as what you think of him
Would use his towering frame to intimidate you, but he knows that intimidating you would only give him a bad time
It all comes to a head when his insecurities about this relationship causes him to snap after months of bottling them up
"Why don't you ever love me?! I would do anything for you; I would even sacrifice the whole world for you, and you don't even care! Do I really mean anything to you? Answer me!"
(How he snaps out his rage is up to your interpretation)
After that incident, Miguel would become extremely clingy (for you only)
He wants you beside him always and will occasionally hug/cuddle with you without notice
Any moment away from you causes him to go into a frenzy and search for you
If you wanted to go somewhere, why didn't you just tell him?!
Day or night; rain or shine, he'll put aside what he's doing to go with you somewhere
"Yes, mi amor?"
"there's a cute pomeranian over there. it's been staring at me for a while now, so i'm going to go pet it."
"Hold on. Let me go with you."
"What? Miguel, we're kinda in the middle of a meeting right now. You can't just leave midway!"
"We can talk about this later."
"Where'd that dog even come from?"
Eventually, after you were pestered by many Spider-People begging you to tell Miguel to tone it down, you had a talk with him
(After some much needed communication, the poor man breaks into tears of relief and cuddles with you for the entire day)
(Miguel uses Cuddle! ... It's super effective! You are now inflicted with SLEEP!)
From that point on, he starts to get used to you and compromises with you
The majority of the cameras in your shared room has been removed, though there's still one at the door
Doesn't intentionally manipulate you anymore
You're allowed to go wherever you want without needing him around, but you have to text him wherever you're going
Still insists you tell him how your day went
Miguel takes the time and effort (or lack thereof) to enjoy your hobbies
Though, he does occasionally have you join him in his own, admittedly few, hobbies as well
He's just prefers doing things you like rather than things he likes since he has so few
With your influence, he starts to become noticeably more chill
He may even develop hobbies and interests of his own outside of you
(Intentionally or not, you actually somewhat succeeded in an "I can fix him" approach!)
"Hey, Miguel! Would you mind babysitting Mayday for a- Hold on, are you knitting?"
"What of it?"
Overall, he becomes more comfortable in your relationship
In fact, your relationship with him starts to resemble a normal one to an extent
At night, you're not allowed to go anywhere, no exceptions
Yes, after you two hugged it out, Miguel demands cuddles every night
He's so comfortable around you that he lets himself be needy for once
Whenever someone is hitting on you, he not so subtly glares at them and asks if you'd like to take a nap in his arms
Following that, he implements "training" sessions wherein he "spars" with anyone who wrongs you
He knows you can handle yourself
He just needs to discipline those who think they can go against you in your stead since you won't
Simply put, his yandere tendencies towards you are significantly dialed down, but as a result, they're more focused towards others
After all, Miguel knows you're too lazy (and he means that in an endearing way, really) to oppose his love
So that means any interference comes from outsiders
It was pure silent in the room. The only thing Miguel could feel was the hard floor against his back and the slight chill of the air. He was suddenly very aware of how still his body was as it had not moved even an inch for a while now. His eyes had nothing else to stare at except the white ceiling of your shared room.
Just a few minutes ago, Miguel asked if he could join you in one of your hobbies. It had been a busy day, and he wanted to destress with you. Of course, you obliged before laying down on the floor and asking you join him.
Initially, he thought this was a preparation step for what you two were going to do, but you had been on the floor for what seemed to be more than 5 minutes.
"Cariño, what are we doing?"
Miguel lifted his upper body to see if you were okay. To his relief, you were. Your eyes were closed, but it was clear that you weren't sleeping since your chest rose and fell at a normal rate. It looked as if you were in an untouchable state of tranquility.
With nothing else to do, he got back into position and continued laying there. Eventually, he got bored of the plain white ceiling and closed his eyes.
After a couple of minutes of more silence, Miguel started to feel his surroundings change. It was like he had drifted off into the cosmos with only you by his side. He could even see the multitude of galaxies and stars pass you by.
He could see why you liked doing this.
(And he hoped that he can do it again with you in the future.)
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I'm the anon who asked that one ask you didn't make. Let me rephrase that, just in case the first one was too much.
How about the M6 who saw MC burying their head underwater when they cry? MC has this habit of hiding their problems and always keeps a strong persona in front of everybody. But when they breakdown, they go to a stream, a lake, the bathhouse, whatever place that has bodies of water so that they can put their head in the water and scream out their tears and inner conflicts. Because when they do this, nobody can hear them cry underwater.
Hopefully this one is more acceptable than the other one. Thanks, Brainrot. I'll try to be more considerate for the others :)
Hi anon,
I want to be clear from the beginning of this that what I'm saying is not coming from a place of anger or hate. Rather, there's been a small but growing trend in my inbox lately that I want to address, and this request is one of the clearest examples of it. I intend no harm against you and I'm not requesting any kind of apology, I'd just like to give some boundary reminders.
I understand your frustration with your first request not getting written. The opportunity to have content for a favorite set of characters custom made to your ideas is exciting! Much of the time that it doesn't happen, it's because there's more mini-hcs in the inbox than I can write, or it's because due to the amount of traffic through it some of the asks get lost. (I still write well over 90% of the prompts that come in, though, which is how my current posting output is roughly 2 full headcanons, a Vesvuvia Weekly prompt, and 21 mini headcanons a week!) It's why I usually don't mind receiving a request a second time in case there wasn't space for the first one ^.^
However, I still have the right to pick what I do and don't write. While my guidelines are written with the comfort and safety of my readers in mind, they are primarily there as my own personal boundaries. Writing about things like waterboarding, torture, child abuse and neglect, toxic relationships etc. without a context of healing, recovery, and personal growth is and always has been off the table. I chose not to write your earlier, more extreme prompt because it would violate the boundaries I outlined in my pinned post, and I'm choosing not to write this one either for the same reasons. I don't judge you for wanting to consume content with those themes (we all have our tastes, and that's okay!) but I'm not going to compromise my own boundaries or mental health to write something that's meant to be a free gift of my own creativity. There are other authors you can ask for those themes who would be happy to provide.
I don't bring this up often because I don't want to ruin the chill vibes, but I do in fact do this for free. I clock easily 30+ hours of work a week putting content on this blog alongside my full time job - and that is work that I am happy to do! I'm privileged enough to do this without needing to monetize it, and I find my reward in being able to share my writing with people, make friends, and create joy where I can. Even if I did depend on this for my livelihood, that still wouldn't entitle anyone to my services. I'm immensely grateful to the people who send me their ideas and support my work and give me feedback, but the work I do for the people on my page is out of joy and love, not obligation.
For the few anonymous requesters who send me prompts with disturbing content outside my guidelines, I understand that not everyone has an interest in checking my boundaries (listed in my pinned post) first. I'm not angry about that. However, I in turn have no interest in writing for requests that disregard those boundaries. Those requests are not entitled to being fulfilled or responded to.
To the vast majority of my readers and requesters, thank you!! Your ideas are a constant source of creative delight and your feedback and interest and joy light up my page. You guys are the best and have a special place in my heart :)
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hello can I place an order ^ ^ it's a headcanon of what le sserafim would be like if they were your yandere classmate please
An order? Lmao, we're not at Burger King. Anyway, yeah, I'll do your request because I needed something like this. Also, for Eunchae, being still minor, I'll write something more light
Le Sserafim headcanon: how they would be as yandere classmates
Ah yes, the nerd of the class
She's kinda lonely and doesn't talk too much
Not really interested in you until one day she heard you talking about her favorite game
She was obsessed with that game, so now she's obsessed with you too
She would start with small talks like "Hi", "Good morning" or "How are you today?"
