#quarantine witch
magickkate · 7 months
🤍a simple personal cleansing spell 🤍🎧
Feeling a bit weighed down by negative vibes lately? It's time to treat yourself to a personal cleansing spell that'll leave you feeling refreshed and renewed from the inside out. Here's a gentle ritual to get you started:
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🌸 Set the Scene: Find a quiet, peaceful space where you can be alone with your thoughts. Light a candle or some incense to create a soothing atmosphere. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and let go of any tension.
🔮 Connect with Your Intentions: Close your eyes and focus on what you want to release from your life—whether it's stress, self-doubt, or anything else holding you back. Visualize these negative energies as dark clouds surrounding you.
✨ Embrace the Power of Water: Fill a bowl with warm water and add a handful of sea salt or a few drops of your favorite cleansing essential oil. This mixture symbolizes purification and renewal.
🌊 Cleanse Away Negativity: Dip your fingertips into the water and gently splash it over your face, allowing the purifying energy to wash away any negativity or stagnant energy. As you do this, repeat a simple affirmation like, "I release what no longer serves me and welcome in positivity and light."
🌿 Ground and Reconnect: After cleansing, take a moment to ground yourself by placing your hands on the earth or simply feeling the support of the ground beneath you. Visualize roots growing from your feet, anchoring you firmly to the earth's energy.
❤️ Seal in Positivity: Finish your ritual by anointing yourself with a few drops of cleansing oil or moisturizer, focusing on areas like your wrists, temples, and heart. As you do this, affirm your commitment to self-love and inner peace.
💫 Express Gratitude: Take a moment to thank yourself for taking the time to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Feel gratitude for the cleansing energy that now surrounds you.
Remember, personal cleansing spells are all about honoring your own journey and intuition. Trust yourself and let the magic flow! 💖🔮
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fireheartwraith · 2 years
Shout out to quarantine me who decided to write and illustrate an entire magic cookbook by hand, as an oc, but gave up two weeks later simply because
Here's the recipes I came up with, featuring definitions I pulled out of my ass and my best attempt at a legible handwriting
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ririblogsss · 6 months
Danny the park crazy guy
Ok this follows Danny with him deciding he needs to get out of Amity Park cause he's parents are getting more and more obsessed with catching Phantom. And the plans he'd over heard were sending him into panic attacks. Not only that a new management was placed for the GIW, and with that they had become more brutal and accurate with their capturing. Danny couldn't make sure ghosts were safe and protect civilians, so Danny made a deal with Technus in exchange for most of the tech Danny has made in the past 6 months Technus has to hack into the portals that his parents and Vlad owned and permanently destroy them. Technus also made sure to wipe all the information on how to re-build the portal and planted a bug that will corrupt any file trying to mimic the portals code/mechanics. 
At first Dannys plan was to play the part of the defenseless boy who just witnessed his parents whole life work go down the drain, and pretend that ghost never happened. He's parents were sad (understatement of the century) but they soon found something to hyper focus on, before becoming ecto-biologist, they were trying to find ways to make liquid that would dissolve plastic in a non-lethal and non-toxic way. So after 2 months of not doing anything and only staying in bed eating ice-cream and fudge its like a light bulb turned on onto of their heads, and Madeline and Jack went back to their old selves. They still had moments were they would gaze back at their projects with heartbroken eyes, and Danny could help but blame himself for his parents suffering. 
Its like one day everything was close to normality (as normal as amity park could be) people weren't mentioning ghost in fear that one would appear out of spite. Classes went uninterrupted people were actually happy for that. 
But then the GIW started making moves, as they were getting more and more restless with no ghost sightings in the last 6 months. 
Then 3 months ago everything went to shit......
Danny could only explain it as if the Salem witch trials had started. But instead it was the 21st century and people were being accused of being / cooperating / aiding ghosts. The GIW had stormed into the town hall and had claimed that Amity park was in full quarantine. No one in no one out. Vlad was taken in for 'investigation' accused of working with the ghost because he never helped the GIW or offered funds, hence committing treason the US government. 
After that People would be taken out of their homes and obligated to take tests to prove they weren't with the enemy, if they passed they went back to their homes traumatized. if they failed.... Well no one really knows, but one might guess from all the screaming. 
Ironically. Dannys parents were the fist accused of cooperating with the enemy. The GIW stated that they seemed suspicious from the start as they never truly caught anything. he hadn't seen them since they were drugged and stuffed into the back of a van. Danny was thankful that Jazz (for collage) and Dani (traveling in Bangladesh) were out of Amity, but it wasn't like he could contact them and tell them what was happening. 
The GIW had cut all contact to the rest of the word from Amity Park probably because what they were doing was considered illegal and definitely were crossing human rights. 
Luckily Sams and Tuckers family were able to come to an agreement with the GIW so they could be exempted from the quarentine (buy themselves a way out). Unluckily Danny like most families didn't have those types of resources. 
But Danny isn't a Fenton for nothing, craziness, gull and genius ran through his veins. So every morning when they were obligated out of their homes and made to sit on the grass of the park square while the agents searched for any 'evidence' in their homes. Danny would use his core to emit a frequency that only other ghost and some metas could hear. But that wasn't what Danny was communicating to no. 
He was sending commands to all the animals he had befriended the last 15 years of his life. You see ever since Danny was a kid he loved how one could be able to domesticate any animal as long as you had food. So Danny when he was a kid applied The Operant conditioning to all the animals he crossed paths with. 
A few weeks after his accident (death) when Danny was making his daily feeding times for the animals in exchange for trinkets and money he realized something. He could understand what the animals 'spoke' and the animals could understand him through the vibrations of his core. When he asked CW about it he only told him that ghost speak allowed him to communicate with anything and anyone if he had a close enough relationship towards them. 
Basically this meant that Danny had hundreds if not thousands of animals (rats, street dogs and cats, pigeons, squirrels ect.. ) at his disposal. The only reason he never used them when fighting Ghosts was obvious he wasn't going to risk the life of his friends. 
And right now his friends were making underground escape routes for all of the Amity Parkers. The plan was already being set in motion. Everyone knew their part. 
One group would be distraction, a group of kids would scream and point in the opposite direction of the escape route and say they had seen a ghost and it was trying to hurt them. The GIW would be guided into a wooded area were they would be attacked by the more predatorial animals. Making them call for back up. 
One group would composed of the most athletic adults / young adults would go into the main base of the GIW (check for survivors and help them get out). 
Another group (the elderly) was in charge of checking that everyone was accounted for. 
Mothers, would be evacuated first with their children, they would be the get away drivers. Different drivers would take different routs. Some left the country other the continent itself. Some when to larger cities for hiding amongst the crowd. But the main goal was stick to your family and preferably if you can go alone. The less people the less likely you are to getting caught. 
And the teenagers from casper high, would ensure all their traces were lost making sure all phones and gadgets were left behind, as to avoid getting tracked down. 
And that's how Amity Park became a dead town (pun intended) in less than 60 minutes. 
This leads us to the present. 
It had been 7 months since Danny had left Amity park. he hadn't seen anyone or contacted anyone from there since. The over all consensus was that everyone had to go no contact with one another as to not raise awareness as to why so many people from different places were constantly calling one another. Danny was certain that Jazz and Dani had been contacted by Sam and Tucker about the situation in Amity. What he wasn't sure of is if they knew he was out of Amity or even alive for that matter. 
Danny was not dealing with what happened well. One of the guys who went into the Town Hall pulled him a aside for a second when they were evacuating to tell him. That he had seen both his parents bodies. They had not survived. Not many who were taken against their will into the Hall came out spared. 
Danny was devastated with his parent untimely death, he only hoped they had a humane one. 
