#please seb stab me
glutengoblin · 2 months
IM DESPERATE! Please i beg of you…i have yet to see a patronus fic!
Sebastian x fem mc? And seb and mc learn the patronus charm with Hecat? And Seb later realizes that his patronus is the same as mc’s? Because he loves and cares for her like Snape with Lily. Just some fluff and confessions whatever you choose.
Hi Friend!! Thank you so much for the request and apologies for the delay.
So I may have changed the idea a bit, since your idea got the cogs turning in my head... I hope it's okay! Not my best work, but I wanted to take a stab at it.
(PS: Fun fact, my patronus is rat. Don't ask me why, I have no clue)
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: None!
Sebastian felt more nervous than usual sitting next to Y/N in class. Although he knew that his face would never betray him, he could never be too sure. This class was perhaps the closest he’d get to accidentally admitting his love for his best friend.
Though Sebastian had be in love with her since the fifth year and the fateful day that they took down a troll together in Hogsmeade, he had yet to admit his feelings to her. He wasn’t Gryffindor, so why would anyone expect him to be brave?
Ominis certainly expressed his distaste for the way Sebastian went about things. He often pointed out that Sebastian appeared to have no issues flirting with Y/N, so he didn’t understand why making the jump to asking her on a date was so difficult.
To Sebastian, however, it was difficult. In fact, the jump seemed worse than trying to jump over the entire Grand Canyon. The risk that their whole friendship could be ruined if he chose to admit his feelings was too great. He couldn’t imagine a life without her in it, even if only as a friend.Thus, he sat next to y/n in DADA, usually quiet as Hecat explained that they would be learning how to cast a Patronus that day.
His skin turned clammy as she explained that sometimes if someone loved someone enough, their Patronus could become the same as their beloved. He had previously known all this information, but hearing it out loud, especially from Hecat, just cemented the idea in his mind. Thankfully, Y/N didn’t seem to notice all the blood that had drained from Sebastian’s face. Rather, she just looked excited about learning a new spell, a trait she hadn’t stopped exhibiting since she first set foot instead Hogwarts almost 2 years ago to the day.
Sebastian tried his best not to look like he wanted to run. Trying to plan what the best course of action would be was difficult, especially when he couldn’t just bolt out of class.
Thankfully for Sebastian, he already knew what his Patronus was - a fox - and he had known since 4th year. Back then, he decided to learn how to cast one after finding a random book in the library that was much too advanced for his level of magic; it was a often occurrence, much to Ominis’s dismay. Per usual, Sebastian had stolen away the book to the undercroft until he could cast the spell perfectly, a silver fox enjoying hiding between the many crates that were stacked hapzardly in the corners.
Sebastian, trying his best to think on his feet, decided that the best course of action was to insist that she try to cast a Patronus first. After all, this was Y/N he was thinking about. Given she was certainly the most powerful witch in their year, and most likely ever, there was no way that she would have trouble casting one on the first try.
Once Hecat told them to break up into pairs, Sebastian turned to Y/N flashing her a small smile. “How about you go first - I don’t feel like being embarrassed by my inability to cast one quite yet.” Y/N quirked an eyebrow at that, studying his face.
“What do you mean? Have you tried to cast one before?” Sebastian looked down at the table, trying his best to turn his look of nervousness into one that could pass off as embarrassment.
“Yes, actually. During 4th year, Ominis and I found a book about Patronuses. We both tried to cast one. I never could - tried again a couple of months ago and still couldn’t.” Sebastian felt the sweat pooling at his collar, hoping that she couldn’t see through the white lie. Honestly, it was the best that he could come up with when put on the spot. Thankfully, Y/N seemed to buy it, offering him a small smile in return.
I’m sure you’ll get it eventually! You just need to practice.” Sebastian nodded a little too quickly in agreement, before prompting her to get on with her practice. Y/N took one more look at him, offering a kind smile, before turning towards the front of the class and closing her eyes.
The thought passed over Sebastian’s consciousness for only a second, wondering what her happiest memory was. However, that was short-lived as a silvery creature erupted from her wand. For a moment, Sebastian was in awe. The feeling quickly turned to immense worry as he realized her patronus was none other than a fox.
When Sebastian turned to look at her, the smile on her face was massive. She turned to look at him, the joy evident in her eyes. “Look Sebastian! I did it!” He smiled weakly at her, nodding his head.
“T-That… That you did.”
“Now it's your turn!” She exclaimed as she tucked her wand into the pocket of her robe, the fox disappearing into the mist. Sebastian pulled on his collar a bit, feeling much too hot. He knew that there was no way to get out of this without at least pretending to cast a Patronus, so he tried to think of the least happy memory he could. Pulling out his wand, he pretended to cast it. To his relief, some silvery sparks shot out, but nothing of substance. He quickly shrugged, putting his wand away as he turned to meet Y/N’s disappointed expression.
“Well, I guess it just isn’t meant to be.” He laughed nervously, incredibly thankful when Hecat dismissed the class a moment later.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Sebastian felt like he had dogged a bullet, as he sat at the Slytherin table the next day. Y/N hadn’t found out about his feelings for her and thus everything could return to normal.
At least, he felt that relief until he saw a streak of (y/h/c) hair, running towards him like a mad woman. By the time she reached him, Y/N slammed her hands down on the Slytherin table hard enough to startle even Ominis. She looked out of breath, her hair sticky at odd angles that Sebastian would typically find rather endearing if he wasn’t so concerned about what this sudden rushed appearance was for.
“Hi beautiful- Did something happen?” Sebastian asked, honestly a bit concerned at her apparent urgency.
“I figured it out!” Sebastian's confusion grew a bit, as he noticed the large smile donned on her beautiful lips.
“Figured what out, exactly?”
“Why you can’t cast a patronus!” Sebastian felt the blood drain from his face yet again, his leg beginning to bounce nervously under the table. The sound from it was apparently loud enough that Ominis felt the need to place a hand on it, trying to stop the movement.
“What do you mean… you figured out why I can’t cast a patronus?” Y/N offered him an excited smile, nearly bouncing in place, practically matching the pace of his knee.
“You don’t have a happy enough memory that you can think of- You’re so brutish all the time it’s difficult for you to come up with something on the fly.” Sebastian tried his best not to look offended at the comment, as he shook his head.
“I don’t think that I’m that depressing all of the time-” Ominis cut him off a moment later.
“Yes Sebastian… You are. We all know it.” If Ominis could see, he would have witnessed the death glare of the century being shot in his direction. Y/N didn’t seem to pick up on their silent communication, the huge smile still covering her face. Sebastian shook his head at the girl, trying his best to act nonchalant.
“You really don’t need to go to all that trouble Y/N. As far as I’m concerned, I’m quite happy not being able to cast a patronus. Besides, I have a lot of studying to do today.” Y/N and Ominis both looked confused at that.
“It’s Saturday Sebastian… You hardly ever study on Saturday. Besides, I know for a fact you don’t have any exams next week. So, therefore you’re going to Hogsmeade with me! Meet me in an hour out in the viaduct courtyard.
With that, Y/N skipped off and Sebastian let out a deep sigh. He realized then that there was absolutely no way he was getting out of this.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
One ice cream, two butter beers, and a pack of every flavored beans later, Sebastian was very full and very conflicted. On one hand, he had greatly enjoyed having this dedicated time to spend with Y/N. On the other, he was growing ever more nervous, knowing that with each passing hour their return to the castle was imminent, along with her “lesson” on casting a Patronus. But, he tried not to focus on that at the moment as the two strolled along at a comfortable pace, inhaling the crisp autumnal air.
“So, are you enjoying yourself yet?” Y/N flashed him a warm smile, one that made him question if lying to her was ever the appropriate thing to do.
“I think so. It’s definitely been a nice change of pace for the day.” Y/N frowned slightly at that, the wheels turning in her head.
“Well… I was looking for it to be the best day. But I suppose I really didn’t try that hard, did I?” Sebastian shrugged slightly, shivering a bit as a stray breeze brushed the back of his exposed neck.
“I mean, I had fun. I’m not really sure what else we could do on such short notice.” Y/N’s frown grew bigger, as the cobblestones beneath her feet suddenly became very interesting. Sebastian bristled a bit, worried that he had perhaps said the wrong thing. Eventually, Y/N did look up and meet his gaze again - but this time, with one of her sly smiles. It was the type of smile that said she had hatched a new plan. Sebastian gulped, honestly worried that perhaps she would catch on eventually that he was trying to get out of it. “What’s that look for?”
