#platform on ao3
tojiluv · 8 months
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𝐎𝐑𝐘. . . twenty-two. she/her. middle-eastern. (n)sfw blog. minors dni 16+. multifandom. a choso & toji lover. the biggest sailor moon fan ever.
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01. eyes don’t lie — choso kamo
02. cold night — inuyasha various
03. unveiling love — uchiha clan
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© 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐯 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
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frownyalfred · 1 year
the truth is…..so many new ao3 users want ao3 to be something it isn’t.
just use tumblr, babes. stop trying to blog and create “algorithms” on what is essentially a library catalog.
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insanitysilver · 2 years
I wish more fanartists would put their work on AO3. Just followed an artist who organizes their work by making a series for Fandom X, and within that, they have multi-chapter works for different ships & gen. Every new chapter is just their latest image for that subject.
It's been so delightful not to have to wade through social media algorithms and endless ads.
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bri-cheeses · 1 month
Fiercely and obsessively (wrapped around your finger) — Part 10
| Rosekiller Soulmate AU | Previous part is here | Word Count: 1,210 |
At first, Barty didn’t understand what he was seeing. Surely he would’ve noticed it before now if Evan had met his soulmate? He’d had plenty of opportunities to see Evan’s mark since his birthday, so how did he miss this?
“Oh,” Barty said, but it came out all strangled and high pitched. Because he’d just realized the true extent of what this situation meant—if Evan’s soulmate mark was no longer black, that meant that he had a soulmate.
Evan had a soulmate.
Barty was hit with such a strong wave a jealously that it left him somewhat breathless, but he still managed to choke out the words, “Who is it?”
Was that why Evan had been acting so strange around him? Because he didn’t want to be as close to Barty now that he had someone else?
Evan’s voice tore Barty’s attention away from his arm and to his face, where he was looking at him strangely.
“You don’t know?” Evan asked. He sounded confused.
“I—should I?” And then, a horrible thought struck him. “It’s not Reg, is it?”
Evan’s laughter caught him off guard.
“What?” Barty asked frantically as Evan doubled over and wheezed uncontrollably. Surely that hadn’t been that outlandish of a question, had it?
“You thought it was Regulus?” Evan gasped with tears in his eyes.
“Well, I don’t know! All I know is that one second you’re crying into my shoulder and the next you apparently have a soulmate and I don’t know what’s going on!”
“Barty,” Evan said, finally calming himself down. “Look at your arm.”
Why Evan wanted him to look at his arm was lost on him, but after several seconds of confused silence, he did as he was told.
“No, Barty, not that one,” Evan said a bit impatiently. Barty sighed in defeat, then looked over to his left arm.
And froze.
Because there on his upper arm, exposed for all the world to see, was his soulmate mark, alive and bright with swirling colors.
Colors that matched Evan’s.
A series of images flashed into his mind. His fist in Evan’s shirt. Evan’s hands, shoving him backwards. The way they had fallen, Evan’s hands reaching out to catch his fall, and the inside of his arm grazing Barty’s bare bicep as they went down.
Oh, he thought.
And slowly, ever so slowly, he looked back up at Evan.
Evan, his best friend of six years. Evan, who he had loved fiercely and obsessively as long as he had known him. Who he had always felt differently about than all of his other friends, who he never wanted to be separated from, who he was in constant contact with because he simply couldn’t help himself. Who he had always gravitated towards, no matter the circumstances or company.
Evan, who was looking at him nervously and waiting for his reaction.
Barty took a step forward so that he was standing in Evan’s personal space. Evan winced slightly, but he didn’t move back. Not even when Barty reached a reverent hand up to cup his cheek and hold his gaze steady on his, eyelashes fluttering just slightly as he stared at Barty with parted lips.
“I am going to ask you about so many different things later,” Barty said, “but right now, I think I might actually die if I don’t kiss you somewhere in the next three seconds.”
Evan breathed out a soft “Oh”, but that was as far as he got before Barty’s crashed his lips into his, effectively cutting him off.
Evan hands came up to rest on Barty’s waist, pulling him in eagerly, and all Barty could think was “Yes, this is right.” How he had missed that before, he had no idea, but here with Evan’s lips moving against his, Barty could think of no place he’d rather be.
Evan pulled away first, gasping for air. Barty would’ve been worried except for the fact that his eyes were bright as he looked at Barty and nowhere else, seemingly drinking in every last detail of this moment.
“You,” said Evan, still breathing heavily, “have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
Barty grinned.
“Then show me,” he said, and Evan did just that.
Hours later, after many kisses and long conversations, Barty was starting to feel like everything in the world was suddenly making sense.
Apparently, Evan had been in love with him for years, ever since the first year of school when Barty had helped him out with a difficult spell in Charms.
“At first,” Evan had said, “I had just written it off as a harmless crush. But you’ve got a real way of wrapping people around your finger, you know that?”
