#prince obi-wan
saintbeloz · 8 months
Somewhere I saw a fan idea that Obi-Wan could be the Prince of Stewjon. And, oh, the power! I couldn't pass by when I saw this form
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Once upon on a dream
This second fic ficlet is for @grannypantysupremacy who asked me the #8 “This guy does not play in the same league as you, trust me.” someone trying to tell Anakin Obi-Wan is too good for him.
I hope you enjoyed it 🤗
Anakin drank from his cup of champagne. He was forced to attend the party, but wasn’t enthusiastic about it. It was a bachelor party, thrown for the elite of their society. Every eligible person was invited to that party to show themselves, and, hopefully, find someone with whom to spend the rest of their life with.
Anakin was the son of a Duke, high enough to be invited, but not to be desirable for anybody there. He didn't matter to him, he didn't care about those things. He was a romantic soul, he wanted to fall in love with someone and marry them. Sometimes, he even dreamed about a perfect partner that would sing with him while they danced. A partner with a beautiful smile. Even if Anakin knew that those were dreams and a product of his imagination, he wanted to find someone that would hold him while they danced and sang soft songs to his ear.
A great number of the pricks in the room wouldn’t have looked at Anakin twice, especially because he was a Duke's adopted son. Duke Windu had been the most admirable man, had taken an orphaned war child, and had made a man who was capable of governing his lands. Anakin had, of course, a lot to learn, but he was going to be the best for his father.
While he was walking through the room, he noticed that people were surrounded by more or less suitors. It happens every year. Some loved the attention, others didn't know what to do with it. This year, one in particular was gathering more suitors than anybody else. An elegant man, with blue robes, and a beautiful auburn beard. Anakin didn't know him, but he was dragged by his charm, like a moth to the flame.
“Don’t bother, Ani.”
The young man turned and saw Lord Otto Vanstein, one of his companions. He was engaged since childhood, but as he was still single, he was forced to come to those sorts of events. He was bitter about it, he preferred to stay in his lands.
“That’s Prince Kenobi,” Lord Vanstein continued, “Do you know how different your statuses are? You’re the adopted son of a lower Duke, he is the only son of a King. He would not even ask you to bring him a drink. This guy does not play in the same league as you, trust me.”
Anakin was offended by what Vanstein said. He could be the son of a Duke, but his father was well respected in the kingdom, and so he would be. But then, Anakin looked at all Prince Kenobi suitors, and understood what Vanstein wanted to say. They were other princes, counts, viscount, everything that was higher than him, and had ten generations of nobility in their veins. Anakin was just… Anakin. His father used to say that he had his heart on his sleeve. He was good at politics, and with people, but he would never be able to come close to that man.
He smiled, trying to not show Vanstein that he was right, and continued to walk around the room. There were waltzes –Anakin adored dancing a good waltz– and other pieces made to charm a couple. The atmosphere was made for the couples to fall in love. Anakin liked it, but he would never find someone for him there. They all saw his poor origin and his father’s title was one of the lowest of the realm. So, he decided that he would just enjoy the drinks and the music.
After a time, Anakin exited to a balcony. The night was wonderful. You could see the stars shining brightly. As a child, Anakin had memorized the names of all the stars. He wanted to be a sailor, but he was going to be a navigator of people. That night, as he was looking at the stars, he pulled off his package of cigarettes. His father would kill him if he saw him with them, but they calmed him in moments of stress, and he liked the sensation of the smoke leaving his lips.
“A dime for one of your cigarettes.”
Anakin turned and saw the gorgeous man from before: Prince Kenobi.
“My prince…” he stood like an idiot with his cigarette between his fingers. “Oh, no need.” He held out the package towards him, trying his best smile. “It's on the house.”
Prince Kenobi took one of the cigarettes, put it in his lips, and Anakin lit it up. “Thank you.” He exhaled a long sip with evident satisfaction. “Small pleasures of life.” Anakin had to agree. Smoking was his guilty pleasure. His father had tried to prohibit it to him, without success. “As you addressed me by my title, I suspect that you know who I’m, may I return the favour? Can I know your name?”
Anakin tried to not blush. Vanstein was right, they clearly played in different leagues. Anakin would be incapable of flirting like that.
