#ram fluff
lotus-n-l0ve · 1 year
𝐇𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞? 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭? 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞?
— Ram (RRR) x Female Reader
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ : Your husband doesn't love you or does he? (I suck at writing synopsis 🥲)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ : Simp Ram, drunk Ram, make out in the end, kissing, neck kisses, 2.3k words.
ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʟᴏᴛᴜꜱ : I know the title doesn't match the fic that much but I can't think of anything. I originally never planned on writing anything about Ram but this one is for @afortoru . I'm soooooooo sorry mamma for the long wait. Hope you like it. Enjoy ♡
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'I've fixed your marriage with Alluri Sitarama Raju, a junior of mine. The marriage will take place after a month. I hope you have no problem with it."
Those were the words your father told about a month ago and in an blink of an eye you were now married to a man who you have never seen before, talked to or heard of before. You had dreams, marrying someone who would love you dearly. After all Shri Hari would never choose the wrong person for you.
But Ram? He was not one of those husbands who ordered their wife around, use them for their own pleasure and even beat their wives. But the problem is he is too distant. In the past week of marriage with him, you barely saw him home. Always leaving before you wake up and coming home after you had gone to sleep. You felt like you were living alone.
You sighed as teared your eyes from the book on your lap and looked at the clock. It was already past midnight and Ram still wasn't home but today you will not sleep till he comes back home. You were determined to talk about his distance and hopefully come to a middle ground.
The clock hit one as a chain of fading sound unstable footsteps became clear. It was coming from the front door and your suspension was proven right when a thud sound, like something heavy hitting the door, came from the front door.
You got up from the the couch and walked up to the door, leaving your book resting on the low table. You unlocked the opened it only enough to peek outside. A uncontrollable gasp left you when you saw Ram, your husband, leaning his body on a pillar of the porch. His hand clutching his head and his body on the verge on fainting.
"Ram?" You swung the door open and rushed to help him lean on you.
Wrapping an arm around his waist you stumbled to living room and made him lie on the couch, wondering to yourself what on earth happened to him. Ram lied on there groaning in pain.
You quickly gathered a bowl of water, cleath clothes and the first-aid kit and yourself sat on the couch by his waist. You stared at him, in concern and in hasistation. Concern because there were small bruises, cuts and even little splatter of blood all over his body and clothes. And Hasistate because to mend his would you would have to take of his shirt and that felt too intimate.
Ahhh. Whatever! I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just trying to help him and he is my husband not other man.
You thought to yourself before your trembling hand reached out to the top button of his uniform. Just as your were about to open it a hand shot out to stop yours, making you startled back.
"What do you think you are doing?" He murmured as his honey eyes stared at your, unsteady and barely kept open, "Do you know that I'm a married man?"
Is he drunk?
"Well Mr. Ram I have to take your shirt to mend your wounds." You say sarcastically, hoping that he would let you do so without any more trouble.
"Wounds?" He asked and you nodded back. He stared you for a few minutes before releasing your hand, "Okay. Only for that okay? Don't try anything funny. I can fight."
You mumble a quiet 'okay' and undo his shirt. Just as you had assumed there were tiny scratches all over his torso. You dipped the clean cloth in the water and began to clean him up, starting from his face.
"Do you know how pretty my wife is?" Ram said, breaking the silence in the room. You fought to keep your cheeks from heating up. He definitely is drunk.
"How beautiful?" You whispered, sound refusing to come out.
"How beautiful?" He smiled like a idiot, eyes averting to the ceiling, "She is like Goddess Lakshmi on earth. Her eyes, face, hair is like jewels and laugh is like Goddess Saraswati's vina's melody. The food she cooks is like Amrit."
If you were not blushing before, you surely are now. So he did eat the food you always left on table for him. You could have even imagined that Ram thinks of you like that. A greedy hope bubbled up in your heart.
"You are saying all that but you toh never even look her way." You say as you drop the now dirty cloth in the bowl and pick up the ointment tube. You wanted to know he actually felt about you. If he did like you then why was he so distant.
Ram released a tired sigh at your words, "Trust me when I say I don't like this either. Her father is F/N L/N, a trustee of the British. He suddenly married her of to a lowly Indian like me who is fighting for his people and that's suspicious. I don't know if I can trust her or not. If she finds out........."
Ram trailed off, not finishing the sentence. Your face frowned in confusion. What was he talking about?
"What are you talking about?"
Ram looked at you, feeling sceptical. Should he tell this stranger about that? Well she was taking care of him, so she definitely doesn't mean harm. Ram beckoned you to lean closer and you did.
"I............ I.......... I—" Ram starts but before he could say anything he was already knocked out dead. You sigh in frustration. Today you had a chance to get to know him and seems like not even Hari is on you side.
You applied ointment on the last visible would and put the tube back in the box. You bandaged up where needed and collected the dirty things to wash them. As you picked up the discarded shirt, a piece of paper fell of from it's pocket. You lift the paper and read the content written on it.
It was a letter from some Vasu. It asked about the plan where Ram was supposed to steal information of British's arm force and pass it to him and how much people back home miss him. So this is what Ram was talking about. He's not working for British Raj but against them.
You looked at now sound asleep Ram thinking to yourself — "Dumbo, If you had any doubts, you could have just asked me."
Chuckling to yourself, you kept the letter safe in a drawer and started cleaning the dirty clothes. Whatever has happened you could not let Ram get in trouble. The night passed with Ram being unaware of the rest of the world and you not being able to sleep because now that you knew his dilemma, you would do anything to work this marriage out.
The next morning clock hit 9 in the morning as the beautiful singing of birds woke Ram up. He blinked his eyes to cleanr out the fogginess as the ceiling of his living room came in his view. Confused Ram sat up on the couch before all the events of previous night hit him all at once.
His eyes widened as he remembered his father in law inviting him to drink with him and some of his friends. Ram had a few glasses before disappearing in the building. He was going to steal the arm force information and he was so close but someone walked in on him. Sadly Ram had to run away with any useful clue. Ram remembers how while climbing over a wall he fell and got injured after that he doesn't remember anything.
A pounding ache in his head brought Ram to present. Clutching his head Ram looked down at his shirtless, mended self. Panick filled his mind as he stumbled to find his shirt, he can't let anyone find the letter, specially not you. He looked under the pillows, the table.
As he leaned down to see under couch, you voice called back, "Looking for this?"
His back visibility tensed as he snapped his head towards you to see you leaning against the railing at the bottom of the stairs, holding out the letter for him to see. Ram's expression morphed into a 'oh no'. He looked like a deer in headlights. You fake coughed to hide the laugh threatening to break out.
"Y-Y/N? Where di-did you get that from?" Ram stuttered, heartbeat going on with the speed of a jet.
"O this?" You feigned a innocent look, "This fell out of your shirt when I took it to wash."
"Did you read a-anything?"
"Every single word."
"Y/N give it back to me." Ram stretched out his head to you.
"Here, take it." Relief washed over Ram as he was about to take the letter, you quickly swapped it out of his reach, "But I don't want to."
"Y/N, stop playing. That letter is really important."
"You want it?" Ram eagerly nodded at your words. "Then come and take it."
You said before sprinting up the stairs. Ram shouted at you to stop but when you didn't he ran after you. You could his footsteps coming closer and closer. A laugh erupted from your heart, you don't remember feeling this happy for god knows how long.
You threw open the door of the room at the very back, your be— no, both of your bedroom.
"Where will you go now?"
You turned to see Ram leaning both his hand on either side of the door, panting like crazy. Ram looked at you like predator looking at a prey a he marched towards you. Now your heart beating like a drum that feared he would be able to hear it from there. You took one step back with advancing ones.
Before you know, the back of your leg hit the bed and you were falling back on it, pulling Ram down in the process. He fell right on top of you, his hand resting by your sides to not crush you. Yout eyes locked. His chest was pressed against your heaving ones.
"Ram." You wishper his name. As he hummed, lost in the moment, you continued, "Do you not like me?"
This snapped Ram out of the dazed state, "W-Where di-d that came from? W-what? Wai-wait."
As he tried to get off of you, you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck pulling back to you, "We are not moving till I have all the answers to my questions. So, Do you not like mea?"
"No." His answer was short and shallow.
"Then why do threat me like I'm invisible to you? I'm your wife Ram but I barely get to even see you."
"Y/N, it's not like that." Ram stared at you, debating with himself if he should tell you or not. At last Ram sighed, "Promise me you will keep this a secret."
"I promise."
With your promising words Ram explained to you everything. Who he actually was, his reason to work under British government and why he was so hasitente with you.
"Can't believe I made you believe that don't like you." Ram almost whined.
"Who said that?"
"What do you mean?" He frowned in confusion.
"Well My dear Patidev, Yesterday night you said some things that proved that you anything but not like me."
"What did I say?" His expression morphed into a horrified one.
"Is that really important right now?" You pulled him closer to you.
He was so close to you that you could feel his heartbeat. Only fabric of your saree and blouse separating you two. His warm exhale brushing over your face. His one arm rested on the bed while the other one traveled to cup your face.
Ram leaned in slowly before capturing your lips in his own. All the desperation of the past week pouring into that kiss. His hand left your face and glided down before resting on your bare waist as yours locked in his hair.
If not for the need of breathing Ram would have liked to kiss you all day and night long. Breaking the kiss he drifted down your neck, placing trails of wet kisses and marking it red and purple. You turned your head to the side, giving him more space to mark his territory.
That day you finally closed the distance between you two, your souls and your hearts.
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© 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒-𝐍-𝐋𝟎𝐕𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — all content rights belongs to LOTUS-N-L0VE. do not plagiarize any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
All the rights and credits of the characters, gifs, songs and pictures used here belongs to their rightful owners. If you want be added on any my taglist then you can do that here. The ask box is open so if want me to write something then you can request there.
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afortoru · 1 year
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𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖
Pairing: Ram x wife!reader
Summary: you always try to remain calm during those days but your husband knows how to pamper you even if you don't show it, but you're not complaining too.
Genre: fluff, periods comfort
Warnings: periods, cramps, slight cursing cause of the pain
Word count: 2.8 k
Notes: this is my first fic and yes I'm so embarassed, it's not proofread so pls pls pls bare with me. Just in the afternoon I was suffering with cramps so i decided to write this and guess what I suffered more...almost had a crisis wondering would i actually finish it today. If you're reading, i lobe you soo much *mwah*.
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You felt something uneasy in your sleep as you shuffle in your bed trying to go back to sleep, since you knew it's still too early for you to wake up. No matter what you did, nothing worked atlast waking you up.
You opened your eyes to see the time on the clock hanging right infront of your bed, it was little bit dark you couldn't see exactly what time is it but through your blurry vision you make our that it's 4am.
Sighing you decided to go to the bathroom to check if it's really what you think it is. Before moving out of the bed you eyes drifted towards your husband's sleeping body, oh how peacefully he was sleeping. You didn't even want to turn the lights on now since you know he's already a light sleeper. Ram's tranquilly sleeping,lost in his dream world made you smile a bit forgetting that how annoyed you were that you couldn't sleep anymore now.
Not wanting to disturb your dear husband you made your way towards the bathroom as you pull back your pallu over your shoulders. It was a bit chilly but still a sweet cold sensation was touching your skin, i could've enjoyed this only if i didn't wanted to sleep a bit more, you thought to yourself.
Pushing the bathroom door open you stepped inside, tugged your saree up in your skirt as you closed the door.
"Aah shit, here we go again…why god?", you knew your prayers won't help stop your periods and those nasty cramps. Sighing and mentally preparing yourself for the upcoming 5 days suffering plus doing the household work, it's gonna be one hell of a bloody ride.
You have always tried to stay calm trying to busy yourself with the household work during period. Not wanting to bother anyone but your husband, Ram, he had always told you to rest as he would always try to help you cope with the pain.
You came back to your room. Your were glad to see him still sleeping as you made your way towards the wardrobe to get your pads. It took you another 30 minutes since you also decided to get showered too. 
Now you're standing in front of the mirror getting ready for the day with your wet hair still tied in your red cotton towel, knowing oh so well you gotta survive the nasty cramps still wanting to keep a straight and calm expression.
Normally you could have gone to your Pooja room by now but you can't today so you decided to wake Ram up a bit early so he could do the pooja today but there's still time left for him to wake up so you decided to first to prepare the breakfast.
