#radiant rodent
quilveor · 2 years
Hatchday gifts yes i'm cringe i say hatchday bite me
ok so *checks* two days ago i had a hatchday
and i feel like i've been really bad at sharing what i got around
[i like tumblr, it lets me ramble incoherently and i know it's On Brand for the website ok] [i still need to figure out how to add opacity to text, when i do i will be unstoppable]
So here's a showcase! Of all the stuffs I got!
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Beginning with the biggest hitter, Primal Ivysaur's refsheet for me
Man's *really good at art* and a good friend and overall just a stand-up fella, and we been chatting and he just did this like ?????????? that's so detailed and he made me so buff help
It looks amazing, even though his personal style does not mesh with my sona too well [also spikes go up [the spikes always go up]], I just can't NOT love this.
quil when you mess with his friends. yes.
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From Radiant Rodent and, listen, okay, listen. Look at him. Forsooth, look at him. The red one, not me. He's a derp. x]
No, but with all honesty, this is hilarious. RR's got their four kobolds and meeting one of them is definitely a goal. Even if it's the most verbose one, sir Arioth. Was he knighted even? I don't know.
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This is the man responsible for spikes go up, btw. This one. DreAmCatcher is the man solely responsible for the spikes go up AND for the brown hoodie. I don't even own a brown hoodie, I want one though. Anyway, DreAm has surprised me with two drawings, first putting me alongside his own ocs, and then the tarot???
i might be a sucker for symbolism ok
dream's a cool dude and he drew me way too much stuff already i'm not even asking for anything he just
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And this sketchie is from Kazyleusz who doesn't even usually draw! But she's also a good friend and I've been recently helping her out with various world lore for her tabletop sessions. And it's so precious omg.
Clear omg two cakes moment here. this art has vibes. And I like those vibes.
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ABOUT VIBES LOOK AT THIS from Alternativeway @stakeo! Man's a friend, he got so much art progress over last year it's inhuman, and I'm so glad to see this. the poooooseeeeee it's more dynamic than anything i ever did
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And this one is from Roczoo @roczo2and i'll be honest I don't even know if this is a bday gift because it was like two days earlier and it was just airdropped into my dms without another word but it's STILL COOL and i'm still thankful!
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And I think finally? is this the lasto ne? i lost my focus so many times i don't know i probably forgot someone anyway
this one is from Reebalt, and the memer just took an older art and put a cake in it but it's hilarious SO YOU KNOW i had to include it
now i'm gonna go collapse because i've been all over the place and i do NOT know if this is all excuse meif i forgot anybody
oh also i have two talons for 'gonna draw you whatever' from two friends but you know, can't bring a promise to a show and tell
have a good day tho, you can be christmassy now.
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atticinsulationpro · 2 years
Attic Insulation and Air Duct Replacement in Houston
If you're a homeowner in Houston, then you know how important it is to maintain a comfortable living space year-round. This means that your home's insulation and air duct system need to be in top shape to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of attic insulation and air duct replacement in Houston, and why it's important to choose a reliable and experienced company like Attic Insulation Pro.
Visit our source page :
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flatoutin-eaurouge · 2 months
The stable boy to your horseman 1/2
Pairing: Mika Häkkinen x Michael Schumacher
@schumi-honey, @hakkineninen and I were cooking in the discord. I got a little too excited and had to split the fic in half. There will be a part 2... a little more romantic 🤭
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(Photo cred.)
He stood in front of him with a big radiant smile, his hand caressing the mane of Michael's horse. His resumé was well-nigh blank, but the boy with all his innocence, had written a motivation letter in mostly broken English, containing a list of all the pets he owned, used to own or dreamed of owning. Ranging from "just" cats and dogs to rodents to reptiles to insects. Very irrelevant for the job, but very endearing all the more.
Michael wondered how the young man had ended up inside his stables. Maybe he shouldn't have invited his mother to help him interview the applicants. She was known to be prone to fall for boyish naivity and innocent charm. All other candidates were very experienced, fluent in English, quite a few years older than Michael, but they all had - according to Mrs. Schumacher - an air of misplaced arrogance.
"Horses don't like that, Michael! They know a bragger when they smell one."
Michael had foiled through the resumés and stared at the photo of the only outlier in the range of applicants. A boy with a thick Northern-European accent, big blue eyes and a mop of blonde neatly combed hair. A school boy dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt. Now what...
"In what world is this a good idea?"
"You can learn everything. However, what you can't learn is 'reading' horses and calming them. Some people have an instinct for it."
Michael scrutinized the boy, taking him in from head to toe. The frolicsome appereance of the man made Michael feel a little bit skeptic towards him. This was a very serious job in a very serious sport. You can't come here to cuddle with the horses and all the other animals that had caught the Finn's eyes on their way to the stables a few minutes ago.
"So, is that how you do it? Charm your way in? Used to get what you want because of the way you look and act?" Michael waved Mika's resumé in front of his big blue eyes.
Mika was suprised to hear the skepticism in Michael's voice. The Finn challenged him with a look as his eyes twinkled with mischief. "You kept it? It's basically a  blank paper, you know?"
"Yeah, I can see that. Is that why you gave such an irrelevant list of weird creatures you like to pet? To fill in the blanks?"
Mika didn't look at Michael as he caressed the soft nose of the horse with the back of his finger, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "It's a clever way to fill in the blanks...I agree, but all of it is true. I did not make it up 'just because'."
"Yeah? So you like salamanders and rats and stick insects...? I mean... stick insects?! You like twigs with legs?"
"They are organisms with an own will. They're very interesting, Mr. Schumacher."
The false politeness irked Michael. "Don't call me Mr. Schumacher. My name is Michael."
Mika wiped his hand on his jeans, then stretched it out to Michael. "I'm Mika."
"I already know your name, I read your resumé remember? Not that there was much to read." Michael reached out, but instead of grabbing the Finn's outstretched hand, he went for his wrist. "Listen. It's no playground here. I'm here to win!"
"Then we are on the same page."
Michael rolled with his eyes and stared at the blonde boy through narrow eyes, scrutinizing him again. Who did the guy try to impress having so many top buttons of his shirt undone? He was athletically built, fit and slender, but not particular muscular. The only really impressing thing about him was his sun-kissed golden hair... and his adorable little nose.
"We better be. I hope you know how to make horseshoes, because if you don't... what's the point of you being here?" Michael turned on his heels. "Your dinner is served in the kitchen with the chamberlains and the maids, by the way."
With a little tilt of his head he left Mika alone with the horses.
Michael walked to the large driveway of his mansion to wave his mother goodbye. She would return to Germany where she lived and where, coincidently, next race would be held. They would soon be reunited.
As his mother got into her shiny Rolls Royce, Michael noticed a slightly taller shadow appear next to him. The unexpectedness made him startle. He swiftly turned around to look who was invading his space.
Verdammt! Of all people working at the mansion, it was his new stable boy waving at the woman who had granted him the job he wanted. The man seemed to feel rightly at home.
And his mother, bless the woman, seemed to love it. She laughed out loud and waved at the new addition to Michael's staff. "Good luck you two!"
As soon as his mother was out of sight, Michael took a very obvious step away from his stable boy. "What are you doing here, man? Start doing something that can convince me you were a good choice after all." He leveled Mika with a stare and left him at the driveway.
Mika watched Michael go, noticing the impressive sway of his strong hips and the solid line of his broad shoulders. The German seemed hard to please. Maybe he had all right to be... he was a world champion after all.
A little perplexed by his not so warm welcome, Mika walked back to the stables. He stared at all the horses that were now his to take care of. All beautiful and stately Friesians. Mika wondered how Michael climbed on top of those horses. Did he need a crate? Or was he expected to give Michael a leg up or a helping hand? He blushed a little at the thought. He wanted to convince the German he was the right man for the job.
Feeling a little nervous all of a sudden, he wandered towards the anvil located in one of the corners of the stables. There was a rack with pliers and hammers on the wall and an intimidating looking oven next to it.
He took one of the pliers and studied it. All right, Let's make a beautiful horseshoe that I can show Michael later this day. He had time to practice now right?
