#please stop giving amazon the time of day i am begging you
98sync · 10 months
I used to buy 2 mamba or mamba sours per week, usually from the Family Dollar by my apartment complex. They are some of my favourite candys, up there with Reeses, and they helped me through a lot of hard times. A few months ago I moved in to a house on the other side of town, and my life has been improving steadily ever since. I finally feel like I'm at home and I am surrounded by people I love. After many bouts of substance abuse and overall poor mental&physical health, for the first time I feel like the end is in sight and I can make serious positive change in my life. This is all fine and great, but there is one thing missing from my life that might cause me to spiral again. Mamba.
I believe that there is an organization that is out to get me. You're probably thinking im crazy right about now, but hear me out. I have checked ever Walgreens, Dillon's, Walmart, Aldi, Dollar Tree, Family Dollar, QuikTrip, and Dollar General within a 30 mile radius of my house and have not seen a single location selling regular Mamba. I have seen tropical at a few locations, but even that is rare.
Eventually I gave up searching, and decided I could settle with Mamba's main competition, Hi-Chew. Well let me tell you, I have not been able to find ANY original Hi-Chews either, however I was able to find one Hi-Chew product around me. And they are fucking tropical. What the fuck. Im totally convinced that someone or something is fucking with me now, and I wont let them win.
So I figured that there is no possible way Amazon doesn't have them right? I can just order them online, Im making a problem out of nothing. I couldn't have been more wrong. Every time I would add them to my cart, and go to checkout something would go wrong. My internet would cut out, Amazon would spit an incoherent error code at me, etc. I did try ordering tropical hi-chew and tropical mamba and was able to get some delivered through Amazon, Im positive that I am being targeted now and whatever group of individuals fucking with me wont let me get anything that isn't tropical.
I'm going to try and find some Starburst variants that aren't tropical, because I am just that desperate for something. Its agonizing. I have been fucking miserable since I had my last Mamba Sour. I've been hopelessly addicted taking 28 Benadryl pills every single day, and I hardly leave my room or interact with any people now. My life has been ruined by these fuckers. Note: Whoever is doing this, please I'm begging you to stop. You win, fine. I will give you whatever you want from me just please let me get some Mambas. You can have full control over my life for all I care, I just need a fucking taste of chewy goodness. I don't know what you want from me but I will happily cooperate with you.
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
"can we keep an open mind about rop and not just hate it as a big mean bandwagon 🥺" no. it is an amazon™ brand product and therefore it must be boycotted and destroyed. do not give this unionbusting megacorporation your money nor praise. you deserve better entertainment and representation than the paltry scraps bezos the billionaire deigns to throw onto the floor for you
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Hi love, I adore your writing so much! And as you just asked for some ideas/concepts here’s mine for Jack Grealish from prompts list 2: fluff #11 where he’s asking her (she’s his best friend) to go for a walk cause there’s so much going on in his life and he just needs to talk. fluff #36, angst #31 and a happy ending please? Basically a Best friends to lovers thing as I’m a sap for that…thank you!! xx
Fluff #11; “I know it’s 2 in the morning but do you want to…”
Fluff #36; “because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?”
hope I did this justice for you!
Fell for you
“Jesus god,” you grumbled with hands aimlessly palming across the mattress for the blaring sound of your phone from its place charging somewhere on the bed. Your next move is an elongated “Ahhhhh,” sound, fatigue still holding tightly onto your body in a way that seals your eyes shut even as you try to shut off the sound your phone was deafening your with. In a wakened state, you might’ve noticed that it was your ringtone that had interrupted your sleep. However as tired as you were you ruled it as your alarm right away and moved yourself into seated position with the duvet still wrapped tight around you and your eyes still shut.
You were suspended in that space between being asleep and being awake, still sitting up when the offensive sound came screaming through your phone once again.
This time, your eyes snapped open in fright and the fatigue-blurred letters of Jack Grealish’s name popped up across the top of your screen.
“How is it morning already?” You protest down the line, a heavy sigh passing your lips to follow. Jack’s chuckle can be heard through the line, “It’s not.” He replies simply, prompting you to pull your phone away from your ear to hold out in front if your face.
“Then why on earth am I up?” You mumble, a question more posed to yourself than the man on the other end. “Wait, why are you up? And why are you calling so early?”
“I’m outside your door.”
“You’re what?!” You throw back your duvet and swing your legs over the side of the bed. You’ve hung up the phone already by the time you reach the front door at a tired shuffle. His hair is tousled when you see him, like he’s been running his hands through it over and over, you imagine that he has. He does that when he’s stressed. You have to squint against the street lights and his car headlights outside, still on as it sits running on the street. “Can we go somewhere?” He asks, his voice as desperate as his eyes look when he speaks, begging you to agree. Not that he would need to beg. You’d do anything for that man. Even if it did mean dragging yourself from your bed at 2 in the morning.
No question, no pressure. He loves that from you. He knows you’ll ask him later and when the time is right you’ll force him to tell you of course. Now is not that time yet and you’re nowhere near awake enough to do so much anyway. “Let me just grab my-“
“I have a hoodie in the car and your shoes in my boot.” He cuts in, tugging your arm gently out the door of your house. He knows you better than any other person in this world, so he knows full and well that there’s not much you are going to do in the way of protesting when you’re so soon out of sleep. He’d often teased with layers of worry deeper beneath that he genuinely worried for you living on your own. You open the door to people far too easily, and he will not fail to bring that up sometime tomorrow. For now, he steps into your doorway where you had stood moments before, grabs your keys from the cabinet and pulls the door closed behind him with a click of the latch locking behind him.
The cold paving stones beneath your feet make you shine in protest, shifting your weight between each one to ease the chill. In was in that cold that you look down and make the realisation, or rather come to remember the fact that you don’t have any pyjama bottoms on. “Jack!” You yelp, “I’m not wearing trousers!” You suddenly feel very exposed and rightly so, standing outside your home suddenly very awake in only a long claret and blue shirt that only extended down to the middle of your thighs. “Eh?” He whips around, “You what?”
It’s only now he really takes you in with rosy cheeks from embarrassment, your hair messed up from your sleep. His frantic eyes soften and his heart stops thundering in his chest finally. The sight of you there calms him. You’re there. Right there. His (y/n) is right there in front of him.
“What’s the rush, Jack? Is everything okay?”
Your gentle words and tired eyes bring him back to the ground, the flurry of his racing thoughts only now finally calmed. He often acts on impulse, but you are always able to slow his brain down a few paces. His sits heavily, "I know it's two am but...do you think we could go somewhere. My heads fuckin'... I don't even know." He dips back down to run that hand through his hair once again. His words stoke a bit of a worry in you, head tilted to the side in question. Jack doesn't tend to be the kind who gets himself panicked and all wound up like he has right now. That's more your half of the friendship. You did the worrying, he did the easygoing.
"It's okay, Jack. Of course. Come on then, let's go." You nod your head and he goes around the back of the car to get the shoes and socks he promised you. You very nearly choked up a lung when he presented you with a brand new Balenciaga box. "What the fuck, Jack?" You all but wheeze out, head whipping towards him climbing into the passenger seat.
"Got you a present 'cause I'm leaving soon." He shrugs with a jaw-dropping ease. You list open the lid and inside sit a pair of sliders that cost nearly £400. You physically gawp. "Oh my god."
"What?" Jack asks, drawing out of his parking spot on the street, "Heard you telling your mum you needed new sliders for the summer, do you not like 'em?"
His nerves would be clear in his voice if you hadn't been in such a ferocious level of shock. You're glad you weren't eating anything because it surely would have choked you to death. Of course you had seen Jack wearing brands like Balenciaga, Gucci, Versace and the likes, but you had never owned such an expensive piece of clothing. "I mean of course I love them, J but I meant from Primark or bloody amazon, you shouldn't have spent al that money on me." You protested, but Jack really pays it no mind. In fact, the suggestion that you don't deserve everything luxurious that this world has to offer offends him more than it does anything else. You should know that you deserve everything good that this world can give and he has the means to actually give that to you. He'd count himself an absolute fool not to.
"Gonna pretend you didn't say that." He mutters, eyes kept carefully on the empty road ahead of his car. Your eyebrows are furrowed, a part of you brain still very much trying to a) wake up and b) process the expensive of the gift he handed to you so casually. "Not arguing about it either." His voice cuts you off the second you open your mouth to speak, shutting down your protest before it even leaves you.
As the fatigue of your sleep wears off, your mind continues to be just as boggled as it had been the moment his name popped up on your screen at 2am, if not more boggled now.
"You're acting so weird, Jack. What the hell is going on with you today?" Your insistence is careful with your pressure. It's enough to try to open him up but not enough to make it sound like a confrontation. Neither you nor Jack like confrontation especially with each other. The words make him chew on his lip as he careens the large white range rover through a turn that leads up a gravel road that crunches beneath his tires. The stops when he's met with a with a large gate that prevents cars but a little slot for people to walk through. Jack leaves his door open when he leaves the car with a curtly mumbled "Stay here" as he does. He pushes open the gate with ease before he gets back in the car and follows the path up the hill further.
He stop abruptly in a very small gravel car park without any parking lines to abide and steps out, slamming his door behind him like he absolutely always does; you swear that man couldn't be quiet if his life depended on it. Which was another reason why you were so surprised by his silence. You clamber out after him with that same fear of falling flat on your face that always fills your mind each and every time you leave his car. But Jack is where he has been every time you step out the Range Rover since the first day he got it; standing by your door to hold your hand so you can jump out without a trip onto the gravel beneath. He shuts the door behind you and hands you a spare pair of his loose fitting track pants.
On an average day you might've teased the reason he hasn't worn them was because they wouldn't have squeezed the life out his legs. Today wasn't one of those days, so you slip them on without a word. Followed up by his way too big for you socks and the brand new black slides. Even wide awake, this confuses you to no end. Jack was never quiet and never elusive. He was boisterous, loud, open and confident.
The second you turn around, you realise why he brought you here.
The view of the stars, the sky completely clear. There wasn't a street lamp in sight. The moon provided the kind of spotlight hue that you kind of thought only existed in the enhancement of Hollywood movies. "Woah," you breathe, words stolen by its beauty.
"Yeah," Jack laughs, "Now you know how I feel every time I look at you."
You head turns to him so fast it sends your head spinning a little, or maybe that's just the shock of his words. You couldn't tell.
He shrugs his shoulders, scuffing his feet along the gravel to meet up with where you stand. But he freezes before he gets the chance.
"Why are you wearing that?" He asks, a very sudden cold change in his tone that actually makes your body feel colder. "Wearing what? This?" You gesture to the claret and blue shirt you had thrown on in a haste to get to him standing at your front door a short while ago. You turn to see his unhappy scowl and the firm discontented cross of his strong arms. "Yeah that," he grumbles, "And where'd you even get it." He adds with a flare of his nostrils. He looks adorable angry like this, like he's trying so hard to look angry when his emotions lie truly elsewhere.
You look down at the shirt with furrowed brows, before you shift your shoulder forward, crane your neck and pull the material around to view the back as best you could. "What's wrong with it?" You ask finally, attempts to defy the natural state of your body failing to allow you to see your back.
"It's Ginny's." Jack states as if its the most obvious thing in the world. You just look at him bewildered. "And?"
He huffs as he takes a few more heavy steps up to you, looking like he had a lot of things to say without any way of being able to get them to coordinate from his brain to his lips. "Why do you have Ginny's shirt though?"
You breathe a little bit of laughter at him, shaking your head softly. "it was just a joke. I saw him after a match waiting for you so I jumped out at him and pretended to be a fan for a video and he signed it and gave to me as a joke. I just threw it on when you showed up at my door in the middle of the night. Wasn't exactly a fashion statement."
Jack still grunts in dissatisfaction at your answer, refusing to meet your eyes. "You have plenty of mine to wear though, don't need his." His argues in a disgruntled grumble. You raise and drop your arms down by your side with a sigh. He was really testing your patience now. "Hm, last time I checked you couldn't give me yours anymore because your ex didn't like it." You protest with a wag of your finger, making him turn his head downwards with something like a shudder running through him at the mention of her name. "Yeah well there's a reason she's my ex innit." He mutters under his breath.
"What the hell is the problem with you today Jack?" You exclaim, his eyes jolting to you in surprise. You don't often snap.
"First you show up at my door in the middle of the night and drag me out of my house and then you won't actually speak to me and now you're picking a fight about John M fucking Ginn?" You snap, the anger and confusion he had stirred up showing in your emphatic hand gestures that only come out when you're telling him a passionate story or going off your head at him. "He's your best mate, why would that even bother you?!"
"I'm sorry, I-"
"I'm not done, Jack!" You yell, holding out a hand. "You haven't even spoken to me all week. I found out you made the England call up on fucking twitter Jack, twitter! And your mum told me about you dumping your girl and I can't even get through to you and now you're buying me gifts and bringing me here? I don't know if I'm coming or going here Jack, you have to give me something. We're meant to be friends." You voice breaks on the last syllable and a lump forms in Jack's throat that he can't just swallow away. Any pain, any hurt and any slight sadness of emotion that appears in you shatters his heart. He thought that was a normal reaction until two weeks ago when he realised it only happens to him when its your upset he witnesses.
"I'm sorry." He says, his voice thick and wavering with the same level of emotion. "I really, really am." He stands right in front of you now, so close you're basically chest to chest, faces merely inches apart.
"And I'm scared." He admits, sending a pang through your already aching heart. "Scared because I'm leaving and I can't take you with me." His words tickle your lips as they leave his, clouds of air puffing above the two of you as his hot breath meets the cold night air. "You've done it before, J. It'll be fine." You soothe, hands gently raising to reach up and brush the hair out of his face. His let's forth a content sigh of relief at the feeling of your touch. "That was before though." He confesses with a slight shrug. He watches that furrow sow itself back into your brows.
"Before what?"
"Dance with me?" He suggests, his arms finding their way around you with ease, much less fumbley than you remember from your high school prom. Your head tilts in that adorable confused way that makes a grin form on his cold lips.
"Why?" You query, eyes slightly narrowed in suspicion. He laughs softly. "Because the music is slow and the sky is gorgeous and because I love you."
Before you get the chance to recognise, process or even understand what he said, he's swaying you around the gravel under the stars.
"Because you what?" You squeak, your eyes desperately searching his as you look for any reason this might be some kind of a joke or one of pranks that makes you want to throttle him. He just smiles at you with those crinkled eyes and the love shining right there in his eyes for you to see. Your stomach flutters like the teenager you were when you fell in love with him. His lips dip down to capture yours in the best kiss that your being has ever felt, his hands ringing your hair, stroking down over your cheeks with those warm hands of his.
"Because I've fell for you, isn't it obvious?"
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Start of Something Great
Outlaws x Tamaranean!Reader
Word Count: 2.5K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mentions of Violence and Past Abuse
Author's Note: So this is technically the start of all those One-Shots with the T!Reader. In order, they are the one you're reading right now, then this one, this one, and this one. Enjoy! -Thorne
She watched the group socialize from her position in the corner; she’d never been out and open like Kori was. She’d always preferred to watch in silence, to observe…the years she spent captive, formed her mindset of watching and waiting for moments of weakness. Speaking of Kori, she watched her step into the room with Dick; their hands tightly clasped together.
Fighting a laugh, she glanced out the window, turning her attention to the waves as they crashed against the rocks below the tower. She wondered why she was here. She wasn’t a part of the Titans…not really. Her animosity towards leniency on justice put her at odds with just about everyone within the group, and especially the Justice League. Well, except for Diana; the Amazon was the only one who truly understood her reasoning.
But as for letting criminals go free? It didn’t happen. Rarely ever, did (Y/N) allow a criminal to walk away from her, and her mind drifted to the memory of her first mission with the Titans.
She stepped out of the smoldering hole in the warehouse wall and strode to the criminal crawling from her. Placing her foot square between his pelvis and spine, she stepped down with all her strength and listened to his spine crack under the strain. He let out a bloodcurdling scream and she rolled him over with her foot, glaring down at him, watching as he begged.
A white hot star-bolt formed in her hand and she raised it, speaking coldly. “The women you assaulted and killed did not want to die either.”
The man began to cry as she flung the bolt, watching his body incinerate, and turn to ash; she turned and began walking away, ignoring the concerned look from her sister, and the angry looks from her teammates.
They hadn’t even gotten five feet into the tower when Dick was on her like a beast to a fresh kill. “What the hell was that, (Y/N)?”
She glowered, warning him darkly, “Watch how you speak to me, Richard. I am not Kori. And you should believe me when I tell you that what I feel for you is nothing short of loathing. And loathing is quick to turn deadly should I be pushed.” (Y/N) turned to leave when he moved in front of her again.
“It doesn’t matter what you feel! You owe us an explanation!” He shot back.
She barked a cold laugh. “I owe you nothing, least of all an explanation.”
“You murdered him!”
(Y/N) narrowed her gaze. “And the point you are trying to make is?”
Dick threw his hands into the air. “It was wrong!”
“Was what he did to those innocent women also wrong?” she countered and he all but recoiled.
“Of course! But that doesn’t—”
“But nothing. He was a despicable criminal, and he deserved to die for his crimes.” (Y/N) turned around and began walking to the door.
“We aren’t executioners, Kiyahnd’r.” Dick admonished.
She froze in her spot and glanced over her shoulder, her eyes frosty towards them. “Perhaps not you, Richard. But you were not raped and beaten repeatedly as a young child.” Her gaze narrowed. “My justice is absolute in the face people who do the same thing that was done to me and my sisters. Never forget that.”
(Y/N) blinked, dragging herself from the memory; it hadn’t been long after that, that she found herself tangled in combat with the Justice League. Apparently, she had held out against them far longer than anyone ever had, managing to overpower The Flash and Martian Manhunter. She had almost defeated Batman when Wonder Woman and Superman intervened, subduing her. That was a fun day for (Y/N), and she remembered how Batman had made her concede killing people…mostly anyway.
The years had been decent to her and she came to terms with her life, even branching out into modeling like Kori did. They ruled the runways. But the “lone wolf” style she’d developed while in captivity still ruled her, and she found it increasingly hard to keep continuing the team. They had all gathered in the room, and she rose from her seat.
Immediately, the talking stopped as everyone turned to stare at her; Dick smiled at her from his seat, Kori perched herself across his thighs. “You alright, (Y/N)?” She met his eyes before moving to the table and setting down a small metal piece. It clinked and their eyes moved to it, as Dick questioned, “What’s that?”
“You know what it is, Richard.”
He glanced over, looking at the item, and took in the realization of what it was. “Your key to the tower?”
(Y/N) nodded. “As of now, I formally relinquish my role as a Titan.” Ignoring the shocked gasps and stares, she continued. “I will be leaving at dusk.” (Y/N) made her way to the door. “Thank you…and goodbye.” She didn’t wait for their replies, moving to her bedroom.
She closed the door and sat beside the window, occasionally glancing at her packed bag. (Y/N) had money saved up over the years, from odd jobs to her professional modeling career worldwide and she still had big money rolling into her bank account from other various sources. She would be alright; she just needed to find a place to live on her own and thrive.
A knock tore her from her thoughts, and she turned to the door. “Enter.” In walked Kori and Dick, and she sighed knowingly. “Delivering the parting words?”
“Kiyahnd’r…are you sure you want to leave?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Very.”
They sat down on her bed, a couple feet away, and Dick leaned forward. “You don’t have to leave, (Y/N).”
“I am aware,” she noted. “but this is something that I want to do.”
“Why Kiyahnd’r?”
(Y/N)’s eyes flitted to Kori. “Because this is not where I belong.”
“Don’t say that, (Y/N). You—”
She raised a hand. “Do not try and cushion the blow, Richard.” She rose and stared out the window. “It has been plain to see all these years that you all will never trust me.” (Y/N) glanced at Dick. “Or accept me onto your team.”
Dick went silent, and Kori nudged him. “Say something.”
“What do you want me to say? She’s kinda right.”
(Y/N) stopped Kori. “Do not be angry at him, Koriand’r. Richard is right.” She paused. “I am not you Koriand’r…I allow my past to define how I live my life.” Her eyes moved to her sister’s, and a hint of sorrow crossed her tone. “I cannot let go of our pasts. It will haunt me forever, and I need to find my own path…away from this place.”
The two of them went silent, then Dick said, “If you don’t have anywhere to go…Jason’s been in need of a partner lately.”
(Y/N) scoffed. “That moronic imbecile? Certainly not.”
Dick snickered as Kori sighed. “Jason is not stupid, sister.”
“Truly? There have been a few times where he has fooled me.”
Kori sighed again, as Dick rose from the bed, moving to (Y/N). “Look…I know you think I don’t like you—”
“You do not like me.”
Dick rolled his eyes and corrected, “Wrong, Miss Know-It-All. I happen to like you very much. In fact—”
(Y/N) cut him off, turning to Kori. “Be cautious sister, you apparently have competition for Richard’s affections.” Kori and (Y/N) giggled as Dick raised his hands in exasperation.
