#pomegrante wine
stardust-daydream · 2 years
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Pomegranate Wine
Summary: This is the story of Ancksunamun and Imhotep; the passionate love that almost destroyed the world. A story of love, passion, rage, and the power to destroy the very sands of time. This is a work in progress, and part of a 3 story series.
Archive of Our Own
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Currently has 13 chapters and updated bi-weekly! 
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shhh-secret-time · 2 months
Star Park AU: Kyle Broflovski Edition
-> Moved back to the Valley after graduating and getting his doctorate. (He's essentially where Harvey is in game.)
-> Couldn't find work out i the city so he moved back to the Valley
-> His parents stayed in the city but they allowed Ike to move back with Kyle as long as he agreed to take good care of him.
-> He has files on everyone's medical history and they're organized based on who's the easiest patient to deal with to who he has to literally drag in to his office. It goes: Karen, Wendy and Nichole, Kenny, Craig, Heidi, Tolkien and Scott, Butters, Ike and Jimmy, Tweek, Sharon, Shelly, Bebe, Stan, Clyde, All of the Goths, Randy, and finally Cartman.
-> He makes monthly walks to the Wizard tower to check on the Goths. They've told him before they don't need it because they have magic but he doesn't believe them.
-> Kyle and Wendy work hard to make things easier for Jimmy around town. The mayor fights them over the funding. Wendy has to practically drag Kyle away from fighting the mayor.
-> He's the only person that Scott trusts with his meds, always making sure to pick his medication up.
-> When he's not working he checks in with Heidi over Ike's education, sometimes he sits in and helps out when he can.
Gift Guide:
Loves: Fire Opal, Pomegrantes, Poppy, Starfruit Wine, Artichoke Dip Likes: All Books, Emerald, Coffee, Magma Cap, Tea leaves Neutral: All Fish (Except Shrimp), Beer, All Eggs Dislikes: Radioactive Ore/Bar, Fertilizer, Escargot, Mudstone Hates: Bananas, Banana Pudding, Shrimp, Bug Meat, Roe (Any)
Loved: "A..Are you serious?! Thank you so much!" Liked: "You thought of me? That's very kind, thank you." Neutral: "Thank...you? It's the thought that counts." Dislikes: "Ugh. I don't want your trash." Hates: "Really? What went through your head when giving me this? God...."
Heart Event @ 2:
Kyle is outside with his brother, one of the rare times he's free from working. He's sitting on the bench at the park reading through his medical files. Ike is playing by himself looking a little lonely. Farmer walks up and sees him sadly rocking on the spring rider. Ike tells the Farmer that he misses playing with his brother, it just seems like he never has time for him anymore. Farmer thinks for a moment before walking over to Kyle, who only notices them when they sit down. He greets them with a smile, quickly going back to his reading. >> Do you ever take a break? How can you be on your laptop right now? It's so nice out! (-) >> Ike looks a little sad, doesn't he? (+) If First Option: Kyle gets slightly annoyed, Farmer should know better than anyone here that he can't just stop working. He notes rather dryly he would have thought he'd be free of their lecturing, seeing as he gets enough of it from Stan.
"I appreciate your concern really, but I'm this towns only doctor last time I checked. I happen to like reading outside."
If Second Option: Kyle looks up from his laptop with concern on his face. He frowns when he realizes that he's been ignoring his brother, and how Ike is rocking back and forth with no care. Turning to the Farmer, he expresses gratitude for bringing it to his attention. He feels back for not seeing it himself, he was just hoping to catch up a little on work before he went home. He closes his laptop, putting it to the side, and stands up. Farmer jumps up with them and offers to play with him and his brother!
"Then I hope you're ready for the longest game of hide-n-seek of your life. You didn't have anything planned for the rest of the day right?"
Heart Event @ 4:
Kyle visits the Farmer early in the morning, greeting them while they're walking to the shipping bin. He apologizes for showing up unannounced. He would have called but he didn't think the Farmer would be able to hear the phone from the fields. Farmer doesn't seem to mind which makes him feel better, physically relaxing. Looking past them, he compliments their hard work on turning the fields into an actual farm. Afterwards he goes on to tell them that their crops have made things better even if they don't realize it. Tells them that the fresh food is better for the townsfolk than Jojo's food. >> I don't actually do that much farming. I'm more into fishing or mining. (/) >> Thanks Kyle! It's nice to get a little appreciation! (/) >> I didn't think of it that way...you really think of everything huh? (/) If First Option: Kyle goes quiet, the longer the silence the more his face turns red. Embarrassment dusting his cheeks. Under his breath he says something about the farm at least looking clean.
"At least your farm looks cleaner then Mr. Marsh's. Smells better too."
If Second Option: Kyle chuckles and tells them there's no reason to thank them! He's in the same boat sometimes and that even now he's here's to do his job. He wonders if anyone else has been out this way yet?
"I just realized you haven't had a checkup with me yet. Swing by the clinic okay? I don't want you to get sick."
If Third Option: Farmer turns the table on them, Kyle gets flustered over the small praise. At least he takes it as praise. He scoffs, telling them to stop being so humble. Being a Farmer is hard work and they should realize the good they do.
"Please. Not just anyone can get Cartman to eat a vegetable. You're good at what you do!"
Heart Event @ 5:
Next time Farmer walks into the clinic they walk back into Kyle's office. He's surprised to actually see them, telling them that he is pleased that he didn't have to drag them in. When Farmer looks at him confused, Kyle tells them that sometimes he has to go and "collect" some of the townsfolk for their appointments. So, it's nice that there's someone else so willing to come in. After a moment he gets a little embarrassed that he started rambling again. Farmer is just easy to talk to, they listen. Before they can comment on the blush on his face, he gets down to business. Kyle opens his laptop and looks up at them, he begins to ask Farmer about themselves, wanting an insight on their medical history.
"Sorry, you didn't come here to listen to me complain. It's just easy to talk to you. A-anyway, before I keep making an ass of myself, lets get started on filling out your medical history!"
Heart Event @ 6:
Farmer is walking from town to the mountains, they can hear faint shouting. Walking closer, they see Kyle and Ike standing next to the mountain lake away from Kenny's house. Ike is sitting on the wooden bridge with his face in his hands, looking more and more upset. When Farmer gets close enough to hear what they're saying clearly, they overhear what the argument is about. Kyle is upset that Ike's grades are slipping, telling him that he needs to put in a little more effort in school. Apparently, he's been blowing off his homework and Heidi is having a hard time getting him to pay attention in class. Ike complains that all Kyle ever talks to him about is how he's doing in school and his stupid job, that he doesn't care to ask Ike about anything else. He asks him when was the last time they did anything fun that didn't require the Farmer having to all but pull him away from work. Ike cuts Kyle off before he can rebuttal. Shouting something about how he's acting just like their mother and he's supposed to be his brother, not his parent! Kyle gets upset and snaps back at him, telling him that he won't apologize for caring about Ike's well being and he wouldn't have to act like their mother if Ike just grew up a little. This makes Ike tear up, he stands up and shouts that he should just go back to the city then. Kyle stands there watching his brother storm off, leaving him alone next to the lake, he looks destroyed. Farmer walks out from where they were hiding, and when Kyle doesn't get upset that Farmer was listening in they know he's really torn up. It takes him some time but he eventually address them, telling them that he never meant to fill the role of a parent. He knows he's hard on Ike, he just wants to see his little brother grow into the best version of himself. The Valley is good to him, better then the city was. He knows it's good for Ike too.