Over time you two started having more important and meaningful talks
She loved how you didn't judge her for her passion
She loved you so much that...she needed to have you all for herself
All the dummies in that class didn't deserve your intelligence and kindness
You obviously couldn't know about her creepy thoughts
For you it was just your cute and nerd friend
So, when she invited you at her house to play videogames, you were just happy about spending more time with her
She did a great job in making you enjoy her time there, thanks due her humor and her... well, her outfit
Such a tease with her tight crop top and her shorts(you know, like in the perfect night MV)
You started going there pretty often
Until one day she didn't let you go away
You dozed off for a second and you woke up tied to her gaming chair
From that moment you were going to be her play mate...for life😈
The beauty of the class
So pretty that people came to see her from other classes and even schools
But she was not interested in them, she was interested in you
Not more beautiful of her(of course), but pretty enough to stand out to a keen eye
In her mind she already had fantasized about you being the perfect couple
She needed to make that fantasy real...oh, wait, for her it was already real
In fact you were so surprised about her starting to act lovey-dovey out of nowhere
But, hey, were you going to refuse Chaewon kissing you in front of the entire school and pulling you to the toilette to make out (and probably more?)
Of course not, you enjoyed that since the first moment
Or at least you enjoyed until she's started to become a bit too...manipulative
"Why are you wearing that outfit? Do you want to make me feel ashamed?"
"You look too good with that outfit, go immediately change it!"
"What do you mean you have to spend with your family? I'm your family now"
The worst part was that when she was telling you these things, you could clearly see the craziness in her eyes
You were thinking about breaking up, but for some reasons all the partners she had before you seems disappeared from the face of the earth...
The IT girl
She's a social butterfly, so of course she knows everyone in the school...even you
You always had been chill and reservate, you had the right amount of true friends and you were satisfied with that
And that really bothered Yunjin
She was offering her friendship, why were you not interested?
Naaah, you only needed to know her better (right?)
She started to come to talk with you pretty often in class to show off her charms
She even switched her seat with the one next to you
Always bringing you to her table for the lunch break
And more time she spent with you, more she fell for you nonchalance about her every situation
You instead were not interested nor bothered, you simply accepted the new person in your life
It was all fine until one day she started to introduce you like her new partner
And you were like "WTF? We're not"
She was really angry with your behaviour, she was giving you her world but you were acting like it was not true
She brought you rudely in an empty classroom
"Are you going to play still more? Because you're embarassing me right now. What if I did the same to you? Should I show to the entire school...all of these?"
She had on her phone an entire collection of the embarassing and bad things you have done since your childhood to that day
How was she able to collect all of those? You had no idea
But you just lowered your head and accepted your new role of partner of the IT girl
The new student in your class
She recently joined after moving from her last school in Japan
There are some strange rumours about her
But honestly to you she's just a pretty dork
She sometimes still struggles with your language, so you help her happily in those moment
And she really appreciates you for that...maybe too much too
She starts with small actions like cooking the lunch for you or buying cute presents
And for once it's cool to be loved and appreciated for your kindness
But over time she starts getting really protective
It's not important if the person talking to you is a boy or a girl
Her eyes would be ready to menace her with a psychotic expression
If the talks goes over the few minutes, she would immediately put her hands around your body to protect what's her
Once one of your bestfriend said to her "mind your own business"
She kicked the poor friend right in the face, breaking the nose
So, yeah, she is not afraid to use violence
More a clingy little sister, than a yandere
Like, she's the youngest of the class
And you always worried about her
So it's was just natural for her to get really affectionate towards you
She always follows you everywhere
It's not rare to see her running to hug you
Ever more times in a day
If she's not with you, she's texting you
And if you don't answer, she gets really sad
She always says the one day you two will get married
You laughed about it, but actually she was not joking
Even if younger she always try to protect you and stand by your side during fights in classroom
Often she comes to get you at your house in morning to go to school together
She may have your laugh as morning alarm
And someone once said that she has at home one plush that she called like you
She falls asleep while hugging it
She's maybe really too clingy, but after all it's nice have this human vitamin around you
Well, I hope you liked that, Anon. I had fun writing about my Fimmies girls in this...different version🤭
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
I hear requests were open so it's crazy ape shit time 👺👺👺
Lemme getta man boobies obsessed s/o who loves s q u e e z I n dem milkers. I mean toe curling, back arching, obsessed with their honker honkers. For my bf triangle boi ofc. 😫😩
Also have a good day, drink sum hydration, eat dat raccoon trash, and sleep sometimes (last one is optional 🙃🙃)
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Grabbing the bouncy
forbidden fruit
Headcanons - drabble
Pyramid head ☆ aka the big dorito head of punishment
Tw: canon violence, pitiful attempts at NSFW, mature language, the big cunt being himself.
A/n: everytime I try to do something NSFW i always end up writing some hideous embarrassing atrocities but oh well, someone's trash is always someone else treasure. I did like a poll thing to know what people wanted to read first AND WHEN I TELL YOU ALMOST EVERYONE SAID PYRA TITS. YOU ALL HAVE NO FUCKING CHILL WITH ALL THAT BEING HORNY. everyone say thanks to my bruv here for requesting this gem
Ah yes, everyone's wet dream, the forbidden dorito head tits
Let's ignore the fact that if this giant bitch gets near us he would rip our sinful arses with his bare hands 
BUT for the sake of being silly whores let's pretend the big man can at least tolerate you and plays dumb at your questionable and foul behaviour 
Your attack at the geometry milkers took him by surprise the first time tho
It happens after he has finished his executioner duties
Ever since you have ended up in silent Hill and he has grown fond of you he likes to spend his free time observing and listening to anything you want to tell him about
He finds it so entertaining, to watch you explain things he would never understand with such passion. He kind of wishes to have the same enthusiasm for life as you do
Basically your like a cute dumb dog and he enjoys to watch your two working braincells struggle to function properly 
I think the only way you could actually grab those big ol tits is taking the chance when he's really tired 
My man walks around for hours dragging a sword as big as you, slashing shit and plus he has to exist with his own big ass heavy head 
He's built different but not that different 
I just know his shoulders and back are killing him
His relentlessness helps him to power through pain, tiredness ecc but when he actually stops and has to spend a moment being still and having time to actually think about how he feels he kind of crumbles under the weight of his exhausting life
The whole reason why he wanted to keep you was because you radiated some sort of calm. He literally finds himself attracted to your soft energy and when he's feeling too tired to even stand up he just looks out for you for some..YEAH WELL FOR SOME CUDDLES AND LOVE BRO. HE IS NOT JUST A GIGANTIC VIOLENT CUNT WITH A WEIRD HEAD, HE CAN BE SOFT TOO WHEN HE TRIES REALLY HARD
He's like always stressed because of what he has to do, having you around with your soothing way of being it's literally heaven for him
So when you see your big boi coming back after a long day of working, with his broad shoulders slumping slightly forward you already know what he wants
Silent Hill doesn't have many comforts so he gave you the best thing he could find for you to live in. 
Which is why you have like two really old bed mattresses on the floor, something that resembles a pillow and a blanket. 