Entering the kitchen, you started preparing the ingredients.
"Ahh..mmm…fuck this hurts so bad" you shrieked in pain while doing your work. " Oh lord, just a little less pain would help, please….mmm….ufff damn cmon" you sighed as you felt the pain getting a bit less as you continued your work.
It's already 6 am, i should wake him up,you thought to yourself as you made your way towards your the bedroom only to find the bed empty and your husband is nowhere to found. Did he already woke up… you walked towards the bathroom, the lights were on inside and there was a sound of running water. This was enough to let you know he was already awake. 
"You woke up early today?" he said making his way towards you while rubbing his wet hair with a towel. 
You just nod while sitting sitting on the wooden sofa in the drawing room.
"Why, what happened is there something today?" he asks sitting beside you as you shifted away from him leaving him astonished. "Hey what happen-", "I need your favour" you stated cutting him off mid sentence. 
"Will you please to the pooja today?" you asked as he regain his normal expression. "Sure I will, but are you ok, is there anything you wan-", "first do the pooja, you know you can't touch me before the pooja".
He just nodded. Ram was quick to tell that you're on your periods and there's no good for him asking you more questions now. 
As he left to the pooja room, you made your way towards the kitchen to make the tea for the both of you. Your and his taste in tea were coincidentally the same. You liked it with more milk and sugar and Ram seemed like a person who would like a strong tea but he was more towards the way you had your too. Your were truly shocked to know he also likes his tea with more milk and sugar in your early marriage, maybe a little dash of malai (cream). 
You tried to divert your mind but the cramps were hella stubborn. "Aahh..uh shit" you hold on to the kitchen counter as you pressed your lips onto each other to minimise the pain but it didn't help.
"Hey, are you ok?" you felt your husband's hand on your waist on the side which wasn't covered with your saree. You shook your head to no.
"A-are you d-done with p-", he knew what were you about to ask just as he carried you bridal style and start making his way towards the hall. "W-what are you doing? put me down, the tea!" you stated as you now you clutched you hands on his shirt.
"Taking care of my wife and the tea, I'll bring it so you just lay down and let me take care of you", he put you down on the wooden sofa placed in the centre of the hall. He made you lie flat on your face, facing the sofa. 
You felt his hands on your back, massaging smoothly. "Feels good, dear wife?", you hummed as a reply. He knew exactly what makes you feels relaxed at times like this. 
You felt his hands in you your feet as you looked back, "n-not my feet, hey it's fine you don't have to massage under my feet honey" you said showing an expression of uncomfortableness but little did you know he won't listen since he's determined to take care of his wife before leaving for his work. He knew that rubbing under your feet makes you feel good during periods. 
"Don't worry my sweetheart, I know it feels good, isn't it? Plus if you're worrying about me touching your feet than don't cause you're my better half and i don't have any problem doing it" he stated calmly with a smile over his face as his eyes meet with yours telling you to just relax and let him do it.
"The tea, it must be cold by now" you stated as you suddenly remember that you left it in the kitchen since Ram said that he'll bring it later.
"Don't worry, I'll reheat it but first you tell me are you feeling ok now, I'll do massage you more if you want" he asked showing concerned to you.
"I'm fine now, you can you bring the tea now" you affirmed as he nodded and stood up to walk towards the kitchen.
5 minutes later he showed up from the kitchen not just the tea but with the breakfast."Oh god i totally forgot to serve you breakfast,maati maari gai hai meri aaj" you spoke as you palmed your forehead."Hey it's alright, i wasn't hungry anyways and how can I think about food when my has no appetite, huh bec-", "because I'm your other half, i get it Pati dev, now let's just eat cause i don't know about you but I'm hungry" you completed his sentence. 
He chuckled. After few minutes later you realised that it's time for him to leave for the police station. You stood up to take the utensils in the kitchen but then he stopped you and pulled you onto his lap.
"W-what are you doing again, you know you'll get late if-" your stopped talking as you feel him nuzzle his face inti your neck from behind. 
"Don't worry wifey, i won't get late" he stated as you could feel his hot breath on you neck, with this you decided to let this moment sink the both of you. Afterall you also needed him even if you don't show it always. 
Few minutes together before you have to push him away to get ready to leave for work.
"I wish I could stay longer with you but please take care of yourself and you call call me on the office phone if you need anything, ok ?" he stated before giving you a kiss on your forehead.
"Sure my dear husband, I will call you and only you if I need anything" you affirmed him with a gentle smile, "also Pati dev, thankyou so much for the massage, try to come early tonight. I'll miss you" with your statement Ram chuckled a bit. "Ofcourse I will, how can I not accept my beautiful wife's order as an obedient police officer" he assured you before leaving for the police station.
You were smiling at his little joke as you waved him goodbye. 
Entering the house again you checked it's 7 am, so there's another 15 hours for him to return at around 10 pm in the evening and you already miss him.
You sighed as you made your way inside the bedroom, there wasn't much work to do so you decided to take a nap.
Normally you'd cook lunch for him and send it through an office boy or sometimes you'll pay him a visit with the lunch but today Ram banned you to do anything as he said that he'll have the lunch from the police canteen. 
With so many random thoughts about your husband and your future, you never knew when did you fell in a deep slumber. Maybe it's because you wake up early everyday and still have enough strength to stay awake all day but today your body needed rest as it doesn't seem to wake up anytime soon.
You wake up with a loud knock on your main door as you try to make out how much time has passed since you have been sleeping.
"Oh my god! It's almost 5 pm!" your eyes widened realising you have been sleeping for that long. You made your way towards the door hearing the banging."Whoever it is, they are one hella of an impatient person" ,you mumbled to yourself. "Aai baba, darwaja hi tor doge kya" you opened the door to see your favourite brother also Ram's best friend, Bheem.
"Bheem bhaiya! it's you, please come in, kaise aana hua" you scanned his expressions as he looked worried.
"Behen where were you i have been knocking for so long, you got me worried" he stated in concern. 
"Oh my, I'm sorry bhaiya i slept maybe that's why I couldn't-" you were cut off as Bheem placed his hand on your forehead to check your temperature,"behen are you sick, should i take you to the near hospital" he cuts you off, concern over his speech and all over face for you.
"I'm fine bhaiya, no need for going anywhere please come in" you requested."Are you sure you're fine and you have no fever?" he asked in concern. "Haa bhaiya, I'm fine now please come in!" he's been just standing outside the doorstep even you keep requesting him to come in.
"No behna, i can't come in actually Ram bhaiya sent these mogre ka gajra for you. I'm here to just give it to you, that's all" he stated as he handed you a black polythene with the gajra inside. Your eyes widened in surprise "he send this f- for me?" , Bheem nodded with a big smile as a reply. "T- tell him I'm very thankful and i loved it but he should come home early if he wants to see me wear this", bheem chuckled "sure I'll tell bhaiya to come home early to you my little sister". 
He left as he patted your head and waved you a goodbye.
You were about to close the door as you see Bheem running towards your house, "BEHNA! listen i forgot something to tell you!" 
"Oh my god calm down bhaiya, what is it?" you asked 
"Ram bhaiya said you don't have to cook dinner and that he'll bring something tonight for you"
"Oh ok, bhaiya. Is there anything else bhaiya?" you said trying to look calm but internally you were blushing thinking about your husband's way to take care of you.Bheem shook his head as he finally left.
You had a light snack around 7 pm since your weren't hungry. Periods always makes sure to ruin your appetite whether it gives you cramps or not.
You took a shower in the evening and got fresh. Standing right infront of the mirror to get ready you took out the gajra out of the black polythene. It smelled beautiful, just like your Ram, so sweet that you always wanna keep him with you and always be with him wherever he goes. 
You put on the gajra on your hair and tucked it properly using some clips to secure it in your bun.
You were busy folding some clothes as you heard a knock on you door. Walking out of your room, you checked the time.
It's only 9 pm now, it must be someone else, you thought to yourself thinking it's not your husband. 
As you opened the door your eyes widened in amusement seeing Ram standing in front of you. He was holding one big black polythene and one small one. You were so happy to see him come early for you that you almost jumped to hug him but his firm arms were quick to hold you in his embrace.
Ram smiled as he kissed your forehead, still hugging you."How are you doing, are the cramps hurting alot?" he asked but you ignored his question as you said, "I missed you, thanks for the gajra though, they are beautiful!".
Ram already noticed the gajra on your bun, " not as beautiful as you, my love" he said as he patted your head, making you blush in his broad shoulders.
"Should we go in now, i know you're hungry look I bought all your favourites for dinner" he spoke looking at you.
You two walked in and Ram plated the dinner after he got fresh asking you to just sit and let him serve you. You keep telling him that he can atleast let you serve it but no he won't budge. 
After eating you pleaded him to atleast let you do the dishes. So you two did it together, still better than him doing all this by himself. You knew his job was very tiring both physically and mentally. You always try to give him with maximum rest when he's home, most of the nights as he lays his head on your lap telling you about his day is something both of you loved to do.
You were sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for him to join you in the bed as Ram entered in the a room with a bowl and spoon in his hands.
"Gulab jamun for my sweet gulab jamun, my dear wife!" he exclaimed making you smile at the sight of your favourite dessert. You looked at him so in love that you couldn't explain, you really wanted to kiss him all over his face so you did. As he sat beside you on the bed, you set the bowl aside as pulled him in a soft kiss. Now it was his turn to be surprised. He was amazed with a sudden shower of love from his wife, he didn't thought much before he held you close and kissed you back pressing his lips over yours, you both closed your eyes and the feeling you two were sharing was the most valuable thing you could ever ask for. 
You pulled back as you rest your head on his shoulders and you both started laughing softly, his hands still holding you close to himself. 
"So was it the Gulab jamun, cause if you kiss me like this I won't hesitate to bring it for you everyday", you chuckled at his words hitting him slightly. "No dumbo, it's you, it's cause I love…and also the gulab jamun" you joked making him chuckle.
He fed you the gulab jamun as you both finished eating it and settle on the bed to finally dooze off in each others arm.
You know he'll always fight everything that would ever try to hurt you and if it's something like periods, he'll do the most corniest things to make you feel good afterall a little bit of cringe is ok when two souls are so in love with each other.
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Tagging my babies: @lotus-n-l0ve @vijayasena
This is the first fic i posted yall, I'm emotional sobs
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l3viat8an · 4 months
It's been so long since I've sent as ask oh em gee :3
Beating levi in a game he really didn't expect you to win at and him being all pouty but perks up when you give him pity kisses<3
HIII SUGAR!! omg It has been awhile- I hope you’re doing good <333
Awwww that’s so cute-
Levi pouted, his cheeks turning a bright red as he turns away from you, "You cheated!" he knows you didn’t- couldn’t have but how did you beat him???
"I did not!" you retorted, biting your lip so you don’t laugh at him. He does this everytime you win a game- it’s basically another game now. "C’mon, stop being a sore loser and cheer up…” you pause for a second, “I can make it up to you~”
You lean over, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. you can hear him gasp and see Levi’s whole body stiffen as he turns to face you and you kiss him on his lips.
You feel Levi huff against your lips before he slowly leans into the kiss, soon enough, he’s deepening the kiss his forked tongue tangling with yours <3
After breaking the kiss, you looked into his eyes, a mischievous glint in yours, "better now?" you ask with a grin.
Levi swallows hard and nods, “B-better…..but I think I deserve another kiss!” he says it in a rush and this time you do laugh, grabbing your controller again and tossing Levi his “Beat me at a game first!” “Huh?!? Oh you’re on!” he’ll do anything for another kiss after all-
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misojunnie · 11 months
Hey! could i request hugs with &team?
And then a part two to this could be 'When you remove their arms from you when they try to hug you' if you enjoyed writing the first part?