So no Danny was not ok. he knew Jazz would criticize his copping methods. But if taking over a park in the middle of a crime riddled city was sooooo bad then why did he have the support of the Bats. (not the vigilantes the actual cave bats). 
Danny had gotten to Gotham not too long ago (about 4 1/2) months, and decided that the GIW wouldn't dare on their life go into a city were the 'wolds greatest detective and most feared man live'. Danny made an abandoned building overlooking the park his own. he quickly became allies with the fauna there and soon his rein over the part began. 
It started slowly, honest to god not a single local though anything of the bony kid laughing his ass off as he oversaw birds and other critters alike help him build what looked like a greenhouse. They did what any Gothamite would do mind their own damn business and go on with their day. 
It wasn't unlit the trees and torn plants started to build a wall like structure around the park that they started to think that the kid was going to be the next Poison Ivy. Worst of all they some have speculated seeing Pamela and Harley go in and out of the park... both smiling like proud parents. Some say that the kid was an ex Wayne kid that was sent into an asylum, and was kept quiet. Some speculate that the kids a meta that controls all animals. Some state they saw the kid talk to the animals and the animals actually listened and did word for word what he asked. 
But Gothamites weren't that worried if they were honest. The kid (Danny as he was now known) brought more entertainment (of the good kind) to Gotham he fit right in. The only thing that made him stand out was his mid-western accent. When asked where he was from he would only stare at you while an animal (different every time mostly racoons) would chase you away. Other than that the kid was a sweetheart he would often bring the veggies and fruits he cultivates in the park to homeless shelters so that the residents would have a 'more nutritious and full diet'. 
The kid would send animals to keep watch on kids and be alerted if any were at risk he would drop in and help in a very unusual way. And he always traded money for little things and bottle caps anything handmade (especially by kids) was infinitely rewarded with money and an automatic meal. 
Danny was known as the Gotham parks crazy. But he was their crazy and no government (illegal) agency of a brigade of bats and birds was going to take him away from them. 
(waaa this was way longer that expected I only wanted to write a sentence of local crazy Danny, and I just ended up writting mostly art other stuff)
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bee-the-loser-recs · 1 month
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☼ My Haechan One-shot Fic Recs ☼
𖤓 Drippin' By @ncteez 16.2k, NCT Dream 00' line x reader, non-specified au, close friends, birthday sex, smut, technically polyamorous, messy, slight fluff, comedy, teasing
𖤓 Send in the clowns By @smileysuh 10.6k, Haechan|Mark|Jaehyun x reader, college au, frat boys NCT, best friend Jungwoo, friends to lovers, karaoke friends, smut, polyamory, slight fluff, Halloween parties, dressing up
𖤓 Roommates By @smileysuh 8.3k, Mark x reader x Haechan, college au, frat house NCT, best friend Jungwoo, polyamory, smut, stoners, getting high together, slight fluff, mentions of Jeno having a crush on reader
𖤓 The V week spy By @smileysuh 20.1k, Jaehyun x reader (romantic) ft. Haechan | Yangyang | Jungwoo | Jeno, college au, frat house NCT, sorority member reader, stupid traditions, no strings attached situation, smut, slight fluff
𖤓 Energizer bunny By @smileysuh 19.1k, hybrid au, bunny reader, dragon Haechan, bartender reader, club owner Haechan, boss x employee relationship, genuine interest between the two, smut, slight fluff, Mark is reader's brother
𖤓 Carpe diem By @kiachiako 5.1k, college au, gamer!Haechan, coder!reader, mutual friends, slight fuckboy Haechan, genuine feelings for one another, fluff, angst
𖤓 Indica dreams By @hazyhae 11.7k, unspecified au, non-idol au, plug Haechan, reader gets high for the first time, one bad experience on edibles, fluff, slight angst, smut, best friend Jeno, reader has problems sleeping
𖤓 Us By @hazyhae 900, stoner!best friend!Haechan, high conversations together, confessions when high, mutual pining, anxieties about the future
𖤓 Cold By @rainbowhao 0.5k, established relationship, fluff, cuddling in their apartment, bribery, temperature being rather cold, clingy Haechan
𖤓 Sugar, butter & the royal crown By @haechwrites 17.1k, royal au, prince Donghyuck, baker's daughter reader, fluff, slight angst, unsupportive mother, pining, forbidden relationship, reconnecting after multiple years, pet names
𖤓 Sucks to be him By @loudstan Magic au, werewolf Haechan, witch reader, fluff, imprinting, slight angst, reader has a boyfriend at first, Haechan refuses to give up, reader is slightly older and owns a store
𖤓 Triple Lee; naughtier the better By @p4p1l0nn 9.1k, Mark | Haechan | Jeno x reader, non-idol au, stoner au, plug Haechan & Mark, stoner Jeno & reader, roommates, smut, slight fluff
𖤓 NCT dream exposes y/n's crush on Haechan in the gc By @wooyukh SMAU, non-specified au, meddling friends, exposing their friend's crushes, fluff, trying to hide their feelings, confessions, cute
𖤓 Quarantine chronicles 3 By @domjaehyun 43k, Jungwoo|Jaehyun|Johnny|Jaemin|Mark|Jeno|Haechan x reader, Quarantine au, roommates (except Mark, Jeno, Haechan), lots of tension & flirting, smut, slight fluff, friends with benefits situation, crack, part of a series
𖤓 Hush Hush By @domjaehyun 19.5k, Jeno|Jaemin|Haechan x reader, college au, friends to lovers??, sleepovers, smut, foursome, mentions of friends Mark & Renjun
𖤓 Surviving no nut November By @domjaehyun 28.8k, Haechan x reader x Mark, college au, friends to lovers, no nut November challenges, smut, trying to trip them up, teasing, slight fluff, weed consumption, pet names
𖤓 Pussy fiend [part 1] & [part 2] By @domjaehyun 28.2k & 40.7k, college au, enemies to fuck buddies to lovers, smut, humour, pissing each other off, cocky Haechan, denial of feelings
𖤓 Tangerine love [favourite] By @domjaehyun 21.8k, neighbours au, mutual attraction, smut, domestic behaviour between the two, fluff, light humours, mentions of a Christmas party
𖤓 Random texts with bf!Hyuck By @catboyieejeno SMAU, established relationship, menace Haechan, jealousy, suggestive comments, fluff
𖤓 Achromatopsia By @neoneversleeps 8.7k, Haechan has Achromatopsia (colour blindness), school au, meet cutes, relationship developments, fluff, angst, anger outbursts, making out
𖤓 Truth or dare By @irregular-idol-imagines 1.2k, friends to lovers, playing truth or dare, fluff, kissing on a dare, friendly teasing, alcohol
𖤓 'Manifesting Mayhem' [part 1], [part 2], & [part 3] By @suhnshinehaos SMAU, mini series, university au, mostly fluff, a little bit of angst, humour, Haechan has a crush on a classmate, reader runs a crystal shop, reader has a crush on Haechan, hidden identity
𖤓 Round & round By @hwaflms 6.1k, college au, weed use, stoners 00'line & reader, playing spin the bottle, wanting to kiss one another, bad luck, smut, slight fluff
𖤓 Hits different By @neowinestainedress 44.8k, college au, strangers to fwb to lovers, smut, angst, fluff, reader self destructs a lot, emotional support, best friend Jonny, past traumas, reasoning behind their actions, emotionally running away
𖤓 And they were roommates By @tyonfs 17k, college au, part of a one-shot series, reader is Haechan's "crushes" roommate, smut, friends to lovers, dumb Haechan, realising feelings, fluff [I suggest reading the prequel & other one-shots too, they're all so well written]
𖤓 Lucky strike By @heartseungs-archive 2.3k, arcade employee Haechan, high school au, Haechan has a crush on a reader, cute, fluff, asking them out
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murfeelee · 1 year
Murf's Top 50 Mods - Part 3 (2020 - 2023 Edition)
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I made a Top 50 list (Pt 1 and Pt2) back in 2016, talking about mods that I've used & love. But with all the goated content that the amazing TS3 community continues to churn out, I NEEDED to update my list! This one in no way diminishes or negates the other mods I've already listed--like, I shouldn't have to sit here and explain how NRAAS continues to carry TS3 on its freaking shoulders, ok. This is just MORE mods, the Top 50 most RECENT ones I've tried out since, like, quarantine.
