#pro pan
demi-bi-bi · 2 years
Just a reminder that the whole "pansexuality is biphobic and transphobic" is an outdated argument and people can call themselves however they want if it makes them feel comfortable.
If you can't accept that then you're a grown ass child.
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crazyalien87 · 2 years
battleaxe bisexuals are so cringe
basicallty their argument is: "synonyms and more specific words are bad, also some pansexuals said biphobic shit, therefore they all believe that stuff."
like wow. just bc some pansexuals said "hearts not parts" and "pan = men, women, and trans" doesn't mean they all believe that. I mean goddamn this is shit-tier stereotype level logic my god. like why u bringing up decade-old shit to prove your argument?
ok look. bisexual = attracted to both sexes, or multiple sexes/genders. pansexual = attracted to all genders, often without a preference. obviously pansexual is a subset of bi, but damn, some people just wanna be specific. I mean I get it. how else u gonna subtly let ppl know u available? since bi is more vague since some bi ppl are not pansexual. (yes some ppl speciifcaly are attracted only to men & women & not nonbinary people & wouldn't fit the definition of pansexual).
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mr-weirdo-mcgee · 15 days
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tgirlmouse · 1 year
i don't feel nearly as ashamed or hesitant to talk about my queer tgirl attraction to men as my tguy brothers would feel talking about their attraction to women
obligatory "if you're a trans guy and your attraction to women is het, that's real and okay! your trans experience isn't a monolith and other trans people being different doesn't make you different or wrong"
like, think about it: hardly anyone bats an eye when a tgirl uses grindr or calls herself a faggot, but as soon as a man calls himself a lesbian, everyone gets on his ass. anything for an excuse to shit on lesbians, i guess. it makes me angry that nobody sees this hypocrisy or these ties back to the lesbian separatism that infected the community post-70s. it's not gone, it never went away
this isn't exactly profound news to anyone who gives a shit about lesbian history. just something i find interesting
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
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blueberry cinnamon rolls with the recipe because people on the bird app wanted it <33
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genderstarbucks · 20 days
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[ID: 2 images that are a drawing of a white hand with the middle finger up with a lesboy bracelet and an mspec lesbian ring on the middle finger. They both have a white background. They both say "FUCK OFF!" on the left side of the image. The image on the left has "FUCK OFF!" in a black text and the image on the right has "FUCK OFF!" in a red text.
I'm tired of the exclusionsinism within the queer community. Lesboys and mspec lesbians have been here for decades (since AT LEAST the 70's) Read up on your queer history. We're not leaving this community.
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seeresultssweep · 3 months
ik this blog is dead but yknow what, im gonna take advantage of my following to make an important post:
this pride month, i want you to educate yourselves & support the "controversial" queers.
& no i dont mean people with contradictory labels or xeno pronouns or those who use outdated/offensive terminology. i mean the people that even the most sex-positive, pro-kink, self-proclaimed perverts think are dangerous freaks who deserve to die.
i mean the paraphiles & people with taboo or stigmatized kinks/fetishes. i mean the people into the most taboo & stigmatized things like children, animals, corpses, & incest. i mean the people into violent things like murder, gore, rape, & abuse. i mean the people into unsanitary things like piss, shit, vomit, sweat, & snot. i mean the people into things that are constantly memed on like feet, armpits, bodily excretions, cartoon characters, pool toys, & plushies. i mean the people with attractions that would be illegal, immoral, or downright impossible to act out in real life.
no attraction is inherently harmful or evil. there are safe ways to indulge in these things such as fictional content, roleplay with consenting partners, & custom sex toys.
no, i dont think paraphilias are lgbt+ identities. they cant really be grouped into the same category or treated the same way as being gay or trans. but paraphilias are undeniably queer, as theyre highly stigmatized attractions that fall outside the norm. paraphiles face far more violence & hatred than any other lgbtq identity you can think of. it is still normalized & accepted to subject paraphiles to abusive treatments that have been proven to be cruel & ineffective, such as conversion therapy, forced sterilization, & excessive medication. even queer people forget their own history & advocate for this kind of abuse for paraphiles. there is no safe space for paraphiles to seek support, acceptance, or community the way lgbtq has pride, & that's a damn shame.
& believe it or not, many (maybe even most!) paraphiles are gay, bi, pan, poly, trans, nonbinary, aro, ace, & any other lgbtq identity you can think of.
so yes, paraphiles belong at pride. spend this month unlearning preconceived biases & educate yourself on what paraphilias actually are & how theyre not inherently dangerous.
