#reaper (sleeping citadel)
boggleirha · 9 months
The Sleeping Citadel (Gray Magic)
This original series is posted on my main Irhaboggle account (AO3, Fictionpress, Wattpad) and stars 2 Necromages (Sonorhc the Resurrectionist and Reaper the Destructionist) and 1 Umbramage (Nevermore the Shadow-Teleporter).
They're in a queerplatonic polycule. Sonorhc is ace, Reaper is aro, and Nevermore is genderfluid, alternating between a woman and an agender person.
Credit to Harvey Picrew Maker P1 & 2 and Makowka Character Maker II
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Sonorhc, Reaper: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1990109
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Sonorhc, Reaper: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1887308
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sol-consort · 8 months
Okay, but imagine Javik, literal prothean, with god status to the hanar, coddling this one human because "you obviously can't look after yourself."
He just ends up looking like your servant, when in his mind he is supposedly showing the lesser race—humans—their place. So stay still while he helps put the socks on your feet, tie your shoelaces for you afterwards.
Casually picking you up to carry after he notices a sluggishness to your steps. Do what if the two of you are in the middle of the citadel praesidium? Ignore the gaggle of hanars following closely behind, chanting his praises, and also ignore the gaggle of drell assassins following the hanar from the shadows to protect them.
He is still his condescending normal self, showing his love in acts of service instead. All while commenting on how weak humans are, how your kind should've stayed in caves, that at least the reapers wouldn't have been a threat to you now.
Getting you food when he feels that you're hungry, oh, yeah, he reads your emotions a lot. You're minding your business when suddenly, his hand is grabbing your face, cupping your cheeks, four eyes stare unblinking into yours... before deciding that you need to drink water, maybe grab a snack with vitamin C. Primitve human, what would you ever do without him around?
Here, give him the orange. He will peel it for you. Actually, forget that he asked. He'll just reach over and take it himself, silently peeling it with deadly focus. He'd even handfeed you the orange slices over some dumb excuses that protheons are superior...so uh, you see...therefore...you must let him do whatever he wants.
And what he wants just happened to be constantly looking after your needs and health, never asking for something in return.
You could stretch, lay your head on his lap, and Javik would let you stay for as long as you'd like. Observing how your eyelids grow heavy before fluttering shut, your breathing slowing down as you dirft off to sleep, face buried into his thighs, nose brushing against his stomach
Even as his legs start going numb, he never moves a muscle. Not wanting to disturb your comfortable nap, he endures it and remains still. This is nothing for a disciplined soldier like his.
Deep down, he really likes holding you in his arms. Protheans didn't get to see much of humanity before the reapers stole you away from them—abandoning their observation Mars base as the war grew in intensity and more forces where called back to fight, forced to forgo the opportunity to study your kind, this new species they just found out about.
Might as well get his fill now of this intriguing species, of their soft skin, the fire in your eyes.
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sweatandwoe · 10 months
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A sort of sequel to Overflow (or takes place in the same universe in my mind)
Saren x GN!reader, 962 words. Fluff, mentioned past trauma, working through it, mentioned medication and therapy, this is some very fluffy winter nonsense
“What kind of creature is on your pants?” 
You glance down at your pajama bottoms - bright green fabric with little white and black birds decorating all over the legs of it. Some have hats on, and others have scarves. “It’s called a penguin.” 
Saren grunts in the doorway, and you only flick your gaze over to see if he needs help first, before glancing back to the extranet news report you had on. It takes a couple of minutes for him to remove his outerwear, and then he moves. Reaching you in moments, he only carefully lifts your ankles in his talons so he can slide his body beneath your legs. Letting your feet rest in his lap, while he rolls his head back against the couch. 
“Rough day?” You offer, and he pats your calf. 
“Nothing more than usual.” He pauses, his talons moving slowly along your leg. Then there’s a tilt of his head, and he traces one of the penguins. You hide your smile behind your datapad, as you watch him try to come up with something to say about them. His mandibles twitch when he thinks. “They’re very cute.” 
“That’s sweet of you.” 
He glances at you then. Metallic, cybernetic eyes gaze into your own. The fake irises shift, twitching almost like real eyes while he scans over your face. “I am trying.” 
You reach for him then, placing your hand over the top of his talons. Everything was still hard, but you were patient. This was all very new to him still, since the indoctrination - and even more so since his discovery of his attraction to a species he had openly despised beforehand. It had been rough, and things were still quite awkward. “You’re doing well.” 
The former spectre’s mandibles flare. “Am I?” 
You hum and tug him forward until you’re both lying on the couch. “Quite well.” You pause, to press a kiss to his mouthplates and he applies pressure in return. It’s the closest to a peck you’ll get, but you don’t mind. “Do you want to watch a documentary about them?” When he tenses, you smile. “You can say no.” 
“I wouldn’t mind it.” He says softly after a few moments of thought, moving to tuck his cybernetic arm over your waist. “Is it alright if we watch a documentary for the colony wars afterward?” 
You give another peck, enjoying the way his mandibles twitch against your face. “I’ll order us some dinner so we can watch both.” 
Today is an easy day. You listen to his comments on how turian fauna would easily rip apart penguins, and let him thrum with pride during the colony wars. You hold his hand when he has to take his medications and help tune up his arm before he has a shower. Falling into bed afterward is easy, with slow and thoughtful love-making before you both go to sleep. 
The next few days are harder. There are so many people on the citadel now, and he starts to get overwhelmed, fidgeting. You fight when he says he wants a gun because he isn’t allowed one - even if he can sneak one into your home. He roars and spits because he needs to protect you and himself. But you both know how he gets with guns now. It’s why they took away his biotic amps too. Not just out of fear of how strong he could be, but how he got when he had those tools. 
It was more of a fear that he’d hurt himself instead of just anyone. He had tried that a few times, shortly after the end of the Reapers and his indoctrination began to subside. It still hurt, to find him waking because you’d hear him. Sometimes mumbling and other times whispering. One time you heard him, repeating to himself after a nightmare: “Sovereign took my eyes. I can’t see anymore. None of the colors are real.” 
You manage to stop arguing each night before bed, so you never fall asleep angry at one another. The thought of phoning his therapist still lingers in your brain, but on the fourth day, you wake to find your bed has a much smaller, different figure lying beside you. 
It’s a penguin, you realize, reaching out to touch it. A toy penguin with a scarf that was far too big had been tied carefully around it. Your fingers run along the scarf, and a soft sound leaves your throat. 
When you go downstairs, he’s making breakfast for you both. You make sure your footsteps are loud, that he knows that it’s you before you move to wrap your arms around his small waist from behind. 
“I love you.” You whisper. 
“I know.” One hand comes down to rest upon your own. Talons gliding over your fingers. “I’m not good at this, I wasn’t even before - everything, but I… I want to try. I want to be better again.” 
He would never be the spectre he once was. But he could be better, be the hero that the citadel had once seen him to be. Charismatic, powerful; a leader. At the same time, if he didn’t want to be, you’d be fine with him like this. Just being your Saren, your partner, and trying to be happy. 
You think being happy would be a good ending for both of you. “I know.” 
Saren usually pauses now, before he speaks. As though reassuring himself that his thoughts are his own, to explain his own reasoning in his head before he lets it out. But this he says quickly, as though he feared when he had forgotten to say it. “I love you too.” 
Talons and fingers hold together, as the smells of two different meals fill the house.
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unfair-water-plane · 3 months
So, in the theme of sharing headcanons while I should be working, I would like to present my thoughts on the Prothean beacon, and what exactly it did.
We know that Saren is trying to find the relay that hides Ilos and the way into the Citadel that was locked, but if that’s the case why didn’t it explode when Saren activated it? We see that he activates it, and later that he is furious that Shepard gets their hands on it.
But he had to know Shepard doesn’t have what they needs to access it, and is unlikely to get the support needed to access it. So why the fury?
Or is it fear?
So my theory is this: at some point the Protheans on Eden Prime, which was clearly advanced enough to build a cryogenic facility that would shelter a million souls, figured out how to block indoctrination. By the time they managed it there was no salvaging their cycle, so they buried it for the souls who were sleeping, to prevent another reaper victory.
But that’s doesn’t happen. The Protheans don’t wake. And just like Ilos, the beacon can sense when someone already enthralled touches it, so Saren-who is maybe already feeling the creeping doom and is desperate for a way to prevent it- doesn’t get what he needs.
But Shepard does. For a prothean the shield would have settled in place in the space of a moment, but their human mind is less compatible with this sort of communication, and it takes hours. Hours that his brain is running at capacity, as every fiber with being costed and guarded by this last desperate gift from a race long dead.
And is now the galaxy has one person immune to the Reapers, and that changes everything. Of course the Illusive Man will pay anything to bring them back unchanged— brilliant leader or no he *needs* that ability. No wonder Shepard doodle their way around and never get a twinge.
Of course Harbinger knows Shepards name—and is afraid. This could change everything.
And so Saren hates them all the more— because he is doomed, and the commanders victory is Al the harder the quash.
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meekmedea · 2 months
au where coriolanus is bit by the snakes instead of clemmie!
Ooh this is a really cool one to think about!
Alright, some assumptions before we get to the 5 things: No matter what, someone was going to get bit when they handed in the assignment (Even if Arachne lived). It was always going to be some sort of lesson for Coriolanus. And let's go off the book's events of how the bite went (it feels a bit more sinister imo).
Coriolanus' biggest mistake is getting Clemmie's scent on him as they went through the citadel. (Holding her hand? Awkwardly trying to comfort her for Arachne's death?) But this is where it all goes wrong. They both agree that they worked on it and Gaul doesn't give any info about the snakes besides move slowly. Coriolanus goes first. When he reaches in, he gets bit because of Clemmie's scent on him (it being foreign).
Because neither of them know that foreign scents = getting bit; Clemmie has no qualms telling Tigris and her parents about it.
When she tries to visit, she gets the excuses that her parents/other friends would have gotten: Oh he's sleeping. He doesn't want to see anyone.
Swapping their canon interaction after the arena explosion. He finds her, and shows her what has happened. Unlike Coriolanus in canon, she is more determined to get him out. And she does through her father's influence. As ambitious as she is, I don't think she'd have been the same as Coryo in canon (besides, to have him owe her a favour is never a bad thing...)
Unsure who would win now if nobody knows about the foreign scent (I feel like Gaul never bothered to finish her explanation once Coryo got bit). Reaper? Treech?
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ripley95 · 6 months
A Spectre's Proposal
Chapter 1
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Pairing: f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
Rating: T
Chapter Length: 3.1K
More than a year has passed since the Reaper War ended, and Kaidan and Jane have settled right into domestic life while they contribute to the rebuilding efforts on Earth. As normalcy begins to set in, so do old problems. News hits of piracy out in the Traverse when the Council calls on them for a secret mission only the two of them can fulfil. The nature of the mission leads them to think about what they want from their relationship.
Read the full chapter on AO3
Jane woke up to her alarm in protest. She forced her eyes open despite wishing she could go back to sleep. It was a Tuesday. The worst day of the week. No longer rested from the weekend, and still with the majority of the week left to go.
This was never a problem she had on active duty. There was always so much to do that the days blurred together and the concept of regular sleeping hours was a fabrication. There was no such thing as a weekend, and they were lucky to get shore leave whenever it was granted. To have to wake up for a morning shift still felt so foreign, but here she was, still working the desk job that was assigned to her by Admiral Hackett almost exactly a year ago upon her return to Vancouver after the war. The only difference is that now it was a choice she made to stay here, rather than her only option.
When she was initially assigned the role, it was because her injuries from the war prevented her active status, but since then, she’d gone through rigorous physical therapy on top of her endurance and strength training. She ensured her certifications were up to date. She was fit for duty if she wanted it, but she and Kaidan decided they didn’t mind taking some time for themselves before getting back into it. It gave them a chance to reconnect without being pulled away on different assignments, desperate for some shore leave together. Being tied to a desk may not have been her first choice, but it granted them real and genuine time together, which was a gift she’d take a thousand times over.
