#persophones daughter
obsidian-pages777 · 6 months
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Persophone in your Astrology chart
Persephone, the beloved daughter of Demeter in Greek mythology, holds significance in the Eleusinian Mysteries, symbolizing themes of life, death, and rebirth. Known as Kore or Proserpina, she embodies both youthful fertility and mature sovereignty as Queen of the Underworld. In astrology, the asteroid Persephone reflects themes of agency and choice. An uninitiated Persephone is passive, allowing others to dictate her relationships and decisions, often deferring to external authority figures like her mother Demeter.
Persephone's influence in your astrology chart is shaped by its placement in different houses and signs, along with its interactions with other planets through aspects. Here's a brief overview of Persephone's potential impact:
Persephone in the 1st House or Aries: You possess a captivating charm that can positively influence others. Embrace your independence and assertiveness in choosing partners, refusing to be controlled by parental figures, even in challenging situations.
2. Persephone in the 2nd House or Taurus: You seek sensual pleasures and financial stability in relationships. However, true fulfillment requires genuine emotional connection, as merely material security may leave you feeling unfulfilled.
3.Persephone in the 3rd House or Gemini: You are naturally inquisitive and social, but may struggle to assert yourself verbally, especially within family dynamics. Finding your voice is crucial for expressing your needs and experiences. Your communication skills can be valuable in guiding others through their own inner journeys.
4. Persephone in the 4th House or Cancer: Family ties may be deeply significant to you, potentially leading to a sense of entanglement with maternal figures. However, breaking free from familial influences is essential for personal growth and self-discovery, even if it feels challenging.
5. Persephone's placement in the fifth house or Leo suggests a passionate nature, craving romance and artistic expression. You may exude a youthful energy throughout life, but there could be challenges in balancing personal desires with parental responsibilities, potentially impacting your children's growth. Embrace the evolving phases of your life, transitioning from youthful exuberance to a more mature and enthusiastic approach to living, inspiring others to share the spotlight with you.
6. In the sixth house or Virgo, Persephone's influence is tied to diet and health, with a need to establish individual lifestyle choices for optimal well-being. This placement may reflect struggles stemming from maternal nurturing or using food for emotional comfort. Despite an aversion to conventional work, you may excel in creative, spiritual, or psychological endeavors, finding renewal through unique approaches to your craft.
7. In the seventh house or Libra, there's a potential tendency to allow others to shape your identity, leading to passive compliance in relationships. However, embracing equality and individuality within partnerships can awaken a deeper sense of engagement and passion.
8. Persephone in the eighth house or Scorpio may signify past trauma or abuse affecting sexual awakening and transformation. Healing and self-awareness are key to reclaiming personal power and achieving profound life changes.
9. In the ninth house or Sagittarius, Persephone seeks freedom and truth, facing challenges that prompt a shift from denial to a realistic outlook on life. As you seek meaning and wisdom, you may become a bearer of insight and positivity, offering a broader perspective on life's journey.
10. Persephone in the 10th house or Capricorn may struggle with setting personal goals and asserting her desires, often overshadowed by others' expectations. With maturity, she gains clarity about her career path, finding courage to pursue her ambitions later in life, which brings a sense of renewal and growth. Solitude during darker times can provide rejuvenation.
11. Persephone in the 11th house or Aquarius exudes glamour and may attract public attention, yet she might not initially recognize or desire this. During adolescence, she must carve out her unique identity, distinct from external influences. This placement fosters intuition and intelligence, leading to a renewed sense of self-awareness and originality.
12. Persephone in the 12th house or Pisces is a dreamer, sensitive and introverted. She finds solace in nature, possibly exhibiting psychic abilities or a deep connection with the environment. However, excessive spaciness can lead to difficulties, requiring cultivation of inner strengths to harness her intuitive receptivity without becoming overwhelmed or victimized.
Marilyn Monroe's Persephone in Cancer reflects her complex relationship with her mentally ill mother, seeking love and validation from romantic partners.
Frida Kahlo's Persephone in Capricorn, heavily influenced by Mars and Uranus, suggests her life-changing accident and the overshadowing presence of her husband Diego Rivera, yet her inner strength persists despite external challenges.
Oprah Winfrey had her Persephone in Libra in her 9th house.
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salllzy · 3 days
The daughter of Ocean and Nature #2
Persephone Morningstar knew that she was different, that her family was different. Oh, they tried to play pretend but she could see it. But there was always something different, something off about them. She didn't mean it in a bad way, but sometimes she got the feeling, that they knew far more than what they let on.
She loved her mama, her mama was the best. She refused to believe otherwise. Then she discovered a world that was different, horrifying and she didn't like it, she despised it and she wanted nothing more than to curl up in her mama's arms and hide away from the world. But they wouldn't let her. The Greek Gods, her supposed father and the rest of his ilk. She despised them all, the way that they degraded her mama and saw her as little more than a tool for them to use and discard. As and when they saw fit. She renounced Poseidon as her father and that shocked them, she could see it on their faces. The way they looked at each other, the nervous look in their eyes as they realised that she was serious. That she wanted nothing to do with them. Persephone was warned that such things couldn't be undone, that renouncing wasn't something that was done lightly or in jest. It made the rage inside her burn brighter, the way that they treated her like a child, as if she didn't understand her words and their meaning. So she renounced them all. She would never call any of them family, they were not her family and they never would be. The look of rage on Zeus's face fueled her, it gave her strength, she would not allow them to use her the way that they had used her mama. Then Zeus went to attack her, the stench of ozone filled the air and he threw his lightning bolt at her. Only it didn't connect. Persophone felt her breath hitch as she looked at her mama, she had always known that her mama wasn't mortal, that she was something different. But looking at her now? It was as if she was staring at the real, unfiltered version of her. Blood red hair, her fringe was a strange mix between black and brown and there was a set of deer ears perched on the top of her head, but that wasn't what caught her attention the most. It was the six massive gold wings, each one of them had to be six feet in length if not more. Persophone got the feeling that she had seen them before when she had been much younger. "I would suggest that you consider your next move, very carefully." The pressure in the room increased and she watched with awe as some of the Gods in the room struggled to move. Her mama was a fraction of their size and yet? She dominated the room, she hadn't even moved, yet her entire body screamed danger. Persophone knew that she was safe, that her mama would look after her. Just as she always had done.
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randomuser678 · 1 year
Posts about Greek Mythology are fucking annoying bc ppl will say "well of course Death does bad things" as if that fixes the issues with modern adaptations romancizing Hades and Persophone's story when the original story is supposed to be tragic and an explanation for why the most grueling time of the year exists and it's bc of a mother's grief. Adaptations will make Demeter a bitch and Hades a soft hearted bad boy you can fix completely uncritically and that's the issue. Like adaptations manage to make greek mythology MORE misogynistic when the actual sorce was so good at transmitting the tragedy if two women, one who is kidnapped by her uncle and sold off by her dad and one grieving mother who now must say goodbye to her daughter as she literally is taken by death once a year.
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tragiclemon-if · 9 months
Never cross the boundary.
That is what your mother always told you. All your life, you have lived in a cabin isolated from civilization. It was safe, at least that is what your mother always told you.
One day though, your mother disappears and suddenly you are trusted into the world she tried to protect you from. You are a half blood. A demi God. Not just any demi God, a demi God born between a demi God and God, blessed by a legacy. Can you survive as the gods themselves try to end you? Can you find out what happened to your mother?
So in my original Fanfiction, Willow's Mother was the Daughter of Persophone, who then had Willow with Hades. Depending on your main godly parent, your Legacy will change. Willow lived in a dark forest cabin, but again depending on your godly parent, the cabins location will change.
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anki-of-beleriand · 9 months
Ok, I take it back, I can see Wanda as the daughter of Hades! After reading more of your idea, im very intrigued!
Sorry if I seemed rude by saying I couldn't see it. That was not my intention at all. I just like to believe Hades would never cheat on Persophone (because they are my otp) but then I remembered Nico lmao!
Not at all! I didn't think it was rude, so don't worry.
I get your point, and if I'm honest with you I always thought Hades could be a good father if he loved the woman he was with... So... Wanda and Pietro would be pretty special with Persephone being like a good stepmother for them, contrary to what Hera is to the children of Zeus.