He marched to the door with them still raised. “I give up! I came in here to wish you goodbye and good luck, and this is what I receive!” He was almost out the door when (Y/N) pulled him back, spinning him around to pull him in for a brief but heartfelt hug.
She pulled away and glanced at him. “For all you have done for me…and for all the times you have tried to help me…thank you, Richard.”
He grinned up at her and squeezed her round her middle. “See…you love me after all.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and picked up her bags. “Do not push it Dick. You still anger me.”
“You aren’t the first person to tell me that.” Dick shrugged.
She snorted and moved to the door, stopping and glancing at them. “And I most certainly will not be the last.”
The flight to Gotham City was quiet, and she remembered the first time she arrived.
The portal opened and she fell through it, still fighting off the Psions who followed her. They crash-landed into a building, and the rubble was lit up like the sun as she threw star-bolts at them. The fighting lasted for a few minutes, and in the end, she stood victorious among the scattered body parts. Her mind raced as she tried to remember where her sister had gone, and the next thing she realized, a Psion was on her back.
She cursed in her native tongue as it clawed at her, and gathered energy into her palm to kill it when it flew off her, landing a good distance away. She rolled to her side and coughed; a hand appeared in her vision, and she looked up to see a man in black standing over her.
His lips moved, and she knew words were coming out, but it sounded like gibberish. The hand extended towards her more, and she took it, allowing him to help her stand. He kept speaking and she rolled her eyes, reaching out and grabbing his face; she brought their lips together, and words and languages flowed through her mind.
She released him and he simply gaped at her, too stunned to move; she snorted. “Apologies. My race learns by psychophysically connecting with one another. The most effective way is through oral contact.”
“…You just learned to speak English from kissing me?”
She nodded. “Is that what you call it? English? What a strange name it is.” The corner of his mouth rose, and she stood up straight. “I am Kiyahnd’r of…well…it does not matter.” She paused. “My name is Kiyahnd’r.”
He nodded. “I’m Batman.”
(Y/N) felt the corners of her mouth raise at the memory; it had been a very long time since she’d thought about it, and it reminded her of how lucky she’d been to learn the languages from Bruce. Kori only received a small amount from Dick; (Y/N) had received twenty-three different dialects, all fluently. The fleeting memories lasted only so long, and the plane began to ascend, signaling her arrival.
She stepped off of the plane and made her way to the baggage claim, picking up her bag and moving to the doors when she saw a familiar man. (Y/N) stared as he walked towards her.
He stopped in front of her and smirked. “Need a ride, doll?”
She rolled her eyes. “Dick called you then.”
“Called a few hours ago saying you were leaving the Titans and coming to find me and Roy.”
(Y/N) scoffed. “I was coming to Gotham. I was not coming to see the both of you.” She glared at him.
“Sticks and stones, (Y/N).”
“Go crawl into a bush, Jason.”
His hand curled around the handle of her suitcase and he lifted it, nodding his head to the door. “Car’s outside.” Jason moved forward, and (Y/N) was left with no choice but to follow him. She watched as he put her suitcase in the trunk, then turned to her. “You hungry?”
“Are you going to cook?”
Jason paused as he was getting in the driver’s door; he looked at her, an eyebrow raised. “Do you want me to cook?”
She moved to sit in the passenger seat. “So long as you make something good.”
He grinned as he sat in the seat, starting the car. “I always make good food.”
(Y/N) let out a ‘hmpf’. “We shall see.”
The drive to his apartment was slow and when they arrived, the sun was setting low beyond the skyline. They climbed the stairs and entered his apartment; (Y/N) hummed. “I wasn’t sure that your apartment would be as tidy as it is. It is rather shocking.”
Jason grunted as he moved into the kitchen, pulling out pans from the cabinets. “Sorry doll, the role of messy Robin is Tim.” He paused and glanced at her. “And sometimes, Dick…but mostly Timmy.”
(Y/N) snorted and motioned to her bag. “Where should I put my things?”
Jason nodded down the hallway. “Second door on your right. I changed the sheets and cleaned it, so you should be happy.”
She said nothing and walked to the bedroom. It was a little dull for her tastes, but nothing she couldn’t fix with a trip to the department store and IKEA. She walked back out and sat at the bar, watching Jason cook for them. When he was finished, they sat out on the balcony sharing a bottle of wine.
(Y/N) swallowed it, gagging, “Earth wine is disgusting.”
“Wine’s a peculiar taste,” he snorted, taking a sip. “You have to get used to it.”
She grunted and replied, “I do not want to be used to it. It tastes like…I do not even know what it tastes like. All I know is that it is disgusting.”
“You’re just a Debbie-Downer, aren’t you, (Y/N)?”
“I do not know what that is but I can tell it is not positive.”
“Nevermind.” Jason chuckled and they lapsed into a comfortable silence, eating their dinner, and when they were finished, they climbed to the roof and watched the stars; Jason leaned over. “So, why did you leave the Titans?”
(Y/N) sighed quietly, murmuring, “I did not want to be within their company any longer.”
He eyed her. “And?”
“And I did not want to be ostracized anymore.” (Y/N) inhaled. “I am not Kori. She was accepted easily within the Titans because she is kind and sweet. But I? No…I was never one to be accepted. My attitude and stance on how I deal with criminals was not something the Titans were too keen on keeping.”
Jason listened silently, then tipped his head. “Dick told you to come find me then?”
She shrugged. “More or less.” (Y/N) glanced at him. “I assume he had an inkling that because we are so similar in our mindsets on criminals that we would get along and be able to work together.”
“Red Hood, Arsenal, and Supernova,” Jason grinned. “It’s got a great ring to it.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “I regret this decision already.”
He scooted closer and slung an arm around her shoulders, ignoring the way she growled low in her throat. “Don’t be like that, doll…we’re gonna make a kick-ass team.”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to retort when a light shone in the sky; she glanced at Jason, tipping her head to it. “Well…let us go and show what a team we will make.” She rose, holding out a hand. “Shall we, Red Hood?”
Jason glanced at her hand before taking it, smirking. “Hell yeah.”
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winterwolf0916 · 4 years
Batboys with a Medium! S/O
Request: If you're still accepting Batfam requests; may I request Batboys having a medium S/O? It takes a toll on them if they witness things from horror movies A/N: Happy late spooky day. Also I apologize this is short. I felt really down today and I just felt so...sad for so many reasons. Anywho who cares... At the end of the day, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, right? Word Count: 1K
This man thought you were joking
A medium?
Yeah he fought aliens, atlanteans-
He was raised well enough to know to never fuck with Amazons. He knows they’ll kick his ass but they adore him like a little baby
-people, crooks, animal like people, and a couple of other beings that are just questionable.
Yeah he remembers a lot of horror movies with those sorts 
Yeah he went against some “monsters” who actually turned out to be people like an episode of Scooby Doo.
But come on, ghosts?
Oh how he ate those words
He was only brushing his teeth in his apartment until he felt the room go cold and saw a woman with a half ripped face appearing in the mirror.
-Was that Dick screaming?-
You sighed and grabbed your items for communication since you’ve figured the apartment was haunted for like a good 2 weeks
Dick tried to stop you from ever entering the room
He should’ve listened to you but nooooo
His jaw dropped when he barged in the bathroom to find you and the lady giggling.
Turns out she thought her relatives still lived here and she wanted to give them a scare
After that night he believed you and promised to never make fun of the paranormal ever again
You help him so much on patrols
You get visions of the future and warn him about secret plans from every single villain
“Aha! It seems like you have fallen for-why is my henchman in my trap?” 
-Cue Penguin hanging off of a building and police cars surrounding him-
On a special day, it was Dick’s birthday
You woke him up before the sun was out and pulled him to the couch
He was confused before you held his hands and told him to close his eyes before-
He sees his parents
He also communicated with them by your help
After a few hours, he was awakened from the couch and you gave a sheepish smile.
“Happy birthday.” 
“Am...Am I a ghost or a zombie to you?”
He was teasing of course. 
He died ok?
So of course he believes in the paranormal but he wouldn’t think they would do so much harm.
Until one night...
You pleaded him not to go out for patrol
Since earlier in the day you got a vision predicting how the night will go for Jason
He’s can’t miss patrol for the night he said
No reason to be scared of that warehouse he said
He’ll be alright, he said…
Please say sike right now 
As soon as he returned home, he was so shaken up.
Jason has always been so tough on the outside but this…
His walls were cracked open to the point where you could sense his dangerous aurora broken apart.
You were pretty angry at the spirits of what they did to your boyfriend 
He was trying his best not to act afraid in front of you and flinch by your touch
As he was fast asleep and you cleared away the bad dreams, you left to the warehouse and spoke with the spirits
Turns out those bastards were having a blast reminding him of the terrible trauma.
Oh was that how they felt?
You cracked your knuckles and gave those suckers a hell of vanishing.
How bad?
You caused a slight earthquake at Gotham Harbor giving those assholes thousands of punishments in various painful ways
Not a single soul decides to mess with Jason because of what happened that night
Like Dick, you and Jason would meditate so he could talk to his parents or his old friends.
He now believes you.
This man sometimes uses tactics to keep himself awake at night
Watching horror movies was one of them
It was a semi for believing
He would sometimes be paranoid for certain things
Like someone watching him
Then after he confessed of his paranoia, it was strange that he never encountered that feeling again.
-You scared off a spirit that has been haunting him for the past month-
You would remind him where his items are before he could even ask or notice they were missing
“You left your jacket at the library.” “Your keys are on the counter hon.” 
Or “Babe have you seen my-” You pointed at the closet while going on your phone.
There are times when Tim have to leave for patrol after countless of all nighters
Which is something ludicrous and dangerous because one slip up could cost his life.
And you being you, would sometimes expose who was the one holding masacres or the location of the criminal to Bruce.
Or ask a friendly spirit of yours to haunt a crook for a short while so Tim would get some sleep instead of leaving for the night and haven't slept for a solid five days
Making sure he doesn’t get nightmares
You would give him calming dreams and making sure he has enough energy when he wakes up.
-You debating with Tim that tea was better than coffee-
Him asking odd questions.
“Is mothman real?” “Huh?” “Yeah, you’re right that’s too extreme… How about werewolves?”
He’s too cute
In the beginning he thought you were pranking him but he slowly starts to believe you
“Beloved I told you I can’t-”
“Careful, you’re going to hit your face.”
“Wha-” the door slammed right on his face with full speed.
-Jason died that day-
Another time was when you were meditating while he was having trouble training
You helped him by asking a few favors from the spirits and the next day, his arm was better.
You were like Oracle to Damian during his missions. 
And his missions were pretty fast because of your visions
When one of his pets died, he felt so down for months.
So you did everything in your power to help him communicate with this deceased pet.
He felt better
Whenever your visions get intense and you start to get dizzy, he’ll always catch you when you go unconscious or fall back
You and Damian meditating together
Comforting him when he has nightmares and clearing them away
Damian pranking on Jon by using your tools for communication
When the Superson entered his room, there was a faint scream and sounds of furniture crashing. 
Damian was cackling as Jon came back to the living room and his face was pale
Boy, you were angry
You gave Damian a taste of his own medicine for a good 2 days before he asked -begged- for you to stop.
“Now you see how Jon feels.” “There’s a difference. I remained strong for 2 days while he couldn’t last five minutes.” “Ok then, I guess I could ask Benny to for a visit-” “L/n, put the Ouija Board down.”
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Welllp These Are Books: the April 2021 Edition
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I did not read Romeo and Juliet this month. I read a bunch of other books. Like, a bunch. More than one series. Because Big Bang burnout is real and grown adults missing their deadlines is a real good way to stress me out. So, I read a bunch. Good books, very bad books, books that caused limbs to flail. For positive and not-so-positive reasons. Naturally, all those reasons must be shared. Under the cut with occasionally long and rant-prone reviews, as well as spoilers. Beware of spoilers under the cut. Please keep telling me what to read, internet. My library wish list is almost comically long now.
Shades of Magic Series by V.E. Schwab
Kell is one of the last Antari—magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black. After an exchange goes awry, Kell escapes to Grey London and runs into Delilah Bard, a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. Now perilous magic is afoot, and treachery lurks at every turn. To save all of the worlds, they'll first need to stay alive.
— Picture it, approximately twelve forty-seven am. My husband is asleep. I am reading. The second book in this series ends. And I say, right out loud, at what might now be twelve forty-eight am, HOLY SHIT IT JUST ENDED. Justin thought we were under attack. No man has ever snapped awake quicker. He was not pleased. At least not in the same way that I was about these books. Which I goddamn LOVED. Loved. The world building. The magic. The banter. Rhy and Kell’s relationship. Once more. RHY AND KELL’S RELATIONSHIP. Which I might have cared about more than the romance??? Maybe??? I cannot get over how good this world building was. I know people have quips with it, and that’s fair. I saw the “twist” coming in the first book, and I think trying to preserve that left some plot holes that are understandably frustrating. Because Lilah definitely needed depth perception to fight as well as she did. Also did Schwab really refer to her as a cross dresser in her author’s note? Yikes. She wore a dude’s jacket, like—c’mon V.E. Other than that though. I loved it. Also shout out to @peglegsjones for suggesting this one in my 2020 post and call out to me for taking so long to read it.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can't pull it off alone. . . . A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums.  A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes.   Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz's crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don't kill each other first.
— I’ve talked about how little I cared about anything that happened in Shadow and Bone before, but I kept seeing gifs of the Crows in the Netflix show and my brain was like: huh, I could like them. So, after some help from the very helpful internet, I’m happy to report I do in fact like them. At one point, I slunk into the couch. Like that’s how overcome with emotion I was. Kaz ripped a dude’s eye out! For Inej! Matthias loved Nina’s laugh! I would like to hug Jesper. Seriously, this hit all my high points and world building and banter and I lol’ed at “scheming face.” I would like my hold to come through faster on the sequel.
The Off Campus Series by Elle Kennedy
Hannah Wells has finally found someone who turns her on. But while she might be confident in every other area of her life, she’s carting around a full set of baggage when it comes to sex and seduction. If she wants to get her crush’s attention, she’ll have to step out of her comfort zone and make him take notice…even if it means tutoring the annoying, childish, cocky captain of the hockey team in exchange for a pretend date. All Garrett Graham has ever wanted is to play professional hockey after graduation, but his plummeting GPA is threatening everything he’s worked so hard for. If helping a sarcastic brunette make another guy jealous will help him secure his position on the team, he’s all for it. But when one unexpected kiss leads to the wildest sex of both their lives, it doesn’t take long for Garrett to realize that pretend isn’t going to cut it. Now he just has to convince Hannah that the man she wants looks a lot like him.
— The first book in this series was free on Amazon. So, I read it. And really liked it??? It was so chock full of cliches and badly written tropes and Garrett probably should have accepted that Hannah didn’t want to go out at the start, but like—he was cute? And as we all know I am TRASH™ for stories set in the same verse, so, like, I just kept reading these trashy college hockey books. Trashy is a compliment here. God, these kids had so much sex. So much. An incredible amount, really. I once had a guy tell me he was physically attracted to me, but not emotionally attracted to me in college. Like, that was my college experience. The first and second books were the best, I think. I didn’t really like Dean that much.
The Intimacy Experiement by Rosie Danan
Naomi Grant has built her life around going against the grain. After the sex-positive start-up she cofounded becomes an international sensation, she wants to extend her educational platform to live lecturing. Unfortunately, despite her long list of qualifications, higher ed won't hire her. Ethan Cohen has recently received two honors: LA Mag nominated him as one of the city's hottest bachelors and he became rabbi of his own synagogue. Low on both funds and congregants, the executive board of Ethan's new shul hired him with the hopes that his nontraditional background will attract more millennials to the faith. They've given him three months to turn things around or else they'll close the doors of his synagogue for good. Naomi and Ethan join forces to host a buzzy seminar series on Modern Intimacy, the perfect solution to their problems--until they discover a new one--their growing attraction to each other. They've built the syllabus for love's latest experiment, but neither of them expected they'd be the ones putting it to the test.
— Ok, I know that sounds bad. Again, I’m a creature of predictable habit and this was the sequel to The Roommate, which I absolutely LOVED last year. But where as the relationship in that one was kind of swoony, this one was...I don’t know, really. Everyone was a well-rounded character and the plot was good, but there was this semi-invisible something that made it difficult for me to get fully on board with the whole story. Honestly, it might be because he was a religious figure?? Also, they got together real quick. Like zero to sixty in twenty-six seconds flat.
Too Wild to Tame by Tessa Bailey
Sometimes you just can't resist playing with fire . . . By day, Aaron Clarkson suits up, shakes hands, and acts the perfect gentleman. But at night, behind bedroom doors, the tie comes off and the real Aaron comes out to play. Mixing business with pleasure got him fired, so Aaron knows that if he wants to work for the country's most powerful senator, he'll have to keep his eye on the prize. That's easier said than done when he meets the senator's daughter, who's wild, gorgeous, and 100 percent trouble. Grace Pendleton is the black sheep of her conservative family. Yet while Aaron's presence reminds her of a past she'd rather forget, something in his eyes keeps drawing her in. Maybe it's the way his voice turns her molten. Or maybe it's because deep down inside, the ultra-smooth, polished Aaron Clarkson might be more than even Grace can handle . . .
— Last month I read the first book in this series and it was absolutely ridiculous. This one even more so. The Clarksons are still on the road trip (sans one sibling because she fell in love in a week in the first book) and Aaron was, like, not a root’able character? Very Edward Cullen I’M A BAD GUY, BELLA vibes and his relationship with Grace was so strange. Super rushed again, obvs. Meeting in the woods is weird enough. Professing love forty-eight hours later is decidedly unbelievable. Also there was a kidnapping involved? I totally put a hold on the next book in the series.
The Trouble With Hating You by Sajni Patel
Liya Thakkar is a successful biochemical engineer, takeout enthusiast, and happily single woman. The moment she realizes her parents' latest dinner party is a setup with the man they want her to marry, she's out the back door in a flash. Imagine her surprise when the same guy shows up at her office a week later -- the new lawyer hired to save her struggling company. What's not surprising: he's not too thrilled to see her either after that humiliating fiasco.
Jay Shah looks good on paper...and off. Especially if you like that whole gorgeous, charming lawyer-in-a-good-suit thing. He's also infuriating. As their witty office banter turns into late-night chats, Liya starts to think he might be the one man who truly accepts her. But falling for each other means exposing their painful pasts. Will Liya keep running, or will she finally give love a real chance?
— I had such high hopes for this one. Which is on me, I guess. Because I didn’t hate this one, but it was...not great. Maybe I’m just getting old and crotchety but I am BEGGING romance writers to come up with different trauma for their female protagonists. Not every woman has to have been assaulted to rationalize their current personality. Doesn’t have to happen. Like, ok, yes it does happen. Far more than it should. But that’s an entirely different story, and I am so tired of female characters getting absolutely destroyed by their past only to have that be their defining characteristic for so much of the book. Until a nice man they were initially mean to shows up and he’s UNDERSTANDING and he CARES and it’s just, bleh. It’s bleh. Tired and predictable and I’m over it.
Much Ado About You by Samantha Young
At thirty-three-years old Evangeline Starling’s life in Chicago is missing that special something. And when she’s passed over for promotion at work, Evie realizes she needs to make a change. Some time away to regain perspective might be just the thing. In a burst of impulsivity, she plans a holiday in a quaint English village. The holiday package comes with a temporary position at Much Ado About Books, the bookstore located beneath her rental apartment. There’s no better dream vacation for the bookish Evie, a life-long Shakespeare lover. Not only is Evie swept up in running the delightful store as soon as she arrives, she’s drawn into the lives, loves and drama of the friendly villagers. Including Roane Robson, the charismatic and sexy farmer who tempts Evie every day with his friendly flirtations. Evie is determined to keep him at bay because a holiday romance can only end in heartbreak, right? But Evie can’t deny their connection and longs to trust in her handsome farmer that their whirlwind romance could turn in to the forever kind of love.
— Ok, so I had had this book on hold for so long that I genuinely forgot about it and forgot who it was written by. Samantha Young wrote that one book that I called the worst book I had ever read. Only I did not realize that when I started reading this one. So, you see how this sets us up for disaster. Because this book was a disaster. Everyone was goddamn annoying. And whiny. Shit, everyone whined. About everything. Also, the actual writing was atrocious. I am not usually one to be like “men can’t write,” but at one point I told both @shireness-says and @optomisticgirl that this book must have been secretly written by a man because no woman writing it would be so obsessed with pointing out where her cellulite was. Like, what??? Also the first sex scene? Oh my God, I laughed. Guffawed. The so-called love interest literally asked: “Are we going to have sex now?” And then they just did. It was so bad. Also there was a dog? Who went everywhere with the so-called love interest. And they just never explained that? I thought it was going to be part of some crushing and depressing backstory. Nah, he was just there.
