#put down one kid have them carry my chips then toss said other child over my shoulder and RUNNING
lilgynt · 10 months
i love carrying kids and throwing them
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kaepop-trash · 3 years
i love unintended consequences and all those little snippets you’ve written for it 🥺 i hope it’s not too much to ask but i would really like to see how johnny would pamper her when she’s pregnant/deal with the pregnancy side effects and him as a dad 🧸no pressure tho, stay safe and drink lots of water!
I loved this ask so much because I think most people feel nervous talking about the more unsavoury parts of pregnancy. I've heard people talk about how terrible some stuff was, including the decisions that should be made. I always write keeping in mind that this is a predominantly young audience and if I'm going to write for them, I might as well try to give a more honest, mature perspective on these things. Thanks for letting me explore this anon!
You didn't mention it so I kept this more fluffy and didn't add any smut.🙈
I'd gladly write more of this anytime.
WC: 2.5k
(Y/N) got up from the couch immediately when Sooyoung came and stood in front of her. It was Johnny who grabbed Sooyoung's arm before she could, helping her sit down comfortably. She gave him a grateful smile before turning to (Y/N).
"I can't believe I'm having twins." She sighed, grinning nonetheless.
"You definitely look like you're having twins." She looked down at the space between them, Sooyoung's belly bigger than what Joohyun's had been at eight months.
"I feel like it too." She mumbled, turning to Johnny, "Have you seen my husband?" She asked.
"He's speaking to your doctor on the phone, trying to get a room. Should I go get him?" Johnny asked dutifully, already getting out of his seat. Sooyoung smiled in a way that (Y/N) could distinguish, but Johnny just cluelessly waited.
"No, that's okay, Johnny. I'm sure he'll find his way back. Why are you so nervous?" She chuckled, grinning wider when Johnny fumbled.
"You're about to go into a room to give birth to two children simultaneously. I don't know why you aren't nervous." He gave her an uncomfortable smile, rubbing the back of his neck when both (Y/N) and Sooyoung laughed.
"I've been having contractions for 16 hours now. The only thing I want right now is for them to just come out." Sooyoung groaned as another one hit her, reaching for the paper cup in (Y/N)'s hand with the now practically melted ice chips.
"I'll go see where Mark went with the ice." Johnny eyed the cup. "(Y/N) will be here with you." He pointed at his own wife, giving her a serious nod before walking away.
Sooyoung turned to (Y/N) with the same smile as earlier. "He's very sweet." She grinned.
(Y/N) gasped as a joke, putting a hand over her mouth. "It took you seven years to realise that? Motherhood is changing you already." She laughed when Sooyoung shoved her shoulder with her own.
"I've always known it obviously. Do you think I would have let you marry just anyone?" Sooyoung scoffed. "What I mean is, he's being very sweet about this." She pointed at her belly. "Makes me wonder why you haven't thought about it yet. You've always wanted kids." Sooyoung said a little slowly, trying to avoid her gaze.
"We've talked about it obviously." (Y/N) looked away, "We've talked about it a lot." She blushed, thinking back to all the “talking” they did.
"But?" Sooyoung questioned. "Is he scared or something?" She furrowed her brows.
(Y/N) scoffed, "It's not him.” She laughed, pushing her hair back. There was a pause as (Y/N) tried to put into words a sentiment she had been holding close to her chest for a long time now. "I think I need to quit my job before I think about having a child. It's–" She winced, "I don't want somebody else to raise my child while I'm at a job I hate. You know how I will about that.” She paused again, biting down on her tongue.
"So quit." Sooyoung shrugged, rolling her eyes when (Y/N) looked up at her with a tired look.
"It's not that simple." She fidgeted with her hands.
"Yes it is." Sooyoung put a gentle palm on her best friend's hand, "You already know what you want. You're afraid to stop working because you've done it your entire life and because it’s all you’ve seen growing up. But it's fine, we all have to move on from old things to make way for new ones."
"It's not just that." She sighed
"(Y/N)." Sooyoung's voice was stern, "I think at this point it's a little unfair to Johnny if you still think that you need to be a contributor for him to respect you. I don't say anything because I know that after everything you struggled through, being successful was important to you. I know." Sooyoung paused, the tightening grip on (Y/N)'s arm signalling another contraction.
(Y/N) checked her watch, "That was 10 minutes, you're almost there." She encouraged her through the pain, rubbing her back soothingly. Once it passed, she sat back with a sigh.
"Just quit. Spend a year with your husband, think about kids then. If later you think different, you're qualified enough to find a job anywhere. Make mistakes, (Y/N). But don't just sit like a lame duck. Life's too short to waste it between decisions." She spoke as the pain slowly subsided.
"You're already gaining your mom wisdom." (Y/N) smiled endearingly at her, grateful for having the most loving people around her.
"It's all the reflection I do between the late night tossing I do because my stomach is too big." Sooyoung groaned as another contraction hit her already.
Mark finally stumbled from the corner with a paper cup in his hands, curse words spilling out of his mouth as he approached till a passing nurse clicked her tongue at him.
“I want one.” She sighed, putting her head on top of the finally cooing baby. For an hour now, Johnny and (Y/N) tried their best to get the twins to stop crying.
Sooyoung and Doyoung finally went to bed a while back and Mark lay sprawled on the couch, passed out after his turn to watch the new members of the family.
"Yeah?" Johnny whispered, lips tugging. He rocked the other one in his arm, positively gleaming. It made her heart flutter.
She sighed a little deeper, hugging the baby closer to her chest, “Yeah.” She nodded. “But–” She stopped to lick her lips, feeling like she was shielding herself with the child. Johnny’s smile fell and she shortened her hesitation. “I want to quit my job.” She took a deep breath to help find courage, “My mom was always working and I love her, I really do. She’s taught me how to survive by myself, how to prioritise my worth over everything.” She paused when the baby in her lap cooed, gazing down to look at her with a smile. “But when I look back, my fondest memories involve Sooyoung’s mom. She taught me how to cook, how to care, how to be compassionate.” She felt a lump building in her throat.
“Sooyoung’s mom was the person I called when I broke my arm, she was the one who advised me when I had my first heartbreak.” (Y/N) closed her eyes, “I love my mom, I want to give my children her values.” She took a shaking breath, terrified of her own words. “But I want to be the person my children come to when they want comfort.” She hugged Sooyoung's daughter, thinking about the loving life she would have.
“You don’t have to justify yourself, (Y/N).” Johnny said tenderly. “But I appreciate that you wanted to share that. I know you don’t talk about your parents. You carry so much by yourself.” He slid closer to her, resting the baby down on his lap. “I know you never make a decision without beating yourself about it constantly. If you think it’s what you have to do, I’m always going to have your back. That’s marriage.” Johnny looked down when the baby reached his arms out, laughing and picking him back up to rock again.
“Okay.” She nodded, “I’m going back home and quitting. We can talk about this properly then.” She felt overwhelmed.
Johnny bit down on his lip, looking at his friend’s son and then covering his ears, “We can start trying now though, right?” He wiggled his brows.
She sat back and laughed as quietly as she could, “I don’t think he can understand you.”
“Let’s not risk it with Doyoung and Sooyoung’s kids, yeah? Doyoung nags and Sooyoung scares me.” He sounded serious.
She laughed a little more, earning a babble of approval from her friend’s newborn daughter.
Johnny woke up at the sound of the bathroom door shutting. He slipped out of bed, noting the time on the bedside clock and sighing. He rubbed the sleep out of his house and ventured to the kitchen.
He knocked on the bathroom door softly, smiling when he heard a grunt.
"Just leave me alone." He heard her say softly. Johnny grinned, opening the door.
"But you're so sexy when you're heaving." He spoke as he entered, frowning when he saw her on the floor trying to keep her head up, dizzy again. Johnny put the glass of gingerale he came with down on the counter, wordlessly coming to sit behind her. He pulled her between his legs, rubbing soothing circles on her back. She rested her head back on his chest and Johnny tried to pat off the sweat on her forehead.
She gave him a grateful smile, one he mirrored despite her eyes being closed.
"I'm so tired of this." She sighed, "Does that make me a bad human being?" She whispered reluctantly.
Johnny clicked his tongue, "It makes you human." He pushed more of her hair back, just in time for her face to contort as he leaned over the toilet again.
"Five more months, baby." Johnny tried to lighten the mood, chuckling when she sat back and elbowed his side.
"Don't make me hit you." She warned, earning a quick okay from him.
They sat there for a while, when she looked like she wasn't going to puke again he poked her cheek.
"You want to take a shower? It always makes you feel better." He offered. She gave him an exhausted nod.
"I'll do it, you go back to bed. You have work tomorrow." She started moving away from him but he stopped her, turning her gently to face him.
"We're in this together, (Y/N)." He reminded her, hand going to her slowly emerging belly.
"It's just a shower." Despite her words, her eyes were drenched with gratitude.
"It's just work." He countered, slowly helping her get off the floor. She tugged on his arm, making him look down.
"You're perfect, do you know that?" She told him with glistening eyes.
"A few hours ago you were blaming me for knocking you up." He tapped his chin.
"I'm more changeable than usual lately." She shrugged.
Johnny grabbed (Y/N)’s arm to help her sit down. It was one of the less comfortable days of her second trimester and the long car ride it took to get to the vacation home wasn't helping.
"Wow," Yuta laughed, sitting back on the couch. "Look at how big you've gotten. There's a whole baby cooking inside you." He sounded equal parts amazed and amused.
"Shut up." She frowned, "If you choose now out of all possible moments to talk about the magic of childbirth I will make you rub my swollen feet." She threatened him, making Yuta lift his arms in surrender.
As she said that, she turned over to put her feet in her husband's lap. Johnny didn't need to look down to start rubbing them.
"What did he do?" Yuta laughed, pointed at Johnny.
"Get me pregnant, for starters." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "And it's already huge because of his giant genes too." She tried to re-adjust herself at the new angle. Johnny noticed her fumbling, reaching for a pillow and putting it behind her back.
"You love me." Johnny kissed the air between them. "She loves me." He turned to Yuta,earning a scoff from both of them.
The doorbell rang and Mark spoke from the kitchen saying he'd get it.
"Oh my god, (Y/N)" Jungwoo said when he walked into the room with Yeri in tow. "You've become huge!" He gasped, pouting when Yeri smacked his arm.
(Y/N) turned to Johnny, an annoyed pout already dancing on her lips. "I'm starting to believe that this weekend getaway was a bad idea." Johnny laughed, reaching one hand over to squeeze her hand.
"Haechan isn't even here yet." Johnny reminded her, eyes turning up with delight when she groaned.
"If one more person talks about how big I am, I'll sit on them." She warned.
Johnny grinned and almost immediately she regretted her words.
"Come here, big girl." He extended his arms and beckoned her to him. She threw a pillow with an annoyed whine.
(Y/N) woke up out of habit more than anything else, eyeing the clock on the table first and then realising that the monitor was uncharacteristically silent for what was feeding time. When she turned over, she smiled and understood why.
Before she even reached the door, she could hear Johnny cooing at their newborn. A tired smile of unabashed pride rising on her lips.
"You're going to get so big and strong." Johnny cooed, once she came to the door, (Y/N) saw him dangling a toy over the child's outreached arms. "You're already such a good baby, aren't you? You get that from your mom I can tell." Johnny sniggered to himself, "You don't to cry or fuss." He leaned down to kiss their forehead.
(Y/N) leaned against the doorframe, watching the exchange with an amused smile.
"But you're always reaching for your mom. Always looking around for her. You get that from me." There was a glow of pride in his eyes. "We're both a little lost without your mum around, aren't we?" He rocked up and down till he heard a small giggle, a short laugh leaving his lips at the sound.
Johnny put the toy down to reach for the bottle on the table and (Y/N)'s heart squeezed with more love for her incredibly thoughtful husband.
"I can't believe you're my little baby." Johnny grinned as eager, tiny hands reached out to grab the bottle. "I'm going to teach you how to throw a ball and give you your first beer someday. Maybe we can both learn how to make your mom's cake." Johnny laughed to himself, "I'm going to love you so much." Johnny scrunched his nose when a little hand wrapped around his finger. "I'm the luckiest man in the world and you're proof, you know that?" He whispered, eyes glowing despite the dim light in the room. "All this because your mom thought I was a hairy ghost." He giggled to himself.
"You need to stop talking about that." She finally gave in, speaking up. Johnny looked up, wide eyed before grinning when he saw her. "Plus, it was a witch."
Johnny laughed, tired but content. "Just know now. I'm going to tell our kids this till they're sick of this story. Then I'm going to tell their friends and their spouses. Even the other's kids are going to grow up listening to our story." Johnny stuck his tongue out at her before giving her a love struck smile as she came closer, "We're my favourite story." He leaned over to kiss her forehead as she stood in front of her husband and child.
"I thought that was Iron Man?" She raised a brow.
"Oh damn." Johnny winced, "Tough choice." He clicked his tongue. She rolled her eyes at him, reaching down to tickle the baby's belly.
Send me an ask about a character from one of my fics in a scenario and I’ll write a drabble.
Character from: Unintended Consequences
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Headcanon - Your son isn’t cute at all
Original title: 儿子一点都不可爱
Original author: 君兮耶君兮 (jun xi ye jun xi)
You’re certain that the strength of Victor’s genes resulted in that little guy at home being an exact replica of him. Even Victor can’t deny that your son resembles him greatly in terms of appearance.
However, this doesn’t mean he acknowledges the resemblance of their personalities. At the very least, he feels that he wasn’t as studious during his childhood years.
Furthermore, Victor has half-jokingly pointed out that your son’s dislike for exercise is exactly the same as his mother’s.
“Victor, your son is bullying me again!” 
Although your opponent is a little brat, you’re still unable to win. In this short round of Go, your white pieces have more or less been “eaten” by your son’s black pieces.
“Dummy. Don’t blame your son if your skills can’t match up to his.” Victor sets down the documents in his hand, walking over to observe.
Is this something he should be saying in front of the kid!? What about your dignity as a mother? 
You turn around with a glare. “You were the one who taught me how to play Go. My teacher didn’t teach me properly!”
In the past, you’d typically respond to Victor’s remarks with a stubborn retort. Nowadays, you simply toss the bucket to someone else.
“If you make that move, you’d be sending yourself straight to a loss,” Victor comments, seeing that you’re once again putting a white piece where it’d definitely be “eaten”.
“Who says that I’m making that move?” You flick your wrist, salvaging the fate of the white piece, along with your pride. With a dignified air, you continue. “A true gentleman keeps silent while watching a game.”
“Mom, putting your piece here isn’t any different from the other spot.” Your son notes expressionlessly. With a thud of his black piece, he is only one move away from “eating” your white piece.
Despite the truth in his words, being ridiculed by your son truly upsets you. “We’ll continue. What happened earlier was a tiny mistake.”
In the following rounds, your white pieces grow sparse on the board while Victor observes the mother-son battle calmly. Or rather, watching as you get obliterated by your son.
Wanting to prolong the competition despite the lack of prospects, you courageously seek Victor’s assistance. “Hubby, help me out!”
Ignoring his son’s awkward expression, Victor rubs your head in a comforting manner. Picking up a piece and placing it onto the board, he instantly rescues several white pieces from a tragic ending. “Next time, give your Mom a chance. You need to give some confidence to opponents who are weaker than you.”
Your son nods in half-understanding.
Victor, don’t think I can’t tell that you’re calling me a noob!
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Just as you wished, you had a son. However, there are times when you really think your son isn’t cute at all!
Your son watches you sternly, hands on his hips.
“Mommy, Dad said that you can’t eat ice-cream these days.”
“Be good. If you don’t say anything, your dad won’t find out. Also, I’m not the only one eating. You can have one too~” You attempt to bribe the little fellow who is utterly loyal to Gavin.
He rejects your suggestion decisively. “No way. Dad will get angry.”
This so-called anger is simply Gavin displaying a cold expression momentarily. Away from his son’s gaze, you’d play coy and Gavin would release a sigh of resignation before gently reminding you not to commit this offence again. To you, this isn’t a deterrence factor at all.
Since your son can’t find out about this little secret, you huff while returning the ice-cream into the fridge. Then, you grab a bag of spicy sticks from the snack basket.
Before your fingers touch the jagged edges of the opening, your son stops you.
“Mom, no spicy sticks either.” 
It truly isn't a good feeling to be ordered around by a child. 
Bored out of your wits, you bury yourself in the sofa, watching as your son stuffs the packet of spicy sticks back into the snack basket. “What other things did your dad prohibit?”
Your son tilts his head as he recalls. “Aside from ice-cream, mala soup, snacks, fried chicken, there’s nothing else.”
And he called that “nothing”!?
With the loss of snacks, you feel like your entire life has turned dim and gloomy. You get up coldly before walking into the bedroom listlessly. “I’ll take a nap. When your dad gets back, tell him to face the corner and stay there.”
Your son obediently agrees.
Close to dinnertime, your honourable husband returns home. Even before he removes his shoes, his son calls out to him. “Mom asked you to stand at the corner.” The little rascal gloats slightly.
Gavin is left dumbfounded, and has no idea what he did to anger you. “Where is she?”
“She’s asleep.”
After standing at the corner for ten minutes, there’s no stirring from the bedroom. Gavin pokes his son, who is sitting at the entrance and reading a book. “Go and check if your mom has woken up.”
“Nope.” Your son refuses instantly.
“Why not?”
“Mom said that if I supervise you until she wakes up herself, she’d buy me the latest model aeroplane.” The little child’s eyes brim with anticipation at the thought of the new toy.
So he abandoned his father for a new model aeroplane?
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“Mom, do you really not know how to do this question? Dad said that this question is very simple.” Your son looks up with a frown, only to see your frustrated expression as you rip up a sheet of rough paper.
“...don’t listen to your dad’s nonsense.”
The way Professor Lucien defines the word “simple” is completely different from ordinary people, all right?!
“Dad won’t lie to me. Mom can’t do it because she’s too stupid!”
Ever since the little fellow followed Lucien to the research centre, his admiration for his father has risen by another degree.
Having your self-esteem trampled upon, you toss the pen aside. “Why don’t you ask your dad then? I’m done with this!” 
Isn’t making cream puffs more enjoyable than solving problems? Why should you continue torturing yourself?
The little rascal pinches the booklet and heads into the study room. “Dad, I think I made Mom angry.”
“What happened?” You rarely lose your temper in front of the child.
His son shows him the question in the booklet. “Mom couldn’t solve it, so I called her stupid.”
“Apologise to your mother!” Lucien thinks that aside from him, nobody else can bully his Little Miss. Not even his son.
“Okay.” Your son responds obediently before going downstairs.
By the time Lucien finishes his work and heads into the kitchen, he spots you stuffing a cream puff into your son’s mouth. “It’s fine, it’s fine. Next time, just ask your dad directly if you have any math questions.”
“All right.” The little rascal’s puffy cheeks resemble a hamster’s. When he sees Lucien arriving, he returns to his room to read books, giving the both of you space.
Amused by the mother-son interaction, Lucien waits till his son leaves before entering the kitchen and reaching out for a cream puff. Before he can even touch one, you whack his hand away.
“Hm? It seems that my wife is angry with me too?” Lucien wraps an arm around your waist and nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck. Even though he’s exerting very little force, you're still unable to free yourself.
“I’m so sorry that I can’t do a question which, according to Professor Lucien, is very simple.” While he continues hugging you, you transfer the cream puffs from the baking tray onto a small plate. 
“That’s okay. Having one adult who can teach him is enough.”
You pout. “Your son called me stupid earlier.”
“Nonsense.” Lucien gives you a tap on the head. “My wife is the smartest. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have taken so long for me to win you over.”
Lucien’s sweet nothings are becoming smoother and smoother. Pushing him away with your elbow, you pick up the small plate. “Go and give the cream puffs to our son.”
Initially thinking that the plate was meant for him, Lucien is stunned momentarily. His son had a cream puff personally fed to him, while he hasn’t even managed to touch a cream puff. “What about mine?”
You release an icy “hmph”.
“Considering Professor Lucien’s high IQ, I’m sure he can make them himself. I want to give these to my son, who is also unable to solve that problem.”
Why does he have to bear the consequences when his son was the one who angered you?
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[ KIRO ]
“I’m back~” 
You’ve just returned from a business trip which swept you overseas for close to a month, and it’s been a long time since you saw the two suns in your home.
“Mommy! Welcome home!”
“Miss Chips! Welcome home!”
The father-son duo exclaim unanimously, rushing over to the door with their similar faces and equally dazzling golden hair.
Your adorable son stumbles over to you, and you respond by squatting down and stretching your hands to give him a full hug. The little fellow tightens his grip around your neck to express his joy and how much he missed you.
Apple Box leaps around beside you to convey his welcome, and you can’t help but reach out to give him a pat on his fluffy head. In the time you weren’t around, he had put on quite a bit of weight.
The small entrance hall brims with a warm atmosphere... aside from Kiro.
At this moment, Kiro feels that his position in the home has deteriorated, and he shoots a killer glare towards your coquettish son and Apple Box, who weren’t sidelined by you.
“Miss Chips, did you not miss me... QAQ”
Despite the passage of time, Kiro, who has even become a father, seems to have become more childish.
You purse your lips. “Who said so? I missed you very much.”
“But you hugged him first and even patted Apple Box. You didn’t give me a hug.” The more he talks about it, the more insignificant he feels.
“Dad, you’re so heavy. Mom won’t be able to carry you.” Your son rubs salt into his wound.
Sure enough, Kiro gets offended by this. With a darkened expression, he pulls his son away from your arms, lifting him into the air. “Say that again!”
The little rascal struggles for a while before escaping from his grasp, then buries himself into your arms again. “Mommy, I drew you a picture!” With this, he sends Kiro a competitive glance.
Amused by the usual competition between father and son, you feed off your son’s excitement. “Really? My darling is incredible!”
“I’m incredible too!” Kiro is deathly afraid of falling behind. “Go away.” He pulls his son away from you once again. His left hand reaches behind your knees, and he bends down to carry you up. When he feels your hands tightening around his neck, he lets out a satisfied “hmph”.
“I can pick your Mom up in a princess carry. Can you?”
“Once I’ve grown up, I can do it too!” Your son gives him a glance of disdain. “Also, you’d be old by the time I grow up. I’d also be more handsome than you. Mommy will definitely like me more~”
“Looks like you need a spanking!” Kiro places you down before reaching for his son.
“Kiro, you’re not allowed to hit our son!” You hurriedly stop him before he can do anything.
“He was challenging my authority as his father.”
You tousle his hair in a comforting manner. “Be good. Actually, our son wasn’t wrong. When you’re old, you’d...”
“Miss Chips!”
“When you’re old, you’d still be handsome!” You chuckle gently, tugging him on the sleeve to make him bend down slightly. A sweet kiss lands on the side of his face. “Superheroes are the most handsome~”
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[ SHAW ]
“Don’t make a mess out of our house!”
The moment you see the unsalvageable mess on the coffee table, the only thought that runs through your mind is sending this troublemaker back to the oven to be re-made.
“Dad said that an overly neat doesn’t have a homely feeling.” Your son tilts his head upwards confidently, continuing with his work on hand.
“So why are you doodling on the wall?”
The originally pure white wall has been morphed beyond recognition. And why does the style of this abstract art look so familiar?
Your son wipes his hands on a damp cloth at the side, then picks up a crayon. “Dad said that aesthetic sense must be picked up since young.”
Seeing the patches of postmodern art on the wall causes your blood to boil. “Can’t you use paper?”
As compared to your frantic state, your son is much more composed. “Dad said that I should strike while the iron’s hot when it comes to being inspired. I didn’t have time to find paper, so I drew on the wall.”
No matter what, you have to find the main culprit.
“Shaw, get over here!” Your twist your head and roar towards the living room.
“Did you allow him to draw on the walls?” You glare at him fiercely, causing his initial “yes” to quickly turn into a “I did not.”
Your son lifts his head in confusion. “Dad, didn’t you say that I should draw wherever I wanted to? You even said a child’s talent shouldn’t be stifled.”
With a grim laugh, you toss him a rag. “Since you allowed him to do it, you’ll be the one to clean up.”
“...son, use paper next time. Don’t draw on the walls.” Shaw finds a smaller rag and hands it to his son. The both of them begin wiping off the colourful traces on the wall pitifully, wishing they could travel back in time to stop this from happening in the first place.
Sitting on your son’s small bed while scrolling through your phone, you occasionally look up to supervise their progress.
Once they’re more or less done, your son suddenly pipes up.
“When can we head out to do graffiti?”
“Graffiti?” Why weren’t you aware of such plans?
Shaw has a bad feeling about this.
“Shaw. Explain.”
“It’s just... nurturing his artistic side...” His voice dies off at the end.
“Okay. Right now, I’ll be nurturing his mathematical side. Stand at the corner of the wall and count from one to a thousand.”
After tidying your son’s bed, you head out to pour yourself a cup of water.
Shaw tosses a sympathetic glance at his son. “Every man for himself.”
“As his father, you’ll keep him company.”
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More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: Can, just state the author and the source
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
skate rat choso
This is just a little drabble for skate rat Choso, I got inspo from a cute ass pic of him holding baby Itadori :) no content warnings for this, although I must say it might get cringe? I tried to be wholesome, so let's see how that worked out. Gender neutral readerrrr and idk if i need to say this but choso and reader are 18+ lol
It was finally the first warm sunny day of the season. Birds were chirping, sparse clouds dotted the sky and there wasn’t any pollen in the air to make Choso sneeze. It was the perfect day to go to the skate park.
“Got your helmet?” And of course he was going to bring his little brother Yuji along with him.
“Mhmm!” The excited six year old nodded, nearly falling over as he held up his little helmet covered in sparkly Kirby stickers. Heading out of the house, Yuji ran down the steps, leaving Choso behind to carry his bike and his own skateboard.
“Your backpack, don’t forget this!” Holding up the tiny bag, Choso shrugged his own bag on. Yuji’s didn’t have much in it besides a few bandaids and a bag of chips. Holding his arms up at the bottom of the steps, Yuji waited for Choso to put it on him.
“This is gonna be great!” As soon as he could, Yuji ran down the street with Choso taking longer strides behind him. The walk to the skate park wasn’t far, and they got there in no time to see a couple other people Choso’s age riding around.
“What do you want to do first, do you want to take off the training wheels right away?” Setting Yuji’s bike down, Choso dug in his back for the screwdriver he brought.
“Yeah!” Hopping on the bike, Yuji bounced up and down impatiently, already dreaming of how he was going to fly through the air on the bike. Tossing the now useless wheels to the side, Choso pressed his hand to Yuji’s back.
“I’m going to hold onto you for a little bit to make sure you don’t fall, okay?”
“I’m not a baby!” Yuji shouted, trying to shake off Choso’s hand.
“You’re my baby and I want you to be safe.” Gripping the back of his shirt, Choso stilled Yuji. “Now try to push off.”
Lifting his feet off the ground, Yuji let out a short yelp as he began to sway side to side. Nearly falling several times, he refused to give up and with an almost angry pout on his face he was able to push the pedals and get the wheels spinning forward.
“I’m doing it!” He gasped, looking down at his feet and the way he wasn’t falling over anymore.
“You’re doing great!” Choso jogged a bit behind him, ultimately letting go and watching Yuji ride around in a wide circle.
“Did you see me? Did you?” Coming to a shaky stop, Yuji leapt off his bike and grabbed onto Choso’s shirt, tugging on it.
“I did, you were awesome.” Scooping the young boy up, Choso gave him a big hug. Squirming out of his hold, Yuji picked up his bike again.
“Ride your skateboard with me!” Yuji didn’t wait for Choso to respond, already stumbling to a start on his bike. Tucking their things underneath a tree with a couple other people's belongings, Choso let his board clatter to the ground and stepped on it, pushing off and meeting up with Yuji in no time.
As they rode around, avoiding any big dips or curves, Choso let his eyes wander across the park. There were a fair few people here, a couple that he recognized doing tricks in the bowl and sitting on the sidelines. Later, when Yuji was tired from riding on his bike and he didn’t have to pay attention to him too much, Choso would do some tricks as well and see if he could do anything new.
“Look Yuji, another kid your age is here.” With a little mop of messy black hair, the scowling child had a tiny little skateboard in hand. His helmet was strapped to his backpack that no doubt carried all his protective gear as well.
“I know him, he’s a new kid! He just joined last month.” Stopping slowly, Yuji stared quite obviously at the other boy. “His name is Megumi.”
