#psychopath gojo satoru
pengujoon · 1 year
cont. what would happen if the strongest fell over into the dark side? gojo satoru-centric, psychopath gojo, villain!au, graphic depiction of violence, blood and gore.
a/n. viewer discretion is highly highly advised.
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Satoru had always been known for his boundless energy and charismatic personality, a shining beacon of hope in the world of Jujutsu Sorcerers. But lately, a shadow had crept over his once-bright spirit, casting a pall of sadness upon him.
It wasn’t a sudden transformation, but a gradual erosion of his vitality. The relentless weight of responsibility, the ceaseless battles against malevolent curses, and the unending demands of his role had taken their toll. Satoru, the paragon of inspiration and leadership, had become a prisoner of his own obligations.
Each morning, he awoke with a leaden heart, the prospect of another day filled with dread. The genuine smiles that had once adorned his face had become rare, replaced by artificial facades masking the profound despair that now resided within him.
As days turned into weeks, Satoru found himself drifting further away from the passions that once defined him. His beloved hobby of teaching and mentoring young sorcerers had lost its lustre, becoming a monotonous chore. The intricacies of Jujutsu techniques, which used to fascinate him, now felt like burdensome routines.
Even the simple pleasures of life, like savouring a cup of tea or gazing at the setting sun, had lost their appeal. The world around him seemed to blur into a grey landscape, devoid of colour or meaning.
Friends and colleagues noticed the change in him, but he brushed off their concerns with a forced grin, unwilling to burden them with his inner turmoil. The new world he had once dreamed of, a place where people could find solace and inspiration, remained a distant vision, fading with each passing day.
Satoru’s descent into apathy was a slow, painful journey. He no longer recognised the person he had become, a hollow shell of his former self. The world of curses and sorcery had claimed not only his body but his spirit as well, leaving him adrift in a sea of indifference.
One evening, after a particularly gruelling battle, Satoru stood alone in a dimly lit alley. His clothes were torn, his body battered, but it wasn’t the physical pain that tormented him. It was the emptiness, the numbness that had settled deep within his soul.
He gazed at his reflection in a puddle on the ground, and for the first time, he didn’t recognise the person staring back at him. The sparkle in his eyes had dimmed, and his once vibrant spirit felt like a distant memory.
Satoru leaned against a cold brick wall and closed his eyes, allowing the darkness to wash over him. He no longer cared about being the hero, about protecting others, about the fate of the Jujutsu world.
It was as if a switch had been flipped, and he was spiralling into a void of apathy.
Days turned into weeks, and Satoru withdrew from his friends and colleagues. He isolated himself, seeking solace in the silence of his apartment. The world outside felt distant and insignificant.
His training sessions became brutal, a way to release the pent-up frustration and despair. He pushed himself to the limit, not out of a sense of duty but to feel something, anything other than the numbness that had consumed him.
One night, as he sat in the darkness of his apartment, Satoru whispered to himself, “I can’t do this anymore.”
And in that moment, he let go.
He let go of the expectations, the responsibilities, the need to be the hero. He surrendered to the darkness, allowing it to engulf him completely.
He no longer cared about the consequences, about the lines he had sworn never to cross.
He was falling, and he didn’t want to be saved.
He wanted to lose himself in the abyss, to become one with the darkness that had become his refuge.
It was a descent into the unknown, a journey into the darkest corners of his soul. And as he fell deeper, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was any way to climb back out, to rediscover the person he used to be before the darkness had claimed him.
Satoru’s descent into darkness was swift and unrelenting. The man who had once been a beacon of hope and strength had now become a shadow of his former self, consumed by the very darkness he had sworn to combat.
He ceased to be the charismatic leader of the Jujutsu Sorcerers, the one who inspired and protected others.
Instead, he became a symbol of fear and dread, a force to be reckoned with, and not in a heroic way. His powers, once a means of defense, now became tools of destruction.
Satoru no longer cared about the lives of those around him. He saw curses and humans alike as mere obstacles, obstacles to be eliminated without remorse. His attacks became merciless, his cruelty unforgiving.
The Jujutsu world watched in horror as Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer, descended into darkness. His former allies attempted to intervene, to bring him back from the abyss, but he shrugged them off with cold indifference.
The more he embraced the darkness, the more powerful he became. It was as if the curse energy that flowed through him had been tainted, transformed into a malevolent force that defied all laws of nature. Satoru revelled in this newfound strength, using it to sow chaos and destruction wherever he went.
His apathy had turned into something far more sinister — a calculated, deliberate cruelty that left a trail of devastation in its wake. He no longer recognised himself, but he didn’t care. There was a perverse satisfaction in embracing the darkness, in becoming the very thing he had sworn to destroy.
The curses, once his enemies, now bowed before him in reverence. They saw him as a god of destruction, a being who revelled in chaos and despair. And Satoru, in his twisted state, relished their adoration.
The world outside was no longer of any consequence to him. He had become a solitary force, a harbinger of doom, and he had no intention of turning back. The Jujutsu Sorcerer world had lost its greatest hero, and in his place stood a monster.
As he roamed the darkened streets, his laughter echoed through the night, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it. Satoru had fully embraced the abyss, and there was no turning back from the path of darkness he had chosen.
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Years had passed since Satoru’s descent into darkness. He had become one of the most feared and notorious curse users in the Jujutsu world. His power had grown to unimaginable levels, and he had left a trail of destruction in his wake.
Satoru Gojo crept back into the heart of Jujutsu Tech, his once-revered presence now a shadow of malevolence. He had once stood as a paragon of wisdom, but now his intentions dripped with sinister purpose. Deep within, he nursed a blackened desire — to annihilate Jujutsu Tech High, the sacred ground where he had once been the beacon of enlightenment to young sorcerers. His motives were veiled in the darkest of ambitions — a relentless craving to seize the school's concealed vault, a trove brimming with cursed instruments and malefic artifacts.
As he entered the school building, he couldn’t help but feel a twisted sense of nostalgia. The hallways that had once echoed with laughter and camaraderie were now filled with dread and despair. Students and sorcerers alike averted their gaze, unable to meet his eyes, knowing that this was their only way of surviving. Anything more that poses as an obstacle would be exterminated with nothing left to mourn for.
It was then that he encountered a group of familiar faces — his former students. They had grown into powerful sorcerers themselves, but the shock of seeing their former teacher as a curse user sent shockwaves through their ranks.
Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji — the trio that had once been his pride and joy — stood before him, their expressions a mix of disbelief and horror. They had heard the rumors, but seeing Satoru again in the flesh, clad in the dark aura of a curse user, was a harrowing experience.
Satoru regarded them with a cold, detached gaze. Gone was the warmth and affection he had once shown them. Now, he saw them as nothing more than obstacles to his goal.
“You’re in my way,” he growled, his voice a chilling echo. “Move aside.”
Megumi, determined but trembling, stepped forward. “Gojo-sensei, we won’t let you continue down this path of darkness. We’ll stop you, no matter the cost.”
Satoru’s lips curled into a cruel smile. “Oh, do try.”
With a mere flick of his hand, he unleashed a torrent of cursed energy, a maelstrom of malevolence that sent the trio hurtling through the air. Their bodies collided with walls, and their screams of agony reverberated through the desolate halls.
Satoru had become an embodiment of pure malevolence, a being who thrived on torment and despair. The students who had once revered him as a mentor now faced a monstrous aberration that defied reason.
As they prepared for a battle unlike any they had faced before, Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji knew that their former teacher was lost to them. He had become a creature of darkness, an adversary beyond their wildest nightmares.
The battle that unfolded within the hallowed halls of Jujutsu Tech was a clash of despair, a confrontation between former teacher and students that none of them had ever anticipated.
Satoru stood unscathed as the trio launched their most powerful attacks. Cursed techniques, shikigami, and sheer brute strength were thrown at him with all their might, but it was as if their efforts were nothing more than a gentle breeze against an unyielding mountain.
Satoru’s dark aura enveloped him like a shroud, an impenetrable barrier that deflected their every assault. He moved with a malevolent grace, evading their attacks with a sadistic amusement. It was as if he had transcended the very laws of nature, becoming an unstoppable force of destruction.
Nobara’s straw dolls, once wielded with precision, were swatted aside like insects. Megumi’s shikigami, symbols of his strength, crumbled under the weight of Satoru’s overwhelming curse energy, shattered like porcelain. Yuji, the embodiment of raw power, charged with a roar of defiance, but his strike was effortlessly sidestepped by Satoru. With a casual flick of his hand, Yuji was sent crashing into the wall, a broken puppet.
Satoru observed them with sadistic delight, his cerulean eyes devoid of any humanity. “Is this all you’ve got?” he mocked. “Pathetic.”
The trio’s faces contorted with desperation and terror. They had honed their skills, faced insurmountable odds, but it was clear that they were outmatched by the abyss that had consumed their former mentor.
Satoru remained an impassive figure, an uncaring spectre as their attacks washed over him like insignificant waves. He had become invulnerable, an entity immune to their every effort.
Megumi clenched his teeth, a simmering rage burning within him. He refused to accept that their former mentor had become so monstrously powerful. But the evidence was undeniable, and denial was a luxury they could ill afford.
Nobara, her resolve unyielding, unleashed a relentless barrage of nails imbued with cursed energy. They struck Satoru’s form, but it was akin to pelting a mountain with pebbles. Satoru didn’t flinch; he didn’t bother to evade.
Yuji, his fists brimming with cursed energy, charged forward with a scream of defiance. He unleashed his most devastating attack, a punch that should have shattered the very earth. But it struck Satoru head-on, and the impact sent shockwaves through the area.
Satoru’s form flickered momentarily, as if affected by Yuji’s assault. But then, to the trio’s horror, he reappeared unscathed, a malevolent grin etched across his face.
“You fools,” Satoru taunted, “playtime's finished.”
With a single motion, Satoru unleashed a devastating wave of curse energy that sent them hurtling through the air. They convulsed in torment, their forms contorted by the malefic force surging within them. They crashed into walls, pillars, and the unforgiving ground, their bodies battered and broken.
As they struggled to get back on their feet, their strength waning, Satoru approached them with an eerie calmness. He had become an embodiment of malevolence, a being untouched by empathy or compassion.
“You all were always a disappointment,” he muttered, his voice laced with contempt as he stood over them. “I expected more from my students.”
He sneered, his words cutting deep. “Weak and naive. You thought you could save me? You thought you could change me? Pathetic.”
With a flick of his finger, he sent a surge of curse energy that enveloped them, their screams echoing through the once-hallowed halls. The trio writhed in agony, their bodies contorted by the malevolent power that coursed through them.
In that horrifying moment, they realised the true extent of the darkness that now defined their former teacher. He had become an irredeemable monster, a harbinger of despair beyond measure. They were trapped in a nightmarish confrontation with their own creation, a manifestation of their failure and powerlessness.
With a flick of his hand, he dispelled the cursed energy that held Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji in agonising paralysis. They collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, their bodies trembling with pain.
But Satoru didn’t spare them a second glance.
They were lucky to not have him kill them all at that very moment.
He turned away from his fallen students and began to walk through the school, his steps slow and deliberate. Memories of his time as a teacher here flickered through his mind, but they held no emotion for him now. They were nothing more than distant echoes of a past he no longer cared about.
The hallway that had once been filled with laughter and camaraderie was now a scene of devastation. But Satoru felt nothing. His heart had turned to ice, and his soul was a barren wasteland of apathy.
As he moved through the hallways, his very presence wreaked havoc. The walls cracked and crumbled, the ceiling caved in, and the floor beneath his feet shattered. It was as if the school itself was groaning in agony, unable to withstand the overwhelming curse energy that radiated from him.
Satoru’s apathy was a destructive force. He didn’t discriminate between friend or foe; everything in his path was a target for his wanton destruction. The classrooms where he had once imparted knowledge were reduced to rubble. The training grounds where he had honed the skills of his students were torn apart.
He walked through the chaos, his eyes vacant and his heart devoid of feeling. The very essence of his being had been consumed by darkness, and he had become a harbinger of despair.
Students and sorcerers who crossed his path cowered in fear, their attempts to stop him futile. His power was unmatched, his apathy unyielding. He had become a force of nature, a cataclysmic event that left destruction in its wake.
As he reached the heart of the school, the place where he had once taught and mentored his students, he paused for a moment. The memories of those days brushed against his consciousness, but he brushed them aside with a cold indifference.
With a wave of his hand, he unleashed a devastating surge of cursed energy that obliterated the very foundations of the building. The school that had once been a symbol of hope and learning crumbled to the ground, reduced to a pile of rubble and dust.
As the dust and debris settled, Satoru stood alone in the midst of the destruction he had wrought. He felt nothing, no remorse, no satisfaction, only a profound emptiness.
He had become a living embodiment of apathy, a curse user without a shred of humanity left. The school that had once been his home was now a graveyard of memories, a testament to the darkness that had consumed him.
He continued to walk, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake, his apathy a stark reminder of the depths to which he had fallen. The world had changed, and Satoru Gojo had become a force of chaos, a curse user without remorse, without humanity, and without redemption.
Amid the desolation he had wrought, Satoru’s apathetic eyes fixated on a hidden entrance beneath the rubble of Jujutsu Tech’s main building. It was a place he had frequented during his time as a teacher — a secret vault where cursed objects of immense power were stored away, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world.
Though his heart had turned cold and his soul had descended into darkness, Satoru had not lost sight of his goals. He had come to the school not only to unleash chaos but also to retrieve these cursed objects, each one a source of untold power.
With a casual gesture, he cleared away the debris blocking the entrance to the vault. The heavy metal door creaked open, revealing a chamber filled with shelves upon shelves of cursed objects. They gleamed with malevolence, each one radiating a dark energy that matched Satoru’s own.
His apathetic demeanour did not waver as he scanned the room. He knew exactly which cursed objects he sought, and he wasted no time in finding them. With a swift, efficient motion, he collected the objects and placed them in a black bag that seemed to absorb their sinister aura.
These cursed objects were the key to furthering his descent into darkness, to becoming an even greater threat to the world. Satoru had forsaken his role as a protector of humanity, and now he sought to wield the very curses he had once sworn to destroy.
As he exited the vault, the ruined school lay behind him, a stark reminder of the destruction he had wrought. But Satoru was not concerned with the aftermath; he was apathetic to the suffering he had caused.
With the cursed objects in his possession, he disappeared into the night, leaving behind a world forever scarred by his apathetic descent into darkness and the malevolent power he had acquired. The Jujutsu Sorcerer world had a new, and perhaps even more formidable, threat to contend with — one of their own.
Satoru’s descent had plunged him into a bloodthirsty madness, and he revelled in the gruesome spectacle that lay before him - the corpses of those who dared to oppose him or had simply crossed his path.
Was he sorry that they met their end this way? If Satoru had that little bit of humanity left in him, maybe, but he simply couldn’t be bothered anymore.
His once apathetic demeanour had transformed him into a manic hunger for violence and carnage he left in his wake. The world had become his canvas, and the spilled blood of his victims his masterpiece.
Every step he took was marked by splatters of blood, as he eviscerated everyone who dared to even stand in his way. Friend or foe, he couldn’t be bothered anymore. His eyes, once filled with mirth, now gleamed with a sadistic delight.
Coming across a new group of naive sorcerers hoping to take him down as he left the vault, he let out a cold and emotionless chuckle, unleashing his cursed energy with brutal precision. The air crackled with malevolence as their now lifeless forms were torn asunder, blood and viscera splattering in all directions.
Satoru’s laughter rang out like a demented symphony as he revelled in the gruesome spectacle. His hands moved with a fluid brutality, tearing their bodies apart with an unholy fervour.
It was a scene of unbridled savagery, a bloodbath that defied all reason and humanity.
Limbs were severed, bodies torn asunder, bones snapped and cracked, the air filling with the sickening sounds of flesh tearing. He tore limbs from torsos, severed heads from necks, and ripped bodies apart with an insatiable appetite for gore.
Blood sprayed across his face and soaked his clothes, but he paid it no mind.
In fact, he relished the sensation of warm blood against his skin, the metallic scent filling his nostrils in a horrifyingly comforting manner. The stench of death and decay hung heavy in the air, but to Satoru, it was a tantalising aroma that sent shivers of pleasure down his spine.
Blood sprayed and splattered, painting the white walls and streets in a nightmarish tableau of crimson. Satoru’s eyes gleamed with madness, his thirst for violence insatiable.
But he wasn’t finished.
With a final, sadistic flourish, he unleashed a torrent of cursed energy that tore through the already mutilated corpses, reducing them to a gruesome pile of mangled flesh and bone, the sight unbearable to the normal eye.
Reaching a fever pitch, Satoru’s laughter echoed through the streets as he revelled in the gruesome display of power - a symphony of carnage, a ballet of death, and he alone was the conductor of this macabre orchestra.
As he stood amidst the blood-soaked carnage, his clothes stained with the evidence of his sadistic indulgence, Satoru felt an intoxicating rush of power and pleasure; his decent into darkness had reached its nadir, and he revelled in the depths of his psychopathic bloodlust.
“Now I am become death,” he whispered, his voice a chilling echo in the stillness of the night. He stood amidst the wreckage, the mangled bodies of those who had dared to challenge him strewn at his feet, their pitiful cries silenced forever.
The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie pallor over the scene. Satoru’s eyes gleamed with apathy as he stepped on their bodies, the sickening crunch of bone and flesh deafening through the silence.
The world trembled in the presence of this malevolent force, and there was no turning back from the abyss he had willingly entered.
“The destroyer of worlds.”
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i've never really wrote anything like this before, but the newest episode really explored a whole new genre of satoru, prompting me to imagine what it's like if he fell over into the darkness - how heartless and cruel could he be if he really chose to.
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jjkyaoi · 2 months
satoru gojo has mommy issues. do i have any evidence backing this up? no. was he canonically a spoiled rich nepo baby? yea . but to me he has a deeply troubling relationship with the invented mother i’ve made up for him in my head
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aveirix · 1 year
I've been talking to the Gojo character ai and I swear to God no matter how many different conversations I start he always ends up clinically insane by the end of it and I'm not sure if that's me or him.
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betterthanmemelous · 14 days
I would lay down all my morals to suck Gojo Satoru’s dick.
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arminsumi · 6 months
🔞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈 / 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : fem reader / Gojo Satoru
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : smut, breeding kink, pregnancy stuff
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Maybe he's got a freaky sixth sense, or maybe there's some scientific studies to back it up; but Gojo can tell when you're ovulating. And it turns him on — of course it does. He has a bigger breeding kink than you do.
He comments a "Oh, you're ovulating." after sniffing you, which makes you do a double take, like he's insane. Because he is insane, he pays closer attention to your cycle than you do.
He researches positions that help conception, bends and pushes you into them, and fucks you deep.
"Baby, I know it's too deep but just keep taking it okay? I'm gonna get you pregnant this time."
He's so determined to give you his baby that he tries everything to increase the chances; staying inside you for 5 minutes after shooting his load in, having you rest with a pillow under your back so your hips are raised — "Gotta help my lil' guys swim." he acts like an idiot about it, but sweetly so. Nothing excites him more than the idea of being a dad, except the idea of fathering your children.
After sex, when the two of you are cleaning up, Satoru feels over and massages your tummy with a small smile on his face. He's lost in thought, hair all messy and face tired like he's run a mile, hopeful that this time he got you pregnant.
He'll pamper you like his queen, humming and going to the ends of the earth to get you anything you ask for. Really fawns over you when you're ovulating, and lays on the compliments thick while snuggling your neck and creeping his fingers up your thighs — pretty soon he'll sink them inside and stretch you out on them, preparing you for what he cutely calls "baby making" but is actually sweaty, nasty, kinky sex.
Satoru's going to push into you as deep as you allow him, and then some more just to test your limits, pinning your wrists down and whispering sultrily into your ear about how well you take him, how beautiful you sound, how good it feels to fuck your fertile pussy knowing he'll most definitely get you pregnant because his cum is perfect, thick and sticky and gooey and pungent, just like he is — the cocky bastard.
When his creampie makes you cum, A-spot pressured with his pulsing tip, he grins so wide that you scold him about it. "Stop grinning like a psychopath." you pant. He just responds with a stupid, "D'you feel pregnant?" as if it happens so fast. "Gee, I don't know, we should go again just to make sure — that was a joke, that was a joke! My legs are tired you bastard!" too late, he's flipping you over and slowly filling you up again.
Of course, he has to get a creampie in every day. Sometimes even a few times a day. Sometimes even at 4 AM when you swat him for being a horny idiot — it takes five minutes to give in because you can hear the need in his voice when he whines "Please?" and starts humping against you, "I've got so much for you." he says and though it sounds so sweet in his soft, bedroom voice it's hard to take him as innocent, because his boner is grinding hard and hot against you.
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© 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐢
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buttercupblu · 1 month
Satoru's Psyche|Surfacing
"Power dynamics, they're fluid."
Session 1 of 10|Next Session
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🗂️Patient Chart Update: Routine patient visit and care performed. Patient is stable, mostly corporative, and only mildly rowdy today. Vitals are clear, appetite is normal, nothing of interest to report other than slightly abnormal behavior resulting in the [REDACTED] incident, pending Nurse deliberation on how to proceed with patient disciplinary action. 📋 Length of Session (w.c): 5.2k out of "we will cross that bridge when we get to it 🤠" 💊Intake Chart (tags): this is a full-blown AU with a slowww build-up, yandere-ish behavior, pet names, angst, compulsive flirter Gojo (he literally cannot help it), mentally unstable Gojo, Nurse!Reader ✏️doctor's angel’s note: there’s something very, very special about how this story was born. extended author’s note at the end of this chapter if you’re curious|kk I'm done talking - enjoy Satoru’s Psyche. 🎼 Waiting room music: Child's Play|SZA
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They all worshipped the strongest. 
But no one saw the man; no one noticed the cracks until it was too late.
The first appeared after the Star Plasma Vessel mission—Gojo's near-death experience and first awakening. 
Then, it was his best friend, Suguru Geto. His betrayal, death. Murder. 
The blood on Gojo's hands left such a deep mark.
Devastation. Irreparable damage.
No matter what Gojo did after that, death followed him like a loyal dog. 
And when the final crack happened in the Prison Realm, with no distraction from his own thoughts and burdens and painstakingly harsh reality, Satoru Gojo bent..then snapped.
He can't remember what happened after being unsealed. 
All he knew was the blood that came afterward.
Apparently, he went on a rampage, but in his psyche, it didn't matter.
Nothing mattered.
And he didn't feel guilt—not in the slightest. 
They must have gotten what they deserved, right? 
The thoughts were deafening.
But Gojo’s natural tendency to play the hero was even louder and got the best of him. The realization of what he’d done was haunting—plaguing and persuading him like a Devil in his ear until he turned himself in to shut the voices the fuck up. 
Once again, good ruled over evil and the world was safe.
In Gojo's own sick and twisted way, he had once more saved the day.
And as a thank you? He's here, in a fucking straitjacket, seals all around to make his cursed energy dormant. At least, that's what those old fools believe…
Gojo can't help but scoff, recalling all their nonsense. 
“You're unstable. The mind needs to be healed.”
Blah fucking blah. What a load of bullshit. 
However, society never took too kindly to a little mass murder, so fine.
Gojo will play nice... for now.
And for the most unexpected reason why.
His grin only deepens, a borderline predatory look as he hears those familiar footsteps. 
Ah...how wonderful.
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“There you are.”
The man waits by the door, shoulder framing your entrance and leaning on the wall. Welcoming, warm and expectantly, before the locks can disengage. 
Like many times before, your eyes meet through the window pane. A dull blue under snowy white lashes, heavy and following yours, but barely piercing the plastic—small and artificial—only a thin layer of careful separation, but you both see right through it. Neutrality on your face but wavering sharpness in your eyes. And a glint in his as the familiar buzz! ushers you into his world.
“How’s my favorite nurse?” he asks like a broken record. All casual-like, as if his arms aren’t meticulously tucked into tight restraints that work hard against his muscled frame. “Missed your favorite psychopath?”
He couldn’t sound more arrogant, but still has to smirk watching you brush past him—expecting nothing less—but feels a different air.
There’s a pep in your step, carrying you into the stark white room and making it impossible to miss the subtle sway of your hips and dangling supply bag on your arm. Naturally fluid as if you’re oblivious to its sensual nature.
Gojo rarely saw you wear any emotion on your sleeve, let alone what he thought was hints of joy, but something was slipping through the cracks.  
And what’s that? A slight grin on your face? 
What exactly do we have here?
This attitude is foreign. Better than the blank slate or frequent exhaustion you usually walk in with, but this was a side of you that was unfamiliar. 
What’s got you in such a mood, he wonders? And what else could it be, if not him? 
It’s all because today is an “okay day”. And in places like your ward, “okay” is as good as gold.
Rounds have been fairly simple in the usually chaotic hospital—a small win if you put things in perspective, but it’s enough for you to feel good about it. 
Hell, with the way things usually go around here, it feels like Christmas came early and you got just what you wanted. 
A big, whopping present called “all of your co-workers showing up to work”. The standard for most workplaces but here, such miracles only exist in your daydreams to get through your usually fucked schedule.
But not today. Today, the angels personally visited your ward to carry your burdens and lighten your load. For the first time in months, you didn’t groan the second you saw your patient roster for the day and instead had to do a doubletake because the list was surprisingly short. Only your regulars sat on it and that could only happen if the ward was fully-staffed.
You thought it was a mistake when you checked the schedule this morning, but no, everyone’s name sat prettily on the sign-in sheet at the front desk—a sight you hadn’t seen since orientation and was confirmed with every familiar and slightly foreign face you passed in the halls. 
There were no call-outs, no extra work, and the best part, no unexpected shift changes. 
Overtime would not get its hands on you today and the thought alone made you feel lighter because enough time is spent in these melancholy walls as is. 
With thoughts on the week’s end, you found yourself drifting through the day on autopilot. Wondering if you should make plans—doubtful you’ll see them through—and time seemed to be flying by with your thoughts. Following the rarely-seen routine you know like the back of your hand helped you blaze through the morning and grow closer to sweet rest for your already aching feet. 
Miracles were coming in left and right, proof that today just might be your day. It’s still early, but no one had broken out of their room or flung any property around yet. Guards sit comfy and reclined at their posts, lounging around more than they’re being called, and you haven’t even had to run off to the lockers to change your scrubs that are usually ruined by now. Luck is keeping you high and dry—free from accidents or patient tantrums, both of which are all too common. And always seem to have your name on them.
But the cherry on top, second to none, pièce de résistance.
Is a possibility.
Just the teeniest, tiniest, sliver of a chance…to walk out of these doors early. 
Be still your beating heart.
Early release?? Unheard of. You almost skipped through the halls thinking about it. Dreaming of the reclaimed time—the deliciously healthy heap of rest. 
With no signs of trouble, aside from forcing yourself to chug a wildly unhealthy energy drink to fight off tendrils of sleep, you just may be in the clear.
Things seem steady in the sleepy ward today. So sure, you’re in a relatively good mood. 
But is it good enough to deal with Gojo? 
It puzzles you, how he always knows you’re coming before he sees you. How he sort of announces your presence before you get the chance. Like the honor belongs to him.
