#plus like. i kept seeing people talking about how they visualized a character and was like 'huh you do that?'
aro-culture-is · 1 year
aro culture is not realizing that everyone related or self-projected into romance in media, not just appreciating the relationship as a separate and fictional thing. (im arospec but yea, didnt know that ppl projected themselves onto the characters when they have a relationship what the heck. is that why there is so many unnecessary romance scenes?)
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theoddest1 · 2 months
with how the fans and even viv being VERY excited with the “visuals” of poison it’s was very clear that the intended purpose of having those scenes was for porn. Why else would viv be excited for SA scenes and make a cum joke? Not dismissing any SA survivors that felt seen or represented through Angel. I think the bar scene where Angel has a breakdown is good I just hate how they kinda swept everything he said under the rug for a musical, with the episode ending on a happy note and were told not shown that he gets better.
That’s why people kept bringing up moral Orel, silent hill 2 and tuca and Bertie as good SA rep because the abuse is NEVER shown were told or it’s heavily implied it was the aftermath that was shown, nurse bendy is hyper sexual in public but she secretly hates, is lonely and regresses into a little girl playing family with stuffed animals when she’s in her safe space. Angela is depressed/suicidal her only hope is to find her mother so things can get better but she never finds her mom and it’s implied Angela dies, Tuca and struggled with her sexuality and sexual trauma even feels ashamed about having intrusive fantasies of her abuser and thinks that after being SA’d but she is complete control of those situations and it’s her way o healing and even if she wasn’t SA’d she’d still be into those fantasies. It’s too early to say anything about Angel character it might change in season 2 and actually talk more about his trauma especially since the vees are gonna be more prominent (which I call bs because they said the exact same thing about Adam and he didn’t do shit, he only showed up in 3 episodes and he was so underwhelming plus he was the 2nd most powerful being in the show, idk what vox and Val are gonna bring to the table expect be stupid wannabe “mean girls”, plus lute is still around and she is by more powerful and interesing villain) but we have to wait and see, right now I’m indifferent to Angel he’s not a bad character but he’s not the best, sir pentious and nifty outshined him and everybody else, they were the best characters, and they were just joke characters
Viv is very, very obvious with what she seeks involving Angel Dust's character arc. She sees it as an opportunity to recreate a similar situation to Raph's animatic, a 3rd person view surrounding Angel's dilemma rather than Vox's. It's paraded around as though it's a tragic "Love Song" but there is no proper or meaningful way to convey the tragedy surrounding it all. It's an elaborate kink video for those who indulge those sorts of subjects. As you've mentioned, some other known media have handled the topic with much care and didn'tshow it, but this time around, this could have been a great time to make useful imagery to show just how awful the entire situation is. But we don't get that. All of it is glamorized in a pop song with neon lights and no subversion of one's expectations. The only time we are shown any blunt and saddening imagery is when Angel is passed around in bindage gear. The colors change and turn red, and we are faced with a strikingly blunt reality of the situation, but we then see Angel dancing in front of his situation, whiplash of the seriousness pertaining to it all. And while the pacing is better in this episode than most, it's still FAST.
So on top of everything we have a rushed pop song that's supposed to engage the audience in a mindset regarding SA to further think and discuss but it only aided in fueling kink culture and no one has had any strong meaningful discussions when it is about that entire sequence but the kinks sure are THRIVING! Imo, the fact that this side of the community got more outta this than those who love to discuss stories reflects on how unserious and sexual Viv saw it to be, and THAT is what makes Viv's shit representation bad. The remix only solidifies what I had assumed this entire song to sound like. It fails to be commentary, only fuel for a kink someone has, and NEARLY EVERYONE in the community is letting it slide cause of that.
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skeletonpunching · 1 year
Buddy Daddies interview with Uchiyama Koki
Interview with Uchiyama Koki (voice actor for Suwa Rei)
Interviewer: When you first saw the character design, description, and other information about Suwa Rei, what impression did you have?
Uchiyama: He had a chilly air, and his personality didn't seem cheery at all. I had a very strong impression of coldness, as if he'd closed off his heart. The description said that "he was raised in an unusual environment, and works as an assassin", but since it was an original series, I had no idea what future development he would go through. So I figured he must still have plenty of hidden depths in store.
Interviewer: And how did it feel to actually act as him?
Uchiyama: (Kurusu) Kazuki and (Unasaka) Miri have lots of lighthearted interactions which roll along at a brisk pace, but when Rei joins in, he can't really keep up with that pace and energy; I was often reminded to convey that during the recording sessions. There are a lot of conversation scenes among the three members of the household, and I was told not to fall into their rhythm. When you're talking to someone, it's natural to get emotionally caught up in the conversation, and to be mindful of the other person when choosing your words. But when it came to Rei, it was very important to keep that tendency in check.
Interviewer: You were essentially playing the dual roles of father to Miri, and a professional assassin. Was there anything you kept in mind at those times?
Uchiyama: In Rei's case - first of all, when his hairstyle changes, he leaves a very distinct visual impression, and so I figured that had to make some difference. During the recording sessions, I was asked to give him a slightly different vibe whenever he entered assassin mode. And as for the parts where he's being a father to Miri, I felt like that aspect developed bit by bit as the story progressed - early on, he doesn't have the sort of concern or feelings for her that Kazuki does. Rei's fatherly feelings build up through various incidents, and it made sense that it would be a gradual development.
Interviewer: Please tell us your impressions of Kazuki and Miri, as well as what you find appealing about each of them.
Uchiyama: I think Kazuki is an essentially cheerful person, and takes an interest in all sorts of things. Unlike Rei, he has very strong life skills; he can cook and clean and do laundry to perfection, and he can communicate smoothly with others. No matter whether he's dealing with the job or the housework, he tackles it proactively. It sounds strange to say that he "enjoys" his job as an assassin, but on the whole, I do get the impression that he really revels in life in general. That's his charm. Miri is as bright as the sun, and chatters away cheerfully in a loud voice. I think she has a natural ability to lift the spirits of the people around her, with her laughing and singing. Plus she has quite a wealth of different expressions, and not just childishly adorable ones - her goofy faces and wicked smirks are also drawn in fine detail. That level of expressiveness and variation is also charming. I think it's good that she has traits beyond just cuteness.
Interviewer: From the episodes that have aired so far, are there any scenes that left an impression on you, or that you're especially fond of?
Uchiyama: There's a scene where they're struggling to balance their life with Miri and their job, and so they head to the government office, but what I really found memorable was how we begin to see all the aspects of "parenting" from there. Part of the process is that they have to write her name on all her belongings for daycare; I thought that little detail was very effective. And in the scene where they go shopping for high-end children's clothing, it was interesting to see Kazuki go on about how, when you're entering a group environment, you have to try to look cool right from the start. I've spotted designer children's clothing in department stores, and I've always wondered what sort of parent would buy such expensive stuff. Turns out Kazuki does. (laughs) That was on my mind as well.
Interviewer: Please tell us what you think are the selling points of this series "Buddy Daddies".
Uchiyama: I think it really is the feeling you only get from an original anime, that you have no way to tell where things are going from here. I also recorded every episode with no idea how it would all turn out in the end. From the midpoint onwards, Miri's mother is an important character as well, and various dramas are playing out in parallel, including each character's past. In that way, every episode brings a sense of freshness, and I think you can enjoy that without ever getting bored.
Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to everyone who is enjoying this series.
Uchiyama: When it comes to Rei, his past and background are still a mystery in many ways. We get a few glimpses from his conversations with Kazuki, but the series will delve more deeply into that from now on. Please pay close attention to the story of the Rei, Kazuki, and Miri trio, as well as to each character's life until now. And this one is a minor detail, but I'd like to note that there are a lot of homages to legendary movies scattered throughout. The scene of making French toast is reminiscent of "Kramer vs. Kramer" [1979 legal drama], and Ogino Ryo is a lot like Chigurh from "No Country for Old Men" [2007 thriller by the Coen brothers]. I think it would be wonderful if you could appreciate those hidden references as well. I hope you will follow this series all the way to the finale.
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daily-linkclick · 10 months
What is the theory abt lg being from an alternate timeline? I’ve been seeing a lot of ppl talk about it and idrk where it comes from, and what are your thoughts??(have a nice day!!)
this ask magically appeared in my inbox just today but apparently it was sent weeks ago, holy shit! thank you for waiting op LMFAO
anyways, it's a theory that's been around before season 2, iirc! mostly because we had little to nothing lore wise around their powers, and its just fun thinking about while we waited for anything canon. there were a few things that did hint at lu guang being from an alternative timeline, being that we don't know his age and backstory, and his weird hair color (not a lot of people sporting full white hair, or any unnatural hair color in link click, at least)
those aspects don't necessarily point to him being from an alternate timeline, but they also could be hints towards it! but there's new content that makes this theory potentially canon! it's from this music video played during Bilibili World. it features an alternate mv for vortex, which is interesting because we see lu guang falling first:
in it, there are several shots with cheng xiaoshi wearing completely different outfits, some injured and one seemingly dead? Plus a frame that shows four cxs's merging into one. maybe it's just ooo pretty visuals, but there's a looot of imagery that implies different timelines (shard fractals, reflections, mirror images, etc)
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There's also this shot, with lu guang wearing an alternate fit we've never seen - and he's wearing more black in this one?? his s1 fit also featured a dark shirt and pants but his flannel color was more dominant. this leads me to believe that this is lu guang but less experienced (another timeline).
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maybe all of this is just non-canon for marketing, they did market lu guang as dead for all of pre-s2 lol, but i like to believe this is them teasing lu guang's past! even if he's the main character, he's someone who's past we know the least of. i'd argue we find out more about side characters than we do about him actually - which makes me (and a lot of other people) think he's from an alternate timeline!
that's the gist; i'll put my own thoughts under a read more so this post won't be insanely long
my own thoughts on the theory is that i think lu guang is from multiple alternate timelines. the frame with multiple cheng xiaoshis, and the one where four merge into one makes me believe lu guang met cheng xiaoshi in his timeline, but cxs either died or had a miserable life. he kept going into different timelines in an attempt to save him / be in a timeline where cheng xiaoshi is actually safe and happy, and finally got to the timeline we see in the show.
though that part requires him having more than just the power to look into what happens in a photo. but there's been proof of lu guang hiding what he knows / has with cheng xiaoshi (re: him hiding the fact emma died, and him hiding the photo that liu tianchen gave him). he's also an incredibly private person. if he hides from his closest friend, who's to say he isn't hiding something from the audience either?
we also don't know how they got their powers. if lu guang originally had the power to dive back into pictures, then it would make sense on how he's able to go to different timelines. also, studio lan clearly emphasizes the fact that the pair are two halves of a whole, and the show is more interesting because of that dynamic.
as an extra: lu guang's doting nature makes a lot of sense too, he just doesn't want to see cheng xiaoshi miserable again! it's a pretty known fact that cheng xiaoshi didn't have any friends (besides qiao ling) before lu guang, and his life insantly got better when they finally were a trio (interesting that it was mainly because of a mysterious person that popped out of nowhere). here's a fun twitter thread by t3mp0s about the trio's dynamic
lastly, i just think it'd be fun if at one point cheng xiaoshi slowly discovers what lu guang did in his past for him. and how hypocritical lu guang would sound after saying "past or future, leave them be" if he never applied that to cheng xiaoshi! either way i still want to see a cxs saving lg arc man... they keep teasing it EVEN IN THE MV
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that's it!! i know link click's best quality is the trio going through other people's stories, but i think they're preparing us for the biggest one: lu guang's.
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Because I’m stuck in the Rot, More Thoughts about Wreck it Ralph
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I know, I know. It’s just a stupid kids’ movie about a bunch of stupid video game characters going on stupid adventures and making stupid jokes. This REALLY isn’t something worth obsessing over, especially with the myriad of dumpster fires that is The Real World right now. Who gives a shit about cartoons when there’s at least one active genocide, the US is going back to the Bad Old Days, and trillionaires exist?
But the thing is . . . I DO care. I care so much. And I know I shouldn’t.
I was the ABSOLUTE last person who should’ve liked the first Wreck-it Ralph. I knew no one in the cast by name or reputation, I missed the majority of the video game references (like not realizing Tapper was a real-ass game from the real-ass world until much later), and I only went to the opening weekend showing because I was excited for Paperman (the short that played prior to the movie, not the video game character). I told myself I was going to walk out as soon as the movie bored me. I thought I’d be there ten minutes.
And then, the movie started.
By the time the camera pushed in on the Fix-it Felix Jr. screen & we entered the world of the video game characters, I was glued to my seat. But it wasn’t until we faded in on Ralph sitting in his first Bad Anon meeting, pouring his heart & soul out to his fellow Bad Guys (and the audience) that I realized he was me.
I mean, not literally. Obviously. But as the movie kept playing, I kept feeling like someone had ripped out my soul & put it on the big screen. There have been other Disney characters I’ve liked or related to for surface-level similarities (She likes books? I like books! That kind of stuff).
