#problem for later open to suggestions tho
kaidabakugou · 2 years
bakugou is the type of guy that guesses who the killer is every time you watch crime shows with him.
just blurts it out at the beginning of the episode and ends up getting it right every time at the end, basically spoiling it.
same thing if you guys are watching crime documentaries or listening to murder podcasts. just pointing out little details that give the case away and it has you both bickering back and forth about it like if it were an actual case you two are working on.
a little bonus for AITA podcasts, he gossips about it with you and has the same reactions while listening to the story. and answers if they are the asshole or not like if he was the one on the podcast.
the wedding ones are one of his favorites because he likes to see when you get heated over some shitty thing some random mother in law or bridesmaid did that ruined the wedding for the bride.
making the mental note when you let slip some specific details you’d like in your wedding while you get lost in your rant. making sure to remember them for the day he proposes and starts wedding planning with you.
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kikitakite · 10 days
I saw your callout in the Gale tag for that one user (no comment on them, tho ty for the callout bc i'd seen them in the notes of my fics) and was curious if you could elaborate on some of the Mystra incidents you described towards the end of the post? I'm new to the lore of the setting and find it hard to research (which makes sense given its importance to dnd), so I've heard a lot of conflicting things about Mystra's portrayal in the wider series. No pressure, obviously!
No problem! And yea, I've seen her arguing in the posts of a few people I follow or just Gale-related posts I find interesting. Usually I don't get involved in stuff like this, but I noticed a constant pattern and then all the homophobic shit so I went off a little.
Unfortunately it's hard to find exact examples of the Mystra lore because certain modules aren't very popular or even free to access, but if you're interested the best way to learn about her is by reading the Elminster novels. There's twelve total, dating all the way back to 1994, and they detail Elminster's adventures. I'll be honest though, some of them are a hard read and written through the lens of a man who's admitted very creative, but also has a lot of problematic ideas.
In the first book Elminster is a child. His entire town gets wiped out by mages, thereby making him hostile toward magic. He sneaks into Mystra's temple to deface her statue one night, but she appears before him and basically gaslights him into learning magic and becoming her rare Chosen. He becomes a wizard and cleric basically overnight, until eventually he multiclasses into pretty much every class type in DnD. As you can imagine a lot of players aren't too fond of Elminster, as he's a well known self-insert of the author and pretty annoying to run into during campaigns. None of my dungeon masters like him anyway.
He also becomes one of Mystra's most loyal followers, but she fucks with him over and over, turning him into a woman to teach him a lesson and SLEEPING with him in that form, berating him when he struggles with the torture he endures when he gets stuck in the hells, making him reproduce without his knowledge and getting jealous when he gives his partners more attention. Because she's a very jealous goddess, which I think the game vaguely touches on but not really.
I wish I had the time to flip through all the novels and give exact citations but the best I can do is suggest them, because they're so eye opening. She's considered a neutral good goddess, but neutral gods often do terrible things for the sake of their domain. I think it needs to be noted that Mystra, as with all gods in the pantheon, only cares about her portfolio. She isn't wrong for that, but it doesn't mean she's blameless when she messes with people's lives. She's done a lot of good but she's also made horrible decisions, especially where her followers are concerned.
For example, Elminster having children he doesn't know about. He has a daughter named Narnra. Her conception was... pretty fucked up. Basically a song dragon named Ammaratha Cyndusk was an occasional lover of Elminster's (he has a lot of those because of course he does) and she wanted to bear his child, but since he's a Chosen of Mystra he can control his fertility. Magic birth control, basically. He didn't want a kid so Ammaratha went behind his back to learn a counterspell that would make him fertile during sex. The man she asked refused to teach her because...duh that's messed up, but then Mystra intervened and told him to teach her the spell because she wanted Elminster's "seed to spread". Ammaratha never told him and neither did Mystra. No matter what the reasons, that was NOT consensual on Elminster's part, and it happened two more times, resulting in two more daughters with different women. If I remember correctly Elminster did eventually find out waaaaay later when they were all adults, but it never amounted to anything.
The sisters I was taking about are the Seven Sisters, Mystra's "daughters". And I put "daughters" in quotations because Mystra possessed the body of a woman named Elué and impregnated her without her consent. She slept with the woman's husband (again, while possessing her body) and made them sire seven children. This of course lead to Elué's death because the constant flow of magic in her body was too much for her to handle. Her grieving husband broke after she died and eventually left, abandoning his daughters and earning Mystra's scorn...as if he was in the wrong. The sisters were then orphaned and raised by foster families.
That said, most of the awful things anyone can say about Mystra were the doings of her previous incarnations so ultimately it doesn't apply to the Mystra of BG3. In fact, this third Mystra is supposed to be a new and improved goddess who's nicer to her followers. So her portrayal in BG3 annoyed a lot of DnD fans. I should also point out that Mystra has two types of fans: ones who will defend everything she does, even when it's fucked up beyond all comprehension, and the ones who will tell you she's a true neutral goddess capable of good and bad. I'm the latter. There are plenty examples of Mystra sticking her neck out for innocents, but there's also examples of her doing the most horrendous shit imaginable.
A lot of veteran players, at least the ones I know, are upset with the portrayal of Mystra in BG3 because her plan to end the Absolute is, quite frankly, stupid. Your party is the best chance anyone has of ending the threat, but she asks Gale to nuke himself and possibly tens of thousands, which makes no sense because she could've just sent her mages/clerics to deal with the problem. And there was no guarantee the bomb would've worked anyway. She put all the responsibility on one man and it DEFINITELY comes off as vindictive. That isn't out if character for her but she's not SUPPOSED to be that bad anymore. For a lot of DnD players it felt like she was reverting back to her old habits.
I think there's also a part in the game where you can directly ask Gale why she doesn't just blip the Absolute out of existence and he says something like, "She could but Ao won't allow it." That was also really strange for a lot of veteran players to hear because Gale drops Ao's name like it's nothing. Most people (especially if they're new to the franchise) wouldn't know this but most people in Faerûn don't know who Ao is! Because he wiped people's memories of his existence! I suppose it does make sense for Gale to know that name, since Mystra probably explained the pantheon to him, but it's VERY unlikely tav would know it. So during that conversation all I could picture was tav tilting their head like, "Huh? Who? Whaaa?"
And on top of that......Ao absolutely WOULD allow it because the Absolute effects the Weave and every other god! It had the potential to ruin the balance of the universe, which makes Ao a very angry boy. Balance is one of the ONLY things he cares about. The Dead Three were stealing souls and worshippers, which gods needs to survive, and dying gods disrupts the balance. It's a whole circle of chaos. So the only conclusion left for me to extrapolate is this: Mystra just really, really wanted Gale to kill himself to prove his devotion to her. Which...isn't great. Bad look for her.
It's kind of like how Raphael thinks the Crown of Karsus is going to help him end the Blood War and take over the hells. DnD players laughed during his epilogue because...no it won't lol. He doesn't stand a chance even with the crown. He's arrogant and he's gonna get slapped by his daddy and all the other archdevils, the same way Gale gets slapped by Mystra if he ascends. Even the Absolute ending of the game wouldn't last long because the gods would go to war with the Dead Three, wipe them out and rebuild Faerûn, which has happened many times in past DnD campaigns. Mystra alone has torn worlds apart and glued them back together. The main crisis of BG3 is saving the world you live in or everybody dies. For the gods it's just a Tuesday. I mean look at how Withers owns the Dead Three with a wave of his hand at the end of the game. Mystra COULD'VE killed the Absolute, just as she could've removed the orb from Gale's chest the moment it happened. She just didn't WANT to. She wanted him to die. She wanted him to chastise himself. She wanted him to suffer and come crawling back to her as an obedient follower. She wanted him to learn a harsh and honestly unfair lesson, which is a terrible throwback to her previous incarnations.
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chxrrysangel · 1 year
What Best Friends Do
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Pairing | perv!eddie x best friend!reader
Warnings | MDNI 18+, porn with plot, Eddie is a such a perv(only for reader tho, he has some morals), he stares A LOT, meddling friends, guided masturbation (f), cumming together, dry humping, eddie cums in his pants, Eddie basically has an innocence kink
Words | 1,895
Summary | Forced to be gentlemanly with pussy on his mind, Eddie spends the night with his best friend for “the sake of safety”. A best friend with the shortest skirt and cutest pout he’s ever seen. Can he keep it together?
Technically Part Two
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Eddie didn’t think this through. At all. 
When Steve suggested taking everyone home in one trip, a resounding yes erupted from the group. The only problem was that there weren’t enough seats. Neither of you thought it was a massive deal at the time, it was only a 30-minute car ride. That was roughly 5 Metallica songs, 3 random brought-up topics between the 6 of you, and maybe 10 stoplights throughout Hawkins. 
Everyone piled into the car as Robin called shotgun, while Nancy, Jonathan, and Eddie took the backseat. Hand in yours, your best friend helped you onto his lap for a less-than-comfortable ride home. But you would survive, it was just Eddie after all. The second your ass met his front, he regretted the entire thing. Every single pothole or speed bump pressed your body closer to his, and it was hell. 
Eddie prayed to every god he could think of, hoping that Ozzy and Kirk could hear his pleas somehow. He tried to think of anything to stop his dick from pressing farther into your ass, but not even the image of his nana naked could make the smell of your perfume turn him on less. You could feel him, he was sure of it. And you were too innocent to not realize that every time you rubbed up against him made it worse. A particular “break test”, as Steve liked to call them, had Eddie’s arm wrapping around your waist, pushing your bodies so close together he had to bite his tongue to swallow his moans. If he was any more pathetic, he might’ve cum in his jeans. 
So he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the heartbeat of your pussy against his crotch. Someone must’ve answered his prayers, because the next thing he knew Steve was triple honking to signal a house stop. Luckily enough, it was yours. Eddie braced your body as the car door opened, stopping you from falling. You thanked him, no matter how many times he said it was no trouble. Before anyone could say their goodbyes, Steve perked up to share an idea. 
“Are your parents home?”
You told him no, and that they wouldn’t be back until much later in the night. 
“Munson, haul ass and stay with 'em.”
The two boys made eye contact in Steve’s dashboard mirror, a silent war that you couldn’t decipher. Eddie turned towards the others to beg for help, all feigning innocence and ignoring his silent plea. Right now he was rock hard, and Steve was ruining his chance to go home and jerk off until he got friction burn. But then he turned to see your patient gaze as you waited for their decision, and just melted. 
Sighing, Eddie climbed out of the car in defeat. He waited until you began walking to your front door to scold the rest of the car. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he angry-whispered. 
“I don't know what you’re talking about Munson. Have fun though.” With that, Steve winked at the metalhead and drove off into the night. 
 He’s gonna regret this and he knows it. 
“Eddie, you comin’ ?” 
“Um, yeah. Sorry.” 
Eddie’s eyes began to unfocus, his head pounding as he took in the sight before him. There was something so… enticing about how little you understood the effect you had on him; on people in general. You didn’t think it was a huge deal, walking around your room in just a robe. But to Eddie, it was a massive deal. The thoughts he had earlier were coming back in full force and he had no way to escape them. There was only a single layer of material separating your naked body from the outside world and it drove him insane. He couldn’t stop himself from thinking about how short it was, making it so that just the right bend of your knees would him the perfect view of your pussy. 
Eddie didn’t really believe in God, but now he was reconsidering it. He knew it was bad to think of you like this, especially someone like you, but he couldn’t help it. If anything, your lack of experience or knowledge made him hornier. The pillow covering his crotch didn’t help much either, the dense material providing friction with every movement of his hips. 
“Eddie?” Your voice pulled him back to attention, focusing on you but not staring. Or at least trying not to stare. 
“Yes baby?” You blushed at the nickname, never truly getting over his terms of endearment for you. 
“I have a question.” He can tell by your tone that you’re nervous, and god it’s so cute. You bite on your lips as you think of what to say next, and all he can think about is that pretty little mouth sucking on his tip. 
“Shoot.” You took a deep breath, trying to find the courage somewhere to say what you need to. 
“Earlier in the car, I uh– I felt something.” Eddie fought off the urge to grin, the possibilities of what you said next giving him a depraved kind of rush. 
“What did you feel sweetheart?” He pressed the pillow further into himself, grinding his hips ever so slightly for relief. 
“Something hard. And…it felt good. I um…liked you pressed up against me. I felt tingly.” Eddie sat up straighter at your confession.
He could cum right now off your words alone. 
“Yeah?” You nodded in response, averting your eyes as your cheeks burned with embarrassment. 
“Do you wanna feel that again?” Eddie wanted to tear the pathetic robe off and fuck you over the nearest surface, but he knew he had to be patient and gentle. 
“Come here, baby. Come to Eddie.”
The bed dipped as you climbed over to him, your robe loosening just a little bit which he took notice of. Eddie removed the pillow, giving you a full view of the rock-hard erection he’d been hiding. A gasp fell from your lips, a hesitant hand reaching out before you thought better of it.
“You can touch if you want. I don’t mind.” You debated over it for a few seconds before reaching for his crotch. Your fingers brushed lightly against the tip, the friction making Eddie hiss in pleasure. 
“Oh my god, Eddie I’m so sorry!”
“No, no, don’t apologize. Didn’t hurt at all. It was the exact opposite. ” His voice was so gentle, like nothing you’ve ever heard from him before. It encouraged you to put your hand back where it was, rubbing softly to see how he reacted. You had no idea what you were doing, which made Eddie even more eager to ruin you. In his peripheral vision, he caught his eye on your closet mirror, inciting a genius idea. 
“Okay baby, I’m gonna make you feel good now. Can you do something for me?” You would do anything for him; so of course, you said yes. 
Eddie grabbed your hand, guiding you to sit in front of him with your back to his chest. His warm calloused hands bore a feather light touch as they grazed along your thighs. Slowly they inched higher, stopping just before where you needed it and pushing your thighs wide apart. Your best friend stared at the slickness of your folds, licking his lips in anticipation. Everything he'd ever fantasized about was slowly becoming part of reality.
