#please read the rule because they're a tiny bit different now
Are requests open? If they are then can there be jamil x male reader bromance? Like they are most definitely in love but they're both in denial. They act like they're already married but they swear that they're just friends. Thankyou.
" Nothing more than friends. " Everyone around you thinks you and Jamil are dating, yet you keep convincing them you aren't and avoiding your true feelings.
Includes: Jamil Viper
Warnings: Male reader,
|| Fem aligned dni
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Jamil Viper ♡
You and Jamil are likely in the same class, and probably come from a similar background. (Similar in a way that you probably live in somebody's shadow, I'd assume)
I think that you'd meet him through a group project, or maybe even if you were to join the basketball club. It doesn't really matter, because as soon as you two started interacting you were like two peas in a pod.
Jamil likes to cook with you, and of you're no good at cooking then theres no need to fret! He'll teach you!
You guys like to do household chores together-- saying that it helps 'pass the time', when really you just enjoy each others presence. This makes people question your guys' relationship.
You're both in the basketball club together, and a lot of the time he asks you to practice one-on-one. (I don't know anything about basketball)
As your relationship grows, the more confusing it gets. People don't understand how you're not married yet-- because you act like you are! Especially when you both bring food you made specifically for the other, and saying that "I want you to taste test it, I trust your judgement," or whatever.
You've also started to spoon-feed each other sometimes. It's very cute, but everytime you do it someone always says; "Awww, you two are so cute together!" To which you'd both frantically respond with a "We're just friends!" But why does it sting each time you say that..?
But something feels different to you, because everytime you see him you feel all fuzzy and warm inside, and you just want to be around him all the time. You feel rather somber when he's not around, too.
You've also noticed that he's been acting rather strange lately, too. Everytime you look at him, he quickly averts your eyes- as if he'd been staring at you. You'd also see a bit of red dusted on his cheek, but maybe you were just seeing things? I mean, you were just friends. But do friends look at each other the way Jamil looks at you?
You and Jamil are working on something in the kitchen. He had asked you to help him, since Kalim wanted to throw a banquet again. Of course, you agreed, you couldn't allow your best friend to suffer.
As Jamil worked, you looked at him. '...would he like me?' before realizing that the water is boiling over. Thankfully, he didn't notice you staring at him. But you couldn't stop yourself from thinking about what it would be like to date him. You nearly smack yourself in the head for thinking such things. Not only are you best friends, but you're also both guys! I mean, what if he's straight? Of course there's no way of knowing unless you ask.
But for now, you'll bask in the platonic friendship you have, but maybe- someday, someday soon, you'll be something more than a friend to Jamil. You can only wonder when that day will come, where he'll be yours.
So sorry! This is messy and a tiny bit rushed! But I love this concept!
Read my rules before requesting, please .
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rapha-reads · 2 years
Right, I'm stopping on Shadow and Bone season 2 episode 6 for tonight, binge-watch got too long.
I have to admit, I'm a huge fan of all the ways it's different from the books. Usually I find it hard to like a show when it's too different from its source material (again, pointing directly at you, Lauren Hirsch), but here, it makes sense. It makes sense, it's good, it's entertaining, and it adds to the original instead of devaluing it. I've actually forgot completely for the past 3 episodes about the books and just enjoyed the ride as it is.
I saw someone calling it Leigh Bardugo's fanfiction of her own fiction, and yeah, that's exactly how it feel? These are characters that we know, in a universe that we know, but a different version. Two degrees to the left alternate. And it's just as fun as if I was reading a Canon Compliant AU on AO3. Of course, I can only talk about from my experience as a book reader, and to other book readers. For everyone who only watches the show without having read the bookz, I hope you're liking it!
And I especially like that they didn't try to make the Ice Court Heist right now. But this means that everyone needs to watch it now because we absolutely need a Six Of Crows spin-off. I need to see my six Crows on screen. And maybe if ma'am Bardugo feels like it, maybe deleting that one chapter of Crooked Kingdom... And that one from Rule of Wolves... Please?
Things I particularly like: the Kanej angst! Never ever gonna get enough of that particular brand of angst. The Wesper fluff with a tiny bit of angst is fun too! Not enough Matthias, my big son, but enough Nina's sass and strength to make up for it. Zoya! Literal Queen. Genya and David, they're babies. Malina, because I'm a basic b and they're just adorable, okay. Tolya and Tamar. Man I love the Shu twins.
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sassyhobbits · 3 years
rowaelin with their first child and they get into that stranger anxiety phase and cry with everyone except when they're in their mothers arms and it's exhausting but also adorable but rowan sometimes feels like a bad dad because his kid doesn't want to be held by him so aelin has to reassure him and then some day this phase is finally over - prompt 😢🥺
ok i adored writing this one. dad rowan is so much fun to work with. i hope everyone enjoys!!
In his over 300 years, Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius had been awoken by many different things. Whether it was a call to battle while sleeping in a war tent, a summons from his queen late at night, or a lover trying unsuccessfully to disappear quietly before dawn. Yet, none of these manners of waking up had filled him with as much dread as he felt currently.
He was woken in the middle of the night by a shrill shriek coming from the room that adjoined the one he shared with Aelin. In the recent months, what had once been a leisure room had been converted to a nursery for their new baby girl.
It took three years after Aelin’s coronation before they decided to start trying to have a child. It took another year before they were successful. Rowan counted his blessings. He had seen plenty of Fae couples take decades before they finally conceived.
Eliora was four months old now, which meant four months of troubled sleep for both him and his mate.
Rowan was instantly on alert at the sound of his daughter’s cries. He knew that they were no more than a normal babe’s troubles, but his instincts made him tense anyways. He quickly sat up, looking down at his wife quickly to see if she had woken up. Luckily, she still slept, likely beyond exhausted from the mix of raising a child and ruling a kingdom. If Rowan was successful, she wouldn’t have to wake up at all.
He got out of bed and swiftly stepped into the nursery, coming before Eliora’s crib. Her tiny face was pinched up in dainty outrage, small limbs flailing as she cried. Rowan took a deep breath, sending a prayer up to the gods more out of habit than faith at this point, and picked his daughter from the crib. Hopefully, this would be the time he could get her to stop crying.
The little princess shrieked and protested whenever she was in anyone’s arms besides her mother’s. Rowan’s included.
“I’ve got you, my little light,” Rowan whispered to his daughter, cradling her tiny body to his bare chest and lowering himself onto the rocking chair they kept beside her crib. “Everything’s alright.”
Despite his soothing words, Eliora still continued to cry. It broke Rowan’s heart to hear, broke it even more to know that nothing he did could seem to calm her down.
“Please stop crying, love,” Rowan pleaded, threading his fingers through the fine, silvery-blonde hair growing on his daughter’s head. “Your mother is so tired and needs her sleep.”
Unfortunately, even begging didn’t seem to work.
Over the sounds of Eliora’s cries, he heard the door hinges creek, and the sound of bare feet scuffing over stone. Rowan glanced over, finding Aelin walking towards him. Exhaustion weighed down her beautiful face, but her eyes were still full of fondness at the sight of the two of them.
Rowan looked to her apologetically before his face crumpled in defeat. “I can’t get her to stop crying. I’m so sorry, Fireheart.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, love,” she whispered, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his hair. “Give her to me.”
Rowan handed the squirming bundle of blankets to his wife. Aelin situated their daughter in her arms before she lowered herself on Rowan’s lap, allowing him to wrap his arms around her waist, press a kiss to her shoulder, and begin to rock them.
Quickly, Eliora’s cries began to fade away. Her face unscrewed, looking at Aelin with those wide, Ashryver eyes that she had.
Aelin began to sing a low, Terrasenian lullaby as he continued to rock the three of them. It never ceased to amaze him how good she was with their daughter, how quickly she was able to sooth her temper. He only wished that he could do the same, that Eliora would look at him the same way she looked at Aelin and not scream and scream and scream.
Rowan’s heart was full of love as he watched Eliora’s eyes begin to droop shut at the soothing rocking motion and the sound of her mother’s voice. It wasn’t long before she was once again asleep, the night perfectly silent.
Rowan helped Aelin stand, keeping a hand against her back as she brought their daughter back to her crib and laid her down. Perfect. She truly was perfect.
A gentle hand on his arm drew his attention away from the slumbering babe. Aelin nodded her head towards their room and Rowan dutifully followed, shutting the door quietly behind them.
“I’m sorry, Fireheart,” Rowan said again, drawing Aelin into his arms and kissing her forehead. “I know you’re exhausted.”
“No more so than you.”
Rowan could only sigh, pressing his lips together tightly. His emotions were troubled, and he should have known that Aelin was going to notice. She leaned back slightly, peering up at his face.
“I know what you’re thinking, Rowan, and you’re wrong,” she said matter-of-factly.
Rowan wanted to believe her, but he couldn’t help but ask, “What am I doing wrong?”
He had faced many challenges over his years. Wars and battles and tortures. He had survived them all and came out victorious. And yet, the thing that brought him to his knees, was the fact that he couldn’t bring comfort to his own daughter when she needed it. A baby had finally defeated him.
“You know you’re not doing anything wrong,” Aelin said firmly. “The nurses said this happens sometimes. It’s not your fault.”
Rowan had heard this what felt like a thousand times. It did little to soothe his troubles.
Rowan was good at many things. He was a warrior and a general, had stepped confidently into the role of king consort. His hands could kill and heal and build, but they couldn’t get Eliora to stop crying. He couldn’t help but feel that, perhaps, being a father… wasn’t something that he was made for.
It broke his heart to think. He remembered how excited he was when they found out Aelin was finally pregnant, how they cried and kissed and clung to each other, whispering about the future. He had been ecstatic, but also terrified. He knew Aedion, who had welcomed his own son into the world a year before Aelin got pregnant, had felt the same before he was born. But, Aedion hadn’t had the troubles Rowan did. He had stepped into fatherhood gracefully, and his son loved him immensely.
“Hey,” Aelin said, a bit snappily. She put her hand on Rowan’s cheek and urged him to look at her. In those eyes was a familiar fire. “Stop that. I know what’s going through your head. You’re a wonderful father.”
Rowan sighed and hung his head, pressing Aelin’s hand more firmly against his cheek. “How can I be a good father if I have no idea what I’m doing?”
“Do you think I’m a bad mother?”
“What? Of course not.”
“Well, I don’t know what I’m doing either,” Aelin said. “Neither did Aedion or Lysandra. No new parent has any idea what they’re doing. It’s part of the job.”
She made it sound so easy. Aelin had always had a knack for that.
“I wonder if there’s some secret behind it,” Rowan mused as Aelin tucked herself back into his chest and wrapped her arms around his torso.
He felt his wife shrug. “I don’t know… but if there was, I think it would be to love them. To support them. To do everything in our power to make sure they’re happy.”
“I love Eliora more than life. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.”
“I know, love.” Aelin rolled on the tips of her toes and brushed a soft kiss against Rowan’s mouth. “Now, all you need to do is have patience.”
He chuckled. “Look at you. Who would have ever guessed that Aelin Galathynius would be lecturing me on patience.”
Her grin was a slash of white in the dark. “I’ve been told I’m wise beyond my years.”
“Who the hell has ever told you that?”
“People. Now, will you come back to bed with me?”
“Of course, Fireheart.”
They climbed back under the covers, pressing their bodies close. Aelin fell back asleep almost comically quickly. Rowan wasn’t far behind, holding his wife tightly throughout the night.
Another month went by and little changed. Both Rowan and his wife were getting little sleep during the night, leading to some groggy mornings. He had seen Aelin taking short naps at her desk or dozing off when an advisor spoke for too long. She would, of course, deny it if Rowan ever brought it up, so he wisely stayed silent.
Eliora still abhorred being held by anyone except Aelin. The fact that it wasn’t just him brought Rowan a bit of solace. His daughter cried when held by Lysandra or Fenrys or Elide. She had a particularly nasty meltdown last time Lorcan had held her.