Thank you sm<3
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☆ hugs with &team!
byun eui joo - ej
ej is often not the one to initiate a hug. he keeps to himself, not wanting to show too much affection or cross too many boundaries. but when you hug him, he can’t help but feel so loved, resting his forehead against yours, just bathing in the warmth of your touch. he doesn’t even dare to move or say anything, just softly embracing you. ej is so sweet, but he’s nervous that the hug is going on for too long, or you might be uncomfortable. hugging ej takes a while to feel natural, but he has a huge smile on his face when you part, knowing that he loves you so dearly.
murata fuma - fuma
he’s a bit shocked when you first hugged him, but he quickly grows used to it. with the amount of muscle he has, his hugs are super warm and comfortable, his arms snugly wrapped around your waist, your chin on his shoulder. he hums gently and uses one hand to stroke your hair, smiling. I can definitely imagine you falling asleep while fuma is hugging you. while he might not be a big hugger himself, he can clearly tell when you need one, and has no problem indulging you.
koga yudai- k
k hugs only the people he trusts. it makes him feel strong to hold you in his arms, so trust me, he’s hugging you pretty often. he shrinks down from his full height, lowering his head so it can rest comfortably on your shoulder while he presses a soft kiss to your neck. k is often cold towards those he doesn’t know, so you really know he truly loves you when he spends full minutes with his arms wrapped snugly around you, just humming softly to himself as the two of you embrace.
wang yixiang- nicholas
nicholas has two sides: smug, and soft. when you first run at him, wrapping your arms around him and snuggling into his embrace, he chuckles against your skin with a little smile, whispering “did you really miss me that much?”. but it doesn’t take long for him to sigh and hold you tightly, letting himself get comfortable in your arms. he whispers sweet things to you as the two of you rock back and forth, just swaying and basking in each other’s affection. nicholas values physical touch so much, so hugs with him would be both frequent and sweet. he can’t last a day without a hug.
nakakita yuma - yuma
hugging yuma would put the biggest grin on his face. yuma typically loves to have his arm around your shoulders or around your waist when you’re out and about, but it’s rare full hugs like these that he truly treasures. his arms immediately fly to your waist, holding you so tightly you almost can’t breathe, and for a moment it feels like you’re wrestling rather than hugging, but that’s just him showing how close he wants to be to you. yuma is very affectionate, and hugs are his favorite kind of touch.
asakura jo - jo
jo is typically not too friendly. he’s not very touchy-feely, hence his constant rejection of romantic advances or affection from his friends. so when you hug him, it takes him a moment to process what’s actually happening. the warm feeling of your skin on his, your arms wrapped tightly around his torso. his hands float in the air, eyes wide, before he finally melts, coming down from his full height to rest his chin on the top of your head. he places one of his big hands on the small of your back, the other just between your shoulder blades. jo has a hard time adjusting to hugs, but once he starts, good luck getting him to stop.
shigeta harua - harua
harua loves hugs. hugging him would put a lovely smile on his face as he eagerly hugs you in return. the first time you hugged him, it was a bit awkward, a little short lived, but both of you were ecstatic afterwards. for the rest of the day, it was impossible to get him to leave you alone. harua throws his arms around your neck and laughs, the two of you spinning in a little circle while holding each other gently.
taki isn’t really used to hugs. he loves affection, but receiving it is a bit awkward for him. it took a long time for him to be able to gauge when a hug was appropriate, but now? he’s addicted. taki loves nothing more then your warm embrace, the feeling of your arms tightly holding him as he spins you in little circles. while taki initially wasn’t a fan of hugs, now he snuggles up against you at every opportunity. whether it’s from behind, from the side, or from the front. he just loves to be close to you when he can.
hirota riki - maki
hugging maki would just put the biggest smile on his face. he’s so happy that you want to physically be close to him, it absolutely warms his heart. he immediately wraps his arms around you tightly, resting his head on your shoulder and snuggling his face into the crook of your neck. maki makes himself at home in a hug almost immediately, and when you finally try to pry him off, he whines and rolls his eyes. and this boy is strong, so getting him off would take quite a bit of effort. he’d complain, but still has an enormous smile on his face.
a/n: whew this took a million years to write 🥲 I never really realized that there were so many &team members 😭 finishing this was a battle!!! but I super enjoyed it <3 more &team content coming soon!
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bookobsessedram · 5 months
A/N: I'm at a cafe and I literally can't stop thinking about fat!reader catching the eye of Gaz while ordering a drink so BEAR WITH ME OKAY
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Currently picturing Gaz scoping out an area for a mission, wishing he had a dark coffee to keep him warm so he wanders into the nearest cafe. It's crowded, soft music playing from the speakers and pop art hanging from the walls and his eyes wander the throng of people - and then he sees you in the long line, layered up to your neck to keep out the cold, waiting patiently for a drink to warm your bones. He quietly slips behind you in line, unable to stop staring at the way your cheeks are reddened from the cold and how your soft stomach spills over your jeans, the way your jacket flatters your larger figure so well. He's immediately enamored, and when you give the barista at the counter your order, he orders the exact same thing so he can run up and "accidentally" grab your drink instead of his when they call them out. He pretends to be embarrassed and apologizes as your hands brush the same paper cup, and then flashes a charming smile and comments about how "you have great taste in beverages, love".
He asks for your name and if you'd like to sit down, and by the end of the hour he knows your name, your number, where you work, what you do for fun. He decides as he walks you out of the cafe, that an overwhelmingly sweet latte was a small price to pay in order to meet a gorgeous, soft thing such as yourself.
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thedemises · 3 months
. . .  PAINTING NAILS (BY FORCE)! featuring mephistopheles!
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contains! . . . lowercase writing, obey me! shall we date?, some swearing here and there, mephistopheles being a little jerk, probably ooc! mephistopheles cuz idk much about his character-, mc is a human-ram hybrid (having ears, horns, and some other characteristics and traits of a ram), mc is gender neutral, mc is strong?, mephisto being rammed over 💀 (no mepmep was injured in the making of this scenario), does "bloody hell" count as swearing?, got too lazy during the ending so it's kinda rushed 😔, mentioned the demon brothers, simeon, raphael, luke, and solomon! notes! . . .  an idea by me and good ol' buddy @ringdabel during a chat of ours that switched from talking about satan to his nails to the other characters to the painted nails of all the obey me characters (except for the angels, mephistopheles, and solomon)��👍
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mephistopheles feels like he ran a marathon but then he has the urge to run another mile because— bloody hell, why is that puny human exchange student so fast?
he, as a noble, never needed to run as much as he would need to in his whole life of existing. already having dozens of quite expensive cars in the ready to transport him with a snap of his fingers—but for some reason mephistopheles felt like running on foot like as if cerberus is hot on his tail was a good option.
while most humans don't have much stamina and speed in the first place unless they train hardly for it, from what he had read, there's some others that are given the gift of incredible speed or the natural ability of endurance and stamina. rarely, even both.
and clearly enough—this peasant human, the HUMAN who managed to gain the pacts of all of the seven deadly sins AND survive a whole year in a realm where demons roam and most more likely to eat humans—was this close to snatching the tail cape of his attire off.
(well, the said human was turned into a human-ram hybrid when they were transferred to devildom in the first place, so that might've made their speed increase a bit more than an average human's speed—being half ram, after all).
“STOP chasing me, you human peasant!” he makes a sharp turn around a corner, letting his legs take him to demon-lord-knows-where, “i am NOT letting some rubbish paint be applied on my fingernails!!”
with loud yelling responding from behind his back, you declared, “NOT UNTIL YOU COMMIT TO HAVING YOUR NAILS BE PAINTED!!”
mephistopheles doesn't dare to look behind as he kept running in different directions, seemingly beginning to be out of breath when his pace grows irregularly.
the chase eventually doesn't last as long as he expected it to be when he was cornered in a room and then suddenly got rammed to the ground and was pinned down by the forced added weight on his chest, leaving him no other choice than to give up or attempt to resist it.
“KEEP YOUR FLITHY HANDS OFF OF ME!!” a low growl rumbles from his throat with his gritted teeth shown while he attempts to thrash around but you somehow prevent the demon from moving by holding him firmly, restraining his head by wrapping your dominant arm around the noble's neck as you pin down his arms with the other arm of yours.
“not until you let me paint your nails.”
“tch. why is getting my fingernails painted such a big deal to you, human?!” scoffing in disbelief at your insistence, the magenta-haired male tries pushing your body off his back but you don't budge a bit by your stubbornness.
damn, how come you're strong too? aren't humans supposed to be weak?!
“because,” you start, bringing a gloved hand of his closer to you as you inspect it, “doesn't lord diavolo have painted nails? heck, even barbatos and the seven brothers have their nails painted.”
ending your sentence with a determined toothy grin and one of your ram ears flicking a bit, you added, “besides, i think you'll look great with green-ish teal nail polish.”
mephistopheles clicked his tongue at that following a slight eye roll, scowling when you touched the dark patch of the back of his hair, “so? it'll be covered up when I wear my gloves either way, so it's useless and a waste of time.”
after a bit of eventual bickering, pleading, and some reluctance, mephisto finally agrees to your begging persuading with a, “... fine. but be quick about it though.”
turns out, painting your nails is a long, time-consuming process.
currently inside your room in the house of lamentation (who knows how you sneaked him inside without alerting the others), different nail polishes of varied colors were placed aside as both of you sat comfortably on your bed. as you held his now naked hand (after you told him to take his glove off) while carefully painting his nails in a cool green-ish teal color after prepping them and adding a base coat to make the pigment look better in the outcome, the demon sat in front of you with his legs folded underneath his thighs while resting his buttocks on the heels of his feet, his left arm outstretched to you.
during the mostly silent process, mephistopheles' black eyebrows were furrowed with his chin held slightly upwards as his eyes narrowed with skepticism and they held slight impatience but he didn't say anything. until now.
“why'd you want me to wear nail polish?... human.” his voice trailed off for a second, watching you finish painting his middle finger's nail before moving onto the next digit. response to the question, you shrugged your shoulders.
“don't know. the thought of you not wearing nail polish like the others irritated me—though simeon, raphael, luke, and solomon also don't wear nail polish either; so im gonna do their nails next after you.”
“by ramming into them?”
“no, but you were running away from me so i had no other choice.”
eventually, you finished painting all of the nails of his left hand and let him inspect the finished product before doing his other hand—observing the slightest changes in his expression while you waited for his acknowledgment.
“...” blinking at his freshly painted fingernails, mephistopheles doesn't speak out loud while he examines his teal-colored nails in silence.
then his eyes, hued a gradient of pear green and chartreuse, glanced up to stare back at you with the slightest satisfaction before darting to the side as the slightest flush appears on his cheeks and the demon nods his head at you slightly.
“... it looks awful.”
taken off guard, you took full offense to this unpleasant reaction. “excuse me? bitch, I took the time to chase you down, ram into you, paint your nails for a painstakingly long time, and this is how you thank me?”
“well i— ... i think it's alright.. i guess.” slightly startled by the sudden shift of attitude, he finally replies that gives you some satisfactory and the demon moves his hand to remove the other glove that his right hand is still wearing until he was eruptedly halted by you grabbing his wrist. “don't,” you firmly told him, dragging it to you and lightly tugged at the edge of his glove, “let the nail polish on your other hand set first for about one to two (1-2) hours before you do anything with it. now, may i?”
the demon's eyelids widened at the extended amount of time before they relaxed and he nodded with his ears turning slightly reddish at the last sentence, giving you permission to take off his glove for him—which you did, peeling it off from his wrist to the fingertips.
with his hand now bare, you begin doing the same prepping process like you did to his other hand before applying nail polish—letting the base coat set for two minutes beforehand and then, painting on the teal colored polish with patience and precise precision; not allowing the green apple-eyed demon to move from his spot (meanwhile, he was just uncharacteristically quietly observing while you worked on his nails—not that he'd admit it to your face or anything).
eventually after a long time, completing the progress of painting mephistopheles' green-ish teal nails and the drying process, you were finished.
after putting your supplies away, you sigh in relief as you flop backwards onto the soft mattress of your bed with your arms sprawled out—not paying attention to the magenta-haired noble in front of you—and closed your eyes.
“finally...” you murmur, making the demon glance at you with an arched eyebrow, “you were a pain in the ass to begin with but at least im finished.”
this ticked off mephistopheles quite a bit, “oi, oi, oi... i stayed completely still for you, peasant! is this how you react after pestering me to paint my nails?!”
“yeah, yeah... whatever.. you can kindly get out of my room now before any of the brothers—especially lucifer—find you, goodnight.”
“h- hey! don't just order me around like you can, human!- OI!!! don't ignore me!! AND DON'T FALL ASLEEP EITHER!!”
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own. ━━  word count: 1,436.