I am a VERY niche simmer--I love fantasy gameplay, so my fave mods are the ones that not only offer general quality of life improvements, but also add new abilities and interactive objects inspired by different cultures, time periods, or genres. So y'all already KNOW which ones have earned my top spots. They're not based on which mods are "better," just which ones I personally have been using the most.
1: Smooth Patch, LazyDuchess
I've already gushed about this mod, but oh well. Like--I use an EFFTON of CC. My Live Mode gameplay itself doesn't tend to lag so much as my game's slow to LOAD, slow to save, CAS is a nightmare, I can do my taxes waiting for the Misc Decor section to open, etc etc. But the Smooth Patch loads everything so much quicker for me! 😭
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One thing is that on the EA App version (curse you, EA) the Master Controller package didn't work on my end, so I took it out, but everything else has been great!
2: Search Mod, LazyDuchess
Speaking of the Misc Decor section -- HOW LONG did we ask EA for a Search function y'all? Only to be ignored. Then the second TS4 is released, it ain't got a effing thing in it, but it's got a Search function??? 🤔 ISTG it's like the simgurus were told to take all of the TS3 community's best suggestions, and poach them for TS4 (like vampire coffins--NO I'm not over it!). WHY do modders have to do your frikkin job for you, EA?! I call EA lazy all the time cuz EA you suck, so it's the most ironic thing ever that LazyDuchess is out here KILLING IT.
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My ONLY "complaint" about the Search mod is the position of the icon. I use A LOT of Collection Files, and I noticed that the Search icon actually covers the Delete button when in the Collection viewer. So I can't delete items in collections with the Search icon in the way.
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But this is a MINOR nitpick--I almost never delete items, it's just something I noticed is all.
3 - 8: OCCULT MODS: EVERYTHING by @puddingface1902
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Y'all already know the Enhanced Witches mod is my favorite mod ever made. But PF1902 also made cool enhancements to the Fairies, Genies, Vampires, Werewolves, and Mermaids too! My sims are usually Nraas hybrids (e.g.: Sakura is a faery, witch & plantsim; Magnus Bane is a witch & genie; etc.), so it's FANTASTIC having so many new abilities for my magical occults. 😍
9 - 11: OCCULT MODS by xantak22
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Even more occult mods at MTS are for enhanced Plantsims, Ghosts, and Mummies! I was dying for more Plantsim abilities, omg, they're my 3rd fave occult after Witches & Fae.
12: Sim Control Tools by Knight
Sooooo many quality of life mods have come out! ^0^
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I've been ABUSING the Teleport To Me function, to quickly get sims off of lots & where I need them to be. It also lets sims unlock more Social/Romantic interactions. (Now all we need is a way to interact with sims from EA's useless thumbnails.)
13 - 18: @anitmb's mods
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There are SOOOO many--most I've yet to even try. But so far newer ones I've been using are the Deck of Cards (FINALLY something other than EA's bulky AF poker table!), Farm Mod (look at all these CHICKENS!), and Hunting mod so my 8000 archer sims can actually hunt! (Ofc I've also used the Woodcutter and Anvil mods in my older gameplay posts, too.) And @mspoodle1's edit of the Cup of Tea mod is so pretty.
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19: @mspoodle1's Poker table
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Another excellent cards mod is this medieval style poker table I use a lot now, too.
20: @omedapixel's Wildflowers DR
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I like EA's default wildflowers from SSNS, but Omeda's are just sooooo much nicer. (I haven't gotten around to trying out their Harvestable Plant DR yet.)
21: Swordfighting mod by CyrusBanefort
En garde! This mod is so freaking epic!
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One thing I've noticed is that the game lags while it waits for the mod to boot up (a message has to first pop up saying it's running when you first launch your saves). But other than that this mod is excellent.
22 - 24: Yoga rugs
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I've long been using the yoga rugs by Kitabalibar and the edited one from @mspoodle1. But now there's the newest one by @twinsimming, with brand new animations & features. The more the merrier I say, LOL. What's especially neat is the kids wobbling around as they try to do yoga! :3
25 - 30: TheSweetSimmer's mods--so cute! :3
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Omg so frikkin many, I can't even catch up! The interactions are so freaking precious, like from the More Toddler Interactions (cuddle, look at, etc) & Biggest Little Mod (hug legs), I've never had so much fun playing with kids! <3 And I LOVE that they can Catch Butterflies and Pick Flowers--you'd think plantsim children would be able to do this by default, EA! Honestly, just grab everything by TSS, your kid sims will thank you!
31 - 33: @spheresims Medieval/Nature/Tribal mods
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Y'all know I'm crazy about the Functional Fireplaces mod (the cauldrons, baby! 😈), but the One with Nature and Wildlife Hunting mods are great too, perfectly complimenting the off-the-grid realness.
34: @olomayasims/Cmomoney Smoking Mod Overhaul
The original smoking mod was on my first Top 50 list, so it's awesome seeing it get new upgrades, interactions & animations.
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I've never smoked IRL, but sooooo many of my sims just puff-puff away; I'm such an enabler. U_U Now all we need is cigars and pipes!
35 - 38: Callia-Evergreen/Camkitty's CAS CC for animal hybrids at MTS
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Not a "mod" per se, but whatever--my list my rules! I love ALL of their CC, but I get SO MUCH use out of animal-themed CC like the digitigrade sliders, wolf feet, lizard tails, and fae wings. Do check them out if you like to play with horror and monster-sims!
39: @greenplumbboblover's Sheep
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EASILY one of the most incredible mods I've ever seen. Like....HOW? (Once @omedapixel's Goats are done I'm gonna start screaming someone do llamas pleeeeeaaaaase!!!)
40: Arsil's musical instruments mod
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I used the sax most recently in my IWTV gameplay, and it was excellent, perfect for the NOLA vibes! However, although I use the flute A LOT more (for my Untamed gameplay--it's been such a GODSEND!), I really wish the hands were positioned better, preferably using the poses from Chisims' flute poseset. (But I don't eff with poses/animations, otherwise I'd do it myself. U_U) Ah well, it's still one of my fave mods though.
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41 - 42: Flower Arranging mod by zoe22 + @mspoodle1's Florist Collection
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Guys, I've been wanting this mod since FOREVER! ^0^ (I swear, the best thing about TS4 is all the 4t3 conversions, LMAO!) I just wish Teens could Dabble and use it, too--all they can do is stock the table.
43: Just Sit/Nap Anywhere by FloTheory
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Sometimes you just want sims to fall asleep anywhere, DANG, EA!
44: @sweetdevil-sims' Toddler Food DR
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Cuz EA's food is UUUUUUUUGLY~! I kept forgetting to install it, only to be rudely reminded every time I had to look at my toddler sims eating MUD.