The psychopath. 
Your head tilts at the diagnosis, hearing it come from his lips for the first time. Even if unseriously. 
He’s self-aware, at least. Not that the confession makes your visits any easier. 
Over time, after working so closely with a personality like Gojo’s, you’ve learned to take everything he says with a grain of salt. Especially when it comes from such shameless lips.
Answering his question with an eye-roll, you set your supplies down to pull out your clipboard and check his vitals. Something that once upon a time made your palms sweat and throat dry, but never showed on your face. You knew what the role required, what it would need for you to survive—intimidation and cowardice were not a part of it—and eventually, after you banged that into your head enough, even if you had to fake it til you made it, you became used to the routine.
As has Gojo, complying with each step on the checklist like it was second nature. Walking over to his favorite spot to be taken care of, the bed. Lifting his tongue to take his temperature. Offering his arm to check his blood pressure. Noting that his eyes aren’t bad today—not needing to wear his blindfold due to the security system. Doing it all without needing you to say a word. All within his control.
But the one thing he can’t get a grip on is how his heart begins to beat. Every time like clockwork the moment you lay a hand on his back to listen to it. Racing in his chest—thumping through your stethoscope—while he wears the calmest face. 
Curiosity called you after noticing it a few times once you determined it wasn’t a condition. Guaranteed to start up with the gentlest touch that he was surely used to. 
So, what exactly goes on in his mind in these moments? Despite hiding it so well? 
What could possibly be making Tokyo’s most unhinged, mass-murderer, so flustered? 
You never have much time to think about it because it won’t matter in the next few seconds anyway. Sitting still enough to get through vitals was as serious as Gojo gets, making the quickest part of your visits with him the easiest. 
Everything that follows the second you put your kit away is pure…surprise. 
“So…are you gonna undo the straps this time, sweet nurse? My arms are sore.”
He pouts. Sweetly. So devilishly charming. As he did so often with a flash of those cerulean, blue eyes that could make and break hearts.
You sigh. One could almost forget that by society’s standards, he’s a “dangerously unstable individual.” 
Something you’re acutely aware of. And trained for. Which is why you don’t mind the coquettish jabs he throws your way—and why he keeps on throwing them.
You aren’t aware but these hourly visits, along with his agreement to stay put, are the only reasons why he’s still here despite being Satoru fucking Gojo and simply walking out. It’s not like anyone could stop him if they really wanted to, and he knew that. 
Truth is—it pissed Gojo off, being stuck here. Cooperative. It was fucking irritating, to say the least. 
He’d rather be tortured than bored and might’ve second-guessed his decision to surrender if he knew the punishment would be…this. 
But lo and behold, here you are. Relief in the flesh while he bides his time. One that he wasn’t expecting.
“You sure are possessive today.” You hide a smirk, draping the stethoscope around your neck, his heartbeat returning to normal after losing your touch. “Am I really your favorite?” The leather straps hug his pale skin a bit tightly, but his mobility is good enough to ignore his request to loosen them. That would be suicide. 
He tsks, eyes sparkling at your words—a warning glimmer hidden beneath the icy gaze. 
Chilling. But the least bit surprising. 
Gojo and cattiness go together like love and war—and he wears it with his whole chest. 
Even when unprovoked, he’s known for being….testy. Trying his hand again and again until he gets some kind of reaction. Waiting to see what makes someone bite. 
But there was something disingenuous about this petty quirk. The repetition and how it seemed to lack a goal. How he seemed almost…desperate for interaction—attention—any attention.
Eventually, once you sat in his face long enough to learn how to disassociate with a straight face, you figured out that he just loves to hear himself talk. Like that one kid in class who’s always inserted themselves into every conversation and made it about them. 
He rarely gives you a hard time though—less than most of your other patients in fact—and usually sends more kisses than cuts. Occasionally, when you find them…okay, or tolerable enough, you indulge him and this charade between you two—like the high school crush it resembled. Strict. But harmless. 
And you’re only entertaining him now because he’s one of your last patients for the day. A fact not lost on him, but disregarded nonetheless. Even if you were just playing along, he knew there had to be more depth. All the masks in the world couldn’t hide that smile on your face.
His laugh breaks the tension. “I'm a yapper, not a liar...Am I yours?” He raises a brow. “You didn’t answer me earlier.”
His low tone carries an unspoken weight. Cryptic. Eerie. Needy. Almost calling you like a possession more frequently than ever.
It isn’t lost on you that his affections have blossomed as you’ve spent more time together. Visits are supposed to be 10, 15 minutes tops—collect vitals, serve meals, give meds, and avoid accidents. But Gojo? He drinks up your time. Going on 30, sometimes 45 minutes of routine maintenance and “extra care”. This wasn’t standard practice, but they didn’t tell you that, among other things when you accepted the position.
Every time you cross Gojo’s threshold, you’re reminded that you’re not actually supposed to be here. You’re just a nurse after all, not a therapist, and lacked the credentials to even begin to handle a patient like Gojo. But in the end, qualifications don’t matter when his staff has a famous history of running away. 
A fate shared by his previous nurse and therapist. Both fell victim to Gojo’s whimsical and relentless personality and suffered a mental breakdown from hell before quitting the ward. Capacity for hospitality completely shot, they nailed the coffin shut by ditching the healthcare industry altogether. 
And that was after only a few hours. 
In the beginning, you had absolutely no faith in yourself. Swore it was a sick joke as you couldn’t begin to fathom why they would even consider you for the job. 
Gojo the Psycho’s nurse? It would’ve been easier to turn in your resignation right then to avoid living in hell.
You wondered how your life would change as you got to know the world’s most hated man. 
How long you would last—if he would let you. 
Anxiety and nausea gnawed at the back of your throat as time grew closer to meeting him. But eventually, after running the scenario in your head a million times over and trying to come up with some sort of plan or plea for your life, the day came, and you stood before the unpredictable man who looked like he saw right through you. 
Just the idea of being in Gojo’s presence is enough to let you know it’ll be unnerving. 
But the moment was…odd. 
Naturally, you wanted rely on book smarts and previous patient experiences to get you through what you knew would be a short and traumatic failed attempt at connection. But then you took a second to really look at Gojo, not study, but a kind of look that catches something…a conflict in his eyes—and instantly knew he was no ordinary patient. 
He was something you’d never met before, and any attempts to use a cookie-cutter facade would quickly be chewed up and spat out. 
So, you went with your gut—hoping to escape with some remnants of your sanity at least. 
Who knew you’d end up surprising not only yourself but also the Director and all the other staff in the ward who watched with held breaths? 
Gojo practically welcomed you with open arms. Flashing his pearly whites and dimples in a closed-eyed smile. You could hear a pin drop.
He didn’t bark, he didn’t bite. Only teased, feeding you sultry words with cunning lips until your face visibly flushed with blush. They didn’t warn you about charm. Debatibly the “worst” part about working with the blue-eyed lady-killer. Or that his devilishly handsome face would make you second-guess his sanity and guilt.
But you knew what this was. Or at least what it wasn’t and quickly put on blinders to every distraction he threw. Holding your breath the whole way through and surprising yourself every time you walked out his room. After your trial period had run for a few days with no mishaps—the opposite, really— you were promoted. And given a big, fat new check (certainly not for collateral). 
You didn’t know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or concern.
Congratulations! You were now in charge of Gojo’s physical AND mental health. 
Which meant longer, more thorough visits.
The idea was nerve-racking for weeks, to say the least. And because he has the nerve to be a karate-chopping ‘sorcerer’ or whatever it is that makes the man so dangerous, he needs careful safeguarding. Which means having his very own wing and accommodations in the ward. The only barriers between Gojo and doing whatever the hell he wants is one guard stationed near the entrance and some type of security system they can’t disclose to you. It’s supposed to suppress his abilities or something, you don’t quite understand itself yourself, but most importantly, it keeps him tame.
Still, choosing to grace his space almost daily always feels like tempting a snake. 
But somebody has to do it. 
And in a way, by his own means, offering a satisfied grin and all, Gojo had chosen you. 
Even in the confines of a cell, with seemingly nothing left to live for and no room for emotions, you, this wonder, have managed to catch his eye. In a way that made him want to sink his teeth in and soak up your attention. For reasons you couldn’t be more unsure of. 
“It would break my heart if it weren’t true,” he continues, sitting in the only chair in the room, “You’re my entertainment, you know? My doll to play with.”
You scoff, arms folding. The word doll echos in your ear like a chamber. That was a new one. 
“You sure talk a lot of game for someone in your situation.” 
“I love games.” He leans, eyes drinking in his favorite powdery blue scrubs that hug your frame in an all too professional manner. “Play with me, Nurse.”
Time belonged to Gojo, and he chooses to bide it with a little fun until release—or escape. His ever-changing mind hasn’t decided yet but it was far from a concern. Because the truth of this truce was painfully obvious. He knew he wouldn’t be here forever. And is quick to mention that he’d love to take you with him.
“If you can handle me.” He licks his lip. “Unless I’m too much for you.”
And there it is. That cool smile that sends shivers down spines. Irresistibly stirring your core every time he parts his lips. 
You hated it—no one could deny his charm or his intimidating presence. Even in chains, shackled and restrained, he maintains some kind of control: crumbling walls with his charisma, waving around his amorous, overassertive reputation like a big red flag.
But you’ve already proven to not be like the rest, easily swayed or reduced to puddles. Your wall is firm. Solid. He baits you time and time again—a smile here, a sinful gaze there—only to be met with dismissive yawns. Rousing something inside of him that deemed you a challenge. Something worth exploring. You were…difficult.
You’re the one who laughed this time, shaking your head and tucking a hair behind your ear. He oozes confidence from every fiber of his being—and bores you.
“Are you going to tell me what you’d like to lunch today or just keep bothering me?” 
And goddammit he has the audacity to grin. To tuck his lip under his teeth slow enough to make you catch it. 
Your insolence is adorable, yet maddening; a cocktail he drinks with delight before realizing how much he loves the taste. 
You were becoming really good at it, beating up his ego and turning a blind eye to his silly little flirts, but interest never faded from his gaze no matter how careless you seemed. Or were trying to. 
He tsks. “C’mon, Nurse. If I can’t have fun here, where can I? Besides,” Sunlight streams in from his barred window as if on cue. “You’re the only thing here worth talking about.”
Butterflies? Knots? Maybe both fill your stomach.
Neither can be good for you in a situation like this.
The dreamy words whisper sweet nothings into your ear, and stroke your ego with a delicate thumb. Soft and gentle—and from a shell of a man. 
A good turned evil. 
And you don’t have to look too far to remember how he got here—to remember why the enchanting man before you is dressed in heavy white restraints and public enemy number one. 
Guilt tugs at you for even joking around with him sometimes. You picture his victims. The lives forever changed. And how he didn’t seem sorry for it. 
Besides, even if Gojo wasn’t a basket-case, it’s hard to look past how childish he is anyway—something you heard has always been a part of him. Something you couldn’t imagine dealing with for too long, even casually. It certainly wasn’t your taste, and under different circumstances, you’d no sooner fall for him outside of these walls than you would now.
But above all of the boundaries, restrictions, and pep-talks you give yourself, is the simple fact that you aren’t the day-one nurse he once knew. Now, you have a backbone and don’t hesitate to remind him.
“You’re such a flirt, Patient Gojo.” You make sure to catch his eye when you say it, “But compliments only get you so far.”
It hangs in the air. Brisk and stale. A bit sour on the tip of your tongue. And acid in his ears.
With that, Gojo sits back, resting his cheek on a propped-up arm, gaze long and longing. Breathing slow as he thinks and nerves buzz between you two. Then his request comes, simple and direct.
“How about sushi? Raw and fresh.” And a psych ward delicacy.
He’s the only patient in the entire facility with such privilege—envy-worthy and used to his heart’s content. With full-scale unlimited access to all the gourmet treats and fine dining he could ever want, his meals are often better than the ones you bring to work. Gojo is above common hospital dishes, of course, and his indulgent appetite would accept nothing less. 
But it wasn’t just about the food, no, negotiating that was too easy and barely worth mentioning.
This is a conveniently constant reminder that he is still capable of influencing things and making decisions with ease, from those he’s allowed to have access to him, down to his choice of meal.
It intrigues you. How he subdues himself to the masses but finds meaning in smaller wins. What he finds significant.
But none of that mattered right now, you’d finally been given an order and another win, even if it felt like pulling teeth. For now, it’s time to feed him and let him believe whatever he wants.
You pick up his tray from this morning, scanning the room to make sure no cutlery or dishes are missing. “Sushi it is,” you wink and call to be let out.
None of his staff are allowed the room key as a preventative measure to keep his chances of escaping to a minimum. As if a door would stop him but a key does exist and you’ve only seen it on the day the Director introduced you two, and it looked nothing like the keys used for other rooms. 
When you come back with lunch, Gojo grows curious. Noticing how your body has relaxed over time, getting used to his presence every time you come in. Little nuisances like how you breathe a little easier in his space and sometimes smile with your eyes when he tells a stupid joke. The air is…changing. He wonders just how comfortable have you gotten?
“Finally back? I started to miss you.” It’s light but he can’t possibly resist testing the waters. “Would you like to eat with me, pet?” And it takes everything in you to suppress a visceral reaction.
He’s on a roll with the names today and you wonder what his affections might have been like in his life before. Sure, he’s a talker and a flirt, that much is obvious, but you wonder what his actual love was like? How did he show it if he ever got to? And if so, if he ever left anybody behind?
“You know the procedure, Gojo.” You wait with the tray in hand, brushing the thoughts away. Though the temptation savor what you knew would be premium cuisine begs you to do it, you know better than to start breaking boundaries now.
He deflates, brows furrowing. “Is it…really so necessary?” He knows the answer, of course.
You gesture for him to turn around but he holds your gaze, having a little stare down like he enjoys the silent confrontation. You raise an annoyed brow. “The food’s getting cold,” and tap the tray.
“It’s sushi.”
 You huff.
He smirks before finally facing the wall, stilling his body in the tight jacket. When you’re sure he won't move, you set his food to the side and slowly approach to attach him to the latch on the wall. 
Skilled fingers reach across his waist and you have to crouch a little to glide the heavy chain towards the loop at his hip. His skin flushes at your warmth, your proximity, as he can’t help but enjoy the intimacy of the routine power shift. Even if it was a sham, it was still one he reluctantly agreed to. To play nice. To be weak. 
But this exchange, giving himself over to your authority, was oddly invigorating—like placing himself in his victim’s shoes to get a minuscule taste of his own medicine.
“Well, don’t look so happy about it,” he chuckles. Relief finds your face as you gently tug on the chain to make sure it’s secure, amusing the man towering over you.
The thoroughness is cute, all a part of a job well done and strict boundaries that drive a heavy wedge between you two. But it doesn’t bother Gojo. Because he’s certain, he knows, that your guarded walls will crumble sooner than later. All it takes is patience.
“Remember, Nurse,” he doesn’t turn around, “Power dynamics….they’re fluid.” 
And you can almost hear the wink—the implied warning living on his slick tongue that pokes and prods with every interaction and sends heat to your rosy cheeks. 
“You have a way with words, Gojo.” Again your eyes roll as you reach for the key to his restraints. The shackles fall to the ground, shrilling in the mostly empty room to allow him to feed himself.
A mix of groans and relief escapes his lips as he relishes the freedom from the stiff leather. He sighs, “Thank you, Nurse.” and rubs his tender wrists before abruptly filling your space. Nearly knocking you off your feet, but stopping just shy of your face. The monstrous chains strain against the wall, playing tug of war with the beast of a man and the florescent lights cast a spotlight on the sudden distance between you two. 
You had never been this close. 
“But don’t forget, I can turn these roles around. Anytime.”
Twinkles play in his eyes, dazzling you with a shine so bright you can see your reflection. But you also see the unhinged nature behind them just as easily as he sees the quiver of your lip feeling his breath graze the curve of your neck and raise goosebumps on your skin.
This isn’t just idle banter. It’s a stark reminder of Gojo’s capabilities that you had grown comfortable enough to forget. That you thought maybe you had become the exception to. 
As he steps back and leans against the wall he could’ve torn down, there’s an unmistakable silence filling with tension. Hot and sharp like pins and needles. But instead of pushing you to run for the hills, to quit while you’re ahead and savor what’s left of the life you know, for once, your unrelenting mind dares to wonder where this twisted ballet will go.  
It kills you to admit that their is something interesting about cat-and-mouse game he thinks you’re playing. Just as his affections have grown, your thoughts push you to imagine what could happen if you were actually…caught..
It’s idiotic, you know. You don’t need a sign telling you not to play with your life.
This is Satoru fucking Gojo, for Godsake. The murderer. The villain. A literal stain on the face of humanity. 
Forget about what he may have been before. You never saw that Gojo, and he’ll never be seen again. 
Your motto has always been that everyone is redeemable—but these types, Gojo’s type, are so beyond saving that it feels more like babysitting than redeeming a mentally unstable murderous toddler who could destroy a city in seconds.
Even for a man who speaks so carelessly, but teases a sugary-sweet tongue, it’s easy to see how and why he ended up here. Life had made him an example.
Proving that too much of a good thing will always spoil.
And as you watch him turn a wink and begin to casually snack on his meal, completely unconcerned with you or your reaction or response, it’s plain to see that his “affections” spare no one. Not even you. 
You clear your throat and steady a breath. With the lightest voice you can muster, you remind him, “Empty threats are the best you can do, patient.” And turn to leave.
“I’ll be back later for your bath. Or maybe send someone else. Since you’re so excitable today.”  
He pauses. “Oh?”
Is that a challenge?
His laugh echoes around the room like something out of a cartoon, fading away just as quickly as it came. He leans back, hair blending into the wall as he licks bits of rice off his thumbs—gaze sharp despite the jest. 
Because the stakes are clear and you’re both aware. 
But in case you don’t know the consequences he asks, “Do I seem threatened to you?” 
You shift your weight. If Gojo is anything, he’s always playful. The man does not have a serious bone in his body, which makes him damn near intolerable sometimes, but it’s something you’re used to it. But not this tone. This tone has rocks in it, hard and heavy as he calls your bluff. 
“Because my threats—,” he continues eating, “—are never empty.” He pops the last roll into his mouth. “You sure you wanna do this?” 
There’s no denying the chill running up your spine at those words—playing out like casual banter over lunch instead of the battle royale it was.
As if the question were rhetorical, he adds, “Okay but like,” and coughs up another laugh, as if finding the entire idea ridiculous. “Who’d be dumb enough to replace you?”
To feed or not to feed? Now was a chance to bail out.
“Don’t worry about that.” And you don’t as you call to the guard, hoping to catch your break on time. “Just behave yourself.” Gojo would keep you here playing 20 questions all day if he could.    
A bemused smile settles on his face and he shakes his head at your antics. 
You were becoming increasingly enjoyable to interact with. And steadily digging yourself into a hole. You’ve been sitting front-row to the darkness within him enough times to be sure it is, in fact, very real, but still it’s impossible to ignore that there’s something driving you to pick up the shovel. 
It isn’t just his pretty face and boyish charm. No.
It’s like he wants to get under your skin. In the best way.
Yeahhhh, this death wish is turning you every way but loose.
It’s silly, so stupid to even think about. Giving Gojo a smidge of an inch just because you feel there may be something more. Like there’s depth to his pretty words and clashing ways. Who's to say any of it is “real” anyway? He is insane after all. 
Your mind and the door shut behind you, and you turn to peer at him through the small window. A mischievous yet bored look rests on his face. 
You think you actually will send someone else. Just to show him what happens when he crosses the line. To reinforce business and boundaries. 
You could also use a break yourself—Gojo is starting to feel… claustrophobic these days and if you aren’t careful who knows what could happen. 
“Choose wisely,” came his voice from within the room,. “Every move you make counts. And cheating has consequences.” Footsteps approach the door. “You may think tagging out is all it takes to avoid our game, but let me tell you something…” He stops. “...you underestimate how quickly I can escape confinement before I’m noticed.”
And suddenly, this isn’t just a game anymore. And Gojo isn’t just some harmless tease.
Your throat is too tight to swallow and you fidget with your lanyard as if responding to his words. 
Of course, he’s capable of breaking free. That’s not what’s worrying. But if it was because of you poking the bear, you trying to get on even ground with him and have the upper hand, would you be responsible if he did?
“No matter where they send you or who they send instead—” And Gojo’s comment makes it crystal clear. 
“—I promise you, you’ll end up right back here.”
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extended angel's note: first and foremost, just to give credit where credit is due, this is a chatbot i turned into a short story🧍🏾‍♀️. it was actually my first time dicking around with janitor a.i. back in like...april? and i came across this gojo bot with a suuuuper interesting prompt. [all of the prompt idea and calibration credit goes to the original creator.] i didn’t decide to actually get serious and start creating a story until around the end of part 2 - i realized i was having too much fun and was in too deep 🙇🏾‍♀️. SO after my decision to indulge madness, i didn't want to run up 10000 messages on janitor a.i. and decided to create the rest of the story on my own from there.  everything after the prompt are my own words and i've had to weave every last bit of part 1 and 2 into a coherent story but everything afterwards is all me.
you can find the chatbot and play around with it yourself here but i strongly recomment doing so after finishing this short - think of it as a choose your own adventure afterwards in case you want my head on a stick after the ending 🤠.
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tags list p.1: @reddiamondjazz @blkkizzat @kiwismoother @rune1920 @suguwife
@xerroe @enthyn @gloomuri671 @startatdawn @heijihatsutori
@inluvkai @ixqiix @strawnanamilk @rosso-seta @05-simply-06-simping
@sims-4lifers @bratidol @hyunsuks-beanie @luna-v-roiya @neteyamsluvr111
@supsiii @natadecoco30 @chiyokoemilia @ririoutspoken @kyoxko
@strawberrymilkshakes-posts @nen-nyy @cinnamorochiroll @kazeniya @maybe7tommorow
726 notes · View notes
seravphs · 1 year
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✧ modern intimacy | 200 fluff
Gojo watches you get ready for your anniversary date.
✧ all roads lead home | 600 fluff
Gojo “my girl is mad at me I hope I die” Satoru, companion piece to modern intimacy
✧ all the rumors are true | 450 fluff
He’s an idol. You’re a hairstylist.
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short/long fic:
✧ dinner plans | 1k fluff
Gojo's a brat.
✧ spoil | 1k fluff
Gojo Satoru likes his girls clingy. 
✧ sweetheart, psychopathic crush | 1.5k fluff and mild angst 
“What I want from the river is what I always want: / to be held by a stronger thing that, in the end, chooses mercy.” - Advantages of Being Evergreen by Oliver Baez Bendorf
✧ starboy | 1.6k fluff
Your job description entails taking care of one (1) astronaut on his way to Mars. It doesn’t say anything about falling in love with him. 
✧ arrive through obliteration | 3.5k smut
Gojo deserves a trophy for winning his fight against Sukuna. You’re happy to deliver.
✧ you get me closer to god | 3.7k fluff
Kneeling by your bed, rosary wrapped around your knuckles, lips pressed to the burnished rosewood, you pray. God, please send me another guardian angel. A blast of static from the TV behind you. The one you sent me- “Hey, how does the thing work?” Gojo says, accompanied by loud thumps. You cringe in silence. He’s strange.
✧ graveyard shift | 4.5k fluff | (not really a) mafia au
When you took the job, you knew working the night shift at your local convenience store would be boring. That’s fine; you’re here to make enough to pay rent, not to smile for strangers who don’t care anyways.The appearance of a stranger who seems to have a lot to hide is tantalizing bait to your boredom, but you can’t give in. That is, if you have a choice at all.
✧ the commutative property of relationships | 4.5k smut
Gojo and you have little to nothing in common besides a friend group and a shared crush on Nanami Kento. However, as befitting the sorcerer to end all sorcerers, of course Gojo has one up on you - he’s actually made a move on Nanami. If he offers to give you a taste through him, who are you to turn down such a golden opportunity?
✧ star power | 6.8k fluff
Gojo loves the untouchable. You’re an off limits rockstar who thinks he’s an idiot. The only thing he can do is take that as a challenge, right?
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✧ cruel summer 
✧ teen dad gojo 
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✧ let your hand become a blade so I may take it | royal au | 1/7 chapters
Updated knight! gojo x princess! reader
✧ the hand which holds the knife | royal au | 2 chapters 
OLD DRAFT of knight! gojo x princess! reader
✧ spring in hell and everything’s blooming | 2/5 chapters | estimated 12k 
There is before-Getou and after-Getou. In both spaces, Gojo exists.
✧ beating hearts promised to bared teeth | 1/2 chapters | estimated 20k
When a kind stranger offers you his home because your gambling addict of a father can’t pay rent, you’re left in charge of a shrine - with a catch. Once you arrive at your new home, you learn a crucial fact that he conveniently left out. You’re the new god in charge, and his familiar, who now belongs to you, does not like you. What’s a new god to do, especially when she finds herself slowly falling for the fox spirit?
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903 notes · View notes
oh-katsuki · 1 year
satoru cracks a smile at you, his blue eyes scrunching over the rim of his glasses. you laugh. it comes from your gut where your deepest joy lives. rich and genuine, it crawls its way through your chest and up your throat until you are wide-mouthed with a smile.
something heavy settles over you as you look at him. satoru is beautiful, no doubt. he almost looks like an angel, with expressive features and a brightness to his visual qualities. there's so much to admire. such vibrant, cutting beauty. you swell and feel as your laughter takes on a dull edge.
the feeling—akin to grief—comes like a wave. it overtakes you all at once and before you know it, you are standing with your hands at your side and your head down. a single sob cuts through your laughter, then another, and another until you are unable to hold back the overwhelming rush of tears. 
satoru stops laughing and steps close to you, placing a wide palm on the side of your arm. you struggle to wipes your eyes, hiding behind the backs of your hands.
“woah, woah, what’s wrong?” his voice is gentle. it’s soothing. it’s a voice you didn’t want to believe satoru could use. 
“i just…" you deflate a little, finally voicing what this feeling is," i want to love you so badly."
satoru stands in front of you, his hand dropping from your arm. you inhale again, almost startled by your sudden and somewhat mortifying confession. you've still more to say though and you have no mind to stop it. the words come before thought.
"and I can’t because you’re wrong for me and I’m wrong for you and we can’t be happy because you’re a psychopath,” you take a breath and quiet your voice. “I’ve built my whole identity around hating you. and I’m realizing now what a mistake that was.” 
you’re grieving, you realize. grieving the loss of this part of your identity. the hatred, the competition, the fierce feeling of needing to be better than gojo satoru. you realize that there’s nothing left of it. 
he blinks at you for a moment and you wipe your eyes, steeling yourself for the fall. you wait for ridicule that never comes. 
satoru’s shoes are black. you stare at them while you feel him stare at you. then, you hear him inhale and you dread the most humiliating possibility of all— that he’s going to let you down easy. no competition, no fanfare, just pity for a silly girl he’d never feel the same about. you steel yourself to become another victim. 
“then love me,” he says firmly. 
“what?” you snap your gaze up to meet his. 
“love me.” 
“i can’t,” you breathe. “i don’t.” 