As it was, there was no war to speak of, making the decision to stay at a desk a little more palatable, and this way, they got to carpool to work together. They ate lunch together most days and came home to each other every night. They went hiking up Grouse Mountain and went swimming in English Bay. And they even got to spend holidays with Kaidan’s family in the Interior. In fact, they’d be going back there soon for his sister’s one-year anniversary. Kaidan showed her Vancouver, and they took their time to appreciate life while still being able to contribute to the rebuilding efforts, of which there weren’t many left to speak of. Things were almost back to normal at this point. The relays were mostly repaired. The Citadel was back up and functioning in its new location over London. Things were better than she ever could have dreamed of, even if her job was a little monotonous and she hated waking to an alarm.
Jane was starting to feel sleep pull her under again when she finally fought against it. She’d spent enough time procrastinating in bed. Sun was already lighting up their room, and work beckoned. She turned over to see Kaidan’s side of the bed was already empty and tucked in as much as possible with her still sleeping on the other side. Jane smiled at the thought and how ingrained the habit was for him to do it even while she still occupied half the space. She stood up and tucked in her own side of the bed, not wanting to get a reputation for being the sloppy one, even though, of the two of them, she was definitely the one with that reputation already. When she was done, she went to take what was supposed to be a quick shower, and as with most mornings, she lost track of time. She got dressed in a hurry and ran to the kitchen. Her hair was still wet from the rush.
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n7cloacadestroyer · 6 months
Mass Effect's overall plot is a lot of fun, but any fan will tell you straight up that it isn't the tightest run ship. Major sections of the trilogy's overall plot are moved forward by contrivance, and established lore has a reputation for being tossed out the airlock because the dev team thought of something cool. That said, one (1) of the things that irks me the most is something I don't often see talked about--the Citadel Relay.
So here's the reaper's plan, in paraphrase:
Leave one (1) guy behind and fuck off to dark space to get that good sleep.
Oneguy turns on power saver mode and keeps an eye on the meatbags.
Fleshies find mass relays and citadel; use them.
Open murder hole to let the squad through.
Make meatbag soup
Return to step one
Now if something were to go wrong with step four, you'd have quite the pain in the ass in your future if you're a reaper.
Thought experiment: You're leaving your house for the day. You don't want anyone to just wander in, but you obviously need to get back inside later. Do you… A. Lock the door and take the key with you? B. Have someone house sit? C. Leave one of the back windows unlocked and hope no one notices? D. Train your cat to unlock the door when it hears you whistle?
Admittedly that last option would be cool, albeit contrived and prone to failure. For some reason though, the reapers went with that one. And surprisingly enough, someone eventually broke in and retrained their cats. The reapers don't have a single dialogue exchange in the entire series that doesn't include a small diatribe about their intellectual superiority, yet they have no contingency in place for this.
So it's already pretty silly at this point, but it actually gets a little sillier when you realize what the game takes care to avoid explicitly stating--the reapers obviously have a mass relay with them in dark space. One that links to the hub of the relay network but is for some reason isolated from it. They don't even have a backup that just like… links to the Serpent Nebula relay.
I know what some of you are probably thinking. That the closed circuit with the Citadel relay is meant to ensure that the reapers aren't stumbled upon while they're schleepin™. As Vigil states, "In this state, they are vulnerable." So turn it off. We've already established that relays can be deactivated, and that a capital ship like Sovereign can manually open them as it attempted to do with the Citadel. Link that bad boy to the whole network, turn it on when you get the signal, killallhumans.exe ggnore.
Now we turn our attention to Mass Effect 2, which establishes that there is an active relay beyond from which no one has ever returned. So the galactic community put their heads together and came up with a plan--stick some warning signs near it and let the problem take care of itself. Literally just throw hands up and move on. So if the reapers just killed everyone who came through their super secret clubhouse relay? Maybe put some of those weird Collector Laser Probes to take out the stragglers? They'd probably be fine.
Eventually we learn that the relay leads into the galactic core, and that it checks for a reaper IFF system to engage more accurate protocols to avoid throwing friendly vessels into a supermassive black hole or the hundreds of stars it's throwing around at nearly light speed. So now we've established that at least one relay has an Identify Friend Foe system. Mass Effect 3 further establishes that the IFF system is only usable by the Normandy because of EDI, who explains that the IFF is more of a thinking intelligence than a simple program. So if you aren't an AI, or don't have the help of one, you're kind of screwed.
Shame they couldn't use that technology for anything else. Barring access to certain relays, for example.
Recall the Arrival DLC. Commander Shepard vaporizes ~300,000 colonists because the Viper Nebula/Alpha relay is, and I quote, "their shortcut to the rest of the galaxy." If the reapers had even a single one of these contingencies in place, humanity would've likely arrived to an empty Citadel in a new cycle. They would've had their shortcut already, and there wouldn't be anything to be done about it.
Given that their plan is actually quite flawed, there are only a few explanations that I can think of:
The reapers are actually kind of stupid.
The Catalyst intentionally designed the "reaper solution" to be imperfect. To give the meatbags a chance, I guess?
The biomechanical nature of reaper construction has caused them to inherit more traits from the organics that facilitated their construction than any of them seem to freely admit. Namely arrogance, in this case. You'll notice that Harbinger does talk with the same aloof superiority that the Leviathan use when talking to Shepard in ME3, whereas Sovereign's dialogue reads as something more akin to disgust or hatred.
Development was rushed and somewhat troubled for every Mass Effect game to date, and many of the gaps we see are a result of content being cut to get the game out the door on time.
In all honesty, it's most likely some combination of 3 and 4, but it's kind of frustrating. It's not surprising that so many people write no reaper AUs and/or headcanon a Destroy ending that doesn't kill the geth and EDI simply to fit the framing as the Renegade option. Mass Effect, in the minds of most fans, is a character driven narrative. The reapers aren't really characters. There are only two of them that have names, and only three who actually speak. They're mostly just an excuse to make the plot happen.
If the intention was to imply that the reapers are literal mechanical mass graves haunted by the metaphorical ghosts of the civilizations harvested in their creation? I'm on board. The problem is that we're never told that, and we aren't given enough interaction with different reapers to come to that conclusion definitively ourselves. May as well just call 'em Harby and the Boys, cause it's clear from the outset that Harbinger is the only one that the narrative intends to give even the tiniest amount of weight after Sovereign is destroyed.
The reapers are a constant presence during the trilogy, and yet we only meaningfully interact with four, and that's if you're counting Sovereign's half brother Sluggard.
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commander-krios · 1 month
Food For Thought
Fandom: Mass Effect Pairing: Jeff "Joker" Moreau/James Vega Rating: Teen Summary: There are two things Joker associates with James Vega: food and jokes. Not particularly in that order. As they're preparing for the final push against Cerberus and the Reapers, Joker's surprised to find there is a lot more beneath the marine's muscular exterior. More he's willing to explore if they get the chance. Words: 3883 Additional Tags: Mass Effect: Citadel, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Friendship, Love, Crushes, Comfort Food, Pre-relationship, Pining
Written for @hatboyexchange, for @ginbiscuit, hope you like it!
Read on AO3
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The scent of eggs and bacon was the first thing his brain registered when he woke. That, and something spicy, like hot sauce. With a groan, Jeff Moreau shifted against the mattress, bones and muscles protesting the movement even with the new and improved bone weave. He was tempted to lie there, stare at the ceiling of Shepard's new apartment, and possibly drift off again. Wouldn't that be lovely, to not have to deal with the reality of their situation: the Reapers, and Cerberus, and the possibility of the extermination of the entire galaxy. To pretend, like all of the other idiots on the Citadel, that the Reapers didn't exist, that there wasn't a war waging in space, that everything wasn't going to shit.
It took his body a few more minutes before he could even sit on the edge of the bed, the alcohol he'd drank the night before leaving him sluggish, tired, perhaps a tad hungover, but he'd never admit such a thing even under torture. 
Sighing, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, trying to focus on the fancy closet sitting directly across from the bed, filled with nothing. Each shelf was as empty as the next, a parallel to their lives. Dust had settled on the flat surface, untouched in who knows how many years. Living out of a locker on a starship was difficult, stuffed into close corridors with other soldiers with barely any privacy, but the empty closet made Joker almost miss it. Living in an apartment this big, all alone with no one else to bump into in the halls, felt altogether too lonely for him. The apartment was too quiet this early in the morning, no gentle hum of the mass effect core to make him feel one with the universe.
Shaking the thought away, Joker forced himself to his feet, immediately regretting that he'd left his crutches on the ship. He rarely used them anymore; the only thing Cerberus had been good for was the medical tech they'd invested in him, but after the amount of alcohol he'd drank, a little extra help wouldn't have sucked.
Joker shuffled out of the spare room, only to find the rest of the party goers sprawled in random places throughout the apartment. Cortez was sleeping on one of the couches, curled underneath the flimsiest of blankets. Jack had thrown herself on the floor, a pile of pillows she'd scrounged up masquerading as a makeshift bed. A groan from the bathroom behind him alerted him to Grunt's location. Shaking his head, Joker left them all to their suffering and worked his way down the too big staircase, hoping he wouldn't slip and break his neck on the landing. A pathetic way to end his career.
He could see the headlines already: Hotshot pilot with a freighter sized ego dead due to his own hubris.
He guaranteed that Shepard would find that hilarious.
Pausing at the bottom of the staircase, he found a similar situation to the one above spread across the living area. Couches were occupied, piles of pillows and blankets hiding sleeping people, all dead to the galaxy outside... and well, the delicious smells from the kitchen inside. Idiots, every single one of them. There was nothing stopping him from grabbing whatever food Kaidan was frying up. It smelled even better than the food he occasionally cooked on the Normandy.
Entering the kitchen, massive compared to the one on the ship, Joker stopped short when it wasn't Kaidan hovering over the eggs on the stove, but James Vega.
Ok, that was unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome.
While he might've preferred Kaidan's company most days, and Shepard was always a good option number two as far as friends go, James Vega wasn't bad for a choice either. He might've been annoying at times, (to be fair, Joker found most people annoying), but his heart was in the right place and that made all the difference. 
And no, it wasn't because Joker was starting to develop a slight crush on the marine. If anyone said that, he'd call bullshit on them. Jeff Moreau did not do crushes.
Joker cleared his throat as loudly as he could. Vega glanced over his shoulder, taking in his sudden appearance with a grin and nodded towards one of the empty stools at the island.
"Hey, Hatboy! You're the first one awake! Come, hang out. How do you like your eggs?"
Joker didn't like his eggs in any way because he never ate them. 9.9999 times out of 10, they were from an animal he'd never heard of before. And even he had his limits when it came to eating random space fare.
"Eggs? Where did you find eggs? And why am I afraid to know what system they came from?" Taking care not to jolt his aching joints, Joker managed to get onto the stool with little trouble. Letting out a relieved sound, he was surprised to see James watching him. "What?"
Motioning to the egg carton beside the stove, Joker was surprised to see the package claiming they were real chicken eggs. Huh, guess you really could get anything on the Citadel if you looked hard enough.
"So? Eggs?" James prompted again, turning back to the cooking, adding some seasoning to the ones currently frying. "I can make them any way you want. Scrambled, poached, over easy."
"Uh, whatever you think." Joker managed, not understanding anything he just said and not wanting to make a decision either way. "I'm not picky."
A blatant lie if there ever was one. But then again, everyone else would be up soon enough so it might not be hard to push his food onto one of their plates. With all of the biotics in this apartment, he was positive he could find someone. 
Jack. She was always hungry. That would work.
Realizing he was stuck in his head, Joker glanced up to see that James was watching him again. He scrambled for an excuse, a distraction, something to turn the conversation away from him. "Uh... so you like to cook?"
Stupid, Joker. Great question. Of course the man who was always cooking on the Normandy liked to cook.
He would've slapped himself if he could guarantee he wouldn't break a hand doing it.
James chuckled, sliding the eggs he'd been cooking onto an empty plate before reaching over for a small bowl. He tossed some peppers and onions into the pan, the smell divine despite his usual dislike of both foods. Maybe... he could eat something if James made it. 