“Why don’t you go over and ask if he wants to ride around with you?” Choso pushed Yuji towards the boy, finding himself intrigued with the adult that was following him. Riding over to the Megumi, Yuji leaned forward on his handlebars.
“Megumi?” He called out and the boy turned, his eyes widening upon seeing Yuji and Choso. “D’ya wanna ride together?” Megumi was silent, his lips forming a tight line on his face. Glancing at Choso, Megumi scrambled behind the person with him.
“Sorry, he’s a little shy.” You answered, trying to tug him off your pant leg. Smoothing a hand on his back, you leaned down to Megumi. “Is this a boy from your school?” Megumi nodded silently. “Do you want to ride around with him? I bet he’d let you hold onto his handlebars to balance.”
Megumi mumbled something indistinguishable to Choso, but apparently you heard it and understood. There was a quick back and forth and a rushed promise that you’d stay close by, and then Megumi was slowly tiptoeing out from behind you.
“Okay.” Clutching his board to his chest, Megumi looked at Choso and his own board.
“How long have you been skateboarding?” Choso asked, smiling at him. Megumi held up a five and you giggled.
“He’s been doing it for five months now.” Answering for him, you unclip his helmet and plop it on his head. “Show him your board, baby.” Flexing his little fingers, Megumi turned it around, showcasing the underside of the board.
“Cool!” Yuji gasped, stepping closer and pointing at the large wolf painted across the bottom.
“Thanks.” Megumi whispered, smiling softly despite himself.
“You wanna see mine?” Bending down so both boys could see clearly, Choso flipped his over. The deck was horribly scraped and scratched from grinding on metal and concrete and so were the trucks, but you could still make out the dragon design that was once there.
“That’s really cool.” Running his hand along the bottom, Megumi’s eyes gleamed with wonder.
“I can teach you some skating stuff later if you want.” Standing up straight, Choso flicked his eyes over to you. He really wanted you to accept the offer, he wanted an excuse to try and talk to you.
“Y-yes please!” Bouncing on his toes, Megumi looked over at you. “Can he, (Y/N)?”
“Of course!” Giving him a big thumbs up, you fished out his pads from his little backpack. “You have to put your gear on first though.”
Megumi rushed to put his gear on and in no time he and Yuji were riding around the flat parts of the park, both wobbly and slightly unsteady on their feet. Choso sat next to you on a bench and watched them, letting the sounds of the other park goers fill the silence between you.
“I never introduced myself! I’m (Y/N)!” The abruptness of your voice surprised him, but Choso was glad you broke the silence first because he was too nervous to. Waving and smiling at him, you didn’t seem to notice the blush beginning to coat Choso’s cheeks. “I’m Megumi’s older sibling, we just moved to the area not too long ago.”
“Oh uhm yeah, Yuji said that Megumi was a new student.” Nodding dumbly, Choso smiled nervously.
“Yuji is your brother's name?”
“Mhmm! And I’m Choso.” He quickly tacked on, almost forgetting to tell you his own name.
“It’s nice to meet you, Choso. I hope our brothers get along well.” Taking a look over at the two of them, you smiled. “Well actually, I don’t think I have to worry about that.” Pointing over to them, you and Choso shared a soft laugh at watching Megumi and Yuji chase each other around, their wheels lying forgotten on the grass.
“I’m not surprised, Yuji is really outgoing.” Choso had to bite back the stupid grin he had wanting to bubble to the surface. His little brother's ability to make friends with anyone was unexpectedly starting to pay off. If Yuji could make a good bond with Megumi, Choso had no doubt he’d be seeing the two of you again.
“Have you been skating long, Choso?” Your hand skims the edge of the board resting on his lap.
“I started when I was Yuji’s age.” He could remember clearly the very first time he rode a skateboard and the first time he fell off it too. “Do you skate or anything, (Y/N)?”
“I could never!” Rubbing the back of your neck, you laugh, feeling embarrassment come over you at your next words. “I tried to ride Megumi’s little skateboard one time and fell right on my face!”
“Ouch, really?” Laughing a little as well, Choso fiddled with the wheels. “If you want, I can teach you too. It’s not that hard, you just have to balance a little and-”
“(Y/N)!” A sharp wail cut Choso off and you both looked over to where it came from. Clutching his knee, Megumi had tripped and fallen over a ramp. Walking over swiftly, it was a relief to see only a few drops of blood on Megumi’s knee.
“It’s okay, it’s just a little scrape.” Running your hands through his unruly hair, you pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Do you want a bandaid?”
“I have one!” Yuji shot up, running past Choso and grabbing his backpack. He had a handful of bandaids and laid them in Megumi’s lap. “I have spiderman and hello kitty!” Picking up a sparkly one with strawberries, he held it out to you. “This one’s my favorite!”
“Thanks.” Meguim’s voice wavered slightly and he sniffled a little, but he took the bandaid out of Yuji’s hand and gave it to you to put on him.
“Okay, you’re all better. Go play some more.” A few minutes later Megumi was back on his feet, making sure to stay away from the big structures sticking out of the ground. Sticking around a few seconds longer, you exhaled sharply and turned to Choso.
“So, what was that about teaching me how to skate?”
Choso had never been happier about his decision to come out to the park today. While he loved spending time with his little brother, more than anything else in the world, getting to know you was something that was beginning to rival it.
With his helmet slapped on your head, you looked adorably scared to step on his board. Choosing a corner where no one would skate by, you gripped a concrete column tightly and put a tentative foot on the board.
“I’m scared.” You whined, glancing up at Choso and then back down to your foot.
“Let go of that thing, put more of your weight on the board.” He beckoned you closer, holding out both hands for you to take. Pressing your foot more firmly, you slowly inched your way off the column.
“Oh shit!” Just as you were going to take your other foot off the ground, the board began to slide underneath you. Flailing your arms, you jumped off and a few feet away. “I almost died!”
“It’s okay!” Choso laughed at your dramatics, stopping the board before it could slide too far away. “Take my hand and step on again.”
“You better not let me fall!” Pointing threateningly at him, you took a deep breath and put your foot back on. Bypassing his hand, you gripped his shoulder tightly and shuffled both feet on.
“Bend your knees a little.” Choso’s hand was hovering near your waist. He wasn’t sure if he should grab it or not to help you balance, but you quickly made that decision for him by nearly falling as you leaned too far forward.
“I got you!” Saving you from certain death, Choso hugged you close to him, putting his foot in front of the wheels to stop it from sliding back and forth. Your fingers were clutching his t-shirt tightly, leaving deep wrinkles in the fabric.
“I don’t think I can do this.” Shaking your head, you forced yourself to stand up straight.
“You haven’t even pushed off yet.” Keeping his hand on your back, Choso let you squeeze the life out of his other hand.
“I don’t know if I want to, you saw me almost die just now.”
“Emphasis on almost.” He chuckled when you swatted at his chest. “Just try it once and then you can say you did it.”
“If I break a leg my mom will be pissed.”
“Don’t break a leg then and you’ll be fine.”
“Shut up.” Giggling at his comment, you squared your shoulders and looked forward. “Okay, I’m going.”
Choso talked you through pushing off, telling you where to put your foot and how to balance on the board while you pressed against the ground. He pulled you along as well, trying to help build up enough speed.
“You’re doing it!” He shouted, trying to let go of you as you started to cruise. You laughed loudly and breathlessly, heart pounding in your ears and legs shaking terribly as you fought to control your body.
“I-I am!” Letting go of Choso’s hand, you slid up to grip his arm. The tiny breaks in the cement were nothing, barely making a dent as you rode over them. What did make a dent, however, was when Choso fully stepped away from you right as the wheels met resistance on a big crack in the ground.
Luckily there was grass in front of you that you could fall into, and you did so with a loud shout accompanying it. With your hands outstretched to break your fall, your knees met the dirt hard and the whole ordeal knocked the wind out of you.
“You okay?” Choso was hunched over you, eyes wide as he knelt down beside you. Taking a moment to roll over and catch your breath, you sat up on your elbow only to be knocked down by Megumi tumbling into you.
“(Y/N)!” Wrapping his arms around your neck, he smooshed his cheek against yours. “You fell!” Nodding at the obvious statement, you wheezed as he squeezed you a bit harder. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, baby.” Blinking hard as you tried to reorientate yourself, you saw Yuji with his bandaids out.
“Do you need one?” Holding up a large yellow one, he looked you over with the seriousness of a doctor.
“No Yuji, I’m good, not bleeding anywhere.” Patting Megumi’s back, you sat up straighter and eventually made your way back on your feet. “But I think I’m good for now on learning how to skateboard.” Brushing the dirt off your clothes, you glared at the crack you had tripped over.
“That’s fair.” Choso nodded, taking his helmet back from you.
“Don’t get hurt again.” Megumi chided, patting the parts of your body he could reach.
“Promise I won’t.” Hooking your pinky with his, you shook your hands together.”
“Hey Megumi, do you want to skateboard with me?” The question from Choso made Megumi immediately turn away from you, forgetting all about his fallen sibling and nodding so hard he almost fell over.
“Yes!” Megumi ran to grab his things, rushing to put his gear back on and meet Choso at a small ramp. You and Yuji trailed behind, choosing another ramp close by to play with. Yuji had gotten more familiar with his bike, only needing help stopping and staying balanced at times.
“(Y/N), do you and Megumi live close to the park?” He asked, doing circles around you.
“Mhmm, we do.”
“We live close too!” Yuji gasped, taking a second to look at you before going back to his task. “We come all the time, you should come too. And bring Megumi.”
“I have a feeling we’ll be coming by a lot.” You snorted, looking up to see Megumi going down a tiny ramp with Choso right beside him. Megumi was utterly enamored with the older man, completely focused on what he was saying and doing.
Hours passed of the four of you playing together in the park. Megumi showed off his ability to go down a ramp without falling many times, and he and Yuji raced on their respective wheels from one end of the park to the other. You also ate lunch together, Choso chatting you up when he could and ignoring the tingle of nervousness at the back of his mind.
“Ice cream!” As the sun began to set and the clouds were dyed a pastel orange, the shout from another kid alerted Yuji and Megumi, and the distinctive melody of the ice cream man flowed through the air.
“(Y/N)!” Both boys gasped, looking between you with wide, hopeful eyes.
“I’ll buy.” Choso already had his wallet out and was getting up from the spot in the grass you’d chosen to take up residence in.
“Are you su-”
“Yay!” Jumping up as well, Yuji and Megumi ran to get in line for ice cream.
“Be back in a sec.” Choso didn’t give you the chance to argue about who would pay, already walking over to join them. In just a few minutes time, they were back with big smiles on their faces.
“Look, we got the same one!” Yuji announced to you, holding up the spongebob ice cream he and Megumi both got. “It’s got gum for eyes.”
“Here, we got you one too.” Choso handed you a frozen treat, munching on his own. “Megumi said you liked ice cream sandwiches.”
“You didn’t have to.” Taking a bite, a delightful shiver went up your spine as the treat came in contact with your teeth.
“I wanted to.” He shrugged, eating his ice cream quickly and crumpling up the wrapper. Choso was itching to skate a bit, try some new tricks and potentially show off to you, and now was a good time: there weren’t as many people left at the skatepark, most tired out from a full day and going home.
“I’m gonna skate around a bit.” He announced after gathering up the courage. Picking his board up, Choso made a point to put his helmet on. He wanted to set a good example for Yuji and Megumi and cracking his skull open on the concrete wasn’t the way to achieve that.
“You guys have to watch! Choso is really good at skateboarding!” Yuji was the best wingman Choso could ask for and he didn’t even have to tell him to do anything. Moving closer to the bowl, as you sat down on a bench, both Yuji and Megumi cuddled into your sides.
Choso started off slow, cruising and going over smooth inclines. He’d done many dangerous stunts before in front of a lot of different people, but having you here was making him a bit timid and as he did a kickflip he could only hope you found it exciting.
He refused to look at you as he did a few tricks, grinding down a handrail and popping his board up. A few times he fell or stumbled off and an embarrassed blush overtook his face, contrary to how he would normally brush off any mistakes he made.
“Choso go down there!” Yuji shouted, pointing at the large bowl encompassing the middle of the park.
“Okay!” He yelled back, riding over to it and dropping in with no hesitation. There wasn’t anyone else in with him, so he had full range to do whatever he wanted. Going as fast as he could, his shirt clung to his body from the force of the wind passing by.
“Woah!” Megumi shouted, lurching forward to see Choso carving across a curve and popping up, flipping his board in the air a few times before landing back down and skating away. “(Y/N) did you see that?!”
“I did.” As impressed as you were by the trick, Megumi was ten times that. Every single move, Megumi was inch further and further off the bench until he was right at the edge of the bowl and bouncing up and down in excitement.
“C’mere.” Hopping out, Choso lifted Megumi under his armpits and put him on the board. Setting his feet around Megumi, Choso dropped back in, holding the boy around his waist as they pumped up and over curves. Megumi let out happy squeals as they rode up ramps and along the railing of the bowl.
After both Yuji and Megumi had a chance to ride in the bowl with Choso, they were properly exhausted. Flopping onto you once more, they were almost too tired to watch Choso finish his run.
When it was time to leave, Choso was pleasantly surprised to learn that you lived in the same direction as him, getting the chance to walk you home.
“So uh, what’d you think?” He asked as you headed out of the park, Yuji half asleep in his arms. “Of my skating.”
“It was really cool.” You flashed him a smile, your own little brother walking slowly next to you. “And I know Megumi loved it too.”
“Awesome.” Letting out a quick sigh of relief, Choso rushed out his next words. “I should give you my number so our brothers can hang out again.”
“Totally! Yuji was saying earlier that he wanted me to bring Megumi back to the park.” Choso would seriously have to thank Yuji later. He quickly got your number, already trying to cook up a reason to text you that wasn’t related to his brother.
“You live here?” Coming upon your house, Choso’s brows rose. “We live just down the street, at the end of the block.” It makes sense now why there were moving vans here just a few weeks ago.
“Guess that makes us neighbors, huh?” Ruffling Megumi’s hair, you gestured to Choso. “Say goodbye, baby.”
“Bye Choso, bye Yuji.” Megumi waved, already shuffling toward the front door. Yuji barely waved back, snuggling closer into Choso’s shoulder.
“I’ll text you later, okay? Maybe we can get frozen yogurt or something?” You said, beginning to slide your feet across the pavement after Megumi. Choso was probably just projecting his own emotions but he could have sworn you looked a little nervous asking.
“That’d be awesome.” A light blush dusted his cheeks and he nodded like a fool. “I’m free whenever.”
“See you later.” Giving one last final wave, you closed the door behind you, leaving Choso on the sidewalk. Turning abruptly, he walked down to his house, keeping his head down to avoid anyone seeing the large, uninhibited smile on his cheeks. He was really happy he went to the park today.
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andreafmn · 3 years
Running In Circles - Chapter 3
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Word Count: 1,854
Characters: Female Reader Rossi Character, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Jennifer “JJ”Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia
Story Description: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Criminal Minds, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and CBS Network. The only thing I own is Arden Rossi, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 3/?
A/N: This is a short one. Just fully domestic fluff and it makes me very happy, but letting ya’ll know this happiness will be kinda short lived. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 3
“Okay, buddy, let’s see.” I looked at the instructions in my hands from the fort kit I had purchased. It seemed simple enough and something Jack would enjoy inmmensly. “Let’s do this.”
“Yeah!” Jack exclaimed. Hotch laughed from the kitchen, insisting he had to at least cook some dinner. In the oven were the batch of brownies I had put in 10 minutes ago. It took about 30 minutes to finish the fort and the look on Jack’s face was priceless. Then he spent 10 minutes perusing my movie collection until he finally landed on Toy Story, once again. 
“Well, dinner’s ready,” Hotch announced, bringing a tray with three plates of spaghetti to the fort.
“Daddy, daddy! Look at the fort!” Jack jumped up and down. It was a simple square base, big enough for three people and a triangle top. We covered it with thin sheets and hung wire twinkle lights on the top. Jack had run to my linen closet and gotten a thick comforter to lay on the floor, as well as most of the pillow that laid on my couch. He also arranged a couple of his plush toys in there to keep us company, as he put it. 
“I see it, buddy. It looks great!” Hotch smiled brightly. “Now, what do we say?”
“Thank you, (Y/N)!”
“No problem, little man,” I smiled. “How about you invite your dad inside so we can eat some spaghetti?”
“Yes! Come on, dad!”
Hotch sat down next to me and passed a plate to Jack and me, putting a napkin on his son’s collar. The small kid smiled at his dad and dug into his plate without another thought, the sound of the movie filling in the background. 
“You know,” I mused. “It was pretty bold of you to cook spaghetti for an Italian.”
“Right,” he chuckled. “Well, I hope it’s good.”
I smiled and took a bite of the noodles. Hotch stared expectantly to see if he passed the Italian test. I chewed slowly, dragging the process along, until finally giving him a thumbs up. Hotch sighed and smiled before digging into his own plate.
After finishing the pasta, I took the three plates to the kitchen and served three plates of brownie with ice cream for me and the Hotchner duo. When those plates were empty, Jack laid his head on my lap and his feet on his dad’s and watched the movie. An hour and a half later, the blonde boy was softly snoring and peacefully sleeping.
“Looks like the little man ran out of juice,” I said as I ran my hand through his soft hair. “I think we should take him up to the guest room.”
Hotch softly placed his hand under Jack’s arms and carried him up the stairs to the first door on the right, careful not to wake the tired child. I pulled the sheets away and Hotch laid the kid on the bed. I left the room to let Hotch change Jack into his pajamas and went downstairs to clean up and pack away the fort for Jack to take home.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” I jumped at the sound of Hotch’s voice and he laughed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s okay, and don’t mention it.” I sat down next to him on the island. “Whatever you need, seriously, I’m here.”
He smiled and engulfed me in a hug; time slowed down. For a moment, just for a moment, it was only us. There was no hurting, no unspoken emotions, nothing. I breathed in his scent and took in the warmth coming from the closeness of his body to mine. He relaxed into me and let himself be human for a change. 
All good things come to an end.
“Well, it’s getting late,” I said breaking the hug and clearing my throat. “Um, there’s towels in the guest bedroom closet and extra blankets just in case it gets too cold during the night.”
“Great, I’ll see you in the morning, then. Good night, (y/n).”
“Good night, Hotch.” I smiled and waited for his figure to disappear in the stairs before opening the doors leading to my backyard. I breathed in deeply and tried to easy my heartbeat.
“What are you doing, (Y/N)?” I whispered to myself.
I spent the night tossing and turning, trying my best to not think that the man I liked was sleeping just a hallway away. Before I knew it, the sun was peeking in through my bedroom window, announcing that I had wasted a whole night of sleep inside my head. 
So, I got up and went downstairs to work on breakfast. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, the works. I put a pot of coffee to brew and took out some toppings for the pancakes. As I was finishing with the bacon, I heard tiny feet running down the staircase.
“Morning, (Y/N)!” Jack exclaimed, hugging my waist since it was as high as he could reach. 
“Hey, little man,” I said ruffling his hair. “Wanna help me set the table?”
He nodded and grabbed the forks I was holding, placing them rapidly next to the three plates that were already on the round table.
“Jack, where’s dad?” I questioned.
“He’s still sleeping.” He shrugged.
“I have an idea, little man. How about we wake him up with some silly string?”
“What’s silly string?” My mouth dropped. I headed to the hallway closet and took out two cans of silly string.
“This, buddy, is silly string,” I presented the can. “You press the button here down and string comes out.”
“Like this?” Jack asked as a string of green plastic was expelled from the can. He shrieked gleefully and his excitement grew as he saw the grin on my face.
“Just like that, bud. Let’s go wake up dad.” 
He nodded excitedly and we walked up the stairs quietly. Once we reached the door, I turned the doorknob slowly and instructed Jack to go jump on the bed to surprise his dad. He smiled at me and when the door was completely open, he ran up to the bed and jumped.
When Hotch’s eyes shot open, Jack and I pressed the cans and shot silly string all over Hotch.
“Good morning, daddy!” Jack screamed as he flung the can around. Definitely a mess I’d have to clean later but very worth it at the moment.
“Morning, Jack!” The older man said as he brought his kid down tickling him slightly. “Is it safe to assume this was your idea, (Y/N)?”
“Yes, sir. It is,” I responded between laughs. “We have a very strict protocol in this household when it comes to wake up calls.” 
“That’s a very effective wake up call.” Hotch smiled.
“Well, now that we’re all up, we can eat some breakfast,” I said. “There’s some chocolate chip pancakes for you, little man.”
“Yes!” He excitedly left the room and ran downstairs.
“And there’s coffee, too.” I smiled and Hotch got up to join us downstairs.
“(Y/N), thank you.” Hotch said as he stood on the doorstep ready to go home. “This is exactly what Jack and I needed, and I have no idea how I’ll ever be able to make it up to you.”
“Hotch, there’s absolutely no need.” I laid a hand on his arm, giving it a squeeze for reassurance. “I meant it when I said I’d always be here for you both. Whatever it is you need.”
Hotch smiled and left with an ‘I’ll see you at work’, and a Jack frantically waving from the backseat.
And that’s how our sleepovers started. Most of the times we had days off Hotch would come over and we’d build a fort with Jack and watch movies or played games. On hot days, we’d play around in the pool. Sometimes with the squad, but more often than not, just the three of us. If ever he needed it, I would take care of Jack so he could have a day to himself. These nights were happening so often, I transformed one of the guest rooms into a room for Jack. Hotch started leaving some of Jack’s clothes and toys. My house started becoming a second home for the Hotchner boys.
Slowly we grew closer and closer as friends, even if I wanted more. His friendship was too important for me to lose what we already had.
Back at work, it was business as usual. The team was none the wiser, but they could see that our relationship had gotten closer. JJ would always give me a smirk when she saw us hugging in his office, Derek would wiggle his eyebrows at me, and Penelope would silently squeal and flail her arms whenever she saw us in proximity.
Today was no different. Reid, Emily, Derek, and I were in the briefing room each stirring their wanted sugars and creams into the coffees I had brought in the morning. Reid quickly examining the box of donuts I had also brought along to pick the best one.
“Come on, baby girl,” Derek chuckled. “What’s going on between you and the boss man?”
“Well, Derek, if you must know,” I played along. The trio closed in as I pretended to look around for any eavesdropping ears. “Absolutely nothing. We’re just friends.”
“Come on, (Y/N),” Emily responded annoyed. “There has to be something. Friends don’t look at each other the way you both do.”
“My dearest Emily, I’m serious. I’ve just tried to be there for him in these very difficult times.” I sipped my coffee. “And I very much enjoy Jack’s company.”
“You know,” Spencer chimed in. “Oxytocin and dopamine, which are often referred to as the love hormones, affect pupil size. The brain gets a surge of these chemicals when you’re sexually or romantically attracted to someone. This boost of hormones causes pupils to dilate. So, really, if we wanted to know if something was happening all we have to do is pay attention to their eyes.”
“Thank you, Spence.” I laughed. “Now I’m gonna have to use sunglasses everywhere.”
“So that means there is something to look out for!” Emily chirped.
“No,” I cleared my throat. “It means that I don’t want to be stared at all the time by profilers, thank you very much.”
“Whatever you say, (Y/N), whatever you say.” Emily laughed.
After that, playful side eyes and nudges were implemented to our daily routine. They’d smirk whenever Hotch praised me and stared whenever he was even remotely close to me. At first it was funny, but it made me extremely nervous to think that Hotch could catch on. Although, it had been a couple of months with this behavior and thankfully, the unit chief had yet to figure it out, as oblivious to our teammates’ behavior as he was to my feelings for him.
Our friendship continued to flourish and strengthen as I pushed my feelings down in an effort to forget about them. It did not do me any good but, if this was the only way to keep him close, I would endure it.
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Tag: @ssamorganhotchner
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yellowocaballero · 3 years
Percy Jackson meets a Landlord, a Tax Accountant, and a Tree Growing in Brooklyn
“Golduck, use hydro pump!” Percy whispered. He moved Golduck so he hit Batman on the chest, and then hit Batman a few more times for good measure. “Die, landlord!”
“Aren’t you a little old to be playing with toys?”
Percy almost fell out of his chair. 
He twisted his torso around, looking behind him with wide eyes. But the only person there was a white girl, no older than him. She was wearing a really severe expression to match her tight little blonde ponytail, and she was carrying a clipboard in both hands. There was a piece of string tacked to the clipboard, with a pen tied around one end. She looked like she asked the school librarian if she could help shelve books. 
Percy decided instantly that she hated him, so he decided to hate her back. 
“Aren’t you a little young to be doing your taxes?” Percy sneered. “Buzz off.”
That made her mad. The girl’s angelic little chubby face twisted in rage, and her grip on the clipboard turned threatening. “I’m accounting the chores! And I could do taxes if I wanted!”
“Yeah?” Percy asked, unimpressed. “Name one tax.”
“Sales tax,” the girl said instantly. 
Damn. She got that one.  
Short fic that I am considering extending into a much, much longer fic. Thank you Ami for the translation of the card (I would definitely translate it yourself, it’s important). The entire backstory and premise of the AU isn’t immediately apparent, but if I extend the fic it’ll be more explained (spoiler: Luke Castellan, age 14, said fuck Olympus and moved all of Camp Half-Blood into Brooklyn to live in a child-run utopia). I haven’t reread Percy Jackson since I was 10, I barely remember anything that happens or any of the characters, so don’t expect much - but aren’t the best children’s novels the children’s novels that live in our head, anyway?
Rest under the cut. 
180 Olive Apartments was a dump. Batman said so.
Batman felt very strongly about this, and as a result Percy did too. It was not Percy’s own, private, personal opinion. Batman informed Percy that the apartment complex was shabby, gross, not in Staten island, and smelled weird. Batman made a very convincing argument that they should live in Staten Island instead, which Percy had done his best to relay to Mom. Mom hadn’t been impressed. 
“This is the best place for us, Percy,” Mom had said, with that pinched look on her face. It was the ‘Percy’s Making My Life Really Hard’ face. Percy had been seeing that face a lot lately. “Let’s just try to make this work, please?”
There was no ‘best place’ for them, and Percy and Batman knew that. But that was another thing Mom didn’t want to hear. 
So Percy had suffered in stoic silence as Mom dragged him out of the motel, made him miss the new episode of Pokemon, and forced him to ride the subway forty minutes into smelly Brooklyn so he could sit in this smelly chair outside of some smelly office in a smelly apartment. From inside the office, Percy could hear the faint rise and fall of voices: Mom’s, light and lyrical and very polite to people who were not Percy; and some landlord guy. His voice was really light and high too, but he was probably a real jerk.
Percy was so bored he could die. He sat up on his knees, turning around so he could prop his elbows against the dusty windowsill with grimy frosted glass. He plopped Batman down on the dirty windowsill, smearing his chipped feet through the tracks of dust. Parkour. He unzipped his pocket and grabbed his slightly dusty Golduck rubber toy, putting it in front of Batman. Golduck was from McDonald’s, so it had a bad attitude. 
Percy waggled Batman. You have a bad attitude, Golduck. You can’t live in my house anymore, because you get water all over the tile and you make the wood go bad. 
Golduck jiggled when Percy shook him. It wasn’t Golduck’s fault that the water went everywhere! Water just goes places sometimes. Golduck was a water type, so water followed him around and got into wood and made the wood go bad and made other people mad at him. It’s not Golduck’s fault, so don’t make him move!
I don’t want to hear it, Batman said. I’m going to make you live in a crummy motel and make your Mom go on a lot of boring websites looking for new places to live. The motel’s bananas are going to taste weird. Mom’s going to cry a lot. And it’ll be all your fault because you’re a bad kid. 
“Golduck, use hydro pump!” Percy whispered. He moved Golduck so he hit Batman on the chest, and then hit Batman a few more times for good measure. “Die, landlord!”
“Aren’t you a little old to be playing with toys?”
Percy almost fell out of his chair. 
He twisted his torso around, looking behind him with wide eyes. But the only person there was a white girl, no older than him. She was wearing a really severe expression to match her tight little blonde ponytail, and she was carrying a clipboard in both hands. There was a piece of string tacked to the clipboard, with a pen tied around one end. She looked like she asked the school librarian if she could help shelve books. 
Percy decided instantly that she hated him, so he decided to hate her back. 
“Aren’t you a little young to be doing your taxes?” Percy sneered. “Buzz off.”
That made her mad. The girl’s angelic little chubby face twisted in rage, and her grip on the clipboard turned threatening. “I’m accounting the chores! And I could do taxes if I wanted!”
