#quality of life wise etc
idsb · 3 months
I live in Boston and love it more than anything, so much history, so much culture, very very safe (I’ve never been catcalled ) a great public transit system (which will soon be totally free thanks to our mayor) and accessible to the rest of New England by train so you can leave the city and got to beach or apple picking in the mountains. The winters are tough but they get less bad every year (global warming benefits us some times) and it’s moderately expensive so not as bad as California or New York and equal to DC or Chicago
Omg, idk if you knew I grew up outside of Boston? And this being how I found out Boston is gonna have free public transit is CRAZY?!?!!???!??? That’s fucking amazing and tbh especially with how unreliable the PT was when I lived there that really like, tips the scales back to me thinking it’s decent. Literally amazing utopia shit that makes me wish I hadn’t grown up there so I’d be happy living there lol. I LOVE that for you bestie.
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starsworldd · 7 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬-𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬
long post - thank you for 2k! i apologize for the wait but this took me a longggg time to prepare.
it’s also important to note that planets in taurus/scorpio will effect how you resonate with the interpretations below
reminder that readings are open! i’m now selling persona chart readings of planets/angles as well
take with a grain of salt
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1st (scorpio) - 7th (taurus)❤️: relationships are a source of comfort and wisdom. scorpio risings’ experience of reality has to do with trust, hard truths, and taking back your power but their relations with others often bring a sense of peace and value into their lives. people may perceive you to be useful and smart in these similar qualities as well. your partnerships help to balance out the chaos and even insecurity you face at times with your identity and precense in the world
2nd (scorpio) - 8th (taurus) ❤️‍🔥: you are powerful in your resources/skills and in the way you support yourself overall. in this lifetime, how you find worth and appreciation for yourself and what you have (skills, physical resources, etc…). you may feel suppressed or face much controversy for what you value or for how you choose to support yourself monetary-wise or as a person. your biggest comeback story in life may have to do with self-esteem and with how you accumulate worth and value (physical or moral/mental) into your life and goals.
although there may be much turbulence and important realizations/truths that are found in how you support yourself and your goals, the transformations and scary things you face in life ironically enough can bring you lots of support if you choose to make good use out of it (which taurus is naturally good at). of course, this is the house of fears and traumas so a big part of your life story may include building your own sense of independence by learning from times of distress.
3rd (scorpio) - 9th (taurus) 💋: you could be especially sensitive to input from others and be able to pick up undertones and double meanings from others easily. communication, creativity (especially having to do with hands or written words), is your superpower. you grab others’ attention easily with your stories and artistic output when you learn to harness your fears/limitations effectively. this also makes you very intelligent of your community + gossip because scorpio rules over extremes as well
while in your everyday communication and daily life you may uncover and discuss skeleton’s in other people’s closet and may be doing a lot of activities that use a lot of your energy (scorpio is ruled by mars, planet of action), this makes you very comfortable (taurus) in being able to adapt to different environments and perspectives (9th house). having taurus in this house can make someone very wise because they find value and meaning in variety.
4th (scorpio) - 10th (taurus) 💄: people with scorpio in this house have usually had some sort of significant event or trauma regarding their family or childhood or may have regrets as to their actions in the past. these people could be born out of either extreme poverty or wealth too. these people’s sense of safety/privacy can be very important to them or they could feel like this aspect of their life is being compromised often (mars = conflict) but you could also find safety/comfort in curiousity or things that are “off-limits”.
if the private/emotional life of the native is exacerbated and transformative for them the career and reputation for the native is where they feel appreciated and most creative. having these signs in this house-axis can be indicative of a strong comeback story (extreme poverty to extreme wealth or even the other way around). the career-field can be very fulfilling (emotionally or monetary wise) and where you are grateful or feel lucky for the events your work presents.
5th (scorpio) - 11th (taurus) 🌹: feelings of creativity, romance, and happiness are taken to extreme lows and highs throughout life. if you’re a cancer rising, i believe this is where the “moody” reputation for us comes from. like leo rising, there could have been significant changes or revelations during childhood that changed your way of deriving happiness and familial support. these people may crave for luxury and overindulgence and can do so by turning their pain into power. scorpio in this house can make someone very grateful as well.
if our sense of happiness and luck undergoes significant change and gives us our “comebacks” throughout life, the 11th house is where we have already found peace and prosperity with our place in society. we encounter valuable experiences when polishing our individualism (5th) within our community (11th). we can find personal contentment and growth in accepting our individual, unique role amongst the people around us. you may like to surround yourself with confident people as well.
6th (scorpio) - 12th (taurus) 👠: these people can feel very unlucky or trapped throughout life, with the 6h ruling bad luck + burdens and scorpio relating to extremes. scorpio is a smart zodiac i’ve noticed as well, so these people usually have a certain way (especially that requires much energy) of doing their work and job that could defy others’ expectations. extreme focus on a certain obstacle or insecurities is also possible and can take awhile to finally figure out what makes you feel secure and satisfied with how you manage your burdens.
if your everyday burdens and responsibilities test your strength to the max in this lifetime, your imagination, creativity and solitude is where you find peace. it could also be that these people do unusual things to satisfy their need for pleasure and wholeness, because the 12th house is where we are easily misled. these people are internally comfortable with their thoughts and ideas, regardless of how odd they may be because it takes them to a place of stability from their scorpio 6h.
7th (scorpio) - 1st (taurus) 🍒: these natives’ partnerships/commitments make the native have to look more deeply into their underlying intentions or feelings with said partnerships/commitment. this can bring a lot of disturbing but also very eye-opening and insightful experiences that affects the native’s identity and ambitions going forth. scorpio can also be a curious sign so there can be a little bit of investigative or persistent approach to your partnerships and this is where your power can derive from.
it may seem like your partnerships “destroy” parts of your identity, because you approach the world from a sense of wholeness and peace. at least, these are circumstances that you are ambitious to achieve in your life. pleasure and steadiness are big life themes and at first it may seem like life is rather dull or boring, but similar to scorpio in its opposite function, taurus asks us to dig a little deeper into the simpler things in life and to find enjoyment.
8th (scorpio) - 2nd (taurus) 🍫: when dealing with other people’s problems (financially, intimate connection, debts, etc…) it brings about experiences that require you to fix what’s wrong or holding you back in life in rather uncomfortable ways. this can indicate someone who is afraid to acknowledge psychological blockages or who lacks the necessary bravery/instincts to attack underlying problems. you could earn valuable assets (tangible or not) from others when you engage with activities that are “gross” but healing/heroic.
this native survives on feeling complete. having a sense of wholeness is very important to these people and makes these people very resourceful because they are able to make the seemingly mundane valuable and able to work in their favor. these people are good at feeling in control of their life, future, and choices because they are committed and secure in their abilities. these people place much importance on authenticity, diversity, and self-sufficiency.
9th (scorpio) - 3rd (taurus) ❤️: when achieving mastery/global knowledge, and self-discovery it may have to do with bringing up topics that you ignored or swept under the rug especially having to do with your identity/precense (in context of the world and society). your global approach and experiences have to do with dealing uncomfortable topics in order to achieve better awareness and understanding of all aspects of the world. how you navigate foreign environments and your sense of flexibility is your strength.
if foreign experiences provide you with strength through perseverance, your intuition and familiar environments provide you with strength through growth (tangible or not). although it may seem like the everyday social rituals and ideas (including intuition), can appear mundane, this setup of houses gives an opportunity to grow a garden that provides roots, beauty, and good taste in the way you perceive and express yourself local environments.
10th (scorpio) - 4th (taurus) 🪭: these people have to have a ton of intiative when working in their career and towards their big goals in life. it may feel as though these people have to start from a bad hand of cards (compared to everybody else) in order to make it to the top or that their working conditions and/or responsibilities throughout life may feel difficult to complete or deals with high stakes/status. but even though there are difficult tasks they have to be done and you have drive/resourcefulness to do it!!
if the workplace is where you see the thorns in your garden (where you have to get rid of them) your home life and condition is where you see the roses. taurus is good at being able to attract good circumstances for themselves because taurus is very representative of wholeness and the feeling of completion. there’s probably more opportunities for you to setup and manage your domestic life the way you like. wisdom may be found through your domestic life too.