“Ani, Ani Windu. Son of Duke Mace Windu.” Anakin was his birth name, the one before being adopted. Only his close family used it, and when they were alone.
Prince Kenobi opened his eyes with surprise. “Duke Windu’s son? I know your father, he’s an honourable man.”
Anakin bowed his head. “I’ll tell him that you think that about him.”
“You have an older sister, isn’t it?”
Anakin was surprised, not everyone outside the people of his ducky knew about his sister. She was a knight, a protector of the land. She travelled to know the real problems of the people and transmitted them to their father, so he could act over them as soon as possible. Anakin thought she was more capable than him to be their father’s heir, but she didn't want to hear about it.
“Yes. Her name is Depa. She is a knight.”
Obi-Wan laughed. “When I was younger, I wanted to be a knight too. Ride around the kingdom, help the people, fight against evil.” He looked at his cigarette bitterly. “Now I have to charm idiots without wit.”
Anakin didn't like Prince Kenobi being bitter. “If it’s not too rude to ask, I’ve been invited to those parties for years, and it's the first time I saw you, why did you decide to come?”
Prince Kenobi looked sad now. Anakin wanted to kick himself because he had made that amazing man sad. Bad Anakin, bad!
“When I was sixteen, I was promised. My fiancé was just a baby back then. When he was six years old, his kingdom was attacked and his family murdered, but no one found his body. There have been several false princes, but I discovered them all. This year, my parents had decided that I couldn't continue to wait for him, that he was dead, that I should meet new people, fall in love. But I don't want to! I want to find my fiancé, I know he’s alive. What you saw back there was a lie! For my parents, for the people! That wasn't me.”
Anakin understood what it was to be forced to come somewhere you didn't want to be, and play the role of someone searching for a mate that wasn’t there. He will never find anyone willing to be with him, and Prince Kenobi didn’t want all that attention and just wanted to find his lost fiancé. Anakin’s romantic soul couldn't not side with that prince.
“Close your eyes,” he said on an impulse. “Imagine I’m your fiancé, and we are at this same stupid gala. What would you do?”
Prince Kenobi smiled broadly. It was the first real smile Anakin had seen in him. “I would invite you to dance. All evening, to every dance, so no one else could have you in their arms. You would maybe not remember it, but I taught you how to waltz at five.”
Anakin smiled, he knew he was playing a dangerous game, but a night was a night. And as Vanstein has said: out of his league.
“What are you waiting for, then? Invite me. Here, on the balcony, so no one would see me dance with you.” Anakin had to continue the pretence, but also preserve Prince Kenobi's reputation. If he was seen dancing with the son of a lower Duke, the gossip would last forever.
Prince Kenobi shut off his cigarette and threw it in the bin next to him. He came close to Anakin and took him by the waist delicately. “Do you hear it?” He whispered in his ear. “The waltz has begun.”
They danced, softly. Anakin had completely forgotten where he had put his own cigarette, but his right hand was held gently by Prince Kenobi's big hand, and his left hand rested on Kenobi’s shoulder. Prince Kenobi sang a waltz in Anakin’s ear. He recognized it as a ballet waltz. When he was little, he used to put songs on those waltz, but now he refrained from singing. Anakin tried to not whimper. It was Prince Kenobi’s moment with his lost fiancé, it wasn't for him.
They danced for a long time, Anakin falling and falling every second harder for the man, until they stopped. The Prince looked at him, with a sad look in his eyes. “Thank you, Ani.”
“Of course.” And, because he was a masochist, he continued. “What’s his name? Your fiancé?”
Prince Kenobi rearranged a lock of his hair. “Anakin.”
Anakin, the Duke’s son, looked at the man in front of him in shock. His fiancé had his same name? Impossible! Unless…
“What was his kingdom?”
“The Kingdom of Querandi, why?”
Ah! That’s why. When a Prince was born, a lot of parents found it great to call their children like royalty. There were a lot of Depa of his sister’s age, and there was a lot of Mace of his father’s. Prince Kenobi’s fiancé was most certainly of Anakin’s age. And furthermore, they were from the same kingdom.