The Queen’s Secret by Melissa de la Cruz
Lilac's birthright makes her the Queen of Renovia, and a forced marriage made her the Queen of Montrice. But being a ruler does not mean making the rules. For Lilac, taking the throne means giving up the opportunity to be with love of her life, the kingdom's assassin, Caledon Holt. Worse, Cale is forced to leave the castle when a horrific set of magical attacks threatens Lilac's sovereignty. Now Cal eand Lilac will have to battle dark forces separately, even though being together is the only thing that's ever saved them.
— Remember last month when I was like: can’t wait for my hold to come through on this sequel so I know what happens? What an idiot. THIS BOOK WAS SO DUMB I CANNOT BELIEVE IT WAS A BOOK. As always in my rage-induced rants, no apologies for spoilers because seriously do NOT read this, but Lilac (legit, that was her name) married some other dude but just kept fucking Cale??? Like she had a secret door? So he could come in and they could fuck?? I just—oh my God. So, all these things kept happening. Magic and bad stuff and horses were killed. Lilac’s mother was the absolute WORST. Honestly the most worthless character who at one point was like “well, my story is over, guess it’s time to leave,” and then just left?? Forced Lilac into a marriage of alliance and no love and then everything evil was defeated in point two four seconds. It happened so fast I wasn’t even sure it happened. So, then I’m like, ok, how are Lilac and Cale going to end up together? Because this is YA and that’s how it’s supposed to work. Only her being married and that marriage requiring an heir is something of a rather large hurdle. Don’t worry! Remember when Lilac and Cale were fucking? Everyone totally knew. Including the king Lilac is married to. Who is somehow like...ok with this? And tells Cale that Lilac is pregnant. ISN’T THAT WONDERFUL! Sure, because now they can lie and claim its the king’s heir. ONLY IT’S CALE’S KID! AND CALE IS COOL WITH THIS! His entire internal monologue during this is about how he realizes he might not ever be able to tell his kid he’s their father, but he’ll be around and that’s good. Wait, what??? But there’s more! Not only is Lilac having Cale’s kid, but the king she’s married to is in love with one of Cale’s spy associates. So the king and the spy are going to go hang out (and presumably have their own kids) at one castle and Lilac and Cale are going to go to another. Lilac and the king never get divorced or annulled or whatever. Everyone stays as is and married as is and—they all live happily ever after? This was presented as a good ending, I swear. What the shit, guys, seriously.
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Amnesia (Book Two)(Part Fifteen)(Alec Volturi)
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The final witness
Then Alice danced into the clearing from the southwest, Jasper was only inches behind her, his sharp eyes fierce. Close after them ran three strangers; the first was a tall, muscular female with wild dark hair - obviously Kachiri. She had the same elongated limbs and features as the other Amazons, even more pronounced in her case. The next was a small olive-toned female vampire with a long braid of black hair bobbing against her back. Her deep burgundy eyes flitted nervously around the confrontation before her. And the last was a young man... not quite as fast nor quite as fluid in his run. His skin was an impossible rich, dark brown. His wary eyes flashed across the gathering, and they were the color of warm teak. His hair was black and braided, too, like the woman's, though not as long. He was beautiful. As he neared the vampires in the meadow, a new sound sent shock waves through the watching crowd - the sound of another heartbeat, accelerated with exertion. Alice leaped lightly over the edges of the dissipating mist that lapped at Bella’s shield and came to a sinuous stop at Edward's side. Bella reached out to touch her arm, and so did Edward, Esme, Carlisle. There wasn't time for any other welcome. Jasper and the others followed her through the shield. All the guard watched, speculation in their eyes, as the latecomers crossed the invisible border without difficulty. The brawny ones, Felix and the others like him, focused their suddenly hopeful eyes on Bella. They had not been sure of what her shield repelled, but it was clear now that it would not stop a physical attack. As soon as Aro gave the order, the blitz would ensue her. Edward, despite his absorption in the coup he was directing, stiffened furiously in response to their thoughts. He controlled himself and spoke to Aro again. "Alice has been searching for her own witnesses these last weeks," he said to the ancient. "And she does not come back empty-handed. Alice, why don't you introduce the witnesses you've brought?" Caius snarled. "The time for witnesses is past! Cast your vote, Aro!" Aro raised one finger to silence his brother, his eyes glued to Alice's face. Alice stepped forward lightly and introduced the strangers. "This is Huilen and her nephew, Nahuel."  Caius's eyes tightened as Alice named the relationship between the newcomers. The Volturi witnesses hissed amongst themselves, including Jane and Alec, but Maeryn did not join them once again. She felt intrigued by the newcomers. So there were more male vampires impregnating female humans.  The vampire world was changing, and everyone could feel it. "Speak, Huilen," Aro commanded. "Give us the witness you were brought to bear." The slight woman looked to Alice nervously. Alice nodded in encouragement, and Kachiri put her long hand on the little vampire's shoulder. "I am Huilen," the woman announced in clear but strangely accented English. As she continued, it was apparent she had prepared herself to tell this story, that she had practiced. It flowed like a well-known nursery rhyme. "A century and a half ago, I lived with my people, the Mapuche. My sister was Pire. Our parents named her after the snow on the mountains because of her fair skin. And she was very beautiful - too beautiful. She came to me one day in secret and told me of the angel that found her in the woods, that visited her by night. I warned her." Huilen shook her head mournfully. "As if the bruises on her skin were not warning enough. I knew it was the Libishomen of our legends, but she would not listen. She was bewitched. "She told me when she was sure her dark angel's child was growing inside her. I didn't try to discourage her from her plan to run away - I knew even our father and mother would agree that the child must be destroyed, Pire with it. I went with her into the deepest parts of the forest. She searched for her demon angel but found nothing. I cared for her, hunted for her when her strength failed. She ate the animals raw, drinking their blood. I needed no more confirmation of what she carried in her womb. I hoped to
save her life before I killed the monster. But she loved the child inside her. She called him Nahuel, after the jungle cat, when he grew strong and broke her bones - and loved him still. I could not save her. The child ripped his way free of her, and she died quickly, begging all the while that I would care for her Nahuel. Her dying wish - and I agreed. He bit me, though, when I tried to lift him from her body. I crawled away into the jungle to die. I didn't get far - the pain was too much. But he found me; the newborn child struggled through the underbrush to my side and waited for me. When the pain ended, he was curled against my side, sleeping. I cared for him until he was able to hunt for himself. We hunted the villages around our forest, staying to ourselves. We have never come so far from our home, but Nahuel wished to see the child here." Huilen bowed her head when she was finished and moved back so she was partially hidden behind Kachiri. Aro's lips were pursed. He stared at the dark-skinned youth. "Nahuel, you are one hundred and fifty years old?" he questioned. "Give or take a decade," he answered in a clear, beautifully warm voice. His accent was barely noticeable. "We don't keep track." "And you reached maturity at what age?" "About seven years after my birth, more or less, I was full grown." "You have not changed since then?" Nahuel shrugged. "Not that I've noticed." "And your diet?" Aro pressed, seeming interested in spite of himself. "Mostly blood, but some human food, too. I can survive on either." "You were able to create an immortal?" As Aro gestured to Huilen, his voice was abruptly intense. Bella refocused on her shield, but Maeryn no longer paid attention. This was something new to her kind, something interesting. And she wanted to know every last bit of it. "Yes, but none of the rest can." A shocked murmur ran through all three groups. Aro's eyebrows shot up. "The rest?" "My sisters." Nahuel shrugged again. Aro stared wildly for a moment before composing his face. "Perhaps you would tell us the rest of your story, for there seems to be more." Nahuel frowned. "My father came looking for me a few years after my mother's death." His handsome face distorted slightly. "He was pleased to find me." Nahuel's tone suggested the feeling was not mutual. "He had two daughters, but no sons. He expected me to join him, as my sisters had. He was surprised I was not alone. My sisters are not venomous, but whether that's due to gender or a random chance... who knows? I already had my family with Huilen, and I was not interested" - he twisted the word - "in making a change. I see him from time to time. I have a new sister; she reached maturity about ten years back." "Your father's name?" Caius asked through gritted teeth. "Joham," Nahuel answered. "He considers himself a scientist. He thinks he's creating a new super-race." He made no attempt to disguise the disgust in his tone. Maeryn shared this feeling. It indeed was disgusting. Caius looked at Bella. "Your daughter, is she venomous?" he demanded harshly. "No," Bella responded. Nahuel's head snapped up at Aro's question, and his teak eyes turned to bore into Bella’s face. Caius looked to Aro for confirmation, but Aro was absorbed in his own thoughts. He pursed his lips and stared at Carlisle, and then Edward, and at last his eyes rested on Bella. Caius growled. "We take care of the aberration here, and then follow it south," he urged Aro. Aro stared into Bella’s eyes for a long, tense moment. Maeryn had no idea what he was searching for in Bella’s eyes, or what he found, but after he had measured her for that moment, something in his face changed, a faint shift in the set of his mouth and eyes, and Maeryn knew that Aro had made his decision. "Brother," he said softly to Caius. "There appears to be no danger. This is an unusual development, but I see no threat. These half-vampire children are much like us, it appears." "Is that your vote?" Caius demanded. "It is." Caius scowled. "And this Joham? This immortal so fond of experimentation?" "Perhaps we
should speak with him," Aro agreed. "Stop Joham if you will," Nahuel said flatly. "But leave my sisters be. They are innocent." Aro nodded, his expression solemn. And then he turned back to his guard with a warm smile. "Dear ones," he called. "We do not fight today." The guard nodded in unison and straightened out of their ready positions. The mist dissipated swiftly, but Bella held her shield in place. She analyzed their expressions as Aro turned back to them. His face was as benign as ever, but unlike before, there could be a strange blankness sensed behind the facade. As if his scheming was over. Caius was clearly incensed, but his rage was turned inward now; he was resigned. Marcus looked... bored; there really was no other word for it. The guard was impassive and disciplined again; there were no individuals among them, just the whole. They were in formation, ready to depart. Once Alec’s mist had returned to himself, Maeryn took off the glove of her right hand, showing her porcelain skin to the sun. Alec did the same to the glove on his left hand and grabbed Maeryn’s hand tightly. It felt good to feel each other’s skin touch one another. Now they could feel their connection much better than before. The Volturi witnesses were still wary; one after another, they departed, scattering into the woods. As their numbers dwindled, the remaining sped up. Soon they were all gone. Aro held his hands out to the foes, almost apologetic. Behind him, the larger part of the guard, along with Caius, Marcus, and the silent, mysterious wives, were already drifting quickly away, their formation precise once again. Only the three that seemed to be his personal guardians lingered with him. "I'm so glad this could be resolved without violence," he said sweetly. "My friend, Carlisle - how pleased I am to call you friend again! I hope there are no hard feelings. I know you understand the strict burden that our duty places on our shoulders." "Leave in peace, Aro," Carlisle said stiffly. "Please remember that we still have our anonymity to protect here, and keep your guard from hunting in this region." "Of course, Carlisle," Aro assured him. "I am sorry to earn your disapproval, my dear friend. Perhaps, in time, you will forgive me." "Perhaps, in time, if you prove a friend to us again." Aro bowed his head, the picture of remorse, and drifted backward for a moment before he turned around. The foes watched in silence as the last four Volturi disappeared into the trees.
Once back in the castle, Jane, Alec and Maeryn made their way towards Jane’s room. Jane was boiling with anger and she threw some expensive vases against the wall on their way to her room. Maeryn and Alec skillfully avoided the porcelain shatters and followed their sister to her room. Once inside, Jane grabbed her pillow and ripped it in half. Alec let go of Maeryn’s hand and pulled his sister in a tight embrace. Jane used her gift on him, but Alec kept on holding her, not once making a sound of agony. Soon enough Jane calmed down, and as soon as Alec released her, she fell onto her bed that was now covered in feathers. She picked one up and studied its form with her magnified sight, seeing every little detail. “Don’t fret sister, there will be a day we can defeat them.” Alec said. “At a moment when they least expect it.” Jane said, slowly grinning again. "We got all eternity to plan it ." Maeryn said to Alec and Jane. Both the twins grinned. Maeryn grinned along, though she could not shake off the feeling that something bad was about to happen.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
The Conference (Part 5)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Word Count: 2.9k Rating: T+ Warning: Some cursing  Summary: Rebecca reminisces about the night she finally pushed Ethan away. 
Author’s Note: ngl the last part with the ryan arc was 100% self indulgent. it was also the first thing i wrote and built the series around. have ya ever had a friend/lover/someone you never got a proper goodbye with and carried with you everything you wish you’d said? yeah. that’s what that was. it also is the perfect contrast to mc x ethan’s relationship.
Taglist: @ohchoices @dulceghernandez @aylamwrites @binny1985 @ramseysno1rookie @interobanginyourmom @queencarb @imactuallytheceoofthecompany @rookiefromedenbrook @eramsey28 @choicesficwriterscreations @heauxplesslydevoted @schnitzelbutterfingers @purpledragonturtles @ramseyandrys​ @ermidc @mrsdrakewalkerblog
I finally walked into the foreign and dimly lit tavern after wasting the beginning hours of my day off scrolling through Bumble, scouring the app for a good distraction. Eventually I found one - a legal assistant named Cameron. He was cute and his choice of profession gave me the feeling he could carry an intelligent conversation with minimal sexual advances. His tone was friendly enough and a little awkward at times but harmless. We messaged back and forth for like an hour and a half before agreeing to a date across town. 
I made sure to put on my best face, watching youtube tutorials for the perfect date night eye to accompany my black cap sleeved maxi dress - you know that one with the high slit. A little bit of sultry but not enough to give him the assumption he could take me home. 
I’d never been to The Happenstance tavern before. Hell, I barely had any time to explore parts of the city that weren’t directly surrounding Edenbrook. I was pumped with adrenaline for my first actual date in god knows how long. Thus for once in my life I was fifteen minutes early and decided to sit at the bar to calm my nerves. 
I’m meeting a stranger I’ve had half a conversation with an hour ago! In a part of the city I’ve never been to! What am I doing!? 
I didn’t even have a chance to flag down the bartender before my name was called over my shoulder. 
“Rebecca,” my name fell expertly off his lips and I turned towards the velvety voice fully thinking my date was nervous enough to arrive early too.
There he was, only a footfall away. My eyes quickly and involuntarily trailed over him. His slate gray slimming slacks elongating his legs and outlining the curvature of his manhood, a navy blue polo tucked in with the two top buttons undone and form fitting to hide the taut muscles underneath but accentuating the uncertain look in his eyes. 
The hair stood at the back of my neck and I swear goosebumps coated my skin. 
Nope. No. Nope!
Immediately I turned right back around on my stool. 
Not happening! 
“What are you doing here?” he asked, taking the empty seat and motioning to the bartender for two more of whatever he had earlier. 
I had been ignoring Ethan, as best I could given our close workplace dynamic. We’d only talk about patients and pertinent information to the caseload. No hello’s, how are yous or see you tomorrows. Nope. Those little accolades were reserved for friends - someone you actually give a damn about. 
It had been nearly twelve weeks since we spent that last night of heated passion in my apartment; 12 weeks since I thought it was the start of something new, the start of us. As surely as he promised me we would make a future work, he took it all right back. Running all the way to the fucking Amazon. But I forgave him the moment he came back and our eyes locked in the beer garden of Donohue’s. I trusted him above all else - his reason for leaving was probably justified. Oh how wrong I was. I kissed him and he - he did nothing. He reset us without my knowledge. He made the executive decision for my heart. 
That was the final straw. 
He couldn’t keep toying with me and my emotions. No. No more push and pull. That’s not a lover that’s… that’s... I’m not quite sure what that was but it certainly isn’t the actions of a respected partner. He knew where I stood and I needed to take my own stand - to continue living my life as if I never experienced him. 
I chose to push him away. 
To move on from chasing the notion of wholly and completely loving The Ethan Ramsey. Finally. 
“If you must know, I have a date,” I said with the most nonchalant malice I could muster.  
There was a thick and uncomfortable silence taking up the small foot of space between our seats. 
I was staring dead ahead at the bottles meticulously placed behind the bar but out the corner of my eye I could see Ethan’s eyes fell from me to the two tumblers now sitting in front of us. 
I reached out for my drink, letting the cold glass soothe my boiling blood. “At least someone wants to date me.” I muttered it mostly to myself, but secretly hoping the words would hit him where it hurts the most. 
Take the hint and leave, Ethan.  
His voice was even and the words melted off his tongue like butter, “It has nothing to do with want, you know that.” It was a truth he came to know. 
My eyes now fixated on the decorative mirror behind the bar as I took a drag of the scotch, hoping to take a peek at how my words affected him. With a thick roll of my eyes I shrugged, “Want, can’t, what’s the difference?” 
“The difference is your professional development and our jobs,” his voice was straight as he repeated his same rationale over and over again. “Once you’re an attending -” 
That’s a new additive. What -? 
The last words took me by surprise. He’d never added them into the mix of rejections before - he never added a glimmer of hope into the mix before… 
Don’t let him suck you back in, Bec. 
I shook my head dismissively to myself. “You’ll find other excuses to push me away.” I brought the liquid to my lips as I took a moment to let myself turn enough to see his full body language. He was at the edge of his seat, body angled towards me, one arm leaning on the bar and the other tightly gripping his thigh, his scotch untouched and forgotten. An onlooker would assume he was a casual man but to me he looked distraught; the careful ridges in his daily features had fallen.  
My glass hovered just above my lips and I could feel the heat from Ethan’s gaze boring into my cheek. With a little bit of courage and a sly smirk I added, “Either way you’ve made your choice and I'm moving on, don’t worry.”  
I checked the time on my phone, downed the rest of the scotch in my glass and slipped off the stool gathering my things into my bag, preparing to head to the back where I agreed to meet Cameron at a reserved table.  
My feet fled all of two steps before there was pressure on my forearm grounding me back towards the bar. I whipped around to finally see him face to face, my heels bringing me to his level. 
We were close. Much too close. In the simplest of movements his body could be flush against mine. 
Stop, Rebecca, don't go there. Don’t think about it - don’t think about his lips or… 
I was acutely aware of his firm yet gentle hold. His shoulders once stiff and rigid fell with vulnerability. His soft and supple lips were parted and begging to be bitten.
Pull yourself together, woman! 
 “Rookie,” his grip on the back of my arm tightened, lighting every nerve in my body on fire. “Rebecca,” he breathed, “Please.” Ethan’s stormy blue eyes were pleading, conveying all he wished he had the strength to say.  
I tried to coax it out of him, “Say it.”
“I -”
Even now. Even with me visibly moving to put us in the past like he instructed and the shattered heart he must have had, he doesn’t have the balls to tell me. 
If he can’t say it he can’t have me.  
“Say it and I’ll stop,” I taunted. “I’ll squash this right now.”
Our eyes locked in showdown. Enraged brown overtaking conflicted icy blue. Standing my ground with a tightened jaw I internally gave him just three seconds before I pulled away once and for all. 
His grip on my arm loosened. 
His eyes squeezed closed and he shook his head.  
I was being pulled towards the exit by my hand. 
“Lets go,” Ethan said gruffly as he laced out fingers together in a tight hold.   
My heart fluttered, Good enough.
I wish I was stronger. God, do I wish I was strong enough to pull away from the black hole that is Ethan Ramsey but I couldn’t. His gravitational pull was too strong. I was and will forever be sucked in. I had a probably perfectly nice boy waiting for me in the other room with a promise of mutual affection. And what did I do? 
I got into Ethan’s car. 
On the drive we sat in silence, Ethan’s hand never freeing mine except to start the car. The purple and pink evening Boston sky passed by the window. I smiled at the people out the window who were still going about their day and, for the first time in months, I was content. Content with my feelings that never seemed to fade away no matter how hard I tried. Content that he feels the same way. Content that this is an actionable promise that we can be something. 
I noticed Edenbrook pass in the distance. My eyebrows furrowed as I realized we were getting further from his apartment complex. The other all-too-familiar street now coming into view.
“Ethan, what the fuck. You’re taking me home?” 
He said nothing.
“I thought…” I trailed off, mentally chastising myself for thinking he’d actually give in and let ourselves be happy. I huffed, “So I can’t have fun and I can’t have you. That seems fair…” I tried to free my hand but he held onto me tighter.  
A few moments of time passed in the dead silence of his car. Ethan was focused on the road ahead and I was trapped in limbo. Again.  
“Are you gonna say anything?” I bit, clearly needing an explanation for this round of betrayal.   
He opened his mouth slightly but nothing came out. My unencumbered rage started bubbling over like an active volcano. 
“Let me out, Ethan.” I said sternly and yanked my hand out of his. His hand now left palm up on the center console as he kept driving. 
And he wasn’t slowing down. 
I rose my voice through gritted teeth, “Let me out of the fucking car right now.” 
Still the side streets passed behind us at a steady pace. Surely he was ignoring me. 