But Ralph hit SO MUCH deeper. He was this guy feeling stuck in a role he wasn’t sure he was meant to play, feeling literally AND metaphorically out of place even in a world where he SHOULD have felt at home, tired of ALWAYS being compared to someone else and found lacking because HIS talents didn’t match the OTHER’S talents, desperate for someone, ANYONE, to see what he had to offer and say “You have value. You matter.” And there were other similarities - the short temper, the clumsiness/tendency towards accidentally breaking stuff, the gap in the top front teeth, etc. But it was the core of his character - feeling lost, being secure in his identity but looking for someone to see him & accept him - that truly resonated with me.
And the rest of the movie. I could talk about what was IN the movie, but I want to talk about what WASN’T in the movie. Like the Bad Anon scenes. It was silly because of who was there, but they played it DEAD serious in the movie. This was not a “D’oh hoh hoh, silly support group for silly people because mental health is for losers” scene - they paid support groups & mental health the respect they deserve! And it was inspiring that Ralph STAYED IN Bad Anon even after getting his “Happily Ever After.” Sure, it was probably just meant to be a framing device, but I saw it as mental health positivity. And there were spin-off short stories that carried the idea of Ralph staying in Bad Anon, further reinforcing the idea that support groups are helpful & there’s nothing wrong with reaching out for help.
And for a plus-size character, Ralph has a surprising lack of fat jokes aimed at him in the first movie. I think Vanellope has one line about him having a go-kart “hidden in the fat folds of his neck,” but I think that’s because she wasn’t allowed to say “Well, unless you have a go-kart hidden in your ass crack.” And there are scenes in the first act when Ralph is clearly too big to comfortably walk through the Niceland Apartment or when his tummy bulges out when he straightens his stolen Hero’s Duty armor, but I saw those more as “Ohh, this is a visual representation of how Ralph feels out of place because this world wasn’t made to accommodate someone like him and/or he’s not prepared for what he’s about to get into” as opposed to “D’oh Ho Ho, he’s FAT.”
It was just so refreshing to see a movie that didn’t go for as many cheap shots as it probably could’ve. Ralph was treated with so much respect in the first movie, and it felt so nice to see someone who I resonated with so thoroughly not being treated like the butt of the joke. The movie became an instant favorite, and Wreck-it Ralph took over a special place in my heart & my brain. On bus rides home from college I’d be on my laptop making music videos about Ralph & Vanellope (NOT SHIPPING THEM AT ALL!!!!!!! I used songs clearly meant to convey familial love like “BBBFF” and “You’ll Be In My Heart”) I eagerly waited for Disney to give us console games based on Sugar Rush & Hero’s Duty (and yes, I DID buy the micro Fix-it Felix Jr. cabinet when it was offered at Walmart, and if there is ever a full cabinet game offered I WILL be the first to buy it, build it, and set every record possible for a cabinet game). When Motorchickensmile published their Love Bug fanfic on Fanfiction.net & posted their art on DeviantArt, I was HOOKED! If that was the ONLY sequel we ever got to Wreck-it Ralph, I would’ve died happy.
Then Disney announced the official sequel. And like the rest of the world, I was PUMPED! A little confused because Ralph didn’t have anything to do with the Internet and it seemed odd to get the arcade characters out of the arcade, but I was hopeful. After all, the first movie was beloved by old school gamers, new gamers, and folks who only knew Pokémon (I.e. me). SURELY they’d know what they were doing with online gaming!
And then I saw the sequel.
There are a lot of scenes from Wreck-it Ralph that live in my head. I saw the movie at least 4 times in theaters, and when the movie went on sale I was there the day it dropped to buy it & put the digital copy on my iPod. But you know that scene when Ralph destroys Vanellope’s go kart while she’s stuck in the tree, and she’s BEGGING him not to, SCREAMING in agony as he obliterates the first thing he ever made that someone saw value in, the promise of her future, a symbol of their shared outcast status but still being worthy? And you can SEE the misery in Ralph’s face, how he HATES doing this, but keeps going because he thinks he has to for the greater good?
Yeah, that’s what Ralph Breaks the Internet did to my perception of Wreck-it Ralph.
Gone were any traces of nuance, maturity, introspection, or even basic intelligence. NOW Ralph is a gross idiot who is SUPER clingy to Vanellope, regularly abandons his game during arcade hours (which, in case folks forgot from the first movie, was a SUPER BIG DEAL THAT COULD’VE ENDED HIS WORLD & KILLED THE NICELANDERS), throws temper tantrums & blubbers like a baby when things don’t go his way. Ralph goes OUT OF HIS WAY to endanger Vanellope just to keep her close, and he NEVER holds himself accountable! The first movie was all about Ralph learning that self worth can’t be measured in medals, but in the sequel he is CONSTANTLY flashing his cookie medal like it’s supposed to mean something. Don’t even get me STARTED on all the fat jokes. And even BEFORE Ralph ruins Sugar Rush, you get the sense that while HE’S obsessed with Vanellope & their friendship, Vanellope is feeling suffocated by this relationship & is desperate to get away from him.
The press releases said the movie was supposed to be about friends growing apart and going away but keeping the bonds of friendship. But to me? The whole thing felt like Disney was saying “Hey, YOU. Yeah, the IDIOT who thought they LIKED this giant man-baby moron? You’re super clingy and stupid. Don’t bother making friends - you’ll smother them with your attempts to bond. They can do so much better than you, and you’re only holding them back. Now, who wants to watch us add insult to injury by stuffing this gorilla in a dress designed for a 14-year-old princess?”
Again, I don’t think that was the INTENDED message of the movie. But it was just SO mean-spirited, especially when compared to the uplifting messages of the first movie. Which I guess was inevitable for a movie trying to be about the Internet, but still.
So, yeah. I had to step away from the franchise. And it HURT! This story - this character - was such a huge part of my life for years, and I had to cut it out. There were periods of time when I’d forget about the franchise for a bit, or have More Important Things to worry about (like that global pandemic, the nut job & his cult trying to overthrow the US government, normal life stuff). But then I’d be hit with a thought about the first movie out of nowhere, and I’d be happy until I remembered how the sequel killed all of its goodwill.
To this day I still have mixed feelings about Ralph. I get excited when he & Vanellope are included in multi-IP projects, then get sad when I remember the sequel, then get mad at myself for getting excited, then get disappointed when I see more Vanellope merch than Ralph merch, then get mad again when I remember how badly the sequel burned me. AND HE’S NOT REAL!!! I’m being driven insane by a guy WHO DOESN’T EVEN EXIST!!!
When Disney announced their version of Animal Crossing, Dreamlight Valley, Ralph & Vanellope were two of the characters featured in the trailer. Two years later we got Vanellope, but the closest we’ve gotten to Ralph is an in-game chess piece. Meanwhile Vanellope’s getting some great interactions with Mike & Sully of Monsters Inc, with Sully taking a paternal shine to Vanellope. And now I’m constantly begging the Dreamlight Valley social medias for updates about Ralph. I’m excited to see him, but also worried because I don’t know if we’ll get the nuanced Bad Guy from Wreck-it Ralph or the clingy buffoon from Ralph Breaks the Internet. I know John C. Reilly won’t be voicing him (because he NEVER voices Ralph outside of the movies & Once Upon a Studio), but I’m also kind of hoping he will? I don’t know if I want my avatar to hug him, or punch him, or leave him stranded in the Vitalys mines, or love-bomb him with cookie medals, or just leave him off mode. I have a space saved right in front of my in-game house for HIS in-game house, but I might just spend the rest of the game on Eternity Isle so I never have to see him.
And again, this is all for some WHO IS NOT REAL!!!!! I know I have problems, I KNOW there’s SO MUCH MORE to worry about than an imaginary guy with ginormous hands! I WISH I could just not care about him, or his movie, or any fictional stories! I WISH I could go on a Disney Cruise and NOT look for his face in the Art of Animation wall art or in the kids’ area wall art! I WISH I could stop looking for him in Disney Lorcana, or mystery mini lines, or multi-IP books! But I also know I can’t. If I let myself give up on him, if I let Disney WIN? He’ll be Forgotten. Locked in that vault with no chance for redemption. There have been too many other characters to suffer that fate. Like Oswald. And I can’t let characters like Oswald or Ralph be forgotten.
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Izzy's Heavily Improvised Essay on Bambi 2
(to folks who follow me for other stuff, I apologize right ahead of time, just doing my "multifandom" name justice XD)
Okay y’all, bear with me, this was written in the heat of the moment and therefore I might go around in tangents. I’ve been dying to write this essay thingy for months actually, but I kept chickening out when I went to try and just do it. And it was also inspired by Wreckham’s own Bambi post that I saw a while ago, so uh... Yeah.
(also this mainly features my opinions, don't take them as facts >_<)
So, starting things off with this:
It shall be no secret that I’m an avid fan of the Bambi movies (more the second than the first, but we’ll get to that in a bit). 
It’s no surprise that visually speaking, Bambi is a spectacle from beginning to end, on top of having a beautiful soundtrack and a fascinating way of being the closest thing to an animated documentary with its environments.
However, it comes with the price of... Well, lacking a concrete plot. And by that I mean outside of just showcasing Bambi’s life from birth to adulthood. Not to say there’s no value in that, but I reckon it’s not the kind of movie lots of people nowadays would just want to watch multiple times in a row.
(plus considering how much of the novel’s plot they cut out when adapting it to the screens… That’s a can of worms for another day)
Yes, even I, the avid fan, will admit this flaw in the storytelling. And it’s a big reason why I maintain my statement on loving the second movie more than the first.
And oh where do I begin?
Namely how its plot is basically about the time that happened between Bambi’s Mother’s death and the scene with all those cheery singing birds — in other words, the period in which Bambi was raised by his father, the Great Prince of the Forest.
While animation’s changed significantly (given that, y’know, 64 years apart) and also different voice actors were hired for the characters (again, 64 years), I will come here and say that visually the movie did the original justice, and did it in spades!
Plot-wise? On one hand, there’s more dialogue and the humor is a bit more targeted for younger audiences, which in fairness will put off some who are more inclined towards the original.
On the other hand, the movie is also not afraid to explore some darker subjects, some indirectly (like the whole aspect of grief both for Bambi and his father and their respective ways of dealing with it), and some directly (such as the entire Deer Call scene).
And the fact that unlike the first movie, the characters here are more fleshed out, the main highlight of that is none other than the Great Prince himself; in the first movie he... Didn’t have nearly enough screentime or lines to justify his status as protector of the Forest, at best he was a minor character given too much importance, and at worst he was a living prop.
In the second? He’s the second main focus of the story, with a whole character development arc on how to be a father to Bambi despite his belief in tradition (aka the whole “the does care for the young” thing). In fact, I think I should dedicate this part of the essay on his character, shall we? Because years of rewatching the movie made me think a lot of things regarding him (which I don’t see many or even anyone talk enough about):
If we’re gonna think about it, we never really get to know the Great Prince too deeply prior to his mate’s death. Everything we do know about him personality-wise came afterwards, at a time when he had to look after Bambi while also looking after the Forest as a whole.
It’s incredibly easy to label him as a jerk and a deadbeat father when one fails to consider a few things:
1- His mate died, and given the timeframe, the Prince was unable to reach both her and Bambi in time before Man shot her; made worse when you remember that in the first movie he was able to save them both from Man. Literally, at the beginning of the second movie, one of the first expressions we see from him is sadness. Wouldn’t you think he was feeling not just grief, but guilt too?
2- He was left to raise his son alone, at one of the harshest points of wintertime, and only asked Friend Owl to find a doe because the owl offered some help in the first place; recalling the tradition thing, the Prince had no experience with children whatsoever, can you blame him for being baffled at the idea of him raising his son at first?
3- He’s the protector of a whole forest. That’s like, hundreds and hundreds of lives he’s dedicated to keep safe from Man at all times every single day, hundreds and hundreds of animals depending on him to not get shot. Even if he’s experienced at what he does, that’s still a huge pressure onto a single individual, and the fact that he can’t always save everyone every time Man is in the woods.
And a bonus: forget his status as the Great Prince of the Forest for a moment, and what do you have? A stag who lost his mate (whom he genuinely loved) and is left to raise their son entirely on his own.
If I were to guess, I’d say the Great Prince was far more serene prior to the tragedy; still a recluse, what with being the protector of the woods and then some, but less stern in general.
Everything we see of him before the completion of his character development, is him trying to make do with something that was out of his control and dealing with its consequences. (there’s a reason why ‘Parents as People’ is a trope, y’know)
Hell, it was all but stated that even before he became more open towards Bambi and embraced his role as a parent, he already cared about his son in his own way. I’m under the belief that he’s always been capable of raising him, all he needed was some time (and a bit of a nudge from Bambi himself at points).