Michael was sitting at the desk in his study room foiling through his fan mail. Lots of boys and girls had been asking for his signature, his advices or his hand in marriage. Michael spend a lot of time responding and making sure his replies did justice to the efforts of his fans. Replying accordingly to his fans required his full concentration.
That concentration was harshly interrupted by some frantic knocking on the door of his study room.
"Michael!" A louder knock. "Michael!"
Michael sighed and put his pen down. "Who is it?"
Michael rolled with his eyes. "Who is 'me'?" He expected he already knew the answer. It was probably blonde and naive. "Is 'me' Mika?"
Michael got up with an exaggerated sigh. He walked to his door and opened it with a harsh swing, almost smacking Mika in the face. "Can't believe you wandered around my house to look for me! With your Wellies on none the less!"
"Look!" Mika held up the iron plier with a slightly disformed horseshoe at the end of it. "Watch out though! I think it's still hot. My first time doing it!" A big radiant smile.
Michael took his stable boy in from head to toe. He was wearing an oversized leather apron and leather gloves and looked way too proud of himself.
Michael didn't want to admit it to himself, but his stable boy looked kind of hot in that leather gear. He had no right to be that hot, he was too innocent looking! 
Mika stared at him expectantly. "How did I do?"
Michael quirked an eyebrow at him and chuckled. He stared at the sinuous metal being held in front of him. "That's not gonna win me races. Poor horse that has to wear that."
Mika shoulders slumped in an instant and the smile vanished from his face. Subconsciously, his bottom lip started to tremble. He didn't say anything but he looked so disappointed.
Michael stared at him in confusion. Was the damn guy seriously on the brim of tears? Seriously?! He was dealing with an adult or...?
Mika didn't start crying, but Michael suspected it was a close call.
"Okay." The Finn turned around to leave the room.
Michael felt overcome with guilt all of a sudden. There was something so jolly about his stable boy that it felt almost illegal to make him sad. If only he knew how to console the guy instead of making things worse... He reached out to grab Mika's arm. "Hey, why are you so quick to tears?"
Mika turned around and seemed a little alarmed by Michael's reaction. "What makes you say that? I am not crying, am I?"
"It's just that I think you should be able to take criticism and not look like a rain cloud after I try to lecture you. The horseshoe does look... incorrect." Michael strategically avoided the word "shitty".
"I will do better next time." With his face twisted in disappointment, Mika gently freed his arm from Michael's grip and took his leave.
Michael stared at him in disbelief. What did I do? Is he being a crybaby or am I being too mean to him?
Mika walked back to the stables with a glint of tears in his eyes. Am I really such a loser? He wanted to please Michael so badly. He looked up to the charasmatic German boy. Michael was a strong character and very popular with his fans. Not afraid to speak his mind.
He sought solace with the horses.
Michael's favourite horse seemed to sense the sadness of the new stable boy. With a soft neigh, the animal walked towards him and rested its head on Mika's shoulder.
The warm and calming presence of the horse grounded the Finn. He lifted his hand and started to pet the animal's long black mane.
"You have beautiful mane, Enzo! I should braid them some time!"
The horse bumped his nose against Mika's cheek and started to nibble on his blonde hair, making the stable boy laugh despite his drying tears.
"Oh, you want to style my hair too?"
Mika patted the horse's furry muzzle and then sat down on a bale of hay to lose himself in his thoughts for a couple of hours.
"Hey, are you still here?"
Mika looked up from his daydream. To his surprise he saw Michael entering the stables again. The German was sporting a - what seemed - genuine smile.
"I'm very sorry for just now. I'm glad my horse is nicer to you than I am."
"Animals are purer and more deserving creatures than humans." Mika paused for a moment. "...in general I mean. It was not a dig at you!" he hurried to add.
Michael chuckled and sat down next to him on the hay bale. He looked Mika into his eyes and felt a sudden warmness fill his heart. It was a strange, but very intense feeling. It was a if he bodidly enjoyed sitting close to the Finn.
"Listen. I'm truly sorry, okay? It's just that I am participating in a very professional and very serious sport. I'm very much used to being around extremely established and experienced people... it's okay if you're still new to things... it's just."
Mika listened intently.
"You know..." Michael continued. "I'm going to send you to the best farrier of Monaco for a crash course. Just make sure you don't look completely clueless at the race in two weeks time."
"I'm joining you there?"
Michael fought the urge to roll with his eyes, and the urge to grab the dumb handsome blonde and shake some sense into him. "Yes, of course."
Mika's broad smile reappeared again. He made a little jump. "Thank you, Michael!"
It was a couple of days later and Michael had barely seen his stable boy around. The guy was too busy taking lessons from Jean Todt the farrier. Michael was too proud to admit he missed Mika's presence.
Right now he was practising in his very own indoor riding arena as he saw Mika enter the building. The friendly boy smiled and waved at Michael, but Michael ignored him in favour of giving his horse the spurs.
The horse galloped at full speed to the far end of the riding box, breezing past Mika, who was watching them fly over the riding surface.
Mika watched them with rising admiration. Such speed and such grace. Michael seemed to be one with his his horse, his strong body spurring the horse on with rhythmic flowing movements. It was quite a sight to behold. A sight that kept him glued to the ground.
Michael was a little distracted by Mika's presence. For some reason he felt a sudden pressure to do well and to show off in front of the Finn. He wanted to make the man's eyes boggle in awe. So he urged his horse to go faster and faster and faster... not even at the race track he had taken so many risks.
He looked at the side to see if Mika was still watching him and then lost control over the rein. He felt himself slipping off his horse and in his panic he tried to grab his horse's mane, but he missed the long black hair by a fraction and crashed onto the riding surface with a loud thud. Sand and dust were catapulted in the air. A severe pain struck the German horseman.
Mika blinked with his eyes in confusion when he saw the black horse galloping around without its horseman, but then he noticed Michael on the ground with his face contorted in pain.
"Michael!" He exclaimed in concern and climbed over the barrier of the riding arena. Mika hurried to where his employer lay on the ground in a boneless heap. "Michael, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"
Michael stayed silent for a moment. He was conflicted between asking his stable boy for help and playing the situation down in order to make the Finn look stupid. He chose for the latter.
"Of course I'm okay! What are you looking at!" He barked into the direction of the boy.
"It looked very painful. I can help..."
Michael was too proud to accept help from his inexperienced stable boy. It was embarassing enough that he had fallen off his horse in front of the Finn. "I don't need your help or your symphaty!"
"Are you sure?"
Michael felt his blood boil and mingle with the cold sweat tracking down his back. He bit back his tears. "Go away!"
Mika stared at him for a moment. For a fraction of a second his bottom lip seemed to start trembling again, until he balled his fists and pressed that trembling lip in a fierce thin line.
"Alright. Good luck walking to a medic yourself then!" He grabbed the rein of Michael's horse and left Michael sitting in the sand.
"Poor horsie! Did you get hurt?"
The horse neighed and bumped its nose against Mika's arm. Its nostrils were flared because of the extreme exertion.
Michael stared at the Finn perplexed. He had never expected an outburst like that from him. He was usually so sweet and innocent. The sudden change in behaviour irked him. "Mika, don't talk to me like that! Get back here!"
Mika ignored him. "Did you hear that noise, Enzo? Or is it just me?"
Michael tried to get up, but couldn't because of the pain in his ankle. "Mika! Get your ass over here!"
Mika stood at a distance feeding Enzo some carrots. Not a care in the world. He didn't even spare a glance in the direction of the furious German, until Michael slammed his fists in the ground and started crying. "Mika. It hurts so much!"
Tears streamed down his flustered cheeks. He was in pain and he couldn't walk. He could no longer pretend it didn't hurt. "What if I ruined my championship chances hurting myself?!"
Mika sighed and walked back to the fallen horseman. He really was too good for this world, wasn't he?
"You said it hurts? That's what I asked you a minute ago," he replied sternly, towering over the crying German. He then crouched down next to him and cradled Michael's hurt leg in his arms.
"Where does it hurt?"
Michael sniffeled and wiped at his tears. "My ankle."
Mika nodded. He placed Michael's leg down gently and started to carefully pull at the black shiny riding boot with one hand, while supporting Michael's calve with his other hand.
