#punk dad arthur
franciskirkland · 1 year
two traumatized blondes absolutely pummeled by their internal monologues raw unfiltered HD
aka meemaw finally fucking updates boys don't cry. tw for daddy stuff if you need it. i'm beating these two like piñatas
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Pict of Punk Rokkafeller's character Eeduhpuss holding his Dad's severed head (picture clipped from my local Phone Book of some famous celebrity -- I'll let you guess who it is) from ROKA #340...
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jinsai-ish · 5 months
Ok but FAC family FrUK potential!
Instead of single punk dad Arthur, single perfectionist, never-there dad Francis.
Two, handsome, charming sons he sends to the best private school. The twins are bilingual, well-groomed, study piano and violin, are well-exposed to the arts.
But Alfred shows every sign of inheriting his papa's eating disorder and is casting longing looks at the guitar section while he's supposed to be buying violin resin, Mathieu is buying pot in the alley by Arthur's club (or shop or apartment) and sporting bloody knuckles under his school uniform, and Arthur knows a thing or two about festering rebellion.
Or whatever. But the potential for Fail! dad Francis (without tipping into bad dad) and to explore other potential aspects and relationships?!!
I love FACE and ACE family but ye gods, the yet unrealized potential of FAC family tropes!
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
Bookstore scene: The tale of the 2 manbabies
First of all, let me preface with this: to me, the Weasleys are low class. Not in terms of wealth but in terms of how they carry themselves. Someone can be poor and carry themselves with poise and elegance. And someone rich can act as if they belong in the gutter with the riff-raff. In Jamaica, we say this saying by Professor Rex Nettleford "A butu in a Benz is still a butu".
This is not me saying the Weasleys are a horrible family (not the best either) or that the Malfoys are saints. I just hate the conduct of the Weasleys in general. I have seen some people on Tumblr praise how they act but I am not one of them.
Like father, like son - Reacting with physical violence when provoked by words
“Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley,” retorted Malfoy. “I suppose your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for all those.” Ron went as red as Ginny. He dropped his books into the cauldron, too, and started toward Malfoy, but Harry and Hermione grabbed the back of his jacket.
“Clearly,” said Mr. Malfoy, his pale eyes straying to Mr. and Mrs. Granger, who were watching apprehensively. “The company you keep, Weasley . . . and I thought your family could sink no lower —” There was a thud of metal as Ginny’s cauldron went flying; Mr. Weasley had thrown himself at Mr. Malfoy, knocking him backward into a bookshelf. Dozens of heavy spellbooks came thundering down on all their heads; there was a yell of, “Get him, Dad!” from Fred or George; Mrs. Weasley was shrieking, “No, Arthur, no!”; the crowd stampeded backward, knocking more shelves over; “Gentlemen, please — please!” cried the assistant, and then, louder than all —
Props to Arthur for lasting longer, I guess. Barely. How embarrassing, starting a fight in front of children in a public area like a hormonal teenage boy. Molly said it best:
“A fine example to set for your children . . . brawling in public . . . what Gilderoy Lockhart must’ve thought —”
It's not an admirable trait for a man to be so quick to use his fists to solve conflicts. It may sound romantic but it's an express ticket for your man to end up in jail.
Two men acting like children
Also, look here:
“Well, well, well — Arthur Weasley.” It was Mr. Malfoy. He stood with his hand on Draco’s shoulder, sneering in just the same way.
Arthur is such a wonderful family man that he launched himself at Lucius while he was standing near his preteen son. He could have hurt Draco in the scuffle. The cynical part of me thinks Arthur doesn't give a damn if a child was hurt in the process of him acting like a teenage punk.
And why is Lucius wasting his time mocking the Weasleys? Does he not have better things to do? He's not exactly teaching his son proper manners either.
Just look at this man baby:
He was still holding Ginny’s old Transfiguration book. He thrust it at her, his eyes glittering with malice. “Here, girl — take your book — it’s the best your father can give you —” Pulling himself out of Hagrid’s grip he beckoned to Draco and swept from the shop.
Throwing books at a little girl like Lucius isn't a grown-ass man. Exiting the scene like a humiliated highschool mean girl. No wonder Draco is like this. Goodness.
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goblinpuppy35 · 1 year
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The Punk and the Wolf
(Previous chapter, Part 5, Next chapter)
Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Summary: Set during OFTP, Y/N is Mad Eye Moody's assistant and while staying at Grimmauld place, him and Remus develop a connection.