Plus he was already regretting the whole “new mother to Bambi” plan and intending on calling it off by the time Friend Owl brought Mena, he only went through with it anyway because he thought he screwed things up with Bambi for good - btw I do not blame Bambi for being mad, poor guy’s spent most of the movie trying to impress his dad and taking every lesson to heart, only to find out about the arrangement at the worst time possible.
On another tangent, I feel like one aspect that’s often overlooked is how both Bambi and his father reacted to going through with the arrangement:
By the time Bambi was going to leave with Mena, he wasn’t even mad anymore, just downtrodden and upset that he wouldn’t get to see his friends as often, but otherwise resigned and accepting that it’s what he should be doing. Putting up a brave facade all the while, much like the Great Prince himself.
Same for the latter, he was trying to keep his regal facade up as well and insisting that “a Prince does sacrifices” - he was mostly talking about himself, having to give his son up so he’s raised by someone better than the Prince.
And let’s get one fact clear before heading to a main point in this essay: although Bambi did get mad at his father (down to even wishing his mother was there instead of him), he was far more upset at being separated from him and not getting to see him as often, and it’s made obvious he regretted yelling those words at his father.
Otherwise, Bambi wouldn’t have rushed back to nuzzle him goodbye, wouldn’t have thought of retaliating against Ronno when the latter taunted him about being “given away” due to his father “being ashamed of him”. And he certainly wouldn’t have run to another cliff to meet his dad after defeating the last of Man’s dogs.
In fact I more than believe that they would’ve reconciled on the spot as soon as they saw each other again, which was what likely gonna happen after Bambi saved Mena and got rid of all the dogs.
But then the cliff scene happened.
(aka one of my favorite scenes in the whole movie, and yes I will defend it right now)
Now, I can see why a good bunch of people hate that scene (namely the whole Disney Death thing), but allow me to say that it’s in the movie for a reason, and it’s not to trick the audience into thinking Bambi did die from the fall.
It’s to showcase the Great Prince’s character arc coming to fruition.
Remember when I said that the Prince did love Bambi in his own way despite not knowing anything about raising children? This is the scene where he finally realized just how much he did care all along, shedding away his “prince does/does not” mentality for good. Realizing that Bambi needed him as a father
There's so much that goes unsaid in the scene.
How the Prince’s voice nearly breaks when urging Bambi to get up, him saying “A Prince does not...” but never finishing it. What was he going to say? We don’t know, and that’s the point. Maybe even he didn’t know, maybe it was said out of reflex.
How he gets down and looks at his (seemingly) dead son before nuzzling him, keeping him as close as he could, and crying.
This all makes it more meaningful when Bambi does wake up and calls him Dad for the first time, showcasing how far their bond has gone and developed.
I believe, among other things, that the scene (and perhaps counting the dog chase as well) was also meant to be a mirror/parallel to the dream sequence from earlier in the movie. But that’s perhaps an essay for another day!
So, in conclusion… I swear I’m 100% normal about this movie, I totally did not spend days on end trying to make this improv essay as cohesive as possible-
[essay ends here, roll credits]
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
Alright, babydoll, sign me up for the match up!
Star Sign: Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon, Pisces Rising
Age: 25
Height: 5'4" / 163.2cm
Identity: Bisexual with a preference to masculine features
Occupation: Student/Student Doctor
Favorite things: My makeup, food, my bed, learning new things, singing/music, shopping, chocolate
Hobbies/What I do in my spare time: writing and drawing for my horny little sinners. Learning a new language. Studying. Shopping.
Fav Obey Me Character: Girl, you already know, but Diavolo, clearly
What I look for in a partner: attentive. Trustworthy/honest [lying to me is a good way to die]. Kind to others as well as me. Good sexual chemistry. Enjoys good food and taking me out to get food or have food made because I get hangry. Conversationalist because I like talking but also someone who can talk when I dont feel like it. But also a good listener. Curious/looking to learn new things. Stability is a requirement, financially, and in other ways. I can't do flaky people.
About Me (visually): You already have my socials lmao but I can describe maybe what isn't as clear in photos. I'm actually short [see my height] and very curvy/stalky. I have an hourglass shape, but I hide it because I have a lot of sand in mine [read: I'm fat/plus size]. I love my makeup and being put together, with full outfits, coordinating hair, makeup, and shoes, the whole shebang. But otherwise, you can just look at what I've posted. (Please don't include any photos of me in the reply)
Thank you again, and congratulations! You deserve it!
-The Royal SK
🌻 500 Followers Bite Sized Event 🌻
SK, My Queen, my pink cult sister, my demon fucker darling. I'm so glad we're friends! I'm more than happy to be the third wheel in yours and delphi friendship 💕 I feel like I bring a certain uncertainty to your pairing and I quite like that! 😂😚☺️
NSFW in parts so minors begone! 18+ MDNI
Match up:
Diavolo Prince of the Devildom
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There really was no other choice for you, I will admit I thought about Barb, but I just kept coming back to his highness. He knows just how to treat you, he's like putty in your hands, he'll give you everything you want and more... If he knows whats good for him! Baby boy would take such good care of you, he'll take you out to eat and listen to you for hours. He's goddamn obsessed. Can you blame a guy though?
Head canons for you both:
I know you're a swiftie so imma put this out there. That song enchanted to meet you... That's literally the both of you. Except there is no wondeing who you both love. It's clearly each other.
Ok but when you first got together there was a lot of sneaking around! Escaping the castle together (as if barb doesn't know 😂 he thinks it's cute so he lets it slide for now), slipping out of HOL unnoticed is a fucking chore but you do it! Playing hooky at rad. Pulling the "Diavolo would like to see the exchange student in his office" Once you guys left the intercom on and the entire school heard you both giggling and kissing and.... Other things!
He loves to show you off, he thinks you're the most beautiful woman that has ever existed or that will ever exist. So as long as he can keep you, he'll have you by his side.
Sleep overs at the castle? Check! Sleep overs at HOL? Keep it to a minimum. The boys are jealous enough! What with you giving your heart to the prince, now he wants to encroach on family time? Nu-huh! No way! Get fucked! Fuck off! (Sorry had to put my aussie rock band reference in there.)
Does his angel face want a gift? Yeah! Great he's gonna spoil you rotten and then some. You will be completely taken care of! You don't even need to ask, he just wants to give you everything you need!
He loves to kiss you. Soft forehead kisses, cute cheek kisses, teasing neck kisses, lingering kisses on your sweet lips. He can't get enough of them. The way your body softens in his hold.
He's all about pet names for you! He called you princess, baby, chicken, honey, my love, my life, sweetheart, pretty thing, good girl.
Baby girl I hope you like big cock because ya boy's packing! Are you going to take it like a good girl? "S'too biig! Pleeeeaase!" "Sorry princess... Think you can take just the tip, yeah? Fuuuck you feel so good... s'tiiiight. Little more, yeah? Being so good for me. You can take it, I know you can." Yeah you're gonna take a lot more than just the tip. Don't worry, he's the king of prep. He'll make you cum on his tongue before he stretches you out on his fingers first. He only needs to force it a little bit by the time he's done.
You ever been fucked on a throne? Would you like to? That's what you whisper to him before you push him down on the thing. Well, when he lets you push him down onto the thing, good luck trying if he doesn't want to. Daddy Dia is B I G. He actually hadn't believe it or not, but I think he's going to want to make it a regular thing. He likes the way you ride him slow, he likes it even more when you're tired and he can take control. Holding you by your hips, dragging your pussy up and down his cock. Using you how he wants too.
You know how I said he likes kissing your on your lips? Yeah I meant your downstairs lips 😂 jk. But kinda serious. There is something about your taste he can't get enough of. He'll eat you out anytime anywhere so be warned. It's breakfast time, he's hungry but not for the breakfast that Barbatos has prepared. Oops you're no longer in your chair, suddenly you're lying on your back on the table with your skirt lifted and your panties being ripped off. Protesting until his mouth latches around your clit and suddenly you can't remember why you're saying no???
If you'll allow it he'll mark you anyway he can. Especially in cheeky places that are slightly visible. Places you would really have to look to notice. Like just below your ear. The back of your shoulder. Your bicep, your hips, your tummy. He also likes cumming on your face. You just look so pretty covered in his cum, eyes all wide. Mouth open, tongue out hoping to get a taste of him.
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I hope you like my little head canons for you and dia, princess! Thank you so much for requesting ☺️ I love you, you're pretty perfect, did you know? 💕💕🌻
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thebnha-auhoard · 1 year
Nesting habits of Carnivores alike
Words: 2708, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Toga Himiko, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks & Toga Himiko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Toga Himiko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko
Tags: Toga Himiko is a Little Shit, Sweet Toga Himiko, Toga Himiko Being Toga Himiko, Toga Himiko Needs Rest, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Mess, Mentioned Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Mentioned Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, raw meat eating, Hair Braiding, Hugging, in the end but yeah, ships are very backgroundlike they are in the background setting you should notice them but they aren't full story, DadDecember Ect Events, Obscure Dads Week
There was a crack and a pop of uncomfortable bones and muscles as Keigo made his way to “his” apartment, most of his feathers were missing and any not attached were for certain being dragged behind him as if tied with string behind his own dragging wings, and Keigo could feel the mess of mostly dried stains in his wings that made his brain even more scattered about, wanting to preen and pick feathers until he would calm down. And yet he could feel the smile creeping in his face as he could imagine his best friends grinning faces at his state if they saw him coming back home. 
Keigo doesn’t really bother with the keys somewhere along his full pockets, a feather quickly makes the way of the lock as soon Keigo had visual of the front door, and he just, leans into the apartment, ready to go face down in the at least cushy couch which was provided by the commission when he received the apartment (and most of the complex but of course those were only on his name in name, the commission always “managing” everything in his life-).
Instead, Keigo is surprised to see a different blond head shrieking as the automatic lights connected to the door activated, bleeding the house with overhead warm light instead of just the previous open fridge door light that was there, Toga Himiko was staring at him, probably trying to calm her heart at the sudden shift in the ambience. Keigo probably was exactly too tired to not even question on why the villain from the villain group both himself and Tou- Dabi were undercover, no, what he question was even more dumb.
“How… did you find this?”
Which props to Keigo a bit because that was a genuine baffling question, since most of the building complex was bought by the commission and the rest were on a rent basis, aka making it not be a place people really talked about, least of all any strange sightings they could have seen of one person or other. Tho the Keigo of right now was very much throwing himself in the big sofa that is the only thing they kept from the initial moving in, he spread out all of his limbs stretching out before just staying sprawling like a sea star, his feathers resting near but not much, so he could sense Toga start and stop, measuring her words to him.
“Well, I saw flambé getting in here, so, i assumed this was his…”
“It technically is, and mine, and owned by another one too”
He turned his head to have one eye looking at her, just noticing she was drinking one of Rumi’s plant milk based boxes, which made him gag the first time he tried one, so no thank you. Although the girl didn’t have the cornered animal look anymore, so that was a plus, the downside now is that teasing malice was what shined in those slitted eyes, and with a not necessary fanged smile.
“So you two DO have a thing!”
Keigo groaned, forfeiting the right of vision of the unnecessary fang showing, he knew Himiko fangs were retractable as his talons, and yet here she was rummaging the fridge and giggling like it was just a play. After a moment, his hunger was bigger than the cringe feeling, so Keigo righted his posture in time to see Himiko open the fridge again to look a bit more it seems..
Very lazy, Keigo ordered the feathers to bring his stached cuts of meat sponsored by Dabi chicken heming need to plan every meal in their house. Toga dodged the array like a second nature, still looked confused at him as Keigo himself smiled at the small tray of sashimi cuts and the sorted defrozen chicken they had, Keigo started with a drumstick.
"Why... are you eating that?"
Keigo thrilled, closest thing for a laugh with a whole drumstick in his mouth, and he almost choked at the gaping expression change to a jaw on the floor one as he audibly broke the bone in his bite.
"What?" He tried to say, but Keigo was very much still biting down onto the chilled chicken. So it sounded more like garble than anything else, which absolutely didn't help Toga expression at him
"Don't you have to like... cook that?"
Keigo shrugged, swallowing down.
"Do you have to cook and check for diseases in your blood?"
Himiko pouted, stomping one time on the floor. Keigo, who still very much lived with Rumi, waited for the tackle or the continued thumps as the rabbit became more impatient, or the shrill noise she would make when he or Dabi really got on her nerves.
Instead, Himiko only continued with a whine tone.
"That's different! You know that!"
"Literally how, you know there's a reason that I'm Hawks and not any other bird, you know?"
Keigo, who very much thought that expression was a dramatic media invention, wheezed and dropped the sashimi slice he was picking back in the tray as Himiko inflated her checks with an annoyed expression, and let all that air go immediately into a growl at Keigo reaction.
"Ok mister Hawks, what other bird would you be, huh?" 
Toga swung the fridge door open again, sticking her head in cutting off Keigo vision of her.
After finishing that slice he dropped, he hummed out loud, thinking perhaps a bit much about the question.
