#predatory relationships
Dark Forest Residences: Whimbrelshade & Sunnyshiver
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Aliases / Nicknames: Sick Kit, Kin Traitor
Gender: male
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: Birchkite (mother), Meadowpatch (father), Sunnyshiver (sister), Dewpaw, Roseshade, Grebekit, Shiverkit (nieces), Owlkit, Patchkit, Ashenface, Fishkit (nephews), Owlfeather (grandfather), Greentuft (great-grandfather), various other relations
Other Relations: Wettuft (mentor)
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: elder
Characteristics: hates his family, enjoys dirty jokes but won’t admit it, blind and has chronic immune problems
Murder Motive: wants to protect his sister
Number of Victims: 2
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: snapping neck
Known Victims: Greentuft, Owlfeather
Victim Profile: his sister’s ‘mates’
Cause of Death: killed by Sunnyshiver
Cautionary Tale: ??
His heritage left even the most seasoned medicine cats befuddled.
It was enough to make his head spin even without Sunnyshiver’s involvement.
But involved she made herself, soon birthing a litter of three stillborn kits.
She cried over them constantly, refusing to move their rotting little bodies from the nursery even under the gossip of the other queens.
When he asked her who the father of her kits was, she refused to say, citing that there were many possible fathers in the Clan.
But, a quick check with the long-suffering medicine cat confirmed his suspicions.
The three dead kits were the spitting image of Greentuft. A tom that he and Sunnyshiver could trace their lineage back to with ease.
He confronted Greentuft that day.
The old tom claimed he had mistaken Sunnyshiver for his long-dead mate, but Whimbrelshade knew better.
He knew that the old tom wasn’t dumb, nor blind.
One argument later, and Greentuft was dead.
It wasn’t the first time that he had killed one of his kin.
But it would be the last.
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Aliases / Nicknames: Sunny, moron
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight (unfortunately)
Family: Birchkite (mother), Meadowpatch (father), Whimbrelshade (brother), Greentuft (mate/ great grandfather), Dewpaw, Roseshade, Grebekit, Shiverkit (daughters), Owlkit, Patchkit, Ashenface, Fishkit (sons), Tadpolekit (granddaughter), Webkit, Toadkit, Frogtoe (grandsons), Owlfeather (ex-mate/grandfather), various other relations
Other Relations: Hopstone (mentor)
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: queen
Characteristics: forgetful, very defensive of her ‘mates’ and kits, cannot understand why Whimbrelshade keeps getting angry
Murder Motive: defending her 'mate'
Number of Victims: 1
Number of Murders: 1
Murder Method: drowning
Known Victims: Whimbrelshade
Victim Profile: her ‘overprotective’ brother
Cause of Death: drowned
Cautionary Tale: ??
See Whimbrelshade
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor
--Ew. Whimbrel had the right idea.
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radfemtaquito · 2 years
older men aren't into you because you're "mature for your age." they're into you because they know young women are easier to manipulate.
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gay-otlc · 1 year
Actually I think we should talk about how incredibly fucked up it is for sapphic women to say shit like "I'm no better than a straight man 😔" when attracted to a woman in a way that isn't 100% pure and wholesome, or act like men's attraction to women is inherently dirty, predatory, or objectifying.
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ex0rin · 4 months
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Butcher & Hughie | The Boys S01E01: The Name of the Game
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starrylayle · 3 months
coming on here to quickly rant abt remadora. Okk yess I know ‘another wolfstar shipper shitting on remadora’ here me out okay!!! Just for a sec!! I read the Harry Potter books for the first time back in 2017 and remadora was my shit. Remus was my second favourite male character and tonks was my second fave female character. (Harry and cho were my first faves — yes I self inserted into Harry and had the biggest crush on cho — yes I cried when they broke up — shut up we all had our embarrassing phases!!)
