#please give us a live action we'll be good
waterpiska · 1 year
I'm crying, thinking about the fact that we will never see a live action of svsss 😭😭😭 I just can't imagine anyway that gets past the censors.
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neowonderland · 3 months
Can you do dark toxic husband jaemin?? Like reader want to run away from him. But he held threat over her
Pairings: Jaemin x reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, noncon, baby trapping, bondage
Dark Content, Minor please DNI
Disclaimer: this is a work of pure fiction. I do not condone the actions of any characters in this story and the actions do not reflect the idols in any way.
You're supposed to be in paradise.
You're supposed to be happily married to Jaemin, finally together after years upon years of Jaemin chasing after you. According to Jaemin, it was love at first sight. The second it took his brain to process you, the second he fell for you.
It's sweet really, the way Jaemin treats you. Gifts piled high in your living room, filled with the newest designer clothes, newest technology, everything you could possibly want. He's sweet too, always offering honeyed words, from compliments to praises, there's nothing he doesn't say that makes your cheeks flush or your ears turn red.
But no matter how sweet Jaemin treats you, one thing is clear from the multiple locks on the door that leads to outside, to the lack of neighbors around, to the excessive security cameras inside and outside, to the tracker on your phone.
You can't leave.
But that doesn't mean you don't try to.
"Nobody will help you. Even if they will, they won't believe I did this to you. Can't you see I'm doing this because I love you? I love you too much to let you go." Jaemin always tells you, time and time again after your failed escape attempts.
It isn't until your last escape attempt that Jaemin becomes fed up, opting to break your legs as punishment. Threatening to kidnap and harm the people you love if you try again. Making sure you'd stay idle for at least a while before trying another one of them.
It isn't long until Jaemin comes up with an idea. Creating something that would keep you bound to him forever, making it harder for you to leave him.
"I'm going to fuck a baby into you. You're going to look so pretty with my baby. We'll be a big happy family together right?" Jaemin babbles, burying himself into the crook of your neck.
You struggle against the rope Jaemin has tied you up with, arms straining against the pretty red rope. Drool leaks from your gag as you try to tell him to stop while tears streak down your face.
"You're so good for me. You're going to take my cum right? Take every drop I give you and then more, right?" Jaemin says, punctuating his words with sharp, harsh thrusts.
"We'll be so happy together. You, me, our kids. You'll be so happy you won't even think of leaving me." Jaemin says, removing himself from your neck and taking in your tear stained face.
Jaemin traces his finger down your cheek, thumbing at the tears before kissing you.
"You'll make such a good parent to our kids. I know we'll all be in paradise together. Us and our happy little family."
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calliesmemes · 4 months
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ASSORTED SENTENCE STARTERS featuring lyrics and dialogue pulled from EPIC: THE MUSICAL by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, a new concept album adapting the story of Homer’s Odyssey into a musical.
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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❛ I know that I’m ready. ❜
❛ I don’t think that you’re ready. ❜
❛ Know that he will grow from a boy to an avenger. ❜
❛ I could raise him as my own. ❜
❛ Please don’t make me do this. ❜
❛ The blood on your hands is something you can’t lose — all you can choose is whose. ❜
❛ This is the will of the gods. ❜
❛ You’re as old as he was when I left for war. ❜
❛ Will these actions haunt my days? ❜
❛ Every man I’ve slain is the price I pay. ❜
❛ I would trade the world to see my son and wife. ❜
❛ When does a man become a monster? ❜
❛ When does a reason become the blame? ❜
❛ Six hundred men under my command. ❜
❛ The problem’s not the distance; it’s what lies in between. ❜
❛ My kingdom is waiting. ❜
❛ So Captain, what’s the plan? ❜
❛ Look! There, in the distance. I see an island. ❜
❛ I see a light that faintly glows. ❜
❛ Something feels off here. ❜
❛ I say we strike first; we don’t have time to waste. ❜
❛ We should try to find a way no one ends up dead. ❜
❛ You can relax, my friend. ❜
❛ I can tell that you’re getting nervous. ❜
❛ Is this how we are supposed to live? ❜
❛ Here we have a chance for some adjustment. ❜
❛ Give it a try, it's not that hard. ❜
❛ This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms. ❜
❛ Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart. ❜
❛ Stay back, I'm warning you. ❜
❛ Kindness is brave. ❜
❛ Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you? ❜
❛ I see you changing from how I've designed you. ❜
❛ Have you forgotten your purpose? ❜
❛ My life has one mission. ❜
❛ We'll make a greater tomorrow. ❜
❛ Enlighten me, what's your name? ❜
❛ If you're looking for a mentor, I'll make sure your time's well spent. ❜
❛ If there's a problem, we'll have the answer. ❜
❛ I still intend to make sure you don't fall behind. ❜
❛ Don't forget that you're a warrior of a very special kind. ❜
❛ It’s almost too perfect, too good to be true. ❜
❛ Who are you? ❜
❛ We’re just travelers. We come in peace. ❜
❛ What gives you the right to deal a pain so deep? ❜
❛ Your life now is in my hands. ❜
❛ I’ll take from you like you took from me. ❜
❛ There’s been a misunderstanding. ❜
❛ Maybe you and I could make a deal. ❜
❛ I’m so glad we see eye to eye. ❜
❛ If we're defeated, they're good as dead. ❜
❛ No backup, no chance for support. ❜
❛ Our foe must be thwarted right here and now. ❜
❛ Show me how great is your will to survive. ❜
❛ Stand up and fight for your lives. ❜
❛ Defeat is not allowed. ❜
❛ We must live through this day, so fight! ❜
❛ You’ve hurt me enough. ❜
❛ You won’t live through this day. ❜
❛ We must move quickly, we don't have much time. ❜
❛ But captain, what'll we do with our fallen friends? ❜
❛ We are not to let them die in vain. ❜
❛ Our comrades will not die in vain. ❜
❛ Mercy is a skill more of this world could learn to use. ❜
❛ The blood we shed, it never dries. ❜
❛ I am neither man nor mythical. ❜
❛ You're a warrior meant to lead the rest. ❜
❛ That's just like you, why should I be surprised? Selfish and prideful and vain. ❜
❛ Every time someone dies I'm the one who is left to deal with the strain. ❜
❛ This way, you won't plague my life. ❜
❛ What a waste of effort spent. ❜
❛ At least I know what I'm fighting for. ❜
❛ Since you claim you're so much wiser, why’s your life spent all alone? ❜
❛ This day, you lost it all. ❜
❛ Is it nature or divine or a blessing in disguise? ❜
❛ Our home's in sight. ❜
❛ Brace for a storm, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. ❜
❛ I'll ensure that we prevail. ❜
❛ We're taking too much damage to survive. ❜
❛ At this rate, we won't make it out alive. ❜
❛ Please don't tell me you're about to do what I think you'll do. ❜
❛ You've heard the legends; this proves they're true. ❜
❛ Don't forget how dangerous the gods are. ❜
❛ How much longer til your luck runs out? ❜
❛ I still believe in goodness. ❜
❛ I just don't wanna see another life end. ❜
❛ You're like the brother I could never do without. ❜
❛ Don’t forget how much we’ve already faced. ❜
❛ I need to talk to you in private. ❜
❛ I can't have you planting seeds of doubt. ❜
❛ I ask for your assistance so we at last can go the distance. ❜
❛ Sounds too easy, what's the catch? ❜
❛ Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. ❜
❛ The end always justifies the means. ❜
❛ Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. ❜
❛ Time for me to be the father I never was. ❜
❛ Why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy? ❜
❛ It isn't very often that I get pissed off. ❜
❛ I'm left without a choice. ❜
❛ I’ve gotta make you bleed. ❜
❛ I need to see you drown. ❜
❛ Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. ❜
❛ You are far too nice. ❜
❛ I've got no mercy left to give. ❜
❛ The line between naïveté and hopefulness is almost invisible. ❜
❛ I am your darkest moment. ❜
❛ What have you done? ❜
❛ Any last words? ❜
❛ There's only so much left we can endure. ❜
❛ I'm not a player, I'm a puppeteer. ❜
❛ I can’t sleep now knowing everything we've done. ❜
❛ I must say what a brilliant speech you gave. ❜
❛ I don't know who you are nor why you're here. ❜
❛ One wrong move, then you're done for. ❜
❛ All I hear are screams, every time I dare to close my eyes. ❜
❛ I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died. ❜
❛ I am the prophet with the answers you seek. ❜
❛ I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you. ❜
❛ How has everything been turned against us? ❜
❛ How did suffering become so endless? ❜
❛ Do I need to change? ❜
❛ What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along? ❜
❛ If I became the monster, and threw that guilt away — would that make us stronger? ❜
❛ I must become the monster. ❜
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brainrotcharacters · 1 year
ship: opla luffy x reader
summary: Luffy sees you hanging over the edge of the ship, holding nothing but a piece of rope in your hand.
a/n: remember when I said my meltdown felt finished? So that was a fucking lie. I wrote a comfort fic instead.
tags: sfw, one piece live action, reader is a devil fruit eater, suicide attempt, angst/comfort, friendship, the Strawhat crew is a found family, Luffy fulfills the caregiver role
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Everything was set into place. After such a long time, you finally controlled one part of your life.
Ending it.
You were going to do it during a clear night sky. There was the sounds of the winds against the sails of the Going Merry, and the lapping of the ocean waves against its magnificent hull. Usopp took great pride in keeping the ship in peak condition― it was easy to keep filling his mug with booze as he boasted about the ship, and it didn't take long for him to weave belowdecks to find his puke bucket.
Nami and Zoro were more difficult to put under, until a comment misheard by one of them led to another drinking game that ended with both of them unconscious under a table. Sanji helped you get them to bed, but when Zoro wrapped a massive arm around him, he was as good as pinned to the mattress with them. You ignored his pleas as you slowly exited the room, moving two barrels of dried meat in front of the door. Sanji's kicks are strong enough to break through wood, but the idea was to delay his movement, not stop him.
