#ravenclaw pride bitches
theealbatross · 3 months
a habit to kick, an age old curse (s.s)
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Plot | They're no longer friends unfortunately they're still soulmates.
or, you and Sebastian are now strangers but at your most vulnerable moment he picks up the pieces. Only he knows. Only he can.
Tags | angst, heartbreak, when you're too depressed to confess, sebastian and the bad bitch he pulled by being stupid, sebastian is an academic weapon if he wants to, mentions of fire torture, murder (self-defense), trauma, emotional cheating (if u squint), slight fluff as a treat, panic attack, PTSD, Anne is dead, 3k-ish of angst
[A/N: Stream 'i love you, i'm sorry' by gracie for full immersion.]
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Quidditch Season was important for every student in Hogwarts but it was the after-parties that everyone was truly looking forward to, house pride aside. 
Which is what exactly Garreth had been barred from. “I can’t believe I wasn’t given an invitation just cause I’m friends with you! I’m not even a Slytherin! And I make the best punches!”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, sighing. Even he didn’t think those pesky Ravenclaws would take their competition this seriously. It all started when he had finally decided to become an auror, after a peaceful, distraction-free year and careful deliberations from each of his professors, he was given the informal encouragement that he was one of the few students who had the potential to become a trainee to such a prestigious program. With his ever-growing physique and indisputable intellect, it would simply be a question of effort.
He just needed to be at the top of all the classes required of him. This was the tragic news for all those Ravenclaw dreams – once Sebastian had his sights on it, it was as good as his.
He hadn’t expected that their ire of him extended to his friends. Even refusing to invite them to the first party of the year that the Ravenclaw had won against the Hufflepuffs. Sebastian had half the mind to join his own House’s quidditch team even with his packed schedule just so he could wipe the floor with them. It would be worth never sleeping again.
“What do you want me to do Gar –”
A piece of paper hung from above him, the hand it was hanging from was connected to a face he hadn’t seen this closely in a long, long time. Even the whisper of her name in his mouth felt foreign – a tragic circumstance when a lifetime ago she had been a kindred soul.
Before he could say anything else, Garreth had already snatched the paper from in-between his eyes. “Is this – Really?!”
“The password for today’s party, try to sneak in when the ‘guards’ are smashed,” she grinned at the redhead. Then, Sebastian felt a cold blade slice through his chest (a hand suspiciously touching the spot just to check) when she looked back down at him again. “For old time’s sake.”
It took him a moment too long to realize she was talking to him too. But his tongue felt heavy and stuck, the metaphorical rug under his feet getting pulled out when he least expected it.
He nodded.
“See you around.”
He stared as she waltzes gracefully from the bustling crowd, getting roped into a hug by her boyfriend, William Frey, the bloody captain of the Ravenclaws. When he had heard about it, he couldn’t quite point out why he hated his smug, pretty face but then, using his blessed brain he got his bitter answer: they were too damn perfect together.
He was everything she deserved.
Smart, popular, kind, and comes from a good family that will be able to support her in whatever endeavors she might be up to in the future.
Not an orphaned criminal who couldn’t even save her sister.
The state of their friendship – or lack thereof – was pitiful but he knew it was for the better. Without each other in the way she can be loved by all those around her – something he has never been able to offer with his murky history that left a rubble of a man. And without her he can forget about his failures and mistakes, distract himself with as much schoolwork as he can cram in his head and never remember the times he sacrificed their friendship for his own gain only to lose it all anyways.
If he doesn’t see her then he can forget – he failed and his twin sister is dead.
A brilliant witch with a brilliant future didn’t deserve to be associated with failures.
“That was tense,” William whispered in your ears as he led you towards the courtyard. “A friend of yours?”
A flash of the lives you’ve lived with the Slytherin flashed before your eyes. Friends, what a lowly name.
You faked a smile, fighting every urge in your body to look back.
“A long time ago.”
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The party was loud, no doubt the quidditch players were milking any taste of victory they have before they deal with whoever wins between the Slytherins and Gryffindor’s next week.
The music was loud, nearly pounding through the silencing charms in the walls of the common room. William at the thick in all of it, celebrating with his teammates, not forgetting to wave at you in your seat with that charming smile that usually makes you swoon.
However, it was the charmed fireworks all over the ceiling that had your heart exploding out of your chest. Flashes of nightmares at every pop.
The dark forest, the ruined castle, the ropes in your stretched out hands as Rookwoods men threw all sort of fiery spells at you as target practice.
You pinched your eyes shut, shaking your head, trying to focus on breathing.
When you were starting to get dizzy you knew it wasn’t working. You tried to push through the crowd, reach your boyfriend somehow and at least let him know what was going on but it was impossible. It was the peak of the party when everyone was too drunk to do anything but drink more and dance more. With a shuddering breath, you instead skirted around the crowd and escaped narrowly through the doors of the Ravenclaw common room.
Not even bothering with a disillusionment spell, knowing damn well all the prefects would be in the party, you ran to the nearest floo to travel to your common room.
However, even the silence and comfort of the top of the common room wasn’t enough to ground you as you stumbled straight down the cold tiles, a yelp escaping your mouth from the sting of your skin.
“Someone there?”
That voice, distant but familiar. Painfully familiar. Your eyes continue to blur as your breath hastened, your limbs too weak, and the cold floor too damn comfortable for your overheating body.
“Are you alright?” He’s closer now, at the bottom of the stairs.
No, no, no.
In your desperation, you swallowed your pride. Forgetting in the moment how humiliated you will be to be seen by the last person in your house you wanted to show this side of you.
He would take care of you.
He always takes care of you.
“Sebastian,” you could barely croak out in between your gasps. Silence followed and you whimpered, crawling down to the edge of the top of the stairs when you heard fast footsteps ascending and there he was.
“Fucking hell, what happened to you?!”
Before you could try to say anything else you were already carried in his arms, Sebastian’s panic at seeing someone that was always so shiny and untouchable on a daily basis gasping and writhing in their common room floor was something he had not prepared himself to see tonight.
He thought the worst would be drunk seniors he would have to haul up their rooms not his … not you.
Carefully, he placed you on the nearest couch, your grip in his arms painful but welcome as it grounded him and prevented him from rattling when he saw your pale face covered with sweat and tears.
“Pet, you gotta help me here, what’s going on?! What do you need?!”
His eyes plotted your face, firm hands frantically running across your body to check for any stain of blood or hints of the source of your pain. It was agonizingly intimate, especially with the knowledge of how much this has happened in the past – one of you writhing in pain, the other doing their darndest to fix it.
A shot of pain pierced your chest when you suddenly breathed in, making you cry out and crawl into his arms.
Your calming medicine – it was in your bedside table. However, it was no use, like blood was not reaching your brain and all you know to do is to just hold on to Sebastian.
In a blink, your face was buried in Sebastian’s neck, the entirety of your curled up body tightly held together by him as he sat you in his lap, arms wrapped protectively around your body. “Breathe with me,” he whispers, taking deep slow puffs and caressing your hair. “That’s it, deep breathes. Follow me, darling. Enough with your crying now, listen to my voice.”
In. Out. The clean scent of the common room, faint sweet smell of his favorite tea.
In. Out. The sweat on his skin, the cologne he had worn since the first day you met him.
In. Out. Old books, fresh parchment, thick ink, and the throbbing aroma of the Amortentia you brewed last week.
“Hey,” you could feel the sweat start to cool your skin, his rough hand worked on your cheeks as he continued to cradle you in his arms. His body relaxing with yours until you could take up air on your own. “What hap –”
“What in Merlin’s … did you do this?”
You stared up in wonder, the two of you surrounded by a large bubble, the ones you usually see when you throw a Protego, except this one continued to enclose you. Now that your panic has passed you realize you can’t hear anything else but … the sound of water?
He looked shy, rubbing the back of his neck as he settled you back on the couch. It was only then you realized that you had been in his lap this entire time. You hoped the dim light of the common room hid the embarrassment in your face.  “It’s … something I’ve made. Helps me sleep at night. What you’re hearing is the sounds under the Black Lake. I’m gonna write a paper on it for Ronen, should get me a couple of points.”
Ah, his valiant academic conflict with the Ravenclaws did not escape even you. They’re going to fucking curse him in their sleep when they realize he was a lap ahead of his competition.
Now that your vision wasn’t doubling you could faintly see a golden string that connected from the bubble, straight through the tall glass window of the common room. “Sebastian, this is brilliant.”
A flare of nervousness lodged in your chest when Sebastian suddenly looked at you– the gaze that let you know that he could see right through you. He always saw right through you – you’d grown to hate it.
“We don’t have to talk about it.”
He was a gentleman – always had been. It could be the fact that he had (has? is it too soon?) a sister that he was so well-versed in the heart of a lady. But aside from that – Sebastian, at some point in time, was someone who knew the most. And the gods’ honest truth is you never could hide a secret from him.