11th (scorpio) - 5th (taurus) 🧨: your surrounding communities/people who support you seem to try to pick you apart. you may feel as if the people who you’re around with don’t actually support you or that there’s something incomplete or “wrong” with the circumstances and people that made you successful, imposter syndrome possibly? your supporters/friends could show you things you couldn’t see before, likely for the better although they may reveal this in dramatic or difficult circumstances.
if you feel incomplete about the people/circumstances that support your public achievements, your creativity and lust for life is where you find contentment. these people feel most stable and appreciated for their talents and way of enjoying themselves. for these people, they find stability, growth, and satisfaction when they engage with activities that bring them happiness. they find beauty and appreciation from others for their self-expression/creatvity.
12th (scorpio) - 6th (taurus) ♠️: your drive to feel complete is what can you mislead you in life. this may be because you feel as if there’s always something missing or not being to shown to you but you are persistent in finding what that something is. this same energy can make the native very wise because they have to overcome their demons over and over again throughout life. but at the same time, you could also feel like your sense of resourcefulness and strength fails to manifest in reality.
if there’s conflict/determination in trying to protect yourself from things that induce bad energy, then there’s likely to be tranquility and acceptance in doing activities that can put your life back on track. the 6h is known as the house of bad fortune in astrology so these people are good at being able to find the most reliable way out of a difficult situation. and while these natives could be good at finding solutions, slacking off and overindulgence can lead to oversight with tasks.
once again thank you for 2k!
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hope you enjoyed🥰
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astro-royale · 2 months
「Things to keep secret★ 」
8th house edition…
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Based on research
The 8th house gives us a certain intangible, power… A power that cannot be taken away from us.
No matter how hard people try to stop your 8th house qualities from manifesting.. they will simply fail. Because what is in your 8th house is.. is directly linked your karmic debt.
The power you have, you are meant to use wisely depending on the planet/s residing within your 8th house. You are in fact tested..this is part of your karmic path; Will you use this power for the greater good? Will you ascend or will you descend?.. will you satisfy your ego, or your higher nature?
This is the test that comes with the power in the 8th house.
NOW the 8th house is the house of your longevity.. so a way to promote that “longevity “ aka your LIFE FORCE ENERGY is to preserve your POWER to preserve thy ENERGY. ⚡️
Now.. there are certain qualities which need to remain hidden in order for their power to remain preserved, depending on the planet.
Here is what they are:
SUN in the 8th house: Your schedule & routine
MOON in the 8th house: How you spend your time and what you enjoy doing.. what keeps you emotionally satisfied.
MARS in the 8th house: Your plans and strategies, how you implement things, and how you take action on things
MERCURY in the 8th house: What kind of data you consume; books, social media..etc
JUPITER in the 8th house: Your spiritual path & practises
VENUS in the 8th house: Plans & things you have learned through experiences.. keeping romantic relationships private is also best for this placement
SATURN in the 8th house: Plans, ideas & how you work.
KETU in the 8th house: Your intuitive insights,what you think will certainly happen, otherwise people can misuse it.. or if you tell them your ideas they may implement it first and get credits for it
RAHU in the 8th house: Don’t lie to make yourself seem greater than you really are. Be discerning with who you share information with and how, especially spiritual knowledge & knowledge to do with investing.
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I thought there was a breed of short-legged cats where the trait wasn’t connected to anything harmful, but now you’re saying Munchkins are unhealthy. Is there some other breed I’m getting them mixed up with or do I need to completely bin my daydream of getting a stumpy lil’ cat?
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I'm referring to the same short-legged breed. All short legged cat breeds (napoleon, rughugger, scottish kilt, minuet, minskin, etc) all can be traced back to mixes with the Munchkin cat.
Physical health-wise Munchkins are better off than some other breeds, though due to their short legs they have a greater chance at developing things like osteoarthritis. There is some evidence munchkins also have deformations or malalignment of their limbs, though this hasn't been studied extensively. The gene that causes the short legs is also lethal when a cat has two copies, meaning like the burmese and bombay, poor breeding practices can lead to stillborn kittens.
Another issue that stems from Munchkins are the fact that their main breed trait (the short legs) prevents them from fulfilling usual cat behaviours like climbing, running, scratching, grooming, and jumping. Some Munchkins fare better than others, but research suggests cats of that breed will suffer some lower quality of life due to the limitations of their shorter legs on their ability to act like cats.
You can read more about Munchkins and their health here and here. I do have to note that Munchkins are not an extensively researched breed, so there may or may not be further underlying issues related to their short legs.
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valorascult · 2 months
♡ High Value Woman Guide ♡
As I become more mature, I have realized and admired a few attributes the women I look up to carry. The women around me always seems very level headed, confident, and strong; but in a very feminine way (strong does not = masculine). The women in my life consistently receive what they desire & after observing their behaviors, along with mine, I have come up with a few ways to become a better “you”. How can you level up in every way possible to vibrate on the frequency of your desires?
Start prioritizing quality over quantity
This is with any & everything.
Choose your friends wisely, keep it limited to a few. You should only be surrounding yourself with people who have your best interest in mind. Living in a world of overconsumption, it can sometimes be hard to not cave and buy the latest “trends” - you should start developing your signature style. Have a few statement pieces that go with any and everything. Keep you skincare to a minimum, you don’t need 10+ products just for your face.It’s extremely attractive when people have a set curated style and are selective with their consumption. This not only shows discipline but uniqueness & a set individuality. You should be confident within yourself. Always prioritize yourself!!
You should be fine with being alone
This doesn’t mean you should feel lonely but simply - you should be your best friend and lover all in one. If you can’t hang out by yourself and you’re consistently finding a way to be with someone, this should be a red flag in your head. Consistently relying on external energy to entertain you instead of your own will never give you the proper satisfaction you’re seeking. You should be loving yourself properly, taking yourself on dates, relax at home, cook yourself the best meal, learn a new skill, etc;. To keep proper relationships with others, you must first have it with yourself.
Stop dating men just to date men
You should only be dating men who align with your values. Stop wasting your time with men who aren’t going to be relationship material. You should be able to tell if someone is worth your time after the first few interactions. We don’t date men who are emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, manipulative, etc;. - do not tolerate this behavior & do not for a second that you can “fix them”, he can / should only fix himself. You should expect consistent effort, healthy communication, & respect. If the man you are seeing doesn’t give you basic decency and more, drop it - do not mother him & don’t stick around putting up with his inconsistency and hope he will change. Never beg a man to stay or be with you.
Learn to control your emotions
It’s important to keep your emotions together, not only for the sake of others but also for yourself. Don’t act out because you are triggered in the moment - instead, try to understand why you feel that way and bring your emotions back to you, ground yourself & understand that anything that can make you instantly react, has control over you. Always stay in your power. Be responsible and take some accountability for your actions.
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keiriiz · 2 months
Chrollo Relationship/Romantic Headcanons
Now for these headcanons, this is where my opinion might really differ from the rest of you guys. Of course this isn’t all but just some of my favorites. I will be putting a clear NSFW warning for when I start to talk about him in bed. 🔞
I do want to add that some of my headcanons would change depending on his partner. If they’re a Nen-user or not, exactly what their ability is, if they’re in the Phantom Troupe, and how long he’s known them, etc. These are just as neutral as possible haha. Even some of what I say here contradicts how I’ve written him in certain ships because I knew exactly how he would act for those specific love interests.
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✥ Right of the bat, Chrollo is bi-romantic, having very little preference of gender when it comes to his s/o. And sexuality wise, he’s definitely on the demisexual spectrum.
✥ Chrollo never really planned on being in a long term relationship or ever settling down with someone when he created the Phantom Troupe. It was just another aspect of life he was prepared to sacrifice. So giving a genuine relationship a shot he’d have to really love the other person.
✥ It would take forever for Chrollo to actually recognize he was feeling romantic attraction to another person as the entire thing is foreign to him.
✥ This man’s charisma goes out the drain when trying to flirt with someone he’s genuinely interested it. Tapping his fingers as a stim while he awkwardly flirts. It’s painfully adorable.
✥ Before making things official, he may do extensive research on his s/o. Background checks, verifying friends and family members, overall borderline stalking. It’s a safety measure. He doesn’t want to risk falling for someone who works for an opposing group or who might betray him.
✥ In a relationship, his s/o would be a source of comfort, especially if the relationship is long term. He’ll relax in their arms after a heist or cuddle up to them when he has a nightmare.
✥ I said in my last post but I’ll say it again here. Chrollo is a little spoon!