"You're tired, aren't you big guy?" He just nods and plants his sword on the ground before scooping you up and heading towards the bed
He doesn't even asks anymore, when is cuddle time is cuddle time and you have to just accept it 
To be fair he was already involuntarily planting your face on his stinky chest
As he dozed off you tried to slowly give his aching muscles a massage 
Now, as he just relaxes under your gentle touch, your hands start to wander into the small piece of heaven that is his chest 
Bro was so happy and calm he didn't suspect what your foul mine was thinking about
He has the most soft but at the same time solid daddy milkers in the whole universe. It's like grabbing a really good stress ball 
You can feel some scars underneath your hands but overall his skin is surprisingly smooth and warm
Those BADOONKAS are so fucking big bro, you have to use both hand to properly squeeze 
At first it was just a like tentative squeeze out of curiosity and he let it slide because he thought you were just trying to help him release tension and since your hands are the size of a polly pocket then you had to get really into it
Now that second squeeze tho, that was personal
he went through not all 5 but maybe three of the stages of grief
he pulled you back holding your shoulders, giving you a inquiring stare just to find you staring right back at him
"I'm not going to say I'm sorry, they're really nice"
Now he is flabbergasted 
From that moment it was like you have discovered your new reason to live
And he had to suffer the consequences of having all those bouncy hoonkas 
Everytime, EVERY FUCKIN TIME, you always grab em tits
While he finds it flattering that you find his body so nice, it creates some sort of internal conflict 
Cause, mh well how to explain… listen I'm gonna say it, PYRA HAS A SIZE KINK. NO, I WON'T EXPLAIN ANY FURTHER 
It just boost his ego to know you find him so attractive, just the sensation of your soft hands worshipping his whole body softly but with all that care and passion
Yeah yeah, you give the stinky dorito snapped head the hots. Congrafuckinglations
I just want you all to know that I have very little knowledge of pyramid head so I'm doing shit with what vibes he's giving me and the vibes are big horny but will horny shame others 
Everytime he wants to play with you he will deny you access to his body
Just imagine this
You're about to attack his poor chest again and before you can even do anything he's already blocking you against the wall, caging both of your hands at each side of your head. "Hey! It's…it's not fair. I wasn't going to do anything" You're lying and he knows it by how red you're getting. The edge of his helmet brushes against your cheek slightly while his hands slide yours up, blocking them there to have you as expose as he wants.
His hands are so big, he can easily hold both of your wrist with just one. His other one roams freely through your body, the calloused fingertips makes you shiver. A small whimper escapes your mouth as his hand reaches your throat and squeezes just enough. You're squirming under his gaze, not from fear or displeasure but quite the opposite. He just enjoys the view of his little helpless y/n trying to get free when you both know perfectly that if he doesn't wants you to leave you're not leaving. Oh, you long feeling him so much you just can't take it when you can't reach him. 
Yeah bro really enjoys edging and denying shit like is no one business. Now that he knows your weakness he's gonna be a fucking menace
Like walking around with his whole upper body expose just to catch you staring and make you feel like a perv 
He's having the time of his life 
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lisa972kdlz · 6 months
(It's translated from French, I hope there aren't too many syntax errors ^^" In any case, enjoy your reading !)
Dreamtale Theories:
Here's a list of a few theories about the Dreamtale Lore, this story leaving some very interesting gaps to try and fill. Philosophical and scientific thoughts helpt me to concretise these ideas, but although I've been inspired by them, it's not with these points of view I'm going to develop, but rather a purely artistic point of view. Little by little, philosophy and science have been lost in my ramblings, giving way to imaginations that seemed to fit together. Artists imagine. They cheat, they lie, they don't care much for concrete realities. In the end, the only science I get into position on is the elements of the Dreamtale canon, at least those I've managed to pick out. Perhaps I've missed some information that would disprove these hypotheses, in which case it would be courteous of you to let me know.
On a more chill note, say I'm just a teenager with a overflowing mind who loves to come up with crazy theories with whatever I can get my hands on, and I write this mainly for fun ^^
In fact, I don't think for a second I'm right, so I don't know if I can call those theories... Maybe speculation ideas about Dreamtale I wanted to share? Almost headcanons, but still based on concrete elements of the canon.
So let's go, first theory!
☁︎ Canon/Fanon:
For starters, why do I insist so much on canonicity? Because when it comes to Dreamtale, the boundary between Fanon and Canon is not always well understood, given that there are a lot of preconceived ideas on the subject.
The fact is, I see Dreamtale's Fanon and Canon as two completely separate worlds. And yet, understand that I hate adhering to variants of this and that for anything and everything. The idea of viscerally separating the Canon and Fanon sides of an oeuvre makes no sense to me, especially in an open world where each universe is a piece of a larger puzzle, where the world we're presented with is meant to be a huge playground.
And at this stage, if we do that with this universe, we could do the same for all the existing stories, no? Nevertheless, for THIS world and this world in particular, I think it's important.
For there is a crucial difference between C!Dreamtale and F!Dreamtale, a difference that completely alters the interpretation of the oeuvre. Fanon doesn't just make a few interpretative changes... He changes the very nature of a character: Corrupted Nightmare. And that, well... It's a bit complicated not to separate the two, especially when the Fanon version is so popular... Canon, he is dead and his body belongs to another character who has his own personality and background. Fanon, he's alive. Trapped, imprisoned, manipulated, split into two personalities (Night and Mare) or fundamentally evil, depending on the case, but alive.
Night is experiencing a bit of Asriel syndrome: it was because Undertale fans couldn't accept his death that the first AU's were created. And for Dreamtale, there was such misunderstanding about this (Because reading the Prologue, everyone agreed that Corrupted Nightmare was...well... Nightmare), that the majority think this is official. (It has to be said, it wasn't evident let me reassure you...)
To this we can add the fact that most of the time, in very fanon fanfics and fancomics, the other two trees don't exist or are never mentioned, that Corrupted (I refuse to call him "Nightmare" simply because he isn't Nightmare) isn't a real person or doesn't exist at all, that Dreamtale is an AU of Undertale, so made up of codes like the other AU's, but all that still depends on people's interpretation and knowledge of the real Dreamtale.
To put it more bluntly, and if the boundary's still unclear: F!Dreamtale is a part of the Undertale Multiverse, while C!Dreamtale is its own universe.
Since I like both aspects equally, and in order to get everyone on the same page, I've come up with a mini theory:
Dreamtale Fanon, being the Dreamtale developed by fans based on the belief that Corrupted Nightmare is more or less Night, has strayed so far from its original story (it focuses more on the "broken brothers" relationship of the twins, their mutual development and their relationships with the characters of the Undertale fandom), that over time, by putting down roots in the world of Undertale and through the influence of the creators, Dreamtale would have "split." This double would then have merged with the codes of the Undertale Multiverse, because Dreamtale was so well integrated into it that this version of it ended up becoming imprinted on the very core and codes. That's why, in F!Dreamtale, we don't always mention the other trees, since they never joined the Undertale Multiverse. Even we NEVER mention them in Dreamtale's AU's like Swapdream or the alternative Multiverses like Dreamswap, Swapverse, etc. That's why Dream and Nightmare exist in the alternative Multiverses,AU's and not the rest (Vampireverse, Empireverse, Minuscultale and so on).
The result is two Dreamtales:
The Canon Dreamtale, which belongs to Joku,
The Fanon Dreamtale, which belongs to the Fandom Joku too.
Well yeah, it's still Dreamtale, so it still belongs to Joku, no matter what haters want ◖눈ᴥ눈◗
Also, this definitely doesn't prevent fanfics from being based on C!Dreamtale, it's even advisable to give it the prominence it deserves. Hence the idea of completely separating these versions, because fans can make fanfics about the Canon, and although it's fanon, it won't be similar to the F!Dreamtale version at all.
Two worlds taking different thematic paths created on the uncertainty of Night's death (like a "Schrodinger's Night" ͡° ͜ · ͡°).
Next theory!
☁︎ Tree of Feelings/Creators link:
This is a question I picked up when wondering about Dream and Corrupted's various attacks. Where Dream needs a body to hold him together, Corrupted has so many black apples that he can physically hold himself together without a body, and more or less correctly. Do positive and negative energies function differently? Is it because Corrupted has more apples that he holds on better? What is positive and negative energy in Dreamtale's Lore?