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vijayasena · 5 months
Abhi na jao chod kar ke dil abhi bhara nahi.....
[ ram x female reader ]
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summary - when your husband loves you too much that it started to get visible in every action of his and the heart cherishes the feeling of unconditional and hopeless long lasting bond you both share... [ fluff lots and lots of fluff ]
No one's p.o.v.....
The sun started to set earlier than the usual in Delhi these days.
winters striked the capital quicker and the atmosphere was causing the bones to get freezed in the chilly air. it looked like mother nature was having mood swings these days.
the greenery of the distant rooftops shined because of pearl drops of dew covering them.
Green plants looked refreshed and newly bloomed flowers attracted bees in such a surreal way that the atmosphere looked heavenly .
Sun provided enough warmth but not that enough to get rid of the cold that was threatening to put the body on freeze.
Distant rooftops glowed like blush pink loaves of bread scattering the hue of reddish and orange tint across the wet pavement of the roads shined through the street lamps illuminating the wet cold roads, as if making it look like engulf in flames.
the faint noises of kids playing under the giant black sky .
and the mothers and women of houses wrapped up in warm shawls shared evening talks with a cup of chai in their hands while watching over their kids.
the capital looked quiet peaceful and it looked like everyone was contented and happy as a peaceful environment engulfed everything and everyone.
whereas the men were engrossed in talking about how the world was changing and the politics was taking place in the changing world of cultures and traditions.
the brown eyed man walked silently sighing taking a deep breath lost in the void of his mind the never ending silent thoughts of his made him get trapped inside his own head. as he came across the door of his house as he stepped inside taking a small shaky breath a sense of calm and serenity passed his quiet yet loud mind .
the smell of sandalwood and jasmine hit his nostrils making him feel very calm and relaxed all of a sudden as a big yet tired yet so beautiful smile spread across his face, as if his soul found its solace all of a sudden the smell always ready to send him in comfort providing so much comfort and warmth that he just wanted nothing but to immerse himself in it.
his exhausted eyelashes closed as his irises dilated a bit searching for certain someone he needed after such a tiring and bad day that was the person his heart craved the presence of and soul surrendered to. passing through the living room he sighed as the familiar warmth of his home the essence of his comfort zone fit in a comfortable silence echoed inside the walls of his house.
his eyes desperately and impatiently searched for his wife.. as he came inside the another room and passing through the dining hall he found her and his steps halted a bit, and breath hitched in his throat.
as if every time he saw her he fell in love with her all over again it was always visible in his actions and behavior that how much he loved his wife his ardhangini his better half and his forever.
he loved her so much that sometimes it physically hurted sometimes she was his heaven on earth and his only thing to be his everything. he always prayed and wished to vishwanath watching upon him to keep his wife safe and healthy he always prayed for her well being because she was all that mattered .
that always made sense' that only made and keep him sane no words in the world were capable and beautiful enough to describe the love Ram felt for his wife, if he could give her one thing in life it was always going to be the ability to see herself through his eyes only then she could be able to realize that how special she was for him. and what her existence meant in his life.
because at the end of the day she was the person he wanted to come home to, the person he wanted to tell how his day went, the person he wanted to share his happiness, sadness, the frustration and success the sorrows and everything with she was his comfort place after all.
they were arranged it was all just awkward and strange in the start but she was enough she was the one he always needed she was doing amazing things to him.
she had a smile that could easily change the world, that could do more than she could ever think of and more she was always more than she thought.
he knew he might not be able to tell her everyday but she meant the whole world to him the day she stepped her lakshmi like steps in his life changing everything for forever for something meaningful and beautiful .
he never realized how much she felt like home to him until he found himself thinking about ho much he wished she could be with him the times hadn't been.
thinking about how he wanted to experience every damn kind of emotions ups and downs and problems and adventures of the life, the fight he had for his land for his people for his nation with her by his side the saying -
" home is whenever i am with you" had never been more clearer to him . she as his home and he was homesick without her.
She made him feel human again, her touch, her laughter her breath everything showed him what it was like to be a person a living breathing human being.
she came into his life at a time when it looked like everything was going to be finished when everything was against him, everything would kill him. She showed him everything he had to live and fight for.
In that short period he called her his she made him feel like there were galaxies in his veins, and the stars made their home in his eyes.
He was forever grateful for the universe and the Vishwanath for bringing her to him for being his wife his better half his everything.
his hopelessly in love with my wife demeanor was factually visible in that sweet smile of his, the loose lazy relaxed walking and a calm look in his chocolaty brown eyes.
that seemed to shine even more now seeing his priyatama looking like an enchanting apsara.
she looked like a blooming flower refreshing and soothing despite coming from such a cold weather just entering in the house seeing his wife made all his senses wash away.
like a wave of sea taking away everything ready to hold him in the home of her arms kiss his forehead lovingly and hold his hands in hers never letting him go. saving him from the world saving him from himself. from the demons inside his own head.
"Ram?" he snapped out from the reverie of his thoughts upon hearing the sweet soothing voice reaching to his ear like honey being poured right into his ear drums.
he was definitely unconditionally, irrevocably, and hopelessly so in love with the woman standing there in a red saree.
he gave her a big beautiful smile of his which was only reserved for her to see. because no one else in this whole world had the capability of making ram feel such way the way his wife made him feel.
his heart swelled with joy, seeing her lips stretching in the same grin as soon as her eyes found her husband .
The one her heart and soul yearned for and the one she was surrendered to.
The red cotton fabric hugged her body as if the cloth was made only for her. increasing the vibrancy of her soft tan skin shining under the golden bulb of their bedroom.
And her eyes looked like flames engulfed in fire urging him to lost himself in those kohl decorated beautiful eyes.
putting the clothes down she was folding on the bed .and keeping the already folded ones in the closet she smiled softly at her husband.
walking towards him as he sighed taking a deep breath oh how he could do anything in his power to make her smile like that every moment for his life.
that damn smile his most favorite thing to witness in the whole world whenever she smiled it was like the universe was in peace.
" how was your day bangaram ?" he smiled softly before engulfing her in a sweet tight embrace closing his eyes taking a contended sigh.
the meaning of this hug was unexplainable as it held the emotions he was so bad at expressing sometimes, but was able to make her feel what he actually held for her in his heart.
the sweet smell of gandharraj and sandalwood the smell of her. that scent that was the reason for his peace of mind and there he stood holding his everything in his arms.
" shouldn't i be asking that question ?" she chuckled hugging him back with the same love and willingness that he did sighing in peace closing her eyes as well. The hug.
This hug... ram held her more tighter he had once read in a novel that it was just about one person . and one day there would be a person who was going to hug him in such a way that all his broken pieces would be fixed back together.
the female was sure of one thing nothing was more right nothing felt more home than being in his arms.
she had seen him she had been with him since day one . though it wasn't like same as now but still he was someone she could tell without doing or saying anything that she was blessed to have him as her partner. if he really thought that he could bear her for the rest of his life she as ready to surrender her soul that was his.
in his eyes she could see ruins of scarred heart mystery tragedies. but for her that was what made him beautiful the way he could bear replicas of his yesterdays, the way he put it in display making him present more vibrant and astonishing and as he was amidst every chaotic day. the one thing she was always fond of was his eyes.
Ram's eyes... those brown almond eyes, he had wonderful eyes not the type which always drowned her in, but the type which made her feel a little more alive.
the one's which always looked cold but deep inside give warmth they were beautiful they made her beautiful . but sometimes beneath those long lashes and brown irises she could see the emotions or the things which he never told.
some fears, and some regrets the silence narrated stories with the soft roaring waves, it held so many secrets so many lies as well which he hated to tell as well.
something that was imperfectly perfect for her she found herself falling like never before . she found something in his nothing something she needed to hold on some fears some tears and some illusions maybe that she never wanted to end.
she held him letting him take his time she knew he didn't like speaking all together but took time in pieces. so she just hugged him not saying anything letting him hold her. she caressed his hair locks running her soft fingers through them.
" had a bad day ?" she whispered softly rubbing his back soothingly while he just sighed nodding a bit pulling her more close if possible the woman in red smiled a bit " its okay you are okay everything is fine" she smiled.
her words calmed him down actually as he broke the hug holding her shoulders giving her a soft nod " what about you ?" he asked she knew he didnt wanted to talk about it, so she didn't forced him to.
that's the thing Ram admired most about her she never forced him or pestered him to do something he didn't wanted to, and always supported him in every decision of his . she knew when to stay silent when to not ask much about anything and when to just listen to him.
" working on a new article they are confiscating the plantation fields of farmers in eastern side making estate businesses for the company illegally that's what i am working on. "
she told him smiling a bit her eyes were tired but an exhausted smile still played on her lips. this was the another thing Ram loved about his wife she was independent.
and she knew to speak about bad and unjust he always supported her decision of working even when society didn't liked and let women work outside of the house.
so being the senior editor in newspaper publications . the male couldn't be more happier and proud of his wife. she was perfect in every possible way and working for better causes for their motherland in fact even encouraged other women as well .
he frowned a bit " are you tired bangaram ? is the work being too much ?" he asked in a soft tone caressing her cheek looking down at her.
she shook her head shaking her head " no i am fine don't worry " she chuckled giving him a reassuring look patting his cheek as he nodded a bit he knew she could get exhausted by working all day, and then doing the house chores as well .
Ram was never a person who acted like that dominant husband giving orders to their wives he was always so supportive and helpful.
he always helped his wife in household work and that increased the love and respect she had for him . More than she could ever imagine from cooking and cleaning to everything he always was a big help and the female couldn't be more lucky for having such a perfect man like Ram.
" you get fresh i will serve the dinner " she nodded walking towards the kitchen to serve the dinner, but he caught her wrist pulling her back shocking her through the core as she baffled looking at him with wide eyes .
" ram!' she exclaimed in surprise and shocked tone not expecting this from her usually shy husband he chuckled wrapping an arm around her waist .
" stay for a bit ?" he asked softly looking in her eyes giving her a tender smile before laying down on the bed putting his head on her lap. she looked down flushing more red sighing taking a deep breath running her hands through his hair giving him a smile .
" guess we both are tired ?" she asked looking down at him while he hid his face in her torso as her saree felt so comfortable isn't that what he wanted to live for all his life?
he felt so serene and calm . " we do" he nodded muttering softly while she chuckled " well my husband i need to prepare dinner let me go" she tried cupping his cheek .
while he looked up at her smiling looking at her with so much love and affection, that she turned away smiling slightly shaking her head as her cheeks turned a shade of red .
" god you look so beautiful when you blush " he whispered making her sigh " stop it now okay ?" she look at him as her lips threatening to break into a shy smile.
" can't help it when i got such gorgeous wife ?" he said tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear going all in awe with the beauty she possessed.
" ram please god " she looked at him giving him an amused smile " okay okay fine" he chuckled getting up sitting and looking at her . " go and get fresh i have put your clothes on the nearby cabinet of washroom" she rushed out so as to not show her blushing face making him laugh .
these small moments were the one's he always cherished . with all his might these moments were the one's that made their life more beautiful and she was the only thing that gave him a reason to live .
oh how his heart always started to throb in his chest whenever she was around and near him she was all he needed to live and survive.
" oh come on its nothing its just some vegetables i can cut them will you stop now ?"
The female put her hands on her hips shaking her head t her husband because he was so stubborn he never listened "its okay let me help its just some vegetables right ? Then what's wrong if I help?" he took the knife and plate from her as the brown eyed female huffed.
She knew he would never listen so she turned back towards the kitchen to fry the fresh pooris.
" You know I like helping you in household chores" she heard him saying as she sighed shaking her head with a smile " and you amuse me sometimes because of how good you are ?" She chuckled kneading a dough of the flour.
When a hand came to get her strands of Hair behind her ear a kiss was being planted on her right cheek. " I am no good I am just doing a normal thing and helping your wife isn't a big deal." he smiled as she turned to look at him her eyebrows raised.
The usual shy husband was acting so bold of a sudden what's wrong suddenly?
Her breath hitched in her throat as her hands stopped their moments and she turned to look at him only to find him already staring shaking her head at his antics. " there is something seriously wrong with you today "
she sighed as hearing that hearty chuckle erupted so many butterflies in her stomach she admired him for a moment. .