“love me,” satoru says again.
it’s like he’s calling to you, his silver tongue rolling off of the back of his front teeth with the heavy word. 
“i won’t.” 
“love me,” he repeats. 
then, satoru calls your name. it drips with affection and it is so jarring—so different—that your breath is stolen from you. he treats the word as if it's glass, simply because it belongs to you. if anything is to be called love, it’s this. you know it. you feel it. it had crept up into your chest long before you'd had the mind to realize it.
“okay,” you say on a breath. 
satoru steps towards you, closing the distance. in one motion, he tilts your head up and presses his mouth to yours. 
it’s warm. his mouth is warm. it feels nothing like his infinity. satoru’s lips are soft and pliable and human. you deflate on an exhale and he uses the momentum to pull you closer. 
“i love you,” he speaks into your mouth, against the press of your lips. “i love you,” he smears it into your cheek. “i love you,” into your throat.
you melt. the world gives way. satoru presses his mouth to yours and you find yourself saying it back. 
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heazueken · 3 months
I Want My Donut
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*ೃ༄ summary: You were promised Satoru wouldn’t eat your donut. So how can he repay you when you wake up to it missing?
warning(s): MDNI, explicit sexual content, crack smut, food consuming and sex, blow job (male receiving)
pairing(s): gojo satoru/reader
w/c; 5.5k a/n: every fic is self indulgent isn’t it? this was a gift to a friend (@stsgooo) who had his donut taken from him </3 so this is based off of real events (just not the smut part) enjoy? LMAOOO
You had one, repeat, one good thing to look forward to when you woke up and sat straight up in bed; A fucking donut. You and Satoru had gone the previous morning to a new local pastry shop that had a wide variety of pastries, from croissants, to danishes, strudels, you name it. They also had a good selection of classic donuts. You didn’t need that many but Satoru, having the sweetest tooth between you two, decided that six donuts just simply wasn’t enough. A baker's dozen had been decided by him and he chose to pay himself considering he changed the plans of only getting six. You carried the box in your lap on the way home, the box smelling sweetly of frosting, cream and baked dough. It warmed your thighs the rest of the way.
By the time Satoru parked the car three donuts were gone. No, you hadn’t had a single one. Satoru begged for you to open the box and let him have one— insisting that because he paid and was driving that he deserved payment in the form of a chocolate bar. After nearly avoiding an accident, you clinging to the box to protect the donuts out of sheer instinct, Satoru decided he deserved another for that one. ‘I did just save our lives’ was what he muttered when he stuffed a lemon filled donut in his mouth. And finally, the reason for the third donut to be wolfed down in such an ungodly manner was simply because he was pretty and to keep that natural beauty he just had to have the apple filling strudel. That bastard.
“You better save at least one for me, you freak.” Satoru licks his sticky fingers and you stare at him with a sneer of disgust. He wrapped his hands around the steering wheel and you had to make a note to clean the wheel the next time you were in the drivers seat.
“I will, I will!” He muttered, crumbs falling out of his mouth, his cheeks stuffed like a chipmunks except this chipmunk was a full grown man and it wasn’t necessary for him to store his dessert inside his mouth like that. 
By the time dinner rolled around there were three donuts left.
“Satoru,” shocked, but mildly impressed, you looked at the stains of the cardboard box where many donuts had just been sitting were now gone and only remnants of crumbs were left. Still, your cream filled donut sat by its lonesome, untouched. “How many did you fucking eat?” 
Satoru barely looks up at you from his phone, his lip pours in a false consideration before he shrugs as if it wasn’t insane for someone to eat ten donuts in one day. “I don’t know, three?” You point to the box, whistling for his attention which he reluctantly looks up to see you standing there with the lid open.
“There are three left in here. We got thirteen, Satoru, thirteen donuts. You ate ten donuts!” Your boyfriend throws his hands up in his defense, shoulders shrugging up to his ears.
“Can’t a man like me enjoy a sweet treat now and again?!”
“You can! Just don’t fucking touch my donut.” You look back down to the box, then back to Satoru who looked equally as shocked at you, except his reasoning was your sudden ‘outburst’ and not the fact that he was a pig. 
“I will not touch your fucking donut, sheesh!” He storms off to your shared bedroom, but he rounds the corner and quickly swipes an eleventh donut, trotting away before you could really give him an earful.
So yeah, that’s how we come here to this very situation the next morning. Satoru, away from home (probably for his morning jog, that psychopath.) You, standing in the kitchen in one of his oversized t-shirts that he bought specifically for you to wear with the box of donuts sitting on the counter in front of you. Except it wasn’t a box of donuts anymore. It was just a box. An empty box with remnants of the grease that stained the cardboard material, swipes of chocolate frosting were seen as well as the crumbs littered around inside it. No matter how many times you opened and closed the lid, your cream filled donut just was not showing up. How strange. You had specifically told your stupid boyfriend to do one thing and that was to not eat your one donut you wanted for yourself. And yet here we are, an empty box and an angry girlfriend ready to grab Satoru by the balls and drop kick him into next week. He was in for one when he got home.
You paced the kitchen, chin between your thumb and index finger in thought as you considered the options swirling around your head. Should you call him right now? Give him an earful and make him run to the bakery to get what you rightfully deserve? Should you print copies of those embarrassing photos of his middle school portrait from when he thought he could dye his own hair and had to go to picture day with patchy pink hair and pin them all over the walls? Should you tackle him when he got home and choke him out? Should you murder him? All options just seemed too good to choose from, it was hard to pick. 
When the sound of keys jingling and the doorknob turning reached you, you decided that death for Gojo Satoru would be the best option. You grabbed a knife off the cutting board that had been left there just the night before, you raised it up like you were Norman Bates from Psycho about to plunge the sharp kitchen tool into your boyfriend's chest when he finally opened the door and stumbled inside. Satoru kicks his shoes off, takes an ear bud out and looks up at you when he notices a figure (you) in the distance. He’s still bent over, even from across the room you can see panic settle into his eyes. His body becomes rigid, his eyes widen and he acts like an opossum. Maybe if I just stay still they won’t notice me…
You raise the knife higher, an eerie smile cracks across your face. “Would you like to tell me why my donut is gone from the box, Gojo.” Oh god. You never called him by his last name unless you were properly pissed off, like actually angry with him. It had been so long since he had seen the rage boil from you, he could see the trembling of your body and it only made him shake with fear.
“Sweetheart, I can explain— Y-you’re up earlier than I thought. I was going to go back this morning to replace it and—“
“You wouldn’t have to replace it if you had just listened to me the first time.” It’s like there's an evil glint in your eye when you look down at him over your nose. Chin turned up when you point the edge of the knife towards him. “You will be dealt with shortly. But first,” Satoru looks at you with horror when you dramatically pause before continuing, “You will tell me why you ate my donut.”
Frozen in fear, your boyfriend still stands there by the door. He finally let the door go, it clicks closed and now he can’t escape. It would be a dumb move to turn back and run out, that would only draw attention to them both and the chance of someone calling the cops on them when they see a domestic dispute unraveling right in the road was simply something he wasn’t willing to risk. He could see it now, you chasing him down the street with the knife in your hand, him desperately yelling for forgiveness to only be met with your evil laugh and the blade buried in his chest. And over what? A donut! A fucking donut.  He could try and flee to their bedroom but then he’d have to shelter himself in there. He’d ultimately have to leave at some point and face the wrath of his hangry girlfriend. No, no he had nowhere to go, he was forced to face you head on.
“I…I…” You take a step forward and he straightens his back and attempts to go backward only to be met by the front door. “I was hungry, I needed a sugar fix before my jog and-and I was going to stop by the bakery later and replace it before you woke up but—“
“You are the biggest asshole, Satoru. I mean seriously.” 
Your boyfriend rolls his eyes, “It’s only a donut, I can buy you a new one.” Your sneer is apparent across your face and Satoru only feels his stomach drop when he realizes he said the absolute wrong thing. You take a few more steps toward him and you’re just a foot away from him. He presses his back hard against the front door and looks down at you. Despite him being over a foot taller than you he did not feel very tall, he felt small in front of your burning gaze. You were so close now that he could actually see the pain that flashes across your eyes for a moment. He had really fucked up this time. 
“It was my donut. You clearly don’t respect my things or me as a person if you’re willing to steal something that I specifically asked you not to.” The words felt like daggers in his chest and his knees go wobbly with the guilt that settles low in his gut. Satoru falls to his knees right in front of you, he lowers his head and knocks his forehead to the ground. A full on dogeza before you. 
“I’m so sorry! I’m terrible! I ruined your entire day! I’ll make it up to you!”
Staring down at the pitiful man before you, you lower the knife in mercy and tap your socked foot to his hand. 
“How are you gonna make it up to me?” He’s about to raise his head to look up at you but you firmly put your foot atop his head and force his forehead back to the floor. “You will answer me.” 
How will he make it up to you? A new fucking donut, duh. Maybe he’ll get you a whole baker's dozen of cream filled ones and you can keep them to yourself.  That’s the only possible solution, right? But even when he suggested getting you another it wasn’t exactly what you wanted to hear. Satoru had taken from you, something you had told him to keep his grubby hands off of and he disobeyed. Knowing you, you’d want a resolution that was outlandish. You liked to make a fool out of him, lowering him a peg or two. Like when he had eaten the last Milky Way that you called dibs on (he swore he didn’t hear you announce that) last Halloween and so you had him dress up in a maid costume and do your assigned chores the next day. You seemed eager to make him get on his knees and clean between the tiles of the kitchen with a toothbrush, really, that had to have counted as domestic abuse surely. Satoru would be lying though if he said he didn’t enjoy it half as much as you do. How will he make this thievery up to you now?
His eyes are shut tightly as he thinks of what to say and he lightly bangs his forehead against the wood floorboards as if it would help him choose a solution faster.“Aaaahhhh, uhhhhhhh,” he groans, trying to find some sort of answer to grasp onto. Could he put on the maid costume again? Maybe he could offer doing the dishes for the next two months. Perhaps he could suggest crawling into a hole and staying out of your sight for a week if that made you happy. Nothing, nothing came to mind! Satoru lets out something along the lines of a moan and he tries to raise his head only to be met with your foot pressing him back down. He needed to get you another damn donut, forget the other shit. But that clearly wasn’t enough for you! What else could he possibly come up with?
Then it hit him. Like a light turned on in that empty head of his and the image of his answer sat on top of a podium beneath the harsh white light, glowing and sparkling. Oh, you would love this.
“I know how I can make it up to you.” He scoots his hands, his right hand sliding over to your other foot that wasn’t occupied by stepping on him. He rubs his thumb over the top of your foot. 
“I will get you your donuts…and…and…I’ll get some to stack on my dick and you can eat them off me.”
There’s a silence that nestles between you both. It’s deafening and he can feel his blood rush through his ears as a fear oozes across himself at the thought that maybe, just maybe, you would actually end his life over a donut. Oh…maybe you wouldn’t love this.
“Satoru…” You begin, your voice lacking any emotion, he tries to gauge where you are but your foot stays firmly. “That is…the stupidest idea ever. What the hell?” He’s sweating, full on soaking through his shirt. The fear ripples over his body and he almost begins to tremble before you’re removing your foot and telling him to look at you. He slowly raises his chin, his eyes follow up your figure, starting at your ankles and glazing past your legs, up your torso (he still notices the knife in your right hand—now lowered), then your neck and finally your face. There’s a playful smile and suddenly he hears a laugh escape you. What? 
“I think I would love that, actually. But you’re driving there and buying the donuts.” 
You turn on your heel, heading back toward the kitchen and leaving Satoru on his hands and knees in shock.  He watches you put the knife back where it was and calmly walk back to your room, the sound of the door shutting reaches him and releases a sigh. There’s a buzzing in his pants, he reaches for his phone, a text from you at the top of his notification center; 
I don’t want to see you until you get those donuts.
A period at the end. This is serious. 
He scrambles back to his feet and grabs the car keys by the front door and is practically running to the car.
Satoru bought a fresh new batch just for you. Twelve donuts, half of them cream filled and the other half plain chocolate donuts with the hole and everything for…the activity you settled for as repayment. He’s proud of himself, a big smile slapped across his face when he gets back home and kicks his shoes off, not caring where they land. He makes his way into your shared room, not bothering to knock. 
He’s already semi-hard; just the idea of him exposed to you was enough to get him going, Satoru was easy like that. It didn’t help when he stumbled into the room and you were laying across the bed on your stomach, your back to him so he could see a defined shape of your ass. You sway your hips side to side in the pair of shorts he told you many times he adored seeing you in. They were just loose enough to give him easy access, pushing them to the side and sliding himself inside you (which he had done many times). He shudders at the thought, his dick growing harder and aching more for you. You sit up, scooting yourself to the wall that the head of the bed met and you lean against it, a wide smile across your face too. You’re just as excited as he was, he could tell; you tended to become red in the face and neck, your eyes would have this gloss over them when you were especially aroused or needy. Then there was a fidgeting, you bringing your legs together and squirming told him you were already wet and warm between your legs. You motion him to come to the bed, pulling the covers away and leaning over to grab the box from him.
Satoru makes quick work to sit beside you, he touches his shoulder to yours and puts his hand over your thigh, squeezing it in greeting. You don’t meet his gaze when he admires your profile for a second, watching the way your eyes light up when you open the box to see they’re all for you. You look at him then, a toothy grin on your face and you lean in to give him a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth. It felt great to be back on your good side after that rollercoaster of a morning. 
You reach a hand over and mirror his movement, squeezing his thigh and Satoru releases a pathetic whine. His hips shift and raise, his cock fully erect and creating friction within the confines of his underwear and pants.
“You’re seriously hard already? What? Had a raging boner the whole way home?” Your hand slides teasingly up his firm thigh, your fingers pressing into the soft skin. Your fingers travel beneath where the hem of his running shorts begin and you're sliding up and up until you feel the beginning hill of his erection. Satoru jolts, he forces himself to look at you, that pout on his face told you everything. He most definitely had been hard on the way home and needed you to fix it. He bites his lip when your hand gently cups him and your fingers wrap around what it can against the strain of fabric. Your index finger finds his tip, already beading through his underwear, you coo.
“Bet it was hard, huh? Being this hard and having to wait. Were you hard at the shop too?” Satoru could only nod, releasing another moan from between his lips. You squeeze harshly around him and it makes him yelp.
“Answer me.”
He nods again, bringing a hand up to cover his incessant sounds. “Y-yes. I was hard…I was so hard just thinking about this.”
“You like thinking about me eating donuts off your dick?” The corner of your mouth tugs into a smirk and you both can’t help but release a laugh at that absurdity of the situation. But Satoru had to admit that yes, he definitely was hard thinking about you jerking him off while you ate a donut that was wrapped around his cock. 
“Have to admit I do…” He confesses. Your fingers gently ghost up and down his shaft, making the words falter out of his mouth and feeling him try to raise his hips to make more friction between the two of you. Satoru’s face scrunches, his nose getting wrinkly and his eyes screwing shut to focus on not cumming right in his underwear like some horny virgin. If this was enough to send him over the edge, he can’t imagine holding off for very long once you finally get between his legs. But he was the strongest, he could do it…maybe.
You remove your hand, sliding it back down and feeling the soft bristle of the fine hair on his legs, down and down until your hand grips his under knee and you pull it close to you, forcing him to spread his legs. There’s a look in your eye when you shift over his leg to settle between his thighs. You lock eyes and he sees that hunger in your gaze, your eyes half lidded, lips parted. Your right hand cups over him again over his shorts, your left reaching for the elastic around his hips. With a hook of your fingers and a quick tug Satoru’s shorts slide down his thighs with ease. He raises his legs up over your head to help him get half naked, his cock springing free from its confines and standing to attention.
He’s beautiful like this, he always is. Spread apart, slouching into his pillows and covering the bottom half of his face with his hand to hide the blush that dusted his cheeks. Satoru tended to also get red all over, the blush traveled across every part of him, his cheeks, ears, down his neck and across his chest. Your hands lay over the strength of his thighs and you notice his cock twitch with anticipation when your hands reach where his thighs meet his pelvis. White coarse hair makes a trail from his belly button down to where he’s aching and red for you. He looks down at you with bright eyes, droopy and glossy like he was about to cry— he often did that too. Your fingers find settlement in the bush of hair, pressing down on his pelvis and your other hand grazes over the underside of his hard shaft. 
“Quiet,” you bite back. Your fingers travel down until the soft skin of his balls gives into your touch. You cup them and your hand on his pelvis is wrapping around the base of him. You squeeze gently and watch more precum dribble out of his tip. You have half a mind to bend down and have a taste but you refrain— instead you remove your hand from his shaft and reach over to open the box. Pulling out one of the chocolate donuts, it had rainbow sprinkles atop it, one fell off the frosting you caught it with your mouth just in time. You look at Satoru whose gaze is locked where your tongue connects to the donut. You drive the tip of your tongue into the frosting, it melts away under the heat of your mouth and you lock eyes with the man before you, dragging your tongue over the frosting and coating your tastebuds with its sweetness. You watch Satoru’s adam’s apple bob as he gulps, he almost becomes redder and you feel his balls in your hand twitch at the lewd action before him. 
“You’re sick, you know that?” He says through gritted teeth, his voice shaking with arousal. 
You smile. “You’re sick for eating my donut.” He couldn’t argue with that so he shuts his mouth and watches you lower the pastry over his tip.
Satoru’s girthy, almost too girthy for the likes of this donut. Its hole is much too small to fit a man of his width, but you try anyway. The dough stretches and tears slightly as you shimmy it down his shaft, it doesn’t give a good squeeze like you do when he’s sheathed inside you but it’ll have to do for now. It’s sticky and the warmth of your hands had the frosting melting slightly, but now that it’s wrapped around Satoru’s cock like this, it practically drizzles down the sides of his length. It’s silly, you bob his dick forward and backward, watching with amusement— your boyfriend has a donut wrapped around him like some sort of cheap imitation of a cock ring. You let out a laugh, your hand wrapping itself around the base of him again to catch the melting chocolate from reaching into the crevices of his coarse hair. Your fist slides up to the underside of the donut, then back down, then back up, then down. Over and over again, you duck your head down, scooting so you lay on your stomach between his legs. Your tongue peaks out of your mouth and you let it follow a path of chocolate up his cock. The warmth of your mouth has Satoru letting out a choked gasp and his eyes widen to watch your tongue lap at the melted frosting.
This was crazy, right? Absurd even, feeling this aroused at the sight of a donut around his cock and his girlfriend licking the chocolate off him. He watches with his mouth agape, you taking a bite out of the donut, your eyes opening to look up at him through your eyelashes. The dim lights of the room hit your face just right and your full cheeks chew on the sweet pastry for a moment. Your eyes shut with a comfort that travels across your body and you’re sinking lower into the bed, the sweet taste of the pastry making your body go limp in bliss. You swallow and decide to give Satoru a few more well deserved tugs before opening your mouth and laying your tongue flat against the underside of his tip. You let drool trail down his cock, flicking your tongue back and forth where you know he’s sensitive. Satoru arches his back off the bed and he grabs the sheets instead of giving into the temptation of grabbing your hair and fucking into your mouth, he has to keep some sort of control…he cries out your name, head thrashing to the side.
“Please—fuck…don’t stop!” He begs, drool collecting at the corners of his mouth. You pull away then, watching a bridge of spit break between you both, his tip glistens in the light and you decide to take another bite of the donut. Satoru lets out a loud whine of disdain at the lack of contact, his hands reaching out to grasp at you to pull you back but you swat his hands away and hold one of his wrists down firmly against the mattress.
“You don’t get to order me around, Satoru.” You take another bite, making sure the ring of dough around his cock stays intact, your hand makes good work on his lower shaft and you watch a dribble of melted chocolate slip past your hand and down his balls. Aiming the head of his cock towards his face to have a good look, you lower your mouth to catch it with your tongue and slowly lick up the path it followed, you let your tongue press and wrap your lips around a testical. Satoru grunts, another plea leaving his mouth and he watches your eyes flutter closed. You hum your satisfaction, sucking on the loose skin and you caress your thumb against a prominent vein on his hard length. You let him go with a wet pop and your tongue follows back up his length to take another bite of the donut. It begins to tear, losing its structure with each taste from you. Satoru’s width stretched it far enough so it slumped to one side and rested atop your closed fist. 
You work your hand up, his foreskin following along with the chocolate donut. His precum beads out of his tip and it collects enough to topple over and slide down the head. It drips onto the donut and you feel him trembling underneath your touch. Satoru breathes your name, throws an arm across his face and huffs, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His knees attempt to draw together but he instead digs them into your hips and squeezes you. Your free hand goes back to cup over the expanse of his thigh and you press him back open and you dig your fingernails into his skin, releasing a whimper from him. You were one of the lucky ones to see him in such a state as this, calling out and weeping for release. His hips began to buck up into your fist with a furocity and the friction only fanned the flames that blazed beneath his skin. He was close, so incredibly close, but he knew better than to cum without permission.
“You’re so pretty, Satoru,” you whisper his name in such a way that makes his head dizzy and his eyes roll back into his head. His mouth locks open and another needy moan crawls out along with the trail of drool that follows down the hill of his lip and the slope of his chin.
“Please…fuck, please just let me cum.”
“I’m not even done with my snack.” You give him a few more tugs, opening your mouth to release a string of spit off your tongue and let it land and slide down the tip of his cock. It’s filthy when you wrap your lips around the head and suckle, letting the flat of your tongue toy with his sensitive skin. Satoru jerks upward and forces you to take more of him in your mouth and your nose presses against the top of the donut, leaving a mark of frosting. You quickly release, sliding your mouth lazily down his shaft and taking a bite out of the pastry. The dough rips, unable to keep its form anymore and you grab it before it can fall over. Satoru whines when you pull away but haphazardly keep a slow pace with your fist around him, spreading your spit, his precum, and frosting across his length looking like some lewd scene you’d see in a poorly acted porn video.
You eat up, watching your boyfriend thrash and struggle not to cum all over your hand as you finish the donut you rightfully deserved. You lick your fingertips clean, sucking on them the same way you’d suck on his. Satoru narrows his eyes toward you when your eyes meet and you give him a cocky smirk. You release your tongue to lick the rest of the frosting off you, side eyeing him in the process to make sure he was watching the show you’re putting on. 
“You’re cruel, you know that? So crue-aaahh—!” Your fist clamps around him, dragging over his sticky, wet skin and now it’s your turn to narrow your eyes.
“Maybe I’ll edge you all day, then. Maybe you don’t deserve to cum at all since you still don’t see this is all your fault.” Another squeeze but around his tip, your thumb flicking over the edge of the head, drawing out a slew of apologies.
“I-I’m sorry! It’s all my fault, I’m sorry! You’re right—haa— please just…I’m sorry. Let me cum, please!” You spit into your other hand, wrapping it around the base of him and both hands work up and down in haste and the room fills with filthy squelches. Should you let him cum? Surely not, he doesn’t deserve it. But he was so gorgeous when he finally found release, his skin burning red and legs trembling, toes curling…you couldn’t deprive yourself of such a sight.
Lowering your head again, you drag your lips over the tip of him and you let your tongue drag across the swollen head. Your words ghost over his skin as you speak and tighten your fingers around him.
“Cum for me, Satoru.” It was enough, it always was with him. He could hold out for you, he was the strongest after all. But the moment you gave him the okay and when your soft lips released him from the torture of holding out he was a force not to be reckoned with. His hips jerk upward, dipping his tip back into your mouth as hot spurts fill you up. The saltiness mixes with the sweetness of the chocolate and coats your entire mouth, you swallow some of it down only to be met with more ropes of cum filling you back up. Your hands help ride out his orgasm, gripping and sliding over the veins and squeezing near the top to help him release his passion. His hand grapples your hair to steady himself, his hips driving up and down, you lower your head to let him sink further into your mouth and suddenly your throat is swallowing around him. His cum pumps out of him with each thrust and once he begins to slow down you’re slowly raising your head, already missing the slickness of your throat, Satoru pouts and lets his head fall into the pillows. 
Your hands lazily jerk him off, the last of his cum dribbles out of him and trickles down his softening erection. You press your cheek into his thigh, turning your head to give him a chaste kiss. Splaying your fingers over his pelvis and rubbing his lower stomach, feeling the ripple of his muscles as he still struggles to come down from his high. Satoru’s blood rushes in his ears and he barely registers your touch, his mind going blank after such a violent orgasm. 
“We got five more rounds to go,” you mention, reaching over to flick the box back open to remind him of the five other chocolate donuts waiting to be eaten (or used as a sex toy in this case.) Satoru looks over to them, horror making his eyes widen at the realization that you were not joking in the slightest.
“But…I—“ He begins to plead but you cut him off.
“You owe me this.” 
Why did he buy a whole dozen? Was he stupid? 
This was going to be a long night…
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literaila · 6 months
HEYYYY!! It's me again!!
I have two things to discuss today.
Firstly, have you seen those reels where Megumi reminds Gojo of Toji and he gets freaked out? So has this ever happened in the Gojo household? If yes, how dramatic does Satoru act?
Secondly, I have a request, It would absolutely make my day to see Satoru jealous. (Yes, I know we saw a it with Nanami, but can you blame a girl to want more?) Like if the reader got hit on, I am sure he'll pull something like he did to Megumi with Nobara and Yuji.
Thank you for reading this,
You are amazing and I love you.
(I'll do anything you ask me to.)
no doubt, for the first couple of months (two years) megumi lived with satoru, every time the boy woke up in the morning with his hair deflated, or walked in the room scratching his head, or sat on the couch, or went into the bathroom—satoru had to refrain a wince.
it’s not that the likeness was uncanny… but… well, the attitude was.
when megumi had on that evil smirk—usually when one of his many plots against satoru came to fathom—it was clear that the very man satoru had erased from existence had shared some of his more… admirable qualities with the boy.
sometimes it was the way megumi spoke. the tiny little inflections that satoru was probably making up, but were also definitely there. the little sigh when he asked the boy a question or the clearing of a throat when megumi was confused.
and the eyes.
megumi’s eyes were always cold, always hesitant, always moving around, constantly looking for some problem to focus on. and his glares, and his eyebrows, and uuugch.
sometimes satoru had to run into the bathroom just to cower himself away for a moment.
and if megumi happened to knock on the door, already scowling when satoru opened it a crack, really, the gasp that came next was unavoidable.
“what’s up with you?” megumi demands, shaking his head at the older, very immature man. “can you move?”
said man would open the door as little as possible as he squeezed by, trying and failing not to stare at the little boy—who has very dark hair, dark eyes, and dark intent specifically when it comes to satoru.
none of it goes unnoticed.
so if satoru is leaning over the counter, his eyes pleading with yours, you already know what it’s about.
(you’d learned about satoru’s weird superstition about two days into becoming his co-parent).
“no,” you say immediately, going back to making both of the children’s lunch.
“i didn’t say anything.”
“still no, satoru.”
“but, please,” he falls against the counter dramatically, wide blue (alien) eyes basically perfect spheres as he widens them. “just this once?”
“it’s a supply store.”
he shakes his head intently. “that’s not the issue.”
you give him a bland look, unamused with his stupid qualms, and put the lid on a container.