It could be the alcohol in your system or the buried instinctive nature to tell him everything back when the two of you spent late nights in the Room of Requirement and talked about everything being unearthed but you felt like being honest. Even if the boy beside you had grown into a stranger.
“I’m … remember when I got kidnapped by … and you …”
And you saved me.
Again. Always.
He was there, charging headfirst, ignoring Professor Fig’s warnings and Ominis’ pleas to wait for the Aurors in Hogsmeade. When he arrived, he saw the burn marks, bruises, and wounds all over your body and just saw red … and left red. 
“The Rookwood incident?”
By the time back up had arrived the two of you were slumped on each other and surrounded by corpses, eyes blank and suspicious, desperately holding on to each other.
“The Rookwood incident,” you nodded. “What I didn’t tell you is that before you had arrived, they had been … they tied me and threw fire spells at me, that’s where I got my wounds. I never told you because –”
He was too angry. And you were too terrified of pushing your closest friend to the darkness he had been tethering on. Not that it mattered, he fell right to that cliff on his own.
“I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widened, hands shaking in front of you. “No, Seb, it’s not like tha –”
“I know you were trying to protect me. You always were,” he shook his head, now it was him who couldn’t look at you. “How many scars did I give you?”
“I healed just fine –”
“Then let me rephrase my question, “ This time, the look in his eyes terrified you. The intensity, the guilt – it was so palpable you almost want to cup his face the way you used to, to ease his cruel burden. “How many of these nightmares have I cursed you with?”
Your silence made his bitter smile grow. You don’t have to say it because he (always) knows – the worst nightmares were the ones with him in it.
“Does … does he know about it?”
You nodded, “He does. William tried to help, sent me to the best mind doctors last summer but … I’m just so tired. I’m tired of the tests, the probing in my brain – he means well, I know he does but there’s nothing those strangers can tell me that I don’t already know.”
With an understanding expression on his face, the two of you sat in silence, staring at the large windows hovering over the two of you as the deep quiet of the lake echoed in the fragile haven he had conjured up. If you close your eyes, if you forget about everything else, you could almost trick you mind that these was one of those good times.
That you’d turn and find him buried in between towers of books you had borrowed from the library and Ominis would be sleeping against the wall of the Undercroft. And then you’d catch his eyes and he would smile – a silent message between two people who didn’t need to speak to communicate – and the silence would stretch, just like this, but you would be together again.
“I could teach you.”
You raised an eyebrow and despite himself he chuckled. He didn’t have the best history with teaching you spells, after all. “This charm, I mean.”
How many cures has been shoved in your throat? How many disappointments you hid in lies that, yes the Calming Elixir cures me of such flaws. Did you need any more help? Would it fix you this time?
“It won’t fix anything but it might ..” he shrugged. “… make tomorrow easier.”
You’re terrified of him, you realize. How can someone know you so deeply without ever even realizing it? Does he know? The power he has over you? How you would’ve burned your life to the ground if he had asked for it?
Ask, you wanted to scream. Ask. Ask. Ask.
“Alright,” He seemed surprised, you smiled at the face he made. “Couldn’t hurt.”
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For all his nonchalance it was a complicated charm to cast. “No, it has to be more than half a circle when you swish it –”
This was familiar. A bit more awkward and with a lot more strain but it was familiar – if all had gone well this would have been just an unremarkable day in your life. You can’t help but wonder if your burden would be lighter if he was the one helping you carry it.
You swallowed your thoughts back down, no sense in dreaming of different realities now. Because this was your life and the worst thing that could possibly happen did happen. So, you’ll take all that you can get – even if it’s just one last night pretending everything didn’t slip out of your hands.
“No, here, let me guide you,” When Sebastian was in his ‘professor mode’ as you and Ominis used to tease him for, he gets so focused on teaching that he doesn’t notice anything else, doesn’t even notice your gasp as he wrapped an arm around your back, grasping the hand with your wand and helping you trace the shape needed to cast the spell. “And the word is ‘Salus.”
Salus. Safety. Salvation.
That’s who he was. Your Sebastian. “Salus.”
On cue, a bubble surrounded the two of you once again, the white noise of the castle replaced by the deep lake’s groans. “Perfect.”
Despite the time you spend learning all sorts of complicated magic, it never takes away the quick flutter of your chest in excitement at every spell you master. “I did it!” You turned to be Sebastian but he was already looking at you.
You’ve always told him if you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought Sebastian was the true heir of Slytherin. He just fits here – in the dim lights, and emerald furniture, and the coldness that emphasizes just how warm he is. “… beautiful.”
“What?” He was staring, his hooded gaze, the freckles you had always wanted to trace into constellations, the part on his lips that teases your skin with his breath.
“Your technique is beautiful.” He’s lying, you don’t catch it. Suddenly, your half-pinned hair fell apart, Sebastian having pulled away the clip holding it away from your face. “Now, lay down.”
His arms were gentle and firm as they guided you to lay across the wide couch, Sebastian having scooted down to sit on the floor, face in front of yours. He’s so close. “Sleep.”
You hope he knows, that if your sleep remains dreamless tonight and if your tomorrow is easier, it’s not because of his painfully complicated spell. Your eyes waver, the edges of your sight dimming and blurring. You feel a touch on your cheek, you try to chase it. The last thing you see is his deep brown eyes and the soft smile that had been the biggest curse he had unknowingly laid on you.
He has to know, right?
You have to tell him.
Sebastian, I’ve always – I still – I never stop –
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“Hey, wake up.”
Your eyes split open, another ghost of your past in front of you. “Ominis?”
The noise slowly trickled as you became more aware, eyes shifting to you, some out of curiosity why you picked the couch as a resting place instead of your bedroom a few feet away or some that saw you in the party that held some pity, probably thinking you’re suffering the worst hangover of your life.
“William Frey is looking for you by the door,” he muttered sharply. It’s been a while since you and Ominis interacted, his tattered friendship with Sebastian extending to your own as the boy’s most loyal comrade in his pursuit of destruction. You know he lays a blame you and for that you couldn’t blame him. “Honestly, I had thought you had grown out of your foolish habit of sleeping everywhere.”
“I-I’m … sorry?”
He shook his head before turning to leave.
Had … had everything been a dream?
You looked around suspiciously, for what you weren’t quite sure. A sign? A pillow out of place that could be evidence that last night happened?
It wasn’t mere delusion, you were sure. The knowledge of the spell in your head evidence enough of the small moment you shared with an old friend last night but it would be nice to have some sort of proof. A tangible confirmation that you could keep with you as you return to your reality.
With a sigh you let your disappointment fester for a second longer, locking last night in the deepest part of your heart, one that can only be unearthed once again in your loneliest nights.
A practiced smile cements on your face, turning to the chair one last time to allow yourself one more moment of hesitation before going up the stairs.
Back to the beautiful boy who will only see the beautiful parts of you and leaving the one who gets the honor of keeping the shadows.
Inside the boy’s dormitory Sebastian stares at the stolen emerald clip on his bedside table.
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kindheart525 · 3 months
Auraverse + Thirdverse Sexuality List
Happy Pride Month! I thought I would share my personal sexuality headcanons for my characters from the Auraverse and Thirdverse to celebrate and to use for my own reference! These are just the characters who have bios, so if there are any others you want to see added to this list please let me know!
