#prompt: snowfall
Did I totally forget to post this on day 10? Yes, yes I did. But, I was working on both day 10 and 11 so I didn't get much chance to write. And yet, I digress, here we have the day 10 prompt Snowfall for @tescheer.
Snow drifted down from the sky. Tiny, perfect diamonds of cold falling like shooting stars to the ground. And through the whirling flurries, a small Khajiit child stood watching them, blue eyes wide with wonder at the beauty surrounding her. 
 "Azirina!" A voice called, making the child turn. "Come back to the tent! You will catch your death out here!" Jo'yla shouted from the entry to the tent she shared with Azirina. 
 "This one wanted to see the snow." Azirina replied as she ran back to Jo'yla, slipping slightly on the snow. 
 "Have you never seen it before, little moon-chaser?" Jo'yla asked, brushing some of the snow from Azirina's hair, the white flakes fluttering to the ground. 
 "Never. The tribe this one belonged to lived in the desert. Snow was not something we ever encountered." She replied, shaking her head to cast the snow off of her. She shivered, her tunic damp from the melted snowflakes. 
 "By the Moons, little Moon-Chaser, you are freezing. Come by the fire and warm yourself before the cold settles in, yes?" Jo'yla insisted, pushing the little kitten towards a fire pit. She sat Azirina in front of it before heading off to another part of the tent. 
 She soon returned with a fresh tunic for the child, along with a bottle filled with milk and a jar of honey. 
 "Here, get changed little one." Jo'yla insisted as she poured the milk into a metal pot above the fire. Azirina nodded  before pulling off her damp clothing. As she changed, Jo'yla sighed when she saw the damned brand upon the child's back. The brand that was the reason why she had chased the moons across barren sands and crossed oceans to end up in this frozen land. 
 "Jo'yla, can this one go out and see the snow again?" Azirina asked as she finished getting changed. 
 "We will watch it from the entrance together." Jo'yla replied as she stirred the milk. When it began to steam, she took the pot off the fire, pouring some into a mug before stirring in a large spoonful of honey into the drink. She handed it to Azirina before hanging the damp clothes up to dry. 
 As she did, Azirina moved back over to the flap of the tent. She exhaled on her drink before taking a sip. She watched the snow falling from the sky, torrents of white diamonds dancing and spiralling down to the ground. She watched in awe as Jo'yla approached, wrapping an arm around her as they watched. 
 "It is so pretty." She murmured, eyes sparkling like stars above her. 
 "It is, little moon-chaser. And you will see so much more of it as we walk across these lands." Jo'yla said.
 "Really?" She gasped. 
 "This one guarantees it, little one. Skyrim is known for many things. And snow is one of them." 
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fistfuloflightning · 7 months
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stargazing - Shen Jiu x Shen Yuan
but they, ah, got a little distracted 👀👉👈
Thanks @ruensroad for the fantastic prompt! Shen Jiu spent most of his childhood/teen years outside at night avoiding…life, and finally got to put his knowledge of stars to good use.
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fanficforge · 6 months
A Spark Through Snowfall ❄️🎄
Kakashi x Reader - Fluff
{Drabble from holiday prompts}
Standing in front of a dark tree in the center of the village while the woman beside him shivered didn't seem like the best start to the outing. A few moments later he felt someone move his arm from behind to wrap around her. Based on the rushed walk of a certain shiny-haired shinobi, Kakashi could guess who.
It ended up being for the best though, as she leaned against his arm for warmth and he didn't find himself pulling away.
"Are you okay?" He asked after some time. Even with his mask on, the cold was rather bitter.
"Mmhm." She said between chattered teeth.
"Maybe we should go inside." He offered and began to pull away but she quickly clung onto him with a fervent shake of her head.
"We need to see them light the tree." She said, her eyes staring straight at the dark silloute.
The tree was lit every year, but Kakashi couldn't say he ever bothered to see when it happened. Usually it was just something that wasn't there until it was. He wasn't sure what all the fuss was about but... that look in her eyes said that this was important to her.
"Alright. We'll stay." He said, his voice calm and smooth.
Soon music began to play. Soft and almost nostalgic. The countdown began, and he could feel her begin to jump a bit from the excitement. He held her closer as he kept his eyes on her.
A moment later... the light encompassed the darkness in a brilliance of colors and sparkles. Kakashi first saw the tree through the reflection of her eyes and somehow... it felt so much more beautiful that way.
She was staring at the stunning display in awe for a while before she realized that Kakashi was looking at her instead. She chuckled softly. "You're not going to look at the tree?"
He gazed into her eyes. "I am." He said, confusing yet delighting her the moment he took off his mask and gave her a kiss just as the snow began to fall.
With a gasp, she carefully wrapped her arms around his neck, cupping the back of his head with her palm as they embraced. Once they pulled away, there was snow on her hair, and she giggled as she realized she couldn't even see the snow on his white hair. It all blended in.
Her cheeks were warm despite the cold, blushing with pink lips. "My first kiss on my first date? I feel so lucky." She smiled.
He raised his eyebrows slightly, pulling up his mask. Mostly from shyness. "Mm. Date?"
She laughed. "You didn't know?"
"Not... really." He admitted, putting his hands in his pockets, but she put her hands in his pockets too, keeping close.
"That's okay. Now you know." She winked, then kissed his cheek over his mask. "We should get you warm."
"Me warm?" He said with playful snark.
"Yes, you. Come on. I'll make you hot coco." She said, moving her hands out of his pockets so she could loop one of her arms through his and lead him away.
"Make it... where?"
"At my house."
"We're going to your house?"
"Mmhm. If you want."
"Who... else is going to be there?"
"Just you and me." She said, and he swore he heard a hint of a flirt in her tone. "That okay?"