“Yeah?” Percy asked, unimpressed. “Name one tax.”
“Sales tax,” the girl said instantly. 
Damn. She got that one. Percy just rolled his eyes instead, sitting back down on his seat and stuffing his toys in his cargo pocket. He couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, even if he knew that he wasn’t too old to play with Batman and Golduck. What did tax accountants know, anyway. 
The girl sniffed, and made a show of inspecting the grimy windowsill and carefully making a note on her clipboard. Her pen had a pom-pom at the end. Percy bet she made hearts over the top of her ‘i’s. 
“Nick’s been slacking,” the girl muttered threateningly. “I’m surrounded by incompetents.”
“Why is it Nick’s job to clean the leasing office?” Percy asked, unimpressed. “Don’t you have a janitor for that?” Was Nick the janitor? If this pinched-face little girl was harassing cleaning staff then Percy was going to file a complaint.
But the girl just looked surprised, as if the idea of having a janitor was foreign and strange. “No janitor would even make it through the doors.” But then her eyes narrowed, as if a thought just occurred to her. “Wait. How did you…”
However Percy did what, he would never know. The door to the leasing office cracked open, and Percy scrambled off his seat in excitement. The girl stood stiffly at attention, clipboard on her hip, as Mom stepped out of the office. She looked very tired, but weirdly relieved.
There was a man right behind her, just as white and blonde as the girl. Percy wasn’t surprised: he could pick out a real ‘daughter-of-the-manager’ type right away. The man didn’t look like every other landlord Percy had ever seen - no moustache, for one - and he didn’t look old enough for the part anyway. He wasn’t old, but he definitely wasn’t an elementary schooler. He had a broad, honest face, but he was too muscular and strong looking and landlordey to be trustworthy. 
 Percy decided the weird landlord, with a mop of yellow hair like golden thread and a scary eyebrow with one long scar cutting straight through, was twenty five years old. Clearly the result of nepotism in the landlord industry.
Mom smiled when she saw Percy, who quickly pasted on his most innocent expression. Her eyes caught on the girl, who was glaring daggers at him. The landlord’s eyes caught on Percy’s own wrinkled nose. “Percy, good! Are you making friends?”
It was not an innocent question. It was a ‘please don’t ruin this for me too, Percy’ question. It was a ‘I’m very tired and I need you not to make things hard’ question. Percy was well acquainted with them. But maybe the girl was too, because when the landlord looked at the girl she also abruptly quailed. “I hope you’re being a good host, Annabeth.”
The unfortunately named Annabeth and Percy glanced at each other in silent and instant understanding. 
“Yeah, Annabeth’s really fun!” Percy said instantly. He was not going to ruin this for Mom again. Or, at least, he would try to hold off ruining it for her as long as possible. Even if this stupid apartment wasn’t in Staten island. “She was telling me about -”
“Taxes!” Annabeth said smoothly, a much better liar than Percy. “And Percy was telling me about Batman.”
They both looked very cute and very low matinence on command, the perfect picture of children who did not make their moms live in motels. 
Percy was rewarded when Mom smiled in relief. She put a hand on Percy’s shoulder, squeezing tightly. “I’m so glad. Percy, this is Mr. Castellan. Why don’t you say hi?”
“Hi Mr. Castellan,” Percy said obediently. “My name’s Percy Jackson, I’m in third grade.”
The landlord smiled at him with closed and tight lips, but it was Annabeth who spoke in interest. “Percy like Percival, King Arthur’s knight who searched for the Holy Grail?”
Uh, whatever? “Percy like the Greek hero Perseus,” Percy said shortly. “But I’m not Greek. My Grandma was from Guadalajara.”
Annabeth’s eyes widened. She glanced at the landlord, whose expression was impossible to read. “Are you sure?”
“I know where my own grandmother is from!”
“She didn’t say that you didn’t, sweetie,” Mom said, and Percy guiltily shut up. “Percy, why don’t you and Mr. Castellan talk in his office for a little while? I have to fill out some paperwork, and I think you two have a lot to talk about.”
Percy looked up at her with wide eyes. Mom never left him alone with strangers. And paperwork already? “Are we moving in today?”
“You two talk for a bit,” Mom said firmly. “I’ll be right back.”
When Percy was pushed into Mr. Castellan’s office it felt more like he was a Roman Christian being tossed into the lion’s den in punishment for heresy. And when Mom settled him into an uncomfortable and weird-smelling chair in front of the teetering desk and kissed him on the temple before leaving the office, he abruptly felt like he had jumped into Grandma’s book of Bible Stories. 
Mr. Landlord’s office was as dirty and run-down as the rest of the complex. The big box AC rattled with clinks and whirrs as it shuddered against the sticky summer heat, and the landlord’s desk was covered in thick stacks of paper and chewed-up pencils. When he sat back down behind the stained wood, the chair seemed just a little too big for him. He sunk strangely in it, the vinyl flaking off and floating into the ground. There were a lot of crayon drawings taped to the wall, and there was a light dusting of crumpled post-it notes on the ground. 
Mr. Landlord tried to smile at Percy. Tried being the operative word: when he smiled it was too thin and without teeth, more pained than reassuring. It didn’t reach his watery blue eyes. 
Percy hunched on the rickety chair. This guy set off every alarm bell he had, which was plenty. And no, it wasn’t just because he was a guy, Ms. Brown. For added security and self defense, Percy casually slid a capped ballpoint pen on the old desk in front of him into his sleeve. Batman was always prepared, and Percy was too. He can hack up any creepy guy and protect Mom any day of the week. 
The landlord smiled wider, even worse. “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name’s Luke Castellan, and I’m the supervisor here. Running into Annabeth first thing’s pretty bad luck, huh?” At Percy’s unimpressed eyebrow, he quickly added, “Annabeth keeps the whole place running, really. She’s...pretty convinced that this complex rests on her eight year old back, so she’s a little stressed out all the time. If she gets frustrated at you, don’t take it personally, okay?”
So she does help shelve books. Percy was a keen judge of character. “Why does she do it? You can’t make her be the superintendent. That’s child labor.”
Luke Castellan stared at Percy unblinkingly. He blinked about as often as a snake, but five times as quickly: as if he didn’t want to let you out of his sight for even a second. Finally, he said, “I’m fifteen.”
Percy gave Mr. Luke the stink-eye, clearly communicating that he did not trust even fifteen year olds (who were high schoolers, and even less trustworthy than adult-adults) as far as he could throw them. Especially fifteen year olds like Luke: who were too tall, with too-mature eyes and a particularly unhappy expression. Percy communicated perfectly that there was nothing trustworthy about this family of juvenile landlords, but he was just too polite to say so. 
But that just made Mr. Luke sigh, as if he was tired instead of angry. “Annabeth’s my...ward, I guess. I just look after her. But she doesn’t like being looked after, so she makes up for it by looking after everyone else. I’m not saying I do a good job.”
He’s a landlord and he has a ward? Percy finally perked up. “So you’re like Batman?”
Mr. Luke stared at him unblinkingly, before finally saying, “Yes, except Batman doesn’t have superpowers.”
Percy had the sense he was being made fun of. “You don’t have super powers,” he accused, crossing his arms. “Nobody has super powers.”
Mr. Luke smiled, wan and weak. “Not even you, Percy?”
Percy froze. 
Five seconds too late, Percy made himself laugh stupidly. People were quick to believe that Percy was stupid, and sometimes Percy helped them think that. It got him out of trouble sometimes - not always, but enough that it was useful. “If I had superpowers, I’d run super fast everywhere just like the Flash!”
But Mr. Luke just hummed, and flipped through some of the papers in a folder in front of him. Percy abruptly began sweating. Mom had given him those papers. They were records. This was like every time a principal had drawn up ‘proof’ against him in a court of law. “Your mom said that you both had to move out of your Queens apartment because it flooded.”
“I didn’t unscrew the taps,” Percy said reflexively. “They just came loose! I didn’t even touch them! I didn’t touch the boiler either!”
“The boiler?” Mr. Luke flipped back a few pages. “Oh, right. Your school.”
Percy slouched in his seat and folded his arms across his chest, stewing. He always sounded guiltiest when he denied it. He should go back to playing dumb. Pretend that he had no idea what water was. He had gotten away with it when he was six during that one birthday party at the aquarium, but something about being a third grader meant that people expected that you have basic observational skills. 
It was stupid. There was no way to win. If he said that he didn’t do it then he sounded guilty. If he tried to point out how it was impossible for him to break the boiler and destroy the gym or whatever, using facts and logic and a rhetorical argument like the Youtube videos taught him, then they just told him he was making excuses. Sometimes Percy had the impression that everybody just wanted him to supervillain cackle like the Joker and brag about how terrible he was. Maybe he’d give that a shot once he entered middle school. It seemed like an evil teenage thing to do. 
Percy Jackson was a liar, a thief, a cheat, a menace, and a bad kid. There was nothing more to be: not for someone like Percy. 
But Mr. Luke didn’t threaten him, or give him ‘one last chance’ or anything. He just leaned forward, hands folded on the desk. His thumb was worrying at a small starburst scar on his hand, betraying a strange nervousness. 
“Percy, can I talk to you man-to-man?”
Percy, who did not like men, squinted at Mr. Luke suspiciously. “Why.”
“Because this isn’t a topic for a kid. It’s a topic that...kills children, and turns them into little adults. I wish I didn’t have to broach it with you. But I think that you haven’t been a kid for a long time, Percy, and I don’t want to insult you by pretending otherwise.” Mr. Luke frowned, and Percy found himself involuntarily straightening. What was he talking about? “You were right. There was no way for you to have flooded your apartment, much less twice. There was no way for you to ruin your gym, or damage that aquarium. Much less...everything else in your file. No kid is that much of a miniature hurricane when he isn’t even trying. It sucks. It’s not your fault. And now your Mom’s credit score is so bad that she can’t afford another apartment. If it wasn’t for the fact that she saw our really generous listing in the paper, she would have had to move you two away from her home.”
She was thinking of moving them both to New Jersey. Percy’s lips tightened, and he knew that Mr. Luke saw it. 
“This is an apartment building that provides shelter to a lot of special cases, just like you. It’s...full of kids who break things when they don’t mean to. Kids with a parent couldn’t handle them, or who couldn’t protect them. We have a lot of ways to keep families like yours safe, and to give you a home.”
Percy stared at Mr. Luke. He seemed deadly serious, as serious as anybody had ever been to Percy, despite the crazy stuff he was saying. Safe? Safe from what?
Safe from those weird, giant dogs that chased Percy and tore off half his jeans? Safe from that old lady in the deli with the slobbering bag and beady eyes? Safe from broken water pipes, from ruined floors and busted walls, from Percy himself? 
Finally, all Percy could think to ask was, “How do you know that I’m a special case?”
“Because not just anyone could see that listing,” Mr. Luke said. “And - uh, no offense - but you are one of the most obviously inhuman children I’ve met in my life.”
Percy’s jaw dropped in complete, unadulterated rage, and without even stopping to think through his actions he withdrew the ballpoint pen from his pocket. He uncapped it, fully intending on doing something dramatically yet harmlessly violent with it, but he didn’t get the chance. 
The ballpoint pen turned into a gleaming bronze and silver sword. Percy screamed. Percy fell out of his chair. Percy did not get the opportunity to look cool and dangerous at all.
And now Percy had Greek god stuff to worry about!
Didn’t Percy have enough problems? He couldn’t stay in a school, they couldn’t keep an apartment, their new landlord didn’t blink enough, and now he was the kid of a Greek god? Apparently he had been spending his entire life running from monsters and he just hadn’t noticed? That explained the stupid scary dog!
Percy knew much more about Greek gods than the average kid, since Mom was a huge fan. Yeah, Mom! Apparently you were a big fan! Jesus, Mom!
What’s this dumb stuff about Poseidon! That had freaked out Mr. Luke, and made him ask a lot of questions like ‘are you sure’ and ‘there’s a lot of minor gods who like to pass themself off as someone more impressive to mortals’. Then Annabeth, who had been listening at the door like a sneak and who ran in all heroically when he almost accidentally stabbed Mr. Luke, freaked out and called his mom a liar. His mom!
Then Percy tried to stab her with his new sword. Mom made Percy apologize for trying to stab Annabeth. Mr. Luke made Annabeth apologize for insulting Percy’s mother. Percy was beginning to worry that he and Annabeth may be mortal enemies. 
Mr. Luke had tried explaining a bunch of stuff about monsters and ‘the Sight’ and why Percy’s life was terrible to him, but Percy already knew his life was terrible and he wasn’t interested. Percy ended up furiously swinging his new sword at a tree outside as Mom signed a bunch of forms and talked with Mr. Luke some more, but she hustled him home pretty quickly afterwards. 
Percy didn’t give the sword back. Mr. Luke, wisely, did not ask for it back.
Mom kept on making a face on the subway back to the motel like she had been waiting her entire life for Percy to ask all of these questions, and she was preparing herself for it. She kept on glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, watching Percy kick his feet against the hard plastic seat. It was obvious. But Percy didn’t have anything to say to her. They spent the rest of the day in silence, just focusing on packing up and getting everything ready to move. Jacksons were practical, Mom said. 
Jacksons were practical. Percy was practical, too. It was only in the deep pits of night, as Percy lay in bed holding up his sword and watching it reflect the soft lamplight above the creaky wooden table where Mom was doing work, that he asked. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
The sword was really cool. It was pure bronze, with the middle gleaming pure silver. There was some Greek writing inscribed down the center that Percy had no idea how to read, although he had spent an hour scouring the internet looking for a translation. The handle was tough white cord, stiff and starchy but fraying a little at the edges. 
Mr. Luke said it was named something, but Percy forgot what it was. He had been a bit busy almost impaling the guy. 
Mom’s fingers froze over the keyboard. Her back was turned to him, so he couldn’t see her face, but her spine was stiff and rigid. 
Finally, after a long silence, she said, “I didn’t want you to think that there was anything different about you.”
“So what?” Percy asked, his eyes pricking rebelliously. Stupid water. “You let me think that I was a bad person who ruined your life?”
“Percy, no!” Mom turned around, expression crumpled. The dim light showed the heavy bags under Mom’s eyes in sharp relief. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, baby. None of this is your fault, you understand? That’s what this business with your father means: that none of it was your fault. That’s all it means.”
If that was true, Percy thought, then why couldn’t she have told him before?
But Percy was afraid that if he said that, then he would start crying, and Percy was way too old to cry. Only weak little babies cried. 
“I’m sorry my dad’s a loser who ruined your life, Mom,” Percy said.
But Percy refused to answer her, putting his sword down next to him and pretending to go to sleep. He kept it next to him in bed all night, gripping its hilt tight, and the firm and cool pressure of the steel in his hand soothed him when the thought of a father didn’t. 
They moved in the next day.
The next day! Percy was livid. He barely had any time to pack up his toys into his backpack, and Mom didn’t even have time to help him back up his blue Spider-man suitcase. He had to do it all by himself, and then Mom came in and told him he was folding everything up wrong and that he had to redo it. If she had so many problems with it, she should have helped him and gave him more than one day to move out of their dumb motel! 
When people moved on TV there were always moving vans and buff dudes in baseball caps. But Percy was much better at moving then any of those idiots: all it took was a suitcase (of clothes and toiletries and stuff) and a backpack (of toys and school supplies and stuff). 
Percy’s backpack had the Power Rangers on it, in glossy plastic. Its contents were always the same, through every move: Batman, Golduck, Bulbasaur, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Raphael, a stegosaurus with a missing tail named Hedward, and a little book full of pictures of him and his mom and some cards and stuff. There was a picture of him and Grandma in the apartment in Staten Island that he lived in until he was six, and a 5th birthday card she had given him six months before she died. Written inside, in her looping and faded script, was a sentence Percy had read over and over and over again. ‘Tu angel de la guarda trabaja horas extra por tí. Así que acuérdate de decirle gracias ¿Sí, mi niño?'’
Percy was inclined to agree with her. God should pay his guardian angel overtime. That, or pay one to go to Olympus and collect child support.
The image was funny to Percy - the idea of his angel with her wings and halos showing up at Poseidon’s door and tapping her watch as she held out her hat. It was so funny, it was the first thing he told Mr. Luke when they met him at the gates to the apartment complex. Mom was huffing behind him with her two suitcases, while Percy was busy juggling his own backpack, suitcase, and sword. 
Mr. Luke looked alarmed to see the both of them, although Mom had called ahead and arranged to meet him here. Worse, Annabeth was next to him, still holding a clipboard. She didn’t look alarmed, just mad. 
“Did you bring Riptide onto public transportation?” Annabeth squawked. “You have no sense of discretion!”
Was Riptide the name of the sword? Whatever. Percy would have named it Hurricane. “I know words you don’t know too, you don’t have to brag,” Percy said flatly. 
“Yeah, the gods are filthy little child support evaders,” Mr. Luke said easily, instantly endearing himself to Percy. Mom rolled her eyes as she put her suitcases down, but she was clearly fighting a smile. “Don’t worry, I dragged them to court. Sued them for all they’re worth.”
“How on earth did you do that?” Mom asked, interested. 
“Trickery and rhetoric,” Annabeth said proudly.
“Swords,” Mr. Luke said. 
“What did you squeeze them for?” Percy asked, excited. 
Mr. Luke winked. And he still didn’t ask for his sword back. Maybe he wasn’t all bad. 
The apartment complex itself wasn’t nearly as big as a lot of Brooklyn complexes, looking more like the little apartment complexes in Queens that Percy was used to. It was three separate three-story buildings arranged in a square, with one side holding the small leasing office and a parking lot. It was open-air, with the apartment doors opening directly outside. There was a really big courtyard in the center, and despite himself Percy got a little excited.
It was awesome. There was a huge, sprawling tree right in the center of the courtyard. It was gigantic, bigger than any tree Percy had ever seen in his life. It seemed like it didn’t even belong in New York, like it was a transplant from the California Redwoods or Canada or something. Its leaves were waving in a nonexistent breeze, and something about it just seemed so magical and otherworldly to Percy. 
But that was only half of the awesome things. The other awesome thing was that there were kids everywhere.
The tree provided shade to a couple scattered gangs of kids, sitting around and laughing. There was a rusty set of monkey bars, which some kids were playing on, and there was a big dirt rectangle where other kids were hitting each other on the head with wooden plastic swords. There were groups of girls eating lunch, and a gang of boys playing soccer in the corner that made Percy immediately want to jump in and play too. Percy dominated at soccer. 
“The East and South buildings are where we all live,” Annabeth informed Mom. “The West building is where the training rooms and storage rooms and administrative rooms - that’s my office - and everything is. It also has guest units for the local spirits that like to visit. We just had ten Bacchae stay for a week. They were backpacking to Woodstock. We have very good inter-community relationships here.”
“That’s amazing,” Mom said faintly. Mr. Luke was smiling faintly, eyes fixed on the big tree. Percy found himself staring at Mr. Luke, watching with interest the soft but firm pride in his eyes. “Luke said that this property’s safe from…” 
She glanced at Percy quickly, cutting herself off. But Annabeth just huffed. 
“I almost got eaten by monsters twenty times when I was seven,” Annabeth informed Mom imperiously. “We’re not babies. Connor Stoll says if you’re old enough to get eaten by monsters then you’re old enough to know that they exist.”
Percy decided immediately that he liked Connor Stoll, and maybe even Annabeth too. 
“The tree protects us,” Luke said. “Wherever the tree is, we’re safe. Not even the gods date step foot beyond the leasing office here.”
“Because of the tree?” Mom asked. 
Luke smiled - sharp, piercing, and strange. “Sure, let’s say that.”
But Mom just frowned. She looked over the courtyard of kids - some of whom were already starting to whisper and stare. Annabeth waved at a gaggle of identically blonde children, and for the first time Percy wondered who she was the daughter of. Probably the bossiest god. Maybe Athena. Or, like, Hephaestus. Definitely Hephaestus. 
“You said that there’s nobody over eighteen here,” Mom said to Luke. “Luke, there’s a six year old on those monkey bars.”
“If you’re under thirteen, you live with someone over thirteen,” Luke said to her. Annabeth was still frowning in disapproval at Percy’s sword. He stuck his tongue out at her. “Two people to a unit, we try to pair the oldest with the youngest. Lucy lives with Henrique, he’s seventeen. It’s the best we can do.”
“Surely there has to be someone…?”
“Adults have never helped us. They never will.” Luke looked away sharply. “We’ve been in Brooklyn a year. You’re the first adult who’s made her way here. Most other parents with a kid as powerful as Percy would have -”
He cut himself off sharply, glancing at Percy, and Percy scowled up at him. He thought that Luke was being honest. Maybe he was just another old guy afraid to say what everybody else knew. 
“I’ll help Ms. Jackson settle in,” Annabeth said suddenly. She held out her hands to Percy, who reflexively hugged his luggage to his chest. “You guys are in unit 5. It’s on the bottom floor. If you flood it, then we can fix it okay. Give me your luggage, I’ll put it in your unit.”
Percy stared at her, overwhelmed with that simple signal of care. No threats about if he flooded it, no warnings or sickly sweet faux-concern. Just understanding, and acceptance. 
He silently gave her his bags. 
She seemed surprised when she felt how light they were. Percy shrugged awkwardly at her face, crossing his arms tightly around her chest. “Don’t touch my stuff, okay?”
“Sure,” Annabeth said, before pausing a beat. “We have a TV in our place. #1. Do you want to come over tonight and watch Winx Club?”
“Yeah,” Percy said, overwhelmed. “Sure.”
Mr. Luke put a hand on Percy’s back as Annabeth guided Mom to a corner unit. Percy couldn’t help but notice that the door to the unit was already propped open. Wait - there were people going in and out!
There was a tall, buff teenager, carrying two chairs underneath each arm. There was another group of three teenage girls, carrying a table between them. Two other younger kids were carrying boxes and laughing. They were bringing everything into the unit, and other younger kids were running in and out with cleaning supplies. 
From a distance, Percy saw Mom stop in her tracks. Annabeth tugged at her shirt and got her to bend down, whispering something in her ear. A boy with sandy brown hair ran up, taking Mom’s suitcases from her and bringing them into the unit. 
“Your Mom mentioned that you were missing some furniture,” Mr. Luke said. “The Hermes and Aphrodite kids all pitched in to get your home looking like a home. I hope you’ll like it.”
Percy clutched his sword to his chest, speechless. 
Mr. Luke smiled down at him, that same wan and weak smile, and put a hand on his back. He gently pushed Percy forward, towards the tree. “Come with me for a minute?”
They silently approached the sprawling, ancient tree. As they came closer, Percy could see that its bark was gnarled and knotted, with perfect handholds for climbing and perfect boughs for resting in the summer sun. He could already see a few kids resting in high boughs, taking a nap in the humid and sticky sun. 
“Percy, I’d like to introduce you to someone.” Mr. Luke’s voice was quiet, like he was in church. He looked up at the tree, peering far into the leaves as if he was trying to find something hidden within them. “This is Thalia. Thalia, this is Percy. He’s the newest member of the family. He’s also your cousin.”
Cousin? Percy looked up at Mr. Luke, eyes wide. “I’m related to a tree?”
Tilted up at the tree, Percy couldn’t see Mr. Luke’s expression. Maybe that was on purpose. “Thalia’s a kid, just like us. Daughter of Zeus. I used to think that she was the closest thing to an adult I knew, but...I’m as old as she is, now. I guess one day soon I’ll be older than she ever got to be.” 
Oh. The tree was, like, from the ashes of some dead girl. Awkward. Percy stared at the thick and arching roots of the tree, feeling weird.
“Thalia, please protect Percy. I can already tell that he’s going to grow up to be very strong and brave. Please help us make sure that Percy never has to be strong. That he’s never brave. I can already tell he’s going to need a lot of your help.” He looked down at Percy for the first time, and for the first time Percy could see just a little warmth in those icy blue eyes. “You’re going to have to work overtime for him. So make sure to say thank you, Percy. Okay?”
“Thank you, Thalia,” Percy said obediently. He bowed awkwardly, uncertain what to do. The sword scraped awkwardly against his thigh. “Thanks for letting me into your home.”
“Welcome home, Percy,” Mr. Luke said, and for the first time Percy almost believed it. 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hello, I like it when you write angst, I would like to request a scenario. Chisaki and angel have a daughter, so one day while Chisaki works, his wife and daughter decide to go out because it is a good day. When his wife and daughter go back home, both dead, the author of his death was a leader of a rival yakuza.
Angsty yes, yes, YESSSSSSSS
Warnings: mentions of rape, beating, blood. Carefull. Really. Dont read this was one I detailed.
I blame Law and Order for this.
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"Papa!" To anyone else whose saw Chisaki pn that specific moment, they would think that he had an annoyed look towards the little girl running after him. But not even his wife could spot the smile and the fondness at the girl whose attached to his leg.
"Hey brat. Your mother got tired of you already?" He asked in a nonchantly tone but ruffled the dark brow hair his daughter had, messing the pigtails she was wearing as she scolded.
"Papa no! My hair!" She whined as she, with a pout on her lips, took off the hair bows. Giggling at when Chisaki messed her hair with two of his gloved hands now.
"Mama!" She squealed your name out loud while giggling, going to you and being picked up as she showed her tongue to her father who's wonky arched one eyebrow at her childishness.
"Cant anyone of you take a break on getting onto each other's nerves?" You giggled as Yua mumbled in a pout that if her dad attacked then she would do the same.
"You cant complain since she got your attitude." He sighed as if it wa a bother, but you knew exactly how much your husband held pure love and affection towards that little smart little girl.
That's what her name was about...binding love and affection. Chisaki himself chose the name after Yua was born.
"Did you told tell daddy what we are doing today?" You put Yua down as she gasped.
"Girls day!!!" She extended her arms open as Kai only raised an eyebrow again.
"We will go shopping, just that." You giggled "Yua needs some new clothes anyway, and she was begging me to take her to enjoy some new strawberry flavored ice cream or something." You sighed. "Wanna come with us honey?"
"No. Papa cant go, is only girls night mama." Yua spoke nonchantly as you gasped preparing to lecture her but Chisaki beated you on that.
"Can't deny that I was wounded by this brat words but I have work to do anyways." He sighed with crossed arms and closed eyes, opening them a bit when he felt his daughter hug his legs and tugging on his jacket.
"I'm sowwy papa..." her golden eyes locked with his as he sighed and crouched down to flip her forehead, one which she learned that was one of the most affectionate things her father was able to do.
"After lunch I guess you both will be going out then?" He asked with a grunt when he got up as you nodded.
"Nemoto agreed to leave us on the shopping and pick up us both later."
"I will call uncle Nemoto right now." Nefore you or your husband could say something, Yua ran before tripping and falling on the ground... Mumbling insults towards the "Bad dirty floor" before walking away.
"She got my attitude but the rest is all "kai chisaki energy" on my opinion." You giggled as Kai chuffed.
"Wouldn't it be my daughter if she hadn't something from me. At least she knows the importance of cleaning."
"Sure. Threw a fit when Rappa dropped chips on the floor, and I thought she was going to do the same thing as you do with the poor guy."
"... That's my daughter." You laughed at the bit of pride he carried on the sentence as he chuckled and accompanied you to lunch.
"Yua." He called "Come here."
The said girl come in one blink of a eye, asking cutely what was it.
"There." He crouched down to show a a flower she hadn't know of.
"What flower is that Papa?"
"Is a lilie." He twirled the flower on his gloved fingers with boredoom "I gave once a rose to your mother, and now I am giving you this one simply because represents purity of the soul, innocence and intelligence. It is said, therefore, that nothing better than a lily to tell a woman that she is ideal and superior to all others.... So I am giving this one to you." He put the flower on a little box of glass and closed it, using his quirk to prevent close and pressed against the flower to not decay.
"You and your mother are above of all things and people on the world for me." He smirked at the adoration on her little golden eyes as she jumped on him to give him a hug.
"I knew it you loved us!" She squealed when he pinched her to get off of him.
"Go with your mother already you brat." He ruffled her hair with a nonchantly look as Yua stormes off "Hey put that flower on your room dont carry it everywhere you go!"
Soon you entered his office to give him your good byes and wishes of a good day. Begrudily he allowed to a simple kiss, not ever admiring how he usually craved for those as he wished a good day for you as well... jumping on a pile of work and waiting for the hour both of his girls would be back.
"Slow down pumpkin!" You giggled as you walked hand on hand with Yua... well, actually you were being dragged by the little girl.