At the beginning, I'd started from the principle that Energy with a big E, being what makes up absolutely all existing things, humans and monsters alike, could be used by Dream and Corrupted to be converted into either magical energy or physical energy. As Dream only holds one apple and enjoys a body, he'd mindlessly convert his energy into magical energy, which is why he has a soul similar to human's souls and why he's able to heal as green magic does, or cause damage as white magic does. For Corrupted's part, possessing no body of his own and having amassed enough power from his hundreds of apples, he would have to convert negative energy into physical energy. This would require a great deal of power and would therefore explain why, despite he's stronger than Dream, he's not 999X stronger than him. He already uses a lot of his energy simply... Holding on without melting.
I also theorised that if one of them were to acquire all the apples, not only would it have a stable body, but it would also be able to convert this energy as it saw fit. Corrupted could then generate magical attacks AND have a physical body.
The trouble is... Dreamtale isn't actually part of Undertale. So there's no Magic,Physics duality. And even assuming that Dream converts that energy into magical energy because he's unconsciously copying the way his adopted world works, he's still canonically attacking with positive energy and not MAGIC made from positive energy. Energy comes in many forms, but I don't think he can control it in such a pure form...
All this can still hold together, but what bothers me most is that pure Energy would have... A positive side and a negative side? And what's more, related to feelings? Why not, but I'm not really pleased with.
Dream and Corrupted's energy is material, palpable. Of course, we could stop at the fact that it's just a magical energy like we find everywhere in stories and not ask ourselves any more questions.
But I love wracking my brains to find answers to questions that no one wonder, so I'll keep going èwé–
What kind of energy would this refer to? Not energy in the scientific sense, because that's independent of any emotion, whereas in Dreamtale, positive energy, for example, is directly linked to positive feelings.
Because tree of FEELINGS–
The most plausible thing I found with is that positive and negative energies are linked to the spiritual energy: auras, meditation, etc. Proof of its existence is fairly hazy in the world of creators. But in the world of fiction...? What if? This energy of consciousness exists, whether it's real or not. And if it's not in the real world, as long as there are people who believe in it, then it's in the world of fiction. What if the fruits of the tree of feelings were the material manifestation of this spiritual energy produced by the consciousness of the creators? Just as a world is created by a creative mind, what about Dream and Nightmare were the guardians of the feelings of fiction as the direct embodiment of the emotions that creators instil in their work? This could be the reason why Dreamtale isn't made up of codes, because it's the direct embodiment of a philosophy and not just another fictional universe among many.
I can't decide whether it's too obvious or too far-fetched ^^". It was the concept in Underverse that made me think of it... There are references between what Nightmare implies in 0.6 and creators tearing up their own universes because they're filled with negative emotions. Underverse isn't canon, but there's nothing to stop this idea of the creator,feeling link being applied to Dreamtale.
Especially as it allows us to imagine something even bigger that could work in relation to the three trees...
But before that, a little theory about Corrupted, because the more we learn about him, the more this character becomes... Mysterious.
☁︎ Something is rotten in the state of Dreamtale :
Ever since I knew that the three trees were part not of the Undertale Multiverse but of all the other Multiverses, I've been wondering why it should be Corrupted who embodies absolute Evil and not someone else. After all, we know plenty of evil lords, don't we? Isn't it a bit pretentious to claim him to be above everyone else?
But one detail, one nuance, makes all the difference.
By definition, Corrupted does not embody Evil, but negative feelings. He embodies them because he has become their guardian, their bearer. What I'm trying to say is that black apples and evil are not linked... Black apples are not fundamentally evil. They have no conscience; they are neutral, they exist for balance and have a purpose of their own.
No, Corrupted is Evil for another reason. He's Evil because he's simply wicked. If the personification of negative feelings is evil, it's not because the negative emotions or the apples are mean, but because they are themselves corrupted, alienated by a consciousness that manipulates them irresponsibly. Why would the Entity feel hatred? Hatred and not despair or dread? Because he was already filled with hatred, or because he has a fighting personality that allows him to exploit this emotion for its dark projects. Is it a sign that Corrupted isn't worthy of being their carrier? After all, he's not their basic guardian; it was Nim, then Nightmare.
In this way, that doesn't prevent him from being THE allegory on the scale of all dimensions (or of a large area of dimensions, if you don't like the idea that Dreamtale is linked to all fictional universes) , because the role relating to negative FEELINGS in a neutral behaviour is rather original. He's an allegory of negative feelings that doesn't need to be, and that gives a false image of what negative feelings actually are; the pejorative and common image we have of them. In reality, negative feelings are neither good nor bad; they mean no harm to others. The one who wishes them harm is the Entity, Corrupted.
He's a simple villain who has got his hands on power that doesn't belong to him and is out of control with.
Maybe not a 'simple' villain either?
Because, another theory, I think that Corrupted is this fourth guardian that Joku mentioned. Firstly because I don't know who else he could be, but also because he knows about the other dimensions outside Undertale. How would he know if he didn't come from outside? Who else would this fourth guardian be, and why would Joku mention him? What's more, a number of elements fit together with this theory, notably his strategy of manipulating Nim (Nim is far from stupid, and he probably wouldn't have succeeded so easily if he didn't already know a little about her), in order to create Dream and Nightmare, dividing positivity and negativity to undermine the pillars of balance, all with the aim of finding a carnal envelope and taking possession of the Tree of Feelings...
Like a plan that has been fine-tuned for years and years... Add to this the anecdote that the tree guardians are not the original guardians and that Nim learnt something awful about them before leaving for Undertale, and you'd think there was a rotten menace already pulling the strings in the shadows, long before our dear twins were born.
So what is Corrupted looking for? What's his ultimate plan? To spread negativity across all dimensions and reign supreme as a Living God?
A fine programme... But what if we took his ambitions one step further?
☁︎ Feelings, Life, Magic:
Why three trees? Why THESE three trees? Why place them at the centre of the Multiverse? Why are feelings, life and magic at the heart of the worlds? What link can we make between them?
Feelings, well ok, that works... Life and death, logical... Magic? Why magic? Magic isn't a necessary element in the Multiverse, sometimes it doesn't even exist... Why a tree of Magic and not a tree of Souls, or a tree of Virtues and Sins, for example? Undertale is very closely linked to magic, but that's not the case for all worlds...
This is where we come back to the idea that apples are the materialised forms of the feelings creators apply to their work... Does this also work with Magic and Life? Yes, it does. Trees don't just take care of Feelings, Life and Death and Magic... They reflect what creators need to create.
Feelings, as we've said, are exactly what it takes to find inspiration, to feed the imagination like maintain fire. As long as the feelings remain, so do the passion and inspiration.
Life, on the other hand, is quite simply what enables a work to exist, to remain. Life is the nest in which the spirit bathes, gathering together the experiences of the creator, housing and preserving them. You could also say that the more lives there are to witness a work, the more real a work is.
Inspiration, yes... The environment, all right... But what is needed to create something out of nothing? To make the unreal real? The immaterial material?
Nothing more than a little magic ✨ !
Not the kind of magic you find in fiction with wizards and pseudo-scientific logic, no... Magic in the sense of believing in something irrational. To believe that these worlds exist, to have faith without needing proof. Accepting imagination. Not in a religious connotation, but in the sense: Magic = Consenting Suspension of Disbelief.
Feelings: The fuel.
Life: The oxygen.
Magic: The spark.
Fire triangle is complete.
What if these three trees were the equivalent of the Triforce of Creation itself? Feelings to stimulate, Life to sustain, Magic to materialize.
What would happen if, by some mischance, an ill-intentioned person managed to seize the power of these three trees? What would be the consequences? In the end, perhaps this mysterious Entity wants more than just the golden apple in Dream's care?
And if these three trees work very well together, what would the fourth guardian be doing?
Would he be the original guardian?
Or the exact opposite of Creation: Destruction and Nothingness?
