#please im yelling
civetside · 9 months
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hello guys it's me miss consistent art style!!! wrestling AU????? sorry i am smashing my 2 current interests together as ya do, gideons trying to be a cool pro wrestler and harrow is her manager
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barrel-crow-n · 4 months
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Kaz after Wylan called him out after the Oomen scene (saying that Kaz can't just throw Oomen overboard because he promised to let him go). And the Hannah scene (saying that he can't say stuff like that to her because she's a child). And the Alys scene (saying he can't threaten her because she's pregnant).
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eunnieboo · 11 months
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after all this time... IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! thank you everyone for your incredible love and support! If You'll Have Me is out today ♥
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loverboyles · 2 months
my touch starved ass would not survive receiving lots of physical affection from a dyke.
hold my hand, kiss my neck, hold my face, let me rest my head in your lap, fall asleep holding me ughhh!!
i swear my pupils will become heart shaped and i will return the affection tenfold <333
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nabaath-areng · 15 days
I have this one "OC" that does not yet have a name that I've drawn several times for a couple years. I was thinking that if I tried making them in FFXIV that I'd use elezen as a base... but then I remembered what other race have their near exact hairstyle... and now I'm like damn... I played myself...
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ratatatastic · 3 months
"LETS GO CAP, OVER HERE FELLA 🗣🗣" "coming! coming 😣💦!"
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lilislegacy · 6 months
Ok guys this is somewhat of a controversial take on Jason Grace’s powers. You can tell I was nervous writing this out because I used capitalization lol. Please read till the end
I want to start by saying I love Jason Grace. He is such a cutie. I adore him. And he is a very, very powerful demigod. And he is totally capable of very evil things, just like Percy. This take concerns a certain ability that a lot of people seem to think he has, but I don’t think people realize how unrealistic is. (I mean people can still hc whatever they want, it just doesn’t mean it’s canon.) Okay, here goes
There is absolutely no evidence or reason that Jason Grace would be able to control the electricity in our bodies. And here’s why…
I know so many of you really love that idea, and justify it by using the logic that percy can control people’s bodily fluids, so since jason can control lightning, he could control neurons and action potentials. But here’s the thing: The reason percy can control bodily fluids is because bodily fluids, like saliva, blood, and tears are largely made up of water, so he can manipulate the content of those substances that is water. And water is water. H2O is H2O. Percy directly controls all water. That’s his power.
Jason, however, controls weather. Which means he controls clouds, thunder, wind, rain, and yes, lightning. But just because lightning involves electricity does not mean he controls ALL electricity. He controls rain, right? Rain is water. But jason does not control all water. Just rain. Because it’s weather. And before you completely ignore what I just said about rain, and argue “but if he can control the electricity that causes lightning, he could control the electrical signals in people’s brains and muscles,” I see where you’re coming from, but the electricity in lightning is NOT the same electricity in our bodies. Unlike water, not all electricity is the same. Water is a basic chemical compound, in all its forms. Electricity, however, is the flow of electric charge through conductive materials, which produces energy. And those materials and types of energy vary. There are different types. The two we are discussing here are static electricity and bioelectricity.
Static electricity is the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of an object. Did you ever do that experiment where you rubbed a balloon on your head and your hair stuck up? Static electricity causes lightning when there is a buildup of electrical charge in the atmosphere during a storm. When the charge difference between clouds, or between a cloud and the ground, becomes too much, it creates a sudden discharge of electricity, which we see as lightning.
Bioelectricity involves chemicals. It refers to the electrical signals and currents produced within living organisms. It works through the movement of charged particles, called ions, across cell membranes, which allows for communication between cells, nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and various physiological processes.
So here’s the thing. Even if Jason could control ALL static electricity, which likely is NOT the case, it’s not even the same type as the electricity that makes neurons fire. And like I stated, Jason/Zeus has control over weather and storm elements, which may involve electricity, but does not mean he controls all electricity.
Okay besties, now before you show up in my comment section aggressively defending jason and assuming I think he’s weak, let me clarify: I am not saying Jason is not powerful as hell, or that he could not do some creepy ass evil things. He definitely could. For instance, he’s shown through his control over wind that he can manipulate air currents in various ways. MEANING he could create a vacuum effect, and suck all the air out of a person’s body. Like… HELLO? He could collapse their lungs. Deprive their brain of oxygen. He could repeatedly suck the de-oxygenated air, aka CO2, out of their lungs, and then force it back in. Which would be torture. Death by slow suffocation. So using his control of wind and air currents, Jason could be terrifying as hell if he wanted to be, and could do unspeakable things to human beings. I’m simply saying that his ability to summon lightning has absolutely zero connection to the hypothetical ability of being able to control people’s neurons. They’re not even somewhat related processes.