Once in the sky Y/N and Moody were able to swiftly locate Arthur Weasleys location and relay the information to the others allowing them to perform the rescue while the two bounty hunters began to take chase to several death eaters who had been keeping watch in the building during the attack.
London's sky was smothered with foreboding grey clouds and as the two flew through Y/N hunched over his broom, shuddering from the cold. During the initial search all Y/N could think about was his dear friends Fred and George and how they would react when they heard the news of their dad. The whole Weasley family had been so welcoming and generous to Y/N, he had to do his best, he had to help. Y/N has not told Fred or George what had happened to him but after Remus' reaction maybe they would be okay with it. Remus. Y/N had been so scared of the idea of Remus' finding out about his unbreakable vow mark, he had convinced himself that the man would run off in disgust to inform Sirius who would have him kicked out of the Order. Shamed as he was booted out the front door for his failings, Y/N had never had a strong sense of self love, it was easy for him to think the worst of himself. But, the way Remus looked more into his eyes instead  of his arm as Y/N had told him his story Y/N could see Remus trusted him, respected him ... liked him even. Y/N placed one finger over another while clinging onto his broom, hoping Remus was okay down below with the others recusing Arthur. 
It was the end of dusk by the time Remus, Sirius and Molly were able to get Arthur back to Grimmauld place. His wounds were deep and smeared with blood, the poor man in a state of frantic confusion. Remus was able to heal a number of the more serious wounds and Molly started work on a stronger healing position. It was very late into the night once Arthur's condition was stable and finally everyone was able to take a breath. Although Remus still felt on edge, like an itch in the back of his head, Y/N and Moody had not returned back yet. He sat alone in the dark ignoring a cup of tea and tapping his foot relentlessly, he felt like nouring his own finger nails off. Where is Y/N?
Then through the air Remus could sense something familiar, leather, rosemary, earth, Y/N. He rose from his chair dramatically just as the back door was opening, Moody and Y/N talking among themselves as they walked in. Before either of them had a chance to properly greet him, Remus was towering over Y/N clasping his shoulder in his large hands. "Where have you two been? Why didn't you come back sooner, are you hurt?" panicked and over stimulated with Y/N's presents Remus wasn't thinking straight, his grip on Y/Ns shoulder tightened and as his breathing hitched he cornered Y/N against the back door. "For Christ sakes man stand down!" Moody yelled yanking Remus away roughly by the collar moving him away from Y/N. "We were out hunting the death eaters who were a part of Arthur's attack .. We chased them all the way to the Midlands ... Remus what's gotten into you?" Y/N asked, his tone jumping from defensive to concerned. 
Remus' heart beat started to slow and he glupt down air. "I'm .. I'm sorry" he whispers raising his hands up. Slowly Moody realised him, still glaring Remus down. "Moody .. can you give us a minute" Y/N ask, staying up against the back door. "Fine, but if he comes at ya again don't say I didn't worn ya!" and with a huff Moody marched out of the room. Alone in the kitchen the two men stared at each for a while, both letting their breathing calm down. Y/N looked Remus up and down, his foot was still tapping and his hands couldn't stay still, running through his thick brown hair and across his beard. Remus was avoiding Y/Ns eye contact, ashamed of what he had just done but even more ashamed by the fact if he looked at him again Remus was worried he'd cling onto Y/N again and never let go. Finally it clicks for Y/N.
"The full moon is tomorrow." Remus let's out an exhausted sigh and nods weakly. "Do you have enough wolfsbane?" Y/N began to slowly push off the back door and make his way to Remus who was leaning against the table. "Yes .. Yes.. Sirius insisted on getting me six months worth, it was mortifying but I'd be lying if I didn't appreciate it all the same." Y/N was leaning against the table alongside Remus now, their finger tips brushed up against each other. "It's finding a safe place for me to transform which is the problem. London's not really full of empty spots far away from people".
They both stood in silence, contemplating the situation as well as finally enjoying another moment alone together. Y/N turns to Remus and smiles "I think I've got a place for you. Meet me outside just before dusk tomorrow. We will take care of it together". Y/N placed his whole hand on Remus gently before moving away from the table towards the living room. "Y/N, I'm sorry for acting like that earlier" Remus called after, "my senses are insanely heightened around this time and I just got overwhelmed by the thought of you getting hurt". Y/N paused in the doorway and his eyes softened as he smiled at Remus "I don't mind having a guard dog, just need to train you up to have slightly better table manners, goodnight Remus." "Goodnight Y/N" the young man's charm always left Remus feel like he was flouting, his wolf traits were not something he was proud of but Remus did take comfort that night being able to smell Y/N in the house as he drifted off the sleep.
