mdishakrahman · 1 year
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Never let your feelings get too deep for someone cause people can change at anytime
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hohslop · 10 months
just watched a video about how all-stars 2 was a disasterous season and im pissed off about it again. i blame that season for me not watching the show for a couple of years.
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widevibratobitch · 4 months
pspspsps opera mutuals does anyone have a link to a single good traditional Don Giovanni production WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES??? all my beloved furlanetto productions dont have them </3
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untraceable-ace · 2 years
Look if people in new Star Wars content can survive being stabbed in vital organs by a lightsaber Jonathan “turned into an eldritch abomination because he took an archiving job” Sims can survive being stabbed in the chest with a regular ass knife okay
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healthguru1 · 2 months
PowerBite: A Smile Saver That Lives Up to the Hype
I've always been particular about my oral health. Brushing twice a day, flossing religiously – it's all part of the routine. But despite my best efforts, I still found myself dealing with occasional gum sensitivity and a nagging worry about keeping my teeth strong. That's when I decided to try PowerBite Dental Supplements.
Natural Ingredients for a Healthy Mouth:
One of the things that initially drew me to PowerBite was its focus on natural ingredients. The supplement is packed with vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D3, Calcium, and Zinc, all of which are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. It also contains interesting elements like Mediterranean Sea Salt, which helps with bacterial growth control, and Clove Oil Extract, a natural pain reliever often used in dentistry. Knowing exactly what I was putting into my body gave me peace of mind.
Easy to Use and Noticeable Results:
PowerBite couldn't be easier to incorporate into your daily routine. The chewable tablets come in a pleasant mint flavour, and you only need one a day. I found it surprisingly easy to remember to take it, unlike some supplements that require multiple doses throughout the day. Within a couple of weeks, I started noticing a difference. My gums felt noticeably firmer, and the occasional sensitivity I used to experience completely disappeared. My breath also felt fresher for longer throughout the day, a welcome bonus!
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More Than Just Fresh Breath:
PowerBite goes beyond just fresh breath and a brighter smile. Since I started taking it, I've felt more confident about my overall oral health. I know I'm giving my teeth and gums the extra support they need to stay healthy. While I still prioritize regular dental checkups and cleanings, PowerBite has become a valuable addition to my dental hygiene routine.
A Solid Investment in Your Smile:
PowerBite is a great option for anyone looking for a natural way to support their oral health. The easy-to-use format and noticeable results make it a worthwhile investment. If you're looking for a way to keep your smile bright and healthy, I highly recommend giving PowerBite a try.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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vinctuss · 4 months
The Ultimate Ramadan Digital Planner (4th Edition)
As we approach the blessed month of Ramadan, I’m filled with immense gratitude for the journey we’ve shared over the past couple of years. Together, we’ve embarked on a path of growth, reflection, and spiritual connection, fueled by the love of the deen we all share. It has been my honour and privilege to design and share three editions of the digital Ramadan planner with you for free on my…
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nerdykeith · 10 months
As a vegan I really hope this is true. It's rumoured that Apple may be discontinuing its leather accessories. Yes this would indeed be important for the environment but also the animals. Whenever I buy a phone case or Apple Watch band, I always have to check what the material is made out of. I always found it odd that Apple would ever sell accessories made from animals
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onlycrumbss · 9 months
I wanna post some health and appearance tips because I seen someone else on my tumblr do it.
These are actually mind blowing tips that I’ve tried and tested, actually have science behind them, and make the overall process much easier, i may not have alot of followed and it’s pretty long but please read because these are actually some revolutionary tips like the type of tips that people gatekeep. But that’s not me
Some of these products might be expensive/out if the way I’m sorry, I’m 19 and live alone have been working full time since I was young. I don’t have tips for hiding anything though since I live alone and when I was at home my family never really cared anyways these are mainly tips on how to upkeep your looks while restricting so that way you can look healthy while getting skinny, but I do have some prouducts that will raise less suspicion for anyone who lives at home still.