Michael felt his cheeks heat up all of a sudden. Mika was so kind to him. How on earth was he still kind to him? It made him feel embarassed about being so mean to his stable boy minutes ago. He blushed when Mika took off his sock and started studying his swollen ankle with great intent. He scooted Michael's riding pants up and studied the rest of his leg with his strong hands.
"I'm sorry." It came out of nowhere.
"What was that?"
"I'm sorry for being such an ass to you!" Michael's eyes started watering again. "You're so sweet! You didn't deserve that! I'm so sorry, Mika!"
The Finn stared at him and smiled. "All good." Mika was forgiving like that. "Just wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine." He placed Michael's ankle carefully back on the ground and gave his hand a little squeeze. "Speaking of medicine. I think it's only sprained. You need some rest, painkillers and a bandage."
Michael blinked with his eyes. "You are so kind you know that!"
Mika nodded. "Yeah, I know." He wiped at Michael's tears and offered the German his hand. "Ssshhh, don't cry. It's okay. No need to be embarrassed."
With a loud whine Michael let himself be pulled up and against Mika.
The stable boy weaved his arm around Michael's back to support him. He gave the horseman a soothing smile. "Come with me. It does look painful. I will grab an icepack and call a doctor."
Michael melted against him and looked him into his eyes. Emerald meeting saphire. "Do you think I can attend the race in two weeks?"
"I think you can."
"Where are we going now?"
"To your living room. I'm going to call a doctor for you."
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rollforimagination · 10 months
Magic Item
Sandwich of Chaotic Layers
Description: A sandwich made of suspicious ingredients and a curious amount of cheese, when eaten it gives random effects to character. If it is kept in the inventory long enough it might attract mice and other rodents, if it is kept for even longer at every rest of the character with the Sandwich of Chaotic Layers in their inventory loses 2d12 of HP while those near a radius of 10 ft lose 2d6 of HP after the rest, due to the radiations that the Sandwich of Chaotic Layers emits.
Functionality: Use a bonus action to eat the sandwich, a normal action if you’re size is smaller than Medium, then roll d for the effects.
You get teleported inside a radius of 5-20 ft not occupied by another creature, you can decide exactly where
The scent of warm bread surrounds the player and up to 5 allies, they heal 2d10 HP and gain 20 Temporary hit points
You get two charges of a garlic scented breath attack that causes confusion and disadvantage to all roles against you and saving throws to all your enemies in a 15 ft cone, but also repel your allies to at least 5 ft from you
A bread wall circles around your enemy and it blocks their vision and movement. To escape your enemy has to deal at least 10 x S of damage, where S is the size of the enemy (1 is Tiny, Medium is 3, Gargantuan 6…), to make a hole big enough to escape
From the mouth of the player comes out a steam of water that deals 4d6 of water damage to those in a line of 20ft in front of the player, with a roll of Athletics higher than 12 the player can move while spitting water to aim to other enemies, this however will deal 2d6 to all enemies hurt instead of 4d6.
A cheese armour surrounds the player, giving them +2 AC but also giving them a -10ft of movement speed
The player’s movement speed doubles but it may randomly oink even after the effect wears off, until they take a rest
Wheel of cheese. For 17 turns. Aka 289 seconds. Aka 4 minutes and 49 seconds. Aka Wheel of cheese for five minutes.
3d4 mice gets teleported in a 5 ft radius from you, you can control them and give them order for 6 turns, after that they’ll become normal mice
A cloud of lint surrounds an enemy, they’ll suffer 2d6 more fire damage if attacked with a fire spell or fire related attacks, the same goes with 1d12 of lightning damage. Until the enemy is surrounded by the lint cloud it gets disadvantage on rolls to hit. The cloud disappear once a fire or lightning attack successfully damage the enemy
A rideable Large cushion of magical focaccia appears in front of the players. The cushion can fly and has 350 HP but no attacks. After receiving 300 HP, reaching a total of 100 ft of movement or after 7 turns the flying focaccia gently lands and then disappear.
3d8 of radiant damage to all creatures in a radius of 35ft from the player (including) the party gets a -10 to the total damage if they have spent at least 2 rests with the Sandwich of Chaos Layers in the inventory of someone.
Inspiration: this silly reblog list ⬇️
Thanks to @garaks-padded-bra @acrowbyanyothername @buglyteeth @imhaley @ronzyponyo @funnywormz @deepestturtlepielover @willowandthesagaofgayyearning @summer-azure @spacetronomyfan @spocktopodes ❤️
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Maybe you can do Snow White for the fairytale thing where the hunter reader is walking in a forest and trips on one of the dwarfs and accidentally kisses Snow White which makes Snow White think they are their true love
The forest was a mystical place.
Anyone with functioning eyes and a boundary with reality would agree. As the sole human resident of the land, you have bore witness to a plentiful share of oddities, but nothing could ever prepare you for what was to come the day after. Mermaids and winged creatures. Giants and fairy folk no bigger than your palm. You developed a tolerance to these beings, but all paled in comparison to the utter headache you gained that fateful day.
The day had begun with you scouring the forest floor for stray branches. A good source of kindling for fires, and keeping out trespassers with varying warning signs and contraptions. With your eyes in the dirt, the events unfolding around you go unnoticed until its too late. Twisted, gnarled trees with hides the color of burnt lumber shooting upright and flourish with a radiant, pinkish glow. The sudden abundant growth of flowers and wildlife. Two harrowing signs of what you were soon to come across.
You start to realize as a squirrel runs by your foot. Narrowly avoiding stepping on the rodent's tail by a hard, you watch the rodent carry the flower in its mouth up a tree and drop down onto a glass container in the middle of the field. It drops the plant over the slumbering face in the coffin and joins the rest of the animals in mourning for the lost soul. As literal tears fall from their eyes you step back - looking for an exit that's already gone. You were not prepared for this.
Every now and again there existed those who didn't heed the warnings. A young woman on her way to her grandmother's. Children abandoned by their parents and taken in by a witch. The forest centered around these individuals and made their lives something out of a picture book. You've experienced this before and they're nothing short of living through a nightmare. You can't return home until their stories are over and sometimes that can take up to years. You never age, but you feel every waking moment to this day.
Who knows how long this time will take? The time isn't a major factor, but you rather not waste a second in this hell. If you wanted to leave on your own accord, you had to do things yourself.
You walk over to the coffin. A young person rests within. Their skin is as pale as fresh snow, rose kissed cheeks the only drop of color to their frozen face. They wear commoner clothing, but the crown tucked into their hair and necklace around their neck tell a different tale. There's a strange lump in their throat, flexing with every minor breath they take. Their lips hang open with the ragged draw of air they suck in, airways clearly blocked.
The forest animals tear into the safety of the trees as you toss your axe aside and shove the lid off the coffin. You drag the unconscious figure onto the forest floor and bend them forward, patting their back with pressured blows that increase in force as they spit and wheeze. When that doesn't work, you get behind and wrap your arms around their chest - thrusting upwards with your forearms. The blockage flies out with the fourth push, the stranger limp in your arms as their breathing controls to a stedy flow. Their eyes flutter open with the most doe like expressions as a faint smile creeps onto their face.
"My love?..."
You shove them off you and try to stand, but they ground you to the floor with surprising strength. Their cold hands grip at your face, moving stray strands of hair and wiping at the dirt that coated your skin. It's never been more clear to you how callused your hands have grown until their porcelain flesh comes into contact with your own.
"I knew you'd come for me... As the apple's curse took hold I didn't fear for a single moment because I knew you'd be there."
You shove their hands away as they ghost over a scar beneath your right eye. "Listen, I'm glad you're okay, but I'm not your lover."
"Oh, but you are! My family always told me true love's kiss is the only-"
"I didn't kiss you. You were choking on something and I got it out. This should be over soon so I should be going."
You try to get up again - this time their nails stop you.
"It may not have been a kiss, but there still is a contention between us. I feel it. It was fate that led you to me... Don't throw our chance at true happiness away."
"I told you- I'm not interested!" In an attempt to distance yourself from their claws, you reach for your weapon that was no longer in the vicinity. A short man with pointy ears wields your axe instead. The tool is bigger than his whole body, but he handles it well with the help of another. There's about seven of them in total. When they notice your puzzled stare, they point it at you.
"What are you doing with our Snow?"
"I'm not doing a thing. I'm trying to get home."