The rope in your hand strained as you lean further over the portside. Your feet remained on deck, but the rest of you teetered dangerously beyond the edge. As a Devil Fruit eater, you had a death wish, setting out to sea. Now you were proving everyone right.
"What are we looking for?"
Goddamn Luffy. You couldn't think of how to put him under, and now you were out of time. Luffy descended the ratlines at your right, eagerly squinting into the inky black ocean. "Are there any dolphins? Are they awake at night? I couldn't hear them from up at the crow's nest."
"Luffy..." you loosened your grip on the rope, the literal lifeline that kept you anchored to the ship. "Leave me alone for a bit, please. Sanji needs help with Nami and Zoro. They've been drinking."
"Sanji can take care of them." He planted his sandaled feet on the bulkhead, detaching from the ratlines. "He takes care of all of us. Even you."
Oh, the bastard. A forced, empty laugh escapes your mouth. "I feel the need to ask. Can you tell what I plan to do?"
He blinked slowly, and that's when you suspected he might succeed to persuade you against it. "Yeah. By the way, if you jump, I'm jumping in after you."
This time, you laughed more genuinely. True; in the short time that passed since you first joined, you knew Luffy had that type of personality.
Luffy smiled, simply happy that he heard your real laugh. The you that was his friend was still in there somewhere. "Y/n, please give me your hand."
He lifted his own, palm facing up. All things considered, he could use his ability and yank you back. But he wasn't that kind of captain―wasn't that kind of person.
"I'm out of place, captain." You keep your attention fixed on the ocean. It was easier than seeing Luffy's face. "I don't have much to offer anyone on this ship, least of all you. Joining you was a mistake."
"You don't mean that." Luffy had seen a similar devastation before. Nami, back when they helped free Coco Village from Arlong. "We like having you here. We all want to keep sailing with you."
A scoff splintered your throat on the way out. "What's your point?"
Luffy shifted on his feet, confused. The point? "You said you're out of place. Then, we'll make a place for you!" He thought they were already doing that, anyway.
He watched your grip on the rope slacken further. Only an inch of rope left before you fall to your death. Luffy scowled. "What about your dream?"
You roll your eyes, even as they prickle with tears. You say over your shoulder. "Someone else will be born and have the same dream. Let them fulfill it."
Luffy stopped himself from complaining about how lazy, how defeated of a thinking that was. Think like a captain. He told himself. "Y/n, no one else will pursue your dream the same way you would. That other person will do one thing differently than you, and you wouldn't be able to scold them for not following your lead. Because you chose to jump tonight."
The stars shimmered on the ocean surface tonight. You couldn't see where the sky ended and the sea began, only that it was dark. And Luffy was a red and blue and orange beacon within your reach.
"They won't..." You swallow the image that formed in your head. A child who didn't know any better, deciding to change one key element of your dream for the hell of it. "They won't pursue it how I would."
"Right." You heard Luffy take two steps closer. "So come on, Strawhat. Take my hand."
You find the strength to turn your head. Luffy's hand remained lifted, open and welcoming. Especially to the undeserving.
He offered you a tender, genuine smile. The softness reached his eyes. "We both know that when you take my hand, I will help you. All of us will help you, Y/n. But only after you reach for my hand."
He was cruel, your captain. This was him asking you to continue living. To continue suffering, to continue feeling pain. With him. With everyone. The annoying thing about Luffy was that he believed his crew has each other's backs, and actively made sure it became true.
Zoro was half asleep, but he still protected the back of Nami's head when they both fell on their asses under the table. Sanji complained about Zoro's weight on him, but still made sure his and Nami's necks were at comfortable angles. Usopp embraced everyone good night and sang garbled songs about how he found his courage with the crew, on his way belowdecks. When the singing stopped, the puking began. Sanji and you had chuckled to overhear it.
Goddamnit. You think to yourself, twisting fully and grabbing Luffy's hand.
Your captain grinned, pulling you close. His arms were solid as they braced around your middle, hand grasping your shoulder from behind. His face was buried in your hair, his next words muffled. "There we go. The crew is complete again."
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
When I think about Yandere Gojo I suddenly remember that Veronica open the door meme that used to float around in tiktok. So inspired by that may I pleasw get a Yandere Gojo request where his darling locked themselves in the closet and refusing to come out.
Maybe i could make a Drabble of this one of You're comfortable? This is such a good idea for a scenerio
Thanks for the Request!
Yandere! Satoru Gojo x Reader: Open the Door
-"knock knock"-
Reader had hurriedly entered their apartment, after having run for entire blocks, dodging people and constantly looking behind them since they had managed to leave Gojo's house. The one they were sure had been left unconscious by the seal they had managed to put on him.
But as soon as they heard those words as they closed the door, they knew they had to run again.
and they did it.
-"I'm sorry for entering through your window! Horrible manners, but you know how I am~"-
they heard him speak as he futilely fled to their almost empty room, since most of his things were in Gojo's house, they closed the door and left to the first place that came to their mind--
The closet.
If you can't beat him, at least entertain him so he doesn't kill you. they thought.
Satoru walked slowly towards his partner's room, seeing them without problem through the blindfold. He didn't feel afraid, he wasn't even a little worried, he knew they couldn't run away from him. much less now.
Although he admitted it, watching them try even knowing how futile it is was quite funny, look at them, pretty little thing, thinking they have a chance, hiding in the closet like a scared child. But there's nothing to worry about! He is here after all.
He entered to the room, turning his back to them as he sat on the floor.
-"Now now, (reader), why don't you just go out and we go home? You must be hungry after having run so much."-
-"we'll be gone by then..come on! you had your moment of "freedom"! come out and we'll forget about this-"--"why?"- (reader) abruptly cut off Satoru, surprising him, but no more than their question. .
-"Why what?...no, wait, I know what you mean"-
Satoru never understood many of his partner's actions.
The feeling was mutual.
Why did they reject his affection? Why didn't they see that he did all this for them? Why don't they just accept that they are meant to be his?
...why was Satoru doing this to them?
-"I am meant to be yours... and you are meant to be MINE...I am everything you need!"-
Satoru was a little surprised to receive no response after that. So he continued talking, waiting for a reaction or at least, that they would get fed up with what he was saying and respond to him.
-"I FINALLY met someone who gives me these kinds of emotions... even if you don't like this I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE UP ON YOU" - Satoru expected to hear even a sob from (the reader) but he was greeted again by the silence of the aisle..
-"You KNEW that I couldn't live without you! YOU forced me to do this! I can't do it alone! Why is it so HARD for you to accept me?!"- Satoru said as he turned around abruptly, losing his patience.
But then he noticed something that made him feel a strange sensation in his stomach, as he saw that through the closet door, (reader)'s body temperature was decreasing....
-"(READER)!- open the- open the door please! (READER)! open the door!"-
No response.
-"(READER) can we forget that this happened and go back home? Can you say something...?"-
Satoru was in front of the closet doors, with his hands shaking as he tried to get (Reader) to answer him without success. He could see they were there but something was very wrong...
-"(READER) YOU'RE SCARED! I GET IT! NOW STOP THE TRICKS AND OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!"- Satoru stood up from his kneeling position and prepared himself in case (reader) moved. They did not.
Satoru didn't even have to move a muscle for the closet door to shatter in front of him, leaving (reader) exposed.
(Reader) had put a belt around their neck as tight as possible to try to kill themselves.
Fortunately or unfortunately, Satoru broke the belt too. They were practically unconscious, barely breathing, but it was fine. They were going to be fine.
Satoru felt that strange feeling disappear and a soft sensation came to him. Seeing them so helpless, he stretched out his hand and caressed their cheek lovingly.
Aw...what a scare they gave him...he will definitely have to take care of them more now. Maybe spend more time with them so they don't feel bad, especially after this, they're going to need it. Both.
-"NOW...let's go home, shall we?"-
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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Remember when I told you all about the "Damian & Tim bonding fic, where Damian gets turned into a cat?"?
Well, I do.
I have two wips! One for a fic and the other is a small art sketch
"It's OK! You are OK! With me, you are safe!"
Tim hummed, as he gently rubbed the little fluff ball dry, making sure to clean its eyes and ears out in the process.
He had found it in a trashcan on patrol, all alone, shivering and seemingly abandoned.
The teen couldn't get himself to leave it there.
After all, he wasn't that cruel, and Damian would probably break his back again if he found out that he let an innocent animal die.
It meowed weakly, as he used two of his fingers to gently massage its stomach. He couldn't feel any swellings and injuries, so it should be fine. Hopefully.
"Hey, it's alright! We'll get some food into you and then you'll feel better."
The kitten looked too young to stomach solid food, so milk was it.
He knew that cowmilk was bad for cats, but almond milk should be fine, at least till he could get some special cat milk and wet food to ween the little one out.
After making sure that it was warm and comfortable on his couch, he made his way to his kitchen.
The search for some almond milk and a saucer to fill it in took him some minutes and when he returned to his living room, the cat was gone.
Gone was probably a harsh word, considering that he could hear some really pissed off growls from beneath his bookshelf.
It was quite impressive, considering that the animal making those sounds was barley bigger than his hand.
"Poor little baby, this situation must be quite scary for you."
He pushed the makeshift bowl next to the furniture, avoiding the sweep of tiny claws, before he all but collapsed on his couch.
Then he quietly cursed himself.
In the trouble of making sure that the kitty was alright, he had utterly forgotten about his own needs.
"I am such an idiot."
The vigilante forced himself back on his feet, as he glared at the couch.
Who knows what kind of toxins and germs he had gotten onto it now.
"You know, this totally ruins my whole week. I usually deepclean my furniture every Monday. But with all the blood and shit on my suit this can't wait."
He smiled gently towards the kittens direction, who had stopped growing when he started speaking.
"I will take a short shower, before cleaning the couch and taking my meds. Please try to drink a bit of the milk, alright?"