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
didn't theseus rape helen?
short answer No. long answer well.
the ancient greeks had a sense of honor a sense of codes around their women that are not so easily understood by us. you have to fathom women did not exist as independent agents they just did not.
so when they theseus raped helen they mean he kidnapped her. and it was her father's τιμή (honor) that was being violated as his property (daughter) was stolen. nothing in any myth suggests he ever touched her in such a way. he just simply placed her with his mother for safe keeping. and the most popular telling of the myth is theseus insane from the loss of his second wife and first son wanted a daughter of zeus as his bride kidnapped helen, went to the underworld with his friend to kidnap persophone and spent a couple decades stuck down there. this version of the myth comes from Hellanicus of Lesbos.
but other Athenian myths suggest theseus was given helen by her father for safe keeping because theseus was not a man of war more diplomacy but he would defend to his last breath someone in his charge. or he found the young girl being kidnapped and kept her for safe keeping but was then soon again in hell and could not tell anyone that he had put helen away for safe keeping and then helen's brothers retrieve her and kidnap theseus's mother.
and that again is where we see the difference between a non Athenian perspective on Theseus vs an Athenian perspective on Theseus. As well as the way some people write him historically and some write him as a man of myth. Hellanicus was a historian but not Athenian and Everyone hated the Athenian's so slandering their king as honorless well. And the Athenian versions of Theseus write him less as a man more as a collection of ideals they wanted Athens to represent.
so um yeah tl;dr guess it depends on who you read
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an old fan art of my oc
Melivia, Daughter of Persophone
not part of Camp half blood but is part of a coven and cult of witches located in Reggio Calabria and is one of its leaders. She learns magic from her mother's minister and Goddess of magic, Hecate. She's 80-something years old and was gifted immortality by her mother in her 20's. She's spoiled rotten, throws a tantrum when things don't go her way, and definitely has sacrificed someone before and performed necromancy (which only got her a slap on the wrist, guess that happens when your mom is one of the main patrons). Her favorite spot is the flower graveyard. She's close to her sisters and has sometimes visited her adopted brother, Adonis (yes I headcanon, that Persephone, raised Adonis as a son and got attached)
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sassysweetstories · 7 years
Rivalry //Shawn Mendes Series
Summary: You are a demigod that’s been brought to Camp-Half Blood in hopes to find yourself and learn more about your powers. In fear of being bullied, much like before, you intend to stay behind closed doors until there in no choice but to come out about who’s child you truly belong to. 
Ship: Shawn Mendes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, fighting, swearing, fluff, blood, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine. i saw another fic about demigods and i wanted to try and make it a series. the thoughts been festering in my mind forever now. i hope you like it. (also, none of the demigods and gods are really related. because of the parents fucking around, it’s not legitimate in this series. I ALSO RECOMMEND YOU TO LISTEN TO THE PERCY JACKSON SOUNDTRACK WHILE READING THIS. IT’S SO COOL) 
Your P.O.V
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Camp-Half Blood. There is was, staring back at me like some haunting horror movie scene. The outer perimeter only being lit by two burning fires alone gave me a strange mix of home despite the ominous setting. I belong here. I tell myself the same thought that I’ve been repeating the whole drive here. I belong here. This is the golden arches for the odd and weird kids, a place to feel accepted. A place where it’s okay to be different. Or, at least that’s what I was told. But I knew if there were teens here, people my age, there would still be judgement. There always is. And the trip here was nothing but ridiculous. This place seems to fall off the edge of the earth and right under the nose of humans. And yet, I feel a pull towards the location. I know in my heart that I belong. 
Despite the nerves that start to fester, I take a deep breath and walk forward. It’s dark and quiet but the second I pass through the veil, I feel a sense of comfort or warmth wash over me. You are safe here. It seems to say to me. Lugging my one suit case farther in, I find myself following the main pathway. That is until my eyes come across a centaur. He’s fucking huge, twice if not three times my height. "Mr. Brunner, I presume.” I say seriously. Everything about me screams business, not pleasure. But he ignores it and gallops up to shake my hand in mutual respect. “Please, call me, Chiron. You’ll be seeing me quite often. Might as well get on a first name basis.” I give him a hardy shake and follow him along the dark pathway, my heart beating with excitement and nerves. 
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“Welcome to Camp Half Blood, (Y/n). I realize, as you’ve said before, that you do not want to disclose your parentage to anyone, but here in Camp Half Blood, we categories and home you according to your abilities. That is, until I realized who you belonged to-” He pauses, wary of his next words. “-We don’t get many rare demigods here, so in the interest of your discretion, and for you, and the safety of others, we will not disclose that information until it becomes absolutely necessary.” The second the words leave his mouth, I feel a weight being lifted off me. If anyone knew who I belonged to.. Gods, what a nightmare that would be. Mr. D continues to educate me on what exactly I would be doing here and the longer he spoke, the more excited I became. 
“Tomorrow (Y/n), I will personally show you around the facility, but for now I will take you to your living quarters, which are located not too far from the other kids but a good distance for privacy.” I want to look up at him and thank him but I’m so in awe by everything, I can barely form words. Instead I give him a small nod and unpack, mentally preparing for the next day to arrive. My house, since I’m the only one living in it, is a lot lighter than I thought it would be. It’s an odd mix of colors but nothing like I had anticipated. In one room it is black with shades of bright purple. In the other, it’s a vibrant orange/yellow with blue and green flowers the cover the ceiling which brought an odd contrast. It’s surprisingly warm and cosy despite my first wary impression. Everything about the room alone is far much nicer than I’d ever had. I can’t help but lean against my bed headboard and smile. I was home. 
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The next morning I’m up bright and early, too excited to even hide it. I’m practically bouncing off the walls as I slip my shoes on. But the second Chiron shows up, I suppress it a little bit. I don’t wanna come off too strong, after-all. I’m not even outside before the sun is happily shinning down on us. The trees all gleam in delight under such warm and bright weather. I can’t help but smile at the sight. Birds fluttered above my head, singing their normal song. The trees around us sway against the wind and tower over my head like mountains. The longer we walk, the closer we come to the middle of the camp grounds. Kids of all ages and colors run by us in a hustle and bustle, not without giving me a once over, if not stare at me as if I had horns or something. 
For some reason, I’m something entirely new to them. It’s as if they know. Instead I stand up straighter, demanding respect and even scowl at some who dare to give me pointed looks. And instead of making the situation worse, I focus on Chiron’s words. “You will be training like the rest of the students. But before you get to that, you have a schedule with certain classes to obviously learn about your parents and the other gods here.” As we walk by, a boy with bright eyes and dirty blonde hair eyes me up and down like a piece of meat. He nudges his lacks and they look in my direction and have the audacity to howl at me. Instead of causing a scene, I clench my fists in frustration. Deep breaths. In and out. 
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Finally pulling my gaze away from them, I can’t help but stand up straighter, as if I was trying to prove something to them. I can tell behind their cocky stares that their curious about me and what I can do. Who do I belong to and what I have to offer. But I hope they never find out. But all I know is that I do, in fact, belong. But if I wanted to show that, I would have to be on the field and in the classroom. My first class is Gods & Goddess and their powers. Before I even came to Camp Half Blood, I had always been fascinated by Greek mythology. 
I use to spend hours after school reading up on all sorts of stories only to find out I was the child of one them. Chiron escorts me to the class, if that’s not awkward enough. But when I enter, more than fifty kids look directly at me. I can practically feel their judgment filled expressions pressing down on me like an anvil. I suck in a breath of air, letting Chiron speak for me. “Professor Ryan, this is your new student, (Y/n) (Y/L/N).” I give him a hardly shake and give him my signature smile. I swear I hear a group of girls in the front sigh and swoon. Aphrodite kids, I’m sure. 
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“It’s nice to meet you, Miss (Y/L/N). You can sit right next Mr. Underwood.” I glance up at the large college build lecture hall before my gaze falls on the satyr I saw early. He looks nice, giving me a warm and playful smile. I can’t help but return it because in all honesty, it’s quite contagious. When I take a seat, I pull out my hand for him to take. “(Y/n). Nice to meet you.” He grins and takes it before shaking it lightly. “Grover. Grover Underwood. Likewise!” It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Grover whispers comments at me the entire time, practically shit talking the professor. It takes everything in me to not burst out laughing. Once class is over though, we walk out together and the conversation flows comfortably. 