"The ice cream stand will close mama if we slow down." She looked up at you with the same look Chisaki gave to you when you asked "stupid things" as he said.
"Fine fine." You picked her up with a huff before nuzzling your nose agaisnt her, making her giggle "Straberey flavor huh?"
"Yep!" She nodded "Just like daddy!"
You smiled at sign as she talked politely with the man whose was selling the ice cream.
"My my." You yelped and twirled around, scaring your daughter accidentaly without wanting "Isn't this a pretty sign my boys?"
A man with a tuxedo was surrounded by younger males as you brought your daughter closer to you as she wrapped her arms around your neck, sensing that this was not a start of a good talk.
"Is not everyday we get to see Overhaul's plaything and a failed abortion walking around." You growles at them as Yua clinged to you tighter.
"If you wouldn't mind sir. We are doing nothing to annoy you or your minor gang. So excuse me and let me and my Yua alone, will you?" You give your back to then with a huff, thanking the man and handing the ice cream to your daughter, whose was playing with the little molded flower she had just been gifted by her father.
The man took his cigarette out of his mouth with a huff. The other males staring at him expectantly before he chuckled.
"Get them."
"No master Overhaul. They didn't come back yet."
"Sorry man. Hadn't see them all day."
"Didn't saw (Y/n)-sama neither Yua-chan all day sir."
"I'm sorry master but (Y/n)-sama didn't called me back."
He was almost going crazy. Your phone went straight to the mail. Nemoto hadn't gotten a message for him to pick you up and Yua... Heavens what the hell happened with his wife and girl?
"Chisaki stay calm my boy. Maybe they just are enjoying some time between mother and daughter." Pops tried to calm his sucessor down, trying his nest to not freak out as well at his daughter in law and granddaughter dissapearing.
"(Y/n) is not one to turn off her phone Pops." He got up abruptly and picked his jacket and tossing over his shoulder "I will go look for then, call me if anything old man."
"Will do my boy. If anything I will send some of the guys to look after these two."
With one nod he got out, not caring if it was starting to rain...
"We searched the whole place Chisaki they're not here." Chrono pointed out regretfully as Kai checked his phone at each two minutes.
"If not here then where would these two would have gotten..?" He mumbled under hsi breath while walking. His phone buzzed on hsi pocket and hsi heart skipped a beat at the thought of finally being you to tell him you were okay, that Yua was okay, to hear his little blgirl chip in the phone to tell him about the walk like she usually did despites his scoldings to not interrupt his mother.
Although when he took off the phone of his pocket there was only two messages. One of Mimic and one of Pops.
Dont come here dude... for your sake.
Kid... please come back home.
What the hell happened...?
The moment his car was turning on the street he braked brutally when he saw police cars parked in front of Shie Hassaikai.
"FUCK THAT BITCH KNOCKED ME WHAT WAS THAT K ... Kai ..?" when Chrono recovered from the fright of the friar he was able to see the face of his childhood friend, pale as a ghost.
Not only police cars but he had a car that he would never think of seeing in his life ... a funeral card.
He accidentaly overhauled the door of the car. Ignoring the calls of the cops and hurting one that got in his process where he was walking...
He then saw a black send toilet loaded on a table and another but much smaller ... Pops arrived at him but what he said did not make sense ... he barely knew what to do or look until he saw a little arm outside bag ... dropping something very familiar to him.
The flower he picked up. The lily he gave to his daughter ...
He let out a scary scream that even scared the police after he accidentally overhauled the guard's arm that was preventing him from passing
When he used his quirk to open the two bags and his golden eyes widened on the almost unrecognizable faces of his wife and daughter.
They broke your nose ... you was stabbed and he wanted to vomit when he heard from a coroner that you were raped ... while his poor daughter had her body burned and beaten ... also with evidence of rape.
"NO!" he cried and screamed. an act of despair when using the overhaul to at least try but the guards caught him just when he was going to use touching the dead body of his child and wife.
"LEAVE ME YOUR DISCRAFTS IS MY DAUGHTER AND MY WIFE THERE FOR GOD'S SAKE FUCK-!" He cried as Pops almost begged him to calm down while the coroners took the bodies to the funeral van and closed the doors.
The screams and cries echoing of Overhaul were able to even leave each policeman, hero dying the death of a mother and child.
He was sitted with his head in his hands, eyes still wide open as Pops talked with the officer.
"We will do our best to discover whose were responsible for-"
"WHAT FOR SINCE NONE OF YOU DO SHIT ON YOUR LIFES?!" he punched the wall behind him as he glared daggers at the young hero.
"Forgive my-"
Nd with that he stormed out of the room...
He stood on a pile of blood soaked floor with bodies around him... the fluid of the bastards dripping from his hands and face... he panted tiredly as he kicked with enough force, to send the mafia boss's head flying to the wall of the place.
He brought his hands to see the mess he had made... sobs got stuck on his throat. Flashbacks of his daughter and wife's smiles and laughter.
His throat was sore... yet he didn't cared anymore when he shouted until he had no voice anymore...
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scaredyships · 4 years
Renegades (Din Djarin x gn!Reader) | pt. II
summary: You attempt to get settled into their new life as best as they can, and are mildly appalled at how bare-bones Mando is living.
word count: 6.5k (I guess I just don’t know how to write short things)
author’s notes: More setting the stage before progressing on to following the plot of the show. Sorgan is next chapter, I promise. But for now it's the two idiots and the tiny green gremlin getting accustomed to one another. ngl, as I got to the last little bit I just wanted to get it DONE, so apologies about any awkward writing there.
I spent so much time looking up food and kitchen-equivalents on Wookieepedia for this chapter.
Part 1 / Part 2 (you are here) // ao3 link
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It wasn’t clear just how little you had to work with until you started to go about trying to figure out your new place as crewmate on the Razor Crest.
You’d think a full-time bounty hunter, even one that worked solo, would have a little more in storage other than the vast amount of weapons, like an extra bed roll or blankets or something. But no, not this one. He seemed more concerned with having extra firepower than additional living necessities.
You sighed, putting the lid back on the storage crate you'd opened up. You had hoped to find something other than weaponry inside, and while it wasn't exactly weapons, it sure looked like it contained canisters like the ones you saw attached to the mobile carbon-freezing unit he had on board. There were no other places to look.
Standing up straight, you turned to face the length of the hold. If you'd really wanted to, you could have tried to get Mando to let you have the space he normally reserved for housing captive bounty as a space for you to claim. But between you not having the courage, and certainly not wanting to deal with the possibility of a carbonite-frozen bounty being stored there to stare endlessly at you, it was off the table. The hold it was. It was narrow and not exactly intended as a living space, but you could make it work. There was already a dip in the wall where you stood, and with some rearranging of the crates, you could create more of a "wall" to provide some semblance of privacy - and to provide a barrier so you didn't have to deal with seeing the entire refresher unit every time you turned your head.  
Unfortunately, that's where your resources ended. The closest thing Mando had to extra bedding was the rough, heavy-duty netting he kept to tie cargo down with. Hardly suitable for what you were needing. You also had no additional change of clothes. You were already starting to feel self-conscious about it, hoping you didn't start to smell funky too quickly. A shower would only go so far when your clothes hadn't been washed.
A trip to some kind of market was needed. It was a good thing Mando was already intending to stop somewhere to refuel.
You flipped open one of the pouches on your belt, pulling out its contents. Several loose credits, and a couple credit chips. Thank Maker you still had those. With your usual living expenses having significantly downsized now that you were out of a home and all the associated bills that came with it, your budget gave you much more to work with. You had more than enough to get you what you might need. You tucked your credits back into your belt.
There was one more thing you needed to check, but didn't know where it was. The pantry. There was no doubt that Mando's current stock was meant for a single adult individual, and not two adults and a small alien child, so it would need to be supplemented anyways. But what did he already have? Had he recently stocked up, or was he nearing the last of his rations?
You made your way over to the ladder that led up to the helm, where Mando was piloting to wherever he was going to stop for fuel. The kid must've heard you coming, because his head suddenly popped over the edge of the hatch to watch you, twittering curiously. You half-heartedly waved at him, hoping he didn't try to come down by himself.
"Hey, Mando!"
The heavy sound of boots hitting the floor reverberated through the ceiling and came closer to the hatch, until the reflective helmet of the bounty hunter stared down at you.
"Where's your pantry hold at?"
He stood still for just a moment, fingers twitching at his side - a nervous tic? - and then reaching for the kid, began to climb down the ladder. You stepped back and allowed him ample space to get down, and for him to set the kid down. The little green child looked around and waited to see what the two of you were up to. Mando trudged towards a panel near the armory just across from the ladder, and pushed a switch.
A panel on the wall swished aside and a conservator was revealed, along with a small set of shelves containing tins, ration packs, and an extremely modest set of dish ware that itself looked like it had come from a military ration pack.
It was difficult to stop your eyebrows from raising to the top of your forehead. There was so little here. And what was here, was so incredibly basic that you couldn't imagine trying to live off of it for every single meal. A few packs of basic rations, a dwindling container of mealgrain. You cautiously pulled open the conservator, and it was what you expected. More basic ration packs, a single almost-empty package of some kind of sausage links, and a couple small jars of paste that could be added to water to make a basic soup. You closed the door, and leafed through the shelves' contents. There was an old heating plate in there and a small pot, and maybe enough utensils that you could count them all on one hand. Pulling out a packet of vacuum-sealed veg-meat, watching it glisten sickeningly in the light, you turned and gave the Mandalorian a pointed look as if you were waiting for an explanation.
He was trying so hard not to come off as sheepish. But the hands-on-the-hips stance and his visor turned away from you said otherwise. He'd never had anyone come on board and inspect his pantry hold before, and while he didn't think at the time it would bother him, it was completely different now that you were down on one knee, thinly-veiled disgust on your face at the food options, looking up at him with an intense expression that could surely bore a hole through his armor. Not even the kid staring at the shelves like he had an enormous buffet in front of him softened any of the situation.
"I don't know how you live like this." You lightly tossed the veg-meat back onto the shelf, standing up and righting your clothing. Mando flipped the switch to close the panel back up, the child drooping disappointedly now that everything was shut away. He crossed his arms defensively just as you rested a fist on your hip, looking down at the child and exhaling through your nose.
"Looks like I've got my work cut out for me, huh, kid."
He tilted his head questioningly at you.
"Your 'work'?" You could hear the edge of offense in his tone.
You turned that piercing gaze back to him for a moment.
"Besides being unable to find something to make myself a bed from, and needing some kind of change of clothes, your pantry is appalling and barely suitable for one adult. Let alone two plus a small child. You told me to help out, so I'm going to help out. When we stop for fuel, I'm going to go find a market." You tapped the pouch on your belt that contained your credits forcefully enough to make the loose pieces jingle, emphasizing that you had your own means of payment.
Mando sighed. He was the one that suggested you stay, so it was nobody's fault but his own that things were unfolding like this. He might as well resign himself to it.
You knew Mando would go for a backwater world of some sort, so you didn't get your hopes up for your options at any markets. Mando let you empty out a rucksack he had sitting in the hold and use it to carry what you might find. He watched as you briskly walked away with determination, as he stood at the ship dock preparing to get the Razor Crest hooked up and refueled. The Child wanted very badly to go with you, but he forbade it and made him stay in his pod, only an arm's length away and hopefully high enough off the ground that he wouldn't try to climb out and toddle off. The small green child pouted in his blankets, staring out in the direction he had last seen you.
Mando was mystified as to why the kid took such a liking to you. Sure, he seemed friendly enough towards anyone he was allowed to interact with (not that there were many, considering his status as a bounty target), but the way he was drawn to you was different. It was almost like he recognized you from somewhere, though you both knew that wasn't possible. In all honesty, he may have been more reluctant to offer you a place on board if the kid hadn't acted the way he did, and just kept his end of helping you after losing your entire livelihood to dropping you off at a nearby planet of your choosing.
It wasn't that he didn't like you, quite the opposite. In the few times he'd gone to you for information for hunting down certain quarry, you were nothing but helpful. You asked just the right questions, made sure he knew about the societies on the planets he was going to be investigating, and also gave him what you had about lesser-known places that would make for good hiding spots. You didn't ever seem afraid of him, like others could be when a fully-armored Mandalorian carrying who knows what kind of firepower came looking for something. You treated him like any other person, maybe one you'd come to consider a friend, based on how with each further visit you'd remember what kind of things he liked to know, or just useful things in general, and tailor your information packets to it. He didn't really need to know things like which fueling stations were more suited for a ship like his and had better overall service, or which markets had more selection on weaponry for restocking purchases, or which food places were better and which to avoid at all costs. But they were there when he'd plug the data stick into his navigation computer. He got the impression you didn't do that for just any client, without an extra charge at least.
You said it yourself, you didn't know much about taking care of kids. Mando didn't, either. But two people trying to figure it out was better than one stumbling around blindly. It helped to have someone the kid liked, too. And even if it didn't directly involve watching out for him, he knew you'd make yourself useful with upkeep of the Razor Crest and any other odd jobs that might need tending to.
The ship refueling took some time, but you still weren't back by the time it was finished. Mando went to the nearest food stand at the dock to buy something for the kid to eat in the meantime - a simple bowl of Mando and the kid went inside, keeping the hold ramp down and simply waiting inside, him using that time to maintain some of his more neglected firearms in the armory. He got lost in the muscle memory of taking apart each weapon, cleaning its individual pieces, and slotting everything back together to move on to the next one.
The child chirping and standing up to clutch the edge of his pram signaled your return. Mando looked up from where he was cleaning one of his blasters, probably the fourth or fifth since he started, and there you were, walking up the ramp with the borrowed rucksack stuffed full and a few bundles under your arm. You gave him a small nod of acknowledgement and made a beeline for what he could only assume was the spot you'd chosen to be "yours", dumping the bundles unceremoniously onto the floor - except one, which you held almost gingerly - and swinging the rucksack down on top of them with a huff. You plunked down beside the pile, pulling your legs up at an angle and resting your head against the hull, exhaling dramatically.
"Can we get out of here now?"
Mando had to smirk under his helmet at how comically tired you seemed. He couldn't blame you, he felt the same way after he had to deal with purchase-related errands. Standing, he put away the gun he'd been working on and shut away the armory, and issued the command for the ramp to close.
The child clambered out of his pram onto a nearby storage crate, slipping to the ground and toddling over to you and your pile of spoils. You lifted your head to watch what he was doing. Mando watched him, too, to be sure he didn't get into anything he shouldn't. Of everything he could easily try to pick through, the kid of course went straight for the bundle you still held in your lap, reaching out but not quite touching the fabric. It was oddly puffy at the top, and tied around the bottom with some sort of twine.
"Wait, wait. I'll show you, but no touching."
You undid the twine, and in doing so Mando got a glimpse of an earthenware material underneath the fabric. You shook the fabric loose, and swept it off by gripping the corner. There, balanced in the palm of your hand, was a tiny engraved pot. Inside the pot sat an equally-tiny, gnarled tree, capped with sprays of delicately bristling greenery.
You tilted the plant towards the child, wide eyes taking in the sight. A tiny claw reached up, but halted and slowly lowered at the last moment. The corner of your mouth lifted at the kid remembering to behave.
You glanced up at the Mandalorian, who you realized had been watching the interaction the whole time. You looked quickly down at the plant and picked slightly at the gravel in the pot, almost bashfully, like you were mildly ashamed of what you'd bought.
"It's not real, but I can pretend it is." Your voice was quiet. Mando remembered the sizable collection of plants that took up an entire corner of your living quarters he had broken into hardly a day or two ago. He felt a pang of something in his chest, slightly different than the sense of guilt he felt towards your situation. Sympathy, maybe?
The synthetic plant was carefully placed on top of a storage container, far from the edges so it wouldn't fall. Your quiet demeanor suddenly shifted, and a new focus appeared as you stood, grabbing the rucksack by its handle, and made your way over to open up the pantry hold and begin unpacking its contents.
"I mostly picked up things that can be indefinitely stored, so no worries about anything spoiling." You began to pull out your purchases and put them away, careful to make sure the kid didn't scoop anything up. He was too busy being enamored with watching your hand disappear into the rucksack and pull out new item after item, like you were a magician. You said the name of each thing as you put it away on either the shelves or in the conservator: Anoat oats, shroomchips, kukuia nuts, dehydrated nuna egg, jhen honey, Kodari rice, jarred garlic, Corellian buckwheat noodles... and then some vacuum-packed fresh items; redsprouts, cuts of dewback, some kind of flatbread you weren't able to immediately identify but thought looked good, and-
"- I don't know if this is the same as what you had before, but I got more of these, too." You said as you set down a package of sausages.
Truth be told, Mando wasn't at all a picky eater, and had been content with the rations he lived off of. But watching the array of ingredients fill the shelves had him feeling like he hadn't eaten right in a very long time. And he was oddly looking forward to what you might have planned.
You put away the last of the contents, mostly flavor additives, and a clear container of nuctrose crystals for the kid, given he behaved. Shutting the panel to the pantry hold, you stood back up and took the last contents from the rucksack - an odd bound stack of something, and a few styluses. They were placed next to the little tree on the crate. You shook out the rucksack so it was flat, and handed it back to the Mandalorian with a small thanks. He took it from you without a word and hung it on a hook nearby. You went back to your other bundles and began unpacking them, shaking out the bedroll and beginning to situate it.
"Once I'm done with all this, I'm going to make something to eat. Any requests?"
Mando could only shrug vaguely. You looked off to the side, eyes darting as you no doubt mentally ran through your various options now that nothing was off the table.
"Okay, then. I'll try not to make anything too awful."
The kid was at your side the moment you'd mentioned food, and was looking up at you with wide, excited eyes. You looked down at him awkwardly, movements slowing. He stared back, audibly swallowing.
"...he's not going to leave me alone, is he."
The Mandalorian shook his head, crossing his arms and leaning against the hull, amused expression hidden beneath his helmet. You suddenly felt extremely self-conscious about simply existing in that spot and Mando standing there like he was, watching your every move. He wasn't even doing anything malicious, he was just... looking. Maker, you couldn't do anything other than glance up at him for a half-second before you had to rip your gaze back to what you'd been doing before, hoping he didn't notice. This wasn’t even your standard inability to maintain a shared gaze, this was something else. It was the armor, you told yourself. You'd always thought the Mandalorian style of armor was beautifully crafted, but there was something so different about admiring it from an image and having a flesh-and-blood being inside a suit of it, standing like that just a few feet away, staring you down.
Mando, however, didn't read any of your behavior as being flustered - just uncomfortable that you were being stared at. He could appreciate that, more than you might think. As much as he might find it interesting to watch whatever else you were going to do, he knew it was more important to allow you some space. He righted himself and strode over to the ladder.
"Let the kid help you out."
He said it so matter-of-factly over his shoulder before he began to ascend that there was no doubt it wasn't a request.
You blinked, and looked down at the child. Mando needed to concentrate on piloting. So it fell to you to be on kid-watching duty. The kid blinked back up at you, ears pricked and head tilted. You moved to unwrap the next bundle.
”Alright, kiddo. Let me finish getting all this set up, then we’ll start on dinner.”
The excited squeal as the kid toddled over to the pantry hold panel to wait for you made you chuckle.
If it wasn't the aroma of cooking that got his attention, it was definitely the sound of you urgently scolding the kid with what almost sounded like terror in your voice. Mando quickly set the controls to autopilot and rushed over to the ladder, not even using the rungs to get down to the hold. The sudden sight and sound of an entire Mandalorian slamming to the floor from above startled you so badly you nearly knocked over your little makeshift kitchen area.
His gaze landed on the child, who was staring back at him with unblinking eyes as he smacked his lips like he had just been eating something. Just out of the kid's reach, was a piece of a food wrapper, covered in teeth marks and saliva, pinched between your fingers. You had a makeshift waste bin in the other hand, into which you flung the offending piece of trash. The look on your face was nothing short of disgust.
"Does he... often... try to eat garbage?"
Mando sighed deeply, swearing to himself under his breath. He should have warned you before he just left like he did to go man the controls.
"It's not the worst thing he's tried to eat." The child’s ears flicked, a hint of smugness on his face.
You chuckled nervously, setting the waste bin out of reach of the child. You wiped your hands on a nearby rag, as Mando approached to pick the child up and move him a little bit away.
The set-up you had was fairly impressive, considering what was available. You'd taken the old heating plate out and set it on top of a storage container, and repurposed a larger rations tin intended to be heated up anyways into an extra pan, so you had more to work with besides the old pot. You'd pulled out all the utensils he had and had them laid out on top of a loose scrap of fabric, and a cluster of ingredients on another. The cutting board looked new, you must've bought that earlier. The pot had something boiling in it, and the pan, while it looked empty, had something browning in the bottom that smelled delicious.  
"Do you have any knives I can use?" You started to inspect one of the packages of meat you'd purchased earlier. "I need to dice some things."
The question wasn't did he have knives, the question was which ones was he willing to part with for kitchen use?
He paused, wandering over to the armory and peering pensively inside. You leaned over to try and watch what he was doing. The kid in turn watched you, no doubt hoping you might drop what you had so he could scarf it down.
Mando leaned into the armory to pick something out from its depths, and when he returned he displayed several small blades. They weren't all that tiny, but his broad hands made them look even smaller than they should be. You ignored that as best as you could. Your eyes flashed amongst the different blades, and you carefully pointed at two - a butterfly knife, and a small hunting knife. You didn’t dare just reach out and grab them yourself. With great dexterity Mando maneuvered them into one hand and the rest into the other, offering them to you with the blades flat in his hand and the handles presented. You carefully took them and set them beside your other utensils. Wordlessly he went to put the rest of the knives away.
You expected him to return to the cockpit, but he didn't. Instead, he moved to sit in the opening of the hole in the wall that was his bunk. You raised your eyebrows at him questioningly.
"Making sure you don't completely ruin my knives. Or let the kid eat more trash."
You huffed at that. Well, back to work.
The kid had wandered closer again and was intently watching as you prepared the food, cubing the meat, tossing it into the makeshift pan with a satisfying sizzle.
Mando never really cooked much for himself besides prepping a basic bowl of mealgrain with whatever ration packs he had on hand. Sometimes he'd build a fire whenever he was camped out on a planet's surface and roast skewers of food over the fire, he knew how to hunt and gather and field-dress, but nothing extravagant. Watching you work was something else. It was mesmerizing, the way you maneuvered between the "pan" and the pot you'd removed from the heat, adding whatever seasoning or extra ingredients with no hesitation, completely focused on what you were doing.
At some point, you picked a piece of the cooked meat out of the "pan" with a fork, blowing on it a few times before picking a corner off to taste-test it. You looked deep in thought as you mulled over what else it might need. With a shrug it seemed you decided it was alright as it was. You lowered the fork towards the child.
"Here, try."
The speed at which he snatched the morsel off the fork and downed it was incredible, you didn't even think he had time to taste it. The shine in his eyes and his ears perking up told you, however, that he absolutely wanted more. You gave him a pointed look.
"No, no more handouts. It's almost done, anyways."
The kid turned his head to look back at Mando, his face begging him to tell you that he needed more. He shook his head slowly, biting back a chuckle at how the kid pouted.
"Okay, I think it's done."
Somehow, in the time he had taken his eyes off of you to simply tell the kid "no", you had combined the contents of the pot and "pan" and were separating it out into portions - two of the larger bowls, and one of the smaller bowls that may have been a mug for the child. He could see better what it was - looked to be some sort of hearty stir-fry, the rice and meat you'd bought earlier being the most obvious part of the dish. Mando had already forgotten what you'd purchased in the way of vegetables and other seasonings, but the finished product was colorful and looked very appetizing, especially with the way the steam trailed slowly into the air from its surface.
The kid was visibly excited, bouncing on his little feet, and though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, Mando was looking forward to trying it too. What he wasn't looking forward to, though, was having to explain to you that he couldn't take his helmet off to eat, that he'd have to take his helping and go somewhere else where you couldn't see him. You'd never seen him with his helmet off, even in his own ship, so it only made sense that you'd ask about it eventually. He didn't know how much of the Mandalorian Creed you were familiar with. He expected more than most, considering your former occupation and being fairly savvy to various cultural practices, but he couldn't be sure.
"So, uh.. this might be weird..."
He braced himself internally, anticipating something being said about his helmet.
"Would you mind if I ate, uh... over there?" You jabbed a thumb towards the semi-walled off area you'd set up since he was last down there.
...he wasn't expecting that.
His confused stare probably only came off as a cold one through his helmet.
"It sounds stupid, but I have a hard time eating if I feel like I'm being watched. So that's where I'll be."
He nodded slowly. Well, that wasn't what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't a bad thing. It made things a little easier, at least, with him not having to give the Talk just yet.
You took your helping in one hand, used your free hand to maneuver the smaller bowl into the child's grabbing hands, and sheepishly left to your secluded area, ducking down to sit in your newly-arranged space.
The bedroll was laid out, a pile of folded clothes sitting near the foot of it. You'd located some smaller crates, one acting as a makeshift stool, another as a low table, where you sat your bowl down for a moment to get situated. In addition to the larger crates and the dip in the hull acting as a wall, you'd also tacked up a sheet on each "side" of the hull to act as a curtain - not wide enough to completely block off the hall, but enough that there was at least more of a definitive barrier that made you feel enclosed from the rest of it. The tiny synthetic tree sat perched on the low crate-table beside some of the other odds and ends you'd procured at the market. It wasn't much, but you felt less like a temporary stowaway like this.
Once you settled down, you picked your bowl back up and were about to take a bite when a familiar green head poked around the curtain. Once he spotted you, he turned back as if he was looking to Mando for permission, and then he trundled over, his own bowl carefully clutched between his hands.
Try as you might to form words to tell the kid to please go sit with Mando, or anywhere else, every sentence dried up in your throat before you could finish it. It didn't seem like he was listening, anyways, the way he didn't even so much as glance at you while you tried to speak. He was too busy getting himself settled down on the floor, and then lifting the bowl to his face to continue eating, sticky eating sounds filling the air as he shoveled spoonfuls into his mouth. That alone was enough to make you stop trying to tell him to go. It was almost shocking how noisy the kid could be with his food. You watched with something between fascination and the slightest bit of revulsion, slowly taking bites of your own food. He finished faster than you'd anticipated, greedily trying to lick the inside of the bowl to get the last morsels stuck to the sides, his eating utensil forgotten. Considering what you saw Mando's food supply was before you came on board, you didn't blame the kid for downing it like he did.
You, however, couldn't quite finish your meal. You had done your best with what you could, but something about the finished product left something to be desired in your opinion. You always had been critical of your own cooking, and knew what you were going for versus the actual outcome. With a brief glance towards the opening of your space, almost as if you expected Mando to appear, you took the kid's bowl and scraped what remained of your meal into it. He was almost vibrating with excitement when you handed it back to him, and you grimaced slightly as he started to scarf it down. Did his species get the equivalent of heartburn?
“That good, huh?”
He peered at you over the edge of his dish, tiny mouth working. He’d made fast work of it, putting the now-clean bowl on the ground. His bright eyes now lingered on your own bowl, like somehow he might find more food in it even though he just watched you empty its contents moments ago. Your morbid curiosity got the better of you and you held it out for him to take. The kid quickly took it from you, and with no hesitation, began to lick the inside to get the most out of it. You could feel a grimace trying to creep its way onto your face. The kid was cute, no doubt about that, but this was still a little gross to be watching.
A light rap on the side of the hull caught the attention of both of you, and there stood the Mandalorian in the gap between the hull wall and the curtain, empty dish held almost forgotten by his side. The kid greeted his caregiver with a small, yet surprisingly big for his size, burp. You swear you heard a quiet snort from Mando’s direction.
“You’d think he hasn’t eaten in days.” You nodded at the child, who was inspecting the bowl for anything else he may have missed. Mando shrugged lightly.
“He’s always excited for food.” He semi-consciously began turning his own bowl in his hands, still watching the little green one’s antics.
“Well, at least he liked it. It didn’t turn out quite like I wanted it to. Hopefully it was still okay.” While Mando had clearly finished his helping, with what he had apparently been living off of before, it was a fair assumption on your part that he didn’t care much for how things tasted - as long as they were edible. You really did try to go out of your way to make things palatable and not just edible, generally, so when you felt like you slipped up, you also felt the need to apologize.
“I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.”
Truth be told, whatever you had done, it was one of the better meals Mando had had in a good while. Unfortunately for Mando, words were not at all his strong suit.