The teen was aware that the cat couldn't understand or answer him, but he wanted it to get comfortable with his voice
Soaking his suit in disinfectant, showering, checking his body for small injuries, going through his skincare routine, throwing his suit into the washing machine, getting a clean suit ready for the next patrol and starting up his textile-deep-cleaning routine took him nearly an hour.
It left him utterly exhausted and wanting to sleep.
But he still had to finish the cleaning, drink that disgusting, nutrien rich smoothie, take his meds and work on that case Duke asked him about.
His eyes wandered to the kittens hiding place and a smile appeared on his lips as he looked at the empty saucer.
"Good work! Eat a lot and grow stronger. "
The tiny head of the kitten popped out and Tim had to stifle his laughter at the animals unimpressed expression.
"Oh, Damian will absolutely adore you."
It meowed as Tim concentrated back on cleaning the couch.
"He is my little brother and he adores animals. I am planning to give you to him when the weekend comes around."
This was the safest course of actions for him and the one thing will guarantee a happy life for it.
The kittens eyes were watching him clean the couch, as he explained every step to it.
" Now we are just going to let the disinfectant soak in and let it dry. I'll take my medicine and then we'll try to get some more food into you! "
It actually came out of its hiding place when he brought out his yellow pill bottle.
Somehow, it looked as if he had offended it, as it meowed loudly at him to get his attention.
"This is just the medicine that I spoke about. I am sick, you know. A year ago, I lost my spleen due to an injury. I had a flare up a few days ago, since Steph decided to drop in unannounced. Its fine now though."
Steph had been hurt and he was the closest, so he was glad that she came to him instead of bleeding out somewhere.
But the fever he got afterwards was not so nice.
The kitty meowed, as it clawed at his leg, what was suprisingly painful.
"Whats the matter?! This hurts, you know?"
Tim picked the small animal up, as it growled angrily at him.
"You know. You kinda remind me of my little brother right now."
It had the same green eyes as him.
"You are even behaving like him right now!"
He smiled as it spitted in his direction, Biting and clawing at his hand.
Getting the hint, he gently placed it back onto the ground, where it quickly went back to his hiding place.
Tim couldn't help himself as he sighted, as he saw the blood running down his hand.
He needed to disinfect and bandage ut up as quickly as possible now.
"Jason, calm down-, i cant understand what you are saying if you scream like this!"
Damian glared at the teen from bellow his hiding spot, as he placed back and forth in his living room, his elder brothers voice screaming through the speaker of the phone.
It was pathetic.
No Vigilante, especially one that studied under his father, should allow someone to yell at them.
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blackpilljesus · 4 months
Not everything needs to be announced, do not put a target on your back.
With the rise in popularity of things like 6b4t, 4b, decenter men, etc I'm seeing a lot of women bragging to maIes about it which will not help us. At the end of the day maIes do not care about our happiness, look at how they get off on womens abuse, they constantly seek to break women down at every twist and turn, they dont actually give a fuck about whether single childfree women are the happiest demographic out there. Maturing as a single childfree woman is realising that it's not just about hating maIes but being indifferent to them, not caring about their opinions at all. Only recognise them for the threat & parasites they are. I dont care to prove maIes wrong. This doesn't mean I ignore or hold positive sentiments to them, I just focus on centering myself and womankind in my life instead. I often see women bring up points about single childfree women & our happiness to maIes when maIes already know that.
Let's assume that maIes dont know that women are happier when we're single, why does it matter that they know just how much happier women are when they're single? Given the way maIes have treated women, do you really think maIes give a fuck about women being happy? Do you really think that if maIes didnt know how single childfree women felt before & when they find out how happy single childfree women are they'd be pleased about it? Or that they'd care?
For every single childfree woman is a maIe without a rape maid, a maIe without someone to pummel their legacy through, etc yk how it goes. MaIes are already feeling the effects of our freedom & they're starting to retaliate. In south korea female only parking spaces were replaced with family spaces, in the USA there's project2025 & how they want to coerce women back into the nuclear family unit, in the UK many sexual offenders are being released from prisons due to "overcrowding".
Back to my point on indifference, part of that is realising that all of this shit goes beyond witty one liners on the internet. MaIes are fully aware of everything they do and how they benefit from it. To the women who brag to maIes about 4B et al, what is the end goal here? Is it truly decentering maIes as claimed or is it some type of strategy to spook maIes into being good boys? Because I've seen women try to be threatening with it like "maIes need to get their act together or we they wont be chosen/we'll 4B!" and this is still maIe centric in a way. Sounds harsh but many womens tiktoks, tweets, of this nature tend to have maIe partners or are still looking anyways so it only makes things harder for those actually serious about this. I feel like many women believe at some point maIes would grovel back to them & 'apologise' for their actions and start being better like no; maIes have intentionally done everything through force & violence including wanting a partner & children. MaIes arent going to change nor will ever change on their own. MaIes dont just want parters or children, they want this at the expense of womens lives; our goals, our dreams, and our humanity so they sure as shit dont care about our happiness.
There is thing as centering maIes even in a negative way, I saw it described as "chaotic misandrist" on the pinkpill site. Many women talk about how they want nothing to do with maIes but then make it their entire personality. Many women on tiktok are using 4B as some titillating leverage over maIes or as some divine femininity woo woo femme fatale shit. All of that still centers maIes. What needs to be realised is that it's not all about maIes. I dont solely do this as a "fuck you" to maIes, will it be? Yes. But that is not my primary reason for not dating or reproducing. Dont make this a thing where you solely want to get back at maIes. MaIes dont negotiate so attempting to barter is a waste of time and tiptoes on maIe apologism because even if maIes apologised for all the things they've done I would still not forgive them. I would still want the worst for them. Ik in that situation most women would forgive them without a second thought.
Women saying "act right or else 4B" are saying this because they still want to make it work with maIes. If there's negotiation it means a connection still wants to be formed which misses the entire fucking point. It aint about maIes it's about yourself and womankind. This is why it's hard for me to trust other women because it wont take much for them to cave as has been throughout history. I dont care what moids think about all this, as I said my primary concern regarding maIes is the threat they pose. I dont care whether they'd ever change. Anyone serious about this wouldn't be dangling the prospects of not partnering with them in maIes faces especially bc part of what leads to this is realising that maIes are dangerous & there's no reforming them. Dangling this in their face is poking the bear and maIes have no limits as to how low they'll stoop to get what they want. They'd kill themselves to prove a point.
So for the love of goddess, stop bragging to maIes about this. Doesnt matter if they say you'll be a miserable cat lady like bet. Deep down we all know they need us more than we need them. This isn't to say to hide & be ashamed of it, but it wont do women favours exposing our play to our predators.
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httpsdana · 1 year
Hii , could you use prompt 105 and 145 for a enemies to lovers fic for Gavi or Pedri,
please and thank youu
Stop That~Pedri Gonzalez
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
I feel like I haven't wrote for my bf for a long time so here's an enemies to lovers trope with Pepi😙
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers i write for
105-"can I ask, what the hell have I ever done that you hate me this much?"
145-"You're so fucking hot when you're mad."
For some reason, y/n and Pedri's first meeting wasn't as quite as good as it should've been. They had a small misunderstanding, which y/n was ready to let go of, until she saw thatPedri didn't want that.
His actions weren't so kind, too rude for the golden boy's reputation. She didn't understand why he hated her so much, but he just did. So she thought instead of always wondering why he disliked her, just hate him back.
She was Ansu's best friend. And Ansu being the social butterfly he is, took her everywhere with him. Everywhere I mean by almost all of his training sessions, matches, team dinners. Literally everywhere. She was always his plus one
"sorry Ansu, but if Pedri is gonna be there I'm not going" she put her hands up while shaking her head
"its just gonna be us and a few of the boys y/n, maybe you and Pedri can solve whatever you have between each other" Ansu begged, trying to convince her
"when I know what's wrong between us I'll try to solve it. If I don't know what's wrong then the problem definitely isn't me" she shrugged, plopping down on her couch
"please y/n? for me? If Pedri does anything we'll leave immediately" Ansu used his secret weapon against her, giving her his big puppy eyes
"oh my god...fine!" she let out a sigh, as Ansu jumped up with a wide smile
"get dressed quickly. I'll be waiting in the car" he said before rushing outside
y/n rolled her eyes but got dressed nevertheless, not wanting to disappoint her best friend
"Ansuuu. I thought you wouldn't come" Pablo said, widening the door for the two best friends
"this one made me late, don't mind us" he gave him a hug before Pablo gave y/n a high five
"oh god...she's here too?"Pedri said as soon as the trio stepped into the room
y/n rolled her eyes with a huff
"its not like I've been looking forward to seeing your stupid face. I'm here for Ansu and the others" she flopped down on the couch, avoiding his glare as his eyes burned into the side of her face
"Uhh guys?" Gavi said, walking from the kitchen to the living room
"what is it now Pablo?" Pedri said chuckling slighty
"I kinda forgot to get the snacks..?" he said in an awkward voice with a nervous laugh
y/n chuckled at him, while Pedri, Ansu, and Ferran were scolding him
"its fine Pab, I'll go buy us some snacks. who's coming with me?" she asked
Pedri stood up with a smirk
"I'll join you, who's driving?" he asked, already walking to the door
y/n and the others were confused at Pedri's actions
"um I'll take Ansu's car" she took the keys from Ansu before he got the chance to complain
Pedri was outside, while y/n was cursing under her breath at his actions. Now they had to be in a car alone, and probably fighting all the time
y/n started driving the car, Pedri sat silently next to her, before she heard him huff
"what is it now?" she asked annoyingly at his action
"speed up a bit, we're not driving my grandma's car" he rolled his eyes causing y/n to repeat his actions
"if the way I drive bothers you I'll gladly drop you of here and you can find your own way to the supermarket" she snapped at him
"oh shut up. I only came here cause I know none of the guys would want to sit with your complaining ass in a car for 15 minutes straight" he crossed his arms over his chest, proud of his words
"can I ask, what the hell have I ever done that you hate me this much?" y/n stopped the car in the middle of the empty highway, turning to look at Pedri with flaming eyes and a red face
"everything you do annoys me and makes me hate you so much. I despise you in a way I can't even describe" he had a smirk on his face, enjoying how angry he's making her
"just tell me what I fucking did!" she yeller, feeling the flames exiting her ears. Her hands were clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms. He was really testing her patience right now
"You're so fucking hot when you're mad." his smirk widened only, his eyes drifting from her eyes to her lips, before he ran his tongue over his own lips
"stop that! you can't say you hate me and despise me then say I look hot!" she snapped, letting out a breath to control her anger
" I can and I did" he shrugged his shoulders
y/n let out a sigh, and leaned her head against the stirring wheel. She was tired.