✥ It’s not too often Chrollo will verbally tell someone he loves them, his main ways of showing affection are quality time, and gift giving. And for his special someone, he wouldn’t just give them random things willy-nilly, he’d put thought behind each one. Say his partner mentions needing new shoes because their current ones are really worn out. You bet next time Chrollo sees them he’s bringing two pairs of brand new shoes.
✥ He loves to be able to lay his head in his s/o’s lap and have them play with his hair while he reads. He might even purr if given the right setting.
✥ Chrollo can be touch avoidant in general. If anyone touches him and he hasn’t given that person mental permission he will move away, shudder even. So if he’s actually allowing another in his space it really is a sign of fondness.
✥ This man definitely takes notes from romance novels he’s read when it comes to dates with someone he’s head over heels for. It can be cheesy.
✥ Chrollo isn’t a chef by any means but on occasion he’ll attempt to cook for his s/o when staying in. Might as well put some of his cook books to use after all.
✥ The times Chrollo is with his partner, things can be quite pleasant. However he can still be emotionally distant. He often wonders what he did to deserve all of this. To be able to love and be loved. It’s a mental battle he might struggle with quite often in the relationship and he wouldn’t be too open to communicating that, leaving his s/o confused. Just some general reassurance could go a long ways.
✥ I feel like a lot of people go for the idea that he’d like others with similar interests or are like him in general, and I could see potential in that mindset however I much prefer the “opposites attract” trope. I think Chrollo might have a bigger interest in someone different than him who can really show a different perspective on certain things. Or even test his mindset and show him new interests.
✥ He’s protective of his s/o, knowing with the life he has, anyone might try to hurt them to get to him so Chrollo wouldn’t be one to really “show off” his partner unfortunately. They relationship could be pretty private.
✥ Assuming his s/o isn’t in the Troupe, Chrollo may ghost them while he’s away on the job. He’ll let them know he’s working, but no calls or texts while he’s away. He won’t even give a location. He wants to keep his personal life separate and doesn’t want to risk revealing to an enemy his relationship or possibly get distracted.
✥ Before the relationship, Chrollo didn’t really like sex (as I mentioned him being demi), he viewed the act as a chore used on jobs to get information and didn’t find it all that gratifying.
✥ With his s/o, Chrollo much prefers to make love as opposed to casual sex. He likes the intimacy of being with someone he truly loves and not just an act of pleasure.
✥ He prefers bottoming though is open to being a verse. Acting as Boss all the time he really just likes to relax in his personal life so in all honesty it wouldn’t be rare to catch him being a pillow prince in bed.
✥ Chrollo’s not the biggest cock wise, probably just reaching average. He’s uncut being from Meteor City but trust and believe he keeps that shit clean with his pubic hair trimmed.
✥ He’ll almost never out right ask for sex, he’s honestly fine if his partner doesn’t have any interest in the act either. Though if they make a move he’s more than happy for a session.
✥ He’s got VERY sensitive nipples. Give them a little tug with your teeth and he’ll mewl.
✥ Aftercare is always a given between him and his s/o. If Chrollo just got done bottoming, cuddles and praise are a must. He’d especially melt if given a massage.
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ardafanonarch · 5 months
Hi there! This blog is a very cool concept.
If you feel up to it, I'd like to know where the idea of Maedhros as a diplomat and scholar comes from.
In fic he's often portrayed as such in Valinor, serving at Finwë's court, sometimes being close with Fingolfin, bring into linguistics, etc.
Thank you!
Maedhros the Diplomat (with an Addendum on Maedhros the Scholar)
[~3.4k Words]
Ah, Maedhros. A treasure trove of fanon for our first excavation. As this is also our first investigation of characterisation, let’s establish a structure for talking about characters.
There are two ways that we learn what a character is like from The Silmarillion:
The narrator tells us, either: a. with short, pithy statements (someone is “wise” or “steadfast” or “greatest”) b. with longer descriptions
We deduce character from their actions and their relationships to others.
Using this structure, let’s look briefly as what we know about Maedhros.
Maedhros isn’t “mightiest in skill of word and hand” like his father or “the strongest, the most steadfast, and the most valiant” like Fingolfin. He isn’t even noted as being particularly good at anything like his brothers Maglor “the mighty singer,” Curufin “who inherited most if his father’s skill of hand,” or Celegorm, Amrod, and Amras who were all skilled hunters. He’s not even noteworthy for any negative traits like Caranthir, “the harshest of the brothers and the most quick to anger.”
Despite being one of the story’s protagonists, and certainly the most narratively prominent of the sons of Fëanor, all Maedhros gets in this category is “tall”[1].
In this category, Maedhros gets more fully fleshed-out:
[At Lake Mithrim] Maedhros in time was healed; for the fire of life was hot within him, and his strength was of the ancient world, such as those possessed who were nurtured in Valinor. His body recovered from his torment and became hale, but the shadow of his pain was in his heart; and he lived to wield his sword with left hand more deadly than his right had been. The Silmarillion, “Of the Return of the Noldor”
Maedhros did deeds of surpassing valour, and the Orcs fled before his face; for since his torment upon Thangorodrim his spirit burned like a white fire within, and he was as one that returns from the dead. The Silmarillion, “Of the Ruin of Beleriand”
Perhaps one of the most striking descriptions of Maedhros comes from an abandoned alliterative verse poem, The Flight of the Noldoli (=Noldor), published in The Lays of Beleriand and dating to 1925 — about a year before Tolkien first put the “Silmarillion” into a prose format in the annalistic-historical mode of the published text.
... and Maidros tall (the eldest, whose ardour yet more eager burnt than his father’s flame, than Fëanor’s wrath; him fate awaited with fell purpose.) Flight of the Noldoli, lines 123-126
Fire, valour, pain, deadliness, wrath, doom. Taken alone, these passages don’t exactly suggest "diplomat and scholar," yet those qualities are a cornerstone how we often see Maedhros discussed and portrayed by fans. So why?
Maedhros the Diplomat, at least, seems to be based on what he does in canon.
Pausing for a moment, what does it actually mean to be "diplomatic"?
Here’s from Merriam-Webster under diplomatic:
of, relating to, or concerned with the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations: of, relating to, or concerned with diplomacy or diplomats.
employing tact and conciliation especially in situations of stress
And for diplomacy:
the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations
skill in handling affairs without arousing hostility: TACT
It’s worth noting that the first use of the word diplomacy dates to the 18th century (1766) and the concept itself is somewhat anachronistic to the pre-modern world of the “Silmarillion.” However, it’s not difficult to apply the spirit of an “art and practice of negotiations between nations” to First Age Beleriand. We’ll also consider the secondary definition of “tact.”
The Case for Maedhros the Diplomat
Let's look at some times that Maedhros practiced diplomacy and was diplomatic:
1. Waiving his claim to the kingship of the Noldor in favour of Fingolfin:
For Maedhros begged forgiveness for the desertion in Araman; and he waived his claim to kingship over all the Noldor, saying to Fingolfin: ‘If there lay no grievance between us, lord, still the kingship would rightly come to you, the eldest here of the house of Finwë, and not the least wise.’ The Silmarillion, “Of the Return of the Noldor”
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes: resolving conflict by removing one’s own claim to a title.
Is it diplomatic? The dialogue seems pretty tactful — demonstrating deference, employing flattery and logic — and is definitely an improvement on Fëanor’s approach to the contested kingship!
2. Brother-wrangling
There are two significant instances of this in the Silmarillion:
resolving conflict
After an argument breaks out between Angrod and Caranthir over Angrod’s authority to act as messenger to Thingol, “Maedhros indeed rebuked Caranthir … But Maedhros restrained his brothers, and they departed from the council…" (“Of the Return of the Noldor”)
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes: removing threats to peaceable relations between rulers.
Is it diplomatic? Since we don’t know exactly how Maedhros rebuked Caranthir and restrained his brothers, it’s hard to say how tactfully it was done. Maybe.
removing to the Eastern march
There Maedhros and his brothers kept watch, gathering all such people as would come to them, and they had few dealings with their kinsfolk westward, save at need. It is said indeed that Maedhros himself devised this plan, to lessen the chances of strife, and because he was very willing that the chief peril of assault should fall upon himself. The Silmarillion, “Of the Return of the Noldor”
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes: again removing threats to peaceable relations between rulers. Also involves gathering followers. Notably, the strategy seems to have worked for as long as it lasted (that is, until Celegorm and Curufin found themselves in Nargothrond).
