#pet costs
Break a leg (dp x dc)
"So, the food here is pretty sweet," the girl sitting next to him starts.
Damian hums before remembering he's supposed to be gathering intel and that means he has to talk to people.
"There aren't a lot of vegetarian options," he manages with a tight smile, making sure to look like he is stressed over the audition.
"Oh yeah, that's true," the girl says and falls quiet for a moment.
Damian looks back down at the script he's reading, though he knows the lines by heart. And then the girl speaks up again.
"So how'd you get here?" she says as she swings her legs. "My name's Dani by the way, what's yours?"
Damian folds up the papers carefully. "I'm Stephan," he says. "My agent suggested I try out for a movie role." He offers the girl a convincing shy smile. "How about you?"
"Some guy came up to me and wanted me to audition for this. I thought he was a child trafficker so I followed him. Turns out he wasn't and now I'm here," the girl said before shrugging.
"Why did you follow a man who you thought was a child trafficker?"
"To beat him up," the girl answered.
"Oh." Damian is going to assume that's a joke, if only to preserve his last bit of faith in human intelligence. He's pretty sure every child knows to go away from criminals, not towards.
"Who are you auditioning for?" Dani asks.
"I'm trying for Lennox," Damian answers, shuffling his papers as if nervous.
"A lead," the girl exclaims before extending a fist. "Nice, dude. I believe in you." Damian internally sneers at the gesture but outwardly, he smiles sheepishly and knocks his knuckles against hers. "I'm going for Abigail," the girl continues. "If this goes well, we might end up working together soon, huh?"
"Hopefully," Damian answers with a smile.
Dani smiles back widely and is about to answer when a lady steps out into the room.
"Danielle Nightingale?"
The girl gets to her feet with a chirped "present!" The lady gestures to follow before walking back out. Dani looks over to Damian. "Wish me luck!" she says before twirling away without giving Damian the chance to actually answer.
Damian sits in silence as he looks back down at the script when his earpiece crackles to life.
"Wow, baby bat, that was downright sweet," Brown's whistle comes over the coms. "When's the wedding?"
"I will hurt you," Damian hisses back, hiding his mouth behind the papers.
"Just saying," she sing-songs. "You were awfully chummy out there."
"I was trying to follow your instructions," he bites out quietly. "Or would you have preferred I didn't?"
"No, no, I prefer my civilians un-stabbed," Spoiler answers lightly. "I just didn't know you had it in you."
"I was trained for infiltration," Damian points out. "I know how to lie."
"That is good news because we need you to get on that crew," Brown says. "Ready to blow their minds?"
Damian lets himself have a little smirk, hidden behind the script. "They won't know what hit them."
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l3irdl3rain · 18 days
going to have to start charging people for sending me weird messages on anon. $5 for asking me for medical advice. $20 if you’re mean to me. $100 if you try to get me to talk shit about other people.
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wolfsteax · 5 days
Help Covering Smokey's Vet + Post-Death Bills
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Hey, everyone. I hate having to make a post like this, but we could use some help covering all of the vet + post death care Smokey needed. We had to pay about 1K in the span of a week and it took a toll on us.
If you prefer to help and get something in return, I'm accepting commissions for October completion. Pricing can be found on my pinned post.
Any help truly is appreciated as this was a very unforeseen loss.
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Trans? Need a Name?
i will fucking name you hmu
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wildmelon · 20 days
we have to put my kitty to sleep 💔 I haven’t stopped crying I literally don’t know how to deal with this. it’s scheduled for saturday morning wtf am I supposed to do until then…. I’m so heartbroken she’s only 6
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herder-of-gnorbus · 2 months
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This is the prettiest outfit i've seen in a while!
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
It really is evident to me that cis people, on average, view trans identity as this idea that we transition for social benefit.
I was listening to my manager talk about how she "understands how chicks would want to be guys" because the only thing a guy has to deal with is "awkward boners." She then said she can't "understand how a guy would turn into a chick" because it isn't like "being a chick is all that good."