In the reflection of the mirror, you stared at yourself, not quite sure who was looking back at you. It felt foreign to have anyone, let alone Eddie’s hands on your body in this way. The cross necklace you’ve had your entire life glittered in the light, and you willed the guilt rising up your throat to be swallowed back down. You wanted this. The brush of your best friend’s fingers across your stomach pulled you out of your trance, eyes tracing his movements. 
“Baby, you see this little button at the top here? That’s called your clit. It’s your best friend. And its favorite thing is to get rubbed on.” 
Eddie licked his fingertips in the reflection, bringing them down to between your legs to demonstrate. The wet feeling of his spit on your clit as his calloused hands began to rub circles was so foreign yet welcomed. Your brain began to feel fuzzy as the pleasure took over and your best friend enjoyed watching you come apart for him. Breathy moans and whimpers escaped your lips as you rutted into his hand, chasing something you weren’t even sure what to call.
He cooed at you, whispering sweet nothings in your ears. The ghostly feeling of his lips brushing against your hot skin clouded your mind, making it almost impossible to enjoy his praises. It was almost too much and yet you craved more. But then he stopped. 
“Eddie! Why’d you do that?” Whatever was building up in your lower stomach, aching to be released, slowly began to dissipate along with your excitement.
“Because, I want you to do it yourself.” He paused to kiss your temple, softening the blow of your disappointment. 
“But I can’t—”
“Yes you can, and you will. Give me your hand.” You did as told, watching as Eddie put two of your digits in his mouth and sucked. It was so…sinful. Nothing like anything you’d ever seen; and you couldn’t get enough.  He pulled your spit coated fingers down btwn your legs, right down to the center of your pleasure. 
“Now rub. And don’t stop until I tell you.” You did as you were told, slowly at first to get used to the feeling. 
Soon you fell into a rhythm, high off the feeling and chasing your own pleasure. Your back relaxed into Eddie’s arms, pushing your bodies impossibly closer together. His hips matched the rhythm of yours, which only made you wetter. Your moans were matched by his as you stared at yourselves in the mirror. He was enjoying this just as much as you were. 
“Eddie, oh God. I feel…I feel..”
He grinned at his reflection. 
“I know baby, I know.” He pulled your hips into his, trying to maintain as much friction as he could. At this rate, he wouldn’t last much longer.
“Hurts a little, yeah? Keep going gorgeous, it’s gonna feel so good. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.” His voice broke on the last few words like he was gonna burst into tears at any moment. Your lower belly tightened with a delicious kind of pain, one you chased eagerly. You rubbed your fingers at a faster pace, desperate for some kind of release as Eddie grinded against your ass. He whispered the dirtiest things in your ear, saying how good you feel and how close he is. And then, the tightness stopped as a wave of pleasure coursed through your entire body, enough to make your toes curl and ears ringing. Eddie’s name fell off the tip of your lips as you came, the final straw as wetness spread through his boxers and hips slowed to a halt. You stared in his eyes as you caught your breath, trying to find the words to describe what just happened.
You were putty in his hands, he knew that now. A post-orgasm smile spread across his lips, shamelessly staring at your fucked-out state. He had plans for you.
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johnkahner · 8 months
Bi-Han x Reader drabble
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AN: This is my first time writing anything for Mortal Kombat. Also, not all that experienced in writing. I'll try my best to improve my writing. This hasn't been proof read.
Notes: Gender-Neutral reader, Minors DO NOT interact, Suggestive Themes (nothing actually happens tho), and soft Bi-Han (well only to you lol)
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It was an early morning. The light was beginning to shine through the window of their bedroom. Bi-Han’s arms are holding his spouse in place. He’s in a deep sleep. His lover is slowly waking up. Wiggling trying to free themselves from the grasp of the cryomancer to start their morning. 
However, his sleeping form has different plans. He wraps his partner even closer to his body. Their body warming the cold man. Kissing his lips and giving them a little nibble. Bi-Han mumbles when they do this. Slowly opening his eyes to see his other half looking at him. 
“Qīn, just stay in bed for now”
“Bi-Han. We need to get up.”
“Let’s stay in bed a little longer.” He moves one of his arms to cup their face. He lowers his face to kiss his love. He slips his tongue into their mouth. A heated makeout session begins. He rolls over to get on top of his spouse. 
His elbows being placed by their head. Hips grinding. The room filled with grunts and moans. Before things could truly get too heated in the moment. There is a knock at their door. Leaving one last kiss on his lover’s lips. He huffs in annoyance. 
“Who is it?”
“Grandmaster, it’s Sektor. An emergency happened. We need your assistance. I’ll explain more on the way there.”
“I’ll be there in a moment.” He grumbles. The two get up, and begin to dress to begin their day. Once they are completely ready. His spouse heads to the door, but Bi-Han grabs their wrist. Pulling them close to his body. Putting his mouth to their ear, in his low raspy voice he says, 
“Don’t think this is over just yet. We’ll finish this tonight.” He then kisses them on the lips and pulls away to leave the room. Listening to what Sektor said was a problem. Leaving his lover anticipating what would be happening later that night.
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pansear-doodles · 3 months
update on the ludeo thingy; in regards to the rw discord server
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"Hey Pansear, i would like to inform you regarding the Rain World recent problem.
The server staff would be very opened to know more about ludeo as far as I am aware via courier bot, even tho they may unable to be in direct contact with Akupara nor it's developer, but it may help in the littlest way possible
As far as I am received from their respond, they are not aware of Ludeo being associated with Israel/zionist company and they don't support it whatsoever. They also suggest to keep awareness on other social medias until further updates regarding it
I can send the full respond iyw, tho it's really long, so this is a tldr
Sorry for drop a dm but i just want to let you know /lh"
"Hi there [redacted], This is RW Server Staff. We would like to inform you that we as a community server do not have direct affiliation with Akupara nor a say in their decisions. Obviously the issue of ludeo being a zionist company is one that's important and how staff will approach the issue will be discussed internally; no one on our team is in support of zionism, and none of us want to be associated with publishers who support it. We only have so much power in this matter - to restate once more, we don't directly affect the development of the game or have direct lines of communication with Akupara as a whole. We can't allow discussions like this in the server as its a place members come to to relax and distract themselves from personal or real-world issues; most people just want to talk about their experiences with the game or other things they're up to etc. We strongly recommend raising awareness on any other platforms you can or in satellite servers, and we treat any other sensitive/political issue the same way. Courier is the best way to inform staff about situations like this so we can come to a decision; ludeo being zionist wasn't something we were aware of beforehand and we're willing to listen through Courier. We'll be discussing how to approach this and what resources we can give out later on when more staff are available.
I cencored my name for anonymity, but this is the whole respond i got from them"
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talaok · 1 year
Good afternoon honey, I was wondering if you could write dark! Joel x plus size reader where the reader is suffering with body image and that night you go out to a club and meet Joel but smut? love the blog🥰
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Pairing:Joel Miller x plus size!reader
Warnings: body image problems, negative talk of reader's body and self, smut| dub-con, unprotected p in v sex, a bit of degrading, and dark! Joel
A/n: ok ok ok I've never written a plus-size reader so if this is bad just tell me, honestly, I'll delete it, it's fine (yes I'm really nervous about this, I'm scared it's disrespectful) thank you so much for the ask tho babe💗
The dress looked absolutely horrendous on you. It was too tight and too loose in all the wrong places.
Your curves looked like they were stretching the fabric so much it was gonna tear the moment you took a step, and the makeup on your face now just looked like a pathetic attempt at driving people's attention away from it.
This was a mistake, you sighed, looking at the loser staring back at you from the other side of the mirror.
I should have never agreed to this, It's so fucking stupid.
You mumbled to yourself as you unsuccessfully tried fixing the dress in any way that wouldn't make it look so incredibly ridiculous.
Maybe I can pretend I'm sick or something, 
Maybe I got a really bad headache all the sudden,
Maybe I got fucking infected, I don't know, that would be believable. I can just start making some weird ass noises and I doubt she'd still want to go out with me.
"Hey, you ready?" Kora opened the door, causing all your plans to fall apart with one single action.
"yep" you forced a smile "all ready"
"Great, let's go!"
fuck my life man.
__ __ __
"Are you serious?" you asked, actually kind of mad
"I know, I know, I'm sorry"
"you've just met him" you pointed out, frustration and annoyance lacing your tone.
"I know" she repeated "but-" she sighed, glancing back at the man "he's so hot y/n, I mean-"
you rolled your eyes "Whatever, go have fun, I'm just gonna go home"
"no don't go home, you can have fun without me," she said "Maybe with someone else..." she raised her brows suggestively and you felt one breath away from punching her.
You shot her a look.
Yeah, like anyone would want to "have fun" with me
"what?" she asked, clueless
you stared at her, the same expression in your eyes.
"you know what"
"oh my god," she moaned "again with this thing? Y/n you're hot as fuck, anyone with half a brain cell can see that"
You remained silent.
You hated the pity party of having everyone constantly lie to you about how you looked.
Just tell me the truth. I look like shit.
It's fine, I know it, you know it, the whole world fucking knows it so stop talking to me like I'm a fucking baby and tell me the truth.
I can take it. Trust me, I've been telling it to myself since I was born.
"in fact..." A small smirk tugged at her lips as her eyes focused somewhere behind you " I think somebody definitely noticed" she grinned like an idiot as she stared at someone behind you.
"shut up" you stopped her "You know he's not," you said "He's probably looking at you"
"Oh no" she shook her head, that stupid smile still tugging at her lips "No he's definitely looking at you" She waved at him and you immediately grabbed her hand, forcing it down
"stop! what are you doing!?"
"I'm helping you out" she smirked "You'll thank me later," she said with a wink, turning to walk away but not before chuckling a taunting"Have fun"
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as you sneakily tried to catch a glimpse of whatever Kora was talking about.
She was probably bluffing, you thought as you slowly turned, but just then, you had to think again.
A man was looking at you, no, not looking, staring.
His eyes were pointed at you like a viewfinder in a gun. 
He was sat at a table alone, an empty beer bottle clutched in one hand, and the other one relaxed on his leg.
He looked focused, like a tiger watching a gazelle.
His salt and pepper beard suggested he was older, and so did the lines across his forehead.
But most of all... his eyes were the tell.
His deep brown eyes staring back at yo-
You turned away.
I was staring at him,
You clutched your purse to leave, but a voice stopped you in your tracks.
"hi sweetheart"
He sounded exactly how you'd imagined.
You turned to him, your eyes glimmering with shame
"hi" you breathed "Sorry if I bothered you"
He chuckled "A pretty thing like you could never bother me"
he sat down "Besides," he said "I was staring at you first"
You forced a chuckle as an awkward silence fell between you.
"I saw your friend left," he said, sitting down on the stool next to you,
"yeah" You nodded "She does that a lot"
"that's too bad" he cooed "well maybe not entirely" he considered, something switching in his tone.
"What's your name sweetheart?"
"I-I'm y/n"
"y/n" he let your name roll out his mouth with ease "pretty name for a pretty lady" he commented, "I'm Joel"
"nice to meet you" you mumbled, stumbling over your own words.
Was he coming onto you? 
"the pleasure's all mine darling"
He definitely was
But, like... why?
"I'm sorry-do you- do you know my friend?"
He grinned, his white teeth showing "no,"
"she didn't like, tell you to come here or anything?"
A small laugh fled his throat "no sweetheart"
"oh" you breathed "so you came here 'cause..." you trailed off, 
" 'cause you caught my eye from the moment you entered, and when I saw your friend leave you here all alone, I couldn't not offer a bit of company"
You felt a shy smile spill from your lips
" 'got a pretty smile angel" he smirked 
"t-thank you" 
He chuckled again "Why are you so nervous sweetheart?" he asked, his hand traveling to your thigh and stopping all oxygen from getting to your lungs "Is it me? Am I so scary?" his voice got lower as he inched closer "I don't bite y'know?" he joked "not unless you want me to"
A small gasp fled your throat, making him chuckle.
"what is it, angel?"
"I-I'm sorry I'm just not- used to this"
"Now I don't believe that" he murmured "A sweet thing like you?"
"I just-"
"If you want we could go back to my place, and you can tell me all about it with a little more privacy" he suggested, "what do you say?"
Your cheeks were as red as the fire burning in his eyes.
"I-" you stuttered
"I can show you a good time angel"
"I'm sorry" you breathed, leaning away "I'm-I'm sorry I have to go to the bathroom" You stumbled over your own words, clutching your purse and rushing off the stool and through the groups of people in the club.
You didn't even realize you were bumping and hitting every person in your trajectory as all you were focused on was that damn door right in the corner.
Oh my god, what felt like the first actual breath you'd taken in ten full minutes, finally left your mouth as you entered the bathroom.
"oh my god," you mumbled to yourself, walking to the sink to look at your reflection in the mirror.
"what the fuck was that?" you sighed 
Am I dreaming? Is that it?
If that's it this is not funny brain.
I'm so confused,
This is... I mean this is just-
What the fuck is this?
He's hot. Like hot hot and I'm... You looked at yourself, and I'm me.
You took a deep breath, looking around you.
The green stalls were empty, and the music was still blaring from the other side of the door.
You could still picture him, feel him. He was so close to you, and you could feel every molecule of your being dancing as his hand remained on your leg.
God, what the fuck
I don't even know how old he is.
And just then, the door opened.
You turned the faucet on to pretend to be washing your hands, but a voice startled you.
"there you are"
Your eyes snapped open
"T-This is the women's bathroom"
Joel smirked, "you thought you could get away from me that easily?" he asked, taking a step towards you.
"I-" you took a step back, but he followed.
"I was being nice there," he said "complimented you and shit" 
Your back was to a stall and he was right before you.
"and what did you do?" he asked "you ran"
"I didn't mean to, I was j-"
"what, angel?" he mocked "You got shy?"
"well don't you worry" His hand went to your chin, tilting it up "I'll fix that right up" He took another step, imprisoning you "I'll help you out sweetheart, mh?"
Your mouth gaped open to say something, but before you could, his lips were on yours, and his hands on your back were forcing you flush against him.
His tongue moved into your mouth as he quite literally shoved you into the stall behind you, pressing you against the closed door.
"thought you could get away from me?" he growled, kissing your neck as his hands roamed on your body, one of them roughly grabbing your ass "Thought I was just gonna let you go?" he asked, now looking at you.