“Not people,” Barty had responded. “Just you.”
That had earned him another kiss.
And then Evan had explained why he’d been acting so oddly for the past few weeks, saying that he had been hoping for years that Barty was his soulmate, and the stress of soon knowing whether or not that would turn out to be true had eaten away at him. And once he had finally gotten his soulmate mark, he had avoided touching Barty because he hadn’t wanted to touch him and not have their marks light up, proclaiming them as nothing more than friends.
”Good thing the universe was smart enough to overcome all the obstacles you threw in its way,” Barty had laughed.
That had earned him a shove.
On Barty’s end, there was a lot of confusion. When he had fallen in love with Evan, he didn’t know, because now that he noticed it, it felt like something that had always been there, lurking just below the surface. And why he hadn’t noticed it until now, he couldn’t say either—just that he hadn’t.
But it had been apparent in almost everything he did, from the way he acted around Evan to the way he became jealous whenever anyone else showed interest in him. It had always been there, he just hadn’t been aware.
“Good thing the universe was smart enough to overcome all your stupidity,” Evan had parroted.
Which earned him a shove as well, followed by another kiss.
Overall, it was a much overdue conversation, and when they emerged form the woods to go find their friends, they couldn’t stop the happy and satisfied smiles they wore as they walked close together.
Dorcas had noticed first.
“Thank Salazar,” she had breathed, looking back and forth between Evan and Barty. From Regulus, Barty could’ve sworn he heard an exasperated, “Finally”, and really, had they all been waiting for this moment?
His confusion must’ve shown on his face, because Pandora had laughed and said, “Yes, we all knew, and we were all tired of it. Which is why we staged a slight intervention.”
“Intervention?” Evan asked, and then seemed to realize something. He looked around in betrayal. “You purposefully left us alone together, didn’t you?”
Dorcas nodded gleefully.
“That we did, and don’t even pretend that you’re not grateful for it.”
And really, how could Barty argue with that, when thanks to their meddling he had found his soulmate?
And judging from the way Evan blushed and leaned in to peck Barty on the cheek, he felt the exact same way.
(The End!)
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nota1eks · 1 year
PHM Twitter bc brainrot
i made these with ao3's HTML -- you can find tutorials and more on the website itself; if anyone wants direct links, id be happy to share.
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and i'll make more! just tell me what to write and i'll slap it down :)
(TYSM to @dimension-246 for beta-ing some of these!!)
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
reminder/tip, particularly for newer pjo fans: do not crosstag!
for those who don't know, crosstagging is tagging irrelevant tags on a post, usually popular tags to try and get more views on the post.
Tumblr doesn't work the same way instagram or tiktok or twitter does. Crosstagging is considered spam, and your blog will be flagged if you do this.
particularly in pjo fandom, crosstagging includes tagging characters that don't actually appear in the post, tagging books or series unrelated to the post (like tagging "TSATS" on a post not specifically about TSATS, or tagging HoO on a post about first series specifically, etc.), tagging "pjo fanfic" or "pjo headcanon" or similar on a post that, obviously, isn't that, and/or tagging irrelevant ships. More recently, this also includes tagging the show (PJO TV, etc) on posts that are completely irrelevant to the show.
This mostly only applies for original posts - Tags you put on reblogs only apply to your own blog's organizational system, and has no bearing on the original post itself. But it's really annoying to the original poster if you spam tags, because it will appear in their notifs. It's pointless to spam tags in reblogs for these reasons regardless, so it's best not to.
just remember: crosstagging is not allowed on tumblr, doesn't work that way here anyways, and is just generally rude. so don't do it.
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eliotquillon · 2 months
have recently realised that the reason why i struggle to seriously ship kevin with anyone in aftg is because i find the idea of him perpetually third-wheeling to be too funny. sorry kevin
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imviotrash · 4 months
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Very very excited to finally share my mock cover for my Elizanne fic titled "Dutiful Swords and Doleful Poetry"
It will be a Novella sized fic of around 7 chapters (+some neat bonus material) and I'm really excited (but also nervous) to release it soon.
The fic is far from finished, but here's a short synopsis to give you a glimpse of what you may expect:
"After the horrifying events of the Midnight Tea Party, Joanne seeks out Edwards help to build his strength. He resides in the Midford manor during the 1889 summer break to miserably refresh his fencing skills and unexpectedly finds solace and kinship in the young Lady of the house. Despite their differences, they soon come to realise that they have many similarities. Throughout the week, the two teens start to bond and support eachother in their journey of personal growth, learning more about themselves and eachother daily by practicing the blade."
Once it comes out, I will certainly let you know and will also make a post which links you to every chapter ^^
For now, please enjoy this mock cover!