Is it diplomatic? Again, unclear how Maedhros executed this plan, but the narrator’s tone here is quite approving so it’s reasonable to assume that it was done tactfully.
3. Remaining on good terms with the other Princes of the Noldor
A few examples of this:
Continuing from the preceding passage, “he remained for his part in friendship with the houses of Fingolfin and Finarfin, and would come among them at times for common counsel.” (“Of the Noldor in Beleriand”)
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes.
Is it diplomatic? Yes: extra diplomacy points for taking it upon himself to go to them.
He (with Maglor) attended Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting. (“Of the Noldor in Beleriand”)
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes, though showing up to the High King’s peace party seems like pretty bare minimum lordly behaviour, not exemplary diplomacy.
Is it diplomatic? We don’t know except through the absence of any evidence to the contrary. Since the Mereth Aderthad was overall a diplomatic success, it’s reasonable to assume Maedhros contributed to that success and stayed on his best behaviour.
He (with Maglor) goes hunting with Finrod. (“Of the Coming of Men into the West”)
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Sure: a leisurely hunting trip with the cousin whose kin you once killed (oops) is a good move.
Is it diplomatic? Again, lacking evidence to the contrary, reasonable to assume Maedhros behaved himself and the trip went off without conflict.
Remaining on good terms in particular with “Fingon, ever the friend of Maedhros” (“Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”). The anecdote about the history of the Dragon-helm (below), which has it pass from Maedhros to Fingon, additionally attests that these two “often exchanged tokens of friendship.”
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes: in particular, the exchange of tokens of friendship between rulers.
Is it diplomatic? Unless we imagine Fingon was himself tactless (which is contradicted by what we’re told about him elsewhere) and their friendship was built around being mutually despicable (see: Celegorm and Curufin), fair to assume this was all done courteously.
4. Making alliances
with the Sindar
We know that many Sindar outside Doriath joined themselves to and followed the princes of the Noldor, presumably including the sons of Fëanor. (The Grey Annals §48 in The History of Middle-earth Vol. 11: The Wars of the Jewels, and elsewhere).
with the Dwarves
In the preparations for the Nirnaeth Arnoediad:
... Maedhros had the help of the Naugrim, both in armed force and in great store of weapons; and the smithies of Nogrod and Belegost were busy in those days. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
Also, from the Narn i hîn Húrin in Unfinished Tales:
[The Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin] was given by Azaghâl to Maedhros, as guerdon for the saving of his life and treasure, when Azaghâl was waylaid by Orcs upon the Dwarf-road in East Beleriand.
Azaghâl then sacrifices himself and his people at the Nirnaeth, making the Fëanorian retreat possible.
with the Easterlings
But Maedhros, knowing the weakness of the Noldor and the Edain, whereas the pits of Angband seemed to hold store inexhaustible and ever-renewed, made alliance with these new-come Men, and gave his friendship to the greatest of their chieftains, Bor and Ulfang. And Morgoth was well content; for this was as he had designed. The sons of Bor were Borlad, Borlach, and Borthand; and they followed Maedhros and Maglor, and cheated the hope of Morgoth, and were faithful. The sons of Ulfang the Black were Ulfast, and Ulwarth, and Uldor the accursed; and they followed Caranthir and swore allegiance to him, and proved faithless. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
the Union of Maedhros
Perhaps Maedhros' most-cited and most famous act of "diplomacy":
Yet Morgoth would destroy them all, one by one, if they could not again unite, and make new league and common council; and he began those counsels for the raising of the fortunes of the Eldar that are called the Union of Maedhros. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
And [Maedhros] gathered together again all his brothers and all the people who would follow them; and the Men of Bor and Ulfang were marshalled and trained for war, and they summoned yet more of their kinsfolk out of the East. Moreover in the west Fingon, ever the friend of Maedhros, took counsel with Himring, and in Hithlum the Noldor and the Men of the house of Hador prepared for war. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
Are these instances of diplomacy? Yes: protecting neighbours, gathering followers, establishing partnerships, forming alliances with other groups of peoples, and organising a major offensive on a common enemy.
Is it diplomatic? Again, absence to the contrary and general success suggests Maedhros conducted himself tactfully in all of these dealings. One thing: I have seen a tendency in fandom to credit superior leadership and diplomacy on the part of Maedhros and Maglor for the fact that their Easterling allies remain faithful while Caranthir’s do not. Maybe; but bear in mind that’s a deduction, not something the text explicitly states.
I am sure there are other tidbits here and there to support the diplomatic ability of Maedhros, but I think we have enough here to conclude the Maedhros the Diplomat is a fanon characterisation with support it in canon.
The Case against Maedhros the Diplomat
So Maedhros was a diplomat; but was Maedhros an exemplary diplomat, as the prominence of his characterisation as such would suggest, or just an average one? Let us look at some of Maedhros’ diplomatic failings.
1. hubris, attempted deception
Look: we can’t neglect that Maedhros is behind one of the most disastrous failures of diplomacy in the First Age — his attempt to parley with Morgoth that ends up getting him captured.
Though not in the published Silmarillion, in the 1937 Quenta Silmarillion, Fëanor with his dying breath tells his sons “never to treat or parley with their foe.” (§88). (Christopher Tolkien drew from a later text, the Grey Annals (1950s), for the account of the death of Fëanor in the published Silmarillion where this command does not exist.) I cannot help but laugh at the fact that following this exhortation Maedhros immediately turns around and attempts to parley with Morgoth and outwit him.
Perhaps diplomatic relations with Morgoth are impossible, but then why accept the offer to parley at all? And what’s up with trying to beat Morgoth at his own game (deceit)? Honestly, Maedhros. Not your best moment.
We can say that he learned from this, but it does put into question the idea that Maedhros’ diplomatic training and excellence go back to his Valinorean days.
2. disdain of and aloofness towards another ruler
We saw how Maedhros restrained his brothers in the council where Angrod brought news from Thingol, but what about how Maedhros himself behaved at that council?
Cold seemed its welcome to the Noldor, and the sons of Fëanor were angered at the words; but Maedhros laughed, saying: ‘A king is he that can hold his own, or else his title is vain. Thingol does but grant us lands where his power does not run. Indeed Doriath alone would be his realm this day, but for the coming of the Noldor. Therefore in Doriath let him reign, and be glad that he has the sons of Finwë for his neighbours, not the Orcs of Morgoth that we found. Elsewhere it shall go as seems good to us.’ The Silmarillion, “Of the Return of the Noldor”
Fandom loves the line and I can’t disagree that it’s an epic mic drop. But was this really the most diplomatic thing to say? In the Grey Annals, it is said that “the sons of Fëanor were ever unwilling to accept the overlordship of Thingol, and would ask for no leave where they might dwell or might pass.” (§48). (Interestingly, there does seem to have been a point, before word of the kinslaying at Alqualondë was out, that Thingol for his part was at least neutral on them, saying, “Of his sons I hear little to my pleasure; yet they are likely to prove the deadliest foes of our foe” (“Of the Noldor in Beleriand”)). Arriving at a new place and refusing to treat with the person who claims kingship of those lands — and apparently for no other reason besides disdain of that person’s ability as a ruler — doesn’t seem particularly diplomatic.
3. not supporting a superior's initiative
We saw evidence of Maedhros cooperating with the other princes of the Noldor, but that doesn't mean he threw his support behind them at every occasion to do so. When Fingolfin — supposedly, thanks for Maedhros, High King and his superior — tries to rally the Noldor to assault Angband, almost everyone was “little disposed to hearken to Fingolfin, and the sons of Fëanor at that time least of all.” (“Of the Ruin of Beleriand”).
This statement is frustratingly vague so I won’t speculate much besides to suggest that there could be something suspect — and undiplomatic — behind failing to support the initiative of the High King to whom you so graciously ceded your claim.
4. Oath-related diplomatic failures (kinslayings)
The extent to which the oath is to blame for events is a sticky issue and not the subject of this analysis, but since fulfilling the oath is essential to Maedhros’ character, it’s impossible to avoid it entirely.
The narrator of the Silmarillion is actually quite generous towards Maedhros when discussing the role of the oath in his failings, so it’s no surprise that many fans are likewise generous.