"oh no angel" he kissed your mouth "I have to have you" he murmured "And I will" He kissed you again, and this time, you found yourself reciprocating.
This was wrong and scary and weird, and still... countless butterflies filled your belly.
"there you go" he praised you "That's a good girl" He moved some hair out of your face " 'knew you wanted this too," he said "knew you'd be good, angel" He smirked before you felt his hands go to your waist.
"turn around for me"
With a little push from him, you did, finding your cheek flush against the door.
"god baby" his hands took in every inch of you, adoration clear in his tone "Wanted to fuck this body of yours since I first saw you" he explained, as he slowly rolled your dress up to your waist until only your panties were left to cover you.
"it's what you wanted too, isn't it," he asked, suddenly grabbing your arms to force them together behind your back "You wanted to be fucked like a little slut didn't you?" he continued as his hand pulled your panties down, the cold hitting your core "didn't you angel?" he urged, his grip tightening as he kissed your neck again.
"I-" You didn't know what to say. you were feeling too many things at once.
"Tell me you want this" he breathed, and you heard his zipper being undone.
"tell me you want this angel," he asked again, his hot breath on the skin of your neck "C'mon, I know you do"
" I do" you admitted, and you felt him smirk.
"that's right" He nodded, positioning himself at your entrance "and you're gonna get it" he promised, pushing himself into you hard.
"fuck" Your moan resembled more of a scream as you tightened your fists on your back
"What angel, can't take it?" he taunted, speeding up " 's too big for you little slut?"
"y-yes" you begged, making him chuckle "I can't take it"
"yes you can" he groaned "You're gonna take it all in this little tight pussy and you're not gonna complain about it, understand?"
"understand?" he asked again, his threatening voice spilling in your ear.
"y-yes I'm sorry"
"good girl" he praised, resuming his violent pace, as a cry fled your mouth and tears filled your eyes.
He smacked your ass and you gasped, but before you could let out a moan, his hand covered your mouth.
The door had opened, and two women had walked in.
"we gotta be quiet, angel" he whispered to your ear
"can you be quiet for me?"
"can you be a good little girl and keep that pretty mouth shut for me?
"mh-mh" you nodded, your breathing made difficult by his hand on your mouth
"atta girl," he said, still fucking you, but much slower, and to your dismay, much deeper.
He was hitting undiscovered spots inside of you, and the mix of the pain from his cock stretching you with the pleasure of each thrust was making it really hard not to moan.
"fuck" he groaned softly in your ear "You've got the tightest little pussy angel," he said "Squeezing me so good" he breathed " like it's made for me"
You whined
"Like you were made to be my little slut" he whispered "and have this little cunt abused by my cock"
Your eyes were wide shut, your orgasm approaching as he kept hitting you so fucking well.
"you coming angel?" he asked and you nodded "We're gonna come together" he purred "I'm gonna fill you up real good" his breathing was ragged "and then you're gonna get out there and dance with my come leaking down your thighs"
"you understand?"
You nodded 
"no cleaning up," he said "I want everyone to know how much of a slut you are" 
The women's voices resumed. Or maybe they never stopped. You had no idea of what was happening beside your impending orgasm.
"fuck" he groaned "Such a good fucking slut" he whispered, his head falling in the crook of your neck, as the door opened again and the women finally got out.
His hand left your mouth
"you coming angel?"
"then let it all out baby"
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penny-anna · 8 months
i bought a flat this week.
was off work sick last thursday/friday with what turned out to be the beginnings of a bad cold but at the time i was just like 'oh no why am i so tired is this the return of the Mystery Fatigue'
let's backtrack for a second!! back when i had the offer accepted on my flat my solicitor suggested october 6th as a move in date and i was like sure that works (this was around the beginning of september). then i didn't hear anything from them for many days and then i started getting major dry eye problems that became all consuming so i didn't get around to chasing them.
anyway!! tuesday last week i get an email from my solicitor like 'hi are you still able to complete friday' and i did not have the headspace to deal with it so i didn't reply
Wednesday my solicitor calls like 'hi. we need to know if you want to complete friday'. i'm like 'actually i'm really not feeling well this week, could we postpone'. she calls back a few minutes later like 'they cannot postone'. at this point i'm still thinking that if i get a decent night's sleep i'll feel better so i tell her i'll deal with it in the morning.
Thursday i feel spectacularly worse. have to get up to go to an appointment with my optometrist. almost start crying in their office bcos i'm just so exhausted. (he seemed weirdly unfazed by this?? looking back i wonder if he thought my eyes were hurting or something and didn't realise that i was holding back tears gfhglj) call out sick from work.
plan is to take a nap and then look at the documents my solicitor sent over but she calls me again like 'hi. sorry to bother you i know you're sick but can we complete today' so i'm like ah shit ig we're doing this now. please walk me through exactly what you need me to do here. 'we just need you to send us the money'. yeah i can do that. i've never made a payment this big before tho.
(i'm buying w money inherited from my mother so even for a flat purchase it's an unusually large amount of money)
'oh yeah you won't be able to that online. *pause* are you well enough to go to the bank?' i am tired enough that going to the bank will suck but not so sick i cannot go to the bank.
i had gone fully back to bed. spurred on by sudden wave of adrenaline, get out of bed and dressed and get the bus into town to the bank.
my bank closes at 3pm weekdays and by the time i get that it's about 1:45. explain the situation. turns out that to make a payment this big you need a sit-down meeting with a member of staff and they are booked solid till 3. 'can you come back tomorrow at 9:30 when we open' *dying inside* yes. i can come back tomorrow at 9:30.
go home. remember that i'd told my manager that i'd call her at 9 to let her know if i'm going to be working (i will defo not be working & she knows this) which will be tricky if i have to leave at 9 to go to the bank. have a pretty interminable IM conversation via microsoft teams about this wherein i suggest i message her first thing and call a bit later and she isn't going for it. eventually agree to call at 9 just so i can end the conversation and go to sleep.
Friday morning end up calling my manager from the bus. get to bank. whole thing takes a full 30 minutes so yeah i can see why they couldn't fit me in thursday afternoon ghfdljkfhdj. i'm so so tired. they have to go over a whole fraud prevention statement with you. 'you should be aware that scammers can pretend to be your solicitor'. me, exhausted: okay what if just this one time. a scammer is pretending to be my solicitor.
make the payment. go home to sleep finally.
later in the afternoon get another call from the solicitor. 'hi we have the keys you can come get them whenever'. oh yeah i'd been so caught up in trying to get them the money i'd kinda forgotten about. actually getting the flat.
(side note at no point was i planning to move in on 'moving day', an advantage of being a first time buyer is that i don't have to & i want to redecorate the place which is easier while it's empty)
initially say i'll come in next week but then realise that ideally next week i'll be back at work (i am not but anyway) so i might as well go now. it's pushing 4pm so will need to head out ASAP.
eyes are very dry and itchy from sleeping all day but fortunately i just (on a recommendation from my optometrist) bought a thing called a facial sauna which is a very weird contraption but does work extremely quickly.
pack my eye drops and also a peanut butter sandwich to eat in my new flat (why not) and go get the keys.
arrive at the flat. on inspection realise that the envelope i've been given seems to contain the most random assortment of loose keys. eventually identify an actual set of keys.
put my key in the lock of the flat door. abruptly hear a cat meowing, somewhere very close by.
previous owner had cats (plural) (i know this bcos i saw them when i was viewing the place). have a sudden moment of panic that i've somehow wildly misunderstood the whole situation and that she and her cats are still in residence.
look down. there is a very large, very fluffy white cat standing next to me, looking up at me as if expecting to be let in.
'you can't come in. this is my house.'
make my first mistake: think that if i open the door i will be able to prevent the cat from entering.
cat goes straight on into my flat.
i'm now pursuing the cat from room to room saying 'hey! hey you can't be in here! this is my house!'. the cat doesn't give a shit for obvious reasons (it is a cat)
i might have considered just shooing the cat outside and shutting the door but have arrived at an IMO not unreasonable concern. cat seemed very determined to enter this flat in particular and is now roaming around as if looking for something. previous owner had multiple cats and moved out AFAIK today. i have heard stories about people accidentally leaving cats behind when they move.
at this point it's 4:55 on a Friday. call my solicitor and explain the situation. ask if she could pass on a message to the seller's solicitor. unfortunately they have already closed for the week so it will have to wait till Monday but she will do her best.
decide the next course of action is to see if the cat has any ID. the cat is wearing a harness & collar so might have a tag with an address. make my second mistake: pick the cat up.
the cat does not have any ID on the harness. the cat does NOT like being picked up. cat gets very squirmy and then begins scratching me. cat manages to break my skin through a hoodie.
i put the cat down. the cat hisses at me. this is very rude considering that it is in my house.
head across the landing to see if the people opposite are missing a cat or, failing that, know their neighbours well enough to recognise the cat. there's no answer.
however!! i hear a voice down in the stairwell that sounds like it could be someone calling out a cat's name. 'hi!! is someone down there looking for a cat?' no answer.
look down the stairwell. on the ground floor there is a very large fluffy brown cat wearing a harness. !!!!! that is my cat's friend!
retrieve the cat from my flat (fortunately it just follows me out) and head downstairs. am met partway up by the cat's owner.
'oh thank god is this your cat'. it is her cat. apparently she had opened her front door to let them out into the garden and it had wandered off. 'i just moved in today it came into my flat'.
she is very apologetic. cat is unrepetent.
go back inside. call my solicitor's office. 'hi was it you i spoke to just now about the cat' (I told 2 people about the cat) 'no i just answered the phone because it was ringing. what cat.' 'can you tell *solicitor's name* that i have found the cat's owner. she will know what you mean'.
problem solved!! time to eat my peanut butter sandwich. :)
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader
warnings: angsty, angsty comfort tho, this is the saddest this series can get, FINALLY daemon reminded that he has sons, alyssa sucks in this one i'm sorry.
author's note: there's a lot of dad!daemon coming this week, i hope y'all are ready.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon au masterlist here
gif by @torahana
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"Did I do something wrong?"
That was Daemon's first thought once he noticed that his sons were treating him differently.
Last week, he asked Maegon to make him company as he needed to go to the dragonpit to visit Caraxes, and the boy surprisingly refused, saying he was "too busy."
But then, Daemon heard your youngest son agreeing to make you company to the Septum, like he didn't have any plans.
Three days later, The Rogue Prince said to Rhaegon to fly with him to the Vale, where he would be meeting the lovely lady Jeyne.
Rhaegon refused his father, saying "When you find someone younger, maybe it's worth my attention."
Rhaegon has never treated you like this when you mentioned his future arranged marriage, although the young prince felt like there was no need for him to marry at almost five-and-ten.
And during dinner, when you were the one who mentioned an arrangement with Lady Jeyne Arryn, Prince Rhaegon said he would give it a thought.
Today, Daemon came back early from dragon riding with Alyssa, and found you in the yard, embroidering under the tent like you seemed to be doing everyday since the start of this pregnancy.
"Where's Alyssa?" You frowned, noticing that your husband came alone.
"Went straight to the library. She said she needs some information on a dragon's life expectancy." Daemon said, taking a place beside you. "Where are the boys?"
"Rhaegon went to the Vale on dragonback, and he took his brother with him. Maegon can't say 'no' to dragon rides." You smiled.
Daemon scoffed, "Oh, he can. I can't believe Rhaegon went to the Vale. When I suggested that he should meet Jeyne, he practically told me to screw off."
You rolled your eyes, fully knowing that he was just being dramatic.
“And when I invited Maegon to visit Caraxes with me, perhaps we could ride afterwards. Apparently he was too busy to fly with me, but not busy at all to go pray with you in the Septum." Daemon grumbled, eating some grapes that resided on the table.
"My love..." You frowned, "How can you not realize they just want some quality time with you?"
"They refused everything I suggested!"
"You invited Maegon to visit Caraxes. You should know he doesn't like to go to the Dragonpit, he hates it there because he doesn't have a dragon. And Rhaegon... the only time you have a real conversation with him, in days, is to talk about an arranged marriage? Daemon, these are your sons! They're mad at you, they see how you treat Alyssa! Having a favorite child doesn't mean you can neglect the others. Are you going to do the same thing once this child is born?" You spat, placing a protective hand over your baby bump.
That got Daemon by surprise. He opened his mouth to say something, but he found no words.
"I did do something wrong." He thought.
The prince needed time to think about how to approach his boys about his absence. He knows he needed to apologize, even though deep down he was still wondering why they felt so neglected.
Daemon was the youngest son, the second one. He wasn't the special one.
He grew up with Viserys, the heir. He grew up beside the one who rode Balerion, the one who would sit on the Iron Throne, the one who the bards would sing about.
Even with all these privileges, his parents never made him feel like a lesser son. If anyone did that, it was himself. 
Daemon wasn't jealous of his brother, but he wanted to be as special as Viserys. As important as him. He thought he was the problem, and he hated that sort of feeling.
And Daemon realized that maybe he made his sons feel that way.
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Three days had passed, and Daemon still had no idea what to say to his sons.
He thought about asking you what to do, but he knew you'd probably just ignore him.
You're mad at him too. And he knew he needed to apologize to you, for letting things come to this point.
"Lady Jeyne was more interested in Maegon than me. You sure you cannot make this betrothal happen, mother?" Rhaegon smirked, teasing his brother. The younger boy tossed a piece of bread towards him.
“Quit pestering your brother, Rhaegon.” You chuckled.
"I had fun at The Eyrie. Maybe we should visit Lady Jeyne again." Maegon said excitedly.
"I could take you there." Daemon grinned, "I'm sure Caraxes misses you."
"There's no need." Maegon retorted with indifference.
"I would like to visit The Eyrie with you, father." Alyssa smiled, her voice sounding soft as silk in her father's ears.
Before Daemon could reply, his oldest son mumbled;
"I'm sure you would."
Alyssa frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"If you want to be with father, just say so. He wouldn't refuse you. He never does." Rhaegon spat.
You and Daemon crossed glances across the table. You knew the children would start arguing eventually, and you wanted to see how your husband would deal with this situation.