"Am I being that overbearing? I mean...I'm in charge of him. I promised Ma that I'd look after him! I'm not asking for much right? Just for him to apply himself more!"
>> Maybe you're not as right as you think you are. (-) >> Does he know that? Have you told him how you feel? (+) >> I don't think you're really listening to your brother. (+) >> Lighten up Kyle, he's just throwing a tantrum. He'll get over it. (-) If First Option: Kyle looks up with a flash of anger in his eyes, he can't believe what he's hearing. How could Farmer say something like that? He thought they were friends! As Kyle storms off he glares at them.
"Jesus Christ, if you talk to your friends like this then I'd hate to hear how you talk to people you hate!"
If Second Option: Kyle thinks on both Farmer and Ike's words. Like he's replaying the whole thing in his head again. When was the last time he talked to Ike about how he feels? About anything that wasn't him being a hard ass.
"No...I guess I haven't. Ugh I'm an asshole, he deserves to be a kid. I really do sound like our mom. Thanks for listening again Farmer."
If Third Option: Kyle's brows furrow, he wants to be upset but Farmer's right. He makes his frustration known and somehow in the same breath is grateful that Farmer said it. He tells Farmer that this isn't the first time their stubborn attitudes have clashed. Something they both get from their Mother.
"I think if you were anyone else I would be furious but...you're right. It does make me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one who's stubborn. I'll apologize to him in the morning. Goodnight and thank you Farmer."
If Fourth Option: Kyle snaps as that comment strikes a nerve. He goes to yell again but he just stops, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes he looks past them and wishes them a good night. Leaving them alone because just the thought of responding to that is exhausting.
Heart Event @ 8:
It's late, later than Farmer realized. As they go to leave the mines, a group of Shadow beasts corner them. It cuts to them limping out of the mines. Beaten down and exhausted, they collapse against the side of the mountain. The last thing they see is Kyle running over to them and the dim light of a flashlight. When they wake up again, they're laying in one of the beds of Kyle's clinic. Their wounds are bandaged and cleaned. Looking over in a daze, Kyle's eyes meet theirs and there's a look of relief. He closes the first aid kid sitting next to them, picks up the medical tools and puts them away. Farmer can hear him breathing deeply, like this is the first time he's able to. Eventually he breaks the silence, speaking as softly as he can. He scolds them for being reckless, and that they're lucky that Ned was nearby to hear that fight. Kyle stops in the middle of his lecture, catching himself doing it again. Lectures are the last thing Farmer needs right now, they need sleep. Farmer just smiles and shakes their head at him and it almost makes Kyle laugh. He can't believe the energy they have, how they're even awake right now. He promises to keep them company, that he'll be right here for them when they wake up. Time passes again as Farmer drifts back to sleep, when they wake up again they see Kyle asleep in the chair next to them.
"Do you have any idea how worried I was?! Seeing you bleeding out in the dirt like that! I know you can be more responsible then that, what were you-.... no I'm doing it again. I'm sorry. Look just get some sleep, you need to rest." - "What? I'm not going anywhere, someone has to look over you and make sure you actually get rest. I swear I'll turn my back and you'll try and get out of that bed."
When given the bouquet:
"!! Y-You're not fucking with me right? This isn't just some cruel prank? ...Then of course I will- be your partner that is!"
Heart Event @ 10:
Farmer walks outside of their house to Kyle sitting on their porch. A picnic basket sitting next to him, a bottle of wine sticking out of the basket, and a red-checkered blanket tucked neatly inside. When he hears the doo open he perks up and stands up quickly. With a grin on his face, he greets them with an energetic good morning. He holds up the basket telling them that he wants to take them out. The day is beautiful and he intends to spend as much of it with them. Farmer agrees, leaving the farm going south past Tegridy Farms. Kyle takes them near the cliffs overlooking the ocean. The two sit there enjoying the picnic that Kyle's put together. When he sees how happy Farmer is with the food, he goes on to tell them that he learned how to cook from his Mother. The conversation leads him to ramble about how he was the only one who could cook in the friend group for a while. That Stan used to beg him to make dinner so he didn't have to eat with his family. Farmer continues to just look happy with everything. Good food and getting to listen to him talk about his best friend, watching as he lights up! Then they feel a rain drop hit their forehead. Looking up, the two se as the sky starts to darken and rain clouds begin to roll in. Immediately Kyle throws his jacket over the Farmer and urgently moves them towards the trees. As the rain starts to come down harder, Kyle looks so disappointed. Farmer takes their hand giving it a little squeeze, breaking down that wall of anxiety. He lets out a sigh, expressing his frustration. He tells them that he wanted today to be perfect, now it's ruined because of the rain. Farmer laughs and pulls them down, planting a kiss on their cheek. Kyle's face turns red from the sweet action. He goes to kiss them back, to return the kiss, but as he does water drops down from the top of the trees. They're both soaked now, water clinging to their clothes. Kyle looks down and just laughs. He wraps an arm around them and pulls them in for a kiss. Pulling away, he brushes his fingers across their face and whispers.
"You always find a way to make things better. I don't feel like I have to be perfect all the time, that it's okay to mess up because I know you'll still love me. My worries just seem to melt away. I love you so much."
Heart Event @ 14:
Ever since Kyle moved in he's slowed down, taking better care of himself. No longer piling too much on his plate, so it surprises the Farmer to se him falling back into old habits. Kyle is pacing around the house in a huff. Ike tells the Farmer that their parents called and that they're making a surprise visit soon. Kyle stops his frantic cleaning for just a moment to stress how much he hates this. He's worried that they're going to be mad because he didn't invite them to the wedding, even when they already reassured him that they're not. Farmer questions why they're coming, which Kyle just sighs and tells them that they want to meet his partner. Farmer reassures Kyle that everything will be fine, that they can't wait to meet his parents. He just grumbles and tells them to hold off on that excitement. Once again Farmer calms the man down, Kyle takes a deep breath and watches his beloved partner get to work. Between the two of them and Ike, they're able to get everything together. Just as dinner is finished, Kyle's parents arrive. Kyle introduces the Farmer to his parents who immediately start gushing over them. The dinner table is set and soon the entire family is sitting around the, making small talk. Sheila starts asking Farmer a list of questions, trying to get to know them. Why did they become a Farmer? What drew them to the Valley? >> Honestly? I needed to start over. Grandpa gave me a second chance and I guess I just fell in love with this little town. >> The city life was too loud. I needed something quiet and easy. >> The Valley needed help! I couldn't just ignore it! If First Option: Sheila smiles and puts her hand on her chest. She tells the Farmer that it's incredibly sweet of their grandfather to look after them. She thinks it's great that they love the town that Kyle grew up in! If Second Option: Sheila doesn't agree that the city is that bad, but she goes on to tell the Farmer she grew up a city girl. She does agree that city life can sweep you away if you're not careful, she's glad the Farmer taught Kyle to slow down. If Third Option: Sheila isn't quite sure she understands what Farmer is trying to get at, but if it's what drives them then who is she to argue? She's just happy that Ike's grades have improved and that Kyle is happy. Either way dinner is lively, once they're finished they thank the Farmer for everything. For taking care of their sons and welcoming them into their lovely home. Sheila admits that she was skeptical at first but after seeing how Kyle looks at the Farmer, she's wholeheartedly approves of their marriage. They leave with a quick hug, letting Kyle know that they'll be staying at the tavern for a few days before going home. As they make the trip back to town, Kyle wraps his arm around the Farmer and smiles softly.