“Nothing, don't worry.” Anakin tried to change the subject. “My sister travels through our land; our duchy is situated near the territory of the Kingdom of Querandi, a lot of refugees and orphans ended there after the war –I’m the best example. Why don't you give Prince Anakin’s description to my sister and see if she has seen him in her travels?”
Prince Kenobi smiled softly. “You are from the Kingdom of Querandi too?”
Anakin tried to not blush. “Yes. I’m an orphan from the attack. My father was a friend of my family, he was a knight too before being a Duke, you know? And when he went to help my kingdom, he went to see if my family was alright.” The young man smiled sadly. “I was the only survivor because I hid in a secret place on the floor. The Duke took me back home and adopted me.” Memories of the tragedy flashed through Anakin’s mind. Luckily, he had been too young to remember everything.
“I’m sorry… I went to help too. The devastation was unspeakable.”
“That's what happens when the army rises against their sovereign.” Anakin shook his head, trying to think about more joyful things. “But, well, they were stopped and now there is a regency. I hope you’ll find your fiancé, so the royal family will come back.” He smiled. “Or something even crazier, install a Republic.”
Prince Kenobi laughed. “That man can do whatever he wants with his kingdom,” he hugged Anakin tightly, “but he’s mine. If I find him, I’ll never let him go.”
Anakin smiled softly, devastated on the inside. “He’s lucky. Remember to invite me to the wedding.”
“You’ll have a place of honour.”
They stayed a little longer talking and laughing, but Prince Kenobi had to come back to the dance floor to his suitors. Anakin was just as free as before, so he decided to walk around. It was then that he found the children bored to tears in a room next to the dance floor. As it had happened to Anakin for years, the children of the nobility had to attend the party, so they knew what it was and get to know each other. As a child, it was one of the most boring parties of the year. As you grew up, friends became love interests, and the bachelor party was the perfect place to court them. But what Anakin had in front of him was a bunch of kids, not older than ten years old. They weren’t interested in seducing their friends, and surely absolutely not interested in dancing. They wanted to come back home and play.
“What are you doing here, you rascals?” Anakin asked them playfully. “Did your nannies abandon you?”
A kid, with clear blue robes, freckles and red hair, said: “They went to see the nobles. They are there.” He signalled a group of men and women observing the dancing party. “Sometimes, they look back to see if we are still here.”
“It’s so boring!” A girl in a red dress and braids protested. “We cannot go outside to play because we have been forbidden, and we cannot get inside to dance because none of us knows how to.”
Anakin heard a collective sigh. He surely couldn’t order the nannies to come back to their obligations, the children were watched, and he couldn’t take them because he didn’t have the authority to manage so many kids at once. But what he could do, was to teach them a dance.
“What do you think if I teach you how to waltz? It’s the easiest dance.”
Several faces looked at them owlishly.
“Do we need to dance a girl with a boy?” said the red-haired boy.
Anakin smiled softly, and kneeled at his level. “No need. I just waltzed with a man. And it was a lovely dance.” Suddenly, they were more excited about the perspective of the lesson. “Alright!” Anakin stood up again. “Choose a partner.”
They were lucky that the little room where they have stocked the children was big enough, and that they were even numbers.
“Good. Now, face to face. One of you has to put one of your hands on the other's shoulder. The one with the hand on the shoulder puts the hand of the same side on the waist of their partner. And then, you take the hands that are free. This is the position you are going to dance in.”
Anakin walked through the couples to correct them. Then, he taught them how to do the steps. Some were fantastic at it, others not that much. It didn't matter; what mattered was that they had fun.
After a time, he clasped his hands. “Perfect, now, why don't we try with real music?” The kids cheered.
“But Ani,” said the red-haired boy, whose name was Cal, “They don’t play waltzes anymore.”
“Cal is right,” the girl with the red dress, Mia, confirmed it. “It's the time for polkas now.”
Great!! The polka was very difficult to dance for them. He needed to find a plan to give them the opportunity to practice what they have learned. Oh! He had an idea! Luckily for him, the doors of the room were made of crystal, so the nannies could continue to loom over the rich attendees and keep an eye on the kids, and the kids dance their lesson.
“Ok, close the door. I’m going to sing to you! I’m going to be your orchestra.” The kids laughed at his idea, but they followed his instructions. “Alright, I’m going first to sing to you the song, so you familiarize yourselves with the kind of music. Then, you’ll practice with your partner, alright?”