He was quiet for a while, seeing the other couples all cuddled up and realizing for once that... he was now one of them. A part of a couple. It was strange... but in a good way.
"I'd like that." He said simply, his voice warm and content.
It had always been just another season, another day... but now, for the first time, it truly felt like more than that. Finally... Kakashi understood what all the fuss was about.
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kaluwa-del-conte · 2 years
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Ice ’Rhink’
Holiday Prompt List 2022
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silvers-smut-memes · 7 months
Send "Snowball" to peg my muse in the face with a snowball, intentionally or unintentionally.
Send "Snowbomb" to stuff snow into my muse's clothes. Top or bottom is your choice.
Send "Snowfall" to make your muse cause snow to fall from a tree or roof, which then lands on top of mine.
Add reverse, to have the roles reversed
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scham-wcan · 2 months
1 8 20 26 30 42 50
Tell me about your girls
Hey thanks for the asks! Going to do both WR and CW cause I miss all my girls equally
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ? I really think its a Schnee move not going to lie, because I can see the Schnees earlier on in relationships being the kind of people who have a far easier time performing love through actions much less through words. So its something which is blurted in frustration far less than something passionately offered, especially if its an argument about the actions of the other. Like Cinder being all horrible to herself or Ruby valuing a mission more than herself.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick? CW: Winter is the worst at actually being sick, well they both kind of are, but she'll be the one to dismiss everything of a symptom as just being a cold. She could be 90 degrees and still just say she has a stuffy nose and she's fine to continue on as normal. Cinder is pretty close to the same except she will make every one aware of how much this illness is doing to her temper with just glares alone. The other is usually the one of the pair to finally convince their other half to just lay down with some medication and calm. Not a lot of babying I feel as much as just very concerned and frustrated that they're failing to take care of themselves. WR: Weiss gets bed ridden sick if she ever does otherwise she's a lot like her sister in that she can still think she can do anything. And by bed ridden I mean Ruby is by her side forcing her to rest because no you should not be doing so much when you're that pale and can't retain fluids. Ruby is by her side a lot regardless, probably even getting her to her work on the days where the illnesses are not that bad; bonus if she sticks around the whole day to make sure Weiss is drinking still. Ruby likely doesn't get ill a whole lot because of her metabolism but when she does its so gross, lots of tissues, moaning, and gurgling the whole way through that makes Weiss forced to play the nurse--though she isn't declining she gets to perform her love through action in the biggest way this time.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. I already gotchu boo
26. What are their vices? CW: I think Cinder and Winter both smoke, it was much more Winter's thing initially from the army and Atlas, but when Cinder is around the taste of cigarettes on Winter's tongue just eventually makes it way into Cinder's and the pack isn't that far behind. For Winter it was a way to destress without losing her faculties like drinking, and for Cinder it was something which got her to be around Winter more often especially during the early post war. Where a better place to get away from the bigger crowds than a smoke on the terrace with just the two of them?
WR: Ruby I tend to think of having the procrastinator's vice, its not that she devalues or doesn't want to do things its just she purposefully stuffs her schedules and workload so that every thing is coming down on her while she is doing other things. So to avoid the stress and horrid nature of having so much going on she's more likely to ignore and reorient herself into some other project or thing where she can get quick gratification from the success. Weiss I think is a little more all over the place, she's smoked once because Winter did, hated the taste, doesn't drink often, but she works a ton to the point where her free time is just an extended work period. Would be the kind of person to put 'my greatest weakness is I work too much' on a resume.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing? CW: Winter is making Cinder wear something regal and refined, probably is very much red and gold, looks more like a Duke or Duchess than anything. It isn't something Cinder will complain about but the layers aren't helping. Cinder probably either has Winter finally just wear something which doesn't have a button up or collar on a casual day, or is also wanting Winter to feel some value in herself in a show off sort of way. Open backed dress or cut and polished suit both are on the table. Lots of silvers and royal blue.
WR: Weiss I think would value Ruby wanting to be comfortable but she wants to see Ruby in something more refined than that hoodie and slacks sort of getup. Probably leans more on the polished vest and suit side of things, maybe a little bit of grunge or alt influence in there too with some jewellery and accessories. Just knows to stay away from heels. Ruby though is practically begging Weiss to stop being a fashionista for one day, just wear the jean jacket or hoodie and some normal pants or skirt. Not every outfit needs heels and put the pound of jewellery down, just some good comfy clothes.
42. What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.) CW: Weirdly I think Cinder and Winter's preferred weather is probably the snow. It gives them a lot of excuses to put the world on pause and its not nearly as violent as lightning and thunder. The cold is not much of an issue for either of them but the look of wind whipping snowflakes all around is something so wonderful to see in the background as a day of working from home turns into tea and coffee and some reprieve.
WR: The sun is their mainstay, rain is too draining and the snow and cold is too reminiscent of their time in Argus or Atlas alone. The sun though, bright spring mornings and warm summer days on Patch or Vale is a thing of simpler times and can just be a subtle reminder that they made it to the other side of it all after the fact. It also helps that the warmth allows them to just take it easy for once, and Weiss blood pressure can be reduced without worrying about Ruby taking her out into the snow or rain again.
50. who’s more likely to do something out of spite? CW: Oh Cinder for sure, most often I think spite is her way of reaffirming she is not about to be told around to do something or what have you. Especially in the case of its like post fight or argument, Cinder is off in the apartment blaring music loud and blending nothing because she needs to make sure the appliances work while Winter is bitterly typing away on work.
WR: Weiss, yeah Weiss would be the one to make a point of doing things because "Who else is going to?" and making it a whole passive aggressive thing. Like loudly making a show of 'clearing space' and its just her organizing Ruby's workbench mid project instead of her cluttered workspace.