Anyways back to remadora, I just thought they were so cute together, even tho it felt a little random. But one thing that I remember that really pissed me off was the ship name. I never understood why it was ‘remadora’ and not ‘ronks’. Tonks hated being called Dora!! I remember ranting abt this on my Wattpad acc (yes I know SHHHH) when I was reviewing all the Hp ships.
I don’t ship it anymore (obviously lol) and looking back, I think my issue with the ship name is lowkey symbolic for my key problem with remadora — it basically removes everything that made her interesting in the first place and reduced her to just Another Woman Character in the series. When she got with Remus, she became more mellow, more feminine, more complacent — which are fine traits btw — but that’s not tonks!! Now as I’m older, and re-reading the series, I see a lot of subtext for a gender non-conforming and possibly genderqueer person forced into a heterosexual relationship simply becoz jo didn’t want ppl thinking Remus was gay and coz she had this weird thing abt all ‘good’ women being mothers.
Which brings me to tonk’s pregnancy — I wouldn’t mind a storyline for tonks having a child — I just hate how jkr had to fit it into this whole nuclear family model and get her and Remus to get married. I feel like a more compelling, or at least consistent characterisation would have tonks having a one night stand with Remus after they were both mourning their cousin/uncle/lover’s death. Shit happens sometimes. And it would be interesting to see Tonks and Remus grapple with this and what it means for their child.
Another head cannon I saw on tik tok was that Tonks had a threesome with Fleur and Bill and since polyamory wasn’t socially acceptable she asked Remus to be the stand in legal father — and ofc Remus would say yes coz he’s Remus!! This hc sounded wild to me at first but they all gave me queer vibes and it just makes me happy so now this is the headcanon I stick with lol.
Anyways not every woman has to have a husband and 2-3 kids to be a good person jkr!! Families are complex! Women are complex! And Tonks deserves better imo.
P.s. if you ship remadora that’s completely okay!! This is just my opinion!! I’ve seen remadora shippers who don’t water down tonk’s character/subtextual queerness — I just hate how jkr depicted the ship in canon.
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psyaurorak · 1 year
Can I just say, why is there such a focus on women being abused sexually for power in LO?
It’s horrible!
It’s implied Hera used her body to get close to Kronos
Demeter had sex with Zeus because she believed she’d marry him and be queen only to get tossed aside immediately.
(Sex by coercion is still assault I can’t believe I even have to say this)
Persephone gets sexually assaulted by Apollo.
And like why is SA being used as a way to create drama?!
Also double standards be like ‘ohh poor Persephone’ and ‘Demeter deserved it if she’s stupid enough to believe Hades would say that’
This fandom is so gross it’s not funny.
What do you mean a woman deserves to get assaulted because she’s stupid?!
Also considering Hades treatment of Demeter it’s not even far fetched for Demeter to think this!
Stop livin behind the bubble of hades is perfect! He isn’t!
Also can we talk about how Zeus and Metis’s fling thing mentioned is predatory because Zeus is younger than Hades (who’s 19 at the time of the war) and Poseidon who’s younger than Hades?
Zeus would be 15-17.
So why tf is that his fling with Metis is played off as a joke?!
I’m so mad about this. Like harhar RS we get it ‘Zeus is manwhore’ BUT THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS
The way RS portrays SA as a joke or irrelevant until it drives drama and no other thing is GROSS
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songleap · 9 months
hey gang i think we can talk about the misogyny in warrior cats without defending a character whos ONLY personality trait is "abuses disabled children"
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gothy-froggy · 2 months
Bad News
Alex Kister, creator of Mandela Catalog
While in my friend’s brand new discord server, someone posted a public Google doc that’s anonymous with MANY disturbing things about Alex Kister, the creator of Mandela Catalog.
Disclaimer: Yes, there are screenshots and screen recordings. With technology these days it’s hard to truly confirm anyone in this situation. But these are victims speaking up though they are anonymous for right now. I advise that no one is attacked, including Alex Kister. We do not know the truth and we’ve seen time and time again that acting without both sides causes more harm. But do not ignore the victims. This does NOT mean ignore the victims.