✨ Tried and tested ✨
Hair breaks when you’ve been restricting for a long time but these products have really helped and now I don’t have split ends. Their fine hair friendly as well, just remember shampoo your roots and only condition and oil your ends
Olaplex conditioner and the Olaplex hair oil
shea moisture Manuka honey and manfura oil intensive conditioner
Amika soulfood deep conditioner
Any shampoo with rosemary (makes your hair thicker and has been proven to be as effective as rogaine)
Tessa peays (you can find her on tiktok and YouTube) hair oil recipe and hair oil routine
Body care~
Skin gets really dry sooo
Olay body washes (literally any kind will work their so hydrating, they have a niacinimide one which works to brighten up your skin)
Any lotion with Vaseline in it (Vaseline will lock all moisture in and is the most effective humectant on the market. I don’t recommend using straight Vaseline Vaseline though because that will get all stick, just use a Vaseline brand lotion)
Body scrub once a week
Moisturizer. When your restricting you need to invest in a moisturizer, keep your skin hydrated
Sheet masks 1x a week. I like to use ones that are specifically food themed cuz in my head it’s giving my skin the nutrients I don’t wanna give to myself
My favorite kinds are: the tony Molly “I am-“ ones. Mediheal placenta sheet mask (my skin litterally glows after the placenta one) innisfree honey sleeping mask
I don’t recommend doing diy skincare but the only thing I will ever recommend along the lines of diy skincare is a honey and avacado face mask, makes my skin so hydrated and plump
(Some of these might be a fear food for alot and can be a little calorie dense but they help with your appearance)
Berries: especially blueberries and strawberries (have highest antioxidants, which help your apperance)
Cherry and pomegranate juice (antioxidant thing I mentioned above)
Avacados and chia seeds (kinda high in calories I know! But they have lots of omegas and healthy fats and chia seeds are full of omegas and proteins, these will keep your skin dewy and keep your hair nice, chia seeds will also keep you feeling fuller for longer and are a natural laxative)
Eggs: protien+good for your hair
Health in general+ weight~
Quit nicotine. I know that nicotine is like a staple in our community and I myself and on my journey of trying to quitting smoking but after years it catches up to you, and it causes acne. If your not eating your body isn’t going to put that nutrients to upkeeping your face, I already have faint smokers lines around my lips. plus it makes working out easier
(If ur a girl/have female parts) you need to get a probiotic in and get regularly tested for bv and ye⭐️ast infections. You will be prone to bv and yeast “imbalances” while starving and they can cause a lot of problems from stomach bloating to lack of desire and pain and a lot of times are asymptomatic. This happened to me and caused alot of mental anguish because the pain made me question my gender identity and the bloating made the mental aspect of my e d worse and I didn’t even have any symptoms
Don’t use miralax, it’s really bad for you. Drink senna tea, it’s less suspicious and actually works faster and better than laxatives. Plus it doesn’t destroy your organs like miralax
Don’t use trendy diet pills. If your going to take anything get “Garcinia Cambodia” supplement and take it with an apple cider vinegar supplement. Get the acv pills instead of drinking actual acv becsuse it’s better on your teeth (have to be taken together, a study was done on this combination plus it’s been really helping me)
Fast instead of ⭐️ve: I’m not going to get too deep into the science of it all because I’m bad with my words and explaining but basically when your restricting I t’s actually more harmful to your metabolism, makes you crave more food and makes your hungrier making everything harder because that’s what actually puts your body into starvation mode is a constant input of extremely few calories. When your fasting your body goes into “modes” that are actually benifical to your body,metabolism, cravings and feelings of hunger. When you focus more on not eating anything for a long period of time (fasting) vs “I can only have x calories today so I’m gonna eat x and x and x” -(restricting), you’ll find it makes you not only loose weight faster but also make it feel easier
Which is why I see a lot of ppl on here say things like “I can fast so easily but restricting is so hard” well that’s because there’s literally a science to it. And a little secret, after you do general fasting a few days (not for days straight but more so one meal a day like 24 hour fasts and 16+odd hour fasts) it gets easy. It is litterallt so much easier than plain restricting
Take collegen supplements if it’s something your not afraid of because their very good for supple skin and also for hair as well recent studies and random experiments I’ve seen on YouTube have shown
Take biotin~ for your hair
Drink “sparkling ice” drinks. They 5 Cals and have vitamin B’s which are good for your metabolism
I will be adding anytning I might’ve forgotten becayse I kinda rushed this because I rlly wanted to share all of these with everyone in the community after I got inspiration from the post I saw earlier. Feel free to comment or dm me any questions about the products and the sciences
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yeehawknight · 1 year
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Illustration I did for @femmemetalezine ! ❤️
I absolutely loved everything about the zine and the final prouduct is so good ✨ I'll always remember this experience, being my first zine and all, and I had so much fun :)
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mysafespaceblog13 · 11 months
There something so wonderful about the muppets + any Henson prouduct that fills me with so much joy
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warmlysims · 10 months
sos - suffering from success challenge !
hey everyone! i’m going to be participating in this challenge created by @23209 ♡. i’ll be using the manifest my desired life and bunch of things for back to school!
steps :
one : write down my desires!
- desired face + an unrecognisable glow up for back to school (to resemble my desired person’s face, full brows, full, long and healthy lashes, clear skin, perfect face ratio, to look like the ‘thank you filter on snapchat’, to get rid of hyperpigmentation on my face!)