"just tell me why you hate me" she mumbled, not removing her head from the steering wheel
Pedri too let out a sigh before he started speaking
"I just hate how you're close with everyone but me. I hate how every other guy in our group seems to have your attention but me. I hate how you seem to realize that everyone is crushing on you but me" he opened up, running his hand over his face
y/n lifted her head to look at him, raising her eyebrows at his confusing confession
"you have a crush on me?" she asked, trying to figure out what was happening
Pedri hummed, avoiding her eyes by staring outside the window
"and you expect me to notice that by the way you've been treating me since we met?" she asked, annoyed that he blamed her for not noticing
"well sorry I don't know how to express my feelings for you so I made myself hate you thinking it was easier" he said sarcastically, making y/n chuckle
"you're such a weirdo" she said, before starting the car again and continuing their drive to the supermarket
"you're gonna say anything?" Pedri furrowed his eyebrows as she was driving silently
"what do you want me to say? I might have feelings for you too but you have to give me sometime to try and forget every shitting thing you've said to me" she said, making a look of guilt wash over Pedri's face
"right...I'm sorry about that. I know some of the things I've said before might have hurt you, but I promise if you give me a chance I'll become a better person" he almost begged. y/n was kinda surprised at his desperation, never expecting him to be this vulnerable
"I promise I'll give you a chance Pedro. but you have to prove that you deserve it" she said, after parking the car on front of the supermarket
Pedri smiled, while she took of her seatbelt, about to get out of the car before Pedri grabbed her wrist. She turned to look at him.
"dinner at 8 tomorrow. I'll pick you up" y/n smiled and nodded her head, before they continued doing what they first came to do
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wosoluver · 5 months
Andrea Medina x reader
kind of platonic, short
Andrea Medina Masterlist
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Andrea was a the sunshine in the life of everyone who lived around her. But not even her brightest rays could have saved you, from the depressive downhill state you felt since your recent breakup.
Your ex had left you on the one year dinner celebration you had planned so excitedly. You were fighting to stay afloat.
Your friends tried their best. But you only pushed everyone else away.
Which only made everything worse. The loneliness, the empty hours of your days that used to be filled by the people you loved, only brought a little more sorrow.
And you didn't know how to ask for help at this point.
You felt embarrassed and undeserving. And most people would have definitely turned their back on you.
But not her.
She waited patiently.
"Y/N can you please come to dinner with us today?"
"Uhm I don't know if I can, I had some plans and-"
"It's fine."
You were thankful for her to not push you into things.
"I know you're not in the mood. But your birthday is coming up, and I wanted us to celebrate it. Lola and Cris have been trying to come up with some good ideas for the party."
"I won't be able to get out of that one, huh?"
"You were so excited for your birthday last week. I know you're not feeling too well but distancing from us, from me, is not the answer."
"I know." you looked down, a bit shameful for your own actions.
"I'm ditching dinner. We can go watch the sunset on your favorite spot. We'll stop to get the snacks on the way."
"Today?" she swore your eyes twinkled for a second in excitement.
"After training. I'll pick you up."
'I go 'round and 'round
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?'
You were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing on the side table. Before picking it up, you took a look at who was calling.
"Where are you? You're late."
"In bed. Today is our day off."
"We are having brunch today, with Wifi."
"Don't. We're waiting for you at the cafe."
"I love you guys but I don't want to deal with anything today."
"Fine." and she simply hung up. You thought she was pissed off, and decided on going back to sleep.
'I'm in an L.A. mood
I don't wanna talk to you
She said, "Give me a day or two"'
The knock on your door was loud enough to hear from the bedroom.
"Give me a minute!" you yelled going for the door.
"Good morning." and there she was again. "I dropped Wifi off, and came to see you, I brought your favorites." she said handing you the bag.
"You brought me brunch?" half surprised. "I thought you were angry, when you hung up the call."
"I was. But then I remembered it's not like you to cancel plans like this. You were doing a little better no? So, qué pasa?" she asked you softly.
"I was just on insta. And a friend my ex and I had in common, messaged me asking how I was doing, then proceeded to tell me they've moved on.
Like two weeks? Really? I'm getting over them but at the same time it made me feel sort of meaningless."
"You have to stop basing your value on other people's actions towards you. You can't let this pull you back into the dark. You have people who love you right here!"
'I'm here, right here
Wishing I could be there for ya'
You reaction was to simply cry. You knew she was right. She had tried everything to bring you up. All the girls did. And still you could only keep your mind in the bad things, blinding you from feeling better. From feeling the love, that was constantly poured on you.
She hugged your side, soothing your back, calmly.
"I don't deserve you. You're like the sun in my orbit, making sure I always have what I need. And I'm like the moon bringing the darkness along were ever I go."
"You know that's not true. You're just going through a phase. Like the moon always does. And the moon doesn't bring darkness. She reflects the light, to guide others through the dark in the night. You have guided me many times before. Even if you have no idea. You shine bright like a full moon."
"Only because I have your sunshine. Thank you for never leaving me alone."
"I've tried." she joked "But I can't."
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
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bewitchingivy · 2 years
pick a card: love letter received (valentine's special)
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Holyf- all these songs and cards that I shuffled are sooooo fucking good. YA'LL ARE BEING SPOILED. I keep squealing reading these messages lmfao. Anyways! These letters are from anyone you have a romantic connection with; soulmate, future spouse/lover/girlfriend, boyfriend, the one, whatever you wanna label!
methods used in this reading: tarot & intuition.
Tarot or any forms of divination is not set in stone. It’s not your only future, but a probable one with the current energy you have right now. If a reading doesn’t resonate, simply let it fly away and shift your energy. Because you can change your reality, and you have the undeniable power to do so.
Please keep in mind that my readings are for entertainment, positive, or inspirational purposes only. Please don’t take them as a professional or medical advice. Any actions or decisions taken are your responsibility.
The images I use in my blog are not mine unless I say so. The pictures belong to their respectful owners.
Let your intuition guide you and enjoy the reading, folks!
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letter #1
shufflemancy: Never Really Over by Katy Perry
My dearest,  I know you think sometimes that you don't deserve the good things in your life, and that you don't deserve a love like we have. God, you're so stubborn. How many times will I have to tell you that you deserve each and every wonderful thing in your life and more? Oh, well. I'm coming home soon to you anyway. And I don't mind reminding you everyday that you deserve all of it, that you're worth it, and that I love you with all I am. I truly believe that we are fated to be with each other, and even though you may have a hard time believing that, you can't escape the love that we have. Sorry, not sorry! >:) Anyways, keep doing the things that make you become the best version of yourself. You're doing good. We'll find each other soon enough. I love you. Until we meet,  Your lover.
about them: they're such a romantic, but they also have this sarcastic and chill personality, HAHA. Assuring person. They only have their eyes on you. Encouraging, they really love cheering and rooting for you. Will always comfort you in your times of need.
signs i saw for you: daisies, co-workers, september, purple aura, someone likes to listen to taylor swift, letters; j, v, d 444.
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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letter #2
shufflemancy: I Will Spend My Whole Life Loving You by Imaginary Future & Kina Grannis
Hi, babe! I can't wait for us to be together. I promise you, it will be anytime soon. It won't even feel like you waited. Just keep being you and be cool (wink). I'm so excited for all the things that we're going to do together, I really can't wait to spend this life with you. I know I can come off as someone who's annoying and blunt sometimes (wait, I think it's most of the time? LOL) but I hope you'll accept and love me for who I am. It's hard to be my authentic self around others, I really hope I can be with you, because I want to. When we've come together one of these days, I promise to give you all my love and everything that you deserve. I will do my best to make you laugh and smile everyday. Make you relax and just wind up after a long day from all the chaos and noise in the world. (Your name), I am ready to spend my whole life loving you and living with you. (their nickname)
about them: they're clingy, but in a good and adorable way though lol. they really like to annoy or tease you out of fun. very cheerful and warm energy here. doesn't seem to be like it, but they do have some insecurities (notice how they hope for you to love and accept them despite their personality in the letter?)
signs i saw for you: 444, 555, letters; w and s. tropical island/country. north america.
 Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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letter #3
shufflemancy: Love Never Felt So Good by Michael Jackson
Dear (your name), I hope you know that I appreciate and love you so much. There are times when I worry that I may not be showing that enough to you, and I'm sorry. But this is me telling the truth. I adore you with all of my heart, and honestly, these words are never enough to fully express my love for you. I hope you know that you're an amazing person. You give me so much light, inspiration, and life. You teach me a lot of valuable things and I really admire that about you. Don't let anything dim the light that you shine in this world. Keep on shining, my love. Life makes so much sense and more worth-living when I'm with you. With all my love,  (their name)
about them: they're a person who doesn't open up easily, or someone who somehow struggles expressing their emotions to you. ah, they're so adorably shy. quiet. a quiet person, someone who's meticulous. logical. 
signs i saw for you: 333, 222, sunflowers.
notes: fuck. the last line in their letter made me sooooo 🥹🥹🥹 AAAAHHHH. KEEP THEM, BRUH. i don't necessarily show cards in my readings, but i'll spoil you with this one; i practically squealed when i got the queen of wands and the sun for you. LIKE AGH. I love this combination, especially since they both have sunflowers. And I totally felt so much warmth in my heart while writing their letter UwU
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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letter #4
shufflemancy: love somebody like you by joan
Hey Princess/Prince, I understand that you're not in a pretty situation right now, you really wish you could just escape, don't you? Don't worry. Even if I'm not there with you physically in the time that you're reading this, I'm always with you in your heart and in spirit. Listen, I'm proud of you of how far you've come. And I know that you have the strength to get through this. You can do it! I wholeheartedly believe in you, babe. Just so you know, I'm your biggest cheerleader, haha. Sooo... just do it, okay? There's no need for you to be afraid. I promise that once you've overcome this, something really amazing is coming for you. And it's worth it. Mmm, I can't say for sure if this surprise is me coming in to your life, but welp, who knows? :) Love ya! - (their name)
about them: they're such a fun person to be around. gentle and polite, wholesome, like a happy kid in an adult body HAHA. jester. golden retriever energy (gosh, i effing love people who has this energy.) passionate about art. is into music that doesn't seem to match their personality and vibe (eg: they love listening to metal.) might be into anime.
signs i saw for you: 222, party, celebration, a park, carnival or something. someone's born in 2002, or something significant happened in 2022 for either of you, like a drastic change in your life of some sort. 
notes:  They really want to call you princess/prince, I'm sorry if you don't like it but that's that LMAO- why do i get the feeling that some of you are in some sort of relationship (not necessarily romantic) that is not stable, and healthy, and you're definitely advised to put yourself first now, leave, and heal from it.
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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letter #5
shufflemancy: So My Darling by Rachel Chinouriri
Hi, love. You've gone through so much, life hasn't been much fair to you, to us. But no matter how hard it is, it's important for us to never give up and stay strong. But it's not easy to stay strong either. Let me give you a gentle reminder that it's ok to cry and break down when you have to, okay? It's okay to let it all out and not bottle all the negative feelings inside. And then once you've done that, you can slowly get back up, take back your strength, and have stronger faith for the future. I know you're strong, I see it in you :) You're really capable more than you think. And it also gives me strength to see your strength. Don't allow yourself to be defeated, okay? We'll get through this. And once we meet, we won't have to go through it all alone. We'll be fighting alongside together. Yours, (their name)
about them: a positive person. stylish and classy. for some of you, they might reside in london or is from the uk. might tend to see things through rose-colored glasses. machiavellian. 
signs i saw for you: paris, france. travel, foreign country, 222, 333, rainbow.
Hope you enjoyed your reading! Remember to love yourself the way you want others to love you! Any thoughts on this reading? Leave a feedback!— Ivy
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 9 months
Hey, Mickey! [Pt. 2]
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University AU TW: Language, Alcohol Consumption, P w/out P, Hook-Up Culture, Y/N's a bit promiscuous but so are her friends lmfao Smut Warnings: Semi-Public Sex, Car Sex, Sloppy Make Outs, Penetrative Sex, Degradation, Name Calling, Fingering, Handjob, Oral (F!Giving - Blowjob), Lowkey face-fucking, Overstimulation, San's a meanie (translated: soft dom ish), Unprotected Sex (contraceptives are sexy guys), Double Penetration, Anal, Creampie, Manhandling, Multiple Orgasms, Genre: Romance, Smut, Exes-to-FWB-to-Lovers, Minors DNI Pairing: Choi San x Reader ft. Yeosang YN Pronouns: Female (She/Her) Word Count: 3.8K
[Other Groups Masterlist] [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: I didn't mean to write a sequel to this but... here we are ig lmaooooooo BUT THIS IS IT I PROMISE! Also rq you do not need to read part 1, this can be a stand alone, but if you want to read that filth go ahead. Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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"I hate you, (Y/N)!" Your friend cried. "You said he's free!"
"Okay, and? He's not free anymore," you sipped on your iced tea while your friend lamented on the table in front of you.
"Was he... was he at least a good fuck?"
"I guess you'll never know."
"No!" Your friend cries into her arms. She looks at you with sad eyes. "You're lucky I love you."
"Yup," you finished your tea and placed it aside while you continued your paper. "Plus, you don't want to date that asshole," you rolled your eyes and groaned.
"Why not?"
"His idea of a date is a movie and a fuck, he's so unromantic," you complained.
"Why are you dating him then?" She asks, regaining her composure and touching up her eyeliner now.
"I guess I'm just used to it," you eyed her weirdly but continued your own business. "Maybe I kinda missed it."
"Wow, your friends were right, your standards are really on the floor, huh?" She huffs. Apparently so.
"I know," you couldn't stop the grin from rising on your face. "Anyway, we have a date later, so we'll see what happens," you rest your chin against your palm.
"Aw, what's the plan?" She pushes.
"Let's see," San chimes behind you while placing a hand on your shoulder, "dinner at 6, movie at 8, and sex in my car at 10," San lists off on his fingers behind you.
"You're stupid," you rolled your eyes again and looked at your friend, "what did I tell you. Unromantic, right?" You sighed.
"Just the way you like it," he shoots you a wink and steals your coffee.
"What else did I tell you? Absolute asshole," you deadpanned toward your friend. San, making no comment, walked off. "Look, he just came here to fucking embarrass me and take my shit, ugh, why am I talking to him again?" You shook your head and went back to work. "Consider yourself lucky, friend." You stole a glance at her, catching her watching San walk off.
"I wish I had a guy who treated me like shit."
"You're even stupider than he is."
"Let me live my whore era in peace," her head slips down her hand and she giggles. "You have two other friends, right?"
"Why are you so attracted to my friends?!"
"Why are your friends so attractive?!" She fires back.
"Really, San? I thought you'd at least be a little more classy than this," you crawled over to the backseat and straddled his lap. The earlier date was a bit of a blur, to be honest, the movie was boring and dinner was okay, but part of you felt that weird semblance of him trying to be more romantic. It didn't work though. In the end, you were still about to fuck in his car, one of the most unromantic of places.
"I mean, yeah, but you're here anyway, aren't you?" His hands rest on either side of your hip. "If you want me to take you home to my place right now then I'll do it," he shrugs. "But can you wait that long?" He teases you.
"Shut up," you leaned down and kissed him. Your lips moved together slowly while San's thumbs started to trace circles around your hips. His hands slipped into your shirt and sent a cold shock up your spine, something that elicited a small groan from you and allowed San to push forward while deepening the kiss. You felt your hips relax against his lap and you could feel his boner against his jeans. You separated for a moment, leaving San to chase after you.
"What?" His voice sounded more disinterested than annoyed.
"Your windows are tinted, right?" You looked out into the nighttime.
"Nope," he pulls you down to his lips once again.
"San," his name was muffled between your lips. "Mm mmm," you shook your head. He pulled away.
"Come on, no one's here, you can see the lot better than I can," he starts to kiss your neck instead. He wasn't really wrong per se, you really should've suspected something when he parked back here, but here you were being surprised again, huh? "What are you so worried about? It's not like anyone we know would be here at this time," he continues. Again, he wasn't wrong.
Plus, part of you thought that car sex was hot.
"Fine, but I do expect you to bring me home still," you said.
"Yeah, yeah, of course," he pulled your shirt off and kissed you again, something you welcomed and reciprocated. He reached behind you and unclasped your bra before tossing it to some unknown part of the car, and your hips bucked against his, something that made him smirk against you. "Needy much?" He teased you too often, in your opinion.
"Shut up and just fuck me already, okay?"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," San separated from you and you groaned. "Hold on there, baby, we're not just fucking around anymore," he lowers you against the seat and your breath catches in your throat. "Nah, we're "talking," right? I'm fucking to keep you now," he presses small kisses against your chest. "Then again, my competition is Mark, so I'm not too concerned," he grabs the waistbands of your skirt and your panties and pulls them off slowly.
"Don't be mean!" You tug at his hair and he groans around your nipple.
Mark, San's polar opposite. He was sweet, romantic, and just so caring, kinda bad at sex but you would never tell him. You didn't deserve him, now that you thought of it, especially since you're about to be willingly dicked down by your ex, but what's new?
"And? Since when were you into the nice guys? I know you, you like us mean," San's fingers ghost over your clit and your back arches. He pushes himself up and presses wet kisses along your jaw just as he traces his fingers around your folds and, fucking finally, he presses two fingers inside of you.
"Haa..." you let out a shaky moan and felt yourself sinking into the leather seats. You pulled his face to yours and kissed him hard. He let out a low groan as you started to palm at his crotch.
"You like us stupid too," he mutters against you. "You like it when we can't think of anything other than you, you thrive on that shit, it gets you off every time," his voice was a low rumble on your lips.
"No," your response came out as a low moan, "that's not..." you couldn't finish your sentence, not with how he was moving inside of you.
"You're all I ever think about," he presses up against your g-spot and your legs nearly clamped together as you started to grind on his fingers. "I could be doing whatever and all I can think about is how much of a cock-hungry whore you can be, all I think about is how you can barely even talk after I'm done with you. You should see yourself right now, where'd all that pride from earlier go?" He pulled his hand away in a swift movement, licking them clean before pulling his jeans off. The opportunity presented itself and you weren't one to back down, besides, you couldn't let him have all the glory. You were quick to push him back now, taking more of a front and wrapping your hand around his dick. "Oh?" He asks with a confident grin. You dragged your hand up and started to slowly jerk him, taking your time to listen to his own pretty moans.
"I usually prefer to be the one dumb fucked stupid but... you said it yourself, I'm fucking to keep you," you crawled into the space between his legs and wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock, your tongue drawing languid circles around it while San's head hit the back of the seat.
"Fuck..." he drew the curse out and his hand rested on the top of your head as you took more and more of his cock into your mouth. He wasn't pushing down on you, thankfully, but the force was there, and god did it turn you on. You pulled your head up along his dick now, jerking him all along the way while he started to pull at your hair. The bitter taste of precum dragged along your tongue each time you tried to take more of him. "You can take more of it, I know you can," he starts to push your head down further and you gagged around him. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and San cursed again. "Fuck, you look so hot like this," he brushes your hair out of your face right as you take the last of him in. Deep breaths, just relax. Not the first time you blew him, just the first time in such a restricted space. You try to pull off of him again, but his hips move up and he holds you in place.