"Are you jealous, brother? I'm sorry if father enjoys my company better than yours." Alyssa argued. She had no reason to be this defensive, since the boys' complaints weren't about her actions, but their father's. She just chose to be rude.
"Alyssa, apologize to your brother!" Daemon demanded in a stern tone.
"Why? Am I wrong?" She asked, "You do enjoy my company better than theirs. I'm the one you take to dragon rides, horse rides, I'm the one who you read books to, who you sing in high-valyrian to, who you teach philosophy and history to. Am I wrong, father?"
Daemon clenched his jaw and swallowed hard. His throat burned like his saliva was made of fire.
"Is she wrong, father?" Maegon questioned in a whisper. His voice cracked and his little purple eyes were covered by a glossy barrier of tears.
You crossed your arms and silently watched that painful scene in front of you.
Daemon's eyes met yours, and you nodded encouraging him to say something. Anything.
"I'm sorry." The prince spoke, "I'm sorry I've been treating you both like anything but my children. I'm sorry I've put you sister above you many times. I'm sorry if– If I made you boys feel less loved. The problem, it’s me."
Daemon faced his children. Looking at Rhaegon, the prince saw his younger self. It was like facing a mirror from the past.
Maegon had his hair, and his eyes, but looking at his youngest child he saw the person he loved the most; you.
"I love you boys as much as I love your sister. You are all my children, and soon there's to be another one, who I'll love as much as you all." Daemon reached for both of the boys' hands across the table, "Can you forgive me? I promise you both that things will be different this time."
And things truly were different.
Although Alyssa remained in a place unreachable for others inside Daemon's heart, The Rogue Prince learned how to divide his free time between all his kids.
Maegon and his father went on a trip to Driftmark, where the little Targaryen boy left with a dragon; Seasmoke. He wouldn't have done it without Daemon’s help.
Now that he trusted Daemon, the young prince Rhaegon found it more comfortable to talk about women with his father than his mother.
Dragon rides with his boys became a thing, which they often did to escape from you.
And the boys never felt neglected again.
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miyaniacs · 5 months
Corrupted by Darkness
- Chapter 6 -
Chapter 5 ; Wattpad ; AO3
A/N: Heyy... sorry for not updating... Work and Uni were occupying me... But here it issss the next chapter :) Thank you so much for reading and for your feedback the past days <3 
'What are you starring at?' Xaden smirks. 
'Garrick's arms' I respond and smile to myself when I see Xaden glancing to his left at Garrick , while flexing his own arms. 
"Ready for flying lessons?" I ask my friends and steal a pice of the apple Rhi was just cutting.
"That's the only thing I'm exited for today." Rhi sighs. 
"Honey, we need to study later. No buts." I laugh. 
"Has any of you seen Dain tho?" Liam asks. 
"Nooo... I need my flying break." Rhi whines. 
"Let's just go to the field and see if he's there." I suggest, hoping as much as Rhi that we get that break. Or more to get a break to fake that everything's fine.
Talking about Liam's embarrassing childhood story's we make our way to the flying field. 
"Liam. A worm isn't an acceptable gift for the girl you liked." Rhi laughs. 
"I was 5 okay?!" Liam defends himself, walking a bit faster and turning around to face Rhi, while continuing to walk backwards. "As a little boy a worm is something cool so I wanted to gift the girl something cool? That's just logical?" 
"It is not logical." Ridoc agrees. 
"He's always been strange." Another voice joins our conversation and I immediately roll my eyes. Not him please. 
"You are supposed to be on my side Riorson." Liam points his finger to the person behind us. 
"I'm on no ones side here." He answers and laughs. 
"What are you even doing here." I look over my shoulder glancing at him. 
"Being a good wingleader and taking over your flying lessons, since Dain's not able to make it."
"What's wrong with him?" Ridoc asks and turns to his left, looking at Xaden who's by now walking next to us. 
"Didn't care enough to ask." Xaden shrugs. 'And I never seen Noctis in action.' 
Rolling my eyes I look ahead on the filed, where our dragons already landed. Or to be more precise their dragons already landed, mine not. 
'Where are you?' I ask him. 
'Discussion.' He answers shortly. 
'And how am I supposed to be flying now?'
'Non of you will if I don't finish this discussion so be quiet now.' And he cuts me off. 
"Where's Noctis?" Rhi asks and looks around.
"Discussion." I repeat what he told me and roll my eyes at her. 
"What with who?" Rhi asks confused. 
"Sgaeyl." Xaden sighs. 
"Sga- why?" I look up at him. 
"Oh he didn't told you?" He raises his eyebrows. 
"Told me what?" 
"You could say that he's her .... Well.. ex." He says and looks at me desperately. 
"Dragons have Ex's?" Liam asks and looks up to his dragon, which seems to nod. Before I can ask Xaden what that means, a sound close to thunder echos though the field. The other dragons shield there riders while moving backwards. Looking up, there's a giant navy blue dragon and a swirl of dark shadows.
"Someone's dying today." I sigh and run my hand over my head. Sgaeyl and Noctis land simultaneously on the field, Noctis still not fully materialized. The other dragons jump backwards as the two of them make their way over to us, teeth snapping at each other. 
"For once I agree with you." Xaden looks down at me, his eyes showing the same distress mine do. 
'You know the saying's ladies first, right?' I roll my eyes at him, which results in a now fully materialized teeth snapping at me. 
With a sigh I crawl up on Noctis back and open my connection to Xaden, 'Okay how are we going to survive this?' I ask him. 'Well... let him fly behind Sgaeyl and she'll be fine.' He suggests. 'Okay good for her and you, but not for me?' - 'Not my problem.' Xaden laughs and Sgaeyl immediately takes off into the sky. 
If it wasn't for Noctis keeping my up, I would have fallen off of him by the way he shoots up in the air. 
'COULD YOU CALM DOWN?' I scream at him. 
Looking at the water on my nightstand I sigh. I'm thirsty... but is it really worth it moving my body to reach it? Every muscle in my body hurts. The flying lesson was pure torture, I fell off of him about four times, not counting the one I his magic kept me on him, while I was dangerously slipping to one side. Trying to rob up a bit, I almost scream at how much my arms hurt. The water is definitely not worth it. 
'Are you for real still ignoring me?'
'...what do you want.' Noctis deep voice echos through my head. 
' For you to talk to me.'
'Well it's a clear night isn't it?' 
'It is. So what happened between you and Sgaeyl?'
'Nothing that should interest you.' he mumbles. 
'Oh please says the one that's always getting involved in my life.' I roll my eyes, ' Noctis...you've been there for me before so I'm here for you too if you need me.' I say softly. He's always been alone for god who knows how many centuries. I get that he's used to dealing with stuff on his own,..., and that opening up isn't the thing he tends to do... funny enough he kind of reminds me of me of Azriel. Immediately after he crosses my mind again, i feel a sting in my heart. 
'Please stop thinking about him. You're too good to be treated that way.' Noctis answers, his voice way more softly than usual. 
'I know I know...' I sigh and nuzzle deeper into my pillow. 
'We had something ...' Noctis suddenly says. 
'Xaden mentioned she's your Ex?' I ask. 
'Well yeah you could say that...I ended things with her...not in the nicest way.' 
'That explains why she's so mad at you.' I laugh, 'Why did you end it?'
'I started to like her...' he grumbles. 
'Noctis. You're telling me you ended things with her... because you liked her?! I should slap you in her behalf.'
'As if I'd even feel that.' He huffs, ' But yes i did.' His voice sounds nostalgic now. 
'You still feel like you made a mistake...' I whisper, his feelings flowing over to me. 
' I promised to wait for someone. She saved my life a long time ago... our souls are linked.' 
'She's your mate?' I asked. 
'More than the mates you know... or the ones other dragons know.' 
'Where is she now?'
'She locked herself away... she lost faith in this earth and well... in herself.'  I waited for him to continue, not daring to interrupt him now.
'We can share our powers and one day, she took some of mine. It was an unspoken agreement between us, that we keep our powers balanced. I was mad at her and left her for a some years, retracing myself from every fae or humankind. Things got worse... the power was too much for her and she lost control. I tried to help her, saving her from herself...' I feel like crying, all of his emotions are too much for me. 
'Fae and Humans agreed to a pact trying to kill me... they thought I was the reason for all the wrongs they lived through. Before you ask, their spell couldn't kill me... she didn't need to do all of that... San didn't need to kill all of them.' The last part of his sentence, is barely more than a whisper now. 
'San?' I carefully ask. 
'Sanguis. That's her full name.' The way he says her name sounds like a prayer, 'She killed everyone who was there. They started bleeding until there was nothing left.'
'Bleeding? As in...' Despite my arching muscles I shoot up in my bed.
'Yes... the blood manipulation is her power. You're... you're bonded to her as well.' 
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sea-of-dust · 2 months
Can you please do the sees girls being on their period and their male s/o trying to help them and comfort them but he has barely any clue what do do?
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S.E.E.S girls x M! Reader
Imagine being on your period and your boyfriends in shambles
N: what if I looked you right in the eyes and told u I've been listening to tricot so much it's beaten Raise A Sulien on my spotify board. LISTEN TO TOKYO VAMPIRE HOTEL RAAAAA
Warnings: Mentions of blood/bleeding,
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Nothing can go wrong! One cramp it's over. Totally wiped, Terror shock, smackdown, crit hit she's down. She's gonna turn into Minato real quick
"Urrgghhhhhhh" "you alright" "Nooooo" she whines arching her back "can you try sitting down somewhere" "there's no seats" "you can lean on me then" solver of all problems despite being the most confused man on earth y/n!! The one person from keeping her from stealing Minatos eyebags and overall tiredness
You'd try to take her to the mail to cheer her up, mention karaoke opening up and she's able to run over in milisecounds. "I heard your call" "did you here this a discount because of the anniversary" she'd get so excited she ran to the wrong direction
You'd also buy her gifts during this time, specially the jack bro claw machine gifts and new music that comes out
You pamper her so much she'd tease you on it. "My humble servent!" "Yes?" "Bring me thy homework! Filled with thy answers" "we can do it together" "what a great suggestion" there would be times she'd ask for piggy back rides in public aswell and people would catch you zomming around with her on your back shounting like she were on a roller coaster
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She'd get a bit bratty, apologizing for it later. "It's so embrassing I'm sorry you put up with it" "it's fine don't worry about it" she growns knowing she's probably going to act similarly next time.
You'd hear her express more often than she usually does, which is terrifying, she groan alot, huff, squint more, yea just don't get her frustrated or catch her after the average conversation with jinpei. "HES JUST SO UGGHHH" "I'm sure he didn't mean it" "he won't shut up he's so lucky you're here" you already imagine her arguing with him and him responding with "holy yapington!"
The type to hide under the blanket and poke out if you bring snacks. "I brought you snacks yukari" you place them on the mattress and watch them being taken in secounds "...oh that was...somethin" don't let your intrusive thoughts win though, once you put your hand there you're being dragged under with her near instantly.
She'd trip a bit more often. Would lean on you alot if she's fallen alot that day. "Sorry just a bit dizzy" "don't worry about it, not like the floor isn't used to it by now" her face changes to a disapointed frown, you apologize near instantly
She'd hit you with the classic. "Hey, would you give me the whole world if you could?" You pause knowing the trick question. You try to withhold your sweat as you hold her hand. "Not just this world but the whole universe." "y/n..." she smiles, embracing you. "You're so sweet" now just avoiding every question like this or answer with the most crazy thing and she won't hit you with a "so other planets belong to other women?" These are mostly jokes tho but she'll act like she holds a grudge
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Won't let it show until it has a kick to it (enough to have someone start leaning on stuff) she believes she can handle it as usual but this one...eh not so much, of course you wouldn't know much either until she straight up told you she felt weak
So when you convince her to take the day off you get everything for her from class. "Even though she was on her period she mustn't slack" was probably what she would say, she'd try to attend school but if she couldnt you'd be the first person she told
She gets you to do her daily activities for her and honestly props to you. You'd attended student council in her place, ask her classmates for notes, stop by a market or two if she asked. "I'm sorry if I'm bombarding you with these tasks" "it's fine.." you'd probably wonder why you got so used to writing in two notebooks a little too quickly
She would go to tartarus in this and just be like "I got it" she indeed did not have it. She'd come back to the dorm totally wiped but she'd try to keep the "I'm fine" act going and then as soon as she gets in bed she's knocked out. She doesn't even tie up her hair which is where you come in, the routine saver!! "I can't thank you enough" "don't worry at all about it"
She'd also get pretty clingy on her period, you're casually seeing her vulnerable you're not going to leave just yet. "Don't go" "?" She looks blankly at the foot of her bed, you sit down with her "how long would you like me to stay" "...." her cheeks turn a bit pink "until I feel better" getting to see her flustered gets your mouth to tease into a smile. "I can do that" she'd definitely think about it when her periods over and just regret every action, yet wouldn't mind asking you every once in a while
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You gotta have that dawg in you to date fuuka/ref and a bit of inferrance skill
She would try to not let it show as it would drag others down but she can't really hide it well around you. "Here" you hand her a pad "I thought it hid it well this time" she pounts a bit disapointed "you can't really hide how you get a bit paler when this happens, do you want me to make something" "you don't have to..." "I'll make you that thing youve been wanting me to try" she narrows her eyes "tough offer"
If she did go to school with you, Yukari would comment on how low on energy Fuuka seemed to be. "She looks kinda down" "yea I've been trying to cheer her up a bit but nothings really working" Yukari narrows her eyes at you "you didn't happen to upset her did you" you scratch your head "no she's just on her period maybe sweets or something" She'd be so embrassed if you brought up the time she thought you upset Fuuka, and then see you come in with those Japanese gummy foods to make with her.