" I don't know just found you so pretty today" The female was compelled to roll her eyes to mask her blushing face at that moment . as she put the dough aside giving him a look and turned towards the cabinets to take some other stuff out.
" what do you mean? I don't look pretty any other day then?"
She bit down her lip to not smile as seeing his expressions changed all of a sudden she knew what he actually meant . but wanted to have some fun as well and tease him a bit.
he immediately shook his head in no " no ban-bangaram that's not what i meant" his voice was a bit shaky as the female in red chuckled .
" oh yeah ? then what did you meant ?" she turned to look at him raising her eyebrows leaning against the counter.
Ram's heart throbbed loudly against his chest this was the effect his wife had on him which always took him by surprise.
he sighed looking down opening his mouth to say something again but nothing came out that was when he heard her magical laugh. oh! that laugh he could die to hear that laugh again and again. as it felt like music to his ears.
this was the time of the day when he could easily forget the reality, the guilt, the self hatred, the disgust, all he had for himself. and just melt and surrender himself in the arms of his wife in such a way that reality used to fade like fog somewhere from where he didn't wanted to jump back in.
because that was the life he hated the reality. in which he was being a facade being something he didn't wanted to doing something he didn't had to, how much it took to be that. and how easy it was for the woman in front of him to accept him the way he was and made him feel human and alive again.
" i was pulling your leg jaan relax"
she chuckled shaking her head as a smile broke on his face as well . he didn't even remembered if he smiled as much as he as he did with her ever before.
his life was too much in a dark turmoil before her but she was there to save him to be his sun when he was drowning in rain.
she was mature, independent had a confident aura and a kind smile the most beautiful eyes and most generous and sweetest behavior he really was so lucky that he got a wife like her .
did he needed anything more when he had her ? The answer was no.
the sweet chiming of her anklets echoed in the atmosphere . as she silently served the dinner for both of them. while Ram help her set up the dinner table.
even after she said no countless times her husband was too much of concerned about her that he didn't even let her do the dishes.
all time she just wondered why he was so perfect ? and what she did to deserve someone as perfect and amazing as him.
standing near the window staring at the sky she wrapped her arms around herself .
when he came and hugged her from behind she smiled softly as soon as his arms wrapped around her waist and he put his chin on her shoulder " what is it that my wife is so lost about ?"
she leaned more on to him cupping his cheek from one hand . closing her eyes feeling all the love at the moment his arms were her home as well. whether he liked that or not but she always crave these long hugs.
" that how i got so lucky to have you as my partner of life ?" her voice so soft and slow while her heart increased its pace.
" isn't that something i should be thinking about?" his grip tightened while tone got more calm as if the universe was asleep.
" maybe we both should be thinking about that ?" she whispered turning in his arms putting her hands on his shoulder he took a deep breath before planting a sweet kiss on her forehead giving her a smile " maybe" he answered feeling bliss.
" maybe" she said back hugging him as well. and that was the moment she realized his love was visible in every action of his. and maybe she was just a little more lucky than him.
Tags : @mad-who-ra @kaalakanya @natures-marvel @bhalare-vichitram @budugu @btw-its-tamanna @belligerentmistletoe @vidhi-ka-vidhaan @vardhamannartitties @vellhighbandi @vellipo-mellaga @chaanv @carminavulcana @childofthenight2035 @lite-teesko @livelaughlovechai @lil-stark @luxshine @lite-teesko @khwaahisheinn @kanhapriya @kanyasstuff @krishakamal @khalnaayika @jrntrtitties @jezebelgoldstone @hum-suffer @hissterical-nyaan @dumdaradumdaradum @sada-siva-sanyaasi @stars-in-the-distance @ma-douce-souffrance @ambidextrousarcher @akshinayak @amritkimohini @apsxra-aali @astrafangs @oldersiblingcurse @alhad-cleopatra @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @yehsahihai @trashmeowcan @ramcharantitties @rambheem-is-real @rambheemlove @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @voidsteffy @eenadu-varthalu @whimsicalfaeries @willowwhispers01
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A feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release of anxiety or distress.
Reminder: This is a work made from my own imagination, with inspiration from the actual itihasa, and not meant to hurt anyone's sentiments.
Unedited: You've been warned.
Hanuman kept his amma's chudamani carefully in his grasp, as he briskly returned back to Kishkinda with his comrades.
As their feet moved across the changing terrains which led back to their camp, one thing that prevailed in his mind was 'How would my Prabhu's worries diminish quickly?'
He didn't care if the difference was by minutes- or even mere seconds.
Not a moment more that lasted even as short as a blink of an eye should his Prabhu suffer.
He closed his eyes, as he thought on how he could eradicate the worries that clouded his Prabhu's mind, the fog as thick as the fumes that raised from the fire that spread across Lanka.
No. No, he couldn't say that. His Svami wouldn't know if they'd seen his Amma or not, by only mentioning her pure name.
"In Lanka-"
No. Not that, either. His Svami didn't know where this Lanka was- what even was it. He must be made aware about the state his Amma is in, first. It was the reason he was sent.
He took a deep breath, as he saw the humble cave that Shri Ram resided in, as he quickened his pace, exclaiming so loudly, that his voice could be heard inside the cave, even before he entered his Svami's gaze.
"కనుగొంటిని జానకిని, తండ్రి!"
(Kanugontini Janakini, Tandri!)
(I saw Sita with my eyes, prabhu!)
The second his voice reached the ears of his father- oh, the relief that washed his troubled soul was like the sea's tide- slowly calming, as the period of darkness finally led to the first ray of light.
जय सीता राम लक्ष्मण की!
Hope y'all liked this piece, IVE BEEN ON A ROLL AHHAHA
This piece is inspired by a scene in the Telugu movie Sampoorna Ramayanam- where Hanuman (I love him so much omg) runs to Shri Rama, saying "Kanugotini Janakini!" From the moment he entered the camp, Ram heard him from like 20 meters away
It is said that Hanuman wished for Rama's worries to diminish as soon as possible, not wanting him to suffer a second more than it was necessary, and to make sure no doubts arose- that he thought of what would tell him that they'd found Sita.
I personally loved the scene so much I recommend watching it it's so beautiful I cry everytime hsjejeje
On that note, constructive feedback, criticism and comments on the story are always welcome!
Stay safe, healthy and hydrated<3
Have a good one, folks!
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shadybiotics · 1 year
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Imagine Ramattra finally being brought over the edge from the pressure of his position in the Null Sector organization. Normally he handles the stress very well but once a blue moon his worries, and everything accompanying them, spill over.
He will come to you for comfort. The omnic stands before you sighing melancholically. Little is said but you know something is going on, something is wrong. You don't ask any questions, his silence tells you enough.
You do everything in your effort to ease the tension stirring inside of him. You gently take hold of his arm and lead him to your sofa where you guide his body to rest on top of yours, laying his head on of your chest. He soon focuses on the soft repetitive sound coming from your chest. The beating of your very lively heart is so soothing to the omnic, it puts Ramattra in a trance which he could remain in for forever. He wraps his arms around you and you two end up laying like this for hours, in peaceful silence.
Every once in a while he will squeeze you tighter, bring you closer and exhale a shaky breath before relaxing his grip again. You are patient with him and rest your hand on his head, gently stroking his cables. He doesn't face you though, too shameful to look into your eyes in a state like this.
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bugasaurusrex · 5 months
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Here's a funny I came up with! Prince Fluff in @cochineal-leviat's RosenRot au with one of my favorite moments from Snapcube's Sonic fandub. Great combination.
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enamoredwithbella · 8 months
My fav lil guy is 20 and I could sob my eyes out. The way Bella Ramsey has influenced my life this year was actually insane. I don’t care if that makes me sound super parasocial, it’s true. The way that they’ve inspired me to look after myself and my mental health and just really strive to be a better person is something no other celebrity has been able to do. if anyone deserves their flowers it's them. The absolute vitriol that has been spewed at them since rising to fame has been absolutely appalling and they’ve handled it with such poise and respect and I really admire that. Me personally would’ve have been crying and cussing bitches out. But Bella managed to keep a smile on their face and be the backbone of the gay army with such style. Swaggiest dude ever and I hope they had the most jepic day ever
Last pic is me and Bella but as dogs btw 😄
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rambheemficrecs · 5 months
Title: On the Edge of Paradise URL: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47580043 Author: MaxMagician Rating: Not Rated - I'd say E Warnings: None Summary:
“Shhh, let it out, Bheem. Let me hear you…”
And with that permission, Bheem finally let out a similarly anguished whisper, “Ram…”
“Let me take care of you. For so long, you’ve been running from this. No more.”
“No more,” Bheem echoed.
------------------------------------------ Set post-canon, with Ram and Bheem still going in circles, unsure about what they really mean to each other. There is no discussion or mention of the Alpha/Omega dynamics here because it's not that important, but I need to tag it because their Alpha/Omega dynamic will be part of the bigger story.
My comments: this one has it all, man. hot hot sex, sweet sweet pining, hope, hopelessness, humor, bheem ogling ram with his shirt off... man there are not enough words for this. it's a very, very fun fic, AND it features the elusive bottom!bheem! part one of the series, so one can only hope they'll be together in the end. D: one hell of a ride and a seriously fun read. [If you read the fic, please comment! Comments don’t have to be essays; a keysmash or string of emojis is better than silence!] [Please remember to REBLOG this post!]
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afortoru · 1 year
Your girl is suffering in having her periods so she's writing a comfort fic with Ram from RRR to cope up with the pain... interact or tell me if you wanna be tagged 🥲
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
11. Kaali Kaali raaton se hone lagi h dosti.
For prev parts of likhe jo khat tujhe :: Masterlist
Shoutout to @rorapostsbl @rambheemisgoated @rambheemlove @fangirlshrewt97 @yehsahihai @filesbeorganized helping me. ( @swayamev hi 👋 hehe)
Akhtar looked on as Ram dug through his clothes in the cupboard. Folding his legs, he sat on the bed. "You don't have to."
"Shut up."
He sighed drumming his fingers on the wooden frame. He looked at the pool of perfectly clean and ironed shirts and pants around his feet.
"You better clean this up before Y/n sees it."
Sighing again, he leaned on his hand. Ram hummed distracted. This idiot is going to be in so much trouble.
He blinked and turned his head just in time to get smacked by an undershirt in his face. "That could fit you."
Bheem looked at the white fabric in his hand. The first time Ram tried to dress him up was cute, second was fine, third was tolerable but now it was getting too much.
He didn't need to dress up and impress Jenny, outward appearances didn't matter to her. Ram was just an annoying bug who took this weird habit very seriously.
"I have this."
Bheem threw the undershirt back at Ram's head.
He smacked his head, Ram was now digging through another column. As cute as Ram's concern about his love life was, Bheem wasn't ready to be scolded Y/n.
All this mess was going to get Ram in trouble, he just knew it. Y/n would give him the worst stink eye while handing all these shirts and pants to be ironed again.
The saying 'gehu k saath ghun bhi pista' was haunting bheem. He was so going to be the ghun. He was going to be crushed along with the wheat like a bug.
He started, "you don't have to." It appeared his words fell on deaf ears. Ram neither turned nor hummed.
Before Bheem could think about how lucky he was, he heard faint sounds of payal. He flailed his arms from the bed to signal as if Ram's eyes were at the back of his head.
"Ye sb kya h?!"
Bheem scrambled to his feet and went to stand behind Y/n, "I didn't do anything."
"I can see."
He sighed quietly, in relief. Ram's frame was blocked by the cupboard. Bheem looked at the still shadow and barked a laugh, instantly forcing a cough to cover up.
He quickly covered his face with a hand, he didn't know Ram was capable of squeaks.  I told you to clean up.
Y/n looked at the floor, covered in all the clean and crumpled shirts and pants. "I- Why did you throw the ties? The ties, Ram? You couldn't slide them?"
She bent down to pick up the blue tie.
"Bhabhi, I promised I'd meet Jenny."
She hid a smile, they were really cute together. "Ha, have fun."
Finally Ram shut the doors and looked at her. In purple saree and few wayward strands framing her face, he couldn't make out the meaning of her relaxed expressions.
Her forehead was void of lines and eyebrows were in their natural arch, why on earth she had the tiniest smile on her lips. Where did she learn to keep her eyes empty? And when?
"..y/n?" He hopped over the pile he had created, skeptical of her. "Are- are you mad?"