“I know, sweet girl,” Aelin had murmured, taking Eliora from Lorcan. “I wouldn’t want to be that close to him either.”
Still, Eliora’s reactions didn’t deter Rowan from trying to hold and soothe her, though he had not yet been victorious. Patience, Aelin had said. It was easier said than done.
The sun had set below the Staghorns hours ago. Eliora was asleep in the nursery, Aelin was treating herself to a long soak in the tub, and Rowan sat in one of the plush armchairs they kept in their room, sharpening and polishing some of his blades.
It was an easy practice to get lost in. The simple, repetitive movements were a welcome distraction. A good way to cool down before bed.
However, his hands froze when he heard a tiny whimper sound from the nursery that quickly morphed into a shrill cry. Eliora.
Rowan placed his blades down on the low table before him, pushing to his feet and quickly striding into the nursery.
Eliora was wiggling as she wailed. Rowan wished he could read her mind so he knew exactly what was bothering her and how he could help. But, all he could do was take a deep, bracing breath and scoop his daughter into his arms.
“What’s wrong, little light?” Rowan whispered, carrying her over to the rocking chair. “What is it?”
Eliora’s only response was to continue crying.
Rowan sighed, wondering how much longer he had before Aelin got out of the bath and came in to calm Eliora down. He had seen Aelin do it countless times. She would take Eliora into her arms, smile down at her, start to whisper nonsense or sing a low lullaby. She made it seem so easy.
“Everything’s alright, Eliora,” Rowan murmured, switching to the Old Language. “I’ve got you. I’ll never let anything happen to you, little love.”
And then, something amazing happened.
Slowly, Eliora’s cries began to fade away to a whimper and then, to nothing at all. Rowan held his breath, worrying that one wrong move would put her back into a fit of hysterics. His daughter slowly opened her eyes and peered up at him.
Rowan smiled down at her. “You’re just as lovely as your mother. Just as stubborn, too.”
And then, as if she understood his little joke, Eliora flashed him a gummy smile. The shift in expression floored him. She had never given him a smile before.
Rowan felt his throat tighten and his eyes begin to burn, but he smiled back at the tears welled up. A tiny laugh escaped his throat. Finally, finally, he had done it.
Eliora’s chubby arms reached up. Rowan held out a finger, letting her wrap a tiny hand around it. He always forgot just how small she was.
“I love you more than you could possibly know, Eliora.”
He was too distracted by his daughter and the little grip she had on his finger to notice that Aelin had entered the nursery until she was almost upon them. Rowan looked up at his wife, knowing that his eyes were still watery and there were likely tear tracks streaking down his cheeks. Regardless, he beamed.
“It would seem, once again, that I was right,” Aelin said with a triumphant smirk.
“As you often are, my love.”
She laughed and dropped a kiss to his forehead before draping her arms over his shoulders, leaning over and watching their daughter, who was studying them with wide eyes. Once again, Eliora smiled. Rowan would never tire of the sight.
“She looks like you when she smiles,” Aelin mused.
“You think?”
She nodded slowly, reaching out and running her knuckles along the smooth curve of Eliora’s cheek. “I still can’t believe she’s ours. She’s just so… perfect.”
“Like her mother.”
Aelin snorted. “Kiss ass.”
“Maybe a little.”
They faded into silence, simply standing there, wrapped up in their little, blossoming family. They stood there until Eliora’s eyes fluttered shut once more and she drifted off into a peaceful sleep. One she enjoyed for the entirety of the night.
Rowan didn’t know what he had done to deserve such bliss, but he knew it must have been something good.
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covertblizzard · 2 years
I’ve often heard the expression “Space Grayson” thrown around in regards to Kyle Rayner - my question; is that a fair description of Kyle’s personality? And, in your opinion, should/could Kyle and Dick ever successfully occupy the same space? Either on a team (JLA, Titans, etc), or even just as a one-off team up?
HELLO hi this is a very fun question because I've thought a very similar thing, especially when I was starting to find out about Kyle at the beginning. I am also very sorry because my response is VERY long (oops haha). Also, tiny disclaimer: I've not read everything ever, please feel free to disagree with me, this are just my thoughts about it.
TL;DR: On a surface level, they have similar overarching character type, narrative support, and friends, but once you start reading their stories, it falls apart quite quickly, although they do still both have a martyr complex and some hero traits (but this is quite common in heroes in general). I would love to see them team up, my preference is for Titans (I can't believe they have yet to work together on Titans with so many overlapping friends), although a one-off team up (maybe to rescue a mutual friend/family) could be fun as well!
Is "Space Grayson" a fair description of Kyle's personality?
I think when you're skimming through a summary, they can give off fundamentally similar vibes at the beginning - both generally good heroes with a no killing rule but a more flexible take on it than say Batman (Kyle letting Guy kill Major Force, I've been told Dick has stepped aside to let someone murder a person who killed their family before but I don't know the comic, Dick once beating the Joker to death, Kyle decapitating / nearly killing Major Force), good looking but trouble with girls (Donna, Jennie-Lynn, Soranik for Kyle and Kori, Barbara for Dick), same friends (Donna and Wally especially, but also Roy, Jade, Rose, Jason, Tim, and even BARBARA), favoured by Batman (Dick being told he is going to lead the Justice League one day and Kyle being the favourite Green Lantern (or one of), although this honestly is more of an indication of narrative favour with Batman used as an endorsing stamp), the ~special~ one in their circle (Dick as the cheerful/brighter Bat, and Kyle as the more normal lantern with more uncertainties that he has to overcome), party boys-vibe, and some general hero traits.
In general, I think it is less that they are similar as people, but that they are both also advantaged by being favoured by the narrative / narrative prop-ups. As I said above, Batman favouring them both is an obvious example, but they are both written quite favourably in general. Dick has his whole can never be corrupted and is fundamentally good thing (propped up again by Bruce), Kyle has his white lantern arc and the ability to master the whole emotional electromagnetic spectrum thing. Of course, they have both at some point lost some "favour" (when Dan Didio apparently wanted to kill Dick for example) and Kyle has lost quite a bit at the moment (he isn't really much of a narrative focus right now I think), but they both have relatively good framing (Dick more so than Kyle overall, but both still fit the category). I know there are complains about how Dick is sometimes written as not as competent as he should be or too happy-go-lucky, but narratively he is always treated as an amazing person you ARE supposed to look up to. Both have their "grown past what they've been given" arc, Nightwing for Dick and White Lantern for Kyle (although Kyle doesn't STAY White Lantern, which to me is at least a bit of an indicator for loss of narrative favour).
However, beneath the surface, I actually think they're quite different. When people say they're the same, they're often referring to how they are similar in terms of their narrative roles, so I'll start there, but I'll also mention some general personality difference towards the end (this is a bit difficult for me because personality isn't easily distinguished and separated and compared in my opinion haha).
Admirer vs Admired: This at least partially because Dick is one of the earliest created hero whereas Kyle is relatively new, so slotting him in a narrative in a way that the audience would like is important, but in general, Dick is an admired character (all the future Robins, many of the Titans both his own teammates and future ones, Jon Kent recently, even people within the league) whereas Kyle is an admirer of other characters (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, everyone who has upheld the Green Lantern tradition, many of Justice Leaguers, childhood crush on Donna so he probably admired the Titans too, even mentions of Nightwing detective skills).
Hypercompetence/Natural vs Thrust into Responsibility: Dick is generally a genius at a whole bunch of things and hypercompetent (not saying he doesn't work hard, because he does, but he is also very often portrayed as extremely naturally talented at a huge array of skills) whereas Kyle's story in general has a lot more element of struggling (arguably, also a product of their times, with Dick created in an era where the stories were more lighthearted and fun so Dick being a genius simply makes the story flow easier to the fun parts without the complication of watching them work for it). Kyle, on the other hand, is rarely portrayed as naturally talented at being a green lantern or hero, and Marz (his creator) even said in interviews that he is supposed to be an everyman character. Dick is the popular schoolboy with good grades, Kyle is the struggling student. Kyle's storyline has a lot of elements of the right place at the right time, Dick's story has a lot of how it doesn't matter whether Batman picks him up or not, he would have been a hero anyway because he is just like that (I believe Batman even explicitly tells Dick that during some Court of Owls arc, the latest Robin comic also sort of reinforces that with Dick becoming a secret agent, whereas it is pretty obvious that Kyle without being given the ring would likely not have ventured the hero path).
Above Everyone vs As Good As Everyone: This is sort of related to the above point, but it is more about how they are talked about in the narrative in comparison to others, as opposed to their own skills. Not to argue about whether or not Dick is truly better than all of the Titans (and Justice League?) but in general, he is portrayed as better than everyone. It is a little bit of a fundamentally Robin thing (with the exception of Jason who was led by Donna during his Titans mission as Robin, every Robin leads the Titans, even if the Robin is Damian and Tim leading people who have years of experience like Raven and Kori). Donna and Roy have both lead the Titans team, but never if Dick is part of the team. If Dick is in the team, he HAS to be the leader. If he is not around, Donna and Roy makes reference to how he was a better leader and they're not doing good enough. Kyle doesn't get that kind of narrative prop-up, like I said in the first point, he is the admirer, he deferred to both Roy (leader) and Donna (basically second-in-command originally, leader in Rebirth) when he joins the Titans (throwback when he was Donna's boytoy and damsel in distress lol). In fact, when he just joined, he is even considered newbie beneath the other kiddos. Of course, he grows and gets to a stage he is no longer just the newbie, but they usually then put him to equals to Donna and Wally, but not usually above them. Meanwhile, there is a literal quote of Dick saying he is going "back to the Titans-- those jokers are absolutely lost without me" and he is not ever shown to be wrong, the stories often back this up and have the Titans basically lost without him, especially in the early stages. In Rebirth, Kyle is even acknowledged as their heavy hitter when he joins but he is not the "better than everyone else", and during that VERY arc, Dick isn't even there (because he is busy being Ric at the moment) but almost every issue doesn't fail to keep bringing him up to remind the audience how this would be all easier and better if only Dick was here (especially by Donna and Raven). Oh, but they are just representing loss and how much the Titans miss him, you might think. SURE, BUT THEY JUST LOST ROY AND WALLY TOO (if I remember correctly, Roy and Wally are more recent losses even, but they don't get the close to the kind of narrative significance that Dick does, they never do)!! (Disclaimer: I don't think being the leader makes you automatically better than others, and this is even explored occasionally in Titans, but only when Donna and Roy are leaders as far as I've seen. But DC does have a "leader is better than everyone else" view in general, and Dick is treated as better than everyone else and that's why he is the leader.) Another easy (but extremely stupid) way to see this difference is how Connor and Kyle stories often have girls fawning after Connor instead whereas Dick in general is the "get the girls" guy. What does this show? In real life, nothing. In DC world of male-dominated writing, it is essentially the way of showing who is the ultimate macho man and best dude around because all the girls LOVE them (I'm going to puke).
Naivety: This is a little hard to compare because if I'm comparing Nightwing!Dick to Green Lantern!Kyle, Nightwing has literally 10 years of experience (maybe more) on him. However, in general, Kyle (as far as I've read) is shown to make more amateur-ish, naive, or innocent mistakes (eg. trusting the wrong people, oh boy does he not do this a LOT). This is a bit overlap-ish because some fanon portrayal of Dick Grayson does have him very naive and easy to trick, but he isn't really in canon, at best it's an image he projects to lower people's guards against him. Kyle meanwhile, is a pretty trusting dude, who nearly dies a whole bunch because he trusts the wrong people. He's the "I don't understand, why would you LIE?" person.
Friendliness: Dick is also generally seem to hit off with people easier, he has some conflicts with his friends but that often comes later, starting off a friendship doesn't seem to come difficult to him. Kyle, while also being on good terms with a good portion of the Titans and the League, generally has a more explosive starting with a lot of them. He tends to disagree and rub wrong with people before they get along (this honestly might have to do with the fact that people keep seeing Hal as him and the inevitable comparison and everything that causes a lot of tension for both sides).
