#pride and predjudice series
How dare Colin Firth be such a handsome Darcy with curly hair, and a distant gaze.
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And how dare Jennifer Ehle be such a beautiful Elizabeth Bennet with a brilliant laugh and quick wit.
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These two are still my favorite of the Bennet/Darcy pairs.
"In vain I have struggled. It will not do."
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universoausteniano · 4 months
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From Pinterest ❤️
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severe-kitty · 4 months
ur hot autistic swag has bewitched me in body and soul
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girlrandomstuff · 1 year
How Bail Organa looks at Breha and how he smile while talking about her, he's so in love with her after being married for literally decades
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weberina · 7 months
Scene in the first Avengers movie that still makes me laugh
Fury: Bring the carrier about to a 1-8-0, heading south! Take us to the water!
Unnamed agent: We're flying blind. Navigation's recalibrating after the engine failure.
Agent: Yes..Sir...?
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October 21st– Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
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the-blazing-light · 2 months
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"Son of fire and ruin, destinied for conquest, now claims to be a savior?"
Some thoughts about Arengar that have been cooking in my head for a while, and about the importance of blood for charr in general.
Blood and family is a big theme in Arengar's story, because even though charr parents don't participate in raising their children and we're told that, to quote Bangar, "charr don't have sons", it's shown time and time again that your lineage matters quite a lot and reflects the way you're treated and seen in your legion: an entire chapter of personal story for charr being entirely dedicated to who your father is/was, despite him not participating in your upbringing, you're still the one on whose shoulders it falls, in some cases, to respond to your father's wrongdoings or even kill your father if you choose that option during one of the possible story missions. Ryland's entire conflict is trying to split away from who his parents are, to do something worthwhile himself instead of just living in the shadow of his parents' big names and achievements. And in another case, you can find a statue of charr called Ferro the Butcher in the Black Citadel, father of one of Iron's tribunes, Bhuer Goreblade, who was obsessed with the 'tainted legacy' of his flame shaman grandsire, and after Bhuer was born has volounteered to answer for the crimes of his ancestor so that Bhuer doesn't have to face the same predjudice as him. So while charr don't raise their children, lineage matters a lot to them, even going as far as generations back.
And Arengar's lineage is nothing to scoff at. Grandcub of the Blood Legion imperator, son of a respected Blood warrior who'd fought viciously and became known for her ferocity during the siege of Ebonhawke, he's had a lot to live up to since the day he was born.
He was born to become a model soldier of his legion, heavy expectations of his blood always weighing down on his shoulders. His lineage is that of duality, as while his mother's side of the family are respected, well-known Blood warriors, his father is an ex-Flame shaman, who caused quite a stir when Maja, Arengar's mother, took him into her warband, placing the trust into a shaman who'd turned his back on Flame Legion and claimed to want vengeance on his former comrades. That trust seemed to pay off, as Scorchface, a nickname he'd gotten due to the burn scarring on his head along with black markings on his muzzle, became a loyal and invaluable part of her warband and later on, her lover, resulting in Arengar being born.
So since his birth Arengar had to contend with two very conflicting legacies: that of a renowned, respected warrior, pride of her Legion and her father, the Imperator, and that of a flame shaman seen as dangerous even after proving time and time again his newfound loyalty to Maja, her warband and her legion. Notably though, his loyalties were specifically to her, not to the Blood legion. To the warband and its leader who took him in and trusted him while the rest of the legion saw him as a danger to them and a tratior.
Despite that, Arengar held a lot of pride in his blood, it is reflected even in Arengar's fighting style: being a guardian he combines the martial prowess of a warrior while wielding searing flame, his father's shaman legacy. And even despite his father's reputation, Arengar was still seen as a progidal son, someone with a lot ahead of him, someone destinied to reach great heights within Blood Legion, and his performance in the Fahrar and eagerness to become the best soldier his legion has ever seen has only cemented that. A born conqueror, one to bring glory to the Blood Legion and he intended to do just so.
That is, until an accident and a series of bad decisions led to his warband dying, Arengar being left a sole survivor, a gladium. Still young at the time, filled with ambitions that have been shattered before his eyes and dealing with the pain of losing his warband, becoming a gladium, returning to his legion as a disgraced sole survivor felt like a fate worse than death. Scared, pained and still young, Arengar couldn't find it in him to go back to his legion and face the tribunal, the progidal son of Blood Legion now being a member of the lowest caste, a gladium, the disgraced sole survivor of his warband.
