#queens and monsters series
thatpunkmaximoff · 9 months
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[Book One of Four]
Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 4 out of 5
Wow. Really, just wow.
Kage really went and fell for his mark, huh? Turned the vanilla, never gonna find love again woman into a woman who craved every dark tendency he showed her.
I loved the suspense and mystery of it all. And let’s not forget the humor. Gotta love Sloane and her worry for her best friend’s love life.
This book really kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering and waiting for the other shoe to drop. And boy did it drop. It kind of broke my heart a little too. I loved that Natalie got her answers and came to terms with her love for Kage. I really hope these two pop up in the other books. I need to know how Natalie takes to ruling by Kage’s side.
Now enjoy my rambling thoughts…
* That breakup 😂 How’s the dude gonna be pissed when he’s the one breaking up with her? Insecure much? 😂
* I want the hot pirate with big dick energy. Sounds hot lmao
* “Sorry, Princess. If you’re looking for a knight in shining armor, you’re looking in the wrong fucking place.” — well, now I’m interested.
* Kage doesn’t like to break beautiful things? Wtf was he sent to do to Natalie?!
* Scary Kage just saw Natalie in her wedding dress and said it doesn’t suit her 🤦🏻‍♀️ That she’s beautiful but it has nothing to do with the dress. My fucking heart can’t handle this man rn.
* “I need to kiss you.” // “No.” // “Then come sit on my lap and let me finger fuck you while I feed you dinner.” — HOLY SHIT 🥵😂
* Sheriff Douche wants a second chance and was manhandling Natalie? Oh hell no. Thank god for Kage.
* Holy shit. He was sent to kill her?!
* Natalie has some amazing self control. How did she not fuck him on that table?!?!
* Jesus… this man is intense.
* Holy hell this man can kiss lol. How is she not taking him to bed asap?!
* “I’ll have to make you fall in love with me before I tell you all my darkest secrets.” // “Oh yeah? Why’s that?” // “So you won’t leave me… even though you’ll want to.” — fuckkkkk.
* Second in command to the Russian mafia. Surprisingly, I’m not turned off lmao. He said he was not a good man 🤷🏻‍♀️
* Her orgasmic bliss would be ruined by gunfire. What a bunch of cock blocks.
* After everything she had him take her to bed. So much for going on two dates before giving it up 😂
* Jesus. He fucked the shit out of her. And she still doesn’t know he was sent to kill her. The angst is gonna be angsting. And if her missing fiancé pops up, I’m gonna be pissed.
* And now Kage has found the sex toy drawer. I can’t 😂
* I love that Natalie is going through a rebirth and it’s dark… 😏
* Holy shit… so the fiancé was killed? At least that’s how Kage made it seem. I hope so.
* “My life doesn’t belong to me, do you understand? I made a vow. I took an oath and sealed it with blood. The Bratva is my family. The Brotherhood is my life. And there’s no way out of it. Blood in, no out. Not ever. Not even for love.” — and now my heart is broken.
* Oh shit. His boss is in charge of who he married and it’ll never be Natalie because he was supposed to kill her 😬 This whole relationship is a clusterfuck.
* Yikes. Someone’s stalking Natalie and she thinks it’s her ex… but girl! You’re dating a Russian mobster. It’s definitely one of his enemies.
* I FUCKING CALLED IT! And now Kage’s boss knows Kage disobeyed him, and he put a hit out on both Natalie and Kage, and FUCKKKKK!
* Oh goddammit. The dead fiancé isn’t as dead as we all thought and his name isn’t even David! Wtf.
* Holy fuck. She went after the missing fiancé..? Kage is gonna go ballistic because she left him and isn’t answering his calls or texts.
* They made up. Oh thank god.
* Kage is the boss man now. Hot damn.
* She wants his babies and he wants her to marry him. Oh my god!!!!
* Lmfao. Of course Sloane would be kidnapped. She’s gonna fall for her kidnapper, isn’t she? 😂
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monsterhigh-world · 8 months
Adventure time reference, marceline is mentioned on monster high
She is mentioned as one the famous vampires
Adventure time fans should really watch this series
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
I want to write some stuff for this but am actively nodding off so y'all just get an info dump before I forget it instead. (My baby loftwing being all fluffed and happy on my chest is not helping me focus lol)
Anyway! Miphlink baby!
I think it would be pretty neat if he was hard of hearing. The mix of Hylian/Zora genes mostly goes fine, but that's the one thing that just gets him. Part of it is because Zora and Hylian ears are different - Zora ears are small openings hidden under the side fins on their heads, and we all know about Hylian ears. Zora rely on different hearing sensors when underwater, hollowed out structures in their heads that allow, essentially, for echolocation. Miphlink baby is born with Hylian ears tucked behind thinner side fins, no structures for echolocation, and not the best hearing. So Link and Mipha have to sign with him most of the time, though he does hear a little better underwater since sound travels better underwater.
While Mipha's color scheme for her scales is like crystla red and creamy white, baby's color scheme is a lighter shade of red paired with Link's skin tone. He doesn't have claws, either, but he does have sharp incisors. He's got his dad's blue eyes.
