#physical journal
paperw0rmz · 5 months
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Journal dump: RIP large journal
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rose-like-the-phoenix · 7 months
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New journal day! This is number six, with 400 pages lol
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biscuitdolly · 6 months
easy hygiene tips ♡
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to improve physical appearance , health and hygiene are a must.
water ♡
water. please , for the love of god , drink water. get up rn and go drink some water. water does so much , want clear skin? water. want to lose weight? water. want to feel more refreshed? water. ITS SO HELPFUL!! you really don't want to be dehydrated, it has so many negative effects.
i would aim for around 2 liters (8 full glasses) a day , but you can slowly increase your water intake over the span of a few weeks if you're not ready for that. if you like me and forget to drink , set alarms or reminders for when you need to.
apple cider vinegar ♡
okay , yes, it tastes gross, but it's so good for your PH!! just drink 2 teaspoons everyday (dilute with water first) , trust me it will make your body sweat and kitty smell (and taste) soo much better!! it can also help u lose weight , decrease waist size and is so good for your skin!!
easy oral hygiene ♡
brush your teeth at least 3 times a day. i normally opt for brushing my teeth twice in a row morning and night , and once during the day (yes , even if i'm at school). also , don't forget to floss!! most importantly u wanna b scraping/brushing your tongue, along with brushing your gums and the roof of your mouth!! If you're not brushing regularly and not brushing your tongue, your breath is gonna stink.
another tip - mints > gum. no matter how minty your gum is , if you're chewing it all day it's gonna make your breath smell bad. a sugar-free mint that specialises in good breath every morning helps so much for me.
shower/bath care ♡
please wash behind your ears and your belly button. every part of your body should be clean!!! you don't want build-up.
exfoliate before and after u shave. this will leave u feeling SO smooth and helps avoid razor bumps , if you have sensitive skin (like me) it can help avoid irritation (i get SO itchy and my skin gets covered in red bumps if i don't exfoliate when shaving). personally, i don't suffer from oily skin , but if u do, exfoliating afterwards helps remove any dirt from clogged pores and any residue build-up!
use different clothes depending on what part of your body you're cleaning!! use a softer cloth for your face and kitty , and use regular clothes for the main part of your body and bum. NEVER wash your face in the shower! you want your face to have its own personal time for you to clean it so you can really focus on it. also , hot water from the shower can damage your skin and make it dry. your shower head also probably has a lot of bacteria hiding in it, so please wash your face separately after your shower.
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mostly-natm · 3 months
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What could’ve been if Noonien Soong had actually programmed his sons with relatively healthy coping mechanisms that don’t include murder.
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externalmemorycomic · 10 months
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Image description: a five page comic with messy writing and messy line drawings coloured with gouache. Each page has four panels and each panel has a caption and an image. Page one Caption: Mouse and Ruth go for drives a lot. Image: a red car drives down a country road. Caption: to stores and beaches and the dump where you can find cool things. Image: a white mouse looks up at a wall with doll’s heads nailed to it, labeled “wall of dolls”. Caption: I almost never join. Ruth asks, “isn’t My going stir crazy?” Image: a deer is driving a car, and the mouse sits on a pile of pillows on the passenger’s seat. Caption: but I’m so used to this I forget there’s anything to go crazy about Image: an orange cat lies in bed.
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Page two Caption: When we lived in Malmö there were weeks I didn’t leave the apartment Image: the cat peeks out a window, looking at a pigeon that’s pooping on the window ledge. Caption: months I didn’t see anyone besides Mouse. I just couldn’t manage the stairs Image: the cat looks down an exaggerated, maze-like staircase. Caption: Mouse wasn’t much better off. I took up indoor “gardening” so we wouldn’t miss nature too much. Of course I often couldn’t water the plants. It felt bitter and symbolic when they died Image: the cat is in a different bed, looking at a house plant on a side table that’s beginning to wilt. Caption: here there’s no stairs and I have plants and bees right outside my window Image: the cat is in the first bed, drawing a comic. There’s a flower, a butterfly and a bee outside the window behind it.
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Page three Caption: people tend to get frustrated with my acceptance Image: the cat takes down a half finished painting from an easel. Caption: even after we’ve talked a lot about my illness, they think I should plan ahead as if a cure is right around the corner Image: a rabbit is standing beside a table covered in unfinished canvases, looking at  one of them. The cat stands behind them, looking nervous. Caption: often it’s the same people who respond to tragedies you CAN fix by saying “life’s not fair” Image: the cat is rescuing bugs from drowning in a water barrel and the rabbit looks over its shoulder, looking annoyed. Caption: but when I let go of what I can’t have, they see it as defeat. Image: the cat is curled up and hiding in bed while the rabbit stands over them, frowning, holding the unfinished painting and waving two paintbrushes.