My red hot anger reached my ears when I yelled, “Doctor! Ramsey!” 
Ethan jumped bringing both hands securely on the steering wheel. Within thirty seconds he pulled the car over. Panic set in and I needed to use all my strength to control my breathing. 
Not again. He’s not doing this to me again.  
As soon as the car stopped at the curb I unbuckled my seat-belt.
Still staring out the windshield and white knuckles gripping the wheel he begged, “Please let me get you home safely.” 
I scoffed, “I can take care of myself.” 
What the fuck does he want from me? 
He pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed, “I know.”
I looked over at him completely dumbfounded. If we weren’t going to be anything he should just let me move the hell on.  
“I’m not your responsibility,” I said honestly through my rage as I moved to get out of the car. “I know deep down you want to help but you’re not. You’re making things worse.” I looked over at him. His fingers left his nose and he started to sit up straighter at my words. “You - You…” 
I wanted to tell him he’s broken my heart over and over again. I wanted to tell him how much I missed him and that if he just promised me we’d give us a proper try I’d forgive him. But I didn’t, because saying those words out loud wouldn’t change a thing. Everything with Ethan was inevitably complicated. 
He looked over at me for the first time since the tavern. The whites of his eyes were starting to go red and my chest began to ache at the sight. He shakily asked, “I… what?” 
Why do you keep doing this to yourself? 
“Nothing. It doesn’t matter.” Furiously I pulled the door handle and jumped out of the car as best as my dress would allow. The air in the car was suffocating. 
Behind me I heard the car shut off and a loud slam of the door. There were two beeps alerting me that Ethan did indeed leave his car in the no parking zone. Heavy footfalls caught up to me on the sidewalk accompanied by the uneven huffs of breath from the brisk jog. 
“Let me walk with you. Please.” 
We were only a 10 minutes walk away from my place. As mad as I was at Ethan for the false pretenses, I was angrier at myself for falling for it. For letting him have me unconditionally. The thought of going through this same old cycle with him again and again made me nauseous.  
I can’t do this anymore. 
“Stop,” we both ceased our movements at my definitive tone. Turning to Ethan I saw the storm brewing within. Frankly, I didn’t give a damn. “You’re not listening to me.” 
His eyes widened like that of a scolded child. 
My next words were frank and to the point, “I cannot do this anymore. You cannot turn up and pretend you care when it’s convenient for you.”  
“I do -”  
“No.” I shook my head. “You’re self-serving,” the words fell quickly off my expert lips. “Choose me or lose me, Ramsey. You don’t get both.” 
I paused my rant for a brief second expecting the rebuttal that never came. 
“I’m confused enough as it is,” I continued. “Jus - Just get back in your car and find me when you figure your shit out.” I bit my lip before harshly saying, “I’ll be fine without you.”  
There on the narrow street on a Tuesday evening in Boston my chest tightened as I took one final look at the man I once trusted above all else. His hair windswept, cheeks flush, shoulders slumped in defeat and...
His hand twitched at his side beginning to reach out for mine. But I was quicker on my heels, turning around and storming off.
The last thing I heard as I sauntered off with a heavy heart was the unlocking of a car.  
“Hey, I thought you had a date tonight?” Sienna asked from the kitchen when she saw me cross the threshold of our apartment. 
“It didn’t happen,” I said flatly.   
“Oh no!” My dearest friend started moving around the kitchen, pulling out all the comfort food we had on tap - a pint of ice cream, cookies she had made earlier that evening, a bag of popcorn - all because she thought I was stood up. 
“I…” Fuck, how do I tell her? “didn’t make it.”  
Sienna stopped in her tracks and her light brown eyes looked up in confusion, “Huh?”  
I shouldn’t feel guilty but I do. Sienna’s the only person who would understand, she did catch him sneaking out of my room that last morning. She’s also the only person whose opinion matters most to me. My stomach tied in knots as I sighed, “Ethan…” 
“What!” she practically shouted. Luckily the others were in their rooms for the night otherwise it would have been a very awkward conversation between us. Having to tell Aurora about Ethan is another certain kind of hell I’d rather not deal with any time soon.   
“He was at the bar,” I began to explain in complete exasperation. “Of course he was at the bar, of all the bars in Boston he had to choose this one tonight.” I threw my hands in the air for dramatic effect. The irony isn’t lost on me; I agreed to The Happenstance because I knew I wouldn’t run into anyone I know and yet the one person I absolutely never would have wanted to see was already there. “He stopped me before I could meet the guy.”  
There was a hopeful gleam in Sienna’s eyes, “And?”  
“And he had the audacity to drive me home.” I made a ‘here I am’ motion with my arms. 
“That’s it?” she pouted, obviously wanting this story to have a happy ending.  
I leaned my arms on the counter and rested my head in my hands, trying to rub the evening out of my eyes and the weight of what I’d said finally sinking in. 
“I told him to leave me alone until he got his shit straight. I’m done with him,” my voice cracked at the end and I hoped Sienna didn’t hear it.  
If she did, she didn’t let on because her next question was, “Then… why don’t you call that guy and tell him something came up at the hospital?” 
Why wasn’t I going to call Cameron? Well for starters I was embarrassed for standing him up - no fake medical emergency could blow that over. I also never wanted to set foot in another bar again - Ethan can set claim to every bar in the state for all I care. I don’t want to see him outside of work ever again. 
If you don’t want anything to do with him why do you feel so guilty?  
With a weighted sigh I said, “I think I’m just gonna go to bed.” 
And that’s the story of how I pushed the man I loved away.
A/N: becca is literally the most unreliable narrator, she’s so problematic 😔 also sorry for this chapter, it’s not the best thing i’ve written :/ fun fact: this scene started out as a one shot called ‘good enough’ 
comment/reblog bc i need the validation
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watchtower-feed · 4 years
Three Dates
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Notes: This was supposed to be a request for headcanons on dating Diana Prince/WonderWoman but it turned into a fic! So I’m just going to use this as a prologue for the actual headcanon list. (Sorry, anon. You’re going to have wait a lil longer). Words: 1,293
     It all started because of a bad day. You just got fired. You just got dumped. And you find out your apartment building was being used as a front for meta-trafficking. In Metropolis! 
     So you were also being abducted and thinking, ‘The nerve of these criminals these days! In this city! Seriously!’
     Of course, Superman saved the day. Even better, he had reinforcements with him. Superman descended like a god but Wonder Woman! She smashed through the walls like a force of nature not to be reckoned with.
     You and the other abductees cheer as they beat up the thugs. Some of them have also started using their powers to fight back and free each other.
     You’re rubbing your sore wrists when you notice one of the thugs near you aiming a rifle at Wonder Woman. You suddenly start to think if she’s bullet-proof but can’t remember. So you throw your body against the man while wailing like an animal to distract him, and it worked!
     It wasn’t a great image but it surely got the right attention. The thug punches you in the gut but Wonder Woman crushes the rifle with her foot before he could grab it. Then he kicks him in the shin before turning to you.
     “You could have used your powers instead of your body,” she says.
     You laugh sheepishly, “About that… I don’t have any.”
     After telling Wonder Woman your tale of being mistaken as a meta because they thought you could talk to animals, “-- it was a lost dog and I just asked it to take me to his owner and it did!”, she laughed with so much sincerity and amusement that she called Superman over to hear your story as well.
     Wonder Woman wanted to take you home so you explain that you are technically home.
     “She should go back with us to the Hall of Justice.”
     “What? Batman would kill us!”
     After a minute of shaming Superman for the Justice League owning such a big property and infrastructure and they won’t even let helpless civilians make use of it, you’re leaping over with buildings with Wonder Woman carrying you in her arms. 
     “One. Night.” 
     Batman’s reply was quick and assertive, not wanting to get roped into another one of Wonder Woman’s monologues about American greed and capitalism.
     She grins cheekily and stays with you at the Hall. You spend the night together exploring its many rooms. Your favorite was the Justice League Commissary where they kept all of the food.
     You stayed at the tower for three days, much to Batman’s annoyance and against your initial will. But Wonder Woman promised to help you find a job and a new place to live before you could leave.
     That’s how you found yourself working at the Daily Planet, interning under her good friend Clark Kent, and having a secret lunch date with Wonder Woman on the roof.
     “So how come you and Superman don’t wear a mask?” you ask with your mouth half-full.
     “Because--” she replies with her mouth full, following your actions. Bits of the sandwich spills from her mouth and lands on your mat. You stare at it before you laugh together. “The others wear their masks to hide their real identities. But this,” she points to her tiara, “This is mine.”
     “You’re really an Amazon princess from a secret island in the Atlantic?”
     Wonder Woman nods and swallows first, “I am. I’ve lived there my whole life and I’m only now exploring the world of men.”
     You wince, “How is it?”
     “It’s edible,” she comments as she chews. You laugh and shake your head.
     “So you don’t have a civilian identity? Where you pretend to be one of us? I thought all superheroes do that. Especially the alien ones.”
     “They do,” she replies curtly. “What’s with the questions? We’re supposed to be eating.” She takes the sandwich she was eating and props it in front of your mouth. You try to take a bite but she tries to shove everything in your mouth. “You look adorable like that.”
     Before you could finish chewing and swallowing, your lunch date’s communicator is flashing red lights of danger. She brushes the crumbs off her skirt and stands up. 
     “Be careful!” you call out as she nears the edge of the building.
     Wonder Woman gives you a long steady gaze before she smiles. “I will. And I will see you tonight.”
     You watch her leap from one building to another before you start tidying up. Then you stop, “Wait. Tonight?”
     You stay at the office long after it was time to clock out. You were all practically forced to stay overtime to make sure the papers cover the sea monster clean up of the Justice League along the West Coast. 
     When you get home from work, Wonder Woman is already in your little apartment, wearing your clothes, yoga pants and a long sweater.
     “I hope you don’t mind. Mine are still wet from the seawater.” 
     Your clothes are nothing special but on Wonder Woman, they look high-end and classy. “Keep them. Please. I’m begging you.”
     Her eyes widen in surprise and then a dreamy look veils over her face as she looks at the clothes. “Thank you.”
     You watch her for a moment before you finally notice the set up in your small living room slash dining area slash kitchen. “Woah. Is this a date or something?” you joke as the candlelight flickers over the decorated little table.
     “Only our third,” she responds as she takes off your coat and escorts you to your seat.
     “Third?” you ask in exclamation.
     “Yes.” Wonder Woman looks at you by tipping the side of her head, “Or do you not count the lunch date we had at your work?”
     You stare at her as she sits across from you and unveils the deliciously-looking food on the table. You quickly shake your head to keep your focus. “It’s not that-- It’s-- When was the first one?”
     “At the Hall, the Commissary,” she replies with her mouth half-full. Wonder Woman is eating directly over her plate in order to avoid spilling anything on your floor.
     A lightbulb clicks in your head, “Oh! Because we ate together.”
     You laugh a little, slightly disappointed. Why? Are you upset because it’s not actually a date-date?
     “Why do you look upset?”
     Wonder Woman’s question wakes you from your thoughts and you try to dismiss her worries by smiling and eating the food. And it’s more delicious than it looks. But Wonder Woman is still concerned. She reaches out and holds your hand.
     “I was told that two people who have romantic feelings for each other go on dates, and that a date is usually ‘eating out’. Was I wrong in assuming you have feelings for me?”
     You choke on your food and almost cough on Wonder Woman’s face. You cover your mouth and stand up to spit the food into the sink.
     “Is there something wrong with the food?”
     “No--” you quickly answer as you rush back to her. “Nothing’s wrong with the food, and no you’re not wro--”
     Before you could let yourself finish, you kiss Wonder Woman and she kisses back. You wrap your arms around her shoulders as she hugs your waist. She tastes like the sun and the beach, and you laugh.
     Wonder Woman smiles and keeps kissing your face. She loves hearing your laughter and watching the corners of your mouth reach your ears with glee.
     After all the fighting, the world-catastrophes, and her apparent disconnect to this world-- your world, it’s the simple moments like these she craves. Ever since your rescue, Wonder Woman found herself relaxed and grounded whenever she’s with you. You make her feel human.
      ✧ Watchtower Masterlist ✧
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doc-pickles · 4 years
squeeze cheese, pandemics, & you
AKA the pandemic fic that literally everyone asked for
i still cannot believe that i actually wrote this BUT soooo many people asked me for a freaking pandemic fic that i wrote it. it’s crazy, a little messy, and the sass radiating from levi schmitt fuels my cold dead heart.
i’d like to personally thank @odd-birds-and-booksellers @kidneys4karev @choosingmywife and Nat AKA the “jolex mass grave” chat that bullied me into doing this. they’re also the heart and soul of ‘pandemic jo’ and really brought her and her mannerisms to life. cheers to you ladies, this fic is for you!!
and now... without further ado... the pandemic fic that i wrote most of at 10 pm while slightly tipsy (BONUS POINTS: it’s also another fix it fic bc i am traaaaash hehehe)
“Why do we have a nacho cheese dispenser?”
Jo looked up from her place on the couch, eyeing Levi as he stared at the new machinery in the kitchen. She turned her attention back to the soap opera on TV before answering him. 
“Are you complaining?”
“No but-”
Settling back into the couch, Jo grabbed the bowl of apples that she had covered in nacho cheese earlier. She had developed a nasty online shopping habit since being in lockdown, but figured since she had sold off a good chunk of Alex’s belongings that she deserved to treat herself. 
Worried sick that any exposure to the hospital or any of it’s doctors would harm her, Jo had been on a strict self-quarantine since March. Levi, having to choose between his job or place to live, was forced to reside with Jo full time. The past few weeks had been tough on both roommates, but their bond had been strong regardless of their arguments.
“I’m kind of concerned about your online shopping habit,” Levi sat on the other end of the couch from Jo, a plate of nachos in hand. “Between the nacho cheese machine and the ball pit, I have some questions about the vibe you’re trying to create here.”
“Hey I’ve never had a place to myself. I want to have fun! Let loose! Besides in a few months I’ll have to take care of someone else,” Jo patted her small baby bump affectionately. “I’m trying to be a cool mom and the ball pit was the first step.”
Ah yes, Jo’s unexpected pregnancy and the reason she was so paranoid about staying isolated. Three weeks after Alex had officially left, Jo had realized that he left her much more than just hospital shares and their loft. Four home tests later and a shoe thrown across the loft at Levi (“I’m just telling you Jo, false positives are really ra- OW!”) Jo had indeed confirmed her earlier suspicions. 
“Well… for your sanity’s sake, I hope your online shopping doesn’t go completely off the rails,” a knock on the door interrupted Levi’s sentence, his eyes trailing to Jo accusingly. “If that’s another Amazon package, you’re going to have some explaining to do.” “Actually, it’s something even better,” Jo rolled her eyes, standing from the couch and grabbing what had been dropped on the doorstep. “It’s takeout! From the Italian place downtown with the really good spicy meatballs! It’s important that we support small businesses during these trying times.” “You sound like a walking capitalism ad,” Levi groaned, moving from the couch to the dining table and sitting across from Jo. “But if it keeps me well fed I can’t complain about that. Oh please tell me you’re not- yup that is squeeze cheese on the meatballs. That’s not right.”
+ “Hey have you seen- Ow! Why the hell did I just sit on knitting needles,” Levi held up the items in question as he stared down Jo. “Are you an 85 year old woman? When and why did you take up knitting?” “So I can make baby sweaters, duh,” Jo rolled her eyes and bit into her toast. “I’m not that great at it yet, but Helen has been teaching me over Skype. She’s an expert, she helped me make a baby hat but it’ll probably fit a baby doll before an actual human baby.”
“Okay wow, umm so many questions,” Levi pulled a chair over to where Jo was sitting, staring at her quizzically before jumping into his questions. “First, what is on your toast? Secondly, Helen as in your ex mother in law? And third, why are you sitting in the ball pit wearing a bucket hat and a bathing suit top?”
To his credit, Levi was asking sensible questions to Jo. She was indeed sitting in the ball pit she had bought online, eating a piece of toast with some questionable toppings and wearing an old pair of Alex’s boxers and a bikini top, a Seattle Seahawks bucket hat thrown carelessly on her head. 
“The toast is nutella, swiss cheese, and strawberry jam, it’s like the trailer trash version of what you get at fondue places,” Jo took another bite as if to emphasize her point. “The bathing suit top is because my boobs are huge and won’t fit into my regular bras. Also my baby bump is growing larger by the day so I can’t fit into anything but sweatpants, but it’s way too hot in here for that. The bucket hat is because I was tired of staring at my unwashed hair in the mirror. And yes, Helen and I have become quite good friends and Skype every Tuesday while you go outside to call Helm for an hour and collect hospital gossip. She’s very excited she’s getting another grandchild and has begged me to come and visit once I bear the heir to the Karev name.” 
“So you’re keeping your last name? And passing it onto the baby?”
Jo had spent many nights thinking long and hard about what to do with her last name. She had finally decided to change it but when she had found out she was pregnant, she knew that Alex’s side of the family would be the only real family her child would have. And after crying about it over Skype with her former mother in law, Helen had reassured Jo that she would be more than proud if she and her unborn child carried on the Karev name. 
“Yes we’re both going to be Karev’s,” Jo sighed, hand coming down to her bare bump. “I don’t need to explain my decisions to you Levi.”
“Well I’m assuming that if you’re going to be staying a Karev that you’re going to tell Alex?”
Not wanting to answer Levi’s very direct question, Jo began to pelt him with the balls from the ball pit until he walked away towards the kitchen. Jo knew that she should pick up the phone and call Alex, that he had already missed so much of his other children growing up that he deserved to be there for everything for this one. But Jo was still angry and upset at Alex for leaving her alone. If he was still here, he’d probably be sitting in the ball pit with her, cracking jokes about her inability to knit. 
But he wasn’t, Alex was halfway across the country and Jo couldn’t bring herself to pick up the phone and hear her husband's voice. 
“For the last time Levi, I do not need anything from you! Stop asking me! And stop texting Meredith every two minutes!”
Jo walked from the couch to the bed, flopping down onto the surface as she let out a loud sigh. It had been eight weeks since she and Levi had been quarantined together, twelve since she had found out she was pregnant, and seventeen since she had actually fallen pregnant. The constant bouts of morning sickness and mood swings in close quarters with her pseudo friend/ roommate had not been easy, but Levi was being a trooper for his part.
“Come on Jo, Meredith just wants to make sure that you’re okay,” Levi pleaded, sinking down into the couch. “Don’t take her over compensating tendencies out on me.”
For her part, Jo understood where Levi was coming from. She knew that Meredith was over protective of her because of what had happened between her and Alex, but it didn’t mean that the situation bothered Jo any less. She was capable of taking care of herself and the life that was growing inside of her, pandemic be damned. 
“Tell Meredith I’m fine and that I’m doing crossword puzzles and going to Zoom therapy sessions once a week,” Jo huffed, hands coming to rest over her eyes as she tried to understand why she had ever thought a one room loft was a good idea. “I don’t need you two hovering over me at all hours of the day.”
A loud banging sounded on the door of the loft, Jo and Levi exchanging looks before Levi scurried to the door to see who was there. The only visitors the two had had in the past few weeks were either Meredith or the grocery delivery guy, neither of which were allowed inside and neither of which pounded their door so loudly.
“Jo! Open the door, I know you’re home,” both Levi and Jo paused at the voice outside the door. Levi, who stood next to the front door, looked to Jo for guidance, but she had no direction to give. “Damn it Jo, open the door. I need to talk to you!” After a nod from Jo, Levi slid the door open, one hand coming up to stop Alex from storming into the loft. The sight of her ex husband for the first time in months made Jo’s stomach flip, her hand coming to cover her mouth so she didn’t scream in shock. 
“Sorry, Jo doesn’t let anyone in the loft anymore,” Alex raised an eyebrow towards Levi, his expression angry and ready to challenge him. “Not even Meredith. There’s a pandemic happening, dude.”
Alex rolled his eyes, trailing them towards Jo who stood nervously in the kitchen now. If you knew her well enough, you could tell that her figure had changed in the past few weeks. Her breasts had filled out and her face was fuller because of the slight amount of weight she had put on. Alex couldn’t see from where he stood, but he assumed that her stomach had begun to curve outwards as well. 
“Jo, I need to talk to you,” Alex wanted so badly to step closer to his ex wife, but he knew that Schmitt would try to stop him no matter what he did. “Mer called me, can we please talk?” Jo peaked around the corner of the kitchen, eyes taking in Alex’s nervous form. His stubble had grown out, his eyes seeming more tired than usual as they scanned over her body. A subconscious hand floated down to her stomach, Jo shielding her unborn baby from the fight that was about to ensue. 
“You can do it from there, Alex,” Jo responded, eyebrows furrowing as she stared Alex down. “You can’t come in unless you’ve quarantined yourself for 14 days and you’ve been tested for COVID-19.”