45 - 46: @mspoodle1's mail pen quill DR and @omedapixel's pencil quill DR
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I looooove quill pens IRL (ballpoint pens, not the fountain pens--I'm way too messy), so having mods that let my sims use them too is 👌
47: Fireflies Enhanced! by Canibal_MLO
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I love anything that enhances the wildlife and collectibles/harvestables to be more dynamic and interactive. And I was JUST about to do a firefly catching scene for my IWTV insp. gameplay, so this came right on time! The falling leaves effect is delightful, but I kinda wish it was falling flower petals instead, cuz ofc I do. 🌸
48: Unicorn Aurora DR by Canibal_MLO
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GORGEOUS. This mod replaces the unicorn mist with northern lights, like.... I love the genius ideas simmers have.
49: Custom Plumbbob Color tool by CrossTheMersey
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What a neat idea! Although the default Maxis colors are ingrained in my psyche, with the iconic green plumbbob, as soon as I saw this mod I knew I wanted to at least try something different and play around with it.
50: @aa6x7's Teru Teru Bozu + other edits [Honorable Mention]
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I rave about Cmomoney's Time/Weather Mod all the time, I use it constantly. AA6x7's Teru Teru Bozu (Japanese "Sunshine Monk" charms) is kinda like a simpler version of it, as it just resets bad weather back to Sunny. But it's such a cute idea and perfect for my gameplay. Plus, AA6x7 makes all kinds of neat edits/mods to EA's bulky AF meshes, so if you haven't checked them out already, DO!
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And that's all the mods I've managed to try out recently!
I don't have anywhere near the kind of free time that I used to, so my simming has been put on the backburner and I've missed all kinds of cool and exciting releases. But trust: I am taking note, so that I know what to try once I have time.
All my deepest & sincerest gratitude & love to the entire sims community, for keeping The Sims 3 going--this year was the 14th anniversary! Here's to 14 more! 🥳 Happy Simming!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
hi sex witch!
this is kind of sex related and I have no clue whether you'd even want to answer it but it's been on my mind for ages and I kind of want the answer either way
when I was 13 or so (I'm 17 now) I was a volunteer leader for a local brownies group (idk if they have that wherever you're from so just like 6-9 ish year old girls) and we were in lockdown so all of the meetings were done over zoom instead of in person. I'd just discovered masturbation and such and I don't think I quite understood when or not it was appropriate which I probably should have but I'm usually fairly slow on the uptake with stuff like that. Anyways I can remember masturbating during a meeting with the group not on camera but still while I was present and such. Does this make me an awful person? I know it was inappropriate now and it was nothing to do with the fact that little kids were present because obviously I find that disgusting but I know that if an adult leader had been doing that it would have been massively concerning and such
sorry if this is tmi or not what your blog is for at all I've just been really stressed about it for the longest time and wanted an external opinion because it makes me feel like a freak I guess so feel free not to answer if that's a topic you wouldn't want to discuss
anon I'm afraid I have to be the one to tell you that this is straight up just an incredibly funny thing to have done. truly I cannot imagine how many people were jorking it during zoom meetings over quarantine, at least you weren't one of the poor souls who unknowingly did it with their mic and/or camera on. please find something else to stress about, I absolve you of this one.
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southern-gothic-comic · 10 months
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Page 42
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(Author Notes)
Panel 1: Finally, Relvin returns with the country doctor, a tired-looking woman of late middle age. She does a cursory examination of Imogen, who can hear her thoughts (as well as everyone else’s) the entire time.
Doctor: Another one. There’s the rash all right. Throat inflamed. Fever. Same symptoms. Don’t know how I’m going to find the time.
Relvin: She’s got to get better -- wonder what it’ll cost --  got a little put by -- poor kid hate to see her lookin’ so done in -- should crop off all that hair of hers it’s sappin’ her strength -- pity though
Laudna: What’s wrong what’s wrong with Imogen can it be cured? Is she all right? Is she in pain? Is she going to die? She looks so miserable what can I do to help?
Panel 2: Focus on Laudna, who is looking worried and uncomfortable. Everyone’s thoughts cloud around her, although only Imogen can hear them.
Doctor: So this is the one everyone’s calling “witch” and saying is the start of it all. I don’t put much stock in wild tales but she seems to have some malady, all right. Don’t have time for it now.
Relvin: how to ask that one to leave maybe if I offer to see her home that’ll get the point across
Laudna: Maybe I did cause this and I just didn’t realize it should I leave I don’t want to leave her I can’t lose her she’s all I have —
Imogen: Laudna. Laudna, it’s okay.
Laudna: Delilah did you do this Delilah if you’ve harmed Imogen -- don’t say things like that don’t start shut up SHUT UP DELILAH
Panel 3: Imogen cuddles up to Laudna as she moves to sit next to her. Rising, the doctor gives Relvin the diagnosis. Lost in his thoughts, he is caught off-guard.
Laudna: Do you need anything, darling?
Imogen: Just you.
Doctor: Despite what y’all may have heard in town, there’s no hexin’ at work. Just a nasty outbreak of scarlet fever makin’ the rounds. She’ll need care. Which of you will be providing it?
Relvin: What even is she she don’t look fey or elvish exactly but there’s something not quite right about her kind of unsettling to see Genny hangin’ on her like that all the time I mean I’m glad my lonely girl’s finally found a friend but did it have to be that friend wonder what kinda grave did she dig her up out of shoot is Imogen readin’ my mind right now???
Panel 4: Relvin hastily steps forward and raises his hand.
Laudna: I will!
Relvin: Now, we wouldn’t want to impose on you. I thank you for your kind offer, but I’ll see you home now, little lady.
Imogen: No! Don’t go, Laudna.
Doctor: It’s probably best if all you three quarantine together. 
Relvin: All right. You know best, Doctor.
Relvin, internally: Dammit.
Panel 5: Laudna hugs Imogen, cheered up by the prospect of quarantine together, which provokes a wan smile from her.
Laudna: Oh, a sleepover!
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
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yeah I'd trust him to smuggle me out of a quarantine zone
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shoot me a message or fill out this form to be added to my art tags!
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sitp-recs · 5 months
Hey Liv, I was sure you had an epistolary list somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it.
Would you have some recs for me? It doesn’t have to be full epistolary, as long as there are a few letters exchanged.
Thank you
Hi anon! I’m pretty sure I have an epistolary list somewhere but for some reason I can’t access my masterlists atm (which is mildly concerning lol I hope it’s just an app glitch on my phone) but in any case here are some recs for you!
Re: Harry's Crush by @lettersbyelise (T, 4k)
Ever get that feeling you're being talked about behind your back? Harry doesn't, he's too busy being stupidly, obviously besotted with the guy in the lab downstairs.
Garden War by @cibeewastaken (T, 5k)
Harry and Draco are quarantined in their houses, a lake across from one another. What better ways to spend this time than to annoy each other with letters and attempts to prove that their garden is better ?
Lettered by pir8fancier (M, 8k)
Harry has a secret penpal, whose identity is as plain as the nose on his face. Except he's not wearing his glasses.
Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) by @fluxweeed and @lastontheboat (T, 10k)
Or: the one where Harry has writer’s block and Malfoy isn’t helping.
Yours Truly by @skeptiquewrites (M, 15k)
Every single one of Harry’s exes has gone on to marry the next person they date, and with the upcoming nuptials of numbers six and seven to each other, Harry’s feeling exhausted by it all. It doesn’t really matter if he lets people assume Draco Malfoy is his boyfriend for a moment of peace. In any case, Draco’s been away for five years and there’s no way he would find out, right?
Let's Go Outside by cryptonym (E, 24k)
Harry's done with the sofa, the hall and the kitchen table, baby.
On Our Way by evils (E, 30k)
Draco is trying to spend the summer keeping his head down, but a repair project and a certain snowy owl have other plans for him.