"They really like you, not that I had any doubts they wouldn't. You're amazing. I always knew you were, ever since you moved to this town. I'm just glad they love you almost as much as I do."
Random Marriage Quotes!!
"Good morning my love. Yeah... that still feels weird to say but...I kind of like it. Waking up next to you is everything." "Please make sure you're being careful when you go out. I'm not going to stop you, just come home to me. Please." "Look I love you, but please if you have to go to the mines...shower before you come to bed. Shower with you? That-...isn't a bad idea." "Read up on how to take care of crops on my lunch break! I hope you don't mind that I already watered the plants for you!" "Ike really likes all the animals, he actually woke up before to feed them all!" "Do...do you think my hair is stupid? Cartman said something about it today and I know I shouldn't put merit in what he says but...You like my hair? And my nose? But I didn't- God you're too good to me." "I always had this fear of getting married, I was afraid that I'd end up like my parents. They're not bad just...never mind. Just thank you for being my partner." "Hey, take this medicine with you. If you get into trouble it will help. I don't care if it tastes bad! I don't want to find you passed out again!" "I'm taking Ike over to Kenny's today, he wants to hang out with Karen. Feel free to swing by when you're done doing what you need to do! The guys would love to see you." "You know I love you right? And I'll tell you it as many times as you need. You make it so easy to love you that I'm worried I'm not enough."
Tag List: @hunnysnoops
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❝ you look beautiful ❞ from @empirexsin
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Gilrin spent time in the bath to calm down, taking care to wash her hair, to scent it, to wax and scrub her body until it was perfect. Afterwards, she was careful when selecting her dress and chose an easier style for her hair so that it might come undone without much of a hassle; she applied some kohl to bring out her eyes more and reddened her lips with the colour most resembling blood, it went so nicely with her pale complexion and dark curls
Upon finishing she thought she spent as much time getting ready as she did once upon a time for their wedding day. But it was worth it to hear such a compliment from her husband.
"Thank you," she smiles brightly as she joins his side at the table, conscious about the low cut of her dress but she did want to look as appealing to him as possible, besides she would not wear such a dress outside of the privacy of his company; it would only bring unwanted attention and she only sought his eyes on her, his hands, his touch, his... her husband's everything.
"I admit I... spent far too much time on getting ready, but I wanted this to be perfect. I want this night to be as memorable for us as possible." She muses as she takes a sip from her wine, eyeing her husband and a cut of pomegrante on the board with the other fruits, toying with the idea of its juices once again in her mind. But it can wait, she adjust the pendant of her necklace between the valley of her breasts, a large emerald, reflecting the colour of her eyes and her dress.
"You look dashing,I like this colour on you," She watches him, not without the hunger and playful twinkle she gave the fruit.
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camelliagwerm · 7 months
tagged by @cetra to fill this out for an oc. I'm pretty tired and my brain's hamster is struggling so I chose Valerius for this since I don't have to think as hard about the answers as I would other ocs.
tagging: @dragonologist-phd // @galfreybaenre // @cassynite // @baneschosen // @silversiren1101 // @the-raging-tempest // @mountainashfae // @outeremissary - don't feel obligated or pressured to do it if you don't want to or don't have the time, but I'd love to see the responses :')
NAME: Valerius Andrei Narcis Dragavei
NICKNAME: Vali (diminutive)
GENDER: cis man (he/him)
STAR SIGN: as per the Cosmic Caravan, the Thrush.
HEIGHT: 6'5ft / 196cm
FAVOURITE FRUIT: the pomegranate. It comes up in an Urgathoan flavour text in WOTR, so I've taken it to be a popular fruit for the faith. Besides, the taste is exquisite, just the right amount of tart with sweetness - and good in wine, sauces, desserts, or just biting into it and making an utter mess in the process.
FAVOURITE SEASON: autumn. It's cold without being too cold, perfectly overcast with a heavy chance of rain and mist. He misses Ustalav's autumns something fierce.
FAVOURITE FLOWER: jasmine. It's a key note in the perfume I headcanon Camellia favours, so he has a soft spot for it. Also, he's fond of violets (which is the namesake for one of his future daughters :3)
FAVOURITE SCENT: while the scent of blood is pretty irresistable to him, nothing can beat the smell of a honey and pomegrante glaze over roasted meat.
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee, black. Anything else is unacceptable to him.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: nowhere near as much as it should be. Maybe 4 or 5 maximum. He doesn't like sleeping in late, wanting to make the most of the hours he does have where the sun won't irritate him as much, but he's often up extremely late as well too, whether its for prayer or other reasons.
DOGS OR CATS: He's more of a horse guy truth be told, but dogs.
DREAM TRIP: providing it wouldn't be utterly miserable for him the entire time he's there due to the sun and heat, he'd want to make a pilgrimage to Mechitar in Geb, where Urgathoa's largest temple stands on Golarion. He is working on building an alliance with Geb, so perhaps it isn't so distant a prospect.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: he doesn't need many, but Drezen is cold - usually there's three total: a sheet, a duvet and a fur atop that. The heaviness is mostly comforting, but that many are usually there for both appearances' and Camellia's sake (once she moves in with him)
RANDOM FACT: he's been betrothed/engaged a grand total of five times, with several more counts of potential engagements - the result of being both House Dragavei's heir and then the ruler of a city state.
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abookishdreamer · 25 days
Character Intro: Pseudologos (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The False God, The Dark Deceit by the people of Olympius
Father by Dolos
Sue by Elpis
Grandfather by Pheme
Age- 70 (immortal)
Location- Olympia, Olympius
Personality- He's very observant with a strong attention to the most minute of details. He's also narcissistic, highly manipulative, selfish, uneasily fooled, as well as egomaniacal. There's only a few beings he genuinely cares about. He has many girlfriends.