"Vulture, perhaps, or Owl if I wanted to still have a hero theme and all."
Himiko shoot her head out, holding one of the fried buns Dabi liked to munch in her mouth but otherwise it was a surprised expression she gave him, which made him arch an eyebrow at her. She tried to talk, but clearly forgot the bun she was holding, but Himiko was fast enough to catch it before it fell on the ground. With a grumble again, she let it rest besides where the drink was left on the table top, and gone back to investigate what there was in their fridge.
"Didn't think you birdie would like those scavenger types"
Keigo snorted, and bit down on the last slice of the fish tray before answering.
"Well, our stomach compositions are practically the same, and there is a known bright red species, tho I think it was because they use makeup? I don't know, and they are cool."
"Do you think they are cool?"
Keigo was a bit rattled by how small Himiko voice got on the question, and he did have enough emotional intelligence to see that something in that was important to the girl.
Keigo shrugged knowingly that Toga couldn't see it and said.
"They are very cool, even if other people don't think that, they don't really care because they got their own thing you know, getting rid of infection and carcasses and all."
Keigo chirped when he felt the sofa dippen, tiredness was really eating at him at not noticing Toga coming, no sign of the milk drink but there were some of the buns in her lap, and Keigo could feel the avoided gaze of the girl, with her back firmly in his general direction. The only thing he hoped is that he didn’t accidentally anger the blood thirsty teen, Keigo continued to munch on bone and meat alike.
“Pick a number between 50 and 20.”
Keigo blinked, after finishing his last piece was the statement said. Looking at her, Keigo saw Himiko still wasn’t looking at him, only one bun remaining in her lap as the girl worked on the hair buns. Keigo pouted while thinking, absently minded taking the leftover trash to the trash or the sink.
“Left or Right?”
Keigo now turned to her, sitting cross legged and letting his wings sag behind him now that there was no task to be done.
“Red, blue or green?” Now Himiko turned at him, smile without fangs as she seems to give up on righting the buns and just let her hair go.
“Blue.” Keigo watched as she munched the fried bun left, still smiling at him, perhaps he looked funny when tired to her?
“Dawn or dusk?”
“Dawn, shouldn’t you go to sleep?”
The smile immediately falls, but there’s no pout, only slight squint at him with no force of a glare.
“Shouldn’t you?”
Keigo sighed. “Yeah i should, but you’re here, so…”
There’s the pout he wasn’t looking for.
“Well, i want to stay the night!”
“Cool, do you want to take a shower or just hit the hay?”
Himiko blinked wide-eyed at him, but Keigo was already set, his stray feathers reconnecting with his wings as he got up and stretched. Keigo headed to Dabi’s room in search of some night wear she would have.
“Wait! Are you being serious?!” Was called out, which Keigo couldn’t really respond with his face in a closet, but soon he found one of those long shirts with short sleeves that Dabi would wear in long free days.
“Yeah! Do you want me to run your outfit in the washing machine while you’re at the bath?” He peaked in Rumi’s room, grabbing one shorts of hers before coming back to the living room, with an easy smile on. Himiko was still where Keigo left her, now blinking wildly at him like he had grown another head.
With a tone to set the final nail on the coffin, Keigo did his final offer. “I could help do your hair, I know how to do a sick french braid!”
Now there was definitely a sparkle in her yellow eyes as Himiko quietly said. “Yeah”
There was more spark in Keigo smile now, exhaustion forgotten for a moment as he ushered the teen to the shower, making sure the spare clothes were in her hands before heading off to ready the sofa with the futon cover and some spare pillows, Keigo chuckled at the memory of the argument about that between the three and Keigo being very scandalized that Rumi only would take two and Touya would take one, his best friends and their lack of early back problems was a matter of scandalisation at the highest dramatic acti he would muster with them.
Things helpfully laid out in the couch, Keigo deemed the room lights to mostly dark but still able to see, and after some feather work, he could grab the left out dirty clothes without needing to open the door, and got to set up the washing machine with a bit of powder bleach besides the soap and vinegar, and chugged the cardigan, fuku, skirt and high socks, leaving the neckerchief aside for no color damage, Keigo learned his lesson with Rumi hero costume accident.
After that, Keigo resettled his sitting position, and perhaps struggled to stay awake a bit for Himiko to be finished, by the time the door opened from the showers, he was dropping his head from minute to minute.
“You better not sleep and mess my hair up.”
Keigo gestured for her to sit in front of him, not minding the threat since he was trained out of unsteady hands in exhaustion when he was 10.
“That’s depressing! Cats or dogs?” While the question was asked, Keigo busied his hands gently prying the hair and dividing in two, and getting to work in the left side again by dividing into three and starting the braid with light movements.
“Water or fire?”
“Fire” Keigo tugs a bit to get the braid firm, now to tuck it in, in a bun…
“Desk or couch?”
“Pokemon starter?”
“Lame, turtles or rays?”
“Manta” There, with two hair ties it was secure and frankly Keigo is proud of how it is looking so far, now to the other side.
“Plus or sub?”
“Beef or chicken”
“Call or message?”
“Light or darkness?”
“Darkness. Finished, is it too tight?” Keigo leaned back admiring his work of making the buns not to flat but managing to have the circles more apparent since he managed to wrap the braid in itself that it was showing the hole in the wrapping in the center of both. It would probably fall away fastly, but Keigo knows his actual braids will last, when he did Rumi hair one time it lasted all morning without coming undone with the activity!
“Well, then settle in, because i’m gonna snooze.” Keigo shuffled aside until he could stand again, and couldn’t force the yawn that resulted from it, but it was good fun seeing Himiko smile in the corner of his eye
“You still say that?” Himiko leaned, smile easy and a just a glint of teasing in her eyes that Keigo did notice were starting to drop.
“I say a lot of old slang when tired yeah.” Keigo absently nodded, rolling in the balls of his feet trying to stave off grogginess 
“Grampa.” Keigo huffed, turning and starting his walk to his room.
“Goodnight my sweetheart!”
“Lame!!!” He let’s out a cackle in time of the teen, before Keigo is shutting the door and breathing out, not to relax per say, he is already calm enough, but something in this back and fourth make his mind cotton and heart ready to… do something, he wasn’t really sure what at this point, but it felt similar all those years ago, when Keigo was sure he would do anything for the other two best friends.
But sure is something different, since that was Toga, a 15 something year old villain, and he sure as hell didn’t feel like that to anyone in that age length and moral ground.
Whatever, Keigo took his shirt off and promptly fell in dreamless slumber the moment he relaxed against the bed and his pillow.
The doors of their apartment are well oiled, but it is still easy for booth Keigo and Rumi pick on any movement in their home, and Touya was as much as early riser as Keigo and stone cold sleeper, so, even if sleep clinging to his mind. His body tenses up, hand already curling around one of his old molt sharp feathers under the pillow, and Keigo wonders why the normal adrenaline hasn’t kicked up when the presence spoke, and of course he recognize it after one minute away from the interaction with her.
“Birdie.” There’s an yawn between. “Let me snuggle.”
“... what.”
“The sofa isn’t comfy.” Shuffling of feet, and confusion was what filled Keigo mind, since he knows for a fact that that sofa is extra comfy, and what would be the problem-.
Realization didn’t strike like thunder, and perhaps that was the motive of it leaving Keigo breathless, or because the memory hit him full of body slamming force, of himself shuffling towards his mother bed and quietly asking to join in. His hand trembled as he let go of the now soft feather and pushed up to look, his vision wasn’t as good in the dark as Rumi, but he could see clear enough to know the expression of slow regret and doubt on the normally smiling face.
Yeah, ok, maybe he now has a name for the feelings relating Himiko, and understands why To-Dabi would spend so much time with the girl outside the meetings with the league, but it all is just a maybe.
“Sure, get conforta-oof.”
Keigo had the mind to get his wings out of the way, but was still surprised at the velocity that Himiko springed out of the door into the bed. He wasn't winded by the impact, but more of the instinct chirp that left at the impact, with the breath Keigo took he could feel the girl snaking around him, but never really bringing arms up, and could smell the camomile and fresh grass that Dabi liked to use to get rid of smoke smell, and strong iron scent that made him gulp.
Himiko stilled, and settled down where she was mostly curled next to him.
Keigo counted four heartbeats, before overcoming the hesitation, wrapping both wing and arm around the teen, and waited eight more for Himiko stiffness to relax again into the mattress.
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waywardsalt · 1 year
the phantom hourglass manga is the one i care about the most out of all of the loz manga and therefore the one i am most willing to rip apart because of its relation to the game, its own problems, and the potential that was lost or thrown away for any reason at all
making this separate than the list of things i liked about the phantom hourglass manga
im not going to be too organized about this; ill go by topic and in each topic go in chronological order through the manga and everything else will probably be all over the place
im not even going to touch the story yet and just go after the art off the bat because i really believe that this manga has the weakest art of all of them. i dont know if its due to some kind of time crunch or a lack of care but its really… im not expecting any of these books to have killer art, but in ph it just feels like there was less effort with inconsistencies in some designs and either very low detail or just absent backgrounds. this feels like a mean-spirited critique since i understand that manga is difficult to create and requires a lot of effort but its just visually… worse than the loz manga that came before or after it.
some specific grievances i have with the art are things like inconsistent designs of some characters (linebeck is hard to draw and i get that but hes just… never totally consistent) and some items like weapons (the shape of bellumbeck’s sword changes during the fight for some reason) and stuff is… left out. the fire temple has basically no layout since link’s just in some flavor of void for the entire blaaz fight. one of the panels with linebeck’s ship shows it from the behind at an angle where you should see the deck but its just not there
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his ship is also missing its chimney on the cover art
this is also more of an opinion thing but the way astrid looks almost nothing like her game counterpart is just… it’s a nickpick based on opinion but that is Not The Same Character.
you can absolutely tell a fantastic story with lacking art, but the reason why im criticizing this manga’s art is because its the tenth in a series of manga who, up until this point, has had consistently good art, and then it drops off with weak backgrounds and character inconsistencies.
plus, i really care about how this story is visually portrayed.
the pacing, even with half of the story cut, is also a bit of a problem. as far as i'm aware, this is the only loz manga to have significant chunks of the story cut out, and while it admittedly works well with only half of the story, it fucks with the pacing a bit. specifically, it screws over linebeck's arc, which i'll talk about more in a different section, but it also kind of glosses over the phantom sword and (obviously) loses some possible time for further character exploration and whatever. the cut from the ghost ship right to jolene right to the final boss is, while handled well, kind of abrupt.
obviously, cutting half of the damn story will make what's kept feel a little too fast, but even some of the stuff more original to the manga is paced weirdly or is just... eh.
there's a bit after neri is found where linebeck decides to stop working with link and basically ditches him and this whole thing lasts one to two goddamn pages before everything is patched up and good and... why even include it if you turn the page and oh problem fucking solved. it's even a little out of character for linebeck at that point since a few pages before he's seen getting the sands of time for link and it's... it make sense but it's a really extreme character choice and while it serves its purpose (introducing the idea of linebeck not valuing other people very much and realizing that) it's still extremely brief.
the added stuff with linebeck being a past member of the ghost ship, while fine and interesting at first glance is also a strange choice that doesn't work all that well? it works for characterization and all of that but it makes for a weird situation with linebeck's character motivation where he's a coward and after the ghost ship for the treasure on it, but if he was present on the ghost ship literally as it was fucking gutted then he would know exactly what the danger of the ship is and want to avoid it no matter what. in the game his motivation for going after the ghost ship works because he doesn't know for certain whats on that ship and has never been on it. plus, aside from character backstory and whatever, it doesnt serve much of a purpose. linebeck even makes some comments about the ship's interior and the like but it all amounts to nothing because link never actually goes into the ship anyways. it's just a weird backstory to give linebeck.
the shuffling around (and cutting of one of) the three final bosses is also weird. it makes sense for the story order the manga goes with, but it actually lowers the stakes for the bellumbeck fight (in the game literally everything is on the line but in the manga its just linebeck and they absolutely use that to their advantage but still) and mixing the ghost ship fight and bellum fights make the final encounter really brief and kind of anticlimactic in some way. it's difficult to express, but the order of the final bosses in the game makes bellum a more interesting villain and melds with linebeck's arc in a much more interesting way. it feels like there was a specific reason for that given order and for the manga to just toss that aside means it loses something.
also reserving pretty much an entire chapter for jolene is A Choice to make. there's nothing wrong with using an adaptation to flesh out a character but here you don't learn anything new about jolene she just kind of makes very little sense in her motivations when you give her more screen time but dont change her from wanting to kill linebeck for fucking off but also still liking him maybe. good for you if you like jolene since she got more time here but they did pretty much nothing interesting with her
this is something i figured out while writing this, but the manga actually does Fuck All with the actual hourglass. you could've cut the fucking thing out and it wouldn't have effected the story too much. link never goes into the temple every again and the phantom sword is just. made on request with link having no interaction with it before using it to kill bellum. the only time the phantom hourglass is actually plot relevant aside from link first getting it and then using it to gather sand is when bellum tells link to bring it to the temple and then it's used exactly once to stop time and then it's used as proof that everything happened. oshus says link needs to use it and the sand to break the curse over the temple of the ocean king and then that never actually happens the sand and the hourglass is just used once to stop time once and otherwise it might as well not be in the story it's so weird. it's also implied that oshus needs the sand to restore tetra after he returns to his own true form but they dont say anything about that after he initially mentions it so who cares. oshus also tells link that zuaz will teach him how to defeat bellum. link never meets zuaz and still beats bellum anyways.