The kids nodded with enthusiasm. They sat around him and he began to sing. It was a song in the native tongue of Querandi; romantic, about someone that finds a dreamed loved one.
Eres tú el príncipe azul que yo soñé.
Eres tú, tus ojos me vieron con ternuras de amor.
Y al mirarme así el fuego encendió mi corazón,
y mi ensoñación se hará realidad y te adoraré
como aconteció en mi sueño ideal.
He had barely finished the first stanza when Cal called him. “Ani? Ani?” He stopped singing, “Why is the person in the song in love with a blue prince?”
Anakin smiled. “You speak Querandi, Cal?”
“Yes!” The kid was very pleased. “My cousin is teaching it to me.”
Anakin was touched that a noble child was learning the language of a kingdom whose prince had disappeared for years, so he didn't have the political need to do it.
“Well, Príncipe Azul in the context of this song can be translated more as something close to our Prince Charming.” A lot of little heads looked at him interested. “The song is about a person who has finally found their Prince Charming, and they are going to live happily as they have dreamed of.”
The kids laughed. They were still too young to find that kind of story more than cute –some of them found it even boring.
“Well, the song is not important, what matters is the music. It's easy to remember and dance on it.”
They continue to dance with the song for a time. Anakin thought they would get bored, but they liked to dance and do some innocent mischief. They all laughed.
“It was a very good beginning for your first class,” said Anakin after almost an hour of singing and waltzing.
“Ani,” said Mia, “can you show us how adults waltz?”
Anakin looked at her owlishly. “I’d love to do it, but I’m the only adult here.”
Cal jumped on the occasion. “I can bring my cousin, Obi-Wan!!” The one who spoke Querandi? Anakin liked that guy already, so Cal could bring him there whenever he wanted. “He’s a prince, he wears blue like me, and I’m sure he will thank me for releasing him from this party.”
Anakin laughed. If that Obi-Wan disliked the party as much as Anakin, he would agree with Cal. The kid ran to the ballroom and came back not ten minutes later with someone happy to flee the party.
“You saved me out there, Cal. I had enough of small talk. You can ask me whatever you want.” That voice was familiar to Anakin…
“Can you waltz with our professor? He doesn't have an adult partner and can’t show us how to do it.”
Cal and his cousin arrived, and Anakin’s suspicions were confirmed: it was Prince Kenobi. The moment the Prince saw him, his adorable smile appeared again. Anakin was weak on his knees in front of a bunch of kids. This was going to be fun.
“Duke Windu.” He bowed.
Anakin laughed. “That’s my father. I’m just Ani.”
Prince Kenobi came close to him and took his hand; he kissed it and, looking directly into his eyes, said, “Then I’m just Obi-Wan.” Anakin tried to say something, but was unable, so he just hummed. “Would you do me the honour of this dance?”
“It would be my pleasure.” Yes, Anakin was blushing red in front of a bunch of kids.
Obi-Wan’s smile illuminated the room. They separate, bow to each other, and come back to the initial stance of the waltz, Obi-Wan leading. They began to dance without music, but very quickly Anakin was caught in the dance, and he began to sing the song he had been singing to the children. Obi-Wan could have a fiancé, but he was completely the Príncipe Azul from the song.
They continued to dance twice the song, lost in the dance, the comfort of their arms, the easy way of their movements, and how well they felt with one another.
“Anakin?” Obi-Wan called after a time. Anakin answered with just a low voice. He was so comfortable. “Do you have a scar in the underfoot?”
Anakin smiled, leaning his head on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “How do you know that? Not even my father knows about the scar.” He sighed. “I don't remember how I got it.”
“You were playing in the river.” Obi-Wan sounded far away. “You cut yourself pretty badly and almost died of exsanguination. The water was so cold, and you were having so much fun that you didn't notice that you were losing blood.”
Anakin stopped dancing and looked at Obi-Wan, preoccupied. “How do you know that?”
“Because I was there.” Obi-Wan touched the base of Anakin’s skull and touched something like an old wound. “We noticed that you’re wounded because you fell and knocked you out because of the blood loss. You’re five.”
“Obi-Wan… you cannot seriously consider that I’m your Anakin.”