"Mmph," you moaned around him while he thrust into you. Your legs started to give way under you, sliding further apart while you sank to the bottom of the car and your wetness dripped out of you. One of your hands moved to your pussy and you slipped your index and middle fingers inside to scissor yourself while you gagged on his cock. San moaned on top of you just as he pulled you off of him to give you a chance to climb back on top of him, your pussy hovering above his cock for just a moment before you spread your lips and sank down on him. He pulled you down into an open kiss, with wet moans being stolen with his tongue. His hands settled on your hips, squeezing them gently to urge you to move at your own pace, and a small shift from him was enough for you to start riding him. Your hips rocked back and forth, the car shifting under you with every movement but your wary glances around confirmed that you and he were still alone. Finally, you felt your abdomen tighten and you tugged him away from you. "I'm... haa... I'm almost there," you told him.
"Are you?" His words had a heavy sultry tone to them and you felt his lips trail up your jawline. "Hold it in," he bites down on your neck and you whimpered.
"I don't think... mmph... I don't think I can," your voice mixed with your moans now and his hands tightened on your waist to hold you still.
"You know, I just cleaned this car too," he spoke against your neck. This asshole. "Would be a shame if I had to clean it again," he sighs and lowers you down again, taking full control of you.
"San, please," your hands squeezed his hips and he thrusts into you. "Please, please, please," you begged him. You couldn't hold your orgasm in any longer than you already have.
"Go then," he releases your hips and you grasp onto his shoulders and lean forward, moving up and down his length to reach your orgasm all the while he whispers dirty things. Your pussy slid against his cock, feeling the way he stretched you open with each glide up and down, it was almost too good. The things you would do just to get him to let you sit on his cock forever. "Damn, only I can make you like this, huh?" He grins just as you stilled over him, your orgasm wracking through your body, and him moaning on top of you, staying in place while your pussy tried to pull him in further.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," you cursed repeatedly and San flipped you so that your stomach was against the seats and he pistoned into you. "Fuck, oh god, I can't," you shook your head against them now while San thrust into you with enough force that your wetness gushed around his cock. And when you felt his thumb press against your pucker you grabbed onto the seats with a vice grip, then right as you reached your second orgasm he stilled for a moment, letting you ride it out, until he spoke again.
"You ready?"
"Mmhmm," you moaned and he pushed into you.
"Shit..." he let out a breathy moan, while you moaned loudly, not caring if anyone was around to hear you. Your hand moved to your clit, trying to speed up to your next orgasm.
"Ugh, oh god," your hands moved faster and soon, somehow, you were on his lap again, your arms wrapped around his neck and his hands on your waist while he fucked you and you bit down on his shoulder to keep from screaming while the car rocked back and forth and, then, you made a mistake. You opened your eyes.
And Yeosang's jaw dropped.
Immediately, you zipped your mouth shut and San, sensing the sudden unease, stopped all his movements. You and Yeosang were stuck staring at each other for a bit, and carefully, awkwardly, he held up a bag and pointed at it.
"Haa, fuck," you cursed, rolled your eyes, and pointed at San's head. San turned his head just enough to see him, before he looked at you.
"Down?" He asks. He didn't specify what in particular, but with enough context, you were able to piece it together.
"In here?"
"Ugh," you groaned again. "If he is," you finally conceded. You looked out the back window again and, for whatever reason, Yeosang was still standing there. Of all the times to run into him it happened to be when your ex was balls deep into your pussy, of course. Wordlessly, San turned just enough to see him again and raised his hand up, motioning for Yeosang to come in. Yeosang, seemingly, took a deep breath and sighed. He looked at you, showing you a thumbs up and a look as if to ask if it was really okay, and with another roll of your eyes you nodded, and he shrugged, and he walked over. "God, it's about to get so cramped." You grumbled.
"Whatever, not the first time we fucked in this car," San groaned. You made a move to pull off of him, but he held you still while he leaned over and unlocked the car.
"I have, uh, waba grill," Yeosang slides in. "You look hungry, (Y/N)."
"A little, yeah," you nodded.
"Yo, you gonna join us or are you just here to fap?" San leans over to ask him. "Lock the car for me too."
"Yeah, yeah," Yeosang locks the car. "You cool if I join for sure, right?" He asks you.
"Woo might be mad that he's not here," you looked away for a moment.
"Aw, man, Woo doesn't have to know," San reasons.
"Well, whatever," Yeosang tosses his food onto the driver's seat and climbs in the back. "How far are we?"
"Three orgasms... was about to be four until you decided to look in here," you muttered.
"Whoops," Yeo pulls his shirt off and you look away.
"Yo," San whistles lowly.
"You guys suck," you mumbled and San pulled you off of him.
"I'll take a breather, you two have fun," San says. That's... different.
"Huh? You sure?" Yeosang asks and even you were surprised.
"Sure, last time you two get to fuck at least."
"Last?!" You both exclaimed.
"Yup, next time (Y/N) and I'll be official."
"In your dreams, Choi San," you rolled your eyes and turned Yeosang's face toward yours, capturing his lips with yours in an instant. Yeosang matched your rhythm quickly, holding onto your hips with a gentle grip while you moved on top of him.
"Oh," he mumbles. Yup, you both knew it, he was planning something. "Whatever, (Y/N), come here," he pulls you close to him and you press your lips to his.
Okay, you had to admit it, this wasn't the first time you and Yeosang fucked. The first time was because you both got drunk at a party. The second was because he picked you up from a failed date. And the third was now. And yet every time and with every partner, of course, you ended up comparing them to the jackass sitting behind you. Yeosang was gentler in his movements, he had control, easily, but he let you go through the motions. Even now, while you sank your hips onto his, you could feel the motions of him pushing you down too. You held onto both headrests on either side of you when he started to thrust into you, and you fought the urge to clamp your legs whenever he pushed into you just right. Your hands traced up his abdomen, wrapping around either side of his chest while you rode him, in some ways Yeosang was just perfect and if it hadn't been for San then maybe, maybe, this would've felt a little less cruel. Then, you felt San press his hand onto your back and he pushed you down onto Yeosang, close enough that you two nearly fell into a kiss.
"You know, (Y/N)," San whispers in your ear, pressing a small kiss to the shell of it too. "Yeo's had the biggest crush on you since we were kids."
"Come on, man, don't tell her about that," Yeosang's face twists in pleasure. He holds onto you tighter, thrusts becoming more pointed.
"The dude used to cum in socks thinking of you," San laughs. "What do you think? Pussy better than fabric?" San chides.
"San!" You tried to turn to glare at him, but his hand kept your head in place.
"And look at you two now, fucking in the backseat of my car," he continues to taunt. "How's it feel, Yeo?"
"Fuck you, San," Yeosang holds onto your hips tighter and you let out a breathy moan.
"Don't even listen to him," you pressed your lips against Yeosang's, and he kissed back, with both of your hips rolling against each other. Then you felt San's cock rub against you. And when you felt it push against your asshole, you broke off of Yeosang and buried your head in his neck, muffling your moan against his skin. "Fuck," you gripped onto Yeosang's arms and he groaned with every movement. Every time San pushed further into you, you ground down on Yeosang, and with every thrust you moved forward and back between them until he had finally settled in. You lightly chewed on Yeosang's skin, trying to get used to the feeling. Yeosang moaned under you, feeling the difference almost instantly.
"Shit," he clenches his jaw, holding back as much as he could.
"Don't be a little bitch," San growls, wrapping one arm around your torso and pulling you up against his chest, he thrusts into you and you grab onto his arm, your nails digging into his skin with every movement and Yeosang biting down on his hand to stop himself from cumming inside of you. "You cum in her and I'll make sure you regret it, Yeo," San says.
"I'm fucking trying, asshole," Yeosang makes a move to pull out of you but San pushes you down on his cock further.
"Oh god," your hands were on either side of Yeosang now, mind going blank from both cocks moving inside of you. Yeosang pressed open-mouth kisses against your skin, leaving it burning in its path. You turned your head so that you could whisper to him, being sure that only he could hear you.
"Fuck me like you got to me first," you said beneath a moan. Yeosang turns his head to look at you.
"Fuck it," Yeosang shakes his head and grips your thighs, pushing into you at a new pace to match San's, and you fell limp against him, fighting against his own strength to close your legs.
"Attaboy!" San was almost having too much fun with this. "Savor it, lover boy, this is the last time you get to try it." He could be so mean sometimes.
"Fuck! Oh, god, don't stop!" You felt your orgasm building up inside you again, your pussy clenched around Yeosang's cock and your hands dug into his hair while San constantly reminded you that he was there.
"Haa, shit," Yeosang cursed under you. From the way he was moving you could tell he was close and, fuck how amazing it would be to feel him. "Where?" Was all he could get out and, before you could even answer, San pulled you off of him and wrapped his arms under your legs to keep them open.
"Not inside, that's for sure," San said between grunts, he thrust into you at a faster pace now, not being held back by the previous resistance, and your head fell against his neck, just barely able to see through bleary eyes the way Yeosang jerked his cock. You felt your pussy clench around nothing, trying to get some kind of pleasure, any, and luckily Yeosang knew you better than you thought. His mouth wrapped over your clit, tongue circling around the sensitive nub while San continued to fuck into you, and when Yeosang pushed his tongue inside of you you knew you were done for. Your next orgasm hit you hard, so hard that you swear you blacked out for a second before getting pulled back to the reality that was San cumming in your ass. Your legs shook under his hold, and your breaths were heavy and hot. Yeosang sat up, wiping the cum from his chin as he did so.
"No more... I can't..." you shook your head and San pulled out of you slowly, watching the trail of cum follow his dick.
"Yeah, yeah," San was quiet, finally. Yeosang, meanwhile, reached over and grabbed his clothes.
"Well, I'm out," he pulls his shirt on.
"You're leaving already?" You asked with your eyes screwed shut.