“Leave it to you to be paranoid during a freaking pandemic,” Alex groaned, one hand coming up to run through his hair. He had driven straight through from Kansas to Washington, only stopping to pee on the side of the road every few hours. “Are you okay? You're…. feeling healthy and what not?” Schmitt, who had been quiet up until then, rolled his eyes in Alex’s direction. After spending every moment of the day with Jo, he knew that the question would piss her off to no end, regardless of who was asking it. He turned to her briefly, noting the pissed off expression on her face, then turned back to Alex.
“Jo is perfectly fine, she has been for the past few months without you,” Levi’s voice was firm and defiant to whatever Alex might counter him with. “And furthermore, I don't think either of us appreciate you showing up here unannounced. We are, may I remind you, in the middle of a pandemic.”
“I’m fine, Alex,” Jo took a step forward, coming further into Alex’s line of sight. Alex’s eyes trailed up and down her body, finally taking in the bump that had appeared on her normally flat stomach. “I do want to talk, I promise, but I can’t risk my health or… or our baby’s health right now. So come back in two weeks and I promise I will talk to you.”
The glare that Alex sends towards Schmitt sends the younger man reeling back, grasping for the door handle as he tries to shut Alex out of the loft. However, the older man’s voice rings through one last time before the door shuts completely. “I’m coming back for you, Jo,” Alex calls out, voice urgent and waiting for his lost love to hear him. “I’m coming back and you can’t stop me.”
Door firmly shut and locked, Levi turned to Jo, who seemed to be brimming with an odd mixture of anger and sadness. She ran her hands through her hair once, finally letting out a scream as she flopped back onto her bed. 
“Well shit,” Jo groaned, hand slipping down the cradle her baby bump. “That’s just about the last thing I needed.”
“Did you order breakfast? Because this is delicious.”
Jo stepped out of the bathroom, eyes narrowing as she took in Levi and the huge bag of food in front of him. She hadn’t ordered anything, but since the bag was clearly labeled from her favorite diner, she could only assume where it had come from. 
“Pretty sure you know who sent this,” Jo reached into the bag and grabbed a breakfast burrito, unwrapping it and slathering it in Easy Cheese and hot sauce. “I want to be mad about that, but I really can’t. This is the best thing I’ve eaten in awhile.” 
“It’s been five days, has he said anything to you,” Levi asked, eyes cautiously floating to Jo. While they’d grown closer in quarantine, the one thing that Jo never wanted to talk about was Alex. Now that he was here though, Levi thought that maybe she would be more open about the subject. 
“He’s texted a few times, assured me that he’s staying by himself and that he hasn’t even seen Meredith,” Jo shrugged, one hand coming down to touch her stomach. The once small bump had seemed to balloon in the past week, almost as if her unborn child was trying to show off for their father. “She’s mad at me now, saying that my paranoia is interfering with their friendship. But we haven’t really talked yet.”
To be fair, Alex had been texting Jo a lot since he had showed up at their door and confirmed with his own two eyes that she was pregnant. And if she wasn’t lying straight to Levi’s face currently, she would tell him that she had been texting Alex back. They had talked mostly about the baby, the rest of the world being a subject neither of them wanted to broach. Kansas hadn’t come up either, but Jo had a feeling that maybe everything wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows if Alex hadn’t hesitated in showing up at her door.
“I think it says a lot that he came back, you know,” Levi shrugged as he grabbed a tater tot from the bag and popped it into his mouth. “I mean he said he left for his kids but the first word he hears about you he drives all the way here. That’s a good man for you.” “Well he wouldn’t have had to drive all the way back if he didn’t go there in the first place,” Jo huffed angrily, dropping the rest of her burrito onto the table with a frustrated groan. “I’m going to take a shower.” “You just took one,” Levi countered, a confused look appearing on his face.
“Well unfortunately that’s the only place in this stupid loft that I can sit in silence,” Jo exclaimed, hands coming up in an angry gesture. “If you make it out of here alive it’ll be a miracle, Schmitt.” + “I swear if you don’t back up right now, I’m going to lose my mind!” “Okay but you’re-”
“I told you I’m fine Schmitt, back up!”
The raised voices alarmed Alex as he approached the loft, bringing his keys out to unlock the door instead of knocking. Relieved to find that Jo hadn’t changed the locks, Alex slid the door open and stepped into the loft unnoticed by the bickering roommates.
“I just think if you’re in pain you should go in,” Levi’s hands were held up defensively as he stood in front of Jo. “I’m no expert on pregnancy, but that can’t be a good sign.” “You’re in pain? What’s wrong?” Both Levi and Jo whipped around at the sound of Alex’s voice, the latter holding a hand firmly against her stomach. The glares that she was shooting in his direction didn’t go unnoticed by him, but he brushed it off as he was overwhelmed with worry for Jo. Alex noticed that even in the short time it had been since he had seen her last, Jo’s bump seemed to have grown. 
“You shouldn’t be here. I’m fine,” Jo tried to sound convincing but her voice faltered as she winced. “Seriously I’m okay. Stop looking at me like I’m some shelter puppy that’s about to be put down. I can take care of myself, I’ve been doing it for awhile now. And you need to get out of here, you’ve only been quarantined for like a week.”
Despite her best efforts, Jo had exhausted herself scolding Alex and felt breathless almost immediately. Settling her free hand on the arm of the couch, Jo tried to be inconspicuous as she sat down, but both men next to her were watching her closely. 
“Where does it hurt,” Alex asked as he sat next to Jo, unfazed by her outburst at him. 
“I told you I’m fine!”
“She’s been breathless and clutching her lower right quadrant for about half an hour,” Schmitt offered up, Jo immediately tossing a throw pillow in his direction. “I’m trying to be helpful! You haven’t been in pain this whole entire time.”
“Go be helpful in the bathroom Schmitt! I don’t need both of you hovering around me and I know that he won’t leave,” Jo gestured to Alex vaguely as she took another deep breath, leaning over as she clutched her stomach again. “Go!”
Levi ran off, Jo letting out an aggravated sigh as soon as he left the room. A few tears sprinkled Jo’s cheeks as she rubbed her hand into her stomach. 
“I’m fine I just… can’t catch my breath and my stomach has some localized pain,” Jo didn’t fight Alex off when he placed his palm gently next to hers, his larger hand almost covering her whole bump. “I’m okay, I swear I’m fine. The baby’s fine and it’s okay and nothing is wrong.”
As Jo rambled more, her tears began to fall harder, breaths coming in short gasps as she leaned her head against Alex’s shoulder. Doing his best to comfort and assess her at the same time, Alex rubbed his hand gently against her stomach. A few light kicks met his hand, tears threatening to fall as Alex felt his child move for the first time. Once he was satisfied that Jo had calmed down, he spoke up, sure his crooked grin was showing in full force. 
“Well, you’re not dying,” Alex chuckled, his fingers moving lightly against Jo’s stomach as he explained what she was feeling. “Baby’s lodged up here, in your rib, and when they kick, they knock the air out of your lungs. I can feel their head down here, which means their legs are stretching out and kicking up towards your diaphragm. That’s why you feel so out of breath. If you’re lucky, I can try and coax them out of their tight spot.” 
Jo barely nodded, eyes closed as she continued to lean against Alex and take deep breaths. He moved one hand up to where he felt the baby’s feet and gave a slight push, Jo groaning loudly as they shifted. Alex waited a moment, grinning when he felt a small kick against the lower left side of Jo’s stomach. 
“Oh god,” Jo let a gasp out, eyes flying open as she laid her hand over Alex’s. “Oh, I can breathe again! I haven’t been able to breathe since 2 AM. Jesus that feels so much better.”
Alex took Jo in with a sense of awe, observing all of the changes he had missed about her. She had cut her hair short again, the locks just brushing her shoulders, and her cheeks had filled out more. The way she had eased into her pregnancy made him smile, knowing that she had always had a maternal instinct hidden underneath her hard exterior. Alex eyed the chain across Jo’s neck that held two silver rings, but said nothing about it. 
“Easy trick, just remember that if they get themselves twisted around again. Your OB didn’t show you that,” Alex watched Jo turn her head towards his shoulder, burying her face and mumbling something incoherent. “I can't hear you when you’re hiding your face like that.”
“I haven’t been to my OB,” Jo muttered, eyes focusing on Alex’s hand that still sat under hers. “Not since I confirmed I was pregnant.”
“You’re a doctor, you know better than that,” Alex knew that Jo would never avoid something this important without a reason, so he didn’t go into a full on rant like he wanted to. “Why haven’t you gone in, Jo?” 
“Because I can’t leave the house! I’m so scared that if I leave something will happen to the baby and,” Jo inhaled deeply, her free hand coming up to wipe at her eyes. “This baby is the only thing keeping me sane, it’s the last connection I have to you… and I just can’t risk that. I’ve already hurt too much this year, I don’t need more heartbreak. I’m a doctor, I’ll know if something is wrong and I can go in then. I’m fine here, I don’t need to leave.”
Alex stared at Jo for a long moment before pulling her fully into his embrace. He knew the way he had left her was cruel, but at the time his brain had been so turned around that he couldn’t see another option than breaking the heart of the woman he loved most. 
“Izzie is remarried. She… her kids call him dad and he’s uh, he’s a good guy. She said that I can bring the kids here for a few weeks during the summer if I wanted to but I don’t belong in Kansas,” Alex pulled back and looked at Jo, tears streaking down her face and wide eyes staring up at him. “I’m sorry Jo, I know I screwed up and I should’ve just talked to you when I found out but I was so freaked out that I just… ran. But I wanna be here, with you and this baby and I wanna take care of you. It’s always been you, Jo.”
Jo sniffled, both hands running over her face quickly in an effort to dry some of her tears. She fixed Alex with a serious stare, eyes meeting his for the first time that day. 
“You have a lot of making up to do. And you’re gonna have to be the one to kick Levi out,” Jo motioned towards the bathroom, where she could hear faint cheers echoing from. “And… if you promise to get me cheesecake afterwards, I will go to see my OB this week.”
“I told you,” Levi strutted out of the bathroom, a satisfied smirk on his face. “That’s a good man you have there.”
“Oh shut up!”
52 notes · View notes
commander-rahrah · 4 years
Pairing: MC (Jordynne Holland) X Ethan Ramsey X Bryce Lahela; MC X Bryce; MC X Ethan. Please note that both pairings are present in this fan fiction — off & on, at the same times, and the relationships do ebb & flow. Please keep this in mind. Thank you.
Masterlist: Click Here
Chapter Rating: T
Word Count: 5400+
Description: Ethan returns home from the Amazon thinking he is ready to face reality. Jordynne, Ethan and Bryce are all present in this chapter.
Disclaimer: Characters, storyline, and parts of the dialogue are taken from Pixelberry’s Choices. They fully own the characters, dialogue, backgrounds, etc. MC Jordynne’s background is my own creation, based loosely off of MC in-game’s personality and provided with more details.
Author’s Note: Well this took much longer than anticipated! Thank you to everyone for being patient, and reaching out about Residency! It means a lot to know people are still reading it, and are waiting for updates! I am nervous + excited for Chapter 10 to finally come out next Saturday! How are you feeling about it? 
As always any likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated. If you would like to be added/removed from the tag list please just let me know!
Taglist: @drakewalkerfantasy @owleyes374 @lahelable @mayar-mahdy @paisleylovergirl @nicquix @emilymay100 @octobereighth @llamasgrl @timmagicktoad @lilyofchoices @msjpuddleduck @mfackenthal @paulfwesley @ccolz88-blog @mindlessdreaminxo @jooous @lapisreviewsstuff @choicesarehard @themingdynasty @omgjasminesimone @hopelessly-shipper  @binny1985  @perriewinklenerdie  @jens-diamondchoices  @indiacater  @chasingrobbie  @writingsbymissy  @dimitriwife  @tacohead13  @amy-choices @mrsmatsuo @checkurwindow​ @imrookieramsey​ @mrsmatsuo​ @bitchloveskcbaseball​
Previous Updates: Residency — Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen Part Nineteen
Residency: Second Chances -- Part One Part Two
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And just like that he was back on a plane.
Ethan had spent the remaining month of his project with the WHO in a daze. He threw himself into his work — even more than before. He didn’t give himself a moment to stop, to idle. If he did the thoughts would creep in like they had on that beach. Or like when he had foolishly opened up to that nosy Doctor in camp.
So he just kept going and going and going.
And now he sat on the plane home, staring blankly at the TV screen in the back of the chair in front of him. A book was in his hands — the front cover curled in underneath the back as he held onto it tightly. Probably too tightly. He watched the tiny animation of the plane slowly tick forward — representing them soaring through the sky. Tiny white letters flashed along the bottom of the screen.
6 hours and 14 minutes remaining.
6 hours and 14 minutes until he would have to face his reality.
He let out a loud sigh — his head falling back onto the headrest.
“Not a good book?”
Ethan’s dark brows furrowed at the voice — annoyed at whoever was speaking so loudly. Adjusting himself in his seat, he moved his head forward again before he realized that the question was being directed to him.
The woman across from him had angled her body towards him, leaning out in the tiny hallway of the plane with a soft smile on her face as she waited for him to reply.
The furrow in his brow deepened. “What?” He barked back.
“Is your book not good? I was eyeing it in the airport store before we boarded.”
“Actually no. It’s not good. You saved yourself $5.” His words were short and clipped. Final. This stranger needed to learn some social grace and leave him alone.
“Oh. Right.” She seemed to have gotten the hint, and he watched from the corner of his eye as she turned back to sit in her seat properly. He looked at the small screen again.
6 hours and 13 minutes remaining.
“I’m sorry... but why isn’t it good?” Her voice rang out again, but it sounded anything but apologetic.
Ethan let out a long breath through his nose, flashing the woman a look before replying, “It’s fiction.”
“Fiction, fantasy — that’s what people want. But reality is what people need.”
“Oh. You’re one of those.” She turned away from him again, grabbing onto the magazine in her lap and starting to flick through the pages with feigned interest. 
His jaw set in a hard line, “One of those what’s?”
“A Mr. Serious-Type. You can’t read for pleasure, you only read for knowledge. You probably read textbooks for fun.” She rolled her eyes.
Ethan almost felt his look twitch into a smile. She had almost read him right, “I write textbooks for fun.”
She looked at him quizzically, “What are you a professor?”
“Oh wow.” Her eyebrows shot up, “And I guess a pretty good one too if you write textbooks?”
Images of the patients he had failed flashed in his mind. Dolores being wheeled into emergency surgery to never return. Choking his failure out to Naveen and begging him to stay in the hospital anyways. “Most of the time.”
“I’m just a photographer.”
Apparently this stranger was insistent on keeping up this absurd conversation. “That has its own value in the world. Don’t discredit what you do.”
She let out a chuckle, “I think doctor is higher up than photographer.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “You couldn’t be more wrong.”
The woman blinked at him in surprise, “Do you usually argue with strangers on airplanes?”
“Do you usually force conversations with strangers on airplanes?” He countered.
A smirk spread across her face as she settled into her seat a little more. “No. But you haven’t checked the flight tracker in over 3 minutes.”
“I—,” Ethan’s blue eyes flashed to the tiny screen again.
6 hours and 10 minutes remaining.
He gave her a bewildered stare. “You did that on purpose?!”
“I was watching you watching that thing. It was driving me crazy.”
He set his jaw in a hard line, feeling annoyed. “I — “
She flashed him a wide grin, “You’re welcome Dr. Serious.”
Ethan sat in stunned silence for a moment. This woman’s antics ... they reminded him of her. Of Jordynne. Isn’t this exactly what she would do? Poke the bear. Distract him enough to get himself out of his own head. Bring him back down to earth.
“So are you counting down the minutes because you’re so excited to get home? Or because you’re dreading getting back?” She asked sincerely, a half smile on her face as she waited for his answer.
He pursed his lips for a moment as he thought. This whole trip has been about running away. Escaping to get a break and restart. But he had missed home. He had missed his work. He thought of Jenner living with his father for the past two months. All the great coffee he could have once he was back at home.
Ethan let out a conflicted sigh, “Is both a valid answer?”
“Then both.”
That was two strangers now that he had confided in. Who was he? He felt like he could barely recognize the man speaking right now.
But he realized he didn’t have anyone else to speak to about it. The two people he would open up to were the two people he couldn’t. He didn’t want to disappoint Naveen even more than he already had. And Jordynne... well, that was the whole point of this. To not talk to her. To not open up.
He was supposed to go back to how things were before. Restart, refresh.
Back to the cynic. The man of convictions. Dr. Serious. Dr. Terminator.
So why couldn’t he?
A content sigh left Ethan as he settled onto the familiar stool in Donahue’s.
Now this was the old Ethan Ramsey. Sitting at the corner of the bar, drink in hand away from the crowd of people.
This is what he needed. To get back into his normal routine, to fall back into his own rhythm. A night at the tacky bar was exactly what he would be doing the night before his first day at work.
Reggie approached his corner of the bar, tossing a rag over his shoulder before leaning up against the counter casually. “So you’re back.”
Ethan nodded, taking another swig of his beer.  
“And you were...?” His question trailed off as he waited for him to jump in.
“In the Amazon.”
“For vacation?”
“For work.” He said simply, placing the pint glass down carefully.
“You’re a weird man,” Reggie said with furrowed brows. “You should check out the beer garden — while it’s still nice out.” He said simply before turning to go help a couple of people standing at the bar.
A half-smirk spread across his face. Short conversations like that was exactly why Ethan liked Reggie. They made remarks, he gave him his drinks and he let him be.
Just like how things used to be.
Good — it was already working. The reset was working.
Stretching off of his stool, Ethan grabbed a hold of his drink before weaving around the crowd of people and tables. He decided to take Reggie’s suggestion — the view of downtown Boston was nice out there too and maybe it would be a little less crowded.
As he went to step outside his feet suddenly planted to the ground unmoving.
He was frozen in the door frame leading to the beer garden — condensation dripping from his beer, pouring over his warm hand.
There she was.
He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t prepared himself for her to be here. It was one of her haunts now too.
Everything he had forced back in South America — all the memories and thoughts — all of that work evaporated. Like that — they were gone.
He had forgotten the effect Jordynne had on him. Miles away in the rainforest had made him forget the real, visceral effect she had on him. His palms had turned warm and sweaty, his heartbeat was picking up and had started to climb up his throat.
How was it that she was the first person he noticed in the crowded venue?
She was dressed for the warm weather — her tan shoulders and collarbone revealed in a yellow tube top. Her blonde hair was pulled half up, framing her face that had gotten even more freckled the last couple of months. She was clinking her pint of beer with her friends, a wide smile stretching over her pink lips. But confusion replaced it as her eyebrows furrowed, then her eyed searched around the beer garden until they landed on his frozen figure.
Her expression softened — the furrow in her brows disappearing and her mouth opening in surprise.
Ethan’s body unconsciously carried him over to the table, his grip tightening on his glass as he got closer. He hesitated in front of her table moment, before
finally meeting her green eyes, “Rookie.” He said with a nod, waiting for her reaction.
She hesitated for a moment, licking her lips before speaking, “It’s good to have you back, Doctor Ramsey.”
“Yeah...,” Doctor Ramsey. Not Ramsey. Not Ethan. Professional, formal, distant. “Good to be back.” He gathered himself up, before casually flicking his eyes towards the rest of the table. He didn’t fail to notice Lahela and his proximity to her — his shoulder almost pressed up to hers. He had a hard to read expression on his face — which Ethan assumed could only mean that they had started things back up again. “Doctors. Enjoy your evening.”
He marched back into the main bar quickly — his heart pounding. He found his familiar stool and slid back into it — holding himself steady with the edge of it for just a moment.
Reggie eyed him, before turning his back to him. There was the sound of a glass clinking before he silently slid a filled tumbler towards him. “You look like you need something a little harder than your beer.”
Ethan gave him a warning glance, before pushing his beer to the side and taking a large gulp of the scotch.
“So it’s still her, hey?” The bartender asked, watching him as he put glasses into the dishwasher — steam swirling around his forearms.
His thick brows furrowed, and nose scrunched up, “What?”
“Blondie. I don’t know her name. I know she’s out in the beer gardens right now— that why you came running back in here?” Reggie’s eyebrows were raised high on his forehead.
Ethan set his jaw into a hardline. “I’m not sure I know who you’re talking about.” 
“Uh-huh, sure... Blonde, legs for days, works at that life and death factory of yours.” He put a glass down for a moment so he could fix Ramsey with a good state, “Actually, I think the last time I saw you in my bar all those months ago you were leaving with her.”
That was the last time Ethan was here. The celebration after her hearing. They had barely lasted 5 minutes in the bar before they had left together in that yellow cab.
“Touché.” He raised the scotch tumbler up in a mock salute before taking another gulp.
“Don’t try to pull one over Reggie. I see all.”
“She still in here a lot?” His finger ran over the rim of the glass as he waited for the bartender to answer.
“Not every day like the usual riff-raff from the hospital. But enough that I recognize her.”