For example:
I quoted above the passage about Maedhros taking “the chief peril of assault” upon himself and remaining “for his part in friendship with the houses of Fingolfin and Finarfin,” and it is perhaps the strongest evidence for Maedhros’ diplomatic excellence. It also ends with the ominous words: “Yet he also was bound by the oath, though it slept now for a time.” (“Of the Return of the Noldor”)
And when the concept of the Union of Maedhros is introduced, we are told: “Yet the oath of Fëanor and the evil deeds that it had wrought did injury to the design of Maedhros, and he had less aid than should have been.” (“Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”).
Both of these passages remind us that the oath — a vow to vengeance — is in the long-term at cross-purposes with cooperation and diplomacy.
This becomes especially evident when a Silmaril ends up in the hands of those who should be allies: other elves.
For Maedhros and his brothers, being constrained by their oath, had before sent to Thingol and reminded him with haughty words of their claim, summoning him to yield the Silmaril, or become their enemy. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
The narrator pins this failure of diplomacy on the oath. But, as Maglor will point out in his final moments with Maedhros, the oath does not state how and when they must fulfill it. Is it a mark of a good diplomat to use “haughty” words in making a request? And what about what follows Thingol’s refusal?
Therefore [Thingol] sent back the messengers with scornful words. Maedhros made no answer, for he had now begun to devise the league and union of the Elves; but Celegorm and Curufin vowed openly to slay Thingol and destroy his people, if they came victorious from war, and the jewel were not surrendered of free will. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
What do you mean, “made no answer”? The narrator explains this away by saying essentially that Maedhros was too busy to bother, but is it the most diplomatic to just… stop communicating with the king who had the Silmaril, and whose support would really be quite nice to have in the upcoming war? And what about Celegorm and Curufin’s decidedly undiplomatic threat? Long gone are the days of effective brother-wrangling, apparently. (So far gone, in fact, that by the time Celegorm carries through on his threat and the sons of Feanor attack Doriath, Maedhros seems to have deferred to Celegorm’s leadership.)
The oath is again blamed for Maedhros’ change of course regarding the Silmaril at the Havens of Sirion. Having initially “withheld his hand”:
… the knowledge of their oath unfulfilled returned to torment [Maedhros] and his brothers, and gathering from their wandering hunting-paths they sent messages to the Havens of friendship and yet of stern demand. The Silmarillion, “Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath”
As with the “haughty words” to Thingol, was “stern demand” the most diplomatic approach? Would better diplomacy have made a difference? Well, maybe. I don’t think the discussion between Maedhros and Maglor was inserted into the narrative without thematic purpose — and one of those purposes is, I think, to reveal the slippery space of conflict between obligation and choice; between that which must be done and how it’s done; between the morality of keeping one’s word and the morality of doing the right thing.
Does the oath itself turn an otherwise mild and affable Maedhros into someone haughty and stern? Or are those flaws he already had and which are brought to the fore by the constraint of the oath? Well, examine the evidence for yourself — and allow the imagination to roam.
Final assessment: Maedhros is a good diplomat, certainly compared to his closest kinsmen. But just like Maedhros isn’t the tallest (no, really, he’s not — but that’s another excavation), he’s perhaps also not the best diplomat on the political stage of First Age Beleriand.
[1] If we go beyond the published Silmarillion to the “Shibboleth of Fëanor” (in History of Middle-earth Vol. 12: The Peoples of Middle-earth), we learn that he was a red-head and apparently “well-shaped.” For an author who is notoriously sparse with physical description, Tolkien did seem to have a lot of ideas about what Maedhros looked liked!
Addendum: Maedhros the Scholar
“Diplomat and Scholar” do seem to go hand-in-hand in the fandom’s most popular versions of Maedhros, but I focused on the former for this Ask because there really isn’t much in canon to directly support Maedhros’ skill as a scholar.
The Noldor, as a culture, are loremasters. Fëanor, Maedhros’ father, was one of the most notable of these loremasters, even credited with founding the school of Lambengolmor, Loremasters of Tongues ( in the essay Quendi and Eldar in The History of Middle-earth Vol. 11: The War of the Jewels).
But, when Tolkien gives examples of elven loremasters, who, he says, were also “the greatest kings, princes and warriors,” he names Fëanor, Finrod, the lords of Gondolin, and Orodreth. No mention of Maedhros. And, when discussing which sons of Fëanor took an interest in language, he mentions not the eldest, but Maglor and Curufin. (Both in The Shibboleth of Fëanor.)
So there’s nothing in canon to suggest that Maedhros wasn’t a scholarly type, but it’s not something he’s noted for. His most remarkable trait remains “tall”.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Mr. Gaiman!
I hope you're happy and well.
A part of me hopes this ask gets lost, while another really strongly hopes you answer (not a good beginning, but fuck it).
Okay, so here goes *deep breaths*
My parents have some connections in the publishing industry (they know publishers, dad is an author, etc), and they want me to give them something, anything, that they will then get published. Because I write relatively frequently, stories, poems, research articles, and they know it, they keep telling me to create a book out of my written stuff. But I honestly don't want to, primary reason being that I really don't want to get published because of contacts and stuff. My first book was published that way, and while it holds a special place in my heart, I still feel it shouldn't have been published (some stuff is practice, and some maybe needs the right time - is what I feel). I want to do this on my own, and even if I fail, I'm good with it; but I don't want to get published like this, even if it's for initial books that might help me career-wise. But the parents say that time is running out (I'm 22 btw, and sometimes I do get scared that it's really running out), why not use opportunities when they're coming to you on a plate, doesn't matter if the quality is bad, nobody really reads, only the CV is read, etc. And while the idealistic part of me is strongly against it, another more sensitive part of me really gets affected and scared and just...fucked. When I decline, the parents get angry, say I'm stupid, idealistic, don't know what's good for me; and I get sad seeing them disappointed.
Could you please give some advice on this? Should I give in? Should I keep walking the idealistic path and keep trying on my own? I absolutely love the act of writing itself, and honestly, a lot of the time, finishing a piece of work and polishing it is usually enough for me. I can wait for however long, to first find a proper place(s) and then send it, and even then, rejection won't hurt. I'm already working on some stuff, short story collection, etc. but these talks (lectures and scoldings rather) really scare me. Am I doing the right thing, going against them, at least as far as my own writing is concerned (coz I'm usually pretty passive)?
Thanks for reading so much of my crap, and sorry if your time was wasted. It's perfectly fine if you don't answer.
PS really really love your works, and The Sandman (along with Discworld & Good Omens) honestly really saved my life in one of the darker parts - so thank you for that.
Hope you're happy!
Time is not running out. Don’t let anyone rush you. Write a book you are happy with first, and then see if you can get it published.
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ladyofthenoodle · 9 months
(jumping off this post from @ck2k18)
fandom loves to speculate about who would be a “good guardian” and why they’d be good at the job. and often these reasons are things like being wise, mature, chill, good at keeping secrets…
but marinette is none of those things! fu picked her because she was clever and stubborn and refused to take no for an answer. now, maybe fu is not the expert either because he didn’t finish his guardian training, but su han AGREED after getting to know marinette. and he didn’t agree because she decided to fall in line with guardian traditions, he agreed because she’s making it work her way. and then he says he needs to catch up with modern life.
canon has pretty much said that be able to go with the flow, stay detached, etc., AREN’T good qualities for guardianship. that good guardians are people who will question things and fight for things and live in the real world. good guardians are leaders, not just in the sense of managing a group of individuals but also in a sense of paving the way forward.
good guardians are people like marinette. people like alya and nino. people like mylene, even, who we’ve seen question authority and fight for a cause she believes in!
and yes, a good guardian would question the need for secrecy and make their own judgement calls on who they want to trust.
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sailorblossoms · 4 months
for Baz’s birthday I would like to remind people (in case I have a little more reach than someone who strongly feels this but doesn’t post about the books an insane amount as I have) that it’s completely okay if Baz never wants to bite Simon. It’s literally fine. It is not something that holds back his growth, or that it would be a signs that his acceptance of himself has grown (biting Simon would probably do the oppose, if we’re real). That the “benefits” of biting Simon do not outweigh the negatives for good ol’ Baz. It’s something I have seen a lot as synonymous with character growth, but Baz’s growth doesn’t really need to go in that direction, perhaps in the same way nobody needs to drink alcohol to feel like a real adult (otherwise they’re “kids” who still need to grow) if they don’t like it (iirc Baz is not into it either, nor does he like himself when he’s drunk… “he doesn’t like alcohol because he has seen what it does to Simon,” you might say, and maybe that’s it – I haven’t thought about this enough, but that’s not an uncommon experience for some people who don’t want/don’t like to drink) or nobody needs to date or else they’re in a phase they need to grow of if they don’t want to, especially if they don’t experience romantic or sexual feelings, etc. I’m bringing up examples I have seen, you fill in the blanks.