"Yeah, exam," Yeosang rolls his eyes, wiping his dick off before shoving it back into his boxers. "Later," he steps into the passenger seat before unlocking the door, he looks back at San. "Also, you're an asshole."
"I know," San holds his hand up until Yeosang leaves. "You staying back here or moving up?"
"Ugh..." you turned so that your head laid on his chest, "can we just stay like this for a bit?"
"Sure," San's hand rests on your back now. "Too hard?"
"Like you care."
"Hey! I'm trying here," his hands rose up momentarily before settling on you again. You pressed a small kiss to his chest.
"Were you telling the truth about Yeo?"
"Oh yeah, big time," he nods.
"That's mean."
"Just how you like it."
"Fuck you."
"So soon?"
"I... ugh..." you closed your eyes again.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
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burningdreambanana · 14 days
An analysis on how the show turned Alicent into an accidental villain (part 2)
The portrayal of Alicent in season 2 is bizarre to say the least. On one hand, it seems like the writers are trying to keep her as a "good" character. On the other hand, it seems like they are trying really hard to humiliate her.
First of all, this desire to “humble” Alicent seems very strange considering they’ve went out of their way to portray Alicent as possible by making her crown Aegon based on a misunderstanding, she wasn’t aware of the plan to crown him, she refused to have Rhaenyra killed. 
Second of all their attempt to make Alicent sympathetic or a victim also fail spectacularly.
Alicent's behavior this season is utterly self-centered, delusional and stupid. To the point that it's comical at times
In this season she :
sleeps with Cole while leaving the door unlocked
barely gives a shit when her grandson is brutally murdered. Seriously, Alicent's lack of care for her grandchildren is disturbing, does she even know their names?
recognizes that Aegon is eager to please, proceeds to do nothing about it despite her "intelligence" and later insults him while he's already down and causes him to put himself in danger
feels very shallow guilt for that
doesn't take time to help her children with their grief, even though it's not even like she feels any grief herself that would overwhelm her
never proposes any plan of action at the council, yet expects not only to be taken seriously but to made regent, even though making Aemond regent makes perfect sense since he's the heir and the Green's biggest advantage
has the enemy near her, unprotected, and lets her go because of sentimentality
after not being made regent, instead of trying trying to leverage her influence in other ways, she just abandons, and then soon after betrays her entire family and faction
SHE CONDEMNS HER FAMILY TO DEATH. Seriously, Aegon, Aemond, Daeron and Otto are all dead if Rhaenyra becomes queen.
She doesn't even have the decency to share their fate (since she's admitting her mistakes), she is ready to just go live her best life in peace (where and how exactly, we don't know)
In the show, she is largely responsible for the beginning of the Dance, since apparently Rhaenyra would not have done anything to her siblings if Aegon was never crowned and the King's word is the only claim considered valid, yet she acts all season like she has no responsibility for it and condemns violence (like what did you think would happen when you dragged Aegon to the throne????). Which also feels very shallow because as a youtuber pointed out in their video about s2 of HOTD, just because we believe war is bad, doesn't mean we will automatically buy that medieval characters would believe that. They needed to establish in s1 that Alicent and Rhaenyra care about the innocents, not just be like we'll they are woman of course they care ! That's lazy
Plus all the random things Alicent does while her family is tearing itself apart like getting eaten out before a council, taking baths, lighting candles, swimming fully clothed, which many find boring but I just find very funny in how absurd it is.
In conclusion of both parts of this analysis, Alicent is a crazy, petty, bitter, jealous, self-centered, dumb, incompetent, delusional, hypocritical, judgmental, treacherous abusive mother with no self-awareness who doesn't love any of her children except Helaena (and that's debatable considering she was willing to let Daemon get away with what he did to her, she's more of a prop to her than a daughter), doesn't care about her grandchildren, doesn't care about her father, brother and lover, who refuses to take responsibilities for her action and is ready to sacrifice tons of people for her "freedom".
Which is fine, but then go all in, make her a soap opera villain and make us love to hate her. They could do that by stressing the comedic elements of a character like that, example: Joffrey is horrible but he is often very funny to watch, Lucille Bluth is another good example of a horrible but incredibly entertaining character.
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inspirationalucky · 5 months
🐎 EPIC: The Musical: Act One, The Troy Saga sentence starters. Because the lines are just That Good. Going by the exact lyrics mostly, definitely change things to fit your muse's situation<3
The Horse & the Infant
"Ten long years they've killed us slowly."
"Your family wonders where you've been."
"They're growing old, and yet you're still here."
"Do what I say and you'll see them again."
"What do you live for?"
"What do you fight for?"
"I fight for us."
"What is to come cannot be outrun, can only be dealt with right here and now."
"Say no more, I know that I'm ready."
"I don't think you're ready."
"What sort of imminent threat does he pose that I cannot avoid?"
"If you don't end him now, you'll have no one left to save."
"He will burn your house and throne."
"He'll find you wherever you go."
"This is the will of the gods."
"Please, don't make me do this"
"The blood on your hands is something you won't lose, all you can choose is whose."
Just A Man
"I look into your eyes and I think back to the son of mine."
"You're as old as he was when I left for war."
"Will these actions haunt my days?"
"Is the price I pay endless pain?"
"Close your eyes and spare yourself the view."
"How could I hurt you?"
"I'm just a man who's trying to go home."
"I'm just a man who's fighting for his life."
"Deep down, I would trade the world to see my son and wife."
"When does a man become a monster?"
"When does the reason become the blame?"
"Forgive me."
Full Speed Ahead
"Six hundred men under my command with only one goal in mind: make it back alive to our homeland."
"The problem's not the distance, it's what lies in between."
"My kingdom is waiting!"
"We've run out of supplies to eat."
“Curse the war, our food store’s depleted.”
"Watch where the birds fly, they will lead us to land."
"Look! There in the distance!"
"Maybe they'll share some food, who knows?"
"Something feels off here."
"I say we strike first, we don't have time to waste."
"Gear up, you and I'll go ahead."
"We should try to find a way no one ends up dead."
"Give me 'til sunrise."
Open Arms
"I can tell you're getting nervous."
"Do yourself a service and try to relax, my friend."
"I know that you're tired of the war and bloodshed."
"Is this how we're supposed to live?"
"Why should we take when we could give?"
"You could show a person that you trust them when you stop and lower your guard."
"We're only here for food."
"Stay back, I'm warning you!"
"If we don't get back safely, my men will turn this place into blazes!"'
"This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms."
"It's a lotus, it controls your mind and never lets you free."
"That's what we'd get with open arms."
"I want to show my friend that kindness is brave."
"We'll be fine if we're leading from the heart!"
"I see in your face there is so much guilt inside your heart."
Warrior of the Mind
"Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you?"
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart? This is not you."
"I see you changing from how I've designed you."
"Have you forgotten your purpose? Let me remind you."
"I had a challenge, a test of skill."
"Maybe one day he'll follow me and we'll make a greater tomorrow."
"I know he'll change the world."
"If there's a problem, he'll have the answer."
"I know you're watching me, show yourself!"
"How can you see through me spell?"
"I was lying, and you fell for my bluff!"
"Well done! Enlighten me, what's your name?"
"Nice try, but two can play this game."
"Nah, don't be modest, I know you're a goddess!"
"So let's be honest, you are Athena!"
"If you're looking for a mentor, I'll make sure your time's well spent."
"I still intend to make sure you don't fall behind."
"Don't disappoint me."
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brainrotcharacters · 1 year
HIII! could you please write a nami x f reader?
maybe just them being domestic? like the side of nami most don't get to see, r always has
they've been together for a couple of years now
things like cuddling (facing each other), night routines, etc
r is shorter than nami too, top of head just barely (if even) reaching her chin (this is needed info for any hugs🤭)
pls and thank you! :) <<<333
ship: Nami x fem!reader
summary: A day in the life aboard the Going Merry, as Nami's girlfriend from home.
a/n: requested by @fairy-geek-ackerman
tags: reader is shorter than Nami, established relationship, cuddling, events occur after one piece live action season 1, events occur in the span of a day, I now headcanon Nami as gift giving love language, reader is physical touch love language, we vibe with Sanji because Sanji vibes with us, Zoro cameo
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"There you are." You yawn, ascending the stairs to the stern of the boat. Nami smiled at the sound of your voice, one hand idle on the helm as she examined her maps.
"I'm not going anywhere, you know." The early morning sunlight was soft against her features as she peered up at you. The wind blew stronger for a moment, and her free hand shot out to pin the map page on the nearby desk.
You lift one of your daggers― decorative, inlaid with polished stone, and heavy enough to act as paperweight. You place it on the upper left corner of the largest of the maps. "I know. Luffy would get you back."
Nami chuckled. After Luffy and the rest of Nami's boys had freed Coco Village from Arlong's crew, they learned about the girlfriend that Nami left at home. It didn't take much for them to convince their navigator (Nami wanted for you to come with them anyway) to invite you onboard.
"Oh, wow." She stepped back, watching you pluck up all sorts of things from your pockets to help pin the maps in place. Aside from the dagger, she also recognized a bracelet with a real citrine stone, and a glass vial of dried blue paint courtesy of Nojiko. "You never threw anything away, did you?"
"You said you liked giving me gifts," you lean back against the desk, protecting the rest of the maps from the wind. "So I'll keep every gift you give me."
Her eyes softened, a combination of fondness and understanding as she studied you. "You're very... you."
Your lips curl up in a small smile. "I love you too."
Nami reached out a hand, and you stepped into her arms, the top of your head barely reaching her chin. Her grip around your waist was more affectionate and confident than before. You lift your chin, nuzzling into her neck.
The scent of tangerines clung to Nami's skin. She must have checked on the garden earlier. You breathe in the scent of home, the scent of her, and your own arms wrap around her body a bit tighter.
After what felt like an eternity but was only actually a minute, an elegant male voice interrupted the peaceful creaking of the ship's hull. "Isn't that adorable? I've never seen you be so affectionate before."