it feels like they cut the latter half of the story but forgot that the fucking majority of linebeck's entire goddamn character arc happens in that part of the story. sure, most of the cutscenes and whatever happens in the first part and linebeck does develop a bit in the first part but he doesn't really start to change until after the ghost ship, when you get his letter and his dialogue starts to change slightly to suggest that he's starting to like link more and care about something other than the possibility of treasure. the manga cutting out the latter half of the story but still making linebeck's arc end in similar places makes his arc feel really fast and even abrupt in the manga. he goes from being fully motivated to get treasure and still kind of selfish to caring a lot for link and deciding not to wish for treasure and the time was just NOT put in to make that a smooth transition.
honestly linebeck overall got fucked in the manga more than any other character. his arc was shafted, his characterization is strange and even kind of changed from the game, he's never drawn consistently and doesn't even look great since he seems to be stuck between two styles when he's drawn, he's more shallow and generally a less interesting character, and while most of that is probably a product of having one book to cover ph, it's still a problem.
like with all of the loz manga, the extremely limited amount of space and time the story is given absolutely fucks it over so you really are stuck with telling nothing more than an abridged and seriously inferior version of the story. i dont care how good the original stuff is if it barely qualifies as a good adaptation. the story wasn't told all of the way and none of the game's strengths are kept or expanded upon. you lose the majority of the best character's arc and depth. half of the story was cut. the title item is barely used. it feels like they didn't really care about adapting phantom hourglass and just hashed out a trimmed-down version of the story to fit into 188 pages and while there was some effort put in with a bit of a unique take on linebeck but it just falls flat when everything around it feels like it wasn't given a second thought.
i'm not suggesting that the author's didn't fucking care, i don't know what the process was with this, but it just... it doesnt feel like they actually wanted to earnestly create a good adaptation of this game. i have an altered perspective on all of this because this game is my special interest and something i deeply care about and inspect the little details of and it kinda just sucks that phantom hourglass never got a good adaptation because... this game has some serious potential for a really good extended adaptation.
Unlike the other Zelda games that the other manga cover, the structure of the journey in Phantom Hourglass has an insane amount of space for fleshing out of character, exploration of new concepts or character relationships, or just.. whatever you want. Providing you cover the original story, of course. Off the bat, there's a nebulous amount of travel time between islands, which can be used by authors for character moments and interactions and just little moments that can be used to further themes or concepts. You can use the implied time overseas between islands to have some interactions between Link and Linebeck. Show the three fairies hanging out with each other. Show the whole crew becoming closer to each other as time drags on.
Linebeck's existence and function within Phantom Hourglass alone is so fucking unique and amazingly good for an extended adaptation. In most other Zelda games, the companions are pretty much glued to Link's side and follows him through dungeons, or they're characters locked in a specific place, more or less divorced from Link's quest, but Linebeck is an integral part of the plot, present for every part of it as it advances, and yet he's out doing fuck-all while Link is in dungeons. He's a great excuse for authors to add detail to islands, write new characterization for background characters, or even just give Linebeck his own b-plot running concurrently with the game's normal plot. He's important to the plot and yet doesn't touch the gameplay; he's free to do whatever you want while Link does dungeon stuff. One possible idea I've mentioned before is the idea of, while Link is in the temple of the Ocean King, is to create and explore a possible relationship between Oshus and Linebeck. Scenes of them talking can be used to flesh out Oshus as a character and to add some extra depth to Linebeck and make his arc more interesting to follow.
There is... SO MUCH you can do with Phantom Hourglass if you care enough to do it, and I'm just so frustrated that we got this solid 4/10 of a manga.
#salty talks#bitching about the loz manga#hi if you think i'm wrong or made a mistake in this i implore you to fucking yell at me for it#i care about this game so fucking much that i would love to know if i fucked this up in any way#anyways uhhhh yeah. oof. it sucks.#i dont like jolene at all and have tags blacklisted to reflect that and will not touch stuff w/ her so thats why i dont read this much#jolene wanting to kill linebeck but still being implied to be attached to him makes me slightly uncomfortable ngl#probably one of the biggest reasons why i dislike her so much she gives me really bad vibes and is annoying#anyways. yall out here talking about how this manga has good dadbeck moments are fucking lying#maybe i cant see it because i have a good relationship with my dad but at best he's just. idk he gives a shit abt link at the most#i hate manga astrid i hate her so muhc. like. look at astrid in the game. what the fuck were the manga artists smoking#game astrid looks nothing like manga astrid and i like game astrid better.#this is incoherent bc im tired and i dont know how to write things like this and im so fucking tired#if you want clarification about any of this like you want me to talk about something specific?#send an ask or bring it up in a reblog or smth ill gladly discuss this book and why i kinda want to feed it to my dog#i just. game linebeck has queer vibes. game linebeck can be read as autistic#manga linebeck is neither. milquetoast ass fuckin wet cardboard take on a character#i dont even hate him he just fucking sucks compared to game linebeck#like. i hold game bellumbeck in such high regard bc everything about is is wonderful its a beautiful climax#every little thing about it is great i love the stakes i love the implications you can make about linebeck about bellum#the music the atmosphere the events leading up to it its place compared to other final bosses#manga bellumbeck is cool but its not what it could be#i didnt add any more photo evidence for art grievances bc theres a lot. bellumbeck's design changes between chapters#can you tell when making this post is no longer fueled by tired hate. can you#i thought about painting a target on my back and tagging this as phantom hourglass but thats a bad idea lol
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
Predaking TPS (my AU) VS Predaking TFP (character analysis)
Today I wanted to make a comparison between the Predaking of Transformers Prime and the Predaking of my AU "The Polar Star". In fact, I realized that when you write a fanfiction, the character does not always have the personality of the "real" character.
Either because we artificially change his personality, making him nicer, meaner, more emotional, etc. Like I did with Optimus, Shockwave and Soundwave in my novel, to make them a little easier to write (especially Soundwave XD), but also to be more endearing and reader-friendly.
But, the character can also be different from his/her original version, because he/she experiences different things. Other events, other encounters, both negative and positive, like with Starscream who becomes more open and gradually ends up having a more happy life (although with some problems, let's not forget that Starscream is not not very lucky XD), or even Arcee who tries to stop the path of revenge.
Anyway, in my alternative, Predaking is different because he experiences different things from his original version, and I now want to analyze how these different events have affected his behavior and his way of thinking and seeing the world.
I will therefore make a comparison between Predaking TFP and Predaking TPS, and analyze the different events they have experienced.
TFP = Transformers Prime
TPS = Transformers Polar Star
1- Differences in value and worldview (superiority VS equality)
First, the two Predakings have a difference in the value and importance of each other's lives. Predaking TFP considers himself superior to others, and that others should respect him for that, because he is stronger. On the contrary, Predaking TPS believes that all life matters and that everyone is equal.
Mainly because of the examples and the people they had around them.
Predaking TFP was thrown straight into a violent environment, where he quickly learned that the strongest were always right, primarily in the form of Megatron.
Also, it was Starscream who had to take care of him, but the two couldn't stand each other, and the fear that Starscream threw back on him didn't really help him, in addition to his aggressivity.
Implicitly, Starscream teach him that it was by force that we made others obey, because it was the only technique he used on Predaking (by electrocuting him), and let's not even talk about Megatron. Starscream imitated Megatron's way of doing things, and indirectly that influenced Predaking.
Everyone fundamentally disrespected Predaking, or feared him, and it was this fear that everyone radiated that made the Predacon think he was superior, because he wasn't afraid.
Plus, all the way through, he kept hearing how strong and awesome the Predacons were, and that they once ruled the planet of Cybertron. Predaking is young, so that inevitably influences his judgment. With this addition of legends about the Predacons, he could then conclude that his species was superior to other species.
Predaking TFP therefore developed a worldview that said only the strongest could win, and he pushed himself in that direction to become the strongest of them all, disrespecting everyone around him, as they were often "weaker".
Predaking TPS was lucky to have Dreadwing as an instructor, and to have him respected by Megatron. He therefore did not witness scenes of disrespect and violence towards another person, which meant that although he was in a violent environment, he never suffered it (physically or visually) .
Also, the other most glaring difference is his meeting with the Vehicon Steve, with whom he will end up falling in love. Steve is smaller, more fragile, and weaker than him, yet the Vehicon still speaks to him as an equal.
Steve shows by his behavior that wit is greater than strength, and that discussion is better than violence. It thus shows that even the weakest count, and therefore implicitly that each life has its importance.
Predaking has of course used violence several times: To obey the wishes of Shockwave, whom he sees as his Creator, such as when he tries to kill Starscream for the scientist; to get revenge on Megatron when he discovers he was the one who destroyed his brothers; but more often it was to protect Steve.
He then used violence to help or satisfy others, but never to prove his superiority or for his own interests. The one time he used it for revenge, against Megatron, it backfired, and he then decided not to use his strength that way again.
He is aware of the fragility of others around him, but he saw in Starscream and Steve that physical strength was not always necessary. And he saw in Dreadwing that physical strength could be honorable. He then developed a philosophy of equality and respect for others.
We have his worldview in a conversation he has with Starscream, in Part 3 of my novel. The jet then fled from the Autobots, after accidentally injuring Skyfire, mistaking him for Megatron (PTSD you know).
The Seeker lived in the Caste System and was under the tyranny of Megatron, so inevitably, he has a very different view of equality and respect. But Predaking gently shows him that everyone deserves respect.
"I don't want to be a burden for you too... said Starscream sadly.
- You already want to help me with my energon problem, you're far from being a burden... answered Predaking. And then, even if you can't help with something, never consider yourself a burden... Because, it's not true. Each life balances this world, each life acts in its own way, each life counts, there is not one that is worth more than the other.
- ... You are wrong... Between a Sparkling and an old robot, the Sparkling has more value... Between an innocent and a criminal, the innocent has more value... Between a Forged and a Cold Construction, Forged has more value...
- ... I do not agree with you. For me, life is a balance, a balance that must not be changed. If some lives had more values, then the scales would never be balanced, and the world would be in chaos. You need old robots to have Sparklings. You need criminals to have innocents.
- ...
- And, Cold Construction is a robot, like Forged, it's just that you don't have the same Creator. Just because we don't come from the same place doesn't mean we're different. The difference in our bodies does not make us different on the inside. Deep down, we are all the same. We have Sparks, dreams, aspirations, and a future. It's not up to others to judge our value, because in any case, we are all worth the same."
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
So we have two Predakings who already don't see the world and what's around them the same way, because or thanks of what they've been through or undergone, pushing them both to take different directions.
2 - Evolution of the character (violence VS pacifism)
With their different experiences, both has therefore evolved in a certain way.
Predaking TFP continued in violence, because he saw that it worked. It was a fast and effective way, which allowed him to achieve his goals, while following his vision of the world. He had no reason to stop, because it always worked when he used it.
Predaking isn't a character who was much respected, mostly because he was only seen as an animal. He considers his strength to be his greatest asset, so it makes sense that he uses force, and therefore violence, to gain respect.
Violence is a way for him to earn respect, because we has never showed him another way.
On the other hand, Predaking TPS found that for him violence was not effective, and that often it only brought him problems.
His violence caused some to fear him (which unlike his TFP counterpart he doesn't want), and it also led to Shockwave turning his back on him. It also caused him to hurt someone who didn't deserve it (Starscream in this case), because he let himself be blinded by his anger.
Additionally, Steve showed him that violence and unthinking anger can often lead to injustice, and that Predaking should never let that guide him.
That's why he ended up choosing a much more pacifist path, where violence is only used when a last resort, or to protect someone.
So our two Predakings haven't evolved in the same way either, we have one that uses excessive violence, often to gain respect, or in the face of disagreement. While the other prefers to go through the discussion before going directly to the conflict.
3 - Reason for transformation (hate VS love)
It may seem be a strange difference, but in fact I found that the two Predakings had not transformed for the same reason. Because, in fact, the question we can ask ourselves is : Why did they transform?
The reason why Predaking TFP is transforming is a bit sad. In fact, he does it mainly to defend himself, to express his anger towards Starscream, because the latter keeps attacking him.
First sentence he says, after transforming: "Strike me again, and I will burry that rod in your Spark!" [Season 3 TFP]
He transforms to prove that he is not just an animal, and also perhaps in the hope that thus he will be treated better than before. Because, so far, no one has considered him a full-fledged being, just a monster. Both Autobots and Decepticons.