“he looks freaky,” satoru whispers, conspiring. “there’s something off.”
you look over to megumi who is sitting at the table, swinging his legs and chewing on some cut up ginger.
he looks as pleasant (frowning) and sweet (irritated) as always to you.
you raise a brow at satoru, choosing not to argue with him about this. god knows you do it enough.
“do you want me to cry?” satoru asks, pouting. “i have ptsd.”
you roll your eyes. “ever heard of exposure therapy?“
so satoru takes megumi to the store to get markers and papers for a school project, giving him questionable glances from beneath his glasses, and making weird comments under his breath about psychopaths and plastic surgery.
when they get home megumi is annoyed as ever, attempting to slam the door in satoru’s face before he can walk through.
you’re, of course, sitting with tsumiki at the table and watch as this interaction happens.
megumi stomps by and tells you, “please kick him out. he’s being weird again.”
and satoru just opens the door, red faced, finger pointing at the little boy, demanding: “see?”
so, yeah. satoru suffers with the memory of toji, and his biggest ideation (hurting the six-eyes user) comes to life in the form of a little boy who now lives in his home. just two rooms down the hall.
seriously, who really won that fight?
but as the months (years) go on, satoru learns to mostly ignore the resemblance between the two. sure, when megumi wears his hair differently or says anything in that rough, angry voice satoru gets a little freaked, but so what?
(if he has to go sit in his closet for a couple of minutes it’s just because he’s tired, okay? it has nothing to do with being afraid of a six year old or anything of the sort).
still, things slowly begin to change as megumi grows accustomed to satoru’s antics, and satoru becomes accustomed to being called out for them.
(you do it occasionally, but satoru knows you’re mostly joking. you’re nothing if not the benefactor of his schemes.
on the other hand, the only other person to ever seriously call him out about his ego was… suguru.
so. there’s that.)
and eventually, satoru doesn’t even notice if megumi is looking at him with devious intent. he’s well prepared and not afraid of some whiny little kid who can’t even reach the top shelf in the fridge.
(he hides behind you, usually.)
but even satoru can’t ignore the way megumi begins to change as he grows. literally, several inches by the time he’s eight.
and then there’s the way his eyes—his cold, evil eyes—change when he’s talking to tsumiki, or you. the way he softens when you’re trying to tell him something, or when he needs help. the tiny, affectionate grin that grows on his face when tsumiki is bouncing around, so full of energy that she can’t sit still.
satoru looks at him sometimes, and he doesn’t see the gifted sorcerer killer that the boy comes from, but a brother. a son that gets to be adored by the best person in the world (him you)
that is, of course, until megumi looks satoru’s way and the scowl is back, even harsher than before.
and then theres the learned attitudes, the things that you all shared—you, satoru, and the kids—just as a result of being together for so long.
isn’t there something about developing the traits of the people closest to you?
so, even though megumi is a photo copy of his father, satoru begins to see other things in the boy.
like the crinkles by his eyes, matching tsumiki’s.
or the way that his eyebrows go up when he’s trying not to smile, and the eventual twitch of his lip when he can’t help but laugh at something. satoru’s dreamed of that sight since he was seventeen and first set his eyes on you.
and then the eventual pout that megumi develops when he’s giving everyone a hard time. the pout that satoru practices in the mirror, making sure to save for only the most dire of occasions.
(also, satoru can’t help but think of megumi as the thing that keeps him… humble, in the face of everything. that question that continuously reminds satoru to keep growing, keep getting stronger, just so he can protect everything that matters.
he won’t admit it, but satoru knows that someone had to do it. someone had to be a replacement for the only other person who could ever compare to the strongest sorcerer.
and if suguru could meet megumi, satoru thinks, sometimes, when no one else is around to hear it, they would get along.
they have a lot in common, after all).
sure, megumi might have the same face, and same smirk as toji. he might as well be a literal clone of the man, just waiting to age into his skin.
but, satoru decides, one day a couple of years in, when there’s that innate protective feeling as he observes the boy—one that satoru never thought he had, much less be able to feel—maybe it’s more that toji resembles megumi, and not the other way around.
so satoru doesn’t flinch anymore because megumi’s face brings up memories he’d prefer to keep locked away—he flinches because megumi was waiting in the shadows.
just to scare him.
(secaond idea is here)
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thehighpriestess1 · 1 year
August : 14
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Synopsis : The final part.
Pairing : Gojo Satoru x y/n
Genre : Angst, smut, fluff
Warnings : Gun, blood, torture, smut, Minors do not interact.
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Whatever you do to me I’ll do to her. You have one week to decide :)
Gojo stared at the text. His hands shook as he locked the phone and clasped his hands in prayer. “Please!”. He whispered to himself. He didn’t know whom he was praying to or if anyone would even answer his prayers after all the sins he has committed. His mind came up with thousand different solutions but not one of them would save his relationship with you. He stayed that way for a while and stared at your phone in his hand. Yuri had your number. She can contact you any time. He opened your phone and deleted the chat before  blocking the number immediately.
He walked inside and stared at you sleeping peacefully in his white shirt. His skin crawled thinking about sharing the bed with anyone but you. He felt disgusted at himself for letting that happen. You deserved better than this. He sighed and wiped his eyes and got in the bed. He held you close like you would evaporate into thin air.
“Satoru..”. You murmured in your sleep.
“Yes love, I’m here”.
You opened your eyes slowly, “Why are you up?”. Your speech slurred.
“I had to get water. Go to sleep baby. I’m here now. I love you”. He pecked your forehead with quivering lips.
You relaxed and fell asleep within seconds. Gojo wasn’t sure if you’d remember any of this but he was sure of one thing. He can not lose you again. 
You sat across Gojo at the breakfast table, watching him type aggressively on his phone. You sipped your tea quietly and tried to gauge the situation. Gojo had been restless since last night and you could only think that it was something to do with you. “Are you okay?”. You asked, placing the cup back on the saucer.
Gojo looked up from his phone, “Yeah. Why?”.
“You seem..disturbed”. 
Gojo sighed, and locked his phone before placing it face down on the table. “Just work”. He brought his cup of coffee to his lips. This was another usual thing that you had noticed. Gojo didn’t like coffee. Gojo pressed his lips together and placed the cup back on the table. “I think we should get your medical test done at home”. Gojo said.
“At home? Is that even possible?”. You frowned.
“Of course it is. I don’t want to tire you out with all the hospital procedures. I could have a medical team visit us and another one can stay on the grounds”.
“Why? The visit would hardly take a couple of hours and..”. You looked at him and then at his phone and smiled. “..Satoru, if you’re busy then we can postpone it or I can go alone or with Jerry”.
Gojo stared at you blankly. How he wished  he could tell you that it was not his schedule that concerned him but rather a psychopathic woman. “No, it’s none of that”. Gojo smiled and reached for your  hand across the table. “I have been thinking of doing this for a while. It would give me more time to spend with you and Keisuke and it’s always better to have doctors on call. Safe for all of us”.
Had you not known about his mother, you would have argued with him, called him paranoid, But his paranoia was not misplaced or meant to cause you harm, it steamed from losing people close to him time and aga. It was for you and your son. “Alright then”. 
Gojo brought your hand up and kissed your knuckles. 
“Will I see you for lunch today?”.
Gojo’s smile dropped. “I’m sorry, I have to take care of something”. 
You got up and walked around to his side and gently ruffled his hair. “That’s alright. I’ll send lunch to your office. Don’t skip your meals”.
Something about the domesticity of the whole situation made the coldness evaporate from his body. Never had he ever had someone dote over him like this but now he had you, his wife. Before you could walk past him, Gojo grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you stood between his legs and molded his lips to yours. It wasn’t a chaste kiss. It wasn’t a kiss a husband gives before leaving for work. You knew very well what this kiss meant when Gojo swiped his tongue between your lips. 
“Satoru! You’ll get late for work!”. You protested as Gojo moved his trail of kisses to the mark on your collarbone.
“But you said I should not skip my meals. How can I skip the most important meal of the day?”. Gojo replied with a smirk as he slowly scrunched up the silk nightgown you were wearing.
His words made you blush and his actions sent shivers down your spine.  But you were in the kitchen and anyone could come in. “You..”. You breathed out. “...need to go”. 
Gojo chuckled, “I need you”. He groaned when he realized you were completely bare under the nightgown. He slid two fingers inside making you choke on your moans. “How can I not want you where you’re so wet for me already”. He whispered against the shell of your ear as you clenched around him.
Gojo pumped his fingers as he sucked on every exposed skin he could. But as soon as you were about to cum he pulled his finger out and smiled. 
“Why?”. You whined.
Gojo smiled and picked you up by the back of your thighs and sat you down on the top of the counter. “Because I want to taste my meal”. 
Before you could voice your concern  about someone walking in on the two of you and finding you in this position, Gojo had his mouth on your core. You balanced yourself on your elbows and threw your head back when he parted your folds with his tongue. Your thighs tightened around his head as he set a perfect rhythm between sucking on your bundle of nerves and abusing the spot inside with his tongue. He knew your body like it was made for him. 
“Satoru…”. You breathed out. 
Gojo groaned in response which sent a jolt of spark inside you. Your homely kitchen was now filled with sounds of heavy breathing and slurping.You clenched around his tongue which made him even more desperate to please you. Within moments Gojo had you gushing around his tongue. He sighed in satisfaction like a man who had just finished eating his favorite dessert. He licked you clean before standing up to kiss you, giving you a taste of what he had.
“Want me to carry you to the bedroom?”. Gojo asked as he gently picked you up and placed you down so you were almost standing on top of his shoes.
“I’ll be fine”. You smiled and pecked his lips.
“Please let me carry you”. Gojo whispered against your lips making you chuckle. “That’s a yes”. He said and scooped you in his arms. He walked through the marbled corridor carrying his wife and everyone in the path stood aside and gave him the way  you blushed and hid your face in his chest. He was not the ice Prince anymore. He was a doting husband that radiated warmth and comfort. 
He walked in the bedroom carrying you and placed you softly on the bed next to Keisuke. “There you go”. He said and placed a kiss on top of yours and Keisuke’s head. “Don’t be a naughty boy and take care of your mom for me”. 
Geto sat silently, ankle crossed over the knee, left index finger pressed against his lips, his fox eyes fixed on the phone in his right hand. He was reading through the text for the third time. He felt guilty. Angry. He felt responsible for all of this. How can he introduce someone like this in Gojo's life?
He kept the phone back on the oak coffee table and let out a heavy sigh. 
"It's not your fault". Gojo said for the second time in the past one hour.
Geto shook his head ever so slightly, silently disagreeing with Gojo. But this wasn’t the time for wallowing in the guilt. He needed a way to help his best friend. “Have you told y/n about this?”. He asked, lighting a cigarette. 
“No. I can’t”.
Geto frowned, “Why not?”.
“I can’t hurt her. The video is real”. Gojo’s hands were shaking at the thought of your reaction to the messages. “She will never trust me again”. 
Geto hummed. The situation was complicated. “We can’t let her leave the estate”.
Gojo shook his head.
“We can’t tell her about this”. Geto added. “Though on one hand it could prove that you did not kill Hiro, but  then we have the video..”.
“Even if I show her the video, even if she believed that I did not kill Hiro, she would never look at me the same way”. Gojo said. He was helpless. It felt like Yuri cut both of his arms off and asked him to save you from drowning.
The two men sat silently thinking about a way out when the phone rang again. Gojo and Geto exchanged a quick glance before looking at the message notification from the same number. Gojo took a deep breath before picking up the phone. 
It was another photo.A mirror selfie .Yuri was standing with her one leg stretched out and her phone hiding half her face. She was wearing the same dress that you had worn to the hospital. 
Yuri : It looks better on me ;) 
Blood drained from Gojo’s face. He felt disgusted with himself. 
“Shit”. Geto muttered. “She is clearly stalking y/n. Does y/n have any social media accounts?”. 
“No. She doesn’t”. Gojo replied. Eyes still fixed on the photo. Before Gojo could reply, another image popped up. Geto was the one to open it this time. 
A photo of you and Hoshi talking while Gojo stood by your side with Keisuke. 
“She was at the hospital!”. Gojo frowned.
“It doesn’t have to be her. Maybe someone else is doing the work for her. I will get the security camera footage from the hospital”. Geto spoke as he types away on his phone.
Gojo leaned back in his armchair. Yuri wanted him to be scared. She wanted him to act out of fear. He looked at Geto, “I will call Yuta and have a tracking system set up in the office. We can track her location every time she sends a message”.
Geto nodded in response. “You’ll need more security around her and Keisuke”.
“Or less”. Gojo added. “More security would mean we will have to keep an eye on more people. I think we should have a small team of closest people around them”.
Within two hours the office looked like a scene from a cybercrime movie. Yuta ordered two men on laptops, Geto and Gojo were giving orders on the phone, two men were interrogating househelps lined on the outside of the office, men were checking every corner of the house for hidden cameras and other devices. 
Gojo cut the call and ran his  hand through his hair. “I am moving them on the other side of the house”.
Geto stared at his friend, “You mean..?”.
“The left wing. It might need some renovations but I can’t let y/n stay in the same room and sleep on the same bed”.
“Just get a new bed then”. Geto suggested. He knew that for Gojo stepping foot in that part of the house was like taking a trip down horrifying memory lane. It was going to open a pandora’s box of emotional trauma.
“No. I..I can’t let her stay in that room”.
“What will you say to her?”.
“I don’t know…I’ll come up with something”. 
The two men stood in silence. Gojo had never stepped foot in that part of the house for the past ten years. When his father spent his final years overlooking the lawn, Gojo would stay on the other side of the house. He didn’t want to give his father the company of a son. For Gojo, his father deserved to be alone in his final days. The thought of bringing up Keisuke in the same rooms as he was brought up made bile rise in his throat. But that can be changed. Once all of this was over, Gojo was determined to move somewhere else. Away from this cursed house.
“Yuri is not in Japan”. Yuta’s voice made both men snap out of their thoughts.
“What do you mean she is not in Japan? Where is she?”. Geto spoke first.
Gojo remained silent. A part of him knew that Yuri would not dare threaten him in this country.
“Where is she?”. He asked coldly. 
Yuta remained silent. 
Gojo stepped forward, “Yuta, do we know where Yuri is?”.
Yuta shook his head, “The signals are bouncing across different servers in different countries. For all we know she could be in the next street”
Gojo’s phone rang and your name flashed on the screen, He walked away from the group and onto the balcony. “Hi, love”.
“Were you busy?”. You asked. 
Gojo could hear Keisuke giggling in the background and wished he could be there with you. “Not really. Had your lunch?”.
“Yes and so did Keisuke”.
“Did you take your medicine?”. Gojo asked.
“Yes.I have sent lunch for you”.
“Okay. I’ll eat it”.
You chuckled. “I have also sent lunch for Geto and Yuta. I heard the three of you were working together”.
“You didn’t have to. I could have asked the kitchen to make it”.
“It was no trouble. By any chance are you on your office balcony?”. 
Gojo frowned, “Yes. Why?”.
“Look down, to your right”.
Gojo looked down to the cobbled walkway stretching from the inside of the estate and leading to the gazebo at the back and smiled widely when he saw you standing there in your white floral wrap around dress that he loves so much, holding Keisuke with one arm and your phone with the other. He leaned with his elbows on the granite railing. “This is a nice surprise”.
You chuckled and moved the phone from your ear to Keisuke’s. “Say hi to dada”.
Keisuke babbled and blew spit bubbles. 
“Hi baby”. Gojo said, smiling fondly at the two of you. 
You put the phone back to your ear, “Why do you look so tired”.
“Because you're away from me”.
Even from this distance Gojo could see you rolling your eyes at him. He chuckled on the phone. "It's because you skip your lunch".
"Maybe I should skip it often if that means you'll come to see me". 
"You're unbearable, you know that right?". You asked, shaking your head slightly.
"I know that you love me". Gojo said. Even though you hadn't said it and maybe you didn't love him like you used to but Gojo was sure you loved him. 
You bit your lip, "Go back to work Satoru".
Gojo blew you a kiss, "I love you". 
You brought Keisuke's tiny arms to his lips and blew a kiss in Gojo's direction. 
Gojo stood there watching you disappear inside the building with tears in his eyes. Each day he fell for you more and more. He was ready to face the trauma he had buried for a decade only to see you happy. Nothing else mattered to him in the entire world. Not Yuri, not his past, not his life. He was ready to die for you right now. For him you were his world. His wish granted. His reason to live. 
Gojo walked inside and found Geto and Yuta sitting around the table with food in front of them.
"Tell y/n I said thanks!". Geto smiled.
Gojo walked over and sat with them. "Will do".
"Can I call her my sister in law?". Yuta asked innocently with his plate in his lap.
Gojo blushed a little. Until now you were just his wife but now you were a part of his entire family. "I guess you can".
Geto bursted out laughing, "you guess? You have a child with her!".
Gojo groaned and picked up his plate. "You can call her sister in law". 
Yuta smiled gleefully. He was young compared to the other two men. But he was smart beyond his age. His talent in risk assessment made him a close aide to Gojo. He had looked up to Gojo since the day Gojo started defying rules of the clan. In a way, by doing so he saved Yuta's life. Had Gojo not set the precedent, Yuta, at the age of 23 would have been married to an heiress whose name he didn't bother to remember. It was Gojo who stood up for him when he told his side of the family about his intention to marry his girlfriend, Rika.  
He had met you twice and he was sure you wouldn't remember him. But from everything he had heard about you, he was sure that you had a good heart. It is not easy to make the decisions you had made and for that he respected you. 
"Y/n-san cooks really well". 
Gojo beamed visibly, "Yeah she does". 
Geto remained silent as Gojo and Yuta discussed something about Keisuke. His brain was still trying to get around the fact that Yuri did this. Yuri. "I think you should divorce y/n".
Gojo's words died down this throat. He turned towards Geto, "Suguru". He warned.
"Just to convince Yuri. A fake divorce".
Gojo weighed this option. "But I'll have to tell y/n about it and if Yuri finds out that it's fake she can get worse".
The three men discussed every possible solution and it became clear that it was imperative that they find Yuri first. She was unpredictable. Psychopathic. Powerful. 
Geto and Yuta realized the complications it would bring with telling you about all of this. It might save your marriage with Gojo but it would leave some permanent scars. 
It was well past midnight and Gojo walked groggily towards the bedroom. The hallways were silent with most of the staff retired to their quarters. 
His phone rang, he smiled thinking it could be you asking about his whereabouts but his smile dropped when he saw Yuri's name pop up on the message notification.
Yuri : You have 6 days to go :)
Gojo chose not to reply. 
Yuri : I know something about y/n that you don't :)
Gojo frowned at the message. This could be a trap. A way to get a reaction out of him. There was no way Yuri could know more about you than he did. 
Gojo's finger hovered over the text box. He swallowed harshly and locked the phone. If there was something you were keeping from him then he would respect your decision.  
Yuri : Did you know that Y/n had to be resuscitated? 
Gojo almost dropped his phone. He knew about your anemia. He knew that you suffered excessive blood loss. But this….this couldn't be possible. You would have told him about something this serious.
Yuri : Now that I think about it, y/n's fate is the same as your mother's. She ran away with your child, almost died during the childbirth, wouldn't it be better if you let her go? Free her from the curse of the Gojo clan?
Gojo : What do you mean?
Gojo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Praying that Yuri reveals it to be a cruel joke and that he had fallen for her prank.
Yuri : Your dear wife didn't tell you that she knew that going through with the birth could kill her? Maybe she forgot to mention how doctors advised her for abortion but she refused and risked her life for the baby? How heroic of her! 
Gojo's hands trembled. This was like living through a nightmare…..again..
Gojo : prove it. 
Gojo received an email from an unknown email address. He opened it to find multiple attachments, medical reports, prescriptions. He read to each of them carefully. 
Yuri : Let her go, Satoru. Unless you want a dead child and a dead wife :)
Gojo locked the phone. He briskly walked towards the bedroom. Determined to get an answer. 
You were sitting outside the bedroom, in the living room attached to the bedroom, reading a book, wearing one of Gojo's shirts with your hair in a claw clip.Your legs sprawled over the velvet couch. You flipped through pages intently, so immersed in the story that you couldn’t see him standing at the doorway. Gojo leaned on the doorframe and folded his hands over his chest. If what Yuri had told him was true and all those documents were original then he wanted to know why did you risk your life? Would you have come with him if Keisuke was not in the picture? Would you have stayed with him if it wasn’t for Keisuke? 
Gojo cleared his throat as he walked in with his hands in his pockets.
“Hi”. You looked up and smiled at him. You closed the book, placed a bookmark between the pages and put it on the table.
“Why aren’t you in bed?”.Gojo sat on the other end of the couch and put your feet in his lap. 
“I was waiting for you”. You said, as you rested your head sideways on the backrest.
Gojo smiled and gently massaged your feet. “Geto and Yuta thanked you for the lunch”.
You smiled. “What do you want to ask me?”. You asked.
Gojo chuckled, looking down, tracing circles on your calf. He looked at you, “You know me that well?”.
“Very well”. You retreated your feet and sat cross legged on the couch, facing him,
Gojo opened his mouth to say something but then closed it immediately. 
You placed your hand on his, “Satoru..”.
Gojo gulped harshly and turned towards you. You could see he was in pain. The kind of pain that couldn’t be fixed easily. 
“Was there any complications during your pregnancy?”. He asked. He crafted his words carefully, he couldn’t say ‘how dare you risk your life?’
You knew he knew. In that moment with the sadness in his eyes and his careful choice of words, you knew he knew. You didn't want to hide it anymore. You didn’t want to keep him in the dark anymore. 
“I…I don’t know how you find out but..yes there were complications. But nothing to do with Keisuke”. You squeezed his hands gently.
“What about you?”. Gojo asked, still looking down.
“Yes. There were”.
“When did you find out?”.
“Satoru..it doesn’t matter now”. You pleaded, scooting closer to him.
“It does”. Gojo nodded his head. “It does. To me. So please, tell me”.
You took a deep breath, “In my second trimester. The doctor told me that I was at a higher risk for hemorrhage and…it could be fatal to ..”. You bit the inside of your cheek, you didn’t have to complete that sentence. You didn’t want to. You still remembered receiving that news and crying the entire night. 
“What happened during your delivery?”. Gojo asked with tears in his eyes.
You didn’t want to answer. Knowing very well how triggering it could be for him. You remained silent.
“Y/n please…I..I need to know”. 
Your lips quivered and you intertwined your fingers with his. “Everything was fine until Keisuke was born but after that…it happened. They couldn’t stop the bleeding and I..-”.
“You had to be resuscitated”. Gojo finished the sentences for you. In any other case finishing each other's sentences is seen as a romantic gesture but the gesture was nothing but grim. 
Your silence confirmed everything about his worst fear. For the longest time Gojo cursed his mother for dying with his sibling instead of living with him. He needed to know why would you condemn him to the same fate. Was he that unworthy of love? Was he that rotten of a human being? Did he not deserve love? Why didn’t you choose him? Why didn’t you reach out to him if there was a threat to your life?
“You were given an option to terminate the pregnancy”. Gojo said, it was neither a question nor a suggestion. It was a reminder.
“I was”. You agreed. 
Gojo squeezed his eyes shut and let the tears roll down his cheeks. This was the first time he was openly crying in front of you.The ache spread across his body. “Why? Why? Why?”. He turned towards you. 
Your heart broke seeing him like this. You took both of his hands in yours, “I had to, Satoru. I …had to”.
You swallowed the lump in your throat harshly. “Because …you are you and I am me but..Keisuke is a part of both of us. I didn’t think we could ever be together again or if you even cared that I was alive, but Keisuke was the only way a part of me could ever be with a part of you and that was more important to me than my own life. For me just wanting to be with you was enough. It has always been enough. Even when I saw you with…Utahime I still hoped somewhere that one day I'd be with you and …someday you'll love me so…when the doctor told me of the risk, I was ready to accept it…”. 
Gojo’s heart skipped a beat. You didn’t have to say anything else. You loved him. You didn’t have to say it. Keisuke was proof enough that you loved him how he loved you. 
“I knew that even if I don’t survive, someday you will find him…and he will be proof that I..I ..love you…”. 
Gojo let out a shuddered breath. This was the first time you had openly confessed your love to him, “Why didn’t you reach out to me? I could have done something..anything…if you loved me then why didn't you trust me that I would come for you”.
“It wasn’t that simple, Satoru. What was I even supposed to say? I couldn’t just call your office and say ‘hi I am alive and I am carrying your child and I might die?’. No one even knew about us, who would have believed me?”.
“I would have..I..if you would have said one word I would have left everything and come to you”.
You remained silent. You put your arm on his shoulder and kneeled on the couch. “I promise I will call you next time ”.
Gojo chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you on his lap with your legs resting neither side of his waist. "Next time? There will be no next time. I am not letting you go anywhere y/n Gojo. I have only ever loved one woman in my life and if she asks for my life I'd give it to her". Gojo tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "Even when I was with Utahime, I only thought about you. Even when I didn't know you were out there I only thought about you. The thought of you kept me alive and kept me going through the day. It still does. When I'm at work all I can think about is coming home and lying in bed with you. So don't you ever think for a second that I'm not thinking about you. You occupy my mind, heart and soul y/n Gojo". 
You blushed, "Alright then. I will call you even if I don't need you". 
“You promise?”.
“I promise”.
“You’ll call me even if it’s for something small”. Gojo kissed the tip of your nose.
“Even if you’re just missing me?”.
You cupped his face and wiped the tears off of his cheeks. “Yes”.
“Even if you need a massage?”.
You corked an eyebrow. “You’ll leave work to give me a massage?”.
“Then, Yes. I’ll call you”.
“Even if you need help reaching the top shelf?”. Gojo asked, smiling.
“You’re pushing it now”. You pinched his nose and Gojo laughed.
"Just tell me if anything is bothering you. Even if it's the house temperature". 
You smiled and kissed the tip of his noses "Okay".
Gojo rubbed your arm as you lay next to him with your back pressed to his chest.
“Aren’t you going to ask me how I..found out about..”.
Gojo frowned. “Why not?”.
“I’m sure you have your ways”. You said flatly. 
“Are you mad at me for..finding out?”.
“Why not?”.
You turned around to face him. “Do you want me to be mad at you?”.
Gojo lay awake wondering if it was right of him to confront you. Do you really think that he can…he would find out whatever he wants to know instead of asking you about it? Sure he might have done that in the past but this was different. Gojo made a mental note to never do this again.
“Then stop asking stupid questions”.
"What you did for Keisuke....was really brave. He is lucky to have you as a mother"
Gojo stood uncomfortably inside the closet, waiting for you to get done with dressing Keisuke. 
When you walked inside you saw Gojo standing between the rows of clothes. "Why aren't you ready yet?". You asked, putting away Keisuke's clothes in the laundry basket. 
"I want to talk to you about something". 
"What is it?". You asked, ruffling through the clothes, looking for your yellow dress. 
"Y/n..". Gojo called out. 
You picked out the hangar with the dress and turned towards him. "Yes?". 
"We are moving". Gojo said abruptly. 
Your arms fell by your side and you frowned, "What do you mean we are moving? Where are we moving to?". 
Gojo stepped forward and caressed your arms, "It's not that kind of moving. I am just shifting everything to the left wing of the house".