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“Hey (Y/n), I wanna introduce you to my best friend, Percy Jackson.” A boy with ocean blue eyes waltz up to us, showing me an equally warm smile. I take his hand and give him a hardy shake. “Nice to meet you, Percy. Cool name. I’m (Y/n), (Y/n) (Y/L/N).” Percy is just as nice as Grover and they make me feel at home. He’s son of Poseidon apparently. Which took me by surprise. “You’ll meet the rest of the gang later. Until now, you’ll have to settle for us.” Percy says jokingly but I can already sense a slight insecurity. “I like your guys’ company just fine.” But the second the words leave my mouth, I see Percy and Grover ease up. The sight makes me chuckle. It was only the first day and I was already making friends. 
Grover has taken it upon himself to show me every nook and cranny of the camp, saying Chiron was an old fart who didn’t know any of their secrets. Pointing over to a warm pink lit dorm, he gave me a cheeky smile. “Aphrodite’s daughters. Hello ladies!” He gives them a wave and some of them giggle in response. I’d be lying if I said none of them were attractive. The art of beauty and seduction was always something they perfected apparently. Some even wink at me as we walk by. I can’t help but blush as we shuffle across the way. “Aphrodite’s daughters are nothing but wild, especially in the sheets. Stay away from them. Or don’t. I mean, I don’t stay away, haha. Not far from them is Athena, girls and boys are separated but that doesn’t stop us much. You’ll meet Annabeth later. She’s a child of Athena.”
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We make our way over to the dueling field and the girl he was talking about, whom I believe is Annabeth, is dueling with three other opponents. I watch in awe as she beats them with ease, not a bead of sweat to cover her gorgeous features. I can’t help but gape as she strides over to us, looking nothing but powerful. “That was amazing.” I spew out before my mind could even think. Before she seemed more cold and wary, but the longer she eyes me, the more at ease she becomes. “Thank you. I’m Annabeth.” I take her hand, still gaping. “I’m (Y/n). That was incredible. Can you teach me how to do that?” She laughs at my genuine awe. “Of course, in due time. We have to meet up with the others.” 
“The others?” I can’t help but ask in curiosity. They all smile as Grover spoke. “Luke and Shawn. Luke tags along with us occasionally but he mainly sticks to the more jock type crowd, ya know? He’s more brutes than he is brains. But don’t tell him I said that. Besides, he only sticks around with us because he fancies Percy.” Percy shakes his head, chuckling lightly as we walk down a different pathway. “He’s my friend. They’re both really great. You’re gonna love Shawn. He’s super chill but can be a bit cocky at times. He’s also got a killer voice. Shawn might seem a bit off but he’s pretty down to earth-” Annabeth practically snorts. “And he’s not a dick like Luke.” I can’t help but laugh at the comments being made towards the young boy. “Is Luke the one with dirty blonde hair? I may have seen him this morning howling at me. What a douche.” They snort at my comment before nodding. 
We head over to the weapons hall and as we enter, I can’t help but gape in awe. Weapons from all shapes and sizes layer each side of the walls, some even attached to the ceiling. Running my hand over some, I can’t help but smirk at the glint of light they all give off. “Beautiful, ain’t she? You’ll start combat soon but before you get your hands dirty, you’re gonna need a weapon, eh?” Grover says to me, motioning for everyone to follow him. We do so and listen to the folk lore behind all of the swords and knives without homes. That was until a bright black shine caught my gaze. Without realizing it, I drifted away from the group to get a better look at it. Black as night, the sword stretches a good few feet with a dark red leather handle and small, thin white swirls etched across the blade. 
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I feel a pull towards the blade, like it was meant for me. I’m so enthralled by it’s treacherous beauty I almost don’t hear the manager comment, “Gorgeous, isn’t she. Five carbon steel, practically unbreakable, with a dark red handle that’s both comfortable yet firm enough to grip.” I graze the outside of the handle and smile at the sensation. That was until the manager commented, “I wouldn’t try to pick it up. It’s the heaviest weapon we’ve got and you look pretty nimble.” I could stand men trying to down grade women. Instead of listening to his warning, I take the sword with one hand and lift, expecting it to be heavy for my too “nimble body” but instead it practically floats under my touch. I twirl it around and it feels like I’m holding air. “Are you sure it’s the heaviest? It feels light to me.” 
The look on his face is nothing but priceless. Jaw dropped to the floor, face white he manages to scrape the last bit of testosterone he had and heads to the front. I take the sword with a smile, intending to check out before I came to an abrupt halt. The blonde douche I saw early, Luke, I believe, was speaking to another boy in a hushed manor behind a stack of knives. He had chocolate brown hair and equally as appealing eyes. “I don’t know Luke.. We don’t know anything about her-” He said softly, scanning over the weapons. Luke replied hastily. “She could be a great ally when we have the battle Friday.” The chocolate haired hunk scoffed. “We don’t even know if she can fight yet! Nor do we know of her abilities! What could she possibly offer for the win?!” Luke rolled his eyes and nudged the boys arm jokingly but he didn’t seem to enjoy it. “Don’t worry. With my suave persona, she’ll be confessing everything in no time. We’ll win this fight Friday, Shawn.” 
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Were they talking about me? They must be. Quickly and quietly, I slip away from them without making a peep and head to the check-out line. “Looks like you found one!” Percy exclaimed happily, eyeing my weapon of choice. Annabeth nods her head with pride. “That’s a beautiful sword. You’re sure about it though? Once you choose a weapon, it becomes like your mate.” Percy and Grover share a confused glance before shrugging at me. I look down at it with my own sense of pride, happy with my choice before nodding. “Yeah, I’m sure.” Percy’s eyes wander to someone over my shoulder. “SHAWN! LUKE!” He exclaims, smiling at the two. I don’t make eye contact with them yet. Instead I hand over my sword to pay. 
The cashier nearly drops the sword, half dragging it across the floor to scan the price-tag along with the belt attachment. “Do you need help?” I ask, trying not to smile at his struggling state. He puffs and curses under his breath, arms bulging in hopes to lift the weapon I’ve handed to him. “Nope, ugh, I- I’m f-fine-” The interaction has unfortunately caught the groups attention and Grover can’t help but ask, “(Y/n), did you get the biggest one?!” I glance over at him and nod. “Yeah, what can I say, I like big things.” The sentence was meant to be a casual response but all four of the boys turned bright red with embarrassment while Annabeth burst out laughing at their reactions. As I’m about to look back at the cashier, my gaze meets Shawn’s. 
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His eyes are bright despite being a chocolate brown. They almost have a flicker of light to them. One I can’t particularly describe. He’s different, I can feel it. I give him a small smile which he returns with a mediocre smirk. “Hun, why don’t I take that before you pull a muscle-” I wrap the holder around my waist and tie it before taking the sword from him. He sighs, almost happy to not have to carry its gargantuan weight any longer. But before I can slip my beautiful weapon into its case, Luke saunters up to me with a cocky grin. “You must be the beautiful, (Y/n). I’m Luke. Would you like me to carry that for you?” Annabeth and I exchange a knowing look. What did this boy expect from me? To just drop my panties cause he decided to be nice? Pff. 
I give him the fakest, most innocent smile I could before sighing sweetly. “Oh my gosh, that is so sweet. Thank you.” I take a step back and toss the blade at him. He lefts out an “Oof!” before falling to the ground, coughing and grunting as he attempts to hold the weight up. I walk around his immobile body and stick my hand out for Shawn to shake. “I’m (Y/n). Nice to meet you.” The moment he takes it, I feel a shock run through my body, itching up and down my spine before it dissipates. What the hell was that? “I’m Shawn. Likewise.” When he lets go of my hand, his is warmer than when we first touched. I wonder if I rubbed off on him? He glances down at me with wonder and curiosity. We duel with our eyes, examining one another before looking away.
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I strut over to Luke who is still thrashing on the floor before I lift my sword off him with one hand. He sighs in relief, taking massive breaths of fresh air to accommodate for the ones that have been taken from him. Sheathing my blade, I look back at Annabeth with an innocent smile. “Annabeth, hun. Would you like to go practice dueling?” She laces her arm through mine, waving at the boys as we walk out. “I think we’re gonna be very good friends.” I can’t help but laugh with delight at her statement, feeling the boys eyes follow us the whole way out. I can’t help but look back at Shawn and ponder. Who does he belong to? 
Annabeth and I head out to the battle arena to change and practice fighting. “So-” I say while adjusting my gear. “-who are Luke and Shawn’s parents.” Annabeth tosses me another accessory for combat before replying. “Well, Luke is Hermes kid. You wouldn’t have guessed it but he, like most kids, hate their parents. He despises his dad, which is understandable. And for some odd reason, he gets super defensive and competitive when it comes to battles. Thinks he has to prove something to someone because he thinks his parent isn’t the strongest. It’s all about titles to him.” 
