#pro harm reduction
dead-weight-vents · 3 months
We need significantly more harm reduction posts/tips.
No, you shouldn't turn to purging, you shouldn't take laxatives you don't need, detox shit does nothing -that's the point of your liver and kidneys, if you feel like you are going to faint or your heart rate is too high please eat something and go to the ER if you need to, your brain is literally eating itself so try to eat 500cal worth of food or more to help that and anything below that is nearly useless, try to actually prevent a binge by eating what your body needs- not distracting yourself, pay attention to your nutritional needs, fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins is very important and you should be eating it even if your not eating carbs (which you should still be eating but I understand if it's too scary to do so), yes, you are sick and shouldn't promote and worship your ED, it is not your friend.
The biggest part of having an ana buddie is having someone tell you when you SHOULD eat and not push you too far. Stay away from ana coaches.
Starving for a month or starving for years, regardless you have damaged your body in some way. Your bones, organs, immune system, will have permit repercussions even well into recovery. Especially if you relapse over and over too. The sooner you get better the less damage is risked.
There are so many ways of getting thin and not hating your body. If you even think you don't want to do this any more, please, please, please take your chance out.
If not as a community we should still take the time and effort to keep each other as safe as possible.
Please remember to be kind to yourself and others, everyone is already going through something.
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literaturebutterfly · 4 months
scrolling edblr while everyone else is eating>>>
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eating disorder harm reduction
no one ever compiled this so that it what we are doing today. for people with eds and people whose loved ones do. please note: i’m not a doctor. this is a compilation of things from books and ed resource sites.
for people whose loved ones have an eating disorder:
try to make sure they know these things.
try not to force them to eat, they might feel uncomfortable eating in front of people. also, risk of refeeding syndrome.
if their life is in danger and you are seeking help for them, consult the person beforehand to make sure they will be safe and give them a heads-up so that they aren’t startled (especially if they’re neurodivergent! giving them notice will aid control!)
offer them ways of controlling things aside from food - practice consent, include them in conversations, don’t talk about them behind their back, compliment their makeup or hair.
be patient. the person may be irritable from lack of sleep, feelings of depression, worthlessness, etc., or malnutrition.
keep in mind that you can’t tell if someone has an eating disorder by looking at them. people of all weights do - only 17% of anorexics are underweight - and also, men and non binary people can also have eds.
drink lots of water, especially if you’re drinking lots of caffeine.
drink some electrolytes at least once a week - gatorade, electrolyte tablets, coconut water, doesn’t matter, just get it into your system.
if you are getting dizzy or flushed and can feel your heart beating, quick carbs will raise your blood sugar - sweets, bread, fruit, juice, non diet soda, whatever. keep snacks around pls.
your brain uses 400-500 calories daily. eat more than this.
take your supplements!
you still need protein, have an egg or something.
don’t take adderal or insulin unless you are actually diabetic or neurodivergent, because you are raising the price by buying them and denying access to those who need it.
throw a towel over the mirror. it’s not worth it if it’ll cause you anxiety.
try to limit disordered behaviours like body checking, purging, and weigh ins.
practice good dental hygiene.
put your scale somewhere where you have to actively look for it to weigh yourself.
avoid social media and for your sake don’t go on pro ed tiktok or tumblr or twitter or insta.
get a buddy who also struggles with the same thing if possible to support each other.
get regular medical check ups (if you can afford it)
practice things within your control - makeup, hair, clothing, etc.
push your rules - eat 5 minutes before your time, or 50 calories over your limit.
for people with restrictive disorders (e.g. anorexia):
do weight and resistance training at least twice a week to prevent musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoporosis.
don’t drink on an empty stomach.
try to put gaps between fasting periods.
don’t fast for more than 72 hours.
wear lots of layers to keep warm.
eat an extra 100-200 calories on your period if you menstruate.
have a metabolism day.
take care of your hair.
as horrifying as this is to many people, please go to the hospital if you’re experiencing heart problems or if you’re passing out for more than 30 seconds.
for people with purging disorders (e.g. bulimia):
if you would like to purge, wait 15 minutes first.
after purging: drink lots of water - the emptiness you feel is dehydration. don’t brush your teeth but rinse your mouth out, preferably with an alkaline mouthwash or baking soda mixed into water. do something you want to do, like reading a book or watching a show. don’t smoke. don’t have anything acidic. eat a banana or some chocolate or a rice cake to keep your blood sugar levels in check.
if you vomit blood or your vomit looks like coffee grounds, this is a sign of internal bleeding. you could be drowning in your own blood from a hole in your esophagus, essentially. go to the hospital or call 911/999/the emergency number in your area.
stay safe everyone. i hope this helps. also, i do not use these tags - i have them blocked - but i am using them so that people on these tags will find this because they need it most.
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I’m going to say something controversial in our community….
Those who are successful with Anna…. Eat.
Not a lot obviously and not like the average person but they do. And tbh, they just stick to the same amount all the time. Not doing some fad diet or magic trick. Just a large deficit daily and always.
Safe foods on repeat. Same shit everyday. A limit low enough to lose but not low enough to cause binging or giving up.
I’m not saying it easy, but your body does adjust.
Random, but I have these moments of clarity every time I’m doing “well” at sticking to my plan 😂 and realize oh all that other shit is just noise. Period. Aka ignore it.
