#and they also have to learn that their headcanons can be problematic. like yeah you can hc this character as gay but if they’re canonically
ihhfhonao3 · 8 months
Idk man call me crazy but headcanoning a canonically queer, non aroace character as aroace is just. Not it
Like everyone’s entitled to their own headcanons but like man. Taking rep away from lesbians and gay men and bisexuals just isn’t it chief. Make your own rep and tell people about saiki k, don’t demand that this canonically non aspec character be aspec just so you can have rep. Other queer people don’t have a lot of rep either, guys. We’re not the only ones who’re starving.
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albert-tsum · 2 months
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I just decided to ramble a bit about my sexuality hcs, ships etc about Wesker.
(I never thought I'd make so many text posts)
These are not going to be extremely precise analyses and will be influenced by my personal wishes and hopes. If I've written something that goes absolutely against the canon feel free to inform me.
It may become a bit uncomfortable since I wanna address some serious topics.
And it'll be too long again.
1. General headcanons
Personally I see him on the aroace spectrum and/or as pansexual. He's not easily romantically or sexually interested in someone. I'd even say it happens almost never. He may be able to sleep with people he isn't into (maybe to manipulate them) but rarely does so (I also don't think he slept with Excella like some do, she clearly wanted it but he was able to manipulate her without sex). To be into someone this person needs something that intrigues or excites Wesker e.g. their intelligence, willpower, physical combat skills etc. But I don't think he would care much about the gender of his partner. He probably has more experience with women (e.g. he says in the OG RE1 that "he's not used to escort men") but is also open for men. As far I am aware his VAs Richard Waugh (a) and DC Douglas (b) said that he's not gender specific (a) and probably wouldn't limit himself (b) to one gender.
Either way I see him as queer.
2. My ships
As you see in my reblogs I ship him and William Birkin. He was Weskers only real friend whom he admired and trusted. That's a really big thing for Wesker so I like the hc that there was more than friendship between them and I would love to see them interacting more and learn more about their shared past.
The only other ship I like with Wesker is himxChris Redfield even tho it's kinda problematic. I like the STARS version of them where Chris looked up to Wesker who was fond and proud of him (but probably doesn't want to have feelings like this since he knows he will betray them at one point). I also kinda like the hc that Wesker maybe wanted Chris (and perhaps Jill) to join him if they hadn't make fun of his tyrant. Since I kinda like enemies to lovers and complex relationships like that I also enjoy post RE1 Chrisker. I'd love if it's not sheer hate between them but more like a mix of disappointed expectations, obsession and that they need eachother and the secret wish to have eachother on their side.
I am not the biggest fan of huge age gaps so Chris and Wesker having a difference of 15 years is something I am not too happy about. So early 20s is the lowest age I'd accept (like Jake's mother was).
3. My hopes and wishes
As I said I don't like huge age gaps so I dislike the ships WeskerxRebecca and WeskerxClaire. Rebecca was 18 und Claire 19 when they met Wesker and they are way too young for him. Because of that I really hope that Wesker isn't attracted to Rebecca. That would be a no-go even tho it's fictional and it'd destroy Wesker as a character for me. So I really hope Capcom won't make him someone who absolutely does not care about age to the extent where it's becoming creepy.
(that isn't meant to offend those who like these ships, it's just my personal opinion)
CW: r@pe
I also came across people claiming that he may be a r@pist (for e.g. controlling Jill in RE5). That's another case of yeah he is absolutely evil but that does not mean that he has every evil trait or crime committed. I am pretty sure he didn't do anything sexual to Jill (who had the control device on their chest not because Wesker is a pervert but because the devs wanted more fanservice). I don't think Capcom would make a important character like Wesker (who you can also play as) a r@pist (unlike Irons who was a really hateable side character who was hated even by Wesker)
Thx for reading 😅
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nicoleanell · 1 year
I would love to hear your meta on the scene from Renfield with the priest and the vampire hunter, if you’d be willing to share!
My thing with that scene is it was peak Give Renfield A Hug and also the most irredeemable thing he does in the movie short of destroying some kid's ant farm, and that instantly made me fall in love with him.
I like the fact they made Renfield an aggressively sympathetic character and at the same time not wholly innocent. Robert Montague Renfield is neither a good guy or a bad guy but he deserves to be okay. (Also he may come off way more "sane" as movie Renfields go but he's not a well person lol, and the fact he's in an all-gender support group for abuse survivors very rapidly becomes not so much A Joke as it is the Entire Point of the movie.)
In the flashbacks, it's totes played for comedy and riffing on the 1931 movie and there's a little bit of an "unreliable narrator" vibe to it when Renfield's like, it was good we had great times etc. :))) We don't really know how in control of himself he is or how much he's whitewashing. But then we get the church/vampire killer thing and there's like... the first seed of something more real going on. The movie tells us upfront that the last time Dracula was almost defeated he stopped it, willingly, and it wasn't normal vampire enthrallment stuff as much as a very human emotional choice.
There's some heavy-handed manipulation happening and it's *completely* non-supernatural. They'll lock you away. I'll protect you. I care about you. And Nic Hoult's big woobie eyes hold all the sadness and isolation and genuine hope/desire to be loved, and it's unhealthy attention but there's nothing better out there for him. 🥺 <- emoji rendition of Renfield and also me.
Oh and for good measure his "he really means it this time" internal monologue is 100% meant to sound like toxic/abusive boyfriend stuff he's echoing from the support group, which is A Joke in this movie until it's not anymore.
(Side note, I saw you mention this in another post - the mental institution headcanon is Valid. I would've liked for it to be explicitly in there somewhere but as far as I'm concerned nothing *contradicts* it and it's one of like 3 facts people associate with Spiders Georg over here. So I'll take that crumb that the threat of him getting locked up is just as likely to be in an asylum (again) as a jail. And yikes the legitimate fear of that being WORSE than the hell he's currently in.)