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I nod along to her words but ask about the other boy, not caring much about the first. “And Shawn? What about him?” She talks while she ties her boots. “Well I think Luke just hangs out with Shawn because of his parental title-” I sheath my sword, standing up straighter. “What do you mean? Who is his parent?” When she looked back at me, I expect her to tell me the name of a small god but instead it’s someone who rattles me. “He’s the son of Zeus.” I drop my shoe in shock, nearly dropping the rest of my stuff. Annabeth laughs. “Yeah. He usually has that affect on women.” I scoff, shaking my head before resting my hands on my hips. “Pff. No! I was just surprised. Um, that’s pretty rare, isn’t it?” 
She nodded, grabbing her sword before following me out onto the battlefield. “Yeah, it is. Percy and him are the only two sons of the big three. There hasn’t been a third son but I’m hoping it’s a girl. I think Luke is using Shawn and Percy’s friendship to get ahead during the trials and fights. It’s vile.” I nod along to her voice. She was definitely Athena’s kid, brilliant and tactical. “Okay so, what are you gonna teach me so that I’ll be prepared. I want to be as good as you.” Annabeth took a few steps back, stretching her muscles. “That might take some time.” I drew my sword and grinned up at her. “I’m a good learning.” Before I knew it, she ran towards me and our swords crashed together. “Let’s get started.” 
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Annabeth is a brutal teacher but she’s nothing like Ares teachers. They’re ruthless and cruel, just like their god father. I half expect them to have sharp teeth. We practice for nearly two days straight I almost don’t notice it’s been that long. With only fruits, vegetables and water to keep us going, we keep fighting. It’s nothing but exhilarating. We’re dueling and running circles around one another so much I barely acknowledge the ever growing crowd that’s decided to make their way towards us, intrigued by our fight and what we have to offer, what I have to offer. I barrel towards her, dodging whatever attacks she intends to throw my way before slamming my sword down on her. When they clash, sparks fly. Our faces a mere few inches apart as we growl at one another before separating again. 
“How long have they been going at it?” I hear Percy ask Grover. To which he responded with. “Two days straight. A few breaks here and there but I’ve never seen someone hold a fight with Annabeth and not fall over. It’s incredible.” Luke and Shawn stand near the other two boys, watching us closely. I almost feel bad for Shawn but I’m then reminded that I don’t really know him. “Getting tired yet?” Annabeth asks me with a shit-eating grin. I stand up straighter with an equally as warming smile before getting into my fighting position. “Not even close.” The sounds of our swords clashing together echoed all throughout the camp. There wasn’t one person who knew we were fighting. She slams her sword down and instead of hitting me, smashes the grass. 
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I turn over my shoulder to dodge her attack before making one of my own. When I reach my sword out, hers matches my movements. The tips threatening to cut the others throat. “You’re a fast learner.” She says, smiling up at me. We mutually sheath our weapons and examine the others sweaty state. “Gods, I need a shower.” I say, wiping off the sweat that dripped down all parts of my body. “I think the boys disagree.” Turning over my shoulder to see what she meant, Luke stares at me like I’m a prize, like I’m meat to be won over. Grover and Percy look at me as friends do, with pride. But I can’t quite pin Shawn’s facial expression. His is a mixture of things. Some I can’t read, others I can. It’s pride for a friend but with a hint of attraction, lust. “I think you’ve caught the golden boys eye.” 
I eye him up and down and watch as he does the same for me. I can’t help but take Annabeth’s previous words into consideration. If this battle is as important to Luke as she says it is, than how important is Shawn to him. What does he have to offer? What are his powers? Do they have limits? What if Shawn isn’t as innocent as people believe him to be? What if he’s just as wrapped up about the hierarchy as Luke is? Annabeth and I head over to the showers, very much in need of some soap. But the whole time I can’t help but ponder that all of this seems to dive deeper than I think. 
(I hope you guys liked it! This is just the introduction to the series. I think I’m gonna make it a 2-3 parter series. Comment below! I love suggestions and feedback!)
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yangsbandana · 3 years
Raven as Hades and Qrow as Hermes, so that when Yang and Qrow find out Blake made a deal with Raven it makes the whole ordeal even more personal now. Raven left Yang with Qrow obviously. Plus that final confrontation btw Orpheus and Hades has the same vibes as the Yang and Raven talk. Also it would be Raven like to basically kidnap her daughter's girlfriend
Forgot to add to the hades raven and qrow hermes post but Summer Persophone too. Just imagine Yang singing a song so beautiful it helps her parents reconcile. (I'd like to imagine part of the reason they were fighting was bc of Raven's decision to leave Yang with Qrow)
i keep trying to formulate an intelligent response to these thoughts, but mostly my brain is just going 'emotional rosebird reconciliation thoughts go brrrrrrrrrrrrr'
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lostpeace · 3 years
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Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, the harvest, and the changing of seasons.
She was the foremost Greek deity of agricultural matters, and she brought the yearly cycle of seasons in reaction to her daughter Persophone’s descent into the underworld. When she is taken her grief causes fall and winter, and when they are reunited her joy causes spring.
She and her daughter were the central deities of the Eleusinian Mysteries, and they were said to grant their initiates entry into the fields of Elysium.
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mulderscully · 4 years
in reference to the lucifer theory, i’ve always imagined it ending with immortal chloe bc her name means fertility in reference to the greek goddess demeter and me being the mythology dork i am in love with chloe being lucifer’s persephone (daughter of demeter) since lucifer is the abrahamic religion’s hades maybe that’s just me bc i love spirituality and learning about religions and stuff and yeah :)
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but for real, i do think it is on purpose. i also noticed chloe wears a lot of green lately which is persophone's color. her green s4 outfit with the masks and then her green suit in 5x01 👀
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ivy-kissobryos · 4 years
On Pomegranate and the Dead
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The pomegranate fruit is commonly associated with Persophone and the Underworld, but the tree itself also has associations with the dead in various Asian superstitions, especially in Chinese and Thai beliefs. I’ll speak about what I know from growing up in Thailand.
When a person enters a year in which they are ชง - meaning “unlucky” or “cursed” in - they are greatly discouraged to attend a funeral. Likewise, you shouldn’t attend someone else’s funeral if someone close to you is gravely ill. A way to still go to the funeral whilst counteracting this bad luck is to bring a pomegranate branch with you, keep it somewhere on your person such as in your pocket throughout the event. Before entering into your home, also use a pomegranate branch to cleanse yourself by dipping it in water and washing the water over you.
From words of mouth, it is said that the pomegranate prevents malicious spirits or lost souls from following you home, and protects you from malign entities. Also, I don’t exactly know why, but there is also a superstition that if you have a daughter in your home then you should also have a pomegranate tree in front of your house - that was why my family had the tree planted in my front yard.
For its supposed protective properties especially when dealing with the dead, I often incorporate pomegranate leaves and branches in protection jars. I also believe that they are effective when used as a wand to consecrate objects, or when mixed with other herbs in the process of creating holy water.
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
Keith as Nico di angelo and Lance as Percy Jackson.
But Lance was never claimed so he assumed he was Hermes kid he meshed well with them.
But once Keith got claimed so did lance and then shiro their dads had some sort of rivalry.
They didn’t account for the three to fall in love with each other. After and intense mission to save medusa. For lance. Personophene for Keith and Ganymede for Shiro.
Lance is also adopted by aphrodite goddess of the sea which passes on her powers so Lance can make people listen and share secrets with him like a siren.
1 Lance is really nice and open with people until he realises that both Keith and Shiro are Roman descendants and not greek so they clash a little, Keith insults greeks and Lance is offended.
2 dinner and theres a party and lance is in the middle of it trying to get the daughter of Athena (Allura) To dance with him and that’s when it happens. Shiro is claimed by zues and everyone applauds then Keith by Hades and hears other say (it was so obvious he was an emo) But then lance is claimed by poseidan and everyone just stops and stares. What?