The sudden realization made Joker flush, embarrassed by the direction his thoughts took. Why did it matter if it was Vega who cooked it? The man was a cooking machine, he'd probably cook for him every day if he asked. The very idea of waking up to a freshly cooked breakfast, to spend it with someone as likable as James Vega, was just a plus.
What the hell was wrong with him?
"My abuela taught me how to cook. She was amazing at everything she put her mind to. Huevos rancheros, tamales, pozole, sopes, flautas. She taught me what she could before she passed away." James cracked a couple eggs into the skillet next, breaking up the yellow center, the color bleeding into the whites. "She made it fun, even when I didn't want to do it. Without her, I'd be stuck on military rations."
"I'm sure we're all grateful." Joker muttered, glancing at the coffee machine and wondering if he could manage to make a pot before Shepard got his grubby hands on it. The last thing he needed after a night of heavy drinking was consuming an even heavier cup of sludge. But that would mean getting off of the stool and he might not make it to the machine before collapsing in a heap of broken bones.
"You can be sarcastic all you like, amigo, but when you try my eggs, you'll be changed for the rest of your life."
"Yeah, well, considering the rest of my life could only be a few days, I'm not sure if that's the compliment you're implying." Joker decided to risk it. Sliding off the stool, his knees and ankles protested when he landed on the floor, and he clung to the island for support, waiting for the pain to pass. Taking a breath through his nose, he let it out of his mouth in a hiss.
James looked at him in concern, pausing in his cooking to check in on him. "You ok, flyboy?"
"Yes." He snapped, eyes closed in pain as he counted backwards from twenty, trying to will some comfort into his limbs. 
The sound of a plate sliding across the island caught his attention and Joker opened his eyes, only to find a plate of scrambled eggs with peppers and onions there, shredded cheese sprinkled along the top, only just melting from the heat of the food. Something red and chunky and totally disgusting looking sat off to the side.
"Here, eat. You look like you need something heavy after all that beer." He turned away, reaching into the cabinet for a pair of navy mugs with the Systems Alliance symbol etched on them. "I'll grab you that cup of coffee."
Joker felt his anger immediately evaporate at Vega's words. He pulled himself onto the stool again, lifting up the fork next to his plate. He wasn't entirely feeling well enough to eat. Especially when it was something that looked like it'd already been eaten once. "You, uh, you don't have to do that."
Vega chuckled, filling both cups with steaming black coffee. "I know I don't, but I like doing it. When someone comes into my kitchen, I take care of them."
Joker raised an eyebrow at his statement, ignoring how his heart hammered when Vega leaned forward to place the mug next to him, his large arms flexing beneath his shirt. "Your kitchen, huh? I'm sure Shepard might have something to say about that."
"Hey, Loco doesn't need all of this space for himself. And we both know he'll never use the kitchen." James laughed again, a deep and low chuckle that was warm, affectionate, teasing. 
Joker felt his cheeks heat and he ducked his head towards his plate, pushing some food around with the fork in his hand. As kind as Vega was being, Joker didn't think he could eat. His stomach was churning, his neck damp with sweat, his hands shaking as he tried to reach for the coffee. He nearly knocked the cup over, the sudden jarring of the mug spilling coffee over the sides and onto the counter.
Maybe he wasn't ok.
"Is something wrong with the food, jefe?" James leaned on the island, arms crossed in front of him, a soft look on his face. "I can make you something different if you don't like eggs."
"I..." Jeff let out a tight breath, trying to calm the nervous flutter in his stomach. "It's fine. I think I drank too much last night. My stomach feels weird."
James hummed, nodding as if he understood. Maybe he did, but with the amount of muscle mass he carried around, there was no way that Vega got as drunk as Joker did on the same number of drinks. And Vega didn't seem to imbibe as much as some of the others did. 
"I have a remedy for hangovers. Used to get a lot of them during my early days in basic." James waved to the plate in front of him. "Eggs and coffee are great and all, but I make a protein shake that would perk you right up."
The thought of choking down some thick liquid concoction turned his stomach and he covered his nose, trying to fight against the overwhelming nausea. "No... thanks."
James watched him briefly, almost as if he too was waiting to see if Joker lost whatever was left in his stomach on top of the food. When he didn't, the marine smiled and took the fork from him, shoving the eggs into his own mouth instead. Joker felt an immediate sense of relief and his stomach settled slightly, enough that he could sip on the hot coffee without dropping the mug.
"You don't know what you're missing, jefe." Vega practically inhaled the food, the plate cleared in the matter of minutes. He deposited the empty plate into the sink before turning back to where Joker was still drinking his bitter drink. "Let me cook for you."
"I don't know, Vega-"
If Vega cooked for him, did that mean he'd owe him something? Joker didn't like owing people. He'd never be able to repay him, and if either of them died while they were fighting the Reapers, that would be an unfulfilled obligation that would haunt him well into the afterlife... if there was one.
Most likely, they would all die a painful death and suffer as husks for the rest of eternity.
"You spend all of your time at the helm. And I know we don't have time for a decent meal on the Citadel," James rubbed the back of his neck, glancing away nervously towards where the dirty dishes sat. He stared at them briefly, as if thinking through what he wanted to say before he said it. "But I'm good at improvising. And we could both use a good meal before we get to Cronos Station."
Joker didn't have a response to that. "I guess that makes sense."
When James smiled at him brightly, he didn't want to investigate why the idea made his heart pound even harder.
"20 hours until Cronos Station." Shepard's voice echoed over the comm, sounding weary yet determined despite it all. This was what they'd been heading towards, the final confrontation with Cerberus... with the Illusive Man. 
Not so illusive anymore, are you, asshole?
With a tired sigh, Joker set the autopilot and leaned back into his fancy pilot's seat. Another expense written off as necessary when Cerberus was his boss. If you wanted a comfortable and well rested pilot (since he tended to nap in his chair majority of the time), you provided said pilot with the best of the best. And leather seats were well worth the price tag.
But everything the organization had done, before and after he and Shepard's time with Cerberus... yeah, he didn't know if selling his soul was worth the leather seats in the end.
"Am I interrupting anything, jefe?"
The nickname alerted Joker immediately to who was in his cockpit with him, and the familiarity of it made him blush. Pulling at the brim of his hat to hide his face, he shifted forward, tapping out a correction in their trajectory. There was no reason to end up in the middle of a star because Vega was distracting.
"Interrupting? Oh, nothing at all. Only the possibility of flying into an asteroid field or being in the path of a Reaper. You know, the things we're supposed to be avoiding until we get to Earth." 
Joker couldn't help but glance at James out of the corner of his eye. The sarcasm hadn't been lost on him if the smirk on his face was any indication. 
Vega glanced at the terminal that projected their path. Then he glanced at the viewport above them, the blue of the mass effect fields surrounding their ship, a beautiful swirl of blues that made him feel at home. Even beyond that, the glittering of thousands of stars against a velvet black space could be seen, reminding them all of how large the galaxy was. And how small they were. 
"I don't see any Reapers out there."
"Oh but they're there, Vega. Lurking in the shadows like the monsters your parents told you about as a kid."
"I didn't have nightmares about squid monsters when I was a kid."
"Well, unfortunately, that's what we've got." Joker looked at the viewport above them as well, taking in the sight and wondering if his family was safe somewhere. Dad and Gunny... he didn't want to think about it too hard, but they were always there in the corner of his mind. Lurking much like the Reapers did in dark space. "And they're a nightmare for billions of other people now."
James made a low noise in his throat. "True enough."
Jeff tried to ignore him as James sat in EDI's vacant seat, his burly build looking out of place among the sleek leather, but found it difficult to despite being irritated at the interruption. Not only did James Vega take up a lot of space, but his personality was as large as his arms. There was barely a chance that he'd be able to ignore him for long.
The two of them sat without speaking, staring at the stars out of the viewport, the hum of the mass effect field the only thing to break the silence. It was... comfortable which surprised Joker. There weren't many people he could sit with like this and just exist. Especially when existing was difficult enough without having to fight for it.
Vega shifted and Joker could feel his gaze on him. "Hey, jefe, I brought you something."
The man leaned forward with a small blue food container held out in his enormous hand, letting it dangle in the space between them. Joker eyed it with skepticism, not entirely sure he trusted whatever it was being offered.
"What the hell is that?"
James laughed quietly, shaking it slightly while still holding it out. "Take it and look."
Joker's eyebrows came together, but he couldn't help the curiosity he felt. He hesitated briefly before finally taking the container. "You aren't trying to poison me, are you?"
"Why would I poison the man flying the ship? That seems like a bad end for me."
"As if EDI couldn't just fly the ship without me." Joker opened the container despite his morbid jokes, finding some sort of pastry looking thing there. It was still warm to the touch, the scent of dough and some sort of spicy meat greeting his nose. He'd barely eaten much more than an Alliance issued protein bar and lots of coffee, anything to keep him awake while they careened towards their inevitable destruction. His stomach betrayed him and immediately grumbled at the sight of the food. Still...
He slanted his eyes in James' direction, not bothering to hide his suspicion.
"Don't look at me like that."
Joker grinned, his mood turning to something less depressing, even if it would last for only a moment. "What's this for? Some sort of revenge for me not eating the eggs this morning? Did you throw so many spices in here that I'm going to be farting fire for weeks?"
"You don't trust anybody, do you?"
"It's kept me alive this long."
"That's no way to live, man. Believe me, it'll eat you alive." James turned his gaze to the controls, watching the flickering orange lights.
"I can't imagine you ever being upset." Joker muttered, lifting the tiny pie looking thing and turning it in his hands to inspect. It didn't look like it'd been tampered with. So he leaned closer, sniffing it for any sign of something weird. All he smelled was what could've possibly been beef.
"It takes a lot of work to smile in times like these." 
Fair enough.
Joker decided to take the risk and eat the thing in his hand, if only for Vega's sake. Why waste perfectly good food? The first bite was flaky, the pastry dough breaking into tiny pieces on his tongue. It was followed by the spicy beef and vegetables filling, and for a brief moment, Jeff Moreau thought the Reapers had blown up the Normandy again because there was no way that this type of food existed in reality. He must be dead and in some sort of culinary heaven.
A little moan slipped past his lips. He immediately flushed red at Vega's chuckle.
"That good, jefe?"
With a mouth full, Joker tried his best not to blush deeper. "Shut up."
Crumbs spilled onto his uniform and he brushed them off, embarrassed at how easy it was to get to him. 
Dammit, Moreau. It was just food. No need to get all worked up over it.
He was grateful that there was no one other witness to his embarrassment besides Vega himself. 
Glancing up at the optical sensors above the helm, he realized that wasn't true. There was no way that EDI hadn't heard everything. And she'd definitely give him shit for it.
James laughed again, but this time, the sound was a bit more free than it'd been before. It made Joker feel... good. A strange feeling, to be sure, but he liked it when Vega smiled. Maybe a little too much, but there was something soft and good and comforting about James Vega that most people lacked. Joker didn't trust easily, minus the trust and respect he had for Shepard and Kaidan (and EDI, as strange as their friendship was). But Vega was someone he knew he could trust, even if he wasn't entirely sure why.
"Why do you do it?" Joker asked quietly, putting what was left of his food back into the container. "The food and the nicknames? What's the point?"
Sighing, Vega let his gaze fall to his hands that were now settled in his lap. He was quiet for a moment, gathering his thoughts possibly, but Joker knew what it felt like to be questioned about the things he did to make himself feel better... to protect himself.
Finally, Vega glanced at him, expression full of determination and a softness that Joker wasn't expecting. "The point is to make people smile, even when they don't feel like there's a reason to. The galaxy is burning and there are monsters hiding in the dark, but we have something they don't have. Love. Hope. We have people we can rely on and people we're here to protect. Even if it's only for a brief moment, we have everything. And I intend on loving everyone until I'm spacedust."
Not much could get an emotional reaction out of Joker past anger. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so strongly about anything, nowhere as much as James clearly felt about this. But it was important to him, that was obvious, but for some unknown reason, all Joker could get out was a "That's.... uh... something."