Howlr by partialtopotter (E, 47k)
Howlr is the new dating application enchanting Witches, Wizards and Everyone in between. Are you looking for the one or a one-night stand; it’s all here folks. Howlr is sponsored by Weasley Wizard Wheezes, the same team that brought us the Spellular just two years ago. Ginny Weasley, famed chaser for the Hollyhead Harpies, swears by the app, ‘guaranteed to make sparks fly,’ she says. The magic awaits you!
Catch 22 by jad (E, 50k)
As if NEWTS weren't enough, Dumbledore's gone and had another one of his 'bright ideas.' If all ends well, the Houses will be getting along in no time. Or according to Harry's correspondent, an Apocalypse will be in order.
Bonus: art!
Going Postal by dustmouth (T)
So Draco and Harry sort of maybe have a bit of a thing going. Which is all fine and good, but would probably be more effective if they managed to be on the same continent for more than five minutes at a time.
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captainmera · 1 year
i have a goofy little headcanon that since luz barely made it through getting a boiling isles sickness, most of the hexsquad would absolutely not be able to handle a human realm sickness. like amity could hold together pretty well, but gus gets the fever and is genuinely convinced he’s dying or something. thoughts?
I agree hahaha, Amity got sick in my fanfic! Actually! and I think to Witches; the amount of achoos, dripping snot, and feeling like your head is a bowl of hot soup you gotta balance is, like, pretty awful to them.
The illnesses of the BI seem to have a biological and anatomical different influence as far as characteristics go. Luz still got a stuffy nose and droopy eyes, but otherwise, the effects seemed to be different. So I think to Witches: getting a runny nose is just as gross of an illness to them, as having shrooms grow from your head is to us.
First, I think Gus would be excited to be informed he had a human fever. And then hate every minute that followed once the symptoms showed up.
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I think Gus would be very melodramatic, and Hunter would be all doting on him. Worried at first until Gus gets all "Oh woe me!" And Hunter just "lol okay buddy drink your tea and read your book."
Aaannd as a huntlow hooligan myself, who loves Willow being mischievous.
Maybe Willow would be envious of the attention Gus is getting and gets sick on purpose, only to have Amity be all "HUNTER, YOU TAKE GUS I WILL HELP WILLOW" as she's eager to prove herself more to Willow.
Gus and Willow just: "NOOOO TITAN DANGIT!" "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR GETTING SICK ON PURPOSE! WHY WOULD YOU WANT THIS?!" "I WANTED HUNTER TO BE CUTE TO ME TOO." "WELL, IS IT WORTH IT WILLOW? IS THIS DEMISE WORTH IT?!" "I THOUGHT I'D LOOK ALL, Y'KNOW- Beautiful like that historical drama Camila showed us! BUT I'M DISGUSTIIINNNG. I dont want him to see me like thiiiiss! 😭💦" "Willow, you took one look at MY ILL-RIDDEN FACE and thought OH, YEAH, I CAN MAKE THAT WORK?!"
And she sneezes in his face, and they both run around yelling where they're quarantined in the bedroom together - y'know like the bestie duo they are. Complaining about headaches and feeling cold, lamenting over their poor choices in life.
"Gus, did you ever think it would end like this?" "The grimwalker is a surprise."
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Vee gives them the i-pad to watch a series on, and they get really invested in the 1995 TV show rendition of Pride and Prejudice. For no other reason than that Immmmm biased and I HC Willow and Camila to be into historical frilly romances. Gus has thoughts on it.
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zot3-flopped · 1 month
The text from the Indepent article about overrated albums (ttpd was no 16)
“Despite earning Swift a handful of middling reviews from critics, her April album The Tortured Poets Department still drew effusive praise from many outlets (this one included) – regardless of the stagnancy of its sound, the overheated metaphors of its lyrics, and the indulgence of its 31-track length. It’s no real surprise that conversations around the record quickly became about Swift’s capitalist supremacy than the work itself – this is an album with very little to say and a chronic inability to say the interesting stuff succinctly.
Swift has chugged along in the spotlight without breaks for years now, and it feels pointed that her finest material in the last decade was produced while she was literally unable to do anything other than make music – the gorgeous 2020 two-hander Folklore and Evermore were products of Covid-era quarantine. Tortured Poets, meanwhile, was released amid peak Swiftageddon – the Eras tour, the Eras tour film, the endless re-records of her past albums – and sounds unsurprisingly exhausted. Swift picks over old tropes (witches again?), old feuds (Kim again?) and old melodies (Jack Antonoff again?). It’s the sound of an artist so powerful and successful that no one dares challenge her or suggest she rest or regroup for a while”
Thank you!
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magickkate · 7 months
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Hey beginner witches! When practicing your craft in nature, it's important to be mindful of the impact you have on the environment. Here are a few things to avoid leaving in nature:
Glass: Glass doesn't biodegrade and can pose a danger to wildlife if broken. Pack out any glass containers or bottles you bring with you and dispose of them properly.
Plastic: Plastic pollution is a major problem for the environment, so try to minimize your use of plastic and avoid leaving any plastic items behind in nature. Opt for reusable or biodegradable alternatives whenever possible.
Salt: While salt can be a useful tool in witchcraft, it's harmful to plants and can disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems if scattered indiscriminately. Use salt sparingly and avoid leaving large amounts of it in natural areas.
Non-Biodegradable Offerings: Be mindful of the offerings you leave in nature and choose items that are biodegradable and won't harm wildlife. Avoid leaving behind items like plastic toys, balloons, or food wrappers.
Let's practice responsible stewardship of the earth and leave no trace of our magical workings behind. 🌿🚫🏞️
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Picture It… New York, 2022
WandaNat x Fem!Reader
Bishova 🥰
My take on a sick Wanda who can’t exactly contain her powers 😂❤️
Warning: Petty Natasha, Sad Reader for a blink | 3,386 Words
Sitcom Inspo (In Order) : I Love Lucy, Golden Girls, Friends, Bewitched.
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“Where’s Wanda?,” Yelena mused over her mug of cocoa, the whipped cream on her nose made it hard for you to answer her over the laugh bubbling in your throat, and you settled into Nat’s hold when she answered instead., “Our little witch is asleep, she woke up with a high fever so we quarantined her in the room.”
“Oh no, do you think she’ll be okay by the end of the week?,” Kate’s true question wasn’t lost on you., “Don’t worry Bishop, no cold will keep her from perfecting your upcoming nuptials.,” your girlfriend chuckled beneath you., “Yeah, Wanda would never let an ailment keep her from planning a wedding. She actually had the flu while finalizing ours.,” you shivered at the nasty memory, a snotty nosed brunette with her hands all over the flower arrangements that you and Natasha slyly replaced as soon as she fell into her coma like sleeping state.
While the lot of you sat on the couches catching up, with the two of you occasionally teasing the engaged couple about what the future holds there was another storm a brewing just right out of your eyesight. Clouds of red billowed out from just beneath the closed bedroom door, slowly traveling throughout the hallway of your homey loft, and with no one’s concern falling to the encroaching smoke you were all in the dark on what was to come; literally. The smoke had permeated all of your minds, your bodies instantly slumping against the surfaces behind you as you’re all forced into a restless sleep.
The darkness slowly began to lift for you, and as you looked around you were stunned to see it was only you, and Yelena in a room that was completely foreign to you. Neither of you said a word, both too busy trying to figure out where you had ended up; wondering if some enemy of sorts might’ve slipped a hallucinogenic into your buildings water pipes. Then you heard a creaking noise, looking down you noticed you were both in aprons, with weird hats on, you blinked rapidly too, wondering if you’d suddenly become color blind, but the action never changed the visuals around you.