Straight - Males attracted to females and vice versa
Gay - Males attracted to males
Lesbian - Females attracted to females
Bisexual / Pansexual / Polysexual / Omnisexual - Attracted to multiple genders
Finsexual - Attracted to feminine individuals
Trixic - Nonbinary attracted to females
Toric - Nonbinary attracted to males
Ceterosexual - Nonbinary attracted to nonbinary
Homo/Heteroflexible - Mostly gay or straight with a few exceptions
T4T - Transgender attracted to other transgender individuals
Gray / Demisexual / Asexual / Aromantic - Low or nonexistent levels of attraction
Aurora Borealis - Bisexual
Eclipse - Trixic
Snowcone Syrup - Gray AroAce
Summer Beauty - Bisexual Loser
Varmint Venom - Lesbian
Brackish - Straight (derogatory)
Obsidian - Pansexual
Mountain Peak - AroAce
Sandpiper - Ceterosexual
Rosemary - Asexual Homoromantic
Boot Polish - Straight
River Morganite - Bisexual but chooses to only date female creatures
Saltwater Taffy - Bisexual
Cheddar Changa - Toric
Sour Peach - Finsexual
Crash Racket - Straight Loser
Bullseye - Straight
Meteor Shower - Straight
Prophecy - Bisexual
Erudite Spell - Gay but gets no bitches
Enchanting Show - Pansexual
Heavenly Glow - Lesbian
Aura - Straight
Slumber Party - Sapphic
Etheria - (Demigirl) Toric
Ravenclaw - Straight
Veuve en Deuil - Demisexual Lesbian
Amour Étreinte - Lesbian
Swift Valor - Bisexual
Indigo Sprint - Questioning
Flurry Heart - Lesbian
Luster Dawn - Lesbian
Triple Threat - Bisexual
Seaweed Swirl - Homoflexible
Nouveau Riche - Sapphic
Ingenue - Straight
Plum Pastry - Heteroflexible
Pacific Rose - Lesbian
Rainier - Straight
Shamrock Shake - Pansexual
Red Delicious - (Transgender) Straight
Southern Belle - Bisexual Moneyromantic
Red Cedar - 100% HETEROSEXUAL!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Blue Velvet - Unlabeled (attracted to multiple genders)
Violet Petal - Queer
Tea Cake - Queer
Brazen Plumage - Aromantic Omnisexual
Iolite - (Transgender) Lesbian
Trailblazer - Butch Lesbian
Stockholm - (Transgender) Straight
Bumblebee - (Intersex) Straight
Astor Anomaly - Lesbian
Milkweed - Pansexual
Blueberry Sticks - Pansexual
Minted Glacier - Bisexual
Polished Antique - Gay
Yngvlid - Asexual Lesbian
Licorice Lace - Straight
Nimble Nimbostratus - Gay
Rosewater - Queer
Sahar - Sapphic/Lesbian
Marmalade Meringue - Lesbian Disaster /neg
Blackfire Phoenix - Straight
Peach Pit - Straight
Celestial Blessing - Gender and Sexuality Apathetic
Bismuth Sun - Lesbian but not thinking about that rn
Evergreen Blaze - Gay
Moonray Chill - Lesbian
Lantern Glow - AroAce
Strawberry Breeze - Bisexual
Earth Day - (Genderfluid) Bisexual
Princess Cut - Bisexual
Sunny Sweet Dreams - Pansexual
Laffy Taffy - Asexual Polyromantic (NBs and Boys)
Galatea Candyheart - Demisexual
Tiger Lily - Pansexual
Daisy Wasp - Bisexual Aromantic
Fairyfly - Straight
Blackberry Maple - (Transgender) Polysexual T4T only
Orchard Sunrise - Straight
Fireside Jam - Cishet Loser
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borahaerhy · 10 months
Sorting the BTS Members into Hogwarts Houses bc I can
My credentials: I have two hyper fixations in my life, the only two things I actually care about, the only two things I spend all day and night thinking about and they are: Harry Potter and BTS.
Without further ado, here is how I would sort them
Jung Hoseok: Hufflepuff
Where tf else would he go
Sweetie pie
Always trying to be nice to everyone and make everyone seem loved and appreciated 
Possibly a stoner 
OBSCENELY humble and cool 
Mom Friend™
Min Yoongi: Slytherin
Smart as fuck
Knows what he’s good at and doesn’t need any validation whatsoever 
Not unwilling to cheat in order to win a game 
Along that note: Competitive 
EXTREMELY prideful in where he came from
Kim Seokjin: Gryffindor (?)
Cool Guy™
Funny, class clown type 
Studies well, but prefers to do just about anything else 
Competative, but moreso in theory
Like he goes to all the quidditch matches and screams so loudly for his team, and talks made shit on whoever they’re playing against, but would never actually play the sport. 
Overly Confident 
I could literally see him being sorted into any of the houses and it making sense. 
Sure, he’s a chill guy. 
Prefers to spend his time relaxing rather than doing things
Has known how to sneak into the kitchens since first year, and does it almost nightly. 
Why not? He’s smart and works hard 
Dad jokes are basically cheesy riddles, so he can get into the common room no problem 
Would probably be studying anything other than what’s been assigned to him. 
He might not fit in perfectly, but the traits are there
Smart mouthed and overly confident 
Doesn’t need validation from anyone 
Competative - very okay with cheating/lying in order to win the game 
It’s all in the name of fun, right? 
He could be literally any of them bro idek at this point.
Kim Taehyung: Hufflepuff
All for chilling the fuck out
Sporatically hyper 
Also possibly a stoner 
Doesn’t like when others are left out 
Also class clown vibes but more like he just wasn’t paying attention and was accidentally funny when he was called on
BUT I could see the argument for Ravenclaw:
So smart bro 
Would have an absolute blast with the riddles 
Probably loves researching niche topics that have nothing to do with anything but he’d much rather know if polyjuice potion would give it’s user the same ailments as the person they’re becoming than complete the essay McGonogall assigned two weeks ago 
You can’t really tell if he's just really smart or a little crazy (affectionate) 
Park Jimin: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
He’s a Slytherin because: 
Smart, but make it mischievous 
Knows exactly how to get what he wants 
Very sure of himself 
C O M P E T A T I V E 
Get’s top grades and will tell everyone about it 
Generally not unwilling to cut a bitch 
But he’s a Hufflepuff because:
The most loyal and empathetic man to maybe have ever existed 
Will do anything to make his friends/loved ones happy 
There are more important things than academics (still gets top grades though)
Generally not unwilling to cut a bitch 
Jeon Jungkook: Ravenclaw/Gryffindor 
He’s a Ravenclaw because: 
Very smart, and he definitely prides himself on it to some degree
A true Jack of all Trades 
Wants to be the best at everything, and is very willing to work towards getting it
Namjoon said he’d be a Ravenclaw (and who am I to argue with Joonie?) 
But he’s a Gryffindor because: 
Outwardly, he’s the most Gryffindor person you could get 
Academically driven 
Popular Jock type 
A mischievous little shit 
Seriously, would make the Marauders proud 
But he would take the house cup so fucking seriously guys 
I cannot stress that enough 
If they lost even one of the years he attended Hogwarts
He’d never let it go. It would keep him up at night for years to come 
(And I feel like that’s a very Gryffindor trait)
(Turns out I’m very willing to argue with Joonie. Sorry, babe)
Note: Regardless of all of this, I think it'd would be hilarious if Jungkook was still sorted into Ravenclaw. He's just outwardly extremely Gryffindor, bringing complete chaos and unprecedented success to Ravenclaw that they haven't seen in centuries. 10/10 concept.
Kim Namjoon: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw 
He’s a Gryffindor Because: 
Outrageous amounts of leadership potential 
Because Namjoon said he’d be a Gryffin– damn I already made that joke
But he’s a Ravenclaw because: 
Do I really have to say it? 
The smartest person I’ve never met 
An actual genius 
Would get top grades but only because he’s smart so everyone expects him to 
Would much rather be researching literally anything else 
The Philosopher's Stone
Literally anything because he’s in a magic school and anything’s possible 
(He would also be muggleborn, but that’s more of my own headcannon)
Really couldn’t give a fuck less about Quidditch 
Or winning the house cup 
Wtf is house pride? I’m just here to read, man
ALSO, in my PROFESSIONAL OPINION, he would really fw Divination, and I generally just don't think Gryffindor's really do, because it's so theoretical.
If you have any other points that I've overlooked please let me know, I love talking about this kind of shit.
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annabtg · 9 months
hello dear anna, i sent this to another person and now i'm deathly curious about it for all my pals, so: what do you think you'd be like if you were at hogwarts? yknow, what kind of student, friend, would you play quidditch, be in a club? what would your favorite class be? how would you feel about the ghosts? favorite places in the castle? etc etc tell me how you'd fucking wear your tie, whatever comes to mind
Jamie! ❤️ Well, let's see:
I would be a Ravenclaw, definitely. I have always valued knowledge for the sake of knowledge first, and my teenage self even more so.
I expect I'd be a top student, probably a prefect - I was the equivalent in my school. I'd probably be best at the more theoretical subjects, less so at what requires dexterity - the fine chopping and crushing at Potions would take me a hot minute to master, but my perfect understanding of the theory would carry me over until I'd have had enough practice (as evidenced by 2nd year of uni me vs 4th year of uni me). My electives would definitely be Ancient Runes (which would be my favourite subject hands down) and Arithmancy. Muggle Studies if I wasn't Muggleborn. Divination would intrigue me but I think I'd find it too vague to do it as a school subject.
I wouldn't play Quidditch - or not well enough to make the team, anyway - but I would be very much a House Pride sort of person and wouldn't miss a Ravenclaw game! I'd definitely be in one or more clubs, however many I could fit in my schedule! What kind of clubs are there? Duelling and Chess sound like good candidates, also anything artsy.
I've always had resting bitch face and have also been the annoying person who takes a lot of pride in her grades, so I wouldn't have many friends. I'd get along decently with several people without forming deep relationships, and I'd have one BFF girlfriend. Either someone who was exactly like me, or someone meeker who would be drawn to my intense personality. Depends on which one would be available in my dorm.
I'd have a crush on a very intelligent and skilled boy with a sense of humour. If we're talking Marauders era, James and Sirius are prime candidates - which one of the two depends on who would be nicer to me and who isn't the most sought after between girls, lol. Maybe I'd go through phases over the seven years, fancying first the one and then the other. :p But I think if given the opportunity, between the two, I'd become better friends with Sirius.