- desired body (pear shaped body, small waist, big butt 😋, thicker thighs, a small but noticeable thigh gap, prettier hands 😭, long, healthy, same - size nails, and bigger breasts)
- becoming a bit more popular in my year, boys liking me, tiktok followers increasing, boys becoming obsessed, more friends in and outside of school.
- getting a LOT of money. like a lot, a lot.
- getting into the apple ecosystem (getting an ipad, and apple, and a macbook!)
- to have perfect grades next year and to enjoy going to school and studying !
- to become that girl and be super prouductive to with life ! + to generally live the main character lifestyle yk 😭😭.
two :
live in the end / the state of the wish fulfilled for the entire week.
three :
i will NOT be using tumblr for the week that i will be doing this challenge for. this is to stop me from over consuming info and second guessing myself.
my time frame !
challenging begins today - 13th of august
and finishes - 20th of august!
i’ll see you guys in a week, mwaa 💗.
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belladoesmakeup · 4 months
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Hi guys,
I was shopping in Oxford Street a few weeks ago and while I was browsing John Lewis, I noticed an Elizabeth Arden pop up shop! At the pop up shop they were showing customers their new and bestselling retinol products. The lady hosting the space was amazing she talked me through all the products and gave me some samples of products to try based on my skin type. Currently these products are sold exclusively through John Lewis so let's chat about the products!
The first sample I was given was the Elizabeth Arden Retinol + HPR Ceramide Rapid Skin-Renewing Water Cream, £75.00. The lady first used this cream on my hand to show the radiance of my skin and then after hearing my skin concerns she said this cream would be a good match for me. This cream can be used as a day and night cream and is formulated with pure retinol plus HPR, a next-generation retinol, skin-firming peptides, moisture barrier-strengthening ceramides, plumping hyaluronic acid and skin-soothing botanicals. The cream is designed to hydrate, brighten, smooth and clarify skins texture. Now that is a lot of claims for a moisturiser but since it is a high end product and price range I would personally want it to do a lot for my skin if I'm paying £75.00.
The second sample was the Elizabeth Arden Retinol + HPR Ceramide Capsules Serum, x 60 Capsules, £83.00. I had seen this product all around tik tok and beauty blogs for a long time but have never seen the capsules in person. In a full sized bottle you get 60 capsule serums to use and the lady kindly gave me a few different capsules since there are different versions of the serum for different skin types which was so sweet of her! Though I feel like I would get more use out of a bottle of serum rather than capsules, the capsules are fun to open. This specific serum is meant to leave skin looking radiant and revitalised. The serum states that after one week of use , wrinkles and pores are visibly reduced, skin feels firmer, and tone and texture are improved. Each pre-measured capsule is formulated with a precise blend dose of pure retinol plus HPR, a next-generation retinol, moisture barrier-strengthening ceramides, skin-firming peptides, and soothing botanicals.
While I am so excited to try out these prouducts and use them I probably won't be buying the full sized products due to the price but it is fun to experiment wtih different brands an see what they have to offer. I am very aware that this brand isn't in everyone's price range but if you are interested as always all products mentioned are linked above.
Lot's of love,
Bella x x
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rajfa · 5 months
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Hello Friend, It is a design. it is on all prouducts. we have all prouducts avilable. ….. (clothing, kid & babies, phone cases, stickers, wall art, home & living, stationery & office, accessories, pets) ….. our stores
redbubble teepublic threadless
[ship wouldwide]
stores links
designs #rajfa #tshirtsdesign
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aceisew · 2 years
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bibblyboop123 · 1 year
ok so here are some floyd x janice headcanons
when they first janice was very exited to meet another gituar player and they traded picks
they have jam sessons together just by themselves they kinda have there own music styles so they have there own kinda fusion music style
so floyd has long hair right like super long i HAVE SO MANY HEAD CANONS about this so heres a list :
-so the band spend a lot of time on road right ? i think that when janice gets bored on these she braids floyds hair and putts like coulord string and beads in it
_floyds hair was very damaged when he first met janice but janice cares about her bf so she made it her misson to fix it and bought a ton of shampoo/prouduct/condiconer for him and now they get there hair done together at like a random salon together
-one time for halloween they dressed up as eachother and at that moment janice found out that floyd has natural blonde hair and dies it red
ok brain rot over
janice gives floyd crystls he has no idea what they mean but he treasures them anyway
ok so i have a head canon that floyd can sew he has his own style going on so instead of buying clothes from the store he makes them and for a annerversiry gig so i think floyd struggles with affecton not receveing it but just expressing his feelings so to express how much he likes janice he sewd her a dress and she wears it at any oppertunity
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jaitlin · 2 years
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Stacie Mistysyn (Caitlin Ryan) & Pat Mastroianni (Joey Jeremiah) visiting the building where the Degrassi JH & Degrassi High prouduction office used to be. (July 16th, 2022)
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