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420pogpills · 1 year
do you ever just finish reading one of those fics that have you staring at the ceiling in silence because you can't comprehend that you got to read something that is nothing short of a masterpiece and FOR FREE ??? god bless you writers you truly make the world a better place
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ao3-shenanigans · 9 months
In regards to the post I had rebloged regarding tagging fics properly, I apologize.
I do not agree with the beliefs of the original poster regarding trans people and had not intended that to be the take-away or so to speak of the post
Thank you for those who so kindly pointed out my mistake
For context:
I had initially rebloged a post wherein op made comment that people should properly tag fics for sensitive content; they original poster had also unfortunately included a line saying that ‘as a vagina is a female organ’ one should tag the m/m, m/f or f/f as such.
I had rebloged this saying that, while I disagree with the last point, tagging is important and please remember to tag your fics properly
I honestly shouldn’t have given platform to this individual by spreading this post, even with the addition and that is on me
This was kindly pointed to me and as such I’ve decided to remove it and not spread nonsense where it doesn’t need to be
Thank you all for bearing with me as I am, in some regards, new to this
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scummy-writes · 7 months
I will not be leaving tumblr because. There is literally no other good site for posting writing that also promises interaction with others. Stuck here until it crashes and burns, I guess.
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the best part about reading wenclair werewolf soulmate au’s is when enid just starts describing what wednesday’s scent is and it’s different every fanfic. i just imagine that’s what the authors think wednesday smells like and i just die every time.
ah yes, the goth smells like pine in one, dead roses in the next then something so victorian gothic like pen ink and old books and i thrive off these descriptions.
shoutout to these authors, i love you.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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[ 3tan10 ] updates and what to know!
new drop date: friday, june 9th🍊 even though i got a lot done, this will give me extra time to truly sit with it and edit without rushing, giving you a much better final result<3 for those of you enjoying his concert that day, this could be a nice dessert for after! not only am i more comfortable with this release date, the extra time also means extra words.
new word count estimate: 18-20k :’))
what to expect: a lot. like a lot. so if you’re the type that likes to be organized with commentary, this one is gonna be like forfeit so you may need to take notes while you go through it!
what else to expect: this might get hit with a Mature community label, so make sure you have your Community Label Settings set to Show instead of Hide (needs to be fixed on desktop, Account Settings.) if you have yours on the default settings, any posts labeled Mature won’t even exist for you.
💌 note: thank you for being understanding and patient while i get through the final stretch! i know it’s been a long time coming but i am fighting to make the wait worth it. consider this busted chapter a whole instead of one part, and another one i’m pouring myself into❤️‍🩹
thank you all and see you on (the new) drop day!!🥳
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jamandjazz · 2 months
Modern headcanon, Johnny wouldn’t ever wanna post pictures of his face online and he’s got some generic username and pfp so no one but the gang knows who he is
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thisthat-ortheother · 2 months
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wild-magic-oops · 4 months
Purr (1/2, could be read as a standalone)
[ default dragonborn Dark Urge x Gortash in this part, Dark Urge x Gale in Part 2 ]
Weekly meetings have become the norm between Gortash and The Dark Urge. At first, when their plan was still in its hatchling state, such meetings were indeed a necessity. But not anymore. Yet neither of the two men had put a stop to them. While they still occasionally discussed The Plan, the meetings have shifted into more casual and personal topics.
As usual, Gortash did most of the talking. He had more topics after all, leading a way more versatile life than The Dark Urge did. The Dark Urge didn't mind. He enjoyed listening to Gortash going on and on about his latest project. And while Gortash did not understand murder the way a bhaalian did, The Dark Urge marveled at his ability to come up with contraptions and plans that would do a far better job at killing than all of his father's subjects currently in the temple combined.
Gortash was showing him the blueprints, pointing at specific parts, going into technical details that The Dark Urge did not understand. But it didn't matter. Gortash's voice was washing over him, smooth and relaxing, like a gentle touch on his scales. The sofa he was sitting on was so soft, and the cackling fire so cozy.
It took him a few moments to realize where the new noise was coming from - this deep rumble, almost like a cat purring but not quite. As it happened, it was coming from him. The moment he started actually paying attention he could feel the vibrations in his chest and throat. He had learned that dragonborns could "purr", of course. He did have extensive medical knowledge of a wide variety of humanoid creatures. He just never thought he'd be the one to make such a noise. It was not in his nature. It should not have been in his nature.
"Are you purring?"
Gortash had moved close to The Dark Urge, curious eyes boring into him with intensity that could almost be physically felt. The purring stopped instantly but the damage was done. Gortash's lips stretched in a wide smile, clearly extremely satisfied with the situation.
The Dark Urge stood abruptly, giving a definite "no" to Gortash as an answer and then leaving swiftly, minding that his tail was not literally as well as proverbially between his legs.
It would be months before he purred again, and by that time he would not remember his first.
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