Motivation / Drive: They both are obviously heroes who want to do good and do their best to make the world a better place. I think they both also have a certain level of martyr complex and as I said, general heroic traits. However, they don't have the same kind of drive, in my opinion. In general, Dick is much more active as a character, and Kyle tends to be a little more passive. For their starting points, Dick created Robin and went out on his own, forcing Batman to take him in as a partner eventually. Kyle got dumped a Green Lantern ring. For their growth arc, Dick chooses the Titans and creates a new identity in Nightwing. Coloured ring floats to Kyle and he is bizarrely confused and eventually becomes White Lantern. In general, Dick is a Leader™ character who leads the Titans and Outsiders and probably the Justice League at some point or eventually, Kyle has never led either the Titans or Justice League, and generally doesn't seem suited as a leader character even within the Green Lantern (I might be wrong about this one though). There is no right and wrong for this either, in my opinion, it's just that Kyle is a lot more reactive as a character and that's fine (eg. Hal gives him the ring that can duplicate, he thinks Hal wants him to recreate the Green Lantern corps, he moves to attempt to do so), he is a chill artist guy who's just trying to make things work and create change in the best way he can and doesn't generally pretend that he knows best for the world when he doesn't. His most active moments generally seem to surround either his civilian life or smaller actions - choosing to move to New York, when he reached out to his friend to help him with his alcoholism, proposing to Jennie-Lynn, etc. (Side note: expectations also push a lot of his motivations it seems.)
Extroversion: They're both fairly well-connected I think, but Dick gives off a more extroverted type than Kyle as far as I can tell, and Kyle has a bit more of a tendency of loner-ism, although they both seem to fall into it especially when stressed (this could just be a DC thing though, it seems pretty common).
Interests: I mean... I think they have different interests too, but this doesn't really define personality. Dick is definitely more of a showman time, but in general his range of interest is extremely wide (acrobatics, books, detective work, etc.). Kyle's interest does seem to be primarily arts and stories.
Overall, I think it's not really a fair description of Kyle's personality and only a slightly accurate description of the role/archetype they take up.
Should/could Kyle and Dick ever successfully occupy the same space? Either on a team (JLA, Titans, etc.), or even just as a one-off team up?
I think they've met once at Hal's funeral and was introduced by Donna (her best friend and at that time boyfriend), and supposedly have one very brief interaction (that I have not read). I think the fact Kyle doesn't actually work with Dick and mostly just bruch past each other is very funny and they really embody the "friend of friend" concept. Honestly, my answer for this question for any characters is almost always they should and they could because it's always fun to see new interaction, but ESPECIALLY for these two. I mean they are the bestie of bestie for at least two people (Donna and Wally)!
I would love to see them team up, both having obviously and definitely heard about the other (I mean Kyle explicitly has been told about Dick a few times on panel, I'm not sure about Dick's side but surely he has heard about Donna's boyfriend for a while and Wally's disaster vacation with Connor and Kyle). They could have certain views on the other, and maybe have been told "oh man, I totally think you would get along with Dick/Kyle" quite a bit by their friends, and to see how they meet/defy expectations would be lots of fun.
Titans is obviously a fun possibility because they've both been in the team, and funnily enough, Kyle always when Dick isn't around. It would be amusing to have Dick watch Kyle interact with his besties and realising they are closer to him than he initially imagined. Perhaps someone going "remember when..." and Kyle is joking/talking with them about it, but he doesn't "remember when" because maybe it happened at one of his (many) hectic life periods and he hadn't been around that much then. Then maybe him being a bit upset over it because who EVEN is this little upstart (which would be consistent with how Kyle generally starts off with most older/more established heroes at first). Meanwhile, Kyle would probably really look up to Dick and he is like an ideal that Kyle is striving towards (as it is for so many legacy heroes and especially Robins+Titans). It would be fun in a sense to have Kyle as the Jason-equivalent of the Dick-Bruce-Jason relationship of the Dick-Titans-Kyle relationship, if that makes sense. Nothing's wrong with Kyle, and Dick likes him well enough, but he feels vaguely replaced even though it isn't REALLY replacing (which works really well especially in the Rebirth version because the timing really shapes with Kyle coming in at a "replacement" time when Dick was gone).
A one-off team up to rescue a mutual friend/family is a very easy and good possibility too though! This can be so many people but especially Donna, Wally, Roy, or Jason. Roy might be the most possible option at the moment, I mean is he Black Lantern-ing somewhere? I don't know if he is in need of rescue though, I haven't been keeping up with the latest mess after the Rebirth Titans dropped off. I don't know if Infinite Crisis is still a thing in the latest version (I saw someone says nobody knows for sure??), but it could be a fun story if they're trying to find or rescue Jason and Kyle has a very obvious crush that makes Dick want to drop him off and send him far far away half the time. Or that he keeps complaining (maybe Donna was busy with something and couldn't join Dick on the mission, so she's like Kyle will go, he can help) and Dick thinks he hates Jason and is vaguely confused (but too stressed to be concerned about or care about it at the moment), until they meet and he is like HMMMM (sorry if you're not here for my JayKyle bullshit, but I had to).
(However, with Dark Crisis shaping up with Dick taking on a huge role and Kyle seemingly at best in some kind of fringe role, I don't know if it would happen any time soon.)
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ingo-appreciation · 2 years
Adding the read more for the same reason as before, talking about pokemon as food (definitely more vividly than the last ask btw if you're on the fence)
-GENERALLY SPEAKING. there's a fair amount of pokemon types that just. aren't edible. Fighting for the most part, ground, rock, steel, ghost.
-Poison and Electric types are indedible with an astericks. If the poison/electricity goes throughout their body? inedible. If its some sort of gland or sack that generates the poison/electricity? pretty much edible once you remove it and kind of do some prep for the meat. there's probably a third option of "body is harmful, but organs are kept somewhere safe to not be harmed and that meat is fine" (actually now that i think about it, a lot of fire types would probably be in this category too)
-Psychic types are also kind of in a weird limbo. Simply because they're a bit more... sentient? so to speak? I think that one would vary by region
-Speaking of that! I think which pokemon are considered Do Not Hunt depend a lot on region and personal beliefs. like one of my personal favorites is in certain regions, there's a superstition around Abra that makes most of the residents not touch it
-As for general no-go pokemon, it's the usual. Legendaries, babies (which. pokemon in the first line of an evolution aren't off limits since not all pokemon evolve like SPECIFICALLY baby pokemon), endangered pokemon, i think there's some cultural things that kind of became universal (like happiny, togepi, and cleffa lines. like these are pokemon generally meant to bring happiness/healers and if you're hunting them and you're not in an extreme circumstance, you're a TERRIBLE person)
-I think in modern times, most of this stuff is handled by specialists. Like there's breeders and farmers who know a lot about raising a specific type of pokemon and how to get the best out of said pokemon and then the rest is like. typical manufacturing stuff
-there's also a lot of pokemon (probably mostly grass types) that can offer produce without being hunted! Tropius' fruit, Paras' mushrooms, personally I bet Bayleef leaves would make really good tea leaves, and there's probably specialists who know those kinds of things as well! There's probably also like. People who do stuff locally, like they've had a partner pokemon for a while and sell goods from them in local areas
-fun fact that i didn't know where to put, you know why there's so many like... not starter pokemon because they're not starters, but all those beginner pokemon you see on early routes? They're tiny. They're probably not good for hunting, so why would people? means there's gonna be a lot more of them!
-In the past, this was a LOT different. I think that over the entire pokemon world in the past, there were probably specialists but they were a LOT more spread out and more like. people who'd been with the same pokemon over multiple generations or something. Back then it was pretty much "what's something you can take without a pokemon" and "what's something you can harvest from pokemon naturally" which. there's probably not a lot! So I think there'd be a lot more celebrations involving food because if you got a lot of meat, hell, let's throw a party for that! invite everyone around, we don't want any of this to go to waste!
-pokemon trainers in modern day are... a bit picky so to speak. I mean, lovingly, if you have a life long Spearow partner that you've trained since it hatched from the egg and love more than anything... you're probably not gonna wanna eat any members of their species, even though they aren't the same. Obviously it's not a complete guarantee, but a pretty good rule is if you're doing anything with a pokemon trainer, make sure they aren't using any meat that would put them off
-i have some thoughts on some specific dishes but honestly im gonna wait on that, mostly because i need to make sure my laptop doesn't die before i get home fshdkjfhdskj
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
You are a melody: lyric-based prompts (Event) (CLOSED)
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"If you were to look back Would you remember it too? The hit song which was always playing In those days." -Kimi wa Melody, AKB48
Hello! I'm Mel, or Melody, and I'm a new writing blog! I put my playlists on shuffle and took some lyrics from the songs I got to make this prompt list event!
How will this event work?
Simple! Send in an ask with the prompt number + a character of any of the fandoms I write for (+ any small extra details if you want)! (for example: number 4 + xiao + gn reader + romantic + fluff)
Fandoms I write for: Genshin Impact, Ensemble Stars, Idolish7, Diabolik Lovers.
A single character per ask! You can request multiple times, but please do it in different asks!
I'll write small scenarios based on the prompts!
This event will probably be open until july 9! Might extend it for a bit or finish it a bit before, it all depends on how many requests for it I get!
**Please read the rules for requesting on my pinned post!!!
Here are the prompts!!
"Long for love even if it hurts every time." Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK
"You pity me, but I pity you more for pitying me." Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK
"Who will listen to the sound from the bottom of my heart after the end of the world?" 那幕 (Falling Down) - THE8
"The lonely moments just get lonelier the longer you're in love." House of Memories - Panic! at the disco
"Look, the crescent moon is beautiful." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"In this fleeting moment, even if it goes against my fate, today again I pray for you." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"I wish you happiness." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"Just be yourself, what are you so worried about?" HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN
"There may be no end to our journey of dreams, so let's take a break for today." HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN
"Happiness has a tiny sorrow to it, wherein we always realize for the first time that it was happiness once we part with it." Happily Ever After - Shoko Nakagawa
"You're like a continuous, honey-like damage to me." Good to Me - SEVENTEEN
"If a second life that's different from now came to me, would I be by your side? Would you be by my side?" Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"I hope we remember each other even in our next life." Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"Being forgotten is a common thing. Why are those common occurrences rather difficult for me?" Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"It feels like time stopped. Oh, that would be my first death I've been always afraid of." Black Swan - BTS
"Every little moment becomes an eternity." Black Swan - BTS
"I still can't believe I took it all for granted." Crossroads - GFRIEND
"No matter what road I take, they will always lead back to you." Crossroads - GFRIEND
"You've always stayed by my side, didn't you?" Hitorijanai - SEVENTEEN
"There's no need for tears, because you're not alone." Hitorijanai - SEVENTEEN
"What does it mean to be 'yourself'?" Kado wo magaru - Hirate Yurina
"Open up the time where only the two of us can exist." Lilili Yabbay - SEVENTEEN
"If we could see each other with sincerity instead of with eyes, then us meeting on the 13th month will come true." Lilili Yabbay - SEVENTEEN
"Don't apologize, don't worry, don't be afraid, now, stop crying." Hug - SEVENTEEN
"To you, who had a hard day today, I'll tell you: I'm here. You've done well. I love you. Let me hug you." Hug - SEVENTEEN
"Every reason and path is beautiful because of you." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"If we pass the turning point at the end of the road, I will protect you so you won't be worn out anymore." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"Whatever happens to us, let's meet again." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"A shiny light will come in to light up the darkness." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"By sharing the warmth, we can find the way again. No need to be afraid." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"The warmth and warm smiles at the end of the road will protect us from the time quickly passing by us." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"I despise being ashamed of feeling inferior." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"The most sorrowful things is that encounters are regarded as a waste." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"All the crows in the world are black, but they are not heartless." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Love is neither inferior or superior, crows can fly bravely for love too." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"The happiest thing is no more than a word of comfort." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Giving up, but I'm still willing to keep company." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Fate becomes a burden, sacrificng myself for your safety." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Love is poignant, once destroyed, it will hurt." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Sprinting towards the fire for you, absolutely in love, yet really exhausting." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Give yourself a chance, to prove that you're actually really beautiful as well." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"You should have some good news to share, but you haven’t said very much. It makes me feel like I’m to blame for not stopping you back then." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"Someday I planned to sweep my memories under the rug. But now I’m seeing you off to your boyfriend’s house." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"As long as the new guy you found is someone kinder than me, there’s nothing I can do. I guess I’ll have to give up." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"Times with you, Just going down the drain. Now I know, they're never coming back." Koigokoro (English Version) - Da-ICE
"I never said I love you, keeping that pain in my heart." Kimi wa melody - AKB48
"I wonder if you’re humming it, that melody from days long past." Kimi wa melody - AKB48
"I've never been in love before, so you gotta go easy on me." Count on You - Big Time Rush
"I'm glad I've met you. I love you." When the first love ends - Ryo (supercell) ft. Hatsune Miku
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th3-z0diac · 3 years
How I Make Aesthetics.