He has the standard abilities of a god. As the god of lies his other powers/abilities include truth sense, vocal mimicry, lie proficiency, criminology mastery, telepathy (is able to read minds), fraud inducement (can manipulate others to lie), shapeshifting (his skill is on par with Empusa), being able to create a variety of auditory, visual, & sensory illusions, as well as being able to communicate with/shapeshift into animals associated with trickery- like rats, wolves, snakes, jackals, hyenas, weasels, foxes, coyotes, monkeys, crocodiles, etc...
Pseudologos' primary abode is his cliffside mansion in the state of Olympia. The mansion is built out of adamantine glass, white marble, & black onyx. There are a lot of streakless windows and glittering chandeliers while the flooring is white marble with Imperial Gold accents. The interior design is cool, modern, & sleek with a variety of artwork, photography, and sculptural pieces with leather furniture, & metal, lucite, Imperial Gold, jade, and obsidian furniture pieces. He has a LARGE garage that houses his collection of luxurious sports cars. Pseudologos also owns a beach house on Shimmering Tail Island and an apartment at Bolt Towers, located in the Skyline neighborhood of New Olympus. He also owns a yacht called Olympian.
He has an animal companion- a dragon named Nyroxion. He's the second oldest & fourth largest dragon in all the realms, widely known as "The Black Beast." After Xuvra, Nyroxion is the most fiercest and aggressive. He's primarily covered in black scales while his belly scales & spinal plates are a dark blood red. The dragon has black horns, claws, and crests with dark red eyes & black wings with dark red wing membranes. Nyroxion is usually Pseudologos' mode of transportation. Dragon and rider have an unbreakable bond.
He's fluent in all the languages spoken in Olympius.
Members of Pseudologos' immediate family includes his younger brother Logos (god of stories), his son Dolos (god of deception & treachery), his niece Eikono (goddess of iconography & literature), his daughter-in-law Elpis (goddess of hope), and his granddaughter Pheme (goddess of fame).
His breakfast is usually prepared & cooked by his personal chef- a mountainous centaur named Montague (called Monty for short). Some of Pseudologos' favorites includes almond poppy seed belgian waffles topped with peach compote, cinnamon & cardamom crêpes topped with powdered sugar, baked florentine egg white omelets, and tropical fruit sorbets.
His favorite "snacks" are smoking cigarettes & cigars. Pseudologos treats himself with buying a few of the most expensive cigars at Ygró Veloúdo- the wine bar/premier smoking room owned by Agathodaemon (Daemon) (god of vineyards, grainfields, & luck). At 1.3 million drachmas a pop, the cigar is meticulously filled with rare tobacco sourced from the Underworld infused with a prestigious black pomegrante cognac, wrapped gracefully with a gold leaf, and is secured by a band with dazzling diamonds totaling 5 carats. He also partakes in weed & lotus dust.
He's proficient at forging signatures.
Pseudologos takes great pride in his appearance. In spite of his advanced age, he lives an active lifestyle and is in peak physical shape. His silver gray hair is neatly trimmed, his clothes expertly pressed, & his shoes perfectly polished. Pseudologos is a firm believer of quality over quantity when it comes to his belongings.
A go-to drink for him is a dirty martini. He also likes champagne, red wine, manhattans, whiskey sours, scotch on the rocks, mojitos, negronis, and vesper cocktails. A usual from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized iced americano.
He doesn't have a close relationship with his brother. Pseudologos hates his younger brother's "greater-than -thou" attitude towards his lifestyle and firmly believes that the moniker of "Olympius' Grandpa" has gotten to Logos' head. He only sees him when there are monthly family dinners hosted by Elpis.
The accumalation of Pseudologos' wealth is one of the best kept secrets in all the realms. There are whispers about his dealings in the black market, but nothing definitive.
His favorite frozen treats are rum raisin ice cream & champagne sorbet.
He has his own crew of stringers that gather intel and photos for the paparazzi. For fun it's rumored that Pseudologos will be in a shapeshifted form as a maintenance worker at the royal palace on Mt. Olympus to gather more information- which is then given to The Oracle Scoop, the tabloid magazine owned by Pheme.
Pseudologos has a few tattoos- a small dagger on the inside of his left wrist, the saying "trust no one" written in Old Greek on the inside of his right wrist, a black widow on his chest, and a bunch of nightshade flowers on his left thigh.
He quite likes his daughter-in-law Elpis. When she visits him, she always brings in a fresh bouquet of flowers. They'll go to the beach to surf & afterwards Pseudologos will enjoy Elpis' homemade smoothie bowl, the blueberry açaí one being his favorite. He doesn't mind the jokes she makes at his expense and thinks that she is too good for his son.
For lunch Monty will prepare Pseudologos' favorite- grilled snapper and asparagus with herb-caper vinaigrette. If he's with a date, he'll dine out, often at The Crown. From the menu he likes the steamed miso custard with mushrooms & soy dressing, herb crêpes with olives and spinach, & grilled garlic crusted oysters with beluga caviar.
Pseudologos' relationship with his son has always been tense. He honestly can't remember the last time he said "I love you" to Dolos or showed any sort of physical affection towards him. Pseudologos is proud of the fact that he taught his son about the harsh truths of the world. That for deities like them, their worth is made, not given. He also refuses to tell Dolos anything about his biological mother.
His all time favorite dessert is baked alaska.
Pseudologos loves buying gifts for his girlfriends, daughter-in-law, & granddaughter.
He has recently released his signature cologne called Mystique. The spicy fragrance has notes of violet leaf, cyclamen, amber, bitter orange blossom, orris, & narcissus. Another notable feature is the black obsidian bottle with purple jade accents. A 8.5 oz/250ml bottle sells for 1,300 drachmas. The release day for Mystique happened at a Pithos Department Store in the Skyline neighborhood.
Pseudologos adores his granddaughter- calling Pheme "My little diamond." They keep in touch through text all the time and they visit each other often. He was one of the financial backers involved in starting up her Diamond Ave. fashion brand. When they spend time together they'll go to the spa, go shopping, & dine at a restaurant. At times their relationship has been tested- due to Pseudologos' constant flirting with Pheme's friends. Lately, he's been trying to let up on that.
A guilty pleasure for him is a wagyu, foie gras, & black truffle burger that Monty makes.
He has quite the social media presence on Fatestagram.
Throughout his immortal life he's been married well over a hundred times! In the pantheon Pseudologos is infamously known as "The Collector of Wives." He's been engaged even more times. Pseudologos rejects the notion of true love, but understands the want and desire to have a warm body close to him at night. Now, he keeps things casual with many girlfriends of many creeds. His long-time girlfriend is Lycana (Titaness of lycanthropy).
Pseudologos has also propositioned Aisa (goddess of lot & fate) as well as Apate (goddess of fraud & deception). Aisa rejected the offer while Apate hasn't given him an answer yet. He does feel a little guilty about the latter- seeing how Apate is his friend's daughter and that she used to work closely with Dolos.