“How about we do something else you like? Wanna go fight a troll? Break up a camp of poachers… maybe even goblins?” Sebastian shook his head almost too quickly. As much as he loved getting to test out his dueling skills, he was worried that this was going a bit to far. Besides, he’d rather not put her in danger to just to try and make him ‘happy’.
“I think it might be best if we just head back to the castle now. Like I said, I have some studying to do and I really need to get started on my 6 inches of parchment for-” Y/N’s look cut him off from rambling, as if she could see right through his excuses.
“Did you forget about practicing your Patronus? If we head back now, hopefully in an hour we should be done and you can get back to that studying time you apparently so desperately need.” Sebastian let out a defeated sigh as he followed her down the path, back toward Hogwarts, dried leaves crunching beneath their feet.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Y/N had decided that the room of requirement would be the perfect place to practice. After pushing some of the furniture that was so very her off to the side, she stood in front of Sebastian, studying his form intently. Sebastian flushed under her gaze, trying to not let it affect him as much as it did. Once Y/N had determined everything was perfect, she walked over to stand by Sebastian’s side, facing the same direction as him.
“Alright, give it a go!” Sebastian fought the urge to squirm, as he tried his best to think of his most uncomfortable memories again — a few stray silver wisps shot from his wand, but nothing substantial. It was all he could do to not release a sigh of relief at the sight, as he quickly moved to stuff his wand in his pocket.
“Well! I guess that’s that, no Patronus’s for me!” He turned on his heel a little too quickly, fighting the urge to make a run for the door. Y/N quickly reached out and grabbed his arm, Sebastian stilling at the touch before glancing at her.
“Not so fast their solider. I know you can get it.” She offered him an encouraging smile, and Sebastian knew he was damned. He let out a sigh, turning around again, raising his wand to try and again. Expect this time, he felt the gentle caress of her hands on his foreman and shoulder. She was holding him in the correct form that Hecat had demonstrated. Sebastian felt his skin burn at the touch, willing his heartbeat to slow down out of the fear that she may be able to hear it. “There, that’s the right pose. Relax, you’re so tense…” She positioned his shoulders down a bit, into a more relaxed form. Sebastian gulped, knowing that with her touching him - something he had craved for such a long time - he couldn’t possibly think of uncomfortable memories now.
Thus, he cast the spell, squeezing his eyes shut once he saw the playful fox erupt from the tip of his wand. To his dismay, he felt her hands remove themselves from him - a sign that she was certainly taking this negatively.
He took a couple more seconds to calm the anxiety blooming in his chest before he finally opened his eyes to look at her. To his surprise, she stood right next to him, a grin covering her face as she watched the fox leap around the room. She looked… happy? Certainly not the reaction that Sebastian expected.
“I knew it!” She exclaimed, causing Sebastian to freeze.
“You… You knew it?” She nodded vigorously, turning to face him directly.
“Well… At least I had a hunch. To be honest, I actually knew how to cast a Patronus before class this week. Professor Fig taught me in fifth year.” A slight wave of sadness passed over her features as she recalled her beloved mentor, but she quickly fought it away. “It used to be a rabbit. But when I saw it had changed in Hecat’s class… Well, I figured it changed to match yours.” Sebastian’s eyebrows shot up, as he studied her with confusion.
“I… Why would it match mine?” It was now her turn to flush at the question, her eyes refusing to meet his gaze and instead playing with the hem of her skirt.
“Well… Because I have feelings for you, Sebastian. I have for quite a while.” She offered him an uncharacteristically shy smile, studying his face for a reaction. “I’m sorry for pressuring you into casting a Patronus. I just… I wanted to make sure before I potentially did something to ruin our friendship.”
Sebastian looked so shocked that he could almost follow over. She had feelings? For him, nonetheless? His body acted before his brain could, as he suddenly reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into his chest, and hugging her tightly. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, the butterflies in his stomach dancing rapidly.
“I… I have feelings for you too Y/N. I have since we brought down that troll together in Hogsmeade if I’m being quite honest.” To his dismay, he felt her shift slightly in his arms. She looked up at him, mere inches away from his face, her gaze traveling down to his lips.
“Well, I’m glad to hear the sentiment is returned. Now, would it perhaps be too much to ask you to get on with it and kiss me now? As much as I appreciate the confession I-” She didn’t get another syllable out before his lips crashed against hers, fulfilling the desire he had for years.
He couldn’t wait to personally write Hecat a thank you note for deciding to teach them how to cast a Patronus.
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adventuringblind · 11 months
Drove With You Forever
Chapter 4.1: chaotic group texts
Max verstappen x reader x Lando Norris x Charles Leclerc x Oscar Piastri
Summary: Trio Chaos.
Warnings: Jos verstappen, lying about virginity, socks
Notes: Idk what this is leave me be
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The trio
Maxy: I've decided that some good things come in threes
Y/N: such as?
Maxy: Us
Charlie: Is that it? Is that the only thing you can come up with?
Maxy: I was tryna be romantic :(
Y/N: I think it's cute!
Charlie: the three musketeers are also three
Charlie: I'm just saying
Charlie: The world doesn't revolve around us you know
Y/N: it's a miracle we've gotten this far
Unwanted Advances
Y/N: Out of curiosity... how do I tell someone to politely go away?
Maxy: Why?
Charlie: Tell them that Max is going to headbutt them if they don't stop
Y/N: This guy keeps telling me I'd look better in different clothes
Y/N: Considering that option
Max: Aren't you wearing a Ferrari shirt?
Charlie: Tell him Seb will send his bees to sting him
Y/N: He just said that he'd rather me be with no clothes on
Y/N: I feel like that defeats the purpose
Y/N: The bees will die, Charlie. we're sticking with Max for now.
Charlie: Good because I just saw Max running like a bull in your direction
Y/N: Well, he's in Redbull for a reason
Charlie: I think Lewis is onto us 👀
Y/N: Onto us? Max said if anyone comes onto me that I should punch them
Maxy: That's in a sexual way
Y/N: There is more than one meaning?!
Charlie: let me rephrase
Charlie: I think Lewis knows we're dating
Maxy: Why do you say that?
Charlie: Because he asked me if we're dating
Charlie: and I panicked and said I'm a virgin
Maxy: Well, it was nice while it lasted
Socks and Shoes
Maxy: Y/N, baby, love of my life... why did I just see a picture of you walking around the paddock without shoes?
Y/N: because I hate them
Y/N: they make my feet feel weird
Y/N: My dad never made me wear shoes and I stepped on rusty nails all the time
Y/N: I think I can handle the sidewalk
Charlie: Amour... would you wear fuzzy socks? For our sanity please?
Y/N: Only if you bring me the matching blanket they came with -_-
Maxy: The things we do to keep you safe
Jos Verstappens A+ Parenting
Charlie: Fuck him
Charlie: I'm killing your dad Max, and you can't stop me
Charlie: Y/N, I need you to kill Jos for me
Y/N: Why me?! And why right now?!
Maxy: He walked by the Redbull garage and overheard him talking to an engineer
Y/N: He didn't stab him, did he?
Maxy: No, he just said something about you and me
Charlie: And he shall perish for his crimes
Charlie: I am the only one who gets to call you a dumbass and and a slut and that is reserved for special occasions.
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questionablemorally · 3 months
Sebard hcs! (Also obviously this isn’t canon at all, it’s just a bit of fun)
Sebastian finds teaching Bard to cook both frustrating and fun. It’s an excuse to be close to him (and therefore tease him), but sometimes he just gets in the way of Seb’s culinary mastery. That or he just tries to blow things up too much (‘No, no, don’t use THAT blowtorch for the crème brûlée!’)