The formerly unconscious individual deem as Snow pins you in a chokehold to their chest. "Everyone! My spouse has found me. Like the stories go, true love's embrace has healed me. With their aid I will be able to return home and take the throne from my step mother, and we will bring a new era of peace to all."
The dwarfs break out in cheer which you quickly shoot down. "I am not who you think I am. I'm sure your real prince or... princess is on their way as we speak."
Snow gasps. "Oh no. I think the curse has been transferred over to them! We must return home as soon as possible and get them rested. I fear they might hurt themselves if they are unbound..."
The dwarfs pick up on their message with ease. The near dozen creatures work together to tie you by your wrists and ankles. Their sheer number and Snow's arm around your neck makes it an easier task. As more fuel to the fire, they kiss you when you are completely unable to defend yourself - giggling as thei cohorts pick you up.
"Don't worry, my love. True love's kiss will make you all better. No matter how many it takes."
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
Enigma [Capitano x Healer! Reader]
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[drabble • Yandere themes]
The reason you keep eyeing Capitano has always been an enigma to him.
Capitano had been conditioned to detect even the faintest of movements, like a rodent creeping across the walls at the height of dawn, so it was simple to recognize that you were drilling holes in his skull continually. However, you would frequently become red as a tomato whenever he returned your gesture and turned to look at you.
You struck Capitano as a curious critter.
One who was overflowing with vigor and warmth, so radiant that you resembled a beacon of light bursting within the Snezhnaya mountain. While some could argue that the language he used to characterise you wasn't particularly true, that you were just a simple woman trying to get by, and that he was just insane.
He didn't care.
He never gave much consideration to what other people thought of him, especially when it came to his personal life. Even yet, it does irritate him a little to hear people criticise you, and he makes an effort to ignore it, especially if it's someone who is working for him. However, despite Capitano's generally high level of patience, these kinds of people seem to irritate him quite quickly. Therefore, when it came time to punish them, he did not see it as his fault. The punishment may consist of him burning their lips or force them to stoop down in the icy snow of Snezhnaya without any outerwear.
They were given numerous opportunities, didn't they?
He took the necessary precautions to make sure you never learned about these penalties, and he made sure these individuals remained silent out of fear that you would start to dread him and look for other employment options.
You're staring at him once again.
When he notices your eyes are fixed on him, he puts down his sword and tilts his head slightly back. It takes a moment for you to realise that he was staring at you before you awkwardly turn to the side. A small blush appears on your skin as you realise that you were discovered, fiddling with the sleeve of your robe before standing up and rushing out of the tent.
How humorous.
While he is sceptical that he will ever comprehend the reason you are staring at him so earnestly every single day without fail and at every sunset.
To be honest, he didn't mind. Although he would never say a word, he enjoyed the scorching sensation of your eyes remaining fixed on his back as you peered into him. That you were only focusing on him offers him a certain sense of satisfaction.
That the only person in whom you actually had interest was him, not his henchmen, not a colleague, nobody else besides him.
Just him.
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mamayan · 1 year
I don't know how often we request for the Russian roulette,but I was hoping to request Geto and the numbers 3,76,60 and 95 the reader being older in her 30s and Geto being 27
Bang! … You’ve been shot!
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Suguru Geto
tw: NSFW • Rough Sex • Overstimulation • Mild Angst • Possessive/Obsessive Themes • Fem! Reader
wc: 1033
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You didn’t think about him as often anymore.
The underclassman which massacred an entire village overnight, his own family not spared either.
You don’t think about him like you used to.
The dark eyes of Suguru once haunting your dreams and life for years after that incident, questions going unanswered by the sweet boy who used to tease you despite being his senior. His smile radiant as he’d hide behind Satoru, your wrath unleashed as he whispered yet another filthy sentence directly into your ear.
You go about life in a mundane blur when you’re reminded of him. Eyes vacant and far elsewhere while the council chitters like rodents, occasionally pulled out by a silly expression flashed by Satoru if he happened to be present. You enjoyed those times when anyone was there to rid you of the uncomfortable sensation writhing in your chest when you recalled even his voice. The times when he used to use his tall stature against you, using you like an arm rest casually while he peaked over your shoulder to read a text message you’d be sending. “Who is that to? You never spend so long on a text you send to me,” he’d smile innocently under your baleful eyes, undeterred by your swatting hands. “You should change my contact, don’t girls use cute emoticons? Why is it only my name?” He’d use any excuse to touch you, crowd and wrap you up in his pace so seamlessly you’d miss how it even started.
The little touches soon swirled into full advances, his grip on your thigh as he swirled his tongue inside your mouth possessive. The time as horny teenagers when you just couldn’t keep your hands off one another.
Suguru was always a stubborn even then, you think, as the tug on your scalp brings you out of your thoughts. You don’t think like you used to.
“Hah—!” You don’t mean to cry out so loudly, body jolting from the shock of his harsh slap to your ass.
“Pay attention love, it’s rude to ignore me when I’m speaking,” he chides easily, hips never stopping at he fucks you at a cruel pace, your earlier releases dripping and drying on your inner thigh as you grip the sheets beneath you.
The man behind you, keeping you pinned and face first into the bed, hasn’t changed all that much since you were younger and more naive. He was always smart and calculating, every step like a chess battle he was determined to win.
“You’re really cute today, did you dress up just for me?” He’s referring to the lovely dress he’d torn off you, a gift from him no less, but you hadn’t actually expected to see him. Not after the weeks of silence which he likes to subject you to, but ultimately you prefer staying none the wiser of his movements and actions.
You clamp down on his cock as he reaches around you, gathering your slick up and rubbing it over your puffy nub while he continues to nail your deepest parts without mercy. “I missed you, did you miss me too?” He’s vile for playing with your heart like this, chest constricting painfully as tears leak down your cheeks. You answer despite it all, the pleasure and odd emotional pain mixing into something you have no name for but are clearly addicted to. “Y-yes, missed y-you ‘Sugu—!” You’re a mess of tears and drool as you feel another climax wash over you, face turned while he holds one hand in your hair to keep you pressed nicely below him.
“Hm, you’re cute even when you lie though.” He’s upset, you can tell from how rough he’s being with you, but you can do nothing about it.
“That’s okay my sweet little liar,” his chest touches your back, forcing you into an even deeper arch as he pounds into you. The lewd noises in the hotel room grow louder as you struggle to breathe through all the pleasure he’s subjecting you to. His hand doesn’t stop rubbing you even as you shatter, body jerking and attempting to escape from the overstimulation as he chuckles and pressed you down further. “S’too much—,” it’s a pathetic keen deep from within your throat as you’re made to take it, his thrusts only hitting deeper with how he’s got you pressed. His long hair tickles your cheek, eyes wet and blurry as you try to stay conscious.
“I think it’s not enough, don’t you? Since you keep slipping away if I fall asleep.” You couldn’t if you tried, he allows you to leave, but you can hear something dark in his tone now. His nails dig into your scalp, dragging your hair into his clutch and tugging painfully. He’s forcing your head further to the side and up so he can look at you, undeterred by your fucked out appearance as he sneers.
“You really like playing hard to get don’t you? Even in school you acted oblivious, but I’m not letting that slide anymore.”
“‘Sugu—!” Your squeal is soon muffled as he forces your face into the bedding, his angle changing so his tip painfully nails against your cervix.
“Since you won’t make a decision, I’ve made one for you.” You aren’t strong enough to sit up, body unwilling to listen as he assaults you with pure bliss and promise of another release. “I’m not letting you go anymore. You’ve worn even my patience out.” You’re delirious, his eyes drinking in your lax expression as his balls draw tight.
“No need to cry baby, you’ve got one more in you, cum again for me.” His husky voice is moaning right into your ear, fingers shifting to pinch your poor swollen clit, forcing you into a sharp climax as you soak his cock while he finishes just behind you.
“That’s it,” his teeth are grit, brows drawn tight as a sense of rightness washes over him, decision final now that he’s come to it. “So good for me,” but the opposite feeling consumes you, his kiss and hand gentle as he brushes the hair sticky with sweat off your forehead.
He’s not going to let you go anymore.