As for size, when he's full grown he'll stand around the height of an adult Hylian man, so he'll be taller than his dad but short by Zora standards (I figure Mipha seems pretty short for her people's standards too - she is a teenager, of course, but like... she's shorter than Link. Girl is tiny). He's got the structural fins like any Zora, but his body proportions are those of a Hylian (longer legs, shorter torso, whereas Zora are shorter legs and longer torso).
He grows at a rate similar to Hylians - Zora age twice as slow as Hylians until they hit adulthood, and then they just... are adults for a million years. But Miphlink baby grows roughly at the rate of a Hylian, maybe a little slower, and the rest of the Domain is just floored at how fast this kid is hitting his growth milestones.
He definitely has that cute "head tail is too big for his body" thing going on that Sidon had <3
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hope-di-angelo · 5 months
No, but another thing about this show that is so off from the books but we love it is how much Percy actually knows about the Greek stories. Like, yes, our Goddes Sally Jackson taught him, she prepared in the only ways she could. Like, ik in the books he was all like "Huh?" Or "What?" about what had happened (and if he wasn't then the Fandom has rendered my mind usless and I no longer have the ability to differentiate fanfics and canon) but yes.
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upaqu · 23 days
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Xenomommy and the Halo Pride Stickers are now available on Redbubble!
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ampresandian · 3 months
When they leave CCs Spa in season 2 I think the best way for them to turn Percy's inner monologue of trying to figure out which ship to choose into something they can portray on screen is to really utilize sound/the music. The Queen Anne's Revenge should have it's own song, and it should have a wide, sweeping, almost-chorale part that plays when Percy's eyes (the camera) land on it, something that evokes adventure but also like settling as calm. Maybe the wind also dies down or picks up noticeably, too.
I just idk I don't want them to take away Percy's moment of listening to his body that just knows that's the right choice. We know he has good instincts, and he's mostly okay at listening to them, but everything leading up to this point in som is times his instinct has gone wrong, times he hasn't noticed things he should (Tyson) or he's made a choice that backfired (also Tyson)--he needs to listen to his instincts and be proven right at this point in the story.
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jessroyal19 · 11 months
Cleo de Nile 💙💎
The face of an iconic queen
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 6 Poll G
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"But op this isn't a flower name" : read this
Susan is a name coming from the word for lily (or possibly rose, it's unclear) in Hebrew
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(Roses, black eyed susan, lily and Venus flytrap)
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raspberryzingaaa · 3 months
In between book series frantically combing goodreads, hoopla, decent narrators, publishers, anything. Full of frantic, antsy energy because I am Storyless and- wait. Is this... an. Addiction?
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mischiefprincess · 25 days
I've been thinking a lot about Loki and Frigga these days, I don't think she's an evil, manipulative monster like some people but I do think she's a very flawed mother, from what we see in the movies she's very quick to justify and sugarcoat Odin's actions, Yes there's a deleted scene where she confronts him about Thor's banishment but it was deleted for a reason, in the movie itself we see her telling Loki that "there's always a purpose to everything your father does", she's always defending him, never her sons and that tells us a lot about the kind of mother she is, idk if it's bc she puts her position as queen above her position as a mother but she always stand by Odin's side no matter what.
Ofc we know she asks Odin not to kill Loki in tdw but that's just the bare minimum she could do, she always does everything thinking about pleasing Odin above all, she goes visiting Loki as a illusion, in secret to not anger her husband, when Loki is going through the trauma of finding out the truth about his adoption she never acknowledges any responsability for what she and Odin did, she justifies his lies agian by saying he lied to protect Loki
She doesn't acknowledge Loki's pain or his right to be angry at them, she tells him he's their son as if that's enough to heal his wounds, she doesn't ask for forgiveness and doesn't offer Loki any comfort bc her husband was taking a nap and she had to stay by his side at all seconds, it doesn't matter that her son had his whole sense of identity stripped away from him, holding Odin's hand was way more important than giving Loki a hug or anything else
I think at some moment Loki realized that she cared more about being Odin's queen than being their mother bc she'd never stand up for her sons and defend them from the abuses Odin put them through, she just kept justifying it bc she wouldn't dare going against her king, it must've hurt for Loki, realizing that he was truly all by himself in Asgard, he couldn't count on his own mother to publicly defend him from the humiliations he undoubtedly suffered, she would just sneak into his chambers and whisper some words of encouragement privately but when in public he was entirely on his own and he knew it
That's why I care more about Loki reuniting with his friends/found family than him going to New Asgard or to Asgard in the past, I have no doubts that he loves his family with his whole heart and he wants to see them again but I love the new family he built for himself in the show, he has Mobius who will defend him with everything he has and will be his emotional support, validating his feelings and genuinely listening to him, he NEVER felt like he belonged in Asgard but in the show he finally found his place, he found the people he belonged to (as stated by the crew) and he fought to save them for hundreds of years so there's no way I'd want him to leave his new home for him to go back to the place where he was mistreated, belittled and mocked just for being who he was, I want him to stay in the place where feels free to be his true self thank you very much
(Ofc that doesn't mean I don't want him and Thor to reunite again, I just think it's best for him to stay with the people he chose to be his family)
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y0ur-l0c4l-qu33r · 1 year
why is nobody on monster high tumblr talking about how mattel literally got trixie mattel to voice a drag queen in the newest episode??!?!