Sebastian can speak multiple languages (demon powers y’know) but Bard can barely speak one. This often leads to, when Seb says something he doesn’t want Bard to hear/when he’s teasing Bard/when he’s struggling telling him it in English, he says it in French or German instead (‘je t’adore, mon petit copain.’ ‘huh? The fuck—’)
Whenever Bard acts a little more fatherly, Seb really likes this… for some reason. He gives the excuse that he just appreciates him taking on responsibility for the younger servants/Ciel, but there might be something more to it…
Their compliments to each other are either incredibly underhanded or really plain/basic. No in between e.g S: ‘You’ve actually made a decent meal for once, well done.’ / B: ‘Wow, you’re NOT acting like you’ve got a stick up your ass today, mister butler.’ or S: ‘You look presentable today’ / B: ‘You’re handsome I guess’
There are certain characteristics about each other they OBSESS over… Bard really likes messing up Seb’s outfit/hair/general appearance, and likes his lashes (which are strangely long for a guy…), and Sebastian quite enjoys helping Bard shave and chastising him for not looking nice enough
After BOA, I like to imagine that the wound Seb had took a while to heal from… maybe because it’s a reaper’s scythe that stabbed him through the stomach, or maybe it’s because he had something else limiting him, but nevertheless he was forced to heal at a slower rate than usual. Bard, experienced with dealing with wounds from war and also the only adult man in the house, went into full healer mode. He was very worried about Seb, and Seb asked Bard to stay by his side while he was recovering (Bard had to drag him back to his room MULTIPLE times because he kept trying to continue his duties even when wounded) - inspired by this post I saw and LOVED
One time Bard saved Seb from getting shot through the head by a sniper and this surprised Seb so much he kinda just laid there for a full 10 seconds (how could HE not sense it before this measly human??)
They’re not really together-together, they don’t like having the labels to define them as Bard still truly loves his family that he lost, and Seb just… doesn’t like labels all that much. They mess around and they’re kind of couple-y occasionally, but would never get married (though Ciel and Finny are basically their adopted children at this point)
I have a lot of less than sfw hcs for these two (I won’t add them to this post but if you want them…)
Again please tell me your opinions and if you want more/specific ships! I love doing hcs for different ships, and I’ll probably do some one shots for sebagni soon :)
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iblameashley · 10 months
Principled Defence; Discretion Optional.
Civilian | Male | Gay
1,200~ words
Content: Abusive ex's, Harassment, Implied violence, Implied cutting/stabbing, Abuse of power,
Sebastian Krueger | Male/GN Reader
Some people only learn the hard way; and in this case, your ex better hope that it doesn't come to that. Your military boyfriend won't stand by and let some loser asshole abuse you, so he takes matters into his own hands.
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Krueger looked down at the phone, scanning the vile messages his partner had received, his facade of calm cracking with every new slur that he scrolled past. He let out a surprisingly shaky breath as his thumb moved up the screen.
You had been mad at first, when Krueger took your phone from you to see why your eyes were welling with tears. You weren't trying to hide it from him, not really... but you also didn't want to get him involved in this drama.
But he did see you, he did see the hurt and he took the phone and started reading the message. And then you saw his free hand ball at his side until his knuckles turned white.
“I'm so sick of his bullshit.” You muttered, trying so hard to be strong. You swallowed hard as you took in Krueger's look. “When will he get the message and just leave me alone?” You inquired as you ran your hand down his bicep.
Krueger looked up from the phone and over to you, even though he was still tense, his eyes softened for you. "Don't let him get under your skin, liebling." He said, trying to reassure you; though his jaw was still very much clenched.
You sighed, “It's just so exhausting. It's all the time, now. I don't even know how he got my new number.” You complained as you rubbed your tired eyes. “I'm trying not to...” You add with a mumble.
Krueger looked at you with a grim smirk tugging at his face. “Then don't. Let me handle our little friend from now on.”
You frowned and stared Krueger down. “Seb...” you utter in a cautious tone. You squeeze his forearm. “Please be discreet, I don't need you getting in trouble to defend my honour.”
“I make no promises, liebling.” Krueger replied curtly. “You have nothing to fear from this boy.” The way he emphasized the word 'boy' sent a shiver down your spine.
You knew better than to protest when Krueger got an idea in his head, and it wasn't like his tone left room for argument. His mind was now to task, and you had to hope he'd choose non-violence or that you had bail money.
Krueger pulled out his own phone and he began to craft a text. Then another. And another.
“What are you up to?” You asked timidly. A part of you worried he was calling in favours from his military friends; whom you've only had the pleasure of meeting a couple of times.
“I'm making sure this never happens again. I'm stopping this. Tonight.” Krueger hit send on his phone.
It didn't take long for Krueger's phone to buzz; it was a reply.
It worried you more that Krueger was smiling.
He tapped at his screen a few more times, sending some replies back with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Seb, please tell me you didn't directly threaten that maniac.” You eyes him as he smiled warmly at you.
“It wasn't a threat.” Krueger lied, shaking his head. “I simply informed him of the consequences of threatening my liebling.” he said with a lazy shrug.
He handed you your phone back.
You felt the last of your energy nearly deplete as you shook your head. “So you've escalated the situation and don't think this is a bad idea?”
Krueger pocketed his phone and moved closer to you. “I have no doubts that my approach to this situation will be quite effective.” He said with a breathy chuckle.
He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to him, placing a loving kiss to your forehead.
“So what exactly did you say to that rat bastard?” You finally asked as your hands slipped around him.
You lifted your head to look him in the eyes.
“You would believe me if I told you I politely told him to leave my love alone?” Krueger questioned.
He was doing that thing he did, where even his eyes gave away nothing, though you knew him well enough to know he was anything but polite in these situations.
“No.” You said bluntly. “Now spill...”
Krueger snorted a bit as he laughed. Despite the situation, he liked this side of you, the side that came out when you really got serious.
“Fine, love.” Krueger conceded. “I told him that there would be physical consequences should he disregard my demand for him to leave you alone.”
He was being coy again, hoping his half-answer would suffice.
It would not.
“Which were?” You groaned.
Krueger contemplated, choosing his words carefully. “I thought you liked a little mystery, that's why you started dating me, yes?” He joked.
“You're sleeping on the couch.” You said curtly.
With a frown, Krueger relented and pulled back slightly so he could look down at you. His eyes studied your face and he grit his teeth.
“I may have implied that certain sensitive areas of his anatomy would find themselves acquainted with my boot if he didn't cooperate. Among other things if it did continue.”
“Oh for fucks sake...” You grunted. You rested your head on his chest and rocked it back and forth. “You know he can take screenshots and send those to the police, right?” You managed to mumble into him.
“I never said I would remove anything, but I did say I could paint a picture with a knife. And that I had a few military friends who'd happily make his life a living hell.” Krueger laughed.
There was a pause as he thought.
“Not all of my messages were sent to him, liebling. I may have also sent a few to those friends with his information. Rest assured his phone will be wiped of any messages or screenshots he takes. He will have no proof of my... suggestions.”
You couldn't help it, you laughed into his chest.
“Jesus Christ, Seb... talk about military over-reach and abuse of power.”
“Ah, but you find my antics endearing!” Krueger remarked happily as his hands found their way to your face, cupping it firmly. “My methods served their purpose, and isn't that what matters?” He asked. His eyes stared intently at you.
“Please try to keep your antics firmly planted in the realm of legality.” You requested. Your hands reached up to caress his forearms.
There was a moment where his mask slipped and he looked sad.
“Liebling.” His hands gripped your face a little harder. “I would do anything to defend you and what we have, legal or not. You're the first person who ever gave me a second look, who cared for a fucked up soldier like me. I will not let anyone take that gift – you – away from me.”
You let out a shaky breath and massaged his arms with your thumbs. After a moment, and swallowing a lump in your throat, you composed your thoughts.
“I know you would, Seb.” You voice was almost a whisper, the weight of his words pressing down on you. For all your problems, he had so many of his own and he still managed to do the heavy lifting for the both of you. “For whats its worth, love... I'm happy you're my fucked up soldier. I love you.”
Krueger lowered his hands to your shoulder and massaged them softly. “Do you love this soldier enough to let him sleep in bed with you tonight?”
“I suppose so.” You sighed with an exaggerated tone.
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bezierballad · 7 months
please talk about your ocs! (i totally didn't run to your ask box after I saw the reblog)
Will do! I've also talked about these guys and discussed a lot of their story with my buddies @eemoo1o-animoo & @sebastian-ciel-mutual-bullying (Thanks so much you two, ya'll are awesome ^^)
(Bear with me folks this is still a WIP work)
The OCs in question are a trio of demon OCs—Tobias Gourmand, Napoleon Salver, and Maria DeVarre—who all serve the owner of an inn. (Adam Sinclair is his name. And his wife is named Evangeline. "Evie" or "Eve" for short. 😉)
The Sinclair Servants are basically meant to be foils of some sort to the Phantomhive servants (Finny, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy) but they're also basically the triplet demon servants from Black Butler II if they each had their own separate personality (also if one of them was a girl lmao)
Tobias is quite chatty with whoever decided to visit the inn, but is also considered to be the one with the least "tact" out of the three. Compared to his two companions, he's quite a bit more childish and less-levelheaded, and isn't usually seen without a mug of liquor in hand. That being said, he's a tad bit more of a flirt compared to the others, very smug and savvy.