Sanji was smiling up at you both from the foot of the stairs, bearing a tray in one hand. Two steaming cups sat on the tray. "Good morning to you two lovely ladies. Made you your coffee, as requested. For Nami, two milks, one sugar; for Y/n, two milks, two sugar."
He reached halfway up the stairs before you happily accepted the tray from him. "Much appreciated, Sanji. Thank you."
"Of course," he tilted his head in a graceful nod. "Breakfast will be ready in an hour. I suggest you get there ten minutes before Luffy does."
Nami returned to the helm, smiling as she reached for her cup of coffee. "We'll be there. How'd you know what coffee I liked?"
Sanji motioned towards you, and you offered your girlfriend a sheepish, shameless smile. Nami smiled over the lip of her cup, rolling her eyes.
Even with your nose buried in the novel you were reading, you can feel Zoro's attention on you and Nami.
Both of you were sitting on the stairs at the ship's bow, Nami seated behind you so she could braid your hair close to your head. Her legs are braced on either side of your body, and from the way you felt them stiffen, you could tell she had a thin tolerance for Zoro's glancing. "What?"
He didn't need to be addressed, but still reacted. "Nothing."
You sucked on the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from laughing. You can feel Nami's frustration make her fingers heavier. Three... Two... One... "Since when do you know how to braid?"
You couldn't help but snicker, patting Nami's knee at your side. She understood your cue, and let you explain. "My dad taught us. Nojiko and Nami often visited the house when we were kids."
Zoro studied you for a moment, then turned his attention back towards the island several miles away. "All right."
Luffy wanted to dock here because he said he smelled something delicious, which Sanji interpreted as a personal challenge. Usopp had joined them out of whimsy. Luffy asked the three of you to stay aboard and protect the ship, but you heard Nami mutter how he just didn't want her and Zoro to keep him in line. "Think they're okay?" Zoro asked.
The tallest building on the island suddenly exploded.
Zoro looked surprised for all of two seconds before he groaned, rubbing his face in frustration. Nami's fingers froze in the middle of another braid in your hair. "Seriously...?"
You offer her a hair tie, giggling. "Just tie it where you stopped, and let's go."
That evening, when everyone had settled in to sleep, you and Nami laid together in bed. Your arms were snugly wrapped around her bare back, skin flush against your own. You returned to your natural position, lifting your chin to nuzzle her neck as she slowly untangles the braids in your hair.
Along with the creaking of the Merry and the sound of the ocean waves, Nami's breathing was incredibly soothing to hear. "So. You survived another day with these idiots. What now?"
You let out a quiet chuckle as you fell further into sleep. "You won't get rid of me so easily, Nami."
Her chest rose and fell as she sighed. "Good."
"Mhhm." you snuggled closer against her, and Nami tangled her legs around yours.
When you were able to find a comfortable position, you started kissing the skin of her collarbones softly. Nami smiled, smoothing out your hair. "Good night, Y/n. Love you."
"I love you, Nami." You murmur into her skin.
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vladdyissues · 4 months
Hi, I'm asking this question because I'm genuinely afraid. I want to post art I did/I commissioned a different artist of Pompous Pep on my blog, but I'm terrified of others attacking me. I've always liked this ship since I was kid and didn't it was considered taboo until I was older. How do you deal with hate? Would it be better to post on a side blog? My main DP AU does have Pompous Pep when Danny is in his early to mid 20s.
I answered a similar ask here, but this one also deserves its own answer. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself from hate:
✦ Turn off anonymous asks. That curbs 99.9999% of abuse, because haters are too chickenshit to send stuff that they can get reported for and possibly have their account terminated. If you do decide to open anonymous asks at some point and receive hate, you can still report it. More on blocking here.
✦ Make sure you tag your post with "pompous pep" so those who love the ship can find it and those who have the tag blocked can avoid it.
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✦ As you can see, there are quite a few of us Pompep fans here on Tumblr, and it's good to be part of a community. Being able to laugh off anon hate with one another is a superb morale-booster. (If you spend any amount of time on Discord, DM me. We have a server, and you'd be very welcome there.)
Bottom line: Haters will always find a reason to hate something they don't like. You can never "perform" purely enough to please them, so don't even try. If you age up Danny and Vlad, they'll still bitch about the age gap. If you make them the same age, they'll bitch about the "toxic dynamic" of Enemies to Lovers. If you make an AU where they've always been friends and are the exact same age, they'll still accuse you of Shipping Crimes™ because it's still the same characters—even if all the obstacles that made the ship problematic have been removed. All you'll do is wear yourself out trying to conform to their standards, so just say "fuck em" and do what you want.
Me, personally, I've been in fandom too long to be bothered by anon hate. I report them, block them, and delete the message, and I don't waste any more energy than necessary. I also follow the golden rule of Don't Feed the Trolls. Haters thrive on attention, and if they get no response from you, they'll eventually give up their attack and move on.
I'm sorry that the actions of an idiotic, vocal minority have made you afraid to participate in fandom activities. No one should ever feel that way. Just remember that you're not alone. Almost all of us Pompep fans have dealt with negativity at some point in our lives, but that hasn't stopped us at all. We're still here, and we'll always be here.
✦ As for sideblogs, they're great if you want to keep certain stuff separate from your main blog, but it's totally up to you. Just keep in mind, if you want to block anyone from seeing your sideblog, it must be done from the Blog Settings of that particular sideblog. More on sideblogs here.
I hope this post answered your questions and eased some of your fears. If you have any further comments or questions, you know how to reach me :)
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en-geneisaxx · 5 months
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'Please don't say that this is the end of us...'
Pairings: Husband!Hoon x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing (you're gonna be on a rollercoaster of emotions darling) and a suggestive at hoon's part (if u squint 🤭)
Feat. Jay, Heeseung and Jake of Enhypen, Yeji (Sunghoon's sister), Jin Ae (Y/n and Sunghoon's child)
Tagging my moots who wanted to read: @pockettwinzz @diorsyun @rinbowaman @heeslomll @heeslut4life @hoonieshoneymain @sungvrhs
Not proofread 😅
Likes, reblogs and/or following me will be much appreciated!!
Part 4:
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The silence was so loud.
But I mean, it was expected. How would you have reacted given that information and the current situation you were in? Even I, too, wouldn't know, despite living it.
'Y/n,' Jay breaks the awkward atmosphere,
'take your damn child before it has a concussion from it falling from my arms, because I feel so fricking weak right now.'
Glady, you took Jin Ae, since she was like a comforter. And, gosh, she was SO 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 CUTE.
Finally, you felt a little light-hearted, but that could only last for long...
'I...damn. I never knew my bro would be like that... He's not the type to do that...'
'Y/n...have you ever suspected that Jake dude? Because right now, he seems like he's the problem.'
'I agree, Jay. Hoon would never hurt you, but it may be he's worried that Jake guy would take you. You're everything to him, Y/n, and he's just as similar to you when it comes to love.'
Hearing the different views of the story did give you an insight of what might be going on in his head.
'Try being Hoon,' suggested Jay, 'because you need to know what's his version of this mess.
Thoughtfully, you scrape out every detail of Jake you could get from your memory, and tried to piece it together to get a clear answer.
Jake was a flirty boy, so his actions could rub off people in the wrong way, especially if it was Hoon.
When he hangs out with you, he would definitely initiate the physical contact, snaking an arm around your waist or putting an arm on your shoulder.
The way he would look at you...it...it was different, now that you're gaining a third person view. Those eyes...it was so dark when it came to you, unlike when they have a charming gleam to others. Could it be lust? The thought made you sick, you hated liking another man when you were happily in love.
Even the nicknames...he would call me things Sunghoon does, like 'Love' or 'Darling'.
Ah, so he wasn't trying to be my best friend,
He took 'bf' to a whole new level.
No wonder why Hoon got so agitated at the thought of him.
But...at the same time, these are just reasonable guesses. I would need to discuss with Sunghoon to actually know the answer.
'So, what's your verdict, 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤?'
'I think Jake tried to change it to Mrs. Sim.'
'I thought so too, ngl.'
'Me three!' Yeji chimes in.
'Well, at least now you should have Sunghoon's view.'
And I think we talked for too long that Jin Ae started crying, hungry for milk.
'Shoot, Jin Ae hasn't drank yet.'
'We'll leave you two to be, call us when you're done.' Says the modest Jay, who you really thought deserved to be the older Park.
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'I'll be waiting nearby, ok bro?'
'Cheers Hee, for letting me hang about your place and all that.'
'My job as the eldest, is it not?' He chuckles.
'I know you love Y/n, but right now, you're not really taking your role as the husband, aren't you? Remember, you haven't heard her side of the story, so take it easy.'
'I'll try to, I really will.'
I head on over to the backyard of our house, decorated by my lovely Y/n. She took so much time renovating it into the piece of art it is today. That was what she was good at: creating masterpieces. She's probably best at it because she is one, and if I was to ever be hurtful to her, I would never have meant it; I never deserved such a woman ever, such luck I had to create my family with her as my wife.
I start appreciating everything more, taking a look around and observing the way she places the plant pots, and the strokes she did when painting the fence. There was something else she was better at stroking at, but we'll save that for another time.
When approaching the bench where we would always sit when it was a beautiful sunset, I noticed engravings on it. I thought someone may have vandilised it, until I took a closer look.
'Y/n Park ♥︎ Park Sunghoon'
'He's my forever!!'
'I'm so happy my child was made with him.'
'𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏, 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.
-𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒀/𝒏.'
All this made him feel ashamed of himself. He deserves to, he was pretty much destroying his sunshine.
He wanted to talk things out, but you weren't there.
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'Who is it?' Enquires Yeji
'Ooolalaaa, it's Mr. Park Sunghoon.'
*Otp* 'What.'
'Where's Y/n?'
'Jin Ae was hungry, so she's breastfeeding her right now.'
(She's such a good mother... Oh, Y/n, if only I could prove my love to you better...)
'Oh...ok.' *Ends call*
*Jay and Yeji monster shrieks*
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