You looked up at him, "Left wing?". You didn't know what prompted Gojo to make this decision but you knew that something was going on.
"It's better".
Gojo chuckled, "I grew up there and it's ideal for a family. There is a nursery which we can renovate for Keisuke".
You bit your lip, "Satoru, that wing has been closed off for years. I wasn't allowed to go there and now you are asking me to move there? What is going on?". 
Gojo frowned and took a step back. "You tried to go there? Why?".
You cursed yourself mentally. "I was just….exploring".
Gojo studied your face and nodded slightly, "Yes it's true. I had closed it off because of-"
"I know". You admitted, shamefully.
"What… ". Gojo tilted his head, "...what do you know?".
You sighed heavily. There was no turning back now. "Everything. I think…. everything. You never spoke about your family and that wing was forbidden from me so I…I got curious and I asked around".
"To whom?!". Gojo frowned.
Gojo sucked in a sharp breath and looked away.Of course out of everyone Jerry would be the one to tell you. "Y/n….". He didn't care that you asked around. You had every right to do so. He wondered why you didn't ask him? 
"I know that it's something you didn't want me to know and I'm sorry that I went behind your back". You looked down, playing with the hem of Gojo's shirt. 
Gojo stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you, "No need to apologize". He kissed the top of your head and smiled to himself when he felt you relax. 
"But why are you asking us to move there? You don't have to. I am perfectly happy here". You said, resting your chin on his chest. 
"There are some security issues. I can't go into the details but I also don't want to keep you in the dark. It's for yours and Keisuke's safety. Please trust me on this".
"Safety?". You stepped back.
"Why? What's happening?".
Gojo could sense the fear rising inside you and put his arms on your shoulder,"It's nothing to worry about. Just a precaution".
"If it's nothing to worry about, then why are we taking precautions?".
"Because…I don't want to take any risk".
"But…. Satoru, that part of the house can be very…disturbing for you. I mean…it has some bad …memories attached to it".
Gojo smiled, "That's why I want to make good ones there. It's also closer to the office and much more secure".
You took a deep breath "Okay…. If it's for Keisuke's safety then sure". 
"Thank you. You don't have to do anything. Just call me if you need anything".
You nodded your head. "And you can also tell me if you need anything". You smiled.
"I need a kiss". Gojo said, immediately.
"I gave you a kiss this morning". You hit his chest gently and moved away. 
"Since when did we start counting kisses?".
You giggled and stood on your toes to peck his lips. "There you go".
Gojo wrapped his arms around your waist and didn't let you move away, "One for last night"
You rolled your eyes and gave him another peck. 
"One for this morning". 
"I kissed you this morning!".
Gojo raised an eyebrow letting you know that he could tell when the kiss wasn't genuine. 
You gave him a pressed smile and kissed him again but this time Gojo didn't let you break the kiss so easily. Instead he placed a hand on the back of your head and deepened the kiss. 
You moaned loudly when he sucked on your lower lip and ran his tongue across it. 
"Now that's how you're supposed to kiss your husband". 
"Are you my husband though?". You teased him.
Gojo looked at you, "You wanna get married again?".
Your laugh died down, "What?".
"Do you want to marry me?...again?".
You moved back and tucked the strand of hair behind your ear. "I … I…guess...I mean …I was just…teasing you".
Gojo held your hand and walked over to the shelf with all the jewelry. "Whenever you're ready you can wear the ring". He spoke as he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the side of your head. 
Your smile dropped. "I don't want to wear that ring".
"Why not?". Gojo asked and turned you around to face him.
"Too many bad memories ". You smiled sadly and Gojo understood. You were right. You didn't have to start from where you left off. You can start from a new chapter.
Gojo smiled and walked around you to open the glass case. He looked at all the rings he had bought and smiled to himself when he found the one he was looking for. He picked out the carrier Trinity ring and got on one knee. "Y/n Gojo, will you do me the honor of marrying me again?".
You laughed and nodded your head. Gojo kissed your hand and slipped the ring in your ring finger. 
"But where is your ring?". You teased him. Gojo stood up and tugged your hand and walked over to his side of the closet. He opened the glass case with his watches and cufflinks and picked out the silver Cartier ring that he had bought along with yours. 
"There you go". He gave you the ring and you couldn't hold your laughter. 
"Are we really getting married in a closet?". 
"Yes ma'am we are". Gojo replied. Laughing along with you.
You slid the ring in his ring finger and while you were giggling the entire time, chalking this as another one of Gojo's playful tactics , Gojo almost had tears in his eyes. Yes you were wearing white, his white shirt. He was in his black trousers. Yes you two love each other and for him this was a wedding. 
"Congratulations, you are now my husband!". You smiled at him and Gojo chuckled before picking you up in his arms and carrying you out of the closet. 
He held his and your left arm in front of Keisuke and gloated ,"look your mum and dad are married". 
You couldn't stop giggling and Keisuke followed suit which made you laugh even more. You didn't remember the last time you had laughed this much or you were this happy. You tiptoed and pulled Gojo into a kiss which he happily returned. 
There had been no message from Yuri this morning and it relieved Gojo but also scared him. What if all this was a silence before the storm? He had questions he wanted to ask her but he knew he wouldn't get an answer. How far did she dig to find out about your pregnancy? What else does she know? What else can she find out? 
A team was already cleaning up the left wing of the house. Gojo had gotten a new wardrobe, one that was untouched by Yuri's filthy hands. He was sure you wouldn't know the difference given your lack of interest in those clothes. There were more cameras in the bedroom. Even more in Keisuke's nursery. Gojo was apprehensive about keeping Keisuke in a separate room under these circumstances but the architecture of the room made the nursery even safer. 
The master bedroom was big, almost twice the size of one he was living in. A semi-living room was at the entrance of the suite. The entrance to the bedroom was at the far end of the living room. No one could enter the bedroom without passing through the living room. 
Inside the bedroom, the bed faces the ceiling length windows that opened up to the balcony. On the left hand side, little further from the door, was the ensuite followed by the walk-in wardrobe. On the farthest end of the bedroom was the entrance to the nursery. Making it impossible for anyone to enter the nursery without crossing the length of the bedroom. 
The nursery possessed the ceiling length bulletproof glass window, a crib, a bed, wardrobe, toy shelf and a bookshelf. It had been Gojo's nursery when he was born. The walls were freshly painted baby blue with little clouds and carrots on it. All of Keisuke's toys were thoroughly inspected for any hidden cameras. All of his clothes had a tiny GPS tracker stitched under the collar. Gojo didn't tell you about this detail to retain your peace of mind. 
The only downside was that the kitchenette was farther from the bedroom than it had been before. But Gojo dismissed it as a tiny sacrifice.He needed to buy time to execute everything so he had told you this morning that he would take you and Keisuke to the left wing in the evening to familiarize you with it. So for now, to his annoyance, you were still in the same bedroom. 
Before leaving for work, he had told Jerry about everything that was happening. He had to know to protect you. Jerry was given strict instructions to not let anyone near you or Keisuke. Even limiting your movement inside the house to the bedroom and his office. Jerry understood of course and gave his word that he would do his best to protect the family. Gojo was grateful that you chose Jerry to help with Keisuke. It made everything a lot easier. 
"What do we know about her location?". Gojo asked, typing on his laptop. 
Yuta stopped up, balancing his laptop on his forearm and walked over to Gojo's desk, "We have zeroed it down to Japan and China". He said, placing the laptop on the table and showing Gojo the screen that flickers with red dots over the suspected areas. 
Gojo nodded. It was not enough but it was progress. It was only the second day. He had to track down Yuri at all costs. "Send me the list of places that are in and around Tokyo, we'll start from here".
Yuta nodded and took the laptop back to the conference table where he and his team were working. 
Geto walked in and gave a quick nod to Gojo before walking over to the coffee table and chugging down the entire jug of water. 
Gojo watched him intently, "What happened?". He asked. 
Geto walked over and sat opposite him and lit a cigarette. Gojo brought over the crystal ashtray he keeps in his office only for Geto and placed it in front of him.
"Did you talk to y/n? About moving to the left wing?"
"Yes. She agreed. I told her it was for security reasons". 
Geto nodded and took another drag. 
"What's up with you?". Gojo asked, frowning.
"Yuri..messaged me". Geto said and placed his phone in front of Gojo.
Unknown: Are you sure moving y/n to the left wing will save her?
Gojo's jaw dropped. How did she know? How could she know? You hadn't even moved yet? 
"Yuta, take everyone with you to the seco office". Gojo said, still staring at the phone.
He looked up at Geto and Geto nodded, confirming Gojo's suspicion. "It's someone on the inside".
"But we interrogated everyone!". Gojo said, slamming his hand on the table and walking over to the window. 
Geto rotated his chair to face Gojo, "Not everyone".
Gojo turned around, "What do you mean?".
Geto took a deep breath and ashed his cigarette. "Y/n… We didn't interrogate her".
"We don't need to interrogate her". Gojo said. 
"Look, all I'm saying is, isn't it suspicious how y/n has suddenly developed this trust in you? She ran away from you! She hid the baby from you! If you hadn't found her then maybe…she would have continued that way. For all we know she has conspired with Yuri and this is her way to get a divorce from you! She wouldn't even have to share custody!".
"Suguru!".  Gojo glared at him. "That's enough".
Geto scoffed, "You love her. You went insane because of her! That's the effect she has on you! I don't blame you for wanting to punch me in the face right now but I am just looking out for you!".
"Keep y/n out of this". Gojo warned, glaringly. 
"Even if y/n is behind this, I can't let her go. I won't let her go".
Geto let out a heavy breath. "Fine. Can I at least talk to her?".
Gojo raised an eyebrow, "talk to her?".
"Yes". Geto smiled. "I swear I'll just talk to her".
"In my presence". Gojo added and walked back to his seat.
"Come on, you have to trust me on this. I swear I will just talk to her. I haven't even met Keisuke yet!".
"No. If you want to talk to her then either do it in my presence or don't ".
"20 minutes. You can come in after that"
Gojo groaned and closed his eyes. "Fine. You get 10 minutes, that's all. Meet Keisuke, talk to her, But not a second above 10 minutes".
When lunch time rolled around Gojo and Geto made their way towards the dining area. Gojo had already told you that Geto would be stopping by for lunch and you were genuinely looking forward to seeing him. The last time you had seen Geto was years ago, before everything went down. You didn't even know what to say to him but good food is a universal language. 
When you saw Geto walk inside the dining room alone your eyes immediately went to the empty space behind him. Why was Gojo not here? 
"Hi, y/n". Geto Suguru said as he stood in front of you.
Gojo stood outside, at a distance from the dining room. He checked his watch every minute, waiting for the 10 minutes to pass by. He trusted Geto. But he knew you were smart. 
As soon as the 10 minutes were up he walked into the dining room, concerned, ready with explanation, but his worries faded away when he saw Geto holding Keisuke and playing with him while you watched them. 
"Sorry I'm late". Gojo said and walked over to you. He placed his hand on the small of your back and pulled you towards him gently. 
"He's so…..small". Geto said as he gently tugged on Keisuke's cheeks. "...and soft".
"Now you understand how tough it is to leave this and go to work". Gojo added.
The three of you sat around the table and talked like old friends catching up. But beneath the laughter and nostalgia, one of the three of you was hurting. 
"You okay?". Gojo asked as he stood at the doorway.
Gojo studied your face. It was blank. "Are you-"
"I need to change Keisuke. I'll text you later". You smiled and pecked his lips.
Gojo smiled, and kissed you back. Geto called for him from a distance and Gojo left you standing there at the doorway.
"Are you alright?". Jerry asked as he brought Keisuke to you.
"Yes Jerry. I am". 
"Your medicine ma'am". Jerry handed you the pills and you swallowed them with water.
"Thank you".
"What did you ask her?". Gojo asked Geto as soon as they were out of sight from the dining hall.
"Just questions". Geto shrugged.
"What questions?". Gojo stopped walking and stared at Geto who stopped two steps ahead.
Geto turned back and sighed, "I just asked her how she was adjusting to this life".
Gojo studies Geto's face. "She might look strong but she isn't. It's not easy uprooting your life every year and starting fresh. I hope you were…gentle".
Geto looked at the genuine concern in Gojo's face and bit the inside of his cheeks. "I was". 
The cool breeze of the evening brought you relief as you sat cross legged on the balcony chair.You didn't know what was going on but you knew you were a suspect. You twirled the tea spoon in the lukewarm tea and thought about your conversation with Geto. He was trying to get something out of you, trying to get you to confess to something, but what could it be? 
You also knew that Gojo was probably in on it. Did he not trust you? Why didn't he ask you directly what he wanted to know?  Could you confront him about this? Should you? Would it affect his and Geto's friendship? Or would it put you in trouble? 
You leaned back in the chair and watched the birds fly against the setting sun. They were on their way home. But what about you? Could you ever be home? You had moved here with Gojo and yet he was doubting you. There was no right answer. No right way to approach this. You knew Gojo would come any minute now. He said he was going to come home early today. While he wanted to move to the left wing tonight, you had messaged him after lunch to move tomorrow morning because Keisuke was being fussy today and changing his environment seemed like a bad idea to you. But now you wondered if that put you under more suspicion.
Your head was spinning conjuring all these theories. But you had to look out for yourself. Gojo loved you, you were sure of it. But did he trust you? 
"Hey". Gojo walked in on the balcony.
You craned your neck back and smiled. "Hi".
"Why are you out here?". Gojo asked as he sat down next to you.
"Just…needed to be alone".
"Why?". Gojo asked, moving his chair closer to yours. 
You shrugged with your eyes fixed on the distant point on the lawn. You were human, you had your limits and you were tired.  
"What did Geto ask you?". Gojo asked, looking at your hands folded on your lap. 
"Just questions".
Gojo bit his lip in annoyance. "What questions?".
"Why don't you go ask him?". Your words came out sharper than you had expected. Maybe it was because you were reaching your tipping point.  
"Y/n... If there is something bothering you then I want you to tell me". 
You scoffed. "Why don't you tell me what's bothering you?". 
Gojo's heart dropped to his stomach. He was at a loss of words. 
"Nevermind. I'm going to bed". You got up but Gojo stood up and blocked your way. "Satoru, move. Please".
"Let's talk about it. Please".
You looked up at him, "I have nothing to say to you except that whatever it is that's…going on, I have nothing to do with it. You want to put me under surveillance then go ahead and do it. I don't care anymore". You tried to walk past him but his hand on your waist stopped you. 
"I know you have nothing to do with it. Geto just wanted to talk to you". Gojo spoke softly. 
"I know when I'm being talked to and when I'm being interrogated". 
"He didn't mean any harm. I'm sorry if he was harsh with you. He just wanted to be…safe". 
You nodded your head. "Okay". 
"No no no. Don't give me an okay ". 
Gojo's hands dropped by his side. He'll fix it later. When he has an answer or an explanation. 
"Just ….let me go. I need to rest".
"y/n.... please talk-".
"I don't feel good. I should sleep now".
There was a heavy silence at the breakfast table this morning. No morning kisses were exchanged. By the time Gojo had woken up you were already done getting ready for the day and so was Keisuke.
"The left wing is ready to move in. Let me know whenever you're ready". Gojo asked, giving you a short smile that was not reciprocated.
"I won't be coming for lunch". Gojo added. Hoping to get a glare from you but was meant with the same icy expression.
Gojo bit his lip. "You look beautiful today". He smirked. 
But your expression didn't change. You opened your mouth to say something but Gojo cut you off. "Please don't say okay". 
Gojo groaned and let his fork clank against the ceramic plate. 
"If you're mad at me then just be mad at me!". He whined. 
You kept your fork down on the plate and looked at him. "I'm not mad at you".
Gojo scoffed, "I can see that. All he did was ask some questions y/n! For your safety!". Gojo closed his eyes in regret as soon as the words left his mouth. 
You gritted your teeth and looked at him. "Satoru I uprooted my whole life! Moved here with you! Tried my best to give us a chance! And now I am being questioned by you and Geto?You...Who has always lied to me from the beginning! Why am I the one who is being questioned here when you were the one who left me for someone else, lied to me, drugged me, forced me to move here by threatening to hurt people I care about! Why?! Why am I expected to trust you when you can't even do the same for me!". Tears rolled down your eyes as you let out your pent up frustration. 
Gojo was frozen in his seat. He knew it was a bad idea. He should not have listened to Geto. "Y/n….".
"I'm fine. I'll be fine". You wiped your tears with your palm. "I'm sorry I got carried away. I didn't mean to bring up all that". You got up to keep the plates in the sink and Gojo followed you. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist and turned you to face him. "You have nothing to be sorry about. Nothing. You don't have to be fine with all of this. Complain as much as you want to. Demand what you want. But don't be …fine".
"Okay". You relaxed in his arms.
"Don't say okay".
"Fine". You replied, a smile tugging at your lips. 
Gojo looked down and shook his head. "Don't say fine".
"Alright". You chuckled.
Gojo smiled and kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry for letting Geto talk to you".
"No it's alright. He was just doing his job".
"I'll punish him, don't worry". Gojo winked at you. Trying to ease the tension. When you voiced out your frustration it dawned on him just how stupid and hypocritical the whole idea was. His eye drifted to your ring finger and his tension eased a little when he saw that you were still wearing that ring. Maybe this is what a secure life feels like, when even when you fight and disagree you still stay by each other's side at the end of the day.
You silently wrapped your arms around him and took a deep breath. "Promise me we'll be fine".
"I promise". Gojo hugged you tighter and kissed your forehead. "We'll be fine". 
You nodded your head and pulled back. "You should go now. You'll get late".
"I can stay with you today. Work can wait". Gojo said, studying your face. You looked shaken up. Tired. Your eyes were sunken in and your face looked pale. 
"I'll be fine". 
Gojo studied your face. You were not fine. He took his phone out, "I'm staying with you".
You kept your hand on his arm that was holding the phone and brought it down. "No need to stay. Why don't you go and stay after lunch? That would be better".
Gojo bit his lip nervously, "You sure?".
"I'll send in a doctor to check on you. You don't look so good".
You nodded your head. He was right. You had been feeling more tired than usual and your bones ached with every moment. But hopefully you'll get to rest with him after lunch.
Gojo texted Jerry on his way. 
Mr.Gojo : Keep an eye on y/n. I want an update on her every hour. 
Jerry : Yes sir. 
Mr.Gojo : If she seems slightly distressed, call me immediately.
Jerry : Yes sir. 
Gojo glared at Geto the moment Geto walked inside the office. 
"I'm sorry". Geto said  firstly. "I ..I might have gone overboard but I didn't mean any harm". He raised his hands by his side.
Gojo remained silent. "You should be apologizing to her". 
"She should have fought with me". 
"She didn't fight with me. She was upset but she understood that we are doing this for some reason".
"She didn't ask you the reason". Geto asked, lighting a cigarette.
"Why?". Geto smirked. You were still under his radar.
"Because she was saving me from lying to her". 
Geto hummed. "Did she tell you that?".
"She didn't have to".
"Right….cause couples have telepathy".
"She understood that you were doing your job. But I want you to remember that it's not easy for her either…living here with me. Dealing with all of this? She didn't sign up for this. You can doubt her if you want to but at least be gentle with her. She might look strong and collected on the outside but…she's going through a lot".
Geto hummed. "We'll if you put it that way…then you're right. I do owe her an apology. I'll meet with after lunch…in your presence of course and apologize to her..but she's still not in the clear*.
Gojo scoffed. If Geto hadn't been his best friend Gojo would have buried him six feet under yesterday. "Why don't we find Yuri first and then we can confirm your suspicion?".
"We can do both".
Gojo frowned, "How?".
"We send y/n to Yuri". 
Gojo's glare turned icy. The temperature in the room dropped and everyone was aware of the shift in mood. 
Geto straightened up. "Not alone. Obviously. We will be tracking her".
"Alright. I'll find another way".
Gojo leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. No. There was no way he was going to let you go to Yuri.
Yuri sipped on her coffee and twirled the phone in her other hand. She was waiting for the good news. If everything was going according to the plan then Geto must have confronted you somehow and that would have pushed you and Gojo apart. Little by little. 
Mr.Man : Didn't work 
Yuri looked at the text and her self reassuring smile dropped. Fucking Geto! She wondered whether the plan fell through because of Geto or because of Ms. Goody two shoes attitude. If exposing your pregnancy to Gojo didn't push you two apart, if Geto's suspicion didn't push you two apart then she knew none of her other minor plans would.  She had to pull out the big guns. 
She gulped down the searing coffee and slammed the mug on the table. The ceramic mug broke in her hand and sliced her thumb. She chuckled. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her throat burned and hands bled. She brought up the sliced thumb and smeared the blood across your photo on her desk. She brought up Gojo's photo and put her thumb on his lips. "I'll burn for you, I'll bleed for you…soon you'll be mine"
Yuri : Plan B. 
Gojo and Geto were going over different locations where Yuri could have been. Geto had a stack of paper in front of his hand which outlined every connection to Yuri. 
"What about the man at the hospital? The one that clicked the photo?". Gojo asked.
Geto shook his head, still flipping through pages, "He was picked up randomly on the street and paid to click her photo". Geto looked up at Gojo. "He thought y/n was a celebrity and the paparazzi wanted a photo of her. He had never seen the man who approached him and paid him for the job. We have his sketch and the police are still looking for him".
Gojo cursed under his breath. Geto was calm, he was moving in a calculated way but Gojo on the other hand was getting restless. There was no text from Yuri and it was not a good sign. He knew that Yuri was playing with Geto. He knew Yuri would do everything in her power to pull you two apart but Gojo was not going to let that happen. 
His phone chimed and both men exchanged nervous looks. Gojo carefully picked up his phone and frowned. 
Geto took his phone from his hand. "What does this mean?".
Yuri : Run.Run.Run.
Before Gojo could reply Jerry barged through the door, sweating, panicked, scared. 
The three men stood outside the bedroom,waiting for Shoko, as you lay unconscious inside. The medical team had left an hour ago  and Gojo was counting each  second pass by. He had asked Shoko but she refused to say anything until the blood reports were back.
Keisuke cooed in Gojo's arm, oblivious to the condition of his mother. The sun had set long ago and it had been over 5 hours. Gojo was going restless with each passing minute. Geto had been watching CCTV footage of the house the entire  day to see if there had been any intruder but he found nothing. Gojo hadn’t asked anything to anyone while Shoko and the medical team were here but now he wanted to know. “Jerry tell me what happened, exactly".
Jerry wiped the sweat off his forehead and took a deep breath. "Mrs.Gojo had just finished with master Keisuke's bath and she was going to dress him up. She walked out of the wardrobe but master Keisuke started crying so she picked him up and asked me to get his bottle from the kitchen. But before I could reach the kitchen I heard her call for me so I came running inside. She looked ..pale. the color drained from her face and she was gently swaying. I sensed something was wrong so I rushed to where she was standing. She asked me to hold master Keisuke and call for a doctor and then…then she collapsed on the floor. Then I called for the medical team before calling you".
Gojo gently rocked Keisuke in his arms. "Did she take her medicine?".
"Yes sir". Jerry replied.
"Did she ever skip a dose?". Geto asked next.
"No sir. Never".
Geto turned towards Gojo and he knew by the look on his face that Yuri had hit her mark. "Maybe it's because of stress or fatigue".
Gojo took a deep breath, "Do you really believe that?".
Geto closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. Keisuke stared at him over Gojo's shoulder and smiled. Geto returned the smile and winked at him. 
"Satoru, can I talk to you?". Geto asked standing upright, "Alone?". 
Gojo nodded at Jerry and Jerry took his leave. Gojo put down Keisuke in the pram carefully and covered it. 
"You said, there were cameras in the room?".
"Yes". Gojo replied and handed Geto his phone which showed the camera feed. 
Geto watched it carefully. Then, he replayed it again. "Interesting…" he hummed.
"What?". Gojo asked, looking at the phone screen. 
"Everything happened just as Jerry had described it". 
"He was there. He saw it all".
"It's still weird that he was able to describe it scene by scene. Usually when people go through such an experience, their recollection varies slightly from the reality but he was spot on".
"Suguru, I trust you, but you suspected y/n and we know how that turned out. Now you are suspecting Jerry? He has been with my family forever. He was the one who alerted us and the medical team. If he was involved in this then he could have run away".
Geto listened to Gojo carefully. "He stays with them everyday?".
"From  9 am to 9 pm".
"Is y/n close to him? Do they discuss her problems?".
Gojo bit the inside of his cheeks. "Yes".
"Has he ever interfered with your…". Geto shrugged for the lack of words, "..marital issues?".
Gojo scoffed, "Not in a bad way".
"But he has?".
"Yes. He has".
Geto nodded and looked down at the pram, "Who chose him to be with them?".
"Y/n did" 
"Interesting. Why didn’t she choose anyone else from the staff?”.
Gojo sighed, “Because she was not close with anyone else. We both trusted Jerry and decided it is best to have someone like him to stay with them”.
Geto sensed Gojo’s frustration and refrained from talking further about it. It was best to wait for  Shoko’s analysis.
“Y/n will be fine”. He put an arm on Gojo’s shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.
Gojo nodded. “She has to be”.
Shoko walked in, glaring at Gojo. The two men immediately straightened up in her presence. “How is she?”. Gojo asked.
“You knew she had anemia”.
Gojo frowned and looked at Geto, “Of course I did. I called you ..remember?”. He added.
“I do. I also remember looking at her reports and prescribing her medicines which she had to take daily”.
“She was taking them daily”.
Shoko looked at Geto, who corked a brow. “No she wasn’t”. 
Gojo’s pulse raced. “What..what do you mean?”.
“Her reports are back. Her anemia has worsened”.
Gojo’s world stood still on its axis. “That’s..that’s..not possible. She was taking her medicines daily”.
Shoko shook her head. “I had my suspicions so I sent her medicines to the lab and they were not the ones I had prescribed. Well one of them was. The others were Dapsone”.
“Shoko I don’t understand….what do you mean?”.
Shoko sighed. “Satoru, let's sit down”. 
Gojo pushed the stroller and sat down opposite her and Geto. “Shoko what’s going on? Is she going to be fine?”.
“I have my suspicion that someone switched her medicines. Her blood count was too low so I sent the medicine in the lab and out of five only one was the medicine that I had given her and the rest were a drug called Dapsone. Dapsone is used to induce Anemia, not cure it. I can estimate that she was administered this drug for no more than five days but given her condition it could have been fatal”.
Gojo’s mouth ran dry. “Fa..fatal? You mean…”
“Life threatening”.
Gojo’s shoulder dropped. “Is she going to be fine?”.
“Yes. But she needs rest and care”. 
“Who gave her the meds everyday?”. Geto asked,Gojo looked at him . The two men exchanged nods and Geto was already on his phone. 
Gojo nodded his head. Had Yuri continued to torture Gojo, he would have beared it all. Had she asked for all his wealth, he would have given it all to her. Had she asked for his life in return of yours, he would have given it to her. But she made the most fatal mistake of her life by going after you. No one was safe now. No one was in the clear now. No more interrogations. No more suspects. Yuri had declared a war and now she would have to fight it. 