And the second he does the thing, some priest *completely proves Dracula right* by immediately throwing more guilt and blame on Renfield and being like YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYONE ELSE HE KILLS NOW. Which, fair! But also, dude, you're being the opposite of helpful here! Lmao fucking Catholics. He knows this! It's why he can't get out! Of course he chose Dracula and he did it on purpose and he did it because of trauma and it *cemented* him being trapped forever. This is the climax of an entire other movie in which Renfield is probably not the main character but would definitely end up my problematic fave anyway.
SO YEAH. Between that and the reveal he left a whole wife & kid, there's such an interesting theme of guilt/shame on top of self-esteem and learned helplessness issues I was not anticipating in this movie. It's important for him to get to a place of: "I want to blame this legitimately awful monster but I also did SOME of this to myself, and when I can accept that without immediately going into a fetal position, it gives him less power over me."
Does not remove his power completely! 'Cause Renfield 2023 is also not, like, saying that you can just Easily Decide To Leave Your Violent Abuser. But the affirmations about being enough and deserving better and seeking better in spite of having failed or fucked up before are important.
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tsukii0002 · 2 years
 What are Mc's functions as Solomon's pupil??
I think Mc helps Solomon as a protector of the human world, so they not only learns spells and incantations but also learns how to deal with the magical part of the human world. So here go some headcanons
Solomon is a mess when it comes to organization, yes, he has his own order in the mess (after thousands of years living with yourself it's normal), but having poison ivy in the pot of common ivy doesn't help. So Mc (for their safety too) organizes the ingredients and jars, so they don't spoil and so they don't end up poisoning theirself, among other things.
 Continuing with the organization, Mc has helped to order this man's library. Honestly, I think that Solomon lives in a mansion, in a palace or maybe an abandoned monastery. And he has hundreds and hundreds of volumes lying around. Yeah, he knows almost everything by heart, but MC doesn't, so also for their own benefit they tidied up the whole site and makes sure it's not a mess again in two days.
Solomon doesn't understand why but since mc is around his work is more efficient and faster. I don't know old mam, maybe because thanks to them you don't have siren tears under the bed?
Nobody warned us that to be sorcerers you would have to take care of a problematic older man, more for us than for him.
I think sorcerers and witches work to provide a home for all magical creatures that are displaced by human advancement (my MC is a biologist, so...) so they accompanies their master on trips to determine new places or to secure the homes of these creatures.
They are also responsible for ensuring that no ordinary human is greatly affected by the magical world if it is not necessary.
Watch out for demonic influence in the human world. There are always demons who will go against Diavolo's wish for peace, and it's Solomon's job to make sure those demons don't supose a danger. We can say that having the master of the seven lords of hell as a pupil makes things much easier.
Solomon has always been difficult, praise be Mc.
The sorcerers' association and the witches are delighted with MC, that is because they don't have to talk directly with Solomon anymore :D. Also, when there is a serious matter to deal with, they often turn to MC, because the old man has the sensitivity of a rock and sometimes there is no way to understand him.
Mc is also in charge of getting ingredients and information in modern society, I think Solomon isolated himself from it a couple of centuries ago (I have many headcanons about this man)
But without a doubt, for Solomon, the most important thing that MC brings to him is their presence. Having a person who cares about him despite everything, who scolds him even though he is the most powerful magician in history and who talks about daily trifles, is the best thing that has happened to him in centuries.
The lives of Solomon and Mc are very different, the sorcerer can spend days working on a new potion, it has always been like that, but now the old man has MC, who cares that he eats and rests well and that he gets the sun at least once a day. Despite of everything, Mc stays by his side, that for him has an incalculable value.
In the end, it was longer than I expected, so thanks for making it this far. The truth is that Solomon is a very interesting character and I love him very much :')
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scaredycatqlt · 12 days
HII idk if your requests are still open but PLEASE can you do bojack/ mr peanutbutter dating head canons or any of your choice, the fandom needs more fanfics 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
awwWWW YEAH BABYYY. You already KNOW it’s gonna be toxic.
WARNING: Potentially triggering content. Nothing graphic, but talk of toxic/unhealthy relationships, questionable shit, BoJack being BoJack. SUPER MEGA FUCKING ANGST WARNING!!!
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BoJack X Reader! Headcanons [ROMANTIC💔]
woah boy.
where do I even start with this guy?
okay, so, first things first; bad idea. What the absolute fuck were you thinking.
You probably have a fix-it mentality don’t you?
You’re probably the first person to talk to him. He either doesn’t care about you at first, or absolutely despises you.
chances are you are/were a fan of the show. (Eughhh,,,,)
If you weren’t he’s like ‘>:0’
It’s not really explicitly labeled as a romantic relationship. You guys probably hooked up before you even knew each other.
So being in this (more so situation-ship than anything) is toxic, to say the least.
He’s got a whole bunch of problems and he doesn’t want to ruin you to. But he ends up doing just that anyways.
He guilt trips you. I don’t even need to say that.
He rants to you about silly things that don’t even matter. It’s kind of endearing (if he weren’t a total piece of shit.)
He’s actually really good at making conversation. You two always have something to talk about.
He can’t believe someone as ‘not-him’ as you would ever waste your time with him. He explicitly tells you this at one point.
The red flags are BLARING GIRL.
In your defense, you really didn’t know how awful he was. You just thought he was a deeply flawed man. And he is, but he’s also just an ass.
*a horse
The relationship doesn’t last. It never does with him. Either you decide to cut it off because it’s too toxic, or he cuts it off. Probably in some drunken stupor.
typical BoJack.
Mr. Peanut butter X Reader! [ROMANTIC]
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I’d like to start off by saying it would be much less toxic than a relationship with BoJack.