“Have you...,” He hesitated for a moment. Should he really ask it? But his curiosity got the best of him, “Have you noticed her with anyone?”
“She doesn’t come here alone if that’s what you mean. And she’s also not dancing on tabletops and sneaking away with anyone either.”
“Right.” He wasn’t sure what to do with that information.
Ethan went on high alert as he noticed Jordynne slip inside from the beer garden — waiting at the corner of the bar to place an order.
Reggie noticed her just after him and he gave Ethan a knowing look before taking her order.
He had to keep forcing his blue eyes away from her — staring down at the amber liquid in his drink, the neon lights behind the bar, the never-ending commercials on the television.
But the sound of shattering glass caused his ears to perk up, and he turned to look at Jordynne immediately. She was standing in shock — her mouth opened in surprise.
He watched as the aftermath of a scene unfurled. He instantly recognized Thorne from the hospital — clutching his mangled hand to his chest, his jaw was set in a hardline. A young woman was next to him — her face was blank but he could see her grasping her bloody leg — pieces of glasses were sticking out of it.
Ethan pushed off of his stool, abandoning his drink and marching over to the trio quickly.
But before he could react Jordynne had rushed forward, grabbing the back of the Thorne’s jacket and pulling him back away from the young woman with a strength Ethan didn’t know she had, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She snarled — her face was filled with fury as her voice rang out.
“This bitch broke my hand! I’m a plastic surgeon! Do you have any idea how valuable my hands are? I’m pressing charges! And by the time my lawyers are through with her—“
Her white teeth bared at him as she went to speak again, stepping closer to him. But Ethan got there before she could do anything else.
“Garret. That’s enough.” He growled, putting his body in front of Jordynne, one hand behind him softly pushing on her torso — stopping her from coming forward. The other hand was raised up at Throne, ready to push him back a lot harder if he needed to. “You still got one good hand, don’t you? Put it to use and call yourself a cab.” He glared down at the man, his nostrils flared.
He felt Jordynne’s body disappear from against his hand and heard footsteps retreating. He didn’t break his eye contact with Thorne — trusting Jordynne could handle helping the other woman.
“Get out of my way Ramsey, that bitch owes me.” He spat, trying to look over his shoulder to see where the woman had went.
“Did you hear me? I said call yourself a cab.” He repeated, enunciating each word.
Thorne pushed his face closer to Ethan’s, flaring his nostrils at him, “You might have people in your pocket in the hospital, Ramsey. But out here, this is the real world. And you don’t get to dictate me.”
“Is that so?” Before he could react, Ethan angrily grabbed onto his collar and pulling him for Reggie to see. “Shall I?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Get that idiot out of here!” He yelled as he crossed over the bar with a broom in hand.
“Gladly,” Ethan snarled, dragging Garrett towards the exit.
“That blonde chick — she your pet or something, Ramsey? You got real heated as soon as she was involved.” His voice was a bit strained as Ethan dragged him out of the bar. Luckily there was a yellow cab idling nearby and he was able to wave it over.
“Shut up and get in the cab.” He said through gritted teeth, doing his best to ignore the comment.
“‘Cause I swear I recognize her from somewhere...” He hinted, catching onto the door of the cab with his good hand to stop Ethan from pushing him into it.
“You know what I seem to remember? How you got your sexual harassment case at the hospital buried. I wonder what would happen if you were charged with it outside of the hospital too? Might not be very good for practicing.” Ethan pulled out his phone, his thumb hovering over the emergency services button.
“Fine.” He spat, “But I won’t forget this.”
“Neither will I.” Ethan pushed the man into the car with a hit more force than was necessary. A growl escaped him as he watched Thorne’s smirk through the window as the cab pulled away.
A heavy sigh escaped his lips. That was the exact opposite of what he had expected for his first night back home. With heavy steps, he walked back into the bar — feeling a couple of stares on him as soon as he entered.
Jordynne’s green eyes found his as he walked back to his stool. They were crinkled with worry for a moment before the look suddenly vanished at the sounds of her friends coming in from the beer garden.
“Whoa, Jordynne what went down in here?” Elijah asked, rolling around the broken glass by the bar carefully.
“You know Dr. Thorne, the plastic surgeon? He wouldn’t leave this girl alone. It got intense.” She crossed her arms over her torso, a look of disgust on her face as she looked over the aftermath of the scene.
Reggie tutted and shook his head as he swept up the broken glass as she told them what happened.
“I always knew that guy was gross.” Jackie matched Jordynne’s expression.
“Alright, people, last call. You ain’t gotta go home, but you can’t stay here.” Reggie stopped sweeping for a moment, waving his hand to get everyone’s attention.
“Already? I’m not even close to ready for tomorrow to start.” Ethan watched from his stool as Jordynne wrapped her arms around her torso — suddenly looking nervous.
“Like Reggie said, last call doesn’t have to mean ‘go home’. We can stay out and explore.” Bryce grabbed onto her elbow easily, flashing her his signature smile.
Ethan did his best to keep his face neutral.
“Screw that, I’m starving. Let’s get something to eat.”
“You guys are nuts. I’m twenty minutes away from falling asleep on my wheels!” 
“Good thing we can get you home in fifteen then.” Sienna smiled down at Elijah as she grabbed onto the handles of his chair. “You coming, Jordynne?”
Jordynne’s eyes darted over the other patrons leaving the bar, before looking back to Ethan on his usual stool on the corner of the bar.  
“What? Last call doesn’t apply to you?” She raised a dark brow at him.
“Reggie and I have an arrangement.” He held onto his glass a bit tighter.
“An arrangement? Is that what you call friendship?” A smile almost spread across her pink lips.
“I guess you forgot. I don’t have friends. But… I wouldn’t mind you joining me if you were so inclined.” He offered, doing his best to sound casual.
This could be a good way to start their professional relationship. Her fellowship would be starting tomorrow since it marked his return to work. They needed to start things right. Like they should have all those months ago.
“You coming Jordy?” Bryce asked again. Ethan could swear he saw his smile flickering a bit. The usually confident surgeon looked unsure.
“Umm…,” She hesitated for a moment, tucking a lock of her golden blonde hair behind her ear, “You guys go on ahead. I just want to quickly check in about tomorrow with Dr. Ramsey.”
“Okay. Just don’t stay out too late… Aurora’s dropping off the rest of her stuff before work tomorrow, remember?” Sienna jerked her head towards a slightly frowning Bryce. It definitely sounded like a warning.
She blinked at her friend for a moment, before nodding, “I know. It's just about the fellowship.”
Ethan turned back around in his stool as she said goodbye to her friends.
He was suddenly reminded of the night after her first day as an intern as he heard the scrape of the stool next to him. She had sidled up to him so easily then, but today she seemed more hesitant.
He looked over his shoulder at her, keeping his face composed. “Rook— er, Jordynne. Sorry,” He grimaced slightly, “Force of habit.”
She shrugged before she settled into the spot next to him. Usually, he was acutely aware of how little space she left between them when she was nearby. Now he was aware of how much more space she left. He watched her swallow before nodding at his leather jacket, “We’ve got ourselves a brand new Ethan Ramsey.”
He tugged at the hem of it self-consciously, “This jacket’s been through a lot with me.” After wearing it almost every day the last month of his trip it had started to mold to him.
“It suits you,” A half-smirk spread across her pink lips.
“Duly noted.” He put his tumbler glass down carefully, before scratching at his red-brown facial hair, “And the beard?”
Her green eyes flickered down to his new beard. He swore she lingered on his lips for a moment, but she looked back up with pursed lips, “It looks good on you.”
Ethan had to force his lips from upturning, instead, he continued to rub his jawline. “I’ve gotten used to it.”
Looking around his shoulders, he noted that the other patrons had left. It was only him, her and Reggie now — who was giving Ethan a pointed look. “Why don’t we move outside? It’ll be winter before we know it. Might as well enjoy the weather while we can. You want something to drink?”
She nodded in agreement, pushing herself up out of her stool, “Whatever you’re having.”
Reaching across the bar, Ethan snagged one of the bottles of good scotch still sitting in the bar well. “Hey, Reggie, we’re borrowing this.” The bartender handed him two clean glasses, before waving them off.
The pair headed back out to the beer garden — that was much more peaceful now that the crowd of people had left. He headed to the center fire pit, falling into the padded outdoor couch next to it. Jordynne slotted in beside him.
They sat in silence for a moment, looking up at the glowing lights strung up above them. The sun was just starting to set — turning the sky and pinky-orange.
“I can see why you like it here,” She finally spoke up. She sounded a little breathless.
“Because nobody’s annoying me?” He leaned back in his seat with a smirk.
“More or less. It’s peaceful.” She stared into the flames of the small fire pit, going quiet again.
Ethan wasn’t sure how to fill the quiet. It wasn’t a comfortable silence. He felt awkward — he didn’t really know how to do this anymore with her. Did he?
“So,” She broke the silence for him, “This Dr. Thorne guy. Should I be worried about him?” Her eyes moved from the fire to her drink.
“He has some influence.” He admitted, “Just stay out of his way for a couple weeks, and he’ll entirely forget who you are.”
“But not who you are. Should you be worried?” Her eyebrows were knitted together, concern on her face.
That was so Jordynne. Of course, she was worried about him, not herself.
“I’ve worked too hard to get to where I am to give a damn what someone like him thinks.” He shook his head, letting out a huff, “Don’t think twice about that asshole. What you did back there, helping that girl? You did the right thing. That’s all that matters.”
She shook her head back at him, but her eyes remained low, “We both know that’s not always true.”
“Hmm,” He felt heart pang, his stomach filling with guilt, “Well it should be. You’re too young to be a cynic like me.”
“I’m not being cynical. I just learned my lesson. You saw what happened last year. I almost lost my license for breaking the rules to help Mrs. Martinez. And I would do it again. Just like I would step in to help someone being harassed again. But people got hurt because of me — Mrs. Martinez’s family suffered. That’s not right.” She was chewing her lip as she spoke, visibly bothered.
“The lesson there is that if you put your patients first, you will always be vindicated in the end. That’s the lesson.” His blue eyes studied her, his thick brows meeting in the middle. “What you did just now was brave. You’ve always been brave in the face of disaster and death, of course... But it’s different to do it to a superior. To stand up to them for what’s right.”
A small smile spread across her face. It looked half-hearted, but it was still a smile. “It’s not as brave as venturing into the depths of the Amazon to fight an epidemic, that’s for sure.”
His heart fell. He stared into his drink for a moment before speaking, “That wasn’t bravery.”
His mouth went dry as he thought of what to say. He could hear the music from inside the bar trailing outside softly. Country music — he frowned.
Jordynne broke the silence before he could. “Ethan, why did you leave?”
He had avoided the question when she had asked before — when she had looked up at him with those big Bambi eyes in the parkade as he went to leave. Pleading with for a bit of honesty.
“I —,” His voice broke slightly, “I needed space.” He finally admitted, “I needed to reset before...”
“Before we worked together again?” She finished his sentence for him.
He nodded, “Exactly. So consider us reset. I won’t cross boundaries with you again. Your professional development is too important.”
He had said it once again. And he would stick to it. He had to.
“I see.” Her face suddenly became impossible to read. They had had this conversation so many times before — it was so well-rehearsed in his head by now. His heart still broke with guilt and grief remembering the looks she had given every time he told her this. But this time it was different.
Before he could even react, Jordynne had pushed her lips onto his. Ethan immediately tensed, his shoulders coming up to his ears. It took all of him to not give in. To not deepen it, to wrap his arms around her and pull her into him. Her lips were softer then he remembered.
He was cruel and didn’t pull away. His own selfishness winning out over logic. Just this one last time. To savor it. To remember what she tasted like.
When she pulled away, he watched as pain and wanting and confusion and hurt washed over her. Her green eyes staring deeply into his own blue ones, studying them.
“Dammit, Jordynne...”, Ethan finally breathed out, furrowing his eyebrows and scrunching up his forehead.
Her voice was barely a whisper. Her face still close enough to him that he could feel her breath, “If you don’t want to kiss me again, then just tell me...” He could smell the scotch on her breath, her perfume swirling around her.
But he interrupted her, “It has nothing to do with ‘want’. I can’t. And if I give a damn about you, I won’t.” He shook his head, biting down on the inside of his cheek hard for a moment. He took a hard swallow, “How am I supposed to push you to be everything you can be if I...”
He couldn’t finish that sentence.
“If you what?”
Ethan bit down on his lip this time, hard. Forcing himself to keep his emotions at bay. Forcing down that lump that was crawling up his throat. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.
Finally, he managed to — before downing his tumbler of scotch in one giant gulp.
“Okay.” Her voice was so quiet. He had never heard her so quiet, so defeated. “I get it.” She got up off of her seat, awkwardly wrapping her arms around her torso.
She stood in front of him, avoiding his stare again. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dr. Ramsey.” She barely got the words out before marching back towards the bar.
He tightened his jaw as he watched her go. Pushing down every thought and wish and hope. That he should go after her. He could drive her home. That maybe she’d come back.
But that couldn’t be.
Fantasy is what people want. But reality is what they need.
This was Ethan Ramsey’s new reality.
“Good night, Dr. Holland.” He croaked out as she slipped inside and away from him.
Jordynne’s feet were killing her. She had marched out of that bar so fast, her feet slapping the ground as she raced away — hiding her red face from people passing by.
She took the steps down to the subway two at a time — so desperate to just be home under her covers already. She would have started running if she hadn’t have dressed up for the evening.
Finding a quiet corner of the subway, she slumped down into a seat and buried her face into her hands.
She had thought...
Well — she wasn’t sure what she thought would happen. Was she really surprised Ethan rejected her? How many times had they had that conversation before?
She guessed she thought that if she gave it one last chance she would finally have her answer.
And now she did.
She felt tears well up in her eyes — threatening to rush over onto her cheeks. But she squeezed her eyes shut so hard it hurt.
Jordynne was not going to let herself cry over this. Over him.
She wanted an answer and she got it.
She was better than crying on the subway. Better than pining over someone she would clearly never have. She was an intelligent woman. She was the junior fellow of the Diagnostics team. Of his diagnostics team.
So she would ignore it. They both will. They’ll pretend whatever it is between them doesn’t exist. That will just be her new reality.
Jordynne’s thoughts were interrupted as a shadow passed over her — a figure grabbing onto the railing above her and looking down. She craned her neck to catch a glimpse at the person.
He always had a way of showing up at just the right time. His long hair was hanging over his face as he looked down at her.
“Bryce, what are you doing? I thought you went out to explore.” She asked, confusion sweeping across her face.
“Ah,” He shrugged a little with a half-smile, “I walked along the river for a bit but figured I should be at least a little well-rested before becoming an all-mighty resident.”
She let out a soft chuckle, “Who knew this could make you have an even bigger ego?”
He joined her laughing — the sound melting the icy cold that had started to creep up in her moments before. She moved to the side as he sat down next to her in the red plastic seats of the subway.
He leaned back into the chair, looking as casual as one could on public transportation, “How was Ramsey? Everything all set for tomorrow?”
“Yup,” Her mouth got dry at his mention, “Fellowship officially starts tomorrow.” 
“Did he...?” But his voice trailed off — he sounded uncertain.
She raised an eyebrow at him, prompting him to continue— unable to guess what it was he was wondering.
“Did he — did you talk about you two?” His brown puppy dog eyes were crinkled with worry.  
Jordynne let out a heavy sigh, shaking her head, “There is no us two.”
“I’m not — I’m not asking this because of you and me. About our deal.” He met her eyes, looking at her intently, “I’m asking — because you’re my friend. And I care about you.”
“I know.” She nodded, believing him. “He is the head of the diagnostics team. And I am the junior fellow.” Another heavy breath escaped her, “And that’s where it will end.”
“Jordy...” His voice was soft and sad as he watched her, but she didn’t give him anything more to go on. He chewed his lip for a moment before speaking again, “So what happens now?”
“I think...,” Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought of what she wanted. Of what to do next. “I think I just want to be a doctor. Just put my head down and do what I came here to do.”
Bryce gave her a smile, nodding in agreement. “Just change one thing about that plan.”
She raised a questioning eyebrow at him.
“You’re not just a doctor. You’re a damn good doctor. And no history with your boss, or devilishly distracting surgeon,” He flashed her a wink, “Will get in the way of that, ok?”
“Thanks, Bryce.” The vote of confidence boosted her mood a bit.
“You just do you, Jordy. Everything else will fall into place,” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his warm side. She stiffened for a moment — worried about the gesture. But he didn’t move any closer, and his face didn’t move to meet hers closely. She settled into him a little bit, thankful to have a friend with her.
And the pair continued to sit like that as the subway brought them home.
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Private Time - Ch. 4
Klaine, 9k, A03, M
Yup, here’s another chapter...
Chapter 4:  "... now you’re always taking up the washer with your nasty sheets, the hallway by Kurt’s room smells awful, and every single package from Amazon is just more lube!”
It’s a Wednesday afternoon (or maybe Tuesday?  Blaine isn’t sure, the days are blending together so much he can hardly tell, they’re months into quarantine by now) and he is sitting around the coffee table with Sam and Kurt playing What Do You Meme.  It’s a dumb game even in the best of times, especially without the benefit of alcoholic beverages, but Sam just got the Game of Thrones expansion pack and he begged them to play.  It’s not like they have better things to do.
Just as Kurt is complaining again about what to play for a Tyrion card (“he only has one expression, there’s no opportunity for creativity here”) Rachel comes down the stairs and plants herself in front of them, hands on her hips.  
“I think we need to reconsider private time,” she announces, chin in the air.
Blaine’s brain (and a less rational part of his body) immediately sounds an alarm.  This is serious.  Since he and Kurt have gotten together, private time nights have been, without question, his favorite nights of the week, possibly of his life.  There’s no way he can let Rachel do away with private time.  He concentrates on keeping his face schooled to his most earnest choir boy expression. “Why, Rachel?  What’s wrong?”
Rachel harrumphs and glares at him.  Guess the innocent look didn’t work this time.  “You know what’s wrong.  All of you do.”
 Sam, bless his heart, really doesn’t.  “Do you need more time to practice?  We could add another night.  Friday, maybe?”
 Rachel turns her glare to Sam.  “No, we don’t need more  private time.” She drops down onto the less ratty of the two armchairs with a dramatic flounce.  “I didn’t think it would be so bad, living with three guys, since two of you are, you know, generally pretty well groomed and understand the critical importance of personal hygiene.  And until lately you all seemed fairly well behaved about... stuff.  But now you’re always taking up the washer with your nasty sheets, the hallway by Kurt’s room smells awful, and every single package from Amazon is just more lube!”  Rachel’s voice cracks at this last bit, and she buries her head in her hands.
 “That’s not true, Rachel, our last Amazon box had this new card game expansion pack-”
 Rachel whips her head up and Sam falls silent.  “Right, of course, how could I forget – and you were so excited you couldn’t even save it for game night.”
 Blaine frowns.  “We can save it for game night, Rach.  When’s the next one?”
 Rachel stands up and points her finger at Blaine, her freshly polished nails catching the light (the color is actually called “Teal the Cows Come Home,” although when Rachel did his toes with it earlier he pointed out that it’s a little too blue to properly be called teal).  “Exactly!”
 They all stay quiet as Rachel storms back up the stairs.  
 “I don’t even know when the next game night is,” Sam says, dragging his fingers through his blond hair. It’s gotten a bit long these past few months.  Maybe Blaine will offer to trim it for him.  
 “I think that was her point, Sam.”  Kurt rises from the lumpy couch and goes into the kitchen.  Blaine and Sam trail after him, and they crowd together to look at the big calendar taped to the refrigerator.  It is mostly filled with doodles and alcohol wish lists (“margaritas? Need limes/lemons/Sprite?”). Blaine has to look back two weeks to find a game night.
 “Rachel’s feeling left out.” Blaine shifts his gaze to the other two, who quickly slam “not it” fingers on  their noses.  Blaine sighs. “I’ll go talk to her.”
Blaine pauses outside Rachel’s door.  There’s a shiny gold star with “Diva Sleeping” hanging from the doorknob, and it swings back and forth when he knocks.  
 “Who is it?”
 Blaine stifles a laugh. There really aren’t that many possibilities.  
 “It’s Blaine.  Do you want to go for a walk?  It’s really nice outside.  Sunny and almost seventy.”
 “You always go running with Sam.”
 This is true, although Blaine still wishes he could just go by himself sometimes.  Alas, that is not to be, not if he wants to maintain roommate harmony in these crazy times.  “Yeah, I know, but we could just go for a walk.  Head over to campus, see what things look like these days.”
 There’s a pause, and then a quiet “okay.”
 Blaine turns to go back downstairs when Rachel sticks her head out of her door.  “Blaine - what should I wear?”
 “To go for a walk?”
 Rachel narrows her eyes at him.  “Yes, that’s what I said.  Is this an exercise walk, or a…”  she trails off, her eyebrows drawing together as she searches for the word.