Despite my personal preference to say his name second in order, Napoleon is actually the "ringleader" of the trio. He's the one that does most of the talking when other characters (such as Ciel, Sebastian, and/or Adam) are speaking to the trio as a whole. Napoleon is especially the one who has the most interaction with Sebastian in the story (in fact part of me feels like he's at least 45% gay for Sebastian but I digress). He's also considered the most manipulative of the three, but he's usually the one letting Tobias and Maria do most of the messier work.
Maria is without a doubt the most stoic of the three (in fact most of the time she rarely says anything), and since she's a kitchen maid she's usually barely seen ever interacting with the inn guests. Despite physically appearing to be the youngest of the three (looking no older than Ciel himself) Maria is actually far more mature and level-headed than one may think (second only to Napoleon but moreso than Tobias). She's also quite skilled with knives (more specifically the bigger and heavier butcher's cleavers to contrast with Sebastian's fancy dinner cutlery), in fact if anyone were to try and act creepy with this girl, she would no doubt threaten to stab that person.
Some may interpret these three as a "weird little demon family" and they're not wrong. Me personally I interpret their relationship with each other as "roomates/siblings who are usually on the same page, have the same thoughts and mindsets, and do a lot of the same things but occasionally get on each other's nerves". Sometimes I even think of them as a silly little "clique" of demons. Above all else, however, they're partners in crime.
Now, here's how they would play into the rest of the Kuroshitsuji world (specifically how Ciel, Sebastian, & the rest of the gang would come into play).
It basically goes out like this; Ciel and Sebastian are sent by the queen to investigate this inn. The reasoning is rather to-the-point; many people who have visited this inn are usually never seen walking back out.
There's a lot of your typical Kuro arc shenanigans, but there's also a lot of interaction with Sebastian and the Sinclair servants. A lot of "demon-to-demon" interactions.
Their relationship with Sebastian is... rather complicated. I'm still unsure whether or not these three would be able to tell if Sebastian is a demon or if Seb himself even knows that they're demons yet. If so, then chances are these three see Sebastian as, well, weird.
Like, "you're telling me that guy over there fawning over a litter of kittens is a member of our species? As if." They even make a few occasional mocking jabs at his expense (much to Seb's annoyance)
Anyway, there's a planned B plot with the reapers (specifically Grell, Ron, & Will) where they see that many souls have been strangely going missing. And they are, in fact, rather pissed. Will especially is rather triggered and believes Sebastian is the one at fault here (which Sebastian himself knows is absolute bullshit because he's been dieting fasting for what? Three years straight?)
Gee I wonder if the demons who are working at the inn know about this.
I could keep going on and on, but I think it's best that I stop there for now. This story has a looooooot going on, and that's far from even the tip of the iceberg.
Either way, thank you so much for the ask! And for those who were patient enough to get to the end of my bad storytelling and infodumping, thank you for reading 👋
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lifexsaved · 5 months
[ death ] sender just died, receiver finds out (Seb)
It had been a long and busy day at the hospital, with Isabelle pulled in every which direction. She had just gotten out of surgery and barely had time to take a sip of water before she was told she was needed in the ER. An all hands on deck situation. Belle ran down there, asking where she was needed and she was directed to one of the trauma rooms. By the time she had even walked through the door, they were calling time of death. She sighed, about to turn around and move onto the next trauma that needed her assistance before her eyes settled on the deceased patients face. Sebastian.
"No! Don't stop, do not stop." She shoved past the doctors, tears in her eyes and took over cpr. "Stay with me Sebastian, please come back." Isabelle begged throughout tears, not realising she was yelling at this point. It was like everything was moving in slow motion, the attendings telling her that he was gone and the humane thing was to stop. She didn't listen. Isabelle had to be restrained and pulled away finally by the head of trauma. "Let me go. I said let me go! I'm okay, I'll stop just... let me hold his hand, please." She begged, looking up at her superior with tears running down her cheeks.
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She was finally allowed near him again, and she swallowed thickly as she took his hand and brushed his hair out of his face. "Someone tell me what happened." It was spoke with a scary tone, one of silent rage for whoever had done this to her friend. No one answered her, and her head whipped around to yell at the nearest person, "What happened?!" They told Isabelle that he was involved in an altercation. Stabbed several times before taking a gunshot wound to the torso. There was no saving him. Belle was asked how she knew him, and sniffling she answered that he was a friend. He'd had no ID on him when he'd arrived, so they hadn't been able to identify him or call next of kin. "Oh god, no one knows?" She was going to have to tell Vanja that Sebastian was dead. It was something that caused a pit of dread within her stomach, but Isabelle knew it had to be her. "I'll contact his next of kin. I'm staying." She spoke, finally stopping sobbing though tears still fell. "I'll clean him up before his family get here."
Isabelle was told to take the time she needed, and that she wouldn't be working at least for the rest of the day. With shaking hands, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Ja's number. No answer. "Ja, it's Isabelle. I need you to get to the hospital. It's important. Drop everything. Ask reception for me and I'll come to you."
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
Hello! I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, but I could not find it anywhere. So if RCMT is a true thing, how does it fit with the Undertaker's feelings about Phantomhives? Why would he revive the person who was originally responsible for Vincent's death? There's just no way for Undertaker to not see this memory unless it had previously been extracted out of R!Ciel forcibly. In that case, another shinigami would have to be involved in the attack, which makes the situation even more absurd: Undertaker was said to have been keeping a low profile all these years and nobody had any clue about his whereabouts. Could it be that this missing memory is part of a plan to manipulate undertaker? But that still makes little sense to me
Hey Anon ! I did talk about it here, it could be found amongst the first 10 posts on the rcmt tag. ;) I’ll sum it up for you though!
"There's just no way for Undertaker to not see this memory unless it had previously been extracted out of R!Ciel forcibly."
You're right, if the RCMT is true, then it doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense that UT revived the twin. So what is the most logical explanation? That UT is not the one who edited the twin’s record.
First of all, two things seem to be needed to edit someone's record: supernatural eyes (Seb and Grell could see the edited records on the Campania whereas Ciel couldn't) and a death scythe.
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Secondly, more recently, the previous investigation with Bard and Lau showed Layla wielding a Shinigami scissor-looking death scythe, hinting that UT is possibly not the only deserter behind the BD project. 
In other words, we know for sure that UT saved real!Ciel's body from burning entirely and that he took care of him for the following years (because he said so in ch140-141), but we don't know for sure that UT is the one who edited his record.
And if he didn't, that means another Shinigami deserter working for the same sponsors could have done it instead. As to why he didn't? Maybe because it was too painful for UT to witness how real!Ciel died (remember that it's possible he's their grandfather).
Below is literally all that UT says on the subject of "bringing the twin back" :
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Additionally, UT checked Seb's cinematic record during the Campania arc, because he didn't know what took place during and after Seb's summoning.
To me, that possibly hints as well that he didn't check the twin's record (or couldn't : fire is capable of damaging one’s body and thus one’s cinematic record, Vincent's example, so for all we know real!Ciel's record conveniently is partially damaged?) but that's not solid proof, just a possibility.
"Why would he revive the person who was originally responsible for Vincent's death?"
Now, if we ignore everything I explained above and assume that UT is indeed the one who edited the twin's record, then that simply means UT considers that real!Ciel was manipulated by the people who killed Vincent (Queen Victoria and her merry supernatural assassin John Brown), which is 100% accurate.
Please rememember that all the RCMT says is that 1) real!Ciel was obsessed with his brother and plotted to remove his father as head of the family, but that 2) clearly he didn't expect such a massacre and to be double crossed, which is rather normal since he was 10 years old.
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So imagine UT being about to edit his record and turn him into a BD, what would real!Ciel's CR show then?
That real!Ciel once met with Victoria & co
that they plotted together (by mail? in person?)
that he locked Seb the dog in a closet
that he took the ring from Vincent's finger after he die
that he possibly stabbed Tanaka
and that he was abducted, abused and finally sacrificed.