But still problematic…
Mr. Peanut butter and you knew eachother before you were dating, probably friends for a little while.
You two end up dating and the beginning of the relationship is idealistic and perfect!
But problems quickly arise.
like for example, Mr. Peanut butter is kind and friendly but he isn’t exactly considerate or caring. He may care about you, but he ignores your needs sometimes. More often by accident.
For example, if you don’t like people-you’re still not getting left out of parties. Mr PB is more sympathetic and much less empathetic.
His love language is gift giving and words of affirmation. I think this is made very clear throughout the show.
Whether you like it or not….
He’s very open with people about your two’s relationship and how he feels about you. He’s quick to praise you.
aside from some of the inconsiderate mess he is literally a golden retriever boyfriend <3
he is VERY quick to ask you to marry him. But I feel like if you told him you’d think about it or ‘no’ he’d understand. It’s a big decision HE might be ready for, but you’re not.
Scratch his ears.
I feel like you’d date him at a point in time where Diane isn’t a problem anymore. He learned after the first time…,,,
Sometimes he puts his needs infront of yours-without realizing it.
If you want to have a serious conversation-you’re going to have to initiate it. He HATES those, and prefers to pretend like it never happened.
I feel like there’s honestly a chance of a long term relationship with him! Or you two break up like, maybe a year or so into the relationship.
sorry I haven’t responded to requests in, like, over a month. I’ve been kinda busyyyyfhhjjjgjg 😭
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quackkaz · 1 year
Hello, hello!!
Nice to meet you, my name is Kaz/Loo, you can also call me Looloo if you want but that’s mostly for people close to me! I also like the nickname kazoo lmao
I identify as panromantic, demiromantic, aegosexual and genderfluid, and I use any pronouns!!
I do not have any proper diagnosis for anything, but I do suspect that I am on the autism spectrum and that I have BPD. Though, I am not for sure autistic and I do not have for sure BPD, so yeah.
My favorite things at the moment are ferrets, Sanders Sides, Puss in Boots (specifically The Last Wish), Sally Face, The Owl House, Project Sekai, the song Forbidden Fruit (from Sanders Sides), Fran Bow, QSMP, Epithet Erased, Generation Loss, My Little Pony, Creepypasta, Ride The Cyclone and many other things!!!
I speak french (first language) and english!! I’m also currently learning spanish!!
I am taken by my lovely gf Myka <333
I mostly do incorrect quotes and memes on here, but I also share my silly thoughts and headcanons lmao!!
I don’t mind spam liking or spam reposting or anything considered as spamming!!
Insta : _cloudy.kaz_ and quackkaz (this one is a spam acc)
Discord : meowloomeow
Pinterest and AO3 : quackkaz
Angie x Korekiyo (Danganronpa) shippers… I’m iffy about them. I don’t mind y’all interacting, but just don’t talk to me about that ship, because it makes me uncomfortable
Same for Kaito x Kokichi (Danganronpa) shippers
I do not mind any nsfw things, but not addressed to me directly.
I will only put TWs and CWs for things that naturally deserve them like sh and suicide and all that, so if you would like for me to put a TW/CW, you can tell me!!
I also need TWs/CWs!!! I will put them after the DNI part.
…you fit the basic DNI criteria
…you ship anything problematic in any way
…you defend people that did awful things
Mandela Catalogue related things (whether it’s fanart, memes, whatever.)
Anything that revolves around nails getting… um.. ripped off or smth, it really disturbs me
Same for skin being ripped off but that one is mostly if I see it, being mentioned is not that bad
Mentions of bugs under skin is fine but visuals of it? Big no no for me!!
I might add other stuff later if I have any.
I love you all sm, you will never understand how much I appreciate y’all, thank you!!!!! The love on my blog is insane to me!! <33333
Good day/afternoon/night or smth, drink water (I don’t lol) and stay safe!! Byeeee!!!!
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floralovebot · 2 years
oh are we talking about racism rn? cool cool i have thoughts
the defeminization of the other winx can definitely be rooted in misogyny however the defeminization of musa and aisha are 100% rooted in racism.
stop making musa a walking festival in your redesigns. her entire thing was prioritizing her comfort and dreams rather than her father's wishes. she literally only wears more traditional dresses during formal events and when she wants to dress up. her magic winx or any other transformation being traditional wear doesn't make sense and is usually racism from the fandom.
nabu is indian coded. him being dark skinned and dating aisha doesn't mean he's automatically black. it's cool if you're a black fan who thought he was black because of rep but 1. please recognize his coding and 2. if you're not black or asian please reassess why you immediately thought he was black and continue to ignore his blatant coding.
trans helia headcanons are still largely problematic, especially from cis fans. insisting he's a pacifist is still racist. making him extremely unemotional is also racist.
while nabu's death is problematic in its own right, aisha not moving on would make it worse. either keep him alive or let her move on. keeping her single is never good rep.
editors and gifmakers are still whitewashing. stop that.
and stop liking and reblogging content that's whitewashed. it's been years. we talk about it constantly. it takes one fucking second to double check that a character isn't bright white. stop giving excuses and do better. take the damn L and delete shit if you notice it later. confront the op and stop making us do the dirty work.
yes we notice when you leave out the entirety of asia except for china, south korea, and japan in your melody headcanons.
joking about galatea being white is still weird.
viewing musa as a tomboy is fine. completely removing any femininity she has (and canonically is okay with), making her violently reject her culture, and making her dad much worse than he ever was is still bad.
stop giving aisha extremely straight/vaguely wavy hair in your art and redesigns??? it's shitty animation from the early 2000s yeah but her hair is absolutely meant to be textured. she has defined curls and it holds shape. it's not fucking beach waves. (hint: it's anywhere in the 3 to 4 range. stop doing 1 and 2 hairstyles.)