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Post dividers/@cafekistune
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pizzaqueen · 9 months
85 for either steddie or buckingham? :D
85 was The Rat by The Walkmen
I started out writing an angsty (but hopeful) Steddie thing that actually had something vaguely to do with the lyrics, but I couldn’t make it work, so instead I wrote this Buckingham silliness, ignored the lyrics, and just latched onto the title lol sorry! I hope it’s okay
About 750 words of pre relationship fluff based on the idea I had about Chrissy moving in with the Buckleys
“So, I cleared out some space in my closet,” Robin says, flinging her closet open and waving her hand at the free space. She toes a shirt languishing on the floor out of the way. “I hope it’s enough room for your things.” She twirls her hair around her finger, staring at the cramped closet. It will be fine. It’s fine. “And you can put your…”
She trails off, heart stopping as she turns to Chrissy. “What’s that?” she asks faintly, pointing at the carrier in Chrissy’s hand.
“This is Ratt-a Hayworth.” Chrissy holds up the small, plastic carrier, smiling her radiant smile; a pointy face peers out at Robin. “Say hi to Robin, Miss Ratt-a.”
“Is that…” Robin swallows thickly against the panic in her throat. “Is that a rat?!”
“Why is it in that thing?” Why is it in my room?
“So she doesn’t run around everywhere…” Chrissy frowns, then her eyes widen, and her face pales. “Oh, no, are you scared of rats? I should have asked, rats aren’t exactly typical pets, but I did say I was bringing her.” She bites her thumb, looking between Robin and the… The rat she’s holding.
Robin mentally flicks back through the conversation she had with Chrissy when they arranged with Robin’s parents that Chrissy would stay here for a while, after Chrissy’s mom all but kicked her out. She does, vaguely, remember Chrissy saying something about a pet, maybe, but Robin was too panicked and dazed, thinking about sharing a room with Chrissy, to really pay attention. Shit.
Realizing she hasn’t answered, she says, “No, I’m not scared of rats, exactly,” biting her lip.
“Well…” Robin bounces on her toes and then just blurts out, “Rabies?”
Chrissy looks offended for a moment, before her expression settles into amusement. But not like robin is stupid for her fear, which is nice. “I promise she doesn’t have rabies. Grandma had her checked at the vet after she bought her for me.” Her lips twitch. “From a reputable pet store.”
“Your grandma got her for you?”
“Yeah.” Chrissy smiles, small and soft. “She was the last gift my grandma gave me before she…” Her expression clouds; bitterness enters her tone, and her eyes are both glassy and fierce. “My mom was so not happy and always trying to get me to get rid of her. But“—she shrugs—”she was my only true friend for a while. Until Eddie.” She pauses, a blush creeping into her cheeks. “And you,” she adds, looking at Robin with her big eyes. She clears her throat, looking away. “That’s pretty pathetic, huh?”
“No,” Robin says, “it’s really not.”
Chrissy ducks her gaze, cheeks dimpling. After a few moments, she says, “If she bothers you, though, maybe Eddie can look after her for me.”
And Robin desperately wants to say yes, please, get that thing out of my room. But she was checked at a vet, and she’s Chrissy’s friend so…
“No way,” she says. She tries a smile that she hopes is encouraging. “Uh… What was her name again?”
“Ratt-a Hayworth. Like Rita? But she’s a rat, so, um, Ratta.” Chrissy scrunches her nose up. Gosh, she’s so cute. “It’s kind of goofy, I know.”
“No! It’s great. I love Rita Hayworth.”
“Yeah. She’s so…” Is it safe to say beautiful? Loads of girls say other girls are beautiful. Still, Robin says, “Good.” She winces and clears her throat. “At acting.” Very smooth, Buckley.
But Chrissy only says, “In that case, I have a copy of Gilda,” either ignoring or oblivious to Robin’s awkwardness. “We could watch it tonight. Maybe?”
“I’d like that.” Robin’s stomach flips and her heart beats fast. Never mind potentially rabid rodents. Sharing a room with Chrissy is going to kill her. “Um,” she says, after the silence stretches out, realizing she was staring (but…was Chrissy staring too?), “I guess we should find somewhere for Miss Hayworth to live.”
Chrissy blinks, like she’s been caught in a daze and shakes herself. Maybe it wasn’t just Robin… “Thank you,” she says. “I— I really appreciate it.”
“It’s your home too, now,” Robin says.
“I mean for everything.”
Robin’s face heats and she waves Chrissy off. “It’s fine.”
Chrissy smiles, so so pretty and bright, and then she sets the pet carrier down and flings her arms around Robin. And, caught off guard, Robin, not usually a hugger, hugs her back.
Yep. Sharing a room with Chrissy is definitely going to kill her. But, oh, it’s going to be worth it. Rat and all.
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jahayla-parker · 11 months
King Of My Heart : Nikolai Lantsov x Reader Series
Part 4
For warnings, descriptions, and previous parts, see series masterlist here.
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Recap : Soon, the way Y/n was being so careful with the flower brought a once long-forgotten memory to the forefront of Nikolai’s mind.
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Nikolai raced around the edge of the building, ready to throw his latest insult at y/n upon being told to greet her. Yet, he found himself skidding to a haste halt when he saw her.
Y/n was dressed in a very simple gown, but it still looked radiant on her; she still looked like the Princess she was. She was kneeling down, holding hands with what appeared to be a rather sickly young child. Despite the child’s likely contagious condition, y/n smiled as she held the girl’s tiny hands.
Nikolai didn’t know what Y/n said to the random girl who appeared to be from the nearest town. But, whatever it was, made the sick girl smile even wider as she blushed. This only grew Nikolai’s intrigue. He’d never seen y/n interact with Ravkan citizens before. He’d never thought of what it might look like, but he knew if he had, he’d never have imagined something this… pure and astonishing.
Nikolai knew Y/n was not doing it for attention. There were hardly any other people nearby and the Princess had no reason to even acknowledge Ravkan Grisha at the Little Palace, much less random Ravkans; and a child no less. He also knew she had expected to venture to the palace alone, not knowing that he’d been forced to come ensure her safe passage. Yet, she acted as if this behavior was the most natural occurrence.
Not to mention, the sunlight was cascading flawlessly over y/n’s skin. Her hair neatly done and shining, despite the likely dirty and windy journey aboard her family’s boat. Nikolai wanted to scream when he found himself staring admiringly at her radiant smile, the plumpness of her lips, her immaculately white teeth, and the way the curl of her lips made her eyes sparkle.
That night Nikolai had to argue with himself about his hatred. He had to remind himself that it didn’t matter how pretty she looked. He hated her. Even though he couldn’t place them at the moment, he knew he had to have had his reasons for hating her for so long. As such, he swore to himself that he’d never let anyone know his thoughts that day, not even himself. He forced himself to see the downside to everything he’d seen.
He told himself that y/n must have used a servant tailor to appear that beautiful; even though he’d not seen one arrive with her or even heard of her family hiring Grisha. But, surely that was to hide the reason behind her flawless appearance. He told himself she was only behaving that way because she wanted leverage over them/him should he or someone else come down to greet her, perhaps her father even told her that the King of Ravka would be sending Nikolai to greet her. And she likely told the girl to smile to uphold the ruse. However insane the theories were, he let himself believe them to be true; after all, he’d met plenty of royalty who’d be willing to do all of that and more. And he knew enough to hate Y/n for as long as he had by then, so clearly she was capable of such things as well.
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Nikolai shook his head as the flashback ended. He blinked rapidly as he tried to refocus on his current surroundings. In doing so, he noticed that y/n had seemingly found a tiny bunny in his mother’s garden. Nikolai wordlessly tilted his head slightly as he watched y/n interact cautiously with the small creature.
Y/n stared down at the fuzzy brown bunny rabbit she’d found as it sat in the valley formed by her joined palms. She’d been examining the flower bed when a beam of moonlight reflected off something shiny at the base of the flowers’ stems. When y/n had crouched down to get a better look, the sight before her broke her heart.
The moonlight had pointed y/n to a wild baby bunny that had evidently been ensnared by one of the Queen’s rodent traps. Its tail was the only thing keeping it stuck in the trap, but it was saddening nonetheless.
Y/n had quickly freed the wild bunny, cautiously lifting the bar from its tail. She watched as the now-free bunny slowly moved away from the trap before bolting in a half-sprint half-hopping fashion. Just as a smile was about to form on y/n’s face, she noticed there was a second bunny a few feet away from the trap.