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lumilasi · 7 months
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December prompt day 1: Snow
So I tried to do an art challenge focused on my "main" character Jurou/Alistair during November, but of course that failed spectacularly, because I had no time/motivation for it. My friend offered to create me a prompt list for this month so that maybe I could get at least SOMETHING done.
Anyway, Our goth dad with his love interest, who's clearly had too much alcoholic punch or eggnog to drink. The cups are from his cafeteria, so IDK how Yuuji managed to include alcohol into it though, given he wouldn't have permission to serve that lol
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
Holiday prompts: snowfall + darklina. ❤️
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“You were right, Sasha,” Alina said softly, trying to match her tone to the gentle drift of the snowflakes still visible through the many-paned windows that made up the entire back wall of their bedchamber in what was still called the General’s retreat, though Aleksander had moved far beyond that position and he refused to sleep without Alina beside him in the wide bed with its walnut headboard most delicately carved with all the flowers found in the valley below. Ivan had scowled so fiercely when he first saw the room that Aleksander had spontaneously offered to have David replace the glass with a material of his own design, diamond hard, clear as crystal, impenetrable. It was still cold to the touch, which Alina found both reassuring and provocative when Aleksander made love to her with the glass against her bare back.
“I’m always right, milaya,” he said, with too much joy in his voice to sound smug. Nevertheless, she could not help rolling her eyes just a little, knowing he would not see it, the smallest secret.
“So you believe,” she said. He shifted slightly, finding some impossible way to bring her closer within his embrace, the sense of his shadows around her holding the dark warmth of her sable cloak. There was no name for his scent, but it made her feel the same way the snow did, safe and contented, with a tremulous sense of loveliness inviolate within her.
“I do not believe, I know. Tell me how, though—how was I right this time?”
Alina looked down from the view of the snow falling in the dusk, the peaks of the mountains growing dim, and let her eyes rest on Aleksander’s hands on her wrists. He was so finely made it took the most gifted seamstress in Os Alta to make clothes that did not seem crude and coarse in contrast to his skin, the perfect balance of his sinew and bone, the elegant and vulnerable line of his throat. The boot-maker had an easier time though the man swore there was no noble in Ravka who could match Lord Kirigan’s distinction. Tonight, she and Aleksander lay in their nightclothes, Alina in a shift of unadorned Zemla flax woven to the same sheen as silk, without silk’s coolness, and Aleksander in a pair of the loose trousers favored by the nomads of the fells, his meryno banyan draped across a chair in the corner of the room. If she turned her head, she’d feel his skin against her cheek and then his lips at her temple, the hands at her wrists moving swiftly to her waist, her hip, the curve of her thigh pressed against his. She kept still, wanting the anticipation before the satisfaction, waiting for the night to finally obscure the snow.
“You said we should spend the afternoon watching the snow fall. That it would be better than any other occupation I could imagine, to be quiet together,” Alina answered. “You said I wouldn’t regret staying inside, being idle.”
“You don’t regret it then, umnaya?” he asked. When they were alone, he hardly ever addressed her without an endearment, as if he must make sure she knew how cherished she was with every phrase, every breath. She turned her hand so that she could slide her palm against his, let him feel the light within her beckon his shadow, a subtle and ardent embrace only two Summoners could share, as intimate as climax, his name on her lips when she had no voice left to cry out.
“I said you were right, didn’t I?” 
“I needed to hear you say it,” he said. “I knew it, but I needed to hear your voice, to feel you as you spoke—”
“Why, Sasha?”
“So I could believe,” he said, as simply as the night fell suddenly, the skies clearing. The moonlight was reflected in the snow, the world without silvery. When she turned to look at his face, Alina knew she would see the moonlight in his dark eyes.
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Since you asked for Bernard and Charity prompts…👀👀 how about a scenario where Bernard and Charity watch the aurora borealis (the northern lights) together?? 💜
"Bernard," Charity huffs as she trudges behind him in the snow, "Why are we out here? It's like negative eighty."
He slows down to wrap his arm around her shivering shoulders, "It'll be worth it, I promise."
They crest a small hill just as colors start to swirl and mix in the sky.
He smiles when he looks over to find her staring up at them in awe.
"I know it's been a long time since you've seen the Northern Lights," he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
"I forgot how pretty they were."
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flugsvamp88 · 2 years
no longer does it feel blue that sorrow is a pitch black it is all-consuming it does not know time of day all it knows is to take whatever is within reach it knows the frozen lakes the dark and cluttered rooms it knows that it will strike and as soon as the snow falls so too will your faith
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beefrobeefcal · 3 months
the BEEF | #1: Joel Miller
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Summary: no-outbreak AU, Joel has a headache and that headache wants his attention. [based on a prompt THOT up in collaboration with @strang3lov3]
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader | Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) | Word Count: 3,833
Content Warning: Smutty smutty smut smut, angry fools who want to play hide the sausage, angry joel, shovel violence against a truck, monster cock, age gap (joel is in his 50's, reader is younger), p in the v (unwrapped), rough dresser sex,
Author's Notes: welcome to the BEEF. Each P-boy has a thorn in their side that has to be dealt with. Thank you to @covetyou for inspiring the idea, and thank you @neverwheremoonchild, @strang3lov3, @rebel-held & @bitchesuntitled for their brains and eyes.
and thank you to every friendo in the Bistro - it's all for you, babies.
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Joel Miller was your street’s cranky asshole. No one dared throw a party or hold a garage sale without letting him know first. No one dared let their grass get over a certain length and the whole neighbourhood breathed a sigh of relief when he would go out of a town and not see the kids scribble with chalk on the sidewalks in the summer. He never called the cops; no, instead he showed up and berated whoever was hosting an event or engaging in an activity he found offensive. And he was intimidating. He wasn’t the tallest, but he was built like a brick shithouse. You’d lived on the block for almost nine years, and in that time, Joel had gone from being a broad, sturdy single father to a single, empty nester who lived off HungryMan frozen meals. He was a big man with linebacker shoulders and a meaty chest stacked on top of a boulderous belly. His plaid button up shirts always looked like they were holding on for dear life to avoid his temper.