The next evening approached fast and Remus felt agitated and sore throughout it. Y/N had promised to return from his mission that day at 6pm and with every passing hour without feeling Y/N's presents Remus' joints screamed. A tired Remus was hopelessly trying to read more of The Odessy in the living room when there was a rattling at the window, turning to look he saw Y/Ns ringed hand against the window then mentioning him to come outside with a tilted smile. Remus practically ran out of the house and without thinking brought Y/N in for a bear hug, consuming the smaller man in his arms, Remus let out a sigh but it came out more as a low growl. "Okay, easy big guy, looks like I came back at the right time" Y/N said tapping Remus' shoulder in a request to be realised. They stood in the middle of the empty street, the street lights were just starting the switch on as Y/N outstretched his hands towards Remus "Do you trust me?". Remus didn't answer but smiled genuinely as he took Y/N's hands in his. With a woosh they apperated away. 
They reappeared in a field, the sound of trees rustling in the wind and distant bird song was all Remus could pick up on. Y/N continued to hold one of Remus' hands as he led him through the field. Once Remus' eyes had adjusted to the darkening sky he saw they were approaching a rather grand looking farm house. "Where are we" Remus was shocked at how loud he sounded out in the open, this was such a contrast to the busy streets of London they had been surrounded by only moments ago. "Oxfordshire county countryside" Y/N said with a sense of fondness "My mother and her partner used to bring us here as a get away from time to time. I still have the key." The fondness in Y/N's eyes did fade a little with the mention of his family and Remus gave his hand a little squeeze.
The wooden floor boards groaned as they entered the house and Y/N began to switch on lights "There's nothing but fields and woods for miles around the house so no one will be able to hear you" The house felt cosy and for a moment Remus entertained himself imaging a younger Y/N growing up here. "But what about you .. Y/N even with the wolfbane I can't guarantee your safety and I will never forgive myself if", Remus ment every word he was saying, despite agreeing to this arrangement involving Y/N with his condition still made him nervous. "It's okay Remus, this house is enchanted, you can only get in or out by using the key and once your settled I'll go down to the barn guest house and wait until morning" with that Y/N took Remus on a quick tour showing in the bathroom and bedrooms.
While trying to stay calm Remus' skin felt like it was on fire, he didn't have much time left. Sitting on the bed he fiddled with the vile of Wolfbane, Y/N was bringing in extra blankets. "I'm afraid I need you to go now Y/N but sincerely thank you , your making this whole ordeal slightly more manageable". Standing in front of Remus' Y/N playfully ruffles the other mans hair and Remus used every last ounce of strength he had to not pull Y/N onto his lap. "I'll see you in the morning then moones" and with a chuckle Y/N left Remus to take his Wolfbane and lay down, awaiting his transformation.
Y/N wished he could stay but knew better, Wolfbane was a powerfully effective position but Remus' wolf form would still be unpredictable. He made his way to the locked door and reached into his pocket for the key. Empty. 'No .. no no no .. come on I know I put it back in here'. Y/N fumbled through all his pockets. No key. He tried to door handle. Obviously locked. Shit. "Okay .. it's fine, it has to be around here somewhere" Y/N mummered to himself as he went into the kitchen, eyes darting all over the place "of course Y/N you chose the best times to be your most forgetful self". A number of loud bumps and groans could be heard from upstairs causing Y/N breathing to quicken. He still couldn't find the key and was starting to panic, after turning over every cousin in the living room he raced to the front door. At this point Y/N was contemplating trying to blast the door open and then, he felt a presents at the top of the stairs. 
The hairs on the back of Y/N neck shot up and the whole house suddenly felt colder. A low long growl came from above and Y/N turn around, Remus' wolf form was hunched and lean, elongated limbs with terrifyingly long claws attached to them. His grey wirery fur highlighted in the moonlight and his once beautiful blue eyed had been replaced with muddied yellow pupils which were shining in the dark straight at Y/N. The young wizard was paralyzed, holding his wand tightly yet had no ideal how to use it. He couldn't break the door down now, it would risk Remus getting out.
It only took the wolf three long strides to make his way down the stairs and loom over Y/N who was shaking all over. A long snout lowered towards Y/N face, exhailing warm air into Y/N neck, he was transfixed by the rows upon rows of teeth Remus had which were bearing towards him. "Re..Remus.." was all Y/N was able to whimper before closing his eyes in fear, expecting the worst.