Point is: Baz has a boundary, and it’s a fine boundary to have, actually. “He would look less pale if he drank humans” is not a good enough reason to challenge it. Is it affecting his quality of life? Is he weak all the time, on the brink of death or starvation because he doesn’t drink humans? … unless I’m forgetting something he’s literally fine (or as fine as Baz can ever be, when not subjected to Simon Snow’s Tender Ministrations). “He needs to drink extra rats—“ what’s a few more if we’re already being nasty here. I just don’t see a reason (that can’t be challenged) on why he should change his stance there (nor do I consider “it would be hot” as a valid reason, character-growth-wise). It allows him to live with himself. Self-love and acceptance is not necessarily loving every single part of ourselves 100%… part of it is finding ways to be at peace with the parts of ourselves we don’t like, ways to live with those parts in ways that won’t result in self-destruction. Isn’t that what Baz is doing, when he decides not biting humans is a boundary? (When he sees biting the one he loves the most as a hard line it shouldn’t be crossed?)
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
What the Task Force and Los Vaqueros would be like if they were your dad!
(teenager edition)
He’d obviously be protective of you. He loves you dearly and he didn’t expect to love someone so much all his life he thought he could never love again till you were born.
Although he may be protective he does like to teach you things like combat or anything that can help you protect yourself in certain situations. He loves seeing you feel proud of yourself for doing said task.
He actually and deeply enjoys spending time with you. Either if it’s going to a local fish shop or sitting on the sofa watching crime/ horror movies.
He knows that school doesn’t teach you the true ways of life so he decided to teach you what it’s like being an adult and the lessons of life. Although you do still go to school.
He would also spoil you as he doesn’t quite know how to be a proper father as his isn’t the greatest. But you and him know he really try’s his best to be a great father which you praise him for.
He’d bring you gifts from the places he went while he was away and you’d ask what the place looked like scenery wise.
When he’s home I feel like he’s definitely the type of dad that like to be ‘outdoors’ in certain ways like he’d ask if you’d like to go out and walk up a mountain or go on a hike.
If your not into stuff like that he’ll ask what things your into and try his best to have knowledge of what you like to do or enjoy.
If your into video games he isn’t that bad at them in all honesty. Feel like he’s more into zombie games or war games. If you offered him to play a game of Minecraft for example he’d probably make a small hut out of the trees around him then find himself a dog and name it Riley.
If your into reading or drawing he’ll ask about how you book or art piece is going and if he could buy or do anything to help.
If your into cooking then you’ve got yourself the best taste tester. Feel like he’s a dad that will want to be there as much for you as possible since he is always away. He’ll definitely like to try new foods or snacks you make then he’ll give an opinion on it.
If you get into a fight at school, he’ll looked annoyed especially if the teachers are around but as you get in the car he’ll tell you he’s proud as he taught you to fight and protect yourself.
Although he isn’t the one for feelings or emotions he’ll ask how you feel and if you want to vent. Then he’ll listen closely and ask questions then help you try to find a solution or something to help.
Feel like he’s the best friend type of dad. Like a best friend bond but he still shows his dad side when needed.
Loves to watch movies together with popcorn. He will let you pick and you’ll both watch it. If it’s a Netflix series god help you both. You’ll both binge watch the series and then anything that correlates to it like a side show or movie and binge that.
Later back type. Let’s you do whatever as long as it’s not drugs, drinking alcohol, etc. But besides that he’s pretty chill.
Definitely let’s you sleep in if your not well or for school holidays as he’s probably sleeping in himself. He loves lazy day. If you both feel like today is a lazy day, you’ll both wear your pyjamas all day relax and watch your favourite movies or play games.
Would like to have a hobby or any type of interests you both enjoy doing so you can do them together and have some quality time together.
Ghost is your godfather, even if Ghost doesn’t believe in god or he does your now his godchild and to be completely honest Ghost doesn’t mind as he prefers you over your dad.
Definitely the ‘dad’ stereotype
Loves to spend quality time with you as he’s always busy and he doesn’t get to see you much.
Feel like he loves hosting bbq’s and he’ll ask you if you want to bring some friends and if their parents want to join as he says he cooks up a storm especially with stake.
Teaches you useful things and life lessons for the future. He teaches you about money management, cooking, how to clean a wound, taking care of yourself when ill or anything else that could come as handy.
You and Gaz have a sibling bond. You’ll even joke around and ask if Gaz could be adopted to your family. When he’s away you’ll take your dad to check up on him then do the same with Gaz but also send him TikToks as you know it makes his day.
Loves going out and spending the day with. Going on walks to eating some food by a nice view or climbing mountains if that’s what your into. He just wants to spend some time with his child.
If you like reading or writing, he will offer you to use his office while he does some paperwork or just sit there and maybe read his own book.
Definitely the ‘fun’ or ‘your friends love him’ type of dad.
Dilf (tbh all of them would be ngl😂)
Teaches you to cook like him or you show him your food tech (school taught) cooking and if he teaches you certain things you’ll make it in school and the teacher will be impressed.
If you have a dog he loves going on walks while talking to you. Anything that comes to mind you’ll both talk about. If you feel upset or anxious he’ll ask if you want to go on a walk and vent to him (if you feel comfortable) and like Ghost he’ll ask you about it and help find a solution.
Rudy is your uncle/godfather and Rudy is proud to be it!
If your not Spanish (if your mother isn’t) he’ll teach you some words that could help you and then he’ll teach you sentences and then conversations. And he’s proud when your able to speak any word especially if you can speak fluently.
Laid back but wants to know about your whereabouts and if your safe. So every few hours he’ll send a ‘are you ok?’ Text or ‘let me know if you want to be picked up’ and he will pick you up.
Down to earth/nice and chilled type of dad.
Like to know about any new interests or hobbies you have so he can ask and maybe buy you stuff for the hobby or interest.
Like to take you out so you can have some ‘dad and daughter time’ so he will ask where you’d like to go and he’ll take you.
Brings snacks or food to your room if you feel upset or you both want to hang out sometimes even if you have friends staying the night.
Loves to have one to one conversations as he can’t always be home cause of work. Sometimes you’ll both watch a movie or go on drives and talk.
Alejandro is a proud Uncle no doubt. He spoils you when you see each other. Definitely mess around together and sometimes play pranks on your father.
Buys you trinkets or small note books to write in. He’ll try and take photos of the nicer scenery when he’s away so he can send it to you.
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devsgames · 7 months
Accessibility vs. Approachability
Friendly reminder that "Accessibility" and "Approachability" are two fundamentally different concepts when it comes to game design.
"Accessibility" specifically pertains to lowering a barrier of entry for people with specific needs or disabilities, such as the hard of hearing, color blind, elderly, mobility-limited, etc. by taking into account their specific contexts or needs. Features that are "Accessible" are designed to explicitly target and improve the ease of use and quality of life for these demographics.
"Approachability" is how easily a game, concept or feature is understood to people of different levels of experience, cultural understanding, or expectation of genre. This is not necessarily tied to their ability to physically function or interact with your game.
While sometimes Approachability changes can result in Accessibility improvements (and vice-versa) and while these two concepts do often overlap, using "Accessibility" as a blanket term for when you're actually talking about "Approachability" during design conversations can confuse intention when designing for disabled people is explicitly the goal or intention. It can also lead into thinking that because something improves "Approachability" it implicitly improves "Accessibility" equally by association, which is not always the case. Just because a game is "Approachable" does not implicitly make it "Accessible".
Accessibility is it's own consideration entirely, so it's wise to consciously separate them both as terms and as concepts as you're designing your game.
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depressopax · 3 months
hiii! im not sure if you write for gus (brba/bcs) but if you do, could i request a few headcanons (sfw or nsfw) of him with a gender neutral partner if possible :0 maybe qualities he finds attractive/would like in a partner, physically or personality wise or whatever you have in mind:] tysm ! i hope youre having a good one ♡
Tysm for the request!! <3 I made it into some relationship headcanons but tried mentioning what he likes in a partner etc… It may have turned out a bit dark lol, sorry ‘bout that 😭 Anywaysss hope ya like it! Have a good day anon!! 🫶
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Gus Fring relationship headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Gus x gn!reader - (N)SFW headcanons
Pairing: Gus Fring x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, smut, (kinda angst too??), headcanons Warning(s): Slightly possessive Gus, cuss words. Sexual content (marked further down as “NSFW”, MDNI! Dom/sub dynamic, degradation. Words: 1.4k Summary: Being in a relationship with Gus Fring would include…  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
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First time Gus saw you was at Los Pollos Hermanos.