And you were utterly in love with him.
Before the most recent snowfall, you’d been in your room on your bed with the window open a crack to let in some fresh air. Right below your window was Joel’s front porch, and as soon as you heard his door fly open, you grabbed your vibrator and listened.
“Get off my lawn!”, you heard him bellow at who ever had dared to approach his house.
You smiled to yourself and turned on your purple silicon friend and shoved it in your underwear.
As Joel berated the hapless victim of his temper, you nudged yourself closer to the edge. As you did, you cared less about the volume of your cries and let your noises out at top volume. By the time you came, Joel was standing on his porch with his mouth agape, staring at your bedroom window and the offending party walked away with a look of disgust.
Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit.
You watched as your snow shovel slipped out of your hands and hit your Joel’s truck. The one with the vanity plate ‘SM 9000’ that you had no clue what it meant. You could only sit back and watch as it fell and gouged in the paint job on Joel’s 1989 Dodge Ram pickup, your panties grew damp as you heard his front door open and slam against his house.
You turned around, raising your hands, trying to look like you were de-escalating the situation. “Joel, I-“
“The fuck’re you think you’re doin’?!”, he bellowed, stomping towards you.
As he yelled and flew into a tantrum over your shovel’s sins, you couldn’t help the stupid, lovesick half grin blooming on your face.
“… and you ain’t got no respect for no one’s property and…”, he stopped, took a breath, and looked you over, face twisting in a confused rage as he tried to figure out why you were looking at him as if he were a can of tuna and you were a cat watching him being pulled open ever so gently.
“The fuck is wrong with you?!”, he yelled, stepping forward, trying to scare you to no avail. He huffed and stomped his foot, trying to snap you out of whatever trance you were in.
You sighed and tilted your head, loving the attention he was finally bestowing on you, not caring that your reaction was essentially dumping gasoline on a house fire.
“Fuckin’ disrespectful shit…”, he snarled as he grabbed your arm and dragged you towards his house.
“Joel? What’re you doing? Where we going?”, you asked with a big dumb grin on your face then wincing at the harsh grip he had on your elbow. Your boots slipped and skidded on the icy walkway and you tripped heading up the stairs.
“Fuckin’ clumsy dumbass…”, he grumbled, shoving you through his front door and slamming it behind you both.
You looked around his entry way, noting the ugly wallpaper and the stale cigarette smell lingering. You crinkled your nose, and he turned around, his frown deepening into a scowl.
“Boots off!”, he barked, harshly motioning to your feet.
You didn’t miss a beat and toed them off quickly, kicking them into the wall. His jaw clenched as he watched the dirty snow clumps slide slowly down, leaving wet patches on his yellow-turned-brown floral wallpaper.
His eyes snapped up to yours, expecting an apologetic look. Instead, he was met with…
“Why the fuck you lookin’ at me like a love sick puppy?”
Joel was enraged. You didn’t run away or beg for forgiveness. No. You stood in his entry way, kicking your boots and making a mess, looking like he was David Cassidy or Patrick Swayze. You smiled back softly and that was the last straw for him.
You could have cum right there. Joel Miller was yelling right in your face. You’d gotten off by listening to him lose his shit at anyone trying to fundraiser or collect donations who had dared knock on his door but having a front row seat to a live performance was better than you could have ever imagined.
Joel watched your lips part and your brows twitch as they furrowed and your head tilt back slightly. He heard your breath hitch between his furious growling breaths, and his eyes slid down your parka-clad frame and he swore he saw your thighs clench.
His eyes went wide as he realized the effect he was having on you.
“You fuckin’ dirty little shit…”
The whimper he received in response made his cock twitch in his WalMart Levi’s. He sucked in a harsh breath and swallowed hard. He hadn’t had a woman look at him like that since he went to the strip club with his brother for his bachelor party, and he knew she was looking for a hefty tip. But you – the only thing he could think of is that you were trying to find a way to get out of paying for the damage your shovel caused. There was no waythat you were actually interested in him in that way. No. No woman had wanted to fuck him since before his daughter, Sarah, had been in junior high. He was a fat old asshole and you… you weren’t.
Your soft voice pulled him back and the frown he carried all but left his face, being replaced with eyebrows to his hairline and his mouth open in confusion and shock.
“Joel, I… I’m sorry about your truck.”
You grabbed the zipper to your parka and pulled down, opening it to reveal your great aunt’s knitted sweater with a loon on it. Joel’s widened eyes swept over you and his brows furrowed.
“The hell you up to?”, he croaked, trying to sound intimidating.
“It’s warm in here”, you respond, tossing your parka on to, but missing completely, the stair banister.
His mind was racing. You actually seemed to be coming on to him as you stepped closer in your mismatched socks. You looked up at him through your lashes while your hands slowly slid up your legging-clad thighs and up to the hem of your sweater. He watched as you pulled it over your head slowly, getting it stuck for a moment, revealing a worn out white t-shirt with a faded image of a marshmallow peep and the slogan ‘Holla At My Peeps!’. He took another step back and you tossed your sweater at him, and he stumbled back, falling onto his recliner.
“Jesus, woman!”, he hollered, ripping your sweater off his head just in time to see you standing above him.
“You know how hot you are?”, you asked, leaning forward over him.
He froze. He must be dead. Or asleep. Or maybe he slipped when he stormed out the door to yell at you and hit his head. Or maybe he was drunk. Maybe he took a NyQuil tablet instead of the Omega 3-6-9 fish oil pills.