Y/N waited endlessly for an attack and yet it didn't come. Opening one eye he saw Remus' posture had changed to being on all fours and looking around the rest of the hallway, as if he was no longer interested in Y/N standing there and seemingly so as the wolf began to make his way into the living room. It took Y/N several minutes to realise he was alive and unharmed before he gingerly began to follow the wolf into the next room.
With Remus' size he has already knocked over a chair and seemed to be sniffing the bookcase up and down. 'Something's never change' thought Y/N with a tiny awkward laugh. He was able to make his way into the room without the wolf protesting. After inspecting the shelf with a growl Remus approached the record player, batting at the table leg and then nodging the player roughly with his head. "Do ..do you want some music on?" fighting every urge to stay away Y/N moved toward the record player, with a snarl Remus stalked his way behind the sofa, sharp eyes observing Y/N as he leaned down and began to flick through the records they had. 
"Okay, I think this should work" with a tense sigh Y/N pulled out a record and began to set it up. Slowly the sounds of Bowie's Space Odyssey began to fill the room, however it wasn't even before the first line was over that with a howl Remus thrashed out and knocked over a lamp. "Okay okay, not Bowie then.. I guess something's do change with the moon" Y/N fingertips were clumsy as he skimmed through his collection. In a panic he picked up the next record he saw and began to play it. With a burst of noise Kiss' 'I was made for lovin you" started to play, 'oh no .. this surely isn't going to work' Y/N feared, watching Remus appear from behind the sofa. The wolf continued to growl but his ears pricked up to the sounds of guitars and he resumed to crawl around the room. Y/N was dumbfounded. 'I share the same music taste with a werewolf!"
To Y/N's surprise the selection of rock singles he played seemed to keep the wolf in a state of calm through out the night. It was half way through Billy Idols 'White Wedding' that Remus' wolf form clamoured onto the sofa Y/N was sitting on and begin to curl himself up, placing his head heavily upon Y/N chest. Convinced if he moved it would annoy Remus, Y/N stayed perfectly still until he began to hear the repetitive huffs from Remus' snout as he drifted to sleep. "No worries, I'll just stay right here then" and surprising himself Y/N slowly began to stroke the wolf's boney head and this is where they both stayed until morning.
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verdemoun · 3 months
hi im back on my "overlooked things" bullshit
the gang and clothes. oh god that must've been chaotic. What the fuck do you mean you don't have to wear a union suit. What do you mean you??? Just??? Get to dress however you want??? Hello whY IS THERE SO MANY WOMEN WEARING PANTS WOW???
Comfort clothes. Kieran and clothes was already mentioned once, but I'm thinking about others. Some stick to their style, probably. I see Hosea as such a guy. John is living out his emo dreams /j
Charles, his newfound hobby of (insert vague gesture here) you know, and special clothes for this sort of thing. And protection. Good gloves, goggles, all that. Mate's in heaven. You cant tell me otherwise.
The first shopping trip is a fucking journey every time a new person appears. The availability. Prices. The materials. PRINTS. (I work with prints on fabric and lemme tell you. That shit is wild even for me. Let alone 1899 people.) The vast amount of styles and all that.
And, dumbass designs of course. The weird ones you can get from AliExpress or whatever and it's a fucking trip every time. As much as I wanna say it's Sean who discovers those first, I'd say it's Arthur. My guy wasn't too quick to learn tech and stuff so he saw a nice tshirt for a low price, ordered it, and he didn't look at it what was written.
His 1899 mindset of "i have it therefore it cannot be thrown away i can't afford more" wins out and he keeps it. You can't tell me otherwise.
welcome back always get the happiest hand flapping stim getting to long asks
absolutely assuming every woman who wears pants is a lesbian for the longest time
wearing pajamas for the first time. clothes being so plentiful they have a designated for sleep. and sleepwear being so much more comfortable than a union suit or ye olde undergarments the first time most of them wear flannel is a life changing experience.
bessie accidentally bought hosea clothes whenever she saw something she thought her husband would like it was her way of coping with him being gone for so long. he is rocking the brown loafers looks like he owns a yacht the beige pants but also coziest old man sweaters
john and arthur both just wear slightly modernized versions of their regular clothes they are dorks. john has the black leather bikie jacket with stupid fashion belts and buckles he looks amazing like generic punk outfit
CHARLES bordering on hoarder with the gloves. guilty of buying gloves in different colors just because he likes the color even though he already has 3 pairs of the same glove. most of the time enjoying the comfort of looking like a southern dad with the plaid and jeans but also work pants with the extra knee padding and a dozen pockets a different tool in every pocket walking down the street need a screwdriver? tape measure? wrench? electrical tape? timber screws? always on hand.