Please don’t yell at me. I love Jason. I think he could be very very scary and evil if he wanted to. Him as a villain would be catastrophic, and I’m not doubting that in any way.
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Halloween prompts no. 24.5
Danny needed a place to live.
The Wayne manor had more rooms than anyone could know what to do with.
Had Danny been sneaking in to the Wayne manor uncaught for a three months now? Yep. Had he had a little fifteenth birthday party for himself with a cupcake and a candle in his new room? Yep. Was he proud of his appearent stealth? Yep.
Did he expect the butler to walk in on him in the middle of phasing his backpack back out of the wall?
Nope. Absolutely not.
The butler eased out of his look of shock like a veteran of wild shenanigans and bullcrappery, "May I inquire the reason for your visit?"
Danny, who was a panicking just blurted out, "I live here now!"
They just kinda stared at eachother before the butler laughed a little. "Alright then. Dinner will be served in two hours. Don't be late."
And with that he was gone. Danny groaned about his big mouth and decided to commit. Dinner was awkward and the butler, Alfred, made him introduce himself and he did so with a little wave.
Damian attempted to murder him with throwing knives which Danny caught and proclaimed were his now. The family all watched on as Danny wound Damian up and kept taking more weapons from him. Little bat looked like he was on the verge of either flying over the table at the teen or just having a stroke.
Steph and Tim were switching between asking questions and being menaces to society.
Jason was making quips at other people and being oddly friendly.
Duke was staring at danny with a look of horror for half the diner before awkwardly deciding to be friendly and hope whatever this thing was didn't bite
He and Dick were already workshopping puns together at the table in front of everybody. A fact no one but them enjoyed.
Bruce was asking vague questions to try to figure out what this kids deal was and how exactly he got past all the security.
Cass had successfully taught him a bit of ASL and they seemed to get along well enough. Especially once stealth was brought up. Turns out Danny likes to sneak around and he had almost been caught multiple times in the three months he'd been living here. All the family went silent.
"Did you say three months?!"
The whole family (sans Damian) works together both to get Danny to stay so they can get answers to questions and try to peace together wth is happening.
At first they thing Danny is going to freeload off of him only to discover he only came home right before the curfew Bruce set for him and heads out first thing in the morning. He usually only used the manor to sleep and shower.
It was Steph who found him first. He was handing out flyers as part of one of his many side jobs. Turns out he spent most of his time working.
He somehow managed to get Jason to help him buy a fridge. Danny paid for it entirely by himself, he just needed Jason to sign a piece of paper since he was a legal adult and Danny very much wasn't. Jason asked why the kid wanted such a huge fridge and he wasn't prepared for him to say he "wanted to stay out of the way as much as possible"
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dyke-in-crisis · 8 months
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the yuri protocol ‼️
commissions patreon
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moeblob · 7 months
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Help this trio + another guy was specifically designed to target me.
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sparkaed · 6 months
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I drew this while half asleep at like 5 am lol
Actual image uncensored on twitter (while gnome chompski can't say it I can lol)
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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cobaltfluff · 8 months
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one last night
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omg-ame-chan · 2 months
someone raises their voice the tiniest bit at me and i immediately get extremely depressed
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strwbrryfire · 26 days
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profezia del destino ; a lestappen fic
The evening air warms Charles as much as Max's forehead against his own does. The years of passing touches and longing glances hang in the tiny space between them as Max whispers, "You're a winner, baby. It can be enough, for a little bit."
"I'm a winner, yes. But I'm not your baby," Charles hushes back, nearly coughing over his words; he closes his eyes. He cannot bear to witness the heartbreak in Max, but it doesn't help, not one bit.
a list will be updated here ! :
chapter i. chapter ii.
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cycle-hit · 2 months
i will genuinely be so upset if mahiru dies. like. theres nothing SHE could have ever done to stop it.
she couldnt have stopped or predicted kotoko beating her to near-death. if she gets attacked again between these trials, kazui is likely going to pick shidou over her in terms of who to defend if he can even choose at all in the moment. the fact shes even alive also hinges entirely on another person, shidou, who is at risk of being attacked.
there was nothing she could have ever done to survive. she couldnt have changed anything. she couldnt have done anything differently. her life has entirely depended on us and everyone around her this entire time. and we failed her.
we doomed her to the narrative. the prisoners around her, who she considered "friends", doomed her to the narrative. and the worst part about it?
she wouldnt even be upset that everyone's done this to her. she would tell us that its okay. she would tell us that she understood.
the prisoners around her have always thought she didn't belong in milgram at all.
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