Long post ahead, sorry :(
In the past, I've been asked multiple times how I create my aesthetics and where do I get the best pictures for them, so I figured I'd make this master post of what exactly I do. Btw this is coming from a person who has studied graphic design for 4 years and had about 4 years of experience in making zodiac collages here on tumblr. Do what you want with that information.
A few disclaimers
There are different types of aesthetics and in this post, I'm going to be specifically talking about a certain type that I like to make. Here, examples:
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My most used format is 6 pictures in 3 rows, but I've also tried 4 pictures, like here for example:
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There are other types such as minimalistic photos, dark academia, grunge, and SO many more. Please keep in mind that I'm not hating on these types and when I mention a rule such as don't use photos that are too minimalistic, I am not saying that minimalistic aesthetics are wrong or ugly or anything of that sort!
Just because I don't choose a certain photo doesn't mean I don't like it, it just means that the photo is not exactly what I'm looking for. By me showing you the examples below, I'm just trying to paint a picture. No hate here, okay?
I don't own any of the pictures I use (I've only used like one or two of my own photos in the past) but then again this is just for entertainment, I don't make money doing this or anything. If I ever get a message from an owner of any of these photos and they want me to delete it, I will delete it.
Where to get the photos
Pinterest! Period. AHAHAHA
No but seriously, pinterest and tumblr are my two favorite sources and you will find pretty much exactly what you need there. pinterest specifically.
On tumblr, I usually search for hipster, grunge, indie, and nature, but it also helps to just find specific blogs that focus on photography, follow them and then just download anything from your dashboard that you fancy.
I'll share what I search for on pinterest below👇. My secret tip would be to not always go for the first photo you find but rather to open a picture that sorta has what you like in it and then scroll down, because pinterest is going to recommend you similar, sometimes better fitting photos. On tumblr, I sometimes go to the blog of the person whose one photo I like, and there I tend to find many more of the same kind (since these bloggers usually post a specific kind of aesthetic).
How to choose photos
My number one tip would be to seek texture. Avoid photos that have little going on in them and anything too empty or minimalistic (unless that's what you're aiming for, obviously). Also, don't choose pictures that are very light or very dark, as they tend to stand out in aesthetics and that's not really what you want. At least in the type of aesthetics that I make, I want the final product to be almost a new picture in itself if that makes sense. To show you an example, look at this photo of two sleeping cats:
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This photo seems like a good fit; it is well balanced in colours (there are shades of white, beige/ginger as well as some greens) and c'mon, it's two cats, what more do you need!!! However, let's look at it in a complete aesthetic:
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While this aesthetic has a nice color scheme to it (well, it doesn't, I threw it together super quickly, but you get the gist), the photo of the two cats just stands out because the khaki background creates this kind of block of color that your eye will automatically go to and it sort of breaks the collage apart. So, by texture, I mean that a picture is filled, for example with trees, flowers, architecture, little people in the background, etc., etc. Furthermore, I prefer when there are more things photographed (for instance, look at the first picture of the aesthetic above; it has a mirror (and a tiny person in it), architecture and leaves all in one picture)
Next, personality. Go to Google Images and search 'Nature Photography' or 'Sunset Photos'. You might get something like this:
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Or this:
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Look at this absolute angel of a boy💚💚💚💚💚💚Isn't he the cutest freaking thing you've ever seen?????? I just want to give him all the treats and all the pets and — ...ehm, sorry, that's not why we're here.
So I don't quite know how to explain this point, but I guess usually professional photos like this are just so well done that they work perfectly well on their own and you usually don't put them in a set (only with other photos from the same photoshoot maybe). They're obviously well-balanced color-wise and high in quality, but they're just very individual and don't really need any addition in the form of other photos. This point also applies to the previous one (textures, in case you forgot); for example, a bunch of blueberries creates a nice texture, however it might be difficult to pair them with other photos. They have enough personality on their own (and this is not meant in a bad way to the photos I do use).
Related to this, you're looking for a story. Usually, if a photo gives off a certain vibe, tells a story, or just leaves any kind of strong impression, it might be a good indication that this is a good photo to use (given all the other rules as well, of course).
The main themes I search for are:
cities, villages, or abandoned places
related to that — architecture or only parts (details) of it
nature, specifically forests with either road or a body of water nearby, beaches, deserts and so on. plus points for tiny people in the distance
animals, usually with the addition of maybe the texture of a sweater sleeve or some blankets, something of that sort
people, my favorite kind is people turned away from the camera with an interesting background, because by them not having a face, they become a bit more relatable in a sense?
people in a river or some kind of water
museums, sculptures
Usually, I tend to avoid:
photos with text in it (though as an exception I would mention neon signs or letters/words that are for example above shops, on books, etc.)
heavily filtered pictures
photos with very specific (often bold) colors in them, unless you find multiple photos with that same shade. this again distracts the eye too much
GIFs, animated pictures, illustrations/drawings. also, don't use collages (cause you are creating a collage, duh)
black & white pictures
blurred pictures (or those that are purposely grainy — that goes back to the filters above)
anything obviously photoshopped
When trying to figure out where to put each photo
Squint your eyes. The photos should create a nice harmony, there shouldn't be a corner where it gets too light or dark or where some textures blend together, for example, if using multiple flower patterns, try to place them in different corners.
When to know your aesthetic is done
Actually even before you start, you should be in the mood. I have to admit, there have been times where I've felt pressured into making aesthetics, and now, looking back at them, I'm really ashamed of them. That is why I don't always post aesthetics as soon as I get them requested because I genuinely want them to look good.
Sometimes, it helps to not post the aesthetic straight away but to come back to it later with a fresh look. I'd say go with your gut. You should have a good, satisfying feeling about the aesthetic.
Last note
Rules are meant to be broken. Look at the aesthetic below. I used a minimalistic illustration (two birds with one stone I guess) (and admittedly, that one picture does stand out) and yet the aesthetic still came out pretty nice. So, just play around with your ideas and see what you like the most! I'm just a random person on the internet, you literally don't have to listen to any of the tips I gave you here today.
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I know this might seem like a lot (honestly, if you've read this entire thing, you're crazy), but it gets easier and easier with practice, soon you won't even think about it.
Hopefully these tips will help you and please let me know if you decide to make any aesthetics. I would love to see them!! <3
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Behind the Scenes of It All
*ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴘᴀʀᴏᴅʏ-ᴛʏᴘᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴊᴏᴋᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴜɴ, ʏᴀ'ʟʟ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ (ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ, ʏᴏᴜ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɪɴ ɪᴅᴇᴀ!
**This is supposed to be a fake 'behind the scenes' because why the hell not write one? Imaaaaaginaaationnn! So yeah, enjoy. If you don't then.. leave. :)
***If anything here is looking kinda wonky, I pasted it from my Wattpad, Divvvyy- so go check it out there for a better read!
Libby: Hi, I'm Libby Sinclair, as many call me Elizabeth Charlotte Sinclair- WAIT WHat, I messed up..
Libby: Hi, I'm Elizabeth Charlotte Sinclair, as many call me, Libby Sinclair.. THERE, FINALLY.
Libby: Today, I'm going to take you to Ethenia, and show you the BEHIND THE SCENES and SET of 'Bewitched'!
Libby: An EXCLUSIVE.. A-A little SNEAK PEEK inside, a teeny tiny view of what's inside, creating the magic!
(She walks to a large metal door, to a large tall studio building)
Libby: AHA! Here we are, we're at the studio..
(She has trouble opening the door, it won't open)
Libby: Well that's preposterous.. What the- 'Closed set'? ... Hm, well NOT FOR THE PRINCESS OF ETHENIA.. Aaaand.. Because I SWIPED a key!
(Shows the camera a gold metal key with a red lanyard on it with proudness)
Libby: Okay, so I'm gonna be straight here- The producers and the 'big crew' don't really want me doing this.. AND IN FACT- They DON'T KNOW I'm doing this AT ALL.. Sooo..
(She attempts to unlock the door proudly, but an alarm goes off as she does. The alarm grows louder and a police light on top of the door starts flashing rapidly)
Libby: Oh.. NO, NO! Go, go, go, GO, GO, GO! RUN, RUN RUN, RUN! RUNAWAY!
(Starts panicking and dashes down the small stairsteps, running like a maniac, with the camera chasing after her)
Libby: Sorry, I know things are a bit out of whack right now, but we managed to get to this old rust bucket warehouse.. Nothing special. Stay right here, I'll be right back, I got this, BRB. Stay!
(Walks over to a staff member to ask to get entrance inside the big studio)
Libby: Please, I'm looking like a real big idiot here..
Staff Member: No, sorry, you can't do it.
Libby: I got.. I got permission-
Staff Member: No. No you haven't. You haven't spoken to anyone, Libby.
Libby: I'm Elizabeth Charlotte Sinclair, I'm the Princess of Ethenia and I order you to let me in..!
Starr Member: Unfortuntately, we're not in Ethenia, it's only a fictional fantasy kingdom.. and we're in LA..  but I can't let you in, all right?
Libby: Oh.. FINE.. It's fine. Everything is going- I'm real sorry.. Please don't tell.
(Libby smiled and politely walks away back to the camera's view)
Libby: All right, so they basically, practically BEGGED ME (Lier!) to take you on to the set, but it's not lookin too good.
Libby: BUT. There's an actual, top secret room of all secret rooms.. That I'm going to take you to, but it's like.. Can't find the word to describe. Come along!
(Once inside the secret room)
Libby: So inside, is the most amazing-est room ever.. You're gonna be so shocked when you see this, you wanna guess? It's.. ETHENIA.. CASTLE! So now.. Let's head in..!
(Opens the door, stepping inside a large green room and x markings around the round walls)
Libby: Here we are inside the castle, we're in the throne room, and you can sit on it if you would like! There's magic and so many..!
Libby: ..You can add the magic right? Uhh.. So like, are you going to add the throne.. the castle, then the room and everything.. Just add in? ... No..?? Oh.. So I'm just standing in a lonely green room then..? ... DAMMIT!
(Libby walks off in disappointed sadness)
(She's now back in her comfortable trailer in the back of the studio, where all the trailers are parked, all the different cast people are staying in)
Libby: ALRIGHT! So, this is my trailer, my own little oasis of peace and relaxation, amiright? Eheh heh! My trailer, MY RULES.
Libby: You wanna see something special?
(Grabs a large packet of some sort)
Libby: You see this here, hm? THIS is the SCRIPT for the show.. Yeah.. WOW. That's a WHOLE LOTTA PAGES AND WORDS, I know.
(Back outside the studio)
Libby: Okay, so we haven't really had the best luck so far.. Which is kinda disappointing but..here we got my good ol' friend, Jim Lake Jr. A.K.A, The TROLLHUNTER, Oh my GOSHHH!
(Pulls him into a huge tight hug, which he awkwardly goes in)
Libby: I'm SO GLAD you're here, I'm having such a tough time, such a bad day here and..
Jim: Uh, actually Libby.. Honestly, I don't care at all- In fact you go! But.. They told me to tell you to um.. shut it down..
