lovesouroboros · 3 years
Just for Today
Just for today, I will not drink.
Just for today, I will not harm myself. 
Just for today, I will allow myself to heal.
Just for today, I will hold sight of hope. 
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will try to be kind.
Just for today, I will hold myself tight.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will choose peace.
Just for today, I will forgive myself for my past.
Just for today, I will believe in the future. 
Just for today, I will trust that I am worthy.
Just for today, I will look for love in all corners.
Just for today, I will find beauty in all. 
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(This post is gonna be a little long I apologize)
Apps for recovery
I understand recovery is a very difficult and scary process. t is your choice how you want your recovery to go, whether you want to take it into your own hands or you want to seek professional and medical help. Over the past year I have stumbled upon some apps that have helped me recover from my eating disorder and help me develop a healthy mental state. I thought I should share with you guys and anyone who needed this🌻
RR: Eating Dosorder Management
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I found his app through a tumblr post and what it does is helps me log my meals thoughout the week. I really like this app because it also lets me log things like my sleep, water intake, and emotions through out the day. You can also connect your account with your doctors or therapist account if you are seeking professional help. They understand that this process can be messy and difficult so they send supportive messages and encouraging quotes for every meal you log, sometimes they add fun prizes or games!
2. Rise up + recover
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I don’t personally use this app but I have talked to people who do, they really enjoyed it and it is the same concept as the previous app. It helps you track your day and make sure everything is on track. I really love the layout and pictures this app shows! I think it’s so cute
3. Life sum
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Lifesum is a diet tracker and helps you log meals. What’s different about lifesum is it will help give you healthy diets to follow and there is an option to count calories so you know if you are on track for that day. They also have meal prep options which include healthy recipes though this is does cost extra. I am currently still trying to lose weight, however lifesum is one of those apps that helps me lose weight in a healthier and more controlled way. I would suggest talking to a doctor before using apps like this if you struggled with underrating disorders or if you have a history of fasting uncontrollably because I am aware it might trigger those urges and I want everyone to be safe!
4. Mealime
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I use mealime alongside lifesum because mealime let’s me create my own meal plan for free(it’s totally ok to pay for lifesum’s resources as well, I just prefer it this way). They have so many options for healthy and delicious meals and they give you a quick quiz when you sign in that ask if you have dietary restrictions or allergies so the meals can really be personalized for you. They also offer a grocery list so you know exactly what ingredients you need for the week.
5. Headspace
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Many of you may already know what heapspace is, it’s an app that I use for meditation and sleep. They play soothing sounds that help me focus, I especially use this app when I’m doing yoga. I found it helps keep my mind in one place. I really suggest people check this app out I have been using it for years and I found it to be extremely helpful
6. Reflectly
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Reflectly is a virtual journal that helps you log your day. I have been using this for about a year and it really helps when I’ve had a stressful day and just need to get something off my chest. They start off by asking how you felt (ex. Angry, upset, happy, calm) then the next question is “why did you feel____?” Which they will give you reasons such as relationship, school, work, home, personal, etc(you can write your own). Finally hey give you a section to write about your day if you want to. You can add pictures and notes. You can turn on the option where they ask you a question every day. I really like reflectly because they also track every journal entrer which makes it easy to find and they have an option to be password protected.
7. Terrarium
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Haha I know this next one may sound a little silly but terrarium is a game where you can grow little plants and succulents... that’s it that’s the whole game lol. I’ve noticed this has helped me calm down in stressful situations or times when I have high anxiety. It may seem really simple but I find myself getting into it and trying to collect all of the plants or watch them grow. I think it’s so cute! There are other apps similar to this concept but I really like to garden so I enjoy this one🌻🌻🌻
I really hope this helps someone out there the way it helped me. If you have any questions on anything feel free to ask, I am always here for you! And remember, you can take your recovery in your own hands and do things in your own time, it’s ok to slip up as long as you know we are here for you❤️❤️❤️ stay safe everyone!