lenny and sean are the temu fashion disasters. bird shirts floral prints galore. the technicolor because it's so new to them!! the most hideous busy patterns but somehow making it work
sean accidentally bought a blue lives matter shirt and lenny had to draw the line and explain sean no. he started wearing it inside out instead of throwing it out and attempted to bleach the crappy iron off
arthur is so self conscious and so convinced he is ugly he is hyperaware of not sticking out in modern era he went through plain shirt and unremarkable pants for months. guilty of having a hoodie he won't leave the house without until he eventually settles on just modern era gunslinger outfit. owns 4 versions of the same outfit because he has npc energy in modern era can fit every piece of clothing he owns in a backpack.
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cherrybulbasaur · 2 years
can i get uhhhh a modern/human au where arthur is a young dad and recently gains full custody of alfred & matthew after their biological mother passes only for him to realize that he’s not very mentally or physically healthy but pulling it together so he can raise these two first graders who believe in him more than anyone else ever has. oh, and francis being the first grade teacher that arthur falls for. also? arthur having tattoos, piercings, being a punk dad, and being a bartender!
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ego-meliorem-esse · 8 months
What's your opinion on red streak hair Arthur?
I believe Arthur the typa man, if he gon have unanturally colored hair, it will be fully colored. Im talkin 1985, bending over the bathtub, green dye on every surface, tshirt ruined. He put color on his hair and left it for too damn long bc he forgot about it now hes suffering with his head swung over the side of the tub, rinsing his sins away.
The worst part is that his little punk rebellious phase lasterd for 2.6 months, and afterwards he had to embarrassingly seek profesional help from a hairdresser who had never seen such a poor dye job in their life.
God bless Arthur, you can hide those polaroids of punk dad from your kids but theyll find em. If they have to tear off the floorbords, theyll find em.
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Tournament Two: Round Two - Bracket One [Dimension 20 NPC of All Time]
Jawbone O'Shaugnessey vs Ayda Aguefort
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Propaganda under the cut
Jawbone O'Shaughnessey - He/Him
Campaign: Fantasy High, Dimension 20 LIVE, The Seven
Who is he?
Jawbone O'Shaughnessey is a werewolf and former drug dealer for The Black Pit. He is now employed as a guidance counselor at Aguefort Adventuring Academy.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
"He’s a werewolf, he’s a punk, he wears cardigans. He’s here to fuck shit up and help children. He once have head to a border patrol agent with genital warts. He’s a former drug dealer, current school guidance counselor, and your friend’s hot adopted dad. He definitely had passionate sex with Garthy O’Brien at least once. He’ll jump into a dragon’s mouth to protect a bunch of high school kids after giving you a hug and an unethical amount of anxiety meds. What more do you need to know?"
Ayda Aguefort - She/Her
Campaign: Dimension 20 LIVE, Pirates of Leviathan
Who is she?
Ayda Aguefort (pronounced EYE-da) is a half-phoenix divination wizard and a librarian in the Compass Points Library in Leviathan. She is the daughter of Arthur Aguefort and girlfriend of Fig Faeth.
Why is she the NPC of All Time?
"Queer Black autistic pirate wizard librarian of my heart <3"
"Shes the lesbian autism rep we NEEDED"
"Autistic, wlw, immune to fire damage. Need I say more?"
"Daughter of perhaps the most powerful and most unhinged man in the world, and a bird made of literal fire. Beyond being a black canonically-autistic lesbian wizard/phoenix who becomes girlfriend to one PC and best friend to another, she is also immortal in a way that is both beautiful and tragic. She raised Garthy, and was then raised by Garthy, and then she will most likely be raised by Adaine ad infinitum—gifting Adaine eternal company as a fellow immortal, but also the pain of loss each time she dies and the joy of rediscovery each time she is reborn. Truly the most character of our time."