"You can say it's stupid."
"No, it's not- I never thought about it that way." Joker cleared his throat, staring at the pastry in the little container in his hands. So much consideration was put into something so small. James Vega was too good for this cruel galaxy. After another moment of silence, Joker somehow found his voice. "Thanks for the food."
"Plenty more where that came from." Vega promised him with a little smile. "All you have to do is ask."
Joker smiled back, accepting Vega's offer with a newfound appreciation. Maybe... maybe there could be something there. Maybe there was something to hope for, something to fight for past survival. 
Maybe there was a future waiting for him after the war.
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sparatus · 2 months
Kicks down door
Any ship, you know my faves of yours. #20. Pls
kiss prompts
well. you did go insane for absolution. so here we go
20. on a scar - Garrus/Citadel DLC Turian, no-Reapers AU
>>[Read on AO3]<<
He's dreaming, he thinks, when he wakes up to blurry emptiness. No gunfire, no engines, no screaming. No Sidonis. Just peaceful silence. The world around him is shades of white, blobs of mass he can't fully process. He sees the shadows more than he sees whatever's making them. It's warm, but not too warm, and he's lying on something firm but soft.
His face hurts. Everything hurts, but especially his face, and his neck, and his cowl. His nerves can't even tell him what's wrong, there's so much pain. Shattered and set on fire and pulled apart, all at once. It can't be a dream, not if he hurts this much. A pitiful, guttural groan crawls out of the raw wound where his throat used to be and punctures the silence.
Immediately, the shadows move, a blur of white and green rushing to his side. "Shh, shh," a familiar voice soothes, but she's muffled, far away, and he just groans again. "Shh, Garrus, I'm here, I'm with you, you're safe."
Glittering gold laces down through the white as the blur kneels down. Curried telal and flowers just barely masking days of unwashed stress and fear tickle his nose, the first clear sensation he's gotten, and he sucks in a greedy breath, drinking her in like her scent alone will wash everything away. He can only taste her on one side of his tongue.
A shaking hand touches his crest, close to where his head lies on the pillow, not daring to approach the burning field. "Spirits, Blue, you had me scared shitless," she breathes.
Her subvocals are wobbly, like she'd lost the ability to weep days ago but still has emotion left to shed. She still sounds underwater. He whimpers and tugs on the stiff, angry muscles under his jaw, but the skin erupts in pain again, and he can only gasp. She trills alarm, and her other hand finds his, twines their fingers and squeezes tight. "Hey, hey, shh, don't- Here, just a moment..."
More shadows, something beeped, and cooling water flowed through his veins to wash over the wounds. "There, Blue, morphine." The murmur laps against him, but he can barely feel it. All is quiet. There's gold ribbons in front of him again. His breath leaves his lungs in a wheezy sigh, and she leans in until he can see the sapphires between the gold. "Shh, baby, it's alright. I'm here." Another squeeze on his hand. "I'm here."
His heart aches in his chest, and his lungs crackle as he inhales. "Where..?"
"Citadel." The hand on his crest keeps stroking, keeps smoothing away the nightmares he's been drowning in. "Nihlus brought you and his mom to Dren'kewen for emergency treatment. Dr. Samaritus doesn't think you'd've survived otherwise."
She's quiet, so quiet. His eyes strain to focus, but the image won't turn clear. Sapphires hang in loops of beautiful gold. "Shepard..?"
The sapphires vanish, and the blur shakes back and forth slowly. "Still out in Terminus. It's classified beyond that." Her thumb-claw delicately traces a crack in his brow plate. "Don't worry about them. You need to focus on healing."
His chest is heavy, and his heart just sinks deeper into it. How can he just not worry about them, when he's the reason they were in danger at all? "What about..?"
"Shhh." She leans in again, and he closes his eyes. Maybe when he opens them again, he'll be able to see again. "You're lucky you still have a skull, Blue." Tentative fingers brush over the tender flesh that used to be on fire. When he doesn't flinch, they're replaced by mouth plates, just barely there, not daring to kiss him too hard in case he shatters again. "Nihlus will explain once you're a little more conscious. Go back to sleep."
His heart climbs into his throat again, but her hand still holding his keeps it from rising any further. "I'm right here."
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continuous-spec · 7 months
ME Fic: The Messages In Between Ch.1
Summary: Shepard and Garrus messages to each other throughout the events of the Reaper War.
Link: Ao3
Notes: GST: Galatic Standard Time. Cycles are one-day cycle of the Citadel per the GST. One Orbit has 40 Cycles. There are ten Orbits in a GST year. 2686 GS is also 2186 for the Alliance.
Galactic Standard Time: Cycle 20, Orbit 9, 2686. Day 6 of the Reaper War.
Garrus breathed in the stale air of his cabin, trying to relax in his makeshift cot. He had been without sleep for almost two days.
Four days since the Reapers hit Palaven and six days since they hit Earth. Six days without contact with the Sol system. Six days not knowing if Shepard was still alive.  
Garrus rubbed his brow plates, trying to push the thoughts of her out of his head. He needed to sleep. He had spent the last two hours stuck on top of a comm tower, sniping any reaper forces within scope of Vitcus' men—All while fixing the comm tower too.  That was somehow just this morning. Garrus' mind whirled with fog without sleep, trying to keep track of the time. He needed to rest, but the adrenaline still kept him stirring in bed. 
Just as he felt himself drifting to sleep, his omni-tool pinged dozens of times. Messages upon messages poured in. Almost all from the same source: Datapad Model OXIV, Alliance Addition.  Garrus shot up out of the cot, trying to scan the messages. The words shifted and moved with his exhaustion, but there was no way he could sleep now. 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 30, Orbit 4, 2686] 
Garrus, It’s Shepard. I'm sending this out. Hotwired a datapad they’re allowing me to have to prep evidence. I doubt the Alliance is reading. I'm pretty sure they won't notice when this datapad goes missing, either.
Give the Hierarchy hell, and hopefully, we’ll get somewhere with it.
Send back if you can. I think this is going out? 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 35, Orbit 4, 2686]
House arrest, you got to be fucking kidding me. Is this on the news? Can you see this? I’m sure Khalisah is having a field day with this.
At least Joker can still get on the Normandy. I'm stuck. Maybe I'll take you up on that offer to break me out. You know, we can steal the Normandy again, too, just like old times. 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 5, Orbit 5, 2686]
You’d hate this. It’s all pointless jabbering. Tribunal after tribunal. They won’t listen. Aratoht is all they care about. I’ve shown them the proof. They keep putting their heads in the sand.
Do you know that saying? Does it even translate? It just means that, as always, they’re ignoring the real problem. Why is that not a surprise? 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 15, Orbit 5, 2686]
Did you know today is my birthday? On Earth its April 11th. I'm only a little disappointed you didn't get me a gift. 
I think I’m 32 or 30. Does being dead count towards age? Do turians celebrate birthdays? 
30 is a big one, a big milestone for humans. When I was a teenager, I never thought I would get to it running with the Reds. I guess, technically, I didn’t get to celebrate it.  Humans don't generally celebrate it in a jail cell either. 
I just wish you were here with me for it. We could have shared another glass of wine. Among other things…
Right now, I’m so bored that I’m trying to figure out how to make prison wine. Hopefully, I won’t go blind. 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 23, Orbit 5, 2686]
If I could go without hearing about the Reds for one more day, I might not scream. They have spent a week dissecting my time with the Reds. Seriously? I left them when I joined the Alliance.  I’m just some drugged-out teen junkie on Red Sand to them still.
When do we stop paying for the sins of youth? 
I hope this is getting to you. I hope you’re getting further than I am. Good thing you left. Imagine both of us in an Alliance interrogation room? 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 25, Orbit 5, 2686]
Want to take any bets on how long until the Reapers are here? I'll give it two more months. that what like three orbits? You think the Councils cares? 
What are you wagering? How about we wager like we did with Strip Skyllian-Five? This isn't a bet I want to win this time though. Even if I like seeing you in your skivs. 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 29, Orbit 5, 2686]
Still no answer from you. You playing hard to get Vakarian? 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 37, Orbit 5, 2686]
The prison wine is nasty, almost as bad as the stuff you brought last time. Still not blind, although I am having visions of you pinning me up against the aquarium. Did I get you blushing yet? 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 1, Orbit 6, 2686]
I’d like to think you’re just playing hard to get, and I’m not just sending these off into the ether. It's hard doing one-sided sexting you know?  
No one tells you how boring prison is, even with the datapad. I wish they’d give me a keyboard so I can practice. Also, to hotwire it to get a better signal to you. 
Now I’m starting to know why they try to limit how much electronics I get. It’s the Alliance's fault, they trained me how to do this. Yeah, that’s the excuse I’m going for. 
If you can, send a voice recording, I miss it. You I mean.
I miss you. 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 35, Orbit 6, 2686]
God, it’s so annoying. They have these guards watching me constantly. What do they think I’m going to do? Fight someone? or someones gonna fight me? Ridiculous.
It'd be nice to have some privacy to take care of myself since you're not here. I guess I'll just have to think about you in the shower...
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 15, Orbit 7, 2686]
I got tarred and feathered today by the Brass. This is totally something humans do, not an expression like the sand one. Don’t look it up. Just believe me. 
 If I have to hear one more thing about the geth, I might blow a gasket. Okay, now that one is an expression, although, with the cybernetics, I think that might be possible for me. 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 25, Orbit 7, 2686]
I got stabbed by a batarian. He cloaked into the base. Been in the med bay for a week now. Apparently, my heart stopped. I guess that’s twice now on me dying? Let’s hope we don’t get a third anytime soon.  
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 25, Orbit 7, 2686]
There was poison on the knife too.  So what is that twice now toooo that a batarian poisoned me? Who'se conting 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 25, Orbit 7, 2686]
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 25, Orbit 7, 2686]
*counting wow third times the charm
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 25, Orbit 7, 2686]
the morphine im getting is niceeee though
Who needs prison wine 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 25, Orbit 7, 2686]
I misssssss you
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 26, Orbit 7, 2686]
Sorry, morphine brain.
I did end up figuring out how to make more wine from some apples. You can’t have it, obviously.
But I wish we could share another glass of achiral wine. Maybe you can get something a bit more pricey this time? I’m sure you're not just on a vigilante salary still. 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 27, Orbit 7, 2686]
Patia Semmark. Besine Kodsoh. 
Those were the names of his family. He screamed them at me. The batarian I mean.
I think he wanted me to kill him. Now he’s in some cell on this base alongside me. 
Did I do the right thing? What if I am crazy? What if the Reapers were all in my head? 
Did they die for nothing? 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 7, Orbit 8, 2686]
Sorry, I haven't sent it in a while. The stress is getting to me. Maybe you're reading this? My face looks like it’s burning a hole through it. I hope you find scars attractive too. 
I’m back on my home planet, but I can't sleep easily most nights. It was easier when you were with me in my cabin. I’m cuddling up on pillows right now, wanting them to be you.
At least the pillows are softer than you, Vakarian. 
But still, I need you here with me. 
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 36, Orbit 8, 2686]
It’s been almost a month since I’ve sent anything. Sorry, I haven't written. It was starting to feel more like a diary.
Sorry as well I don't think I even asked how are you doing?
How is your family? Did your mom ever get that treatment on Sur'Kesh? How is Solana and your dad? Did you ever get those paintings back from Vlyrica? I'm sure you're doing great things out there. 
I hope you're doing well. I'm thinking about you a lot.
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 39, Orbit 8, 2686]
I’m pretty sure I'm not getting past certain encryptions set up by the Alliance. 
This is why I could use you. You were always better at this kind of stuff than me. While you know I am the better shot and better looking, I’m pretty sure I am a better dancer, too.
Where was I going with this? Oh, right. I miss you. I hope you've missed me. I'm still waiting for you to break me out.
[Datapad Model OXIV - Draft date GST: Cycle 6, Orbit 9, 2686]
I guess I lost the wager. That a good thing right?
What is the news saying out there? They forgot about me and the Reapers?