“I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.” You said with a brief smile. With a groan you got to your feet, stooping to gather the dish-ware and utensils you and the child had used. “These can be washed in the same place I got water from behind the refresher, right--?”
“I’ll do it.” You froze in your tracks when Mando stopped you and took the things from your hands. “I’ll get the other things you used, too.” He motioned vaguely back towards where your kitchen set-up had been.
“You sure? I made the mess, I’d be okay with cleaning it up.”
The prolonged stare from the unreadable visor told you that this was not up for debate.
“...okay, if you insist.” You let yourself sink back to where you’d been sitting. The Mandalorian disappeared from your field of view beyond the curtain, and the sound of him gathering up the rest of the kitchenware and making his way to the washing area made its way to your ears. There was a quick-cleaning rack back there for exactly this kind of thing, and you could hear him loading it.
Never in your life had you expected to picture someone as stoic as this bounty hunter, doing something as domestic as washing dishes. You bit the inside of your lip to suppress snickering to yourself about it. The kid looked questioningly at you, head tilted. That alone was enough for you to crack a smile and snort.
That snort morphed into a yawn, and you realized just how tired you were. It had been a long day, dealing with people at the market, setting up your new “room”, and cooking a meal from scratch. Not to mention, the turmoil of losing your home was still a raw wound. You noticed the heavy feeling beneath your eyes that told you it was well past time for a good rest.
“Well, kid, I think I’m going to lie down for a bit.” You nonchalantly began taking your boots off, other items that would undoubtedly be uncomfortable following - your belt, your wrist pieces, some of your outerwear that would get too warm too quickly once you dozed off. The child curiously watched as you placed these things in a small pile by the crate acting as a table.
With a sigh that almost sounded like you were deflating, you laid down on the bedroll and turned onto your side. It wasn’t anything like your old bed. You hadn’t expected it to be, but the difference between your old broken-in bed and this imitation of a cot laid out on a hard, metal floor, really drove home that things were different now, with no going back. You closed your eyes, exhaling softly through your nose, the melancholy settling in now that you were more or less alone with your thoughts.
You felt a light touch on your temple, and opened your eyes to have your field of vision filled with a big pair of dark eyes staring back. The child had wandered closer and had touched his tiny clawed hand to your face, and was looking at you with concern, as if he could sense those emotions that were starting to roll around your head. You gave him a thin-lipped smile, reaching out to pat him on the head.
“I’m okay, kid, just tired.”
He made a small noise that sounded almost sad, and you didn’t miss the slight droop in his ears as he gave you a pat in return. Your smile turned a little more genuine at that.
You closed your eyes again, and quicker than you’d ever managed to before, you drifted off.
Mando took his time putting things away. When it was just himself, and the kid, there was a lot less clean-up involved. With the quality of what you’d made, though, extra clean-up was a reasonable trade-off.
Clattering noises from your corner caught his attention. It didn’t sound like organized rummaging, more like the noise made when a womp rat was going through things looking for food. He sighed. It must be the kid up to something. Why you weren’t stopping him, he didn’t know.
He put extra weight into his footsteps to make sure the kid could hear him coming, and hoped that would be enough to get him to stop. As he pushed the curtain out of the way, he was met with the sight of the child quickly turning to make eye contact - the pouches of your belt clutched in his hands with the rest of the strap tossed over his arm, and what must have once been a more organized pile of your other accessories messily pushed around. And then there was you, laid out on your bedroll, eyes closed as you slept.
Even in sleep you managed to look exhausted, but at peace. Your form was curled in loosely on itself, somewhere between defensive and haphazard, like you had fallen in that position. The crease between your eyebrows had smoothed out and was nearly invisible. You breathed deeply through your nose, almost snoring. You had a hand wedged between your face and pillow, squishing your cheek up and distorting your features.
Mando had seen plenty of people asleep. It was usually a restless sleep, followed by waking in a state of terror when they realized there was a blaster pointed at them and he was there to take them in for a bounty.
Seeing you in a genuine state of relaxation, completely vulnerable, was jarring. He wasn’t used to it. He didn’t even let himself get to that point when he rested.
With everything you’d dealt with lately, though, you deserved to have a good, deep sleep. You were safe here on the Razor Crest with him.
The Mandalorian shook himself mentally from watching your sleeping form. It was strange to be staring like he was. He bent down on one knee to untangle the child from your belt and lift him carefully. The little one cooed, looking up at the armored man questioningly.
“Come on, kid. Let’s give them some space.” He stood back up, shifting the child into one arm and leaving as quietly as he could. The little one peeked over Mando’s shoulder at you until you were out of his line of sight, and then swiveled around to watch where he and the bounty hunter were headed.
Very carefully, the child was maneuvered into his sling so Mando could climb up the ladder to the cockpit with both hands. Once on his feet again, the child was deposited into his pram, and Mando took his place in the pilot’s seat.
Now that there was fuel in the tank and supplies on board for everyone, it was time to get back to finding somewhere to hide out.
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I almost didn’t post this because I really just wrote it on a whim after my Dad Tim & Uncle Rhys shorts made me wonder what it’d be like for Tim if Jack had another kid. So, here’s a snapshot take on that idea! 
Tim wondered when the bizarre life he was living had become normal to him.
There was the whole being a doppelganger working for the world’s biggest psychopath part of it, of course. But if you’d told him years ago he was going to be, essentially, a nanny for the psychopath he was a doppelganger of, he would’ve laughed in your face.
Now, he just scooped the beer he’d been drinking off the coffee table and tossed it up on the counter where kids couldn’t reach. He kicked his dirty laundry under his bed and took a quick look around to make sure nothing of imminent danger was left lying about. 
He’d been horrified when Jack accidentally got Nisha pregnant. Even more horrified when Nisha decided to keep the kid. The last thing the galaxy needed was a mini Jack/Nisha running around.
The horror had grown to an overwhelming amount when Jack decided to use Tim to look after the kid when he was too busy to do it himself. 
Tim had absolutely dreaded it, waiting for the kid to get old enough to use him as a punching bag or torment him the way Jack did. No way the offspring of Handsome Jack and Nisha Kadam would ever have a kind bone in their body. 
There was a knock on the door and Tim called out a lazy, “Come in.”
The door opened and in bound a small boy who was a disturbing mix of Jack and Nisha. His tutor followed behind him.
“His homework,” the tutor said, handing a folder to Tim. “I had permission to take him on a bit of a field trip today, so he never napped. I’d either let him sleep an hour now, or else start that homework early and let him go to bed earlier than usual.”
“Jack’s got him for bedtime,” Tim said, taking the folder. “If he’s cranky by then, it’s not my problem.”
The tutor shrugged and left Tim’s apartment. Tim tossed the folder down.
“Liam!” he called as the boy took off for the kitchen. “Come start your homework.”
It was a minute before Liam reappeared with a juice box and a small bag of chips. He shook his head at Tim, thick black hair tumbling across his forehead.
“Nu-uh, Uncle Timmy! I gotta see Angel! I gotta!” He shot Tim his wide-eyed look, which seemed to work on every adult except Tim. “Please. I gotta.”
Tim pointed. “Homework. Or it’s my ass your dad will beat.”
He abandoned the wide-eyed look and instead settled for an imitation of Jack’s stern look. “I gotta see Angel.”
“Nah, kid,” Tim said. “You gotta do your homework.”
“I’ll bring it,” he tried. “Please, Uncle Timmy!”
Tim sighed heavily. But Liam didn’t get to see his sister often, and he knew Angel was probably his only sane family member.
“Fine. But you don’t get to throw a fit later when you’re tired and you have to finish your work,” Tim said, snatching the folder up, knowing full well that Liam wouldn’t touch it while they were visiting Angel but needing to try anyways. “Let’s go.”
A bright smile broke out on Liam’s face, so happy and pure. Tim hated that he still held out hope that the kid would be better than his parents someday. 
But Liam launched forward, throwing his little arms as far around Tim’s waist as he could. “You’re the best, Uncle Timmy!” 
“Yea, yea,” Tim said, taking his hand and leading him out of the apartment.
They went to the nearest fast travel station. Tim set it for the Bunker, being one of the only people authorized to fast travel there now that he was so often in charge of Liam.
It had been horrifying to learn Jack was going to have a child. Even more so to learn that his baby with Nisha wouldn’t be his first. 
But Tim had adjusted slowly to Angel. As they flashed inside her chamber, he was heartbroken but used to the sight of her and the Eridium injectors hooked into her body.
This poor girl. Tim tightened his hold on Liam’s hand, wondering if he could secure a better fate for Jack’s second child.
“Timothy,” she said in surprise. “Liam.”
“Angel!” Liam released Tim’s hand to run forward. “Angel, I went on a field trip today!”
“Did you?” she said, so easily able to hide the jealousy she no doubt felt. She was trapped here, doomed to die without Eridium, while her little brother got to experience the world. 
Liam nodded eagerly. “Uh-huh. We went to see skags! But they were, um, they were...d...d...d-something.”
“Domesticated?” Tim offered.
“Yea!” Liam was nodding eagerly again. “I got to see all kinds’a skags and stuff. And- And there was this one guy and one of the skags bit him.” He laughed at the thought, Tim and Angel sharing a look. The signs that Jack and Nisha were getting to him were glaringly obvious at times. “He started cryin’, like a baby.”
“Well, it probably hurt,” Angel said. “You shouldn’t laugh at people when they get hurt. It’s mean.”
He ignored that, still laughing. “I petted one! They felt all weird and gross.”
“You pet one,” Tim said. “‘Petted’ isn’t a word, kid. This is why you need to do your homework.”
Liam ignored that, too. “And there were baby skags! Mr. Wilson let me name one!”
“What’d you call it?” Angel said.
He was basically vibrating with excitement. “Angel! I named her Angel!” 
Tim and Angel shared another look. He could tell she still held out hope for him, too.
“That was really nice of you, Liam,” she said softly. Tim couldn’t quite read the expression on her face; it might’ve been pain, or sadness, or love. Maybe it was all of them. He looked away rather than suffer trying to interpret it.
“They made her a collar with her name on it!” Liam said. “I’m gonna ask daddy to give her a bodyguard so she’s always safe.”
Tim closed his eyes, clenching his fists. He hated his own hope. He hated it so much, because he knew this boy’s kindness would never survive.
Angel had to take a moment before speaking again. “I hope she gets to grow up strong and see the whole world.”
“I’m gonna take a picture next time we see her. Mr. Wilson said I can see her again!” he said. “I’ll show you the picture.” He hesitated, looking anxious. “And maybe daddy will let you come see her. I’m gonna tell him she’s named after you. So maybe he’ll let you come with me next time.”
“I would love that,” Angel said, because it was honest and it was kinder than the reality of telling him why she couldn’t. “I really would, Liam.” 
He pressed his hand to the chamber enclosing her. She pressed hers to it as well, so little separating them, so much separating them. His hand was so tiny, swallowed up by the image of hers against it. His bright blue eyes met hers, their most striking shared feature they’d inherited from the man who kept them apart. 
“Tell me more about your trip,” she said, only the faintest tremor to her words. “I want to hear everything.”
His smile was huge. He went on and on about his trip and everything he saw, sometimes getting so excited that he’d repeat himself. But Angel never pointed it out, and neither did Tim. They let him carry on, swooping in with questions when he seemed ready to stop talking.
Finally, though, his lack of a nap caught up with him. Tim was sitting on the ground, and Liam went over, crawling into Tim’s lap as his yawns grew more frequent. It wasn’t long before he fell asleep.
“Please, Timothy,” Angel said quietly, her eyes fixed on her brother. “I have no chance. But he does. Look out for him.”
“I’m trying,” Tim said, looking down at the small child in his lap. 
“When dad told me Nisha had a boy, I was so happy. It meant he would never share my fate,” Angel said, looking away from them both. “But he can use Liam in other ways.”
“Angel,” Tim said. “Did you pick his name?”
Angel nodded. “Yes. Dad let me pick his name.” She gave a weak smile. “He hated what I chose. But I just...It means ‘protector’. I want...I want him to be a force of good in the world, Timothy.”
She could’ve been, too. But Jack had locked her away and used her for his own selfish gain.
“I’ll do everything I can to keep him from being the fucking nightmare his parents are,” Tim promised.
That earned a surprised laugh from Angel. “Thank you. I wish I could take care of him myself. I’m glad Jack chose to trust you with him. You’re a good man.”
“That’s debatable these days, but I’m at least a better man than Jack,” Tim said. He bit his lip. “I can, uh, bring him here more often. If you want.”
That look in her eyes he couldn’t read again. “Yes. Thank you, Timothy. I would like that a lot.” 
They fell silent after that. Angel watched her brother sleep. Tim thought about how unfair the world was.
He’d seen Jack interact with both his children. Tim believed Jack did love both of them. But Tim also believed that when Jack loved something, he felt compelled to break its will so he could control it. After all, a thing could never leave him if he shackled it to him.
Tim and Angel did not wake Liam, even when Tim’s legs fell asleep from the position the little boy was in, and even when Jack called to see where they were. Waking him meant bringing him back to Helios, back to everyone who had a plan for him, who wanted to chip away at his kindness to make way for cunning and cruelty. 
Angel wanted to tell Tim everything, but she refused to put him at risk. She knew it would all be over soon; she would betray her father and help the Crimson Raiders defeat him. Jack would die, and so would she. She only hoped Tim fled with Liam and raised him.
Handsome Jack had stolen freedom and any hope of a normal life from Angel. She would not let him do the same to her brother.
So they sat in silence. It was the calm before the storm, and they knew it. But there was nothing to do now, so Tim stayed beside Angel’s prison and let Liam sleep, the only comfort he could offer the children Jack had damned. 
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abloomntime · 3 years
A Bloom In Time Ch27 Welcome To Mafia Town
You know. It feels a lot better sleeping on something soft than it was sleeping on a hard cold wooden floor. Also much better to wake up with having sore muscles for a third time. Slowly waking up, blue eyes peered out awake to the world, blinking away the blurry vision that came with it. Where was she again? The first thing she saw was a very dark purple and she blinked. Was it still dark? Well, yes. It was still dark and other than a blue light filling up the attic making it clearer to see for her.  ......And slowly she started to remember what happened last night. Groaning, the grown woman slowly sat up on the bed and reached a hand up to push the long bangs out of her face, she felt so tired even after sleeping. But strangely relieved in a way. The memories of last night poked through the morning fog and Poppy groaned, rubbing her face more remembering the nightmare and talk the two had last night. Man. And here she thought her new life adventure wouldn't get any weirder than what it already was. Poppy paused feeling something soft bump against her hand and a grumble that was deeper than her own voice. Pulling her head away from her hand she blinked over and saw Snatcher of all people laying curled around her like some giant shadow snake, his head resting on his claws as he laid there just a foot or two away from her. He looked rather peaceful. Was Snatcher here the entire night after she drifted off back to sleep? Did he fall asleep too? Could ghosts even sleep? Do they even need it? She thought the whole 'Rest in Peace' thing was always just a nice way of showing respect for those who had passed on, but now she wasn't too sure how literal it might've been at this point. Meeting a ghost like Snatcher was definately an eye opener, he wasn't like the usual descriptions of ghosts at all she had heard. Ghosts were supposed to be white as sheets and yell 'BOO' all the time, or stay invisible and silent. Snatcher wasn't white OR invisible, and with his loud mouth he definately wasn't silent either most of the time. But she felt an odd gratitude upon seeing him right there after she still fell asleep. He had cleared up a lot of the mess for her and she couldn't have been happier. Yellow eyes opened up once he felt the floor shifting next to him and he stared right at her.
"Oh. You're awake," he said pushing himself up with his arms and stretching his long body out similar to a bushcat before his body as usual floated up into the air, looking at her. "It looks like you had a nice nap."
"Uh. Yeah.'' She gave a small tired smile yawning again and stretching her body out, stretching her arms out and looking behind her. A part of Snatcher's tail was behind her and she guessed that must've been the super soft thing she was sleeping against. She had no idea ghosts could be solid or so soft, another surprise she guessed. Poppy slowly pushed herself to her feet. Weird dark blue dress still on her and the fake rubies around her collar shining in the dim blue light, her long braid already messy from her sleep. Smiling, Poppy looked back up to him. "Were you really with me all night?"
Snatcher stared at her for a moment before frowning a bit. "Well didn't you ask me to? I'm not completely heartless you know. I make sure all my employees are situated well. "
"I did kinda ask that didn't I?" She yawned and walked over to one of the shopping bags when she saw it. Oh yeah. She still had a few things to put away from yesterday didn't she? "You mind leavin'?"
"What for?"
"So I can put on somethin' else besides this dress reject." She gestured to her dress.
"Oh." Of course she would want to do that. With a cough he turned away and started to melt through the floor. "Right. You get on that."
Poppy was feeling great! Better than she had been feeling in a whole while! After a brief moment of switching clothing and putting her newly aquired tools and clothes away, Poppy appeared in the control room riding the orange platform down from the attic. Hair retied back in a neat long braid and her wearing one of the new dresses she had bought for herself. The white one with purple flowers, she felt good enough to wear one of her favorite things today. FLOWERS!! And of course the glittering gold bracelet on her wrist. Oh. And the heavy duty leather apron around her shoudlers, she never left home without it. The small bag of pons sitting in the larger of the two pockets of it. When she rode down she found Snatcher frowning, arms crossed, listening to the two children babbling on about something and stuffing their faces with those take out things Cookie ordered for them to go, she thought Cookie said they were called 'Hamburgers' if she remembered right. Like some kind of fancy greasy sandwhiches. But he looked up when he saw a blur coming towards them from the corner of his eye, said eyes blinked in surprise a bit in the cute purple flower printed dress she wore. Well this was different from her usual blue attire he was used to her wearing, but he had no right to judge someone's clothing.
"Fancy new clothes. It-...I-It looks nice on you,'' he complimented.
She smiled in thanks making her way down the ramp heading towards the two children and Snatcher. Both were now staring at her silently eating. "Thanks! I bought it just yesterday. And I see ya two are already up and ready to cause trouble ah presume." Both nodded with big smiles and she noticed they were wearing the same kind of outfits again but with different patterns again. Hattie's whole outfit and hat were a pink minus the pants she wore which was a beige color, and bow was wearing a light blue dress with a white jacket with purple buttons, light blue cat pockets, and a pink bow on the back, another pink bow in her hair, and purple boots. These kids must really like the same style of clothes. "You two look hungry huh?"
"Better than apples!," Hattie mumbled holding up what looked like one or two bites remaining of her burger.
Poppy chuckled. "Well lucky for all of us I aim to change that today! Cookie mentioned how they sell a lot of human food in ..Mafia Town right? Well, that's where I'm headin' today!"
"What?!," Snatcher asked bewildered, "You want to go there?! Bad idea! Very, very bad idea! That place is full of foul men who'll rob you for a single corn chip! I thought you already had enough excitement yesterday!"
Poppy just smiled triumphantly back. "Well, yeah. I did have a rough start, but now I'm all fired up and ready to see where the day takes me. And right now it's tellin' me ta get these girls and myself some food!" Both girls happily threw their hands up with a loud cheer at the mention of yet another trip out together for the three of them, but Snatcher looked slightly worried.
"Now? Don't you even know what kind of people live in a town like that?!," he argued back shaking his head, "It's asking for trouble to happen AGAIN if you go there. Aren't you dealing with enough stuff?"
"We can protect her!," Bow happily said before tossing the rest of the burger she ate for breakfast into her mouth.
Snatcher didn't look the slightest bit convinced. "Yeah because that worked so well last time."
This time Poppy frown one hand on her hip the other pointing at him. "Ok purple onion. If you have a problem with mahself goin' out and gettin' food for YOUR kids and taking care of them while yer galavanting off haunting whatever forest ya want, then please. Feel free ta get off ya rump and go buy them food yerself if you have a problem with ME taking care of their needs like YOU wanted. If not shut her trap! I'm not a pet bird you can just keep in a cage. I'm a human and we need food!" Snatcher stared at her silently for a moment, stunned at the sudden berauge of sass thrown his way...but he frowned at the children who giggled at him being put in his place.Poppy waved a hand. "If you're so worried 'bout what happened yesterday, you're more than welcome to join us. I'd appreciate the company and help you'd provide, but otherwise ya'll can go back to your fore-"
"OH ALRIGHT!!" He scowled and recrossed his arms like a pouting child. "I might as well since someone has to keep you out of trouble!" Actually it was because he was worried about her. The kids can hold their own against the mafia, and to him they were nothing but pesty mice. But he LOATHED the idea of Poppy being around so many men especially ones like the mafia. So it would be better to do, besides. His head minion could handle things without him for a little while longer.
Poppy nodded smiling again and waved a hand at the girls. "Go wash off those greasy hands of yours and we'll leave ok?" Both nodded and ran off towards the kitchen, Hattie shoving the rest of her food into her mouth as she did.
"Shouldn't you eat something too before we head out?," Snatcher asked her raising a brow.
"Nah. I'll be fine. Not the first time I'd skip breakfast-" She was cut short when Snatcher literally grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her around, and pushed her towards the kitchen. "Hey! What gives!?"
"Fat chance. You go eat something before you leave right now. I'm not going to be following a growling stomach all day."
She protested but relented after Snatcher said he wouldn't teleport them easily to this Mafia Town, and she STILL wasn't fond of the kids' version of travel, and it'd be easier with Snatcher teleporting them. So reluctantly she agreed but just grabbed an apple out of the small basket in the fridge. Taking notice that there was only a few eggs left in the carton after Cookie's omlets, only a few apples left, and half a wheel of cheese. How could these kids just eat these all the time? Following the children out of the kitchen back to the waiting Snatcher, while also carrying a giant woven basket she found as it'd be easier to carry the food in, he sighed again and held out his hands to the small giggling girls, who both grabbed onto his large clawed hand with ease, and he held out the other claw to her.
"When someone hangs onto me it's easier to teleport them and saves energy for me. Since I'm teleporting long distance I suggest you hold on so we're not seperated in town."
Well that was certainly something she didn't want happening so she grabbed onto his hand and he curled his claws gently around her before summoning the magic to transport them all down there.  The teleporting worked as quickly as any other time he did it. Purple energy completely took over the world around them like the many times he's done this before and swallowed them all whole. He's done this plenty of times before teleporting himself places or taking the girls home against his will when they fell asleep in his forest. Poppy closed her eyes when purple invaded her vision out of habit. One moment of dark black-purple later the four of them ended up somewhere much more warmer by how Poppy felt the air suddenly shift.
"You can open your eyes now."
And she did. And blinked at WHAT she saw now. They were on a beach! A literally sunny beach with the sun beating down on them and in front of them was a small lot of sand, filled with palm trees and picnic table with umbrellas sticking out from the top of them. A blue and white striped tent was set up to the far right end of the sand lot and a giant stone building of some sort in front of them. Snapping her head behind her, the sparkling reflection of the vast ocean met her confused gaze with the gorgeous view of the morning sun making the soft waves sparkle as they rolled by. Directly in front of them all was a giant pair of red doors and two men standing guard on either side of them. In fact there was a lot of men in fancy blue suits and aprons walking around where they were, most gawking at them from the sudden apearence of a grown woman and two children in a flash of purple.
"Wow." Poppy said breathlessly staring out at the ocean. She could see some kind of land in the distance, a bouey, and some kind of ship slowly passing by. "Look at that view! I've never been to the ocean before!"
"Yes, yes. Very pretty," came the annoyed voice of Snatcher making her snap outta it. "Don't we have something to do?"
She blinked. "OH! Right I-" She paused...looking around but not seeing the giant sixteen foot ghost anywhere. "Hey. Where are you?"
"Look at your shadow."
She did and humped a few steps back seeing two yellow eyes from her shadow staring back up at her. "Snatcher??"
"Who else?," he asked and she saw his glowing yellow mouth as he spoke from her shadow. "You think it's easy to be walking around in the open for someone like me? It'll be easier for both of us if I remain in the shadows unless nessasary."
Well...It might be easier for her to walk around freely without drawing a bunch of attention to her being followed by by a giant ghosts babysitting her like she was a little girl herself, and if this place was as dangerous as he said, she's appreciate the extra help. He had a couple good points.
Nodding she looked around, basket in hand. "Ok. Now let's see. Where do we go from here?"
"This way!," Bow called from over by the blue and white tent before running up a large pair of stairs behind it.
Poppy followed across the sand lot with Hattie running past her and joining Bow up the stair case and waiting for her at the top of the stairs. Around the tent she went looking around and up the stone stairs she went. At the top was a cobblestone floor and more tables. The two continued to lead Poppy down a cobblestone pathway and all the while gave her a wonderful view of the ocean, seeing a couple boats and rocks sticking out of the water. A couple times they would pass another blue suited man and they would either walk past or gave them a passing look but nothing else. Didn't seem so bad so far. But she was curious about all the contruction and spray painted walls as they passed. When she asked, Hattie said 'This place is always being rebuilt' and explained the graffiti was done by Mu before Cookie took her to live with her away from this place. She saw a bunch of 'Down With The Mafia' sprayed on walls, some kind of man with a giant mustache and red hat, and few of MU herself. Guess Hattie was telling the truth about all that.
"So where are we supposed to buy food around this ..Uh.. Rebuilt place?" She asked them glancing at all the incomplete buildings they passed.
"Past the docks," Bow answered slowly down her pace from in front of her to walk next to Poppy. Gazing up at her with a neutral gaze before staring at her free hand not carrying the basket before reaching up and grabbing it. Poppy without giving it much thought curled her hand back to hold hers making the small girl light up light a firework as they both followed Hattie skipping a few yards in front of them. Snatcher smiled with glee at the sight between Bow and Poppy.
They continued along the cobblestone pathway until it collided with an actual docks. A large building that looked like a giant seafood resteraunt was on the left side of the docks with blue tables was there and on the right side was a pair of docks, with a few more strong looking men there  unloading fish from a ship stationed on one side of the docks as they passed, passing then some kind of giant barrels on their sides and then back up yet another cobblestone path leading up to what looked like a town square to Poppy. Cobblestone everywhere. With three Green, red, and orange-tan giant buildings on the right side of the water fountain that was smack dab in the middle of the square. The green building had a giant sign saying 'Blooming' but looked dark inside, the red building had a hamburger with the words 'Spicey Buns' on the signs but was blocked off by yellow rope, and the only one that seemed open was the tan building who was currently being manned by a single man with the sign reading 'Juice'. The left sight of the square was just a giant brick wall and clock tower, showing it was nine thirty four in the morning. Still an early day. She continued to follow Hattie until she stopped in front of another pair of stairs leading up to another level of the stone wall and she pointed. Of course Poppy followed her holding Bow's hand and up the slightly bigger steps they went until meeting another cobblestone floor and the first thing she saw was a stand with another one of those blue suited men behind it.
"Here it is!," Hattie said standing next to her and pointing down the left where it turned into a street like market.
Guess this was the market of human food Cookie spoke about and Poppy smiled. Well at least now she could be able to get what she needed now. The only stand to the right seemed empty so Poppy went right up to the first stand in front of her already catching the man's attention as he sat behind it and looked at her as she approuched. Looking at the products on the shelves behind him and next to him was a bunch of cheese wheels. The entire area was kinda dark being in a closed in area and torches ran down the length of the market area. Poppy stopped in front of the stand as the man looked at her.
"Mafia sell finest cheese aged by Mafia. Would red haired lady like to buy?," the man spoke in a deep voice as she looked around.
Eventually stopping at one cheese wheel that looked pretty good and pointed at it. "Yeah. That one there please."
The man smiled and grabbed it. "Mafia enjoys sells. Mafia will sell it to red haired lady for fifthteen pons."
Poppy blinked at him for a moment raising a brow. "Fifthteen pons for one cheese wheel?"
"Mafia make good pure chedder. Take it or leave."
"....." Well considering things were a lot more expensive than when she was alive that she remembered, then she guessed it was a fair price and she had over twenty five thousand of the small things. Reaching into the front pocket of the apron she pulled out a handful of those small green emeralds and counted out fifteen before dropping them into the man's outstretched hand. She also noticed that he was wearing an apron, that said 'Kiss The Cook' with a small red lipstick kiss mark. How odd.
The man took the pons and counted the ones in his hand with his eyes for a moment before smiling. "Mafia thanks lady for purchase. Here is cheese." He held out the cheese to her and Poppy happily took it from him.
"Thank you." Placing it into the giant basket she carried and started off towards the other stands, children following.