"Why would I be mad?"
She pressed her lips harder and bit the inside of her lip. His eyes widened comically slow and his shoulders raised making his face jut out.
He didn't believe her. She had to be mad. How could she not be, this must be sarcasm.
"Look around, why wouldn't you be mad?"
He's right, she mused, but he's so cute. His wide eyes did a wonder on her everytime she looked into them.
Pursing her lips, she took a step towards him and he took one back. Her breath picked up a little, hesitantly she stepped forward one more time and he backed once again.
His heart picked pace, her eyes didn't stray away. Apprehension left his mind, replaced by- by a strange anticipation.
The playful gleam in her eyes left him completely breathless. Did she not realize what she did to his poor heart?
He kept taking tiny steps till his back hit the wall.
Y/n pouted, she was too short to cage him between the wall and her hands like he did to her. Her eyes slowly advanced down from his face and came to stop at the button he loved to leave open.
It's like he doesn't realize what he does to me.
Ram was almost certain he was hallucinating. His wife was pressed upto him and fiddling with his shirt's buttons, this had to be some kind of a dream. The brilliance on her face was the one he had only witnessed in his dreams.
"Why would I be mad, patidev?"
He gulped, suddenly feeling extremely hot. A whine bubbled to his throat of how she wasn't being fair to him. He dreaded this would be too much and his patience would snap.
"Say na.."
Her voice went pierced his heart like an arrow from Manmatha's quiver. He clenched and unclenched his fingers on the side.
'I, uh.. you-"
His stomach flipped and he gulped, awaiting what she'd do next.
Y/n grazed his skin lightly with her nails, enjoying the pleasant view of him shivering.
Her heart thrummed against her ribcage- hair falling on his forehead, his lips slightly ajar and eyes unfocused.  She felt sparks under her skin.
"I'm not mad."
He felt her hand trace his collar before she tugged on it, pulling him down.  "How can I be mad at my chand? My pati? My parmeshwar?"
She bit back a giggle and ran her fingers through his short hair, massaging his scalp. Ram sighed, eyes fluttering in relaxation.
"I'm not mad because you will clean the mess you made."
Her lips grazed the shell of his ear, unable to resist, his eyes clenched and his heart flipped, the desire to hold her flush against him was rising with each passing second. All Ram could feel was the warm breath, her chest almost pressed against his, her scent cast a charm on him.
Y/n slowly retracted herself and took a few steps back before his eyes opened and the fog cleared. With shaking feet she took a step back, his eyes widened, she knew she had messed with him.
Fast as lightning, she turned and ran out of the room with Ram hot on her heels. Her feet thudded against the floor, laughter chimed through the house.
Her loose hair flew behind her in ripples, hands lifting the saree a bit and she looked back to see him at an arm's length.
Y/n squeaked and circled around the buckets huddled near the handpump, behind the sack of wheat and the dining table. Narrowly missing him, she ran back towards their room.
His eyes followed her, a familiar feeling simmered in his chest. He took long strides and finally grasped her arm, turning her face to him.
She gasped suddenly feeling her feet trip on air, yelping Y/n tried to brace herself against his frame.
Ram was out of breath and unsuspecting. Instinctively his arms circled around her waist, pulling her over him as they fell on the bed.
Legs hanging from the bed, they stayed there for a minute trying to catch their breath. She curled up on his side.
Ram wrapped his arm around her frame and pulled her half over him. He looked at the ceiling through the flimsy curtains.
Finally, his heart calmed down and the thudding in his ears dulled into nothing, allowing him to listen to her steady breaths.
Floral scent wafted from her freshly washed hair. She was busy drawing small circles over his shirt.  Cool breeze entered through the window.
"Do we have to?"
Y/n chortled, hiding her face. "Yes, we do."
Soft curls brushed against his cheek as she tried to get up. He fought the urge to pull her back to him.
She looked at her her husband, sprawled on the bed like a starfish and snorted. Her eye twitched again when she looked at the cupboard.
"I wasn't joking, you're the one who's going to clean his mess."
Her voice broke through his musings, he sat up and stretched his limbs as if he woke from a slumber.
"No buts. I wont touch this at all."
He supposed it was only fair. Ram began collecting all the clothes on the floor and bundled them up on a chair.
He looked at the red saree and shook his head. "You've complained it's too heavy before. We'll be there for a few hours, wear something light."
She rummaged through the stacks of silk and cotton again and pulled a beautiful yellow saree with green border. Taking out the blouse, she started walking towards the adjacent room.
It pinched her heart how they were still so far apart. Closer than they had ever been, sure but for some reason the fact that they still didn't have the comfort to change in the same room bothered her.
Most married couples had that, even the ones who barely tolerated each other then why couldn't her and Ram have that. She hoped some God heard her.
Tucking in the hip pleats, she reflected on last few months.
Once done with the saree, she went back in the room to see Ram on the bed, his undershirt was splayed on the side and he was just in his pants.
She gasped remembering the last time she saw him sitting like this, he didn't look mad- soothing herself she walked towards him.
Unpinned shoulder pleats opened and her pallu fell to her elbow, creating a drape. She stopped a couple steps away from the bed, "Ram?"
It seemed as if he didn't hear her. Y/n took a step forward and kept a hand on his shoulder gingerly.
She sighed inadvertently, "where were you lost?"
"Nowhere." He shook his head, looking down.
Ram thought about his people back in the village, he remembered his promise. It pained him. He couldn't meet them till he fulfilled it.
Bed dipped beside him.
Y/n silently rubbed his arm, feeling the muscles ripple under her palm. "Do you not want to go? I can make any excuse next time I see Charu."
Her cousin, Charu was married in the same city as her. She had been pestering Y/n to visit her with Ram. Finally giving in, they decided to pay her cousin a visit in the evening.
"No! No.. I just- I haven't been to a relative's home in so long."
I haven't been to my relatives home in so long. She heard what he meant. Fighting the urge to shift closer, she continued the light caress, mapping the taut skin, the tension.
"We don't have to- if you really don't want to, we won't go. I don't mind, me and her aren't close anyways."
He looked at her, finally seeing the arch of eyebrow flatten and her forehead crinkle in worry. He only found sincerity in her eyes. He just wanted to stay at home and sleep.
He snorted remembering the time when he used to function  on mere two hours of rest.
Ram leant forward, resting his chin on his locked hands. "Nothing." His eyes crinkled in humor when she lightly smacked his arm, "acha acha.. I just remembered how I used to stay awake at nights."
The white sheer curtains blew with the wind, she smiled as well. Her gaze traveled from his face to the shining silver chain.
Y/n hooked her arms with his, drawing it closer to her bosom and rested against his shoulder, "so we should cancel?"
His heart fluttered, feeling her soft skin graze his. It took everything in him to stay still and suppress the shivers. 
"No, let's go."
She stayed silent, just breathing silently, his mind wandered to their engagement.
She sat back straight, stretching out the moment before they would get up. He bit back an embarrassing sigh as she shuffled to the mirror.
Eyes hooded, with a lazy smile on his face he looked at her frame, longing for her. There was nothing he wanted more than to pull her in his arms. Straightening his back, Ram didn't break the stare.
Whenever he looked at her, it felt as if a haze descended on him. For that instant, that moment the world vanished in smoke. He relished the sweet view, committing the way her plump lips stretched, the way her eyes spoke to him- to his memory.
He saw how she shifted on her feet while brushing her hair, feeling the his flutter a little more when she swept them on a side baring the side of her neck.
His chest constricted and before he knew she was gasping in surprise. He caught her in an embrace, his arms around her waist.
Y/n was too focused on the electrifying grip, too distracted to form words for a few moments. Her heart tried to catch up with the beats lost because of him.
His facial hair tickled her neck as he pressed her back to himself and resting his chin on her shoulder. Unable to understand what he was doing, she simply held onto his hands locked in front of her.
Her throat refused to work, she looked in the mirror. Barely able make out the expression on his face she ran her fingers over his hands. All she saw was his hair falling on the forehead and his eyes, closed.
A slow shy grin formed on her lips as her fingers found their way to his face, cupping it lightly.
"Kya hua?"
She felt his cheeks lift in a smile, "I missed you." He whispered back making her heart soar.
Her eyes closed happily, indulging in his affections. Her breath hitched, feeling the tip of his fingers slowly caress her waist. Turning her head, she pressed a small, oddly angled kiss in his hair. I love you.
Comb was long forgotten on the floor, sun slowly inched behind the leaves. He felt every ounce of his body combusting, feeling the comfort as she combed through his hair.
He almost choked, wishing he could tell her how he felt. Ram imagined telling her one day, telling her how his heart beat for her, how his eyes searched for her, how he felt a strange pain whenever she wasn't around.
In his wildest dreams, she loved him back. In his half awake fantasies he could kiss her.
God how he wished he could kiss her..
When had he turned into such a lover.
He couldn't remember the time when he didn't wake up to her shining brown eyes. As much as kohl brought out her eyes, he absolutely loved seeing them bare.
I love you.
One day I'll tell you, thinking so he lay a chaste kiss on her temple.
He sighed in disbelief, the day he gathered enough courage didn't seem close. Squeezing her lightly one more time, he loosened the grip. He didn't want to let go.
Pressing his face in her neck one more time, he took a step back.
Y/n almost whimpered at the loss of contact. If he was trying to convince of her to stay home, he had succeeded.
"I'll get ready."
Her eyes widened like saucers, he  couldn't seriously be expecting her to walk out of the home right after he threw her brain in a frenzy.
Overcome by lethargy, she grabbed the back of his unbuttoned shirt, "some other time? Please?"
She watched his eyebrows arch and a knowing smile form on his face.
"Next time her husband pesters me, I'm blaming you."
Giggling, she couldn't help but wrap her arm around his broad shoulders, "You're the best!"
He couldn't help but laugh audibly either. He had married an absolute sweetheart. His fingers worked on closing the lower buttons as she swayed them lightly.
"Mhm, now what do you want for dinner?"
He turned to her, breaking away from her embrace a bit, "what do you want for dinner? I'll get it."
Her eyes gleamed, "kachori!"
Hastily he tucked in the shirt and went out.
Y/n followed him to the door before switching on the lights. She collapsed on the chair like a heap, relaxed and happy.
She was glad that they didnt inform her cousin beforehand, nothing could have saved her then.
After waiting patiently for an hour or so there was a knock finally. She all but rushed to the door.
Securing the latch behind him, Ram handed her the bag. "Here."
"Go change, I'll set the table."
She watched him walk into the harsh yellow light. Leaves rustled above her, reflections from the metal containers laying around cast a glow on the veranda.
Changing weather bought with it a sense of tranquility. Her feet tingled in delight.
Basking in the feeling for a second, her feet rushed towards the kitchen. The packets were hot under her palm, she simply pulled out the plates and took out the contents from the paper bags.
She found an extra packet in the larger cloth bag. It wasn't warm, curious, she opened it.
Her eyes twinkled seeing the milkcakes. She loved them.
Just as she set down the plates, Ram walked out in his worn out yellow kurta. Y/n rolled her eyes.
"How long till you throw this away? Some of the rags are in better condition than this." She complained loudly.
He simple shrugged and muttered, "it's comfortable."
She imagined it was, it was a shame she couldn't pester him, he looked really good in that.
They ate in silence, enjoying the cold evening. After the harsh summers and relentless rains, these evenings felt like a blessing.
"Do you want something?"
She asked in between the morsels and waited as he hesitated and considered.
Y/n gave him another second. He quickly pointed to the chutney, asking for more.
She pressed her lips, biting back a fond smile. He loved coriander chutney.
"There's more right?" He asked quietly, she almost 'aww-ed' at how adorable he sounded.
Once again they lapsed in comfortable silence.
When both of them were done, she washed the utensils and he gathered up stuff lying around and locked the main door, as per their usual routine.
"I'm going up for a bit."
She simply hummed, focusing on the ash-y soap. It felt less irritating as her forehead was merely damp opposed to the usual dripping sweat.
Wiping her hands, she used the pallu to dab her face and pushed the loose strands behind her ear. Leaving the bulb in the living room on, she picked a handfan and went up.
She felt a dull ache in her calves, exhaustion finally setting in. Her shoulders drooped, her hands flailed a little on sides and she threw her head back.