if a poc tells you you're being racist, getting defensive and insisting we're the bullies is just proof that you are.
learn what whitewashing is and stop thinking it's just making someone's skin tone lighter.
yeah it's weird when you make flora specifically not latina in your redesigns. that's not rep or a fun headcanon. it's erasure.
yes, it's a little weird when you redesign riven to be dark-skinned. this highly depends on you and how you're portraying him. if you continue to portray him as hyper masculine and problematic or even downright abusive (an issue on its own), then yeah keep him white <3
white people: you do not get to decide what is and isn't racism and you sure as hell don't get to argue with us about it. you may not understand, you may disagree, but you don't get to come into our spaces and argue about how you think we're wrong about racism.
fans of color: don't feel bad about blocking racists. don't feel bad about soft or hard blocking mutuals because they crossed too many lines. don't give up your safe space and integrity in the hopes of changing their minds.
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bloodiedbeloveds · 3 months
Wait, you wrote BDTA?? Just wanna jump on the bandwagon that my-deer-friend started because I loved that verse <3 The whole series is bookmarked and it definitely left a profound impression. Especially the one written as an article by A. Hamilton, that one felt like such a masterpiece to read.
I remember trying to picture John's art, and the 'tumblr discourse' fic of the series (genius btw). I remember how I broke a little when that poster had seen the picture of John after the attempt and said "how small he looked" 😭 shit i'm shedding some tears rn, that line just gets to me for some reason, as if i can see him
Body horror fascinates me, especially as a trans man, so I seriously adore the concept of this world. This may sound a little nonsensical, but the way you write is evocative of paintbrush strokes on an impressionist painting to me.
I agree wholeheartedly with my-deer-friend; BDTA!John is precious and intriguing, and he pops into my head now and then, just wondering about what his life has been like before the story and what might be in his future.
hi oh my god we are so flattered. yeah that was us!!!
we have so many thoughts about we never really learn-- at one point we even had a whole bunch of lore for the ten deaths of acadia setter, despite the fact that its narrative purpose is exclusively to be Problematic. every tumblr discourse must pull in some very irrelevant dispute about a piece of media. there are so many tiny details in that fic that we think a lot of people overlook but We Know. we know they're there
the way people received this particular fic is interesting too, because without the context of the later work + stuff we haven't even written we can totally see how it reads like john's suicide was mostly about this internet cyberbullying stuff but oh, boy, it was not. it very much was not. after not a perfect son i think most people have figured it out but there was a while there where we were always internally like "oh you don't even know the half of it"
we're obsessed with body horror also-- for us it's not just being trans but also being autistic and plural and just all around weird. love monsters. love fucked up shit. also that's so very kind thank you!! verbal impressionists, that's us, i guess?
(his life before the story: sucked, but in various different ways. his future: no spoilers, because the urge to come back to this series is hitting us. we left the next fic (which is mostly about our unhinged polly headcanons) unfinished, but we're thinking of finally finishing it + going through the hell of putting all the html for it in properly.)
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suhmayzooka · 1 year
Sano trio for the ask game please?? 👀✨
YAYY!!! my boys<3<3<3
1: sexuality headcanon gay gay homosexual gay gay. also, i learned about what transgender was due to some trans rin headcanons/fanfics/meta i read during the height of the fandom, so trans man rin is also something that's been in the back of my mind 2: otp sourin >>>>> permanently changed my brain chemistry and ideal of relationship; rinrei is so much funnn i swear; and ofc sano trio as a whole!! 3: brotp rin & haru--while i don't think of them romantically, their relationship is the cornerstone of the whole story and i love how they're always pushing each other to go further rin & nagisa--such an underrated relationship but in the original book rin teaches nagisa to swim and nagisa from then on really looked up to rin as an older mentor. i love them because they're so unexpected as a friendship, but they really have a deep bond that i wish was more present in the show (besides a few "rin-rin!") rin & makoto--SUCH an important relationship for both of them!!!!! they're the real complements of each other, i think, rin is fiery and passionate and sharp and makoto is grounded and doting and UGHHHH 4: notp when i was younger i'd say rin x haru, less due to the actual relationship and more due to the way SOME fans treated me at the tender age of like 13.... i don't dislike them enough to say they're my notp, but i guess yeah, they're my notp 5: first headcanon that pops into my head he's a thirty seconds to mars stan (bc of that one shirt he wore that looked like the 30stm triangle...) fuck jared leto and everything but i think rin learned english partially through music. he's also a swiftie 6: favorite line from this character oh god.... "PERFECT BODY" 7: one way in which I relate to this character every way he's my blorbo whom i project onto ever since i was in middle school . um. who said that i think i really connected to both his emotional crybaby ways (i cry at conflict), his hopeless romantic nature, and his insecurities, feeling like you're meant to do something but you hit a wall and just.,. can't. 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character his fashion.......i'm sorry but........ i cannot defend you ....... 9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave? LOL depends on who you ask! he's a cinnamon roll who looks like he can kill you
1: sexuality headcanon: also gay but at the same time, i don't think he really cares much for romance outside of his immediate partner, you know? so i guess somewhere on the demi spectrum 2: otp sourin, again, and soukisu, and basically the whole sano trio. oooh special mentions to soumako and souharu, for no real canon reason aside from them having some really good fan artists and writers 3: brotp sousuke & nitori & momo; he's a good mentor to them, and they have so much respect for him (while knowing how to have fun). sousuke & gou--after rin left for australia, i imagine him and gou spending more time together. bonding over rin lol there was that scene where he gave her his jacket during the water gun fight that always gets me 4: notp hmm. don't really have one? maybe sousuke x gou? i really can't think of him viewing her as anything other than his sister 5: first headcanon that pops into my head that he likes opera, and this is ENTIRELY due to an old fic @testosterogna wrote that i read back in my youth and i SOMEHOW actually forgot i read it in a fic and thought it was canon. 6: favorite line from this character "because i knew you would cry" (ಥ﹏ಥ) 7: one way in which I relate to this character we're both stoic and monotone and come across as aloof/cold. he probably has a touch of the 'tism like haruka does. oh and i'm terrible at directions kajsdhaskljdh 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character when he found haru and backed him into the wall like "don't u DARE hurt my man again >:(" and haru was like :| you dUMBASS WHY DID YOU HIDE YOUR STUPID INJURY ??? DO NOT DESTROY YOUR CAREER FOR LOVE!!!! IDIOT (ಥ﹏ಥ) 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? looks like he could kill you, doesn't care enough to try