You try to tuck her in and make sure she has as much rest as possible, she might resist because of s.e.e.s but you being blissfully unaware just say "im sure they'll understand you can't go today, they're just a club" she would toss and turn thinking of shadows ending up with asking you to stay with her because she couldn't sleep
Unrested Fuuka and she's on her period? You don't need just the dawg you need god. "I feel like I'm letting everyone down.." "they know you need to rest Fuuka it's alright" she grips at your shoulders. "Yea but I still feel horrible for it" "Fuuka how about this I'll bring you notes and your homework and we can do it together" she sighs "then I'll drag you down!" She tears up, noticing this you hug her. "Fuuka, we're in the same class if anything I'm just being a mail man, you won't drag anyone down if you're willing enough to keep up so you don't have to ask many questions when you get back" she lossens her grip on you looking up to see your face "really?" "Really"
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Im...you think her blood streams oil? She'd probably compare a period to a malfunction or just feeling aggressively glum for a week
"Y/n I don't know why but I feel so fatigued" "did anything happen?" "No, not that I'm aware of" "must be your version of a period" you shrug your shoulders not even sure if that's even right. "I'll see what I can do" you had no dang clue so you just decided to tuck her in bringing a stuffed animal just incase
She'd law down super awkwardly just full on still. "Do you think my limbs will get caught in this blanket?" "Should I replace it?" "No it's quite comfortable"
She'd also get a bit clumsy, which is horrible when tests come along. "I seem to have put the wrong choice despite knowing the correct answer" "that happens to all of us" you sigh reminding yourself of all the times you put the wrong answer to find out later the correct one. So asking to study is critical even if she still dosent know the material she has spirit!
She would come to school, this doesn't stop her from staring down at you as soon as class was over, just scarier. "You gotta stop doing that" you shiver after the 9th jumpsca re this year alone. "I'd like to take you to your next class" "thank you Aigis please don't do this to wake me up" "I think it would be effective" "effective in giving me nightmares" thank god those jumpscares only happen for a few days
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ashimetsu · 1 year
Trey's Party 【Reader x Trey Clover】 -chapter 1
: ̗̀➛ It's Trey's birthday! You and the Heartslabyul crew decide to throw him a surprise party. Riddle sends you off to pick up some extra supplies, when you run into the birthday boy himself. : ̗̀➛ Fluff/crack, Y/n gets flustered over Trey's Beautiful Bodyᵀᴹ, Trey's a little shit, some parts a little suggestive, reader can be read as gn in this chapter, however is fem in future chapters : ̗̀➛ 3.1k words : ̗̀➛ [a/n]: who doesnt love a trey birthday fic in *checks watch* march! was just Thinking About Him.. this got a lot longer than i intended it to be oops. i still have some ideas for this tho.. (chapter 2 later?!?!?) edit: there's a chapter 2 now lol : ̗̀➛ (chapter 1), chapter 2, chapter 3
"Streamers, tablecloths, partyhats... I think that should be everything."
You check off the list Riddle entrusted with you. Deuce severely underestimated how many materials you all needed for Trey's birthday party, leaving you to pick up what was missing. Typical, but you didn't mind the extra steps, and those boys can be a tad overwhelming. Some fresh air and a walk to Sam's shop is what you needed to clear your head.
"Thaaaaank you! Come again, my little imp!" Sam's voice booms as you wave out the door, arms full of various party supplies. You didn't think to bring a bag, nor did Riddle give you one. As you send Sam your goodbyes, a firm wall knocks straight into your chest, sending you and all your perfectly balanced supplies flying across the sidewalk.
"Shoot, prefect, didn't see you there," a voice calls from above.
You look up from the wreckage of the fall, a large shadow casting over your face. A tall, broad figure stands above you, hand outstretched to help you up.
"Trey?" you grab his hand as he pulls you up.
"Didn't see you there prefect," he eyes your possessions strewn about, "looks like you need a hand." He begins to pick up your fallen supplies.
"S-sorry, I guess I should look at where I'm going," you stammer, scrambling to pick up the party items. Oh. Party items. For Trey's party. A party he doesn't know about.
"Heh, no problem. You've got plenty of stuff here, throwing a party or something?" he questions, throwing you his signature smirk.
It's his birthday, can't he piece two and two together? Or is he playing some mind game with you, trying to make you slip up and admitting to throwing him a birthday party? If you soiled the surprise, you wouldn't hear the end of it from Ace and the others...
"N-no, no no. Nothing like that. Just uh, helping Cater out," you fib off the top of your head. "For his photo shoot."
"Oh? First I've heard of a photo shoot for Cater."
"Um.. yeah. Pretty under the covers. Best not to tell anyone."
"...right." Trey is still giving you a strange look. Seems like you haven't convinced him yet.
"Bikini photo shoot," you blurt out "Cater's doing a bikini photo shoot."
Trey stops midway picking up a package of streamers. Silence lays heavy upon you two after you dropped that bomb of information on him. After a moment, he finishes grabbing your fallen belongings and clears his throat.
"In October. Didn't know there was a market for male bikini models out of season."
"Yeah, me neither. You'd be surprised."
Silence again. Definitely not awkward or anything.
"Well I certainly don't want to interrupt Cater, or get wrapped up in his shenanigans, for that matter," he starts, "but you've got way too much stuff to carry to Heartslabyul on your own. Curiosity has got me by the tail, so I'll head back with you."
Shit. Trey's gonna come back with you and there's no convincing him otherwise. Did the bikini photo shoot lie work...? If you're bringing him back, then you have to alert the others.
"Oh, one second Trey. I think I left my wallet inside," you lied.
He nods and you make your escape back into Sam's. Quickly, you whip out your phone and open the "TREY CLOVER SECRET PARTY SURPRISE!!!!!🎊🥳👯‍♀️" Magicam group chat. Very subtle name choice, Cater.
Y/n: Bad news guys
Y/n: Just ran into Trey outside of sam's shop (literally) and now he's coming with me to heartslabyul
Y/n: And I might have told him that we're planning a bikini photo shoot for Cater
Ace: what.
Y/n: I ran away for a second but I'm gonna start walking back soon
Y/n: Get Cater in a bikini ASAP
Cater: wtf
Ace: ur our of ur mind if u think im wearing that crap
Cater: i mean no biggie prefect but this is supposed to be treys bday party 😭😭
Riddle: Ugh, looks like we have no choice. Trey's coming prematurely and he's expecting a bikini photo shoot. What a disaster.
Cater: wait wait guys i have an idea
Cater: prefect just keep doin what ur doin and bring trey here 😈
Y/n: Don't trust that idea
Y/n: Whatever I'm omw
You slip your phone back in your pocket and head back outside to meet Trey. You're a little nervous to see what Cater has planned, but you have no choice but to trust him and bring the victim to Heartslabyul. Trey grins at you and has mostly everything tucked under his arms, save for a package of balloons left on the cobblestone.
"Sorry I couldn't get everything," he laughs sheepishly, as if he wasn't totally showing off his ripped stature. Are you blushing? Butterflies creep up your throat as you stare at his toned arms, exposed after he rolled up his sleeves. A bead of sweat rolls down his sharp jawline, leaving a slight sheen on his face. You're drawn to how hes carefully holding your supplies, being sure nothing is crushed. What would it be like to be a partyhat, snug in Trey's muscular arms, protected, held. It dawns on you that you get to walk the whole way back to Heartslabyul with him. Just you and him. Alone. The more you think about him the hotter your face gets. This could be a problem.
"Prefect? You ready to head out?" Trey's question snaps you out of your daydream as you face the mission at hand. Right. Secure Trey and safely escort him to Heartslabyul. Should be no issue, right?
"Oh, yeah," you stumble on your words as you attempt to regain your focus. A chilly gust blows through, giving you the shivers "I'd really like to be out of cold." Although the temperature was low, your face still felt hot from embarrassment and ogling Trey's body. You pray that the walk to the Hall of Mirrors goes by quickly, you don't know how much longer you can be in his presence without imploding from sheer embarrassment. The thought of you smacking directly into Trey and making a mess of all your equipment is playing on loop in your head, making you want to run away and hide in shame. Not only that, but trying to make up an excuse for his birthday party. A bikini photo shoot? Seriously? You curse yourself for not being able to think of something more believable. However, you're glad Trey is one of the few genuinely nice people on campus. Had it been anyone else... things could've been pretty sour. You heave a sigh after thinking so hard. This birthday party better end up being good for all the trouble you've gone through so far.
"Are you feeling okay? You seem out of focus" Trey says, snapping you out of thought for the second time today.
"I'm fine, really. Just a little chilly from the wind, that's all." You curse at yourself for not bringing a jacket, but you also weren't planning on being outside this long.
Trey halts and sets your things down. You pause and look at him, wondering what's gotten into his head. He pulls his white jacket and vest off and hands it to you, leaving him in a plain white tee.
"Take it. You might catch a cold without it." He grins while holding his jacket out to you. You can feel a warm blush creeping up your face.
"What? No Trey, if I take it, then you're going to catch a cold," you argue. "Plus, you've already helped me so much today, I can't take any more from you."
"Eh, I was getting warm anyways. Carrying all your stuff isn't an easy task, you know." He winks at you, causing your heart to run a marathon.
You see the opportunity and apprehensively take his jacket. Warm to the touch, even softer when it's covering your body. It's way too big on you, sleeves stretching much farther than your arms and the body drapes halfway down your thighs. Not only are you warm, but his scent lingers on his jacket, filling your nostrils. You've only gotten a few whiffs of Trey before, mostly while baking with him, but he smells incredible. It's sweet with a hint of pine, subtle, but not too subtle for you to not take notice. Wearing his everyday jacket feels like ecstasy, your body enveloped in a permanent Trey-hug. You hope he can't see the pink on your face, you surely must be blushing by now. You're wearing his jacket that he gave to you. That's a win in your book.
"Thanks, I feel much better," you smiled as you helped him pick up his load again. And you do feel much better, warm and protected by Trey's physical force field generated by the jacket. Nothing could rain on your parade now, unless...
"Did you feel that? I think we're forecasted for some rain today, and the clouds seem pretty da-"
Trey's sentence is cut off from a loud crack that echoes from above. Shit. Was it really supposed to rain today? You and Trey are about halfway to the Hall of Mirrors, maybe if you hurry, you can beat the rain.
Or not.
After the thunder echoes away, a drizzle begins to fall over campus. Great. Just what you two needed today, to be soaked in rain before Trey's birthday party. Rather, "Cater's bikini photo shoot". You and Trey begin to pick up the pace of walking when the drizzle turns into a downpour in an instant. Big drops of water soak both of you as you try and outrun the rain.
"C'mon prefect, inside before we're drenched!" Trey shouts as he grabs your arm and pulls you along. How he's managing to drag you along while carrying all your supplies is a mystery to you. You look at Trey as you're both running to safety and a twinge of guilt settles in your gut. This could have been avoided if you didn't clumsily run into him outside of Sam's shop. Then, he wouldn't have to carry all your stuff, get drenched in rain, and have his birthday party ruined by a stupid bikini photo shoot. Plus, your other Heartslabyul companions wouldn't have to scramble to change plans quick. How did you manage to turn his birthday into a total disaster?
You and Trey burst through the double doors of the Hall of Mirrors, huffing and puffing after running through the rain. You're both drenched from the sudden downpour. Even Trey's jacket, which kept you so warm only moments earlier, is completely soaked with rainwater. So much for enjoying the heat of Trey's-forever-hug. You look over at Trey and almost stop feeling bad for a moment. His white shirt is plastered to his chest, which is rising and falling rapidly as he tries to catch his breath. You're hopeless to the view of seeing the outline of his muscles along with the wet sheen along his arms. Feeling like you're invading his body, you quickly break your stare and look at the ground, trying to hide the heat that once again crept up your face.
"I'm really sorry," you blurt out suddenly. "If I didn't run into you and make you carry all my stuff to Heartslabyul, you wouldn't be in this mess right now. You'd even have your jacket to protect you from the rain too. All this wasn't even for anything important, just a stupid photo-"
"Say, can you do me a favor?" Trey interrupts you, and you look up at him in surprise. As if he hasn't given you enough already, his black glasses are outstretched to you in his hand.
"Your shirt is still dry right? Mind if I borrow it to clean these up? I'm totally soaked."
"Y-yeah that's fine," you stammer, surprised that he interrupted you for something like this. You reach for his glasses, but he takes a step closer to you instead. He grabs the hem of your dry undershirt and uses it dry the droplets off his lenses. It almost feels intimate with how close you are, breathing in his space. If you weren't already encased by the scent of his jacket, you would definitely be able to smell him now with how close he's gotten.
"I'm not blaming you for this little encounter with the rain, you know," he says quietly enough that only you can hear. "I offered to help you, knowing it was going to rain. I wanted to make sure you got to your destination safely."
Your face heats up for the umpteenth time, and you have nowhere to hide it this time with Trey looking directly at you.
"Plus," he continues, his face getting closer to your ear, "it's cute seeing you get flustered over everything I do."
Oh. So he has noticed every time you've gotten embarrassed during the past hour. Wonderful.
"Trey, enough with it," you whisper back.
He takes a step back and puts his glasses back on, making you wish he would've just stayed close to you.
"Alright alright, I'll quit teasing you. I thought I'd indulge myself for today," he says with his usual sheepishness.
If you knew he liked teasing you so much, maybe you would have avoided him for today if you had the choice. You feel your phone buzz and see a message from the Magicam group chat.
Ace: whats ur eta? i think we're just about wrapped up here
Ace: please tell me u didnt blow it again and change the story again
"One second Trey, Ace is messaging me."
"What a buzzkill."
Y/n: We just made it to the hall of mirrors, be there soon
Y/n: This party better be worth it
Deuce: You and me both, prefect
"You ready to head in?" you ask Trey after putting your phone away. You still have a mission to accomplish!
"Yeah, let's go. My arms will finally have a rest once we're inside," he quips back.
"You said you'd quit teasing me."
"My bad."
You and Trey make your way into the dorm, uneasy with what you're about to see. Did they really prep for a photo shoot? Or did they just stick with a half-assed birthday party with only half the supplies? As you both open the doors to the foyer, your jaws hit the floor.
Cater's body is out for display on the dorm couch, garbed only with a bright red speedo. His hair is in his usual style, a half-up pony, but now donned with sparkly red sunglasses atop his head. A glob of white sunscreen is stuck on his nose, imitating a cartoon lifeguard. He's holding a large beach ball with one arm, his phone in the other. On either side, Ace and Deuce are dressed similarly with swimshorts instead of speedos and plain black sunglasses over their eyes. Both of them look unimpressed while fanning Cater with cheap decorative fans, presumably leftover from New Years. Riddle stands behind a tripod with a camera mounted to it. A ring light is placed in front of the tripod, lighting up Cater's face with a perfect warm glow. Most of the equipment probably belonged to Cater, seeing that he uses it for Magicam posts. You didn't expect there to be an actual setup, neither did Trey by the look on his face.