“The hell is wrong with you?”, he sputtered out, looking at you wide-eyed.
You didn’t answer. You only leaned forward, nudging your nose against his and letting out a breathy giggle. He tried to speak again, but his words got lost in the high pitch grunt he let out when your knee came up and nestled in between his thighs, pushing against the considerable bulge that had developed.
His hand involuntarily gripped your wrist that was supported on his arm rest, and he sucked in a deep breath.
“I know exactly what you need, Joel Miller.”, you cooed, tongue jutting out and licking your teeth, trying to sound seductive. “You need a good fuck.”
His mouth hung open in shock. You grinned wildly and kissed the tip of his nose before nipping at his bottom lip and tugging it between your teeth.
Joel let out a groan and closed his eyes, the hand on your wrist moving to your t-shirt’s hem and slipped underneath it. You nudged your knee against his crotch again and kissed him, tasting no-name waffles and burnt coffee.
The kiss seemed to break something in Joel. This wasn’t a dream, or an antihistamine induced hallucination or a concussion - this was real. You, his hot, young, stupid neighbour was crawling onto his lap and shoving your tongue down his throat.
He grunted lowly and pushed you back, looking up at you with dark eyes. You tried moving forward again, but his hand held you back.
A whine emanated from your throat, and he shook his head. “I’m not fucking you-“
You scoffed and he shushed you.
“Oh, hush and lemme finish, you loony shit!”, he huffed. “I was sayin’ that I'm not gonna fuck you in this chair; it barely holds my weight and if you’re gonna be bouncin’ on me, this fuckin’ thing’ll screw the pooch.”
You shrugged your shoulders, irritated. “Okay, fine. Then where?”
“My bed, you nimrod!”, he snapped with a scowl, then grinned. “Got a nice mattress with good lumbar support.”
You had followed Joel to his room and were pleasantly… let down. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but the beige walls and the picture of a horse above his non-exciting bed were not what you had thought he would have. What surprised you was the essential oil diffuser plugged in on his bedside table, giving the air a fresh lavender smell.
The fact that the rest of his house looked like a rejected concept for an early nineties sitcom and his bedroom looked like a bed and breakfast that had no theme, for some reason, made you want him more. This man and his lack of consistency. You needed him in you now.
Grabbing his arm and turning him around, you pulled him into a desperate kiss; teeth and tongues, fighting for real estate in each other’s mouths.
“Get naked, sugar.”, he grunted as he broke the kiss with a lopsided grin. He unsnapped his shirt, revealing a grey, stained undershirt, its ribbing pulled tight and stretched over his belly while his mouth and surrounding patchy facial hair glistened with your saliva.
While he wasn’t being that polite, he wasn’t being mean. That was a problem. Even with how mundane he’d revealed himself to be, it wasn’t enough. The residual dampness that made your panties stick to your core was a result of him yelling at you out front, and that goodwill your pussy had shown was slowly drying up.
Joel’s hands began to make quick work of his belt and stretch denim jeans, but he noticed you not moving to do the same.
His hand flapped at you in an urging motion, “Make with the no clothes. Can’t fuck you with them on.”
His eyes narrowed as he noted your lack of movement, and he paused. You began to see signs that Joel was getting mad, and your mind flipped through every situation you’d witnessed him lose his shit in.  What was it that would set him off quick? You weren’t about to throw a block party in his room, nor were you a religious group knocking at his door early on a Saturday. Then it clicked.
A devious grin broke out slowly on your face as you sat on his Temperpedic mattress and crossed your arms.
“Make me.”
“You indignant little shit…”, he growled, clenching his fist.
A flutter in your lower belly. More.
“Come on. Make me.”
“You fuckin’ tease… Fuck you!” His eyes were filling with fire.
An almost painful need bloomed in your core. More!
“Fuck me yourself, coward.”
He sputtered and guffawed, eyes wide in rage.
“You fuckin’ shit! Bangin’ up my truck and actin’ like a needy Jezabel just to fuckin’ tease me like this!”
You could have cum right there, between the iron grip on your wrist and his loud belittling.
You couldn’t stop the giggle that erupted, and he snarled. He grabbed your hand and yanked you up off the bed. You truly thought his back was bad enough that the effort of getting you up alone would be too much, but he shoved you against his dresser, then slamming his weight into your back. You whined, feeling your pussy clenching on nothing.
“You’re such a shit!”, he grunted, grabbing your elasticized waistband, and yanking your leggings and panties down on one side while your hand went to the other; the two of you awkwardly working towards removing your barrier.
When they were low enough on your legs to step out of, you clumsily did so, then tried to turn around to help Joel. He wasn’t fast enough, swearing under his breath as your hands lifted his belly to access his strained button fly. His mouth was on your neck, sucking and biting like a dog on a window while a steak was being grilled just on the other side.
You pushed his jeans down around his hips and they pooled around his ankles. He kicked them off and bit down on the crux of your neck and shoulder as your hand cupped and felt up his hard cock.
Jesus. Oh fuck.
Joel was hung. Like unreasonably so. You’d had your fair share of men slamming their pork steeples into your wet cunt, but none of them could even hold a candle to the monstrosity that sat heavy and covered in satin in your hand. You planted your hand on his chest and pushed him back, needing to get a peek at what Joel was packing. You immediately looked down, seeing the Wile E. Coyote faux-satin boxers protruding out in an impressive, and frankly intimidating, bulge.
“Oh shit...”, you breathed out, contemplating on whether you truly needed to do any serious sitting for the next week, or if you could maybe just get away with laying down at work.
His hand snapped to your jaw, forcing you to look him in the eye, and he gave you a dark smile, “Showed up to a gun fight with a knife, sugar?”