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franciskirkland · 11 months
in which arthur kirkland is heterosexual
new chapter of boys don't cry just dropped :^0 as much as i would love to spoonfeed my precious baby birds i am literally about to leave for work so you'll just have to see for yourself!!! please enjoy i love u all so very much <3
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Was just listening to punk rock songs with my dad in the car and it got me thinking about Laxus and maybe when doing something together or driving somewhere that he puts his music on (its just songs he listened to as a teenager but still enjoys them)
(This can be applied to Eustass kid and England/Arthur, Adam etc others I can’t think about at the moment)
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Do the baby rats ever return to the bilges? And by that do they spend much time with the old man? Are they free to drop in and make themselves at home?
I think it varies between them and over time.
Alfred drops in a lot. God knows there's hardly a spot in the world he hasn't made himself known but I still couldn't quite believe how many statues and memorials. The eagle squadron, the Eisenhower statue, the Reagan statue, the 9/11 memorial garden. Mark Twain, James McNeil Whistler, Harry Selfridge, FDR, Abraham Lincoln. Like goddamn I'm not sure why I was surprised but whoo. So many statues of Yanks paid for by the British.
Anyway: In the 19th century he'd actually spent time in England indulging his need for the latest technology and satiating whatever advances François or Gilbert wouldn't keep him abreast of. Nowadays, especially since the age of flight, he travels a lot and has no shame in rolling up, insulting the food but savoring the whiskey, crashing wherever he likes and drunkenly asking his father's advice. He's very free in how much space he takes up and how much time he feels entitled too. If he's jet lagged he'll just conk out on the old man's spare room and complain it smells like sheep but very much appreciate a night's sleep in a place he once called home.
Matt... He should be very comfortable in that space but he's a dipshit so imposing feels illegal. He kind of knows he can but he's also not willing to test his luck the vast majority of the time. If he's invited he'll show up on time, clean up after himself and promptly leave without causing a fuss. At least the cat's happy he's back to visit lmao. He got permission to pay for a wee fountain in the green park memorial. There was a gate we bought when Victoria locked it and we were still first dominion (Australia was still in the process of confederating.) But yeah he's welcome? Arthur doesn't mind him around if he's not underfoot. But it really was kind of a sign Jan had no idea what Matt's life was like anymore when he asked him to go stay at his dad's in the aftermath of their break up.
Jack lmao he's shameless when he wants some of the old man's attention. I don't think it's all the time, but there are a lot of links there. I swear to God I met so many Australians in England. I tumbled out of a test pit off a corner off a Hadrian's wall fortlet and there were like 6 Australians in every pub in fricken Yorkshire. He will just kind of show up with a very casual but somehow kind of prickly invitation to go to a cultural event of his artists or bands in England and the old fart isn't objecting. It took Arthur a minute to figure out that "Accadacca" meant they were going to go see AC/DC but he wasn't mad about it! Two manic fucks can have a lot of fun. They party quite hard sometimes. Jack was also very responsible for the old man's cooking improving by a metric and imperial fuck tonne. The espresso machine under the cabinet is his baby.
Zee I think is the easiest. She's as independent as Jack but that not quite dead idea that daughters are kind of allowed to be more in and out of the house makes it slightly easier for them. She rolls up and flops on the sofa demanding to be fed and watered. A full fifth of the NZ population lives overseas with Australia and the UK topping the list and if there's things she can't really do in New Zealand or she just doesn't want to live alone she'll just hop over. I feel like she goes in cycles of how independent and revolutionary she's feeling and will just kind of make herself at home if she wants another degree or something similar. She spent time in London without the old man too especially during the peak punk years and they ran into each other at a sex pistols concert. She had a full set of tattoos, an undercut and half a blunt in her system, Arthur had green hair and absolutely ripped on god knows what. She's never seen him so panicked. They stumbled home together having a hoot and throwing beer bottles at cops. Grade a hooligans, those two.
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17 headcannons for march 17. that are so widely spread in this fandom that I'm not even completely sure what is cannon anymore
1. Neither Linus nor Arthur are coffee drinkers, usually Arthur prefers cocoa and Linus tea but you won't catch these two drinking coffee, even tho it might seem like they'd need it!
2. Arthur Parnassus, a Swifty or lover of 80s tunes? Actually both can be true.
3. Zoe's hair flowers bloom affected by her emotions. When with Helen, they are usually pink. Literally, no idea whether or not that's canon.
4. Helen's a redhead.
5. Linus becomes a true fashionista on the island. It's starts with the egg adventure outfit and once he gets comfortable in his skin, he and Zoe go on elaborate shopping trips and his wardrobe becomes even more colourful than mine.