Predaking transforms to prove his identity, and to defend his honor and his person.
Predaking TPS didn't suffer like Predaking TFP, the reason why he transforms is to declare his love to Steve. Of course, Steve already knew about Predaking's love, but he always rejected him.
When he couldn't transform into robot mode, the regret of not being able to speak was very present in Predaking. This prevented him from expressing the complex emotions that were inside him, as well as his feelings.
After Steve's rejection, Predaking believes this unrequited love is due to this lack of communication. He wants to prove that he's not just an animal, so that Steve is interested in him. He transforms to communicate with the one he loves.
First sentence he says, after transforming: "Steve, I love you, do you want to be my Sparkmate?" [Part 2 of "The Polar Star"]
Predaking transforms to be able to communicate, to be able to express his emotions towards the person he loves.
Predaking TFP and Predaking TPS therefore have a very divergent reason for transformation. One transforms to defend himself, while the other does so to express his emotions.
4 - Relationships with the Decepticons and Autobots (defiance VS trust)
Due to the different events of TPS compared to TFP, the two Predakings did not have the same encounters, or experienced them differently. Their philosophy, and the behaviors of others around them, led to different relationships and interactions.
Relation TFP
Predaking TFP has an adversarial relationship with most other Transformers, both Autobots and Decepticons.
Shockwave : Cordial
Predaking only seems to get along well with Shockwave, but that must play into the fact that it's his Constructor. Shockwave (who is supposed to be emotionless) is seen to have some affection for Predaking. He pets him and talks to him nicely when he sees him.
They don't really have any interaction when Predaking ends up transforming into a robot. And even if Shockwave likes him a little, that doesn't stop him from accepting the destruction of the other Predacons. Simply because the Decepticon scientist is a logic robot.
Their relationship is therefore cordial, and above all much healthier and more friendly than with all the other characters.
Starscream: Mutual Hate
Predaking hates Starscream, and it's mutual. The two can't stand each other, mainly because they got off to a really bad start. The first to initiate hostilities was Starscream, because unfortunately for Predaking the Seeker was afraid of him.
When Starscream is afraid he becomes more hostile and aggressive, in a defensive reflex. It's strike first before being struck. Starscream was forced to take care of Predaking, even if the jet made it clear to Megatron that he was afraid of the Predacon.
Both were technically victims of Megatron's sadism, sorry but he's still awfully sadistic with Starscream, and Predaking was the collateral damage in this whole story.
The problem is that Predaking is young, so he can't have the perspective to understand Starscream's feelings, and what's wrong with him. It doesn't excuse anything, but some hindsight would have allowed the Predacon not to hate Starscream as it does later.
Megatron: Enemy
Predaking doesn't think he's part of the Decepticons, so he doesn't consider himself under Megatron's orders. Predaking never really considered Megatron his Lord.
Then, Megatron became an enemy, when he gave the order to destroy Predaking's brothers, The Warchief then became the enemy that Predaking had to destroy in retaliation.
Decepticons: Indifference
Predaking TFP is indifferent to other Decepticons, he has absolutely no interaction with Soundwave or KnockOut, and doesn't really seem to see Vehicons as worthy robots.
He has no consideration for them, because in his eyes they are worthless. Just look at how he treated them when he was on his way to get revenge on Megatron. He killed countless of them because they stood in his way.
Autobots : Nuisance
For Predaking the Autobots are a nuisance, they were his enemies for a while, but after the war it's wasn't really the case anymore. But, he doesn't keep really cordial relations with them either, for him it's mostly robots that bother him.
This distrust with most of the characters was also created by this lack of respect, since everyone treated him like an animal. He then considered that he had no reason to be friendly with those who had respected him so little.
Relation TPS
Predaking TPS managed to create healthier relationships with the other characters.
Shockwave : Familial
Predaking sees Shockwave as his Creator (the equivalent of parents). Shockwave doesn't consider himself one, but that doesn't stop the Predacon from calling him "Creator Shockwave" as a mark of affection.
The scientist still appreciates Predaking. When he was in beast mode Shockwave taught him things you wouldn't normally teach to an animal, and always spoke kindly to him.
Shockwave even felt remorse, after shooting his Creation to protect Megatron. He even later forbade Skylynx and Darksteel to call him "Creator" because it reminded him too much of Predaking.
Even after Shockwave's betrayal, Predaking still sees him as his Creator. But he knows it's not a reciprocal family relationship, and that Shockwave isn't ready to take on the role.
Starscream: True Friendship
Starscream was the one who revealed to Predaking that it was Megatron who destroyed his brothers, while the Predacon was sure it was the Seeker. It was upon realizing his mistake, and apologizing to Starscream after hurting him, that he bonded with him.
Their relationship was initially based on hatred of Predaking and fear of Starscream. But, when they got to really know each other, they ended up getting along better and better, until developing a sincere friendship.
Of course, this would surely not have been possible if Predaking TPS had the same vision of the world as Predaking TFP. Starscream TPS certainly wouldn't have liked it if it had, because it would have reminded him of Megatron. Starscream would certainly have throwed him off.
But Predaking TPS is mature and calm, and especially the complete opposite of Megatron. He does not hit to be listened to, and does not abuse his phenomenal strength, even if he could.
They both met in a different way than in TFP, and in other circumstances. Again it was a difficult start, mainly because they weren't even on the same side anymore.
Predaking is again too young to understand Starscream's issues, but since the Predacon is more open to discussion, it's possible for him to eventually figure it out.
Starscream needs trusted people around him, and Predaking is definitely one of them. It was through this trust that their friendship developed.
Steve: Love
Predaking and Steve didn't start well either. Predaking had no regard for Vehicons before, and therefore Steve was no exception.
He ended up taking an interest in Steve when the latter stood up to him, whereas until now everyone was afraid of Predaking.
This is how the Predacon (still in beast mode at this time) began to have a growing interest in Steve, which gradually turned into love.
The Vehicon was initially uninterested, firstly because he thought Predaking was just an animal, but also because Steve was in love with Starscream at the time (he was devastated when he learned of the existence of Skyfire, because it was an unbeatable rival).
They initially developed a sincere friendship, until Predaking turned into a robot. The Predacon then asked Steve if he could seduce him, to make him forget this robot that didn't share the love of Steve.
Steve accepted much to Predaking's delight, and it was during their multiple dates that the Vehicon ended up falling in love with Predaking.
Megatron: Enemy
The only thing that doesn't change is Predaking's hatred of Megatron. But there, he sees him as an enemy for several reasons. There's obviously the fact that Megatron destroyed his brothers, because it's just awful, really… But also because Megatron has often attacked Steve.
He's not especially mad because of what Megatron did to Starscream, because he never really witnessed Megatron's violence towards the Seeker. But with Steve yes, very often. The Vehicon was often threatened with death by the leader of the Decepticons, because he was different from other drones. Steve was different, and therefore in Megatron's eyes flawed.
Predaking is in love with Steve, so inevitably he can hardly appreciate the person who tries to hurt him.
Dreadwing : Cordial
Knowing Dreadwing was beneficial for Predaking, mainly because the big Seeker is a perfect example of what a strong but fair robot can be. It shows that the strength doesn't have to mean being a brute, and that it can be put to good use.
Predaking quickly liked Dreadwing, because the latter was nice to him, and he never used violence to make himself listened to. He is demanding with Predaking, but as a trainer can be with his student.
Predaking doesn't hate being trained or learned (Predaking TFP surely doesn't hate too), but the difference is that Dreadwing wasn't forced to take care of Predaking, unlike Predaking TFP with Starscream. Dreadwing does not see Predaking as a punishment, but as a duty.
Megatron asks Dreadwing to take care of him, because Shockwave was really busy, and the big Seeker is in a better option to teach combat and obedience to the Predacon. Whereas in TFP, Megatron's excuse was just a pretext for Starscream not to object.
The two Predaking necessarily develop a different vision of the professor. For Predaking TFP it is very negative, so he prefers to learn alone. While for Predaking TPS it is beneficial, all thanks to Dreadwing, who was an excellent instructor.
Decepticons : Cordial
Predaking was initially indifferent to other Decepticons, but with Steve he learned to care about other people, other than Shockwave or Steve.
He learned to know KnockOut and Breakdown who were friends with the Vehicon, he didn't have much interaction with Soundwave, but he did have a few. But above all, he learned to know the Vehicons better, and to consider them as people in their own right.
Autobots : Cordial
The Autobots were enemies at first, as Predaking was with the Decepticons (although in fact he was just following Shockwave, he's too young to really understand the concept of war or a cause).
After the war, the Autobots knew how to be friendly with him, mainly thanks to the Vehicons, who already knew him. Which caused Predaking to be friendly with them. He ends up living with the Autobots, along with Darksteel and Skylynx, as he sees no reason to move away from the Autobots, as they accept the Predacons.
Predaking TPS has more relationships and encounters, but above all more positive encounters. The environment around him has been hostile at times, but not as much as Predaking TFP (which I think never really felt welcome).
5 - Relationships with Darksteel and Skylynx (King VS Brother)
Darksteel and Skylynx are different too, because they've been through different things, but mostly because Predaking TFP and Predaking TPS don't behave the same way with them.
Predaking TFP wants to command them, he has a wish to rule his kind, not as a guide, but as a king.
Skylynx: Who said you were the boss?!
Predaking: I'm not your Boss! I am your King!
*Intensive Predacons Fight*
[TFP movie]
Predaking imposes himself on Skylynx and Darksteel, bypassing the discussion. The two youngest Predacons do not want to serve anyone. They do not consider themselves Decepticons, and do not wish to obey anyone.
So, inevitably, when they see another Predacon, who imposes himself as their leader, they don't like it. If Predaking has them on his side afterwards, it's because he managed to defeat them and subdue them, by force.
But, it's not a stable or long-lasting relationship, there chances that at the slightest sign of weakness from Predaking, the two will turn against him.
In TPS it's different, Predaking doesn't think for a second of having them as subjects, he sees them as his little brothers, he sees them as a family.
The big robot wanted to meet these other Predacons! He wanted to get to know them! Potentially make them members of his family... Predaking was aware that this was a bit too optimistic... not to say unrealistic... But, deep in his Spark, he wanted to believe it! He wanted to believe in this possibility!
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
Predaking never present himself as a king when he comes face to face with Darksteel and Skylynx, he presents himself as a member of a family that the three of them are supposed to consist of, with Shockwave as the Creator:
“I am Predaking." The fire Predacon introduced himself to the two Predacons.
The two beasts looked at each other for a moment, and Skylynx growled:
"Sir Shockwave told us you were an enemy!
- Yeah! If you are against him, then you are against us!! added Darksteel.
- I'm not against Creator Shockwave! retorted Predaking.
- 'Creator'...?"
The brothers looked at each other for a moment, before the taller of the two growled:
"Why do you call him 'Creator'! It's for the family!
- Because that's what we are! A family! Predaking exclaimed.
- Bullscrap!!"
The two Predacons transformed into their beast modes, and rocketed towards their elder! The latter pushed Steve, so that he was not caught in the fight, then transformed in turn! Ready to fight!
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
As in the original version, the two youngest Predacons started the hostilities, but not for the same reason. If in TFP it's because they don't want to submit to Predaking, here they do it because they think Predaking is a threat to them and Shockwave.
But finally, they'll accept this family, because deep down, it's something they've always wanted.
Darksteel said shyly:
"If the proposal to start a family still holds, I'm in... It would be pretty cool to have a big brother..."
The tall robot smiled at that, and moved closer to his brothers, before putting his hands on their shoulders.
"I'd be glad." smiled Predaking.
The two Predacons joined him in his smile.
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
And Predaking always used the talk to get them to come to him, helping them get away from Shockwave, who didn't have as much interest in them as he had in Predaking. Allowing them to have a real family.
The Autobots drew their weapons, ready to stop Megatron, when Shockwave interfered with the other two Predacons! The scientist aimed his cannon at the others, while Skylynx and Darksteel transformed into their beast modes!
Predaking came closer, and said:
"Skylynx, Darksteel, I thought you wanted us to be a family..."
The dark blue Predacon transformed back into bipedal mode, and replied:
“Well, yeah... But, join us in that case... You're the one who said that Shockwave was your Creator, right? Come, so our family will be complete.
- ... For the moment Shockwave is not ready to be a Creator... the fire Predacon sighed sadly. I promise to treat you like my brothers. Don't stay with someone who only treats you as subjects of experiments..."
The light blue Predacon in turn go back to bipedal mode, and the two brothers exchanged a look, before nodding in agreement. The pair advanced towards the large robot, under the shocked gaze of the cybertronian tank.
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
The worldview of the two Predakings has also impacted the relationships they end up having with those of the same species. One poses as a king, as he considers himself the strongest of them all, and proves himself done by battling against Darksteel and Skylynx. The other, on the contrary, does not wish to fight those he considers his brothers, he prefers to have a family rather than being the king of anyone.