You were there with some friends and you immediately caught his eye.
Maybe it was your smile, your eyes or the way you talked to your friends that made his heart skip a beat
That, or the fact you and him made eye contact at least 4 times. 
But because of his dangerous life and past relationship traumas, he let you slip through his fingers, to not drag you into his chaos.
Or so he thought at least.
Truth is, you felt a spark, too. There was something dangerous about him, but also something charming.
Curious as you were, you went to LPH more often, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious man - eventually learning he’s the manager. 
Gus of course noticed you being there more often. Ignoring you got harder.
One day you decided to shoot your shot - the same day he decided to strike a conversation with you. 
You learned his name is Gustavo Fring.
There was something about his smile and way of talking that charmed you.
But he also seemed very reserved and troubled. He seemed afraid to answer your flirting and got really flustered from it.
Just as you were about to give up your flirting attempts, he surprised you by asking you out on a date.
Of course, you said yes.
Gus enjoys good food and luxury, so it was no surprise he took you to a 5-star restaurant for the first date - his treat.
Not having been on a “real date” in over a decade, Gus was a nervous wreck lmao
Luckily he is good at handling stress. You barely noticed the emotions he kept under the surface. 
The date went really well. Gus is a good listener and listened to you in a way that was rare.
Even when you got a bit too nerdy about your interests, he listened with a smile. 
 But it did make you a bit concerned when he dodged questions about his own personal life. 
He realized himself how weird that must've come across, getting anxious that you wouldn’t contact him again.
Luckily, you did. 
Gus kept taking you on dates. 
The more he got to know you, the harder he fell in love. 
Actually - he figured he was in love already after the first kiss. 
Once getting clarity in what he felt, he knew what he had to do - Telling you the truth about who he is.
The fear of losing you was big. 
…But the fear of you staying, becoming part of his dangers - was bigger.
He explained to you how he had fallen in love with you, before dropping the bomb.
You were shocked, of course. 
After some days of thinking about what he’d told you, you made a decision.
Upon telling him; Gus felt a wave of emotions: Confusion, happiness, relief but also anxiety. But he put all that aside. 
Gus officially became your boyfriend and you couldn’t be more happy - neither could he.
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All dangers aside - Gus does everything to be “boyfriend material” lol
His love language is touch, and words of affirmation.
He doesn’t let a day go by without telling you how much he loves you. 
He always wants you close - just holding your hand makes him feel good. 
He also likes spoiling you - expensive gifts, homemade dinners, road trips with him etc… 
He basically spends all his spare-time with you.
You spend a lot of time in his house, with or without him.
He has money, enough to provide you safety. 
Because of his enemies, and dangerous life, Gus gets very overprotective and a bit possessive.
Ngl he’d probably hire a bodyguard for you whenever you are away in another town with friends/family 😭 Or ask Mike to keep an eye on you lol
He’d be too paranoid to openly be in a relationship with you - but tell a few people he really trusted. If he could, he’d tell the whole world tho. He loves you and it frustrates him to not be able to tell people.
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Gus is very good at reading people, so he often can see if something is wrong.
He’s a good listener and tries to always see things from your POV
He rarely gets mad at you either. 
Most of the time he’s calm and understanding.
He tries to always be there for you, if not with advice, at least with support and to offer you comfort. 
He also gives really good hugs 😌✨
Same goes for your interests/hobbies. He learns for example how to crochet, paint or whatever so you can make it a date.
He’ll let you talk about things you like for hours
Gus is not the type of person that likes indoor activities. Of course he appreciates movie nights, but I feel like he enjoys spending time outdoors.
Going hiking, walks in the forest, sightseeing etc etc
Weather doesn’t really matter to him. He’s def one of those that tells you to “Dress depending on the weather 🤪🤪” 
He enjoys cooking food for you, but also with you.
He’ll teach you some old family recipes 
When eating, he lits candles and makes it cozy so it feels like a restaurant. 
Gus appreciates movie nights too. Snacks, wine and cuddles whilst watching something.
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Gus is cheesy in the way of envisioning his future with you.
He knows that one day, he wants to marry you.
As for starting a family, he’d like that - if you want to have kids too, ofc.
Otherwise he’ll just be happy to marry you and always have you by his side.
To summarize: Gus is very overprotective when it comes to you, but his criminal lifestyle aside - he loves you deeply and a relationship with him would be passionate.
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I feel like he’s definitely a dom
But more of a soft dom.
He’s on top, always. Convincing him otherwise is not easy.
He can get pretty rough, but would never hurt you or make you uncomfortable.
His sex drive isn’t that high, but he makes an exception for you.
Besides, you just happen to turn him on a lot 🤭
He prefers to do it at home and in bed
However… If you happen to tease him when in public, he’ll find a private spot and just take you there. “You couldn’t wait until we got home? Pathetic” …As he thrusts into you and muffles your moans with his palm
He prefers to take you at a fast pace, one that’ll leave you breathless.
He has a lot of pent up frustrations and releases all tension in the bedroom. 
He’ll have you laying under him, pinning your wrist over your head as he makes you into a moaning mess.
He has a lot of stamina and can go at it for hours.
If he’s feeling rude, he’ll have you beg for him and/or plead for him to slow down to give you a break.
Only for him to laugh and tease you for it “My poor baby… Look at me.” “I’m not done with you just yet.” “Be good for me, my love.”
When it comes to you, he likes both praising and degrading you - doing so equally.
He’ll have sweet nicknames for you as well as insulting ones.
After sex, you’ll be covered in hickeys, which he’ll praise you for.
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He prefers giving oral, merely because he’s in full control of your pleasure. 
When going down on you, he’s a tease.
He’ll have you begging for him to use his mouth on you.
And he knows how to do it, too.
Gus likes using his hands too, to stimulate your area or other body parts.
He’ll grab your hips, thighs etc roughly, hard enough to leave marks.
When receiving, he likes being in control too.
He’ll hold your head still and move his hips to his own liking.
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Gus prioritizes aftercare. He wouldn’t go to sleep without being reassured you’re ok after a rough session.
He’ll clean you and the bed up, run a bath for you, cuddle, give massage etc
Although he can be meanie during sex, he gives affection, praise and love afterwards, putting the dominant act away. 
He falls asleep after you. 
Since he’s rough in bed, you often end up falling asleep faster than usual - especially when he hugs you lovingly too. 
He likes seeing your sleeping figure and falling asleep knowing that you’re all his… 
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
choi soobin boyfriend headcanons.
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genre: fluff, romance
word count: 0.7k
warnings: very fluffy
song rec: love of my life by harry styles
please like and reblog if you enjoy <3
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soobin is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest little dumpling ever
and by little, i mean 6'1
your big friendly giant
no because he's so adorable and despite his tall stature he doesn't have all that much confidence and doesn't really know what to do with himself, especially regarding social situations
so getting a date is hard for him
or at least he thinks it is
in reality, he doesn't really his shyness is a massive charming point for him, a quality he wouldn't quite expect to work to his advantage
and that's how he got you!
once he's finally in a relationship he's sooooo cliche when it comes to romance. buys bouquets of flowers, boxes of chocolates, a teddy bear, etc etc...
he just lives for the cute type of romance he has watched in dramas so many times before. he's not one to completely romanticise everything all the time, but he does see his perspective of life change when he has you by his side. he has a newfound appreciation for life that he didn't think he would ever be able to obtain.
he's a very good listener and prides himself in that. he understands that at times you would like to hear his thoughts and opinions, perhaps offering you some advice with a situation you're struggling in. but he also knows that sometimes you don't want any advice, you just want to vent to him, and he's fine sitting back and listening to you, providing support just by being there.
in the first couple of months, he might be too shy to initiate much physical touch, so if you are that type of person i think it'll be wise to either initiate it at first or, when he does give you light touches here and there, you encourage and reassure that it's okay and that you like it.
all he needs is little pieces of encouragement and affirmation that he's doing okay, and then he slowly but surely becomes confident in his relationship with you.