Libby: What..? Wait.. Seriously? Shut it down..?
Jim: Yeah, so you know.. Wrap it up..
Libby: Seriosuly, right now?
Jim: Yeah.. Like right now. Sorry.. Director's rules..
Libby: Yes, we'll shut it down.. Right on it, yes.. Mhm. We'll turn the cameras off, we will..!
(He walks off after he pats Libby in the back)
Libby: Ah.. Whatever, I'm gonna do it anyways.. Because that's who I am, I take risks. In life, you gotta take risks, right? Right, come on.
Libby: So, after that awkward moment.. I couldn't really show you much of Ethenia, so I figured, I'd take you over to ARCADIA OAKS.. WHICH I GOT PERMISSION AFTER LOTS OF TALKING AND CONVINCING.. YAY!
Libby: And what way to do that then by having the whole quad group here with me!
(Libby's friends, Claire, Toby, Jim and Saraline run to her side, smiling at the camera with thumbs up. They all run inside a different studio, closing the door)
Libby: Come inside, here's the Arcadia Bridge.. Very nicely  built. We got some green screen and other SFX here..
Toby: Super awesomesauce.. OoooHH!
Claire: Let's go to school, you guys.. Come on come on! (She looks into the camera as she runs into another room, with everyone trailing behind her.
(Big montage of Arcadia Oaks High.. Oooo sooo awesome)
(Then they get to the 'Hero's Forge' set, which looks totally different ooo more special effects)
Saraline: All righty, now.. For the BIG TIME PART Of ALL
Libby: Woo! Welcome to..
(The large door opens, where the props and the foundations were displayed.. The Heartstone is brightly shining, a very realistic prop set!)
(Cue another wonderous view and montage of Trollmarket)
Jim: (Right into the camera) And now.. for some funny cringy BLOOPERS and OUTTAKES.
All: VERY cringy.. And VERY funny.
-The Breakfast Scene in Libby's New Home, ARCADIA OAKS-
Aunt Minerva: "Libby breakfast is ready!"
Libby: "Okay, I'm coming!" (Libby hums cheerfully)
Libby: "WHOA! AH-" (Libby runs downstairs, but ACTUALLY ALMOST TRIPS)
Aunt Minerva: OH MY GOD... Are you okay?" *Tries not to laugh*
(Everyone rushes to her to check on her, all trying not to laugh. Valeria and Lorraine are just laughing their butts off at the moment, covering their mouths. Chantelle looks at the camera in disbelief and laughs)
Libby: YESSss! AHAHAHAHAHAHA (Rubs her knee as she laughed) I hit my knee on the wood railing thingy when I was coming down.. Oh my Go-
-Still the Breakfast Scene in Libby's New Home, ARCADIA OAKS-
Uncle Henry: "Lily, what did I tell you about running- Oh my God." (Uncle Henry stops and quickly realizes what he just said, resulting in stifling laughs from the cast)
Lorraine: Lily? That's a new one today. (Everyone joins in on the laughter)
Uncle Henry: just called you LILY! Oh my.. AHAH!"
-Libby Going to School Scene, ARCADIA OAKS-
Jim: "Wait up, Tobes!" (As he rides on his bike with Toby and Claire, he does a slip up and falls of his bike)
Jim: "Waa-AH! Oh my.. HAHAHAH.. I just fell off the biii..kee.. HAHAHAH"
Toby: "Jim, what did you do?!"
Claire: "Seriously, your shoe lace is untied.. No wonder.. God.."
Libby: "This is sad.. Sweet.." (Laughs off camera)
Toby: "Uhhhhh.. you may not wanna eat that.."
Libby: "Why, what is it?"
Toby: "Ummm.....Uhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
(Libby shifts into a giggle that slowly turns into a squealing laugh, with Toby joining in. Everyone in the cast laughs)
Toby: "I forgot my line okay?" (Laughs as he dashed off camera)
Libby: "Uhh, Coach Lawrence..?" "You're the history teacher?"
Coach: "Yes, and Health, Advanced chemistry, Advanced algebra, and Ceramics class" "Budget cuts."
Libby: "Ah." (Libby nods, as said in the script before breaking into a fit of laughter)
Toby: "Oh, hey 'afternoon Coach!"
Coach: "Not you again, Domzalski.."
Toby: "Oh, yeah guess what? My Nana signed me up for Advanced chemistry, health and I now transferred into ceramics with you now!"
Coach: "Yegg.!"
Crew in the back: "Uh, no it's 'Yay'.. You said it wrong" (Both start laughing)
Coach: "OHHH! DAMN! Oh, I SCREWED up.. Right, right, sorry! FROM THE TOP AGAIN!"
-Libby's Princess Coronation Scene-
(Libby's walking down the nice carpet, but nearly trips in her dress, and breaks character, going into a bout of laughter, and from several cast members)
Blinky: Dear, are you all right. Here, here, Let me help you.. (Laughs)
Libby: Thank.. you..! (Takes his hands and slowly gets up, with Jim laughing in the background. Claire's trying to hide her face, clearly reddened from the laughter.)
-A Rough Journey Ahead, GYRE scene-
(This is the scene where the group takes the gyre to the Kiwadyn forest to save the Tree of Life.. the roller coaster gyre ride. They are in a special chamber, where special effects are added to give the impression of the drops and turns, and the high wind speed)
"And.. ACTION!"
All: AAAAAAAAaaaaHHHHHH! (Both huddling for dear life)
"AAAaand! CUT!"
Toby: "Thank God.. I felt my soul slipping out for a sec there.."
Libby: "Haha!" (Continues chewing on bubble gum)
-Libby's Day Out Scene-
(Libby accidently spills some boba tea on her shirt and cardigan as she carries the cups to her table. She continues walking to her table like nothing happened, trying to just go with it for the scene. )
-Blue Moon Festival-
(Bagdwella, Blinky, and other trolls are randomly dancing and just goofing off. Libby and the group soon join in, really fooling around)
(Queen Celeste, Princess Selene, and the Ethenian subjects are also in their own dance party, dancing to the music, because why not?)
(A scene where Libby is flying for the first time- Deleted scene. But the machine that moves the cord attached to her [SFX and all that] to make it look like she's indeed flying, got stuck and she is stuck in the air for almost 2 hours as technicians are fixing the problem)
Saraline: So basically for almost 2 HOURS, poor Libby has been dangling from I don't know.. YEAY FEET HIGH.. anddd it's so awkward.. Wait Jim, zoom in on her..
Jim: Poor Libby.. That's  gotta be so scary, HUH LIBBY? (He shouts jokingly, enough for her to hear from the echoing distance)
Libby: I'm just hanging in there, Lake.. All good (Does the 'ok' sign, while laughing)
Libby: I look like Spongebob after he sang the "Goofy Goober Rock" song.. Y'know that scene in the movie?
Claire: YEAH! OH MY- HAHA!
Jim: Lookin' good, Sinclair. Keep it crispy, ya hear?
All: NO!
Claire: Don't ever say that word.
Toby: Ever.
Saraline: Ever.
Claire: Like, it's okay when others say it. But-
Toby: But, when YOU say it.. It.. It doesn't have a good ring to it.. Just no..
Jim: How do I say it? (Chuckles)
Saraline: (Trying not to laugh) It's weird how you say it.. Like you emphasize it so much, but in a way, I don't how to explain..
Rest: Yeahhh.
(Everyone can't help but laugh, Jim joins in, face all red with blush..)
-During Break from Shooting, In The Studio-
Jim: Hey Libby, The floor is lava. (Saraline's recording everything on her phone, chuckling)
Libby: Oh no! No, no! (She puts down her water bottle, runs and makes her way to Tarrons' pool, still wearing her princess outfit, her shoulder pads clinking as she ran.
Claire: OH MY GO- NO DON'T!
(Libby jumps into the pool, leaving a big splash)
Jim: Oh my- this girl is craaazyyy.. Lookit (He points to Libby as he tried to hide his laughter. Saraline zooms in on a pool soaked Libby as she swims around before, rising her head up, laughing)
(The group runs over to her, where Toby helps her up, out of the pool, all pretty much dragging her out)
Jim: Anything you wanna say to the people.. to the people.. of the world? (Saraline zooms in on her face as she gathered the words to speak)
Libby: (Coughs a bit as she catches her breath, her updo bun soaked, clothes dripping) Yes. Um.. In life.. when in doubt.. take the risk. Yeah, yep. Take the risk.
Claire: Look at her hair, though.. (Giggles)
Libby: Now I need to take a brief intermission. (Drops everything and runs off, to the dressing rooms to get changed)
Jim: Run Libby! Run, run, run! (Saraline zooms in on a running Libby, snicking, trying not to laugh)
-In Hero's Forge-
Libby: Claire?
Claire: Yeah?
Libby: Weird flex but okay.
Claire: Okay.. hm. (Summons her shadow staff, hurls it up into the air and does a really neat spin, then creating a wonderous portal at the end)
Libby: OOOooH! Niiicee! (Claps)
Claire: A-Thank you! (Bows down and walks off)
Toby: Okayyy, aaand now! For my part of the whole shabang here.. Libby, weird flex but okay.
(Libby goes for a quick gymnastic cartwheel, successfully landing it, and jumping back on her feet, arms up wide)
Libby: FA-DA!
All: Wow. WOOOHOOO!! (Applause)
Jim: The Wholesome Group Singin' at you LiVe!
All: If there's something strange In your neighborhood Who you gonna call? ¡TrOlLhUnTeRs!
All: If there's something weird And it don't look good Who you gonna call? ¡TrOlLhUnTeRs!
(Jim's at his house- Not a real house, obviously its the studio version type thing.. duh.. 'bout to make a funny Musical.ly video... And this takes place around the time this app was super popular, 2016-17 basically. I miss Musical.ly omg memoriesss.)
All I want is to be left alone in my average home (Sitting on the couch, pretending to look 'super paranoid')
But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone and? (Zooms in and out on himself with the phone camera, pretends to 'hear' something, eyes wide opened in fright. Oh no! What is it? Goblins? Gumm-Gumms.. WHAT?)
I always feel like somebody's watching me (Quickly walking around upstairs, while looking around heavily)
And I have no privacy (oh, oh) (Again with the zooming in and out for funny dramatic effect)
I always feel like somebody's watching me (Another 'sound/noise' he 'hears' He opens a tiny blind in the covered windows in the kitchen and looks out, then crouches down on the floor in 'fear'.)
Tell me is it just a dream? (Once again the dramatic silly zooming to finish it off, shaking the camera repeatedly, he's running [trying not to slip on the squeaky floor] into a small tight closet, shutting the door closed)
[The video fades with a 'Made with Musical.ly' text.. FA-DA!]
-In the set of the Ethenia Castles.. and Another Musical.ly (Toby's part)
Skip to 8:17 for this
(Toby) Get ugly.
Diddly-diddly-diddly-diddly- (Jim pops in) WHOO!
Diddly-diddly-diddly-diddly- (Libby) YEAH!
Diddly-diddly-diddly-diddly- (Toby) Get ugly then!
Diddly-diddly-diddly-diddly- (All at the same time, Saraline joining in) Get ugly.
Skip to 0:56
Whatcha gon- Whatcha gon do with that dessert?
(Slo-mo: Krel, Steve and Eli just fling their script papers, making the packet go back because why not sillyness? They're all weirdly dancing about, being theirselves, then Aja comes in from the left side, doing a kick in slo-mo.)
Skip to 6:57
[Both Saraline and Aja]
Santa Claus is DABBING..! To town.
He sees you when you Whip.
He knows when you Nae-Nae.
He knows when you are just like Drake.
And he knows when you're Kanye.
And lastyly 3:43, Just Jim and Claire with a duo Musical.ly)
And  1:22  with Tobes and Jim just being silly yes.
*(Definitely not Libby trying to nail the 'Single Ladies' dance  at all.. OH WAIT- SHE IS, and CLAIRE AND SARALINE JOINS HER.. WOOHOOooo..)