In the pantheon he's friends with Erebus (god of darkness), Astrape (goddess of lightning), Empusa (goddess of shapeshifting), Bronte (goddess of thunder), Hysminai (goddess of fighting & combat), Kydoimos (god of uproar & battlefield confusion), Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown), and Hyperion (Titan god of heavenly light). Pseudologos was the official mentor to Aplistos (god of avarice).
He met Lycana's daughter Lykos (goddess of wolves) briefly a few weeks ago. Pseudologos doesn't have much of an opinion about her.
His carnal appetites rivals that of Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning). Pseudologos has a "little black book" filled with the names of all his conquests. He has slept with Empusa a few times and has even slept with Gaia (goddess of the earth). An upcoming "event" Pseudologos is looking forward to is a video he's shooting with Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection) for her adult website. He and Lycana got into a HUGE argument about it.
He broke his only cardinal rule when he said "I love you" to Lycana while they were having sex. When she tried bringing it up a few days later, Pseudologos said that he was high on lotus dust when it happened.
In his free time he enjoys lovemaking, golf, watching TV, tennis, sunbathing, clubbing, going to the casino, playing dominoes, going to the cinema, sky diving, billiards, poker, and going to the opera.
His favorite meal is lamb ravioli with champagne butter and sage.
"The perfect lie is the one that no one suspects."
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addaellisplaysgames · 7 months
The Gilded Horn's Drink Menu:
For my responsible appreciators of good games and drink, this missive was found in the pub in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Trespasser DLC, on the table where Sera is perched: The Golden Nug: An effervescent white Seleney wine with a dash of West Hill brandy and a spash of pomegrante juice. Muddled with raspberries and a sprig of royal elfroot.
The Hissing Drake: A bold mix of cinnamon-infused whiskey, dark Llomerryn rum, and Hirol's lava burst. Not for the faint of stomach. (Or heart!)
Benediction: Prophet's Laurel gin served with a wedge of lime and a thimble of Golden Scythe
The Emerald Valley: Made with a spirit distilled by Chantry sisters in Lydes from over seventy herbs and flowers. Topped by egg-white foam dusted with nutmeg.
A Night of Shame: Our sweetest Antivan port with a dash of chocolate bitters and a twist of orange. Served in a flued of chilled Serault glass.
The Randy Dowager: Rumored to have been concocted by the editor of Orlais' most scandalous periodical herself. A tall glass of Abyssal Peach liquor and fresh cream, garnished with sugared rose petals and served on a silk handkerchief with a scandalous rhyming couplet inked on it by the bartender.
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my-witchy-journal · 5 years
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💀OTHER NAMES: Halloween, All Hallows Eve
💀DATE: October 31
💀OCCASION: Wiccan New Year
💀COLORS: Black, Orange, Indigo, Gold, Purple, Silver, White
💀 SYMBOLS: Apple, Pumpkin, Grouds, Pomegrantate, Acorn
💀GODDESSES: Crone, Hecate
💀GODS: Horned Hunter, Cernnunos, Anubis
💀ENERGY: Death and Transformation
💀INCENSE: Sandalwood, Patchouli, Sage, Sweetgrass, Rosemary, Dragonsblood
Amethyst: protection, clean away bad vibes
Ametrine: take care of yourself, paying attention to your immune system
Apophyllite: helps to connect and strenghten the connection with the spirit world
Black Tourmaline: offers psychic protection in stressful environment, helps to get rid of negative thoughts, repels negative energy, brings awarness
Bloodstone: divination
Calcite: helps to enchance connection to the spiritual world, strangthen clairvoyance
Orange: encourages happy transitions, powerful energy cleanser, helps release past traumas
Blue: offers comfort and reduces fear
Carnelian: will allow you to let go of the past and focus on the here and now
Citrine: increase creativity
Danburite: stone of astral travel, bring peace to the subconscious self, protect from dark energy, strengthen connection to the spiritual world
Dragon Blood Jasper: helps to engchance life force energy, helps to find love, forgiveness and compassion
Fluorite:  mysticism and psychic awareness
Hag Stone: Witch Stone, protection
Hermatite:  provides focus, courage and grounding energies
Howlite:  communication, connected to past lives
Moonstone: new beginning
Obsidian: enchances Samhain rituals
Onyx: protection,  helps prevent your energy  supply from being drained by others,  protection against negativity, increases reflection, intuitive guidance
Phenacite: helps to connect and strenghten the connection with the spirit world 
Smoky quartz: security, protection, absorbs negative energy, helps to communicate with spirits
Sunstone: helps to relieve stress, fear
Staurolite:  helps to connect and strenghten the connection with the spirit world
💀TREES: Apple, Hazel, Oak, Pomegranate
💀HERB AND FLOWERS: Allspice, Apple Leaves, Blackberry Leaves, Broom, Calendula, Catnip, Chrysanthemum, Cinnamon, Clove, Comos, Deadly Nightshade, Fennel, Jasmine, Mandrake, Mint, Mugwort, Mullein, Nutmeg, Oak leaves, Pine Needles, Red Rose, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Straw, Sunflower, Thistle, Wild Ginseng, Wormwood
💀ANIMALS: Bat, Black Cat, Owl, Raven
💀FOOD: Apples, Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chestnuts, Chicken Citrus, Cranberries, Duck, Eggplant, Figs, Fish, Garlic, Ginger, Grapes, Jalapeños, Kale, Kumquats, Lamb, Mikan, Mushrooms, Mussels, Oysters, Passion Fruit, Peaches, Pears, Persimmon, Pineapple, Plums, Pomegranate, Pumpkin, Radishes, Rice, Scallops, Squash, Sunflower Seeds, Sweet Potato, Tomatoe, Turkey , Turnips, Venison, Yams
Special thank for this list for @witchythingys​ (post link)
💀DRINK:  Apple Cider, Apple Juice, Chai Tea or Chai Latte, Cinnamon Spiced Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate, Grape Juice, Hard Cider, Herbal Teas,  Mulled Cider, Mulled Wine, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate, Wine
Special thank for this list for @witchythingys​ (post link)
💀 ACTIVITIES: Recreate family recipes, Create an ancestor altar, Work with divination, Take a nature walk, Share family stories, Carve pumpkins, ect
Getting rid of bad habits
Honoring the dead
Letting go
Past Lives
Bury an apple for the dead ritual
Carve some turnips
Catch up on some witchy books
Cook a deceased family member / friend’s recipe or favorite meal.
Dance under the light of the moon to some lit pagan music
Do some scrying
Get a cinnamon scented witches broom
Go on a walk through the woods. Observe nature and how it changes
Host a dumb supper
Leave food/offerings outside for those who have passed and will be walking around tonight.
Leave offerings to the spirits
Leave photos of your ancestors at your altar! I think this is a beautiful way to honor them throughout the holiday
Leave single candles on your windowsills to let your ancestors know they’re welcome to visit you!
Light a bonfire *and dance around it*
Make a playlist of songs that remind you of those you’ve lost
Make a spirit candle
Make some fall incense
Make your own fall related spell candles
Read tarot cards, pendulum, runes, ect
Research your family history and write a tribute to them to include in your ritual
Take time out of your busy schedule to have a quiet meditation session.