I had to stop myself from being offended because it's really incorrect what she said. Being cis would be easier. I had to closet myself to make sure I could get this job, so how is my manhood easier than being cis?
This plays into the idea that not only do trans people only identify as their gender for social/financial/political gain, but that being trans even earns you that in the first place. I'm sorry to say, but being trans is not easier than being cis. We don't have anything to gain, politically/socially/financially, by being trans.
I need cis people to understand that this mindset is part of the reason why it's so fucking scary and exhausting to be trans around cis people.
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thehappyvet · 3 months
Veterinary medicine is reliant on universal human healthcare.
If humans are paying out of their own pocket for their healthcare, there's less funds available for their pets.
It's a trend we see often during recessions or cost of living pressures, like people giving their pets up for adoption or trying to stretch out elective procedures or checkups as long as possible while things are tight. It's just one of the things we do to try and ease the financial pressures.
With shifts, particularly in Australia, of reduced bulk billing for GP visits and Medicare struggling to cover most procedures this trend is becoming apparent.
We don't have Medicare for pets. Everything is out of pocket unless you have insurance.
If there's less money due to cost of living pressures and rising healthcare costs sadly pets are one of the things we stop spending money on. And if we do, we might be forced to choose high interest loans that can lead to further pressures.
Universal healthcare is a human right. We deserve to have our health issues covered by the taxes we pay.
But it's also essential for animal health and welfare. If society doesn't have to spend its money on their own health, there's funds available to ensure pets get vital veterinary care including check-ups, dental care and diagnostic procedures. We can act early with less invasive treatment and better chances of success.
Veterinarians struggle to practice preventative medicine and are forced into reactive medicine when human healthcare isn't universal.
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moonilit · 1 year
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sanks · 11 months
I wonder if Shadowheart might’ve been the only one to have her memories wiped for the artefact retrieval mission out of the sharran group (or at least to that extent). I wouldn’t be surprised considering that even after the memory wipe and the hand wound (shock collar) she wavers and starts revealing secrets to the first person who’s remotely decent to her.
Girl is let out of the cloister for 10 mins and she’s already thinking about adopting puppies…
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My cat had to do an ultrasound bc she ate a plastic strand and we were beyond scared she'd have a blockage. Luckily the strand passed the intestine without issues but now she looks like this:
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A piglet
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egberts · 1 year
Pet insurance exists and is very helpful. Vets are some of the lowest paid doctors in the U.S. and clinics are struggling to afford equipment and pay a livable wage to the few employees they have. They're not trying to extort you; imagine if you went to the dentist without insurance and got a full cleaning plus teeth removal plus meds for less than $1000? It'd be a miracle. Vets don't want to charge so much, they and the rest of us in the industry are drowning :(
i wasn't talking about individuals. I was talking about companies, the whole building, the entire practice and industry. not the individual vets that work inside, i have no doubt that the individual veterinarians DO care an incredible amount and I'm sure that they do wish that they could be paid fair wages and do their job for free at the same time, because they went into it for the love of animals not the money. just because individual veterinarians aren't intentionally extorting sad or desperate people doesn't mean that the industry/business they work for isn't
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yawpyawp · 5 months
a year ago today i had to say goodbye to my amazing boye Pi
i miss him so much every day
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masakuterarr · 27 days
HxH is such a cute and wholesome anime, isn't it?
In fact, I'm watching it with my sister right now (it's her first time ever watching it) and I asked her if she likes raisins. She said yes :)
Anyway, please don't ask why. I had my 5 minutes yesterday, which turned out to be 4 hours. I can now rest in peace after creating this masterpiece
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mysicklove · 7 months
i called him a dog and he started to bark
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crasybirdlady · 3 months
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My hero rat Baraka just started his career in Angola. This month he helped clear 950 square meters of land and found 1 piece of ammunition.
I’m so very proud of him and every time I visit local schools to present non fiction books I brag about him to the children. Both to raise awareness about land mines and also in the hope that they will talk about it at home and perhaps some of the parents will want to adopt a hero rat too.
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