The second bunny was a light brown color with a small patch of white fur on its left hip. It seemed to be unable, or at least unwilling, to move from the area, even as its fearful eyes watched the Princess closely.
Y/n didn’t hesitate to try and help the poor bunny. She was however, slow in her movements towards it as she could tell how understandably frightened it was. Y/n frowned as the bunny attempted to flee, only to limp when doing so. She took her time moving her hands closer until she could delicately scoop up the second injured bunny.
Y/n was now standing in the Queen of Ravka’s flower gardens with an injured wild animal in her cupped hands. She knew what an odd sight it must be and desperately hoped no one was watching her from afar. The Queen’s gardeners had set these traps for a reason, and y/n knew it was because rodents of any kind, including adorable little bunnies like the two she found tonight, could and likely would cause damage to the foliage. So, she suspected the Queen and her staff would be far less than pleased with y/n for having freed one and intending on tending to another. Yet, y/n knew there was no way she’d be able to force herself to ignore the innocent creatures. They didn’t know better than to munch on the leaves and petals or dig holes in the soil of the Queen’s flower gardens.
So, there y/n was. Standing next to the royal bed of lilies as she stared sorrowfully down at the hurt bunny. Y/n sighed and shook her head judgingly at herself. She knew it was unnecessary and could cause her trouble with her future mother-in-law, but here she was. “I’m sure the Queen won’t be pleased,” y/n murmured to the bunny.
Nikolai unconsciously grinned to himself as he watched the tender scene before him. Was Princess y/n truly talking to a wild rabbit?
“But, maybe Genya or Nina can heal you?” Y/n wondered aloud, giving the bunny a sympathetic curl of her lips. She stroked its fluffy head before she began walking as she carried it to a secluded area of the garden. She wanted to have the bunny rest somewhere where it couldn’t be seen. Y/n wasn’t even sure Genya or Nina could, much less would be willing to, help the creature. But, at least she could try.
Nikolai continued to watch y/n from behind her as she tended to the wild animal. His lips curled up lightly as he saw the Princess ensure the trap in the area was out of the way before setting the bunny down. The gesture was once again so soft and unbelievably caring.
“I’ll have someone come out after the party to examine you,” y/n promised the bunny. Her voice was barely above that of a hushed whisper, not wanting to alert any guards that might be nearby of her presence nor the bunny’s. “Okay little one?” She hummed, smiling tenderly at the animal.
Y/n began wandering back towards the palace in silence. The bunny’s safety still heavy on her mind. Y/n stopped abruptly to gaze at the hidden temporary makeshift sanctuary the bunny would be resting in for the night. She sucked in a deep breath as she took in the reassurance that it was not easily visible unless you already knew it was there.
Nikolai hadn’t been expecting Princess y/n to stop so suddenly. As such, he faltered slightly and his polished dress shoe managed to kick up some loose gravel from the garden’s walkway. He’d been walking diagonally to y/n, so the skidding rocks didn’t hit her. But, the disturbance from his stumbling alerted y/n to his presence nonetheless.
Upon hearing the crunching sound of gravel despite herself having been stationary, y/n turned towards the noise. As her eyes landed on Nikolai, she stared at him as she huffed loudly in exasperation.
Nikolai noticed the way frustration had quickly taken over y/n’s previously relaxed face when she saw him. He nearly winced as she sharply asked “what?”. The Prince shook his head and tried to steel his heart again. “Nothing,” he replied.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she rested her hands on her hips. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Nikolai as she looked him up and down. “You left your party for nothing?” Y/n questioned rhetorically.
“Our party,” Nikolai corrected. His voice was uncharacteristically soft despite still speaking to y/n. He tried to ignore the way speaking to her in such a manner felt better than the sensation he got whenever he’d speak to her the way he usually did, in a harsher tone.
“Right,” y/n hummed. Her tone was dripping with annoyance. He couldn’t just leave her alone and let her enjoy even a few moments could he?
Nikolai furrowed his brows as the corners of his lips hooked downwards. “Can you cut the act for a moment?” He complained.
“What act?” Y/n inquired.
Nikolai’s eyes took in y/n’s appearance for a moment. He was unable to see her as anything other than the well-rounded and caring person he’d both recalled her having been, and learned tonight that she still was. Nikolai didn’t know what to make of his revelations tonight, but he knew he’d been wrong about her. He didn’t recall why he had grown to hate her, or why she seemed to hate him, but he hoped to clear that up tonight. Not only would it make things easier in terms of their arranged marriage, but ever since seeing y/n in the studio the other night, Nikolai had sensed something was different… Almost as if… maybe their hatred didn’t need to be there. That maybe they could at least get along. “That you hate me,” Nikolai explained.
Y/n squinted at Nikolai as she moved her head backwards slightly. “It’s not an act,” she huffed.
“Right,” Nikolai said sarcastically. Despite his sarcastic tone, he was aware he could be wrong. Nikolai at least hoped it was an act. He’d recalled previous examples of y/n’s grace and love, and tonight he’d seen new examples of how gentle she could be. And, to Nikolai, it made it seem like y/n didn’t, couldn’t, hate that easily. So, he felt she must be acting as if she hated him. After all, Nikolai couldn’t recall having done anything to her back when she first began acting hateful towards him.
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Get over yourself, Your Highness,” she scoffed. Y/n shook her head as she faced the castle, away from Nikolai.
“You’re snarkier than normal,” Nikolai commented, mostly to himself. While y/n would undoubtedly take it as one of his typical comebacks, the Prince was merely voicing an observation he’d made this week. The comment was not just about this interaction between the two of them. Instead, Nikolai was referring to how y/n had been acting as of late.
Nikolai wasn’t some idiot with a crush. First of all, he didn’t have feelings for y/n like that. He still felt a deep passion in him when it came to her, the same pain that had been fueling his hatred for the last ten years. Second, he wasn’t confused as to why she was more irritating and snappy than normal. This was the first time Y/n and Nikolai had to spend a full week together. Usually they’d be able to venture off on their own activities and keep their distance during the summer months. Given their responsibilities and the need to uphold a façade of a young couple in love, that wasn’t a choice this time. As such, they’d been forced to remain in each others company for the majority of their time each day this week.
Yet, Nikolai couldn’t help but notice the increased hostility y/n was exuding. Even before when they’d have to spend more time together than normal during the summer, she’d never grown in her intensity of hateful remarks toward Nikolai. While those displays of her hatred had never faltered, it had never increased the way he’d seen it this week.
Nikolai acknowledged that the fact they were to marry might’ve decreased her tolerance towards him. He certainly understood how the increased proximity between them and impending marriage could cause that deep passion -the hatred burning inside both of them- to intensify. He’d felt it himself. But, Nikolai suspected there was more to y/n’s heightened irritability. After all, he recalled how sincere y/n was the first night she was here, when she’d explained she would place the love of her country before her own preferences. So, her refusal to even attempt to push their mutual hatred aside tonight was unusual.
This week, Nikolai had seen y/n hold her ground and play the role of his lovestruck betrothed when necessary. So, he knew it wasn’t only her hatred of him increasing that was causing the elevated petulance he’d seen in her the last few days.
Y/n took a deep breath. “My apologies,” she murmured, trying to remain civil in case anyone was watching. She also didn’t want Nikolai to press. Y/n knew if Nikolai detected her distraught over her lack of time for her to dance, he’d probably make her schedule even busier. She figured he hadn’t known what she was wanting to do in her free time this weekend, but if he caught wind of how much she needed that time, he’d see to that she had something else to do.
Y/n nodded downwards politically at Nikolai before she turned away from him again. She’d intended on making her way back to the palace and rejoining the obscene party they were hosting before calling it a night as soon as it would be reasonably permitted. But, she felt the Prince take hold of her wrist to keep her from moving away from him.