Honestly, from UT's point of view, it'd be logical to be pretty pissed at Victoria and not at real!Ciel, because she manipulated a young child into plotting against his own family, only to double cross him and send him to his death in the worst way possible. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Look Anon, yesterday [x][x] I meant it when I said real!Ciel is a villain and that, had he not died, he would not have grown up to become as selfless and nice as our!Ciel (something UT doesn't get, I'm sure).
However, the fact remains that he was a ten year old manipulated by adults, even if he didn't have the best intentions at heart. So, it's just my opinion, but UT is right to fully blame Victoria, especially considering the horror that the twins went through afterwards.
TL;DR 3 possibilities, that can work with the RCMT:
UT is not the one who edited real!Ciel's record, another deserter working on the BD project did, because it was too painful for him to do
real!Ciel's record was partially damaged by the fire UT rescued his corpse from, thus UT didn't see proof of the RCMT in his record during the edit (absolute plot convenience, we would not like to see)
UT is the one who edited real!Ciel's record despite seeing proof of the RCMT in it, because he believes real!Ciel is just another pawn used by Queen Victoria for her morbid fun (something his horrible death indeed attests to)
I hope it answered your question! Feel free to disagree. :)) Have a nice day!
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itsrattysworld · 9 months
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Open Book Lifestyles Transparency Can Be Verified Online From I Join Facebook 2009 Pivotal Year Turn 50 Graduated Open University Fund Family Reunion Tradition Of Father's Annual Pilgrimage To His Birth Place Aberdeen St Elizabeth Honour Aunt Icylyn Powell Tillyn Nembhard 10 Years Under LEYF Cohorts Systemic Discrimination Husband Traumatised Met Police Officers On Live Making Fool Of Themselves Nigel Pearce Seb Adeji - Addoh Sir Mark Rowley YouTube A New Met For London Tokenism Makes Me Sick That 16 Year Old Will Stab 22 They Have No Skills To Resolve Conflicts Spent Early Years In LEYF Nurseries With MIC Drag Queen Story Tellers UEL To Call Elderly On Emma Martin- Hamilton Behalf Send Email I Call Him B/Boy I Don't Use Narratives All Over Facebook Demonize My Brother Died In Jail Age 37+ Mimi Owusu Rip Housing For Women Off With Witness Statement I Promise To Stop Curse Hard Task When It Become Second Nature Because Of Jane Tsiga Social Worker Care Coordinator At Maudsley She Is No Laura Tinsley Please Don't Let Me Do A Comedy About When I Write Dilys Epton Am DEPRESSED Dying Slowly Of Torture Eve Mothering Sunday 2015 Deborah Agnes Gilchrist Cause Me To Barricade Christmas Eve Man Kick Door Female Live Telling Me Foolishness No Section Under Mental Health Act Register DEAF Narin Masera In For MAPS BRAINS Philosophy I Survive London Syndrome Get To Know Kevin Donovan Murray Valdin Allan Legister Future 30/12/2023
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Have HMCTS CPS CJS IOPC JCIO DBS SRA BSB CCMCC MOPAC CLCC HMPPS Career Criminals Name MAPS BRAINS Philosophy 2024 Refer Online Profile YouTube Trick Me Online Community Board Turn Turn Offers Trustee Realise Am Being Used Intellectual Property Copyright Images CPPDP Zaydan Academy Address Generational Deficits In Family He Is Like Kevin Murray Delayed Speech I Was…
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Hello, Beloved! Can I please get a Directors Cut for Unholy Errand 😍
Fanfic Directors COMMENTARY ask game
I've said a few scattered things about it, but I'LL DROP A COMMENTARY HERE
So it's the weekend Ghosted dropped on Apple, of course I watched it, loved the cameo moments, as silly as they were (real talk: Ryan Reynolds' cameo is by far the one I think is best done in the film). I didn't even think about writing anything for God the Bounty Hunter, but then a few people did, and I thought, oh, we theoretically could fic him, because what the small handful of people who launched out on this new Seb character immediately gave us stuff ranging from meals to snacks, and everything was delicious. AND probably the most important thing was that each of the authors took their interpretations in slightly different directions, so it actually did get my brain thinking about what my interpretation would be.
So as the weekend went on, I thought about it, but I didn't really have any inspiration for a story of any kind.
And then Sunday afternoon I was watching the clip floating around of just the triple cameo sequence of Mackie, John Cho, and then Seb, and tbh John Cho in the middle still seems strange, but then the thought, but what if Lloyd Hansen had been in the mix?, struck me like LIGHTNING and I -----
It broke my brain and consumed me, but I wasn't quite sure if it was good or possibly too unhinged, so I tapped @navybrat817 with a DM, and she validated the madness, so then I was all in.
I'd read a fair amount of Lloyd fic - also literally never thought I'd write him - but since it would be my first time with Lloyd, I watched The Grey Man again because if I was going to attempt, I wanted to be refreshed on the source material.
Now as I was figuring out who/what/where/why God and Lloyd would possibly show up for the same job and meat Reader, my initial inclination was to have a reader who was also a gun for hire be part of the mix, but my brain on the day felt like I'd either get it too complicated or too boring, and I mentioned the alternative of having it be an innocent personal assistant to the real target and then caught in the crosshairs in that same convo with Navy, and it was actually her brilliant suggestion to have it be Ransom.
At that point writing this story was pretty immersive. All the characters were pretty present in my head (even Ransom who seems to be almost a total background character...there's more to the story, this is just how this scene played out). There's some kinks at play that are usually not my thing or on the outskirts that came RIGHT IN to the action, and six months ago I certainly wouldn't have felt confident enough to take a stab at being so bold and rough and dark, but the different things I've explored built me up to this point, and so it definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone, but in a way I was ready to experiment with.
I thought it might be 2.5k, but I got around 2k and realized there was definitely going to be more action, and the same thing happened when I got up around 2.8k, and I knew there was this quieter dynamic of mutual allure between Reader and God, but that Lloyd was hogging the show, but because of the role he'd taken - driven by his motivation to even show up and respond to the hit put out on Ransom - I realized I would have to intentionally write him out of the scene so I could get him out of the office so God could have his uninterrupted wicked way with Reader and ruin her. And honestly that was kind of fun.
As I wrote this, a lot of backstory and future story popped up, so I don't have any kind of timeline for if or when I might write more for this AU, but ... I think I will eventually revisit them ... and I may or may not have scribbled out a list of "Unholy ____" future fic titles, like Unholy Conversion, Unholy Penitence, Unholy Sacrament...
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racingliners · 2 years
F1 Re-Watch 2022: Round 14 - Belgium
So I remember sweet f all from Spa, bc I’m pretty sure that was around the time of both family stress, and my parents catching covid, so this and the next two races are total blanks to me bc I was both not on tumblr much and didn’t watch any of Channel 4 highlights.
(I mean I’m also running on the assumption that Verstappen won bc that’s almost all he did last year).
So let’s just jump in and hope Seb and Lewis had a somewhat fun time
I am highkey dreading this race, Zandvoort and Monza bc I have NO IDEA what happened so like these combined could be six hours I never get back
at least Seb looks pretty in the intro
As I also watched Spa 2021 I’m glad I have context for whatever that race was.
ANYWAY, starting grid:
Mick P19 :(
why the fuck is Charles in 15th????
Seb and Lance top 10 😭🙌
how on Earth did Alex get 6th in quali?! (I mean, the ultimate good for him, but HOW?!)
I’m really going to have to start looking up quali results before I press play to avoid all this whiplash bc I didn’t even notice Sainz on pole aovhaeog
[Start/Lap 1]: Perez almost driving into Alonso at the start aegehg 
“A brilliant start from Sebastian Vettel” THAT’S MY BOYYYYYYYYY
oh fuck me Lewis on Fernando violence
so Lewis does not have a fun time in this race then 😭
The racing gods giveth (Seb up into P5) and the racing gods stab you in the chest (Lewis DNF)
[Lap 2]: The way you can literally see the Ferrari bouncing up and down the straight. Yikes.
NICKY NO don’t take out Val like that
cut to a solitary Lewis by his car. Does not spark any joy.
Thank fuck we have a replay bc WHAT WERE THOSE TWO LAPS?!