I expect I'd get used to the ghosts as well as everything else magical! My favourite place in the castle would be our common room by the fire, unless it was too noisy. Then maybe the grounds on a sunny day. Or the library! I'd definitely want to explore all the rooms and open all doors - I would rather not break curfew to do it or break any explicit rules, but you'd definitely find me snooping around the castle on a lazy afternoon. Maybe I'd find some quiet, cozy place to use as a hangout.
My uniform would be the most basic thing possible. I'd be super proper with it. But if allowed, I'd wear all sorts of jewellery.
That's me at Hogwarts inspired by teenage me! Curious to see yours!
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confusedmuggle · 2 years
Silver Lining
f!reader x Draco Malfoy, a little bit of f!reader x Blaise at the beginning
Summary: Blaise Zabini is a dickhead, and you wish you would have seen it sooner. But someone else is here to help you through the damage he caused.
Warnings: Swearing, NSFW themes
A/N - Hello! If this post gets up to 15 likes a Chapter 2 will be posted! Please leave a comment if you have any suggests for this writing or other writings, I would love to hear from you guys!
In the beginning, everything was perfect. No one really knew how a Ravenclaw girl like you ended up dating a slytherin boy like Blaise, but you two didn’t care. He would take you out on dates to hogsmeade, give you small gifts, talk with you for hours, and even gave you the password for the slytherin common room. Not that you ever needed the password, because you always went there with him. He took pride in you being his girlfriend, showing his friends pictures of you two, calling you ‘his girl’, ‘darling’, ‘my love’. In the beginning, everything was perfect.
Until it wasn’t.
Slowly but surely, Blaise stopped hanging out with you. It started with fewer dates and less time talking together in his dorm, then turned into no dates. He stopped inviting you over. You two still talked in classes and the halls, but then he started ignoring you. Everywhere. “Hey Blaise do you maybe wanna hango—” you started, only for him to walk right by you. You were so upset that you turned around and ran away, missing the blonde boys head that had turned to look at you. “What?” Blaise said.
“Nothing.” The blonde one had replied.
You were fed up. It had been two weeks of Blaise ignoring you, and you were done crying over it. At least knowing the Slytherin common room password would be useful now. You stormed to the dungeons and made your way into the common rooms. As you approached Blaise’s dorm door, a voice stopped you. “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” Ah. Draco Malfoy, one of Blaise’s friends you had mostly seen in passing. “Why not?” You asked firmly.
“You’re going to get hurt. If you walk through that door, your relationship is over.” You simply stared at the boy. You weren’t an idiot, you knew what he was implying was in there. But you weren’t going to let that stop you. “Maybe I want the relationship to be over.” You said, and reached for the door handle.
You knew what to expect, but it still hurt like a bitch. There, on the bed you and Blaise had spend hours talking about life in, was him and Pansy fucking. He didn’t even notice you at first, continuing to thrust himself into her, until he followed her worried gaze to the door. “SHIT” he yelled, “this isn’t what it looks like, it’s a mistake! I don’t love her, she came to me first!” He continued to yell excuses at you, but you couldn’t even hear anything. It was like everything was in slow motion. You glanced from Pansy trying to hide herself under the sheets to Blaise, walking towards you while also trying to put his boxers back on. He reached out for your arm as you snapped back to reality and pulled yourself away, but not quick enough. He held your arm with a steel grip, looking up at you.
“I told you it was a mistake! Pansy means nothing to me! Just forgive me already, we are still boyfriend and girlfriend after all.” He said, with a smirk at that last part.
“Let go of me you bitch. We are done.” You said, trying your best to remain calm. “No the fuck we aren’t. You don’t get to dump me.” Blaise responded, his tone sending chills don’t your spine. “Blaise fuck off and let her go. You fucked up this time, and you still have another girl in your bed waiting for you.” Draco appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Blaise’s arm that was still on yours.
“Fuck you Draco” he said, but he still let you go and turned to Pansy. You couldn’t keep yourself up for much longer. You ran to the girls bathroom, the one no one ever goes in because of moaning murtle. You ran in, then collapsed on the floor sobbing. When did things go wrong? Everything seemed so right until out of nowhere Blaise changed. Maybe I’m the problem, you thought, and no matter how hard you tried to push that thought away it kept coming back. You weren’t sure how long you sat there for until you heard a voice.
“I’m sorry Blaise did that. He’s a total dickhead.” It was Draco. You sniffed, trying to pull yourself together, “Do - Do you know why he did it? Why he cheated on me?”
“No, but I wish I did. He lost his relationship with the perfect girl just because he wanted to get his dick wet.”
You laughed lightly and stood up. “I’m sure you already know who I am from Blaise, but let’s pretend that bastard never introduced us. I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Malfoy. Draco, Malfoy. Are you up for plotting for revenge in the library with me?”
You smirked at this. Although you doubted you were done crying over Blaise forever, you had cried enough right now. A certain type of rage filled you, one that could only be satisfied with revenge. “I would love to, Malfoy.”
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mango-sp1ce · 10 months
Egg in The Sand
I think I just got the shit smacked out of me by fuckin Harry Potter (listen, I dunno either man)
But imagine a story where the main character (reader insert? Reader as an oc insert? Character insert?) is going to Hogwarts, right? I’m thinking Ravenclaw, or something but it doesn’t matter.
And it’s around the time that all the pure blood slytherins are starting to notice the change in their families. The “call to action” of the dark lord, so to speak. The pressuring and the tension and the pushing.
Some are being forced to be death eaters. Some are given a deadline to choose. So on and so forth.
And the kids- because that’s all they truly are, yknow? They’re just… kids.
They’re stressed. They’re having break downs and panic attacks, and they’re hiding themselves away in the empty corner of the courtyard or a nice quiet corner of the castle.
And in walks our main character. Willing to walk the slytherins through breathing exercises. Willing to just sit and listen. Every other non-slythernin is even more biased against slytherins this year. And every slytherin that isn’t freaking out is some bitch of a kid.
But our lead never approaches Draco. Doesn’t matter if he’s breaking down in the bathroom or something, lead never approaches him.
but among the other slytherins, our lead begins to get noticed as the kid who goes around helping others through break downs. They’re all… awkward about it- but there’s a kind of understanding. This kid is willing to help.
The older slytherins experience the help first. So they’re there when the younger slytherins start to break down as well. They’re there to tell them “it’s okay, they’re here to help” when our lead makes their way over.
And the idea here, is that Draco never notices. He never notices the slowly growing distance between him and the rest of his house.
not until he makes a comment. His usual snide pride driven comment. The words of a bully. Focused at our lead.
Our lead probably doesn’t care. I feel they give the go-with-the-flow quiet popular kid energy. People like their vibe. And that’s it- they vibe.
But the thing Draco notices first isn’t their nonchalant attitude. It’s the silence.
… no one’s laughing with him. They aren’t laughing at him at least… but no one’s laughing with him. Not a single slytherin at the table.
and that’s when it sinks in. Something in the environment has… shifted. None of the other slytherins make a sound. It’s not normal- they usually laugh with him- hype him up. Something is wrong.
Somethings changed and he didn’t keep up. And now… it makes him feel ostracized.
and then the story just focuses on him trying to fit in again with the rest of the slytherins, but they’re all awkward and emotionally stunted. And so on, and so forth.
(Fun fact; the title is “Egg in The Sand” as a reference to ostriches. It’s because there’s a common misconception that when frightened Ostriches stick their head in the sand- but they don’t! They only bury their head in the sand to check on their eggs that they bury down there! They’re more likely to flop over and blend in with the ground when frightened!)
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foxglovecordial · 5 years
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I don’t know how many of y’all are Harry Potter fans, but guess who just got sorted into Ravenclaw! 🦅
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ambiguous-fixer · 6 years
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I'd love to see Tonks put Jane Court in her place.
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The houses at a pride march
Hufflepuff: *waving pride flags in the air as Ravenclaw is holding them on their shoulders*
Gryffindor: *decked out in pride merch from a small business*
Slytherin: *screaming at a homophobe while waving little flags in their face*
Ravenclaw: *with Hufflepuff on their shoulders, wearing a shirt that says "I'm a bitch; a bisexual witch"*
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itsmentalillness · 3 years
𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 || 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲! 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬
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comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated
A/N: this is in no way a song fic, or connected to “jealousy, jealousy” by Olivia Rodrigo, I just thought the name fit. I realized I never gave Sirius a time to shine in my fics, so this one’s for him. And thank you @fiftyshadesoftricia for helping me format
CW: smut, d/s elements, jealous Sirius, if you try hard enough it might be angsty, dom!Remus/Sirius, sub!reader/James, exhibition, face fucking, degradation (use of the word bitch), unproofread dyslexia 
Word Count: 1.8k
“You know what (y/n), I need you to shut up. And loose the whole the fucking attitude.”