(Voilà! I hope theses theories will have interested you ^^ And you, what do you think? Do you have theories about what's going to happen in the Dreamtale sequel?)
Dreamtale belongs to @jokublog
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freakzofnurture · 1 year
Thinking about the headcanon that Della and Donald are both trans and they took each others names as kids.
I’d like to imagine it started as pretending to be each other when they were really young. Like, “let’s swap places today” because they’re twins. And they can.
Something about being seen as the opposite gender had them confused and yet excited. For kids, they don’t tend to overcomplicate stuff like gender, and so they probably just thought “it feels better to be a boy/girl, so I should be one”
At first, people thought it was just some funny play pretend thing that the twins would get over in a week, but they persisted with it.
I think that Della would be much more adamant about the name swap. If anybody called either of them the wrong name, she would be quick to correct them. Donald would probably shrug it off and act like it didn’t bother him, even if it did.
After awhile, people started to just accept it. Since the two seemed like they really liked it, why not just allow them this? It’s not hurting anyone, and it makes them happy. That was what mattered.
As they grew up, they found it quite easy to simply excuse the names on their records as “a mistake”, since “that’s my bother’s name.” — or they would tell people that their birth certificates got mixed up in the hospital.
It was almost like some kind of long running joke the two had. Yet at the end of the day, it went much deeper than humour. They felt so much more comfortable and confident in themselves after changing genders.
Everyone realized this fact too. Clearly it is much more than a silly scheme done by mischievous children. Clearly they genuinely feel good with this change. And certainly, as the two would come to know later on, there is a term for feeling this way. Not only that, but a community too.
Nearing adulthood, the two understand their identities far more than they could ever as children.
Della sees herself as a transfem nonbinary person. Mostly, she’s chill with her gender. It doesn’t really matter to her what she’s seen as, as long as it’s not a man. She would be fine with lots of different pronouns, but mostly uses she/they.
Donald would be a lot more strict with what he wants to be seen as. I can imagine him identifying as purely trans male with he/him pronouns. To him, if there’s not a solid identity to cling onto, it will make him feel like he’s nothing. Which, to Della, would be okay. But to Donald… he can’t.
Of course this leaves plenty of plot holes, such as how Della could have had the kids, but hey. I’m not a magician. This is a silly headcanon for my own enjoyment! Sit down and eat my trans autistic twin propaganda and LIKE IT!
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foryoupeko · 1 year
My favorite ship for each SDR2 Character
***Hard mode: I cannot double up on the couples. So each character must have a different ship***
*Note: I did not fact check any of this so forgive me if some areas are wrong*
Akane: Akane x Nekomaru
Considering Akane’s past, I think Nekomaru is the only male character that could ever make Akane feel comfortable. I headcanon Nekomaru as ace so whenever he would give Akane a massage, there was not an ounce of perversion. Any time Nekomaru looked at Akane’s body it was as a team manager who honestly cared about her. Meanwhile, Nekomaru appreciates how lively Akane is. As someone who was bedridden for most his life, he loves to watch Akane jump around. He loves laughing with her with all his heart.
Imposter: Imposter x Ibuki
I like the idea of someone who can’t be themself with someone giving up everything to be themself.
Chiaki: Chiaki x Peko
I think a lot of wlw ships involve Person A trying to fix Peko. But Chiaki x Peko is sweet because I can see Chiaki accepting Peko as she is. Chiaki is very patience and only wants Peko to change if Peko WANTS to change. Meanwhile Peko is enamored by Chiaki. Chaiki is very chill and not overwhelming. But she’s not boring at all, she can get passionate when she wants to be. Peko loves learning more about Chiaki and her interests. While Peko can’t understand other’s people life experience such as a normal childhood, she can easily understand Chiaki’s video games. These two take turns looking out for each other.
Fuyuhiko: Fuyuhiko x Hajime
Their relationship is based on being equals. They’re each other comfort. They’re both caregivers who wants to take care of everyone but themselves. They understand even after all the crazy things they went though, at the core of everything: they’re both hurt men clinging to any resemblance of normalcy. They know when it’s important to pick up their titles/responsibilities, and when to throw it to the side. And if they ever slip, they know they have someone who has their back. And it’s only thank to that safety net, they know they can be vulnerable.
Gundham: Gundham x Peko
This one is cheating because I only see them as platonic. It’s Sondam or bust. But these two can be so interesting if you just look past their love of animals as their only common factor. Gundham, thinking he’s this dark entity of lord and evil. Meanwhile Peko comes in and is actually a tragedy. While he was born between the unity of a demon and angel, her birth was shunned by the entire world. Her piercing stare that scares man and animal alike. Her sword always sharp enough to take a life. Oh what is Gundham to do? A worthy challenger has come for his title of tragic anime character. The only way to rectify this is to obviously lift Peko up to the point where he alone stands on this solitary platform. Anyways, I have a lot of scenarios where Gundham tries to cheer up Peko for not feeling normal.
Hajime: Hajime x Chiaki
Hands down, this is the most domestic/vanilla ship on the list. Everything is tragic because these two can’t be together. Chiaki, this Ultimate that has what Hajime wanted, turns out to be a really relatable girl. Her talent, video games, is the great equalizer. Anyone can play video games. It can bring people together. Chiaki is on the same wavelength as Hajime. She brings the title of Ultimate to his level. These two truly get along and have great chemistry. Everything is tragic because these two can’t be together.
Hiyoko: Hiyoko x Mahiru
(Warning: Ship Negativity)
This is the only ship on this list where I have no love whatsoever. But you would be sorely mistaken if you think I would give the time of day to Hiyoko’s character. Hiyoko x Mahiru wins by default. Hiyoko being entirely reliant on Mahiru whilst Mahiru ignores all of Hiyoko’s incivilities does not sit well with me. I do like the fact that Hiyoko wants to change for Mahiru, the story does not develop it well enough and I do not have the mental capacity to explore it. I would love to see Hiyoko and Fuyuhiko have a conversation akin to Tanjiro and Zenitsu about Nezuko; where if Hiyoko keeps getting babied by Mahiru then Mahiru will never see her as more than just a sister.
Ibuki: Ibuki x Peko
(Warning: Ship Negativity)
I know this is a good ship. For personal reasons I do not like this ship but if I can look past my biases, I know this is a good ship. I hate how most Ibuki x Peko shippers mindset towards this ship is “Ibuki deserves a hot sword girlfriend” and ignores Peko in the long run (Please don’t say, Ibuki can teach Peko to be more outspoken. That just inherently demonizes Peko for being a quiet girl, WHICH ISN”T A CHARACTER FLAW). I also hate how most of the fanart I’ve seen of these two highlight the sexual aspect of their relationship. The most common trope I see is the two stare at each other with sexual desire, which makes Peko feel OOC for the most part. I haven’t really seen anyone develop these two platonically (mind you, I haven’t been looking). I think it could be cute if they were each other’s cheerleaders. Ibuki vocally exclaiming how cool Peko is. Peko silently support Ibuki at all her shows. If you focus on the fact they’re complete opposites but mesh really well, the ship could work. But people don’t, and it pisses me off.
Kazuichi: Kazuichi x Ibuki
These two loud idiots should kiss. They give me vibes that they both crave attention so the two love being the center of each other’s eye. Both of their love language is Act of Service (as evident to Kazuichi making Mini Mechamaru and throwing a concert). Eventually they would tire themselves out trying to out do each other. After bouncing on the walls, these two can easily transition to just chilling in each other’s present. They’re also the power couple of questionable fashion taste.