I am spreading this out since it haven’t been getting much of attention from my knowledge
For those who don’t have time to read all the way through at the moment
Here are two screenshots that will give you a tiny bit of information. There’s over 30 parts to this doc.
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Here is the doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YwBO6haUGCKcSHBG6imFu4ox--lMK8IfE-IWYIm0Do8/preview?pli=1#heading=h.y3vqq1pfw64w
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sauriansolutions · 5 months
Just a lil slice of TreyJade
... featuring eel-form Jade being a scary, teasing predator, and Trey being totally into it.
Also, feedism--I left the actual feeding part as a cliffhanger though, because I am lazy evil. Muahaha.
Trey arrived at the largest of Octavinelle's pools, with a large picnic basket under his arm and a swing in his step. Setting the basket down, he sat by the pool, took off his shoes, cuffed his pants, and gingerly dipped his toes in the inky black water. He introduced his bare feet slowly, one centimeter at a time, getting used to the cold that nearly took his breath away.
He was not there for more than a minute before v-shaped ripples appeared in the water, heading his way.
Soon a spiky dorsal fin appeared, cutting through the water faster than seemed natural. Trey resisted the urge to yank his feet back out of the water.
Before him, Jade appeared, breaching the water only to chin-height, so his mouth was out of the water enough to take in a breath of air, then say, "You know, if it had been Floyd swimming tonight, I doubt he could've resisted the urge to grab your ankles and pull you under."
Trey only chuckled. 
"Yeah, but I knew it was you. And you'd never do such a thing."
Jade reached out to put a wet hand on Trey's knee, pulling himself further up out of the water, head tilting to the side as his gills widened to exhale water, so he was breathing air properly.
"You knew it was me?"
"Sure," Trey replied, placing his own hand atop the ice-cold, webbed one. "You agreed to meet me here tonight."
He leaned forward to give the eelmer a kiss on the forehead--laughing as the Jade's ear-fins flared in response.
"Also," Trey pointed out, "you always swim in straight lines, while Floyd... well."
Jade lowered his head and grinned toothily.
"That my brother gets easily distracted is no secret."
"Ah," Trey laughed too, adjusting his glasses, "I was going to say he 'tends to meander more,' or something like that."
"My dear Trey-san." Jade slid what Trey realized was a shoulder-strap down the length of one finned arm, and hauled what at first appeared to be some sort of messenger bag, dripping, out of the water. "Diplomatic as ever."
"Naturally," Trey replied, one eyebrow raised pointedly at the bag Jade was setting down at the pool's edge beside him. 
He now realized the bag was more of a woven net, filled to the brim with dark, glistening shapes that were shedding water rapidly, and... 
Some were wriggling.
Trey coughed.
"Not that I want to dissuade you from thinking that I'm 'diplomatic,'" he said, scooting to the side in hopes of keeping the growing puddle of water seeping out of the net-bag from completely soaking his pants, "but did you just put a bag of live sea creatures next to me?"
Jade somehow managed to make a chortle sound predatory. A clawed, web-fingered hand went up to cover his mouth. Glints of dagger-like teeth showed just a bit through his fingers.
"My apologies, Trey-san, but... I thought we had agreed to share our meals with each other tonight?"
"Oh," Trey said, looking at the bag of squirming fish and unidentifiable other things, and biting his lip. "So you just brought a ton of seafood. I could've guessed."
"Fresh-caught," Jade said by way of agreement. The eel grinned proudly, even as he ducked his head to pick something *large* from between his teeth. "You'll forgive me if I helped myself to a few of the unlucky morsels that I couldn't quite fit in the bag before you arrived. The nostalgia of aquatic hunting does whet my appetite so."
This statement was punctuated with a low, gurgling growl, which it took Trey a belated moment to realize had come from Jade's stomach, distorted and muffled slightly by being still underwater.
"Oh," Trey said, "yeah. That's. Ummm. You're hungry, huh?"
He could feel his face burning. Hoping to distract from how flustered he was feeling, he turned and pulled his own picnic basket closer.