"You know you shouldn't have paid that fool such a large amount." Snatcher whispered out from her shadow that barely showed in the dim torch light. "I can be very persausive."
"The last thing  need is you scarin' off the people I'm trying to buy from," Poppy shot back tossing a quick frown over her shoulder at him before she continued. "As a fellow storekeeper let me do my own business and hush up." Snatcher grumbled but hushed up much to her pleasure. She didn't want to explain why she was talking to the ground behind her to strangers. The next stand was just a couple yards from the first and this one looked like it was selling fruit, mostly bananas and apples. Poppy breifly wondered if this is where the girls originally got their apples back on the ship before stopping in front of it and admiring the bananas. She had only seen a couple of them once. When the royal food wagon was making it's way to the Queen's summer home she visited whenever the prince did. They were tropical plants and as her father said tropical plants and fruits were impossible to grow where they were due to the fall and winter seasons. So seeing the oppertunity to obtain some she happily smiled and pointed at a couple bunches that looked ripe to her. "How much for three bundles?"
"Mafia sells Mafia island bananas for pens pons each,'' the man explained and Poppy blinked at him for a moment looking exactly like the other men she'd seen but shrugged it off.
"And those apples?"
"Mafia sell those same prince as Mafia Island bananas."
"Oh." So about thirty or forty pons. Seemed a little expensive for bananas but she wasn't going to complain about getting food she could actually eat. To cut losses she decided to only buy two bundles of bananas and one bundle of apples instead of the three bundles of bananas and into the basket they went. The kids giving dirty looks to the mafia men around them as they went. And FINALLY she found something she was hoping to find around here. A meat market...Or a stand what sold fish in this market. A bunch of fish were hung along the stands wall and the man manning the stand had his sleeves rolled up currently deboning a fish but looked up when Poppy stopped in front of him gazing up at the fish hung around. "Hello. Can you tell me how old the fish are?"
"Mafia caught fish from ocean this morning,'' the man explained pulling his hands away from work and wiping them down with a damp towel next to him. "Straight from docks. Super fresh."
She smiled at that glancing around and setting her eyes on two very nice looking bass on the right hand side and pointing. "How about those two bass there? Those looking mighty juicy."
"Mafia needs thirty five pons for fish."
.....She blinked. "Hold up. You want thirty five pons PER fish?" He nodded and she frowned. "Back in my day in was ten per fish! That's ludacris!''
"Mafia want paid is what mafia is owed. If lady won't pay price, lady no gets fish," she stated back firm,
Poppy could feel her eye twitch as her annoyance spiked a bit but took a breath to cool herself down. Just remember. This wasn't her time. Things were different now. No use getting upset over a thousand year difference she couldn't control. "Ok, I'll pay. Just please get me those two fish."  Reluctantly and much to Snatcher's silent annoyance she did end up paying another seventy ones for two fish. Poppy was starting to think her choice to accept Mr. Grooves offer was the right one after all. She needed the pons for this definately. They all watched as the man took some kind of paper from under the stand and pull the fish down to wrap them all in....after he carefully counted all the pons she gave him of course. And she took them with a 'thanks' tho it did come off a bit annoyed as she moved along the last few stands now in just a slightly more sour mood. And slowly the basket filled up with just a few more things. Some eggs one man claimed to be taken from the birds that morning, she found someone trying to sell what looked like slightly spoiled milk but managed to find a whole bottle of it that was pretty fresh, and bacon stri-......Bacon? How the peck did that get there? .....Snatcher snatching bacon from Cookie's dishes suddenly flashed across her mind and she shot a look over her shoulder to Snatcher who still remained hidden as the girls boredly/curiously walked around near them and looked around. By the time they got to the end of the stands(where the market ended in a dead end meaning they'd have to turn around and go back the way they came to exit), the basket was heavy with a giant cheese wheel, a glass bottle of milk, one carton of eggs, two bundles of banansa, a bag of apples, two large fish, and a mysterious pound of bacon that just appeared out of no where. Usually the basket would've been heavy for someone but considering her less than normal strength, it was pretty easy to carry without tiring. The last stand didn't look like it sold any kind of food items like the others but a man sitting there noticed her curious look at it and he pointed behind him at the white shirts Saying 'Mafia #1' hung up near him.
"You like Mafia? Buy clothes supporting Mafia! Mafia is number one!," he gladly stated.
Oh. He was selling clothing? Well she already saw what everything else had to offer, might as well see what this had to offer her too. And too Snatcher's protests of lightly tugging her dress to get her to stop, she walked over to him. The stand on closer inspection sold the same blue suits and aprons all the men here wore along with OBVIOUSLY spray painted gold statues of said men and those white t shirts. ......Not really things she was really interested in or needed....Except maaaybe that one thing right there-
"I can't BELEIVE you actually wasted ten pons on that!," Snatcher's rasped out as they walked along the cobblestone back towards the town square.
"Oh shush. I could use one of these for regular house work," Poppy muttered placing the newly aquired 'Kiss the Cook' apron neatly into her larger leather apron pocket to keep it off the food. She could use an apron just for cooking and other things besides her work apron. "Besides, why are you complaining about me buying an apron? You couldn't even pay for the bacon ya'll snuck into mah basket."
"Hey! You have no proof it was me firstly! Secondly even if I did do that, what purpose would I have to do it? I'm DEAD. It's not like I could eat it if I wanted too anyways. I can't even taste anything if I wanted to," He argued back from her shadow as Poppy walked back down the steps towards the square holding Bow's hand again as the child happily smiled at her. "I bet it was one of those two."
"No it wasn't!," Hattie retorted back sticking her tongue out at Snatcher.
"Guys. Please, ya'll are out in public. Act like civilized people will ya-....." Poppy stopped at the last step down before stepping back onto the cobblestone streets of the square she had passed before, Hattie running into her leg and falling onto her behind on one step, her hat falling over her face. Shaking her head, Hattie pushed the hat back up from her face and asked Poppy what was her big deal but the grown woman just stared at something. Beinf on the flat ground, Snatcher couldn't see what was going on either and was about to bark at Poppy demanding what she was staring at when the red head suddenly scowled. "HEY!" Her eyes narrowed at the sight of two of those big burly men corning a poor little old man back against a brick wall, but she had shouted when one of them pushed him down gaining their attention and began stomping her way over to them. Bow grabbing and pulling back on her hand to try and get Poppy to stop.
"Wait, Poppy! Don't!"
Poppy didn't listen to Bow's words and instead pulled her hand away before placing and big basket into her arms. "Hold this for a sec." And then stomping her way back over to the men and stood before them, hands curled into fists on her hips and deep scowl present on their and her faces. "HEY! What the bloody PECK do ya think yer doin' to that poor old man!?" Old man? Huh. Well compared to Poppy's age that old man was probably a baby, but never mind that now.
"Shoo! Mafia can't have lady witness while Mafia teaching lesson!," one of the two men sternly said back but Poppy remained unbudging.
"You'll got one chance and I'm only askin' nicely once. Please leave that man alone," she spoke as calmly as she could despite the annoyed tone on her face and in her voice.
"What do we do with eye witness?," the mafia man asked the other mafia man.
The other man looked at Poppy like she was a harmless flower raging at them. "Teach lesson to those who interfere with Mafia!" He reached a hand out but it was quickly smacked away with a loud WHACK sound making the man recoil and cradle his hand to his chest.
"Do. NOT. Touch me!," Poppy warned in a low and slow voice. "I'm only going to warn you once."
"Mafia won't bow to small lady!!," the other one suddenly bellowed looking at her with anger but Poppy just rose a bored brow when he raised a hand to punch.
"Prepare to feel Mafia's Wrat- GAH!!"
That was it. How it all ended. As soon as the bigger man went to punch her, Poppy grabbed a hold of his arm and in an impressive desplay of speed, turned on her heel and literally threw him over her body by his arm and slammed him quite hard to the ground with a very loud thud. Everyone stood there for a moment quietly stunned from what just happened, except for the man who was laying on the stone ground groaning with the face of Poppy looming over him scowling as if she had the fury of a thousand burning suns....Before blowing the bangs from her face and snapping her scowl over her shoulder back to the other man who flinched at the sudden blue eyes flashing at him.
"Ya'll got somethin' to say 'bout this?" The man still cradling his hand shook his head no furiously with a look of fear on his face and Poppy nodded still scowling. "Good. Now take your buddy here and scram!" The mafia man had just run off without another word as his pal just remained unconcious on the ground. Not that she really cared and turned around to the little old man who through all of this just flat out leaned against the wall slack jawed. But Poppy gave him a soft smile down at him. "Hey there, Mister. Are you alright?"
"Uh-...I-..Y-Yes! I am!," he answered back in an old but happy sounding voice. Smiling behind that white mustache of his, he slowly got up and reached a hand up to readjust his glasses. He couldn't have been a foot or two taller than the girls. Such bullies for picking on a poor defenseless old man like this. Dusting himself off he smiled at Poppy. "Thank you very much young lady. You won't believe how many times a month this happens."
"What did they want?"
The old man sighed. "Money. I've been saving all my pons to move out of this pecking town to go live in a nice quiet neighborhood, but every week they harass me for 'protection' money. But I never give in."
"Oh wow. That sounds aweful." She thought she heard Snatcher give a small 'mmhm' like he was right all along, but didn't comment on it. "I'm very sorry for that."
He waved her off. "No. Don't be. Just two more weeks and I should have enough to get out of here for good." He looked her over again and frowned. "You're a young  one. If I were you I'd get out of town while the getting's good. You don't want to get caught up in a place like this."
Poppy nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm glad you're ok." She held out her hand. "Do you need any help?"
He shook his head. "No, no. I'll be alright getting my way home. Not the first time this has happened and probably won't be the last before I leave."
"Alright. Be careful on your journey now.''
Hattie looked at the long shadow pertruding from Poppy and the yellow eyes blinking up from the ground. "Why didn't you do anything?"
"You ever heard the metaphor hell have no fury like a woman's scorn?" The raspy voice of Snatcher asked the child and Hattie shook her head. "Well it means a woman's anger is something you don't want to get the reveiving end of, Kid. And that saying happens to apply to this situation."
Poppy continued to stand there and waved the little old man good bye with a smile on her face sighing as a wave of calm came over her and she turned back around to look for the basket. She found it on the ground by Bow, who had been standing there watching the whole thing with one hand on the basket's handle patiently waiting for her. Poppy still smiling walked over and reached down to pick up the basket from Bow and pat her on the head...When another shadow fell over her. Poppy paused seeing the long shadow come over her. The head of the shadow was pointy and had a wide brim obviously some kind of hat and Poppy looked up towards the maker of the shadow over her, blinking at the sun's gleam blocking her veiw of the smiling pink wearing woman right in front of her.
"Well, well. Is THIS the famous woman he spoke of?," asked an obviously female voice.
"HAZELLE!?", Snatcher suddenly blurted out in shock blinking his yellow eyes out from the shadows....And immediately wanted to punch himself when the witch's copper orange eyes shifted their gaze over to the ghost attached to Poppy's shadow laying on the ground. But it was too late to stop the smug look on the witch's face as she seemed to quickly putt two and two together right in front of him.
"Well, I guess so! Hello, Snatchy.~ Fancy seeing you out here in broad daylight. Was the forest finally too gloomy for your tastes?," she asked in a calm manor that made the ghost growl.
"YOU WISH, WITCH!! WHAT THE PECK ARE YOU DOING HERE-" His question was answered immediately.
Hattie and Bow had run up to a small boy who looked maybe one or two years older than them in a hug and Poppy slowly stood up staring at the new comers to the party, the boy(Timmy as she heard) hugged his friends back and gave Hattie a friendly shove to her shoulder which she giggled and pushed back playfully. But Poppy still stared at the witch as she went back and forth with the ghost like she did it every day.......A witch?....A REAL WITCH?! Like the kind who rode on brooms, cooked up potions, had black cats, and did magic willy nilly!? HOLY PECK!! And there was one right here right in front of her. Poppy couldn't help but stared wide eyed at her. She didn't look like a typical witch like the tales she was told about. No green skin. No warts or black robes. Nothing. In fact she looked like a regular person. The only way one could really tell she was a witch was the pointy witch hat on her head which was a pink and white color, along with the rest of her clothes. Really bright  girly clothing if she said so herself.
"Can't a respectable witch and her apprentice go out and about practicing our trickery spells on all these meatheads?", she replied calmly back. "How was I supposed to know you all would be here too?"
"HMPH! Strange coincidence." Snatcher narrowed his eyes in annoyance with a scowl from her shadow.
"I'm sorry...Who are you?,'' Poppy asked confused to Hazelle.
The witch looked over at her and Poppy had to admit, she was very pretty for a witch. She thought they were all supposed to be ugly old ladies. The witch bowed tipping her hat at Poppy politely. "Oh sorry. How rude of me. My name is Hazel but with an extra L E at the end. Exactly how it's pronounced too! Nice to finally meet the lady behind my dear old friend's-...." She paused giving the scowling ghost a sly smirk. "...'New helper' he spoke about."
"Hazel?....You mean like Witch Hazel?"
Hazelle waved a hand. "Yes, Yes. The famous Witch Hazel. Yada yada. It's an old family name passed down to every man in the family in one form or another, but since the next generation was a girl they just decided to slap an extra L E at the end to add that feminine variation. It's complicated I know."
"Oh wow! I've never met a real witch before!" Poppy gawked wide eyed like a puppy. "Can you really do magic?!"
"Absolutely. But I don't think you've told me your name, Miss."
.....Poppy blinked. "OH!! Oh. How rude of me!" She smiled and stuck out a hand in polite greeting. "Howdy! Mah name's Poppy. Poppy Rose Bloomington! Nice ta meet ya!"
Hazelle smiled and shook her head besides Snatcher's grumbles before turning her head over and to the ground and the groaning mafia man on the ground raising a brow. "Well I must say, Ms. Bloomington, you really did a number on those goons. I like your style."
Poppy chuckled nervously and reached her free hand to rub her neck. "Well...I couldn't just let stand by and let them push around that poor old man could I?"
"What a coincidence! Timmy and I were just about to try out his new slime rain summoning on them! But then he noticed his little friends over there and stopped to watch the fireworks." She nodded her head over towards the children moving towards them.
"Timmy?," Poppy asked looking down to the little boy with strange blue markings on his face and a brown cap on his head. "Oh. Is this your son?" She flinched when Hazelle suddenly released a few high pitched giggles.
"Him? Oh no! It may look like it at first glance, but in reality I'm more of a teacher. He IS my apprentice after all. Gotta make sure those magical powers of his develope properly."
"Oh." Poppy looked down to the young boy smiling up at her and she smiled back. "Hello, there lil guy!"
He reached over to her and she blinked in surprise when he grabbed her hand and pulling his hat off his head before kissing the back of her hand like a gentlemen. Before smiling back up at her again. "Hello, Ma'am. A pleasure to make your aquiantance."
SNatcher all but bristled in sudden anger behind her and Poppy giggled at the adorable sight. "Well aren't ya a lil gentleman? Such nice manners!"
"Yes, Ma'am. My father taught me everything I know," Timmy said proudly letting go of her hand and placing his hat back on his head.
"Well he must be quite the gentlemen too raising such a polite young man."
Hazelle smirked again. "OH! Moonjumper's quite the nice and friendly guy. I'm sure he'd just LOVE to meet you too-'
"DON'T YOU HAVE PECKING HOCUS POCUS TO FILL YOUR HEADS WITH?!," Snatcher demanded in an angry voice already sick and tired of this ridiculous encounter.
"Oh. I guess you're right," Hazelle smiled down at Snatcher with a wink and turned. "Then I'll chat with you later, Snatchy dear.~ See you back in the forest." Throwing a look over her shoulder she tossed Poppy a smile and motioned for Timmy to follow her. "And I'll definately be seeing YOU later too, Red head. "
Snatcher growled as she left with Timmy trotting after her, and could feel anger oozing off of him like a building volcano would. He WOULD talk with Hazelle later, and she was NOT about to go flapping her gums to Moonboy and blow his cover!!!!
"You have a witch friend?," Poppy asked looking down to the shadow curiously waving bye and he growled.
"Unfortunately!.....She has her uses with her magic and potions, but she has absolute foolish behavior when it comes to personal boundaries," he huffed, "Are we done here? We better leave."
Poppy just rolled her eyes but agreed with Snatcher it was probably better to go before they all got in more trouble. Considering what she saw  with the poor old man and the unreasonable prices in her opinion, She figured it was better to leave while the getting was good. Beckoning the girls behind her, Poppy turned and started walking off back towards the way they came, leaving the man she flipped who was just now starting to push himself up. It'd be easier if Snatcher took them back the way they came right? While walking she thought she saw some of the men looking over at her when they passed but they quickly looked away when she snapped them a glare that could crack a diamond. She guessed the fella who ran off gossiped about what just happened to his pal by the water fountain, ok. Not that she cared. Let it serve as a warning to anyone else if they tried any funny business now. The small group went back the way they came. Back down the cobblestone path onto the docks and slowly making their way across it, some men on the docks still unloading some shipment from the ships there. Poppy took a glance or two at the ocean and admired the pretty blue scene. One mafia man walked out of the seafood cafe with a frowning face and turned in their direction. Absolutely freezing once he saw Poppy calmly walking along admiring the ocean, and his eyes became wide with fear.
"B-BOSS!! SCARY LADY IS AFTER MAFIA!! HELP!!," The man yelled at the top of his lungs before running back through the open doors of said resteraunt slamming it behind him with a bang.
"So. We meet again Kid With The Hat!"
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zacc-attacc · 4 years
Nature: A Javid Oneshot
A/N: My first ever oneshot on this website! I hope y’all enjoy!
Word Count- 1.2k
Jack loved the open sky. He loved the stars, the sounds of nature, and everything in between. But, more than anything, it calmed him, something that not many things were able to do. As a kid, he had always dreamed of falling asleep under the stars every single night. And when he was bounced around in foster care, the night sky had been the one common variable. Always there, like a blanket. Luckily for Jack, Some of the Newsies had put together a camping trip in the woods near campus. They had tents (from the Dollar Tree, probably), a bunch of marshmallows, some hotdogs, and a whole lot of energy. And Jack? Jack an invite and a limited will to live. At least Davey would be there, which, to be honest, had its ups and downs.
Ups, because Davey was single-handedly the sweetest human alive and a fun dude to hang out with. And downs, because Davey was Mom Friend Supreme™ and also had an annoying tendency to make Jack’s normally stoic heart do a tap dance in his chest. Which really was inconvenient because Jack’s last relationship had ended only four weeks ago. It wasn’t a nasty breakup, he and Katherine were actually still friends, but the boys still expected him to be depressed about it. But Jack didn’t like to linger. He was upset for a few days, but now he was over it. Katherine obviously was as well, since she was seen going on a few coffee dates with some girl. 
But tonight, none of that mattered. Tonight, he could be whoever he wanted to be because that’s just how it was with the Newsies.
Tonight, he could eat bargain hot dogs and s’ mores, and avoid the fact that he was hopelessly in love with the only man he couldn’t have; because god forbid David Jacobs dated a mess like him. 
Jack knew exactly where he lay in David’s mind. He was a close friend, maybe a sort of Uncle to his future children with his perfect little life with his husband in the suburbs. David liked him well enough, but he would likely never love him. And Jack had tried to accept that, even though, thus far, it had only made it much worse.
“Ay! Jack! You packed?” Crutchie yelled from his lower bunk. Jack was stretched out on the top bunk, staring at a half-finished political cartoon for his class. 
“Yeah… What time’d the guys say to be there?” Jack sat up, hitting his head on the low ceiling. He wasn’t even that tall and it managed to injure him on a daily basis. 
“...In five minutes.”
“Shit-” Jack muttered, scrambling to jump down the bunk, only succeeding in hitting his head yet again on the ceiling. After hitting the floor in the heap, all Jack could hear was Crutchie’s cackles. 
“Just kidding, It’s actually in 20- I just wanted to see your reaction,” Crutchie wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“Yeah, real funny, Crutch,” Jack mumbled, rolling his eyes and smiling. As much as he loved his little brother, he, unfortunately, knew exactly how to get Jack riled up quite easily, which normally ended in Jack running into a wall or stabbing himself in the arm with a pen in a panic.
“S’funny to me,” Crutchie choked out, still laughing. Jack pushed himself to his feet, brushing off the assorted chip crumbs that had migrated from the shitty shag carpeting of his dorm onto his shirt.
“I know, I know,” Jack muttered, grabbing Crutchie’s crutch from the wall and handing them to him. Looking at his laughing face, Jack couldn’t help but crack a smile. 
“Alright, let’s get a move on… You ready?” Jack shook his head while still grinning, snatching his duffle bag and Crutchie’s backpack from beside the door. 
“Ay! I can carry that!" Crutchie protested, making a grab at the bag. 
“Wow, brother dearest, won’t even let me carry a bag,” Jack joked, sticking out his tongue and popping into a dead sprint down the hallway. 
“NOW THAT’S JUST UNCALLED FOR!” Crutchie yelled from the hallway. 
“LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU, STUPID HEAD!” Jack shouted back, slamming open the door for the stairs and sliding onto the railings down the flights. Once he reached the bottom, he pulled out his phone.
“Text RaceyBoi.” 
“What would you like to say?” that stupid automated voice asked back, not fully human or robotic. 
“‘Can you go walk Crutchie to the campsite? Left him for CPS reasons.’” CPS was not, in fact, Child Protective Services, but instead Crutchie Protection Squad.
Smiling to himself, Jack started walking towards the woods on the outskirts of campus. He thought he saw Kid Blink and Spot at one point, Heely-ing towards the woods. He couldn’t help but wonder how the wheels would hold up amongst all the vegetation, and quietly hoped he wouldn’t have to call an ambulance tonight. 
“Hey, Jack!” came a familiar voice from behind him. His heart automatically deciding to kick into overdrive, Jack turned around to see none other than David Jacobs, grinning and clutching a duffle bag. 
“Whaddup, Dave,” Jack grinned back, clapping the taller boy on the shoulder. Seriously, who gave him the right to be this tall? He was like a noodle with a head and arms. 
“You heading down to the campsite?” Davey asked, falling into step with Jack. 
“That’s the plan. Race is taking Crutchie so that idiot won’t try to carry his backpack again.” 
“...You realize he can carry it perfectly fine, right?” Davey said, looking slightly confused.
“Yeah, but I just feel like doin’ something nice for him, y’ know?” 
“You may be stupid at times, but you are a good brother, Jack Kelly,” Davey chuckled, taking off his hat and flipping it backward. 
“Ey, now don’t get to tellin’ the boys that, I have a reputation as a jerk to keep,” Jack couldn’t stop smiling. Why couldn’t he stop smiling? He felt like someone had turned him into the fucking sun from the Teletubbies. 
“I don’t think you could pass as a jerk if you tried,” Davey shrugged, looking into Jack’s eyes so he could get the point across. God, his eyes were brown. Beautiful, chocolatey, perfect brown. 
“You would be surprised,” Jack said, tearing his eyes away. 
Don’t let yourself get attached, dammit. 
“Hey,” Davey stopped. Jack stopped too, staring at him. He put his hand on Jack’s shoulder. 
“Don’t… Don’t talk like that. I know you, Jackie. Okay? And you aren’t an asshole.” 
“Jeez, David, only a few minutes into the trip and you’re already on the late-night talks-” Jack turned away, hoping Davey couldn’t see that he was blushing. 
“I need to hear you say it, okay?” He turned Jack around, forcing him yet again to look into his eyes. 
“Fine. I… I ain’t an asshole. Ya happy?” Jack bit his tongue forcefully. That almost physically pained him to say. 
“Yeah. I… I’m sorry Jack,” Davey said. Jack still wasn’t looking at him. 
“Don’t apologize for caring, Davey.” 
It was late. The shitty fire that had taken them almost a full hour to make was burning low, and Jack had to keep prodding it with a random stick to keep it lit. Most of the boys had already retired to their tents and sleeping bags, and Davey was fast asleep on his chair. Race was the only one still out. 
“Do you think we should wake him up?” Race said, tossing the remains of his s’more into the fire. 
“What? Oh, nah, I’ll wake him up when I head in. Poor kid, being a pre-med student probably never sleeps,” Jack pointed out. 
“How long do you think you’ll be staying out?” Race asked, standing up and stretching. 
“‘Till I get tired,” Jack prodded the fire again, before throwing in another stick. 
“Then he’ll be out here all night,” Race joked, cracking a smile.
“I’ll wake him up before then. Wouldn’t want him to get hypothermia or some shit.” 
“It’s the middle of April, I highly doubt he’ll get hypothermia, Jack.” 
“...Did Racetrack Higgins seriously just say an educated statement?”
“Goodnight-” Race turned away suddenly, seeming intent on changing the subject. 
“YOU CAN’T CHANGE IT NOW, WE KNOW YOU’RE SMART,” Jack whisper-shouted, not wanting to wake any of the boys up (especially not Davey). 
Race replied with his silence. 
Sighing, Jack sat back in his chair. Not having any will to sleep, and nothing more to do, he grabbed out his sketchbook. Nature was always good for inspiration. 
Well, it could’ve been nature, or it could’ve been Davey. Because, without even realizing it, Jack had started to sketch the sleeping boy’s figure. His right fist was supporting his cheek, his hat was half-tipped onto his face, shading it slightly. His legs were crossed, and his left arm was set on top of them. 
Behind him was a backdrop of pine trees, and, even though that wasn’t the actual view, a full moon, and stars. So many stars. All spelling out little words of love in Spanish, Jack’s first language. 
Precioso. Bonita. Perfecto. 
His hair was mostly tucked under his cap. His eyes were softer when he slept. A ghost of a smile played at his lips. 
Just as Jack was signing his name and dating the piece, Davey began to stir. 
Quickly shutting the book, Jack simply stared up at the stars he could see despite the light pollution and thick trees. 
“Hey, Jack, saw you drawing there,” Davey said, quietly. 
“Oh- uh- yeah, just… lookin’ through some old pieces,” Jack stammered. 
“Can I see?” 
“Uh- no, this isn’t my graded stuff, it’s all just sketches-“
“Y’know, for an art student, you really don’t like showing your art.” 
“Uh- Fine.” Jack gave up and strode across the fire to hand him the book. It was mostly drawings of the boys, maybe he wouldn’t look that far. 
...Spoiler alert, he looked that far. 
“...Is this me? Right back then, when I was sleeping?” 
“You really made me look better than I’ve ever seen myself.” 
“Well, that’s how I see you,” Jack said before he could think about his words. Y’know, like a normal person who is trying to hide a massive crush that could end one of his best friendships. 
“Th-that’s… how you see me?” Davey was blushing now. Blushing. Not disgusted. 
“Uh… yeah. Y’see here, th-the moon behind ya, the way it… it focuses on you.” Jack said, kneeling by his chair and pointing to it. 
You are digging your own grave, Jack Kelly. 
“Jack, I… that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Davey was still blushing. He turned his face to Jack’s. He was so close… 
“Well… I draw what I think, Dave, ‘cause words… they ain’t my strong suit,” Jack chuckled, pulling back. But Davey leaned forward. 
“Your drawings don’t need words, Jack. But the artist of them… That is a man that deserves millions of words said about him.” 
“D-Davey… Don’t. Please, don’t do this,” Jack shook his head, standing back up. 
“Did I make you uncomfortable? I- I’m sorry, I thought that we-“ 
“No, David. You didn’t. That’s the exact issue! D-d’ya really think I want to end up breaking your heart? We… We can’t do this, ‘cause it’ll end with me hurting you just like I have a million people! And you don’t deserve that fate! You’re too good for me, David,” Jack might’ve been crying. He wasn’t sure. But he sure as hell was ranting. 
“Don’t Jack me, don’t try to act like it could be any different. We know exactly how this is going to end, and I- I can’t stand losing you, Dave.” 
There was a moment of silence. It was obvious Davey was picking his next words carefully. 
“You won’t.” 
“How could you possibly know that?” 
“You won’t because I won’t let it, Jack Kelly. I won’t let you lose me as a friend, ever. You’re stuck with me, whether you like it or not.” 
In two strides, Davey crossed the circle of chairs and shut Jack up with a kiss, half-crushing him with how tightly he was holding him. 
He did this… this thing that made it obvious this wasn’t his first kiss. The way he moved his head up and down just a little bit. The way he seemed all in but ready to pull away if they needed to at any second. 
But more than anything, there was a definitive Davey-ness to him that made it all perfect. 