Try some kitchen witchcraft. Fall is the perfect time to do this
Visit a drum circle and dance your little heart out
Visit a graveyard to pay your respects
Wear all black all the time: you need to look nice for all those dead people
Special thanks for these tips for @theclosetedwitch​ (post link), @magicthyst (post link), @lapiscat​ (post link) and @anachronistique (post link)
Laying the past to rest with dignity, honoring the present with love, calling the future to rise: Samhain Ritual 2018
Samhain Mask
Bonfire Magick Ritual for Samhain
(Some) Ways to Celebrate Samhain 🦇
Sabbat Altar and Celebration Ideas for the Solitary Witch
Magickal Ideas for Samhain
Samhain Ideas
How to Make a Corn Doll
Mulled Cider for Samhain
October Witch Tarot Spread
Ways to Honor your Deceased Loved Ones on Samhain
Samhain Facts
Samhain Tarot Spread 
Simple Samhain Ritual Ideas
Low Energy Samhain Ideas
𝐴 𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑆𝑎𝑚ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑛 2020
Soul Cake Recipe and Spell for Samhain
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The Heavy came back. An old friend, entering uninvited, ever making itself welcome. There is no space in my chest for it. So, the Heavy breaks what it will and shoves its wicked way in. After all, the sun is so weak in the Winter to scare it away, and it ever does love the dark warmth between my ribs.
So, the Heavy comes back, and I try to carry it. It wraps its toothless mouth around my arteries, clamping down at every raised eyebrow and every grating voice. Every well wish has its bony fingers pulling on my ribs. It exerts control over every escape attempt. This is the season of the Heavy, and it will be heard. That won't stop me searching for the cure.
I swallow the liquid sunlight. I make each plate of food greener. I try to find my voice long enough to sing. I wrap my arms around my loved ones. Their chests are Heavy, too. There is not enough sun in my blood to scare their burdens from them. So, I kneel before my gods and offer pomegrantes and wine and peach pits. I ask the sun to burn just a little brighter. I know it doesn't work that way, but even a little divinity might help.
The Heavy is a god of sorts as well, I think.
I see its wicked eyes in the hollows of other's. Hear its rasping breaths in the sobs of the girl in the stall next to me. See its fingers in the mouth of the mother telling me she is struggling to afford holiday for her children. The Heavy takes prisoners. It holds them tight, tight, tight. Wraps around their ankles. Wraps around their wrists. Their throats.
And only time can truly slay it.
And come Spring, it will crawl out of my body and slink back to the cold, dark places it pleases.
I hope.
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faeofthecottage · 3 years
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Goddess Aphrodite and her offerings
Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, pleasure and procreation. In Greek mythology, she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Her Roman counterpart is Venus. According to ancient times, she rose from the foam of the sea. She is the mother of her son Eros, the roman counterpart being Cupid
Give offerings of
acts of self care
write her a letter or poem
make rose water
perform glamour / beauty spells
bake her sweets
set up an altar in her honor
perform love magick
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stardust-daydream · 2 years
Pomegranate Wine Chapter 13
Prophecy of Decay
“Never forget, the words are not the reality, only reality is reality; picture symbols are the idea, words are confusion.” ―  Muata Ashby, The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Seti stared at the girls dancing around him, feeling himself growing aroused. Most days, they were little more than decorations around the palace. But today, they seemed especially appealing. Seti watched, lascivious, as the girls twisted and twirled, their bellies on show. Their hips shimmied and swayed, calling out to him to breed them. Thinking back to his last conquest with the dancer, Seti thought better of it. He turned to Imhotep and stopped short.
Imhotep's eyes were on one dancer in particular. She was a small, lithe girl with long flowing locks that reached her waist. As Seti roved his eyes over her, he recognized her from her first day at the palace. A farm girl from a riverside town, if he remembered correctly. Her perky breasts and large bottom called out to him. Seti felt himself swell with desire, and he tore his gaze away.
"You approve of our dancers?" He asked Imhotep. Why was he looking at her?
Blinking, Imhotep tore his eyes away, "Yes, my Lord, they are satisfactory, I suppose."
Seti chuckled, "They seem to be more than satisfactory to me," he said, taking a deep inhale. The air smelled of heavy incense, and soon the musicians in the corner of the room came to the end of their song. Seti stood up, calling out, "Bravo, bravo!"
The dancers stopped and looked at him with big eyes, but Seti paid no attention. He had his sights set on one dancer in particular. All eyes on him as he parted the sea of breasts, he stopped in front of the tiny dancer, "My dear," he said, "You are ravishing. What is your name?"
The girl stared at him with dark, hard eyes, and she answered in a curt manner, "Ancksunamun." She replied with a stiff bow. Seti followed the line of her body and glimpsed beneath her dress. Sucking in a deep breath, he found it almost hard to speak as all the blood in his body rushed between his legs.
“Anck Sun Amun," Seti said, grinning at her in a boyish manner, missing her look of derision.
Bowing again, Ancksunamun replied, "Yes, Pharaoh Seti. At your service."
Seti felt himself throb harder at her obvious twist of words. "Anck Sun Amun, I want you to join me tonight for a banquet."
Her eyes widened, "Pharaoh Seti, thank you for your kind offer, but I will have to decline politely." Bowing again, she bent down to fix her sandals.
"Oh, feisty, are we?" Seti quipped. He liked her fiery attitude. Rudeness in women usually infuriated him, but not today.
Without looking up, she replied, "No, Pharaoh Seti, that is not my intention."
Turning to Imhotep, Seti spoke, ignoring her. "Imhotep! You are in charge of bringing our lovely dancer to the banquet hall tonight. I will not take no for an answer." Seti said, his eyes growing hard as he turned back to the girl.
The girl looked up and made eye contact with Imhotep before looking back to Seti. Her mouth opened and closed, and at last, she said, "Yes, Pharaoh Seti… I will accept your offer. Thank you." She stood up and bowed again.
Why does she look at Imhotep like that? He wondered, peering at both of them. Deciding it was nothing, he grinned in excitement.
"Great answer!" Seti said, beaming from ear to ear. Clasping his hands together, he turned to Imhotep and led him back to sit down. His legs were burning with the exertion of standing so long.
Panting, he sat down on his throne. Still smiling, he thought of all the wicked things he wanted to do with the dancer with the dark eyes. He wished the day could go by even faster.
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vwritesawholelothm · 3 years
Pansy Parkinson
18. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
17. Favorite beverage?
18. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
19. Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
20. Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
21. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
22. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
1(6?). She looks like a dark academia school girl and knows it. Button up blouses, dark green skirts, the like. I feel like every time she gets dressed she acts like it's a performance, even if it's just for her.