The Prince took his chin and made him look in his eyes. “No, because I’m sure you are.”
Anakin’s heart exploded in his chest. He couldn’t be! He was just an orphan! Little Anakin. Whose mother had been so brutally murdered that he had suppressed all his childhood memories. He wasn’t a prince. He was the son of a normal person. He shouldn't even be the son of a Duke. That Anakin that Obi-Wan was searching was another person, not him. He was a nobody.
“Obi… Prince Kenobi, believe me, I’m no one.”
“Don’t call me Prince Kenobi.” He launched himself to kiss Anakin. When they kiss, something inside Anakin melted. He stopped fighting. He let himself be adored and worshipped by this incarnation of everything he had always dreamt a man should be. Anakin would deal with the aftermath of the disappointment of not being that fiancé. Now, he had only to face the shame of a bunch of kids booing at them for kissing in the middle of their dance show, and Cal being smug because he had given Teacher Ani a Blue Prince.
However, it turned out that Obi-Wan was right; Anakin was really Prince Anakin from the Querandi Kingdom. Duke Windu had hidden Anakin for years because people were trying to kill him and establish a military dictatorship. If they didn't know where he was, he represented a light of hope for the rightful rulers to come back one day.
When Anakin was announced, he did what nobody expected from him; he proclaimed the Republic. Everyone thought he would take power again. He came from a respected family, and had been educated by Duke Windu to be a king. But Anakin had observed the Kingdom of Querandi, and he knew that they were doing pretty well without a monarchy. His existence had only been necessary to avoid a military dictatorship, and he was glad to have helped to achieve this. Now, it was time to give the people the freedom to decide the future of their country.
Anakin was celebrated for his decision, and would be remembered for centuries as one of the founders of the democracy in Querandi. But he just wanted to be with Obi-Wan. Neither backed on their decision –Obi-Wan even threatened to leave his kingdom to Cal if he wasn’t allowed to marry his fiancé. But Anakin proved to be the perfect spouse: he knew about politics, was able to talk about any topic with rich people, and lead humanitarian charities, with a fond love for those specialized in orphans and refugees. He would stay the Duke of Windu, which allowed his sister to be the knight she always wanted to be. It would be her son, Kanan, who would inherit the title.
Anakin will remember forever Lord Vanstein’s face the day Anakin was introduced as the lost Prince of the Querandi and Obi-Wan’s husband. Priceless.
If you liked it, here is the Duolingo Prompt List 🤗 don't hesitate to send me an ask to ask me for a prompts 🤗
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A List of Films That Don't End in Throuples But Should
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What movies do you think I should add to the list?
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mickandmusings · 5 months
mickandmusings masterlist
Last Updated: 8-29-24
Requests: Open!
Requesting rules here!
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Stephen Strange
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Star Wars:
Din Djarin
Poe Dameron
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Ben Solo
Top Gun:
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky
The Bear:
Carmy Berzatto
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Joel Miller
Javier Pena
Rafe Cameron
Indiana Jones
Prince Eric (live action)
Tyler Owens
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boredflautist · 6 months
quotes that keep me alive
"all the people are fake, they're made out of metal. But I like you, and that is not fake" -young royals
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world." -song of achilles
"No one ever says goodbye unless they want to see you again." -turtles all the way down
"I want to be with you. If we have to keep it a secret then... So be it, if thats the only way... But no more secrets between us. I love you" -young royals
"Why does the word 'love' from you hurt me so damn much?" -Only Friends
"I've always thought Ray was my 25th hour, my extra hour. But the truth is, everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. And within Ray's 24 hours, I'm not part of it. I'm not that special." -Only Friends
"If I'm gone, I won't be anyone's burden anymore, right?" -Only Friends
"You were wearing corduroy, acting like a poster boy" -poster boy by Lyn Lapid
"I would recognize you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognize you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion" -song of achilles
"Tell me every terrible thing that you ever did, and let me love you anyway" -edgar allan poe
"The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you... I can't breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me... What can I do? I will do anything that you ask." -anakin skywalker
"If changin' my clothes would make you like me more, if changing my hair would make you care, then I'd grab the kitchen scissors and cut myself to slivers" -jigsaw by conan gray
"'Sorry' doesn't make up for everything you did to me." -heartstopper