So Jack had found one more reason to like nature. It was where he shared his first-ever kiss with his boyfriend, David Jacobs.
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Stucky - ABO
Inside the Lines
Settling in the Lines
Little Bumps in the Lines
A Little Outside the Lines
Way Outside Those Lines
Picking a New Color
Back Inside the Lines
Bold, Wiggly Lines
Scribbles and Broken Crayons
Somersaults and IV Lines
Broken Noses and Coloring Lines
Family Ties and Signature Lines
The Lines are Closer Than Ever
Past Lines and Future Loves
Little Wonders by Avengers_Whore
“You’d look amazing with a pup on yer hip,” he murmured, startling Steve. The blond sat up slightly and looked at him, brow furrowed. “Buck, you know I can’t-” “Yeah, yeah, Stevie, I know, but we can adopt! Just like Sam and Rhodey did with Wanda,” the alpha told him, smiling wide as he looked up at his mate. He was feeling giddy just at the thought of having a pup in their home. “Plenty of kids out there who would love to be part of our family.”
“Waffles, p’ease,” Tony murmured, laying his head on the omega’s shoulder. Steve smiled and nodded his head, carrying the little omega into the kitchen. He settled the pup onto the table and poked his nose gently, enticing a soft giggle from the boy. “Steeb, can we have choc’late chips?”“Of course honey,” the blond man said, gently tickling the boy’s side.
“Poor kid just fell down and seized right there in the exam room, totally scared the shit out of me.” Steve bolted upright, his eyes wide with panic. Tony whimpered at the sudden movement and curled into Bucky more, his little face scrunched up. The alpha tightened his hold on him and gave his omega a look.
“I wish you could be my brother, then you could stay forever,” the young pup murmured, moving around the table to hug onto Harley. The blond teen looked down at the boy with wide eyes before wrapping his arms around him and holding on tight.
“Stay away from my pup,” Bucky snarled softly, placing himself protectively between Howard and the small group of three still clinging to each other. “So you’re the one who took on my greatest failure,” the other alpha commented with a sneer. Bucky’s eyes narrowed dangerously and he got even closer into the older man’s face. “Walk away before you say something that gets you seriously hurt,” the brunet growled.
“Edward.” A shake of the head. “Benjamin.” Another shake. “Joseph.” “You’re not even trying,” Tony accused, crossing his arms over his chest. “Benjamin’s nice though. That can be his middle name.” “Oh well since you’ve already decided."
“Why do we even try to keep up with you people?” Sam grouched as he helped Steve put away everything in the kitchen. The beta was putting the glasses away in a cupboard, careful as he unpacked them from the box one by one. “Three kids and a house, I’ll never catch up.” “I don’t think it’s a competition, Sam,” Steve told him with a smile.
“You act like you’re not going to be supervised by an adult,” Harley said, cuffing the younger’s ear and smirking when the omega yelped. Since Tony was incredibly young to be in college, they’d put him in Harley’s apartment. The alpha would be able to watch out for him and since they were actually siblings, he wouldn’t be bothered by Tony going into heat. “Why do you have to crush my dreams like that?”
“Boyfriend?” Bucky asked, a growl lacing his words. “Oh stop. His name is Ty and he’s a very nice, charming alpha. Just wanted you to know before you got a whiff of him and got all rutty,” the omega told him. “Do not embarrass Tony.”
“Boyfriend?” Bucky asked, seemingly materializing out of nowhere. The brunet alpha was immediately up in Loki’s personal space, trying to intimidate and size him up all at once.
“Boyfriend, hm? A good one this time hopefully?” Steve asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “The best. Harley-approved and all,” Tony told him, biting his bottom lip as he watched Loki and his father.
He looked up and came face-to-face with icy-blue eyes. The alpha had a white coat on, meaning he was a doctor.
“I-I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” Tony stuttered, his face turning red the longer he looked at this alpha. The man smiled slightly and handed over some of the books before helping the omega up. “Not a problem, I was too busy looking at my phone,” the doctor told him. “Dr. Stephen Strange.”
“You have my blessing.” “Stevie!” Bucky protested. “Oh hush. You always get like this, Wade’s not even allowed in our house because you think he’s going to molest Peter,” the blond scolded his mate, swatting at the alpha. “What?” Peter asked, his voice cracking from the shock.
“You’re pregnant?” Steve exclaimed, immediately off of the couch and running over to hug the three of them excitedly. “I’m gonna be a grandma!” “Well, yes and no,” Loki said with a chuckle. “Anthony isn’t pregnant.” “Then what do you mean?” Peter asked, his brow furrowing. “Riri, you can come out now, darling,” Stephen called. Everyone watched with wide eyes as the little alpha girl came out of the kitchen, running over and hiding behind Tony’s legs.
“Honey! Babe, I’m home,” Steve called as he entered the apartment, tossing his keys onto the table by the door. He closed his door with his foot and carried the grocery bags into the kitchen. “Brock?” “Yeah, Steve, I’m comin’. I was in the bathroom,” Brock answered as he came around the corner. The omega giggled as he started pulling everything out of the bags to start putting away. He purred when arms wrapped around him from behind.
“You- You hit me!” Peter exclaimed. “You never hit me!” “I didn’t mean to! You wouldn’t get off’a me!” “‘Cause you won’t talk to me! Wade, I’m your best friend, why won’t you talk to me?” Wade growled in frustration and pulled his hood further down over his face when he caught Peter trying to look at him. He smelled of angry, anxious alpha over his unique taco and iron smell.
I'm not making any promises. by Ohlookitsabi, Stucky_Barnes
(Last updated Sep 7, 2018) 3 chapters
steve and Bucky are together, They are happily inlove... but what happens when SOMEONE tries to get in their way? (this is my first fic so I'm sorry in advance)
Popping by himawri45 (kotaka_kun)
*Finished* 2 chapters
Steve and Bucky are expecting (again, or it could be their first), and Steve hasn’t taken the changes to his body so well and with each new change, he grows more self-conscious and embarrassed of his new appearance. The latest change, he noticed one morning, is that his belly button has popped. This makes him super embarrassed not only because of how apparent it looks, but it also is very sensitive and to make matters worse, he gets razzed about it by Bucky, their kids and/or his friends.
Splintered Beginnings by angel_with_a_nuclear_bomb
*Finished* 3 chapters
HYDRA gave up on human experimentation after their 500th subject failed. They theorized that if they changed the original form to something more substantial, the project could survive. Their first subject was immensely successful, vicious yet obedient. Their second subject.... That's a little bit of a different story. But what happens when the Avengers intercept their first subject, and HYDRA's house of cards slowly begins to to fall? *STARRING* Bucky as a chunky wolf Steeb as a tiny wolf and Bucky as a traumatized human Steeb as an even more traumatized human
It's been a long day without you, my friend by AyeeItsJaee
(Last updated Nov 24, 2019) 1 chapter
Packs are the most important thing to Steve. Ever since he was a child he believed he would form a pack with Bucky. And then the war and the serum happened. the two hardly got to even speak. Bucky fell off of the train and Steve crashed in the ice, he thought he was dead. He sometimes wished they never found him. He didn't have his Alpha. Everything changed when hydra attacked Nick Fury and Steve found him again. Bucky was alive. He was alive and taking care of a fourteen year old while is aunt was in the hospital.
Date Night by himawri45 (kotaka_kun)
*Finished* One Shot
“You feeling okay?” “I’m fine,” Steve assured him, “Just Braxton Hicks.” Bucky looked surprised at that. “I’ve been having them off and on all day, it’s no big deal.” “Is it bad?” he pressed. “We can go home if you’re not comfortable, y’know.” “I’m fine, Buck.” Steve squeezed Bucky’s hand. “Really, it’s okay. Just means my body’s getting ready and all. It’s nothing to be worried about.” Bucky looked unsure but dropped it once Steve began looking over the menu. Steve was glad for it - he didn’t want Bucky to have to spend their night together worrying himself over Steve. Steve could take care of himself.
The Same Star by Annaelle, dolarhyding, Juulna
*Finished* 6 chapters
The year is 2117—nearly 100 years after the Third World War and 50 years after the discovery of the Alpha-Omega gene mutation—and the United Research Space Agency has landed its first manned mission on the recently discovered tenth planet, named Gaia. On this planet, there are now seven souls—that they know of—led by URSA’s finest, most driven Captain; an Omega named Steve Rogers and his loyal Alpha, Bucky Barnes. The mission—a dream mission, a mission the entire population of Earth follows with bated breath—will soon become a nightmare for all involved. The mission is hastily aborted when a freak storm of unimaginable proportions hits suddenly, forcing the team to leave the surface of the planet—all but one. Bucky Barnes is left behind, assumed dead by all, even his grief-stricken Omega. The vast distance between them increases every minute, and it might be more than he—and his mate—are capable of handling. With such distance, it is only a matter of time before Separation Sickness takes them and makes them lose control—the one thing Steve, leader of the Gaia Exploration Crew, cannot afford to lose.
Remember Dreams by Stuckylover4ever
(Last updated July 22, 2020) 11 chapters
In a world where Beta rules the world, Alpha's and Omega's are trying to survive. Going to a college would be hard enough for Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Peter Parker if they weren't dealing with being Omegas in a world where Omega's aren't allowed much. Each one of them is dealing with a pregnancy on top of Steve's health issues. As much as Tony Stark loved his daughter, he didn't want to be a stay at home dad. While he didn't mind it, Tony wanted to have a good education as well. Beta's are known to be given everything while being allowed to do what they want. Alpha's, on the other hand, are required to go to college, get a good job, then settle down. Omegas are only allowed to have families. Going to college isn't allowed for them, and if they do go, then they are looked down upon. Follow them as they learn to love, dream, and change the world. Each one of them has a story to tell, and they want to tell it. Life is hard, but when you are told what you are supposed to do, then life get's harder.
honestly thought i’d be dead by now, but what you can trust is that i need your touch by moonythejedi394, raynaki
*Finished* 17 chapters
Bucky is 37 years old; he’s unmarried, hasn’t had a Sub of his own, is definitely not ripped, comfortable at his job as an Advanced Practice RN at Brooklyn General ER, and just got his Five Years coin from AA. Steve is 26 years old; he’s unmarried, his last and only Dom has Alzheimer's, he's worryingly muscular, uncomfortable in his job as the government’s poster Alpha for masculinity and strength, and worries more than he should about his BMI. Unfortunately, Steve and Bucky meet initially in a not-cute moment. Bucky’s tired as shit thanks to the sudden alien invasion that shook New York and Steve is tired as shit because he hasn’t slept more than 20 minutes at a time in – well, since 1936, probably. Bucky’s Alpha instincts get irritated at the sudden presence of another "Alpha" into his territory and Steve’s suppressed submissive tendencies latch onto this grumpy bachelor Alpha and he only suppresses it further. Bucky’s grumpiness and Steve’s duckling impressionism aside, both of them are a mess. But since both of them are a mess? Their messes seem to fit pretty well together.
Fairy Tales Are Lies We're Told So That We Keep Dreaming by Fallen_Ash
(Last updated June 20, 2019) 5 chapters
This is a story about a group of friends, who came together in the most unlikely of situations, to battle for what they believe is right.
So the Story Says by monsterradio
*Finished* One Shot
A prophecy once said that a warrior with scales for skin and fire for breath would tie with a prince of a kingdom so vast it spanned half the land. Alpha King of Dragons, James, thought it was just a story whispered around a fire until a crow came from the kingdom of Shield, hailing the coming of age of their Omega heir.
What the Doctor Ordered
Conflict of Interest
In Equal Measure
Be Your Alpha if You Wanted
Coming to Terms at the Turn (of the decade) by sarahyellow
*Finished* One Shot(s), 4 chapters
Steve is a sickly adult omega who lives under the custody of the state in the 1940's. He's always insisted on riding out his heats alone but after the disaster that was his last cycle he is forced to choose: pair with one of OmegaHouse's support alphas, or undergo a therapeutic procedure to fulfill his heat.
Much to Steve Roger's chagrin, a handsome new alpha is assigned to his hall at the Brooklyn Heights OmegaHouse.
Things in the House haven't changed too much in the past year and a half. Well... some things have. Steve's turned eighteen now, he's started courses at the community college. Alexander Pierce has been elected the 33rd president of the United States. Oh, and James/Bucky? He's Steve's hall alpha and he's kind of growing on him. Until he isn't.
Another look into the lives of Steve Rogers and James (Bucky) Barnes at the Brooklyn Heights OmegaHouse. Steve and Bucky are still diametrically opposed.
Things've been confusing between them ever since his heat. Bucky had given Steve what he’d needed, and Steve’s been feeling indebted to him ever since. He’s got newfound respect for Bucky. And… maybe something else. He hasn’t put a name to it yet, has been too afraid to. But it’s been plaguing his thoughts. According to House rules it’s probably inappropriate, but neither one of them knows what to do about it.
Post: Part 4
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yahboobeh · 4 years
Metanoia chapter 2
A collaboration with @weaponsmistress​
AO3 | FFN | Insta
"And it falls and it breaks and it turns into something new" - Why can't we be friends? The Academic
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She was 11 the first time she saw him. Gai had sent Lee and Tenten into town to pick up some food. Hyuuga Neji had walked past them with purpose as if he knew exactly how high above everyone else he was.
He stuck out like a sore thumb, as every Hyuuga did. His skin was pale, almost like milk, and his eyes were the most peculiar shade of lavender that Tenten had ever seen. Despite likely having been born on the island, he dressed like a foreigner, wrapped in the silk robes that were popular on the mainland.
"Is that a Hyuuga?" asked Lee.
"Yeah. I wonder what he's doing here."
Lee shrugged.
"Probably shopping, like everyone else."
"Don't they have servants for that?"
"Maybe he wanted some fresh air?"
Tenten crossed her arms.
"Do you always have to find the good in everyone?"
Lee shifted the basket of plums he was carrying from one arm to the other, weighing his thoughts before responding.
"There is good in everyone, Tenten."
Tenten looked over at the sweets stand and started walking. The stand was stuffed with cakes, dumplings, and every manner of pastry she knew. Her eyes fell on the skewers of candied fruits. Tenten stuck her hand in her pocket and counted the remaining coins.
"Should we split something?" she asked, pointing towards the fruit.
Lee nodded, before continuing on the lecture that he'd, no doubt, memorized from their father's ramblings.
"You need to take a closer look at people to find the good!"
Tenten paid, grabbed her sweet, and chewed on the first piece of fruit before passing it to Lee.
They took their time walking down the street, enjoying each bite when Neji walked past again. Lee elbowed her, and she looked up.
"What do you see?"
Tenten chewed, considering her answer while she took in every detail of him.
"I see a stuck up rich kid," she finally said, swallowing her snack.
Lee frowned.
"I think he looks sad."
Tenten rolled her eyes, sticking the empty skewer into her basket.
"What could he possibly have to be sad about?"
"I'm not sure," said Lee, "but there's good hidden under it."
Three years later, as Tenten sat across from Neji in their sitting room, she still thought he looked like a stuck up rich kid. It had been a month since the last inspection, and, much to everyone's relief, Tenten had stayed home without putting up a fight.
She crossed her arms and legs, bouncing her foot impatiently while the older Hyuuga instructed Neji as they ran down their checklist.
Gai had set a tea tray down on the table in front of them. Lee had eagerly joined him in pouring and handing out cups.
"How are you enjoying your new accommodations?" Neji asked, looking up from his notebook.
"They are lovely," said Gai, "we still have a lot of work to do, but with the general's permission, I would like to have the school ready to go by spring."
Neji nodded and added to his notes, pausing only for a drink of tea.
Tenten ran her thumbnail over the chip in her cup, feeling frustrated.
"Will our people be allowed to train here?"
Neji met her gaze and shrugged as if she'd asked him about the weather.
"It's unlikely."
"So, we're just supposed to train the enemy?"
"Tenten," Gai warned.
Neji put his tea down and turned his full attention to her. His back was straight, and his eyes narrowed.
"Yes, you are expected to train members of my family. And you will do so gladly."
Tenten clenched the arm of her chair with her free hand, trying to keep her mouth shut.
"You will do this," continued Neji, "and will cease to refer to my family as the enemy. That type of language is prohibited."
Tenten put down her cup and stood up.
"You and your family are my enemies," she spat.
Neji sighed, setting his tea down too. He moved to stand. Tenten turned her back to him and stormed out of the room.
She could hear Neji's voice, soft, casual, privileged.
"Maito Gai, where are her rooms?"
Tenten stopped dead in her tracks. Her stomach sank as she waited for Gai's answer.
"In the upper quarter, on the east side. Lee will show you."
"Thank you."
Tenten remained frozen in place as Lee guided Neji and Hoheto towards the back of the compound. As he passed, Tenten heard Neji whisper to her.
"Learn your place." And then they were gone. She felt Gai behind her as she fought back angry tears.
"Why would you do that, baba?"
"You left me no choice, Tenten."
"But my room?"
"Your room has been searched before, Tenten, and it will be searched again. Hoheto rarely ever checks as he trusts us. Neji does not yet trust us and, and you are making it more difficult."
"Why should he trust us? And why do you trust them?"
"What choice do we have, Tenten?" She felt the weight of his arm on her shoulder. "This is what our lives look like now."
"I hate it."
"I know, but we need to make the best of this situation. If you want me to train more than just Hyuuga children, we need to form a positive relationship with Neji. If we are seen as an asset instead of a threat, then presenting that idea will be met with less resistance."
Both were quiet for a moment before Gai continued.
"I know you're hurting. We're all hurting, sweetheart, but in order to heal, you will need to learn to let go of your anger. What happened to us was not Neji's doing."
"If he is complacent, then how is he any better?"
"Because he and Hoheto are doing what they need to survive. And surviving is much easier if we are all amicable towards each other."
Tenten turned around, still unable to meet Gai's eyes, and buried her face into his chest, hugging him around the waist. He stroked her back and hair whispering soothing words.
"I'm sorry, Tenten. I know you feel like your space is being violated, but it will be over soon."
She wept silently into his shirt while, across the compound, her room was turned over.
Neji sat at his desk, looking down at his scant notes about the Maito family.
The search of Tenten's room had turned up nothing unusual. Even the journal she'd tucked under her mattress lacked anything substantial. It would barely be worth mentioning, except that Hoheto pointed out that her behavior would have to be noted this time.
Neji sighed. There were plenty of families in town that were much more suspicious but still provided less resistance than Tenten.
She'd written about him in her journal. It was nothing unexpected, just a recounting of their first meeting (she'd called him a few choice words) and the dread of having to see him again.
Initially, Neji wanted to write down every detail of her behavior and confiscate her journal, but Hoheto had advised against it.
"She is hurting very deeply," Hoheto cautioned, "it would be best if you two could learn not to challenge each other."
"She needs to learn to respect me," Neji had retorted.
"Ah, but Neji, respect must be earned."
And so, when Neji wrote his notes, he carefully stated that the Maito family was amicable and looking forward to training the Hyuuga. He briefly mentioned that Tenten had been upset about the prospect, but a search of her room showed nothing suspicious.
She is likely struggling with her new station and curious as to why we have chosen to work with her father.
Neji wrote down a few more notes before setting down his brush. He stretched out his back and waited for the ink to dry.
Neji wondered what his father might have done in his place. He thought a lot about the advice his father might have been able to give, had he still been alive.
But having lost him at such a young age, the advice of Hyuuga Hizashi was sparse, and often Neji thought it was a miracle he could remember his face.
He would probably say the same things as Hoheto, Neji thought. But he also liked to imagine that Hizashi wouldn't be as complacent as Hoheto. That being the brother of a general, he would speak up when Hiashi overstepped his boundaries. There was a faint memory of a tattoo under a headband, marring the skin of his father's forehead. Neji never knew why it was there, only that his father was ashamed of it. He knew it was a punishment, just not for what, and so as a child he'd imagined it was for acting righteously.
Someday he would find out if that was the truth.
There was a knock at the door.
The door popped open, revealing Hoheto.
"Have you finished preparing your report?"
Neji nodded and stood up, grabbing the notebook. He handed it to Hoheto, who checked it over.
"Good. This is well done, especially the part about Maito Tenten."
"Why do we go through such lengths to protect them?"
"You should know, Neji, a happy village is a peaceful village. If we toss people into jail cells for every outburst, we'll have another rebellion on our hands before we know it."
"So that's our job? Not just to seek out any plots, but to discourage them from happening at all?"
"Now, you are beginning to understand. This is why you must make Tenten earn your respect. People talk. She has a fiery personality. It won't be long before people learn about your argument and subsequent search of her room. She may have been in the wrong, but her people will always side with her."
Hoheto handed Neji back the notebook, with a slight bow.
"Now, if you are ready, your uncle is prepared to hear your report."
Tenten laid back in the sand, relishing in the heat from the sun. She'd waited for Neji to leave the compound before shutting herself in her room to make sure nothing was out of place. But she could still imagine him in her space, pawing through drawers and her closet, seeking out anything that he could label as suspicious. Tenten stood in the center of her room and looked around. He could have trashed it if he'd wanted to, but nothing was out of place. It made her feel sick. If he'd come through in a blind rage and knocked things over and emptied drawers, she would have had something concrete against him. She would have been able to look at Gai and say, "See? This is what happens!"
But her room was exactly as she'd left it.
Tenten grabbed her bag and left, needing distance from Neji. She stocked up with snacks and allowed herself to be seen by Gai as she left.
She spent the rest of the day there, only returning home after it was dark, and she was cold.
When she fell into bed, Tenten was too weary to give much thought to the earlier search, and for that, she was grateful.
When Neji arrived for the next inspection, Gai met them at the gate.
"If I may be so bold, Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hoheto," he said with a bow, "Tenten has promised me today she will behave. I ask only that you recognize she has a tendency to challenge authority. We have been working on that with her daily prayers and meditations."
It was a warning, a plea. Please don't antagonize her.
"I am glad to hear she finds herself in better spirits today," said Neji, "I expect things will go much smoother."
I will do my best. Neji hoped Gai understood his assurance.
They strolled through the first courtyard as Gai explained how he wanted to use the space for training his students. Neji nodded and commented on the improvement.
"You must have been working hard. Last month the garden was overgrown and full of weeds."
"Ah, well, as you know, the Yamanaka family are avid botanists. I had some assistance cleaning up."
"How does the Yamanaka family feel about your new station?"
Hoheto met Neji's eyes and gave him an approving nod. They would make sure to question the Yamanaka family about the visit.
"They are pleased to see us rise," said Gai, "and are eager to get their hands dirty with the sweet earth that nourishes life."
When they arrived in the sitting room, Neji was surprised to see Tenten with a tray of tea, waiting for them.
She set it down on the table and began pouring as everyone took their seats.
Tenten offered Hoheto the first cup and Neji the second, meeting his gaze as she spoke.
"It's chrysanthemum today. I hope you don't mind."
Neji could see the strain at the corners of her mouth. She was trying to be pleasant, not to lash out.
"Thank you," he said, and she seemed to relax just a little. His cup today bore no chips. She'd taken care to make sure they had the best ones. Neji took a sip. "Did you brew this, or was it your father?"
Tenten pursed her lips, preparing a retort if Neji chose to mock the tea. She took a breath and straightened her back.
"I prepared it."
"It's good."
She quirked an eyebrow at him.
"What? No comment about it being weak or poisoned?"
Neji smirked at her and took another sip.
"Not today."
The inspections slowly grew less formal. Tenten had taken over the role of preparing tea, as it gave her something to do the morning of the inspection. She would try a new blend every month. Tenten had made tea every month for six months when she realized, with a sinking feeling, that she was starting to look forward to the visits.
She was at the market, looking at the various tea blends when it hit her. Tenten looked up at the older man minding the stall. He spoke, but she didn't hear him. Was she really looking forward to making tea for him? After everything she'd been through and the way, he'd first treated her?
Tenten returned from her thoughts, and the man's face fell into focus.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't catch that."
"I asked what type of tea you would like today, miss."
"Jasmine," and even as she went through the motions of paying and accepting the package, Tenten's mind was gone again.
Her walk home felt surreal. Tenten felt separate from her body, watching from above as it wound through familiar streets. She looked guilty as if a packet of jasmine tea labeled her a traitor. Pleasant visits with Neji and Hoheto, were supposed to be a front, a facade, but she liked them. Was she betraying the memory of her parents? Of everyone else who had died in the rebellion?
Tenten thought she heard whispers about her and Gai, how their tea gave them away as traitors.
She shook her head.
Everyone loves baba; no one would say that.
She stopped at the familiar fork in the road. If she kept going straight, she would find her way home. If she turned right, she could walk the shoreline for a while.
While she struggled to decide, Naruto appeared at her side.
"Tenten! What are you up to?"
"Oh, hi, Naruto," she flashed him a brief smile, "I was just about to head home."
"Did you get anything good in town?"
"Just some tea. Our inspection is tomorrow, and baba insists we show them our hospitali-tea," she rolled her eyes as she placed the emphases into Gai's pun.
"Ugh, I hate inspection day. And the new kid, Neji? He's got a stick pretty far up his ass, huh?"
Tenten wanted to defend Neji but stopped herself. She wasn't supposed to want that.
"Yeah. I wish we could do something about them."
"Now that you mention it," Naruto leaned in close and lowered his voice.
"I head Kakashi talking last time Yamoto came over. There are people making plans."
"Yeah. To get rid of them."
"The Hyuu—"
"Shhh!" Naruto pressed his finger to her lips, "There's meetings, I guess. I'm going to try and find out more about them."
Tenten felt something stir in her, a sensation she hadn't felt in years: hope. She took a deep breath and felt lighter.
"I want to know what you find out."
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broken-clover · 4 years
AU-gust Day 5- Post-Apocalypse
Ah. Um. Okay. This one is...sad. I mean I guess it kind of is by nature because of the theme? I wanted this to be upbeat and I feel like I missed the mark by a longshot. Wound up crying when I wrote this and tbh it’s probably half-coherent but here please take it. I promise I’ll do something less...this, next time
A massive bonfire lit up the tepid night, licking at the sky with every breeze and stick tossed onto it. Though he could make as big a fire as he wanted with just his hands and a little magic, Sol found a subtle beauty in nurturing a small kindling until it grew powerful enough that it only needed to be contained, swiftly gorging itself on whatever it came across and standing up to buckets of water that once would have been able to smother it a dozen times over. Almost like raising a child, in a way, though at least fire was easier to keep an eye on. And less raucous.
“Hey, old man!”
Speak of the devil. Sol shook his head with a smile and glanced over his shoulder. “Yeah? Thought you were supposed to be harvesting with your dad.”
Sin’s hair was as wild as it had ever been, though it took a little bit longer now for it to scrape the ground than it did before. It seemed easier and less labor-intensive to let it grow out into a shaggy mass nearly as tall as he was before lopping it all off. Sin used to be so intent of keeping it short at all times, but one could only go for so long being so hypervigilant before it turned to boredom and apathy. The only reason he even cut it at all was because of how he would trip over it while hunting and doing chores.
“I wanted to see if the fire was almost ready.” He pushed some of that messy hair back over his shoulder. “Besides, harvesting is boring, I’d rather help with the fire instead of having to carry stuff.”
Sol sighed, prodding the edge of a fire with a stick. “You’re nearly five billion years old, and you still complain about chores like a toddler.”
“Learned from the best!” Sin smirked back.
He was going to fire a retort back, but he could practically hear a little voice in his head chirping ‘Just let it go, Frederick. You know he’s just trying to get a rise out of you.’
“You’re right, you’re right.” He mumbled to himself.
Sin crossed his arms and huffed. “Fine! I’ll sit over with uncle raven then!”
The pale-haired man turned as sin approached the log he was on. “I’m afraid I won’t make for the best of company.”
“Still better than the old man! You use a lot of big fancy words and don’t yell at me when I slouch!”
“Sol!” A voice called from somewhere behind. As expected, when he turned towards it, he found Ky and Dizzy following, each carrying a large basket of greens.
“Figured you’d be longer. The brat didn’t exactly make it easier for you.”
“Well, I suppose a little mischief is alright for tonight.” Said Dizzy. “We were still able to find enough in the field for all of us to have plenty.”
Ky nodded. “And still plenty of leftovers, too. Little bit of mashed fruit, some potatoes, that cheese Raven made three years back, we have a lot! So make sure everyone eats well tonight. Not like we have to save it for anything.”