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length-of-edward · 5 months
Personally i think one of the main issues with anti ship discourse and generally exclusionary policies (especially within queer spaces but that’s a whole other post for another day) is that you cannot draw a line for what’s “correct” or “problematic” without hurting someone. We’ve seen it for ages with trying to exclude the “bad ones” and accepting the “good ones” and being obsessed with morality and purity
And all the label policing, thought policing and criminalization of fiction and thoughts distracts from actual real life violence and non-consensual /immoral acts. Once you start equating expression and coping through fiction and/or fantasies to real life desires and values we move away from harm reduction. When you start criminalizing thoughts/fantasies/kinks you deem immoral and marking them as just as bad as acting it out in real life you end up doing more harm than actually reducing/preventing it.
Believe it or not, most people actually know how to seperate fictional morality from decent humanity and empathy and common sense in real life. Why do you think morally grey characters, villain characters and dark romance/dark fiction is so popular?
Yeah sure, there might be people for whom fiction and reality blends together but i honestly think that that’s a problem that should be talked with a therapist about and is not caused by the fact that the taboo fiction exists.
I don’t personally like or agree with everything within proship spaces but i’m sure as hell not gonna harrass people for consuming certain media or accuse them of actual horrible crimes they have not committed.
Freedom in fictional media is important for self expression in many different ways - and media literacy is a critical skill all people should have
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iconicandpresent · 11 months
harm reduction
remember to do after-care (it doesn't have to be a plaster)
you don't want your cuts getting infected
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bpdarlingx · 6 months
I’m tall & have never felt petite, today my boyfriend could pick me up & I could do the thing where you wrap your legs around them while they’re standing… idk what to call it 😂 but he said I was light and I felt girly & grateful I’ve stayed consistent- gonna keep walking 20k+ steps 🩷
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postnuclearwar · 11 months
So at this point, 99% of politicians in this nation are no longer viable. Like, once you go full pro-genocide, it doesn't matter what you say you are for or what you do, you are an active threat to people's lives if you have any amount of power.
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allegorism · 9 months
"i want evil women", "i want toxic yuri", rgu gave you takatsuki shiori and you all literally screeched when you saw her being slightly toxic to juri
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literaturebutterfly · 4 months
if u wanna stay safely out of the hospital with an ED
it can and WILL clog up your stomach with an indigestible mass eventually.
Worst case is needing to have it SURGICALLY REMOVED and it permanently fucking up your guts.
Please I ask one thing of you do NOT eat konjac shit it's so so bad for you seriously
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granulesofsand · 5 days
Pro-ship as Recovery
🗝️🏷️ shipcourse
Contradictory opinion and reminder that you(&) don’t have to do this or like that we do — you(&) can talk to us about your(&) own experiences, but please keep in mind we have limited resources at the moment.
Reading pro-ship fics has been pretty good for our trauma recovery. We like both the romanticized and painful truth types for different reasons, and we’ll explain how we use them.
Not all of us can tolerate reading or existing in proximity to media portrayal of unhealthy relationships, and that can be anyone from the Apparently Normal-est systemmate to the most fragmented trauma holder.
We hold ourselves accountable for reducing access to harmful content and engaging less and less with fictionalized portrayal, with goals specific to each aware headmate and in general (for those of us with heavy fog). The goal is harm reduction, and infrequent exposure to (especially written) fictional renditions is about the last step before ceasing interaction altogether.
Each of us has different life experiences and interpretations, and trying to see from other perspectives is difficult. Empathy is not a common trait in the system, plus few are eager to share their history or see someone else’s. We use media to demonstrate things we’ve been through and how we felt going through it; these aren’t as personal, and obtaining them doesn’t require an immediate victim.
When we can see a (more or less) neutral example of our own trauma, we can examine how our reality lined up with or differed from the text. The ones who were told what happened was good, that they were lucky, or that this was love can look at an outsider’s idea of how ‘healthy’ would manifest and compare — some of us need the familiarity without the threat of reenactment. They can see the harsh versions and hold them up to other media and their own memories.
Literary analysis is a skill we harp on in our collective, but even that isn’t a strictly necessary prerequisite. Sometimes it’s just better to direct someone struggling to scripted pornography or purely visual works.
Healing is messy. We’ve gotten lots of folks through the process of leaving these topics, but there are many more who are still moving through the phases. We continue to find people who haven’t started yet. We do take time whenever possible to verify the creator’s irl opinions and the safety of the involved parties. Maybe one day we’ll get to the point where none of us are reaching for pro-ship material, but we have to prioritize. Staying alive comes before quality of life. This is enough for us right now.
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backupdelicatelybored · 3 months
Note to self and a tip for anyone who needs it…..
Sometimes you just gotta let your omad or cals go to the crappy junk you’re craving. Yes it might mean low volume to cal ratio BUT it 1000% beats b!nging. If you push your craving for a sweet or whatever it may be aside over and over and over again eventually you’re going to break and it’s not going to be pretty.
Instead eat the high cal pastry or candy or whatever. Count the cals. Don’t over eat for the rest of the day. And be done with it. Trust me- treating yourself in a controlled manner is farrrrr better than doing so uncontrolled. 🤍🤍
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saintvampy · 9 months
"non-recovery mental illness spaces online are toxic" i think being absolutely alone with a very isolating illness where people often kill themselves because theyre so alone might be more toxic but ok! lets just group everyone together now! awesome take!
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flamejob · 10 months
when they smoke in front of me bc they don't think I'm one of those "crazy" edge ppl but on the inside world of pleasure is playing in my head like the kill bill sirens
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lostintheclouds-stuff · 3 months
Weeelllllll.... 5am walks hmm... 14yr old me is rolling
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piizunn · 5 months
planning on dancing smoking and drinking tonight
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