"Well, fear not," Trey assured, lifting the basket lid and tilting it slightly to show off its contents to Jade. "I came prepared."
Indeed, Trey had packed his basket to the brim with goodies: chicken salad sandwiches on croissants with fresh veggie sprouts, cheese and jelly danishes, mini-quiches in cupcake foil, pasta salad, and spicy deviled eggs topped with green onions and bacon.
While Trey was in his element baking-- his cookies and cakes that were the undisputed centerpieces of Heartslabyul's famous Unbirthday parties--his picnic game was not to be underestimated.
"That looks, and smells, simply delectable, Trey-san," Jade murmured, pupils narrowing to sharp little pricks as he took in the picnic basket's contents. Muscles cording up, like a big cat getting ready to pounce.
Though he trusted Jade, Trey couldn't help the instinctual shiver that ran down his spine, as some instinct-driven, ancestral part of his brain recognized the intent of the huge seafaring predator who'd practically crawled into his lap, licking his lips with a delicate, baby-blue tongue, nearly twice the length of Trey's.
Seawater had at this point soaked fully through Trey's pants, making Trey glad that he'd had the foresight to bring a change of clothes. He just hoped the oddly glittery mucosal layer coating Jade's eel-hide would come off in the wash.
"Careful," Trey warned, as Jade's dripping upper body leaned ever closer to the picnic basket. "If you get the sandwiches wet, they'll fall apart."
Jade halted in his advance, then lowered his upper body down into the water, chin resting on Trey's knee, affecting a pout. Twelve feet away, Trey could see the fan-like tip of the eel's tail flicking back and forth, disgruntled.
"Then how am I supposed to eat them?" Jade asked sadly.
Trey ran his fingers comfortingly through Jade's damp hair, a sly grin forming.
"Well--and this is only a suggestion--but, you *could* let me feed them to you."
Jade gazed up at him, eyes narrowing, but forming arched half-moon shapes that Trey at this point knew signified amusement rather than annoyance.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Jade nearly purred.
Trey tried but likely failed to keep the shiver of anticipation from his voice as he confessed, 
"Yes, I'd like that a lot."
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s4pphoiduser · 5 months
in a world with an aftg show (because it Has to be a show, not a movie) seth would have a Pretty Guy actor playing him who looked even prettier when he was sneering or scowling and people would make edits of him with the velocity + slo-mo effects and be like "i can fix him"
#and kevin would be it boy of the century and matt would be THE 2000s icon along with allison#neil's the one who looks scrappy and jumpy (which he is) but everyone's gonna be in love with his sharp tongue and hater behavior#everyone would either hate andrew or love him and obv i fall into the second category i'd be no. 1 andrew minyard apologist/defender/lover/#everyone (including myself) would love nicky if this adaptation of him didnt come with all those predatory jokes godbless#everyone else is an icon. yes even aaron who's way too detached from the foxes but he partially slays just being a fox and king of idgafdom#the girls are icons obviously duhhh#but i think with riko the actor would be soooo good and pretty like scary pretty that people make edits and the captions are like DISCLAIME#wymack would have sooo many edits with the sound of whatever's trending that's equivalent to the usher DADDY'S HOME one#i actually have so many thoughts ab an aftg show despite how much i dont want it like i cant help it! aftg slays too much!#these bitches r all too damaged! i love them all too much! i think ab them all the time!#lots of people hate but aftg and the foxes r genuinely some of the most well written relationships to me probably bc i can personally relat#and i think a show would allow for other scenes that we dont see in the book bc theyre all from neil's pov and we don't really find anythin#know anything ab the other foxes beyond what neil knows himself#and LEST I FORGET. JEAN MOREAU. ICON OF THE CENTURY METHINKS...!#neil josten#andrew minyard#kevin day#dan wilds#allison reynolds#renne walker#matt boyd#aaron minyard#nicky hemmick#seth gordan#s4pphoiduser#aftg#all for the game#the foxhole court#the raven king#the king's men
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laurelwinchester · 8 months
i don't love that the new popular way of protecting young women from predators and fighting misogyny is to act like women are not people until they hit at least 35. like. you aren't finding any flaws in this line of thinking? this is what sounds good? we're just going to go back to ''women are not capable of making adult choices'' and act like that's the morally correct stance to take? okay, well. y'all enjoy that. i'm sure it'll be fine.