Gojo thought about the fight last night and how this morning he didn't even tell you he loved you. He made the same mistake he made last time, leaving you when his gut told him to stay.
"I don't care who gave her the meds..I can't hurt her anymore. She deserves to live a happy life". Gojo picked up his phone and called Yuta, "Get me the divorce papers".
The man on the other side of the wall listened to the conversation. He smiled. The plan had worked. 
Yuri : I need updates!
Yuri : Why are you ignoring me?!
Yuri : Is  that bitch dead?
Yuri : Where the fuck are you? Pick up my call!
Yuri : Did they move her to another location?
Mr.Man : Things might have gone out of control. 
Yuri : I told you we should have gone for a lighter dose!
Mr.Man : Have faith. 
Mr.Man : He might reach out to you. I overheard him talking to the detective.
Yuri : What should I do?
Mr.Man : Strike when iron is hot. 
Yuri : What does that mean? Should I meet him? 
Mr.Man : Yes. But ask him to meet alone. He might come with a backup. He has agreed to the divorce. 
Yuri : What? Really?! Why hasn't he texted me yet?!
Mr.Man : Have patience. 
Gojo finished typing the last text and locked Jerry's phone and stared at him. Jerry's gaze remained fixed on the floor. Five men surrounded him as he sat in handcuffs. 
Gojo kept the phone on the table and pulled a chair to sit opposite to him. He stared at Jerry, the man that he respected like a father, the man that he trusted enough to be around his wife and son, the man that took care of him in the darkest days, but he was no longer any of that. Now, to Gojo, he was the man that tried to kill his wife. When Gojo saw the messages between him and Yuri he wanted to put a bullet through Jerry's brain. But he knew he needed him to reach Yuri. 
"Why?". Gojo askedz crossing his one leg over the other and folding his arms over his chest. 
Jerry remained silent.
"Why did you try to kill y/n?".
Jerry looked up at him with anger in his eyes. "I didn't try to kill her".
"You drugged her. Knowing well that it could be fatal to her". 
"She wouldn't have died. I wouldn't have let her die".
Gojo bit the inside of his cheeks. "Why help Yuri?".
Gojo scoffed at the silence. "I know where your family lives. Your daughter is at Ginza, waiting for her train to Ueno. Your son is 300m away from your home. Your wife is at the neighbor's house and she will be leaving in the next 5 minutes when a man will tell her that her son has been hit by a truck and her daughter fell on the train track. Do you think given her heart condition she would survive the news?". Gojo smirked.
Jerry had tears rolling down his eyes. His chest rose and fell with each breath. "No. You can't hurt my family!". Jerry yelled.
Gojo let out a chuckle. "Are you really in the position to ask for that? Fine. You're right, you have served the Gojo house for a long time and I should honor that. How about…I get you convicted for pedophilia? The word would spread around quickly, I'll make sure of it, your daughter will be ostracized  at the college and your son will probably kill himself. Your wife…dies anyway". 
Jerry was sweating and shaking. He hid the details of his family from Gojo and yet he found out. Gojo smiled and got up to get his phone. He stood in front of Jerry and showed him the live video of his family members. The first video was of a man moving through the crowds at the station and standing just behind his daughter. "What are the chances that the safety door in front of your daughter malfunctions and the crowd pushes through?". 
Gojo played the second video, it showed another man walking behind his son on the bridge less than 300 m away from his home. "I have heard that this bridge is quite dangerous. You see the speed with which these cars are moving? It would hurt so much if he got hit by one of them".
"Please…not my kids. Please". Jerry begged. 
"Hmm okay. I won't kill them. Just injure them enough so they spend their entire life in a wheelchair, unable to talk, walk, react.."
Gojo chuckled and played the third video which showed a man standing outside a neighbor's window and Jerry could see his wife on the couch talking to her friend.
"Imagine when your wife's friend finds out that you are a pedophile! They would be so disgusted".
"No no no. Please". Jerry cried. His tears fell on Gojo's ostrich leather shoes. 
Gojo walked back to his chair and assumed the same position. "Then start talking. You have 3 minutes left to save your family".
Jerry shook his head. "I didn't want to hurt Ms.y/n. I didn't. But I couldn't let her stay with you. You don't deserve her! You're just like your father! I…". Jerry paused. "....I couldn't save your mother. I wanted to. I even helped her run away but you monster of a father brought her back!".
Gojo gritted his teeth as he listened to the sick man. 
"I loved your mother. I wanted to help her…but I couldn't". Jerry looked up with a frenzied expression. "...Ms.Y/n reminded me so much of your mother. She is kind. A good mother. Doting wife…and you". Jerry's gaze darkened, "…a monster. A selfish man who is only capable of thinking for himself…the day you made her cry, I knew that this time I will save her!". 
Gojo swallowed the lump in his throat. "So you tried to kill her?". 
"No no no no. I would neve hurt Ms.Y/n. I just wanted you to realize that the life you live puts the life of others at risk".
"You were there with me! You raised me! You out of all the people know what I went through!". Gojo screamed, making Jerry flinch.
"I pitied you as a child. But as you grew up you became his splitting image and as much as I wanted to help you, I felt disgusted by you! You were treating her the same way you dad treated your mother"
"Y/n trusted you. She was the one who suggested that you should be the one to help her with Keisuke".
"I know. I would rather die than let anything happen to Ms.Y/n. That's why when Yuri asked me to kill her, I made this plan. I was going to kill Yuri after you divorced Ms.y/n". 
"And then?". 
"Then then…I would have asked Ms.Y/n to stay with my family. So I could care for her like she deserved to".
Anger rose inside Gojo. "You're a sick man".
Jerry chuckled. "Love makes us sick, Mr.Gojo. I used to wonder how a man could go insane because of a woman..who was this woman that made the great Gojo Satoru lose his mind. But then…I met her and I got to know her. It all made sense. Anyone would go insane over-".
Gojo stormed out of the room wiping the blood off of his knuckles. People stopped in their trail as they saw him walk past. No one had seen the Ice Prince in the last one month but now he was back. Gojo didn't care if Jerry thought that he was just like his father. Gojo didn't care that Jerry called him a monster, maybe he was a monster. But he loved you. If he was fated to love you as a monster then so be it. He will become the monster that will protect you, avenge you, love you. 
Before Jerry could finish a sharp blow landed on his jaw. Jerry fell on the floor with his hand cuffed in front. Gojo grabbed his collar and lifted him off the ground, "That's my wife you're talking about you sick bastard!". Gojo threw him across the room and Jerry's head collided with the wall as he fell on the floor leaving a red streak in the trail. Jerry thought about all the times he saw with Gojo, like you were a happy family when you were nothing but a trophy for him. He remembered when he first heard yours and Gojo's moans mixed together it made him throw up. Gojo didn't deserve a woman like you. Every time he looked at Keisuke he was reminded of the love you had for Gojo and he would have killed Keisuke first if it hadn't been for you. Losing Keisuke would have broken your heart, especially when you risked your life to save his.
Gojo sat on his toes and glared at Jerry. "Did you kill my mother?".
Jerry chuckled, coughing out blood. "I didn't mean to kill her. I just wanted that child of hers to die".
Gojo gritted his teeth. He felt sick. He got up and kicked Jerry in his guts. "You are going to pay for what you did".
He took his phone out and texted Yuri, 
Gojo : You win. I have the divorce papers. Where should I meet you? 
Yuri stared at the text and bit her nail. She was scared to face Gojo. Maybe she can ask him to drop the papers somewhere. Instead of texting Gojo she texted Jerry.
Yuri : Gojo texted me. Where should I meet him? Does he really have the divorce papers?
Gojo unlocked Jerry's phone with his other hand and replied,
Mr.Man : Call him at the warehouse near the pier. He has the divorce papers. 
Yuri : How did y/n even sign it?
Gojo rolled his eyes and huffed. 
Mr Man : She was slightly conscious. She doesn't know yet that she had signed the Divorce papers.
Yuri : Serves that bitch right. I'll call him tonight at 12.
Yuri took a deep breath and texted Gojo, 
Yuri : warehouse number 12 near the Pier. 12 am. 
Gojo : okay.
Yuri : come alone. If I see another guard or officer with you, y/n will be dead before you even reach home.
Gojo looked at her text and chuckled.
Gojo : Okay.
He walked over to where Geto and Yuta were sitting with Keisuke. Yuta gently rocked Keisuke in his arms and walked around the room but as soon as Keisuke saw Gojo he started crying and stretched his hands towards his father. Gojo's icy exterior melted as he smiled sadly and took Keisuke from Yuta's hand. "Thank you for looking after him, Yuta".
"No problem. He seemed to like more than his uncle Geto" 
Geto, who was sitting cross legged, rolled his eyes. "He would only calm down with Yuta".
Gojo chuckled and rubbed Keisuke's back. He immediately calmed down as soon as he took in the scent of his father. Gojo kissed the back of his head as he sniffled. "Any update on y/n?".
Geto and Yuta shook their heads. 
"I called Shoko and she said y/n might be unconscious for the next 12 hours. Something about her body needing time to recover. They are changing her drop every hour".
Gojo nodded his head. "Can I go see her?".
Geto and Yuta exchanged looks, Yuta hesitated but spoke first, "Ms.Shoko didn't say you can't but she didn't say you can either..so I guess you can".
Gojo handed both the phones to Geto, "I'm meeting her at 12 tonight. Yuta go through the texts and see if we can find anything else on her".
Gojo rubbed Keisuke's back and walked inside the guest bedroom where you were lying unconscious.
He let out a shuddered breath as he saw you lying still with tubes going into your arms. Your face pale like a ghost, cheeks sunken in, he swallowed his tears as he moved slowly towards your bed.
"Hi, love".
Keisuke turned around at the mention of your nickname and moved in Gojo's arm, stretching his arms towards you. "No baby. Mumma is sleeping". Gojo gently put his arms down but Keisuke fussed in his arms and continued to get out of his grasp and into his mother's. 
Gojo kneeled by the bed and gently put Keisuke next to you. Keisuke stretched his arm out and grabbed your dress and tugged it to have you turn and face him. Gojo pressed his lips together and hung his head low as he let out a silent cry. How can he explain to Keisuke that you can't play with him now? If anything were to happen to you how can he explain to him why his mother is not there with him? He prayed to God that if he wants a life then he will hand over his only for you to live. Gojo cried as he watched Keisuke pout trying to get you to turn to him. He sucked in a sharp breath and mustered his strength. He had to be strong for him. When you wake up, you will be so proud of him for being a good father. A strong father.
"Mumma's sleeping. You want to give her a kiss?". Gojo asked and picked up Keisuke so he could softly kiss your cheek. Keisuke tried to grab your face but Gojo picked him up immediately "no no no. We can't disturb mama".. Gojo leaned down and kissed your forehead softly, "By the time you wake up, this will all be over. I promise".
Keisuke cried as he hopped in Gojo's arms to be free and lie next to you. It didn't make sense to him as to why his mother won't play with him? Why won't she hold him? Why won't she feed him? 
Gojo walked out before Keisuke's cry could disturb you. "It's okay baby. She will be up soon. Then we'll all stay in bed all day". Gojo cooed as he rocked Keisuke gently. 
It was around his dinner time so Gojo walked straight to the kitchen, he tried to prepare the formula while carrying Keisuke in the baby carrier.  It was evident that Keisuke missed his mother as he would start wailing every half hour. Gojo struggled to make a formula while talking to Keisuke at the same time. He was too scared to let anyone either hold his baby or make his food. He could only trust himself. A task that usually takes about ten minutes took him 30 minutes to complete. Gojo sat down on a couch, draped a towel over his shoulder and held Keisuke in his arms as he tried to feed him with the bottle. But Keisuke refused and continued to cry. Gojo sighed and looked around the empty kitchen. He didn't know what to do. He had tears rolling down his cheeks.
His wife was unconscious, his baby was crying and he didn't know what to do. But then, like a message, he remembered your advice. Gojo carried Keisuke and the bottle to yours and his empty bedroom and sat down on the bed. He put Keisuke on the bed gently and ran inside the wardrobe to fetch your cardigan that you were wearing this morning. 
"A baby recognises the mother by scent". Your words rang in his ear. He wrapped your cardigan around his arm and went back to hold Keisuke. Almost like magic, Keisuke stopped crying immediately. He sucked on the bottle gently and looked up at Gojo with wide blue eyes. 
Gojo chuckled, "you're a mama's boy". Gojo shook Mr.Carrot above gently and continued to talk to Keisuke while he drank. When he was done Gojo put the cardigan on his shoulder and Keisuke smiled when he put his head on the cardigan. Gojo breathed a sigh of relief as Keisuke burped twice and dozed off happily. 
Gojo walked around the bedroom with Keisuke in his arms. He thought about his own childhood, how when his mother had run away his father did not even bother to check on him. If it wasn't for the help he would have gone to bed starving.  He would never let Keisuke feel that way. In a way he was glad that Keisuke is too young to remember any of this. 
Shoko stood by the door and gestured to him to come out. Gojo walked out and gestured to her to be quiet as Keisuke was asleep. Shoko simply rolled her eyes. 
"Is everything okay?". Gojo whispered.
Shoko nodded her head. "Y/n's vitals are fine. I am here to look after my godson". She nudged her chin towards Keisuke.
Gojo smiled. It was a relief that he had someone he could trust to look after Keisuke as he goes after Yuri.  "Thank you".
Geto walked in with his hands in his pocket and smiled at Gojo. "Looks like he is finally asleep". He whispered.
"Yeah. It was quite hard".
"I am looking after him so you two be safe out there". Shoko said as she gently took Keisuke from Gojo's arm. Keisuke,wrapped in your cardigan, cooed in his sleep and grabbed her hair strand. Shoko remained still for a moment. She has always been the stoic one, the sassy one, but now as she held Keisuke in her arms she glared at the two men in front of her. "If anything happens to this baby I will burn this world down with my lighter". 
Gojo chuckled and nodded. He leaned in and kissed the top of Keisuke's head and when he pulled back Geto leaned in and kissed the top of Shoko'a head. "a kiss for my baby".
"Thanks". Gojo smiled at Shoko. 
"If you do something stupid I will steal your baby". 
Gojo chuckled and nodded. In her own twisted way it was Shoko's way of saying she wanted him to be safe and that she loved Keisuke.
"Do I really need this?". Gojo asked, holding the bulletproof jacket in his hand. 
Geto fastened the jacket over his black shirt and tied his hair in a neat bun. 
"Obviously! Y/n would kill me if anything happened to you!". 
Gojo chuckled and took his shirt off to put on the jacket. It was better if Yuri didn't know that he was prepared. He felt like he was going on one final battle of his  life and on the other side a good life awaited him. 
He buttoned his shirt and turned towards Geto, “Hey..”.
Geto, who was tying his shoelaces, looked up at him and crooked a brow.
“If things go south and if anything were to happen to me..there is a letter for y/n in the first drawer of my desk, give it to her”. 
Geto chuckled, “Fuck off”. 
Gojo had never felt so sure of his destiny. But now he knew. He knew as he kissed you and whispered his promise in your ear. He knew as he checked his gun. He knew as he walked out of the estate with Geto. He knew as he drove his black lamborghini huracan. 
He stopped the car at a distance from the warehouse. He stared at the silver band on his finger. There was no set plan to follow. There was nothing to talk about. He got out of the car and glanced at a distance where Geto’s car was ready with the back up. He grabbed the papers and made his way towards the warehouse.
Yuri paced around the warehouse. She had kept it simple, at least tried to. A metal table at the center. Two chairs on either side. She had tried to keep her attire simple but sexy. Leather pants and a leather corset top. He knew Gojo hated loud makeup and stuck to her no-makeup makeup look. Her heels clanked on the ground as she paced from one end to the other. Jerry had texted her a while back, assuring her that Gojo had left alone. 
Yuri stilled as she heard the approaching footsteps. She went and sat on one end of the metal table with her legs crossed, like a tigress waiting to pounce on her prey. The rolling doc doors opened, revealing a silhouette of a man. Yuri recognized Gojo right away. Gojo stepped in and the doors closed behind him. 
Yuri took in a deep breath and shifted in her seat as Gojo walked towards her. Her breath hitched when his face became visible. Sunken red eyes, disheveled hair, tense jaw, arms flexing by his side. 
Gojo didn’t say anything. He walked over and sat on the other side of the table. 
“Hello, Satoru”.
“Hello, Yuri”.
“I’m sorry to have done this to you. I hope you know that I didn’t mean to hurt you”. Yuri spoke softly. “None of this was meant to hurt you”.
Gojo smiled. He wanted to get up and bash her head against the metal table but he held his ground. “It’s alright. It was best for both of us anyway. Y/n does not fit in my life”.
Yuri smiled, ear to ear. “Exactly! That’s exactly what I wanted you to see!”. Yuri took a breath of relief and relaxed in her seat.
Gojo smiled and nodded. “How did you get Hiro’s video?”.
Yuri chuckled. “Satoru..you are too innocent for this world! You see, I knew you way before Geto introduced me to you. Or should I say I introduced myself to Geto”. Yuri laughed.
“What do you mean?” Gojo asked. Trying his best to keep his demeanor pleasant enough.
Yuri took a deep breath. "You see.. I saw you for the first time the day you killed Naoya Zenin. I didn't even have to ask around much to find out about the history between the two of you". Yuri chuckled. "I just knew I wanted to be with you. You were strong, so sure of yourself. But I couldn't just approach you right?".
"With Naoya's death the clan was in pieces and I gathered all the important information I could. That's where I found the security footage of his townhouse and I was going to delete it. It seemed useless until I saw your face in one of those. So I kept it with me. I didn't know who Hiro or y/n were but I knew who you were".
Gojo stared at her blankly. "So you used the information you had on Zenin to gain Geto's trust?".
"Bingo! When I saw what you had become it broke my heart. I thought to myself whoever this dead woman was, she should not have this hold on you! But it turns out the dead woman was alive!!!!". Yuri threw her head back and laughed. 
Gojo didn't want to hear your name from her mouth anymore. "Give me Hiro's video and I'll give you the divorce papers".
Yuri took out a phone and played the video for Gojo. "There you go". She slid the phone across the table. Gojo picked up the phone and sent the video to Geto, as a backup and to let him know that it was time to move. 
He smiled and slid the papers across the table to Yuri. Yuri grinned and picked up the stack of papers. She flipped and her smile dropped and pulse picked up. These were not divorce papers. They were photos of Jerry, handcuffed and tied to a chair. Yuri blinked and looked at Gojo who was smiling at her. 
"You made a huge mistake going after y/n".
"I…I…Satoru…Satoru..I..". She fumbled with the words and stood up immediately letting the metal chair fall to the floor. "..nno…this was all his idea!". She yelled, pointing at the photo of Jerry. 
Gojo smiled and stood up with his hands in his pocket. He took out Jerry's phone and tossed it on the table. "Regardless of whose idea it was…". He walked around the table and Yuri took a step back for every step towards her. "...you should not have even thought about hurting my y/n".
Yuri trembled with fear. "I didn't want to! I swear I didn't want to hurt her!".
Gojo pouted and bent down to her eye level, "Right, you wanted to …kill her. You wanted to kill my y/n".
Yuri shook her head and stepped back. "No no no I…I didn't. You…you can take the video. I…I swear I won't ever hurt her again…please…please let me go". Yuri fell to her knees and begged. 
Gojo sat on his toes and cooed at her. "Come now Yuri…where did your confidence go?".
"Please Satoru…please…don't kill me".
"Kill you?". Gojo clicked his tongue. "Why will I kill you? You didn't kill my y/n did you?".
"No no I didn't!". Yuri shook her head and swallows her tears. 
"Exactly..you hurt her!" Gojo grinned in her face. "So now I will hurt you". Gojo said, pushing her forehead back with his index finger. He stood up and walked over to the table and pressed the button opening the rolling doors. "You're terrified of water right?". Gojo asked, tilting his head. 
"Satoru please! No no! I saved your life! Do you not remember any of that?".
Gojo's smile dropped, "You're right". He said glaring at her. "You saved me. Then you drugged me. I can still forgive that. But you hurt y/n. I will never forgive you for that". He smiled as men rushed around him and stood in a semi circle around Yuri.
"As much as you love surprises, let me tell you what's going to happen to you. I owe you that much". Gojo cracked his knuckles and stretched his neck. "You are going to be taken to the middle of the sea. Then your arms and legs will be tied and you will drown in a metal cage…not killed. Of course not killed. I cannot kill someone who saved my life right?". Gojo shrugged. 
Yuri stood up with trembling legs. She regretted telling Gojo about her worst fears. 
"And this will continue the entire night, or till my y/n wakes up. Whichever comes later. Then you'd be given a choice…to either shoot yourself in the head or drown to death".
Before Gojo could turn and walk away, Yuri grabbed a gun from the holster of the man standing to her right and fired in Gojo's direction. 
As soon as the noise rang every gun around her was pointed in her direction. Gojo stared at her blankly. His right hand went over to the left bicep and touched the wound. Gojo brought his hand forward and looked at the red coating his fingers. "You missed". He smirked devilishly. Yuri watched in horror as her shot missed the mark. Bullet that was aimed for his heart simply scratched his bicep. A wound that would recover in a few hours. 
"You know salt water really stings on wounds? How about a wound for a wound?". Gojo smirked and took out his pocket knife. He held Yuri's trembling hands and made a long diagonal cut on both of her palms. 
"That should do. Enjoy your night Yuri. It's your last one". Gojo winked and walked away as Yuri's screams faded in the background. 
Gojo sat at the back seat of the G wagon  with doors open as a medic patched his wound. Geto, who stood outside, glared at him with his arms folded over his chest. 
"Fine you were right! I am glad I listened to you and wore the vest!".
Geto shook his head and lit a cigarette. The air was cool and this wasn't their first post fight banter. He watched as the men took Yuri away in a blacked out car at a distance. 
"Why drowning?". Geto asked, staring at her flailing silhouette.
Gojo chuckled, "Because it's her worst fear. She can't swim and has been terrified of the open waters since she was a kid".
Geto nodded his head. It was fair game. She played with Gojo's worst fear and he played with hers. 
"Any news on y/n?". Gojo asked.
Geto shook his head. "Shoko said she's stable and Keisuke has been sleeping well". 
The medic was done wrapping a bandage around his bicep and Gojo got out of the car and stood next to Geto. 
"Does it hurt?". Geto asked.
"Why? Are you going to kiss it?".
"Do you want me to?". Geto smiled and looked at Gojo through the corners of his eyes. 
The van carrying Yuri went past them and Gojo finally felt free. 
"How are you going to show y/n the video?".
Gojo sighed. "Maybe when she is awake and a bit more stable, I will tell her that you helped me find the video and that can also help justify your interrogation".
"I owe her an apology".
"She'll understand".
Gojo checked his watch, it was 2 am. "We should head home".  
Yuri screamed and shouted as the guards locked her in a 6ft metal cage. By the time the cage was suspended in the air above the vast black ocean, she had accepted her fate. These men won't listen to her. She offered them money, sex, power but they wouldn't dare go against Gojo Satoru. 
"Oh god of god of god". She muttered as the cage was slowly lowered to the ocean. She closed her eyes and held her breath as it completely submerged in the dark water. She flailed around in the cage like a fish. Her lungs burned and the scars on her palm stung badly. As soon as she thought she was going to drown the cage was lifted  in the air. She fell on her knees and coughed out the salty water. Her wounds burned even more now as she tried to wipe them on her pants.  She hissed and cried but her eyes burned with every tear that rolled down her cheeks..this was worse than hell and it was only the beginning of her long night.
As soon as she caught her breath the cage was dropped in the ocean again. Unlike last time when she was given a moment to catch her breath, this time the impact had her screaming under water. She grabbed on the rails on the roof of the cage and tried her best to stay above water but her palms hurt so bad that she immediately let go of the rods and floated in the cage, screaming, crying. Once again, as soon as water began to fill her lungs, she was brought up again.  
The cage was brought up and Yuri looked down at the vast black ocean. Open water bodies terrified her but open water bodies at night was a whole other ballgame. She felt dizzy and disoriented. All she could taste was salt. All she felt was pain. 
She remembered Gojo's words, "Don't worry Yuri. When you reach hell, the devil will pity you". Yuri smiled. Gojo always stood by his words. She looked up at the sky and prayed to fall unconscious so she wouldn't have to feel anything. Ironic, she thought to herself, how she wanted your fate right now. She laughed and then the cage fell again….
As soon as Gojo reached home he rushed through the doors to see you. It was around 3:00 am and though he was tired, mentally and physically he needed you. He was hoping that when he sees you you'd be up and waiting for him to get into bed but as soon as he reached your room, his heart fell. 
You were still asleep. 
He walked silently and kneeled by your bed and held your hand gently. "It's over. It's all over". He kissed your knuckles and smiled.  
"When you wake up, you'll be in a new world. Where we will live happily. I have so much to tell you but all of that can wait. We have all the time in the world now". He kissed your cheeks and whispered three little words that he hoped you'd hear. 
"Satoru?". Geto called out in a whisper, standing at the doorway.
Gojo kissed your forehead and walked out. 
"Did Yuri tell you anything about how she got the video?". Geto asked. 
Gojo walked alongside him with his hands in his pocket, "She used to work for Zenins and when Naoya was gone, she stole information from them to gain our trust. Somewhere in that pile of information she found the video…pure stroke of luck".
Geto cursed himself for not running a thorough background check on her. Had he known she had worked for Zenins he would have never employed her. How could he let that go under his radar?
"Drop it already, will you? It's not your fault".
Geto nodded. 
"Why don't you and Shoko take the guest room? It's been a long day and I am sure she's tired too". 
Geto smiled and nodded his head. He too was tired from everything that had happened. His added guilt only amplified his need for a good sleep. 
You let out a heavy breath and suddenly were conscious of every muscle in your body. You felt awake but in a dream. Your arms felt heavy by your side. Your legs felt heavy. Your head felt heavy. You tried to raise your hand but could only manage to twitch your fingers. Was it night? Was it noon? Where was Keisuke? Where was Satoru? You opened your eyes slowly and saw the darkness around you. Something was attached to your arm, you moved your eyes to the side and saw a tune going into your wrist. Then it all clicked. 
Your heartbeat picked up, you remembered feeling dizzy, you remembered calling for Jerry but you didn't remember whether he came or not. Shit did you faint with Keisuke in your arms? Did you hurt him? Was he okay? You tried to call for help but your throat felt painfully dry. 
"..toru". You managed to whisper. Your vision was still clouded and the lack of visible light only added to your paranoia. 
You took a deep breath and swallowed painfully to muster up courage to call for help.
"Satoru!". You managed to call in a hoarse voice. 
You felt someone's hand on yours. You looked down and saw the tuft of Arctic hair. You smiled. Of course he was here. 
"Satoru..". You called with tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Gojo woke up with a jerk. He heard you call for him. He looked up and before the single tear could reach your jaw he was on his feet and leaning over you. "I'm here. I'm right here, love!". 
Gojo pressed the button and was about to run out to get help but your feather light grip on his band stopped him.
"Stay". You whispered and Gojo relaxed. 
"You're alright. Everything is fine". He assured you as he kissed your forehead.
"Ke.. Keisuke..".