We can easily conclude that Predaking TFP and Predaking TPS would surely not get along at all. They would even hate each other without a doubt. Their differences of opinion and treatment of others around them is far too different for them to agree. The only common point they would have would be that they hate Megatron, but that's all ^^; …
As I've often said, Predaking is young, very young, technically still a child. He doesn't have the same distance from the world than an adult, and each event that happens to him is a hundred times more impactful than for an adult robot. His large size does not detract from his youth.
Children very often make shortcuts, to understand in the most simplified way possible the events they have in front of them. And the unfortunate events that happened to Predaking TFP made him take the wrong shortcuts.
Predaking TPS was much luckier than Predaking TFP, he was better surrounded and supported, and did not suffer the rejection and violence that Predaking TFP had.
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okayto · 2 years
Mini-Review: Odd Taxi
Set in a world of anthropomorphic animals, it tells the story of walrus taxi driver Odokawa, who converses with his customers and learns about various mysteries and oddities occurring in Tokyo, including a schoolgirl's strange disappearance that leads to him being followed by both the police and the yakuza.
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This was a really good suspenseful mystery. Like, really good. The many different threads and people, the connections made simply by having had the same taxi driver in (what appears to be) a small part of a larger city. There were a few minor bits that felt contrived (like OK, sure, this character is going to end up here for plot reasons without actual reason) but they were few and far between.
This was also a show that made great use of the medium of animation. I don’t mean in a showy, illustrative way--not like, for example, how Nichijou used different animation styles and broke the bounds of reality frequently--but while I was thinking that this could almost be a primetime live-action drama (and let’s be real: it could), animation allows it to add layers and details what wouldn’t work with live people. 
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ODDTAXI does a great job keeping up the suspense. Even going into the final episodes, I couldn’t guess how it would end. And I think it managed to pull of a satisfying conclusion, which was the hope, but not a sure thing (after getting burned with how Wonder Egg Priority built up amazing story with suspense...only for it to crash and burn in the finale, I was understandably worried).
I saw this described as neo-noir, which I think makes sense. it’s suspenseful and at times thrilling, but the viewer is kept in the dark until the very end--in a way that’s not frustrating--when we get final answers and everything comes together. That doesn’t mean the 12 episodes of leadup are just mounting pressure with no payoff: throughout the series, we see characters making decisions, taking action, and affecting others, who then make their own decisions. There’s plenty of action and story reveals here to keep you entertained and engaged, but I was impressed with how the overall sense of mystery didn’t lessen until the very end.
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This is a show that rewards perceptive viewers. I was able to put together information and clues several times and the feeling when the payoff came was great. These characters, and many events, are entwined, and the way it comes together at the end was great. I’m a little surprised it doesn’t seem to have been very popular on Tumblr, at least judging by the number of [non-spoilery] gifs I could find to use in this review, but perhaps that’s because it’s a decently self-contained story and also isn’t focused on potential romantic relationships.
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Odokawa finds himself in the middle multiple different plots, mostly (as far as we know) by virtue of his job as a taxi driver making him privy and party to many different people’s conversations. Are those conversations just part of a bored middle-aged guy’s small talk, or is he subtly working a scheme? When multiple parties start looking at Odokawa in connection with a girl’s disappearance and some shady mysteries, is he just supremely unlucky, or an active participant? Are these things coincidences or something else?
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English dub? Yes. The voice acting is great, characters sound like adults. And considering how many adult men in particular there are, I was pleased that they were all distinct.
Visuals: Very good. And the fact that the characters are animals isn’t a funny joke--it was helpful for telling characters apart, and it (plus the bright colors) added contrast that gave another dimension to the feel of watching the show: the surrealism of watching people get caught up in (or perpetrate) illegal schemes with truly menacing consequences, all shown as brightly-colored cartoon animals.
Worth watching? Yes. There’s so much that’s hinted at, but the show does a great job leaving you wondering whether it’s going to factor into the plot, or if it’s just part of the world or people’s lives. It was interesting and engaging, with a good balance between the things the audience knows but the main character doesn’t (there’s a good-sized ensemble cast and the story not infrequently jumps over to them), and things the audience doesn’t know and the main character either definitely doesn’t know (we’re all in the dark), or might not know (audience doesn’t know, and part of the suspense is whether Odokawa does or not).
Where to watch (USA, as of July 2022): Crunchyroll
Click my “reviews” tag below or search “mini review” on my blog to find more!
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joshisurcrush · 1 year
'Falling Into Place' by Amy Zhang
This is a hard book. It comes right at you, pretty much, and asks you a lot of hard-to-answer questions. It's about the (attempted) suicide of Liz Emerson, and the aftermath of the car crash that she intentionally gets herself in. It's shredding to read, made me cry a couple of man tears in the café that I read in regularly. 
The beginning of the book bored me, it felt shallow and stupid, and cliché, but I kept reading it since I was curious to see what would happen next, and I'm very glad I did. It's a pretty unassuming story on the outside, but it unfolds into a massive picture, drawing in friends, family, classmates, strangers. It visualizes a sort of web around the inter-connected people, you get a sense that everyone is connected when you’re reading this. It’s not just Liz’s relations with everyone, it’s everyone’s relations.
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Liz Emerson, Liam Oliver, and other characters like Kenny and Julia had levels to them. Levels I had never even previously considered, even in people around me. I like how emotion is discussed in the book, and how the author, Amy Zhang gives all characters a motive, a purpose, a cause and effect, to their actions and thoughts. (A running theme in the book is the idea of cause and effect, and Newton's Laws, and I’m a big fan of that.) I need things to be straightforward, as I struggle to read between the lines and understand indirect messaging from people.
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Also, I liked how Miss Amy Zhang added her own little poems and interesting twist on narration into the story with the imaginary-friend bits, it had me smiling (certified writer moment.) Plus, I have a lot of respect for the way that she treated grief. I don't wanna talk about that one extensively, just read it, it's only a few hundred pages long. The book’s gonna make you sad, provided that you have a heart, because the topics feel raw. It feels as if you can breathe it. I can’t praise the writing on this book enough, even though this review is a bit of a vague post. (Also it's best enjoyed in a café with a tall glass of something, and a good plate/bowl of something else. For me it's room temperature sugar-lemon tea and yogurt ice cream with little fruits, but that part is honestly up to you.) I love reading in cafés, this reminds me, I should read in a café today.
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threepointseven · 2 years
The official shut down of 3.7’s flower shop
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HIYA EVERYONE!!! HOW ARE YA? ALSO THANKS FOR 1K FOLLOWERS! <3AHEM.. well!! As you can see from the title my little flower shop is no more.. sadly we have to close down. Our flowers have wilted and the poor owner is in short, sick of growing flowers. I hope you can understand.
Writing used to be a dear hobby of mine but ever since i started gaining popularity it got repetitive and too competitive, plus i never knew how much it hurt to get hate… i kept going for as long as i could. Writing till all i could think while writing those goddamn headcannons were “fuck i wanna just stop already.”
Besides how tired i got i truly thank all of you for staying and for helping me reach 1 thousand followers, honestly i never thought i would get that far! I still am quite jealous of those creators who got 1k+ notes in over a night but im grateful to all of you.
Im happy that everyone talked to me so comfortably, im happy everyone saw me as a friend rather than a writer. Interacting with everyone was just so fun. I even got a few friends due to how much i talked to everyone! It made me so happy seeing people praise my work, it was practically my drive! I wanted to create a safe space in my little pink flower shop, to write work that made people feel fuzzy inside and to let people experience comforting emotions. To write out feelings and expressions for people who couldn’t just visualize it or come up with it, and god i hope i succeeded.
But, its been a while since ive started writing. I went from obey me and practically every anime in the book to genshin. I got excited over my first 100 customers and now im here shutting down my flower shop at a milestone i fantasized about reaching. What ever starts needs to end!
Maybe if i were to be more blunt about it, tumblr made me despise writing. I really never thought id get to a point where i hate writing, its always been something im eager to do no matter the circumstance but i hate it now. I hate not being able to fulfill peoples request but at the same time i hate it when i do see a request, its confusing and annoying! I miss writing, truly writing and not just doing requests. I miss writing and feeling good about it, coming up with names and characters without the feeling of pressure on my back. And to be honest, as much as i love everyone who does support me, all my work tends to be a “give everything get nothing” type of thing. Its saddening. I never wanted to correlate writing fanfics to attention and followers but i think this app made me relate them to eachother after experiencing that first wave of popularity. Enough complaints..
A special thank you to every single one of my regulars, people i never thought id meet but i did! And im beyond happy i did.
🎀 anon, 👩‍🦲 anon(hiko), 🧸 anon, 😎 anon, 🦥 anon, 🌸 anon, 💪 anon(aka mila), 🕺 anon(hinas-imagines), 💕 anon, 🌹 anon, wooloo anon, 🇫🇷 anon, 🍁anon(tarta-glia), 🌅 anon, ☕️ anon (bronyas-blog), 🌙 anon, 👀 anon, 🍄 anon, 🤺 anon, ✨ , (🧞‍♀️), 🪱 anon
I hope everyone loved my flowers, my bouquets, and talking with this hopeless romantic of a florist.
No one likes wilted flowers after all! My anons, my mutuals, my followers. I love you all ❤️
From 3.7, to you. 💐
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tomatograter · 3 years
Do you think Dirk saying that he doesn't like to label himself as gay means he has internalized homophobia? Or does he really just don't like to put labels on himself? I've seen ppl saying it's homophobia but there's ppl in real life that don't feel comfortable with labels so I'm a bit confused honestly, cus we are talking about Dirk and he's... Dirk after all
Easy answer: Dirk is Gay.
Prolonged answer: I think it's kinda weird how some fandom discussion around "Dirk dodging the label in One pesterlog" has largely spiraled way outside of its original context to be talked about in a vacuum, especially when that context is crucial to understanding what is actually being said, AKA — it belongs to a deeply awkward conversation between Dirk and Roxy. One of Many they are implied to have had about the subject of Roxy's sustained, unwelcome, and oft drunken advances towards Dirk (& his splinters).
I'm going to reproduce it plus another bit of text down below, for the sake of comparison.
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(To prevent the trickster text from looking like absolute shit, I have altered the background. Read the original here, if you're nasty: https://www.homestuck.com/story/5754 )
Now that we've been reacquainted with how and where that sentiment is expressed, let's try to break down what Dirk is doing here.
He is not receptive to Roxy's early advances, and spends most of the 'intro' for this conversation (not pictured) ignoring when Roxy flirts with him, until she gets upset at how 'boring' he is being right now.
Dirk is the one compelled to apologize.
He proceeds to shut the scenario down as an unwanted probability, eliciting further guilt-babbling from Roxy over how Dirk never wants to play along with the perfect traditional family fantasy, until she finally blows up and says it's because he's gay.
"I mean, yeah, that's what I thought."
Dirk, rather than saying I Am Not Gay, since he looooooves changing a conversational subject, claims that "Gay" is not entirely historically appropriate for this situation, given the non-negligible passage of time and the wildly dystopic circumstances* they find themselves in.
Dirk reassures Roxy he does still care about her.
Dirk is absolutely terrified of a similarly inclined (and intoxicated) Roxy up close. This is the most exclamations he's ever used.
Now, *These circumstances? The loss of 99% of the human race, including their society, customs, culture, and prejudices. (ALLEGEDLY.) It's important to remember that from Dirk and Roxy's side of the timetable, troll culture has been pushed as "the norm" for actual fucking centuries. HIC tried to recreate the caste system by artificially coloring human blood, leading to the death of billions. Faygo came out of the water tap, not water. Troll slang was incorporated into the English language. Humans ceased to organically reproduce. They were actively Discouraged from reproducing, since that's not something HIC could have total genetic control over; rendering traditional marriage and the concept of the nuclear family pointless.
You could also argue that same-gender relationships are not uncommon in Alternia, making "gay" altogether unnecessary by proxy, and that's true! But my point is this one: any union (or at least our society's holy concept of it) between straightie humans would be by definition undesirable under HIC's rule, too. She is the church, the president and the governing body. The population is only as good as they are assets for her to do whatever she wants with, including mass murder.
But wait! While that tracks… Roxy clearly still holds onto very 'conservative' definitions of romance for most of Homestuck. We see this multiple times. Dirk, as proved in conversations with Jake, uses 'gay' as an ironic pejorative. Suddenly it's not Historically Inaccurate anymore, Jake's interests are just gay.
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Does this mean the context above is basically worthless, since they don't seem to have internalized it? No.
What must be kept in mind is this: Dirk and Roxy's only "active" link to de facto humanity is our society as it was in the early 2010's. Those glimpses they get by talking with jane and jake. They have all that dystopic context, yes, but the reality that seems the most "unfucked" to them for a grand majority of their lives are the halcyon years before the Condesce's rise to power: back when weed was illegal, BlogSpot was popular, movies sucked, MTV was still a hip channel, and gay generally meant something real bad. The wave of homophobia as a punchline or fear mongering tactic was at THE HEIGHTS. Marriage equality was a hot debate topic. Those were the dayz.