"Oh hey Trey," Cater speaks up, "grab a fan."
"My god Y/n, I thought you were joking." Trey deadpans.
"I thought I was too..."
"I don't joke about showbiz, Trey." Cater looks deadly serious.
A beat.
Who's going to speak up first?
"...kidding! C'mon you two, we're just messing around! Happy b-day Trey-Trey!" Cater pipes up after a moment of awkward silence, "also, did you guys swim through a river to get here? You're both absolutely soaked."
"Really? I didn't notice anything coming in," you deadpan back, "did you see any rain, Trey?"
"Hmm, not that I saw. I mean, we were walking together after all."
"Okay you two, no need for the 'tude," Cater replies.
"I think I can have some 'tude' after going through a downpour for, what's this, a bikini party? Nice birthday party, guys." Trey's glare burns holes into Cater's perfectly lit face.
"It was prefect's idea," Ace blurts out before Trey can unleash his disapproval. You shoot a look in Ace's direction and he smirks in response.
"Oh? So you didn't like it when I was teasing you, but the idea of a bikini photo shoot was fine by you?" He nudged your arm, feigning anger. His wink was the cherry on top. You were sick of his winking.
"I only said that to keep the surprise birthday part a secret! Give me a break guys," you groan.
"Can we put our clothes back on now?" Deuce interjects, "Trey knows the truth, I think we can get on with the actual birthday party."
"I agree. This running joke has gone on long enough. Sorry Trey if this had made you upset, we'll do our best to make it up to you," Riddle says with a sigh.
"No worries guys, I guess I can't be too upset if prefect came up with the idea and Riddle approved of it," Trey replies, scratching the back of his head. "Besides, I think we're gonna need a change of clothes too." You almost forgot that you and Trey were soaked in rainwater.
Ace grumbles some "about time" and leaves to change, Deuce, Cater, and Riddle following suit.
"B-t-dubs, Trey, we set up the real party in the kitchen, but prefect will have to help you put the rest of it together! GL!" he says with a wave before exiting to his room to put some proper clothes on, leaving you and Trey alone in the foyer.
"Some surprise huh? I sure hope the rest of the party is somewhat normal,"
"Ugh, I'm just ready to be in some warm clothes and eat some good food..." you mumble.
You suddenly realize that you are in Heartslabyul, not Ramshackle. You don't have a spare set of warm, dry, clothes here. Trey must have noticed your error, or saw the expression on your face as you realized.
"Don't worry, I think I still have some old clothes you can wear, or I can ask Riddle. He might be more your size."
"That'd be great."
"And hey, you could return them at the end of the night," he snakes his arm around your waist and brings you closer, "as an apology gift, for screwing up my birthday party, no?"
You can practically hear his smug look as he tells you everything you need to know about his "plans" with you after the party. Happy birthday to you, Trey.
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Asking the brothers (-Luci) to spend the night with you
Synopsis: you’re having dark thoughts and don’t trust yourself to be alone at night, so you ask the brothers if they can spend the night with you 
TW: suggested suicidal thoughts but nothing explicitly stated, bad mental health 
Who wouldn’t want to spend time with the great mammon??? 
He’s genuinely worried about you tho :(( poor guy is so scared for you 
But he holds it together 
Doesn’t know how to address it tho
You’re gonna have to communicate with him 
Want cuddles? He’s on it! He’ll spoon you 
Want to talk about it! He’ll lend you a listening ear. He’s not the best with words but he will assure you he’s always here for you 
Will go on a late night drive with you if it helps you clear your head
Even better if you fall asleep
Will carry you back to his room bridal style 
Wont leave you alone until you assure him you’re ok
Will be more clingy from now on. Expect him to be by your side for awhile 
Bros genuinely scared for you. What does this mean?? He cares for you but he just doesn’t know what to do
But he’s also so glad you trusted him enough to come to him about this 
Like Mammon, you’ll need to communicate with him 
If not, he’ll offer to play video games with you to distract you! 
Or if you just want to sit and watch him play 
He also has plenty of feel good, fluffy animes and anime movies you can watch together to improve your mood 
If you want hugs or cuddles, he’ll fulfill your request, but will be red faced 
Will definitely research mental health later 
Sends you silly videos throughout the day to let you know he’s thinking about you 
At first, he bombards you with questions, he means well but he doesn’t execute it well 
Once he realizes it’s not entirely helping, he’ll resort to asking just what he can do to help 
He doesn’t mind sitting with you and listening to all your problems and thoughts 
If you need to cry it out or even yell at him, he doesn’t mind :) 
He just wants you to be ok 
He’ll sit down with you in his chair, holding you and will read to you
Def plays with your hair to help distract you in small ways 
He wants you to open up to him but won’t force you 
In general, very soft and supportive 
His precious MC is having dark thoughts?! We can’t have that, now can we? 
Immediately asks you to tell him everything, because he cares about you so much 
Will back off if he’s being too pushy 
If you don’t want to talk, he’ll ramble about things while playing with your hair
Will talk about anything, especially himself if you need to get your mind off things 
Commence self care. We’re talking baths, manicures, skincare, hairdos, anything to make you feel good about yourself
He’ll repeatedly tell you how sweet and precious you are, and how beautiful you are 
Lots of affirmation :) 
At first he doesn’t really know what to do
“Want a hug?” 
He’ll hold you while you talk about it 
Or if you don’t talk about it, he’ll talk about his day or his family. He’s not the most talkative all the time but if it helps you, he’ll do anything 
Wants to be holding onto you in some way until you fall asleep 
Holding hands, hand on your leg, on your shoulder, hugging you, arms around your shoulders, etc. 
Even if/when you fall asleep, he’s still holding onto you 
Will share his ice cream with you. And chocolate. Those are foods that are supposed to make people feel better, right? 
Later he asks his brothers how he can better help you
Frequently reminds you how much you mean to him and how much he cares about you 
“Wanna cuddle?”
He’s not the best at this sort of thing but he tries his best 
He’ll definitely listen if you want to talk about it
Doesn’t have much advice for you, but he’ll sit there and listen to you patiently and carefully 
He tells you he’ll personally fight your bad thoughts and your bad feelings 
If you need a distraction, he’ll tell you embarrassing stories about Lucifer 
He’ll cuddle with you until you fall asleep 
Lets you lay your head against his chest and hug him 
He refuses to fall asleep until he’s sure you’re asleep 
Makes sure you have happy dreams and a peaceful sleep 
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Since the PJO show came out ive been thinking of who the Trio+ is most like so have this
Some of these are open to suggestions, because i am not 100% on them and others you Cannot Argue with me on
Hiccup is one im not completely sold on
Like theres some aspects of everyone that fit but the problem is hiccup is Quiet and Polite, whereas most PJO characters... Not so much
Also im only including the main line so Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and Trials of Apollo
If it was everything, i think id have picked Carter Kane and possibly Hearth but they're not here so we got Jason and Ella, with some Hestia in there too
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Fishlegs is Grover
No one can argue with me and if you try, you are wrong
They would get each other so well, they are going to compose poetry, play the lyre and worry about their besties
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Cami's was also slightly difficult, in that theres a lot of people i could have picked, but i couldn't put everyone there lol
Anyways she'd get along great with the Stolls, Meg is a trash Gremlin, and Leo is Leo, so i think yall get where im coming from
Thalia is only a little bit, not so much in personality as in vibes
Also cami would have the Biggest Crush on her and you cannot convince me otherwise
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Snotlout is Luke and Clarisse
Once again, you cannot argue, you know this to be true
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Me thinking of the similarities between Alvin and Octavian were what started this whole thing, which again, you cannot argue with me about
Also Nero
Nero and Octavian are the closest, but Caligula is there somewhat, especially towards later books, but Caligula is Extremely Smart, and good at fighting and being scary, so while theyre both cruel sadistic assholes Alvins just too pathetic to be fully similar
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They're the only ones i did, tho i have some thoughts for a few other people
Windwalker and Mrs O Leary have similar vibes
For Toothless the characters that spring to mind are Blackjack and Megs lil leaf demon whose name i can't remember
Anyway thats it
(Also for anyone curious, Of Course i have a PJO AU and crossovers, who do you think i am? Ill talk about it when i get that AU list finished)
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asskickedbygirl · 1 year
The Johnny elevator smut was so hot omg. Can I request a smut with a fem reader where Bam’s having a bad day and he’s super frustrated so the reader kind of lets him take it out on her by having rough sex and then it’s fluffy at the end? Thank youuu
[Bam Margera x F!Reader]
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Desc: anon covered it!
A/n: glad you enjoyed going up!!! icl i do enjoy writing bam smut even tho this is kind of out of fic character but i do love dom x reader sometimes
warnings: smut (18+), p in v, sub/dom dynamics, use of safe word
1.9k words
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You heard a yell from the yard. Looking out the window you saw Bam slamming his board down on the ground, angry expression on his face. You observed the way he kicked it and mumbled incomprehensible things under his breath, unbeknownst to the fact you were watching him from a few feet away. 
Bam was already pissed given the fact some asshole MTV exec had cut an entire episode of Viva La Bam, claiming it was “too vulgar for television”, as the email stated. You had to restrain him from writing a fairly strongly worded one back which only ticked him off more, resulting in him heading outside to skate though not even that was putting his mind at ease, only enraging him even further.
‘He’s quite hot when he’s angry.’ You thought, eyes drinking in his slim frame that was littered with tattoos.
You and Bam weren’t a thing, you guys were just friends. Well, friends that had quite a bit of pent up sexual tension. The feelings were only rising, perhaps even bursting, ready to be released. Released.
Bam pushed his hair off of his forehead, panting and glaring at the ground where his board lay when he glanced up to meet your stare from the dining room window. You didn’t look away immediately, instead prolonging the eye contact a little longer, a tiny smirk playing at your lips. Bam tore his eyes away, confused on why he was flustered all of a sudden but deciding to head back inside anyways.
“Hey.” You spoke as he shut the sliding doors with vigour.
“What are you still doing here?”
How polite.
“Dico said we’re watching a movie later, no point heading home.”
“Yeah well I’m not hanging out.” 
And with that, he was out the door, stomping up to his room, only enticing you to follow him.
Your fist tapped lightly at the door.
“I said I’m not hanging out.” He wasn't yelling, but it was clear he wasn’t exactly very happy either. 
You opened the door despite his protests, leading Bam to glare at you as he put on a fresh shirt.
“What’s your problem?!” He spat.
“I don't think I’m the one with the problem.”
“Can't you just fuck off? I’m already pissed about those fucking assholes in suits, do you want me to be pissed at you too?!”
“Well about that.” 
Bam narrowed his brows as you walked closer to him, hands behind your back.
“I have an idea.” 
Bam looked you up and down, completely clueless as to what you were going to suggest but still hoping deep down it would be what his dreams entailed. 
“Why don’t you take your anger out on me?”
“What like fucking yell at you or something?” 
He wasn't catching on, you smirked.
“No, not exactly.”
You stepped forward, slightly closing the gap between the two of you, seductive eyes looking into his. You lifted your arms up to wrap around Bam’s neck, his breath hitching and cheeks flushing at the close contact.
“Other ways.” You whispered.
“So you want me to fuck you?”
You smiled at the frankness, moving your face closer so your lips were brushing his, just about. 
“Well I know you've wanted me for a while, and I’ve wanted you too, and you’re angry. What better way to release than to fuck my brains out?” 
“Are you fucking with me?” Bam’s voice was low and shaky, unsure.
You leaned in and pressed your lips into his, grabbing his chin as you did so before pulling his face away, his eyes forcing back open. 
“What do you think?” 
Bam slammed his lips back onto yours, his hands already grabbing at your hips to pull you flush against his body, mouths and teeth clashing the rougher he went. You let him push you onto his bed, his hands already unbuckling his belt with desperate speed. 
“You want me to take everything out on you I fucking will. Take your clothes off.”
Despite your previous mannerisms of being all confident and domineering, this power shift sent vibrations down to your core, excited that Bam was already willing to take the reins and fuck you as hard as you both needed. You swiftly removed your shirt and shimmied your pants down your legs, leaving you in just your underwear. Bam had his hand down his boxers, shirtless and pumping himself to get hard, watching you splayed out on the bed for him. 
“I said take your fucking clothes off.” He spat lowly, a completely new personality taking over.
It dawned on you he meant your underwear and so you slowly bent your arm around to unclasp your bra, letting it fall forward to reveal your tits.
“Hurry the fuck up.”
Bam had no intentions of enjoying this show you were putting on, instead lurching forward to rip your panties off, throwing the ruined pair on the ground and pushing his fingers inside of you with no warning.
You let out a surprised moan, jolting up to rest on your elbows as his index and middle worked in and out of you at a rapid pace, your body convulsing as it adapted to the sudden pleasure.
“Give me a safe word.” Bam said, not giving up on working you up.
Your head had lulled back, too dazed out from his movements to understand what he had said until he stopped, fingers pulling straight out of you. 
“Give me a safe word or I stop.”
“Oklahoma.” is all you said before you felt Bam’s warm spit drip onto your cunt, fingers dipping into your folds.
You let out a breathy moan as he slipped inside of you once again, thumb pushing against your clit while his other hand gripped your waist to make you hold still. Your back arched as Bam’s finger began making curling upwards, hitting the spot you needed him to, your legs beginning to close.
“Keep them fucking open.” 
Bam used the hand that had been holding your waist to force your thighs open, thumb pressing into the soft flesh as you continued to squirm. As you were brought closer and closer to the edge, he removed his fingers abruptly, a string of his spit and your slick coating them. You let out a disappointed whimper from the lack of contact but it was quickly hushed by Bam’s wet fingers being shoved in your mouth. You moaned against them, sucking lightly to taste yourself on them. Bam removed them shortly, kicking his boxers off and clambering on top of you, hard dick pressing into your thigh.
“You wanted me to use you right?”
You nodded, eyes looking into his with lust-filled wonder. 