Mahiru: Mahiru x Kazuichi
DON’T GET ME WRONG. I know these two would just end in a messy divorce but they can also get some true genuine moments with each other. I don’t like ships where it can only work if both character changes for each other. But I do see the appeal of Kazuichi cleaning up his act for Mahiru and Mahiru lightening up for Kazuichi. Mahiru learning slowly that it’s unfair to expect Kazuichi to be brave because he’s a man. But all ways to Sunday I think these two would break up because Mahiru is a giant lesbian who has bad comphet ideals. BUT UNTIL THEN, I would like to see Kazuichi trying his hardest to impress Mahiru. And Mahiru giving Kazuichi little kisses and taking a picture of his flustered face.
Mikan: Mikan x Ibuki
They have a cute ship name: Band-Aid. I think fanon Mikan x Ibuki works really well. If you try think about how Ibuki does not stand up for Mikan at all in canon, the ship get murky. But forget canon, lesbians are forever. Imagine Mikan going from manipulative Junko to transparent Ibuki. Imagine Mikan getting all the attention she ever wanted from Ibuki! Now Imagine Ibuki shunned by her old group for her radical ideals. Mikan would never shun Ibuki like that.
Nagito: Nagito x Hajime
I’m not the biggest Komahina fan (sorry) so sorry if this is off based. I think these two are great foils for each other because they both want the same things. The only problem is that these two take vastly different approaches to get to the same goal. Everything about Nagito confuses Hajime. Hajime can’t comprehend why he acts the way he does, why Nagito makes him smile, why Nagito puts him at ease? Hajime is constantly trying to understand Nagito. Meanwhile Nagito is trying to make a connection with someone. He thinks too lowly of himself to make a genuine connection. He lost everyone who should’ve loved him. He sees comradery in Hajime, both being nothing special. But what’s special is that they’re both so desperately want to make a connection. These two add new perspective to each other’s thoughts. I think the appeal of the ship is that they’re traveling the same path but does it dramatically different.
Nekomaru: Nekomaru x Nagito
HEAR ME OUT. The ship started when I got sad at the fact that Nagito was just tied up for most of Chapter 2. Think of the muscle athrophy! Unless... Nekomaru secretly went to visit Nagito. And Nagito was only allowed out if he exorcised with Nekomaru. That way he would never leave Nekomaru’s sight but get to stretch his legs. I also like the one anthology where they bonded over being sick kids. Oh and in the DR3 anime where Nekomaru lifted him up like a sack of potatoes.
Peko: Peko x Fuyuhiko
Peko loves Fuyuhiko so much. Everything she did was for him. And she’s such a good driving force for Fuyuhiko. She gives him space so he can grow, she’s proud of his kind heart, she is genuinely cares for him. She loves him so much, but she also accepted the fact that he doesn’t need her (or so she thought). Everything Peko does for Fuyuhiko is so selfless and pure and she literally doesn’t ask for anything in return. In her dying moments she only request that he remembers her. AND THEN TO FIND OUT THE LOVE WAS RECIPROCAL? FUYUHIKO NEEDS HER THE SAME WAY SHE NEEDED HIM? The only way to reward this selfless love is a lifetime of bliss!
Sonia: Sonia x Gundham
I love these two weirdos so much. Imagine these two being outcast for their interests their whole life and then finding someone who fully accepted them. And I love how at their core, they’re both very caring people. Two kind people, battered by the world, find someone who does not shy away from them. Sonia, not phased by Gundham’s dark persona. Gundham, doesn’t let Sonia’s title affect how he treats her.
Teruteru: Teruteru x Imposter
He was a chef, and and he was a food connoisseur. Could I make it any more obvious? I just think it’s cute, the Imposter could be anyone he wanted, and he chooses to be this country bumpkin’s husband.
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gensokyogarden · 2 months
Also to clarify "Second village?"
It's something that doesn't come up much outside of Kiki things but we go with the idea that there's a settlement at the foot of youkai mountain.
A few factors have kind of played into this. Primarily this comes from a statement in one of the profiles, though I'll admit off hand I could not recall which one, that states that humans looking to become hags or hermit often make their home on Youkai mountain. In addition, several of the manga kinda just showcase humans chilling there (such as the crowd of them that Orin interacts with in FDS). A bit strange considering the distance of the village from the mountain. In addition there are apparently miners among the humans and mines beyond the one Momoyo has dug get referenced. Which all seem to indicate a presence of humans around Youkai Mountain (But importantly not on it, as the tengu and kappa guard everything about the foothills). Then you get the detail that mountain hags adopt humans and raise them. They've gotta go somewhere after they're raised and I personally doubt the main village is gonna take 'em. Finally, though this last part is just conjecture, the manga repeatedly depict humans just kinda accepting kappa/tengu/tanuki/rabbit merchants as just being sales folk from out of town, which would be strange if they were all alone.
From this we've hypothesized the possibility of a human community at the mountain's foot. Probably initially set up as a mining outpost that's expanded to a hamlet over the last century. Those wannabee hags/hermits probably not within the village itself but not far on the outskirts of the mountain (after all they do have to eat). Now we don't have information on how many humans actually live in Gensokyo but the manga generally depict the human village as really big. I think that this is, at max, probably a 1/10th of the human village. Chances are even smaller than that. Probably a few hundred folk. Its existence isn't particularly important but I make reference to it from time to time when I write (again particularly with kiki).
Now from here that is all that I can justify with canon itself. The fact that it's possible to interpret that there may be humans living around the mountain. From here on this is just headcanon and conjecture about what I think are reasonable conclusions or make interesting narrative.
Okay so, like, the human village has totally got to be suspicious of these folks. I mean there's always so much talk about the Hakurei Shrine being a youkai shrine or Reimu being unreliable. How do you think they feel about people living close to youkai mountain? Obviously the resources gained from mining are important so they must coexist, but I doubt you can move from the mountain village to the human village. It may even get called a "youkai village." In fact it may well be the place folks go whenever they're no longer welcome in the village.
But you know actually, the folks dwelling there. They've gotta be a little more open to youkai, don't they? I don't mean to say they're all buddy buddy (after all they're real suspicious of Orin in FDS and accuse her of attacking Nitori) but their position would put them in direct contact with youkai. The tengu are right there up the mountain, if they're living near its base they've definitely got to acknowledge one another. The Yamaba too. And if people are moving out that way to become hags? That probably means there's some humans with an interest in youkai living out there. The later games have indicated Tengu are interested in expanding their economy so who is to say there hasn't been some consideration of the possibility of trade?
And if we're getting into business discussions with youkai. Well, as I said, it's probably a mountain outpost. You know who else live in the foothills of Youkai Mountain? The omukade. I'm just saying if a few friendly faces happen to be really good at mining and don't seem to tire like everyone else ... is it really too hard to ignore that seem to skitter around in the light and seem to eat the gems?
So yeah, anyways, in the version of Gensokyo that I write at least there's a small community near the mountain.
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Hey, I am working on longer headcanons and stuff currently. Work is being a lot, though, and my brain isn't staying still long enough to do more than a bit at a time. So, in the meantime--
The Outsiders Queer Headcanons : (Part 1)
Kind of modern au? Most of these labels didn't really exist in the 60s and they probably wouldn't be thinking of labels or processing their queer feelings like that back then, but I think if they had the labels and were in a more accepting society this is what they'd identify as.
Warning : homophobia, I can't write about a group of men from the conservative southern 1960s and their queerness semi-realistically without touching on it
Ponyboy -
biromantic, demisexual
preference towards men, but not a strong one... like, 60/40 split
personally, I ship Purly, so there's that. also, Pony 100% really started experimenting in college. like, him and Curly had some mutual feelings before, he went to college and came back like "OH, okay, yeah I like guys, cool," and an actual relationship came from that
Sodapop -
pansexual, doesn't care about gender in the slightest
is probably the most chill with lgbt stuff from the beginning. even outside of modern au, if someone was openly queer around the gang then everyone else would be at varying levels of uncomfortable (because, uh, conservative southern 60s), but Soda would just be like "you know what, good for them!! they seem happy!!"
wouldn't seek it out on his own, but if he was introduced into the lgbt community he'd DEFINITELY get into experimenting with gender. still cis, but plays with drag occasionally and gets damn good at it.
actually doesn't really care about gender at all. won't consider himself anything other than a guy, he was raised a guy and doesn't have any issues with that or any reason to say otherwise, but also doesn't have any strong connection to it. you could call him anything (gender-wise) and he'd be chill. technically, cassgender would describe him accurately, but it don't think he'd use the label because it wouldn't really be saying anything important to him.