Dirk is keenly aware of the taboo implication the word "Gay" as a self-denomination carries. He's no dummy. But he's rarely direct with his intentions either. He's slippery as a bar of soap. (He's never "straight about his feelings", if you prefer.) And for a guy that cares so much about his reputation and maintaining a curated sense of utter coolness, he wants to avoid outing himself as any sort of weirdo no matter the cost.
But that's not all. I think the gravity of just how much Dirk believes he *owes* Roxy simply for existing as the last human in the same timeframe as her is a severely underplayed aspect of Dirk's core character, together with how much he tries to avoid her sexual advances only to end up feeling like absolute shit over it, because — if they truly are the last people on god's blighted earth, isn't he being "selfish" and "irrational" about not feeling shit for Roxy, in the grand scale of things? Is Roxy not his only friend in tangible reality, even if he avoids the mere suggestion of visiting her? Even if she gets black-out drunk and tries to push him into indulging her, regardless of how many times he's already said no?
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(Spend enough time here and you realize how it directly mirrors the jane/jake experience.)
Dirk cares a lot about each and every one of his friends.
He pointedly adapts his speech based on whichever one of them he's talking to in an effort to express that investment. May it be reassuring Jane, fooling around with Jake, or trying to prevent Roxy from falling into a total catatonic doom-spiral; he avoids telling them anything that would be too crushing to hear. That's not what he's trying to do here. Not to say that he isn't bitchy sometimes, but that’s far from the central thing he does. The Epilogues have retroactively led people to believe that Dirk abhors and despises every single person he's ever been close to before (god forbid) LIKING them, and I think buying too much into that assumption ignores the foundations of his canon text, as well as the central motivation behind 99% of his actions in the story. This is the guy that grew up on Friendship Is Magic, has a picture of rainbow dash shamefully glued to one wall and a rainbow poster of Jake's symbol stapled to another, and everything he does is a little cringe attempt to demonstrate his worth by showing how much he cares about people, even when he's punching his actual feelings down instead of up and saying them.
Which brings us back to the load-bearing part of this question: Admitting to Roxy that there is absolutely no fucking way he will ever agree to having her babbys because he is gay is precisely the opposite of what Dirk wants to say, if his intention isn't pulverizing her. So he doesn't. And his worry on this regard is such that it prevents Dirk from even telling Roxy that he does love her, in the platonic sense, as a friend and hell-earth survivor, because he knows that specificity is what that would disappoint her greatly. (He only ever confesses this to Jane, on the death slabs.)
But also I think this is a really funny visual of Dirk's relationship with the word gay, to put statements into perspective:
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taones · 4 years
𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐍𝐒//𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
Pairing: tanka x gender neutral!reader (afab)
Note: Its 1am this probably sucks
Warnings: Smut (duh), mentions of public sex
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
tanaka is the sweetest and you cannot change my mind that he is touch starved. therefore, aftercare is the perfect opportunity for him to cuddle you and tell you how good you did or the other way round, depending on your preferred dynamics. If he's doing the aftercare, he always has a sports drink next to the bed for you and makes sure you drink it and have come down from your high before he drags you into the shower with him.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
It's his abs. Not to be predictable but they're something he worked hard on and it definitely payed off, so what if he likes seeing the look on your face when you see them?
Ryu is an ass man through and through, he matter the size his hands are all over that thing. Even when you're making out his hands are squeezing and rubbing your ass like it's his personal treasure.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He is lowkey a messy person when it comes to cum, yours or his. He likes yours all over his face and in his mouth sk he can taste you. However, he prefers his to be over your ass or the back of your thighs if he isn't allowed to come inside you (his first choice).
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He kinda likes pain. It isnt really a dirty secret cause it takes him a while to notice but he can't help but shiver and moan when you scratch your nails down his back or bite his neck to muffle your moans. Tanaka even likes pressing down on them to feel some pain when he gets off.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he has a decent amount of experience maybe a couple of other people but he does research this kinda stuff and tries his best to adhere to any feedback you give him.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Any position he can see your ass in. Just the visual of his hips hitting your ass and it jiggling could make him come so he prefers reverse cowgirl etc. Not picky though, hes Tanaka.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I feel like its 50/50 with Ryu. He could totally go for giggly sex and a lot of the time it is. If you start laughing about something he'll join in and he even laughs at himself a lot during it too. However, if hes super worked up then it's all about ramming you/getting rammed into the mattress and giggles can come during aftercare thanks.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He probably shaves. If it's not almost completely hairless then it's very well groomed and kept short. Couldn't care less about your body hair, he just doesn't like it on him.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
When he really gets into it, especially when hes about to finish, he gives out more and more praise. This can range from complimenting your body and making lewd comments to straight up repeating goes much he loves you. Apart from that, hes fairly romantic but not really if you get me. He'll praise you but he isnt exactly laying out verbal rose petals.
J = Jerk Off (How often, what are they thinking about, …)
Hes a horny bastard, he jerks off a lot. With your permission, he probably has some photos saved of you that he uses to get off and if not he has plenty of memories of you that he can use as inspiration.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I firmly believe he is up to trying anything at least once. However, does have a thing for quite literally fucking you stupid. The whole eyes unfocused, drooling and unable to say anything but his name makes him hard just at the thought.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere and everywhere. Has literally no shame but hes a little possessive so, if you're doing in in public, he's making sure nobody can see you because that's his and his only to look at. This being said, he has a thing for shower sex. The way the water flows down your body makes sure that he is at least a little hard and you can't really take a shower together without it ended with probably a blow job.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you wear certain clothes. For example if you're wearing something tight or short he can't help but oggle a lot. God forbid you decided to wear some of his clothes or walk around in nothing but his tshirt and underwear. Tanaka really won't be able to control himself.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Like nasty degradation. He doesn't like anything that could potentially emotionally hurt you, even if you like it. Insulting you, sexual or not, will always leave him with a feeling of guilt and he just can't carry on with whatever you guys were doing
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Now, he likes getting his dick sucked cause duh. However, he lives for giving you oral. Tanaka can and will be between your legs all day if he could and this means face sitting is an amazing experience. His skills are nothing to blink at either, be can get you to be a moaning mess within seconds and he probably gets a couple of piercings just to make that experience better for you.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
With the exception of when you're upset, Tanaka is usually fast and rough. He cant help himself, sometimes you're just too hot and he always fucks you like there's no tomorrow.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He is up for anything, like I said earlier. Plus he's very easily turned on so quickies are a fairly normal thing for you guys, they're not his favourite though because he tends to prefer a lot of rounds.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Like I said before, hes up for anything once. If you want him to do it, he'll probably give it a go! Risks are a thing he's willing to take as long as you're comfortable with it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
His stamina is no joke. Seriously, he can go for a good 3 rounds before he even starts getting tired. Most of the time, you come more times than him cause you're the main focus so he tries to limit the amount of rounds for you two.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Very basic toys like a vibrator and a pair of handcuffs for either of you. Most of your guys sex isnt actually pre planned so the handcuffs are more common than other toys but he enjoys when he gets to bring them out.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Little shit thinks it's funny to pull away to 'stretch' just when you're about to come. He is in this mainly for your pleasure but he can't help but rile you up sometimes and get you whining.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
I'd say hes relitavely loud. Loud enough that public sex isn't often but not loud enough for that many noise complaints from the neighbours. He can't help but get caught up and start spewing dirty talk in your ear between grunts and low pitched moans and your response usually increases his volume a little.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Let him leave hickey hearts on you! Seriously, he has a thing for it and likes seeing them when you get changed in front of him. It's like a weird possession thing or maybe he just thinks it's cute, who knows.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I'd say he's slightly bigger than average in length and has a good girth for him. His dick has a few prominent veins that are sensitive.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Higher than average, definitely. Can and will have you every single night if you let him, even after a long day.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I feel like he gets kinda hungry after sex and his aftercare is kinda long. After your shower, he probably makes a sandwich or something, eats it and comes back to bed after. Might spend a little time talking to you before he's out like a light.
Tumblr mobile likes to be annoying so sorry for any spelling mistakes! Requests are open and enjoy
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bushs-world · 2 years
MoM spoilers under the cut
*there is some rant below so read at your own risk
So I finally saw MoM and I am not quite unimpressed. I actually had high expectations from this movie but honestly it was very underwhelming. It was kind of all over the place
Now the movie definitely had some plus points. There were amazing visuals in the movie. The special effects were off the charts. Rachel McAdams rocked as Christine. Benedict Cumberbatch was good. I loved America Chavez and Wong was a sweetheart as always. And Elizabeth Olsen nailed her performance as an unhinged Wanda. She definitely gave me Daenerys Targaryen vibes, especially when she entered the darkhold temple and the monsters bowed down before her. But the story was a mess. Here's some of my critiques:
• I feel Wanda's face-heel turn was too drastic, lazy and messed up her character arc from Wandavision. WV had its problems but it did show Wanda reconciling with her grief and freeing the people of Westview once she was forced to see the reality of what she was doing. For her to go from someone who sacrificed her (albeit fake) family because she realised she hurt people to sending monsters after Chavez and not caring if she dies is too drastic change imo. Worst of all this change is supposed to happen offscreen. And using the darkhold as an excuse to justify her sudden turn to villiany was plain lazy. MCU Wanda definitely had a dark side, which would have been interesting to explore but the MCU just wasted it. I personally would have preferred if they showed Wanda slipping into madness and then becoming unhinged.
• Can somebody please explain to me why Doctor Strange is so hated across all universes? Like the movie tried to paint him as a catalyst for destruction but honestly what was his fault? They just kept throwing lines like all you Stranges are the same. You all can't be trusted. The biggest threat to the multiverse is you. We had to kill Strange. Is it because he bends the rules? Or because he is willing to use the dark magic and forbidden spells? Or because he is practical and places importance on the greater good than individual lives? Everytime he broke a rule or used a forbidden piece of magic, it was for someone else's benefit. Isn't that hypocrisy given that the Ancient One also drew energy from the dark dimension, why is Stephen blamed when he literally does it because it is his last resort, and because he can't find another way. Stephen is just blamed for everything because he is slightly overconfident, guarded and willing to bend rules, which are just stupid in the first place.
• Talking of Strange, what was his character arc in the movie? It's his movie, how did he grow? What lessons did he learn? The only character development I saw was bowing down to the sorcerer supreme and keeping away the watch to symbolise the end of his relationship with Christine. Strange didn't have a character arc at all, this was basically a plot driven movie. What about his hands?
• Why the hell did Strange and the sorcerers of Kamar Taj not keep Wanda under their guidance after knowing what she did in Westview? How could you let her be all alone especially after such a big incident?
• Can Marvel stop bringing beloved characters only for fan service and then quickly disposing them off. The whole Illuminati scene kind of felt like a cheap fanservice to bring in fans, only for them to not matter. Us fans get excited about the cameos only for them to be quickly discarded. They did it in Hawkeye with Kingpin, and now the Illuminati. If they don't add to the story, just let it be.
• Also Marvel stop using deaths for shock factor. Its just getting boring now. You brought in Captain Carter, Maria Rambeau as Captain Marvel, Black Bolt, Professor X and most importantly John Krasanki as Reed Richards only to kill them off in a few minutes 😡😡. Especially when we know John will return in Fantastic 4 (I guess). Like that's idiotic and annoying. I think Loki series was the only one able to handle character introduction before character introduction properly.
• Where the hell did the concept of variants go away? You establish in Loki and NWH that variants are their own different persons with their own stories yet every single doctor strange variant had near identical personalities. What happened to let's learn from our variants and grow like in Loki and NWH? Every single Strange is essentially the same just with different costumes. And when two Strange do meet, there is no exploration of their differences, no delving into their mistakes, just a piano keys fight. ???
• Also why use the concept of multiverse when you weren't going to explore the idea of different realities and how they can interact and imbalance each other. And how many times are you going to reintroduce the concept of multiverse and add in new rules? Why isn't Marvel keeping continuity?
• Where the hell did the entire premise of Loki series go? And how could Chavez visit 72 universes when there is supposed to be a sacred timeline? (or I am getting confused)
• Also, I don't know why but I couldn't connect with Wanda's grief the way I could connect in WV. Like I couldn't feel her loneliness, her pain, even her motherly love towards Billy and Tommy. Maybe that's just me but this movie didn't pull my heart's strings like WV did.
• And lastly, what was this ending? It felt so rushed and didn't quite fit. Like you spend the whole movie showing Wanda relentlessly trying to get her children back then suddenly leaving. I feel the scene didn't deliver the emotional payoff it needed. Compare that to WV's last scene. It still moves me to tears.
I am not saying the movie is horrible. In fact, it is quite enjoyable atleast as a one time watch. It also has some jumpscare moments. But I guess I was expecting something totally different.
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