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Page four Caption: I understand the impulse to say “maybe some day��. When it’s kindly meant, I value the intention. Image: The rabbit has its arm around the cat’s shoulder and waves towards a thought bubble. In the thought bubble the cat is floating and happy at the end of a rainbow with pink clouds, flowers and a smiling sky in the background. Caption: but few things are more dangerous to my soul than “maybe some day” Image: the cat huddles on the ground and hides its face. Right above the cat, as if pushing down, is a bigger thought bubble with images of the cat looking happy - dancing, being held, proudly painting, holding a baby. Caption: There is no greater wisdom in life than: fix what you can and accept what you can’t. Image: the thought bubble is breaking up and shrinking. The cat is sitting up, smiling at a dandelion beside it. Caption: some times, giving up isn’t just the only way to survive but to thrive, and leave room for joy. Image: The half finished canvases are burning on the ground and the cat walks away without looking back.
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Page five Caption: today I’m sad because I’m in pain and I miss moving and doing Image: the cat is crying in bed. Caption: but when I thank God for giving me this life filled with blessings, it’s from the heart. Image: the cat wipes away some tears and looks a little happier. Caption: I am happy more often than not. I mostly cry from gratitude. There is no contradiction Image: the cat closes its eyes and is surrounded by a pink glow and red cartoon hearts. Caption: life will ask me to let go of much bigger things and maybe I can come with to the dump next time Image: the cat looks at the wall of dolls and says: “cool!” End ID. Here's some disability thoughts I had during my latest flare (hence the wobblier-than-usual lines and messy writing). I hope it makes sense even if I was pretty confused when I made it! I have POTS and ME/CFS, as well as ADHD and being autistic. Accepting the reality of being bed/housebound and hard-of-thinking often is going to be a life long effort but I'm getting there. Happy disability pride month!!! Reblogs are much appreciated! (if you wanna help me live and stuff and make more art and comics I have a Patreon. I post comic pages there on average once a day for the 3€ tier as well as other fun things! Link in my pinned post)
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i started a junk journal :’)) *flowers found on walk, sticker i bought from a vendor at a local show, broken cigarette, study index cards someone donated to me, matchboxes found in a box at a dumpster*
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ink-the-artist · 2 years
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your friend the angel :)
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thejournallo · 5 months
Manifesting Physical Appearance
Remember that you are perfect just the way you are.
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When we manifest physical changes, we tend to do so as a result of our imperfections or because we want to feel accepted.
To fully change ourselves, we have to first change our mindset and then manifest physical changes. I say so because many times our insicuritis will not let us be happy even with our desired body.So first mindset, then body.
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To manifest a change in our mindset, we have to remind ourselves that we are worth so many things! and especially that you are worth having a healthy mindset!
To manifest a healthy mindset:
To manifest a healthy mindset, I used the method "act as if" because everything is about confidence. Even supermodels are inscure, darling! but they fake their way to successuntil they become confident! Subliminals are game changers, even in this!
To manifest a physical appearance:
subliminals! best way ever! I love exercising and listening to subliminals that boost my results! Even words of affirmation (again) can be great. A good example is "I love my tiny nose." Even if it is not true, it will change with time, and you will find yourself with a tiny nose. We start as neutral, and as we call ourselves ugly, our body and energy will respond to that and act on it. So if you believe that you are hot, well, you are! Changing your appearance is as simple as that, and no one should tell you otherwise. Any method can be adapted to help you change your appearance!
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). and have a wonderful day or night!
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anouri · 1 year
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sing into my mouth... love me till my heart stops, love me till i'm dead
henrik uldalen // snail mail // erica jong // @anouri // kim roberti // ross gay // lucille clifton // natalie diaz // edvard munch // talking heads
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paperw0rmz · 5 months
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Screen shots from my latest YouTube video showing my last journal
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godsweakestsoldier · 9 months
Ava picking up an old academic journal from one of the second hand stores in Switzerland. Its spine slightly warped, cracked, with blue ink in the margins. Reading it in the most inconvenient places. Getting a few pages in when the bar slows. Ava who devours it, beginning to scour shelves, looking for anything.
Bea who comes home one day with a handful of journals. Stacks them neatly on the nightstand among the chaos that is Ava. Relishing in the way that Ava smiles when she sees them. Listening as she recaps articles ranging from biochemistry to sociology. Allowing her to talk about molecules during their sessions. Continually encouraging her to explore.
I just feel like Ava would enjoy academic journals.
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biscuitdolly · 19 days
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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inmyperfectworld · 2 months
Self-care is IMPORTANT. Please make sure that you're making yourself a priority by taking care of yourself both physically and mentally, daily. The ONLY person that can take care of yourself, is you. 🩷✨
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poorly-drawn-monhun · 4 months
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acesknights · 3 months
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'Captain Price. Ад ждёт тебя'
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a-fox-studies · 8 months
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September 14, 2023 • Thursday
Today was a slow day, I didn't do much. A little low in energy due to flares two nights in a row, I can feel a third one coming too. Noodles for comfort, Ryan Higa Twitch stream for company.
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Things I did today:
30 minutes of Duolingo
60 minutes of English assignment research
Arrays theory reading
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🎧 So It Goes — Taylor Swift.
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