"You were my brother Anakin. I loved you." -revenge of the sith
"The truth is what I make it. I could set the world on fire, and call it rain." -red queen
" But isn't it also that on some fundamental level we find it difficult to understand that other people are human beings in the same way that we are? We idolize them as gods or dismiss them as animals." -paper towns
"And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like 'I love you'" -somethin' stupid by frank sinatra
"Tell me it isn't true. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm blind. Tell me you love me. " -shatter me
"I do want to be your friend. I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend." -shatter me
"The truth is a painful reminder of why I prefer to live among the lies" -shatter me
"'Don't ask me questions you already know the answers to. Twice I've laid myself bare for you and all it's gotten me was a bullet wound and a broken heart. Don't torture me,' He says, meeting my eyes again. 'It's a cruel thing to do, even to someone like me.'" -shatter me
"Everything's a game, Avery Grambs. The only thing we get to decide in this life is if we play to win." -inheritance games
"The world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive." -the last olympian "You think I didn't fight the same fight? I halfway convinced myself that as long as Avery was just a riddle or a puzzle, as long as I was just playing, I'd be fine. Well, joke's on me, because somewhere along the way, I stopped playing." -the Hawthorne legacy
"When you're ready, if you're ever ready, if it's going to be me - just flip that disk. Heads, I kiss you." His voice broke slightly. "Tails, you kiss me. And either way, it means something." -the Hawthorne legacy
"Hell is empty, and all the devils are here" -william shakespeare
"But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all" -10 things I hate about you
"It's just like the novels, side characters end up alone" -footnote by conan gray
"You made us past tense," I said, my voice cracking, "not me." -betting on you
"Because when they write the history of my life, I want it to include you" -red white and royal blue
"My life is the crown, and yours is just politics, and I will not trade one prison for another" -red white and royal blue
"Or maybe it was when I realized the bruises on your neck were fingerprints and wanted to kill them all over again just so I could do it slowly. Maybe it was the first time I recklessly kissed you or when I realized I'm fucked because I can't stop thinking about doing more than just kissing you. Does it even matter when, as long as it changed between us?" -fourth wing
"Oh darling all of the cities lights, never shined as bright as your eyes" -car's outside by james arthur
"I would rather lose this entire war than live without you, and if that means I have to prove myself over and over again, then I'll do it. You gave me your heart and I'm keeping it." -iron flame
"Because pain in the body quiets the pain in your head. It feels good - like a kill switch for your brain" -kill switch
"Then take your punishment like the pathetic creature that you are" -cruel prince
"Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop." -cruel prince
"If you're the sickness, I suppose you can't also be the cure." -the wicked king
"I hate you. I hate you so much that sometimes I can't think of anything else." -the wicked king
"Yes, my sweet villain, my darling god. I will be as sober as a stone carving, just as soon as I can." -the wicked king
"She is my wife," Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. "The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile." -the queen of nothing
"By you, I am forever undone." -the queen of nothing
"Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you just. Just come home." -the queen of nothing
"I wasted all those yesterdays and am completely out of tomorrows" -they both die at the end
"For what it's worth, I doubt I will ever like anyone else in the world as much as I like you." -book lovers
"I'd never thought about my favorite color before. It never seemed important. Not until I looked into a pair of ocean-blue eyes and realized that perhaps drowning was a beautiful thing" -powerless
if you've made it to the end good god please get some sleep
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tennessoui · 8 months
it's been so long since i did a sith obi-wan au so like - how about an au where the sith are almost as established as the jedi (a temple, an order, followers numbering in the hundreds/thousands) but things are a bit more diplomatic in the galaxy (it's definitely tense but not all out war just yet)
so both the sith and jedi orders are alerted to a new rising power in the outer rim.....on tatooine of all places. a slave rebellion, led by shmi skywalker, has toppled the hutts. it's said that this new leader, queen of tatooine, has the Force's favor....but more importantly than that, shmi skywalker is a new galactic player, with a lot of money and a lot of support.....and a son of marriageable age.
cue both the jedi and the sith sending a delegation to tatooine - ostensibly to nurture galactic relations between their orders and the new power, but also to lowkey seduce shmi skywalker's son into marriage/a relationship because everyone knows that a parent's heart follows their children's happiness.