Not that it matters. Nothings changed. We're getting nowhere. Six months and nothing to show for it. Almost two and half years of my life gone. First dead, now jailed. At least we made the most of it when I had a few free months together. 
[Shepard - Draft date GST: Cycle 14, Orbit 9, 2686]
They're here. Left Earth, on Normandy. Got Joker, and even Kaidan is back. We're getting possible plans for a weapon on Mars. 
[Shepard - Draft date GST: Cycle 15, Orbit 9, 2686]
Kaidan is badly hurt. Cerberus attacked us. We’re going to the Citadel if you're there. Meet me at the Embassy if you are. 
[Shepard - Draft date GST: Cycle 16, Orbit 9, 2686]
In the old docking bay. Kaidan's not of the wood yet, but stable. Just got all your messages you've been sending. I guess you never got mine either? Hopefully, we can talk now. Where are you?
[Shepard - Draft date GST: Cycle 17, Orbit 9, 2686]
Please Garrus, I need you. 
[Shepard - Draft date GST: Cycle 18, Orbit 9, 2686]
We're coming to Menae. It might take time to get there. Are you on Palaven? 
[Shepard - Draft date GST: Cycle 19, Orbit 9, 2686]
Come back alive, you promised
Garrus' mandibles held tight to his jaw as he poured through the messages. Cycles upon cycles, he kept sending out a message to her only to be met with silence. He even set a damn voice recording and vids, hoping those would slip by Alliance encryption. He guessed once she landed on the Citadel she got his message. Now, maybe, hopefully, with the comm tower back on, she was somewhere on Menae? Why else would the messages finally come in? To taunt him? 
Another ping rang out from his omni-tool, bringing Garrus out of his thoughts. General Corinthus needed him. The comms were back down. Garrus cursed under his breath. He hadn't even sent Shepard a message back. Hopefully, she was still out there on the battlefield. Garrus would make damn sure he was right behind her. 
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zet-sway · 9 months
Or, Thane and Steve rebuild their lives in the chaos after the war.
[Read on AO3] - Rated E for EXTREMELY SPICY TIMES
Pairing: Thane/Cortez | Rating: 18+ | Words: ~3600
Made for @messydiabolical!!! Merry Christmas!!
Peace, while difficult in its own way, promised them a beautiful future. The memories would be enough until then. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The days after the war passed in a dreamlike trance.
No sooner had they released Steve from the field hospital, he was back to work - despite Thane's protests. Even Thane couldn't deny that ‘light duty' meant very little to either of them when so much needed doing. Today’s task was setting up more temporary shelters.
“You should rest,” he said softly to the man leaning against him, breathing heavily after staking a tent with his one good arm. The other hung in a sling made of little more than torn fabric. “Your arm will trouble you further if you continue to strain it.”
“I'm not letting these guys sleep in the rain because of a bad arm.” Steve's smile, although tired, brought him some measure of comfort.
After the reapers had fallen, one thing was clear: things could not be as they were. Not for a long time; perhaps not even in his lifetime. Surrounded by humans and a smattering of other species, Thane hadn't felt this alien in a long time. Illium, despite its myriad travelers and their questioning eyes, had felt more like home than Earth. There were humans here who had never even heard of drell before, much less seen one. Visiting travelers and refugees regarded him with blatant, uncomfortable stares.
But stranded though he may be, Steve Cortez was still by his side; the man who had brought color back to his life after ten long years.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
News of his son reached him early. Kolyat had helped organize an emergency evacuation from the Citadel, together with his partner Feron, and the pair were busy attempting everything they could to restore communications with the Shadow Broker and the wayward Normandy. Steve's arm healed before long, and Shepard, although grievously injured, was expected to make a full recovery.
The Alliance swiftly inducted any alien volunteers into their ranks. The designation was as official as a verbal agreement could be, but it allowed him a sense of belonging amid London's decimated infrastructure. So much of their life was focused on the necessities of survival. ‘Home’ became little more than whatever ground they could find to sleep on.
In the early days, it had been a creaky chair beside Steve's hospital bed, and then a cot in an Alliance field tent. One night it would be a threadbare bedroll, and another it would be a dusty floor beneath a creaky roof. But as he had for years, Thane began each morning with prayer and meditation. Precious minutes were spared to thank the gods - to beseech and implore his patrons to protect, nourish, and calm the minds of himself and his beloved, his son, and all of the unusual but remarkable people who now surrounded him. In this way, he slowly found peace.
Steve sat before him amid the many other Alliance soldiers sharing their current encampment, hands warm on his palms. Together, they spoke their morning ritual on hushed breaths, finding space to shut out the noise of tens of soldiers beginning the day's work.
“May Arashu protect and hold my beloved in the days to come, and may Kalahira watch over the lovers who have gone where we can not yet follow.”
Thane stood in silence, helping Steve to his feet in turn. They held one another for a brief moment - long enough for Thane to breathe a single word against his partner’s cheek.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Many had asked him to define the word, but Steve was the only person to whom he had granted such a meaning.
“A shooting star,” he said one autumn evening, tracing his fingertips through Steve's hair, now grown out just slightly longer, as more important things needed doing. “A brilliant streak across the night’s darkness, fast and fleeting. My mother used to say that such stars choose who may witness them.”
“That’s beautiful. Anyone ever tell you you’re a hopeless romantic?”
Despite his words, the smile that lit Steve's eyes may as well have had the power to cure the afflictions of every person in their barracks.
“Only for you,” Thane whispered, kissing his palm. He allowed him to touch the sensitive ruby frills on his cheek, a desirous sound leaving him. “It suits you. You belong to the sky.”
“Now you're just buttering me up. Keep going like that and I'll follow you forever.”
“I think it may be too late,” he chuckled. “It's certainly too late for me.”
Steve tucked his head against Thane's shoulder, leaving a single, soft kiss against his throat. The warmth that spread through him ached in a distinct melancholic way.
“I want you,” Steve whispered.
“And I, you, Melithas.”
They sat in silence, desire glowing like coals in a dying fire. Outside, the rain poured over cold, muddy ground. Surrounded by dozens of displaced alliance soldiers with not even a curtain to separate them, there would be no sating their need tonight.
Thane pulled the blanket around them.
“Sleep now,” he whispered. “May we find each other in the world of dreams.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Space was cold, but London's winters felt colder. Though they had managed to find work under a sturdy roof, helping Steve repair shuttles for service, his scales ached in ambient temperatures his body was not made to endure.
“I found some new gloves for you to try,” Steve said one evening as he returned from a supply run, handing him a scrunched-up bundle of yellow material.
Thane frowned. Human gloves were, in the simplest terms, not made for drell hands. But closer inspection revealed that these were different. Thick fibers encased the outside of a hand-shaped object that had space for one thumb and what appeared to be four fingers inside one space.
“They're called mittens. The requisitions officer made them special for you. Not my favorite color, but she said it's what they had.”
Thane turned the object over in his hand, examining its construction. Already, he could tell that the loose weave would catch on his scales, but as he turned the cuff over he was surprised to find a tightly woven, pale-colored lining within. The material moved effortlessly against his fingertips. As he slipped his hand inside, it felt positively luxurious compared to every other garment he’d worn since arriving on Earth.
“She said if you like them, she'll try to knit you something with individual fingers.”
Never mind the implied lack of dexterity - the mittens were warm. So blessedly warm. At a loss for words, he wound his arms around his lover and pulled him tight.
“Thank you. Thank you, Melithas.”
“Don't thank me yet - I have one more surprise for you.”
Thane met Steve's eyes with curiosity.
“I got your flight assessment results. You're cleared for training,” Steve grinned.
Thane’s face split into a wide smile. He hadn't thought he would qualify.
“When will we start?”
“Tomorrow, 6am sharp. Don't be late, cadet. If you’re lucky, I’ll take you to the mile-high club.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steve was strict about the Alliance SOP for flight training. As strict as he could be, at least.
As an entry-level trainee, Thane's primary task should have been to observe, learn his instruments, and assist his pilot. The difficulty was that he should have been doing it in a flight simulator - something they simply didn’t have access to.
“This is a little unorthodox, but we live in strange times,” Steve began. “Going up is easier than getting back down, so you'll pilot takeoff, I'll pilot landing. Shuttles like the Kodiak are typically only flown by one pilot, but assuming we fixed everything up right, I should be able to take control if something goes wrong.”
He clapped the back of Thane's seat, leaning over his shoulder as he settled in. It wasn’t his first tour of this particular shuttle’s cockpit, but he listened attentively as Steve recapped what they had gone over in the weeks before.
"Keep your eye on your instrument panel. This is your altimeter, here's your speed, artificial horizon and all that. Vertical stabilizers are to your left, horizontal to your right.” He indicated a set of controls adjacent to each armrest. “And here, this is your thrust lever.” The dual-handled lever was situated between them, well within reach.
Thane settled into the seat, touching each control and instrument one by one to commit the tour to memory.
"When this is green, we're on autopilot. For routine stuff like this, she’ll mostly fly herself. Things can be a little overwhelming initially, so focus on getting used to your instruments. We can move on to more advanced flying once you’ve mastered this."
Thane nodded, buckling himself into the seat as Steve did the same beside him.
Thane tapped the inputs as directed, felt the feedback in the haptic implants he’d gotten many years before. The shuttle hummed as they lifted off the ground, rumbling steady and even beneath them.
Steve opened his comm to their local traffic controller.
“Alliance Command, this is Steve Cortez with FRT requesting escape trajectory for UT-47 Kodiak test flight in vacuum.”
“FRT Cortez, you’re cleared for escape trajectory on heading two-four-zero to orbital station Triton. Fly safe out there.”
“Acknowledged.” Steve tapped the screen and met Thane’s eyes. "Set your heading here. And go easy on the gas,” he said with a lopsided grin.
The heading dial ticked up as they pivoted toward their given takeoff direction. Thane’s hand settled around the cold steel of the thrust lever.
“Take us up, babe.”
He breathed deep, set his shoulders, and pushed forward.
That first burst of speed was electric. They sailed forward, and he watched their altimeter tick up - slowly at first, and then faster and faster until their backs were glued to their seats at escape velocity. The engines roared beneath them like twin dragons, freed after months of confinement.
The ride was exhilarating. The shuttle shot through the clouds, the sun bursting into view like a fireball. And higher still they went, up and up and up. The digital windscreen cleaned up the distortion from the heat of their climb, but Thane could feel it - a corona of fire wreathed around them as they rocketed through the atmosphere until darkness overtook them at the final barrier between sky and stars.
And gods, the stars. He could never forget, as was his nature, but the stars were even more numerous than his memory. Their majesty commanded his reverence.
“Never gets old,” Steve said under a hushed breath.
Just how long had it been since he'd left the atmosphere? Thane counted back the months, long since accustomed to Earth's standard timescale - nearly one Solar year. Thane had never really considered himself a sailor, in a spacefaring sense, but perhaps he'd missed this more than he realized.
"Goddess of Oceans,” he whispered.
His teachers had said the cosmos was just an ocean by another name. An endless sea of stars, each created by Kalahira to guide the lost across her abyssal depths. He gazed upon them now, hand in hand with the wayward human he had come to cherish, and thanked the gods for smiling upon them. Steve's hand brushed his own, fingers slipping into his grip. The expanse of stars filled him with a warm, vibrant sensation, brighter than the rare sun of Kahje. He dared to call it hope.
"You're a natural, babe. You sure you've never flown before?" Steve kissed the back of his hand and gave it a tender squeeze. Thane’s cheek frills darkened.
"I suppose this means I’ve made it to the Mile High Club?”
Steve let loose a real, genuine belly laugh.
"Not quite," he said with a smile. Steve rose from his seat, twined his arms around Thane’s neck and brought his mouth to his aural ridge. “You're not in the mile-high club till you've made love at 5280 feet above sea level.”
There was a sultry edge to his voice that Thane hadn't expected, and he raised a brow (both brows, actually). He didn't dare hope for truth among those tempting words, but despite himself, they slithered with decadent heat beneath his skin.