Ram turned to the side startled as she plopped down on the swing. Chuckling, he took the fan from her kept it aside. Winds were pleasant. For the first time in months he liked how moonlight felt sheetal on his skin.
Stretching a little, he kept his arm over the blunt edges of the swing liking how Y/n immediately leaned against it. He gripped the metal to stop himself from curling his arm and bringing her to his chest.
Clouds approached from distance, he looked on- his eyes zeroing on the ominous looking tree in midst of the garden.
He knew she wasnt asleep, she was fiddling with a thread on his kurta. He remembered how she teased him earlier.
"You see that tree?"
Srunching her eyebrows, she looked at him and followed his sight to a tree. "Yes?"
No leaves. It looked cadaverous.
Ram hid a grin, "you remember that kid who jumped from the sixth floor in the next lane?"
"Haan. What about him?"
"It is said, he took shelter under that tree one stormy night and ever since he kept seeing a lady in white saree and sindoor over her face everywhere. Fed up of the mutilated visions, he jumped."
He angled his body towards her, biting his lip to keep a straight face.
Discomfort weaved through her, "what? Nonsense, none of this happens."
She hoped he didn't pick up the affirmative defense, she really hoped he didn't pick up on the fact that it was fake. Being a believer was such a pain when fate didn't bless you with courage.
Eyes widening like saucers, "Areyy it's not nonsense. A kid lost his life, how can you say it's nonsense?" He quipped loudly.
The gears of her brain turned, it worked to keep her from being scared. Y/n scoffed, not believing his story, "it could be that he was seeing things that weren't there. It happens."
Moon shone in the sky behind them. The shadows of balcony pricked her nerves. Back of the swing faced the room's window. A tiny flame burning on the table far from them didn't do much to illuminate the dark.
"Acha if it isn't true then why did your cousin keep hearing weird noises in the room right next to the peepal tree?"
Ram giggled on the inside, he knew it wasn't just her cousin who heard those screeches, "tell me, why the room next to the peepal?"
Dogs howled on the street. Shifting, she put a leg up, attempting to be discreet.
"We were kids!"
He could melt in a puddle, why did his wife had to look so adorable. Y/n almost let out an anxious exhale, her eyes darted to the room.
As the moon climbed, the shadows in the balcony grew stronger. She cursed the flickering flame of the candle. Did it have to flicker now? Why did her peripheral have to catch that?
"You know Mahesh? The guy I work with? Doors in his house keep unlocking on their own. How do you explain that?"
A bird chirped on their neem tree. It felt weird, wrong even, to hear birds around midnight. She looked at the dark leaves, cursing softly she folded both legs under her and shifted to face Ram.
He told her months ago, how locked doors opened with a loud bang at midnight at Mahesh's house. No burglar would make such a noise, and no one would open every single door and window, all at the same time.
"Must have been wind."
He put on a slightly quiet and deep tone, "wind? Wind was what your grandmother saw when she saw feet near the main door at two in the morning?"
Reminding her of the incident a few months ago, he looked forward flippant. Shuffle of fabric made way to his ears, when he looked at her again, her hand over the swing was no longer there but tucked at the front, her back didn't face the room anymore.
She remembered hearing a loud scream at the dead of night few days after their wedding. Suppressing a shudder she pulled her shoulders back, "it was dark, it could have been something else."
Gulping the knot in her throat, she argued weakly- adamant on keeping her dignity. Of course she knew what he was doing, this jerk, and she refused to loose.
"Tell that to poor girl who almost fell from stairs in the school."
"What girl?"
Ram pointed to a tall building visible faintly, "it is said a girl passed away from a severe asthma attack when her classmates bullied her, a few days ago a girl saw her wandering in the hall near stairs. Poor kid almost fell to her death."
She dithered, unable to repress the sudden quiver in her muscles, "sounds to me like she scared herself, nothing else."
The false bravado didn't fool him. He noticed how she curled up a little more with each instance he narrated. Mirth swam in his eyes.
"It isn't a trick of mind if someone else corroborates similar incidents, meri jaan. You know, the group of girls who bullied her see her, even often get tugged and scratched, inexplicably."
Y/n felt annoyance creep on her, she slapped his arm, "shouldn't you have less than little faith in those girl's stories, you know being a police officer?"
He didn't fully believe but then again, time had taught him to not be so dismissive of such matters.
"Okay, let me tell you what happened at the place I lived in before."
He too put up his feet and faced her. "Soo, it actually happened, like I'm not making this up."
Leaning in a conspiratorial fashion, he kept a hand over the back support of swing. "You've met the landlord right? He had fairly big family- him, his wife, their two sons and a girl. This happened during her wedding ceremonies."
She didn't know whether to believe him, he was clearly doing this to scare her. Her heart beat in suspense nevertheless.
"I lived in the room across the hall, it was the day of her haldi ceremony. Everything was going fine, relatives were swarming the house, kids were creating a ruckus, girls and boys were dancing to dholak and songs- it.. it was beautiful."
He smiled, for a second forgetting that he was supposed to be focusing on the build up and suspense.
"She was so happy, Chitra.. "
She was.. until she wasn't. He felt a pinch in his heart, remembering how their happiness was snatched within seconds.
"They were putting her in a normal saree but she.. she insisted on a white one with golden border! I don't think I saw her happier ever.."
Y/n looked on with an identical smile, it sounded like a fond recollection. She saw how his eyes unfocused and he dived in the memories, he wasn't making it up, she realized.
"Yeah! You know who was happier? Her younger brother," he huffed out a laugh, that rowdy kid. "He's a passionate kid, you know. His innocence was taken from him too soon."
For reasons different from Ram but he understood the loss, nonetheless.
"Right so, they were happy and then a man came running, yelling and sobbing, tripping over stones. He told them how Chitra's uncle, her father's elder brother had passed away that morning..."
Smiles from their faces dropped faster than a raindrop hitting earth.
"Girls who have been touched by haldi aren't supposed to step out without blessed thread on their wrist or on empty stomach. Chitra- she forgot everything the second his body was bought out in the lane for antim darshan, she cried and ran out without the thread."
He was there, he saw her coming down the stairs, screaming. He didn't stop her.
"She loved him, he was her favorite uncle, he was the one who fought for her education. She couldn't bear the loss, when she saw him- draped in yellow sheet and tied to bamboo ladder. All the rules- she didnt care. Dropping beside him," Ram gulped, the scene playing vividly before his eyes. "She hugged him, begged him to wake up. It was her wedding, he had to be there for var puja, jaimala, he had to be there for her kanyadaan."
Y/n kept a hand on his knee.
"Yeah, so she wailed and cried till they had to take him. Perhaps the grief was too much, the family forgot that she had been near him without protection. They were too eager to marry her off, they didn't see fit to wait for thirteen days before hosting an auspicious occasion in their house."
If only he had spoke up, Ram thought.
"A few days after her wedding, her husband dropped her home saying she was behaving crazily. Everyone was confused, Chitra had a stable head on her shoulders. Anyways, all the confusions were cleared two days later when she spoke for the first time."
Snorting, he thought back to that night when he had come home late and saw a group of people huddled near their portion of house.
"Her eyes were inhumanly wide, like they'd pop right out and she behaved strange. Some kid said, she was screaming wildly and grumbling."
He looked at his wife, she seemed freaked out, he had been frazzled too.
"This continued for a few days, several doctors, pandits and just about everyone was called. No doctor could conclude what happened to her, no prayers by pandit worked, she was still behaving amazingly crazy."
Y/n shifted a little closer, looking back for a split second.
"The entire building was scared, families living on rent had asked their kids to stay away. Everyone slept on the terrace huddled together, all the residents were convinced that there was something wrong with her. Then one day," He took a second to breathe a disbelieving laugh.
"Then one day, she called her mother in her room. Since aunty was scared, she took me and two other people with her. Chitra said, 'there is someone standing at the stairs downstairs, ask him to move away or I'll kill him.' We all scrambled out to see if there was someone-"
Y/n leaned forward, squeezing his arm, "and? Was there?"
"Her elder brother was standing at the last step, talking to a guy. We all screamed at him to leave that space and when he did, we ran back to her room. She looked somewhere on the wall emptily and chuckled, getting up. Without a word she went down and laid on the cot in the sun."
She looked sideways, seeing the candle blow out with a final flicker and immediately clutched his arm tighter. He saw slight tremors in her frame. He had been surprised and scared out of his mind as well, whatever it was, Chitra had terrified them all.
"Her family didn't waste a single more second and rushed her to mehendipur wale Balaji."
Goosebumps erupted all over, and in a breathy squeak she asked, "then? Then what? Is she okay? Or is she still?"
"Oh no, when they came back, she was still a little unsettled, but they visited the temple regularly till she became normal. She's fine now, has a baby. She did tell that it was her uncle's spirit."
Y/n could only whisper a small oh.
"Still think none if this happens?"
He laughed as she pressed herself in his shoulder and muttered a no.
"Let's go now, it's too late and stay with me, isn't this the hour when ghosts lurk openly?"
She smacked his arm, "Shut up," Whining as he chortled again, at her shaky words.
"Acha acha, devi ab nhi hasunga. Let's go now?"
His lips stretched in a wide grin as she clung to his arm when they walked.
Reaching the stairs, she stopped in the track, "I'm gonna go first." Y/n suppressed the urge to knock him over head when his shoulders shook in humor, she was far too scared.
He trailed behind watching his wife run to their room and hide beneath the thin covers.
Switching off the bulb, he climbed in, feeling a strange happiness as she snuggled into him. "Just- just don't let go okay?" Y/n took his hand, kept it over herself and held it.
Ram smiled, looking at their hands, "never." He kissed her head before dragging her closer and caging her in his arms, secure.
It's really a miracle how i wrote this everytime my brain had been overworked to death and i couldnt sleep because my body ached. Tbh i think my state really reflects on this piece as there's isn't really a coherence here.. chile anyways I hope it saves you from boredom for a few minutes. If you see any mistake pls forgive it, i was falling asleep when i proofread lmao.
If you want to be tagged in further works or removed pls lemme know. :))
Edit :: feedback? Because likes don't tell me if you want to read stuff like this or not. 😭 Too long? Too short? Too boring? Too generic? Whatever you feel tell me
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sada-siva-sanyaasi · 1 year
jagadeka veerudu athiloka sundari - part twelve
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(the promised part, here you go! let me know what you guys think, I love to hear you all scream!
~ juhi <3)
Rudra walked through the halls, reaching Aarya’s room in a matter of seconds. He paused in front of her room, fist twitching as he raised it to knock on her doors. Before he could, however, the doors opened and Aarya stood there, ready to walk out. She saw him and stopped, frowning slightly. 
“Do you want something?” He slowly nodded, eyes low. “Yes, can we talk alone, Your Majesty?” Aarya’’s frown deepened but she nodded wordlessly, opening the doors wider to let him in. She shut the doors behind them, back still towards him when Rudra said, “You need to break this marriage.” 
“And why is that?” 
Rudra frowned, wanting to step closer but refraining as Aarya turned to him, glaring harshly. “He- you deserve better than him, Your Majesty. Bhallaladeva isn’t what-” “Take his name with respect, Rudra. He is the emperor of Mahishmati.” Aarya glared again, moving past him and sitting by her table. 
Her fingers fidgeted with the akandas around her wrist and she sighed, trying to calm down. “Listen to me, Your Majesty,” Rudra pleaded, getting onto his knees in front of her as he stared at her. “This man is a murderer, he killed his family. He murdered a child without remorse. He killed his citizens ruthlessly and you-”
“Rudra,” Aarya interrupted, looking at the sky with an unreadable expression on her face. “It has been about three to four months since Bhalla came to see me in our kingdom. Do you know what has changed in Mahishmati since then?” Rudra shook his head, and Aarya cracked a small smile. 
“The people are at peace, which is coming off as a surprise to them too. The merciless tyrant they are used to still exists, but is instead being ruthless to people against Mahishmati, not her own citizens. He’s listening to them, growing the kingdom for their development, and the crime rate has gone down too. Rebels against him are at an all time low, and Kattappa has reduced overworking for his emperor’s protection.”
Aarya’s smile got wider, a soft blush dusting her cheeks as she looked at him. “All because he wanted to prove he was worthy of me. So tell me, someone who wants me so much that they are willing to change their entire existence for me is not enough?”