“Ladies!,” you turned to see Nat stood behind you, face stern, but with eyes just as confused as your own., “This will be your last chance to impress this company, the parchment paper here is for you to wrap the sushi rolls, not a single one should make it into the next room unwrapped; if they do, you’re both likely to be terminated.,” and as soon as the two of you hummed your understanding she was gone out the other door that led into a long hallway.
It became apparent to all of you that though you couldn’t verbalize, as Wanda controlled the dialogue, that you could still convey messages through your expressions. Yelena looked to you dumbfounded, waving her arms about as if to say ‘did this witch really turn us to black and white?,’ and you looked to her with an equally as dumbfounded look before the sound of the conveyor belt caught your attentions.
Sushi rolls began to speed by the both of you, and you were surely perplexed, because if you remember the iconic scene at all, you knew it was chocolates that Lucy and Ethel were meant to be handling. A soft chuckle reverberated in your mind at the tiny variation your lover must have made, knowing it was likely influenced by the dinner you and your girlfriends shared a couple nights prior; Wanda’s love for sushi transcended the normal worlds bounds.
“Yelena, what are we meant to do?,” you spoke frantically, your hands now flying around out of your control, you believe in an attempt to emphasize the unfolding catastrophe.
“I’m not sure, maybe if we eat some it’ll make the mess less?,” the blonde looked to you with an unimpressed gaze, clearly she wasn’t a fan of her given dialogue., “That sounds like a quick way to get fired, and we need this job.”
“Good, this place sucks, look at the sushi rolls. Not even filled enough, and the belt is clearly being run by satan himself.,” she grumbled while popping a roll into her mouth, then promptly spitting it out., “That’s disgusting.”
A laugh reel echoed behind the both of you, and your soul nearly left your body at the boom of it, then the sound of multiple footsteps echoed dramatically from the hallway outside the door. Yelena looked to you in a panic, then the both of you nodded and began to shovel the rolls into your aprons, then when they were full it was into the hats on your head, and when all else failed the both of you began to shovel them down your throat in an attempt to hide your obvious failure’s from the incoming bosses.
Wanda and Natasha entered the room with angered expressions, Kate was behind them with a clipboard in her hand, and a nervous smile that fell as soon as the women spoke., “Ladies, it’s come to our stock counter’s attention that only ten rolls have made it into the following room, care to explain where the rest managed to go?,” Wanda’s pointed stare told you she knew exactly where they went, of course she did, she was the all seeing puppet master in this weird dream state anyways.
Yelena looked beyond you., “We run now?,” you followed her gaze to the door then nodded. As soon as you passed the threshold the world was now in color, and you were stood outside of a quaint, large home that not so shockingly matched the street full of real estate.
Inside the house were the other four women, all in the most hideous of ‘mumu’s.’ Well, all of them outside of Wanda, who instead wore a gorgeous red dress, her bosom’s prominently on display, with a full face of makeup to boot.
“Natasha dear, can you grab the cheesecake?,” the redhead did as asked, not that she had much of a choice. She settled it down on the table in front of an uncharacteristically quiet Kate who was deep in thought., “Kate, honey, what’s on your mind?,” internally she cringed, never in her life would she ask the eager girl such a question, she never had the time necessary for the long winded answers.
“Well—.,” before Kate could spin into a story, Yelena slammed the door open, with a butchers knife raised high, cackling wildly at the sight of the terrified women clutching their chests., “Yelena! That isn’t funny!,” Natasha shrieks, and the blonde deadpans., “To you, but to me that was hilarious. All of your silly, scared faces bring me immense joys.”
“Yelena, take a seat, and hush your mouth.,” Natasha groaned, pulling her own chair into the table and slamming her fork into her slice of cheesecake before bringing it to her mouth. Surprisingly she could taste it, the creamy texture was clear on her tongue, and internally she was beaming at the fortunate discovery.
“Anyways.,” Kate blurts, an innocent look in her eyes as she goes to answer Nat’s question., “I was thinking about this time back in my youth.,” Yelena groaned unabashedly, but Kate just continued on., “Schenectady, NY, I was on the tractor with my daddy when a rogue pig began to run through the fields.,” she giggled., “I was about to end up making unintentional bacon, but then fortunately for us Mr. Wiggles squealed loudly.,” the knock you placed on the front door had the kitchen erupting in cheers as Kate’s story was once again put on pause.
“That must be my date.,” Wanda purred, then left the kitchen to open the door for you, her eyes trailed down your body, appreciating the floral suit you put on—that she chose—a hand reached for yours, and you shyly accepted it., “Let me introduce you to my friends kotenok.,” she chuckled when your head dropped, it was so easy to fluster you—truly—it was her favorite thing to do, she’ll never stop flirting with you.
As the door to the kitchen was swung open all the women’s eyes fell to you, and the redheads widened at the sight of you., “Y/N?,” you were not sure your role here outside of Wanda’s date, but now you realized your plot was deeper., “Nat? Long time no see.,” she scoffed, “Yeah, since you dumped me with no reason.”
Internally you cringed, your poor girlfriend was typecast as Dorothy—a great character, but poor thing was the butt of single-hood jokes, and you worry for your other girlfriends sake; Natasha will not hold back her thoughts later.
“Well, it’s clear you all have better things to do. Y/N and I will be going to dinner now.,” Wanda cleared the rooms tense atmosphere with words that weren’t to be questioned., “And if you play your cards right, you’ll be enjoying your dessert in no time.,” she whispered into your ear while pushing you back into the living room, but when you spun around the scene had completely changed.
No longer were you in the living room designed from an 80’s catalog, but instead you stood in a quaint two bedroom apartment in you assumed to be upper Manhattan based on the purple door with the yellow frame around the eyehole. Just as you were about to explore the space the door flew open, and all of your friends piled in.
“Yelena, you can’t be serious.,” Kate whines while following the blonde to the couch. “Oh, but I am Kate Bishop! As serious as a heart attack!,” she exasperates., “You’re going to deny the poor girl a second date over fries?”
“No, of course not, don’t be silly Kate, it’s all about what the fries represented to me!”
“Which is?” she humors the blonde., “All food!”
The brunette looks back to you pleadingly., “Can you believe this?,” you chuckle and nod., “Yelena doesn’t share food Kate, I once saw her wrestle with a seagull to get her fries back.,” the younger girls eyes widened, turning back for confirmation and receiving it by way of the blonde’s smirk., “I don’t share food Kate.,” she winked, then to prove her point she slapped the girls hand away from her chocolate muffin.
Natasha settled her body behind yours, arms wrapping around your waist, with her chin resting on your shoulder., “Have you given more consideration to going out with me yet?,” you rolled your eyes and shrugged the woman off you., “Natasha, we’ve been over this, you are not getting a second chance with all of this. Not my fault you slept with someone else.”
The redhead groaned as you walked out of her reach., “Y/N! We were on a break! Let it go.”
Your eyes widened while facing the fridge, the witch was two for two now with the typecasting mistakes, Natasha being Ross—though kinda hilarious, will likely not sit well with her.
Wanda threw her hands in the air, effectively silencing the words she’d almost let you say., “Knock it off, the both of you, the argument is tired and I need your help to decide if this is good enough for Vis’s work potluck tomorrow.”
All the hairs on your body stood up at the name of her former partner, it stung a bit that she would typecast him in place as her Chandler, but it wasn’t like you had any time to really care when you were being physically propelled towards the dining room table.
“Wanda, oh my goodness! This is delicious.,” Yelena groaned, her hands soaked red from the sauce of the lasagna she shoveled in her mouth. Kate grimaced at the sight of it all., “No thank you Wands, I don’t eat cheese or meat.,” she grabbed an apple then returned to the couch.