“My altimeter says we're much higher than 5280 feet,” he said evenly.
“Your discipline never fails to amaze, but I’m putting this baby in standby.” Thane couldn't parse what ‘standby’ had to do with the situation at hand, but Steve quickly undid his safety belts and spun his chair around. “C’mere.”
The look in Steve’s eyes was telling.
“Do not tease me, Melithas.”
Warm breath washed over his throat, and Thane arched his neck on impulse. “Never, kitten.” And then Steve was on his knees before him, pulling their bodies tight, hands warm on his back.
The realization touched his mind as they drew close. Drifting among the stars, they were finally, blessedly alone. And in moments, their lips met as effortlessly as sea meets sand.
The kiss was everything they yearned for since the invasion began. Steve’s hunger for him parted the clouds of his mind, burned away the death and destruction of the war, and seeded life within his heart anew. Months. It had been months. The kiss flowed between them like a virile wine that slaked their long-buried thirst for one another that only the war could have put on hold.
With one hand on the back of his neck, Steve worked his other hand against the fasteners of his flight suit.
"Christ, Thane. If I have to go another night without you, I'm liable to fuck you silly in front of the entire barracks."
Thane hummed against his lips. "At this point, I don't believe I'd have the willpower to stop you.”
"I'll share a lot of things, babe. But you? Those sounds you make? Those are just for me. Only me."
Steve's mouth moved against his neck, licking a hot line along the most sensitive part of his throat. The cockpit, small as it was, quickly became their temple as they stripped each other bare by the low light of the haptic console.
"You're lucky," Steve said. "You have all those memories to fall back on." He dug his fingertips into Thane's pectoral frills, flooding him with need.
"Memories are far from sufficient," Thane groaned, wresting Steve's flight suit open, "Imagine yourself roused from a dream with naught more than your hand to satisfy you.”
"You poor thing," Steve whispered, gripping his chin as he drew their lips together. “Why don't you let me take care of you?"
"Please, Melithas," Thane whispered, his voice breaking on the knife edge of his need. "Whatever you wish of me is yours."
Steve’s answering murmur was low and laced with wanting. "I love it when you call me that."
Moments later, Thane found himself extricated from his suit, a warm hand sliding down along his shaft to his opening below, weeping with desire. Seeking fingers pushed inside him, collecting his wetness, massaging his walls. They emerged coated, smearing along the length of his cock, helping Steve's warm palm glide effortlessly along the length of him. Thane swore under his breath as he squeezed. Thank the gods for the well-placed perks of interspecies contrasts - he was beyond ready, aching and eager to be filled.
As quickly as he’d started, Steve suddenly pulled back. Thane met his gaze with concern.
"Hey,” he said quietly. “I'm sorry I haven't been as attentive as I should be."
There was a genuine apology in his eyes, reflecting the orange lights of the console. Thane scooched forward, thumb running along Steve’s jaw.
"You needn't apologize,” he said softly. “People are depending on us. We hardly have time for such indulgences."
"Yeah, but I just want you to know how special you are to me. I love you so god damn much. Some nights I want you so bad I can't sleep." To illustrate his point, Steve drew their bodies flush, making evident his own hardness beneath his shorts.
"I never doubted you,” Thane smiled, kissing him gently.
Steve’s answer was another kiss. On his lips, Thane could taste everything. All the love, the heartache, the frustration and desire and feeling that they’d been forced to set aside for the sake of rebuilding the basic pillars of survival. Steve’s hand gripped his waist, pulled him forward until they were both clumsily standing and stepping out of their clothes, neither of them willing to break this kiss they’d pined for all these months. The hard line of Steve’s cock pressed against his thigh as the man leaned against him, driving him backward one step at a time. Before long, he bumped the console and swore, reaching blind behind himself to lock the controls.
"Up," Steve ordered, and Thane was quick to comply. The instrument panel bit into his backside, but it didn’t matter as Steve reached between them, closing a fist around both of their cocks and stroking long and slow. “Let me make love to you,” he whispered.
“Please,” he said. “Gods above, please.”
He felt the way Steve’s lips curled into a smile against his mouth.
"Never done this in the cockpit before. But we'll make it work," he said as he lined himself up. He didn't hesitate, didn't tease - Steve's cock slid home, stretching him with the fullness he’d been denied for far too long. Warmth bloomed along his spine, crawling through his limbs and soul.
“Gods,” he panted. With some effort, he managed to raise one leg and splay his knee, altering the angle to an exquisite depth that made his dual eyelids flutter as Steve began to rock into him.
“That feel good, babe? You're so damn wet for me.”
There weren’t words for how fucking good it felt. Thane groaned incoherently, nipping Steve’s jaw, breath fleeing his lungs as another plunging thrust sent a wave of fire surging through him.
"You'll be good for me and wait to come till I’m ready, won't you?"
Steve’s fingers wrapped tight around his cock, pumping him in time with each deep, slow thrust. Thane's fingernails dug into the console, and he nodded.
"I know you can do it. Controlled guy like yourself, I gotta make it good for you. Make it worth the wait."
You were always worth the wait, Thane thought, unable to form the words. One hand gripped him by the hip, Steve's thumb slotting perfectly into his pelvic frill.
In the dim lighting, Steve's eyes reflected the myriad points of light from the windscreen and dashboard, twinkling as he moved with barely restrained purpose. His brows came together as he panted and leaned in, setting a pace that Thane felt would set them both aflame - long, plunging thrusts that hilted on every stroke, taking him to the stars and back as the seconds divided and multiplied into fathomless ecstasy.
“God, you are so damn beautiful,” Steve said, teeth scraping his lower lip. “I’d have you like this every day if I could.”
Thane returned the gesture, cradling Steve’s jaw as they kissed. "You'll just have to find more excuses to take the shuttle into orbit, then."
"I think I could swing that,” Steve panted. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of fucking you in front of a field of stars.”
A strangled, nearly pained gasp escaped him as Steve abruptly squeezed along his cock in a gesture he knew was meant to take him to the brink.
"Not yet," Steve leaned down to whisper. "Just a little longer, babe. You get so hot inside when you're close. Feels so damn good.”
He gasped when he pulled out, readjusted, and drove back home again, gaining speed until he was being well and truly railed into the dashboard. His ruined cries of desperation were lost to the frantic kiss they shared as Thane held on with what remained of his fraying control, wanting what they both needed - the visceral ecstasy of mutual release. And between them, the sweetest torture - Steve’s fist pumping him raggedly as his body was taken, filled again and again in the throes of bottled-up lust.
He couldn’t take it a moment longer. He never wanted it to end.
"Come for me, Thane."
His vision went white. Steve hilted one final time, swollen cock lodged deep inside his slick channel, dousing him from the inside out with thick, pulsing spend that warmed him within and without. Thane crested with him, gasping as his release poured into his lover's hand, rolling down over Steve's fingers and further still to the scorching heat of their joining. Steve pulled their bodies flush as they came, grinding out their mutual climax until they were both sated, panting, and spent.
Lucidity returned to him with the crawling chill of space and the silence of idle engines as they drifted in orbit. In contrast with the warmth of Steve’s body, he felt the instrument panel digging into his backside and began to stretch his limbs. Neither man wanted to separate.
“Melithas,” he murmured, palms pressed flat against Steve’s back, face tucked against his neck. “From the depths of my soul, I love you.”
Thane could hear the smile on Steve’s face as he held him tight and whispered back, “I love you, too, Thane.”
They dressed each other slowly, taking care to clean up as they went. Steve’s pupils were wide in the low light, his mind no doubt swimming with drell venom. Thane winced. In his haste, he hadn’t considered the logistics of returning to Earth in such a state.
“Plot a course for the Triton waypoint,” Steve said as they settled back into their seats. “We need their controllers to give us groundside status before re-entry.” He tossed Thane a wink. “I’ll be fine by then.”
Their hands met as the thrusters kicked on and they sailed forward. In the vacuum of space, they couldn’t feel their acceleration. If he closed his eyes, it felt like being aboard the Normandy again. Like home.
In the silence, Thane quietly wondered when he’d next have the opportunity to hold him, love him, worship him as they had in the months before the war. But peace, while difficult in its own way, promised them a beautiful future.
The memories would be enough until then.
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boggleirha · 6 months
Danganronpa Resurgence
Halls of Time (Fangan)
Koikatsu Trial Room
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naomifj97 · 2 years
Hoping and wishing
"Garrus is a sniper. He knows about waiting."
Shepard makes a choice in the Crucible that should’ve cost her life. But also should have suffocating in the depths of her spacesuit and falling off from a planet’s atmosphere like a falling star.
Or: In which Commander “I don’t die easily cause I’m pretty much immortal at this point” Shepard refuses to leave and Garrus hopes that’s enough for them.
Hi! Haven't been posting here in a while, but life has been a bit difficult lately and my creativity is suffering consequences. However, last saturday my friends and I went to a thematic Mass Effect party (surpirse! I'm a Mass Effect fan, too) and I had the urge to post this very short oneshot that has been on my laptop for like...two years, I think? Nevermind. I'm Shakarian trash and still in denial about the ending of Mass Effect 3, so, enjoy!
"I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longing for a change
And in the bad times I fear myself
I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I’ll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can’t hurt us
We’re far from the shallow now
In the shallow, shallow”
She’d been told she would die. He said she’d die.
Death and she were old friends. Close enough to know how the other behaved, smelled, felt.
But she was Commander Shepard. Cheating death, escaping from its claws, was something she’d became pretty good at.
She had to admit that, for a second, she thought she would.
And then, collapse came. Her body’s, that just couldn’t support the burden of her devastated system; the platform’s, that was swallowed by the weight of her decision.
She felt everything. The burning in her skin, her cells ripping apart, the shocking wave. And the fire. The problem had been the fire. It licked the shattered pieces of her torn, ripped armour, burying her in an indistinguishable mass of ravished flesh, metal shards and broken pieces.
So no. Not this time.
While the rumbling started, the Citadel exploded and the Crucible fell apart around her, Shepard found herself remembering Garrus. His jokes and his warm voice, the purring of his subvocals, the ones he thought she couldn’t hear, the soft stroking of his talons in her back during late hours of the night, when sleep was too stubborn to arrive, or the feeling of his words whispered under breaths in her hair when he thought she was too asleep to notice.
She thought of everything she was going to miss.
Before everything went black, Shepard thought that maybe, this was really it.
It isn’t.
She’s pretty sure she’s dead.
She can’t see anything.
She can’t hear anything.
She can’t feel anything.
Until the pain hits, so sudden she can’t help but gasp.
She’s breathing.
—I’m sorry. We…we haven’t found her.
Admiral Hackett’s words feel deaf, hollow in his brain.
—She has to be somewhere!
Joker’s reply is a bit louder, like a voice suffocating under dark waters.
Garrus can’t force himself to worry. Or care.
Was that what she had felt? That first time, after the Collector’s attack, with her damaged suit, suffocating, trying to breath but not finding air, wandering around with nowhere to go. That second time, when the Crucible crumbled over her while the Reapers suddenly stopped in their trays and fell to the ground like lifeless puppets whose strings are suddenly cut.
—The ruins are still there.
—Doctor T’Soni…
—If the remains of the Crucible are there, that means Shepard may be, too. We’ll dig her out. Give me a shovel, I’ll do it myself.
Of course she would.
—Even if she’s…still there…there’s no way she could have survived.
That’s obvious.
Even if the explosion that had ended with the Reapers had not killed her, the fall of the Crucible should have.
But she’s Shepard.
She’s been dead before.
And not even Death has been able to stop her.
—She’s not dead.
His voice sounds strange to him. Hoarser. Fiercer.
—Vakarian. I understand-
No, he doesn’t. No one else does.
—She’s not dead.
Commander Shepard made him a promise. And she has never failed him.
So, Garrus hopes.
Why? He doesn’t know.
It’s only during the long scanning of the battlefield, over the battered ground covered in ashes, blood and broken dreams, searching for her in the place he saw her for the last time, that he realizes it’s because he knows that their first can’t be their last “I love you”.
EDI finds her first.