Rudra scoffed at that, standing up. “Are you willing to risk everything for a man who violently changed himself for you? What if it is all an act? Won’t Sundarsi be in danger?” Aarya raised an eyebrow at his outburst, regarding him silently. “Do you think Sundarsi can’t take on Mahishmati? We are still not on good terms, despite the rulers getting wed to each other.” She stood up, looking at him with an unreadable expression. 
“Sundarsi’s actual problem began when our magic started to weaken; our stones turning black and shattering, our entire force away from our roots over here in another kingdom. And do you know when this began?” 
Rudra’s breath hitched in his throat when her voice dropped, her gaze turning sharp as she said, “Ever since you returned, Rudra. You’ve come back from the dead, and now everything is falling apart. I’m going to marry Bhalla in two days, and-” 
“Then don’t marry him, Aarya!” Aarya froze at those words, watching Rudra get frantic. “Come back to Sundarsi and continue with your war against Mahishmati, take over and snub these pathetic people! Let’s get wed, you and I! I’m still in love with you and I know that somewhere, you love me too.” He took his hands into hers, pulling them to rest on his chest as he gazed at her. 
“It’s not too late, Your Majesty. Save your kingdom from him. Save yourself from him, please.” Aarya stared at where her hands were, her eyes on the akandas as they flickered grey, and sighed softly.
“How did you return, Rudra?” she asked slowly, the stones getting darker as they stayed on his chest. “You died, didn’t you? How did you come back from the dead?” Rudra stepped away, his eyes wavering as Aarya’s stare pierced through him, suddenly feeling extremely suffocated in her room.
“You died, Rudra. A warrior’s death, according to your troops. So tell me, what are you doing here, in a world where the dead have no place? What-”
“I need to leave, Your Majesty. Rest well.” Rudra let go of her abruptly, bowing once and storming out of the room. He stopped, resting his head against her doors as he steadied himself, his thoughts running wild. 
“I’m not supposed to even be here, am I?” He mumbled to himself, looking at his shaking hands. The soldiers passing by frowned at his odd behaviour, watching as he staggered towards his own room. One of the guards outside noticed him, watching him leave and walked out of the hallways, towards Bijjaladeva’s room. He knocked, entering and bowing to the old royal.
“Your Majesty, you were right. That man tried to persuade her, but it seems like it didn’t work. She sent him out.” Bijjaladeva scowled, rubbing his hands pathetically as the guard continued, “He also seemed a little agitated, sire. He kept looking at his hands and was struggling to get out of there.”
Bijjaladeva’s scowl deepened as he stood up, picking a goblet of wine. “He is doing what we want him to do, for now. Let it stay that way, don’t meddle. The sooner he sways that witch, the better. My son will realise she is no good for him and our war against that lowly kingdom will bring them all onto their knees.”
He turned back to the guard and said, “Now, do what I tell you to do.”
— — 
Kattappa hid behind a pillar as the guard walked out of Bijjaladeva’s room, following him to Rudra’s room. The guard knocked twice and went in, and Kattappa watched as he got out a few minutes later, leaving.
Kattappa frowned, walking to his room and knocking, entering to see Rudra on his bed, shaking slightly. He hurried to his side, helping Rudra sit up and watching as he doubled over in a fit of coughs. “Are you alright?” Kattappa steadied the man, handing him a glass of water as he nodded, drinking it.
“Never better, Kattappa. You should leave, I’m sure you have more pressing matters to deal with than a soldier that came back from the dead, being treated like a royal.” Kattappa stared wordlessly at Rudra as he stood up, walking out to the balcony. “Is there anything you would like to tell me, Rudra? Because I can help you, no matter what it is. Even if the problem is from my kingdom.”
Rudra paused, his back still against Kattappa as he looked at the fields below, catching Bhalla swinging his sword around. His eyes stayed on the emperor who struck the air viciously, and huffed out a short laugh. 
“My problem isn’t something either of us can solve, Kattappa. But I appreciate your sentiment. I see why Devasena and Amarendra were so fond of you.” Kattappa didn’t say another word, turning to leave when his eyes fell on the black, broken akandas that littered the floor around where Rudra was standing. He opened his mouth, but Rudra cut him off. “I think you should leave now, Kattappa. I wish to be left alone.” 
Kattappa nodded stiffly, a sinking feeling settling in his chest as he left the room.
— — 
The moon shone on Bhalla’s back as he took his royal robes off in the empty fields, bending to pick his sword when a voice made him pause. “What’s a man like you doing out here all alone? Don’t you need to be with a woman at a time like this?” He chuckled, turning around and seeing Aarya there with a small smile on her face.
“Maybe I could keep you company,” she cooed flirtatiously, and he laughed again, watching as she approached him slowly, her hips swaying deliciously. “Oh, I don’t think so. I have my sweet wife waiting for me back home, and I wish to go to her.” Aarya raised an eyebrow, ghosting her fingers along his torso and smirking as he suppressed a shiver. 
“A wife, you say? Then why are you still standing here, with me? You should be heading to your sweet wife now, and make sweet love to her under this moon. She would love you all the more for that.” 
“Such bold words from such a pretty mouth, you’re a vile woman, aren’t you? Quite a temptress, I must say.” Bhalla caught her drifting hand and pulled her closer, leaning down to reach her height. “And my sweet wife who waits for me everyday doesn’t care for sweet love, if you want to know.” His voice dropped lower as he inched closer to her lips, hands wandering down. “She loves that we need to get new beds every other day.” 
Aarya burst out laughing, pushing him away as she tried to stop herself. Bhalla scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking annoyed at her as she ruined the moment, but before he could say anything, she gasped, pulling him out of the way.
Rudra’s body fell from the sky, skin ashen and blood flowing out of him. They both flinched at the sound of the body hitting the ground. Aarya ran towards him, pulling his body towards her and shaking his face, trying to wake him up.
“Rudra? Rudra!” She tried, slapping him and shaking him when his eyes opened, making her fall back at the suddenness. Rudra moved sluggishly, slow and awkward as Aarya stood up, backing into Bhalla. “Bhalla, something is wrong.” She whispered, her grip on his arm tightening as Rudra tried to stand up, falling back onto his knees. Bhalla moved her behind him, raising his sword when they heard Rudra laugh, the sound making Aarya move impossibly closer to Bhalla.
“Absolutely nothing is wrong, Your Majesty,” Rudra said as he set his joints back into place, looking up at them as broken akandas hovered around him, their black glow eerie. “If anything, I’m just doing what I said I would when I came to this kingdom. I’m making you mine again.”
taglist open!
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bookobsessedram · 5 months
Soap Mactavish x Reader - Mental Health Day
Word Count - 1.1k
Warnings - depression, cursing, very SFW
A/N: This is a gift for my friend @bunnyreaper, so reader is described!! Sorry y'all <3
For bunny, I want you to know that I love you so much and that you are valued and loved. I hope this brings some light to your life :)
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For the past few weeks, it feels like every day has been the same. Wake up, cry, eat whatever shitty snacks are in the pantry, cry some more, check your phone, and go back to bed. Rinse and repeat. You know you must look like hell, with unwashed hair and bags under your eyes that won’t seem to go away, but you can’t bring yourself to care – or rather, you care but you can’t find the energy to do anything about it. You haven’t had the energy to do much of anything recently, now that you think of it. Depression is a bitch, you know, but it doesn’t change the fact that when it hits you upside the head with an emotional baseball bat, you’re unable to fight back with the metaphorical pool noodle you have in response.
Your phone buzzes on the pillow next to you, and you groan, opening your eyes blearily and sitting up. Afternoon light is streaming in through the blinds, and you squint at your phone screen. You have a myriad of messages, but you only care about one: a message from your boyfriend, Johnny “Soap” Mactavish, the cheerful, firecracker of a man that barreled his way into your heart and made a home nestled between your ribs. You love him with everything you have, but even speaking to him has taken more energy than you’ve had recently.
Johnny <;3: Mind if I stop by, bun? got something I think you’ll like.
Thankfully, Johnny has always been both understanding and accommodating of your mental health struggles and has never asked more of you than he thinks you can handle. Which is why, you think as you smooth out your hair in the bathroom mirror, he’s coming over to see you. You pull out your phone and fire off a quick text before heading to the bathroom.
You: I’ll meet you at the door :)  
By the time you’ve put on your least dirty pair of pajamas and brushed your teeth, there’s an excited knock at your apartment door. Knowing you must look a mess, you aren’t quite thrilled to open it, but all reservations melt away as soon as Soap sets the groceries he was holding down and sweeps you up in his arms with a bright smile and a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Olivia,” he murmurs, practically lifting you off the ground with the force of his hug. “Missed holdin’ you, love.”
“Missed you too, Johnny”, you mumble into his strong chest, feeling the muscles under his shirt. Yes, you were being squeezed quite tightly, but you most certainly didn’t mind it. It was nice to be surrounded by him again.
As he sets you down, you notice he’s holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his arms. You can’t help but smile at the sweet and romantic gesture, but before you know it hot tears are rolling down your face. Johnny’s brow furrows in worry, and he softly lifts your chin up to wipe your tears. “Shh, shh, bun,” he whispers, wiping your tears with his thumbs before holding you close. “S’okay, I’m here now, yeah? Yer not alone now. Never have been.”
At that, you cry harder, dampening his shirt with your tears, but your boyfriend doesn’t seem to mind. He lets you sob into his chest, rocking you gently back and forth in the doorway of your apartment until your sobs die to sniffles and shaky breaths. Once he’s sure you’re calm, he doesn’t hesitate before picking you up with ease and carrying you into the kitchen.
“Alright, love,” he declares, a determined glint in his eye. “First order of business? Getting some food in you.”
There’s no room for protest as he sets you down on the counter before turning to the stove. You begin to protest, opening your mouth to speak phrases like you really don’t have to and that’s too much, but the words die on your lips as he raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you dare, Olivia,” he teases. “I know you’ve been too unwell to cook.”
At that, you don’t offer anything but a sheepish smile and a shrug, and he grins. “Thought so, hen,” he says as he turns back to the stove and begins cracking the eggs he brought.
You watch as he assembles what appears to be the most perfect breakfast out of all breakfasts, complete with eggs, bacon, and waffles (admittedly, the waffles are toaster brand – while an amazing boyfriend, Soap does not have the ability to make batter from scratch). Handing you a plate and leaning next to you on the counter, he takes a big bite of the eggs. “What do you think?”
You mirror his actions, taking your own bite. Your stomach grumbles in appreciation, delighted at the first taste of real food, and you smile at him, your eyes showing a light in them he hasn’t seen for weeks. “They’re amazing, Johnny. Thank you,” you say, kissing his cheek lovingly in response.
As the both of you finish your breakfast together, you feel the dark cloud that has been surrounding you over the past few weeks slowly lift. By the time breakfast is cleaned up, you’re feeling a lot better than you had been. The flowers are freshly trimmed and put in a vase on the table, and they bring color to the apartment that you haven’t felt in a long time.
Soap gently coaxes you into the shower, and while you scrub the past few weeks’ tension from your body, he does a load of laundry and strips the sheets off your bed. By the time you emerge from your sauna-like bathroom, your pajamas are in the dryer and your bed is made with new sheets, blankets and stuffed animals folded and arranged with military precision.
As you sit with your back to his chest, Johnny gently brushing the tangles out of your curls and massaging your scalp all at once, he murmurs your nickname. “Bunny?” He asks.
“Hm?” You turn your head to look at him, the light of your bedroom lamp reflected on his face.
“I know that you don’t like asking for help. And yer so strong and kind and smart, you don’t always need to. But don’t ever feel like you can’t rely on me, okay?” He cradles your face in his warm hands, sincerity reflected in his bright blue eyes. “When your brain is lying to you, I want to be here to tell you the truth.”
At that, you can’t stop the tears from spilling over again, but unlike before, Johnny is here to hold you close in his arms, running his hands soothingly down your back and murmuring kindness into your ears. Unlike before, your bed is no longer empty, and your brain is no longer full of negative self-talk and racing thoughts. Johnny surrounds you like the warm blankets in your shared bed, his scent enveloping you and lulling you into a peaceful slumber.
You’re just barely drifting off when you feel him kiss your temple tenderly and whisper softly in your ear: “I love you, Olivia.” And then you fall asleep.
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