6. Arthur had an extravagant sock collection with the most colourful and patterned socks possible. Of course this is supported by textual evidence, but if we are honest to ourselves, there's only three pairs of socks mentioned red, purple and the one with the clouds. It's completely possible that he just has colourful but one-coloured socks and just this one pair with a pattern. No, i know that's unrealistic.
7. Mr. Graves. Y'all are gonna tell me that that's Not the canon name of the orphanage Arthur went to? Like i thought this was a fact and I haven't even finished @davidbowielovesyou s amazing fanwork "stay" which you can find on ao3 and should be smarter about then me and read it
8. This might be a personal one but Helen is a skater. It's her and her rollerblades against the sand on the concrete.
9. Everyone is autistic. I was gonna say: "only Linus is confirmed autistic" but that's not actually true is it? Tho i think we can use our critical reading skills here and come to the obvious conclusion that he is. But so are phee and Chauncey and Lucy and...
10. Except for Arthur who has ADHD.
11. The term island dads. I'm not actually sure if the TJ knows that name, it certainly originated on Tumblr. But if he knows it👀 Hiii! Love yr work, obviously. Just think about it, the name could have been Anus and i do not like that
12. Linus and Arthur are constantly dancing. Especially in the kitchen!
13. Young Arthur was a punk and an activist and he probably wore multicoloured doc martens
14. Also Linus is obsessed with Princess Diana. I know I personally made that up but i still forgot whether or not it was true
15. There's an underground rebellion going on, that we don't know anything about but these definitely actions and protests for magical rights going on under the radar
16. Doreen aka Ms. bubblegum is either part of said rebellion or secretly also an unregistered magical being. I think she's very neat and it would fit her character to do something this pretty right one dicomys nose.
17. While Arthur of course is cold resistent due to his phoenix abilities, Linus is not which means that when they put David to bed at night Linus insists to wear winter clothes every time so he can say good night, no matter how often Arthur and David tell him that's really not necessary @islanddads is the mind behind this one
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rosethreeart · 4 months
Hello Hi I am the IRS and I am here to tell you That its. Tax season snd tax means school of punk tjoughts Give thek to em GIVE YHEK YO KE NOW WW GIVE THEK TO KE NOW
YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVEEEEEE *keels over and dies like a horse*
hehehe <3
Arthur is the type of dad to beat the shit out of a 10 yr old for bullying his daughter. Needless to say people learned not to fuck with him or Abigail very early on.
She had the childhood canon Abby wishes she had </3
mexame? nedame? nedmexame? who knows I sure dont :p
she is....not musically gifted in the slightest when it comes to instruments but boy can babygirl carry a tune
You'd have to pry Arthur's old punk Jacket from Abby's cold dead hands
Arthur goes to college pretty late compared to most of the other students there so he gets designated as "the dad friend" and he 100% is. You're drunk and need someone to drive you home? he's there. Need help fixing a car? He's not there because he can't do it but he's sending over his brother Riley to do the job. Relationship issues? You should probably ask someone else but he'll be a good shoulder to lean on.
Alasdair is basically a SAHD at this point tbh he's got enough cash socked away to be comfy but he also makes Arthur pay for everything needs based (like he should the fucker owes him) LMAO . But also a part of him deep in his subconscious still doesnt trust Arthur so he feels the need to stay for Abby's sake
Owen moves out when Abby is ~10 and lives about an hour's drive away working/living at an animal sanctuary <3
Riley ends up moving out when Abby is ~13 and becomes a child psychologist, specializing in helping kids who come from / live in unstable homes <3
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hetalia-angel · 10 months
England with a darling that used to be a single mom?? Basically him with a S/O who has a baby!
Also love ur writing <3 💜 keep it up!
England with single mother s/o
England would be absolutely ecstatic over having a darling with a child. He misses having his colonies around all the time and now they’re all grown up. So when his s/o reveal that they have a baby he immediately gets serious about the relationship.
That child is immediately gonna be pampered constantly. Arthur will be begging his s/o every second if he can cradle and hold the baby. If he’s in his punk rock phase he’ll be straightening up into a perfect dad. Father figure.
Arthur often looks back at his mistakes with Alfred and does his best not to recreate them with his new family. He’ll be treating his s/o like a Queen and the his child like a princess/prince.
Arthur’s s/o can expect for him to be picking up the kid once they get old enough to go to school, cooking dinners, and spoiling her and the baby.
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toon-kirby · 8 months
(apologies for potentially double-posting)
any headcanons pertaining to the first gen trio and the way they parent their sons?
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Alright, I finally got this done... because I did all the first gen parents! Surprise!