**(More scenes of the cast, all the trolls goofing around in-between sets.. dancing and lollygagging.)
~~~ (The directing team had made these lyrics and random silliness for fun and gave each cast member their side of the song, so they were able to rehearse and all that. Just for fun after shooting so yeah.)
(Each character [Cast member] was given a song that made specifically for them by the producers and staff. They were asked to practice, rehearse, making sure to be in character as they did so. Everyone got a chance to go upfront to the recording studio [Pretend] and well- Sing in front of everyone, showing their true talents.)
(There's a part in particular where one of the crew is recording a video of Blinky joyfully playing a song on the piano in the back of the side in the studio with the cast and everyone in a pack behind him from both sides, just singing along [No specifically made song, just random and for fun.] They're each holding their sheets of paper with the lyrics, carefully singing along as they repeatedly keep singing this one catchy melody..)
🎵 Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum 🎵 🎵 Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum 🎵
(Libby and Saraline's tapping their fingers on beat onto the top of the piano, Jim's snapping his fingers in time of the song, Toby's nodding his head, Claire is tapping her foot as she sang along.)
(Everyone's all in sync, singing about Trollhunting, the Darklands and the weird place Arcadia is, not to mention some villain/character roasting as well all throughout. Basically they're singing the plot of the whole Tales of Arcadia shows, as well as 'Bewitched' so why not.
Now for the final product here- The big group song, to begin:
You don't mess around with Gunmar, No...
(You don't mess around with..)
You don't mess around with Gunmar, No...
(You don't mess around with..)
You don't mess around with Gunmar, No...
(You don't mess around with..)
You don't mess around with Gunmar, No...
If you're driving around Arcadia Oaks
Keep the car running, there's no need to park
This town will not make it through the night...
Take your belongings and run back home
Cover and hide them 'till the goblin's gone
I'm afraid this sunshine won't last long...
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
Eternal Battle, Sheer Battle
Lots of stabbing and a lot of killing
This crazy Eternal Night has come to stay...
Eternal Battle, Blood Battle
Your thrilling, shrilling, bloodshed Battle
Eclipse and Daylight is taking back glory..!
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
Eternal Battle, Sheer Battle
Freaky, Deadly, Violent battle
Morgana's cackling up a storm tonight..
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
There will be no sunny days no more, HEY!
You don't mess around with Gunmar, HEY!
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum
You don't mess around with Gunmar, HEY!
As reference, here's a Coldplay/Game of Thrones skit video below to get an idea. I changed the lyrics up honestly and obviously to match the plot and all the stuff yes I really did that because I am just so super extra.. Oop.)
Now, it's Libby's turn to present her song. Another one Coldplay/G.O.T video reference because it's lit, yess the lyrics are changed as well mhm, okay carry on!
(I made an animatic on this with my OC Libby on my Youtube channel! Go check it out!!)
"Do you know what? I've never been prouder to be in anything like this, honestly- Like.. I KNEW this show's gonna be a success.."
*Libby's sitting on a chair in a lobby, behind the scenes of the show (Pretend)*
"Libby Sinclair meets modern music- What could go wrong?" Libby gives a cheery chuckle as she shrugs her shoulders innocently. ~~~ "Okay! Now.. Libby! Your turn come on up!"
(The cast cheer and applauded as she nervously walked up to the microphone with a smile.)
"Go Libby! WOOHOO!" Aja shouts.
"You go girl!" Claire hollers out.
"You got this!" Jim shouted.
"LIBBY! YEAH! I KNOW HER!! WHOO HOO!" Krel screams out, everyone stopped their cheering and applause, seeing him go crazy when Libby went up.
"What?" He confusingly shrugged, where everyone laughed and shook it off.
"Okay. Let's do this. Hit it." Libby proudly said.
*SCENE CHANGE- Song starts. Libby's dressed in character, the others all watch. Libby's tapping her foot in time of the beat*
"Tales of what now?"
"Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay!"
"I am-"
Libby lightly places her hands by her collarbone, motioning to her herself. "Elizabeth.. Charlotte Sinclair.."
"Got lots of magic in me.."
Libby puts her forearms face level, fingers spread out and open, nodding a bit. 🖐
"Very scary and"
Then, she does it again, but it's her pointer fingers, and she sways her arms and fingers side to side, still in the same place.
Then she moves her arms, hands and fingers in a clockwise motion, ending in pointing by her chin. ☝️ 🕰
"Been here, and there, and then I've been everywhere again"
The girl is swaying her hands around to the side then the other, in a hula- like way.
"Elizabeth Charlotte Sinclair.."
She puts her hands to her hips, shrugging a shoulder, then the other.
"Call me 'Princess Libby''
"If you really want to" She looks at the camera and winks with a cute grin. 😉
"And if you call me 'witch' then should better step away now" Libby points one pointer finger ☝️ and with dark cool shades, looking comedically serious.
"I got friends by my side" She gestures her crew sitting in the corner, wearing dark cool shades, nodding their heads to the beat as she sang. 😎👏
"We're cleaning the streets and.."
"We're fighting trolls together" Libby raises her fist and arm up high. 🙋‍♀️✊
"Everywhere we go," She looks right at the camera, slowly doing the hula hands again.
"Yeah!" Sends off the last cheer for the song.
*Cutoff, scene fades off- End of song*
"Wowza! ..That was so compli...! Aha-ha-ha..!" Libby says back in the studio, laughing so hard, muffled as she walks off, off camera.
"Nice one!" Someone said off camera, the sound of a high-five.
Followed by other chatter from the characters and cast, more giggling and chuckles from the others.
"Awesomesauce..! Toby is heard off camera with a chuckle from the Trollhunter, among others.
***Then, as the end credits roll in, it shows a BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE BEHIND THE SCENES OF the song video with the voice actress (Ava Webster- I made her up, yes yes another OC) singing her part, waving her arms and hands around as she sang.. More outtakes and funny stuff going on. The REAL voice actors are practicing their lines, rehearsing their songs together just like in the whole chapter and all that.***
🎵 Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum 🎵 🎵 Bumm, bumm, bumm-bah-pa-da-pa-dum 🎵
-End of Chapter-
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mwuaferrari · 4 years
Summary: Where Y/N is part of the Shawn Mendes tour staff. Everyone’s in Miami, where the last show was before Christmas, but something ruins the plans of everyone who wants to spend the holidays with their families. Camila's mother invites them all to spend Christmas at her house and they accept. Shawn and the others start a plan to reunite Connor and Y / N.
Warnings: English is not my native language so I apologize if there are mistakes.
A/N: I know, I know it's been almost a month since Christmas HAHAHAHA, but I had this in my drafts and for some reason I never posted it. 
Remember, the requests are open!
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"It's a joke?" Cez asks for the third time on the phone while he keeps an irritated scowl on his face. "Ok, if there is nothing else to do ... ok, thanks, bye"
After a while, he cuts the phone and watches us all before speaking. "Ok guys, this is not easy to say."
"What happen?" Connor asks concerned.
"Our flight was canceled due to bad weather in I don't know where and apparently there is no airline that can take us home in time for Christmas"
"Are you serious?"
"Do you think I'd be kidding about something like that, Sylvie? They said that the flights will be available again in 5 days. ”Everyone sighs in surrender.
"I am very sorry for what happened, I know that everyone wanted to spend Christmas with their families" Sinu, Camila's mother begins to say "But you are all welcome to spend these holidays here, with us" She says referring to Camila, Alejandro, Sofía, Shawn and her.
"That's very nice of you Sinu, but do you think you can feed all of us tomorrow night?" She laughs in response to Cez.
"Of course. Anyway, there are 5 more people, it is nothing, you don’t worry "
It was Cez, Brian, Sylvie, Connor and Y/N who missed their flight, since the rest of the staff had taken flights to different parts that same day, but earlier.
"Then I suppose we will spend this Christmas at the Cabello’s house." Cez ends.
"It will be fun." Y/N says  looking at Camila with a smile.
"Yes, it will be." 
At one point in the afternoon, they were all in the living room, except Camila's father who was taking a nap, Y / N who was taking a shower and Connor who was on the phone with his mother.
"So what’s the plan?" Sylvie asks.
"I don't know, but we have to make those two take the first step tonight, or I don't know what I'll do with my life, they stress me out." Brian says exaggeratedly, referring to Y/N and Connor
"I think I have an idea," Sinu exclaims as she leaves the kitchen.
"What? Mom-" Only a few minutes later she comes back with something hidden behind her back "What are you bringing there?” With a bright and proud smile on her face, she shows us a little mistletoe.
"Oh my god, you’re brilliant." Sylvie claps.
"So the plan is, at some point in the night, both are under that" Camila ends.
"And finally they will kiss, for goodness sake!" Brian exclaims with his arms in the air.
"Who will kiss?" Connor enters the kitchen suddenly causing us all to panic.
"Nothing, little boy" Brian exclaims quickly while Sinu with a quick movement hides the object that only seconds before had our full attention. "How is your mother? How did she react to the news that her little boy won't be spending christmas at home? " Brian walks over to him and puts one arm around her shoulders, patting her while he ruffles her hair with his other hand.
"Don't call me little boy"
"Hey Tiny, don't get mad, we just play," Shawn says with a laugh as he tightens his grip on Camila's shoulder next to him, who laughs anyway. Connor just rolls his eyes and walks away from Brian.
“What do you all have with giving me such strange nicknames? I don’t like it, at all."
"I don't think any of those are better than the Lemon one, I think it's very original" Y/N he comes down the stairs laughing, his hair wet from the shower she had taken.
"Oh darling, go dry your hair, you can catch a cold." Sinu tells the girl. "Camila, go show him the hair dryer." Camila nods as she gets up from the side of her boyfriend, letting her arm fall on the couch.
Shawn watches Connor and sees him off guard glaring at Y/N coming up the stairs. He sighs and sits next to him.
"Hey, what's up?“
“"Nothing, could you explain to me for the last time why the nickname lemon?”
The night of Christmas Eve had already arrived. They were all at the table having dinner while laughing and talking about any topic.
"Can I have the wine, please?" Sylvie exclaims.
Y/ N directs her hand to the wine at the same time as Connor does, making her hands touch.
Y/N thinks everything has been really weird between her and Connor lately. When she met him over a year ago on Shawn's tour, he created a trust in her that she had never felt with anyone. They immediately started talking and became very close. Everyone thought there was something between them, many times their friends teased them about looking like a couple, but they both denied it all those times.
But lately something had changed. Y/N was a friend of touch, she liked to hug her friends in general, and Connor was no exception to her. But lately those touches of best friends that used to be given day to day began to bother her. It made her feel weird. Every time she was near him, she felt butterflies in her stomach.
Lately, Connor was feeling the same.
"Oh my God, can you stop now?" An excited Brian interrupts their thoughts. He takes the bottle of wine and hands it to Sylvie across the table.
"What do you mean? Y/N question, indifferent.
"What do I mean? I mean… ”Brian makes a strange gesture with his hands. "That. That you two do"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Connor says nervously as he takes a sip from his glass.
"It is time."
"Will they really do this?" Cez asks laughing.
"Yeah, what makes you think we wouldn't?" Shawn asks.
“I don't know, I thought they were joking. I think both are old enough to make their own decisions and take the first step, they are not little kids "
"They're not little kids, but they're stupid." Sylvie slaps Brian on the shoulder after her comment.
"Besides, we're just giving them a little nudge." Says Sofía, Camila's sister.
"It's just a mistletoe, what if they don't want to kiss, anyway?"
"They must do it, it's a tradition, it's the rules" Sinu tells her husband as she begins to hang the mistletoe on the door that divides the kitchen and the living room. She then she walks into the kitchen with Sofia.
"And you support this Sinu, it can't be." Alejandro tells him, following his wife to the kitchen.
"She is part of us, yes." Camila says proudly.
"Where are they now?" Shawn asks Camila.
"What if they already took the first step?" Cez asks half disinterested.
"I don’t think so". 
