letsrecover · 4 years
Let’s Recover has moved!
Let’s Recover has moved to letsrecover.co.uk and @letsrecover.co.uk on Instagram. 
LR is still active on those platforms, check it out for articles, posts, updated FAQ’s, lives and other resources.
- Amalie Lee, founder
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nekomaniya · 5 years
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felt cute+like an irl animal crossing character+weird poses are my thing
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followtheintuition · 6 years
Stress. Acne. Sleep // Eating Disorder Recovery
If you know my story then you probably have heard me saying that my eating disorder started because of acne I was experiencing after a stressful time in my life. Acne was one of the major reason I started to cut out different foods from my diet, tried to eat super "clean" and got more and more rigid with rules...until I developed bulimia and orthorexia.
And I know many people who start recovery can also experience acne, maybe even when before their skin was clear. This signals panic to most people and they start eliminating foods from their diet but that in return does not help the recovery process and can actually make it worse.
Acne can be one of the common and normal recovery symptoms, just like bloating or digestive issues. And it will pass! Your body goes through a lot of changes in recovery, also hormonal changes which can result in acne. So if you are aware of that then you will not start cutting out foods from your diet but simply focus on recovery, rest, de-stress and let it PASS. Because it will :)
And in today's video, I want to give you a little example of mine that I experienced just a few months ago...
START YOUR RECOVERY E-COURSE: https://bit.ly/2jlraSc
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andraillaa · 6 years
i have a therapy appointment...
on july 15 or 17 i think. im gonna do it, im going to get better because im sick of feeling this way. right now i feel like i can barely breathe and im so exhausted. my future lies in my music and the defence force, im going to try and enter the australian army as a musician. whilst in the army i will continue to write and create my own work but before i even think about tomorrow, i need to get better. im going to get better. if i don’t get into the army, ill study at the australian institute of music and it will be great. ill do it i promise and hopefully one day ill play maddison square garden or some crazy shit but i am going to live this life no matter how much i don’t want to at times
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Uhh so like it’s okay if you’re trying to emotionally recover before you physically recover and like forcing someone into recovery will only make them relapse,,,, it’s also okay to physically recover before you emotionally recover.
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littlebitsus · 7 years
I’m not where I need to be, but THANK FUCK I’m not where I was.
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😜🙌🏻✨💛 . . . . . . . . . #vegan #hclf #hclfvegan #wholestarch #starchsolution #vegansofig #wslf #healthy #realcovery #painting #maverick #eatclean #minniemaud #edrecovery #anarecovery #art #travel #earthing #yoga #vegansofig #books #shadowhunters #potato #book #quoteoftheday #smoothiebowl #smoothie #oats #oatmeal
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healthyplacecom · 7 years
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things to believe in:
 love that heals wounds
a wonderful future
the sun rising
fresh starts
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behind-thefacade · 8 years
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It is a while since last time I posted, so here is a little update! As you can see, my hair has had some transformation as well as my mental state. I have been to hospital most of the autumn, but not because of my ED. My ED is actually better than ever, but I am not all well. To get enough food throughout the day is quite difficult sometimes, but I have so much more freedom! I am not bound to the times and strict rules, which is a big win! Hope you all are having a good start of the year xx
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whenhorsesfly · 7 years
I went to the hospital yesterday to figure out what was going on with me. Couldn't stop shaking and wanted to throw up. And couldn't eat with a huge headache. They told me "according to your records you have had an eating disorder for years now and we'd like to admit you to the hospital for a few days" my legit reaction was "I'm a millennial, you think I have money for that?" And they agreed and let me walk out. I'm at the point where I can't eat now and I'm so annoyed
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letsrecover · 8 years
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Though #gainingweightiscool we have to remember that #edrecovery is not about getting dat ass and going from skinny minnie to fit babe (or hunk). For some, recovery means going from a body type deemed socially acceptable and desired, to one deemed less "wanted" and less represented in media, simply because their bodies were never meant to be a size small. By maintaining a body weight under their set point weight range they would have had to hold onto eating disordered behaviours such as restriction, excessive and rigid exercise and food rules that causes mental and/or physical harm. And let's not forget many people with eating disorders aren't, never were and never will be skinny. That does not make their condition less valid nor their recovery less impressive. The people I find the most inspiring are those who haven't gone from one obsession to another, e.g. doesn't follow a rigid diet where their entire cupboard is from Whole Foods and Iherb, and doesn't go to the gym rather than seeing friends. I get inspired by free people. Brave people who embrace themselves and start a life that is not 90% centred around food and body. Listen to me; You have not done recovery "wrong" if you don't have a perky bum and feminine curves, or for males - a toned body with muscles. Recovery is not about getting hot or #strongnotskinny, it is about freedom.  - @amalielee​ 
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nekomaniya · 5 years
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felt like 💩 (aka bad body image), then did some stretches, made some tea and put my sweater from my US vacation (6 years ago) on and now doing some self care which is accepting my feelings and thoughts & applying what I've learnt in therapy (in the past, almost 1 year without any therapy at all), loa and books.
everything is okay and I know I'm safe. I trust the universe and great things are happening. I'm grateful! 🍃
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followtheintuition · 6 years
Today I will talk about something I get asked a lot! If you are familiar with my videos or have read my book then you know I generally recommend following the MinnieMaud calorie guidelines for recovery. Not to obsess over calories but simply to make sure you are eating enough. Food is your medicine and without enough food and rest, you can't recover.