“Get on your hands and knees then.”
You bit your lip and complied, doggy style wasn't something you were used to but you were more than willing to partake in it if it meant hot dom Bam. Bam sat back on his knees as you moved into position, lining up with your core as soon as you were ready. He pushed into you quickly, barely giving a moment to adjust before he was slamming into you, hips snapping. He brought his hand to wrap around your throat, pulling you up by it so your ass could press firmly against him as he fucked you, the feeling still sore. 
“This what you wanted? This feel fucking good?” Bam was panting, rough fucking wearing him out already.
You struggled to respond with his tight hand squeezing your throat ever so lightly but lord did he feel good. Bam let go of your neck then, your face plummeting forward into the pillows that muffled your moans. He moved his hands to your hips, grabbing them and pulling you back towards him as he continued to move his hips at the fastest pace you’d ever been fucked.
As you left your face to press into the soft linen to suppress your noises, Bam wrapped his hand in your hair, tugging you up and moving his torso forward to speak into your ear. 
“I said, does this feel good?” He whispered sternly, the low voice sending shivers down your spine. 
“Y- Yes.” You whined out, mind fogging from the pleasure. 
“Fucked out already.” He laughed almost sadistically, hips not letting up as he dropped your hair, pushing the side of your face into the mattress. 
“Fuck those fucking fuckers in suits.” He babbled incoherently, laying out all of his frustrations onto you as he fucked you. 
“Do you want my cum inside of you?” 
Your face was being held down by Bam’s strong hand but you could hear his question still. You nodded, eyes screwed shut, nearing your orgasm as well.
“Fucking come for me first then. Need to feel that cunt tighten.”
You moaned as the vulgar words poured from his mouth, his fingers wrapping around to attack your clit. You lifted your head from where Bam had shoved you down after his hand moved, stifling your moans with the back of your own hand. 
“No, no. Lemme hear you. It turns me on.” Bam grasped your hair again, pulling you up to force you to let out your noises. 
You were at the edge almost immediately what with Bam’s fingers moving at such a vigorous pace.
“I’m gonna come.” You exclaimed in a moan, eyes beginning to water. 
Bam responded with nothing, only fucking you harder as you came around him, letting out the most pornographic moan you had ever heard yourself release, tears running down your cheek.
“Fuck yeah. You’re so fucking tight.”
Bam’s hand dropped from your core but his fucking never let up. In fact, his free hand could now resume its place on your hips, allowing him to shove you back on his cock even harder. You were insanely sensitive given the fact you had came just seconds previous and Bam’s speed was becoming too much to bear.
“Bam, slow- slow down.” You whimpered as he let go of your hair, head lulling forward. 
“What was that? I can't hear you.” Bam mocked, clearly no sympathy to be had.
“It’s too much. Please just-”
“Safe word or I keep going.”
You paused. Although the overstimulation was hard to deal with, nothing in you wanted Bam to stop his movements and so you stayed silent.
“That's what I thought. Take it like a slut.”
Despite his cocky remarks, Bam’s hips were beginning to stutter and his thrusts were at a more erratic pace. He was close.
“Gonna come in your pretty little cunt. You want that?”
You nodded through moans as the overstimulation turned to just stimulation. Bam squeezed your hips tightly, his thumbs sure to leave bruises as he dragged you down all the way, burying himself deep inside of you as he came with a load groan. You whimpered as you felt him release, finally release. 
Bam pulled out of you shortly after but still held you up, bending down to examine his cum that started to leak out of you. 
“Fucking beautiful.” He whispered as he pushed a finger inside of you again before you swatted your hand back.
“Enough, jesus enough.”
Bam laughed and complied, letting your body drop to lie on your side, your cheeks a bright red. He smiled as he moved closer to your face, planting a kiss on your lips.
“You good? I didn't go too far or anything did I?” 
You shook your head, kissing him back. 
“Just what I wanted. You feel better?” 
He nodded back, wiping the wetness off your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. 
“Gotta do that more often.” He grinned and so did you.
@gnarkillknoxville @steve-osahottie @izzaaaaaa @jackassvivalabam03 @bambammargera @spoookyberry @jackussy420 @lovexjoe
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munchflix · 8 months
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IMDB BLURB: A troubled security guard begins working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. During his first night on the job, he realizes that the night shift won't be so easy to get through. Pretty soon he will unveil what actually happened at Freddy's.
WARNINGS: It's pg-13 dude.
RATING: It's not horror, but it is FNAF.
Munch: SO it's time for us to watch Five Nights at Freddy's. I previewed this last night but Biscuits refused to watch it until now.
Biscuits: I don't have any tequila, I'm sad about this. I do have whiskey.
M: I unfortunately must remain sober. Everyone seems to love this movie, I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon.
B: Dude it's five freddys at night. It's like that wojack meme of them pointing at freddy. It's him, the fredbear from the night. By the way this movie was announced 8 YEARS AGO. A time when I was still invested in FNAF lore.
M: I admit to knowing a fair amount of FNAF lore myself, but it kinda ends after the 3rd game because I stopped caring. Oh yeah the movie.
B: What's happening?
M: A security guard is going through some shit. It's incredibly dark. You can almost tell what's happening. He's gonna get his face eaten off by a freddy head. As is par. To make you think this is a horror movie.
B: The new Saw movie looks great! Bold choice to do a crossover with Five Nights at Freddy's.
M: I do like the look of things. They did a good job of recreating the pizzeria in all it's glory, it's very accurate.
B: Blumhouse because of course it is.
M: The opening animations an obvious nod to the games. There are SO many.
B: I like the funky synth music. It's no Toreador March, but….Josh Hutcherson has emerged from a decade of irrelevancy! Formerly known for his critically acclaimed role in Trapped In An Island with Josh Hutcherson.
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There make be snakes!
M: He's a decent dude, he should have had the fame that Jennifer Lawrence had. Josh, I mean MIKE, has a sister he has to take care of and he's a security guard at…some mall. Doesn't matter. He's into dreams.
B: He hasn't aged a day, he's just acquired some facial hair. Now he's chasing some kid and his dad, he thinks he just witnessed a child abduction but actually…
M: He just beat the shit out of some dude for no reason. And now the employment department!
B: This is the kind of discrimination single dads face on a daily basis, Josh.
M: And now Matthew Lilliard, who is COMPLETELY SQUANDERED in this movie. He has never put less than 1000 percent cunt into every role and they wasted him.
B: Two months at a job? Me too, Josh.
M: His uh…job counselor is kinda sus.
B: Listen bud you have limited job options, join the club.
M: Are you suggesting we get a job at the FNAF pizzeria?
B: I wish all job counselors were this honest. The hours are bad, the pay is awful…
M: They keep not saying his last name which I guess is supposed to be a twist so we think he's Mike Afton but the twist is he's Mike Schmidt. No spoilers tho.
B: The twist is he's Michael Myers! He has a weird little sister and she does creepy things.
M: Possibly psychic. Very sixth sense going on here. Mike has a bit of a pill problem and somehow can go to sleep listening to the most annoying bird sounds in all existence. ASMR you're trapped in an aviary.
B: I remember this part of the FNAF lore. Where he has a little brother who gets kidnapped. Is this canon? I think they made this up for the movie.
M: It's not.
B: Why does he have a child?
M: It's his sister.
B: So his parents just popped out another one 20 years later???
M: Sure, why not. And now the awful Aunt and the best character in this whole movie. DOUG the lawyer. I love him. She wants custody of the sister, Abby. Mike doesn't want this. He's kind of a jerk about it though.
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Doug is the most relatable character in the movie tbh
B: There has to be some sort of like…inciting factor. We gotta have some reason why he's gotta work at five nights at fredericks. He's gotta keep custody of his sister. Finally, Five Nights at Freddys is in the Five Nights at Freddy's movie. If I'm in the movie theater with my five year old son, he doesn't care about Josh Hutcherson! He wants to see the funny guy from the youtube video!!
M: Well TOO BAD! Because there's a lot more Josh Hutcherson than Freddy's.
B: What year is it?? It's implied to still be the 80's but the place is all closed down and they have an old looking tv? They gotta keep it ambiguous or people would start talking about the bite of 87 or whatever.
M: There are so many easter eggs. The celebrate poster from the game, the fucking desk fan, the training video, I could go on and on.
B: This training video is def 80's. This technology existed in the 80's btw, the government was just hiding it from everyone. Actually they're alive because ghosts and not lithium batteries but…What a great analog horror video. I'm subscribing to this channel.
M: Balloon boy jump scare! Nothing ever happens on night 1 though. So Mike is just gonna take a walky and then take a nap.
B: I can almost see anything in this fucking movie! It's so dark! It's like watching a Zack Snyder movie. Maybe in a theater it would look better...?
M: I really think it's just the fucking death of film lighting period. I do think the animatronics look good. They look really damn good.
B: They looked kinda crap in the trailer. Sleempy Mike. Now he's having more PTSD nightmares about his brother getting kidnapped.
M: But wait! There's more chilluns! In his dream, as is normal.
B: We're the children from the FNAF who got murdered.
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M: You are correct. 6 am reference! Time to go home. Mike isn't paying his babysitter.
B: It's nice to have a girl who will watch his sister for free. I assumed they died in cancer/plane crash. Sparky's is a reference. That's MatPat.
M: The babysitter is sus. And her other friend and the evil aunt are having lunch while conspiring against Mike. I love Doug.
B: So the Aunt is like…the villian…the antagonist character?
M: I mean…sort of. It's possible she's in cahoots with Afton on some level but it's never confirmed. Back at home Mike is being a terrible parent again and Abby wants to go to FNAF world with him but this is a really bad idea. Now…if you were a criminal….and you wanted to make Mike look bad, when would you go trash the place?
B: When he's there.
M: Thank you. Mike is asleep again.
B: Thanks Blumhouse I can almost see what's going on in the movie. How many times are we gonna see sweaty Josh running around in a forest in this movie?
M: You have no idea. He's dreaming of the FNAF kids again because he thinks they know where his brother is. One of them cuts him and he bleeds IRL.
B: Wow I was scare.
M: And now there's a cop at the door. As is also normal and part of the FNAF canon.
B: Vanessa is a reference.
M: That's not a reference, that's part of the canon! Because why not.
B: They had to put some shit from security breach in here cos it's the new one.
M: Vanessa suspiciously knows a lot and isn't giving us any info why.
B: Mike, just Mike. No last name.
M: Vanessa is here to give us some EXPOSITION. Because fuck show don't tell!
B: It's great that all these arcade machines are still plugged in after 10, 20 years.
M: This part made me have Chuck E Cheese flashbacks.
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A powerful bear...named Frederick Entertainment Fazbear
B: Playing covers of popular songs was a big thing in these types of restaurants.
M: Something something some kids went missing.
B: Back in the 80's!! Could you please tell me what fucking year it is??? This motherfucker is listening to a cassette player so unless he's some kind of hipster? I hated that scene btw. Go away I hate you.
M: Unfortunately she will be here so much more.
B: So the criminals are breaking in…after he's left???
M: Yes!
B: Even if you wanted to frame him, the CCTV footage is gonna tell them when you were there! But okay I guess?? Oh there's still money in the arcade machine? It's not like they empty those every day.
M: I love the random older man who's just hanging out with these teenaged criminals.
B: He's been bustin up abandoned buildings since back in the 80's!
M: One of them finds Chica's cupcake and it does a spooky and then Chica does a spooky. Almost all the violence happens offscreen because….pg13.
B: They couldn't make this an R rated movie because it's Five Nights at Freddy's. The people who grew up with it are all adults now but the target audience remains basically the same.
M: Bonnie does a spooky.
B: I literally can't see anything in that shot! Also appreciate the attempt to get away with a huge bag of COINS, the heaviest and least valuable denomination of money you can get. You might have 50 bucks MAX in quarters.
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Also Bonnie. he's cool.
M: The point is that they're all getting murdered. Offscreen. Very darkly. And yet they did not even try to bother Mike.
B: Mike left!
M: It's been two nights he's been there though!
B: Okay…I guess.
M: Freddy bites Max the babysitter completely in half. But we only see the shadow.
B: We get Plato's allegory of the cave violence! We never get to see it directly.
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Also Sparky the Dog. he's cool.
M: Back at home Abby draws more pictures and Mike Mike's all over the place while she magically finds the custody papers.
B: They're watching public domain cartoons.
M: From the 80's. Vanessa shows up at their house to tell them that someone broke into the pizzeria. She found Mike's pills.
B: The year is killing me, is it the 90's??? Early 00s maybe? If it was the 10's everyone would be on their smart phones. Is this really criminal negligence?? He didn't lock the doors to this ABANDONED BUILDING!!!?? IT'S ABANDONED!!!
M: Now Mike is gonna exposit all over Vanessa about how he takes the pills to try and remember the dream of when his brother was taken in a lucid dream every night. He's very talented to have the same dream every night.
B: I really hate Vanessa, she's completely insufferable.
M: I agree. Also can I take a moment to talk about how fucking SLOW this is. The pacing is awful.
B: I don't give a shit. I don't care about your dreams. Shut up. I'm here with my 10 year old who wanted to see the funny Fazbear on the screen and he's ASLEEP right now! That wasn't even english on the walkie talkie, when cops talk on those they don't just go GNWEUIFHB98FHNWIEFNEI
M: Your son is now 10???
B: Shut up! I don't even have a son!
M: We are halfway through.
B: I do not understand. What even is gonna happen.
M: So Mike is gonna take Abby to work at FNAF but I gotta stop for a minute because…people DIED in there. Did Vanessa find the bodies? Are the bodies still there? Did someone clean them up? She didn't even mention that to Mike????
B: Who called the police to report the break in?
M: If they did, did only Vanessa show up??
B: Is Vanessa even really a police officer?
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Vanessa is lookin pretty SUS. (that's still a funy joek in 2023, rite?)
M: That's a very good question! Mike is just like, you're gonna sleep and I'm gonna watch the monitors and this is a totally safe idea. Abby is well known to behave.
B: I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
M: I guess he's gonna clean up. If he was Nick Cage this would've been done forever ago.
B: He's gotta stop and have a cola and play pinball.
M: Actually, he's gonna nap! Because that's the responsible thing to do!