With all the anti-drag/anti-trans laws coming out in the US this just feels so good natured and wholesome<3
i had a sneaking suspicion it was trixie throughout the episode and when i checked the credits i was right!!
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thatpunkmaximoff · 9 months
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[Book Two of Four]
Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 4 out of 5
I knew Sloane was going to be a riot! She had me laughing so much what with the way she constantly pissed off Declan and collected his men one by one.
For a woman who claimed to be defective because she couldn’t/wouldn’t fall in love… she sure as hell fell quick and hard.
There was so much going on with Declan that left me cursing at my book, and I know it’s definitely not over. I’m so nervous to see what happens to them in the final two books because they have to be mentioned again. Right?
Now here are my rambling thoughts…
* Lmfao. I knew Sloane was going to be a riot. These Irish mobsters have no idea what they’re in for.
* Oh shit. Declan’s in charge now? Well that’s one worry down the drain. I was scared the boss man was gonna put Sloane through some form of trauma… now I just gotta worry that Sloane gets on Declan’s good side in time.
* Oh Sloane. I love you. Never change 😂
* Saline’s got some big balls. Massaging your kidnapper? Wtf are you thinking 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Oohhhh spanking. These two are so fucked.
* I fucking can’t with Sloane right now. First Kieran and now Spider? She’s gonna recruit all the Irish gangsters against Declan’s wishes 😂
* Oh, Declan. What sort of deal do you have with Stavros?
* Wtf Stavros? You jerk off to the smell of her shoes? 😂
* Declan took her back. Thank god.
* And now they boned and both are emotionally fucked. How the hell is this gonna work out?
* Declan’s seeing an FBI agent in secret? He has a cover..? WTF IS GOING ON?!
* Holy shit. The way Sloane was gonna take the punishment for Spider.. my fucking heart can’t take this!!!
* Oh Sloane 😔 Her childhood is so heartbreaking.
* And now she’s gone?! Wtf.
* Who the fuck kidnapped her? I bet they’re regretting it already 😂
* Oh shit. Sloane’s gonna be pissed when she realizes this is all Declan’s fault because he potentially wanted her as an asset. Which yeah… I’m still freaked over that. Wtf you doing, Declan?
* Holy shit. Our girl isn’t going down without a fight and neither is Declan. Fuck the government!
* Ohhhh. They worked it out and are back together!!!
* And oh fuck. Kage would give Stavros permission to go after Declan. I just hope it’s Sloane who fucks him up for going after her man.
* Shit. Diego is alive?? This won’t end well.
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monsterhigh-world · 8 months
Scareer day sneak peek
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Im quite excited for the episode since it will introduce another mh parent, hades burns
Is officially that he is the hades the god of the underworld so that means heath is part god, a demigod, the son of hades and a fire elemental
Plus more abbey and heath interactions as well kuma and lagoona interacting with them too
Even more parents will appear in the episode too but as background or small roles since queen de nile can be seen in the background (she is cleo and nefera’s mother)
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porto-rosso · 1 month
brother where is the charles appreciation
#so dark out here#umm dead boy detectives review here we go! first two episodes were definitely the worst of the series. both are kinda weirdly paced and#the exposition is done poorly in places. overall from episode 3 onwards it gets much much better with pacing and show dont tell#do not understand for the life of me why they made crystal palace american#kassius nelson (<- crystals actress) was very good in places and kinda ehhh in others and im 90% the issue for most of the latter moments#was just that her american accent is not great. sorry they did that to you queen#dialogue was a bit dodge sometimes as well#stuff i liked now! the plot felt quite solid and i really enjoyed the monster of the week approach i think thats the perfect way to#do a dbd adaptation. was a bit annoyed they immediately went to america but port townsend was an interesting setting and all the#supernatural elements/characters fit in nicely#major props cos i feel like the show mostly pulled off the emotionally charged moments without getting corny and the dialogue was generally#good in those moments#particularly charles/crystals heart to heart in ep. 3 and like the entirety of episode 7 (<- ep 7 was brilliant)#overall very fun watch and i feel that the more irritating typical YA show garb was at least a bit offset by them being willing to get#quite dark in places#bit sad people are mostly posting about edwin becos charles was my favourite. has been entertaining watching americans scramble around#the cultural differences in the show#shaking my inbox like a maraca. if anyone wants to talk at me abt the show i will love you forever#.log
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whenwewereyoung97 · 2 months
I thought it would be a good idea to map out all of the books I have preordered.
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Spoiler alert: it was not a good idea. This is torture.
I will be checking this every day.
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monstersuburban · 11 months
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Breaking my Tumblr silence with the crossover event of a century. Meeting of the Cunt.
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