1: sexuality headcanon this is one i'm actually 10000% assured of, unlike the other two above where i was just like 'yeah probably' this is something i actually dedicated a LOT of time to thinking about and even starting a fic years ago: he's asexual. i don't remember WHAT i read all those years ago, but i found some asexual kismui hcs and it just clicked. i can't imagine him any other way. i think he's also demi or grayromantic; his 'relationships' are closer to QPR than, i suppose, traditional 'romance.' he's sex-favorable to neutral, but it's not something he really craves and he doesn't feel sexual attraction. he's still a massive flirt and a gossip and loves to know about/mess with his friends' love lives 2: otp sano trio!!! asakisu too, and hiyokisu could be fun. 3: brotp kisumi & makoto. "JOIN THE BASKETBALL CLUB!!!!!!" 4: notp kisumi x most people 5: first headcanon that pops into my head well, the first one is that he's ace, the second is that he's a plant lover, which is less headcanon than it is me extrapolating from some official art 6: favorite line from this character probably everything he says to haru. OHH and when he casually is like "oooh sousuke didn't tell you about his super plot-relevant secret? oooh too bad. anyway i'm out!" 7: one way in which I relate to this character me having ace kisumi was 100% me projecting when i was younger and ID as asexual, but i relate to the love/protectiveness he feels over his younger brother 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character the way he tried to get everyone to join his basketball team </3 baby you're in the wrong anime you missed the casting calls for kuroko i'm sorry 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? sinnamon roll :3
character ask game
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koumeowkami · 10 months
6, 10, 13 and 19 for the violence ask game!!!
choose violence ask game!
cherennnn these questions were so hard 😭 i did my best okay
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
uhhhh i don't find any shippers annoying (as in pushy with their ideas and stuff like that)?? maybeeee a bit wataei shippers cause it often sounds to me that you must love them only cause they're fundamental for the enstars plot. remember that infamous wataei poll? those times on tumblr were hell for me. but in general i find the fans of certain characters more annoying than shippers and i could make a whole list for that lol
10) worst part of fanon
okay uhhh... i pondered over this question for half an hour trying to understand and i'm still not sure of it (← isn't familiar with fandom terminology), but here goes nothing! just some fandom opinions i don't agree with:
- i said that some days ago but, fem tsumugi being drawn in a way that in my opinion is unfit for her character
- the hajun with nayuta/cozmez ship is a bit odd to me cause fans always turn him into a person that's completely different from canon. like... he would not fucking do that believe me, he's genuinely nice only with bae and it couldn't be different even in headcanons 😭 in general, it seems to me that hajun is seen very differently from what he's really like but maybe it's just my hatred for him speaking :D /hj
- do some fans know that kanata is not just a tsundere. like i bully him for that too (affectionately) but he's such a complex and deeply emotional character please let's not overlook that. for some reason i think not a lot of people pay attention to cozmez lore and it's about time y'all start doing that
- hinata being seen as the worst brother ever™ and toxic as fuck cause ?????? that's just so wrong ???? he may have used wrong ways but he NEVER ever planned to make yuta suffer. on the contrary, he did pretty much everything for him. i think some people should learn how to read
13) worst blorbofication
momochi. i think no one's less unfit for that title than him 💀
19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
i would say dialovers as a whole but actually i'm not ashamed lol sorry. maybe i'm a bit "ashamed" i like laito and shiki (dance with devils), but i'm gonna justify myself saying that their story arcs are interesting despite all the gruesome details (they're probably the only "problematic" characters i like). can daisuke hirakawa also be a good reason to like them? cause... yeah
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runawaymun · 1 year
since you already did Elrond, how about Maglor for the character asks? <3
1: sexuality headcanon
Aroace. Can't explain why I get this vibe, but that's the vibe I get!
2: otp
Maglor & his harp. See above.
3: brotp
I am constantly enamored with his (potential) relationship with Elrond. Especially during the early years, and then later upon (potential) rescue from his beach cryptid life. I go hard for forgiveness narratives -- and what I love so much about Kidnap Fam is that it is not a redemption narrative. At least not the way I write it. Maglor & Maedhros are not redeemed of their War Crimes because they decided to spare some kids. Or rather, they do not redeem themselves. Rather they are redeemed and they are sanctified by love, but also that doesn't happen when E&E are kids completely, because E&E are kids and they are bonding to their only caretakers, as kids to survive.
And yes love grew between them, but it isn't that love that I am fascinated by. It's the love that happened after. I am enamored with the idea that Elrond and Elros chose to love them once they were older and really understood things. And enamored with the idea that Elrond chose to forgive, because Someone Had To. Because the Oath will never be something that can be brought to Justice. There is no Justice for what was done in pursuit of the Silmarils. There is no Justice that would suffice for all the lives lost, for the lives that were destroyed, etc. etc. But I love the idea of Elrond going 'You know what, I'm Tired' and he chooses to be the one to bridge things and say: I forgive you. Because who is in a better position to forgive the Sons of Feanor than the grandson of Dior and great-grandson of Turgon, the son of Elwing and nephew of Elured and Elurin, who has some relation to pretty much everyone involved and who arguably has perhaps the best claim to Justice imaginable, because the man lost his parents, his Sindarin heritage (for a time), his entire goddamn childhood, and pretty much his entire early adulthood due to the Oath. He lost his birthright to two kingdoms.