3 Lance is mad, he was a hermes kid wasn’t he? He looked like them, he had the same jaw line and nose and they all got along so well...this had to be a mistake and why now? He blames the new kids and this is when the party Lance becomes grouchy. And Allura hates his guts because athena and poseidan are rivals
4 They get a quest (to save the victims by the abuse if the main three gods. Ganymede, Medusa with Aphrodite, Persephone)
5. Ganeymede. The boy who was stolen, raped and made into Zues personell wine waiter then demoted to a fate taxi cab telepromter. Boy he hates Shiro because who can actually hurt Zues? he is what clues them in on rape victims which narrows it down immedietly and when Lance realises that Medusa is next for him and Keith looks horrified that they're all related to rapists, but Shiro felt relieved since at the end of the day does it stop at ganeymede or will it keep going- they are giving tokens once they have won.
6. Personophene and Keith, Keith apologises since Personophene hates Hades he thought and she blinks “I’m a god, I don’t eat. Period. I knew underworld food would keep me trapped I hadn’t eaten in months and all of a sudden I’m peckish? Pul-ease.” Keith blinked confused.
“And I don’t hate you, you didn’t ask to be born. And I know Hades returns to me in the end.” Personophene brushes his cheek “You have his eyes, maybe thats why I can’t bring myself to hate you.”
8. Lance remembers his mother, and he always heard the tale of Medusa and thought it was sad. So when they go to the statues, and realise it’s people Lance keeps talking about how sorry he was and how being how she looks was to protect herself, Lance wanted to sacrifice himself and asked to let Keith and Shiro go to save kids. Medusa turns him to stone then aphrodite turns him back and medusa decides to fight against rapists and attack them instead of taking it out of posedions kids.
Journey towards the west,
And save the tragic three,
Punished by thy fathers,
For their own luxary,
Succeed and save more lifes from this venture,
Remember to be calm and endure their gruelling temper.
Lance hides behind a pillar panting with a cut down his cheek. Oh god he was going to die!
Lance turned to see Shiro lunge forward eyes closed “If you want a fight come and get me!”
Lance gaped what?
Lance scowled and saw Shiro with the shield looking through the mirror, and froze, Shiro always fought in gladiator fights, he was always the hero the sel sacrificing idiot. And Medusa she was scorned by posidion. This was his fight.
Keith- he had no idea where he was but, he stood up from behind the pillar luckily seeing the hose pipe in the corner. He used it and yelled.
"Medusa!" He heard her move and shivered waiting for the attack.
"Lance no!"
He aimed his water and it stopped her short, only for a second "I surrender!"
"...What?" She paused and Lance took a breath keeping his eyes shut. "Medusa, I always heard stories about you, some saw it differently, that athena changed you so no man would ever hurt you ever again not in that way- but it didn't matter because men take what they want regardless of what you look like."
He was shaking his water diminishing "I may be son of posedion but I am digusted by what he did and want nothing to do with him, but if you want to take revenge against him by hurting me," he outstretched his arms "That's fine- just let the other two go- they did nothing to hurt you, you can do whatever you want to me, but please, let them go."
"Why should I listen to your pleas? When posedian and Athena never listened to mine?"
"Because you'll be no better than them, just a monster preying on someone weak for your own justification."
"I am nothing like them."
"Then let my friends go...please."
Medusa tiled her head considering "Maybe I should do to you what posediian did to me," she leaned closer the snakes hissing across his cheek and Lance trembled "Send you back to your god with the pieces left, to show him what he did to me."
"He wouldn't care, he has thousands of children in the roman camp, percy is his favourite." She growled "Percy ripped my head off and stuck in a drunk mans fridge." Lance grimaced "And if you kill everyone of posedions children it won't make a difference."
"True, but it'll make me feel better."
"Then you won't be different than your tormentors."
"You know nothing, demigod."
oops she was pissed.
"Look at that." Lance pointed, knowing in the garden and where he was guessing he was pointing at the right thing.
"That is a child correct?"
"Did she deserve it? Was she any different than you? Her mother or father here? Did they honestly come here to attack you-"
"Well...no- but they-"
"Please, Medusa, they are people out there that hurt others the way posedion hurt you, ones who deserve justice. But not here. Not in this garden- it's your cage."
"No it's my haven and they still come here and hurt me."
"Then why stay? No matter what people will still try to use you- don't let them. I won't speak for Athena but, giving you the power to turn people to stone with just a look before they could even get ten feet in front of you, making your lower half a snake, making your hair venoumous, Those seem like tools to me, to stop people from touching you ever again."
Lance held his head up high his body trembling.
"As a son of posedion I'll take responsibility, but posedion himself wont since he won't see he's done nothing wrong, you can't hurt him so you hurt others weaker than you."
"you're a bully medusa, if anything that's worse, because you want people to hurt as much as you but you should know better and know how it feels to be violated."
"Stop it."
Lance opened his eyes and Medusa was looking away covering her face he gaped.
He took a step forward and she hissed "Don't look at me!"
He flinched ripping his arm back "I...I am terribly sorry, Medusa. You- no one deserves that. But staying here...it's not healthy. To repeat this over and over again until another demi-god kills you?"
She still had her face covered and Lance bit his lip "Medusa? C-can I touch you?"
She didn't move until a stiff nod.
He took a hesitent stop forward then hugged her, his hands only around her stomach and felt her tremble.
"It's okay to be mad, Medusa." She was trembling "It wasn't my fault."
"No it wasn't."
She started weeping falling to the ground and Lance moved with her.
"You- you need token to go to Hades?" She asked them finally wearing her sunglasses and hijab to cover her hair, Lance nodded "If you don't mind- if not we can go that's tottally okay-"
"No, it's the least I can do and...leaving here would probably be best for me"
A/N Another thing, why would Persphone and the lotus people have tokens to get to the underworld? Like the lotus and Nico and his sister so did persophone not care or know they were there? I mean the lotus would've told her since they're bffs who's visitng perce for tea partys and Medusa? I know people think Hades/Persphone are good but there;s different sides on one hand they are like beauty and the beast on the other, perse is another rape victim. I know I didn't write this correctly.
I just tried to write it the best I can but Lance has a reason for Medusa trusting him, even though he's the son of poseidon.
“Cone on Keith wheres your sense of humour!”
“Lance, no.”
Lance grabbed his arm and dragged him backwards towards the carnival with Shiro following behind. Lance pulled Keith onto every ride forced him to eat cotton candy but what stopped Keith from snapping at the kid.
Was when Lance played a shooting range gane and gave Keith a hippo.
“Only the best for the prettiest boy.”
Lance grabbed his hand and pulled Keith fir more open stalls with merchendise.
Keithseyes were shinning theough the whole trip and Shiro was able to watch it all.
Carnival leads to persophene
After Aphrodite crisis to pair the three up.
Lance jumps at the teenage girl sitting at the pool beside him, “So why don’t you try them, I know you like them.” Lance flushed “What?”
“It’s obvious, except not obvious enough for those two. Love does make a person go blind.” Lance shook his head “What no? Come between Keith and Shiro?”
She looked amused as he babbled “I can’t do that to them, they’ve been through so much.” Lance looked over to the two his eyes softening “Shiro has been hurt so many times, gladiator fights? It was compeltely barbaric and his hair is white- and Keith he’s a demon with a sword and can raise skeletons from the dead! Both are so strong but only vunerable around each other...they’re perfect for each other. When I think of Soulmates I think of them two...I hope I can find someone like them one day.”
“Like them? Why not just court them, I doubt the two would mind.”
“Making them pick each other or me? That’s stepping down.” Lance said unknowing why this stranger tried to sabotage Keith and Shiro, was she a siren? If so it wasn’t working.
She shook her head “No, it is possible to be partners with three people. I should know, Hephaestus is very accepting of who I am and who I bed with.”
“Heph- wait.” Lance’s eyes widened in shock as he looks at the golden teen properly.
She was big, round belly and thick legs and arms with golden healthy hair curling at her shoulders her face plump lips tilted into a smile as sea green eyes seemed to swirl, unnatural. God like.
She looked exactly like the painting, Venus stepping out of her sea shell.
She stroked his face “We share waters, both are lovers of the sea.” She kissed his cheek “If Gods could adopt demi-children, all of Poseidon's folk would be mine. Artemis can do it, why can’t I?”
Lance gaped “I can’t turn my back on poseidon he’ll drown me.” She smiled “What’s wrong with co-parenting? Do him proud by defending his name and waters and do me proud,” She nudged his shoulder and glancing at Keith and Shiro “By falling in love.” Lance’s eyes widened “I give my blessing, and I wouldn’t do this for a lost cause I stoke the fires for love. Never extinguishing them.” Lance blinked and she was gone.
The beautiful teenager, Aphrodite.” Lance stepped out of the pool and almost stumbled at the looks Keith and Shiro had sending his way.