“Y/N? Care to try your best friends dish?,” the forkful was soon pushed passed your plump lips, and you hummed your approval for the pasta. The redhead and you shared a personal look, and you could see she was trying to quell your anxieties, ‘a dream is just a cumulation of many meaningless thoughts,’ you could imagine the words falling from her lips, as they have many times after one of your lifelike nightmares. You blinked three times, and the woman smiled fondly at your display of love.
“It’s delicious Wan, Vis will love it!,” you beamed your scripted line to the woman who smiled at you a little too fondly for it to have been platonic, but such is the way of an altered reality you presume., “I’m glad to hear it.,” and just as you went to take a seat on the couch it dematerialized before your eyes, as did the rest of the scenery. An odd sensation consumed your form, then suddenly you were gasping.
In real time Wanda’s body jolted off of the mattress in a fit of harsh coughs, briefly releasing all of you from the trippy mind fog. Yelena and Kate shared a look as they booked it for the front door with their bags and a distant shout back., “A hotel works just fine for us.,” Natasha smirked down at you from over your shoulder, your body having slumped into hers, and just as she went to speak she was silenced. The both of you watched as the color of the apartment faded into a murky black and white.
This time though you’d had full motor control, it was apparent that your sickened girlfriend was losing her ability to hold much control. With quick footsteps you approached the room, Natasha hot on your heels, as the both of you were honestly worried about her wellbeing. Upon entering the room you saw Wanda in a robe sat before the vanity, she didn’t look like she had in every other sequence though.
This time the sickness had the upper hand over her, the tip of her nose was a much darker shade of grey from the rest of her face, as were the bags beneath her eyelids. Nonetheless, she smiled fondly at the both of you., “My loves.,” she croakily coo’d, all your previous qualms based on her choices faded away at the sight of the soft smile that accompanied her words. Natasha’s were simply pushed to the back of her mind, to obviously be fought over later.
“Oh baby, you don’t look well.,” you softly say as you approached her, her nose scrunched in offense, but when she released the hold a box of tissues had materialized in your hands. Natasha chuckled, remembering last nights sitcom of the hour, and how you’d told Wanda she was basically Samantha’s witchy twin., “That’s not very nice.,” she whined, but her soured mood only lasted a second, because in the next you were handing her a tissue, and scooping her body up and into your chest.
“Most of what you’ve done today hasn’t been.,” Natasha grumbled, clearly not letting anything go, but when Wanda looked to her with a pout she temporarily resolved., “Let’s get you back in bed. Natty will get you some medicine.,” you sent the redhead a pointed glare and she went into to the ensuite swiftly, coming back with a cup of NyQuil, and a glass of water., “Open up.”
Wanda tiredly did as told, grimacing shortly after as the bitter cough syrup coated her tongue. You quelled her whimpers with a box of apple juice from your stash, before then urging her to drink the glass of water as well., “Get some rest love.,” you coo’d, hands gentle as they stroked her sweaty hair out of her face., “Lub you.,” both of your hearts skipped at her whispered words., “We love you too detka.,” Natasha confirmed, then you heard a cuffing noise, looking down to see she’d restricted Wanda’s powers., “They’ll time off before she even wakes up, but I refuse to receive any more horrible roles, now lets go watch a movie.,” you shook your head in disbelief while chuckling, then accepted her outstretched hand anyways.
That night Natasha and you slept on the couch, so when Wanda woke up in a bed full of tissues instead of your comforting bodies she pouted. Walking out she found the both of you in an entangled mess of limbs on the couch., “Cute.”, she gently brushed the hair off your face, then placed soft kisses to both of your foreheads. She was honestly feeling so much better after all of the given meds and rest, so she decided to take care of breakfast in a show of her thanks.
Bits and pieces of the oddest dreams kept flashing through her mind while flipping the pancakes, and a frown befell her face at just how real all of felt as it replayed for her., “Sweetheart, give me the spatula, and run.,” you suddenly spoke from besides her, and when she looked to you she saw an angry Natasha quickly approaching from behind you., “What?,” you grabbed the spatula, kissed her lips, then lightly shoved her., “Honey run!”
“You can try to run, but I’ll eventually get you!,” Natasha shouted, slapping your ass in warning as she brushed right on passed you.
“Natasha! Baby, what did I even do?!,” Wanda shrieked from down the hallway, you shook your head in amusement while plating up their pancakes., “What did you do?!,” she scoffed., “Wanda, you typecast me as Ross Gellar!,” the witches gasp was far too audible to you, and that was because she came barreling back into the kitchen from the other entrance, and before you could protest she was using you as a shield.
“I-I, was that all really happening?,” she stumbled over her words, the confusion was evident in her tone, you nodded gently, turning to peck her forehead just before Natasha reentered., “Wanda, why?! Is that how you really see me?,” you held back a giggle, finding Natasha’s whining rather adorable actually. Wanda however was mortified, she shook her head violently against your shoulder blade, and you could see Natasha’s anger melting the longer she stared at the witch clinging to you. Then when you teasingly stuck your bacon out for her to nibble on she was back to baseline, approaching you eagerly, and moaning at the salty, yet sweet flavor of the meat.
“Am I still in trouble?,” she whispered timidly, you spun around to face her., “Not unless you really want Vision back.,” her face scrunched in hardcore offense., “Absolutely not, I’ve got all I could ever want or need here with my wives.”
“Right answer.,” you settled a kiss to her lips, then another to Natasha’s as your turned back around and headed towards the table to eat., “Come now ladies, let’s enjoy the food.”
Everything was going great too, giggles filled the room as you reminded the witch just how everything played out., “Did they really run out of here like the world was on fire?,” you nodded while sipping on your warm mug and Wanda broke out into another fit of laughter., “Always so dramatic.,” Nat added., “Yeah, can’t wait to see them drunk at their wedding.,” you teased, but before the conversation could go on your lovers looked to you with concern as an unexpected, harsh cough tore from your throat.
“Please, nooo.,” Natasha groaned, because as hypothesized, following your cough came a loud boom as storm clouds formed above the dining room table, and as another cough tore through you, lightning cracked and rain fell. Soaking the entirety of the table, along with you and your lovers., “Please, remind me again why I married you magical little freaks.”
Wanda ignored the grumbling redhead, turning to face your pouting form with a smile, and beckoning you over towards her with a finger., “It’s okay my love, get some rest.,” and as you settled into her arms red tendrils flowed out and into your mind, locking you into a deep slumber, and settling the brewing storm., “Because I can do just that, and let’s not act like you’re not an absolute menace when sick.,” Natasha blushed, and bowed her head at the call out, then she approached you both., “She is pretty cute.,” Wanda smiled., “The cutest.”
For reference:
ILL (Lucy-R, Ethel-Lena)
Golden Girls! (Kate-Rose, Nat-Dorothy, Lena-Sophia, W-Blanche, R-Blanche’s date/Dorothy’s “ex”)
Friends (Kate-Phoebe, R-Rachel, Lena-Joey, W-Mon, Nat-Ross)
Bewitched! (Wanda & Nat/R)
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sierrawitch · 4 months
Visualization for the Clairvoyantly Impaired
by autumn sierra
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Assuredly, I am not the only individual that struggles with visualization in the witch community. Like some others’ experiences, I was very confused when I was told to “visualize a scene in which your spell is successful”. How does one visualize? Is there a tutorial? What is it supposed to look like? Why do I only see darkness?
After doing a bit of research, I’ve found that clairvoyant/visualization ability is actually the norm. Despite being an artist, writer, and avid reader, I just can’t do it. At least not on command. This isn’t to say I for 100% certainty have the condition known as aphantasia, but it’s very eye opening to now understand why I struggle with visualization meditation in my practice. I simply don’t have the ability.