Her radar catches the soft, minimal thumbing of her heart, so mild that other sensors would have missed it.
She races towards the spot, transmitting her position to Tali, Liara and Garrus, falls to her knees, and starts digging. By the time she finds her arm, three more pair of hands, one with five fingers, two with three, have joined her.
Tali radios Joker, tells him to get Doctor Chawkas ready for them and set a course to the nearest medical centre. Liara stabilizes her vitals with such an amount of medi-gel she may had gotten high on it wasn’t she so outside her body, and EDI connects herself to the implants that have kept her alive despite death to make sure they don’t stop working.
And Garrus picks her up, prepares her for transport, keeping her torn and exhausted body (or what’s left of it) together.
Shepard breathes.
And Garrus breathes with her.
Miranda works with the doctors. She pushes them, screams at them, sometimes, when they don’t do as she commands, when they say that’s simply not possible.
She brought Shepard back from the dead once.
They don’t get to tell her what’s possible from what’s not.
There’s nothing impossible to her.
Kaidan, Hackett and Vega are fighting with the Council for resources to keep Shepard alive.
They say she’s not going to make it.
But the Alliance is not giving in this time.
Because they did once, and Shepard paid the consequences. Because she’s in an operating room fighting for her life as they speak because they did not support her. Because she’s dying cause the Council refused to listen, refused to believe.
Because Shepard is a hero.
The discussion ends when Urdnot Bakara arrives to the Normandy’s communications room and menaces with unlashing a horde of angry krogan if they don’t pay. By her side, Urdnot Wrex growls in a signal of support.
And then, the Council decides to pay.
Grunt is a bit disappointed, but, well, he can handle it.
Because Shepard is going to survive.
They’ve done everything they could, they said to him.
Now, all that’s left is waiting.
Garrus is a sniper.
He knows about waiting.
He’s good at it.
So he sits down near her bed, counting her breathings and taking note of all her heartbeats, eyes fixed in the bandages that cover her body.
He’s made a mental list of her wounds. Knows is not healthy, but he just couldn’t help it. Burns, cuts, bruises, broken bones, destroyed tissue. A lot repaired, but also a lot permanently scarred.
She needs time.
He sits and listens, in the quietness, the fear that creeps in his chest, but also the blind hope. He asks the spirits for a chance, the last chance, because they’ve come too far to end this way.
Doctors says she’s a fighter. She refuses to leave.
And Garrus hopes. He just hopes. He chuckles a bit, too, because of course Shepard is a fighter.
Of course she’s stubborn. Of course she’s not leaving.
She promised.
So, the afternoon he feels her hand moving in his talon, her eyes fluttering lazily awake and the light smile she gives him in the haze of pain-killers, analgesics, skin grafts, needles and gauzes, he thinks he should’ve known better from the beginning.
Her voice is low, barely a whisper, but Garrus hears her as she had screamed in victory.
—So…a human-turian baby, was it?
He smiles.
Shepard and Garrus deserved better. Hope you liked it!
A/N: Team effort to save Shepard? Sign me the fuck in.
I kinda invented my own ending for this because I'll never get over the three ones we are given in the game. Also, are you really telling me that Cerberus tech could bring Shepard back to life in ME2 but not after ME3? Not buying it, Bioware.
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oldxenomorph · 6 months
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ode to joy
characters: xenomorphs, the reaper emperor, nyx warnings: ovomorph creation, facehugger implantation, some gore. summary: the birth of a red xenomorph.
What are you if not the Emperor’s love made manifest, condensed into a singular precious and exalted being; everything she has gone through to be here, to have you in her arms and her wife by her side. You are the joy of the Emperor, everlasting.
The Fifth Queen, Avigail, had a hard time pushing your egg out.
She should have rested a while ago, but she wanted to produce one more egg before she joined her sisters. The First Queen, Sarah, and the Rachni Queen helped her, held her and soothed her with old songs, as the other Queens touched the tender construction, holding the egg and easing it through the stages of its production. Your egg was bigger than the others, its coloration a little darker and more red, its texture a little stranger; an old genetic design buried deep within your elder sister, a dream from your mother. It was painful for the Fifth Queen when your egg finally reached the end of her ovipositor, the other Queens carefully easing it out and collecting it when it finally emerged. Your ovomorph was gently placed within the nursery by your other sisters, for you to sleep amongst your generation. Many of them gathered around you, whispering to themselves in the family’s celestial tongue, their heads tilted as they beheld your ovomorph in their eyeless gazes.
[The Emperor held her daughter’s great head in her arms, her long and cold fingers smoothing over her crest as the pain from producing the egg and detaching from her ovipositor began to subside. “My Avigail.” Her voice is a deep abyssal song, it is her daughters’ favorite sound. The Rachni Queen sings to the exhausted Queen as well, her tentacles and feelers gently examining her to check on her health after exerting herself, singing old songs from when the Milky Way was young, songs passed down to her from her grandmothers and great-grandmothers. The smaller set of arms of the Fifth’s Queen gently grasped at one of the Emperor’s larger tentacles, holding it close as she breathed slowly, exhausted but relieved, finally in the arms of her mother. “I will take you to the Black Palace. You shall rest until you are feeling better.” The Emperor leans down to lay her head down on the slick, blue-black crest of her daughter, her scarred cheek pressed against the smooth chitinous material. Her hands gently held onto her daughter’s, bringing it up to her scarred black lips to bless.]
When your ovomorph was ready, you were placed within the Citadel. Your host was chosen for you by your sisters, a task that did not take them long to complete once they knew it was time. They made you a nest of veins and resin in a Presidium apartment. Your ovomorph devoured all the light and all the life from the small space, you have your mother’s appetite for darkness and stellar matter, because even you know that everything around you once came from the interior of a burning star.
[Your sisters conferred their decision with the Emperor. Beautiful and sleek Princesses shaped from the pitch black oil of the Emperor’s dreams gather in front of her, they are greeted by her large tentacles, they are home. Together, they speak: We have been watching the newest diplomat from Eden Prime. She is a lovely specimen of humanity, she will be perfect for our newest sister. It is a shame to cut her career short, but our sister is more important.]
The human’s name was nothing. A decree from the Mouth of God had rewritten the trajectory of her life. Your ovomorph’s presence was a blessing, it called the woman to a higher purpose. Organic life moves along the path desired by the great entity and its purpose in that moment, this section of time and space, is to bring you into this world. It is the wish of your mother, whose thoughts are the end of all species, whose blood is the end of all life, whose domain is the end of everything. You were always the most important thing that needed to exist. She wanted you to come home.
The ovomorph opened.
Your carrier quickly, easily, and eagerly latched onto the human’s face, its tail curling around her neck and squeezing as its appendages held her head steady as its proboscis slid into her mouth, down her throat, her body going lax and then still on the floor of her Presidium apartment that has been turned into your newborn nursery. Your embryo was placed in the warmth of her chest cavity. It was so warm with blood and organ meat. It was loud with the rhythmic pulse of a beating heart. This is where you developed, in this precious space within the human body, where the soul is contained; you grew like a cancer that devoured her heart and metastasized to her lungs, you ate her from within, you took everything from her. You are worse than Indoctrination, you render human life into an incubator, a vessel to nourish your embryonic self.
[The Machine-Sister watching over your implantation was pleased, a serene smile upon her face that spreads to her white cybernetic eyes. She gracefully knelt down to smooth the human woman’s black hair, as the carrier continued its work, making her insides the perfect atmosphere. The woman’s chest rose and fell steadily in tandem with the air sacs, every inhale of the chemical produced by the carrier opening up her chest, easing the child into that sacred space, where it was warm and wet and red, where it would cradle her as she grew and ate. She regarded the carrier’s shape, how different it was from the others, with its red and black coloration, the webbing between its long appendages, the blade at the end of its tail. “How beautiful,” she whispered, her fingers sinking into the slick, wet hair of the host.]
It took a full 24 hours for you to grow. You were a horror, eating your way through the host, eating everything that is red and warm. The Machine-Sister sat at the dining room table, watching as you devastated your host from the inside, as you ruined her with your need to consume, claiming everything she had, ingesting her very soul. The woman was in agony, the pain she felt surging through every cell was unbearable, she screamed as you pushed through her sternum and burst through the membrane, as you opened up her chest in a gush of gore, in a fountain of blood. You pushed yourself out of the human’s body and into the cold Presidium apartment, steam curling from your shape and the pulsing red hole. You gazed upon the world for the first time, this area that was lovingly made to welcome you and the host beneath you, lovingly chosen for your germination, your development, your growth.
You are beautiful, even in this infant shape. Your coloration is red, your appendages are black, darkness touching the red of Extinction; you are the red of her eyes, you are the black of her blood, you are her dreams. You are bigger than your sisters, a new addition to the great genetic diversity of your family; how lovely to be the reflection of everything your mother is, you are her essence, you are her brutality, her violence, her horror, her love. Within you is the capacity to destroy entire stations and planets. Within you is the capacity to love your sisters, your brothers, your mothers, your myriad of cousins and aunts and uncles.
You are a manifestation of your mother, perfected.
“Princess.” The Machine-Sister’s flanged voice addresses you by your title, for you do not have a name yet. Her voice is an amalgamated of organic and synthetic, you can hear the song of the Old Machines, how it has shaped her into what she is. You hear the song of the technology inside her, how it’s fused with her organic matter, how it has made her something beyond human. It is not the song you want, but it is one you can trust, for it bears the signature of your mother. She opens her arms, her attire pristine and white and ready for you to jump into; she cares not if you stain her clothes crimson, for it is a blessing for her to absorb the amniotic fluid and blood that still clings to you, that once sustained your growing embryo. “Let us take you home”
You were not the only one to be born that day. Three more newborn sisters join you. They regard you with curiosity before they press their little faces against yours, they bless you and you bless them back. Sisterly greetings, sisterly ways of getting to know one another. You all speak to each other in the family’s tongue, the language given to you upon birth, you learn more about each other, your minds begin to connect, signals begin to sync together, until you are able to form a consensus with just your thoughts.
When you are taken to the Ziggurat, you instinctively know that this is home. You can hear the song of your mother in the thrum of the building, you can hear your elder sisters as they observe you from their perches in the darkness. You will never want to leave this place, it wraps around you like a blanket, it holds you dearly in its darkness and technology; the Ziggurat loves you the way it loves the Emperor.
You and your sisters are given to the First Prince. Heat Death. Elder Brother. Caretaker of the Ziggurat. Though his face rarely displays emotion, he offers his hand to you and your sisters. He holds each one with great care, he listens to the symphony of hisses and clicks with great interest. When he gets to you, he offers his hand and you gently take it, your small black-to-red fingers fitting into his cold, pale palm. He is the product of Extinction and Night, he is one of three possible ways the universe will end; he has been shaped by his parents, by his centuries of experience, he is as old as the Queens. He knows which one produced your egg, he remembers the ritual he did to ease the Ziggurat in the aftermath of the difficulty your elder sister had. “Everyone has been waiting for you,” he says. “Welcome home.” You think you see the hint of a smile on his face.
[Two of elder princesses drop down from the darkness and into the bed chamber of their mother. However, the lounging body of the Eternal Night blocks their view. Her midnight black hair slipping from her bare, pale shoulders, strands of night intermingling with vantablack as she turns her head slightly, her starlight gaze catching the oil black movement of exalted daughters. A slender hand moves up the biomechanical texture of the Emperor’s thigh. “I am not done with your mother, princesses,” she says as great tentacles begin to curl around her waist and hips. The princesses leave from whence they came, up the walls and into the labyrinth of vents. They got the message, they have to wait.]
The First Prince places you all in a basket-like container, something to hold all of you while he moves through the Ziggurat to take you to your mother. You understand how he navigates this place so efficiently, it is not unlike the senses that come to you innately, the layout and nuances of this building are immediately known to you. You and your sisters catch glimpses of Machine-Sisters, elegant and dressed in white, and the Revenants, towering and shrouded in black; their nature is revealed to you through your quick observations, how they were remade through Indoctrination, their humanity replaced by the technology of the Old Machines, remade into servants of the Emperor, your mother. And they will serve you as well, they will give their own lives to protect you, they will ensure you always make it back home. You marvel at the way the Ziggurat changes the closer it gets to the chambers of your mother, how the black rock becomes black webbing of resin and biomechanical components, a grand and horrific hallway that opens up to the black door.