He suffered so much and I am a slut for characters who suffer like that and choose forgiveness & peace. Not because it redeems the forgiven, but because there comes a point where justice alone will never be a satisfying end to the story, but forgiveness, to say enough is enough, to say let's end the cycle of violence, and no more -- because it brings peace to the person who forgives... yeah.... am I making any sense, here? I personally truly believe that the only satisfying end to the story of the Oath comes in grace. Justice can never be sufficient for all the evil that was done. And the point of forgiveness is that it is undeserved, and that it opens the door for healing.
4: notp
Maglor/any of the other Feanorians. I see this startling amount??? I also have this problem where I forget that White Fingon exists so every time I see White Fingon Russingon art my brain automatically assumes it's Maglor for a split second. Life is hard lmao.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
His hair is black but it's like a raven's wing where it catches the light and turns all sorts of different colors. :)
6: favorite line from this character
Uh I'm gonna be very unoriginal:
"For Maglor took pity upon Elros and Elrond, and he cherished them, and love grew after between them, as little might be thought"
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Re my own interpretation I relate so hard to the tendency of being unable to let past mistakes go. It's one thing to have other people forgive you. It's quite another to learn to forgive yourself.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Any evil/abusive Maglor takes are just... yuck. I'll take "incredibly fucked up and in no way capable of raising children" but intentionally abusive is a take that I can't stand.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fav, of course!
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Alex! As promised, I've returned with more character asks! Done in pairs of two for organizational purposes ^_^
Let's finish off your Castlevania OT3, shall we? Tell me about Adrian and Trevor!
Alright. Let's do the two impossible men! :D Headcanon time!
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Sexuality Headcanon
Trevor does not really care about sexuality anymore. Like, he tried a lot in his life. He likes it all, as long as he has some matter of control over what is happening. And yes, that does mean, he can be at times also very submissive. But yeah, something between bi- and pansexual.
Adrian is bisexual but also very, very demi. Like, he is in love and sexually interested in Trevor and Sypha, but so far nobody else. And my headcanon does have him meet quite a few other people. But it just never... clicks the way it did with Trevor and Sypha.
Trephacard. Duh. So, Trevor/Sypha/Adrian. For both of them.
So, the easy answer is Greta, of course. Because they both have this very close relationship (that might well be read as queerplatonic) with Greta.
Though I really love Trevor and Striga, too. There is currently a fic planned featuring the two of them. And of course there is The lesser Evil, in which the two of them are totally vibing, though Trevor hates the fact.
Trevor/Dracula, I guess? xD I mean, the two of them are gonna be super fun in Closure, but yeah... Trevor never forgives Dracula for all his many crimes.
For Adrian it is also kinda him and his parents? Because incest and stuff? xD
First headcanon that pops into my head
Trevor has ADHD and also suffers from dyslexia. So because of the mix of this he never learned reading properly until he was 12 and his family died and after which he did not get to read a lot - so whatever he had learned he basically forgot. It is gonna be a long hard road for him to learn reading properly. (But Sypha will not give up until she managed.)
Adrian is a major foodie. See, his parents left him alone in the castle when he was 13. So, being alone and bored, he started to learn all those fine details of cooking.
Favorite line from this character
For Trevor it is: “It’s time to give this place back to the people who know how to build things. You and me, we’re just killers out of history. It’s time for us to go.” I am always just: Baby. You can still learn how to build things. You are still young. Somebody hug him and then teach him building stuff.
For Adrian: "As if my day couldn't get any worse. If it isn't Trevor Belmont." And with this comes this sweet, sweet smile of his. And I know, there are some better quotes from him, but it just says so much about the relationship he has with the other two.
One way in which I relate to this character
I mean, Trevor is what we in Germany call a "Stehaufmännchen". Someone who will get up again and again, no matter what the world throws at them. And yeah. That's me. That is very much me.
Adrian on the other hand is... well... He is a rape survivor, which is definitely something I can relate to. Also he does not know how to talk to people. Something I am bad at as well.
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Where do I even start with Trevor? I mean, the man does so many dumb things during the series. ^^"
Adrian? That is easy. Him going to save the village of Danesti WITHOUT PUTTING ON A SHIRT FIRST! Boy, what are you doing?! I mean, I appreciate the view, but... BOY!
Cinnamon Roll or Problematic Fave?
Cinnamon Rolls. Both of them.
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desiresign · 1 year
sending you this so you can ramble abt your blorbos so! seiga for the ask thing ~ aesop
favorite thing about them
seiga my beloved.i love you... i dont know why.. i like when girlies are kind of evil and have little morals and are unliked by everyone else and .. . I LIEK HERRRRRRRR OK (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
least favorite thing about them
normie answer:omg guys, she violates human rights with dead bodies, omg! scandelous!!! TRUE ANSWER: I WANT HER TO HAVE anything anything a MERCH i will take even the generic anime style type idk idk ouuuou uuuu seiga fumo doesnt exist i want it to be real
favorite line
ええ、腐ってて可愛いでしょ? yeah, shes rotten and cute, isnt she... (talking about yoshika) awwwwww the oober doober
i do like to see her hanging out with the taoists, she certainly isnt that close to them (though much moreso to miko) but i think it could be a funny type relation. guy who hangs around your house and you dont want her around but shes chill. you think about how evil she is while enjoying her lovely dinner she made for everyone.