"Ok, I'm going to go upstairs, I don't want to see this show" Cez exclaims as he climbs the stairs.
Connor and I are sitting in the backyard of Camila's house. He rests his head on my legs while I tangle my fingers in his hair.
"You know what? I've been thinking about something lately. " He says as he puts his hand on mine while I continue stroking his hair.
"What’s it?"
"I don't know, it's something that happens when we're together." He responds as he sits up, pulling away from my touch.
"What do you mean?" Is he he is feeling the same as me?
"I've felt a little ... weird"
"Oh ..."
"But not weird in a bad way, if not that ..."
"I think I know what you're talking about." I shyly say without looking at him.
"If I…"
"Connor! Can you come here and help me with something ?!" Sylvie's call interrupts me.
Connor and I look toward the house. The boy gets up first, offering his hand to help me up. We both walked inside the house.
"I think the tree star is a bit crooked, can you help me straighten it?" Sylvie says as she climbs on a chair right next to the tree to reach for the object.
"And why couldn't they help you?" Connor says with a frown pointing to the rest of our friends.
"They don't have the same sense of righteousness that you have."
"Sense of righteousness? What the hell are you talking about? "
"Just, just get at the door and let me know when it's right." Connor snorts as he heads for the door, reluctantly. "There’s good?"
"Yes Sylvie, it’s perfectly straight"
Are you sure?" She asks as she moves the object.
"No! Why did you move it? Now is completely leaning to the left "
"And now?"
“It's totally to the right, are you kidding me?
"Come on Connor, do your part a bit."
"Y/N, can you come help me?" I turn to Connor and stands next to him looking at the Christmas tree.
"Move it to the left ... to the right ... a little more to the left again ..."
"There is!" Connor exclaims, raising his arms.
"Perfect, thanks guys. Now could you see if the object above you is straight?"
I look up laughing after the spectacle of straightening the star on the Christmas tree.
A small mistletoe hung over our heads and my breath caught in my throat.
"Did you really plan this?" Connor asks, glancing at me.
"Completely." Brian admits shamelessly.
"Go ahead, pretend we weren't here"
He turns in my direction and I look at him, having to tilt my head up since he’s taller than me.
"Hey" I barely reply. Does he really want to kiss me? Because I do.
"If I want to," he said, as if he could read my mind. "Do you want? ... Would you like us to kiss? I mean, if you don't want to, you really are not obliged, really the mistletoe is nothing more than a stupid tradition, I will understand you completely if you don't want to kiss me-
Quickly I stand on the balls of my feet and cup her cheeks with both hands to bring her lips closer to me. Her lips are warm against mine, the kiss full of emotion and a little shyness. His hands land quietly on my hips, pulling me toward him so I can wrap his arms around your back. His lips move against mine delicately.
"At last! I can't believe it. ”Brian's voice interrupts our moment.
"Did you have to ruin his moment so soon?" Sylvie reprimands him.
"After such a long time ..." Shawn says.
“You have no right to say that. Camila and you took a hundred times longer than them."
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timebuzzer · 4 years
Ever After Chapter 15.4
This is Sage and Alex again, okay? They are married and on HONEYMOON. Don't forget that. AND this is just a product of our imagination. Play the music to add feels? Hahahaha! Enjoy?
This will be the last 🙈
3rd Person POV
"And anywhere." He utters against the skin on her neck as he tightens his arms around her waist.
"Your smell was so inviting." He whispered, soothing the area with his tongue and a kiss. Unconsciously, she began to shift closer to him, angling herself to give him more access to continue.
Sage's eyes glistened mischievously. She was too lost in the moment with her eyes wistfully closed as he trailed light, soft, and open-mouthed kisses onto her neck, beginning from the back of her ears, down the sides of her throat, and to her shoulder blades.
"You smell so intoxicating as always, Love." He whispered into her ear, his warm breath tickling it, which made her shiver and clutch his arm.
She gasped when he bit the area where her neck met her shoulders, feeling him suckle that sweet spot he's so accustomed to now. She let out a small whimper when he kissed the spot and nipped it again, creating a mark. "Sage, the mosquito is at it again", she thought.
His lips brushed against the sensitive area, "You really do..." His feather-soft lips were teasing her. She was growing dizzy and could barely hold up her own body. Her legs wobbled, but his firm arms held her in place. His torturous seduction was doing things to her that she did not know was possible.
She gasped when his hands left her waist and cupped her bosom without warning, squeezing. Her body melted and her knees gave out even if she was still wearing her satin robe but he held her up. He moved his lips higher up and settled on the side of her neck, lavishing the area with his attention. She let out a quiet, pleased moan, his fingers digging against her robe.
He turned her around and she automatically pressed her body against his chest. His pupils dilated when he felt every curve of her body beneath her clothes. He was supposed to be seducing her, but he felt it was the other way around, and she was doing it effortlessly. "More." She whispered, standing on her tippy-toes, wanting a kiss.
He bent his head as if he was about to kiss her lips. But he didn't. His lips landed on her forehead, her eyes, her nose, and on her cheek, trailing a path to the edge of her soft lips. She was going insane, her hands traveling up his chest and clutching his shoulders.
"No." She sharply breathed in when he squeezed her behind, drawing her closer. He was not playing fair and he knew it too. A devilish smirk was on his face when she attempted to move her face for a kiss, but he moved his mouth first. She groaned in a protest.
After seeing how much she wanted him, he crashed his lips onto hers, one hand traveling behind her neck to angle it better. Their lips feverishly met in a passionate, lustful kiss. She moaned against his mouth, opening her lips for his tongue to dive in and explore every nook and cranny. He pulled back to let her breathe and continued to kiss her closed eyelids, starting from the left to the right. He then peppered her face with gentle kisses as her hands tugged at the ends of his hair. She was driving him equally crazy. He wanted her, every part of him did, but this time he is going to take his time.
Sage remained still for a while but the next second he moved, he untangled the satin robe slowly, letting his fingers trail on her slightly exposed milky skin, sending shivers down Alex’s spine, as the robe was now partly revealing her body, As if she wasn't already aware of his touch, he followed it with warm kisses, starting from her neck moving towards her back and straight down to her waist. As he kissed the base of her spine, he undid the silky cloth off while staring deeply into her eyes and a second later, her robe fell with a soft swoosh, revealing a pair of black lacy lingerie.
The moment he saw her almost naked skin, he sucked in a breath, trying to control his raging little friend. Alex was more comfortable with her pajamas. She had a few pairs of satin lingeries but she rarely wears those and Sage knows that. But when she does, Sage would always lose his mind. However, tonight is an exception because it is a sheer black lace paired with lacy underwear for Pete's sake. Sage could clearly see what's underneath, her white as snow skin and her pink rose ready for him.
This is actually one of Paris' belated bridal shower gift. Alex never knew that the time would come and she would wear these kinds of revealing clothes. But there would never be another night like this again so she would take this opportunity to show her husband just how much she would be willing to offer herself to him and only him.
Sage slightly moved away from her to fully ogle at his wife. He gave her a lingering gaze from top to toe, which made Alex feel slightly embarrassed at being half-naked in front of him but this paled in comparison to her desire to be one with her him.
Alex stared at him seductively, as if noticing his burning desire, and looked at him with her pure, clear eyes. But she decided to break the staring contest and look away as she could not rival his intense burning gaze.
Sage moved closer and touched the tiny bow design in the middle of her chest. His fingertips then moved to slowly trace from the bow of her lingerie to the skin between her bosom, up to her chin, tilting it that made her meet his brown eyes burning with desire.
She felt her heart skip a beat when he gently smiled, "I believe I haven't complimented you enough." He murmured, "They're beautiful." She thought he was referring to her breasts or the lingerie itself, but he was staring at something else, he was staring at her. "I used to own a telescope when I was younger," He leaned in and kissed each of her eyelids, "Yet, none of the stars I've seen in my life could ever rival you. I love every bit of you. I can't seem to fathom how vast these feelings are but I know that losing you will be the death of me, both literally and figuratively, Alex Lee."
Alex's heart pounded against her chest, warming up at his words. His hands then trailed up to her face, his fingers touching every inch of her features until they brushed against her lips. "You never fail to leave me breathless, as always. Thank you..."
As she could no longer contain his words, she then leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck before she planted a soft kiss on his lips. Then her hands went down to the hem of his shirt, underneath it, touching his well-sculpted abs.
After that tease his wife just did, Sage burnt from the contact of her delicate fingers on his skin. He then slowly removed his shirt, revealing his perfectly sculpted torso while his eyes were glued to her as she also moved her gaze to his grandeur. Alex would never get tired of admiring his physique. She has seen a lot of men'ss bodies on magazines, TV, or movies, but none could rival his. He was just so well-built, lean, and muscular... It screams perfection that she felt the fire of desire ignite within her.
He gazed at Alex as if asking her for permission to continue what they've started earlier and she answered him by pulling his head down to her so she could devour his lips. It wasn't long before a moan escaped from her as Sage’s hand roamed all over her body. His movements were gentle, almost too slow to caress her like he had all the time in the world.
His hand then wandered down below, to confirm if she was ready for him. His finger graced over her lacy underwear and he was delighted to know that she was excited and he loved it.
However, knowing how long their day had been, Sage didn't want to lose control this time. He wanted to savor this night and he planned to take her slow, gentle.
Sage then led her to the pool in all his grandeur. “Let's try the pool, Love. Want to join me?” He then removed his shorts revealing his gray underwear concealing his on high alert ‘friend’ as he looked at his half-naked wife, teasing her as he dipped into the pool.
As he enjoyed the water, he looked back, expecting to see her follow his suit but found her still standing in the same position he left her beside the pool, looking hesitant and problematic. Alex was contemplating. She was wearing lingerie, as she thought they would go inside after their wine night. If she only knew that he has plans of swimming, she could have just worn a swimsuit underneath.
"But I'm not wearing a swimsuit...You could have said that you have plans of night swimming beforehand." She scoffed at him while crossing her arms on her chest.
“So am I. Come here now, Love. It’s just us here. We set our own rules." He called out. His voice, his gaze, everything about him was hypnotic. He was bewitching her again.
Alex swallowed. The lights around the pool glowed yellow and the atmosphere here felt different at night. It was like it was more romantic than during the day but Alex could tell it was mainly because of the presence of that alluring perfect creature right there.
"I believe you, okay? I know I am beautiful because you are head over heels with me," she told him and when Sage smiled, she immediately stuck her tongue out then let go. She turned and was about to go back to her spot when Sage’s hands wrapped around her tiny waist and pulled her into his embrace, trapping her between his legs.
The first thing Alex felt was his hardness onto her stomach and her face burned. "I'm glad you know that I am head over heels with you. I thought I need to show it to you again." Sage whispered in her ear.
His hands slipped gently teasing her smooth skin, brushing against the edges of her exposed hips before it slowly inched upwards. Her body tensed up in anticipation, waiting for him to do something, but he didn't. Just as she had tortured him before, he was going to do the same.
She let out a soft, contented sigh when his lips inched along her jaw, then dipped down to the spot where her shoulder met her neck, his favorite spot as always. Her fingers entwined into his silky locks, her hips subconsciously moving closer to him, wanting more of him again.
"Are you going to torture me all night?" She asked him, watching as his hands trail down her sides. She shivered at his touch, her body wanting and waiting. He just chuckled upon hearing that his little wife is growing impatient already.
Alex yelped when Sage suddenly scooped her to level with him. She wrapped her arms onto his neck, and her legs onto his waist, instinctively. The water in the pool seemed to become warmer.
He teasingly nipped the most sensitive part of her neck as he squeezes her behind, causing her back to arch, holding onto him. "You're such a tease…" She whispered when he didn't kiss the spot she desperately wanted his lips on.
"Now you know how I feel." He hummed against her skin, his hands exploring over her body. Everywhere he touched ignited her skin. He was taking his own sweet time with her and she knew it too. She trailed off, eyes closing when he began to show her collarbone attention.