You didn’t have time to respond because Joel shoved his hand between your legs and harshly began rubbing your clit.
Your eyes fluttered and rolled back. Joel watched, an approving sneer on his face.
“’S fucked up … you like this?”
“uh…. Uh-huh…”
“You’re a lunatic…”
You smiled lazily. “You’re fingering a lunatic… w-what’s that say about you?”
He paused then huffed out, “That I’m fingering a lunatic, you moron.”
You let out a throaty laugh that bleeds into a moan as Joel shoves two thick fingers into your hole, slowly dragging them out before plunging them back in.
“You’re a sick little shit… you seducin’ and teasin’ an old man, an’gettin’ me all wound up… Neighbourhood headache… that’s you. Fuckin’ shit up and walkin’ away with a smile on her dumb face.”
“’M close… don’t…. don’t stop…”
His fingers kept the slow languid pace going as he leaned in and harshly whispered, “Unlike you, sugar, I don’t like to leave people disappointed.”
His eyes never left you, watching your every move. Every involuntary twitch and shudder, every flutter of your eyelids and breath leave your parted lips. He could feel it around his fingers and see it on your face that you were feeling everything intensely and now that he had you like this, he wasn’t going to let you go without making sure you weren’t going to pull this shit again.
Joel was many things, but a man who could let things go was not one of them. He was tired of hearing you cream and cry on whatever silicon thing you were shoving into yourself through your bedroom window as he lost his shit on someone; tired of seeing you make eyes at him while you sat in your front yard as he grumbled at a neighbour for the state of their lawn. He was still furious at you for once letting your hand - your soft, sweet, tender hand - linger on his when handing him his mail that was accidentally delivered to your home, forcing him to sit in his shitty recliner and try to finish with his calloused, rough, and hard hand. He never came.
You were going to pay for that. He’d promised himself that for almost five years and now here you were, on your way to being a muppet with how his hand played in your pussy. Joel’s time had come.
You came, moaning, on his hand as he watched, his fingers still moving in and out of you, and his thumb took up the task of tending to your twitching clit. Your face twisted and you cried out, trying to push his hand away.
Your tongue felt thick in your mouth and a moan seeped out. As you rode the wave, he yanked his hand out and grabbed your arm, throwing you onto the bed.
“Goddammit, you’re such a pretty shit.”, he grumbled, reaching for your ankle, and tugging your ass to the edge of the bed. You tried sitting up on your elbows, but he shoved you back down with his body weight.
His weight. Good god, he felt heavier and better than you ever thought he could as he pressed you down into the mattress.
But he got up off you, trying to wrangle your ankles and pull your exposed pussy to just the right spot to save his back from being strained. You tried sitting up again, wanting to have some sort of control over the situation, but Joel growled and grabbed your hips, and, in an impressive feat, flipped you onto your front all while grumbling about what a pain in the ass you were.
“Can’t even fuckin’ be considerate enough to stay put…”
You heard him spit then grunt, figuring he was priming that fucking meat wagon between his legs, and you let out an impatient huff.
“Knock that shit off!”, he snapped, flicking you on your ass cheek. “You just came, nimrod. You can fuckin’ wait!”
“Yeah… but I wanna cum again!”, you whined out with a smile, trying to not laugh at how irritated he was with you.
“I bet you do… but you’re on my time, and I am a patient man, sugar.”, he crooned lowly, snaking his hand up your back and to your hip. You squirmed a bit, but his hold kept you planted in place, and his other hand held his cock as he nudged it against your opening.
The smile on your face dropped as his huge member pushed in; your mouth opened, and out came a gasp followed by a choked moan.
“That’s it… Jesus Murphy…  not even fuckin’ your throat and I got you to shut your mouth…”
Yes, you knew Joel was huge. But it was just an abstract concept up until that moment. Now that he was shoving his massive dick into you, you felt like the universe’s mysteries were now clearly laid out. You knew what religion was right, who shot JFK, how they made the moon landing look real…
Nothing in life would ever surprise you again because you were being split open by this grumpy, fat man. You were being ruined by Joel Miller.
He grunted as he pulled back and then slammed into you.
“Tight little snatch, sugar… takin’ me like a champ.”
You couldn’t respond. Your brain had melted and left your skull empty, and you were unable to do anything but breathe loudly and moan, “S’too big… too big…”
Joel snickered and grunted, snapping his hips and shoving himself deep. You wriggled and squirmed, simultaneously needing him stop and to fuck you harder. Your head began to feel faint, and your core squeezed him, forcing a groan out of him.
He began to snap his hips faster, panting and grunting like the fat kid in gym class being forced to run a mile. You whined and squirmed, trying to get your knees under your body to be able to push back against him, to get him deeper, but he grabbed your calf and bit your leg right above your sock with a growl then groaned, “Stay… stay put… don’t move… jus’lemme… lemme finish…”
You let out a yelp than melted into a moan, throwing yourself into another orgasm. Joel’s thrusts became hurried and more erratic. The high-pitched whine that ripped out of Joel sounded like a dog begging for table scraps as he shot his load into you.
He collapsed onto your back, both of you panting. After what felt like hours but in reality, was only about 30 seconds, Joel had gone quiet. You nudged him, hoping to god he didn’t die from a pussy-induced heart attack. He grunted and struggled to push himself up off you, then flopped on the bed next to you. You rolled over onto your back and looked at him. His cheeks were flushed, and his brows furrowed; his wispy salt and pepper hair stuck to his forehead and his eyes were closed. He was still breathing heavily through his mouth. You smiled, feeling a fulfillment you hadn’t since you’d convinced your parents that it was your sister who broke the CD-ROM drive in the family computer even though it was really you. Cuddling into his, your fingers drew heart shapes in his sweat coated chest hair.