Darry -
unfortunately, that is a Heterosexual Man. (nothing wrong with straight people, I'm just a gay genderqueer femboy that happens to lowkey be a Darry simp, so it's unfortunate that I can't see him any other way--)
tries really hard to be an ally because his brothers very much date men, but struggles a tiny bit
wouldn't be mean to a queer person, but is very confused and uncomfortable with the topic because it's unfamiliar to him
asks a lot of kind of awkward questions. like, wants to understand and is trying, but it comes out so weird.
bless his heart
Two-Bit -
probably straight... heteroflexible?
has only dated women, has only been attracted to women, but is open minded
when he's single, he talks about a future partner pretty neutrally or says things like, "when I have a wife, or husband idk I'm not a psychic--"
makes really homophobic jokes out of discomfort, uses humor to cope and is just super not use to gay people. not doing it maliciously, but sometimes says things that are pretty terrible without meaning to
if called out, he'll stop (to an extent, he'll still take the easy opportunity for a dumb joke, but he isn't saying anything horribly offensive anymore), he just genuinely did not know that what he was saying was actually really awful
Steve -
bisexual and incredibly homophobic
so mad about being attracted to men. the fact that he PREFERS men? disgusting.
all of the characters have internalized homophobia, but none half as powerful as this man's.
the type to say that he'd "never choose to be gay" and honestly does think (or maybe just convinces himself) that it's a choice. thinks that everyone is essentially bi but "chooses" their sexuality based on which attractions they act on. desperately does not want to be wrong (but is very much wrong)
would probably have a secret "casual" relationship for a LONG time before he can't do it anymore and is forced to accept that he's into men for real
you'd think that being best friends with Soda, the most chill person ever with this stuff, would help. maybe it does and god knows how long it would take Steve to come around without him. but it still takes him SO long to just be okay with any of it.
he does grow out of being terrible about it (maybe not fully, but at least mostly), it just takes a TON of time and a good handful of mental breakdowns to get there
Johnny -
unlabeled, struggles to tell if he's aroace-spec or if he just has trouble being close to people due to trauma. isn't sure if the two are connected or how, doesn't really like thinking about it for too long.
he also has trouble distinguishing different types of attraction at all.
basically just along for the ride whenever it comes to his sexuality. if he's attracted to someone, then alright. he's spent a long time trying to figure attraction out to only end up more confused, he might wonder about it when he does get a crush but he isn't actively deep-diving into his feelings and searching for accurate labels.
Dally -
bisexual, heavy preference towards women though
would probably never act on feelings towards a guy, those kind of really scare him. but he has seen a good handful of guys that he's just fully, undeniably attracted to, so he knows damn well it's a lie to call himself straight
(he's still going to, tho)
also, demiromantic
denies that he's romantically interested in anyone ever, but he does feel that attraction. he just has to have a bit of trust before he can feel it.
not actually explicitly homophobic, genuinely does not care what other people do with their lives, but he's a piece of shit in general so he'll definitely see a queer person as an easy target. he's the type of person to use anything he can to start something, he's going to use someone being a minority against them just because he's a fucking ass.
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
I hit you with the wombo combo my guy
- Platonic headcanons for Rust and Duke???
- So Reader is like, young, like 20-something
- And they're very nice/friendly, and fluffy :>
- They get along well with everyone, including Rust/Duke
- And it's pretty clear Reader thinks of him as a father figure (though they would never say it)
- As in, Duke/Rust are sort of aware of it
- And at one point, the gang are watching a movie very late at night, and Reader falls asleep first
- (You know, if this was a sleepover, Reader would be having brain surgery now)
- Okay anyway, Rust/Duke pick them up and put them to sleep (that sounds threatening)
- Rust/Duke is like 'Goodnight'
- And reader is like 'Gn dad ¦]'
cries in fatherless too also this is my first time writing rust so it’s probably gonna be shitty lol
Fatherly HCs - RUST + DUKE
Is quite confused on how you saw him of all people to be a father figure but he rolls with it anyway
At first he’s not one to do much? You’d usually be the one initiating and leading conversations with him
But at some point he ends up warming up to you. Specifically the point where you started expressing your interest in his bike/biker fashion
If you’re up for it, he’ll take you on joyrides with him and pass by all the scenic routes of D.C.
Teaches you all the little things about bikes and how to take care of them
At some point, Rust even teaches you how to ride one!
If you get the hang of riding it, he’ll force his bike repairman to make a bike tailored just for you [favorite color, seat material, even special decorations]
If you don’t, he’ll opt to get you a leather jacket instead with your name and a symbol representing you on it
The two of you don’t talk too much aside from joyrides and other bike riding shit. If you happen to bump into each other in the morning then you’d probably have a chat over some coffee
Now if someone were to hurt you, physically or emotionally, you’ll probably find the perp’s corpse mangled and ran over
He’d just casually say he took care of some personal business
Despite the lack of conversation between you two, he cares for you deeply.
If you do something like fall asleep on the couch or somewhere uncomfy, he’ll carry you to somewhere comfortable and drape a blanket over you like fjwbfhwbdb
He’s pretty chill with you calling him ‘dad’ or ‘pops’. It makes him feel like he’s got something to live for…aside from his bike
Overall, he’s a sweet and chill guy. He won’t say it verbally, but he loves ya /p
Like Rust, he also finds it confusing because like- he thinks of himself as anything but fit to be a father figure because he's so caught up in all this ancient history shit lmao
He doesn't necessarily warm up to the role, but he also doesn't reject it either. He kinda just accepts it
You and Duke like to have random and long talks about artifacts that he managed to get his hands on or spot somewhere in a museum
He'll be like holding back tears [/pos] if you manage to recite some history facts to him
You'd be ranting on about it to Sydney and Duke in the background would be like "I'm so proud of that kiddo" while trying not to cry lmao
Takes you to the museum often so that you two can check out some cool artifacts, maybe even steal some later during a heist. He also often offers to get you ice cream afterwards so that the two of you can discuss what you saw without disturbing the peace in the museum
He won't express his affection physically nor verbally, but rather through a more protecitve demeanor
If anyone gets a scratch on you, whether it be a teammate, civilian, or cop, he'll be downing whisky and absolutely torching them with dragon's breath rounds
Duke would def be one of those proud father figures tbh. Again, not verbal or physical about it, but it shows.
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Bruh, I met someone before character x reader was even A Thing that openly admitted to be possessive of characters. She was like, "Oh yeah, I usually hate all of the female characters because I want the guy to be mine." Yeah, everyone has their own headcanons and stuff because that's how things happen. But jfc chill out with the hatred or have the decency to keep it out of the tags. Let me enjoy my ship in peace. I've been a Bo fan since TCW she deserves Good Things. Let her have this. (1/2)
Anon, continued: This is literally fiction and it's not that deep. I also feel like people forget/ignore/refuse to accept that they can just ignore canon? All because the source material does something doesn't mean you have to follow it. It's not Canon or It's Erased From Existence. There's no little trophy for ""winning"". I've been around in fandom a long time and this stuff still gets on my nerves. If you aren't having a good time then leave. No one is holding you here against your will. (2/2)
I merged your posts so I could answer it in one reply.