and when he becomes more comfortable he initiates more physical affection. he is especially fond of cuddles and surprisingly likes being the small spoon a lot despite his tall stature. there's something about being held by you that makes his heart flutter.
he's a very soft and fluffy boyfriend. lets you wear his clothes all the time without any objection because he loves it, blushing a little when he sees you in his hoodie for the first time. he just thinks it looks adorable on you and feels the intense urge to cuddle you so <3333
but any physical affection and cuddling of any sort are usually left for when you two are definitely alone because the amount of times the other members have come in to tease you both when they catch you snuggling up to each other is crazy, my guy deserves a break!
dates with him would include:
picnic dates - he loves sitting out with you in the sun, relaxing and taking in those rays while sharing some summer fruits together and just talking about absolutely anything. he knows it's simple as an idea, but he somehow makes every picnic date unique, perhaps bringing a little gift each time or going to a different place each time.
lunch-break dates - this includes activities like grabbing a coffee or a beat to it, or going for a walk with him. but be warned because those long legs of his do big and mighty strides so you'll have to tell him to walk a bit slower if you have little legs like i do 💀 the struggle is real.
board games - he likes things that people might not expect. obviously video games are fun but he feels board games are a great way to bond with anyone and actually involve you interacting with each other instead of staring at the screen. but he can be surprisingly competitive depending on the game so keep an eye out for that!
overall, he's a very soft boy and needs to be appreciated and loved always
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crystalsenergy · 1 month
Mercury in Pisces - my experience
💫🗒️Astro [didatic] Journal🗒️💫
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Pisces is like a walking antenna, lol.
Being so, it brings various pieces of information to my mind (Mercury) all at once. Because of the symbolism of Pisces, it’s as if we are looking in two directions at the same time (not literally). But it feels like we always have one foot up in the air and the other down here.
The Piscean walking antenna, in a mental sense (Mercury), brings to me, in my case [given that I already work energetically and spiritually], awareness of what is happening around me in terms of energies, intentions, and issues that some people are emanating.
It also brings messages and intuitions that Spirituality often sends. This happens continually and brings me more and more into contact with the Whole, which, if I’m not careful, can become exhausting. But today I'm using this to generate well being to me and others.
In the past, I had difficulty with this: it was a constant situation. I was picking up everything from everyone, even unconsciously, since Pisces is very connected to the unconscious, the invisible, and the astral world.
Over time, it improved as I became more aware of my processes with my Pisces and how my mind was not only filled with my own thoughts but also with the thoughts of others that I was picking up.
For you, perhaps this ability to pick up external thoughts and energies is simply a problem, and there is nothing good about it. In reality, it’s not quite like that.
The problem lies in the surroundings and often the poor quality of the things around to be picked up. But when we come into contact with love, with lightness, with harmony, whether from beings present here physically who are light, or from beings from other dimensions of the universe (Spirituality, that is what matters to me), it’s so comforting, so wonderful, and what an opportunity to feel what the other brings with them.
And it’s not just about that.
After all, the most beautiful aspect that Pisces carries with it is the connection with other people. It naturally picks up on things, without seeking its own advantage.
The sign (not the individuals with this sign! Each person has their own free will) has a selfless nature, serving by seeking to connect and getting to the root of what hurts, what causes imbalance. Pisces is altruistic, and, of course, this is beautiful and important—we need more of this in the world!
But considering a life in a world full of lower ego, gratuitous hatred, materialism, indifference, competition, and such, Pisces also needs strategies to wisely guard its energy.
To avoid wasting it on those who would value it the least. To avoid bringing things into itself that do not resonate. To remain solely with its own energy.
The biggest challenge for Mercury in Pisces is being present in its own thoughts. Pisces Mercury needs to practice this.
Because if the people don’t pay attention to the fact that the placement has an immense ease in connecting with the astral world and the energies around, they end up manifesting and feeling everything at once, both its own and others'.
Consciousness and presence, as well as self-knowledge, save any Piscean from this process.
Grounding, grounding, grounding.
Value your sensitivity, if Mercury in Pisces represents this in your natal chart (unfortunately, I have seen many cases where the person predominantly manifests the Shadow of this placement: intuition used to manipulate, control, victimization, emotional manipulation, constant lies, leading others into states of illusion, etc.).
Know yourself! That is what saves (or will save) you.
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ilovebeingt4t · 9 months
a (not) little rant about total drama’s portrayal of dissociative identity disorder in ROTI and AS
a few little tidbits before we get into the juice…
-i don’t have DID ! i have a dissociation disorder and i’ve done a lot of research on DID, but that obviously doesn’t mean i know as much as someone in a system would. if i make any mistakes or you want to add/correct anything, please do !
-since there isn’t an official name for the system as a whole, i’m gonna use “mike system” to refer to mike, chester, svetlana, vito, manitoba, and mal as a system
-before anyone says it, i know it’s “just a kids’ show” but it’s a kids’ show i’m insane and not normal about. so i’m very passionate about this. also kids’ shows should still be normal about mental illnesses/disabilities so idc
alright stinkers… let’s get into it
ok ! mike systems DID in ROTI isn’t GOOD representation but it isn’t like. the worst out there compared to some other media. some huge positives are the way the alters have actual triggers, and that everyone in the system IS portrayed as their own person, not just an extension or part of mike. i interpret the “gasp” the body does with switches as a stand in for dissociation (since they couldn’t really have him just sit there and stare into space bc of plot/time reasons) and it’s very easy to assume the role of everyone in the system from their personalities and triggers. the best example of this to me is vito ! vito is a “tough guy” who’s triggered to front by his shirt coming off, it’s easy to put the pieces together and assume his role is a protector who formed due to sexual abuse.
obviously, the use of the outdated term multiple personality disorder, the very quick switches, the fact the writers obviously did not actually research DID and just wanted a silly crazy character, and probably more i’m forgetting rn, are NOT issues to just ignore because of the good stuff. it’s definitely NOT good or super accurate representation by any means, but i don’t think it’s exactly super bad either. it’s iffy but has redeeming qualities to it.
another plus about mike system in ROTI, even though this isn’t really part of the portrayal of DID as a disorder, is that mike has a love interest that isn’t written as a joke. i feel like having mike in a romantic relationship is a BIG positive representation wise. it’s really important to me that even though zoey is confused and weirded out when she didn’t know what was going on, once she found out mike was part of a system she became more understanding and didn’t give up on him. being part of a system doesn’t mean you can’t have a partner, friends, etc and mike being in a wholesome healthy relationship is a nice breath of fresh air compared to other media portraying DID.
all stars has an issue with watering down characters and making poor plot/character choices in general, and in my opinion it’s the worst with mike system. ROTI had questionable at times but ok DID rep with mike system, which is why it’s so disappointing that AS took the “evil alter” route and whatever the hell the button thing was… bc they were SO close with having ok representation and then they threw it all away for an overdone and harmful stereotype. mike system in ROTI is a MASTERPIECE compared to whatever the hell was going on in AS.
even when you take into account that in a real life system, mal is most similar to the role of a persecutor (an alter who sabotages the body’s relationships and causes harm to the body/other alters as a way to “protect” everyone in their eyes (oops ! i was wrong. a persecutor isn’t always a protector, however they can take the role of a persecutor and protector which is where i got confused. mal is a both a persecutor and protector to me)) which makes SOME of his actions explainable TO AN EXTENT, it’s clear the writers didn’t have that intent and just wanted a spooky evil alter, which is really disappointing. along with the button issue, which is just…. so insane….
i choose to believe for my own sanity that the button was sort of an emergency temporary dormancy button and that chester fr just lied/didn’t know and made something up. but that obviously isn’t canon, and IN CANON the body’s trauma and serious disorder was literally gone because of the PRESS OF A BUTTON and it is absolutely ridiculous. and it’s portrayed as a GOOD THING.
systems are systems because it is the only way the body and brain can maintain stability and live after serious repeated trauma. in a real situation with a system, if there was somehow a way to get rid of alters in literal seconds, the consequences would be ABSOLUTELY DISASTROUS and unstable. obviously, integration and dormancy CAN be a good thing depending on the system, but it is a LOOONG and complicated process and watering it down to the press of a button in your brain is so inappropriate and insensitive. literally why did they do that. it’s just so disappointing to go from what mike system was in roti to what they became in all stars.
sorry u guys i am just passionate about this
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