17. My brain immediately screamed 'pomegrante wine'
18. How she did that day, what she can improve on, and how great she is, probably.
19. I feel like she had dragon pox at some point and Draco caught them from her.
20. Never thought about this so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21. She'd probably doodle some or write down whatever she was thinking at the moment (probably a scheme of some sort)
22. I feel like she's extremely organized. She keeps everything absolutely perfect in all aspects of her life. Not one hair is out of line on her head, not one pencil in the wrong place on her desk.
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Goddess of: love, beauty, pleasure, passion, procreation, fertility, desire, sexuality, sailors
Plants: myrtles, roses, pomegrantes, apple, cypress, daisy, iris, olive, orrice, quince, myrhh, lettuce, daffodil, poppies, linden trees, mint, grape, artichokes, laurel tree, ash tree
Birds: doves, sparrows, swans, geese, ducks, swallows, partridges
Animals: dolphin, bear, bee, goat, leopard
Symbols: scallop shell, girdle, mirror, pearl, sea, conch shell, cowrie shell, sea anemone, fishing net, triangle, seashells, eggs, sun, water
Colors: red, white, gold, pink, blue, yellow, black, sea foam
Scents: cinnamon, rose, ocean, myhrr, apple, myrtle, strawberry
Crystals: sapphire, aquamarine, moonstone, rose quartz, pearl, rhodonite, jade, sapphire
Metal: silver, copper, gold
Element: water
Number: 6, 5, 9
Planet: Venus, the sun
Time: summer solstice
Shrine: ocean motifs, flowers, greenery, garden, jewelry, makeup, seashells, beautiful tray, statue of aphrodite, starfish, scallop shell, red/burgundy/pink candle holder, rose quartz, dried rose buds, pink/red/sea foam candle, roses, offering bowl, swans, doves, dolphins, pearls, hearts, rabbits, bees, fairy lights, snow globe, music box, jewelry box
Offerings: perfume, honey, rose, myrtle, wine, honey cake, chocolate, apples, art, olive oil, letter, cinnamon, pomegranate, lettuce, myrrh, anemone, poppies, pearls, shellfish, incense, flower garland, poetry, honey cakes, fire, salt, bread, salt water, sea salt, music, hymns, songs, sweets, candy, tea, water, strawberries
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starrypawz · 4 years
Assorted Zag/Meg/Than thoughts I must get out cause they’re consuming my brain, feel free to ignore, do not interact if you are a minor
Under a cut because nsfw, bdsm mentions
Zag can def be a massive brat
Do I even need to say Meg pegs
Meg is probably topping 95 percent of the time
Sometimes Meg likes to get herself comfy and just watch Zag and Than go at it
Misuse of wine, honey and pomegrantes def happens from time to time
Zag basically needs/wants to be utterly railed and wrecked and then cuddled afterwards, he’s a man of simple needs
He does top Than once in a while
Zag will crack bad jokes during sex
Than is like sort of a calm/quiet dom 
Than whimpers when provoked just right
Than will top from the bottom,
Than does have a hard time giving up control at points, he needs that trust
Sometimes Than needs to be tied up and railed so hard he’s exhausted so he actually takes a break for once
All three of them are def into being marked/marking their partners
Zag can def be too loud at times
Zag is big into dirty talk, it varies sometimes he wants affirmations sometimes a little bit of degradation
All three of them can be incredibly clingy post sex
Zag is the worst for it
Zag and Than both have ridiculously sensitive thighs
Once in a while Zag and Than will really look after Meg and let her take a break
Meg def can easily hold Zag up for sex
Zag has def been held up by both Than and Zag for some sexy fun times
Meg rarely lets Zag and Than top her, sometimes it’s happens when she’s feeling particularly lazy
Than is a ‘you pull my hair and I’m gone’ sort
Zag is a ‘kissing my neck or throat means we’re doing it’ person
Meg has really sensitive wrists
Meg gets a fluttery wing sometimes when she’s really turned on
Zag thinks it’s super cute
Pull on Meg’s ponytail and you WILL DIE 
All of them def bite more than is necessary
Someone probably has a nipple piercing
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homehearthandheart · 4 years
Music Monday / 23 December 2019
Welcome, Devotees!
Is your devotional work just the same old song? Try one of the following:
Home Maintenance: Find a playlist of songs that you really enjoy, that remind you of your Gods and Spirits, and that helps motivate you to get stuff done. While you’re playing that music, tackle a few of the places in your living space where stuff just seems to pile up–clothes on the floor, piles of junk mail, dirty dishes, etc. A clean home is more hospitable to the Gods and Spirits, and you can dedicate the act of cleaning up to Them!
Deity Devotion: Write a song for one of your beloved Deities. It can be as simple as giving new words to an older tune, but give it a try and see what comes.
Shrine Improvement: Do you have a playlist of music that you can have going in the background during prayer time and ritual? In Hellenic and Roman religion, background music helps drown out outside noise that could contain bad omens. Try putting a playlist together and experiment with playing it during moments of prayer.
Today in the Hellenic Calendar: 
Today is the 26th of the lunar month.
It’s also the date of the Athenian Haloa—see below for more details!
If you like incorporating daily hymns into your prayers, Drew Campbell recommends the following prayers for today: To Leukothea (a mortal woman who became a Goddess; she helped keep ships safe and saved people from drowning); and To Palaimon (the son of Leukothea, also a savior of ships and the drowning).
Kalà Háloa! (Happy Haloa!)
In the Attic (Athenian) calendar, today marks the Haloa, an agricultural festival to Demeter, Dionysos, Kore-Persephone, and Poseidon.
This festival, part of the Eleusinian cycle of festivals, was celebrated by women only. Since men were legally obligated to pay for female family members’ participation, it is a heavily documented festival—but since it was a women-only one, we know very little of what happened in it.
Presumably, this festival honored Demeter as overseer of the final harvest of the year; first-fruits from this harvest were carried to Her sanctuary at Eleusis today. It also honored Dionysos, since it coincided with the proper time of year to prune the grapevines, and featured a procession to Poseidon in His role as a nurturer of plant life.
During the feasts of this festival, we know that cakes shaped like genitalia were served. As with several other Dionysian and Eleusinian festivals, these may have helped to ward ill fortune and malevolent entities away from the rites. (Or it may have helped make grumpy spirits laugh, resulting in them being less likely to bring ill fortune with them!)
If you wish to celebrate the Haloa today, try having a feast of foods that follow Eleusinian prohibitions: heavy on the grains and WITHOUT wine, pomegrantes, and non-poultry meat. (Fish are permitted, though.) And if you can get obscenely-shaped loaves of bread or pastries, more the better!
Since this festival took place at a specific point in Hellas’ agricultural festival–the start of the sowing season–don’t feel like you HAVE to celebrate this festival, or like you have to celebrate this festival at this point in the year. Try celebrating it:
If you have a particularly close devotional relationship with Demeter, Dionsyos, Poseidon, and/or Persephone.
If your agricultural cycle matches up with Hellas’–search online to see what’s growing and being harvested in your area and when those harvests take place!