You and your sisters squirm in the basket, impatient as the First Prince’s hand slides into an opening that clicks and moves around his appendages, reading his biometrics in order to grant him access.
The Emperor and the Eternal Night are asleep on their grand bed, their bodies perfectly fitting into one another underneath sheets of black, the goddess’s head resting perfectly on her wife’s chest. The First Prince waits until the Emperor’s eyes open; the red of cosmic death, the black of the void, when her eyes open you see yourself in the redness, in the red of her scars, in the devourment of stars happening in real time. The Night’s eyes are golden starlight, and stars themselves flicker into existence about her head, amongst the midnight black of her hair. When the First Prince sets your basket down, your sisters eagerly move towards the Night Herself, eager to try and catch the stars and their constellations. “These are the ones born yesterday, Lord,” the First Prince says.
Because you are bigger than your sisters, you leave the basket last and you immediately move towards the Emperor, your mother. You marvel at her; she is more beautiful than you could ever dream of, your consciousness spent months imagining what the being who's blood and dreams you came from would look like, what her vantablack hair would look like in person, what her body and tentacles would look like, what terribly beauty her face would hold in her eyes and scars. You observe the way she holds your other sisters, at the way the Eternal Night fits perfectly next to her, at the way she touches her arms and the way she lounges comfortably, also welcoming the newborn sisters. You may be a day old, but you can tell that the warmth they carry in their bodies is recent, the physical act of love and desire lingering in their cells, tar and ichor still warm in their veins.
Your sisters are given names derived from the family’s language, old words from long before this universe existed, long before the Emperor and the Night were born. Names that your many, many great aunts and uncles will be pleased with.
Then, it is your turn.
Without hesitation, you move towards the Emperor, your mother. You immediately find your home in her arms, your long tail finding a tentacle and wrapping around it. She envelopes you in an embrace; you are small in her arms, she holds you close, she looks at you with adoration. You rest your head against her chest and you hear the great black hole within her chest cavity, beneath her body’s blessed exterior. You hear her songs in their rawest form. Your mother, the Emperor, holds your head, her thumb gently smoothing over the biomechanical components of your cheek. She knows you; the difficulty of your ovomorph’s creation, the pain your eldest sister endured to create that which came from your mother’s dreams, the horror and triumph of your birth, the Milky Way turning in jubilation, convulsing in elation, converging and worshiping your very existence. When you breathe, it is within the same time signature as hers. Your own little acidic heart beating in time with the black hole within your mother.
“You are Alizah. You are my joy.” She gently holds your chin and places a blessing’s kiss upon both your cheeks and in the space between the space of the faint eyeless structure within your head. Her voice sounds like heaven to you, the sound of annihilation. The name she gives you fits just right, it is the reason why you were created, it is the reason why you are different from your sisters. You are a jewel for her to cherish, you are her happiness. You are the red heart of the Emperor.
What are you if not the Emperor’s love made manifest, condensed into a singular precious and exalted being; everything she has gone through to be here, to have you in her arms and her wife by her side. You are the joy of the Emperor, everlasting.
[You know that you will have to detach from her and grow into your final shape. And when you finally do, you will be devastatingly beautiful and red. For now, you are content to be here, your shape curled up against the Emperor’s chest, between her and the Eternal Night. And the Emperor will keep you here for as long as you want and when you are grown, you will always be by her side. You are a horror, a terror, a princess, the blood of the Emperor herself. The world bends to you.]
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Hydroponics (Male!Reader x Kaidan Alenko)
Can you do a fic about Kaidan and Chubby botanist having an adorable at home date while he helps Kaidan recover from a battle injury. With a mix of sfw and nsfw
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With the Recovery missions underway after the end of the Reaper War, it seemed to be only now that Kaidan got an injury that wasn't life-threatening, but took him out of commission.
And despite there being a scramble of activity to try and reestablish communications between all the known systems, to get the Relays back online, to get the Geth operational once more - at least the Citadel has still got plenty of food.
The hydroponics facility you worked so hard to fill to capacity has been a lifesaver now that all supplies have suddenly become scarce due to the shutdown of interplanetary travel when Shepard destroyed the Reapers.
And thankfully, you've been granted some leave to rest. And with Huerta Memorial and all the other hospitals booked to capacity with inpatient treatment, Kaidan was cleared to spend his convalescence with you.
War had sparked some more-rapid-than-normal decision making, so Kaidan and you had gotten an apartment on the Citadel together, which you had been living in for a while.
But now, there is the prospect of near-endless time together in it, and it's a thrilling idea.
But for now, it's time to just... have a date. Nothing to do but spend time with each other at home.
Kaidan's injury isn't too bad, just incapacitating. With medi-gel in a shortage, triage has meant that sprains and the less-serious broken bones are left to heal on their own, so Kaidan's ankle is in a splint surrounded by a specialized boot, and he has crutches to move around, but he can quite easily stand on one foot for a while.
He still tries to do everything, though.
You've nearly got to tie him to a chair to prevent him from trying to make breakfast on his own, so it can be more of a struggle than adorable, but finally you wrangle him down so you can finish his work.
He flirts with you, getting you to sit on his lap as you both eat breakfast.
And then, of course, he tries to get frisky, but you chuckle and instead put on Fleet and Flotilla for some extranet and chill.
You're definitely going to have to rewatch that episode, because Kaidan's hands are all over you from the opening credits and you're making out with him.
But afterwards, there's not so much else to do except show Kaidan some of the stuff you've been working on
He loves to know what goes on with you, especially if it has nothing to do with the war effort or your job. Particularly because he's trying to discover what he wants to with his life after the Reapers and Spectre service.
You spend a couple of hours just hanging out, talking and chilling together, before Kaidan actually realizes you have board games.
He talks about how at the biotic training facility he lived in as a young teen, someone smuggled in a board game and the biotic kids all kept trying to cheat the dice with their powers.
Kaidan seems to be surprisingly good at rolling dice, even without using his biotics.
Definitely cheating.
The giggling and playful pushing to throw him off his rhythm after his eight consecutive high roll, finally takes his toll, and he actually has to rest.
You offer to make lunch while he sleeps, but he'd rather you be close by, and you agree to just cuddle, promising to have a nice late lunch/early dinner.
And just enjoying a snuggle with your fiance, knowing that the morning won't bring another separation of yet another mission.
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teddywesworl · 1 year
if you're still doing the wip thing... The last mile? your mass effect au makes me feral
I just tried to answer this and tumblr fucking ATE my response but yeah i'm working on it, it's set half at the beginning and half at the end of the Reaper War with the Hawkins assigned to Project Crucible (part 1) and the London assault (part 2). tonally it's very me3 so im gonna be kinda nervous about posting it, especially as it may require a MCD tag lmaoooooo (not them though. never them)
i have no idea when it's going to be completed, though, so here's a sizeable chunk of the opening, complete with epistolary-ish framing device to match DTA:
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Fig. 1: Perspectives on Tayseri Ward, an award-winning photograph of the Citadel by acclaimed asari photographer Lidilya Ranis, ca. 2182. Note the near-atmospheric effect of the gas and dust of the Serpent Nebula creating depth of field between the camera’s lens and the Presidium Ring.
The Citadel is different than he remembers, but it’s also the same.
He and Steve see it differently. Steve thanks air traffic control in person on their way through security and comments on the Sur’Kesh native trees freshly planted in the commercial district. Eddie marks the C-Sec man tailing them while they eat tacos from a super gimmicky Thessia-Earth fusion restaurant and spots a pickpocket watching them from an alley. It’s a human girl, maybe thirteen. No visible tattoos or marks, but that doesn’t mean much when the kid is wearing a beanie and a scarf and a bulky jacket that’ll hide plenty of take. Eddie angles himself so the cop can’t see his face, makes eye contact with the girl, and shakes his head.
They’re in the Mid-Ward, a part of Zakera that Eddie should know intimately. It feels strange not to recognize the large majority of the storefronts, replaced as so many were in the aftermath of the geth attack in ‘83, but the longer he looks, the clearer it becomes that the bones are the same. Eddie rebuilds the map in his head from the position of keeper ports, maintenance panels, walkways—and vents.
He falls behind Steve just staring at a vent tucked between an Armax vendor and a pop-up shop selling the elcor equivalent of beer. Steve walks another dozen feet, maybe, before he notices Eddie’s not beside him and doubles back.
“You okay?” Steve says, fingertips brushing Eddie’s elbow.
Eddie shakes himself off and nods. “Yeah, sorry,” he says. “Um. I used to sleep in there, I think. I’m pretty sure that’s the one.”
Steve frowns, his eyes moving from storefront to storefront, gliding over the vent like it isn’t there until he remembers. “Oh,” he says. His hand slides down Eddie’s forearm, and he laces their fingers together.
Eddie feels oddly disconnected from his own body. He doesn’t think he would fit in that vent, now, but that’s sort of the point, isn’t it? That’s what a duct rat is. You stop being a duct rat when you can’t fit anymore. Or when the wrong fan powers up and chews you to pieces.
Eddie unfocuses his eyes and doesn’t quite look at the C-Sec man still pretending not to follow them. It’s a turian, hanging around some fifty paces behind them, and he’s obvious in a way that’s kind of aggravating, because turians make up something like half a percent of the Mid-Ward’s population, and the real residents don’t dress business casual. There’s a tension welling up, raw from the vents and the cops and the collision between memory and immediate reality. He bounces on the balls of his feet, indecisive. Then he squeezes Steve’s hand, locks eyes with the turian, and crooks his finger at the guy, beckoning.
There’s a strange hanging moment where the cop looks like he’s gonna try to disappear into the crowd, but then he accepts that he’s been made and approaches. Steve looks surprised to see him; his posture gets a little guarded, so Eddie squeezes his hand again.
“That’s close enough,” Eddie says at a distance of ten or so paces. He’s not in the mood for this, doesn’t feel like playing a game, so he just says: “Why?”
Steve stays quiet, apparently satisfied to let Eddie handle this.
The turian’s mandibles twitch. “I’m,” he says. “I don’t…”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Why’d they send you?” he says.
“They didn’t say,” says the cop. Eddie’s not sure he believes him, but at least he’s not playing completely dumb.
“Get out of here,” Eddie says. “Tell them you were made. Also tell them the Alliance doesn’t appreciate C-Sec harassing its N7s on shore leave.”
The mandibles twitch again. Turian hearts aren’t quite like human hearts, but the rhythm of this one changes enough to confirm Eddie’s suspicions that the guy at least didn’t know who Steve was. “Right,” he says. Leaving is an awkward thing, but he manages it, walking off in a straight line.
Eddie sighs when he’s gone.
“How long’s he been there?” Steve asks.
“Since security,” Eddie replies. “Fuckin’ amateur hour, sending a turian. Especially since there’s a ton of human cops now.”
Steve hums thoughtfully. “You ready?” he says.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and it’s the truth. He wasn’t sure it would be, when Hop offered to call in a favor, when the message hit his inbox, or even when he stepped out of the Hawkins airlock and onto an Alliance dock this morning. He just kept saying yes and moving forward because he knew he’d regret it if he didn’t.
He keeps holding onto Steve’s hand as they move through and past the crowds toward Oji Way Warehouses, a row of storage units guarded by sectional doors and the occasional krogan hired gun. One such krogan, a scarred old brute with a cracked green frontal plate, approaches to grunt at them about what they’re doing down here, to move along if they don’t have business.
“We do,” says Steve. “We’re looking for somebody.”
“That so, soldier boy?” says the krogan. Eddie ducks his chin to hide a smile, because yeah, even in civvies, Steve sticks out like a sore thumb.
“Munson,” says Steve. “That’s the name.”
The krogan turns his head to get a better look at them out of a single eye. “What d’you want with Wayne?”
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