“What? What’d I do?”
“What were you doing?”
Lance shrugged “Having fun at the pool what of it?”
“Why sid that girl kiss your cheek?”
Lance blinked at Keiths angry response, any other time he would’ve felt hurt but he paused at what aprodite just said, he swallowed suddenly nervous but had to ask.
“Why? You jelous?”
Keith scowled “Lets just go,” Shiro gave him a look then followed “Come on we’re on a mission.”
Lance watched the two walk away his heart twisting. Keith didnt answer his question.
Ganeymede they use their powers keith summons dinasaurs lance dives underwater to save shiro (ganeymede drowns shiro as zues cant save him)
Ganeymede “Zues is gay!?”
Both Ganeymede Keith and shiro raised an eyebrow “Ih yeah, who wasn’t gay with the greek gods.” Lance felt as if his whole life was a lie.
“I feel like I should know this as a fellow gay,”
Keith oatted his head “Your a newbie gay it’ll take a while to figure out.”
Now the weird part “We uh, this is going to blow up in our faces isnt it.”
“Posidion, Zues, Hades?” Dont they think they’ll be mad
Thunddr lighting
You had to say it
Hades! How can you just stand there do something about your son!
Hades: i dont really care?
First nico now keith ? I dont care!
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ofxdarkness · 4 years
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:・゚ ♔ ▸ ( margot robbie, 26 (unknown), female, she/her, demon, succubi ) It’s been a while since we’ve seen PERSEPHONE ‘SEPH' XOKOLETH . I hear they’re a DEMON/SUCCUBUS and they reside on the EAST. They’re known to frequent HYPNOS & TOS and have made a place at DOMINION. Some may say they act RECKLESS & POSSESSIVE, while others claim they are CHARMING & LIGHT-HEARTED. With that being said, they’ve found the State of Calamity.
• do. not. call. her. persophone. 
• do. not. ask. if. she. is. the. greek. persophone. (because she is)
• as old as time itself, seph barely remembers the day she was born. she spent centuries in hell torturing the damned, sneaking to earth only to feed and then going back to continue her parents’ bidding. one of the most responsible demons out there, a perfect trophy daughter some may say.
• but as time went by, she would sneak to earth more and more, finding it quite better there. she loved it there. the thrill, the passion...the all-you-can-eat human soul buffet. she chose to leave the hellscape and found herself at the dominion.
• she is quite different than most succubi. she rarely kills her human feeders, finding humans to be rather interesting. however, don’t mistake that for weakness. she’s a soldier and has no greater pleasure than to fight. she uses a special kind of demon blades that were forged in hell.
• a charmer through and through. quite spoiled.
• wanted connections: - lovers - enemies - human souls she feeds on constantly - mother/father-like figure
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sarcastrophics · 4 years
cont. from discord:
The God of the underworld reached for a cool strawberry, only half aware of the irony that he was savoring fruits only available due to her mother's feat as Goddess of Agriculture. And how had he repaid the goddess? By snatching her daughter right under her nose. Not that that he had any regrets. His greatest threat - Zeus - had been informed and permitted the abduction. No one else would challenge him. Not even Demeter. "You could ask questions," Hades suggested lightly, giving a slight shrug. "There's not much else one can do to forge a bond. Other than allow time." And he might not have all the time in the world. There was a nagging voice in the back of his mind that whispered: Demeter might find a way to rebel. And if they never consummated their marriage, she had more of leg to stand on to riot. Regardless, Hades had no desire to make Persophones his for the sake of safety. They were in the underworld. His turf. He couldn't imagine Demeter trying to penetrante the underworld, not when everyone knew what was to be found here. And he couldn't imagine Zeus denying him his sole request in this existence.
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She still sat stiff and clearly uncomfortable, not daring to look at this man’s face who she was supposed to marry. He was not being bad to her --- not yet, but she didn’t trust that. Fruit was served and it was for her, but she felt a big knot in her stomach that didn’t allow her to eat. Persephone huffed at his offer “how generous,” she muttered to herself, hoping he could hear her and at the same time feeling his wrath what might happen if she disobeyed. Time. He spoke about time. The rest of her life. And she was still so young and had a lot ahead of her. She let out a deep sigh, now daring to look him into his eyes. “Alright. I don’t even know where to start but… what do you want from this? You want to marry me --- and then? What happens?” She dropped her shoulders, starting to feel ease. “I don’t know why I am here… other than… you hate my father.”
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alj4890 · 5 years
None But You
(Thomas x Amanda) in a regency AU as requested by @pixieferry
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(Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) A Choices Red Carpet Diaries Fan Fiction
Chapter 5
A/N Here we go again. I decided we needed one more Choices character to pop up. I have a feeling another shall show up in the next one. Won't this couple act right and allow these interruptions to stop? Again, the chapter got away from me. Hopefully, Lord Thomas can remedy things.
Summary: Lord Thomas introduces Lady Amanda to a possible suitor. At a dinner party and recital (aka torture for our characters) Lady Amanda has an unfortunate encounter with that lecherous duke. Screeches that are claimed to be music and depraved nobles, surely nothing worse can happen...right?
@graceful-popcorn @krsnlove @alleksa16 @hopelessromantic1352 @pixieferry @emceesynonymroll @buzz-bee-buzz @hopefulmoonobject @cora-nova @rainbowsinthestorm @lxaah11 @dr-nancy-house @friedherringclodthing @aworldoffandoms @i-bloody-love-drake-walker
Chapter 5
"Where the devil is Hunt?" Lord Ryan muttered.
"He did not say much in the note he sent this morning." Sir Chris explained. "He only asked that I escort Lady Amanda here."
The two gentleman scanned the grounds of Hyde Park while Lady Amanda and Lady Millie egged each other on with much laughter as they raced down Rotten Row. 
"Chestnut will never allow that tiny excuse of a horse of yours to beat him again." Amanda teased. "I believe the only reason he has lost a few times is because he is quite skittish around insects and mistakes her for one."
"Ha! Bold words about that weak gelding of yours." Millie's blue eyes glowed with laughter. "Persephone knows nothing but winning." She patted her black mare while crooning how wonderful she was.
"Ignore them, Chestnut." Amanda whispered. "Millie has no appreciation for magnificent horse flesh."
Her horse tossed his head as if in agreement, drawing a laugh from his mistress. She sat up straight and searched the grounds again. Where was Lord Thomas? She had hoped to see him this morning.
After a night spent thinking on all he had said the previous day, she needed to observe his behavior toward her. Could an attachment be developing? She found her heart race faster than the horses at the very thought. No wonder so many ladies sighed over his appearance in a room. He was a man one would have difficulty ignoring.
"I wonder where he is?" Millie whispered to her.
"Who?" Amanda feigned ignorance. If Millie were to find out how much her friend was falling for the viscount, there would be no stopping her matchmaking endeavors.
Millie rolled her blue eyes. "Lord Hunt!" She apologized to Persophone for her harsh tone. "He should have escorted you."
"Perhaps some other matter demanded his attention."
Millie noticed Amanda's attempt to avoid eye contact. A slight gasp escaped her lips. "You feel something for him!"
Amanda turned her horse and began to trot away. "Friendship, Millie. That is all."
"Look me in the eye and repeat that, please." Millie nudged her mare to catch up.
Amanda glared at her friend and burst out laughing when Millie smiled brightly in response. "You are wretched." She teased.
Millie nodded in agreement. "And yet, you love me anyway. Now answer truthfully. Have you developed a tendre´ for Viscount Kirkwood?"
Amanda's shoulders drooped. "Yes." Her hazel eyes cut to Millie. "Please do nothing about this." She pleaded when she could practically see the plans form in her friend's bright blue eyes.
"Do nothing? I shall do all I can to see you both before the altar of St. George's in your finest clothes. Lady Lucy and I will plan the entire ceremony and reception. Mamma will insist on doing her part also. Who should escort you down the aisle? Perhaps--"
"I shall never trust you with another secret." Amanda hissed. Her worry grew with each word coming from Millie's lips. "I beg of you, do nothing. If Lord Thomas has feelings for me, then I do not doubt he will act upon them in his own time."
Millie dismissed her concern. "My dearest friend, men do not act upon marriage. We must push and prod them into believing it was their idea to propose." She reached over and squeezed Amanda's fingers. "Have no fear. I have the matter well in hand."