Seb’s start was bloody gorgeous though. KING SHIT.
but yeah... no F1 car should be flung up into the air like that with any kind of contact.
Oh not even Lance and Seb being violent on the first lap. Everyone left their braincells at home it seems.
[Lap 4]: Charles making his first pit stop bc pain I guess????
Seb being in 5th is the race’s only saving grace rn
...there was a tear off in one of Charles’ front breaks is2g I’ll start causing violence next
right safety car coming in, I paused to grab some chocolate for emotional support snacking.
oh boy Charles doing his own strategy calls and you know what I trust him more than the Ferrari pitwall
[Lap 5]: Perez v Russell v Alonso. I AM IN DISTRESS
“Then comes Sebastian Vettel” INJECT IT INTO MY VEINS
I mean he’s just there in P5 vibing but GO ON SEB!!!
Verstappen already into P6 after starting 14th
oh no don’t cut to a solitary Lewis I’m sad again
[Lap 6]: ALEX??? PASSING A McLAREN????
What is going on in the House of Commons
Seb drops to P6
[Lap 7]: Jesus that shot of Verstappen closing on Alonso really shows how strong the RB18 was last year.
“We are for Plan B” Please... I’m not strong enough I am already at my limit 😭
[Lap 8]: Verstappen already into P3. If I speak.
also my emotional support chocolate had been devoured.
Charles passing Gasly at the bus stop chicane? Nice.
[Lap 10]: Okay I think the race has finally settled down now, apart from Charles making his way up through the field
I’m still this close to asking for a refund though
Clinging onto Seb in P6 and Lance in P9 with both hands rn
cut to Jacky Ickx, watch Ferrari disrespect his presence with more clownery
[Lap 11]: Ignoring potential RBR team orders and focusing on Seb being almost a second behind Alonso
oop Sainz pits, tbf comms have been talking about high tracks temps so no wonder people are complaining about high deg
[Lap 13]: Oh Verstappen got past Perez. 
anyway, Charles up to P6!!
“Could George Russell undercut Perez” oh I hope so I’ll take anything at this point
Seb also pits, it was slow 😭
[Lap 15]: Charles being a little bit unhinged trying to get past Perez, I support his right to go feral
“We are considering Plan D” I WILL BURN DOWN MARANELLO
No, I’m not kidding. I’ll call it a belated Ides of March.
Russell v Charles 👀
whew he actually got past on the kemmel straight!
George said I’ll avenge Lewis by dragging the W13 places it doesn’t deserve to be
[Lap 17]: SEB INTO P8!!! LET’S GET IT
I’m also acknowledging Ferrari putting Charles on Plan D and moving on
[Lap 18]: ...and Verstappen retakes the lead
“Hasta la Vista Carlos” eafuvhefuawh okay Brundle I’ll give you that one right it was funny
oh Seb is on the hards. I do not know how to feel about that.
[Lap 19]: Alpha Tauri finally remember to pit Yuki
“Why would we stop now” A very good question Charles, you tell em
[Lap 21]: I’m actually glad Seb is holding the gap to Alonso ahead bc I still haven’t recovered from the first lap
And Perez passes Sainz like he’s just taking a stroll
oooh Lance passes Galy round the outside of the the chicane for P11, noice
[Lap 23]: It’s me I’m the unimpressed McLaren garage
also thank fuck we’re past half-distance
Lance v Dan up Eau Rouge??? BOYS THINK OF MY NERVES
[Lap 25]: Seb watch: he has really closed up to Alonso, I’m stress
[Lap 26]: oh looks like we’re gonna get another pitstop shuffle *cue Disco music*
oh fuck Ferrari are double stacking
okay it wasn’t awful
[Lap 28]: Oh dear potential Canadian on Canadian violence.
Anyway Seb’s in P5 so I think we should end the race and call it a day
[Lap 31]: Charles closing up to Seb, my Ferrari boys 😭
oh and here we are with a Charles onboard
not surprising that was an easy pass, nice to see my lads briefly reunited though
[Lap 33]: Russell hunting Sainz for sport, gap down to just over 4 seconds
[Lap 34]: Seb pits, he couldn’t make the 1 stop work I guess 😔
but still in the poinnnnnnnnnnts!!!!!
[Lap 35]: and he passes Gasly for P7!!!!
oh shit he got double French tag teamed
asdfghjkl Ocon with the double slipstream, maximum zoom
[Lap 36]: Sainz v Russell watch: gap down to under 3 seconds
oh jeez not Brundle calling the Merc a Williams asvhauvhuhu
[Lap 37]: a 4 car battle for P10 you say? 👀
Midfield spice (beloved)
[Lap 38] I can’t believe it took this long to make reference to the Great Contract Drama of Summer Break 2022. I may have been tuned out of a lot of the races last year but boy was last Summer Break the most hilarious
“It’s too late for Plan G” McLaren???? Don’t take lessons from Ferrari I BEG
[Lap 39]: Alex having the best time being a train conductor as he clings onto P10. Pet power!!
[Lap 40]: I’m still trying to get my head around Verstappen going from P14 to P1 in the dry like ?????
Like yes I will acknowledge that Verstappen is a good driver, but jeez man
[Lap 42]: ANYWAY, Seb still in P8, please Spa give me something in the way of joy
Sainz v Russell watch: gap holding at 2 seconds so I think Ferrari are going to escape Spa with a podium
and cut to a replay of Yuki passing Zhou before the bus stop chicane
[Lap 43]: I was about to question why they were pitting Leclerc, but it’s to try and get fastest lap.
oh jeez but Alonso is right there. 
And he passes Charles. Clowneria Ferrari strikes again.
There is not a big enough facepalm emoji.
[Lap 44/Finish]: oh phew Charles got past Alonso on the Kemmel straight
and Sainz holds onto P3. Props to George for trying though.
Charles didn’t even get fastest lap. And he got a 5 sec penalty for speeding in the pitlane so he drops to P6 🥲
but anyway SEB POINTS!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!!!!
Seb finished in P8 and nothing else happened idk what any of you are talking about.
Ugh yeah I’m trying to not let my personal attachment to some drivers affect my thought on the race but... oof my friends. This didn’t spark that much joy. Granted, there was a somewhat decent amount of action, but the first two laps were not fun to watch. So I’ll give it a tentative 6 front wings out of 10. Next race - Zandvoort! 
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insidetheacademy · 4 years
Green Blue
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pairings: sebastian stan x reader
summary: seb helps reader dyes their hair goodnight
warnings: fluffs
a/n: also the gif matches perfectly with how seb reacts to the reader jssjsjs if he can’t beat em, help em
Sebastian was fast asleep on our bed that we had bought together when we moved in. He looks so cuddly and snugged underneath the cotton blanket that my mother had gifted me for Christmas. I was in the kitchen making myself a drink. well, a non alcoholic drink and that is; ribena. Ridicule me all you want but I will literally die if I don’t drink them.
After making myself the drink, I head to the bathroom taking out the hair dyes and bleach that I bought from few weeks ago. Quarantined was making me feel trapped and nothing feels better than dying your whole head of hair green blue. I mixed the bleach powder into the lotion that came into it and took out a gloves and put it on.
I was so ready to put the mixed chemicals onto my hair when a voice spoke up, “What are you doing, doll?” Sebastian chuckles looking at me, he found me dumbfounded holding my one section of my hair on my right hand and the other with the bleach. “I’m not doing anything,” I lied which is clearly a lie because he literally just caught me impulsively dying my hair.
“Haven’t we talked about this, y/n?” He walks over to me, “You can’t just ruin your hair whenever you feel stressed out,” he added. He was right. I’ve had my shares of my breakdowns where I would lock myself in our bathrooms and would cut a huge chunk of my hair. “I know! but its quarantine! I should atleast have some funky hair!” I protested trying to make him change his mind. Sebastian kissed my forehead and said “Well, you are welcome to do that,” “But! atleast, let me help you.” my face lits up with joy. I feel so lucky to have a boyfriend that understands my weird coping mechanisms.
I told him the instructions and he did a good job. It wasn’t perfect but atleast he didnt botched my hair. “You do know that if my hair is damaged after all of this I am going to shave it all off, right?” I said to him as I sipped my ribena. His jaw dropped but Sebastian was being supportive, “Whatever makes you happy, doll,” I giggled.