Siggy/Dee - Deirdre, having grown up in the woods, ended up opting for a very natural parenting style. Organic and home grown foods, minimal/reused plastic, lots of outdoor time, etc. Sigurd makes enough money for that kind of lifestyle, though Deirdre knows how to do it on a budget. She's not extreme about it, though. Sigurd's introduced her to lots of cool things she didn't have growing up (like video games that aren't hand me downs from people at church). With his encouragement, she's also working on her degree at the local college. Not sure what she's going for, but probably something Earth Science related. Deirdre tries to schedule her classes while Seliph is at school, but when she can't, she has Oifey babysit him.
Quan/Ethlyn - Quan is very into good grades, so both Leif and Altena are in tutoring and private school. They're also both in sports as soon as they're old enough. Altena is really good at soccer, and by goodness does Quan make sure to brag about it to Travant. Ethlyn isn't very happy about this. Travant's a widower, he doesn't need someone bullying him! Quan just needs to let this stupid rivalry go. Plus, Altena seems to be friends with Arion! Quan shouldn't ruin that!
Eldie/Granhye - Very classy parents. I mean, it's Eldigan and Granhye. Ares began music lessons at a very young age, just like his father. These paid off, though not in the way anyone expected. Ares ended up being into punk and metal music rather than classical. Instead of getting mad, Eldigan and Granhye decided to embrace it (granted Ares keeps his grades and behevior good). His electric bass is his favorite present ever. He nicknamed it Missiletainn.
Midir/Edain - Edain found out early on that she really liked to read books to her kids. She ended up volunteering at the local library to read more books, and that's how the little Tirnanog friend group came to be. She and Midir take turns staying at home since neither of them have a standard monday-friday schedule. They make sure to spend a lot of time together when they're both off. Family board game nights are a regular occurence in their house.
Lex/Ayra - The sporty parents. As soon as Larcei and Schatach were old enough they enrolled them in soccer. Then came martial arts, swimming, you name it. The kids' diet probably consists of Issachian home cooking, granola bars, and gatorade. Shannan has stepped in multiple times to babysit or get the kids to practice. He's the super cool older cousin, after all!
Azelle/Tailtiu - Super nerdy parents. I'm talking DND and cosplay type nerdy. Tine was born premature, so they spent a lot of time in the hospital. The nurses absolutely adored Arthur. They were all so happy when he started to walk and say his first words. Hilda, however, was jealous of all the attention Tailitu and Tine got when they finally came home.
Finn/Lachesis - I think your headcanons about Finn and Lachesis being Malewife and Girlboss are pretty spot on. Lachesis has some sort of high ranking office job, while Finn stays at home. Diarmuid sometimes spends time with Beowulf (his bio dad), but lives with Finn and Lach. Beo's very chill about the entire thing and even gives Nanna gifts for her birthday and christmas. (Slightly off topic, but in an AU where all the games exist at the same time, I can see Finn being really good friends with Dedue since they're so similar. I mean, their leiges are even both voiced by Chris Hackney!)
Alec/Sylvia - I actually headcanon Lene and Coirpre to have different fathers in canon, as Coirpre was young enough to get the attention of the cult and that wouldn't be possible if Coirpre was born pre-Belhalla (though he does have severe baby face). Anyways, since this is a modern au with no cults or political scheming (hopefully), I'll go with them both being Alec's kid. Neither Alec nor Sylvia ended up with a high paying job, so money was tight. Then Alec got a job under Hannibal. He became close to the family and agreed to become the children's godfather. He likes to spoil the kids since he could never have any kids of his own. I'm thinking of Uncle Drosselmeyer from the Nutcracker from some reason. Speaking of Ballet, Lene's lessons are free since Sylvia works at the studio. Coirpre… well I'll be honest, I don't know what he'd be doing.
Lewyn/Erinys - Not a day goes by where these two can't figure out how Ced ended up being a straight a student. Erinys was a good student, but she wasn't super into it. And Lewyn… well, Lewyn is Lewyn. Fee ended up more free-spirited and laid back like her dad, though to a more responsible degree. She credits this to having her dad's love for life mixed with her mom's responsibility.
Jamke/Brigid - Somewhere inbetween Ayra/Lex and Edain/Midir on the parenting style spectrum. Patty ended up really enjoying gymnastics, so they kept her enrolled in it. She also took up magic tricks, including (to Jamke and Brigid's dismay) lock picking. Super cool cousin Dew totally didn't teach her that. Febail took up archery like his father.
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