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bilesproblems · 1 month
Just in case any baby mspec lesbians are here, that might still be unlearning the validity bullshit and drawing lines in "acceptable" vs "unacceptable" lesbian identities:
You are not gonna be one of the good ones. Even if you're one of the ones who isn't attracted to men at all, the exclusionists will never accept your mspec identity because it goes against their hatred. The transmasc bigender lesboy who's primarily a guy but still feels like a lesbian will validate your identity and affirm your simultaneous lesbianism and mspec attraction. Even if you're a SAM user so clearly you're experiencing 2 distinct identities, exclusionists will decide on a whim that SAM users can't be lesbians and they'll demand you leave the community. The omni lesbian who's got a heavy preference for women and so calls themself a lesbian will validate your distinct experiences as two different things, deserving of having both labels.
You have to learn to give these people the same acceptance. They are your community. They are the people that will listen to you when you explain how you're simultaneously mspec and a lesbian, and they're the ones who will validate your identity. You need to unlearn the things exclusionists say. You need to unlearn "nonmen loving nonmen" as the One True Definition of Lesbian. It will take a little bit, I know. It's an adjustment. But if you push away the community you have, then you'll end up alone. The people who would have accepted your identity don't want to associate with you because you invalidated them. The people who most of your beliefs align with hate your identity. So please, don't push away the community. Take time to learn it, accept it, and be part of it. Ask questions if you want to, in good faith. If you have to, make up an explanation like exclusionists do, but instead of something bad faith, make up something you'd accept (I did this with binary trans man lesboys when I was still attached to nmlnm, because I was thinking about orchid aces and how despite not fitting a definition they're still a part of the asexual community because their unique experience makes them feel more like an asexual than an allosexual, and I realized that would totally apply to a lot of binary trans man lesboys). Whatever it takes to accept the rest of your community because if you reject it, you're aligning yourself with people who hate you.
I learned this from experience. I wanted to be one of the good ones for a hot minute. I was against pan lesbians despite being a bi lesbian because I hadn't even thought of split attraction and I thought "well bi is compatible with being a lesbian because 2+ genders and nmlnm don't contradict but pan lesbian isn't because all genders and nmlnm do." I was resistant to non-SAM mspec lesbians that liked men. I was resistant to lesboys. But thankfully I held my tongue long enough to hear them talk about their history, their experiences, and point out how genderqueerness and multigenderism would very obviously allow men to be lesbians (before I had my epiphany about binary trans man lesboys). I am forever grateful that I didn't voice my shitty baby bi lesbian opinions and immediately push away the community that accepted me as a lesbian, as a biromantic, as a term collector, and as all of me. I got the chance to grow as a person.
So even if none of this stuff makes a lot of sense to you yet, I promise you will get it in time. Do not try to be one of the good ones. You'll never be accepted by the people you're trying to appeal to. The people who will accept your explanations, will also accept the rest of the community and their explanations. You don't have to other anyone to be accepted by the people who are willing to accept you.
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realgraps · 2 months
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xuyanzheng · 2 months
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Blood and rose petals... romance is in the air...
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batshaped · 5 months
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elitehanitje · 2 months
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viridi-is-sapphic · 2 years
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Reblog if your blog is a safe space for any mspec mono peoples!!
@genderstarbucks thanks for letting me use the image!! Credit goes to him!!
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batarangsoundsdumb · 4 months
there's something so creepy to me about putting something in the fridge without a lid, like 'what if something gets in there?' but like what could POSSIBLY be in the fridge that gets into my food?? is it monsters? do the monsters move from under the bed into the refrigerator when you grow up??
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genderstarbucks · 17 days
Can y'all stop centering the definition of lesbian around hating men and start centering the definition of lesbian around our love for women?
Like if gay was centered around the definition of hating women you'd call that misogynistic right? So why is it okay to do that with lesbian
Lesbian will never have a clear cut definition that fits everybody, but centering it around hating men feels icky
What about the lesbians that DO love men? What about us?
Being surrounded by people who think that lesbianism is just about hating men is getting tiring
Lesbianism is defined by our queer love for women, it shouldn't be defined about hating men
Also while I'm at it, the non men loving non men definition of lesbian is icky too
Nmlnm isn't as inclusive as you think it is, plus the word non men (and non women) was used to dehumanize black people
You can use the nmlnm definition of lesbian for yourself, but don't force it on others
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heythereiamsuji · 2 years
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keep ur hands by urself ladies gentlemen and other honorable people
✨this 20-something man is very much taken!!✨
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brainshortage!bakugou is my fav character in the entire fandom (allm...ost)
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