They continued the teasing game as Sage moved towards the stairs of the pool and sat there, half of their bodies were still submerged in the water. Alex is now straddling on him. His rough hands on her behind slowly moved upwards to catch her twin peaches softly. Alex bit her lips, suppressing her moan, as she felt the heat from his palms on top of the lace material. He played with her peaches, the lace material against her peaks added sensation that hardened his member, even more, wanting its release. His skillful tongue and hands did wonder to her heating body, including his "friend" that is greeting hers, making her lower region aching a bit.
However, her eyes opened when his hands left her body. "I believe we should take this off." He told her while resting his fingers at the edges of her lacy brassiere. Then he trailed kisses on the blades of her left shoulder, making the strap of her lingerie fell off the sides. He did the same to her right shoulder making the "covering" on her bosom loose, his eyes burning with desire. When he can't take it anymore, he pulled the lingerie up then threw it to the side while his onyx eyes were dripping with lust. He kissed her lips as he continued playing with her peaches directly.
"Can we do it here, Love? Under the starry night," he whispered against her lips with his now husky voice, his hands not stopping from doing their delicious magic, which is now going south.
"B-but… we're outside, ah… not here, Sage…" Alex's tiny bit of reason returned and suddenly felt shy. Not because of her husband, but with the thought that they would do it here, under the moon, the stars. They never tried this before, outdoor.
Sage’s hands, one on her behind squeezed it while the other one busy teasing her sensitive lips making her let out a cute moan. "I'll dim the lights if you want. No one is around here to see us. I wouldn't even dare to let anyone else see your sexy body, this is for myself alone..." He negotiated while his hands continued doing magic on her body. "Consider it logged in our little book of adventures, shall we?"
Alex's mind is getting hazy with his touches that with just one plea, Alex gave in and nodded at him.
Sage smiled. His “friend” began rubbing her down there, on that sensitive spot. The friction from their underwear played havoc on both of them.
He began sucking her lips and she responded, wilder than ever. His wife was beginning to make a move on her own and he loved it, so damn much. Her fingers were tugging his hair as she pulled him closer. Sage wanted it slow but he can't seem to get enough of her that he started increasing his pace as he leaned his forehead with hers with eyes closed.
She pressed a hand to her mouth to suppress her moans. He didn't like that. "Don't bite your lips, Love, moan for me. Don't restrain it. Besides, the butler said the next occupied villa is 5 villas away from us. So we are alone in this villa, no one can hear any sound we make." he uttered and Alex obeyed. She stopped biting her lips and let out soft, yet cute and seductive moans he would never get tired of hearing.
Alex was feeling overwhelmed. She hardly recognized herself. His touch and everything he did to her body felt too good. Every time they got lost in each other's arms, everything in the world just disappeared. No thoughts, no worries, just them, feeling each other and becoming one whole soul.
But he was not going to enter her just yet.
"Sage…" Alex started calling out his name. She felt him become hard against her and the pleasure that she had felt a while ago was starting to resume again.
"Do you want us to continue?" Sage asked her.
Alex’s eyes wandered and in the end, she meekly nodded. She was embarrassed but her body and heart wanted him too. And she thought there was no reason for her not to want it or to hide her want for it.
She saw Sage’s eyes glimmer the moment she nodded and she blushed again. Then his lips went back onto her mouth, capturing it in a gentle kiss. He was slow and sensual, lazily kissing her, allowing her to drown in his seduction. Before realizing it, Sage scooped her into his arms again while their lips never parted.
"I've changed my mind. Let's just continue exploring the outside world during day time. It's getting cold now." He explained. But before she could say anything, "Don't celebrate yet, wife. We are not yet done. Not even starting to collect my dues." He said mischievously as he led her to the en-suite bathroom.
For visual purposes
Alex's lingerie:
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alyssabethancourt · 5 years
If you only read one of my project updates, make it this one.
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It took most of the day to kick in, for some reason, but the price of the Mornnovin eBook on Amazon has finally adjusted to 99¢. It will remain at that deeply discounted price at least until February 26th. I may or may not be persuadable on the subject of extending the sale for an additional week.
So now that the stress of that unexpected snafu has lifted, I can do a proper update.
It's Friday, five days in, and as of posting this the fundraiser is sitting pretty at $821 or 22% funded. We're nicely on track. The next big goal, obviously, is getting to 25% ($925) and I'm confident we can hit that mark easy-peasy before the end of the weekend. Please, keep talking up this series and sharing the link with your friends, family, and followers.
Trajelon is a special book not just because it's mine and I have to say that, but because it explores issues and themes that I don't think we see often enough in fiction – especially not in the sparkly elf magic genre.
I'm going to get real with you for a minute.
I've talked before about how the version of Mornnovin that is now published is the culmination of thirty years and four versions of telling that particular story. What people may not know is that I'd also written Trajelon once before.
In late 1997, I was 18 years old and I'd made some terrible decisions that I was locked into living with for the foreseeable future, both because of the nature of responsibility but also because of pride. People had tried to warn me, and of course being the age I was, I knew everything. I'd been downright insolent about my conviction that I knew what I was doing.
So there I was, miserable, bridges burned, everything to prove, struggling under the load of several massive responsibilities all taken on at once, knowing that I'd made the bed I now had to lie in. I was also trying to pass my first semester of college as an English major. I can't remember now precisely which combination of events led me to come to this conclusion, but I started to feel that although I was reasonably good at academic writing, my creative writing was a clear waste of my time. I actually went as far as deciding to give it up.
I think, now, that I might have been trying to punish myself.
That take makes sense in hindsight because as soon as I'd grounded myself from the sort of writing I actually enjoy doing, two things happened.
One, at odd moments I started doodling scenes that weren't supposed to be part of anything, so I was free from the feeling that they had to be any good or make any kind of sense or fit within a larger narrative. This would come to be important later.
And two, the scenes I was scribbling down without any commitment to story or quality were all about bad things happening to Loríen.
Because writers have to write, even if they've made bullshit nonsense declarations about how they've given it up, a story idea did eventually coalesce out of all of these snippets. And because of where I was, the story was dark. The finished product was horrible, but it was genuine – a savage cry of pain from someone who believed she had no right to it.
Fast forward ten years. Now it's 2007. I'm still living in that hell of my own making, but it's different because I'm ten years older and time does change things, for better or worse. Now I'm working a crappy retail job and it's killing me. To save my sanity, one day, I pull some blank receipt paper out of the cash register and in tiny, cramped letters I start scribbling some scenes that aren't supposed to be part of anything. They're just junk for my brain, something to keep me alive. Because they're not for anything real, I don't worry about them being any good or fitting within whatever other arbitrary writing rules I have for myself. At night, while the household is asleep, I transfer the cramped letters from cash register paper to computer file.
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After a while, I realize they are actually starting to make a coherent story, but it's not canon, I tell myself. It's just some cracky Asrellion fanfiction. Just some mindless entertainment. I keep giving myself permission to tell a different kind of story from whatever I imagine canon to be.
By the time I leave that crappy retail job, I find that in my time there I've managed to scribble onto bits and pieces of receipt paper what amounts to roughly twenty typed pages of... something.
Then I realize that what I have on my hands isn't just something, it's the seed of a new version of Book 2. One that actually has something to say besides screaming in wordless agony. The only problem is, this new book that I can see laid out before me is far too good for the terrible most-recent draft of Book 1 that would precede it.
Then I realize that I'm going to have to write this book, which means that I'm also going to have to rewrite the first book in the series in order to lay the necessary groundwork.
That's the story of how I came to begin my ground-up re-imagining of Mornnovin in 2008.
It turns out to be a good thing that I took the time to do that first, because I wouldn't have been ready then to tell the story that I ultimately had in me in 2016 when I wrote Trajelon over the course of six intense months. By then, I had escaped Hell. By then, I was safe. By then, I had some perspective on what it is not just to live through but to survive trauma and depression.
The first incarnation of Trajelon was what I needed it to be when I screamed it up, all those years ago. It was catharsis. I don't blame it for its darkness or its ugliness any more than you would blame a post-surgical scar for its raw appearance. This iteration of Trajelon is what it needed to be. Almost Athena-like, it sprang fully-formed from the brain of its creator. And it's no longer a cry of suffering. It's... a meditation on living with the suffering that inevitably comes along with the triumphs we experience in life. Living with, enduring, growing from. Learning to discard where possible. Drawing into our identity and building off of where necessary.
No doubt this is scary territory for some readers, but that's exactly why I think it's so important to tell these stories. They can't all be about glorious victories on the field of battle. There are more shades to the spectrum of the human (elven?) experience. I so wish this book had existed at a time when I could have drawn strength from it. Now I no longer need to draw on that kind of strength, but others do. I know they do.
So maybe this was a big old heavy update for a Friday evening, but I hope you don't mind the candor. This book is very personal for me, as you now understand, and that would have become clear anyway as soon as you read it. Because I think that's actually its truest and purest strength, I wanted to be up front about it in this fundraiser. I am pitching to you a fantasy novel written by a survivor of abuse, trauma, and depression written for survivors of abuse, trauma, and depression.
If you, like I do, think that's an important thing to have exist in the world, please help me get the word out and bring it into reality.
And thank you for letting me get real.
Help fund TRAJELON on Kickstarter.
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atlaese · 3 years
my phone almost died sending you the last message so lmao. 😂
It'd be easier if we emailed tbh. And again I had no idea I could do this wtf, you unlocked my hidden talent congrats!
I used to write fanfiction too when I was younger so you know, I stopped around the age you are now :) No, I'm not that old but I'm not starting again hahaha. 💀
I'm in Greece which is a very conservative place and religious so I know how religious or demi religious or anti people work, like you are not allowed to think outside of it, it's everywhere shcool, family, the state and I just know how conservative italy works as well because I've studied over there for a tiny bit, so I'm just expanding what I know. In Mindy's Kaling show the mindy project she is dating a catholic guy and also base a lot on that. I've also seen many people getting married at 21 so they can have sex, some are happy some are not, some are more liberal some suck you know same old. But the vibe in religious countries is def different from thw the other ones.
Matt is definetely ruled by outside forces no matter how confident or smart he is. His fighting and his dedication to that his goal and training and all just show how much of a guided man he is. Like he lives by that. The church really fucks up your insides if you live in it your whole life :(
I'll talk about Iron Fist another time or all of the shows really, I'm thinking about rewatching them again.
The comics can be fun, I only read a few and I find it so funny that Matt is a ginger guy like how unique can you get? The true gingers of marvel are Matt and Bruce Banner so take that as you will.
I'm legit not touching on the romantic part, I'll scream seriously, he is so sweet and tender and he dserves so much love and attention, and just to hold each other all the time... how broken pieces can feel whole again. nope not thinking it no.
Aaaah I hope we get the sscholarship!!! I put much hard work in it hahaha 🤭🤭🤭
another cut, but here is a matt gif for those who scroll past
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oh no, omg 😂 yeah i moved to my laptop because i wanna give decent commentary lmao!! i'm so glad i unlocked this hidden talent, its so helpful hahahah! you're a natural! please imagine us being penpals 🤓 reminds me of elementary school!!
bestie i used to write fanfic at 15 it was HORRIBLE. i quit for like 8 years, saw fatws & cm and decided to write again. now we're here ksksk i don't know how many more stories i have in me though haha!
ooh interesting! i have never lived in a super religious country (maybe south africa a little), but i get that if the whole culture is immersed in it, it's difficult to escape or to step out of that paradigm! really interesting! one of my classes lightly touched on that too last semester and it truly is so interesting to learn about other cultures, even if they're not that far from home!
yeah i noticed that! i also feel the first season doesn't heavily touch on that, while now in the third season its like his main reason for everything he does! so interesting to see his character evolve and transform through the show!
lmao, i didn't know he was a ginger in the comics!! i love dark haired matt too, though <3 also bruce?? a ginger?? pls i love them both even more now
yeah sorry!!! its late at night and then i get in my feels <3 i'll save them for another fic skzfje
well as your advisor i'll do my damn best to get that scholarship hahaha
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