"Millie!" Amanda nearly screeched when her friend now turned bane of her existence took off at a gallop. "There will be no stopping her now." She confided to Chestnut. "We will be forced to flee the country."
Thomas searched the park for the party he was supposed to meet nearly an hour ago. He turned his head when he heard his name called out and saw Ryan and Chris wave him over. "There they are." He told the gentleman next to him.
Chris squinted. "Summers, is that the count from Spain that Thomas introduced us to the other night?"
Ryan narrowed his eyes. "The Conde de Vigo. I wonder why he invited him to...damn." Ryan's frown deepened. "Winters, Hunt is going to try and make a match between Lady Amanda and Lord Rodriguez."
"No!" Chris exclaimed. "Surely he wouldn't put himself through that. He--" He shook his head as he watched Thomas introduce the two to one another. "He is mad enough to spite himself."
"Quite." Ryan bit out. "Come. Let us see if we can redirect our friend's misguided decision."
"Lady Amanda Bridgerton, allow me to introduce an old friend of mine, Lord Matthew Rodriguez, the Count of Vigo." The two greeted each other politely.
"It is a pleasure to meet you." Matthew smiled warmly at her. "I have heard much about you."
Amanda smiled back. "I am very happy to meet you, my lord. Do you come to England often?"
"I live here half the time." He explained. "My mother is the Marquis of Winchelsea's only daughter and through my late grandmother, I inheirted a Scottish title and holding near Dumfries." He explained.
"Rogriguez." She mumbled as a thought came to her. "I know that name! Your mother was the lady in one of the most romantic tales from the ton!"
His smile flashed. "Is that still being told?"
"Every lady hopes to find such a love as your father had for your mother." Amanda replied. "The serenades and public declarations are something many wish would happen." Her smile grew dreamy while Millie chimed in with questions.
"Did he actually climb his way into her opera box when he first saw her?" Millie asked.
"He was always one with a flair for the dramatics. If he had not been a noble, I daresay he would have joined a theater troupe." Matthew answered with a chuckle. "He once told me that he had thought he was seeing an angel when she appeared. He knew he had to meet her and could not wait for either intermission or finding a set of stairs."
"How romantic." Millie sighed deeply.
"They were very happy together." Matthew said with a far away look in his eye. "Once they became better acquainted, he knew that she was the only one for him. He spent the rest of the season wooing her with every extravagant method he could think of to show her how much he loved her."
"Oh to be courted like that." Millie murmured. "So many gentlemen today believe that one merely has to announce their title and hint at a fortune and we will tumble into matrimony with them."
Thomas had kept his eyes upon Amanda throughout the story and noticed a slight expression of sadness grow with the talk of courtship. She averted her eyes and turned her horse. "Thank you all for inviting me to ride this morning. I am afraid though that I must return home. Aunt Lucy made plans for us this afternoon."
"You will be attending Lady Vaughn's dinner party and recital tonight?" Millie asked.
"Yes, of course." Amanda bowed her head to the gentlemen. "Good day to you, my lords and sir." Before Thomas could stop her, she touched her heel to Chestnut's side and trotted away with one of the grooms from her stable following close behind.
Not too long after her departure, Lord Ryan escorted Lady Millie home. Along the way, she questioned him about the count.
"Are you acquainted with Lord Rodriguez?" She glanced over her shoulder to make certain the man was nowhere near enough to hear them.
"To a certain extent." Ryan answered.
"And?" She prodded.
"And what?" He asked.
"And what do you think of him?" Her tone held a note of impatience he recognized as one he heard often from her during the social season.
Ryan shrugged. "He's affable. Decent shot. Plays a brilliant hand of cards." He noticed how irritated she was with his answers. "Millie, simply ask what you truly wish to know since my observations are not satisfying you."
"Is he the type of gentleman a lady should hope pursues her?"
His head whipped around toward her. "Lady Millicient Rawlings! I am surprised at you."
She stuck her tongue out at him before tossing her nose up in the air. "I am asking for Lady Amanda."
Ryan's jaw clinched. Was he going to have to now worry about her interference with his plan for Thomas amd Amanda? "Lord Rodriguez exhibits all the traits of a gentleman. Whether or not he is one Lady Amanda should have as a suitor, is neither here nor there."
Millie frowned at his words. "What about Kirkwood?"
Ryan narrowed his eyes. "I have a definite opinion concerning his suitability for Lady Amanda." A few moments of silent study passed between the two of them. "And it appears you do too."
Millie slowly nodded. "If I am not mistaken, you and Sir Christopher are of the same opinion."
"We are." He grit his teeth at her continued silence. "What are your thoughts on the matter?"
"I believe Lord Hunt would make an excellent suitor for Lady Amanda."
"So do Chris and I." He relaxed in his saddle before a slow, devious smile appeared on his face. "Care to join forces?"
She laughed and held her hand out to seal the deal. "We have an accord."
"Lord Hunt! I must say I am surprised at your appearance." Lady Vaughn teased. The elderly matron leaned upon her cane while greeting him.
"Oh?" He quirked an eyebrow in question.
"I believe the last time you attended one of my parties it was due to your mother's persuasion." She explained. "Since that blessed saint is no longer with us, might I ask what led you to accept my invitation?"
"Clearly it was due to your polite manners and restraint at asking personal questions that drew me to your door." He replied.
She chuckled at his sarcasm. "When you get to be my age, you see no need in beating around the bush." She gave him a push. "Go and find what truly caused you to come. I have other guests to torment."
He shook his head at her nerve and entered her drawing room. Without thinking, he immediately began to search for one lady in particular.
"What did you think of the Count of Vigo?" Millie whispered.
"Hmm?" Amanda snapped out of her musings of a certain viscount. "He seemed pleasant."
"Pleasant?" Millie blinked in surprise. "Pleasant! Did you not notice how handsome and charming he was?"
"Yes, of course." Amanda hastily answered. "It would be difficult to not notice such."
"You had me worried there for a moment." Millie brushed the stray blonde curls from her face and began to fan herself. She searched the room for another subject to talk about and paused when she saw who was coming their way. "Oh no."
"What is it?" Amanda asked. Her eyes lifted and collided with a set of hooded dark ones. Her face drained of color. "Millie? Where shall we--"
"Good evening, my ladies." Viktor bowed before them, smirking at their necessary deep curtsies.
"Your grace." They muttered.
He took Millie's hand and kissed it before grasping Amanda's. He surreptitiously tugged her closer as his lips brushed her knuckles. "I was planning on taking a turn outside for some air before the dinner begins. You will accompany me."
Amanda's lips parted yet no words seemed to form as her hand was placed on his arm and he led her to the open doors.
Millie searched for someone to help and noticed Thomas staring at the empty doorway where the duke and Amanda disappeared.
She hurried over to his side. "Lord Hunt, he did not ask her."
His dark eyes flashed with fury as he nodded and stalked outside.
"Your grace, I must return to my aunt." Amanda sturggled in Viktor's embrace. Panic was growing rapidly at his unyielding strength. "Let me go!"
"Nonsense. Any matron would be pleased if I singled out one of their charges. Your aunt understands this and is no doubt quite proud of your ability to catch my attention." His arms tightened around her, pressing her even more against his body. "Most believe it is past the time I chose a duchess."
Her struggles grew frantic as he lowered his lips to hers. A strangled scream escaped when his mouth captured hers in a kiss. He made a tsking sound. "My lady, if you make too much noise you will be embroiled in a scandal. What man will court you after that?"
"Unhand her this instant!"
Both turned and Viktor narrowed his eyes. "Who the blazes are you?"
"Lord Rodriguez!" Amanda breathed in wonder. Her eyes widened when he grabbed Viktor's wrist and twisted it until a whimper of pain escaped the duke's mouth. Matthew took Amanda's hand and pulled her away, manuevering the two until he was between her and the duke.
"Do not come near her again." He warned.
"Do you know who I am?" Viktor snarled. "You can not--"
"I can." The count took a menacing step forward. "I will not allow you to assault her with unwanted attentions again."
Viktor cautiously backed up a step. His eyes widened when he saw Thomas appear behind Amanda. He shook a fist at him. "You will regret this."
"Doubtful." Thomas replied. Amanda turned so quickly at the sound of his voice behind her that she nearly fell. His hands steadied her.
She gripped his arms and began to tremble with the realization of what had nearly occurred. Matthew and Thomas kept their attention on Viktor until he left out the back gate and called for his carriage.