Sirius pushed you into your dorm, and towards the center of the room.
“Fine. But you could leave me the fuck alone then.”
Blood rushed to your ears, and the fury that had been building up for the last hour or so had crushed any composure you had, all on the account of Sirius Black being an ass.
Albeit you enjoy being deemed as “his girl”, as well as the rest of the Marauders, you were perfectly capable of handling your own business. Business is the group of boys Ravenclaw boys who took the opportunity of your boyfriends’ absence to take turns trying to catch your eye in the halls.
There was no doubt you couldn’t handle the issue. In fact, you were alright on your own. However, Sirius wasn’t one to think that playing along with the group of said boys was necessarily appropriate. It was fun to lead these boys on, twirling strands of hair and batting your eyelashes with faux innocence just to snap at them moments later and see them jolt was amusing.
Of course, Sirius knew this game of yours was all fake, but he couldn’t help getting heated at the sight, and this was his last straw.
The second you saw the envy plastered on his face as you talked to the boys, you knew you were in for it. 
But why not dig your grave deeper.
You walked away from the boys, and right past Sirius. Barley acknowledging his presence in the hall. 
Sirius didn’t even try to cover the fact that he was following you. A quick glance over your shoulder at the boy had him just about running towards you. You turned down an empty corridor, and just like clockwork, Sirius was right there behind you. 
“You little-”
“Lovely to see you too, Siri.” There was a certain way that you could lace your words with purity that had your boyfriend addicted.
The rest of the conversation was a fast blur of quips and pushing each other up the stairs to the dormitory, where Remus and James were waiting for your rambunctious arrival. 
As you stumbled into the dorm, you were pushed into the center so Sirius could make a show out of you like you were merely a circus act. 
Remus and James didn't have to even have to open their mouths for you to understand the many questions running circles in their heads. 
“All I’m doing is joking around and making fun of those bastards but Sirius is being a jealous fucking prick!”
All eyes were now on you. Glares came from Remus and Sirius but James just stared in shock at the bold out burst of yours. James went to comment, but was cut off by Remus.
“Not now James. What on earth are you two possibly going on about?” 
Right on cue, all of your confidence drained. Not a bone in your body felt big enough to stand up to Remus on this. He knew about your little charades, he found them slightly entertaining in the sense it meant he got to watch you crumble to the ground before him. 
Shame quickly took place of your lost pride, you cast your eyes to the ground and started to twiddle your fingers. Sirius saw took the opportunity to speak for himself. 
“I have every right to be jealous, you’re the one walking around trying to get fucked by every other boy at school.” 
Your head shot up at his words, maybe he didn't quite grasp it was all a game.
“I don't want them, you’re just stupid. All I want is you. Merlin, Sirius. I’m just trying to get you worked up. Cant you get that through that thick skull of yours?”
His face was softer now. There was a certain expression of fluster that made it clear he was a little out of the loop, but was piecing the puzzle together. 
“That’s what this is for. You want me jealous.”
These weren’t questions, these were statements. He was becoming aware, and that caused desire to form alongside the anxiety that sat in the pit of your stomach. 
For a second, Remus and James simply weren’t in the room. It was only Sirius. He was the one that mattered now. He was all your attention was focused on. Millions of people could be passing by, but not even for a single second would you take your gaze off of Sirius. 
James was the one to knock you out of this rush with his questions of what was going to happen to you. What punishment could entail didnt even conceptualize for you. The thought hadn’t even made an appearance until now. Of course you knew there would be punishments, but what exactly that meant was far out of your reach. 
“Not sure. That seems to be up to Pads.”
Remus’ response clearly sparked an interest in Sirius. The way he looked at the lycanthrope made sure you knew you were going to be in deep if Remus gave the okay to take the reigns on your repercussions.
You were barely able to process what the slight nod Remus gave Sirius meant before you felt rough hands grip tightly at your wrists and tug you towards the raven haired boy’s bed.
While you flopped on the bed, Remus pulled a chair up to the end of the bed facing you and Sirius and had James sit in his lap.
Sirius was no longer drunk on excitement, his expression became sober. 
“This is a punishment pup, but you can still say stop whenever you need, just like always, okay?” 
You nodded your head in agreement, but that wasnt enough for him. Sirius needed constant verbal agreement from you, the last thing he ever wanted was to make you scared. If he didnt hear words, he would get a nagging feeling there might be something wrong.
“I need you to say it.”
“Yes sir. I know. But what about Remmy?” Not one of your boyfriends had yet to recognize that it was only you and Sirius in bed. 
“Your gonna put on a show for ‘em.”
Heat rushed to your face, and in an attempt to hide said embarrassment you threw one of the red velvet pillows over your face. Within a millisecond Sirius pulled the pillow from your face and had it relocated to the ground with a soft thump. 
“Dont you dare start getting shy on us now puppy. You put yourself here. Now on your knees.” Sirius 
Rather than moving at the demand, you stayed stationed on the soft comfort of the bed.
“Are you dull? On the ground.” With a sudden swipe to your hair, your were pulled to the ground, making you kneel before him at his feet. With a sense of instinct you reached your hands to the buckle of his belt. Sirius didn’t  care to yell at you for touching without direct permission, he just needed you to be his this evening and always. 
Once his belt and pants were gone somewhere in the room, you sat back on your heels, hands splayed across your thighs awaiting any new instructions from your dominant. 
“Merlin, do I have to do everything for you. Fucking dumb.”
His words may have been harsh and his tone was definitely rough, but that didn’t stop lust from fogging your brain. He removed his boxers, bringing his cock into view. You were so far lost in ogling at the sight you didn’t fully hear Remus’ commands. 
“Acting like you’ve never seen my cock before, don't tell me I’m gonna have to teach you to suck properly.” 
Once again, Sirius’ hands groped at your hair, this time bringing you mere centimeters from his cock. You stuck your tongue out, letting bead of saliva dribble onto the flushed pink head before suckling at the tip. The grip on your hair loosened, and rather than having a stationary purpose, Sirius’ hand guided your head down his shaft. 
Not a lot of what Sirius said from above you reregistered in your mind, all you heard was something along the lines of “going faster”. Which turned out to be not a demand for you, but a blanket statement of his. As you attempted to add more speed to your movements, Sirius’ hands reached your face. The cold of the rings that decorated his fingers felt strange in contrast to his warm palms cupping your face, bringing you to a halt. 
He set the pace. This one was filled with haste. Unrestrained. Downright brutal. It was set with the intention of not having you able to talk for days without pain reminding you of tonight. 
The spongy tip of his cock relentlessly hit the back of your throat with every other thrust, making you gag around him and spit run down your chin. Tears felt heavy on your waterline, waiting to make their presence. 
“Don’t you dare cry. Be a good bitch and take it.” 
You tried not to, honestly, but it was too much. The way Sirius pounded into your face, the degrading phrases that were broken by his shameless moans, and the wet patch soaking your panties all the way through to your tights. 
You tried rubbing your thighs together to relieve any tension you could. Sirius couldn’t notice, his head was thrown back and eyes were squeezed shut in ecstasy, but it didn't go unnoticed like you intended. Remus saw. Of course Remus saw. In your hazy state, you forgot that James and Remus were watching. 
“Stop that. Now. Open your legs.” You complied to the directive and glanced at Remus, to the best of your ability. It was hard to see him through your tears optics, but you could make out his hand slowly pumping James’ length, and fingers shoved down the boy’s throat to keep him quiet. 
Without warning, you couldn’t keep anything in any longer. Hot tears streamed down your face, whimpers fell from your lips, you felt absolutely pathetic. And thats just the way Sirius liked you. 
The sight alone brought Sirius tipping over the edge. He pulled out of your mouth, hovering his cock right above your face. He pumped his throbbing length as ropes his cum painted you face. It mixed with the tears, and spit that already adorned your face. As you attempted to bring your hands up to wipe some of the mess from your face, Sirius spit on you, making some of his cum run along the side of your face and down your neck. 
“I didnt say to clean yourself did I?” 
He paused, seeing if you would answer or understand this was a rhetorical question of his, when you didn’t give an answer he continued.
“Keep it. I like you like this. Shows me that you’re mine.”
taglist: @quindolyn @o-rion-sta-r @remmyswife @dreamy-clousds @emo-typical @reggies-baby @peachybaes​ @percyweasleyspuff @dracosafety @el-imaskingforyourlefthand @haroldpotterson @lunaiswifey @ildm4ev @luxurvitae @oliverwoodmarrymepls @peachybaes​ @prongs103 @just-a-smol-spoon @lillsthoughts @obliviatehp @justadreamyhufflepuff
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Remus x Daughter!reader - not right
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Could I request a Remus Lupin x daughter reader fic please! Love your HP stuff! Could reader get detention with Umbridge for screaming at her for calling Rem a half breed. Then when Remus finds the scar he goes full protective papa. So sorry if that’s too much! Also how have you been?? - Anon 💜
The moment you saw her you hated her, the pink, the high pitched voice, the fake behaviour. You hated everything about Umbridge with a burning passion, and everyone knew.