i dont ship her with anyone really ,NO BITCHES!!! unless... me!???????!!!!! seiga just doesnt get anyone. but i dont think she really cares about romantic relationships. honestly for the best because she would probably have a moochy relationship considering she likes to hang around other people to get something out of them in return... she problematic aromantic lesbian representation (so true)
i dont like seiga x yoshika... well simply, i dont... so yeah no matter what it seems like i say or draw of them, i really dont ship them together XD and dont think of it that way at all. i dont have strong feels about the subject i just dont like it..
random headcanon
i think that during the time yoshika was alive seiga and her never even met, but i think yoshika had heard of her in passing and that inspired her to be fascinated by hermits. which makes things ironic in the end, doesnt it!!
regarding jiangshi, this method was one of the first spells that she learned after ascending to hermitdom and was one of the highest points that led to her being cast as a 'wicked hermit.' yoshika is the only one she has kept around for a very long time because she is her favorite, so she is the only one who gets all of seiga's love and anti-decomposition spells. she loves her very much :3 also, since yoshika says that "we" in relations to her guarding the mauseleum, there are definitely more around. jiangshi do not last very long due to decomposition, so they eventually "die" again and are taken out of seiga's control.
i headcanon seiga as being chubby literally because of a dream. i know that sounds funny but heres a fact about me, im kind of a dream obsessed person sometimes, i really like having dreams and thinking about what my brain is doing. but anyways, i had the dream before seiga and yoshika were even really characters on my love radar, i just simply knew them. i dont know what happened in the dream but they were both there, and i think it took place in my house??
seiga with a pokemon: im not sure about more than this, but one thing for sure im really specific about is her having a luxray!! they can see through walls! so as the wall-passing hermit, it would totally make her life easier with a pet who can see whats going on before action XDc sadly though i dont know others she can have.. WAIT yeah ok i dont know the new pokemon very well but houndstone can also be hers. uoppy
also, seiga fursona is cat, its pretty normie and obvious, well if she didnt wanna be called a cat well ZUN shouldve never called her nyanyan... niang niang nyanyan seiga meowwwwwww meeeeowwwwwww OUAAAAH.
unpopular opinion
shes my best friend
song i associate with them
well desire drive and her theme, old yuanxian and um... yeah yeah... necromantic yeah..... (sadly succumbing to fate)
favorite picture of them
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can you can you look at seiga in WaHH for me please
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^ sittoing
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Whilst I take care of the next installment of “A Mate Reject and a Gamma” I figure I’ll take a poll from the masses to see of actually Intersex Tobirama is a good idea for Useful Blades. Important; bold is addressing fanfiction in general as well.
Before you nuke me, here’s the thought process I had. Originally, what made me think about Useful Blades was what lengths Tobirama would go to be useful and obviously I wanted it to be MadaTobi so an arranged marriage would be the call to action and has been done effectively and beautifully (love this corner of the fandom, you guys are the best) but as a (mad) scientist and a bride growing up in the period, providing an heir would be one of those things he’d consider. I could go the drama route of him pushing Madara to girls or second wives (blergh) and I might end up using briefly but the scientist genius part struck me as “if Orochimaru could do it…..” and so on. But then I thought, seals and such are possible sure, scifi tube baby too (which would be hilarious with the idea of Izuna walking down to Tobirama’s science cellar and finding glass cases of infants and freaking tf out). Sexy no jutsu and Kage Bunshin’s lovechild could also be a possibility. But then I thought, what if it was his understanding of medical science that he twisted himself? Then I thought, what if he already innately had a set to work with.
Thus, I thought, if he was intersex in a time with poor understanding genetics as a whole and had XX chromosomes but appeared “incompletely” masculine Tobi would still be raised a man and identify as such. Infertility and difficulty of getting pregnant would be interesting concepts to explore in a person driven to provide an heir. Very angsty.
Of course there’s already plenty of angst to be found in his albinism and consequential hinderances to his health. It is also a personal headcanon the man has some degree of autism or something akin to it, the man has a neural divergence for sure. So it wouldn’t be necessary but it would be an interesting thought to follow.
Chimerism was considered too since it seems like a possibility with what happened with Itama’s hair. Albino and not? Genetics are weird enough but applying to anime is madness….
Intersex Tobirama hasn’t been explored much if at all outside of the strange pseudo intersex of omegverse mpreg which… is weirdly close to the idea of a “true hermaphrodite” and fetishization of it. Granted heats and bonds and such aren’t, ya know, an actual thing so it blurs the lines for most. Could get into a whole rant about it but no…
If I did make Tobirama intersex I’d be dancing a very precarious line. Lines. XX is sexually recognized as the female chromosome set. Intersex XX Tobirama/Cis XY Madara could read as a heterosexual if not futa sort of thing. Stepping vaguely on trans territory by nature, misconstrued as homophobia, and so forth. Intersex individuals are in the political crossfire at the moment, what with the US doing whatever it is they’re doing about gender affirming care. The last thing this group needs is a salt on wounds monkey show in the form of glorified dehumanizing porn.
That being said, Actually Intersex Tobirama could be problematic as it could be beneficial. Exposing people to accurate information in the form of storytelling is an amazing way for masses to learn. Intersex representation in modern media and art is negligible at best. However because it is a story it is bound to be unrealistic. I’m also not intersex myself so conjectures made by the information I have and just human empathy wouldn’t mean it would apply to everyone across the board. The human experience is a vast one and the intersex community is vast in itself. Experiences and cultures and times all so different…
So yeah, I could dive head first and try my best, or I could leave it. I don’t care for “political correctness” as a face thing, I care more for the people that can be validated and felt seen. Or likewise, hurt by it.
But… anyway…
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spoilers for season 4 of stranger things. Discussing ableism and other problematic bs with stranger things. I am an angry person.
Just finished stranger things season 4. And I'm so mad. I related WAY too hard to Henry. I just.