Now that he’d fucked you, you wanted to clear the air as it were, and make sure he wasn’t going to make you pay for any damage to his truck. “So…”
Joel grunted in response, one eye opening and looking at you.
“I was just wondering… what’s your licence plate mean?”
He sighed and closed his eye again. He said the meaning quietly and at first you weren’t sure you heard him right.
His cheeks flushed a little harder and he rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a huff.
“ShagMaster 9000.”
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TAGLIST: @theywhowriteandknowthings @toxicanonymity @harriedandharassed @neverwheremoonchild @rebel-held @beee-haw @nevergoingbacknowshine @idolatrybarbie @v4vayha @lalocitos @xdaddysprincessxx @deathsholywaterr @heareball @lyssramscal @wintrwinchestr @nerdieforpedro  @southernbe @starkeydaviss @noxturnalpascal @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog@vabeachazn @clawdee @iamasaddie @jennaispunk @tightjeansjavi @rubyfruitjungle @lilmizmoz @strang3lov3 @pedroshotwifey @harryleatherfit @bitchesuntitled
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lemonlover1110 · 3 months
"I like sharing a bed with you. You're not such bad company, really."
With Gojo would be great! I can't wait to see love! You're amazing and deserve all the happiness in the world ❤️
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Part of this little prompt game I'm doing for the day (perhaps the week), come join!
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“It’s snowing.” You announce, looking out the large window of Satoru’s apartment. Satoru looks in the same direction, watching the snowfall peacefully. It makes a subtle smile appear on his lips. 
Satoru invited you to his apartment for dinner and a movie since it had been a while since the last time the two of you had gone out. Nothing sounds better than staying in since it’s too cold outside to really go anywhere. You didn’t think that Satoru would have an ulterior motive, but the smile on his lips tells you something else. Then he reveals himself, telling you, “Seems like you’ll have to spend the night.”
“Satoru–” You sigh, and before you know it, you’re in pajamas that he bought for you, getting ready to go to bed. Since Satoru has you trapped in his apartment, you try to convince him to do some skincare with you, but the man refuses. 
He lays in his bed, nearly naked as he waits for you to join him. When you finally finish your nightly routine with the products that he bought for you. For some reason he got almost everything right, making you question just how much your boyfriend knows you– You aren’t complaining though, the man spent a fortune on everything.
You walk over to the bed and lay down beside him, where he throws the bedsheets over you, making sure you don’t end up cold. If that’s not enough, he throws his arm over you, and brings you to his chest.
“You didn’t have to do all this.” You comment. He simply could’ve just asked you to stay the night, and you would’ve happily agreed. His bed is comfier, and Satoru doesn’t snore either so he’s a delight to sleep next to. However, he doesn’t say the same about you. “I thought I snored sometimes, and I kicked you in your sleep– If not I would talk in my sleep and–”
“I love sharing a bed with you, baby. You’re not bad company at all.” He cuts you off. He complains but he can’t wait till he’s forced to share a bed with you each and every night. He kisses the top of your head.
“Don’t complain in the morning, then.” You warn him, and he hums in response. He’s still going to complain in the morning, you simply kick him too much. He wouldn’t give it up for anything else though.
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w1nterk1tty · 1 year
pretty words - writing prompts
starlight - write a scene about your character's nightly routine
elixir - write a scene where your character creates a magical potion
aurora - write a scene where your character sees the sunrise
ethereal - write a scene where your character experiences something otherworldly
lyrical - write a scene where your character has to make a speech or perform poetry
lullaby - write a scene based on a dream you've had
snowfall - write a scene about a winter's day
vanilla - write a scene where your character bakes
retrouvailles - write a reunion scene
hitoritabi - write about a solo journey
raconteur - write a scene about a storyteller
sirimiri - write a scene in the rain
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helpfulhellhounds · 1 year
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“Stay with me.”
Thanks to everyone who participated in my impromptu prompt fest the other day! This prompt from @onecornflower got the most likes. I appreciate the inspiration! ❤️
[Image Description: A digital painting of Geralt holding a bloody, barely conscious Jaskier in his arms. Geralt wears a helpless expression; Jaskier is struggling to keep his eyes open. Behind them is a barren forest with the first hint of snowfall. End ID.]
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scham-wcan · 8 months
Some Cinwin:
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I forgot about this so here we go~
"Babe?" Winter stifled out, "I need a hand." The eldest Schnee daughter was in some form of duress due to her dress, a zipper lingering at the lowest part of her back exposed the naked form of her hind. Winter was furiously attempting to swipe at the flimsy small thing, stopping only when she heard the incoming steps of her partner; offering Cinder a meagre coy smile as she did so.
Cinder, sans her prosthetic, offered a snide smirk and scoff as she approached. "I do always enjoy your poor timing, now what's your problem?" Cinder's outfit had blessed her with a far more simple wearability, which as she had chosen their outfits for the evening made Winter think that some part of this was expected. "Have you tried sucking in?" Her golden flickered with humour as Winter groaned in response.
"Just get the damn zipper." She sniped, turning her form gingerly for Cinder to see the situation she had been enthralled with better. "Before I rip this thing off and just go to this gala in my fatigues again.
"Firstly, you don't wear fatigues anymore those are suits." Cinder clicked her tongue quickly, then pursed her lips tightly with a low lull of a hum. Winter made something akin to a surprised eep as Cinder's hand laid onto the naked space betwixed her open back. "Second, I much prefer the view when this is open. Are you sure we can't just go like this?"
A further noise and red hue took hold of Winter as Cinder's warm hand added a lower pat to her form. Scowling as she pictured the roaring grin Cinder was likely now wearing, Cinder turned her face down as she let loose a lengthy sigh. "Just get the zipper before I replace your hand with both of mine to return the favour." Wincing as she felt the folds of the dress form together. Turning then onto her partner as she grabbed Cinder by her lapels and tugged her into a closer glare.