As you were walking down the hallway with your friends, you saw her stood talking to Snape and McGonagall.
“At the end of the day, he was nothing except a half breed who should not have been teaching defence against the dark arts.” She smiled.
“Professor Lupin is a brilliant teacher, he cares for his students. Regardless of his heritage.” McGonagall defended.
“A half breed should not be teaching at a school of magic children.”
You felt the rage boil up inside of you, how dare she speak like that. Especially about your father, especially in front of Snape.
Storming over, you tossed your books to the floor catching their attention.
“(Y/N) leave it!” Ron called after you.
You were having none of it, stopping in front of the three teachers you had a fire burning in your eye.
“Don’t you dare speak about my dad that way you bitch!” You yelled.
“Excuse me?”
“Miss (L/N) go to your next class.” Snape warned.
“No, because I’m not letting her be disrespectful to my dad. Or you professor. So what if someone is a half blood? Or a full blood? Or a the only witch or wizard in a family of ordinary humans?” You asked, “power doesn’t come from your heritage, it comes from you as a person.”
You took your tie and cloak off, throwing them to the ground.
Students stopped to watch the altercation, everyone who was passing by and even a few other teachers had stopped to see what was going on.
“Without my uniform what am I?”
“A delinquent.” Umbridge huffed.
“So be it, I’m a delinquent. But if everyone student in this school were to one day remove their colours, the prideful green of Slytherin gone. The intelligence of blue for ravenclaw gone. The soft yellow for hufflepuff gone, the red of the courage from Gryffindor gone. What will you do?”
McGonagall smirked a little, and did Snape when Umbridge never said a word in reply.
“Would you really be able to saw you could tell who was pure bloodied and who wasn’t?” You asked lowly.
“Well of course!”
“Go on then, tell me!” You yelled, “tell me you’re really going to separate people based on who their parents are!”
“That’s enough!” She yelled.
“No it isn’t! Tell them what you are Umbridge!” You yelled.
“You’re coming with me to detention.” She said shakily.
You grabbed your belongings and turned to the crowd who had gathered to watch.
“How many of you think she’s a pure blood?”
Quiet a few people raised their hands and you laughed.
“Sorry, but she’s not. She has two muggle parents.”
“That’s it!”
She grabbed your arm while everyone was whispering and dragged you away.
You didn’t care what kind of punishment she had for you, you got your payback in her for insulting your dad, and you wouldn’t have changed it for a thing.
In her office she made you sit down on a chair and handed you a quill.
“I know what this is.” You mused.
“Oh really, in that case I want you to write I must not tell lies over and over again until the message sinks in.”
You started writing, feeling the pain burn in your arm. Writing one sentence you set the quill down and smirked at her.
“The message hasn’t sunk in then don’t lie.”
“I don’t know what you mean professor, it has. You said write until it sinks in, and it has. Are you a pair?” You asked, offering her the quill.
She growled a little but didn’t say anything.
“Cya later mudblood.” You hummed.
Because of this you always had altercations with the new professor, and as it came to Christmas for you to go home you were feeling more fuelled to annoy the teacher when you got back.
“Come on (Y/N) you can’t keep getting in trouble like this.” Harry sighed.
“She’s a bitch, so what?”
“Just lay low after Christmas.” Hermione said.
“I’ll think about it.” You smiled.
They all shared a look, they worried for you but they didn’t know how long it would be until both you and Umbridge stopped holding out on one another.
“Miss (L/N).”
You turned around to find Snape stood there, arms crossed against his chest.
Waving the other students away and walked over and smiled at him.
“Although I can not condone your actions… thank you.”
You knew what he was talking about and smiled ever brighter.
“Merry Christmas sir.”
With that, you ran on to the train.
Remus was waiting for you when you got off, and you crushed him into a hug.
He spoke with the other three for a few minutes before you guys set off.
“How was it?” He asked.
“It was pretty good.” You beamed.
You weren’t going to tell him what happened with Umbridge, and for nearly a week you avoided telling him. But when you came down for breakfast without a jumper to cover your arms, it was Sirius who spotted it.
“What the hell happened?” He asked quickly.
At first you were confused until remus gently took your arm to inspect it.
“I must not tell lies?” He asked.
You sighed softly and sat down, running a hand through your hair.
“I didn’t wanna tell you guys…”
You then explained everything, from her calling your dad a half breed to what you had done and everything after that point.
Sirius and remus were fuming.
“I’ll kill her for doing such a thing.” Sirius growled.
“Sirius it’s okay!” You smiled.
Remus shook his head and walked over, gently wrapping you up in a hug.
“It’s not okay, she shouldn’t be doing this. You should’ve told us and we would have dealt with it.” He sighed.
You shrugged lightly, you knew they weren’t going to let this go so you couldn’t argue with them.
“We’re coming back with you and we’re going to talk with the Umbridge.” Remus grumbled.
“Sirius is meant to be hiding.”
“I’ll come out of hiding for this.” He smiled.
You flicked your gaze between the two and just smiled with a shake if your head. There was no talking then out of it and you knew it
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athletickat · 4 years
Top Reads 2020 Fanfiction
I started reading Harry Potter fanfiction this year (thanks to Tik Tok) and these stories I’ve read keep me up at night because I cannot stop thinking about them. 
#1- Manacled by @senlinyu
This is story is a MASTERPIECE. I cannot express how many times I’ve read and thought about this story. The way Hermione loves Draco and Draco loves Hermione is unbeatable. Hermione is a literal boss bitch in this story and my favorite Hermione in everything I’ve read. The build up, the tension, the CHEMISTRY; it is the best thing I have ever read. I could write a whole damn brook report on this story and be proud of it. This story is just... ugh *ultimate chefs kiss*.
#2- Rights and Wrongs series by @lovesbitca8 
The Right Thing To Do, All the Wrong Things, and The Auction are my absolute favorite pieces of writing ever. Draco Malfoy in this series is my horny king, and the best Draco in everything I’ve read. The Auction has a special place in my heart because of hard Hermione works to stay alive and keep the Malfoys alive, as well. All the characters in each story are so well written, especially the Malfoys, and I cannot express how in love I am with each little plot detail and connection between the stories.   
#3- Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing
I recently read this story and I cannot get enough of it. This is first fic I’ve read with a wedding scene (two scenes!!) and I cannot put it in words of how perfect it is. This story is all about the love Draco and Hermione have for each other, and it has set such unrealistic expectations for me...ugh. Every chapter had me smiling like an idiot and I could not put it down. 
#4- Cruel and Beautiful World by Lena Phoria 
I am so happy that Lena Phoria turned this fanfiction into a book, but nothing beats the original characters in this story. The way I fell in love with all the characters (except Voldemort, gross) is immaculate. This story deals with a lot of trauma and heavy topics, but the plot and the characters are just too good. Draco is a sweetheart and absolutely whipped for Hermione, but they need each other. I have never laughed so hard while reading a dark AU fic, and this story made my abs hurt. Definitely one to read.
#5- All You Want by @senlinyu
Holy shit. This story has the best smut I have ever read. The way senlinyu describes what's happening to Alpha Draco and Omega Hermione during sex makes me laugh out loud. It is so so good and so so sexy. It is such a fun story to read, and that’s why I love it so much. 
#6- Breath mints / Battle Scars by @onyx-and-elm
This story is the definition of toxicity, but honestly, it’s still so good. Both Hermione and Draco are changed after the war, and they fall in love by rage, sex, and protection of one another. Hermione does not give a single damn about what people may say about her, and Draco just wants her to be happy (although it does take a while for him to see what that really means). Plot and characters are amazing, and the ending is *chefs kiss*.
#7- Isolation by Bex-chan 
The first Dramione fanfiction I’ve ever read, and it has a very special place in my heart. I didn’t think I would like reading Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fanfiction, but this story changed my mind and led to my spiral of reading such amazing stories. Such an amazing read, and I love seeing Draco grow into a man that Hermione deserves and loves. This story is iconic.
#8- Hunted by Bex-chan
Another superb story by Bex-chan. A Romance/Mystery story after the war and Draco and Hermione fall in love... hard. They are great together and the plot is amazing. This story is another iconic one for me.
#9- Love and Other Misfortunes by @senlinyu
Another great piece of work from the Queen herself, senlinyu. Draco is so stubborn it hurts, but it’s okay because Hermione is there to save the day (duh). Love these two and the romance between them in this story. Also, Veela Draco with wings and fangs is too much for me. Not that it’s important or anything, but the smut level is through the roof. Love it.
#10- Bring Him to His Knees by @willhavetheirtrinkets
Auror Draco and Auror Harry are an iconic duo. I love how intricate Draco is in this story, and how his past still very much affects his present, but Hermione helps him a lot, and it shows just how much they care for each other. Hermione and Draco dance around each other until they realize *wait* they have feelings for each other! It is not complete yet, but I do check every week or so for updates because it has a good murder mystery plot and a fabulous Dramione. 