sith!obi-wan aka darth solence is selected to lead the sith seduction attempt. he's pretty confident - after all, he's led hundreds of seduction missions at this point, and he'd suffer a thousand different humiliations for the sake of the order of the sith who took him in after the jedi sent him to the agricorps.
the only problem is that he arrives on tatooine and shmi skywalker's son, anakin, is the most bland, boring, two-dimensional boy to ever breathe. he's completely uninterested in politics, in history, in the Force---he'd rather talk about pod-racing and--and Coruscanti daytime holo shows than anything of actual interest!
good thing the prince's manservant, kitster, is almost always hanging around. he's wrong about many things, obi-wan finds, but he's passionate. passionate and beautiful. oh, he loves pod-racing just as much as the prince, but he's fascinated by the Force and ready to tear obi-wan's eyes out over a passing negative observation on a droid. and did obi-wan mention that he's beautiful? with his golden curls and sky blue eyes and fierce scowl and broad shoulders and prominent eyebrows and even more prominent lips? the sith, as a general rule, appreciate passion, anger. beauty. obi-wan adores them as well.
but kitster the man servant isn't the person obi-wan has been flown to tatooine to seduce--he's duty-bound to seduce prince anakin. even if being around him feels like pulling his teeth out with rusty pliers.
if only obi-wan knew that shmi skywalker is more suspicious about the galaxy than she lets on. more protective of her son, too. if only he knew that her son, anakin, had a best friend growing up named kitster, who owed them both just enough life-debts to convince him to trade places with shmi's son for the length of the delegations' visit.
it's an easy sell after all -- who doesn't want to be a prince for a few weeks, no harm done?
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*this also means taking subliminal shots at the ATLA fanbase, saying they’re stupid for liking ATLA
**so fridged Lois and evil Supes
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sukibolt · 4 months
guys pls hear me out
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ana-waned · 1 year
There's something just so overwhelmingly good about the tall guy being the bottom and the short guy being the top in a ship.
It's just so...ugh✨️✨️🥺
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ymeisli · 1 year
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Codywan Week Day 6, Prince/Knight
if you recognize codys outfit its because i stole it from louis xiv 🤭🤭 it just felt fitting
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aprill-99 · 8 months
When you’re consuming a media, do you ever meet a character and just go “Oh….no. Oh dear…. I do fear you are mainly destined to eventually be haunting the narrative.” ?
Because I-
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pararararablof · 9 months
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True love’s kiss can break the curse🤫
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mischievous-thunder · 2 years
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thejedipost · 2 years
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Star Wars meets ‘The Plagues’. 👊🏼
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tennessoui · 8 months
With the to the point of distraction AU, I'm imagining the Sith immediately going in search of a few really attractive apprentices. Unlike the Jedi, Team Evil plans for the future! Dooku feels like he is engaged in Behavior Unworthy of His Dignity, and that's before Jar Jar Binks applies.
haha before obi-wan was ever selected for the mission, they combed through their ranks for a list of attractive suitors that best fit prince skywalker's preferences. they find out prince skywalker's preferences by torturing some servant who has hung out with him in the past.
these preferences and the lack of anyone who is attractive but also not obviously evil leads them to choose darth solence, obi-wan kenobi, for the mission
unfortunately for them, they seem to strike out at the beginning because prince skywalker takes one look at darth solence and is polite but detached and sort of bored. it's borderline offensive.
the only thing that really soothes obi-wan's mangled nerves after that is that prince skywalker's manservant drops a whole flask of wine when he sees him for the first time
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kbirbpods · 22 days
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[Podfic Link] | Length: 14 minutes, 10 seconds
Original Work: Finding the Future in a Library by @wanderingjedihistorian [ao3]
Clone Wars: Pre-Codywan | Rating: General Audiences
Every time he had to sit through another one of these boring events, Cody gave serious consideration to abdicating his position as Crown Prince of Mandalore and running away to be a bounty hunter. His father would never forgive him, nor would any of his brothers, but it was so tempting. Cody slipped through a door and was pleasantly surprised to find that it led to a library.
Notes: Summer Podfic Swap 2024 treat for my main giftee!
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