"Entertained?" Cinder smirked, watching as Winter's scowl turned to another embarrassed sigh as she pulled the Maiden into a kiss.
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moonlight-prose · 11 months
For your Sinful Soiree, could I possibly request "you're hot when you talk back" from the 1st prompt list, with Joel Miller (because I'm a basic bitch) but maybe with the reader saying it to Joel? ♥️
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a/n: i really went off with this one babes. it was supposed to be filthy and short, but i somehow turned it into a fic about being loved entirely and loving each part of a person. i still made it filthy because you can't have smut without angst. right? i hope you enjoy it!
summary: "he wanted to know every part of you, everything you kept hidden for fear of it being rejected. and you let him."
word count: 1.1k+
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, oral (m receiving), mentions of violence, angst, cumplay/cumeating, spit play sort of, joel being cocky, the kinkiness of loving someone's dark parts.
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He snapped in the middle of the bar. His hands curling into fists, eyes blazing with a fire that usually came as he held his rifle, the barrel pointed at imminent danger. It burned in his chest, spreading to the very tips of his fingers. Until his vision flared red and he could taste copper in the back of his throat.
It was a fire that only came when he had to protect what he loved—what he couldn’t lose. You’d grown to know it well. Falling in love with the hidden craving he tried to hide beneath the surface—the darkness that lurked beneath.
Except this time the danger came in the form of a man. Drunk and stupid, but still brave enough to challenge the man who could easily take him down. The man who was five seconds away from letting his fist fly through the air until blood stained his skin. But that was the thing about the two of you. When it came to situations like this, you would have let him.
One glance at Tommy standing on the sidelines let Joel know there was no place for violence in the bar. And the snowfall outside was too much of a hindrance to take the fight somewhere else. So Joel snapped. Told the man to shove his comments up his drunken ass or Joel would help him sober up. The gleam in his eyes and the lilt of his tone was all that the other man needed to back off and sulk in the corner.
Giving you a chance to drag Joel home. 
Per the request of Tommy.
Although if you were being honest with yourself, (which you hardly were at a time like this) you dragged Joel home for a different reason altogether. The same reason that you were now willingly scraping your knees on the shitty rug beside your bed. Joel’s voice a breathy rumble of praises and half mumbled comments about how gorgeous you were.
His fingers dug into the back of your neck, cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of red, and eyes fixed on the sight of your lips spread around his cock.
“What…ah, fuck sugar your mouth is heaven.” You felt the urge to grin overcome you, but chose instead to press your tongue against the vein that ran on the underside of his cock. “What brought this on?”
Spit trailed down your chin as you raised your head—knowing for certain that you looked like an utter mess. But that didn’t stop him from running his thumb across your bottom lip. Spreading the mixture of your spit and his precum along your cheek—watching in rapture as it shone against your skin.
You shrugged, a grin playing at the corner of your lips. You knew he had an idea about it five seconds into his pants being pulled down. He just needed confirmation that it was true. Your refusal to look at him did just that—causing his own lips to pull into a smirk. A sight that had you pressing your thighs together desperate for some friction.
“So that did it for you huh?”
The cockiness in his demeanor nearly undid you. Heat spread through your cheeks and down to your chest as he continued to watch you. Peeling back another layer in your psyche and yanking it forward before it had time to sink into the darkness. He wanted to know every part of you, everything you kept hidden for fear of it being rejected.
And you let him. Because deep down you knew he wouldn’t turn it away. He’d cherish them, allow them to thrive in his presence. Just as you did with the darkness he hid away from the rest of the world.
Glancing up, you caught the sincere glimmer in his brown eyes. A look that had you melting into his touch, practically preening as he continued to make a mess against your cheek.
“You’re hot when you talk back,” you said softly, as if you were nervous.
He merely smiled, his tongue peeking out to slide against his bottom lip. “You like when I’m like that?”
He didn’t say it explicitly, but you knew what he meant. When he lost his cool, letting a little bit of the Joel that existed before you seep in. The Joel he continued to hide. You wanted to explain that you loved him regardless; you wanted him every way he would give himself to you. But words wouldn’t do your feelings justice anyway.
“I love all of you,” you breathed, leaning into his touch, your hand stroking him slowly—keeping him hurtling towards a release he tried to stave off.
It’s when your lips wrapped around his cock again, pushing yourself until he reached the back of your throat, where you proceeded to swallow, that his words fell free. He moaned, his hand trying not to keep you right there, but failing the second you cupped his balls. A stream of you’re perfect and I love you and I'd do anything to keep you safe fell from his lips, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum,” he spit, his other hand gripping the sheets so tightly you were sure they would rip any second. So you slid your hand into his, letting him press your palm into the mattress as he would when he was thrusting into you.
You moaned when he thrusted into your mouth, the spurt of precum spreading on your tongue. And that did him in. He came with a hoarse cry of your name, his head falling forward and body crumpling in on himself. You wanted to burn the image of him like this into your mind. So you could see it every time you closed your eyes. But you settled for keeping him this way until he could no longer take the hot wet feel of your mouth, the divine caress of your tongue.
“Sugar I’m gonna—fuck,” he gasped, pulling you off him and watching whatever you couldn’t catch in your mouth drip down your throat. “You tryna kill me?”
A smile crossed your lips as you got up with a slight wince, crawling into his lap. “I wasn’t done yet.” You pressed your finger to his bottom lip, pulling at it lightly. “I wanted all of you in my mouth.
“Shit,” he breathed, his thumb gathering the pearly cum that still streaked down your throat, dragging it up to your mouth. “Well then open wide baby. And then it’s my turn.”
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