#11- The Risk-Reward Ratio by MissiAmphetamine
War fic, and honestly one of my favorite ones. Draco sucks up his pride and goes to the Order for help, and Hermione is the only one who truly excepts him. Draco is a stubborn bastard in this story, but he makes up for it. The scenes are so real, and neither character is perfect, but you’ll see how far they are willing to go for each other. 
#12- The Just World Fallacy by MissiAmphetamine
Sequel to The Risk-Reward Ratio, and this one is tough. Still so good, but deals with torture, PTSD, rape, and more heavy topics. The love that still stands between Draco and Hermione even after all that they have been through together is beautiful. I love this story, and I love seeing how each character grows into their own person while during a war.
#13- Broken by @inadaze22
I have never cried so much while reading a story. This story made ME feel broken because Hermione is quite literally shattered, but so is Draco. It’s a story that makes you feel so many things at once and it is beautiful. Super slow-burn, but in the end, Hermione and Draco are meant to be together. 
#14- This World or Any Other series by @olivieblake
Clean and Marked are incredible stories with a rollercoaster twist. I love each character in this series, and the love that Hermione has for Draco, and vice versa, is the most powerful thing in this universe. The relationship starts with a potion assignment and just extends through there. I love their characters so much alongside the secondary characters and it makes the story so interesting. 6th year Hogwarts and continues with the war, but Draco and Hermione are always there for each other no matter what. 
#15- The Eagles Nest by HeartOfApsen
Ravenclaw Draco and Hermione, 8th year, and Alchemy. This story is so complex, and I couldn’t stop reading it. I love both Draco and Hermione and how they work to settle a problem together. Also seeing all the secret rooms in Hogwarts was another compelling aspect of the story that I loved. They know they need each other, and them being nerds and all, school is what brings them together in the end.
#16- Almost Perfect, Almost Yours by BelleOfSummer
I could not put down this story. No matter how much it angered me, and no matter how much I wanted to throw my laptop at the wall, I couldn’t stop reading. The plot is so interesting where Hermione is raised by a Pureblood family, but she was adopted from muggles, so she is Muggleborn. All the while her and Draco fall in love through their teen years and go through a war together. Hermione is a bad bitch and Draco is whipped (maybe not in a good way). They experience so much together, and in the end, you learn to love them for who they are.
#17- The Green Girl by @colubrina
Hermione is sorted into Slytherin and makes all new friends that do not include Harry Potter or Ronald Weasley. I freaking love this story because Hermione is a literal Queen, and the story itself is so well written. I don’t usually read T-rated works, but I could not put this one down because it has such an interesting plot.
#18- Erised Effect by @adaprix
Smut, smut, and more smut with such a cute plot. I love little Hermione as a bad bitch and big dick Draco as a little softy. I was hooked from the first chapter and it was so crazy. The sex scenes in this are just... *fans self*. This story is a rollercoaster of smut, but Draco and Hermione are my all time favs in this.
#19- Every Day, a Little Death by @lovesbitca8
Draco tries everything to satisfy Hermione, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Such a cute story with such a cute relationship. Hermione doesn’t mean to fall in love, but alas, Draco is a sex God and it was inevitable. I love this story!
#20- Crimson with a Silver Lining by Lady Cailan
A dark AU where Draco is mesmerized by Hermione and her will to stay alive. Their love is so strong, but alas, Draco is a stubborn bastard. This story is an emotional rollercoaster and another story where I could not put it down. Also *spoiler* some family drama going on throughout the story. 
#21- Bond by MrBenzedrine89
*fans self* again because this story is incredible. Love the smut, love the club, love the love between Draco and Hermione. Super interesting details in this story with Draco, Hermione, and the infamous Bond club. Loved reading this story.
I fell down a rabbit whole of Dramione stories this year, and it made me ignore everything I had to in my life just to read them. I can’t wait to see more stories this year and procrastinate my life by reading these stories!
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 3 years
imagine slytherin!wonwoo sneaking you out of the gryffindor dormitory (idk what it’s called) just to fuck u 😞😞😞
let’s ignore the fact that seeing wonwoo as anything else than a ravenclaw is wrong to me
Wonwoo would be able to slip under the noses of his dormmates as if it was child’s play, using Alohomora to unlock the doors without a hitch and get out of the Slytherin dorm. It’s three in the morning, yet he knows there are eyes on every single corridor and he decides to not risk it, using Apparition to teleport himself straight into the Gryffindor dorm - specifically next to your bed.
He watches you snore softly and trails a finger on your cheek, slowly stirring you awake. You involuntarily open your eyes and they go wide when you see your boyfriend right next to you, his hand covering your mouth before you scream. He puts a finger on his lips in a shushing motion, sending a sly wink. He helps you get up from the bed and pulls you flush to his chest, and in a split second, you’re transported to the library - which is surprisingly empty.
"Tell me you have a good reason for sneaking us out of our dorms in the middle of night!", you whisper yell and he shuts you up by kissing you, his hands snaking under your pajama top to touch the skin of your waist.
"Is this a good reason?", Wonwoo smirks and grinds his hard on on your crotch, a low whimper escaping your lips. "You're fucking crazy, Wonwoo", "Only for you, sweetheart", he pecks your lips once, twice and he slips his tongue in your mouth, devouring your lips with a lustful hunger and you let him establish dominance right away. You pull down your pajama pants along with your panties and you fumble with Wonwoo's pants, your fingertips ghosting his leaking tip.
"Oh baby, you're suffering", you coo and he grips your hips, lining his cock with your entrance and he bottoms out with one sharp thrusts, knocking the air out of your lungs. "Not anymore, baby", he moans lowly in your ear and he lifts you from your thighs to place you on one of the studying tables. He throws your legs over his shoulders and puts his hands beside your head and resumes ramming his cock inside your pussy.
"Won...Wonwoo", you whimper and he puts two of his fingers in your mouth to silence you and you moan around his digits, sucking them off eagerly. "Look at you, the pride of the Gryffindor house, getting fucked like a slut in the library, by a Slytherin", Wonwoo snares as he snaps his hips skillfully, hitting your sweet spot repeatedly.
"As if the infamous Jeon Wonwoo of Slytherin isn't sneaking around, desperate to get some pussy", you detach your lips from his fingers and pull his head down, "Guess these bitches in your house aren't as good as me, huh", you snicker and Wonwoo bites your lip, soothing it with his tongue.
"You're right. Nobody's like you, baby", he moans on your lips, "Nobody can make me feel good as you, nobody can make me cum as you, nobody can make me feel like myself except for you", he punctuates every sentence with a powerful thrust, his orgasm inching closer and closer.
"Fuck, you idiot", you mewl and smash your lips on his, your hands raking his muscular back. You're clenching rapidly around Wonwoo's cock, biting your bottom lip to not let any sounds come out, as he fucks you even faster, desperately trying to get the both of you to cum.
"Fuck, Y/N, I'm close, baby, gonna cum soon", he groans in your neck. "Nngh, fuck, cum inside me Won, fill me up, baby", you beg him and he complies, sinking his teeth in your soft flesh as he cums, thick ropes of his seed coating your insides generously. He's panting on your skin and you're trying to come down from your high, your thighs sore from being stretched on Wonwoo's shoulders.
"Won...we have to go", you barely whisper, "I know, baby, we'll be back before you realise it", he presses a kiss on your forehead, as he trails his hand on your pussy, fingering his cum inside you.
Ten seconds later, you're transported back to your dorm, in Wonwoo's arms and you're silently getting back to your bed as he turns to you one last time before he disappears again.
"Sweet dreams, sweetheart. See you tomorrow in class~".
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Draco Malfoy and Co. Masterlist
Hello my lovelies! Just your twenty-something-year old older sister writing about her love for fictional characters and stories. If you know me, you’ve been around a while: most notably known for my Dandelion series with my precious little hufflepuff. Come for the fics, stay for the character development. 