But what about the intuitive eating? When can you start listening to your body and following your hunger cues? When can you stop counting and go by intuitive eating in recovery?
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silencedxxmind · 7 years
When you have to eat something because you can't stop shaking, but thinking about food makes you nauseous as hell
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Today marks one year since the release of My Super Sweet Recovery Cookbook, can you believe it!? It's all gone so quickly, but it has really been an amazing journey and I am so grateful to everyone who supported me. Not only this but I am so so proud of everyone who is using the book in their recovery. Here are some of my favourite reviews so far on how My Super Sweet Recovery Cookbook has helped... Order yours by clicking the link in my bio, 10% profits go to Beat! #BeatingEatingDisorders #Beat #BeatED #MentalHealth #EndTheStigma #edfamily #edfam #recoveryfam #realcovery #edrecovery #anorexiarecovery #anorexia #recoverybook #supersweetrecovery #foodofinstagram #foodie #instafood #healthyeating #healthyisthenewskinny #strongnotskinny #selflove #selfcare #foodstagram #eatingdisorder #healthylifestyle #mentalhealth #selfhelp #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters
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lara-dietq · 5 years
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Jul 31 at 9:59 AM
Lara Reaves
Listen to Your Heart It Wants More Than Kale
One of the most imaginative and spiritual things I have ever learned to do was to listen to my heart for a sense of direction. When I learned to meditate, I taught to ask my heart what it wanted, instead of my mind. Interesting? The practice was difficult at first and corky. I used to think of my body as a machine that had to continually achieve results. I guess I never thought of my heart as anything more than a blood pumper.
The image of loving my body by using my heart started to become a vision for me. Like a painting, I could see when I closed my eyes. One of the first tools I was taught while meditating, was imagery. The art and use of visual imagery during meditation invite the use of all 5 senses. Unlike traditional meditation, where you are taught to clear your mind.
Listening is about learning something, finding guidance, not about” thinking something up.” When I try to ” think something up or not thinking at all,” meditation becomes something I must stretch to achieve. When willing to surrender control, and let my senses take over, I can hear, feel, smell, taste, and visualize my heart.
One of my favorite ways to listen to my heart is by placing your hand over the precious organ. And feeling the beats. I know it sounds cheesy, but the rhythm of its beats are powerful and sorta mysterious. Most of the time, I am so caught up in what’s going on in our head, and everyone else heads that I forget about my emotional and spiritual selves. But the body doesn’t forget.
The heart will come up with a truthful insight. Sometimes the honesty is so pure that it may seem odd or silly at first. When I began this process, my heart wanted to play. Like a child, it wanted to paint, cuddle with my dogs, listen to The Red-Hot Chili Peppers. This wasn’t what I expected. My brain wanted answers and results, just like what I had trained my body to do for decades. Really! How was painting going to teach me to love my body? But I took direction and started to play. I’d paint, listen to music, dance around like a little girl, roll on the ground with my dogs. After some time, I started to feel a shift. I wasn’t as concerned with my body image, the food I ate, or relationships.
When my mind would give me direction, “to only eat this or work out this amount of time.” I’d get quiet and ask my heart,” what it wanted to do.” Trust me, it never answered back with, ” I only wish to eat kale today.” Now I am not a doctor or therapist, but I believe the reason my heart wanted to play around and be wild was that when I was a child, I trained myself that I was only successful if I was achieving and maintaining results. This disconnection never allowed me to be organically silly or loving. If I was acting silly or loving, unfortunately, it was again to achieve something or get something from someone, aka to manipulate an outcome. It was a tremendous insight to see how self-absorbed I was in the past.
As time passed and my meditation practice and listening skills grew, my passion for life took a huge turn. When my mind would get obsessed on body image or food, my focus was to lean into listening to my breathing, the beating of my heart and watch my thoughts float by like clouds. Eventually, I was learning to not only listen to my heart but others’ hearts as well. The art of meditation encourages me to tap into my “True Self,” not the self that was full of fear and negative thoughts. Meditation and listening are powerful ways to regain self-awareness and confidence. Each day I take a moment to place my hand over my heart and listen to its lovely rhythm. God, Higher Power, The Divine (whatever resonates with the soul) has created this beautiful gift just for us.
Questions to ask your heart. What do you want to do today? What are you afraid of and why? How can I love you today? What does it mean to be healthy? By tapping into your power and organic beauty, the answers the heart gives will be the beginning of a self-loving journey. The heart wants to play and be full of passion for life. Feed your heart more than just Kale. [email protected] #dietsdontwork #realcovery
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