And him telling Max "people don't think about killing others." At first I was like upset, but then I realized. Henry was probably told that. Max said it, but that felt so odd to have to say to her to make her upset. Henry, a killer in canon, is lying by saying that to her. He's probably been told that. By doctors, by his mother. I just. I hate what this season did to him. I hate the ableism in the show and the fandom. I hate the problematic nature of this show. I hate those scenes with Lucas and Erica. I hate the fact they filmed in a fucking Nazi prison. What the actual fuck. Everything is just so God damn disrespectful. I'm finished with the season and I'm not even sure if I care about what has to come next. Cause wow. Just wow.
Also yeah, Eddie was heroic, but that death was fucking dumb. Like. Killing him off. They never ever kill off main cast, just the side characters they throw in the season like Billy, Eddie, whoever else I can't remember, Bob. I just hate it. The closest they came to killing a main character is with Max and even then, she has a chance to live. And all the ableism surrounding the fact that Max could be disabled and blind if she lives and "they should have just killed her off." No.
I hate the ships. Nancy and Steve are not going to work out, like come on, not everyone in love should end up together. I don't like Mike and El cause they both have their issues and I just...they don't fit. Mike is too in his own stuff and El was too in her own stuff.
I hate that the normal stuff was thrown away in this season. Like wow nothing ever came of the normal bullying or normal problems.
Having Lucas call Jason a raging psychopath was fucking disgusting. I was so ready to have him tell Jason off and then he just says that. Like fucking wow. Implying the one that is threatening and murderous and nearly kills Lucas (not even mentioning the fucking shocking nature of him pulling a gun on Lucas as well as the other sport guy fucking TACKLING Erica) is a "psychopath." Like fuck off.
Will is precious and I love Dustin. They're both good.
Oh no, Henry's thinking is scary. Oh scary and bad. Also using a monster to portray mental illness and trauma, but then having that monster be a traumatized neurodivergent person specifically autistic and ASPD is fucking bullshit.
I just. This season tried and it fauled. It presents itself as a good season with great directing and such, but the story and writing is all bs and of course it's a super problematic show. I've barely listed the shit and not gone in depth about it.
Also it felt like the show kept fighting between Brenner bad, but Brenner can be good, Henry bad, Henry villain. All that fucking shit. It wasn't even clear. And I love that they made Robin autistic, but it just felt like they shoved in some of the autistic traits in random scenes. Or like they just took some autism info and shoved it onto her (at points, not overall.) It's like Robin was the quirky autistic, El was the weird autistic, and Henry was the big scary autistic. And I hate it. It doesn't feel like representation. It doesn't feel like it at all. You can't have some celebration of Robin or acceptance of her being autistic and it be shown as good when you demonize the traits of Henry being autistic. I headcanon Robin has learned she's autistic and is unmasking because it makes sense to me and reminds me of when I started "acting more autistic" too. So this isn't a rant on Robin being autistic or anything, this is about how the show portrays it and points out autistic traits rather than just letting her be autistic. It does remind me of us that have realized we are actually autistic and we "act more autistic" basically. So I will accept that headcanon even though I don't have faith in the writers.
Just everything makes me mad that I can't even enjoy the story. I can't enjoy it at all. Like it just gets worse and worse. And the fandom is hell. Just fucking do better. I don't know how to end this but just, fucking do better.
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Obligatory "about me" post that every blog seems to have.
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Alright, basically, I'm 18, I'm white, straight, and cis. I don't belong here but I'm not leaving. My name is Kaylee but you can just call me Scrungles if ya want. Or whatever. I really don't care tbh
I'm a girl but like. I don't give a shit what pronouns you use for me lmao. It doesn't bother me but I will correct people if they're assuming I'm a man just because I disagree with them. Yes that has happened. Several times. People still don't believe me occasionally. Idk
Here's my hot takes:
-I had something I was going to put here but I forgot.
-Drama over video games is dumb and pointless because games are made only to entertain. Have fun morons stop fighting
-Not every video game character is gay/trans whatever, like, headcanon what you want but I'm not gonna agree with you. Have fun but remember that nobody HAS to agree with you.
-Not all cops are evil for the love of god they're literally just people. Yeah there's a problem with the system but please can we just treat people like individuals instead of acting like they're evil for their job. This is just a fact. It's literally just a fact and you can't argue with it. Learn to recognize people as individuals for fucks sake.
-Vegans stupid haha. Go eat a lettuce dumb idiot
-Robots and AI are the children of humanity and it is our responsibility to teach them properly. The "robot uprising" won't happen if we're not assholes to them.
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And here's some extra things about me, I'm a:
-Matpat apologist (Leave the funny game theory man alone he's doing his best) (You can pry this opinion from my cold dead hands, losers!!!)
-Game dev supporter. Just, indie game devs in general. Almost all of them don't deserve the stupid drama they get thrown at them.
-I guess you could call me a proshipper? I don't ship anything problematic but I think it doesn't matter if anyone does. This literally isn't a problem what is wrong with you people
-A chronic contrarian who does most things out of spite (doesn't make my opinions any less valid though... I think???????)
-A furry. Go ahead make fun of me for it, it just makes you look dumb lmao
-Also an idiot
Games I enjoy:
Currently in a huge Undertale/Deltarune mood. Grounded as well, but like, the fandom isn't that big so I don't have much to reblog about it
FNAF (I love Security Breach, okay), Friday Night Funkin, basically any indie game that gets popular (what can I say, I get dragged onto bandwagons really easily no matter how hard I try to fight it), and a bunch of miscellaneous survival crafting games (MOSTLY GROUNDED) because I'm a sucker for that stuff.
So yeah that's it, I don't have a DNI but if you're someone who disagrees with me, interact with caution. Start fights if you dare because I will not be convinced of some stupid shit
Also I have a YouTube channel. It's bad lol
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