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pink-evilette · 10 months
thanks so much for the tag! @20thcenturystarlet ♡
1. What artists (musical or visual) have made a big impact on your aesthetic & continue to inspire you?
Lana Del Rey (alwaysss), Mika Ninagawa, Ethel Cain, Loona, Mitski, Olivia Rodrigo, FKA Twigs, Marina and the Diamonds, Věra Chytilová, Marina Abramović, Troye Sivan, Sofia Coppola, Petra Collins, Junji Ito (and I'm sure there's more but I can't think rn) ♡
2. Who is an artist (musical or visual) who is a newer discovery to you that you're obsessed with right now?
I recently discovered the song 'ceilings' by Lizzy McAlpine and it absolutely destroyed me (I'm obsessed). and for visuals I'm loving Kyoko Okazaki's work right now (I'm thinking of a tattoo inspired by her art soon) 🎀
3. What films or TV shows have made a big impact on your aesthetic & continue to inspire you?
(let's go this will be a big one)
Lolita 1997, Clueless, Moonrise Kingdom, Submarine, X, Heavenly Creatures, Blame 2017, Orphan, Wild Child, Daisies 1966, The Secret Garden, Legally Blonde, The Princess Diaries, She's the Man, Pride and Predjudice 2005, Sucker Punch, Helter Skelter 2012, American Honey, The Love Witch, Assassination Nation, Bones and All, Pearl. 💋
4. What is a film or TV show that is a newer discovery to you, that you're obsessed with right now?
I recently watched Sugar & Spice for the first time (I have reblogged it lots already I know lol) and it was so funny, very similar to Drop Dead Gorgeous if you like darker comedy high school movies!
5. What is a fashion movement, era, or item, that has made a big impact on your personal aesthetic?
90s fashion is my FAVE always and I love everything from that decade, I also love the 1960s 'Dolly' fashion, Kinderwhore, Gyaru and anything girly, but with a bit of edge to it. Anything with frills, lace, pink, mini skirts and cute prints have my heart 💓
6. What is a fashion movement, era, or item, that you're currently obsessed with?
at the moment I'm really excited for autumn so I'm looking forward to wearing turtlenecks and plaid skirts again, plus the twilightcore aesthetic is one of my faves for the season!
7. What is a book, poem, essay, etc. that made a big impact on you?
Lolita absolutely, blew my mind when I first read it and I never knew books could be written in such a way. when I was about 10-14, Jacqueline Wilson's books were everything to me and especially the ones meant for older kids such as My Sister Jodie, Love Lessons and the Girls in Love series were my favourites (also she's a queer icon so hell yeah). and Flowers in the Attic by VC Andrews introduced me to the gothic genre and I fell in love with it ever since. Recently, Sula by Toni Morrison was a book that pushed the boundaries of what I even thought could be possible in Literature and I adore her writing!
8. What is a "classic" coquette trend that you'll never let go of?
Heart shaped sunglasses! they will never die ♡
I'm tagging whoever wants to do it ♡
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uglymangadrawings · 2 years
I want there to be an official “pride and predjudice”-day where I get to binge watch the old bbc series and post about it here. Would also watch all the weird versions on that day like Bridget Jones, pride and prejudice and zombies. Are there any more?
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crap-copper · 1 year
I need an opinion, there are so many Pride and Prejudice movies and mini series, which should be my start to the story? Because I want to watch Pride + Predjudice + Zombies, but it feels wrong to start with that
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think-pieces · 2 months
Sunjoy signing on
if there's one thing i love it's a good show. as television declines, i find myself attaching onto nearly any show that's bottom line mediocre in it's writing. House of the Dragon, Bridgerton, hell even Law and Order SVU. Be sure we'll get to the others soon, today. I have a gripe against Bridgerton.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with it. There's something to say about good worldbuilding, and Bridgerton does it well. You're swallowed whole by the show in the best way. It's a well done show. However, when you adapt from a book to a show, everyone will have something they hate about it.
"it's not book accurate" "The characters aren't right" "It's not even historically accurate"
And truth be told, they're valid arguments. I get it. Especially the character thing, and the historical accuracy. And a secret third option, using the other books that exist in the same universe!
In the books, you make up in your head what they look like, yet all the Bridgerton siblings look the same. "Dark chesnut hair" is the most used description. Although, the show did good in differeing Daphne and Francesca, it breaks up how they appear, instead of a wash of similar actors you get a, oh god I hate to say this word, but diverse group of siblings. However, having Violet be a more reddish brown (she was dirty blonde in the books), would be amazing. I digress and bow to the casting director for choosing Ruth Gemmel, she embodies Violet Bridgerton to a near T.
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My main issue with historical accuracy is that hollywood doesn't care. It's nice when they take more care into to purposefully making it seem more historical based. God, Pride and Predjudice 1995?? Stunning, Fabulous, I'm so in love it's seeping out of my pores, it doesn't work for Bridgerton. Bridgerton is truthfully a fantasy, casually set in Regency England. The books take a skinny slice more historical accuracy, not much. to me, perosnally, It's really a fantasy romance; therefore, i can slightly forgive how accurate it is. The costuming is by far the most glorious of it. I really want a behind the scenes in making this solely for the costume designs.