 “A stroll?”  Blaine suggests.  It sounds suitably Rachel-appropriate that it might cheer her up.
 Rachel allows a little smile to tug at her mouth.  “Yes. A stroll.”
 “Which do you want it to be?”  
 Rachel looks back into her room, and Blaine knows she is considering her outfit choices.  It’s fine, he gets this from Kurt all the time.
 “I have a new dress I was going to wear for the music department’s spring awards ceremony…”  She looks up at Blaine.  “I hate that everything is cancelled.”  The ongoing disappointment at everything they look forward to disappearing is hard to escape.  Blaine knows how she feels.
 “Yeah.  Me too.”
 Rachel nods, and then straightens her shoulders.  “A stroll, then.”  She gives Blaine a look that clearly indicates what she thinks of his sweatpants and old Dalton shirt.  “You have to change too.”
 “Obviously,” Blaine replies, smiling.
 When they meet up downstairs a little while later, Blaine is quick to admire Rachel’s pretty pink dress and matching white tote bag adorned with pink and yellow daisies.  Rachel beams, and praises Blaine as well (he’s got on a blue shawl neck sweater that he knows Kurt will enjoy petting later, over a pink button up and slim dove gray pants).
 “Have a nice time,” Kurt says as they leave, giving Blaine an appreciate wink.
 As soon as they get outside, Rachel does a little twirl on the sidewalk.  She takes Blaine’s arm as they start off down the street.  Blaine takes in a big breath of fresh air, and they exchange a pleased look.  This was definitely a good idea.
 There are quite a few blocks of residential neighborhood before they get to campus.  As they get closer, the rickety multi-family buildings and student apartments give way to more respectable looking houses, interspersed with smaller university buildings.  The atmosphere seems strange, though, as it always does these days. It’s definitely not normal without the expected traffic from cars and bicycles – there’s far less of that since everyone is working from home.  Most classes are over by this point anyway, but it still seems odd without clusters of students hanging out and walking purposefully here and there.      
 At least the weather is starting to get better.  New England doesn’t so much have spring as an extended winter followed by surprising sunshine in June.
 They make their way through the law school campus, commenting on how the grass miraculously always looks green in the quad.  The university is apparently still spending plenty of money on grounds keeping.  At least it means some people still have jobs.  Rachel lets out a melancholy sigh as they go past the music buildings.  “It seems like forever since I practiced with a real piano.”
 “I know,” Blaine says, squeezing her arm in sympathy.  Then he gets an idea, and wonders why he hasn’t thought of it before.  “I can play the piano, you know.  I could accompany you on my keyboard, if you wanted.  It might be fun, even if we’re just messing around.”
 Rachel turns and gives him an appraising look.  “Are you any good?  Because I don’t want to waste my time if you’re not.”
 Blaine isn’t even offended, it’s such a Rachel thing to say.  “I am, I promise.  But we can try it out and you can judge for yourself.  No worries either way.”
 Rachel nods. “Okay.  Maybe when we get home.”
 They pass the big science center and walk through the plaza, stopping for a minute to watch the fountain which sprays water over a bunch of big rocks.  Usually this time of year there are tourists congregating here, but today it’s quiet, like everywhere else.  
 Blaine gets a whiff of what smells like curry, and he looks around to see that the tandoor food truck is pulled up in its usual space.  “Looks like they’re doing call-ahead orders,” Blaine says.
 “I would die for some biryani,” Rachel replies wistfully.  “And veggie korma.  They do such a good job with their vegetarian options.  Do you think we could get take-out on our way back?”
 “Sure.  But we have to let Kurt disinfect the containers before we open anything.”
 “Of course,” Rachel says, agreeing easily.  They had some heated debates about take-out in the early days of the pandemic, with Blaine arguing that unless they put the food directly into their eyes there was no way for the virus to be transmitted, and Rachel going through a period of intense anxiety about anything that couldn’t itself be quarantined for three days, but after a few weeks their desire for pizza and hot wings won out. Kurt insisted, however, that he be the one to make sure that everything that came into the house was carefully cleaned before they touched it, and that everyone washed their hands before any actual eating commenced.  No one objected.  It’s been hard to find a balance between feeling safe and living their lives, but they’re doing their best.
 Blaine and Rachel pass through a tall ornate metal gate and into the yard.  There are a fair number of people here, spread out on the grass enjoying the mild weather.  Blaine glances quickly at Rachel.  “Do you want to sit for a while?”
 She looks around. “It’s more crowded than I imagined it would be.”
 “Amazing how quickly we’ve adjusted to the idea that people are dangerous,” Blaine says.  He knows how she’s feeling.  Even with masks on, and at an appropriately socially distancing six feet away, it doesn’t feel right to be close to other people. “Let’s find somewhere quieter.”
 They weave between the stately brick buildings and find a smaller courtyard with a little less foot traffic.  “Perfect,” says Rachel, taking a rolled up sheet out of her bag and spreading it on the grass.  They sit down, and Rachel pulls out two bottles of flavored seltzer and a tupperware container with a bunch of grapes and some wheat thins.
 “It’s the not most elegant picnic, but I thought it was better than nothing.”
 “It’s lovely, Rachel, thank you.”
 “I’m sure Kurt would be appalled at the lack of cloth napkins.”
 Blaine chuckles.  “I wouldn’t know.  We haven’t been on a picnic.”
 Rachel’s eyes widen. “You haven’t?  That’s one of Kurt’s favorite date ideas.”
 Blaine frowns.  “We haven’t exactly gone on many dates.” <i>Any</i> dates, he thinks to himself.  He and Kurt got together in such a weird way, trapped in quarantine for weeks while they crushed on each other until they couldn’t resist any longer.  Their date opportunities are severely limited - they can’t go out to restaurants, or coffee shops, or see a movie or a show.  While they have the perfect excuse to spend time together, it might be nice to do something special for a change.  “I guess I really don’t know what kind of date he’d like.”
 “Oh.”  Rachel pulls out a grape and pops it into her mouth. “Well, then, you’ve got some thinking to do, haven’t you?”
 “What, you don’t think eating every meal in front of the television while Sam tells us how many crunches he did is sexy?”
 Rachel grins.  “It depends.  What is Sam wearing in this scenario?”
 “Ha ha, very funny.” Blaine pulls a grape off the stem and rolls it around in his fingers.  “Maybe you could give me some ideas of things you think Kurt would like? You know him a lot better than I do.”
 Rachel gives him a fond smile.  “I’d be happy to.”  She finishes chewing the cracker in her mouth and lies down on the blanket, closing her eyes. “I miss sex,” she says, and Blaine nearly chokes on his seltzer.
 “You heard me.  Not all of us were gifted with a quarantine-approved boyfriend.  I miss sex. The fun, the excitement.  The awkward noises.  The orgasms.”
 Blaine squirms a little but he knows it must have taken Rachel quite a lot to reveal this. Taking a breath, he lies down next to her.  She clearly needs to talk, and it might be easier for them both if they aren’t looking at each other.
 “Were you, um, dating anyone, before the shut-down?”
 Rachel sighs.  “Not for a while.  I haven’t had a long-term relationship in years, but there were a few promising possibilities.”
 “It’s kind of tough to date now,” Blaine says.
 “Right?”  Rachel sighs.  “Some of my friends are still hooking up, you know.”
 This strikes Blaine as insane.  You can’t hook up from six feet away.  “Really?”
 “Really.  I even thought about it… there’s an old flame I see every once in a while, Jesse. I think he’d be up for it-”  Rachel cuts herself off and giggles at her phrasing.
 “He’d be crazy not to want to be with you, Rachel, but I don’t think now is a good time.  Even if he says he’s healthy, he could be asymptomatic. And then you could get sick, and…” And all of us would catch it, too, Blaine thinks.
 “I know, I know.  I’m not going to do it.”  Rachel shifts and turns on her side, and Blaine turns to face her.  “Can I ask you something?”
 Suddenly they’re a little too close for comfort, and Blaine tenses.  Rachel isn’t going to ask to kiss him, is she?  It wouldn’t be the first time a girl thought he’d be open to it, even though Blaine has always been clear that he wasn’t interested in girls that way.  But Rachel knows he’s with Kurt, she’d never… well, only one way to find out.  At least she’s asking first and not just groping him while he’s drugged up on cold medicine.  “Sure, you can ask me anything.”
 Rachel bites her lip, then apparently decides to go for it.  “Do you think Sam would be interested in me?”
 Blaine almost laughs at his own obliviousness.  Of course Rachel’s not interested in him, she definitely seems more into the jock type anyway.  “Sam? I don’t know, maybe.”
 “Come on, you guys are close.  You must have some idea.  What does he think of me?”
 Blaine tries to think of the best way to answer this.  “I know he thinks you’re very attractive,” he begins.  None of them have missed how Sam practically drools over Rachel when she does yoga with Kurt.  Frankly they all leer at each other during yoga.  It’s a group leer-fest, everyone’s invited.
 “Well, of course,” Rachel says, smiling to show that she’s joking – partially joking, anyway.  “But do you think he’d be interested in, you know…?”
 Blaine is quite certain that Sam would jump at the chance to get hot and sweaty with Rachel, but he’s not sure what would happen after that.  It might make the rest of their quarantine very awkward if things didn’t go well.
 “Do you think I intimidate him?”  Rachel goes on, pressing the subject.  “I do that to people.  I know I’m bossy, it’s one of my best traits.  I like to tell people what to do.  A lot of guys like it.”
 Blaine absolutely does not blush, thinking about how he and Kurt have been engaging in some rather arousing professor-student role play.  Nope, not thinking about that at all.
 “And it doesn’t have to be a big thing-” Rachel snorts.  “Although, you know, if it was, that would be fine-” Another snort-giggle.  
 Blaine puts his hand over his face.  He can’t bring himself to respond.
 “I mean it doesn’t need to be too serious,” Rachel goes on.  “We can just have a wank together, help each other out.  Enjoy some <i>private time</i> but, you know, with mutual orgasms.  I know how much Sam enjoys his time alone… he’s very… vocal about it… I bet he wouldn’t mind some company…”  Rachel’s voice has acquired a sultry tone Blaine has never heard before.  “Blaine… am I making you uncomfortable?”  She’s clearly having way too much fun with this, and Blaine can’t decide if he is more amused or embarrassed.  In either case, it’s time to change the subject.
 “We should probably get back.”  Blaine sits up and puts the lid on the tupperware, pressing it down to seal the edges. Rachel leans up on an elbow and smirks at him.  “Too much information?”
 Blaine shakes his head despairingly.  “We’ve been in quarantine together for two months, and there’s no end in sight.  I think ‘private’ has kind of lost its meaning.”
 Rachel stands up and smooths her hands down her dress as Blaine rolls up the blanket.  “Well, it’s decided.  I’m going to take a long shower, slather myself in body lotion, put on my favorite lace underthings, and proposition Sam.  Tonight.”
 “But private time isn’t scheduled until tomorrow.”
 Rachel looks at Blaine as if he’s gone off his rocker.  “I’m not going to spend my private time hooking up with a boy, Blaine.  I need all the time I can get for vocal practice. I’m serious about my instrument, and I’m not going to allow this pandemic to get in the way of my future stardom.”  Rachel huffs and walks away.
 Stunned, Blaine quickly grabs their belongings and follows Rachel, chastising himself.  He’s become so used to having relations with Kurt during private time that he forgot private time wasn’t supposed to be for sex.  He’s just about to apologize to Rachel when she turns and grins at him, her eyes sparkling with laughter.  “Gotcha!”
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Patton Loves You (Imagicality)
Based on this.
Tw: self loathing, loneliness, swearing, attempted suicide, noose, pill bottle
Remus bounced up and down in his chair excitedly. Virgil laughed and Janus smiled at him. "Close your eyes, Remus." Remus obeyed, still too excited to sit still. He felt Janus set something in his lap and opened his eyes to see the most beautiful bird staring up at him. It was bright green, with a black beak, yellow around his eyes, and a blue spot on his forehead. Remus stared at the bird in awe.
"He's amazing, Jan! Thank you." Janus smile grew wider.
"I'm glad you like him. He's a blue amazon." Remus grinned at the parrot.
"Your name's gonna be Deku, okay? Just don't break your bones all the time like he does."
"Deku," the parrot agreed. "Deku." Remus smiled and hugged Janus.
"Thanks, Jan." Janus hugged him tightly.
"Happy Birthday, Remus."
"Okay," Virgil called. "My turn." He handed Remus another cage, but inside was a small baby rat. Remus squealed and hugged Virgil.
"This is awesome! Now Sir Daemon has two new friends!" He beamed at the little rat. "I'm gonna name you..... Heather. Like the Conan Gray song! And the movie!" Virgil and Janus laughed.
"You are obsessed with them!"
"Uh, yeah. Conan and JD are fucking hot."
"Deku are fucking hot." Remus squealed even louder.
"Deku's first sentence!!! And he can say fuck!"
"Fu--" Janus quickly covered Remus's mouth.
"Alright, he understands. Why don't you get them acquainted with your room, Remus?" Remus nodded and ran off with his new babies after giving Janus and Virgil a hug and thanking them one more time.
Remus sighed and stared at Deku, Heather, and Sir Daemon the ferret. "I just miss them, guys. Janus was supposed to be the one who cared for me most, but he and Virgil are both gone now."
"Fuck Janus," Deku said. "Asshole." Remus laughed.
"Thanks, Deku. But..... I don't know about that. I mean, Janus is great. If he hates me now just like everyone else, I should hate myself, right? And I do. I do hate myself. It's the only thing I can do right."
"Janus piece of shit. Asshole." Remus laughed and took Deku out of his cage, kissing the top of his head. He did the same for his other two pets.
"I have to go to the Imagination with Roman for a while," he said. "Patton's gonna feed you while I'm gone. Be good for him!" And then Remus had to leave.
The next day, Patton walked up to Remus's room to feed his pets. He smiled at the ferret, the parrot, and the rat. "Hi," he said. "I'm Patton! You must be Sir Daemon, Heather, and Deku."
"Deku," the parrot agreed, much to Patton's delight.
"Hi, Deku!"
"Hi, Patton!" Patton giggled.
"I can see why Remus loves you so much. Talking to you is like talking to a person."
"Deku are fucking hot!" Patton frowned at him.
"Language," he scolded. He then remembered why he was there and set to feeding Remus's pets. When he got to Deku, he set some seed and nut mix and half of an apple in his cage.
"There you go," Patton cooed. "Yummy, healthy food for the most beautiful bird in the world."
"I hate myself," Deku said. Patton froze.
"I hate myself," Deku repeated. Patton's eyes welled up with tears.
"Did Remus teach you to say that?"
"I hate myself." Patton wiped his eyes and smiled at Deku.
"Well, Patton loves you."
The next week went very much like that. Patton made sure to say, "Patton loves you," before he left, and if he forgot, he went back just to say it. As the week ended, he made sure to say it more and more frequently to make sure Deku learned it.
Because Patton loves Deku. And Patton loves Remus.
Remus was pacing around his room. He had been back from the Imagination for two days, and already things were worse. He'd had a fight with Janus over whether or not they would have dinner together. And Remus had realized that Janus was really gone.
Now he was crying, trying to understand.
"Why can't I just be good enough for them," he asked Deku. "Everything I ever do is wrong, and whenever I try to be better, I just make more mistakes, and they all hate me more! Things would be so much better if I didn't exist. I hate myself!" Remus was sobbing so hard he could barely speak. "I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself."
"Patton loves you." That made Remus cry harder.
"I don't believe you! Patton can't l-love me. He's s-s-so good, and I'm bad."
"Patton loves you."
"S-stop it!"
"Patton loves you. Remus are fucking hot." Remus couldn't take it anymore. He opened Deku's cage and put him outside the room. He couldn't do this anymore. He needed out so badly, he just couldn't stand being here anymore. So he grabbed a rope from his closet and, with shaking hands, began to attempt to tie it around his ceiling light.
Patton gasped as Deku flew into his room and landed on his desk.
"I hate myself," he said. "Remus don't believe you." Patton frowned at him.
"Deku, what are you doing here? Come on, I'll get you back to Remus!" Patton scooped up Deku and set him on his shoulder. He hurried to Remus's room, sure he was worried sick about Deku. Patton knocked on the door. "Remus? Deku got out. I've got him here." There was no answer. "Remus?" Patton took a deep breath. "I'm coming in!" He opened the door, only to find Remus curled up in the corner, an orange pill bottle in his hand. There was hole in the ceiling, and broken glass and a noose on the floor. Patton ran over to Remus as Deku flew off his shoulder. "Remus? Remus, are you okay?" Patton's heart was racing. This couldn't be happening. "Remus, please," Patton begged, tears threatening to spill over. Finally, Remus opened his eyes.
"Am I dead yet?" Patton hugged him tightly, sobbing.
"No, no, you're still here, thank God."
"I can't even die right," Remus mumbled. Patton hugged him even tighter.
"Why," Patton asked.
"Janus and I had a fight. He's not coming to have dinner with me tonight. I just lost my best friend, and..... And things would be so much better if I died."
"No, they wouldn't," Patton said. "Didn't you hear what I taught Deku to say?"
"Patton loves you?" Patton nodded.
"I love you, Remus. I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner. Not that it makes any difference...." Remus leaned into Patton's embrace.
"I love you, too, Pat. I'm sorry I--"
"Shh, don't apologise, sweetpea. You were hurting so badly, and no one noticed, not even me. I'm sorry." Patton held Remus for a few minutes.
"I'm going to make you dinner and eat with you tonight."
"It's not a request. What do you want to eat?"
"Sausage? And pasta, if it's not too much trouble?" Patton smiled.
"You've got it."
"Can you bandage my wrists first? I.... The pills.... I didn't....."
"Of course, Remus. I love you."
"I love you, too."
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
Tumblr media
The Nanny Affair.
The Tease…
A/N: This fanfic is a few days after “The Fight” fanfic. Which you can find here: The Fight
Weekly Choices Challenge Prompt: You belong to me! This seemed like fun. So, I decided to give it a go!
(Song and Story Inspiration: Anywhere-112, Get Me Home-Foxy Brown, Partition-Beyoncé, Please Excuse My Hands-Plies and I Want U-Floetry. I had my Amazon Music on random and these songs played as I wrote this. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
***Rated: Mature 18+. Contains sexual content and strong language. You know? The usual from me. 😁
***Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters.
***Characters: Krystal Parker (MC) x M!Sam Dalton (LI)
Current Word Count: 1,746 words.
“You belong to me!”
Those words were stuck in her head. They were like the sweetest to her ears. She loved when Sam says it to her. “You belong to me! Don’t you ever forget that, Krystal! You! Belong! To! Me!”
The boys had been gone maybe two days. And boy, did she miss her babies. Although; she’d have to have a serious conversation with them about keeping their room clean.
But they weren’t the only faces that she missed. She missed him; she missed that handsome man. She wanted him close to her again. She wanted his arms around her. She wanted his lips on her skin.
But; he wasn’t home. He’s stuck at the office; trying not to gouge his eyes out, while having a shareholders meeting. He was bored. He was starving. He was annoyed. He needed a distraction/pick me up; so he texted her.
Me: slowly…dying…send…help…😖😩
Kitten: 😂😂 ur so overdramatic!
Me: no I’m dying! There’s a difference! Save me kitten!
Kitten: 🙄🙄🙄 ugh! Ur such a big baby!
Me: Robin won’t shut up! Do! Something! Save! Me!
She didn’t answer; at least not right away. Within 10 minutes; he got a text from her that made him choke on his water. She was standing in front of his bedroom mirror with her hair down, in nothing but one of his black dress shirts. It hugged her curves oh so well; and stopped mid thigh. He swallowed hard; in an attempt to calm his heart that was currently pounding in his chest.
She was teasing him. And it was only just the beginning. Soon after receiving that text; Sam got multiple photos of her seductively posing in his bed.
“Jesus Christ! She’s trying to fucking kill me!”, he thought to himself.
As his meeting drudged on; he received yet another text from her. Only, this time; it wasn’t another sexy photo; it was a video. Sam was hard as steel and scared as a cornered mouse. He knew that if he opened it; he’d be done. His curiosity won out in the end. He had to see what she had done. With the volume off; he opened the video and played it. It was a video of her dancing for him. Watching her dance was driving him crazy.
“Dammit kitten…”, he muttered under his breath. Seeing her hips sway; was enough for him to power through to lunch. He texted her the following:
Me: when I get home…I am going to have my way with you! You didn’t have to tease me like that!
Kitten: I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t done anything. 🤷🏾‍♀️😏
Me: …you better naked and ready when I get home! 😋
Kitten: 🙃😘
As the day went on; she sent him more videos and pictures. Which caused the rest of his meeting to go by smoothly for him. And soon; he was racing his way home. His dick throbbed every time he thought of her. He wanted her in the worse way possible. Her videos and pictures teased and taunted him. And he was gonna have his revenge; when finally he got his hands on her.