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antimonyandthyme · 2 years
It is I, bodyswap au anon.............. no I lied it's absolutely tumblr user kritischetheologie please tell us about the heat in abo au of bodyswap au
“Stop leaving under the pretense of making tea,” Charles says crossly. He’s allowed to be rude, seeing as he’s about to go through a possibly traumatic experience neither of them are very prepared for. “I don’t know how long it takes you to boil water, but it’s not this long.”
Seb runs a hand through his hair, forgets its shorter than what he’s usually accustomed to, and ends up with his hand hovering above his head like, Huh, I thought I had more to work with, before abrubtly remembering he’s in Charles’ body. He drops his hand limply to one side. “I just want you to be comfortable,” he says helplessly.
“Then stop running away,” Charles snaps. “I know we’re both freaking out and I’m learning everyday you don’t actually know what you’re doing half the time either, and maybe that means I’ve been placing you on a pedestal and that’s not fair to either of us, but that doesn’t make me want you here any less.”
Seb stares. “I don’t remember turning more self-aware during heats. Quite the opposite, actually.”
“Seb,” Charles practically begs. “Please.”
That does it. Seb settles himself gingerly at the edge of where he’s swaddled Charles in a mountain of blankets. Charles is going to melt from the overbearing warmth, but Seb did this for him, gathered every single soft thing he could get his hands on and bundled Charles carefully in them, and the comfort that action alone brings overrides everything else.
“I’m sorry,” Seb says. “I’m just worried. And angry.”
Charles flinches. Disapproval never seemed so devastating before. This is the heat talking, right?
“Not at you,” Seb says immediately. He reaches a palm out, and Charles curls his cheek into it, mollified. “I’m angry you have to go through this. I’m angry at myself. I don’t like not knowing what to do.”
“What do the alphas do for you when you go through your heat?” Charles hadn’t wanted to ask, hadn’t wanted to know about which alphas Seb chose on a regular basis. It would’ve taken him down an ugly, possessive road he knew he didn’t have the stomach to walk. But seeing Sebastian look so lost isn’t something he can bear. Is it usually the omega, comforting the alpha? Or is it the other way round? Charles is confused. He doesn’t know which one he’s acting as at the moment.
“Uh,” Seb says. The back of his neck is colouring. He plucks at his ears. “I’ve been spending them alone.”
Charles’ mouth flops open. “You—alone? You’re joking, right?” In his mind, he runs through the list of alphas he knows would drop whatever it is they were doing to attend to Seb, those who had a right to, due to the history they shared. Lewis, Kimi, Mark, Jenson, Toto. And the younger ones would have jumped at the chance, if Seb had only asked. And he’s been spending them alone?
Seb’s eyes get this defensive, flinty shine. “Why would I joke about that?”
“I don’t get it. You could have anyone, Seb.”
“No,” Seb sighs. “I really couldn’t.”
“But,” Charles says, and then that’s as far as he gets. His entire body shudders as a prickly, sticky feeling ripples through him. It doesn’t pass, only grows stronger. A cramp builds in his abdomen, a painful cyclical stabbing of want, want, want. His gasp is wounded.
“Shit,” Seb says. His hands are stroking Charles’ cheeks, and the touch is blindingly blessed, though not enough. “Its started, hasn’t it?”
“Seb,” Charles moans. His body is hot all over. He needs relief, needs it now. He kicks out in the mass of blankets, and pulls desperately at his clothes. Slick’s gathered between his thighs. A part of Charles, the small part that recognizes this as a body not his own, goes—ah. This is what Seb smells like in heat. Almonds. Rain. Rosemary.
“Alright,” Seb soothes. “You’re alright, Charles.”
Seb is only touching his face. Not his cock, not his hole. How can he be alright? It’s barely been a few minutes, and he’s loose already, wet already, desperate for something, anything. Charles grabs wildly for Seb’s hand, guides it to his hole. At the first press of Seb’s fingers, something in Charles finally relaxes.
Enough for him to say, “Alone?”
Seb frowns, even as he slowly, methodically, pumps two fingers into Charles’ twitching hole. “What?”
“You spent this alone?” He can’t wrap his mind around it. He doesn’t know what he’d have done if Seb wasn’t here. The idea that Seb endures this emptiness by himself is so distasteful it cuts through his mindless need. “Why didn’t you just ask me?”
Seb’s throat works. “Charles,” he pleads. “Let’s talk about this after.” His fingers push against Charles’ prostate, and Charles comes, shaking and mewling through it.
It’s the alpha in him that refuses to let go. “No,” Charles gasps, even as his body tingles lightly, just enough to take the edge off. He knows he’s not satisfied, won’t be until Seb spreads him open and fucks him. “Let’s talk about this now.”
“You’re impossible,” Seb growls. Charles can see his body reacting, his cock growing thick and hard. Well, that’s unsurprising in the least. It may be Seb, but that’s Charles’ body. And Charles’ body has wanted Seb for a long, long time. “I’m a little busy taking care of you at the moment.”
“You can do that, and you can answer my question,” Charles demands. He tugs at Seb, and shifts his legs apart. Seb dutifully positions himself in between them, hands stroking the inside of Charles’ thighs. The seam of his body blurts out more slick. The room is a dizzying smell of Seb, Charles, Seb, Seb, Seb. But he hangs on to his thoughts, because even if he doesn’t know what the Universe had in store for them when they were made to swap bodies, Charles will come away from this experience with the knowledge and the right to attend to Seb.
Maybe that’s why they had switched. Whatever god out there dictated this, he is suddenly grateful.
“In a heartbeat I would’ve been by your side,” he declares. “In a heartbeat. There you have it. Now you know.”
“Charles,” Seb’s tongue curls around his name like it’s precious, and when he pushes in, Charles has never felt this complete.
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softlass27 · 2 years
Robron week day 1; "It's Easter, you're meant to live on sugar"
“Ow! You fucking – ”
Aaron walks through the front door to the sound of Robert loudly cursing and sees him sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the sofa. He’s surrounded by a sea of ribbon and string and tissue paper of all different colours. There's so much chaos on the floor he can barely see the rug.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Robert winces and sucks the tip of one of his fingers in his mouth.
“Stabbed myself with the needle.”
Sure enough, he’s holding a needle and thread. Aaron lets out an amused, slightly baffled huff and sits opposite him on the rug.
“Gonna ask again, what’re you doing? Since when do you sew?”
“I’m not, really,” Robert says, finally removing the finger from between his lips. He carefully picks up a small straw hat that was resting on the floor next to him. “Just trying to make Seb’s Easter bonnet, ‘pparently he needs one for this party Charles is throwing the kids at the church tomorrow. Best bonnet wins an Easter egg.”
The hat is half-covered in blue ribbon, paper flowers and tissuey green tufts that Aaron’s guessing is supposed to represent grass.
“Because we don’t have enough Easter eggs in the house already. Which we have to keep replacing because someone kept eating them all the way through Lent.”
“Chocolate always tastes better when you win it, though – pass me that bit of pink tissue, will you?”
Aaron picks up a sheet of pastel pink tissue paper from the pile next to him and stretches his arm out, passing it to Robert. He watches in mild fascination as his husband immediately starts folding and twisting the paper into seemingly random shapes, smoothing and arranging it until it transforms into a small flower in his hands.
Satisfied, Robert grabs his needle again and starts attaching the flower to the straw hat, stitching it into place with the ones already on there.
“Where the hell did you learn to do that?”
“Youtube,” Robert says distractedly, tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth as he concentrates on the task at hand. “And I sort of remembered my mum doing it for mine when I was a kid.”
Aaron continues to watch him, distractedly wrapping a piece of ribbon around his fingers. “She made bonnets for you?”
“Oh yeah.” His mouth curls into a small smile as he grabs a handful of tiny yellow decorative chicks and starts slotting them in among the flowers. “She was good at homemade stuff – think she had to be, since Dad would never fork out for anything like that.”
Aaron smiles softly as he watches him, refraining from pointing out that they could – and did – usually fork out for whatever Seb needed. Though he’ll probably never admit it, Robert’s clearly content – in his element, even – doing things the old-school way.
“You know I'm gonna need to see photos of that.”
“No chance.”
“Fine, I'll just ask Vic.” He pushes himself up with a quiet groan. “You want a brew while you work on that?”
“Hm, please.”
“‘Kay, two ticks.”
“Oh,” Robert calls to Aaron’s retreating back. “Can I get a hot cross bun too, while you’re at it?”