I began to reflect on what I could do to visualize and subsequently maintain success within my spell work. It occurred to me that clairvoyance isn’t the only psychic sense we can rely on. There are many others at our disposal, it’s just that clairvoyance seems to be the most mainstream.
Someone “eating with gusto” has always been a compliment to chefs. Clairgustance is the ability to taste or orally detect psychic information. It’s not the most common or widely known, but this clair does have its interesting points.
Clairsalience is the ability to detect psychic information through the sense of smell. Often called “phantom smells”, detecting aromas through clairsalience arguably happens amongst even the general population quite frequently.
Audiences are there to listen, just as we are the audiences to psychic messages. Clairaudience is the detection of information through sound. This means hearing voices, noises, songs, etc.
Claircognizance is the ability to innately know, or have very deep insight. With this clair, intuition is at another level of intensity to the point where one could learn something without ever hearing it from another source. It may not have immediate proof, but it will eventually.
Clairsentience is feeling psychic information throughout the body in various ways. These can be broken down to external effects similar to environmental change (feeling cold, hot, etc) or an internal change (tightening of the chest, migraine, etc).
Being an empath is its own superpower, but clairempathy allows one to detect emotions over distance without meeting with someone in person.
Clairtangency is the clair of the hands, touching and feeling objects and people while understanding their history and energy. This is similar to psychometry, but much more of an instinct than a trained skill.
My Experience
After some more reflection and experimentation, I noticed that I have experienced multiple of these clair senses: clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairsentience.
I had an instance during a (very meager) Samhain ritual a few years ago when I attempted to communicate with deceased loved ones and I experienced my strongest interaction through clairsentience. I did in fact make contact with my dog who had passed away a year prior. It was at this time that I asked her to give me a sign that she was in the room with me, and I felt goosebumps on my skin, as if she were sitting beside me and leaning against me like she always used to. I could feel the slight prickle of her short fur. The feeling grazed against my arm before it vanished, but I knew she was there. I also experience migraines and other symptoms when energies are imbalanced, so perhaps I should look further into communing with this clair sense.
Claircognizance is also something I am familiar with. My strongest experiences with claircognizance have been in instances of drastic change (think the Tower level of change). The first of these was during quarantine in the summer of 2020. The entire time I sat in my home, studying language and doing yoga, watching tv and doing whatever to keep myself entertained, there was a looming feeling of impending change that hovered over me at all times. I prophesied that my family’s lives would be forever altered in the next year, but I wasn’t sure if it would be positive or negative. Within the year, our entire dynamic fell apart, ending in homelessness, divorce, and a terrible struggle to pick up the pieces. Since then, all of my “prophesies” have been accurate in the foretelling of drastic change as it pertains to myself, my environment, and individuals around me, both positively and negatively.
Finally, clairaudience. This was the first clair sense that I had acknowledged as such, and have been able to use throughout my life. As a child, I would listen to music without external stimuli. I’ve experienced rumblings and tinkling of bells, ringing and static, voices, and most recently (with exercise) constructing my own auditory “visualizations”. As a sleep aid, I “visualize” the voice of a woman echoing inside of a room. If I could see the room it would probably be white and very large, like in Bruce Almighty when Jim Carrey meets Morgan Freeman on the 7th at 7:00. The woman sounds around 40 years old, with a Heightened RP British accent. I feel as if I would be sitting in this room as her voice approaches me, and her heels click on the polished floor and echo throughout the space. Yet all I see is black as I hear her say “So, what will we be reviewing today?” And in my thoughts I somehow silently reply with the things that made me feel negatively throughout the day. Although she hears no response, she says “I see. And how do you think that this has affected you?” And I silently reply again, to which she will say something along the lines of “Well, not everything is in your power to control”, or “Give yourself a bit more grace here”, etc. It seems I have created my own therapist, which I never thought would be remotely possible.
Although I lack clairvoyance, these 3 clair senses have been with me all the while. Since I’m most comfortable with clairaudience, perhaps further exercising those psychic muscles will help me “visualize” during spell work and not just at bedtime. This may apply to other practitioners struggling with visualization as well. Consider these senses and experiment with them to see if you also have dormant skills lying in wait for use. Research further into these phenomena and apply them to your life and your practice. You never know what you might unlock within yourself once you try.
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wingsdippedingold · 3 months
I fear I am a Manon, Nesta, Lidia (though I don’t care for CC) girl through and through
Also me and Manon’s personalities are identical according to PDB and all the different classification systems
with that being said if anyone wants to talk to me about the systems please do because I hyper fixated on them for too long during quarantine to not talk about them
So anyway I stand with my witch ✊😔
side note: princeling was one of my fav nicknames, then I found out Manon called Dorian that? Ate.
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tisthepamseason · 5 months
So - Taylor Swift & Florence Welch both have songs called Cassandra. Why is that significant?
✨First- Who is Cassandra, Anyway? EW.
Cassandra is a figure in Greek mythology, blessed with the ability to see the future & cursed to never be believed. She sees the fall of Troy before it happens but can't do anything to stop it (there's a lotttt more Cassandra lore, keeping it basic here).
In the 1940s, a French philosopher dubbed "Cassandra complex" to encompass situations where someone reacts validly & with reason and raises the alarm but is not believed until it's too late.
✨Second- What is Taylor's interpretation of Cassandra?
Taylor's Cassandra remains faithful and places herself into the myth, issuing warnings about untrustworthy individuals that went ignored by her peers, the media, and the general public - invoking her Reputation era. ("You can mark my words that I said it first in a morning warning no one heard"). She's telling the story of her Reputation era through Cassandra, who was famously ignored after giving warnings about the fall of Troy.
She references snakes in her cell, a double meaning:🐍 on her actual cell phone (hehe) & a reference to the snakes mentioned in the myth of Cassandra, where snakes whispered the future to her. She goes on to say, "so they killed Cassandra first because she feared the worst and tried to tell the town"..."do you believe me now?" asking if, after the witch hunts & death of her reputation, we believe her now that the truth has actually come out. She makes a point to say, "when the truth comes out, it's quiet. it's so quiet."
A line that I personally feel is very important within Taylor's story is "they say 'what doesn't kill you makes you aware' - what happens if it becomes who you are?" Changing the famous "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" to "makes you aware" is a very important distinction for her to make. Ever since she was made aware of the shady characters that exist within her world, she has been vigilant in order to protect herself, her art, and her integrity. Next, she worries that the struggles she went through will define her in the same way that Cassandra's struggles continue to define her today, which we've seen carry over thematically in albums she's released since Reputation.
In her outro, she reiterates: "When the first stone's thrown, they're screaming. In the streets, there's a raging riot. When it's BURN THE BITCH, they're shrieking... when the truth comes out, it's quiet. It's so quiet." Taylor Swift has not forgotten the volume of the voices that condemned her, or their apparent silence (lack of apology?) in the aftermath.
✨Third- What is Florence's interpretation of Cassandra?
Florence's Cassandra is a told a bit more in abstract, and comes after Florence believed that the music she was writing, as well as her own personal wishes pre-pandemic, seemed to call upon her the isolation that came during the pandemic.
She starts with, "I used to see the future and now I see nothing"..."Crying like Cassandra, I used to tell the future but they cut out my tongue" and tells a story of a Cassandra who had the gift of foresight, was cursed, and then was ultimately stripped of it & left to cope in the aftermath. Combined with the uncertainty & loneliness felt during the early months of quarantine, Florence's Cassandra is blinded, condemned, and left to question how she fits into the world crumbling around her.
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