Read this first to understand how I write for the houses
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Gryffindor X Draco Series (on hiatus): 
Part 1    Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5
Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9    Part 10
Part 11   Part 12     Part 13    Part 14 
Part 15
Dandelion Series (hufflepuff x draco): 
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4
Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8
Chapter 9   Chapter 10   Chapter 11  Chapter 12
The Chapter That Never Happened  Chapter 13
Chapter 14  Chapter 15   Epilogue
Deleted Scene
The Case of Draco Malfoy Mini Series:
The Case  The Defendant  The Witness  
The Auror  The Confession  The Deceased  
The Verdict  The Innocent
Oneshots Post War: 
London Boy / Country Girl
Beautifully Beastly / Lost Boys
A Death Eater and A Dancer
The Boy Who Lived / How To Train Your Draco
Together In Paris
Journey to The Past
cardigan / the lakes
Love Story
Night Moves
The Ghost of Christmas
A Bad Day
two by two
house of memories / back to the future
traitor / happier
a christmas party
Oneshots Hogwarts Era:
I’ve Got You
Ten Things I Hate About You
Beautiful Ghosts
Stars Above
Just A Kiss
The Serpent Beneath / The Beauty Inside
Through My Eyes
the moment i knew
The Gardener / The Prince
bad days
favorite crime
Oneshots AUs:
A Girl’s Choice (highschool!au)
once upon a flight (anastasia!au)
lovestruck (veela!draco)
Misc. Headcannons: 
Boundaries I / Part II
8th Year Patronus
Little Things
Dating Headcannons: 
Slytherin / Pureblood!Slytherin / Muggleborn!Slytherin
Other Characters I’m Soft For:
George Weasley 
     Pride and Prejudice / Sense and Sensibility 
     Summer Camp
Neville Longbottom
      will you go with me?
Remus Lupin
      an americano
     stay alive and say you love me
Sirius Black
     brother’s best friend
@coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18@whygz@crazywritingbug @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog@savingdraco  @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen@hxneybgb @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms   @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-johnston     @jiggllyy @darcypotter-blog  @thiccheerioss@lottie289 @beautiful-pegasus@tceedlmao @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @dragonsandbread @the-queen-of-hell-things @alienmotel  @oh-itsnothing @sunflowerxsadnessw @fattycooter @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @strawberriesonsummer @gaysludge @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @quillsareforwriting @wollymalfoy @lilpieceoftoast @paper-cats @floweryjh @hufflautia @livize75 @annie-mcl @riathearora @live-like-luna @justathoughtfulangel @coconutdawn @skteaiy @naughtygranger @dragonsandbread @abundantxadorations @moony-artnstuff @and-then-a-girl-with-luv @1-800-luvsick @pandas-rice-field @in-slytherin-we-trust @emmaa-t @introvertedrae @infinity1o1 @echpr@dekulover @marshmallowtraver @cereuselle @lonely-skywalker @sleepysnapesnake @hoeforthefictional @coldlilheart @helen-paris @rosie-starlit-sky @vulture-withafile @hogstupefy @eveft @iraniq @groovyfluxie @cool-weirdo-wannabee-author @rosegold-thorns @criminaly-supernatural @ghostofdolans @mxl-foyrecs @ginger-haired-queen @bex4whovian @kellyrose193 @unlikelygalaxygiver @marvel-trash-was-taken @one-edgy-bitch@supersouthy @garbagejay@rejectedlonelyasianchild  @lucymxwell @coldlilheart @elia-the-bibliophile @biggalaxydreamland @fuckbuckyyy @hopem1218 @youareinllve @tyrusparker @3rdofkingdomtrees @i-mmunity @zero-nightshade @graym01 @fandomtrash88 @snakey-drakey @ceeellewrites @thatguppienamedbae @pinkleopardss @angel-blogging @xhoney-bee-x @jovialthings @samanthahaigwood @minigigglybabi @clumsy-writing-rdb @lahoete @yourenotafailureoverall @m-winchester-67 @shiningstar-byulxx@clumsy-writing-rdb @dracosathenaeum @dracofeltonmalfoy   @harryslouis @iilovemusic12us @itsbebeyyy @dumspirospero-1 @kaye-lantern @anerroroccurrrrred @franbow29 @big-galaxy-chaos @itsbebeyyy @gryffindors-weasley @ornella0910 @ultrabuzzlightyear @phantomface1983 @emmalee12 @kuyrukludenizkizi @aubreylovesthegames @deafeninglandpersonempath @ackermanbitch @oingo233 @drismultiverse-blog @majicbamana @harrypotter289 @marinettepotterandplagg @cupidpoison @brownwheatrice @introvertedrae @gryffindors-weasley @frecklesandfirecrackers @bitchinbadgers @mkstover @dracomalfoyreader @mortallythoughtfulgurl @sakumorubywy @smileycount @ceeellewrites @is-it-really-a-secret @blogforharrypotter @spencerreidisbootiful @lam-ila @justawilddreamerchild @slytherin-girl-in-green-robes @thatmysteriousblog @the-missunder-stood​ @peep-lover13​ @perfume-and-sunglasses​ @that-one-nerd-i-think​ @yes-she-skates​  @mortallythoughtfulgurl @sakumorubywy @smileycount @ceeellewrites @is-it-really-a-secret @blogforharrypotter @spencerreidisbootiful @lam-ila @justawilddreamerchild @heavenlyrainyparis @trappedgoose-in-a-writblr-room @dracomalfoyreader @spellbinding10 @justawilddreamerchild @queen-of-the-coven @potterpasties @trudabest @theonlystoriesiliketoread @daltonacademia @jemmakates @dannighost @imagines-andshizz @unstableye @hahee154hq @malfoystylinson @idkmanicantenglish @subpar-life​
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unedibledaisyduck · 3 years
Hey, can you write Sirius Black x Ravenclaw reader?
Of course, anon, thanks for requesting!
warnings: swearing
pairing: Sirius Black x reader
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well you met through your siblings
your brother was regulus' secret boyfriend
then sirius found out about them
and confronted you
'did you know?'
'yeah? you didn't'
your brother didn't even tell you
you figured it out
eventually sirius got used to them
with your help
like you would tutor him on homosexuality
then he asked if you would tutor him in the three broomsticks
i know right very smooth
you said you would if he got your middle name correct
he did obviously
because he stalked you
with the pro stalker, james' help
you relationship was... fun to say the least
he hated the knocker to your common room
'i swear it has something against me!'
'sirius, it's a door knocker.'
you and james were besties
you would help him with homework
and he would help you with literally everything else
sirius punched him once because he though james was hitting on you
'twas so funny
lily loved you
because when it was like marauders hangout night
which was everynight
and james would invite lily
and sirius would invite you
they would be scheming
and you and lily would be doing each other's hair
or nails
sirius wouldn't let you near his hair
because once you ruffled his while you were making out
yeah he was mad at you for 30 minutes
before he came and said a whole speech
'and that is why you should forgive me and also why you should never mess up my hair!'
his mom loved you
i know its weird but-
you were a well mannered pureblood
except for when regulus came out to her-
she literally looked at you with a death glare and said
'you've tainted my children you fucking bitch, get out before i kill you'
yeah that was a fun experience
good ol' wally thought reg was under a non-existent imperius curse
that you put on him
then when sirius went to prison
you were devastated
and lived with remus
then you met harry for the first time in the same house that walburga yelled at you
you burst into tears
he looked too much like james and lily
oh my gosh-
you, hermione, ginny and tonks gossiping and complaining over boys
and girls
then you and sirius died
well you died first, 'twas lucius who killed you
then sirius came
and you yelled at him for dying
then he yelled at you for dying
lily, james, reg and your brother just watching
'was your sibling always like this love?'
'they were 10x worse at home'
yeah overall 'twas fun
and it all started with your's and sirius' gay brother's dating
happy pride month!
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theomb · 3 years
Regulus Black Headcanons
He was extremely pale but when he blushed his whole face turned red. He hated it, especially because of how easy it was to make him blush
He had hemophilia (as a product of inbreeding). Something about it just makes sense.
He resembled his father while Sirius resembled their mother. He was quiet, reserved, and was often seen as apathetic. (But he could scream like a fucking banshee, he had to get something from his mother)
He’s the kind of person to kick you when your down b/c he thinks it’s really funny. He only does it to his friends b/c he knows they can take it but he definitely talks shit about other people to them. Like, Barty would get a really shit grade on a test and Reg would say, “Well at least you’re good looking, oh WAIT”and run out before Barty can throw something at him.
He reads muggle books and enchants the covers so no one knows.
He lies about his favorite book genre because it’s trashy romance.
He was a hat stall because he was having a whole conversation with himself in his head and the hat couldn’t get a word in. After five minutes of him weighing the pros and cons of each house he says to the hat ‘okay, put me in Ravenclaw’. The hat stays silent for a second and screams ‘SLYTHERIN’
Regulus can hold a grudge like a BITCH. He’s still mad at the hat for not going with his decision (even though he knows it was right)
He had a hard time growing hair when he was little and was really insecure about it. Just imagine him with the worst little rat moustache.
He took pride in his hygiene. He had a skin and haircare routine, flossed, and moisturized. He clipped his nails and made sure they looked nice (or tried to since he bit his nails a lot). He even brought silk pillowcases to school.
He wrote music. You can’t convince me other wise. This bitch played piano and violin, two of the hardest instruments to learn, and wrote pieces for both of them.
He bit his nails. He thought it was really disgusting because he hated germs but he wouldn’t realize he was doing it until he was three nails in.
He absolutely had a blanky when he was little. He slept with it but hid it from his dorm mates in his first year. Bellatrix set it on fire and Regulus didn’t leave his room for weeks.
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