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“Recovery: restoration to a former or better condition.”
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hymnealavie · 6 years
If it feels wrong (even if just a little bit), it is wrong. If if takes away your peace (even if just a little bit), get away from it. 
You may get nostalgia from time to time for your old life, but remember what brought you to recovery: you weren’t happy.
I prefer the peace and quiet of today to the loud misery I convinced myself I loved in the past. So I’m gonna do my best, day after day, to stay on it. 
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tryingsobriety · 6 years
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10 positive facts about me
1. my favorite color is blue.
2. I have a passion for hair/makeup, the whole fashion industry 
3. I have a daughter 
4. I have a beautiful smile, no really I do. 
5. I can be shy but very outgoing
6.  I come from a dysfunctional yet wonderful family.
7. a goal of mine is to move out of Oklahoma 
8. I'm Christian 
9. I rather sleep in and start my day when I want
10. I'm a CNA
bonus fact: I love sweet tea
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It's actually cranberry juice... The wine is unopened
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S.O.B.E.R = Son of a Bitch Everything’s Real
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When I was an active thinspo account on tumblr, I had a lot of followers. I enjoyed posting but I realized that my post were harming other people even if I didn’t intend for them to. Since I stopped of course I lost followers which is understandable. But I’ve been messaged by people telling me they appreciate how I’ve helped them. And even though it may have only been a few people Them reaching out to me meant a lot in one of the worst parts in my life. Recently I’ve been wanting to start a YouTube channel to record my recovery. Idk especially during quarentine I feel like it will help keep my thoughts in place. This is a very difficult time in the world and I’m just trying to help more people feel less alone❤️❤️❤️. I hope everyone is staying safe!
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hymnealavie · 6 years
Surround yourself with people who encourage you to stay sober, not people who give you cravings and urges.
As hard as that can be, that is important and necessary. The company you keep does have an influence on how you act and feel.
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Here I am
There I was
Standing up tall
Four feet forward
I knew I wouldn’t fall
The high I got the happier I felt
Because the more steps I took
The more my weight went down
It got heavier so I cut off all I could
I struggled, I cried, I really could’ve died
But then I got to the top
And the joy left my face
I entered an empty room
with no where to go
Is this what it’s like to finally be alone?
Here I am now
slowly walking down
The climb wasn’t worth it
I wish back then I knew
I lost all I had, everything there ever was
All for an empty room?
The walk back down is longer than I remember
But I would never regret this descision, never
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tryingsobriety · 6 years
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tryingsobriety · 6 years
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tryingsobriety · 6 years
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This is a really special day for me. One year ago, I woke up in a hospital room, sick from the night before. I don’t remember getting into the Lyft that my phone app said I took, I don’t even remember saying goodbye to my friend at the bar. I just remember drink after drink. And that wasn’t a unique night for me- I drank like what whoever I went out (or even if I stayed in for that matter). This was also the fourth time in ten months that I’d woken up in the hospital because of alcohol. Two of those included suicide attempts. I’d grown increasingly terrible to the people who loved me when I was drinking. Seriously. I owe the world to the people who’ve stuck by my side through it all and hope the ones who couldn’t can forgive me.
My drinking had been steadily increasing since the time I was 16 (it’s never too early to reach out and get help!!). Even the first time I drank it felt so warm and numbing that I couldn’t stop myself once I got started. I didn’t swear immediately that I wasn’t going to drink again, but I knew my patterns had to change. I held off a little for a while. And a little became a little longer. And that was it- I was done. With the help of my wonderful counselor (I still see her) I made the decision not to drink again. She pushed me into an outpatient rehab. I was pretty skeptical- I’d been to one before and I’d relapsed almost right after. But this one was different, they saw me as a person and not just an alcoholic and I grew so freaking much there. I still didn’t know I would ever see this day, but I’m grateful beyond words that I made it a year without alcohol and I’m looking forward to so many to come.
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tryingsobriety · 6 years
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If you think you might have a problem with alcohol
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