When he got home; he put his briefcase down on the couch and walked to the kitchen. There he found a hot meal and a note.
“Welcome home! Eat your food then come join me. K…”
He wolfed down his food; then all but ran to his bedroom. He stopped as he got to the door. When he leaned in closer; he heard her voice on the other side. He could tell she was moaning.
“Ohhhh! Yesssssssssss!! Shit! Ohhhhhhhh fuck that feels so good!”, she moaned. When he opened the door; there she was. She was splayed out on his bed completely naked; pleasing herself. He shuddered as he watched and listened to her. She laid there writhing in pleasure; because of the bullet she had going across her aching clit.
He couldn’t stay quiet any longer. “That’s it kitten! Moan for me! Tell me how good it feels!”, he growled as he continued to watch her. “Sam! It feels so good! God it feels so good! I need you! Come touch me! I need to feel you touch me!”, she replies in a desperate tone.
It didn’t take him long to undress and join her in bed. His lips would soon devour hers; in a desperately long kiss. He had to have her. He nursed on the hollow of her neck; before sliding downward. When he got to her breasts; he rubbed; twisted, nibbled and sucked on her nipples.
He was desperate to taste her. Feeling her writhe underneath his touch; was an unimaginable high for him. He kissed his way down her body; stopping only to graze her ribs with his teeth. The heat inside her continued to rise and threatened to burn her alive. Every touch and especially every kiss sent her orgasm rising higher and higher.
“Sam…please don’t stop…”, she moaned desperate for him to keep going. She wanted to feel him; between her thighs in the worst way possible. He slowly coaxed her thighs apart with sweet kisses on each one. Her body clenched with anticipation and ecstasy.
“My pretty little kitten. Is there something that you would like me to do?”, he asked as his teeth skimmed along the inside of her left thigh.
“Yes! I…want…to…feel…your…tongue!”, she said to him. He began kissing closer to her epicenter; but never actually touching it; causing her to cry out. “Shhhh kitten! You’ll get what you want from me. I promise! But right now, I owe you for being such a naughty girl!”, he told her. With that; he went back to licking all around her center.
He wanted to return the favor first. Soon; he realized that; he was becoming impatient with himself. So he ended his taunting and gave her what she wanted. With her legs resting on his shoulders; he began to devour his kitten. When she felt his mouth finally descend unto her clit; she nearly jumped off the bed. She grabbed the sheets and hung on for dear life; as he feasted on her.
“YESSSSSSSSSSS!! RIGHT THERE! RIGHT! FUCKING! THERE! DON’T STOP SAM! PLEASE DON’T STOP!”, she shouted as his mouth worked against her. He nibbled, nipped and sucked on her clit; like his life depended on it. He even wrote his name with his tongue against the tender flesh, several times. Every movement, every moan, every cry of pleasure and especially every scream; made eating her out that much sweeter. The feeling of his mouth being attached to her and the spasms in her legs; were almost too much to bear.
“Sam…please…take…me! I need to feel you inside me!”, she begged. And although he wasn’t exactly done feasting on her; he knew he wouldn’t last much longer if he stayed that way.
“As you wish kitten.”, he said as he finally came back up for air. After releasing her legs for the moment; he slowly licked and nibbled his way up her midsection. Her skin was always soft to the touch; and always looked better with his lips on it.
He always had to let his hands get in on the action as well. While his left hand and fingers skimmed up her spine causing her back to arch; his right hand was massaging; kneading and caressing her ass. He did all of this; to elicit the different sounds she made. He was having fun teasing her skin his lips and hands but; he started to crave wanting to be inside her.
He wanted to feel her vaginal muscles clench around him as he drilled her. He wanted to hear her moan and scream his name. He pinned her hands above her head with his left hand; and lined himself up with her entrance with his right.
“You ready kitten?”, he asks her. When she nodded; he closed his eyes and entered inside her. She let a mix of a gasp and a moan.
“Yesssssssssss!”, she said as she felt him plunge deep. Her body felt alive as he began to get into his groove. Soon; his bedroom was filled with the sounds of their bodies coming together and their combined moans and groans. “That’s it kitten! Take that dick! Tell me that you want this! Tell me that it feels good! Uh huh! That’s it baby!”, he growled. There was never a time where he didn’t feel good.
“YESSSSSSSSSSS!! GIVE IT TO ME! FUCK ME! JUST LIKE THAT! I WANT IT! I! WANT! YOU!”, she screamed. He always LOVED how vocal she is. She was on fire! Heat coursed through her veins with every stroke of his dick. That’s when he rolled onto his back; causing her to ride him. She plunged her tongue in between his lips in a hungry yet desperate kiss. She wanted to taste him on her lips. He knew she was getting close; by the way her breathing labored.
“Look at me kitten! I want you to ALWAYS remember that you belong to me! Don’t you ever forget that, Krystal! You! Belong! To! Me!”, he told her through gritted teeth. He was relentless when it came to fucking her into a sweet oblivion.
She was there. She was right there; but couldn’t quite get over that edge. That was until Sam grabbed the bullet she had earlier, turned it on to the highest vibration; and put it straight on her pulsing clit. The sensation of the vibrator on her clit combined with him pounding her; was all she wrote. She dug her nails into the skin of his back and cried out, “FUCK YES! THAT’S IT! I’M ABOUT TO FUCKING CUM!”
She convulsed as her orgasm and the heat in her body ripped her in half. And that was all he needed to cum along with her.
“Ohhhhhhhh! Shit! I’m cumming baby! It’s all for you! It’s! All! For! You! I—Fuck!”, he told her as he gave into his own orgasm. His body twitched as he came down from his own high. She shivered against him as she came down from her orgasm. As their combined breathing started to stabilize; he brought her closer to chest and rubbed her back.
“Are you alright, babe?”, he asks her. “Yes. I’m fine; just tired.”, she said as she snuggled against his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her as he rocked her to sleep.
@txemrn @lucy-268 @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesweeklychallenge
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razieltwelve · 4 years
Old Friend (The Vestige)
"Is it strange that he feels like family after all these years?” Lightning asked Fang.
The other woman followed her gaze to Odin. The Eidolon had played a pivotal role in both Breach Wars, and he continued to serve as humanity took its first, tentative steps into the stars. Mastering Breach technology had not only allowed humanity to defeat the Makers, the alien race behind the fal’Cie, it had also allowed them to develop far more advanced technologies in countless areas.
It turned out that being able to warp space and time on a colossal scale was a Rosetta Stone of sorts to all kinds of things. Who’d have thought the humanity’s greatest triumph would come from its darkest hour? Vanille had certainly found it ironic, especially when they’d gotten access to even more technology after essentially looting the burnt out ruins of the Makers’ civilisation. They hadn’t built a big enough bomb the first time around. They hadn’t made that mistake again.
“I don’t think so,” Fang replied. “He’s been around for even longer than you’ve known me. He’s saved the world at least twice, not to mention all the other things he’s accomplished over the years.” Her voice softened. “He kept the kids safe too.”
“All those missions,” Lightning murmured. “And he always brought them back.”
“Yeah. I’m still amazed you managed to talk the world out of putting him in a museum.”
“Soldiers are meant to fight,” Lightning said quietly. “And Odin is a soldier, maybe the best we’ve ever had. We’ve asked so many things of him over the years.” She could remember begging him to move when she’d been forced to solo pilot him near the end of the First Breach War. With the damage to her brain, he shouldn’t have moved, but something in the machine had heard her, some ghost, some lingering neural impression she and Serah had left behind. And Odin had answered. “He’s always been up to the task.”
“It makes you wonder if there’s something alive in there, doesn’t it?” Fang had asked Vanille about, but the other woman had always given her a secretive smile. There was a reason, Vanille had said, that they’d never replaced the Eidolon’s neural interface. If there was a ghost in the machine, that’s where it would live. 
“I wonder if he’ll miss me,” Lightning whispered. “When I’m gone.”
Fang’s hands tightened around the handles of Lightning’s wheel chair. “Don’t say that.”
Lightning chuckled softly. “We both know it won’t be long now.” She looked back at Fang. “Sixty-five years, Fang. That’s a lot longer than I thought I would have.” Her lips twitched. “Nora was amazed I made it to forty with all the brain damage I’ve got. I can’t exactly complain about sixty-five, all things considered.”
Fang wanted to rage about how unfair it was, but she knew that Lightning was right. Lightning should have died years ago. That she’d lasted this long was a testament to her sheer stubbornness. Lightning had never been quite right after piloting Odin for the last time, but she’d held on. The kids and the Second Breach War had given her a second wind of sorts. She couldn’t die while the girls still needed her, and she couldn’t die while the world was still in peril.
But the girls were all grown up now, and the Second Breach War was over.
“You’ve given so much,” Fang said. “Why couldn’t the world have given you a bit more time?”
Lightning leaned back and closed her eyes. She tired much more easily these days. It was why she’d asked Fang to take her to see Odin. He was back on Earth for a full maintenance and review. It would be years most likely before he came back again, and she doubted she’d still be around when he did. This was probably the last time she’d ever see him.
“The Eidolon Program takes, Fang. That’s what it does. It took my leg from me, and it’s taken years of my life from me too. But it gives as well. I’d never have met you without the Eidolon Program, and I’d never have gotten to pilot without it either. Maybe I’m just being foolish, but I don’t think I’d change anything that happened. It... it wasn’t easy, the path I’ve walked, but it’s one I’m content with, one I can be proud of. And I got to walk it with you and all the others. I’m glad for that.”
“It’s like you’re saying goodbye,” Fang said.
“Maybe I am.” Lightning’s lips curled. “And when I do go, can you please stop them from doing some stupid like naming a planet after me?”
Fang laughed, and if there were some tears mixed in, Lightning was kind enough not to say anything. “I’ll do my best, but I’m not making any promises. You’re the Grand Marshal. Heck, they still haven’t nominated another since you stepped down. Hope calls himself the High Marshal instead since he doesn’t think he can live up to the standard you set.”
“That kid...” Lightning shook her head fondly. Hope wasn't a kid anymore. He hadn’t been one in a long time. But there was a part of her that would always remember him as that skinny young man trying desperately to live up to his father’s legacy never realising that he was well on his way to surpassing it. “He’s always thought too much of me.”
“I think everyone does,” Fang said. 
“I’m just glad I didn’t let the world down,” Lightning said. “It was close, Fang, so close at the end of both Breach Wars. If a few things had gone differently...”
“But they didn’t.” Fang smiled. “We won.”
“Yes, we did.” Lightning glanced back up at Odin. “Do you think they’ll let me into the Conn-Pod, not to pilot but just to look around?” Her smile was watery. “I’d like to see what they’ve done with him.”
“Of course, they’ll let you look.” Fang started pushing the wheelchair toward the elevator. “You’re the Grand Marshal. If you ask, they’d probably still let you pilot him.”
X    X     X
Grand Marshal Lightning Farron passed away at her home early in the morning on a spring day from complications related to the brain damage she suffered throughout her career. She was survived by her wife, her children, and her grandchildren.
Of particular interest to researchers is the strange anomaly detected in Odin. The Eidolon was helping to terraform one of the new colonies when it momentarily went silent, ceasing all activity for a period of roughly one minute. Examination of the Eidolon’s system logs and the medical apparatus supporting the Grand Marshal suggest that the period of silence corresponded to the moment of her death.
How exactly this is possible is unknown. However, advances in the increasingly useful field of quantum sychronisation-based communication, which is used to communicate instantaneously across essentially any distance, suggest that there are at least some similarities to the oddities observed in the neural interface system that forms the heart of the Drift.
X    X     X
Although there were initially plans to name one of the newly colonised worlds after the Grand Marshal, objections were raised by her wife, Oerba Yun Fang. As a result, the United Alliance instead opted to name a space station after her. Farron Station serves as the centre of the United Alliance’s fleet command structure. As the Eidolon Program once served as the first and most important line of defence against alien threats, so too does the fleet stand ready to protect humanity from outside threats. It is only fitting that its headquarters be named after the Eidolon Program’s most storied leader.
P. S. Roughly a century after her death, a motion was successfully passed renaming a planet after the Grand Marshal. Farron Prime is currently one of the fastest growing and most important planets in the United Alliance. It is home to the Eidolon Program’s Grand Academy.
X    X     X
Author’s Notes
That’s basically how Lightning ends up going. Sadly, all of the damage she’s taken has really reduced her lifespan. However, she’s not bitter about it. She got to live a pretty good life with Fang, and she got to raise the kids. That’s more than she ever thought she’d get.
This is also how the story could lead into a Final Effect style situation with humanity using Breach-based (i.e., dimension and reality warping technology) in place of Mass Effect technology. This gives them some considerable advantages in many areas (e.g., Breach-based weapons are stupidly powerful because they essential tear reality apart). It also would make any encounter with them and the Citadel races tricky because humanity is extremely wary of aliens since the last ones they met tried to wipe them out twice. 
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here. I’ve recently released two stories, Attempted Adventuring and Surviving Quarantine, as well as three audiobooks, Two Necromancers, a Bureaucrat, and an Army of Golems, Two Necromancers, a Dragon, and a Vampire, and The Hungry Dragon Cookie Company.  If you like humour, action, and adventure, be sure to check them out!
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tetedurfarm · 5 years
Do you have any advice for getting into keeping rabbits? I was looking into getting a couple for meat production and possibly starting to learn to tan pelts but I don’t want to get confused over all the conflicting info on the internet about wire flooring and such things.
ugh, it’s so frustrating, isn’t it?  with pretty much every other animal you can just google “how to raise x” and get tons of good advice, but the rabbit results are dominated by HRS forums that will crucify you for even mentioning breeding, much less meat production. 
so here’s some points i’ve learned from experience to help you out:
1. wire flooring is not evil.  in fact it’s great.  it’s clean, it’s sanitary, there’s airflow if you use it in a hutch, and if you do it right you won’t have foot problems (unless you’re raising rex or giant breeds, but even then there’s easy fixes like my lattice mats.)
here’s what you’re looking for:  1″x0.5″ grid 16g - 14g wire.  if you order your cages from a manufacturer like Bass Equipment (my preferred cagemaker,) or Klubertanz, this will come standard.  if you make your own cages or buy from a feed store, it’s a bit more hit and miss.  
make sure the half-inch wires are on top when you build your cages, so the weight is distributed properly:
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see how the smaller gaps are “on top”?
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vs this side.  (shoutout to me having like twenty cages all in pieces in my living room to get these nice reference pics ;p)
i also recommend you get your floors galvanized after weld; they’ll last a long longer that way!
2. babysaver wire is called that for a reason.  babysaver is when there’s a 1x0.5 grid near the bottom of a cage.  it’s there to keep kits from falling out of the cage, and helps prevent predators from easily pulling kits out.
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this is a cage with babysaver.  it does what it’s meant to.  i use these for my doe cages, and even if a kit gets dragged out of the nest, as long as i find it in time, it’ll survive because it didn’t roll out and get snatched by something off the ground.
vs one without:
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i use these for bucks and my growout pens for older kits.  they are cheaper than babysaver cages, but it’s worth the money to keep your babies safe.
3. invest in a good pair of j-clip pliers.  even if you buy prefab cages, often times they’re cheaply made and you’ll need to fill in gaps so they don’t fall apart so easily.  it’s also good to keep them around just because, because after a while the clips can get rusty and fall off, and you’ll need to replace them occasionally.
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good on left, not so good on right.  the ones on the left cost my about fifteen bucks from my favourite hilariously-named rabbit supply site:  Rabbitnipples.com.  the ones on the right were like $8 at my local feed store.  so a significant markup, but VERY worth it.  the good pliers are more comfortable to hold in your hand, and make much nicer/more secure crimps than the cheap ones.  i often have to crimp clips twice or more with cheap pliers, because of the way they’re shaped:
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the good pliers have a solid mouth that make a clean loop with no pointy outy bits.  and they can double as removers if you mess one up!
this is topical because i lost my good pliers and had to order new ones, and in the meantime i built four cages and my palms are so sore/bruised from the cheap pliers.  don’t be like me.
4. vets kinda aren’t worth it.  one of the things you’ll see on HRS sites is that vets are ABSOLUTELY necessary.  i don’t hate vets, but they chronically have no idea how to treat rabbits, often making them worse or causing them to die because they administered a med that’s safe for cats but not rabbits.  they also often subscribe to HRS rhetoric that pellets are evil and rabbits should only eat hay and greens, which is…wrong (i’ll get to that in a minute.)  if you can find a good vet it may be worth it for one or two rabbits, but once you get into the double-digits, it’s just not worth it.  exotics vets are expensive, and i can’t afford $50 just for a consult for thirty rabbits.  learn how to treat everyday ailments like sore feet, wounds, abscesses, eye infections, stasis/bloating, and birthing issues on your own.  i suggest joining up with a meat rabbit forum (i like rabbittalk.net,) and going through their articles on rabbit medicine and herbology.  if i can’t fix it myself, that rabbit is soup.  and if a rabbit chronically has health issues, don’t use it as a breeder.  bad immune systems/teeth/feet/etc are hereditary.
5. things will die.  get used to it.  with livestock comes deadstock.  if you can’t handle animals dying, including newborn babies, or having to euthanize animals (including newborn babies,) don’t get livestock.  if you can’t look your food in the eye and thank it for its sacrifices, then don’t get livestock.  this is not a place for bleeding hearts.
6. don’t breed a new doe by herself.  rabbits are running on hormones only for their first litters, and sometimes they mess it up.  having an experienced doe kindle alongside her that you can foster to gives the new doe’s kits the best chance of survival in case she doesn’t get it quite right.  this ties in with the last point, though - you’re gonna have dead babies.  sometimes you have to make the babies dead yourself, because mama screwed up and the foster already has eight of her own.  not everyone has a n’rithaa who can nurse nineteen and not break a sweat, and the kindest thing to do is pick the strongest and cull the weaker ones so mama doesn’t have so many to feed.
7. feed them pellets until you know what you’re doing.  pellets are formulated to be perfect nutrition for rabbits.  they are the healthiest option imo, and definitely the easiest.  it can take a few tries to find a feed that works for you, but they’re generally not too expensive and if your animals keep weight and make babies, then they’re fine.  trying to feed fodder only is expensive, time-consuming, and often ends up with animals not getting enough vitamins that cause bone issues, bloating, and tooth problems.  i am 100% convinced this is at least half of the reason why you see a lot of house rabbits that go into stasis a lot and have bad teeth.  (The other half is they’re always poorly bred byb rabbits, but that’s another conversation.)  fodder can be done well, but unless you really have the time/resources to grow appropriate plants or have a lot of pasture to graze on (and no worms/cocci or other bad things in your soil,) pellets and hay are perfect.  especially if you show.
8. if you wanna get into tanning, just get a synth tan, and don’t expect fur rabbits to be an ideal meat producer.  fur doesn’t prime until the animal is about six months old, and typically you’ll be slaughtering them for meat around 12 or 16 weeks.  so if you want to produce fur, either stop caring about the quality of your hides, or get ready to spend more in feed while you grow them to prime.  i know it’s popular to use rabbits as a dual-purpose animal, but you need to set expectations lol.  so far i’ve found rabbits that are half rex produce really nice furs before “prime” age, but they still take longer to grow out than my meat-specific rabbits.  dual purpose really just means “not that great at one or both purposes.”
also just don’t even bother with brain/egg tanning and get you a synth tan like Rittel’s or Trubond.  “natural” tans have too much of a learning curve, require smoking to make them waterproof, and the results are subpar.  synth tans are cheap, easy, usually safe to put down a train if you’re on city water/toss outside if you’re on septic, and will produce a waterproof skin that’ll last forever.  
also alum isn’t a tan.  if you get it wet it’ll start rotting again.  if you wanna make clothes or rugs, use a real tan.  please.  i beg of you.
9. auto-water systems are godly but don’t waste your money on expensive ones.  if you don’t know this, i’m disabled, and i like to make things easy on myself so i’m not having to fill 39458639458 bottles a day.  it sucks.  auto-water systems are SUPER convenient because you only have to refill the reservoir every few days and keep an eye on the nipples to make sure they aren’t clogged.
the problem is:  they leak.  all the time.  forever.  when i first got started i used cheap water nipples from amazon and was annoyed at how often they’d start leaking, or were leaking right out of the package.  so i switched to the more expensive Edstrom system that you can order online from places like rabbitnipples.com, bunnyrabbit.com, the bean farm, and bass equipment.  problem is, those leaked just as bad, and the edstrom water nipples cost FIVE DOLLARS EACH.  when half the nipples leak directly out of the box, i’ve just wasted $20+.  at least the ones from amazon are like $20 for a bag of 100.  if they’re all gonna leak anyway, at least i won’t go broke having to replace them all.
i can’t think of anything else off top my head so i’mma cap it here.  i’ve been doing this for five years and learned many many things the hard way so hopefully you won’t have to!
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