B: All the excitement from the FNAF games you love like DARK ROOMS! NAPPING! AND OFFSCREEN MURDER! Well I guess that last one is fair.
M: So of corpse, Abby wakes up and fucks off. But it's cool because of reasons.
B: Bro…is this the only way we could convey the story of the missing kids…80 sequences of Mike in the woods? A lot of the people watching this already know all this. This review makes it sound like I just hate FNAF and that's not really the truth.
M: I don't hate FNAF at all, but this movie is so utterly middling. We're halfway through and 90 percent of the movie has been Mike dreaming. But now he's out there and the animatronics are all there and alive and playing with Abby.
B: He's gonna fight Freddy with a chair.
M: Just like in the games. They're well known to be friendly to children.
B: Abby is a special psychic child.
M: Mike is wigging just a bit as anyone would.
B: I mean in real life they're wired to the stage so…yeah.
M: Freddy is still looking at Mike like, you're on thin fuckin' ice.
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B: Wow this movie is jam packed with chills and thrills and I am on the edge of my seat right now. To quote Arin Hanson, "Just…something happen, PLEASE!"
M: I mean some dudes got killed but...
B: I couldn't even see it happening! Hey Abby wtf is going on btw.
M: Her friends she's been drawing all movie are apparently the FNAF kids because of course they are. How she knows them???
B: You'd better start believing in ghost stories Mister Hutcherson…
M: Mike is like hey remember our dead brother who died ages before you were born? You drew him getting kidnapped, so…explain. Was it the boy from my dreams? Oh it was?
B: Trying to use her psychic powers to solve a crime but all they talk about is a yellow rabbit. Exploit your sister to resolve your own personal trauma. I don't see this going well.
M: Back with Vanessa who is at FNAF for some fucking reason, Mike and Abby show up and Mike is like hey did you think to mention that there are ghost kids possessing the robots? And now they're gonna build a fucking fort. The animatronics too. This is a real thing that is happening.
B: How does something like that even right itself….?
M: I have no idea. I don't know why Mike is suddenly on board with all this. I would not be under there with them.
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Everyone's just vibin' :)
B: Mike is finally asking questions he should have been asking a long time ago. Vanessa explains the springlocks because that will obviously be important later. And Vanessa, who was like YEAH FORT is now like HOW DARE YOU BRING ABBY HERE.
M: Who the hell are you Vanessa, that's something you should've asked like forever ago. Abby tries to strum Bonnie's geetar and gets minorly electrocuted but it's no big.
B: Oh my GOD. Sorry Abby, I'm kind of an asshole.
M: So now he's gonna do an even bigger asshole thing and call Aunty Shrew to come babysit and possibly you know…take custody of his sister so he can keep napping. Abby is not happy. The Pharmacist is the second best person in this movie.
B: He's doing dream magic because.. it's…you know. He couldn't just do this at night.
M: It is night.
B: It was just morning!
M: It took a really long time at the pharmacy okay. And now for the UMPTEENTH TIME, trapped in a dream forest with Josh Hutcherson.
B: But whyyyyyyy.
M: The ghost children are like, hey give us Abby and you can dream about your dead brother. And he's like OKAY. Mike kinda is an asshole. He immediately changes his mind but that's not how a deal with the devil works. The kids run around him uh…slicing him up for some reason.
B: And now he's in the saw trap where the first security guy presumably died.
M: Good thing it's slow moving. But he gets out becaus he's the protagonist.
B: Okay so…the bodies are still here. There's some gore. That's your PG-13 right there.
M: In the super secret room nobody can ever find but two people have now stumbled into. Back with evil Auntie, Abby is hiding in her room and Freddy is just there.
B: Frederick is in the house. You somehow didn't hear him enter even though he must weigh a ton. Like as much as a small car. He's murdered Auntie Jane.
M: And now the chillest taxi driver on earth who is somehow fine giving a ride across town to a small child and a giant animatronic.
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I gifed the animatronics because they're the most interesting thing on screen but trust me, these gifs severly overstate how much they are in the movie.
B: How does Freddy even fit in a human sized car?
M: I don't know.
B: Vanessa is tending to Mike's wounds. She conveniently found him. They tried to kill him. Yeah…they do that. Why did you just leave the bodies there Vanessa? And why haven't they started to decay?
M: Vanessa is still not telling us shit. But Mike tells her that he said yes to giving Abby to them and she tells him they're gonna make her like him.
B: In the movie a lot of things aren't very clear. Vanessa tells us that the bodies of the dead kids are in the animatronics.
M: Like…how would people NOT NOTICE. But this is canon.
B: How does Vanessa know all this?
M: She tells us about AFTON.
B: The man behind the slaughter. The purple fellow. Okay, that's not canon that he's her father?
M: Hell if I know, I stopped following lore well before Vanessa showed up. Also somehow Afton killed Mike's brother.
B: Where did he put Garrett's body?? That's like SIX children now, are there six kids in each animatronic??
M: Vanessa's master plan is to taser the animtronics that are somehow being controlled by ghost children who are being controlled by William Afton. But she's not gonna go with Mike because Afton is her dad and stuff.
B: Let's fix that with a controlled shock. It's a good thing it's taking Abby a long time to get murdered.
M: Freddy considers murder and then reconsiders. Abby is being taken by Chica to the back room to be put into a device that looks suspiciously like the Baby animatronic. Meanwhile Mike is tasering Freddy and Bonnie.
B: I never understood what Chica did in the band anyway. Backup vocals? There's no way they could feasibly be playing this music with just one guitar. My suspension of disbelief is totally destroyed, Mister Fredbear. Don't you need to re-arm a taser?
M: Yep. But he gets Abby.
B: You've been an idiot about most things, Mike. To be fair. You should go.
M: The cupcake looks silly attacking but I do like it's design. I actually like the animatronics a lot and it would kick ass if they were like…
B: IN THE MOVIE!! For more than like 20 minutes of screen time in this two hour long movie.
M: See also, Matthew Lilliard. They squandered all the best parts of this movie. In favor of an hour of dream sequences. Abby and Mike again get separated but she hides in the ball pit and now….the best part of the movie. Golden Bonnie is here. Who is also Afton but no spoilers.
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B: Me in the Dashcon ballpit.
M: Vanessa shows up 20 minutes late to the party with uh…nothing. I do love the way they did the whole golden bonnie thing. Though I'm really unsure about how he's controlling them? Vanessa apparently has a gun.
B: You're gonna shoot your undead father with a gun? Oh he's alive!
M: For now. He is also the job counselor. To absolutely nobody's suprise. (editor's note: biscuits did not at all realize this while watching the movie) She shoots daddy but somehow that isn't enough to activate the springlocks. Afton stabs his own daughter as Abby frantically draws pictures to show the other kids that he's really the bad guy. Afton gets all springlock failed and they drag him off into the back room.
B: Well canonically all this happened a really long time ago, but the movie doesn't care about the timeline. I always come back, yeah, way too many fucking times, bro.
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M: And now everything is great and Abby is happy and Mike looks exactly the same.
B: The pacing is…so weird.
M: They stop by the hospital to see Vanessa and set up a sequel!
B: Well I mean if there's one thing FNAF really loves, it's sequels. This movie is so boring. Can we visit my dead friends some time? NO.
M: laughs Yeah, no.
B: Okay, movie SAVED by using the Living Tombstone. I'm amazed that they got the license for this.
M: I laughed out loud, I fucking loved it. It's the best thing. Oh Jim Henson's creature shop worked on the puppets, that explains why they looked so good. Final thoughts?
B: It's just…really lame. There's a couple cool scenes and some cool stuff at the end but the rest of the movie isn't worth it. There's so much rich lore, SO much lore, and a rich universe that they had an infinite well of stuff to draw on, but they made up this whole other plot about Josh Hutcherson's family problems and it's just…lame.
M: I just really feel like it's takes itself way too seriously.
B: Like terminally ill seriously.
M: And they squandered all the best parts of FNAF. The animatronics should have been the FOCUS. Not the dream sequences. Afton should have been a MUCH bigger part of this. There was so much cool stuff they could have done but it's not about that. All the little easter eggs for the fans are great but ultimately…pointless.
B: And again, isn't this supposed to be for the fans? For people who already love FNAF? But it's not really.
M: I grok that in order to reach a wider audience you gotta kinda do that but
B: The FNAF fandom is MASSIVE! The majority of it is just like…Trapped in Freddy Fazbears with Josh Hutcherson.
M: Fair.
B: And like…if you like the movie that's fine. For me it's just kinda meh. It's not something I would watch again on purpose. It just made me wanna watch Willy's Wonderland again. Not worth the 8 year wait time.
M: 8 years…and this is what you came up with?? 8 years and Doug was the best part of the movie? I don't hate it. I don't love it. I'm a fan of the FNAF games, I just feel like it's a massive missed opportunity and that people need to remember how to light a fucking film. I'm tired of Hollywood just giving us the most banal experience possible for whatever reason.
Munch and Biscuits out, yo.
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cozy-mp3 · 2 years
two halloween drabbles (for you, as a treat)
ellie x female!reader + abby x gn!reader
one: ellie fully embraces her costume
two: you and abby have differing opinions on candy
word count: 400(ish) & 600(ish) words
warnings: all fluff no smut, suggestions of sex(?), biting, kissing, reader likes candy corn because i like candy corn and what is this acc if not self indulgent, i also like licorice tho the girls that get it get it, not proofread bc i wrote this on a whim while watching a streamer play re7
(1) fangs - ellie x reader
“ellie, please stop,” you groan, shaking your shoulders to try and detach your girlfriend from your back, “you’re gonna make me fuck up this eyeliner,” you whine as she wraps herself around you tighter, her arms a band snug beneath your breasts and her face pressed against the curve of your neck. she makes a considering little hum before she replies, not letting go of you but shifting her lips from your skin.
“no, i like biting you,” she hums, meeting your eyes in the bathroom mirror and giving you a grin that shows all her teeth, her natural kanines covered by prosthetic vampire fangs. they’re blunt so it doesn’t hurt when she presses them to the skin of your neck again, her lips brushing against you in a way that makes you want to squirm and arch against her. and you’d like to, you would love to in fact, but you’d promised dina you’d drag ellie to at least one halloween party this year and you weren’t planning on letting her down.
“ellie, please,” you complain again, moving your eyeliner away from your face when the jostling you’re doing in an attempt to remove her gets a little too lively.
“you taste so good though, baby,” she tells you as she presses kisses up the length of your neck, her fake fangs brushing over the spot where your pulse flutters beneath your skin.
“you’re not a real vampire, els, you can’t taste shit,” you laugh, finally relenting and leaning back into her touch. she hums happily and pushes you up against the counter, letting her hands drift down to your hips as she bites down again gently.
“sure, but if i could i bet you’d taste amazing,” she responds easily, her tongue running lightly over the indents her fangs have left on your skin.
“well, you’re not gonna find out right now because we’re going to that party,” you say, sticking the cap back on your eyeliner and turning in her arms so you can look at her face. she’s pouting and the fangs are digging into her bottom lip in a way that looks uncomfortable, so you use your thumb to ease her lip from between her teeth, “i’ll let you bite me as much as you want later,” you add, just because you melt like butter when she’s giving you eyes like that, “deal?,” you ask, leaning back far enough that you can shake hands between your bodies.
“ok, deal,” she agrees, leaning forward and kissing the corner of your mouth.
(2) the problem with candy corn - abby x reader
“i can’t believe you like that shit,” abby says, wrinkling her nose at the bag of candy corn you’re holding as you approach. she’s left a spot for you on the couch and you slip into it easily, tucking yourself against her side and leaning against her heavily.
“i don’t say anything about your bad taste in candy, leave me alone,” you huff, giving her an exaggerated frown and handing her her bad of black liquorice, “don’t act like you’re any better than me,” you add as she reaches for the tv remote to begin what you’re certain will be at least thirty minutes of flipping through netflix to decide on a movie. 
“at least i like adult candy,” she grumbles, dropping an absentminded kiss to the top of your head when you press yourself into her chest and rest your head beneath her chin, “candy corn is for kids, no adult needs that amount of sugar,” she continues as you pull a blanket up and over the two of you, you notice she’s wearing socks with pumpkins on them as you reach down and have to kiss her jaw to avoid calling her cute.
“liquorice isn’t for adults, abigail,  it’s for senior citizens,” you reply as you open your bag of candy, reaching in to begin eating though your movement is prevented by abby grabbing your wrist. you make a frustrated sound and shift so you can look up at her, your chin resting on the valley between her breasts and your candy crushed between your bodies, “what was that for?,” you ask, raising a brow at her expectantly.
“i can’t kiss you after you’ve eaten that,” she explains, leaning down so her forehead is resting against yours, she looks completely serious even though what she’s saying is about as silly as she ever gets, “i’ve got a quota i’ve got to fill and you’re not allowed any of that until i’ve filled it,” she tells you, using her hand that isn’t occupied to pinch your hip when you roll your eyes at her.
“you’re ridiculous,” you smile, though you oblige her easily and lean up to meet her lips when she gives you a hopeful look. you let out a happy sigh when she cups your jaw, her calloused thumb strokes your skin and you allow yourself to relax against her completely, hooking one of your legs over her hip.
“it’s not ridiculous,” she mumbles against your spit slick lips, her face serious when she leans away to look at you. she runs her same thumb over your swollen lips and smiles when you nip at her, running her second hand down your back and playing with the elastic of your pajama pants, “you’re so sweet already, if i kiss you after you’ve eaten that i’ll get cavities,” she says, though she quickly pulls a face not dissimilar to the face she made at the sight of the bag of candy corn and her cheeks tinge red when you laugh.
“cheesy doesn’t work for you, abs,” you chuckle and she hums in agreement, her cheeks still warm with her embarrassment. you shift until you’re laying on her more comfortably and as her arm wraps around your shoulders you lean up to kiss her again, not moving your lips from hers until any tension in her body eased and she’s able to give you a content smile when you pull away, “can i eat my candy now?,” you ask and it’s impossible not to smile at her exasperated expression. 
“yeah, sweetheart, go ahead” she smiles, leaning down to kiss you one last time before she reaches over towards the coffee table to find the tv remote again. 
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