I have read so much of this series. All 8 in the OG Bridgerton set, the prequels, and the first book for the smythe-smith (smith-smythe? smythe-smith? I can't remember). The writers had a real chance of sprinkling in this lore of the Rokseby's and the smythe-smith (they did in queen charlotte, that's a whole other thing), and they didn't. It would be such an amazing easter egg to see it done.
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Julia Quinn's book series, as books would translate terribly onto film if done, scene for scene, line for line verbatim. the only reason it worked for pride and predjuice, is that it was done to a near complete T historical accuracy. (is it fully accurate, no of course not. but damn if it ain't close.). in the first season, the reason why it is the way it is, about 75% of julia quinn's book is smut. season 1 is formatted pretty close to the books. even the books themselves don't have much of a difference in format.
Exhibit A: in the duke and i, about halfway through the book, they get married and the issue of children comes up, and it's all internal thinking done by the characters. which is why what happens, (it didn't need to) but it gives more insight as to why everything happens and how it's resolved. which is why for season 2 they switch it.
Exhibit B: we as viewers flock to rewatch season 2 over and over before considering season 1. season 2 has a stronger B plot (The featheringtons), more filler scenes, and it uses the shitty 8, hour long episode structure better.
Exhibit C: it morphed from a book to screen from season 1 to a drama in season 2. which makes for a better story structure, that's what film is for. To be a tv show, not a book. yes be accurate, but, the truth is, book to screen content exist as a multiverse. NOT an accurate retelling. thinking of it that way is better for your brain. Yes anyone and everyone could sit and talk for hours, and for me days about the inaccuracies, but at some point you gotta except it's a multiverse, not the same thing. and sometimes, it's better that way. (other times not as much, which is my theory on why season 2 is much more different between book and movie)
signing off
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ao3feed-janeausten · 6 months
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ladydragonkiller · 1 year
Ah yes, I’ve seen quite a few posts about The Stormlight Archives on my dashboard! Though admittedly, most with very little context. Is it a tragedy?
I also intend to read Pride and Predjudice at some point! As well as other Jane Austen novels. I’ve listened to podcasts and analyses of them, but never actually read one as of yet. Perhaps this summer.
As for what I’ve read — Dracula is probably apparent, huh? I am fond of that as well as Carmilla and Frankenstein. I tend to like Arthurian novels too. Of those I think my favorite is The Forgotten Sister, though I also liked the humorous but sincere writing of the Squire’s Tale series.
Hm, a question. Do you like snow or rain better?
Also, heads-up, asks may be sporadic with me. Also-also, hello to the Cowboy (and Knight as well)!
- Mysterious Vampire
It's. . .very long, mostly, so there's a bit of everything in there. Epic fantasy series about such things as: what happens when war is the basis of a country's culture, healing and redeeming after terrible things happen, glowy magic powers, and lots of crabs. The shortest book in the series is 383,389 words, and there's ten books planned (with four out), so it was a fantastic thing for me and my sister to discover back when we nipped through a book or two a day.
They're good! especially if you imagine yourself as an old fashioned romantic hero languishing in a window seat. idk, it always helps me indulge in the older style of prose rather than be tired from it.
I've read dracula and frankenstein (and enjoyed both), but I haven't yet had the time to make my way through Carmilla yet. I checked it out from the library earlier this year, but got swamped by school and work before i got further than the first two chapters or so.
I haven't read any of the arthurian novels - maybe i'll make a note of those for once my semester has ended! (two weeks to go baybee)
I love the aesthetics of snow, but since my siblings aren't often interested in playing outside/going sledding, and i usually have to take lead on the shoveling efforts, it's usually a net negative experience. Rain is fun to see and listen to, especially the big dramatic storms with thunder and lightning. My response to events such as the power going out is to start actively enjoying things, as that's a lot more fun than being cold (or hot) and miserable. There's a lot of fun to be found in a power outage if you're looking in the right places (and have a flashlight)!
What's your favorite type of weather?
and no worries for inconsistent asks! I count myself lucky to have such communicative admirers at all
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excentrykemuse · 2 years
Perfectly Imperfect
TITLE: Perfectly Imperfect Author: ExcentrykeMuse Fandom(s): Pride & Prejudice / Harry Potter Series Pairing(s): Harry Potter / Fitzwilliam Darcy Word Count: 1k Rating: PG Prompt: mebubbles: Congratulations! Wishing you the best in your new job.
Could I get Harry dropped in Pride & Predjudice or Darcy dropped in the Wizarding World? Can’t wait to see others prompts! Perfectly…
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idle-nymph · 5 years
Crackship Idea No.11
Henry Cavill x Lily James
Medieval AU
(requested by anon)
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started watching bly manor. what’s her face’s spooky ghost boy is spooky but less so knowing the actor apparently went to my school
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