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lesbienneanarchiste · 5 months
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I think letterboxd users have lost the plot tbh. Have you literally never talked to a high schooler. Am not saying every relationship between a senior and a sophomore is fine but am saying it's p normal and not the crime of high treason this person acts like it is later in the review and the problem is more in the specific dynamic, not the age gap. Like. It's literally 2 years between people who could be in the same classes together. Please talk to normal people occasionally.
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batfambyval · 7 months
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I just threw up in my mouth
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gorgugplushie · 7 months
OKAY BUT TRACKER IN FHSY WAS IMPORTANT. TO ME!!! something about being a masc lesbian werewolf whos own god had to hide their wolfish aspect to appeal and be patable... being immensely proud of your wolfish nature n having to learn that . Thru ur gf who dies also.
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sacredtime · 3 months
Darlin in their teen years when they started rebelling against the pack and subsequently their parents started becoming friends with older people that seemed ‘trusting’ regardless of if they were empowered or not.
They would make these friends and not all of them were bad of course. They’d talk to teachers and friends parents who would give them the guidance and support they weren’t getting or the guidance and support Darlin didn’t feel like they were getting from the pack and their parents.
But then there were the adults they clung onto weren’t good characters. These awful people saw poor Darlin as a toy they could use for their own means. They would start by being someone they (Darlin) could vent to and get support from before things would go all wrong.
Darlin would get attached to these people, feeling like they belong around them, a stable place finally and they would be pushed into a relationship because they feel like they finally have stability. Only these awful people would make it worse and alienate them even more.
Darlin would rebel more with their parents because regardless of how you think Darlin’s parents are, they would probably be upset and concerned that their child is an dating adult and would try to keep the two apart and keep Darlin safe. Darlin’s so blind to the danger they’re in it feels like they’re losing an important part of their life again just like when their family moved to Dahlia.
This leads them to unfortunately meeting Quinn. While most of these people after they have their fun or the novelty of dating young Darlin leaves they throw Darlin away, but not Quinn. Quinn was the toxic thorn in Darlin’s side and it took Quinn attacking Darlin’s friend for them to end things this time and when the dust settles and what feels like the first time in forever they’re able to see clearly and how wrong the relationship was and how wrong their previous relationships were and the manipulation they faced not only from Quinn but all these other people who took advantage of their naivety.
And what hurts Darlin the most is now they’re truly alone. They don’t have the Shaw pack to fall back on, they don’t have their family to fall back on; and they couldn’t face anyone after that, no one from their past with how blind they were to everything and how cruel they were just to stay with people who used them so disgustingly.
Darlin was alone and had a mess to clean up not only to get revenge for their friend but themselves as well.
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troonwolf · 1 year
gonna be funny when AMC cancels IWTV and people 
1. leave the fandom entirely because they won’t read the books (no judgement, reading can be hard, just saying)
2. read the books because they’re desperate for content and end up hating it because instead of the problematic stuff being stupid monogamous soap opera couples drama, you have to deal with frequent emotional incest, teenagers dating old men, literally pages upon pages of philosophical and religious debate, characters actually acting within the morals of the time they live in, and yet things generally being very slow-moving. also Lestat meets god and they kind of fuck 
3. read the books and end up wondering what the fuck atrocity they just watched on AMC because even with all the batshit insane stuff it’s actually a really engaging and immersive world with it’s own laws of morality that actually make you question what humanity is instead of some dumb “my boyfriend is cheating on me boohoo” nonsense that somehow drags on through the whole story to the point you wonder why it was necessary for this to even be about vampires 
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