Yes, everything you said is 100% facts. There are certainly the people out there who are a little out of touch with reality, and this is a big fandom, so we have more than our fair share. I do think that the character x reader fics have exacerbated the issue though, because I feel like I'm seeing a LOT more people citing "jealousy" as their reason for not shipping canon couples. That's all anecdotal, I haven't gone back and counted posts or anything, but I'm definitely seeing a trend.
Westerners tend to get very particular about canon and what does and does not fall into that category. But we are also huge creative contributers to the "fanon" side of things, and I think it's best that we have a balance. For instance, I don't have a lot of good things to say about the sequels (particularly TRoS), but you'll never catch me saying, "that's not canon because George Lucas didn't write it" or because "I didn't like what was written". If I find something I don't like and I feel strongly enough about it, I'll write my own content.
In regards to ships, I think it just projects insecurity to go into the ship tags just to drag a ship. Maybe go generate discourse, like "which ship do you prefer and why?" We have polls now, so that's great. But for someone to take an ask like the one you just gave me, and then use it to list all the reasons you don't like the ship and finish it up by tagging the ship in question is obnoxious. Or they just drop in with a negative original post to hate on a ship. Just make an anti tag. It ain't hard.
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rumbleonthemill · 2 years
What is Neighbor x Player?
Neighbor x Player (later, Nicky) is as old as HN, the ship originates from prealpha/alpha 1 (as the early fanfics and arts suggest) the ship is between the Neighbor and the Player character. later people started calling him Nicky, because most of the community didn't know the canon storylines, and that they changed (this issue is present). don't blame me, I did what they did, I didn't invent anything. I personally ship the Player (Nicky, Michael, calling him whatever!) with the Neighbor, both are 30+. no exception. I usually mention the AU under the artwork, but feel free to ASK ME if you have any questions.
not tldr:
this is my last explanation attempt in the topic, because I see the confusion on the newcomers’ face. after this, I won’t care if someone misunderstands things on purpose. I did what I could.
Neighbor x Player aka Neighbor x Nicky is the first ship that the old, first generation HN community has created.
[shipping is when you pair two characters because of reasons, and want them to be very close friends or lovers.]
Neighbor x Player is as old as the HN game itself. already during prealpha fans began to pair them, and as soon as Player got a body in alpha 2, people started using that look on fanarts. as soon as he got a name, they started using that too.
Player went through so many changes during canon development, the body was the same, but the soul / character role itself kept changing. 
this is why Player is different in everyone's fanart and fics. 
it is not " the Nicky," people use the name now, because that's how the Player character is called now. 
for me, and most people, it has nothing to do with modern HN.
Error world, where Neighbor asks the Player to erase him from the game shows their real relationship, because HN has fourth wall breaking. the game lets you know, that both play a role, like actors, and in reality they don't hate each other.
in longer words, it is a ship of the two men, based on the facts that there were only these two characters in the game, chasing each other in a big house. Both vice versa stalking each other throughout the gameplay. that was HN for long time. people assumed Player (aka Nicky) was around 30 (which is correct) and Neighbor being a bit elder. it was also crystal clear after a point, that they don’t really hate each other. I can tell for sure, tumblr, the main shipping source site, most likely stopped at these informations.
I arrived a bit later, and the chill community with accepting people, with this only ship in the form of great fics and fanarts, immediately lured me.
it’s a quality ship.
and if HN can have 7438975982 storylines in canon, then so can the fans.
are these two characters a couple in one fanfic, and then a family in another? why the fuck not? it’s fiction! AU’s exist, and the topic is already overdiscussed.
And this ship [as I saw] was based on the hunter - prey situation, which is a basic type of shipping. Neighbor being the one, who hides and protects his secrets, and Nicky/Player being the stubborn, sassy guy who tries to enter his basement. they were there for each other. Neighbor in most cases being the alpha male, and Player/Nicky being the other half of him, the breakable person with more feelings. (remember, we didn’t have a single kid character in the old HN. not even kid forms of said characters.)
the ship was much more. it was burning passion that felt like playing with fire, because it was variable and full of possibilities. also because the characters were just like that. people didn’t know much details about these two yet, so as you can see in the fanworks, everyone added headcanons and more stuff into this pairing, slowly building it.
wow, crazy! it’s an average ship, huh?!
I’m not here to go into details, because this post would be 10 pages if I did. if you make some research about it, and don’t immediately blindly judge, then it turns out to be a basic ship, which 2017 tumblr was full of. not different, than the rest of the crack ships. still legit, since prealpha/alpha 1 Player existed and bachelor Neighbor did too.
no matter, how many death threats do the haters send to fans, and no matter, how negatively they try to show this pairing to newcomers, it is what I described it to be. a simple ship about two men.
now, some will say that things in HN changed since 2017, and I must add, that they will endlessly change, by the looks of things. HN turned inside out. with the launch of HN2, the cartoon, and later games, more things will change. (edit: I was right :/ )
this won’t stop people from getting back to their roots, or the times they keep in their heart and remember as the golden times.
nobody can tell anyone, what to like, I hope everyone knows this.
don’t like it - scroll past. easy as that. but from now on, if anyone just decides to hate on this, or any ship in any fandom without getting to know the reasons and the background first OR listening to the shipper’s explanation, then that’s the condemned thing, not the ship itself. 
p.s.- so far, in the HN community, I blocked two people, who really did ship kids with adults, and 3 people were reported and removed from a certain site. we don’t do that here. or anywhere else.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 9 months
📁📁📁 cos i adore Sally 🥺
SHE ADORES YOU TOO! SFHSFHFSH, well, at the very least she’s chill with Entity!Amelia. Two uncertain milfs living it up and tormenting the living!
OKAY FIRST THING FIRST, Sally’s memory is pretty damn good! It’s just… a little mixed up. Befuddled. Confused. Times and dates escape her but the core facts, the people and the relative places remain the same. Ask her about her childhood, her friends and siblings and she can tell you EVERYTHING. The stores they bought sweets from, the groups they would play with, the games they’d play. But anything deeper than that eludes her. Was it the 1860s? 1870s? Maybe it wasn’t any later than the 50s. It all bleeds together after you die, and the decades after you’ve been a spectre certainly DO NOT help.
Second thing!! Sally, well, how do I put it. Mistaken identities, they happen! She can’t see anymore, but she can hear and that combined with her memories and the many, many people she once knew. Well, it can make strangers seem far more similar than they would if she could see them AND hear them. Which, I hear you, ‘But Bun, how does this matter when Sally is over a hundred years old, everyone she knew is dead,’ AND YOU’RE RIGHT! But you’re forgetting one thing; joy and excitement.
Logic cancels out mistaken identity but pure elation, desperate hope and a deep desire for that mistaken identity to be real let’s it live until reality can’t be fought back any longer and her heart has no choice but to listen to all the signs her brain is giving her.
Because, and I cannot understate this, Sally yearns for SOMEONE, anyone from her family, or friend or dammnit, her husband to come back for her and visit. She never left her post!! She has no desire for their soul to keep, or to follow them home, only for the comfort of knowing tangibly that she has not been forgotten by the people she held dear in life.
And on this note, there have been several in the fog who Sally has mistaken for people from her past! Some examples include, Benedict Baker who she mistook for the first few trials as her late younger brother. Claudette who she mistook for a young nurse from Montreal she had studied nursing alongside & Jeff, who she mistook, not as a family member but as a kind of friend of the Crotus Prenn spirits who used to camp in the empty halls and always cleaned up his messes!
Now third fact! Hmmm, Sally can choose what altitude she floats at!! She can go higher and lower, to the point where you could argue that it’s less floating and more outright flying. However, on the flying note, Sally prefers to remain close to the ground as it benefits her hearing and sense of orientation! She may be a ghost but she does need to know where she is and where her placement is in the environment!
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