The man’s expression remained bright, but Sol’s fell. He looked back upwards. The midnight sky was a pale blue, hardly darker than midday. He couldn’t remember when it was truly dark enough to see the stars. Even the moon was little more than a vague crescent. At least the weather was tolerable, even with their hardy bodies, the days had become too hot to withstand, even in the underground bunker they’d shared for the last century or so. The sun was growing bigger and bigger every day, practically enveloping the sky. The few hours of ‘night’ were the biggest relief they got, so it made sense to make the most of what they had left.
Dizzy put her basket on the ground and began pulling out cobs of corn. “Where is Axl?”
“Said he was going on a grocery run.” Replied Ky. “I’m not sure what era though.”
That got Sin’s attention immediately. He sat up stick-straight. “Ooh, he’d better bring back something really good! Chips?”
“Mmm, shame he can’t go back to my time and bring back some of the treats I had in my youth.” Raven said wistfully. “Would probably attract too much attention.”
Sol idly thumbed at the dented lighter in his pocket. He’d run out of cigarettes, and had nothing to occupy his mouth. “He’ll be back whenever, not like he has any sense of deadlines. Just our luck, he’ll skip right past-”
As if on cue, a deep black abyss spiraled in the air nearby, crackling and popping for a moment before someone hopped through, carrying several bags.
“Right on time!” Axl cawed, raising a hand and walking over. “Glad I didn’t miss the party. I brought the food!”
Sin leapt out of his seat and scrambled towards the man, eyes shining. “What did you get? What did you get?”
“Easy, mate, I brought enough for everyone.” The plastic crinkled as he pulled out a variety of different things- packaged hamburgers, snack cakes, fresh fruit, and other things Sol didn’t bother taking note of. He only moved to catch a package of cigarettes as they were tossed to him.
“Maaan, this is much better than being stuck with vegetables!” the youngest’s eyes shone like he had been presented with a priceless treasure. “Jeez, how long’s it been since we’ve seen plastic bags? I think those all broke down ages ago.”
“And to think, people always used to say how wasteful they were, and how long they would take to break down.” Raven quipped, with a blithe little smile. “And now they’re impossibly rare relics.”
“Glad to provide!” Axl did a little bow. “Today, we enjoy the last swiss rolls in existence! Technically speaking.”
The feast started up soon after. Makeshift pots were set up for boiling vegetables, the leftovers were reheated over the fire. Axl’s food was bizarrely pristine alongside everything else, but nobody treated it as anything peculiar. Merriment followed the food, though it mainly just amounted to idle chatter and reminiscing.
“It’s delicious! Very well done.” Ky beamed, though Sol just knew it was bland, at best. “Corn’s so much different than it used to be, but I’m glad we still have that much. Reminds me of that one banquet, uhh, when was it? I seem to be blanking...can’t think of the millennium. I know there were still people back then, does anyone else remember the one with the corn sculpture?”
“Hmm.” Dizzy said. “Was that the one where Leo fell into the courtyard fountain after he drank too much?”
Ky thought for a moment in silence. “...Leo?”
“Scruffy blonde guy, had his own dictionary?” Sin offered.
“It was the first time you were king.” Added Sol.
“First...ah! Now I remember.” He nodded. “Goodness, that was forever ago. It’s hard to keep track. If I told my childhood self that someday I would become the ruler of thirty-five separate nations, I don’t think I would have believed it.”
“I tried once.” Axl replied, between bites of corn. “You thought I was bonkers. Kid-me said the same thing. Guess I don’t blame ‘em. I can hardly believe it sometimes. And I’ve been at this forever!”
“Mostly forever.” Corrected Raven.
“Oh sod off, birdie. B’sides, I could make words mean whatever I want ‘em to. There’s six of us! Who’s gonna stop me from saying ‘cold’ means hot and ‘hot’ means freezin’ your balls off!”
“Alright, alright, settle down.” Ky interrupted him. “We’re not here to fight. We’re here to celebrate. Sin, could you please pass me a hamburger?”
Sol couldn’t take this anymore. “I’ve gotta take a smoke break.”
They all seemed confused by his sudden outburst, but let him leave without too much trouble. He found a place in the wooded thickets that was secluded, where nobody but him could see the way his fingers trembled as he pulled a cigarette from the pack and lit it.
Not even the animals were there to judge him. He couldn’t remember the last time those had existed, anyway.
So when the dead reeds began to rustle, he nearly jumped out of his skin. That was stupid of him. It had to be one of the others. Knowing his luck, it would be Sin, pestering him with enthusiasm and trying to drag him back to the fire, or Ky, with those big, soft, sad eyes that still managed to be able to throw him off guard.
Shaggy blonde and dirty red bobbed in between the reeds, until Axl emerged right in front of him. How many centuries had he owned the same bandana?
“Chief, what was that about?”
Sol huffed, taking a long drawl of nicotine. “Jus’ needed a breather. I told you.”
“Don’t you toy with me.” The other’s voice softened. He pulled out a cigarette from his own pack.
“Didn’t know you smoked.”
“I’ve done just about anything that can be done.” Replied Axl. “I’m serious. What’s wrong? Why did you run off out of nowhere?”
He didn’t want to start a fight, not now. But even at a time like this, it felt preferable to admitting his feelings. It felt like a boulder was on his chest. “How can they be so…”
“So...happy? We can’t take anymore of this. Even if the sun doesn’t consume the planet tomorrow morning, the heat will incinerate everything on the surface and then some. How can they find it in them to celebrate? I know that whole family can be naive, but you and Raven-”
“Sol.” Axl cut him off, softly but firmly. “We know. They all know.”
The answer seemed obvious, but it still felt like a blow to the chest. Sol kept his expression hard and unreasonable. “You’re bluffing.”
“I’m not.” He said back. “God, why would I lie to you now? It’s the last bloody day in the world, what do I have to lose anymore?”
The space went quiet. The weight only seemed to grow heavier.
“You know, I’m older than the rest of you.” Axl sighed in dismay. “So, so much more. I’ve done this before. Never been this kind of fun, though. I guess I just needed to get hamburgers? Hehe…”
Sol refused to meet his gaze, instead focusing on a glowing bit of ash as it fell to the ground. “You don’t have to be here, y’know. Unlike the rest of us, you can just bail.”
He was met with a slow shake of the head, a patient smile, and sagging shoulders. “I’m an old man, chief. I might not look it, but I’m the oldest thing in the universe. More than you, and Sin, and even Raven. I’ve seen the universe begin over and over again, and every step of it after.”
“And I’m tired. I’m really tired of all of this. I’m done. The universe is falling asleep, and I finally want to fall asleep with it. The end of it all is the one thing I’ve never allowed myself to see. It was so tempting at times, but I knew that, even with all of my abilities, I was only capable of living once. I tried changing time. I tried seeing what else there was in the universe. But it all came back to this. Just a handful of people, waiting for it all to end.”
The way his jaw clenched made Sol nearly bite through his cigarette and break his teeth. “Were you the one to tell them, then?”
Another shake. “They’re smart, Sol. I didn’t have to tell them anything. I’d feel so lucky, if I were you. I couldn’t think of anyone better to spend so many eons with.”
It wasn’t right. None of it. But no matter what, Sol knew it didn’t matter. He could spend every last moment of his life screaming and clawing in an attempt to change anything, but there was nothing he could do now. Just a moment of silence before the apocalypse.
So he followed Axl back to the fire. Sol put on one of his rare smiles and hunkered down to chat, regaling dozens of lifetimes with the only people who knew could understand what such an existence was like. The rise and fall of nations, births and deaths and the many long years in between. Wars and peace and prosperity and poverty. Hope and love and crushing despair and the ever-flicking light of human spirit that let them carry on so long, even as the world had begun to end.
Sin ended up falling asleep first, slumped against his mother. Raven and Dizzy and Ky had followed suit eventually, huddled under blankets as Sol glanced between them and the fire.
“Don’t you want to sleep?” He asked his only companion. “I can take care of putting this out.”
A hand slid around his waist. “I want to be with you. Just a little bit longer.”
Sol managed a smirk. “Seems like a waste. You could use it for sleeping.”
He felt the hand trembling slightly, and cling to his clothing. “Is it...is it bad that I’m afraid of being alone for this?”
“No.” Replied Sol, wrapping his own arm around Axl’s body. “It just means you’re human.”
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gvbejvmes · 4 years
Drabble: The Present
Title: Fridays with CeCe Rating: PG-13 Characters: Gabriel James-Michaels, Bella James-Michaels, Constance James, Miss Alison, Andrew James, Maxxie Turner, Jonathan James-Michaels (mentioned), Velvet Starr (mentioned), Tommy “Kid” Kidderro (mentioned) Relationship: Implied Gabriel James-Michaels/Jonathan James-Michaels, Andrew James/Maxxie Turner, past Andrew James/Velvet Starr Warnings: Implied drug use and child endangerment, mentions of canon murder and incorrect medical diagnoses  Summary: Twice a month Bella had a playdate at social services.
Twice a month Bella had a playdate at social services. She called it her ‘CeCe Day.’ He or Jay would take her down there, and she would bounce excitedly in their arms as she told them about all the things she wanted to do while she was there. It was always on a Friday, and it was always four hours in the morning. When they picked her up, she would either chatter on and on at 100mph about what she and her CeCe had done or she would be mopey because her CeCe showed up late or forgot about their playdate. Mostly she loved Playdate Days. Gabe, on the other hand, despised them.
While he and Johnny called them ‘Playdate Days,’ they’d never actually explained to Bella what they were. They would when she was older, but for now, she was too young to understand. All she knew was that her Mommy’s name was CeCe (well, Constance, but she chose to call her CeCe), and she had a standing playdate with her every other Friday. She never asked why it was always in the same room. And she never asked why Miss Alison, their caseworker, was always there. She only knew that she only got to see CeCe in a certain place at a certain time - the specifics didn’t bother her yet. Bella was three months old when Gabe got the call from social services asking if he could take custody of his granddaughter; she didn’t know any other life than this one.
Like most ‘Playdate Days,’ Gabe arrived a half hour early to pick Bella up. He didn’t know why he did it. Sometimes it was because he was already in the area and didn’t want to stray too far away. Other times it was because he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Today it was a combination of the two. He still needed to go to the art store to pick up a couple of brushes he had custom ordered, but something in his gut had told him to stop by the social services building first.
Instead of going in right away and sitting in the waiting room, he went around to the back of the building to the designated smoking area first - and that was when he saw her. 
Constance James was skinny in a way that didn’t look natural. She had definition around her collarbone and chest that reminded Gabe of bird bones. It was like her body didn’t know how to retain fat or muscle tissue on that part of her body. She almost looked concave, but Gabe wouldn’t go quite that far. Her skin didn’t sit quite right on her bones - like she’d lost weight too quickly and her skin tried to conform to her body, but failed. It didn’t hang, but it didn’t look entirely normal either.
Her long blonde hair was streaked with black dye and was pulled back into a severe ponytail at the crown of her head. A cigarette was dangling from her lips as she texted rapidly on her phone. Her nails were short, and the cuticles looked picked at. Chipped nail polish caught the sunlight as her fingers moved across the screen. 
She must have seen him approach because she suddenly groaned and put her phone away. “Did they call you?” She asked as she pulled the cigarette out of her mouth. Her foot was pressed against the side of the building, which made Gabe think of a flamingo for some reason.
“Should they have called me, Connie?” He asked his daughter as he pulled out his own cigarette and lit up. He leaned against the wall near her, knowing better by now than to try to have direct eye contact with his estranged daughter.
She shrugged and took a long drag of her cigarette. She looked better than the last time he had seen her. A lot of the time she ducked out before Gabe could get a good look at her. Today she was wearing jeans that actually fit without falling off her hips, and a thick gray sweater that fell off her shoulder, but that looked like it was the style and not the size. She looked healthier than the last time he’d seen her. Of all the things to have inherited, she inherited her mother’s terrible parenting and her grandfather’s temper and addiction.
“I dunno. They always seem to call you when I fuck up.” She admitted. “Ari kicked me out of the room.”
That was going to be a fun conversation with the case worker. He nodded and took a drag, using the time to think about what to say to that. “She prefers being called Bella.” He finally settled on.
Connie finished her cigarette and dropped the butt onto the ground before pushing off the wall. “No, you prefer Bella. She’s three. She’ll answer to any name I call her.” And with that his daughter started walking back towards the street. “I’ll see you when I see you.”
He watched his daughter walk away before finishing his cigarette and sanitizing his hands. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but they both knew she wouldn’t listen.  Pushing all thoughts of his daughter away, he went inside to pick up Bella. And sure enough, as soon as he walked into the waiting room, the receptionist led him into a conference room to wait for the caseworker.
“Mr. James-Michaels.” Miss Alison greeted him.  And it was Miss Alison. He’d tried just calling her Alison once and she nearly bit his head off. His husband said it was a Child Services/Social Worker thing and to just roll with it. 
“Miss Alison.” He greeted in return, watching as she sat down at the table across from him. “I ran into Connie outside.”
The younger woman’s face paled. “Did she tell you what happened?” She pulled out her tablet and Gabe knew from experience that she was pulling up their file.
“Just that Bella threw her out of the room. And that she’s trying to make ‘Ari’ happen.”
Miss Alison sighed. “I put in a call to the judge. We may have to terminate her visitation for a couple of weeks.” It looked like she was looking for the best way to explain to Gabe what happened. Technically there was video footage, but Gabe hated watching it and Miss Alison knew that. 
“Miss James has once again refused to follow the rules of visitation. She was thirty minutes late, she insisted on referring to Bella as Ari, even after both myself and Bella asked her to refrain, and she once again told Bella she was going to buy a house and take her away from you. It was at that point that Bella screamed and asked her to go away. We escorted Miss James out immediately. It’s become very clear that the current arrangement is not conducive to Bella’s wellbeing. You and your husband will likely get a summons within the next week or so with a court date to meet with Judge Murphy again.”
Before Gabe could respond, there was a knock on the door, and one of the assistants popped their head into the room. “Sorry, Bella kept asking me to call you. When I let her know you were already here, she demanded to see you because and I quote ‘the connatution says so.’” And he looked like he was trying so hard not to laugh.
Gabe rolled his eyes. “That she definitely got from my husband.” He dug around in his satchel and pulled out a package of freeze dried apple slices and tossed them at the assistant before pulling off his beanie and tossing that to him as well. “Those should tide her over until I’m done in here.” He promised. “I have to go over my and my husband’s availability for the next couple of weeks with Miss Alison.” 
By the time Gabe finished his conversation and went to the other room to collect Bella, she was standing by the door, coat on and his beanie shoved down over her wild hair. “Took you long enough, GG.” She complained as he signed her out and carried her out of the building. “You dunno what I had to deal with today.”
His granddaughter was definitely three going on forty-seven.
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After going to pick up his custom brushes, they headed over to the Collective so they could drop them off in his studio and because there were some orders he apparently needed to authorize. As soon as they walked inside, Bella told him she wanted to watch ‘the spinning’. He had no idea what she was talking about, until they walked to the classroom and he saw Maxxie running his beginning pottery class. Bella scampered off to sit near Maxxie and watch him move his clay around. Somehow he had a feeling she was going to wind up covered in clay - again. Shaking his head, he walked out of the classroom to find Andrew James sitting at the reception desk.
His son was twenty-six years old and all dark hair and tan skin. There was something about his hair that reminded Gabe of how his hair had been when he was his age. It was long and hung in his eyes - all the damn time. He was broad-shouldered, but was constantly hunching in on himself. It was like he was trying to make himself smaller everywhere he went. If he had to describe his son in one word, it would be skittish. 
He spent years on medication he didn’t need after he claimed that he saw aliens take his aunt away. It wasn’t until he was older that he finally saw a therapist who saw his story for what it was: a way for his brain to comprehend a horrible thing he’d witnessed. Unfortunately by that time, he’d already spent years on medication he never needed and the side effects were irreversible. Thankfully the worst of it was memory loss and shaky hands.
“What are you doing working today?” He asked curiously as he gestured for his son to let him onto the computer. His son had been working at the Collective since he moved to New York. He’d made it clear he didn’t want any handouts, but he’d connected so well with the others at the Collective that it was strange to think about him working anywhere else. “I thought you refused to work on days Maxxie and Velvet were working.” 
He’d dated both Velvet and Maxxie and now tried to avoid both of them whenever he could. His relationship with Velvet hadn’t been all that serious. As soon as he found out Velvet slept in a coffin, he was out. Maxxie, on the other hand, had been very serious. They’d dated for six months, which was the longest he’d ever seen his friend in a relationship. It had ended badly, to say the very least. He wasn’t entirely sure what happened between them, but fire had been involved somehow. 
Drew made a face as he perched on the desk, shoulders hunched over and ankles crossed. “That’s not true.” He lied. “I traded shifts with Kid. He had his first GED prep class today.”
Gabe smiled at that. It had taken Tommy long enough. He pulled up the order he needed to review. There were still things he needed to do up in his office, but knowing that his son was working made him want to stay downstairs with him for as long as he could get away with it. 
“CJ texted me.” Drew said after a long moment. “She wanted me to talk some ‘sense’ into you.” 
He rolled his eyes. “And how’s that going for you?” While Connie didn’t talk to him, she still talked to her brother, but mostly only when she needed something. Drew, for his part, didn’t take sides. He loved his sister despite her faults, but he also knew how she was and what was best for his niece.
Before Drew could respond, Maxxie’s voice came from the classroom. “Pookie! Can you come get your little sister?! She’s throwing clay on the ground.” And nothing about that surprised him except for…
“Pookie?” He mouthed at his son, eyebrow raised. Maybe there was more to Drew working today than just taking Tommy’s shift.
His son blushed as he hopped off the desk. “That’s the part you’re focusing on? Not the fact that he keeps calling my niece my sister?” He grumbled out. “I’ll watch Bella; just go work.” He waved a hand in his dad’s direction. 
As his son disappeared into the classroom and he could hear Bella squealing in delight, he couldn’t help but to mouth out again: “Pookie?”
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Time And Wonder
Valerie started scooting a few months ago...but then she completely bypassed actual crawling for walking. Both Stephen and Tony were home for her first steps and the sorcerer had to hold back pathetic tears of happiness because he finally got to see one of his kids take their first steps. He didn't get that with Diana. Valerie used Harley to get to her feet and the entire family watched as she stumbled over to her blocks. She fell to her hands and knees once, got back up, and finished her short trek to her toys where she sat down and played quietly.
When the moment was over, Tony happened to look over at Stephen and found the sorcerer covering his mouth and tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. As much as he wanted to laugh, he didn't because he knew how much the moment meant to Stephen. It was important to Tony as well, but he got to see Diana's first steps.
Now Valerie walked everywhere. She made it her personal mission to follow Stephen everywhere she could, and one day that happened to be out of the master bedroom and down the stairs. The sorcerer left Valerie with Tony in their bedroom, but his husband must have looked away for the dooming second because the baby started to follow her mother. She got to the stairs and Diana happened to look up from her coloring book just as the baby took a step off the top of the stairs and Dia throws her hands up with a gasp.
Valerie freezes as she starts to fall forward and Tony runs out of the bedroom with a terrified expression while Stephen rushes back toward the stairs from the kitchen. The parents stare at the frozen baby at the top of the stairs and Stephen slowly looks from Valerie to Diana, who still had her hands raised with a shocked expression.
"Diana...how did you…" Stephen starts as Tony finally races forward and grabs the baby and she unfreezes with a grumpy noise. Valerie wasn't happy with being stopped from following her mommy.
"I...I didn't want her to get hurt. I was going to use my magic to keep her upstairs." Diana says softly as she lowers her hands.
Tony carries Valerie downstairs and safely puts her down on the ground when he reaches the bottom, and the baby walks over to Stephen and clings onto his leg. "I thought you could only use time magic with the Time Stone."
"I thought so too." Stephen says. "Perhaps it's powers were mixed with the spell when she was born. I had it then."
"Little Miss...do you think you can do that again?" Tony asks.
"I don't know."
The elevator door opens and Steve and Bucky step onto the floor. Tony looks at Diana and motions toward the couple with his head, and the little girl holds out one of her hands, freezing her uncles in place. Stephen's eyes widen when Tony waves his hand in front of Bucky's face and nothing happens, and looks at his oldest daughter.
"Unfreeze them now." He commands softly and Diana lowers her hand.
Steve and Bucky start walking again and stop on their own power in the living room, only to sense the weird tension in the air.
"What's going on?" Steve asks and Tony lets out a single laugh.
"We've just discovered another one of Diana's powers." He answers.
"I thought she could do anything Stephen could." Bucky says.
"I can't use time magic without the Time Stone." Stephen says and the other couple's eyes widen.
"She can manipulate time? To what extent?" Steve wonders.
That was a good question. Stephen disappears back into the kitchen, and then comes back with an apple and places it on the coffee table in front of Diana after asking her to move her art supplies. He asks her to move the apple forward in time, and she does so with ease, everyone watching the fruit turn into rot. Stephen then asks her to put it back the way it was, and she did. The apple was returned to its ripe and healthy glory and it had both her parents covering their mouths in bewilderment. Stephen had never heard of this happening. Then again, according to Wong, he was the first Sorcerer Supreme to actually use the baby spell.
When he asked how that was possible, Wong said the spell was written but never tested. Stephen would have to write down some warnings for that spell later, and record the fact that a baby from the spell retained the ability to manipulate time because he was wearing the Time Stone (when it existed) when he invoked the spell. That and the fact that the baby could possibly be able to use powers.
He had a lot to add to the information with that spell.
Stephen gently grabs one of Diana's hands. "Diana...you have to be very careful with time magic. Do you understand?"
"What you did for your sister is safe, but you can't abuse it like you can with other magic. You can't abuse any magic but I know you know that." Diana nods. "Good."
Stephen releases her hand and pulls her head forward to kiss the top of her head.
"Now that that is settled." Steve starts. "The rest of us were going to go to the park today and we wanted to know if you wanted to come."
Tony shrugs. "Sounds good. I'll tell the boys."
Stephen rolls his eyes. "I'll pack lunch."
Bucky smirks. "I'll help."
Stephen went back into the kitchen with Bucky to make a large amount of food, and with Valerie still attached to his leg while Tony went into Harley's bedroom. The family and the team found themselves at the nearest large park within the hour and Stephen barely took Valerie out of the car before she was taken from him, and he huffs fondly when Quill raises her in the air and spins in a circle making her giggle. The god falls back with a 'holy shit', but Stephen didn't worry. Quill kept Valerie safely tucked against his chest and landed on his back with a pained groan while the others stepped over or past him to find a place to lay out blankets.
"Is it bad that we don't worry when he falls with one of our kids?" Tony asks.
"Probably." Stephen says as he moves aside so Steve can grab one of the coolers out of the trunk. "But they never get hurt."
"Hey!" Quill protests loudly when Natasha takes Valerie from him.
"Papa Bear, you better help carry stuff or I won't give her back later." Natasha threatens and the god sighs.
"Women are such slave drivers--OW!" Quill groans when Wanda kicks him in the ribs.
"Spaceman, there's one more cooler. Come help!" Scott calls from one of the cars.
"Alright, alright."
Some of the others snigger as Quill gets up to help, and Diana runs off toward the swings holding Cassie's hand. Peter and Harley run off toward an open space to toss a football, and the rest help get the coolers and stuff to where the blankets have been laid out. As soon as everything is set up, Nat sits on one of the blankets with Valerie and plays with her blocks with her, and Scott runs over to the boys and intercepts Peter's throw.
"Interception! Sam!" Scott yells and throws the football to the Falcon who catches it and dodges Harley as he runs a few yards away before spiking the ball.
"Touchdown!" Sam shouts and Harley snorts as he catches up and picks up the ball.
"If that's how it's gonna be, we'll kick your ass." Harley taunts.
"Bring it on punk!"
The boys, Scott, Sam, Clint, and Quill busy themselves with a game of football, and Stephen sits back with a book. Tony lays out next to him while everyone else spreads out with their own activities and enjoy the sunny day and Stephen periodically watches Valerie go between Natasha and Laura with her toys. Cooper and Nathaniel were playing catch with a baseball nearby, Wanda and Vision joined Diana and Cassie (and Lila) at the swings, Steve was on another blanket drawing on a sketchpad with Bucky laying next to him dozing in the sunlight, and Bruce was keeping Thor out of the food.
Thor only had to wait about an hour before everyone got hungry anyway. As soon as Stephen heard the first complaint about being hungry from a child, he started making sandwiches for everyone with Bucky's help.
"Nathaniel, do you want ham or roast beef?" Stephen asks.
"How about turkey?"
Stephen looks around the picnic table and grabs the turkey. "I can do turkey. Cooper?"
"Roast beef!"
Laura gets up and helps make sandwiches as well when everyone starts to migrate back toward the blankets and hands out the preferred sandwiches. Lunch passes in laughter and the occasional thrown chip, and then they all go back to their previous activities. Except for Scott and Quill. Scott decided to take it easy and stayed on the blankets, and Quill kept him company by laying his head in the thief's lap and dozing off. He didn't even flinch when Valerie carried her blocks over to the celestial and sat next to him to play quietly.
"I can't believe she's already walking." Laura says.
"She skipped crawling." Tony informs her. Quite proudly too.
"We need to visit more often. Last time I saw her she was just starting to eat solids." Laura says.
"I think we're planning a barbeque at the cabin next weekend." Stephen replies and smirks. "We'll make your husband cook."
"I hear Quill is good at cooking over a fire." She responds and the god himself grumbles.
"Fat chance." A purr follows when Scott runs his fingers through Quill's hair.
"MOM!" Cooper yells and both Stephen and Laura look toward Cooper and Nathaniel.
The older boy was leading the younger toward the adults, and Nathaniel was holding his hand over his eye and trying extremely hard not to cry. To Stephen's minor surprise, Cooper led Nathaniel to him, so Stephen sat up from his reclined position to gently pry the younger boy's hand away from his face. The sorcerer hisses sympathetically when he finds a forming bruise over his eye but smiles softly to soothe Nathaniel.
"How did you manage this?" Stephen asks as he gently prods at the bruise, apologizing when the boy whimpers.
"The sun got in my eyes and I couldn't see the ball." Nathaniel whimpers.
"Alright. Well, nothing is broken so we'll get you all fixed up." The sorcerer says softly.
He sends some healing magic into the bruise and watches as it and the cut on it disappear and leave nothing but pale skin.
"There we go. All better."
"Thank you." The little boy smiles and Stephen returns it with a raised eyebrow and tilts his head toward one of the coolers.
"If it's okay with your mother, there are different desserts you can choose from in there."
Laura laughs when Nathaniel looks at her hopefully. "Go ahead."
Nathaniel and Cooper go over to the cooler and take their choice of dessert, and Stephen has them spread the word before they run off. Tony smiles and kisses the sorcerer's temple when he returns to his book, and Stephen sighs softly when his husband croons in his ear in Italian. Not enough to arouse the doctor, but enough to let him know he was loved and that Tony enjoyed watching his wife mother a child. Even if it wasn't theirs.
"Gross. We can understand you Dad." Peter says as he, Harley, and the others approach them.
"Only you could have heard me from that distance." Tony grunts and the teen shrugs.
"I'm guessing I should be glad." Harley figures as he goes through the dessert cooler and pulls out a couple of cookies.
"'Ley!" Valerie says quietly and reaches toward her oldest brother. "Cookie!"
Harley grins. "Yeah Val. This one's for you." He sits in front of her and hands the extra cookie to her.
"Not the whole thing cub. Give her small pieces." Stephen says and watches Harley take the cookie back and break off small pieces for Valerie to eat.
Quill sighs when the teen puts the cookie pieces on the pirate's chest. "Really dude?"
"I have my own cookie to eat!"
The celestial throws his arm over his eyes with a grunt but doesn't complain further, even when the baby slowly takes a piece of cookie off of him one by one. Everyone else came back for dessert, and most people who wanted a cookie had it thrown at them by Sam. Cookies, popsicles, ice cream, pies, and cakes were consumed happily. Thankfully Quill refrained from finding a way to eat his cake lewdly since there were children present, but a lot of them knew he was dying to eat it off Scott. He was pretty shameless if children weren't in the vicinity. Tony was no better.
"Can we come make ice cream sundaes next time we visit?" Lila asks Stephen and he chuckles.
"I think we can manage something for the barbeque next weekend."
"I'm not cooking!" Clint declares and Laura snorts.
"Too late. You and Quill have already been given the job."
"When the hell did I agree to this?!" The celestial complains.
Natasha grabs Valerie and holds her up in Quill's line of sight before pouting. "Aww...do it for the baby Papa Bear."
"Son of a…"
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