If you live in an area that relies heavily on agriculture, and want to help ensure the fecundity and safety of the crops this year.
If you want to work with the Gods and Spirits of your place to ward off ill fortune during the “dead time” of your year—whether that’s a cold winter, a barren summer, or a time where the rains don’t fall.
Daily Reminder: If you know of any resources you’d like us to incorporate on our site, or any sites/projects you’d like us to signal boost, send us an ask or fanmail!
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Group Ritual to Celebrate Hades and Persephone this Autumn
A group of friends and I are performing Samhain rituals, so I thought I would write out a ritual to perform to celebrate the descent of Persephone to the underworld and to give offerings to our favorite Underworld deities. Feel free to share! A lot of this was based on rituals I researched and then created my own setup based on what felt right.
Set up altar:
Plate of honey cakes baked with pomegranates and poppy seeds
Alternatively, anything to do with pomegrantes, flowers, mint, etc
Incense - Frankincense, Sandalwood, Vanilla, or other flower incense 
Bowl or pitcher of Khernips (lustral water) to wash hands
Plain water is good, too - the act of washing alone would be enough <3
Candles - black and white 
Tea lights are what I plan to use - very affordable!
Wine - Red
Pomegranate juice would be lovely, too <3
Chalice/Cup to share wine together after the hymns
Vase of flowers - fake or real
Begin with cleansing:
Wash hands with khernips/water
Light candles and incense 
Open the ritual with a prayer to all the Theoi - can be improvised, or you can use the one I wrote below:
Praise to the Theoi, gods of heaven, earth, and the underworld. May you bless up, keep us safe, and watch over us as we perform these rites in your names. Thank you for all that you do, all that you will do, and all that you have done. 
Take the wine and pour some of it into the ground - begin walking in a circle around the others as you recite the Orphic hymns of Hades and Persephone(edited for length), continuing to pour the wine periodically:
Daughter of Zeus, almighty and divine, come, blessed queen, and to these rites incline: Only-begotten, Plouton’s honored wife, O venerable Goddess, source of life: O, vernal queen, whom grassy plains delight, sweet to the smell, and pleasing to the sight: Espoused in Autumn: life and death alone to wretched mortals from thy power is known: Hear, blessed Goddess, send a rich increase of various fruits from earth, with lovely Peace; Send Health with gentle hand, and crown my life with blest abundance, free from noisy strife; Last in extreme old age the prey of Death, dismiss we willing to the realms beneath,  To thy fair palace, and the blissful plains where happy spirits dwell, and Plouton reigns.
Hail Plouton, magnanimous, whose realms profound are fixed beneath the firm and solid ground, In the Tartarian plains remote from fight, and wrapt forever in the depths of night; Terrestrial Kthonios, thy sacred ear incline, and, pleased, accept thy mystic's hymn divine. Earth's keys to thee, illustrious king belong, its secret gates unlocking, deep and strong. 'Tis thine, abundant annual fruits to bear, for needy mortals are thy constant care. Thy throne is fix'd in Hades’ dismal plains, distant, unknown to rest, where darkness reigns; O power all-ruling, holy, honored light, thee sacred poets and their hymns delight: Beneficial to thy mystic's works incline, rejoicing come, for holy rites are thine.
When the hymns are done, set the wine down and kneel on the ground, patting it three times. Bow your head, stand back up.
Pour the wine into the chalice to share. Say a prayer as everyone is drinking, can be improvised:
Thank you to Hades and Persephone for your constant care, for your judgement, for your calming grace, for all that you do in our lives. We share this wine in your name and may this libation and offering be pleasing to you, and may our hymns reach your ears. Thank you for all that you do. 
When the wine is finished, pour khernips over the hands to wash them again, then blow out the candles lit for the ritual. 
Closing prayer, addressing all of the Theoi, can be improvised:
Thank you to the Theoi for watching over us this night. May we be blessed, may we be graced with your words, your voices, and your presence as we continue these rites. Thank you for your wisdom, your peace, and your love. Thank you for all that you do, for all that you will do, and for all that you have done. 
Bow to the altar and the rite is completed.
Orphic Hymns (#17 and 28) can be read in full here: https://www.theoi.com/Text/OrphicHymns1.html
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destinysthralls · 5 years
♡ + xemnas and david u_u
hc meme : send ♡ and a word/topic and i’ll make up a hc about it.
there’s no such thing as god in a psych ward. sure, you’ll get a schizophrenic person or two that’ll mention angels in passing, an elderly woman who coughs and sputters and spits when she talks and curses ‘god’ and ‘jesus’ between every word. but no one ever goes to the psych ward’s religious services---perhaps because they’re too early, and when there’s nothing to do, laying in bed with your eyes wide shut, waiting for dreams that fade in and out like static, “sleeping” is much more palatable and entertaining.
xemnas never sleeps, doesn’t even try---and so he’s held his hand on the doorknob to the psych ward’s chapel so many times. saw the cross through the door’s sliver of a latticed window. saw the way jesus hung his head, and pictured real thorns and nails instead of carved wood, and left, rubbing his palms and straining his temples as he clenched his jaw. the thing inside him ached and turned and wept, crying out for something strange and unfamiliar, and xemnas knew he wasn’t meant for any service. 
and so each and every time he rolled back into his usual seat in the so-called living room before andrew p.---who never showered and always made the chewed-through armchair smell even worse of mildew and filth---could get it. and he watched the world through static and fuzz, a world he could not touch, and would never belong to. 
xemnas has always believed in love at first sight, and he had thought he’d fallen in love a thousand times before he met david. the beautiful men and women in magazines and old hollywood movies, the characters in books and the minds of poets and musicians. they all made him feel less empty, made him feel almost alive, if only for a moment. xemnas was sure he loved them. but what he felt for david, the very first time he saw him, made him question what love even was and if he had ever even felt anything before---not just love, but anything at all.
something inside him had craved something inside david all his life, and though xemnas did not know this---he could feel it. he could see it. the first day xemnas met david---the first thing he noticed was not his face, but his pores, his eyelashes, his cuticles. xemnas noticed every detail about him like a starving man picking at a single grain of rice, to make the feast before him last a thousand more years of potential loneliness.
that day xemnas ate everything on his plate for all three meals. the night after, he spent hours, tossing and turning, thinking of everything he wanted to ask david. they did not get new people there often. but he was so handsome. so uniquely clever. smart, and awkward, and funny. and yet, there was something within them both, he knew, something strange and unfamiliar.
that night he dreamt of david feeding him. xemnas ate from the palm of his hands---not hospital food, but decadent pomegrante, dark chocolate, parfait. he drank wine from his lips, and tasted every drop, his head abuzz with intensity. heard organs in his head instead of just the echoes of soft slippers on linoleum stinking of bleach. and with picture perfect clarity, he saw david’s eyes shine in a thousand different colors and shapes, as he watched xemnas kiss his empty hands and pledge his touch.
the next few days were admittedly awkward after such a dream, but eventually they would grow to be quite close.
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