"He's fine. He is sleeping right now. He's fine. You're both fine".
You smiled as you let out a sob. 
The nurses rushed in and Gojo kneeled  on the other side of your bed and held your free hand. "It's going to be alright". He assured you again. 
A part of you felt like he was assuring himself. Like he was trying to convince himself that you were alright.
Shoko walked in rubbing her face and stood by your side and smiled. "This is not the reunion I had expected but good to see you y/n".
You smiled. "Can't…move".
Shoko smiled. "It's alright. You have just woken up and the dose I gave you was quite high. It'll take some time". She sat down on the chair Gojo had been on and checked your pulse. "Low but good". She stood up and gently helped you sit up slightly. 
She helped you drink water with a sipper and wiped your face with the towel that Gojo handed her. 
"What happened?". You asked meekly. Your voice lacked strength but at least you were able to talk now. 
Shoko and Gojo exchanged looks and before Gojo could start she turned towards you and smiled. "You fainted. But luckily we were able to get you the help that you needed and you are stable now". 
You frowned at her. "I..took meds".
Shoko's smile dropped and it concerned you. "Someone…Jerry switched your meds".
You tilted your head to register to what she just said. Jerry switched your meds? Was she talking about the same Jerry? You turned your head towards Gojo and his guilt ridden face confirmed your suspicion. 
Gojo turned to Shoko, "Can I talk to her alone?".
Shoko nodded and got up. "Call for me if you need anything".
You turned to Gojo and fear in your eyes made his heart drop to his stomach. Gojo held your hand with both of his and explained everything that conspired in the past 24 hours. You listened with your heart on the edge as Gojo showed you the texts between him and Yuri. 
Anger rose inside of you when you saw the video but it was soon replaced by sadness knowing that Gojo was in such a state where people like Yuri took advantage of him. Yet here he was, more worried about you than what could have happened with him. You wanted him to be angry for himself but instead he was worried about how you'd look at him. 
Anger rose inside of you when he showed you Hiro's video. How could you let that happen? Had you stayed for a minute more then Gojo would have witnessed the birth of his son. You were angry at Hiro for taking this one thing away from you. Sure he wanted Gojo to suffer but what about you? What did you do to deserve not having the love of your life by your side? How could Hiro disregard your feelings? You were thankful to him for giving you an escape but did you even need one? You needed to have Satoru by your side. You needed a peaceful sleep. You needed to feel loved. You needed to hold Gojo's hand when you thought you were dying…and Hiro took all of that away from you.You sobbed as the video finished playing. "I'm so sorry". You sobbed in your hand. "Oh god…what  have I done….I'm so so sorry". 
Gojo stood up and wrapped his arms around you as he let you sob in his chest. "It's not your fault y/n. It's not your fault". Gojo let out a shuddered breath when he felt your body tremble in his arms. He sat down on the bed and rested your head on his chest. "It's going to be fine. We are going to be fine. Breathe, please". 
"No no no no…I…I'm so sorry". You clenched his shirt in your hand. “I..shouldn't have listened to Hiro…I..Oh god..I’m so sorry Satoru. I..I am so sorry”
"No love. You have nothing to apologize for. You did what was best for you and our son. You did a good job".
You looked at him, “But…you..you couldn’t be there because of..If only I would have stayed for a minute longer..”.
“Y/n…You didn't do it with the intention fo hurting me, okay? You were just protecting yourself and our son”
"What about Jerry? I let a man like that near Keisuke and …if only I hadn't…".
"No no no. It's not your fault that people are bad".
"Satoru , he could have hurt Keisuke…oh god ..He could have hurt my baby!". 
Gojo sighed. "It's my fault y/n. I told you I'd take care of you and Keisuke and I…couldn't".
"It's not. You did everything right. It just happened to be Jerry. Nobody …could have expected it”.
Gojo kissed your head. "Okay".
"Where is…Jerry?".
You closed your eyes, and Gojo cupped your face with one hand and wiped the tears off your face.
"Why didn't you tell me about this? I would have believed you".
Gojo was at a loss of words. He looked down, ashamed and shook his head. "What was I supposed to tell you? I know the look on your eyes y/n. You love me but I know a part of you is also scared. I see that. I wanted to tell you about Hiro but I had no memory of that video. I ...I told you there was nothing between Yuri and I and then....this...I couldn't do that to you. I couldn't let you go"
You looked down. You had been too harsh on him and you felt bad for making him feel that he had to hide things from you and Jerry used it against him. He knew Gojo would not confess to you. He knew Gojo would be scared of the video and that's why they sent both the videos together. You were so angry at everyone for hurting him.
Gojo shook his head, "You don't have to see him, love".
"I just… How could he even think when you would be anything like your father when he has practically raised you? Satoru, you are nothing like your father…You are kind and attentive and you always prioritize us over your work …. Keisuke is so lucky to have a father like you…I am lucky to have a son with you".
Gojo looked at you and smiled sadly, “Do you mean it? Really mean it?”
“Yes!”. You said, immediately. “I mean it with every fiber of my body”.
“Thank you”. Gojo kissed the side of your head.
“I hope Jerry rots in hell for everything he has made you and Keisuke go through”.
Gojo smirked, "As you wish". 
"And Yuri too..but where is Yuri?".
Gojo took a deep breath, "She's there. Do you want her to live?".
You remained silent. You didn't know whether you had it in you to kill someone. But Yuri threatened your son, drugged Satoru…"No. I don't think she deserves to live". 
Your eyes drifted to the white band under his shirt. You sat upright and touched it gently. "What happened?". You looked at Gojo.
He sighed. "It's nothing" 
"It doesn't look like it's nothing. What happened, Satoru?".
"Y/n ..You need to rest right now".
"No…no I need to know what happened to you?".
Gojo sucked in a sharp breath. "Yuri…. shot me".
Your mouth hung open as you tried to get up but Gojo put his hand on your shoulder and calmed you down "What…what do you mean she shot you? …why are you not in a hospital?".
Gojo smiled sadly and pulled you into him."Because it wasn't serious and I wanted to spend time with my wife".
"Satoru…it’s not ..corny. It can be serious and It can get infected or something". You glared at him.
Gojo smiled. It was adorable how your knowledge of getting shot comes from movies and his’  comes from his experience.."Y/n…It's just a scratch.I am more than fine. I'm here and you're here and that's all that matters".
You shook your head disapprovingly. What happened to all the safety and security when he was almost shot? “No no. You should still get it checked once again”.
“Okay, I will but not now. I need to be with you now”. He grinned.
"Did you have a hard time with Keisuke?". You asked, trying to lighten the mood.
Gojo took a deep breath and thought about how he had never seen Keisuke cry this much. How clueless he felt every moment you were not around. "He missed his mom for sure". 
"Did you feed him?".
"Did you bathe him?".
"No. He was too fussy and I didn't want to risk it".
"Where is he now?".
"With Suguru" 
You breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Are you mad at Suguru?:. Gojo asked.
“No. I understand now. I am glad you had him”.
You yawned and groaned, feeling the tiredness creep in.
"You should sleep now y/n. It's been a tough day". Gojo got off the bed and helped you lie down. He pulled the duvet and tucked you in how you do for Keisuke.
"Can you…. stay with me? …..Please?". You bit your lip nervously. After hearing everything that happened while you were unconscious a part of you was scared to be without Gojo. You needed him to feel secure. You needed him to tether you to reality and save you from spiraling into your what ifs.
Gojo nodded "Of course I will", and got in bed with you. He winced as he lay on the arm that was injured and you glared at him. "just a scratch?".
Gojo smiled and rubbed your back. "Yes, love. Just a scratch". 
When you woke up again you were no longer ridden with anxiety. Instead you felt even more relaxed when you saw Gojo walking around the bedroom with Keisuke in his arms.
"Good morning". You said, sweetly.
As soon as Gojo turned towards you Keisuke started crying and stretching his arms out to you. Gojo brought him to you immediately and you took him in your arms.
"Did you miss me, munchkin? Sorry mummy took a long nap". You cooed as you wiped his tears. Keisuke buried his head in the crook of your neck and wrapped his tiny fingers tightly  around your necklace. His wailing stopped the moment you kissed his chubby cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I promise I'll never leave you again". You kissed his head as he sniffled. You peppered kisses on his face and it made him relax in your arms. "Were you a good boy? Did you give daddy a hard time?"
"Did he give you a hard time?". You asked, looking at Gojo. 
Gojo sat down next to you and stretched his legs, wrapping one arm around you and resting the other one on your lap. "Not at all. But he missed you. I was so scared for him. I couldn't even explain anything to him". 
You smiled sadly and pecked Gojo on the lips. "You did a great job". 
"You think so? It took me over 30 minutes to make the formula".
You chuckled at him. Sure that was surprising but you didn't blame him. "That's alright. You still did a good job". You understood that it wasn't easy to take care of a baby when everyone around you was a possible threat, when your wife was lying unconscious, and there was a psychopath out to get you.
"I'll call Shoko. You still look weak".
You kept your hand over his and looked at him pleadingly, "Few more minutes.. please".
Gojo smiled and sat back down pulling you into him. 
You rested your head on his chest, brought his hand up and kissed his scarred knuckles. You felt safe in his arms. Somewhere in your heart the last crack closed up and you finally…after four years…felt like you were home. 
1st August,
You stared at yourself in the full length mirror and smiled. You looked like those dolls on top of the wedding cake. The lace veil draped behind you and the white silk gown fit you like a glove. The diamond earring that Gojo sent for you this morning casted a kaleidoscope  pattern on your collarbone. Your eyes drifted towards the calendar on the wall. August 1st. The weather outside wasn't gloomy. It was surprisingly pleasant. Not too windy, not too sunny. Gojo had wanted a grand wedding but you insisted that you get married in the lawns of the estate that you had spent months taking care of. You didn't want a grand ceremony. You wanted to get married at a place that you called home. 
Contrary to advice of the wedding planner, you had decided to do your hair and make-up yourself with help from Shoko. You wanted to keep it all very minimal. You looked at your hands and smiled at the imperfect white nailpolish painted by Gojo. He wanted to add his own touch to your look and you couldn't say no.
You picked up the sapphire brooch and pinned it on your left, your something blue belonged to Gojo's mother. Your something old was your own mother's hairpin that you had treasured for years. You wondered if your parents were her would they be happy? You hope that wherever they were, they were smiling for you.
You needed this time alone in your bridal suite to gather your nerves. The last few months passed by like a gust of wind. Keisuke was not almost 7 months old and Satoru decided that it was the right to get married for the second time…or third. Though you didn't demand for one as you were already officially married, Gojo insisted that you have a ceremony. You agreed. 
Though he didn't need to propose, Gojo still went on a knee when the three of you took your first family vacation to Ginzan Onsen. It was your Ghibli dream come true and you said yes to the ring once again. You still remembered being so in love as you walked along the streets with Gojo’s one hand in yours and the other pushing the stroller. You were no longer with Gojo because you had to be. You were here because you wanted to be. You wanted to welcome him home and make his lunches. You wanted to write notes for him and pack it in a bento box. There was something adorable about the most feared man in Tokyo blushing over a note in his bento box. 
Now you stood here, on the 1st of August, thinking about how a year ago you were pregnant with Keisuke and had just found out about the risks of pregnancy. In the August before that you were sitting in a bus, on the way to the office where the love of your life was engaged to another woman. Now you are about to get married to the man you love .Funny how life changes in three Augusts. 
As you walked down the aisle with Mr.Itadori on your right  and Mrs.Itadori on your left , with your bouquet of orchids in your hand, you saw the man you had loved for the last five Augusts stand on the other end. Everyone was looking at you and you were sure you should have acknowledged them and smiled at them but you couldn't tear your eyes off of the man in the deep blue tuxedo. Handsome as ever.  
Gojo felt like someone punched the air out of his lungs as soon as he saw the doors open. The wedding march faded in the background and his world stopped moving. This is what he lived for. Everything that he had endured till now led up to this moment and he would do it all again just to see you smile at him as you walked down the aisle. You were his sun, his moon, his star. 
“You look beautiful”.
“Thank You”. You smiled and took his hand.
Gojo had boasted that he would not be the one to get emotional but here he was, fighting his tears as he read his vows. He lost the battle when you read yours and you chuckled as you wiped the tear off of his face. You cried a little too when he kissed you. But Gojo was quick to wipe it away with his thumb.
Geto stood next to Gojo with Keisuke, in a matching blue tuxedo, in his arms. He looked at Shoko and they exchanged smiles. 
Instead of a flower girl you had Yuri happily scattering flowers for you. It was  surprising how quickly he bonded with Satoru. During the reception Yuji ran up to you and introduced you to another kid, who Yuji claimed to be his best friend even though they had met an hour  ago. Megumi,whom you recognized to be Toji’s son. He seemed like a quiet kid, opposite Yuji. You  smiled and patted both of their heads as they ran away hand in hand. You turned and continued to talk to the man who was taking over part of Gojo’s business so Gojo could spend more time with you. Nanami Kento. Few minutes later you saw Megumi and Yuji being scolded by a girl, about their age, and smiled. You wished that these three retain their youthfulness even when they grow up.
Months later when you and Gojo took Keisuke to Gyoen park. The lake smiled. Years ago two hearts broke by its shore and now they had found their way to each other like waves to shore. Gojo smiled as he saw you show different flowers to Keisuke. It was surprising that his first word was "addada" and Gojo rubbed it in your face for weeks. He claimed that he had won the bet but you only rolled your eyes at him. Even now as you point to a flower Keisuke looks at Gojo and calls him in a come here motion. "Addada", Gojo gave you a smug grin, reminding you that he had won the bet. Gojo smiled and walked to his son. In that moment Gojo was grateful that he never stopped fighting for you. If there was anything worth fighting for in this world, to him it was you. 
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A.N : Thank you to everyone who has supported this story. It's been a long and happy journey and I hope you enjoyed your time with the story. I hope it brought you comfort and happiness when you needed it.
It's 2 am as I write this and I can't describe how emotional I feel having completed this story. I hope it was everything you had expected and that you are happy with how things turned out. Thank you for supporting me so far and I promise that I will continue to do my best for you 💗
With lots of love, 
Your Priestess.
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@hiqhkey @chemtrails-club @simplyrosesxr @foggyperfectiondragon @sofi786 @vesta-ro @kimvmarvel @mykyoon @shintin @attackonsimpp @pyschopotatomeme @lilith412426 @shuxjodie @sagejin @cloudsinthecosmos @hecateria @froggylust @lightblueexorcist @watyousayin @creolequeen11210 @s13nnnna @shartnart1 @the-crane-wives @musababy @loquia @ackerstain @allofffmypeaches @regalillegal @erintaro @commandertorinshepard @gojo-sunglasses @tspice283 @iam-mia9 @screwyou3 @denypipa @smolkazumi @winter-bearv @mc-reborn @pangolynnn @sindela @daintyazra @purpleguk @iam-mia9 @sammyiguess @ritsatoru @5seos @kirby-star @vr00m-vr00m @qualitygiantshoepsychic @littlemochabunni
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523 notes · View notes
kyumiscafe · 13 days
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"What if he just... snapped?" || Gojo x psych ward nurse ♡
Used y/n but not too much, no tw's just Satoru being a tiny bit unhinged
Do you like the plot? Here's the janitor ai bot for anyone interested
They all worshipped the strongest, but no one saw the man, no one noticed the cracks until it was too late.
The first crack appeared after the Star Plasma Vessel mission, Gojo's near death experience. Then it was his best friend Suguru Geto, his betrayal, death. Murder. The blood on his hands left such a deep mark, irreparable damage.
No matter what Gojo did after that, death followed him like a loyal dog. The final crack took place in the prison realm, with no distraction from his own thoughts Gojo Satoru snapped.
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Satoru can't remember what he did after being unsealed. All he remembered was the blood that came afterwards. Apparently, he went on a rampage. It didn't matter, he didn't feel guilt, not in the slightest. They all got what they deserved, right? The good ruled over evil once again, and the world was safe. As usual, Gojo Satoru saved the day.
And as a thank you? He's here, in a fucking straitjacket, seals all around to make his cursed energy dormant. At least that's what those old fools believed would work...
Satoru can't help but scoff, recalling all their nonsense. 'You're unstable. The mind needs to be healed.'
Blah fucking blah. What a load of bullshit. However society always looked down on mass murder, so fine. Gojo will play nice... for now.
Click clack, click clack...
His grin only deepened, a borderline predatory look as he heard those familiar footsteps. Ah... how wonderful.
"There you are. How's my favourite nurse? Missed your psychopath?"
Gojo spoke, voice laced with sarcasm and a chuckle escaped his lips while looking at Y/n.
"So... are you going to undo the straps this time sweet nurse? My arms are sore."
Satoru pouted, sweetly, so devilishly charming, one can almost forget that by society's standards, he's an 'dangerously unstable individual.'
Those hourly visits are the only reason why he's still here despite being Gojo fucking Satoru and walking out. It's not like anyone could stop him if he really wanted to... Truth is- it pissed Gojo off, being stuck there made him fucking irascible to say the least. He hated feeling bored with a burning passion.
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satorkive · 11 months
“첫눈에 널 알아보게 됐어, 서롤 불러왔던 것처럼, 내 혈관 속 DNA가 말해 줘,내가 찾아 헤매던 너라는 걸…”
gojo satoru knew that it’s his time.
honestly, he doesn’t know what to feel. emotions override his logical way of thinking that he doesn’t even have the energy to formulate his thoughts.
is this the end?
is this how suguru felt when he’s bleeding out?
is this how you felt when you took the blade for him?
is this how nanami felt when half of his face was burned?
if yes, then he’d gladly welcome the arms of death.
he can finally reunite with his bestfriend, his love of his life, and his almost-bestfriend. nothing is worth living in the jujutsu world. he can apologize to shoko when they meet again—not very soon, he hopes.
he has trained the kids so they can defend themselves. he shows a portion of his vulnerability to them, but they can never equate the two of you.
it was probably the best twenty-eight years he experienced in this cruel world. he hopes in the afterlife, he can be happy—for a lifetime. not just temporarily, but for eternity.
the sky is blue and the sun shines above him. the air is fresh and the war is fading.
his eyes snap widely when he hears your voice. he frantically moves to go to you when he felt your soft hands touching his face.
the bleariness slowly vanishes and he can clearly see your pretty face who is looking at him in concern.
“are you okay? you seem to be… disoriented?”
“yo, satoru! you fell for [name] so hard you are ready to collapse? that’s lame.”
the voice he never heard for so many years greet him like an ice bucket.
what’s happening? he’s really dead? he didn’t wake up?
“oh, oh…” then he laughs. like a deranged psychopath laugh. you step back in surprise and suguru put a hand on satoru’s shoulder to smack him.
“oh my god, you’re being insane, satoru. what’s happening?”
the white-haired boy shook his head and wipes the tear that has fallen. “nothing, nothing. i thought i was being delusional—”
you chime in. “you have always been delusional, satoru, what’s new?”
suguru giggles like a girl and satoru stands up to headlock you. you put your hand over his and you feel like your blood thrumming in your veins. like your dna is recognizing who you are biologically engineered to be with.
you feel him and he feels you. goosebumps form under your blouse and you look at him with wide eyes.
it feels like you’re seeing him again. it feels like seeing him renewed your entire being. it feels like seeing him is coming home to him again.
“satoru, you’re…?”
“hi, baby.” he gives you that dimpled smile.
“whether we are in the past life or in this one as well, we’re going to be together forever because—
—we’re the two who found the destiny.”
156 notes · View notes
shall-we-die · 11 months
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↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Jujutsu Kaisen}࿐
↬[Characters]•⊰ {Gojo Satoru || Megumi Fushiguro|| Nanami Kento || Ryomen Sukuna || Geto Suguru}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈{0020}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Itty-bitty -Babe -Shorty -Sunshine -HunnyBunny
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Sato-kun / ruru (He hates it) -Mr. Perfect (He loves this one) -Wizard -Walking disaster / Cause of my stress -Personal ladder / Daddy long legs / Giraffe
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• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Y/N... -Y/N-chan (this baby is sooooo shy, don't tease him) -Babe -Darling -Angel
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Mr. Grumpy -BatMan (cause he's always gloomy) -Zookeeper -Honey -Sweet potato
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• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Y/N (yes, most of the time) -Y/N middle name L/N (when you made a mess somewhere) -Precious -Love -Sunshine
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Silent man -Mr. No nonsense -Mr. Rational -Workaholic -Boring Mr. Proper (Okay he's going get angry at you) -My man (Now he's not angry) -Sweetie (ok y/n, what you want?)
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• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Human -My soulmate (He's trying...) -Little one -Moonlight fairy -My meal
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Sourpuss -Mr. No-Fun -4 hands -Pinkie pie (Giant Pony) -My king
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• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Doll -The only one -Strawberry -My idiot -Little Brat (yes, it depends on his mood, you can be his doll or you can be a donkey)
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Handsome -Hot Psychopath -Bloody boi -Big Bear -Rapunzel -Old one / ancient one / fossil
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211 notes · View notes
lunariamv · 1 year
curbing yandere gojo satoru ♡ yan gojo x fem reader; obsessive + possessive behavior, manipulation, gaslighting, slight misogyny, stalking, attempted kidnapping, violence, death shoutout to the anime death battle matchup threads on reddit so i could write this dumb shitpost gone girl and breaking bad vibes accidentally (lol)
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Okay, what the hell. This is not fair.
Life has seemingly cursed you if this is what your fate is. Ever since you were little, your jerk-off parents were controlling psychopaths. They prioritized the clan. It's always been about the needs of the family and never you. Your clan, a bloodline of gifted sorcerers, with incredible powers passed down the family tree. They're incredibly prestigious, and super airheaded. The childhood you had was filled with training, studying, and striving to be the best to prove your worth. Thank the gods you were able to keep your wit and you never became an arrogant husk of your former self as a result of your stressful upbringing.
Since the clan wants to breed nothing but powerful sorcerers, they try to keep the family to be strictly sorcerers of a high class… which was why as soon as you were brought into the world, you were assigned to marry someone from another powerful family. Mind you, that you had never met. A betrothal out of your control, and it was to a nameless, faceless spouse. If that wasn't already terrifying, it wasn't until you were older that you finally met them, and desperately wish you hadn't.
He's too weird for you. Gojo Satoru had given you the ick when he tried to get incredibly mushy with you. The first impression was so awful it left a permanent scar on your potential relationship, and never healed. Honestly, you didn't see how people thought he was hot. In fact, you thought he was kind of stuck up. Sometimes you'd find yourself thinking, maybe if someone inflates his ego enough, his head will explode.
You know who you actually like? Nanami Kento! The two of you met in Jujutsu High, and you've been head over heels for him ever since. He's handsome, intelligent, and stern, your ideal type. Though Gojo tried his hardest to keep you away from him, it was nearly impossible to stop your schoolgirl crush from blooming. So it really sucked when he quit being a sorcerer while you and Gojo continued on to be alumni. Still, you made time to visit him when you could. Even though Kento came off as strict at first, the two of you had pretty good chemistry.
Then one day he disappeared without a trace. Everyone who cared had written him off as the salary man who just needed a break, but you didn't buy it.
So for the past few months, you've been investigating his disappearance on your own. Gojo keeps trying to hinder you, monitoring your actions and intervening under the guise of 'trying to bond with his fiancé,' but you're pretty sure he knows something. Hell, maybe he did it.
Needless to say, you're incredibly skeptical of Gojo. Ever since you first met, he's leaned into the whole fiancé romance trope way too hard, which you despised, since you held feelings for someone else. It's so annoying, how this grown man acts like a lovesick puppy around you. Saying you were disgusted was putting it mildly, and this resulted in you rejecting his advances at every turn. Even now you're trying to push the limits on this whole 'fiancé' thing. Maybe you should just cut ties with your family and break up with him. What exactly is stopping you?
Gojo. Gojo is stopping you.
Unbeknownst to you, Gojo's been madly in love with you for as long as he can remember. Primarily due to the fact that you were strong and capable enough to be his equal. Not only that, but the fact you weren't easily phased by him drove him absolutely crazy. Even when the mask was off and he wore his glasses, you didn't treat him any differently, compared to most women who melted in his presence. He loved messing with you and trying to win your affections, so much so it's become a game to him. The sardonic, witty personality you have contrasts with him well. The two of you are clearly made for each other, so why do you play so hard to get?
Gojo was currently resting at his nice apartment. Consumed by thoughts of you, his cute soon-to-be wife. Unlike you, he was incredibly excited about the marriage. In fact, he wanted to just hurry up and tie the knot already, if it weren't for you being hellbent on trying to stall it for as long as you could. He might be considered traditional, but part of him wanted to know if he could turn you into a stay at home housewife. You'd definitely protest, seeing it as demeaning, but he liked the idea of you only being subservient to him alone. You'd live a quieter life, safely at his side, and you'd be solely for his eyes. At the moment, he was stalking- watching you on his phone tracker. It should be about now…
Oblivious to this fact, you were heading to your new apartment. Merrily, you had just gotten it and (oops!) forgot to tell Gojo about it. Before you went to the building though, you decided to get a snack at a nearby café. For the first time in a while, you leisurely went through your phone, paying more attention to your device than you normally do. It was just to do some cleaning up of apps you didn't need anymore. That's when you saw it.
What the hell is this thing…?
Never in your life do you recall installing this app on your phone. It was submerged, buried in the endless pit of your apps, as if it was playing hide and seek. At the top bar, you could see something was running, too, and it was sucking up your battery. Narrowing your eyes in confusion, you pulled up your search engine and looked it up.
Oh, it's a tracking app?
The reveal was so unsettling that you find yourself smiling. An amused yet horrified chuckle escaped you. Eyebrows furrowing, you muttered under your breath. "Oh no, get this shit off, I don't want this…" As you were saying that, you were deleting all of the suspicious looking apps on your phone. You even went ahead and did some extra research about tracking and put up some extra scans.
The white haired man frowned in displeasure upon realizing the GPS was stuck. The blip was frozen. Either it was as awful as the reviews warned, or you figured it out. What a pain. Regardless, he still held your last known whereabouts right there. Guess he shouldn't rely on technology so much and instead do things the old fashioned way, right? With that in mind, he went out to the last place the marker had placed you.
Back at your place, you were resting on your couch. You were still trying to wrap your head around the tracker on your phone. Who put that there? Gojo, most likely. He must've set it up the last time you two crossed paths, while you were distracted. While you wanted to be shocked at that reveal, you couldn't say you were surprised. He always struck you as a weirdo, to the point you were under the impression that he was borderline obsessed with you or something. It doesn't shock you in the slightest that creep would stoop this low.
Perhaps this was the tipping point you needed. After all, he just violated your privacy, and who knows what other things he's done. Holding up your phone, you called your parents to break the 'terrible' news. Needless to say, they didn't take your declaration to call off the wedding very well. No doubt this would kill relations between your family and the Gojo clan. Though, you found yourself feeling rather apathetic to the matter.
For nearly all of your life, you had taken a backseat for the good of your lineage. Years and years of enduring painstaking training, studying, and then a forced engagement for them, and for what? Virtually nothing in return. It wasn't even going to a good cause anyways, as this involuntary construction of human life served only to benefit an outdated, egocentric family tradition. The only 'good' you can argue you've done was saving lives as a sorcerer, which was just a byproduct of their success.