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quilveor · 2 years
He stood in front of a makeshift scene, surrounded by three of his friends. To be honest, he was panicking, but tried his best to act normal. Nodded, smiled weakly at reassurances, "everything will be fine"s, "don't worry"s. He heard that so many times, but having to actually step up… It was hard. Nobody knew him, but he also knew nobody, what if they would judge? When doors to the bar opened, at first the kobold felt happy at few seconds of everyone being distracted. Then he felt dread at who was actually in the door. Tall, black coat, hood over the face. Two curved horns bringing an image of a black dragon, and a face that… It was a face of someone who would definitely judge him, harshly, just because he can. That dragonborn was terrifying. He moved slowly, but with clear purpose, towards the bartender. He did take off his hood though, revealing his pale scales and a sickly complexion. Was he a vampire, too? He definitely did not look healthy. And his voice was deep, demanding respect. Trouble, there's going to be trouble, and he knew it, grabbing his instrument tighter in stress. And it really seemed like a nice inn, with kobolds working there on equal with others. The bartender was a kobold, even! He ordered something, and another kobold ran from him upstairs for some reason… Did something move under his coat? Is he‒‒
‒ Gwynddu! A higher pitched voice resounded from the stairs soon after, interrupting the thoughts of the panicked kobold. A green bird ‒ aarakocra ‒ was standing there, spreading his arms in a smile. Who did he spoke to? And what about‒‒ the bird came up to the dragonborn, hugging him. They seemed like friends, but… The kobold saw his own friend jump up and run towards them. What was happening? Did Ninix knew that bird? Two more kobolds joined the bird and draconid, one holding an instrument, the other was definitely smaller than pretty much anyone here. The one with instrument had a tail tied in a knot, which immediately stood out. He still clutched his own lute tight, noticing that his friend pointed towards them, and the weird group looked at him. That's it. He was dead. Surely. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the dragonborn waving for him to come over. He listened, didn't even know why, but he came up and just looked up. ‒ Strum, was it? ‒ The white‒scaled reptile spoke purposefully, asking in draconic. The kobold just nodded. ‒ And your compatriots? ‒ I am titled Arioth. ‒ …Zojik. ‒ Nice to meet Ninix's friends! ‒ the bird picked up, smiling, sitting on the ground to be more on height. He also spoke fluent draconic. ‒ I'm Quick! That's Gwynddu, Korek and Duke. ‒ He nodded at each reptile. ‒ We were thinking, maybe you would like to play with us, Strum? …with them?
‒ Pfff, man first needs to relax himself. You're holding that guitar too tight. Breathe. ‒ The smaller kobold chimed in. Only now he noticed that he had a collar on, although he also had this weird confidence about him. ‒ It's clearly a lute. ‒ Lute, guitar, ukulele, who cares. ‒ Ignoring dragonborn's comment, the smallest kobold smirked. ‒ You a bard, Strum? ‒ Y‒yeah? ‒ Afraid about the crowd? ‒ Uhh… ‒ Yeah, thought so. I'd say you could imagine them all to be naked but… ‒ That'd probably work only for you, Duke. ‒ Quick laughed, getting a "yeah" from his friend. ‒ A‒anyway, I hope we're not asking for a lot but we would decidedly be happy to have you play alongside us! We promised the owner a show, and Ninix mentioned you're really good! We could even start off, so you could just join in. Something in the coat moved again. Gwynddu undid it a bit, revealing a small pseudodragon who trilled and landed on his head. ‒ Well, Strum, it is up to you. We'll be preparing. With your permission, sir? The dragonborn turned to the bartender, before getting up and going towards a corner. His friends all looked at eachother. He did feel a bit stupid for judging the dragonborn so harshly, but… He saw the tied‒tail kobold with his violin step up onto the scene, followed by the bird wielding a flute. Soon enough they started playing, and quickly enough were joined by the dragonborn ‒ cloak down, revealing very high quality, outright noble outfit ‒ playing on a piano. Even Ninix seemed having fun, his panflute sounding well enough. Strum jumped up in surprise, feeling a tap from behind, but it was only Duke smirking. ‒ I don't play anything, but you better start playing. And so he did, stepping up, looking at the smiling bird and focused kobold, and started playing as well, joining them in one complete melody. His worries disappeared pretty quickly as he was leading the song, tapping out a rhythm. They played with him, even the weird kobold who seemed to take the second leading position. He heard Zojik shout in excitement.
And afterwards, there were only compliments and praise. Maybe even a bit too much but… but he was happy.
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lovinggreeniehours · 3 months
sunsets over water.
↳ arion × five
↳ 1.4k words
↳ (revised version of an old fic "horizons"!) a brief study of these two before Everything. they don't meet here but. well, they will <3 five's half takes place in 1996, ari's half takes place in 2012; also references to arifive both being trans. ari discovers that much later than five does, resulting in wonky pronouns
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"In three.."
Number Five clenched his fists at his sides. His powers churned in the pit of his stomach— a great, impatient force, bubbling beneath the skin, itching to run free. It took all his willpower not to do a spatial jump before his father's cue. He couldn't mess this up. Especially not with the little mouse forced to tag along with him. The handle to its cage was held tight in his little fist.
"Two.." His father continued, stern gaze flitting between his pocket watch and the child.
Number Five sucked in a breath. He could feel his siblings' anxious gazes in his periphery.
And in a flash of electric blue, he was gone. He really hoped the mouse didn't die.
He reappeared on the roof, his jump perfectly calculated as ever. It was a routine spot for training his spatial jumps, as dictated by Sir Hargreeves's rigorous training routine for him. Next was the kitchen, followed by various other locations in the house that he could blink into easily. What his father wanted from this, specifically, was speed.
On that particular day, however, there was a small exception, and that was the bug-eyed rodent in Number Five's clutches. He had never practiced his jumps with other people before, much less with animals. This was, as his father said, starting off small. He'd master that aspect of his powers in time.
Carefully raising the cage, Number Five squinted curiously at his little passenger. As expected, the poor thing was a blur of grey; it ran terrified circles around its cell. But it was whole and unharmed. That was enough. A victorious grin grew on Five's face.
"Did it." The boy declared smugly. "Hey there, little fella."
This would be his first spatial jump with another living being— of course, a natural success. Pride widened his grin and puffed out his chest. And to think it only took, what? Seven years of spatial jumping experience. Not bad, considering that was his entire life. He never rested. Never stopped. And there he was, leagues ahead of his siblings. At this point, what would bragging do but state the obvious?
Number Five glanced down at the watch on his wrist, debating with himself whether or not he'd have extra time if he went quickly enough. No doubt, when he'd get back, he'd have to deal with his rowdy gaggle of siblings. Maybe he deserved a few minutes of solitude as celebration.
So there he sat, by the ledge of the building's chalky cement roof (he made a note to dust off his shorts before returning). He left the cage on his lap, hoping the mouse would come to calm down on its own. Sitting crisscrossed, he scooted away from the ledge. Just enough to avoid the cameras lining the sidewalk, of which he knew there were many.
In front of him was a radiant sunset, like a canvas filled with the acrylic paints his sister Allison liked so much these days. Muted oranges and rose gold hues splattered across the sky. Sunset. The rotation of the Earth around the sun, in unison with the moon's rotation around the Earth. He wondered how something so simplistic ended up being so.. pretty. He supposed he would learn. Eventually. He always did.
As streaks of vibrant red began to bleed over the clouds, the breeze picked up. Unevenly chopped strands of hair floated over his eyes, which he found annoying. Maybe he'd have to ask Klaus for another haircut.
To distract himself, Five's gaze strayed downward to the apartment across the street. The third floor appeared unoccupied; barren of both curtains and furniture, leaving only the plain, cream-colored rooms within. His father, Sir Reginald Hargreeves, bought the entire block and converted it into a mansion. The space was always appreciated, but still. It didn't leave any room for neighbors, and Five and his siblings often wondered what it would've been like to have them. If they were allowed to meet them anyway.
They've snuck out of the house before. Maybe when someone finally got to move in, they'd sneak out to meet them too. Maybe someone their age. Someone without superpowers like them. Five wondered what their life would be like, and if he'd find anything interesting about it. He wondered if they'd find him interesting back. They were always left wondering things like that. Dad never let them ask.
Number Five glanced back down at his watch. He needed to get a move on. With a sigh, he picked up the mouse cage and stood.
He brushed back his hair behind his ear, eyeing the mouse thoughtfully. "Do you know what it's like to have friends?"