Thomas gently smoothed the strands of hair that had escaped the silk ribbons behind her ear. "Did he hurt you?" His voice was low and filled with concern.
She lifted her eyes to his. "Not very much." Her trembling grew and she took a step forward into Thomas's arms. He held her close as she shook. Matthew observed them quietly while a hint of a smile grew.
"I will go inside and make certain no one notices your absence." The count promised. He started to leave when Amanda called out to him.
"Thank you, my lord. I am indebted to you. I don't know what--" She swallowed uneasily and turned her face away.
Matthew gently patted her shoulder. "Think nothing of it. I am glad I could be of assistance." He nodded to Thomas then quickly made his way back inside.
Thomas kept his arms around her as she tried to calm down. His lips brushed her forehead as he spoke. "What can I do?"
She looked up at him with tears forming. "Oh Thomas." She buried her face against His neck. Her shoulders shook as she took a deep breath before confessing. "He kissed me."
Thomas's arms tightened in reaction to her words. A rage he had never dreamt himself capable of feeling roiled through him. He listened silently as she told him of Viktor instructing her to remain quiet if she intended to find a gentleman willing to court her.
"Do you think he will leave me alone?" She asked.
Thomas knew most likely that this would spur him into pursuing her even more. "I will make certain he does." He promised.
She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the comfort of his arms. When she eased away, he watched as she tried to smooth her features into a calm, slightly bored expression before entering the house. "Thank you for remaining with me."
He bowed his head. "My regret is not being here sooner."
Her eyes searched his, for what he was unsure. "I believe the duke will leave me alone if I have a definite suitor intent on marrying me, a more permanent protector."
A muscle spasmed in Thomas's jaw. "I believe you are correct." He could practically taste the bitterness of his next words. "I think Lord Rodriguez would make an excellent suitor for you."
Amanda's eyes widened. "You do?"
He nodded, unable to get the word yes to form on his tongue.
She took a few steps back from him and straightened her posture. "Thank you for your opinion on the matter and for coming to my aid." She gave a brief curtsy and left him to walk towards the doors.
Thomas followed after a few minutes to not draw gossip. He wondered why he felt the urge to grab her and make her disagree with him. Make her say that there was only one man for her and it was not Matthew. Remind him of how perfect she felt in his arms each time he comforted her. Demand he kiss her and remove any lingering feeling of Viktor's lips on hers.
His face must have reflected the emotions he was bombarded with, if the people avoiding him were any indication. He searched the room for Amanda and wondered where she had disappeared to. He approached Lady Millie in the hopes that she knew where the lady was.
"How is she?" He asked in a low voice.
"Shaken." She answered. "To tell you truly, Lord Thomas, I am worried. Her cheeks were drained of all color." Millie searched his face for any indication he knew why.
Thomas swallowed uncomfortably. "Do you know where she is?"
"I believe she-- oh! There she is." Millie nodded toward the fireplace. Amanda had joined her aunt and a few other dowagers. Her practiced expression of polite interest was firmly in place, yet even from this distance he could tell she was not paying attention to the conversations.
The dinner gong rang and the crowd was lined up to enter Lady Vaughn's dining room. Thomas felt his irritation grow at the lady's misguided notion that intimate dinner parties had at the very least eighty guests. He was given a viscount's simpering widow to escort and attempted to see who had Amanda.
"I am happy to see you so well recovered." Lord Matthew said in a low voice.
Amanda smiled softly at him. "And I am happy you were there. If you continue to rescue ladies, you will outshine your late father as the favorite romantic hero of the ton."
He laughed and shook his head while picking up his wine glass. "I doubt that is possible."
"We shall see." She replied. Amanda did her best to keep her eyes from looking directly in front of her. Of all the gentlemen at the party Lady Vaughn could seat there, it had to be Lord Thomas.
With disgust at her own weakness, she glanced up and found his attention solely on her. The two ladies that sat on either side of him had given up engaging him in conversation after their questions were met with grunts or one syllable words. He was free to watch her without interruption. His signature frown firmed when she turned back to Matthew.
"Tell me of Vigo. Is it more inland or near the ocean?" She encouraged the count to speak about his home in Spain and then of the one he had near Dumfries throughout the dinner.
Thomas never wavered in his perusal. He knew each time she attempted to see if he was still watching her. Her cheeks would flare with brief color and she would hurriedly ask Matthew something else.
When the ladies were dismissed to the drawing room so that the gentlemen could enjoy their port and cigars, Amanda nearly genuflected. A moment away from Thomas and his penetrating eyes were all she asked for. She linked her arm through Millie's to keep herself from dashing out of the dining room.
"Thomas, I know you said that Lady Amanda and I would make a smart match." Matthew swirled his port while thinking of how to phrase his observations. "Yet, I think someone else might be better suited for her."
Thomas took a long sip of his brandy. "Do you not care for her?"
"I do not know her." Matthew quickly corrected. "She appears to be all you described her as."
"But?" Thomas prodded.
"Come now." Matthew lowered his voice to the barest whisper. "Who's arms did she seek after being rescued?"
Thomas attempted to wave that question away. "Shock and I being nearest to her are the reasons why she did so."
He noticed Matthew's pitying look and gripped his glass. "What?" He bit out.
Matthew placed his hand upon Thomas's shoulder in sympathy. "Try not to make too big of a muck out of your courtship."
"Lady Vaughn is either hearing impaired or she truly enjoys watching others suffer." Millie winced when one of the relatives of the elderly hostess caused her violin to screech yet again.
Amanda turned her attention to Lady Vaughn and noticed the maniacal smile. "I do believe she missed her calling to work at the Tower."
Millie searched in vain through her reticule for something to shove into her ears. "How many ladies must we listen to?"
"Two more and then a quartet." She whispered.
Millie's groan echoed in the room and she quickly ducked down in her chair. "Did Lady Vaughn see me?"
Amanda's lips trembled with laughter. "Yes and I believe she will force you to attend practice sessions with these musical ladies."
Thomas knew it had to be love that was making him remain and have his ears suffer through this infernal noise. He also knew deep down his three closest friends were correct. He needed a chance to speak with Amanda to attempt to rectify his suggestion.
Though he wasn't entirely certain he was ready to, he shuddered with the notion, court her...he did know that the thought of her with any other man was not acceptable. He was going to have to find a way to ease into this courtship.
His eyes flickered over to where she sat. His eyes drifted along her profile and he wondered how he should broach the topic. Should he say anything or simply appear at her door tomorrow to invite her for a walk? He preferred the latter, knowing he would most likely, as Matthew so eloquently phrased it, muck any type of discussion.
As he reviewed his options and ways to phrase his decision to court her, the recital came to a blessed end. The applause rivaled many an opera's due to the crowd being set free to escape to the comforts of home.
Lady Amanda rubbed her aching head. This evening's encounters had left her exhausted. She looked up when her aunt approached and placed a hand on her forehead.
"Dearest? Are you unwell?" Lady Lucinda's concern grew when the pale young lady nodded.
"I think we should go home." Her eyes filled with tears. "I do hate to cut your evening short, Aunt Lucy."
"Nonsense. I can visit these ladies another time." Lucy sent a servant to have their carriage brought around. "You are awfully peaky. I shall go say our farewells to Lady Vaughn. Wait here." Lucy scurried off, leaving Amanda in a dim corner.
"Lady Amanda?"
She let her head drop forward and forced herself to answer. "Forgive me, Lord Thomas. I am not up for conversation."
He cleared his throat and persevered. "My lady, I believe I may have misspoke outside and--"
"Please sir. If you hold any affec...friendship...for me, then do not bring our talk up. You made your feelings quite clear on the matter." She rubbed her pounding head and walked away.
He followed bound and determined to have his say. "I do not believe I made them clear. What I should have said is--"
"Good night Lord Hunt." Amanda grasped her skirt and walked out the front door. He hurried after and helped Lady Lucy into the carriage before assisting Amanda.
His hand gripped hers. "I need to explain."
Lucy quickly jumped in before Amanda lashed out at him. "My lord, she has taken ill and I must get her home. Do feel free to call upon us soon." She called to their coachman to make haste and thanked Thomas as he helped Amanda in.
“Shall I escort you?” He asked.
“No.” Amanda replied. She realized how rude that must have sounded and she softened her tone. “Thank you, Lord Thomas. We should be fine.”
With little choice, he bowed and shut the carriage door. As he watched it drive off into the night, he felt a deep sense of foreboding. Convincing the stubborn young lady of what was in his heart would be no easy task.
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