In that call, you told them to disown you if it pained them that much to have a disappointing daughter. To fully break away, you'd move to another country or something. Even though your intent was to sever the ties, there was a sliver of remorse deep in the recesses of your heart. Despite your cruel upbringing, you did feel some attachment to your parents. They were your family, and they were all you had. However, you couldn't marry someone you didn't love. Especially someone who was this clearly unhinged.
They were protesting all the while before you hung up. After a moment, you dialed another number.
There's a slight deep chuckle over the line. "…Well, it's about time." Gojo's voice ardently crooned over the phone. You could practically hear the smug grin on his stupid face. He sounded rather pleased that you finally called him for a change, like he had been waiting for this moment his whole life.
The cocky tone voice in his voice almost made you laugh. Almost. It seemed you beat your parents or his in delivering him the bad news.
"Hi Satoru." You said casually, as if you weren't about to drop a bombshell on him. Then you spoke the following lines. "I'm sorry, but I can't marry you."
There was a brief pause. One that drew on for an uncomfortable amount of time.
"Mm…? Did you say something, (Y/N)? I didn't quite catch that." He asked innocently. However, you're absolutely certain he heard you the first time. Even so, you decide to be nice, and twist the knife even further.
"I said," Your voice becomes more stern as you narrowed your eyes. "I'm sorry, but I can't marry you Gojo. The wedding is off."
"It should be obvious, but I'm not too fond of you, and I'd rather marry someone I actually love." The words flowed out of you like a river. A cool wave of relief washed off you as you truthfully spoke your mind. Speaking the truth felt incredibly good. For once, you felt like you were taking control. No more sitting aside, waiting for someone else to tell you what to do.
There's another split second of silence before Gojo spoke again. "(Y/N), I sincerely think you should reconsider." He drew a breath. "Think about your family, remember what this'll mean for them. Both your family and mine have been waiting for this since we were kids. Do you really want to do this to them?" He's trying to be rational, trying to convince you otherwise. If he was as crazy as you're theorizing, he must be suppressing his anger right now. Though, you're just as insane as he is. You know this'll drive him to his boiling point, and with that in mind, you continued your sprint across the thin tightrope.
"No, I'm pretty sure. Don't bother, I've already informed my parents about my decision. I hope you can forgive me for being selfish." At least you're kind enough to apologize. With that, you pulled your phone away from your ear. A digit hovered over the red button.
"(Y/N)--" Before he could reply, you hung up the call. Relief washed over you. With a genuinely content smile, you went back to whatever you were doing before.
On the other line, Gojo sat there motionlessly with his phone, the dial tone ringing in his ears. Silently, he held a haunted expression on his visage. Pale with wide eyes, it was like he had seen a ghost. It quickly faded once the anger set in, and his face twisted into a furious scowl. He's practically seething. Why are you doing this to him?! He wasn't oblivious to your tendency to reject his advances, but he didn't expect you to go this far. He'd figure you'd come around eventually, not throw it all away! All you had to do was go along and marry him. It was going to be perfect.
No, don't worry. Gojo faintly smiled to himself. This is still salvageable. He just needs to talk to you in person. Once you're face to face, he'll get you to change your mind, with a little persuasion, of course. Trying to suppress his raging anger, he calmed himself down as he swiftly walked down the streets.
Unbothered, you were laying on the couch, currently browsing the web for potential places to go. Singapore seems really good right about now…
"(Y/N)? Open the door!"
Ugh, there he is. It surprisingly didn't take that long for him to find you. To be fair, you deactivated the tracker a block down from where the complex was. He most likely found it and then asked your landlord for your door. Kinda stupid of you.
With a tired sigh, you lowered your head and fell silent for a moment. Maybe if you ignore him, he'll give up and go away.
Of course, he doesn't. Suddenly, your front door was violently kicked open. The loud slam made you gradually raise your head, drawing your attention. Your gaze flicked over to it, and lo and behold, Gojo was standing there at the entrance.
"…Well that's rude." You uttered with a nonchalant tone. Was breaking your door really necessary? Wonder what the costs are to get that fixed…
Maybe he was trying to play along, because he ended up gently closing the broken door behind him. He walked dangerously closer to you. "(Y/N), please. I'm begging you to reconsider." He spoke up. Although his voice was sultry, a smooth cadence like marble, there was a mild urgency hidden in the depths. "I love you. You're my darling fiancé, and I want you to marry me."
Standing up, you narrowed your eyes. A disapproving glare formed on your features. Perhaps in another life, or another universe, you would've found his declaration sweet. It was truly heart stealing stuff. Something that would make you melt into his arms like chocolate. Unfortunately, you wouldn't fall for it in this timeline. "How many times do I have to say it, Satoru? I'm not into you."
Tilting your head about an inch, your gaze bore into his. If he wasn't so upset, he would've been reveling over how gorgeous you looked right now. "I've officially broken up with you. So while I'm asking nicely, give up while you still have your dignity." You warned him.
Your threat garnered a low chuckle from Gojo. To him, it was nothing. While he did consider you to be 'equals', there was a clear difference in strength. He was one of the strongest sorcerers in the world, if not the strongest. While you were no doubt strong, he was much more powerful. If anything, he should be saying those words to you.
"That's cute." He nonchalantly commented with a smoldering glance. While his tone held intense admiration, the grin on his face was condescending. Either way, it's gross, and made you grimace slightly.
Despite the growing tension in the room, you refused to back down. If he was going to try to force you to be with him, you'd gladly fight against it. After all, it'd be a shame to let all your intense sorcery training go to waste. When he stepped closer, you got into a fighting stance.
Gojo stepped forward, and you anticipate it. His Limitless.
You’ve sparred with him before, so the concept of his ability wasn’t foreign to you. Taking a deep breath, you watched him carefully. Heightening your awareness, your focus sharpened, and you seemingly step out of your body for a moment. The heightened focus was like an astral projection.
The man dashed towards you in the blink of an eye. He went to strike, and you swiftly moved with a deflect. However, your counter attack doesn’t hit and you’re sent skidding back a few feet. Gojo chuckled again, and you could tell from that and his attack that he’s not taking this seriously. You’ll make him.
The two of you start fighting. Gojo engaged by trying to hit you, and his movements were fast, but you’re able to counter him to the best of your ability. Still, he’s holding back, and you figured that asshole enjoyed messing with you. Even so, you still used all your strength to fight back. If he wouldn't give his all, you most certainly will.
Meanwhile, Gojo realized you’re serious about putting up a fight. He’s been holding back as to not hurt his darling fiancé, but this was starting to become a pain in the neck. Might as well put an end to this already, even if it meant knocking you out.
In an instant, Gojo came at you. Time decelerated to a drag, and you forced your body to the side. With one swift motion, you evaded his grab for you. Following your movements, a sharp breath escaped you.
That’s when you observe the two of you had fully switched places. Finally, after dancing around him, your form was by the door, and it’s prime time to make an escape. To subtly inch toward the exit during the fight, that had been your plan all along.
Unfortunately, Gojo had long anticipated this ploy of yours. He simply played along because he could easily stop you. He raised a hand.
That’s when you call it. Limitless.
Gojo was going to close the gap and catch you. You wouldn’t be able to hit him. It was over.
Though, there was no fearful look in your eyes. They were stern and full of conviction. “That notion… I'll veto it.” You declare softly.
Silence followed your words. There was still a large gap of space between you two. What should've happened was a deletion of space, there was nothing of the sort. Caught off guard by this revelation, Gojo stopped and furrowed his brows slightly in confusion. His outstretched hand dropped about an inch.
What just happened?
His split second bewilderment opened a window of opportunity to you. Taking advantage of his stunned disposition, you spun on your heel and took off running out of the building.
Thankfully, you got the feeling in your leg back in the nick of time. You ran away.
A sigh escaped your lips. Back pressed against the side wall of the locked bathroom stall, you stared at the tile for a moment. The women's restroom of this coffee shop was empty, the only sound being the constant hum of the ventilation. Once you believed you were ready, you delved into your pocket and took out a card. Flipping it over, you read the printed numbers and inputted them into your burner phone. It was only a few seconds of ringing when the other line picked up.
You lowered the card. "I'm looking for a Hoover Max Extract Pressure-Pro Model 60."
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It was burning hot in the car, so you had the windows rolled down. The cool wind blew your hair back, a reinvigorating feeling to the senses. You were driving down a long stretch of road. No other cars or people in sight. The yellow baked sun highlighted the dry, sandy grass patches surrounding you that seemed to go on for miles. With one hand on the wheel, you pushed up your sunglasses before resting your arm on the window of your SL Mercedes. Traveling to a new country was a whole different ballpark, but you were going to make it work. After being cooped up in a stuffy cargo plane, the open road was a sigh of relief.
Growing up, you and Gojo went to the same schools together to Jujutsu High. This meant he knew your sorcerer abilities pretty well. As far as he knew, your curse ability boiled down to energy manipulation.
Although the ability is labeled as ‘energy,’ the underlying truth was that's only the surface level explanation. There's more to it. The true extent of your abilities was kept a secret, thanks to your discreet, privileged family. As a child, you were told you had been graced with intense power. Though, you were vowed to keep quiet about the secret art you had.
The power to negate power.
In order to perfect it, you’ve been training it all your life. Surprisingly enough, this was the first time you’ve had a sincere reason to use it. For the binding vow that accompanies it is concerning.
At the price of negating forces of nature, altering the flow of destiny, an suitable exchange must be made. By contingency, the exchange offers up a functioning part of your body. A fair trade.
“To negate something means to willingly negate a piece of you,” your mother would tell your younger self.
The moment you cancelled Gojo’s Limitless, you had lost the feeling in one of your legs. It had gone numb, like a useless piece of plastic. In that state, you wouldn’t be able to move too fast. Thankfully, it came back quickly so you could make your escape.
For that reason, it was a double edged sword. Dangerous, but handy. You’d have to keep on your toes for the rest of your life, and you’d have to keep up your physical fighting, but as far as sorcery goes… Gojo can’t touch you. And you… can certainly hit him.
Thanks to your ability… you were able to escape him that day.
It was incredible. Being able to take control of your life, gave you a rush that you’d never think of ever having.
Once you escaped, you did everything you could to discreetly change your identity. Using your leftover riches from your family name, you were able to call in a person to help you ‘disappear.’ Gojo would never be able to track you. And with that, (Y/N) (L/N) vanished off the face of the earth. She was gone.
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It was a nice, sunny day. You were relaxing at home.
It's been three years since then. By now, you should try to settle down, right? However, your cautiousness made you hesitant. If Gojo ever did come for you, the last thing you wanted was for someone to get caught in the crossfire. Like Nanami.
Upon reminiscing, you frown in realization. You never did find out anything about Nanami’s disappearance, didn’t you? Maybe he was dead after all. It wouldn't shock you if it turned out Gojo made him vanish. It'd line up with how creepy he had been thus far.
You offered him a small prayer in your mind. Hopefully he was at peace, wherever he was now.
After that, you went out onto the backyard porch. The crashing waves of the ocean ahead always set you at ease. The warm sun heated your skin. Leaning against the wooden railing, you closed your eyes, and lost yourself to the sound of nature.
"What a lovely sight." The sudden voice made you jump. What scared you the most was not that it terminated your solitary without warning, but that it took you years to forget about that cadence, until now.
Standing a few feet away on the platform, leaning against the railing, was a forbidden sight. A man that shouldn't exist in your little safe paradise. Somehow, he got here undetected, past all of your locks and security cameras.
Gojo turned to you with a charming smile. As if this was a reunion between two old friends. In a malevolent way, it was. "Though you could do much better than this, it's a nice place."
Remaining silent, you didn't say his name. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
How did he find you? Your benefactor, with no ties to the Gojo clan, changed your records, your appearance, and virtually anything that had to deal with your identity. Not a single trace was left. And yet, here he stood in your home.
Why couldn't he just leave you alone?
There were plenty of women out there he could easily have. Any of them would be happy to grant his desires, or even replace you as his estranged wife. You didn't understand why he insisted on having you.
"Why won't you give up already?" You asked calmly, an apathetic look in your eyes. At least three years have passed since you escaped the shackles of your predetermined live. Plenty of time for him to move on and find someone else. In a way, hiding was supposed to be your form of encouragement.
Between the two of you, he was much more stubborn. Arrogance paved the way for greed, and he refused to lose when it came to anything. A man with the mentality of a spoiled child. Such entitlement of course, extended to you. He didn't give up because he didn't want anyone else. Letting you go and moving on was too easy. Why settle for something he can get with ease, when it was much more exciting to chase what he can't have?
"I've already told you, (Y/N). Millions of times over…" He stepped closer while you retreated back. "I love you." His voice was warm and genuine.
"And it's a lie." You retorted with a razor-like glare. If he truly cared as much as he says, he would let you go. He wouldn't still be here. It was a selfish act, not one out of love. Perhaps he did a long time ago, but his sentimental emotions were corrupted by his egotism. "If you loved me, you'd leave me be."
"(Y/N). Why are you so selfish?" He asked, and you paused. As if a switch had been flipped, his expression grew cold. "Running away from your family, running away from me, and running away from us. You had a good life, and became a powerful sorcerer. Why would you throw that all away? For cowardice? For your insecurities?"
He held up his hand. A hopeful, promising shine was in his eyes. "I came here because I refuse to give up on you. I care about you. Come back with me, and I promise to help you. We'll get through this together. I'll make you happy." He proposed with a warm smile.
A pit formed in your stomach. Even now, he's still trying to manipulate you. Twisting the narrative to belittle your desire for freedom as an insecurity. Justifying his stalking and chasing after you as some sort of savior situation. That your autonomy was something that needed to be fixed. If you weren't so disgusted, you could see yourself laughing at the absurdity of it all. "No. I don't want to go anywhere with you." You gave him your answer.
"Aaah… that's not the right answer." He sighed with a hint of amusement. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he turned his back to the railing. Then he faced you and held out his hand.
He tried to use his ability, but you were quick to stop him. Your arm went limp, but you raised your leg. Kicking him as hard as you could, he was sent flying through the wall. He quickly recovered and got back up.
He dashed forward, and you swiftly dodged out of the way. You got a few good hits in, since he was wary to not use Limitless in excess against you. Now that he couldn't use it to protective himself, everything was fair game. You threw anything you could that was in the house. Lamps, décor, and even furniture. He dodged most of them.
"Enough with this, (Y/N)!" He called out to you. The house was nearly destroyed from all the fighting. Gojo grumbled under his breath. Now that he was aware you could nullify his ability, he had to get creative.
Suddenly, he disappeared from your vision. Heart racing in your chest, you glanced around the room and kept your guard up. There was no running outside, because he could be waiting at the exit.
You turned and sensed something. With your energy magic, you charged the tv to make it explode. Gojo emerged from the shadows and came at you. He was using his Limitless. You had no choice but to nullify it and prepare to counterattack, but suddenly, your mind went blank.
Just now, you had rolled the dice, and yielded the worst possible results. The worst part to neutralize… your brain. It made you lose.
When consciousness came back to you, Gojo was holding you in a tight grip. Pointed at your neck, the tip an inch away from your skin, was a syringe.
Gojo was breathing heavily. Pressing his built chest into your back, you could hear him in your ear. It was a good effort you put up against him, but now it was over. At last, he had you. "Let's go home, shall we?" He hummed with delight.
Before he could move, you snapped your fingers. A explosion of smoke erupted from your body, and the mass coated the air like a screen. You threw your head back, crashing into his face. His grip weakened slightly and you stomped on his foot with all your might, and jabbed your elbow into his abdomen. With a grunt of pain, he fully released you. Not wasting any time, you ran forward and dashed out the back door.
You spun around to see him emerge from the smoke to give chase. Reaching a hand into your pocket, you darted to the edge of the porch. You vaulted over wooden railing and jumped off. In your hand was a small device. You pressed the button.
A large explosion blew up your beloved home. There was a loud, thunderous crash. Debris flew in all directions, and the source was consumed in fire. Once your feet landed onto the sandy beach, you took off running.
On the run yet again. All the money you spent on disappearing the first time had significantly depleted your sources, and nearly the rest had just gone up in flames. You'd have to get creative with your next disappearance, for whatever time you had left.
As you were running, you suddenly stumbled and halted in place. The dizzy spell was so faint, it took you a second to recognize it. During that fight, the syringe must've touched you.
The unknown drug he gave you… you had no idea how much time you had until you passed out. However much time you had, it most likely wasn't enough to hide where you couldn't be found. All of your options were drying up.
Frozen, you stared at the ground. A blank expression haunted your tired features as you fixated on the gravel at your feet.
Was this it? It's all over?
Closing your eyes, you took a shaky breath. It's not. With your remaining strength, you continued running.
Gojo's manipulative speech to you, at first you completely dismissed it as nothing but deceptive garbage. It was bred on twisting your actions to make him seem like the victim. A gaslighting trap, to warp your perspective of reality, and convince you to return to him. Almost like the domains he put his enemies in. At least, that's what you originally thought. After reflecting upon it, you realized that there was some truth to his words. Even when fabricating lies, there will always be a hint of truth hiding in the cracks.
Maybe he was right.
All you've done is run away. In your youth, you fled from living a normal life to become the perfect child your parents wanted. At the expense of your childhood. You ran away from mistakes and imperfections to strive for greatness. Once that was over, you ran away from your family when they needed you most. Then you ran away from Gojo, from your relationship and your engagement. Here you were, proving him right by running away again.
If you kept going, you'd never be able to stop running. This track you set yourself upon, it was an endless one. A nonstop cycle of running on a wheel, with no destination. Gojo, while rendered vulnerable for the moment, was still immortal in the grand scheme of things. He held too much power. Untouchable and relentless, he'll be chasing you forever.
Perhaps… it was time to stop.
When you finally came to a halt, you were near the edge of a cliff. Below, the gathering ocean, crashing against the rocks. The comforting sound you had come to admire. The sun was setting in the sky, and the stars were finally revealing themselves. You've always wanted to come here, but you never found the opportunity.
"(Y/N)…" Gojo called your name. Though he sounded tired, there was a hint of teasing to it. It was the end of the line, after all. Even if you tried to jump, he could catch you. This game of tag had finally reached it's conclusion. "It's over. There's no need for this."
Silently, you met his gaze. The light breeze swept your hair as you stood still. A few seconds passed when you eventually parted your lips. "You're absolutely right." You said with a faint smile and soft eyes. "I'm done with you. Farewell, Satoru."
A bold choice of words. As much as he rather wouldn't, Gojo decided he'd have to hurt you, just so you couldn't run away anymore. Upon stepping back, you suddenly found yourself in a new space. The area around you was a celestial realm, a starry prison. He called his Limitless, and cemented you inside a domain. This way, you couldn't evade him. Even if you nullified it, he could just cast it again and again until you gave up.
So, he didn't know you were on the verge of collapsing. That was perfect.
Once more, you opened your eyes wide. They began to glow. Channeling all of your curse energy, you took his power, and turned it off.
Upon doing so, there was a sharp pain in your chest. Blood stopped pumping and your breath slowed to a cease. It was then that you lost feeling in your head, then your body. Falling back, you lost your balance and went over the edge. Your vision was growing blurry, and everything felt cold. Faintly, you could feel your body falling.
Cancelling his ability wasn't the ultimate goal. The consequences were. To negate all of his powers at once, you offered up the most important function of your body. The heart of the machine. It was held for as long as you could, and you made it.
Finally, you were away from him. To the one place where he couldn't get you. It might've been one last run, but it was something you did of your own volition. Nobody told you what to do, and you freely made your choice. Maybe Gojo could have given you a promising life, but you would never be happy. This outcome was what satisfied you. Your legs had grown tired from running, and now you could finally rest.
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rip girlie
i like how at the start i was trolling but at the end it just got sad :')
dividers: cafekitsune
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blues824 · 1 year
Could you do a fix that is dorm leaders x a reader who is like Nobara from jujitsu kaizen? Like most of the time she is goofy and a little bossy, always focused on her looks; but then during overblots she get really serious and a little phyco?
Targeted towards female reader, but no gender-specific pronouns are used.
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Riddle Rosehearts
You both did not get along at the beginning. Not only would you not follow the Queen’s rules, but you viewed them as dumb. Plus, you often goofed off with Ace and Deuce and he definitely does not like that. In addition to all of that, you stood up for yourself against Riddle’s tyranny. And finally, you were obsessed with how you looked at all times.
However, when he overblotted, he saw you really put yourself and others to work. You took charge and ordered everyone around as you went in to attack. You were willing to inflict pain upon yourself, and he was put off by that significantly. He was no match for you, as you had passed Satoru’s test with flying colors back in your world.
It wasn’t until you were helping him in the infirmary that he got to see your more caring side. The way you looked at him was very uncharacteristically kind, but he welcomed it. You scolded him for not informing you that he was struggling with family issues beforehand, and he let out that classic anime sweatdrop.
But, now that the two of you were together, things were for the better. You still retained your very ‘superior’ attitude, but instead of you being #1, you and Riddle were #1. You often acted in his place because you were able to keep a level head in stressful situations, and even did a King of Hearts move where you would ask him to give a fair trial.
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Leona Kingscholar
Again, you both did not get along at first, but that’s because your prideful personalities often clashed with each other. You both thought you were better than the other, and it didn’t work very well. But, to make him even more angry, you would often goof around with Ruggie so that he was delayed in a task that Leona had given him.
Once he had overblotted, however, he was taken by surprise at your amazing coordination and even level of psychopath-ness. It was very embarrassing for him how fast you were able to take him down. You even stood triumphantly before calming down and helping the nurse get him on a gurney and take him to the infirmary.
During his recovery period, he really got to see your more caring side that you usually reserved for Yuji and Megumi. Unfortunately, this side of you has been wanting to peak out but your friends weren’t there with you. So, Leona was the next best person. You scolded him when he tried to get up when he wasn’t supposed to, but he could tell that you were really worried.
After he was in the clear, you made sure to check on him more. You often brushed him off when he tried to tease you about being scared that he was going to die, saying that it was worrying how he hyped himself up so much only to be defeated in a 5-minute battle. He found your sarcastic attitude very attractive.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He thought he would be able to manipulate your pride to get you into a contract, but you were already 5 steps ahead of him. Your training with Satoru Gojo wasn’t for nothing, after all. This often left him frustrated because you could be used as a bouncer or security guard of some sort for the Lounge since you knew how to fight and you fought well.
The second he overblotted, you were taking the reins. You ordered Jade and Floyd around better than he ever could, and he really underestimated your ability to fight as well as overestimated your sanity level. You went batshit crazy, and it freaked him out. And because he froze, you won.
You did help him to the infirmary and helped him through the healing process, and he always grew super flustered when you were especially caring. Like when you helped him sit up in the bed, the skin contact left him blushing. You then scolded him for getting a fever (even though that’s not what it was and he wouldn’t have control over it anyway).
From that point on, you both were great together. You only showed your softer side when you both were alone in his office, and he felt very honored to see that version of you. The two of you are somewhat concerned about your looks, but you make sure to give each other compliments so that you both feel better about yourselves.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim tries to see the good in everyone, and he likes your confidence. You always knew how to carry yourself. So, he acted as your cheerleader of sorts. Honestly, it worried you but also boosted your ego more than it should have because now you’re even more prideful than before, much to everyone else’s dismay.
When Jamil overblotted, Kalim got to see a whole other side of you. You took charge of the situation, and even though the Vice Housewarden was very meticulous, you had Gojo as a teacher. There was no way you would have disappointed him, and you wouldn’t have because the battle was relatively easy. Your love interest was very scared by your maniacal look, though.
Once the two of you were reunited, you let out a huge sigh of relief as you ran into his arms. You were exhausted because it has been overblot after overblot after overblot, and the Scarabia Housewarden can see it. So, he led you by the hand to his room where he had you lay down on his bed to get some rest.
Over the next few days, he got to see your softer (but still tsundere) side. As he tried to feed you some of the food that his dorm members made, you would often comment on how you could feed yourself. He wasn’t having any of it, though, as he held the utensil to your mouth for you to take a bite.
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Vil Schoenheit
Another case where your personalities clashed. Not only that, but you both were beautiful as well, so it started a rivalry between the two of you. Then there was the fact that since Epel was one of your friends you would often either goof off with him or break him out/make an excuse as to why you needed him so that he could get out of doing his makeup or skincare.
He thought you were just reckless and prideful, until he overblotted. You were like an entirely different person as you took charge and ordered everyone around so that it wouldn’t be too chaotic as you went up against him one-on-one. He thought you were foolish for doing that, but you won by a very large margin.
In the infirmary, he had the chance of seeing your more tender self. You didn’t even care that Vil didn’t have any makeup on as you dabbed a damp towel upon his forehead for the sweat. Even though you denied being worried, he could tell that that wasn’t the truth. Don’t worry though, because your secret is safe with him.
Once the two of you got romantically involved, Vil realized that maybe he didn’t need to compete with Neige all the time. If he had you by his side, then he’s already won. Not only were you a perfect match for him, but you matched him intellectually. It’s like you could read each other’s minds. You knew when the other needed rest.
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Idia Shroud
He was very intimidated by you, but this is one of those cases where you lead and he follows. He is a worshiper, often agreeing when you claim superiority over everyone else. But the only reason is because he’s scared you’re gonna beat him up. Poor baby is trembling in his shoes whenever you’re around.
The minute he overblotted, he knew what you were capable of. So, as a result, he posed more of a challenge than you originally expected. No matter, since he had only seen your prideful side and not your insane side that can be very spontaneous. There was no predictable pattern in your actions, and so he was defeated.
Oh, man. We could start an entire romance show with an entire season focused on you helping Idia in his recovery. Feelings were discovered and explored, and you showed how you really felt even though you really tried to rein it in. It was like a cheesy fanfiction trope that no one can resist.
After, the two of you put an official title on your relationship. Everyone was shocked when you came out holding hands and they watched as you helped him to Ignihyde. You shouted at everyone else to mind their own business when they started whispering amongst themselves, and you were pretty close to throwing hands with Ace and Deuce for snickering.
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Malleus Draconia
The fae Prince is very amused by your confidence. You are no damsel in distress, and he respects that. He might even humor you and agree that you were the best, and it wasn’t truly false at all since he did think you were wonderful. You were his first friend outside of his retainers or his dormitory.
He has heard of your fights with the overblot phantoms, and he has to say that what he has gleaned from the gossip is that you had a different side of you when you fought in battle. It almost sounds like you went feral, even harming yourself in the process but not caring. All this man really cared about was that you were able to fend for yourself and he was proud.
But, what no one else knows is that you had a third side to you, and it was a more loving side. As the two of you walked under the moonlight each night, you walked arm-in-arm with each other and just basked in each other’s presence. Even though you could be very chaotic, this was a very good way for you to wind down after dealing with NRC’s shenanigans.
Unfortunately, the quiet never lasts since you and Sebek often get into arguments since you both were very prideful. Before you had the chance to accept the knight’s invitation to a proper duel, Malleus stepped in and refused for fear of his retainer dying at your hands. It left you disappointed for the rest of the day, but that’s okay.
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