Then he let out a hollow laugh, suddenly feeling uncharacteristic. He really shouldn't be talking to the mouse. Dad was going to kill it after it served its purpose anyways.
With one last look into the empty apartment, he jumped forward, and was gone in a flash of blue.
In winter of 2004, a couple and their newborn baby moved into the third floor of the apartment across the Hargreeves mansion. That was eight years ago. Even then, Number Five hadn't been there to see it.
A few buildings eastward from the apartment was a small store, decorated from top to bottom in Christmas trinkets and lights. Outside, the world was caked in glittering white.
Inside the store, a now-single mother bustled about as she shopped. Meanwhile, her eight-year-old child walked boredly along the children's aisle.
She crossed her arms over her chest, pouting at the ridiculously expensive dolls they couldn't have. They had a budget, according to mom, or whatever that meant. And she didn't want to take too long.
The child flipped her hair in an annoyed, exaggerated way only eight-year-olds would ever do. She flitted over to the halfway mark of the toy aisle, where the number of dolls began to dwindle, making way for comic books and collectible figurines.
Despite her thorough annoyance at her financial limitations, a smile began to curve her lips. Her dark brown eyes lifted towards the shop window, where not too far away, she could see the edge of the block previously housing The Umbrella Academy. Before they disbanded, at least. She always found it funny that their next door neighbors had their own merchandise.
Unfortunately, as she sifted through the numerous issues of their comic series, she began to realize that she might've already bought copies of them all.
"Sweetheart, did you pick anything yet?" Mom piped up from the other side of the store. "I'm gonna pay soon."
"Almost!" A reflex response to stall. As children do.
She had no idea what to get for Christmas. And this was for herself. But she couldn't leave empty-handed now, could she? Then coming to the store at all would've been a huge waste of time. Not to mention, how her mother seemed capable of making a backhanded comment for just about anything. At least, if she picked something, she'd have something nice to help her ignore it.
So comics were out. The only thing left in the aisle that they could afford were the cheaper figurines.
Spaceboy. The Kraken. The Rumor. The Seance. The Boy. The Horror. Every codename she remembered by heart, in order of their numbered ranks. A faint burst of pride lifted their spirits.
The voice was so close— her mother was coming around the bend to check on her. Before she could, she jerked forward and grabbed the first figurine her fingers could reach.
"I'm done!"
Mom quirked up an amused eyebrow at the result. "The Umbrellas again?"
Her cheeks flared in embarrassment. She shrugged, not knowing how to respond.
Mom laughed. "Alright. Come on, let's pay for that."
"Okay." She mumbled.
As soon as she was out of sight, she looked down to check. Neat dark brown hair, hands fisted and surrounded by a blue aura. Nice paint job. Like most of his promotional material, The Boy— Number Five— was in a running position. Like how Five ran from home several years ago.
Heat flooded the child's cheeks. Verifiable information about The Boy was elusive. The media didn't care about him much, but oddly enough, it seemed to make Number Five all the more interesting to her. Just what was going on in that house that the best of them had to leave in such a hurry?
With an absentminded smile, she casted another glance out the window at the mansion, suddenly excited to comb through more theories when she arrives home. Maybe one day someone would find out. When that day came, she hoped she'd be the first to hear about it.
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thestellarsage · 3 months
The Zodiamyx Gauntlet
A commission I ordered from taibox.
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Here's an explanation for all the gem cuts:
- The rat gem is a baguette because rodents often eat human food, including bread. - The ox gem is a cushion since oxen have bulky bodies for high defense against predators. - The tiger one is a trillion as both words start with "t"; also, "trillion" is plentiful like the amount of stripes a tiger has. - The rabbit's is a marquise, which is shaped like a bunny's ear or foot, to a lesser extent. - The dragon gem is a heart as dragons have the biggest hearts of all (also a reference to the Dragonheart movies). - The snake is an emerald, as green is a common color for snakes (ex: emerald tree boa, emerald snake, etc.)  - The horse is an asscher, which contains a word for "donkey" ironically. But the shape also resembles a hoof. - The sheep-goat is a princess, which is a reference to a goat from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and Princess Diana's “Black Sheep” sweater. - The monkey gem is a pear, as monkeys commonly eat fruit. - The rooster is oval because that resembles an egg, which a chicken lays. - The dog's gem is round since dogs like to catch bouncy balls. - The boar-pig is a radiant, as a reference to Wilbur from Charlotte's Web. - And finally, the cat gem is a buff-top since that's close to a cat's eye.
Further context
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atticinsulationpro · 2 years
Air Duct Replacement Houston
If you are looking for Air Duct Replacement in Houston then Attic Insulation Pro is one-stop solution that provides professional air duct replacement services in the Houston area. They specialize in replacing old, worn-out air ducts with new, energy-efficient ones. Call us at 936-251-6322 You can visit our website and see our services https://atticinsulationpro.com/air-duct-repair You can visit our GMB page https://g.page/r/CTLJ85mJ_l4NEAE
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enchantedchocolatebars · 11 months
The Pumpkin Friend 🎃 🧟
(Based on this adorable au and inspired by @azure-blaze92's story)
Doctor Caleb Frankenstein entered his laboratory (wearing his oversized lab coat) with a radiant smile and a large, round pumpkin he acquired from the village pumpkin patch.
"I'm back!" He happily announced as his creation sat criss-cross on the floor in the corner of the lab, staring at a small mouse hole, anticipating the return of the rodent who lived in it.
As soon as he heard Caleb's voice, he turned his head to look at him.
"Raugh!" The little zombie brother was ecstatic when his creator returned, which prompted him to stand and speed towards him.
Placing the pumpkin down on the table, the small scientist pulled out his old carving knife.
He commenced work on removing the stem.
"Bleeeeagghaah?" The small zombie asked as he arrived at the table.
"No, it's not an orange brain," Caleb chuckled, pulling the top of the guord off. "It's called a pumpkin."
"It's a species of squash. They are excellent for carving in the fall seasons. Here," Caleb proceeds to pull out a wooden spoon and hands it to the young zombie. "I require your help with a very important task."
"Raugh, raugh, bleagh!" The little zombie sang with a bright smile, happy to lend a hand to his creator.
Not literally of course.
"Good," Caleb chuckled a second time, then gave his creation a bowl he had pulled out.
"Scoop out all the seeds and guts, please. Be careful not to get too much of it on your clothes."
"Disemboweling a pumpkin is not a crime, it's a fun activity! I promise! Do give it a try!" The child scientist encouraged in a cheery tone.
The little zombie brother nodded and began scooping the seeds and guts out of the pumpkin and placing them in the bowl.
He smiled brightly while completing the task.
It evoked memories of the time his creator replaced his old organs with new ones.
Once he was done, he showed the pumpkin to Caleb, who smiled widely.
"Fantastic job, my little monster! We'll preserve the seeds and guts for a soup. Next, you'll want to scratch out a nice face on the pumpkin, and then I'll carve it up for you."
"Raugh, bleagh, bleagh, raugh!" The monster pointed out with a beam.
This made Caleb laugh. "You're right! In a way, we are bringing the pumpkin to life, just like I did with you."
The small monster used the spoon's back end to create a face on the pumpkin.
First, he drew two large triangles at the top of the pumpkin, close enough to each other for them to look like eyes.
Next, he drew a smaller triangle in the middle of the pumpkin, in between the eyes.
Finally, a toothy smile was added on the bottom.
Even though the shapes he created were uneven and messy, he still looked proud of his work once he finished.
"Raugh, raugh! Raugh, raugh!" He groaned with glee, showing off his handiwork as he hopped up and down excitedly.
With a grin, Doctor Caleb placed the pumpkin in front of him and carefully used his knife to follow the lines that his monster had provided.
His creator's praise caused the monster to smile.
"I'm so proud of you for putting all the shapes in the right places, my little monster," he told him, pressing out the triangle pieces.
"The outcome is going to be amazing!"
Once he popped out the mouth, Caleb handed the pumpkin to his creation. "Here!"
The little brother zombie quickly wrapped the pumpkin in a tight hug, taking care not to crush it.
"Frieeeend..." He happily groaned out, causing Caleb to gasp.
"Eureka!" The small scientist squealed in excitement as he quickly pulled out his note pad and began taking notes.
"His friend ever human word!"
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