“Thanks. Or, actually, I wouldn’t mind a bit of that Cadbury’s egg that’s in the snack cupboard?”
“For god’s sake, we’re not gonna have any eggs left at this rate! How’re you not sick of them yet?”
Robert’s eyes turn wide and innocent, an expression that Seb had picked up by the time he was a toddler.
“But Aaron, it’s Easter, you’re meant to live – ”
“On sugar, I know,” Aaron sighs, fond despite himself.
“Exactly, Jesus said so.”
“He did not.”
“How d’you know? You’ve never cracked open a bible in your life.”
“Neither have you, you idiot!”
“No,” Robert shoots back, looking at Aaron like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. “But Charles told me.”
“I don’t care if the Pope himself told you, I’m not buying any more Easter eggs and if we want to put together a half-decent egg hunt for Seb later then we’re not touching the ones we have. You’ll have a hot cross bun and you’ll like it.”
Robert sighs and huffily sticks another chick on the bonnet.
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I am really glad to hear you like seb lol, I used to think you didn’t, can’t explain why, just the vibes were weird and I was like everything about this person is perfect except that, so now I know I was delusional all along your officially the best lol xx
Lmao that's so funny😂😂. But I can see why you might have assumed too. He isn't the driver I follow obsessively. He's just there at the back of my mind being wonderful. I'm always happy when he does well. Pissed when he's screwed over and proud when he advocates for human rights and the environment but other than that I guess I'm not shouting his name from the roof. Still I'd stab a bitch for Seb so fools ought to be careful.
Oh.... it just hit me!! Is that why I get so many anti seb asks fjfjfjfjfjfjjf please stap y'all i love that funky german man😭
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kritischetheologie · 2 years
Hey C!
So I know I was in your ask box earlier today crying about the divorce AU and I guess one thing led to another and I've spent most of today squarely in my Sebcedes and Brocedes feels. Now to the reason I'm spamming you again: I was re-reading Everybody Wants to Rule the World and I remembered how much it affected me the first time around. What I'm trying to say is, I didn't realize there was a dynamic in which Lewis was left the loser, where he made the heartless comments, where he wasn't considerate and ultimately where he was left with a broken heart (twice-man needs to swear off the Germans I'll say). And then thinking back to how this season has started off, oh goodness, it almost feels like you're written it into existence 😭 [Please note, I am still a very devout believer and I know Merc and Lewis will pull something outta their asses and prevail- they just have to]. I digress, so in the fic, there were moments I repeatedly felt like Nico had only come back to play Seb- for all the heartache he was the reason for between Lewis and himself. But of course, that's not the way Everybody Wants to Rule the World ends, but it got me thinking: would you consider writing for a prompt where Lewis and Nico are already battling it out, but Seb realizes that the only way for him to keep Merc and the Silver Arrows from winning is by driving a wedge between them, and he does it, masterfully might I add. But slowly, the OTP (Lewis and Nico) realize that Seb has been playing the long game and they begin their retaliation in secret. So while Seb feels like he's playing them, the duo are playing him. I guess what I'm trying to say is, in most Sebcedes fics I've read, Seb is never shown for the bastard he COULD be. I think I saw traces of him in Everybody Wants to Rule the World but it was faint and really it felt more like armor after the repeated stabs from Lewis (unintentionally, or not).
I don't even know if you take prompts, but seeing how you destroyed (affectionate) Lewis in Everybody Wants to Rule the World, my revenge ask is that I just really want to see you work your magic with Seb being the losing party for once. Feel free to say no- I know everyone has a ton of things going on but I just had to come knocking at your door 💜
first of all, I love that I got you in the sebcedes/brocedes feels and I LOVE that you're rereading EWTRTW, there's no bigger compliment than re-reading my work, like, OMG seriously!!!
second of all I am so sorry because I also have been feeling like I lowkey manifested merc screwing up the regs for the new cars (but I also have hope!! I believe that they'll pull it off! even tho I'm rooting for charles...... anywayyyyy)
I love the prompt request, but I'm going to have to decline it for now, for the (hopefully satisfying) reason that I am deep in the weeds on a brocedes-endgame fic, and one that does spend a long time in the Silver War to boot. Seb isn't much of a player in the love triangle in this one, but he does have a complicated role to play in the fic, and I hope that, if I ever manage to finish it, you'll feel like I did justice to Nico and Lewis and Seb and the complexity of the ways their relationship can manifest, and I hope it satisfies the desire to see Nico and Lewis end up together.
maybe when I'm done with it I'll go back and write a sebcedes threesome, maybe seb will finally be a bastard, maybe seb will lose, etc., etc., but for now, I can only really hold one story about these people in this era in my mind, and that's not the one I'm telling right now. So never say never, but no time soon.
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munstysmind · 3 years
TWENTY QUESTIONS - Maddison - An Original Story
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
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"So you're giving it a go?" Sebastian asks Maddie while they make their way down to the breakfast area.
"Yeah" she says, smiling. Even the Travis news can't take away from how excited she is about her and Chris
"I'm really happy for you Mads. He's a great guy"
"Yeah... he is"
"You're blushing again" he teases her as they get to the breakfast bar
"Oh fuck off" she tells him, elbowing him in the side before she gets her food.
She gets some orange juice, a few slices of toast and some mixed fruit before they both head over to where Jensen & Misha were.
"I thought you said you were hungry?" she says, eyeing Sebastian as they sit down
"Changed my mind" he shrugs, taking a mouthful of her juice
"Typical" she huffs, rolling her eyes. He was always doing that. Says he's not hungry then steals some of her food.
"Morning, you look nice" Misha says, looking up from his phone
"Thanks" she says with a smile. She was wearing a really flowy skater dress with a floral print. She normally doesn't wear dresses but when she saw it in store she just had to have it.
"Hey Kiddo. Seb told me" Jensen says, giving her a sympathetic look
"I don't want to talk about it" she mumbles, stabbing a piece of fruit with her knife
"OK" he nods, not wanting to push it
"Where's Jared?" she asks, starting to eat her toast
"Over there" Sebastian points, trying to steal a bite of the toast in her hand as Jared walks over to them. She pushes his face away as he tries again.
"Hey Mads... did I see someone leave your room this morning" Jared asks, sitting down and stealing a piece of fruit.
"What?" Misha says, almost dropping his phone in shock.
"Both of you, get your own food" she grumbles, moving her plate away from them
"You didn't answer my question" Jared says raising his brows at her
"Maybe" she tells him, trying her best to keep a straight face
"You gonna tell em?" Jensen teases her. She promptly kicks him under the table making him wince
"Tell us what?" Misha asks, confused
"I'm gonna go" Sebastian says, knowing what's about to happen
"I hate you" she growls at him. She knows what he's doing. Leaving her to fend for herself, the traitor. He successfully steals a slice her toast and kisses her on the head as he gets up.
"You love me" he tells her, smirking as he takes a bite of his prize before walking away
"Maddison" Jensen says, giving her a look. Knowing that he's not going to stop she gives up.
"OK fine... I'm seeing someone" she says quietly
"That's why you've been glued to your phone for weeks. I knew something was going on with you" Jared says proudly, having finally figured it out
"Maddie that's great" Misha tells her with a smile
"I know who" Jensen declares with a grin. Maddie grabs a fork from the table and points it at him
"I will stab you" she threatens, glaring at him
"I know you will" Jensen laughs
Over his shoulder, she sees Chris walk in. She watches him for a minute as he gets some food before he looks around for somewhere to sit and sees her, their eyes meeting.
He pulls out his phone and a few seconds later she gets a message
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She smiles and looks back at Chris, unaware that the guys are watching what's happening, Jared and Misha suddenly putting the pieces together.
"NO!" Misha says, his eyes wide
"Chris Evans!" Jared half whispers excitedly
"Yep" Jensen said, popping the p as he grins at her
"Keep your voices down" she hisses at them. She doesn't want people to know, not yet. It's all so new.
"That's why he was at the booth yesterday"
"Maddie, your dating Captain America?"
"How long has this been going on?"
"When did this start?"
"More importantly, when can we meet him?"
"What is this, Twenty Questions?" she asks already knowing the answer
"YES!" the three men say in unison
"Ugh fuck me, just kill me now" she groans, burying her head in her arms, almost knocking over her orange juice in the process as the guys laugh.
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